For the most part I agree with you Jeremy, but what did you acumplish
by  saying something like I think thomas feels left out and needs more
attention in the thread of castaways you refer to. It could not
convince him or change anything he already said.

I hope we can get back to gaming now.

On 7/20/11, Jeremy Kaldobsky <> wrote:
> Richard, I am completely behind you on this!  Well written, and I was
> personally surprised when I started seeing the messages changing in Thomas'
> favor on this.  Whether intentional, or not, the extra drama put into his
> last post seems to have blinded people from what was really going on.  If
> Thomas was being harassed off-list, by people expecting his games to be
> finished, then that is very unfortunate, but also totally unrelated to any
> of what has just happened between him and Che.
> I think people are taking sides, because they aren't paying attention to
> what the issue has been.  I'll give an example, that will hopefully
> illustrate the point I am trying to make.  If my neighbor was a racist, and
> he was unjustly hurtful to people, it would be wrong of me to stand by his
> side if one of those people started to argue with him.  Even though he was
> never mean to me, I have to look at the current situation, and admit that he
> Was! doing wrong to that person, or group of people.  When people take
> Thomas' side on this, because he was wrote helpful posts, because he worked
> on games they enjoy, or because he is a nice person, then they are making
> this very same mistake.  This argument is a result of how he speaks to other
> programmers, so if you are not one, you can't use the fact that he was kind
> to you as defense for his actions.
> Excuses have been made, that Thomas is simply misunderstood, but I doubt
> that is the case most of the time.  Before I Ever! had any personal dealings
> with Thomas, I read posts where he clearly put down other developers, and
> made himself seem like their superior.  I had seen this done to other
> people, and eventually I stepped in to defend someone who I felt was being
> treated especially bad by Thomas.  I can't remember who it was now, but at
> the time they were so fed up with his posts, that they were considering
> giving up programming altogether.  By stepping in to the conversation, I
> became a target myself, and I had Thomas criticizing how I do things.  He
> wouldn't stop posting more, so eventually I told him off, and vowed never to
> argue with him about programming languages again!
> Since that time, I've seen him poke at a few other people, but as soon as
> the castaways game started to get popular, there was Thomas, posting a huge
> put down of my methods, for no reason whatsoever.  Many of you probably
> remember it, as it was not posted long ago.  There was no reason to post
> anything about programming languages, but Thomas decided to go off on a
> familiar rant, presumably to point out that my game's success wasn't as
> deserving because it was not done his way.  Several people openly posted
> about how inappropriate he was with his negative comments.
> Like it or not, Thomas seems to believe that he is better than many other
> developers around here.  Instead of letting people do things their own way,
> he insists on pressuring others do follow in his footsteps, and won't stop
> even if you tell him you are happy with your own choice.
> Please keep this in mind before you take sides.  Be fair, and remember that
> even if someone wasn't bothering You! personally, it doesn't mean he/she
> wasn't bothering other people in an unfair way.  Sorry if people don't agree
> with me, but that is how I see it.
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