On 11 January 2014 10:57, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:

>  On 1/10/2014 1:34 AM, LizR wrote:
>  On 10 January 2014 22:27, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:
>>  I don't think that there can be a single or multiple processor
>> computing "the state of the universe". In fact there is no such universe.
>> The universe is an appearance emerging, from below the substitution level,
>> on all computations going through our current state. A single computation
>> can hardly do that a priori, although this is not excluded, but this would
>> lead to a newtonian-like type of reality. Everett confirms that such a
>> computation cannot be unique, which is the default stance in the comp
>> theory, although we cannot avoid at this stage some possible conspiracy by
>> numbers leading to a unique computable reality.
>>   Surely a single computer could run the UD, at least until it wore out?
> As I understand it the multiverse, the world, is the complete output of
> the UD.  In effect the UD must "finish" in order to have computed the
> world, which of course is an uncomputable output.

Eek! Of coruse it must, to have an infinity of computations...! Still, I
suppose the UD has always finished, within Platonia. But a computer,
running for a large amount of time, running the UD, might still generate
*some* experiences --- eventually --- surely?

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