
I have had a few discussions previously on this list about the
connectivity models within 99SE and how I have had in some cases seen
errors where power ports are not treated as global when using Sheet
Symbols/Port connections.

Before committing the last of my larger designs to 2004 I would like to
track down the error of my ways.

Some screenshots here

A short summary is that the design has one parent sheet and the rest are
child sheets. No complex hierarchy. Connectivity model is set to sheet
Symbol / Port connections as it should be. This is a real design in
production, not a test board.

But Update PCB fails with errors. If previewed it wants to rip up the
power nets completely.

If I generate a netlist and then try to load it manually I get a similar
issue but with more detail, this time the power nets are ripped up and I
get netlist load errors 'net already exists' as it tries to add many
instances of the same power net name (one instance per sheet).

If I add a sheet entry to each sheet symbol with the name of the power
net and as a sheet port to the child sheets all is happy, no errors.

My understanding was always that power ports were always global, but I
seem to have an exception here, unless I cannot see the wood for the

Any suggestions appreciated.  

Best Regards

John A. Ross

RSD Communications ltd
WWW    http://www.rsd.tv

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