Hi Alberto G. Corona 

Luther wasn't a rationalist, and so contributed nothing to modern science.

----- Receiving the following content ----- 
From: Alberto G. Corona 
Receiver: everything-list 
Time: 2013-01-24, 13:26:59
Subject: Re: Martin Luther on Rationality

2013/1/24 meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net>

On 1/24/2013 9:41 AM, Alberto G. Corona wrote:

In fact it is just the opposite: ?he position of Luther, like the one of Ocham 
or Duns Scoto, which were strongly anti-reason, created the modern science and 
?ere precursors of the most radical forms of Positivism.

They were anti-rationlism, the idea that knowledge of the world could be 
arrived at by arm chair cogitation. ? 'precursor' to radical positivism would 
be moderate postivism whose precursor would simply be empiricism

that is ahistoric. Rationalism did not exist at that time. You have to know the 
mentality of that time and what where their main philosophical preocupations. 
That is something that you have not the least intention to know.?

Why? It is simple to understand: The three of them were against the use of 
reason in MORAL matters, in the knowledge of what is Good and what is Evil and 
in the knowledge of God, and in the meaning of life. They were against the use 
of Greek philosophy to interpret and complement the knowledge of the biblical 
revelation (the naturalist knowledge about these matters was called "natural 
revelation"). But they were not agains the use of science in any non religious 
matters. So they stablished the modern radical separation between faith and 
science, between "is" and "ough" . (which I strongly think is at the root of 
the contemporary social diseases )

Islam took a more radical path, While the protestants proclaimed the 
independence of God from any natural ?imitation of moral reasoning stablished 
by greek philosophy, but admitted natural causations, so science in the modern 
sense was not only possible but promoted, ?he main schools of Islam proclaimed 
no natural causation. For Islam, life was a continuous miracle,

Exactly as argued by Aquinas who formulated the Church doctrine that God is the 
ground of all being and continuously sustains the world.

That is not true. ?ith almost as contempt for the details as you, I would say 
that the God of Aquinas was limited by reason. That is exactly what Duns 
Scotus, Ocham and Luther rejected.

and what appeared to be laws were nothing but the customs of All? that would 
change at any moment. So there was no motive to study what may change at any 

Dr.Pervez Hoodbhoy, a Pakistani physicist and professor at Quaid-e-Azam 
University in
Islamabad, said, according to The New York Times (10/30/2001), that ?t was not
Islamic to say that combining hydrogen and oxygen makes water. ?ou were
supposed to say that when you bring hydrogen and oxygen together then by the 
will of
Allah water was created.?

"The earth is flat. Whoever claims it is round is an
atheist deserving of punishment.
? ---Sheik Abdel-Aziz ibn Baaz, the supreme religious authority of
? ? ?audi Arabia, 1993, quoted by Yousef M. Ibrahim,
? ? ? The New York Times, 12 February 1993
? ? ? Yes, that's 1993 CE, not BCE.

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