David Cantrell wrote:
> You show me a DNS server which supports kanji :-)

Well, if RACE is the encoding that finally gets chosen, all of them do -- it
maps all of Unicode to [a-z2-7-]+ or something like that.

> This is a big bugbear of mine.  Yes, you can register domains 
> in all these weird scripts, but there's bugger all software
> support for them, and it will take *years* to replace all
> that's out there with new versions.  Look at how slowly crypto
> use is spreading, or how little-used IPv6 is.  IMNSHO,
> the registrars who are hyping their furrin-language domain 
> registrations are committing a gross fraud, as registrants are
> led to believe that their new gobbledigook.com will be usable
> when it ain't.

Yes. The big problem here is client support. While "Hitachi" in Kanji might
translate to bq--mxs77sy under RACE (if I got my conversion right), this
won't help anybody unless browsers recognise kanji in the location bar and
translate them to RACE before sending off the DNS query. Or, if the browser
sends some standard (e.g. URI-encoded UTF-8 or whatever, which is, I
believe, what IE does in some cases) and the DNS server translates that to
RACE before looking in its cache.

However, there are two types of fraud -- the case you mentioned (where names
are sold that have no client support) and one that's even worse: where names
are registered in some funky encoding which may become the standard or may
not. So if I work for Hitachi and register bq--mxs77sy.co.jp, and the
official standard becomes not RACE but some other encoding, my domain is
worthless, even though it was sold me as "the translation of 'Hitachi'".

Philip Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
All opinions are my own, not my employer's.
If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.

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