At 10:25 AM -0500 8/17/00, Keepsake wrote:
>GF requested:
>>Hey Dantz, when will a Linux client be available? Obviously you are working
>>on one...
>Of course, the current workaround is to have SMB or Netatalk running 
>on your Linux/Un*x box so its volumes can be mounted on the backup 
>server and backed up.

... preserving none of the file-permissions or ownership of the files 
unless you jump through the aforementioned hoop of creating a 
tar-file first, and only backing THAT up.

Speaking of which, I'm feeling adequately lazy... does anyone have a 
nightly script they run on their Linux box to tar up their system and 
dump the file where Retrospect can find it? If so, could you e-mail a 
copy? ;-)

(rather than reinvent a simple wheel *G*)


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