RE: Java is dead, long live the JVM.  JRuby FTW in the enterprise.

>From May 08 to Sept 08 Java job demand grew 3 times higher (in raw numbers)
than the total Ruby market. But let's not mere facts get in the way of your
"Java is dead" argument. Java continues to dwarf Ruby. And, Ruby does not
seem to be picking up a lot of ground. Sure if you start from zero,
percentage of growth sky rockets, but.... Not enough.

BTW I prefer Groovy, but I won't claim Ruby is dead.

I am glad to see that Spring source is backing Groovy. I wonder why they did
not back Jruby in a similar manner. Hmmmm....

On 12/9/08 12:04 PM, "Chad Woolley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Here's the latest performance numbers on JRuby:
> Summary - JRuby is doing very well; came in second after Ruby 1.9; and
> compatibility is good and getting better all the time.
> Ok, troll time:
> My opinion - definitely try JRuby over Groovy.  You get all the
> benefits of the Java ecosystem: native calls to java libraries, JVM
> execution, JIT compilation, packaging, war/ear-based deployment, etc,
> etc.  Most importantly, however, you get a language that was designed
> to "make people happy".  Most Rubyists - especially those with
> experience in other languages - agree it achieves this goal well.
> As for Groovy, I still say it is an attempt to make a static language
> (Java) appear dynamic.  They've done a decent job, but when you really
> compare it to using native Ruby, the warts and sharp edges poke
> through.
> The only argument I see in favor of Groovy is integration with the
> Java ecosystem, which JRuby effectively negates.  Conversely, all
> language or syntax preference or prejudice aside, the Ruby ecosystem
> is also very rich (rubygems and github), and you cannot take advantage
> of this with Groovy.  Why not be able to choose from the best of both
> worlds?
> Java is dead, long live the JVM.  JRuby FTW in the enterprise.
> -- Chad
> On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 3:45 PM, Todd Ellermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> One more side note.  JRuby runs on the JVM as well, and for a while was out
>> performing the native Ruby interpreters. Not sure if that is still true.
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