On 11 May 2015, at 06:51, Jason Resch wrote:

On Fri, May 8, 2015 at 1:24 AM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

On 08 May 2015, at 02:15, LizR wrote:

Nicely summarised. I may have comments once I've had a chance to digest your summary (and any subsequent comments).

In the meantime, if you aren't familiar with Maudlin's "Olimpia" argument that is also (possibly) relevant. It uses a similar form of argument to the MGA to arrive at a different consclusion, namely that supervenience of consciousness on a physical machine (brain, computer) isn't possible.

But that is the same conclusion than MGA.
Both MGA and Maudlin shows that there is a serious difficulty in maintaining both comp and the physical supervenience. Maudlin leans toward abandoning comp, I keep comp and lean toward abandoning materialism. But both show their incompatibility.

Is the incompatibility here with supervenience on the instantaneous physical state, where state is only the positions and properties of particles absent how they got there or their history?

Usually it is between
- the stream of consciousness (in the 3-1 view, even if later that "3" will "only" be a first person plural notion, but locally it is an excellent "3", that is a subtlety intrinsic to the subject) and
- the physical activity of the computer or brain.

If so then I can see how this is incompatible with computationalism, for it is like ascribing consciousness to bits on a tape in a turing machine, or the RAM in a laptop.

However I think there is some confusion here, at least I am still confused about it, whether there is also a denial of supervenience of consciousness on physically-implemented computations.

There is no denial on that. On the contrary, in Platonia, it is the physical which provides the differentiation of first person plural sharable realities. The physical plays a key role, but it is itself (re)defined initially by where the consciousness, and whose one, differentiate. With comp, that is the doing of the universal numbers. Arithmetic contains a sort of Indra net.

What do MGA / Olympia arguments say about the consciousness resulting from building an AI on a physical computer, or making a human with a physical brain?

Well, we will open a bottle of champaign. We must just be modest, and admit that we didn't create the consciousness, which is in arithmetic (since the time that 2+2=4). We just makes it able to manifest itself relatively to you. Even your consciousness is *not* associated or produced by the physical activity of your brain. A brain just intantiate the relevant state of a "dreaming" numbers which sleeps (lucidly or not) in Arithmetic. So to speak.

Keep in mind there is non brain. The brain idea is in the brain :) There is only 0, s(0), s(s(0)), and computable and non computable relations, some of which are complex deep, and efficacious in the self- multiplication.

If it implements (physically) the right computations should it not be conscious?

It seems it has to be, by definition of computationalism. It is just that it losts its body in passing. No problem, as he inherit about aleph_zero, if not aleph_one, new *virtual* bodies in arithmetic. Not saying that any of this is true, just that it follows from comp and has testable consequences.

Is there some contention that a physical computation is not the same as some more fundamental arithmetical compuatation

A physical computation, with comp, is an infinity of arithmetical computations, as seen by the machines supported by that infinity (hoping it is supportable, but if comp is true, and no white rabbit arrives, I guess (as a rationalist) that there is a mathematical reason for this, and indeed, talking with the lobian machine/number, it looks like there is an explanation.

or do MGA / Olympia only aim to show some flaw with mind-brain identity theory?

It shows that computationalism and materialism does not fit as easily as most materialist would imagine.

I don't know for Olympia, but MGA, here, is the step eight of the UDA, where we have already an idea of how the laws of physics *have* to fit with the purely mathematical calculus on your most probable next sigma_1 events (by step 7).

With the pronoun "you" defined in the 3p sense, and in the 3p way, by the second recursion theorem (D'X' = 'X'X''). And the 1p is offered on a plateau by using Theatetetus definition on the 3p-self. It has no name, and is not a machine from the correct 1p view.

If you believe that a person is its body, the person *became* sort of zombie, but if their computable activity are self-referentially correct with their possible continuations, they do incarnate the consciousness, and in that sense, you can attribute consciousness to them, it is locally useful, even if the big picture no-one has a body, but a cloud of infinitely many bodies defined by complex "winning", huge (in the measure sense) sets of arithmetical relations/histories.



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