On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 2:41 PM, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:

>  On 12/30/2013 11:17 AM, Jason Resch wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 2:00 PM, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:
>>  On 12/30/2013 3:09 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>>  But that's essentially everything, since everything is (presumably)
>> quantum.  But notice the limitation of quantum computers, if it has N
>> qubits it takes 2^N complex numbers to specify its state, BUT you can only
>> retrieve N bits of information from it (c.f. Holevo's theorem).  So it
>> doesn't really act like 2^N parallel computers.
>>  OK, but nobody pretended the contrary.  You can still extract N bits
>> depending on the 2^N results, by doing some Fourier transfrom on all
>> results obtained in "parallel universes". This means that the 2^N
>> computations have to occur in *some* sense.
>>  But they pretend that the number 2^N is so large that it cannot exist
>> in whole universe, much less in that little quantum computer and therefore
>> there must be other worlds which contain these enormous number of bits.
>> What Holevo's theorem shows is the one can regard all those interference
>> terms as mere calculation fictions in going from N bit inputs to N bit
>> outputs.
>  Can such "calculation fictions" support conciousness?  That's the real
> question.  If they can, then you can't avoid many-worlds (or at least many
> minds).
> Why is that "the real question"?  Saying yes to the doctor implies that a
> classical computer can support consciousness.

Because with computationalism, if a quantum computer runs the computations
that support a mind, there would be many resulting conscious states, and
first person views.  That we can only access N-bits of a mind from any one
world is irrelevant, as all the conscious states exist in the intermediate
states, which you call "calculation fictions".


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