On Monday, February 12, 2018 at 4:58:41 AM UTC-7, Lawrence Crowell wrote:
> If IGUS or ETI exist elsewhere, I would argue that probably there are 
> scaling limits to the powers such beings are able to control. The universe 
> has matter in it, but it has an average density of 10^{-29}g/cm^3, and the 
> overwhelming percentage of matter in dense configurations is in stars that 
> are hot and hard to access. Even tearing up planets for materials is hard 
> and energy intensive. Interstellar gas by contrast if extremely diffuse. I 
> would argue there are simply scaling limits to the control or abilities of 
> intelligent beings.
> LC

*Although your reasoning in these matters seems plausible, even persuasive, 
you mustn't forget that you're arguing with an expert in ETI, inclusive of 
their motives. AG *

> On Sunday, February 11, 2018 at 8:55:32 PM UTC-6, John Clark wrote:
>> On Sun, Feb 11, 2018 at 8:58 PM, Lawrence Crowell <
>> goldenfield...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> * Most likely they evolved like us with neuro-networks adapted from some 
>>> natural condition and eventually as they progress they find they can no 
>>> longer manage things.*
>> ​When things get complicated we can't add new brain hardware, but a 
>> Jupiter brain can. And besides, the entire galaxy isn't going to be managed 
>> from one central point. ​
>>> * ​> ​Their situation implodes. I suspect our situation will implode 
>>> this century.* 
>> ​Perhaps civilizations always do destroy themselves, but if so I don't 
>> think it will be for the reason you suggest.. ​
>>> ​> *​*
>>> *As for von Neumann probes, these will over time evolve to form 
>>> potentially a sort of "galactic bacteria." They may simply not evolve in 
>>> most cases to engage in massive programs.*
>> Von Neumann probes
>> ​ didn't evolve they were designed and if they're designed to make copies 
>> of themselves so they can make large things, like ​Dyson spheres, then I 
>> can find no reason why they wouldn't.
>>> * ​> ​It may be more to their advantage to stay small and take advantage 
>>> of the sparse resources available by being conservative.*
>> What sparse resources
>> ​
>> ? There are plenty of atoms around stars and plenty of energy too, and 
>> that's all a Von Neumann probe
>> ​ 
>> needs
>> ​.​
>> ​ John K Clark​
>> .

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