On Feb 25, 2016, at 2:51 PM, Sankaranarayanan, Vignesh wrote:

No one's forcing you to Ed. But I'm guessing you're helping around here because you love what you do, not because you want to help "your people" alone. One can't learn a lot from equals, and one certainly can't learn a lot from those who are (for the lack of a more sensitive phrase) below them. Sure, if this community doesn't want to help, that means workload mounts for IBM in the form of a trillion more service requests lol.
But those who are here to learn will find a way.

- Vignesh
Mainframe Infrastructure

------------------------------------------------- SNIP---------------------------

Then have your employer pop for education because that is how *WE* did it. I don't have an issue of answering questions but it is NOT a one way street. Go to SHARE (or your area equivalence). In years past I have paid for my OWN trip to GUIDE/SHARE out of my own pocket. Have you done the same. It occurs to me that you see IBM-MAIN as a one way street, it isn't its a group and we all contribute not just ask questions.


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