On 2021-10-16 02:39, V K wrote:

On Tuesday, October 12, 2021, 07:18:38 PM GMT+3, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes 
<lasgout...@lyx.org> wrote:

Le 05/02/2021 à 20:07, V K a écrit :
Regarding huge note. I created a new file, pasted some random generated text in 
English and Russian, placed them in note an yes, it is not as bad. But when I 
pasted my text in Lithuanian to note, it's almost unusable. Same situation even 
after converting all text to plaintext (so there is no notes or links to 
missing footnotes, only text). After buffer-anonymize performance is much 
better, like with notes in other languages. So, problem is with language, I 
think – Lithuanian has letters ąčęėįįšųųūž. So I copied public lithuanian text 
to the note. Strangely situation is better (but worse than with English or 
Russian notes).
I attached file with public text and I can send file with my text privately if 
you wish.

Hi Valdemaras, Hi Everyone,

I have made some work regarding big insets in ticket

This was regarding a large branch inset with lots of math insets. I have
made some progress there, but not enough. But I believe that the
situation is much better regarding plain text. (this work is not merged
in master yet).

The case you describe is more just large text insets, but I cannot
reproduce any slowness with such file son my computer. Can you give more
details about your setting?

Everyone: if you have a file that is terribly slow to edit, please tell
me about it.



JMarc, it is very good to hear, that there is progress with a big insets. I'm 
working with master (bit outdated, because I compile once in a month or two), 
so I'll check after changes will be merged.
I modified anonymized lyx file with several insets in it. It is working well while insets are closed (regardless of file length), but it is completely unusable after selecting "open all insets" in view toolbar even after anonymization, without Lithuanian letters. Branch inset with several opened huge notes in it is performing extremely bad. I can barely use mouse or touchpad to scroll – it stalls and scrolls after quite a long time with CPU usage rising drastically. I was trapped several times when searched word was in a big inset in my usual file – search opens inset to show a word and it consumes some time to get out of it :).
Insets of hugenote_anon.lyx are ridiculously big, but the bigger is inset the 
more obvious are lag.

Thank you for your work,


I noticed some other strangeness with the attached file. When I open the branch and both of the contained note insets, I cannot scroll down from the top anymore. It just keeps jumping up again.


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