Regarding the look command with arrows, it actually strikes me that isn't really related to the object puzles business.

Looking with arrows as in treasurehunt or night of parasite tells you what is around you, tells you where objects are, for a grid based game this is very necessary, sinse representing everything on a 2D grid around the players' position in audio is a litle hard, ---- especially north and south.

Here however, tom is concerned with an objects' description and composition.

telling you there is a bronze statue 3 feet east doesn't really tell you much about the statue itself, it just tells you where it is.

While there may be some use for such a command in mota, ---- particularly when it comes to looking up and down, this to me is a different question than the one addressed here sinse combining long descriptions necessary for puzle solving with location information in the same command would be as Tom said something of a pest.

Beware the Grue!

----- Original Message ----- From: "Thomas Ward" <>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2011 7:53 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Converting Visual Content into Audio

Hi Clement,

Clement wrote:

View commands have
a lot of ways of being presented... you can have what you have in Mota
right now,
just a straight list of everything, or, the one I prefer... things
like the way Treasure
Hunt does it. Program commands to look in a certain direction. Have some kind of
modifier key, and have a direction associated with an arrow key... and
points can be mapped to two simultaneous arrows? That just seems to me
the best way
to do things..

My reply:

Essentially, what you are talking about is kind of a look ahead
command. Control+left might speak all the items to the left of the
player and control+right might speak everything to the right, and
control+up would speak straight ahead etc. I kind of like that.The
catch 22 is that currently in MOTA you can't interupt speech. That
means if there is a lot of things in that direction you'll litterally
be listening to each and every one of them until it shuts up. Not too

Clement wrote:

as finding sounds to fit someone like Horus or Anubis would be difficult
to near impossible. Unless you found a voice actor who could make
themselves sound
that gruff. I think the look command is the best you're going to get
for a while.

My reply:

That's exactly why I used them as examples. I mean rendering something
like that in audio is pretty difficult, especially on a shoestring
budget, and a person really needs a full fledged sound studio like the
big developers have to come up with anything convincing. Even so voice
or no voice that doesn't describe what some of these guys look like.

To give you an example here I remember when the original Stargate
movie was released. This was long before the television series SG1,
Atlantice, and Stargate Universe came along. I remember sitting in the
theater and I was just blown away at some of the costumes and special
effects in the movie. I really don't think there is an easy way to
describe it in words. However, it would be easier to try and describe
it than to just make up a sound and say, "here's a Horus Guard." Just
doesn't work.


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