On Thursday, December 13, 2018 at 6:49:34 PM UTC, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> On 13 Dec 2018, at 18:05, agrays...@gmail.com <javascript:> wrote:
> On Thursday, December 13, 2018 at 11:34:48 AM UTC, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>> On 12 Dec 2018, at 19:38, agrays...@gmail.com wrote:
>> On Wednesday, December 12, 2018 at 3:51:04 PM UTC, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>>> On 11 Dec 2018, at 19:32, agrays...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> SNIP
>>>> *No testable hypotheses; conclusios not based on empirical data. AG*.
>>>> Only since 529. Those proposing theories and empirical verification 
>>>> modes were persecuted. They escaped in the Middle-East, where 
>>>> unfortunately 
>>>> the made “stealing” was made in 1248.
>>>> Of course, I provide a counter-example, by showing that we can test 
>>>> mechanism/materialism, and the test favour mechanism on materialism. 
>>>> Physics seems to NOT be the fundamental science.
>>>> In that domain, you can understand that Mechanism is not compatible 
>>>>> with Materialism, and that the cosmos is not the ultimate reality. Its 
>>>>> appearance comes from something else, non physical.
>>>> *Play it again Sam. Succinctly, how do you define Mechanism and 
>>>> Materialism, and why are they incompatible? AG *
>>>> Mechanism is the idea that our consciousness results only from the 
>>>> physical functioning of the brain, or the body (in some generalised 
>>>> sense). 
>>>> To be “functioning” (and biologically reproductible) implies digitalness 
>>>> (or you can assume it outright). 
>>>> But then it is easy to understand that a universal machine cannot 
>>>> distinguish a computation supporting him/her and executed by this or that 
>>>> Turing complete system. In particular, it cannot distinguish a computation 
>>>> run by a God, or by Matter, or by arithmetic (which is Turing complete). 
>>>> This means that to predict anything empirically, it has to emerge from a 
>>>> statistics on all (relative) computations (seen by the machine). When we 
>>>> do 
>>>> the math, we do recover already that the observable of the universal 
>>>> machine (an arithmetical notion, see Turing) obey a quantum logic, with a 
>>>> symmetrical hamiltonian, etc. 
>>>> Up to now, Mechanism won the empirical test, where materialism remains 
>>>> on the side of the philosophical ontological commitment, without any 
>>>> evidences.
>>>> Mechanism is just the idea that we can survive with a digital computer 
>>>> in place of the body or the brain. It assumes the existence of a level of 
>>>> substitution where we survive a functional digital substitution. 
>>> *Let's assume such a substitution is possible. How do you go from that, 
>>> to some existing "universal machine" doing anything?*
>>> You don’t need to assume that we survive such substitution to get the 
>>> existence of a universal machine.
>> *You wrote above that we could assume it "outright" -- that mechanism 
>> implies we can survive a digital substitution? So I think you need 
>> mechanism to be true for your theory to be viable. *
>> I define Mechanism by the hypothesis that we can survive such brain 
>> Digital transplantation. Yes.
>> I don’t claim it is true.
>> I claim it is testable, and indeed, somehow already confirmed because it 
>> imposed a physics quite similar (up to now) to quantum theory (without 
>> collapse).
> *I don't believe it's testable. Has that been done to any degree? And if 
> it were, I don't see how it would predict quantum theory. AG *
> That is a quite sane attitude, and rather normal remark, before studying 
> the argument/proof.
> Now, if instead of not believing, you positively disbelief that Digital 
> Mechanism is testable, you need to prove or argue for that statement, or 
> better, to say at which step of my argument you depart from.
> Or you invoke your personal opinion, which is then like abandoning the 
> scientific attitude in the domain, to sell a “pseudo-religion”. I don’t 
> think so (I hope).
> *But then you've already solved the problem of consciousness without going 
>> further, and it seems the conventional, albeit unproved expectation of 
>> materialism. AG*
>> No, Materialism is refuted when you assume Mechanism. 
