On Sun, Jul 26, 2015 Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

> ​>> ​
> "you" always denotes the guy who remember pushing the button at Helsinki.

> >
> ​> ​
> That is actually a pretty good definition of "you" in that it's similar
> to the intuitive feeling we have for the pronoun that we get from
> everyday life; it would be even better if Bruno used it consistently.

> > You say that often, but never show the inconsistency


> Obviously I agree that one person can not have a first person experience
> ​ ​
> with 2 different cities at the safe time, but 2 people certainly can.

> But two people is not a person.

​That is usually the case, but people duplicating machines ​are not usual.

> ​> ​
> There is no unique first person attached to it, unless you introduce
> telepathy

​Again with the idiot telepathy!​

> that is contradicted directly by the two persons
> ​
> ​
>  whose diaries

Again with the idiot
​ ​diaries!

> The only way out is for Bruno to add some verbiage to the definition of
> "you". Then maybe Bruno could logically say "you will only see one city
> even though
> ​ ​
> John Clark will see 2", although I'm not entirely sure what that extra
> ​ ​
> verbiage would be.

> > That "verbiage" is the important distinction between the first
> person account of experience, and a third person

​If it's important then provide it. Obviously the definition ​
​of "you" as being somebody who remembers being a man in Helsinki is not
getting the job done, so lets have some extra verbiage ​in that definition
so it could be logically said "you will see only one city".

​> ​
> You have agreed that you don't die in the process,

​John Clark has agreed that Bruno Marchal will not die in the process, and
"you" will not die in the process either, at least not under the old
definition of "you"; but under the new improved definition of "you" with
the extra verbiage (which nobody has seen yet) it is unknown if "you" will
survive.  ​

> 1) you live your life up until you arrive at Helsinki and push the button,
> ​ ​
> open the door, and observe the city of Washington.
> ​ ​
>  2) you live your life up until you arrive at Helsinki and push the button,
> ​ ​
> open the door, and observe the city of Moscow.

> ​ B​
> oth can see that P(W & M) was 0 in Helsinki,

​Both can see that the symbol "P" in the above is ambiguous. ​
​The probability of who seeing what?​ And both can also see that the
probability of
 Bruno Marchal
​ clearing up that ambiguity without introducing person pronouns with their
own ambiguity or using "the" instead of "a" is zero. ​

​> ​
> Some could even say that P(W & M) is not even zero, but a non-sensical
> question

​Yes some could say that.  And some would say that P(W)=1 because the
probability of the Washington Man seeing Washington is 1, and ​
 some would say that P(
) =1 because the probability of the
 Man seeing
​Moscow is 1, and Bruno himself says that H= W&M, so some would say that
P(W&M) =1 means that the probability The Helsinki Man will see W and M is
1. But then Bruno says that is not what P(W&M) means.... what it does mean
remains ambiguous. ​

> ​> ​
> you seems to not realize that after the duplication, the experience
> ​ ​
> has diverged into two quite different experiences:

​Don't be ridiculous, of course I realize that because that is what
"diverged" means, one thing​ becoming 2 things. The point of divergence
occurs when past experiences are the same but future experiences are

​> ​
> T
> ​​
> he experience of
> ​ ​
>  living in W or in M, and not in both,

​But the question was not asked of the man in W or of the man in M, it was
asked of the man in H.​

> Do you understand now?

​Oh yes. Do you?

 John K Clark​

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