>IMO, it's rare because people these days don't think of being able to
>do it; they're used to GUI mail front-ends that don't allow (?) this
>kind of thing.

Use an IMAP client recently?  "Shared" mailboxes are already part of
the IMAP specification.  Most reasonable ones deal with them just

>This is why I'm writing my tomes ;-) about not losing nmh flexibility
>with IMAP, wherever it's reasonable to keep it.

Well, the real crux of the problem is that there are some things that
you simply cannot _do_ within the context of IMAP.  The big one that
comes to mind is annotations (there really isn't a way to modify
messages on the server, from my reading of the specification).

What I've been trying to say all along is that all of the essays in the
world won't change the fact that you can't do everything you want to
do with IMAP that you are currently doing with nmh.  So there might
not be a lot of point to writing them.


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