> *Which form of materialism are you referring to? *
> Weak Materialsim: the idea that we have to *assume* physical things, like 
> anything whose existence is inferred from observation and is judged to be 
> not having a simpler explanation which does not invoke a ontological 
> commitment in (Aristotelian) substance.
> *Not the form or definition used by Stenger. *
> He is just unclear about that, but he seems to clearly assume analysis and 
> some physical reality.
> Its book will be very helpful to get the whole physics, when enough of the 
> arithmetical quantum logic is known. Despite being decidable, the 
> propositional theology is quickly intractable, today. 
> *He never affirms or denies a primal unknown other than possibly energy 
> underlying matter.*
> Yes. That is already a lot. 
> * If you replace mind by digital machine for a person, mustn't the machine 
> depend on matter to do any calculations? AG*
> It does not. By definition, a computation requires only another universal 
> machine.

*If you could show how a simple calculation, like 2 + 2 = 4, could be done 
in the absence of matter, I could become a believer in digital replacement 
of a person or anything. But to do this calculation, the number 2 must be 
stored somewhere, presumably in matter. If not stored in matter, then 
where? Ball in your court. AG *

> You might ask what is the initial machine for all this. 
> The answer is that for the initial machine, it does not matter which one. 
> I could choose the formalism of Turing, the combinators or elementary 
> arithmetic.
> I use arithmetic, because everyone knows it, and believe in it, unless the 
> “philosophers”.
> It is more natural to believe in 2+2=4 as true independently of “me”, than 
> KKK = K, independently of me. But then KKK= K is a theorem in arithmetic, 
> like 2+2=4 is a theorem in combinatory logic.
> The physics is the same, because whatever universal machinery you start 
> with, the physical reality will appear as a sum on all (universal 
> machine)-computational relative histories for all machine introspecting 
> itself sufficiently.
> Mechanism and Materialism are in complete opposition. 
> *Do you have a private definition of Mechanism (and Materialism)? AG*
> “My" version of Mechanism is very weak, as I put no bound on the 
> substitution level. So its consequences apply to all versions of (classical 
> and intuitionist) Mechanism. Materialist computationalism (Materialist 
> Digital Mechanism) is shown inconsistent.
> It is Digital: which means I use the digital machine as defined by Post, 
> Church, Kleene, Turing, etc.That notion admits a notion of universal 
> machine, immune to cantor diagonalisation, but with a big price: 
> uncontrollability. 
> I could avoid Church’s thesis, but it makes everything much smooth, and it 
> avoids the distracting “what if Church’s thesis is false”, which would 
> entail philosophical rebuke based on very speculative different form of 
> digital mechanism, may be consistent with some materialism (cf Philip 
> Thrift). 
> I don’t try to defend the truth of Mechanism, just that under that lamp, 
> we can transform the philosophical question into mathematical question, and 
> then into observable prediction. 
> Then up to now, QM is explained, and even extended into a mathematics of 
> qualia and consciousness.
> One motivation is to show that we can do *some* metaphysics and *some* 
> theology with the scientific method. 
> Bruno
> You need high infinities in the observable world to attach a piece of 
>> matter to a mind. 
>> We can come back on this when you study the UD-Argument (UD = Universal 
>> Dovetailer) step by step.
>> Bruno
>>> The existence of such machine is already a theorem in any 
>>> Turing-complete theory with a bit of induction. It is feature of the 
>>> arithmetical reality. 
>>> *As for physicists being materialists in the sense of believing there is 
>>> nothing underlying matter as its cause, I have never heard that position 
>>> articulated by any physicist, in person or on the Internet.*
>>> You are right. My conclusion has never been problematical with any 
>>> physicists. Only metaphysician or theologian who want to assume the 
>>> existence of a primary physical universe have a problem with this. My 
>>> “enemy” are pseudo-religious believers for whom physicalism is a dogma. 
