> If there's no way to replace a message on the server with a local version,
> then if nmh does local caching of IMAP messages, modification of those
> messages will definitely be an issue.

See the APPEND IMAP4rev1 command:

append: http://andrew2.andrew.cmu.edu/rfc/rfc1730.html#sec-6.3.10.

It appears that append will add an RFC-822 compliant message to the
current folder. Although this is a poor solution, one could fetch the old
message, munge it, delete the server version, and upload the new one.
I don't know if you can restore the sequencing, though

I think message caching will not be the best distribution of resources
for a first go at IMAP support. once we have a shell of imap interface
commands, we can start doing message-optimization, be it local
caching, etc.


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