Hall a h'uile duine,

'S mise Moireach agus tha mi a' fuireach anns an Kansas.  'S toil leam ag 
ionnsachadh Ga\idhlig gu mo\r ach chan eil mi sgriobh mo\ran.  

I am Martha and I live in Kansas.  I like learning Gaelic but I don't write 

(But I must work on that-- I am taking to heart what Aonghas said about 
expressing oneself in the language!)

Tha mi trang preparing for an turas vacation.

I am busy preparing for a vacation trip.

<<1. Are you interested in learning the Gaelic language?>>  Tha!  Yes!

<<2. Do the messages on this list help you ?>>  Tha!

<<3. What would you like to see on this list that would help you get going 
with your Gaelic.>>  Simple exercises in writing.

<<4. Perhaps you're not interested in Gaelic right now. Let's hear from you 
anyway. A list is only as good as its contributors make it, and right now 
there must be a lot of you lurking out there. Halloooooooooooooo!!!>>  Oh, I 
am interested.  It's just that these challenges always seem to come at a 
particularly busy time........and since it takes me a while to write anns an 
Ga\idhlig, well, it often doesn't get done. <g>  B'e sin mo leisgeil 
anyway.........That was my excuse.

Chuir mi seachad tri la\ ann an Texas at an tumadh weekend agus bha i 
danainte math!
I spent three days in Texas at an immersion weekend and it was "damn good"!

I am sure corrections are needed, and I know some of what I've written are 
"Cape Bretonisms" since my teacher in Texas, Shawn McDaniel from Antigonish, 
gave them to us as part of that cultural instruction.  I came away from the 
weekend totally in love with the language; I only wish there were others 
close to where I live to work with.

Slan leibh,
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