On Sunday, October 14, 2018 at 2:32:39 PM UTC-5, Brent wrote:
> On 10/14/2018 12:20 AM, Philip Thrift wrote:
> What I've read about Damasio, e.g.
>> "He also demonstrated that while the insular cortex plays a major role in 
>> feelings, it is not necessary for feelings to occur, suggesting that brain 
>> stem structures play a basic role in the feeling process."
>> suggests he is not decoupling biological material from emotions.
>> Which would mean again : Substrate [Material composition] matters.
>> That's just sloganeering.  It doesn't say anything about what kind of 
>> substrate matters, except that we only have the one example.
>> Brent
> The particular molecular substrate matters for experience (vs. 
> information) processing.
> But that's not evidence against some different substrate "mattering" for 
> experience.
> Brent

That's true, and I don't know enough about molecular chemistry, or 
supramolecular chemistry, their connection to life, etc. to say.

But there was one kind of chemical "soup" here on Earth that gave rise to 
conscious beings, and ET searchers are looking for planets with a similar 
soup composition. Maybe a different kind of soup would do?

- pt

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