So matter is just maya-illusion.
That is really religion- right?

On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 3:45 PM, Quentin Anciaux <> wrote:

> 2013/10/28 Richard Ruquist <>
>> Bruno: The fact that something is enumerable does not entail that you
>> can derive it from PA, nor that it is a necessary part of physics.
>> Richard: You got it backwards. The CY Compact manifolds are the machine
>> that computes because they are enumerable. It derives everything else. In
>> particular the Metaverse machine derives the universe big bang and the
>> universe CY machine. I cannot say what derives the Metaverse machine
>> Bruno: Note that we cannot derive the existence of matter in arithmetic,
>> but we can, and with comp we must (by UDA) derive the machine's belief in
>> matter. machines lives in arithmetic, but matter lives in the machines'
>> dream which "cohere enough" (to be short).
>>  If it happens that the machines dream do *not* cohere enough to
>> percolate into physical realities, then comp is wrong.
>> Richard: Is this an admission that physical realities exist outside of
>> comp?
> No, matter is an appearance hence the use of "machine's belief in
> matter". There is no primary matter (assuming comp).
>> That's what it sounds like. And I thought that comp derived physical
>> realities. If it does not do that, what good is it?
>> Bruno: Assuming comp, elementary machine's theology and physics becomes
>> elementary arithmetic, relativized by the universal machine's point of
>> view. It makes physics invariant for the choice of the universal system
>> chosen to describe the phi_i, the W_i, etc.
>> Richard: Here you seem to contradict you previous statement that comp
>> cannot derive matter. Please forgive my confusion.
>> On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 1:18 PM, Bruno Marchal <> wrote:
>>> On 28 Oct 2013, at 12:31, Richard Ruquist wrote:
>>> Bruno Marchal 
>>> via<>
>>> 4:53 AM (2 hours ago)
>>>   to everything-list
>>>   On 27 Oct 2013, at 23:26, Richard Ruquist wrote:
>>> It is derived from PA both the universes and the Metaverse.
>>> How?
>>> Richard: I say how in the abstract of the second paper. The Calabi-Yau
>>> compact manifolds are numerable based on observed monotonic variation of
>>> the fine structure constant across the visible universe.
>>> The fact that something is enumerable does not entail that you can
>>> derive it from PA, nor that it is a necessary part of physics.
>>> >It seems also that you believe in a computable universe, but that
>>> cannot be the case if our
>>> >(generalized) brain is computable.
>>> Richard: That does not make sense.
>>> If my brain is Turing emulable, and if I am in some state S, whatever
>>> will happen to me is determined by *all* computations going through the
>>> state S (or equivalent). Our first person indeterminacy domain is an
>>> infinite and non computable set of  computations. The indeterminacy domain
>>> is not computable because we cannot recognize our 1p in 3p-computations
>>> (like the one done by the UD).
>>> Please take a look at the detailed explanation in the sane04 paper. You
>>> need only the first seven steps of the UDA, which does not presuppose any
>>> special knowledge.
>>> It gives to any fundamental physics some non computable features. Keep
>>> in mind that the computable  is somehow strictly included in the provable
>>> (by universal machine) strictly included in truth.
>>> Computable is Turing equivalent with sigma_1 provable, but arithmetical
>>> truth is given by the union of all sigma_i, for i = 0, 1, 2, 3, ... (this
>>> needs a bit of theoretical computer science).
>>> Note that we cannot derive the existence of matter in arithmetic, but we
>>> can, and with comp we must (by UDA) derive the machine's belief in matter.
>>> machines lives in arithmetic, but matter lives in the machines' dream which
>>> "cohere enough" (to be short).
>>> If it happens that the machines dream do *not* cohere enough to
>>> percolate into physical realities, then comp is wrong.
>>> By the UDA, and classical logic, you get the physical certainty, by the
>>> true sigma_1 arithmetical sentences (the UD-accessible states), which are
>>> provable (true in all consistent extensions) and consistent (such
>>> accessible consistent extensions have to exist). That's basically, for all
>>> p sigma_1 (= "ExP(x") for some P decidable arithmetical formula)
>>> beweisbar('p') & ~beweisbar('~p') & p. The operator for that, let us write
>>> it "[]", provides a quantum logic, by the application of "[]<>p". This
>>> gives a quantization of arithmetic due to the fact, introspectively
>>> deducible by all universal machines, that we cannot really know who we are
>>> and which computations and universal numbers sustain us. Below our
>>> substitution level, things *have* to become a bit fuzzy, non clonable, non
>>> computable, indeterminate.
>>> In fact this answers a question asked by Wheeler, and on which Gödel
>>> said only that the question makes no sense and is even indecent! The
>>> question was "would there be a relationship between incompleteness and
>>> Heisenberg uncertainties?"
>>> There is no direct derivation of Heisenberg uncertainty from
>>> incompleteness, as that would be indecent indeed, but assuming comp and
>>> understanding the FPI, you can intuit why the fuzziness has to emerge from
>>> inside the digital/arithmetic, below or at our substitution level, and the
>>> math of self-reference gives a quick way to get the propositional logic of
>>> that "universal physics" (deducible by all correct computationalist UMs).
>>> And there is the Solovay gifts, which are theorems which show that
>>> incompleteness split those logics,. That is useful for distinguishing the
>>> true part of that physics from the part that the machine can (still
>>> introspectively) deduces. Some intensional nuances, like the "[]" above,
>>> inherit the split, some like the Bp & p does not, and facts of that type
>>> can help to delineate the quanta from the qualia, but also the terrestrial
>>> (temporal) from the divine (atemporal).
>>> Assuming comp, elementary machine's theology and physics becomes
>>> elementary arithmetic, relativized by the universal machine's point of
>>> view. It makes physics invariant for the choice of the universal system
>>> chosen to describe the phi_i, the W_i, etc.
>>> Comp suggests to extend Everett on the universal quantum wave on
>>> arithmetic and the universal machines dreams.  The wavy aspect being
>>> explained by the self-embedding in arithmetic. Comp entails a sort of
>>> self-diffraction.
>>> No problem trying to get the fundamental physics from observation, and
>>> indeed that will help for the comparison.  The approach here keep the 1/p
>>> 3/p distinctions all along, and in that sense proposes a new formulation,
>>> and ways to consider, the mind-body problem (in which I am interested and
>>> is the main motivation for interviewing the antic, the contemporaries and
>>> the universal numbers :)
>>> Bruno
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