> Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 11:07:34 +0300
> From: li...@secarica.ro
> To: gimp-user-list@gnome.org
> Subject: Re: [Gimp-user] HATE the new save vs. export behavior
> În data de Fri, 09 Aug 2013 14:41:01 -0700, Tom Williams a scris:
> What realy misses here is some "intelligent" way in determining the
> oportunity of the "save the changes to image ?" dialog. This dialog (or
> the lack of an option to getting rid of it) that pops up in obvious
> useless situations is the annoying one, *not* the export thing.

I can agree with you here.

- No changes have been made since the last export command, and:
- The current image has no XCF file associated with it

Then IMHO this is a scenario where suppressing the "Save changes?" prompt can 
be quite useful for the user, because in this context the exported file IS what 
they want 'saved' to disk.  GIMP constantly asking the user to "Save changes?" 
in a non-XCF workflow can make the user ignore it out of habit (i.e. crying 
wolf), which is a dangerous behavior to have.

On a side note, I would love to see an option for rescaling the image at export 
time (like with Inkscape's Export).  I have a 150dpi scanned drawing with an 
XCF copy behind it, but when I want to export a Web-resolution (60-90 dpi) JPG 
of it, manually rescaling the image means I run the risk of 'ruining' my 
high-resolution workfile because it counts as a change to the image.  (This 
actually happened just the other day, fortunately I wasn't closing GIMP at the 
time so I could merely Undo the changes and then save it at the proper 

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