I am quite surprised. :-p Is it truly dynamic, or is it limited to the 
number of hidden brushes you compile into the map?

> When you say "Without Physics" do you mean that everything will just
> walk through it?
Either that, or the physics collision box will stay the original size. 
There must be a way of getting around that though: the simulator accepts 
any size of collision model on entity spawn, so surely if you destroyed 
the old model and created a new one the correct size it'd work?

Aditya Gaddam wrote:
> Right on Tony P.! The tutorial had a SetModel so I assumed it was
> taken care of. But when I printed it out it was null. Changing it to
> the model of a brush entity in the map worked!
> While I am in this thread, Is there any way to change the scale of the
> entity? Preferably different scale multipliers in different axis. I am
> looking in the BaseEntity class and most of it is for physics related
> stuff. Nothing to scale the visual model.
> Thanks,
> Aditya
> On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 6:14 PM, Tony Paloma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Are you setting the copy's model? Get the model of the thing you are copying
>>  and set it as the model of the copy. Brush entities should have a model like
>>  "*23" or any other number.
>>  -----Original Message-----
>>  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Aditya Gaddam
>>  Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 2:08 PM
>>  To: hlcoders@list.valvesoftware.com
>>  Subject: [hlcoders] Spawning instances of a brush made in a map? Possible?
>>  Hi,
>>  I am trying to make copies/instances of this panel I made in hammer in
>>  my map. I followed
>>  http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Authoring_a_Brush_Entity and
>>  gave the panel the class specified in the tutorial and then used the
>>  code in my mod. I was able to push the block around like the code
>>  says. However, if I create more using CreateEntityByName, I don't see
>>  anything. The returned object from CreateEntityByName is NOT null. I
>>  called Spawn() and Activate() on the object, but to no avail. I can
>>  set it's position and such. But I dont see it!
>>  Is there a better way to instantiate stuff you can stand on in the
>>  world? If not, how do I solve this problem above?
>>  Thanks,
>>  Aditya
>>  --
>>  http://www.pixelfaction.com
>>  AIM:ApeWithABrain
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