I remember Pitfall. in some ways it resembles Montezuma's Revenge, but in many ways it doesn't. Again, it is an example of the type of game I was speaking of. The developers both had the same concept in mind for a game, but went their separate ways after a certain point. I know all of the newer Pitfall games aare much different than the previous Pitfall games, and are nothing like Montezuma's Revenge when you come down to it. Although, the story line for the Pitfall games have a rather Tomb Raider or Indiana Jones feel to them.

Bryan Peterson wrote:
There was also the Atari game Pitfall! and its sequel, which were very similar in terms of gameplay to Montezuma's Revenge as I understand. I own Pitfall but I don't own Monte. Homer: Hey, uh, could you go across the street and get me a slice of pizza?
Vender: No pizza. Only Khlav Kalash.

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