On 03 Jul 2014, at 19:46, meekerdb wrote:

On 7/3/2014 8:08 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
Only a pseudo-scientist would say that the science progresses have put any threat on the non literal reading of any "sacred texts".

Wouldn't that depend on what the non-literal reading is? I think what you mean is that there is always some non-literal reading that is not threatened by science...or by logic, or by empathy, or by anything else you care to name, because "non-literal" is just "not what it says". "Mein Kampf" is also consistent with good race relations, on a non-literal reading.

'Mein Kampf' contains hate. Hate is always literal, or you are in a Charlie Chaplin movie.

You can study the deep non literal meaning in a book like Aldous Huxley "philosophia perennis". You can sum it by "Plato might be right", or "the laws of physics might have a deeper reason, perhaps even a purpose".

The institutionalist religions are as far of religion than the today politics of health is from health. For basically the same reason (stealing people's money).

A scientist interested in religion will always read a "sacred text" with the same equanimity than reading a "salvia divinorum" report.

Religion, like nationalities, have also social identity role, indeed very often perverted, and we (the scientists) have to keep calm and try hard to not throw the unsolved questions when abstracting from the fairy tales and legends associated with some plausible, or not, contact between humans beliefs and truth.



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