On Sun, Jun 28, 2015  spudboy100 via Everything List <
everything-list@googlegroups.com> wrote:

​> ​
> How does order arise out of chaos (which is another word for random)?

​Chaos is deterministic not random. A better question might be how does
complexity arise out of simplicity? If entropy must always increase with
time then at the start of time, the Big Bang, there must have been little
entropy compared with now. In the early stages the more entropy there is
the more complex things are, that is to say more information would be
needed to describe it, but when ​entropy gets high enough it actually takes
less information to describe, although the present universe is nowhere near
that point yet. Maximum information is about midway between maximum and
minimum entropy. For example, the smoke from a cigarette in a room with no
air currents starts out as a simple smooth laminar flow easy to describe,
but then turbulence kicks in and very complex patterns form that would take
a lot of information to duplicate, but after that it diffuses into a
uniform featureless fog that would take much less information to specify.

  John K Clark

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