
Le 13/10/2016 à 13:58, Andreas Färber a écrit :
Am 13.10.2016 um 11:34 schrieb Guillaume Gardet:
I think we should have a fully (downstream?) working image (32 or 64
bits) including HDMI, and WiFi (and maybe hardware video decoding?).
Then, we might have a 2nd image which follow upstream and where we might
have some things missing such as WiFi.
If more versions are needed for testing/developing purpose, then we
should use staging projects.

This is how is handled Raspberry Pi 1.
The way that Raspberry Pi 1 is "handled" is that no one is taking care
of the downstream Contrib image [*], but most users are misguided to use
that downstream image and complain about it on this list.
Which is annoying for people like me working on the official Tumbleweed
kernel, because no one involved with the Contrib project bothers to even
reply to the reports...

What are the problems? I have some Pi 1 and Pi 2 running fine here with Contrib 

[*] As reported multiple times, kernel-raspberrypi fails to build:

Yes, I know, it is a warning which turned in an error with recent GCC. I will 
try to have a look.

Also keep in mind that openSUSE on x86 does not provide, e.g., Nvidia
drivers in a Contrib either.

Therefore I am a strong advocate of switching to an official openSUSE
image once the core drivers are in place. If someone wants extra
acceleration, they should build a KMP, not a full separate image.
Compare my earlier work on Mali:
Even better work on or lobby the vendor for getting drivers upstream, if
you need them.

Yes, KMP would be far better, but, AFAIK, there is no KMP source package 
available for RPi. :(



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