On 02/07/2013 02:16 AM, WhoCares wrote:
Hi Whomever is listening,

I don't use The GIMP very much, but today I pulled out 2.8.2 (Ubuntu + MATE) so
I could put some screenies together. 2 things hit me immediately:

- Firstly, I can't really use the toolbox anymore. This could be more specific
to my system, but the top of the toolbox slides under my top panel. This is a
more general problem with my system and certain applications after switching to
MATE, so like I said .. it might be system specific. What may or may not be
system specific is the bottom of the toolbox sliding off the bottom of the
screen (768). The end result is .. I can only resize the toolbox horizontally,
so the thing is just .. in the way of the whole screen height.

- Secondly (and more importantly) it would seem that The GIMP is now enforcing
that I use Ctrl + E to save my images, else it tries to get me to use XCF
format. The problem with XCF format (for me at least) is that not everyone I
work with uses The GIMP, hence I never use the XCF format. My instant reaction
with any program while working is to frequently use Ctrl + S to save my current
file to it's current location without further intervention. So essentially this
functionality is .. well, not consistent with any other piece of software I've
seen in the last 25 years.
I spent lot of time here asking why "save as" and "save" normal functions are now unavailable in Gimp. My conclusion: this new Gimp behaviour prevents newbies, to loose their work.
For other people, not only professional people:
GIMP: Save/export clean plug-in
(for those who don't like the GIMP 2.8 Save vs. Export separation)
A plug-in for those who still don't like the new Save/Export
"Art is meant to disturb. Science reassures."
"L'art est fait pour troubler. La science rassure" (Georges Braque)

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