>>> They are never physicists. The physicists are usually aware that the whole 
>>> story on matter is not yet told, and that the foundation of physics are 
>>> still problematical. Only those who believe they know have such dogma.
>>> Bruno
>>> *AG *
>>>> Non-mechanism assumes actual infinities in nature, and is inconsistent 
>>>> with Darwinism, molecular biology, thermodynamic, quantum mechanics. 
>>>> If the logic of matter (Z1*) extracted from the universal machine 
>>>> structure was violating the empirical physical reality, that would be 
>>>> extraordinary, but, thanks to QM, it fits better with the facts than 
>>>> materialism, which has never succeeded nor even propose an experimental 
>>>> test.
>>>>> The god of Plato and the neoplatonist is by definition the fundamental 
>>>>> reality. 
>>>> *I read some Plato as an undergraduate. Don't recall any "god" in his 
>>>> writings, *
>>>> He uses the term God. But Plato’s God is simply the truth that we 
>>>> search, with the understanding it is above us. Plato identified it at some 
>>>> point with the “world of ideas”, but the neoplatonist will consider that 
>>>> the world of ideas emanates from some absolute and non describable truth. 
>>>> With Mechanism, the arithmetical truth is enough (and at some point, even 
>>>> a 
>>>> quite tiny part of it will be enough, but in a non provable way).
>>>> *or from any source that it defines "fundamental reality". AG *
>>>> Many scholars agree on this. See the little book by Hirschberger for 
>>>> example.
>>>>> Today most christians are materialist, and, as I said, materialism is 
>>>>> incompatible with mechanism (in a testable way).
>>>>> But before 529, many educated christians were still more platonism 
>>>>> than Aristotelian, which are dogmatic on (primitive) matter.
>>>>> For a neoplatonist, christianism and atheism is very much alike.
>>>> *Then the neoplatonists are totally misinformed and unworthy of trust. 
>>>> AG*
>>>> Not at all. It is obvious that strong-atheists (non agnostic atheism) 
>>>> always defend the same conception of God than the christians (even if it 
>>>> is 
>>>> just to deny it), and have the same belief in the second God of Aristotle 
>>>> (parity matter). 
>>>> And the strong-atheists helps a lot the christians in bashing the 
>>>> scientific theology of the greeks. Stron-atheism is really basically the 
>>>> same as christianity: it is materialism. 
>>>> Same conception of god 
>>>> *No way! Christians believe in a personal god who came to Earth to 
>>>> redeem their sins, a form of theism, and atheists don't believe in any 
>>>> god, 
>>>> *
>>>> But then conclude that there is no god at all, and that the notion of 
>>>> God available is only the christian one.
>>>> When we say that God cannot be omniscient (for pure logical reason), 
>>>> the atheists replies by saying that we cannot change the definition. They 
>>>> would have said that Earth does not exist when it was discovered that it 
>>>> is 
>>>> round! Of course, in science we change the definition *all the time*.
>>>> *but for you their beliefs are the same? How ridiculous this is! AG*
>>>> Same belief in Matter (which is the God incompatible with Mechanism).
>>>> Same belief that God = the Christian God only (total oversight of a 
>>>> millenium of scientific theology!).
>>>> They don’t have the same belief in God, but they share the same 
>>>> definition (curiously enough). Then, they do share the same belief in the 
>>>> creation.
>>>> In the Aristotelian view, Mechanism is super-atheists: no Creator, no 
>>>> Creation.
>>>> In the Plationcian view, Mechanism is super-religious: only God exist 
>>>> (arithmetical truth), the rest emerges from it from internal indexical 
>>>> (given by the logic of self-reference). 
>>>> Bruno
>>>> (even if the atheist uses it only to deny it), and same dogmatic 
>>>>> attitude for the existence of some matter not reducible to immaterial 
>>>>> notions (like in mathematics).
>>>>> Bruno
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