On 28 Jul 2014, at 12:25, Kim Jones wrote:

On 28 Jul 2014, at 8:14 pm, LizR <lizj...@gmail.com> wrote:

On 28 July 2014 22:07, Kim Jones <kimjo...@ozemail.com.au> wrote:
So do we recognise this thing called a "self" or a "subject" or a "person" or a "soul" or an "I" or a whatever as something that is TOTALLY independent of the hosting apparatus?

Why should I put up with the ridiculous notion that my brain secretes my mind which somehow projects my "person"? I don't believe that for one nanosecond. I am only here to enjoy the ride. If it turns out that physical reality is where the buck stops then I am horribly bored by reality. What could possibly be more boring than a bunch of atoms smugly believing that they are "real" and that everything that is, must be made from them? What if I don't want to be made from atoms?

I applaud the sentiment, if not the logic. It does seem awfully boring to just be a pile of molecules.

Thank you, Liz. One thing I am not is logical. I don't expect to make sense to everyone. I cannot get over the feeling that the whole of observable reality is some kind of "con job". Perhaps I need to see a shrink. I admire greatly David Nyman sliding down Occam's razor and landing unscathed. He is a very valiant fellow. Actually, comp is terrifying.

Comp is a bit terrifying with respect to death, especially for those who believed in mortality and in "rest in peace", which is no more clear, so it makes death more unknown, and we fear the unknown.

Comp is also more terrifying with respect to the bad news from the news, as somehow, each suffering on this planet is ours, or a promise that it is ours.

Those who flee to the safe havens of physical reality are the lucky ones. They have the ability to see refuge where there is none. There is no physical reality - there is only the interaction of persons. Persons are the only real things.

Don't forget that with comp, even the persons are emerging from the numbers. Of course that makes them more "solid", as the number truth are very solid themselves. But the persons, even the universal person, is a derived notion (from inside the arithmetical truth/reality).

Which is why comp teaches me enormous respect for persons. The humility and the modesty thing of comp is what bends my mind in its favour.

I agree. I like that too.

There is an eleventh Commandment:

"don't repeat the 10 Commandments and trust "me" for the private advertising".

But I think I am not supposed to say this. It is in our own G*, and I sin by overconfidence in self-correctness.
(Better not to do that before smoking salvia).

If persons are the only reality then we are all stuck with each other, eh?

We are the same person, but to recognize ourself needs work. Perhaps the difficulty is proportional to the size of the brain (as it might be a filter of consciousness).

The differentiation helps for that unique person to enrich its experience and to get a super-meta-stereo view on different parts of the (inside) reality, also.

I don't know if any of this is true, but I think it follows from taking seriously the idea that the human body obeys computable laws as far as its experience relative support is concerned.



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