Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Tim Daly

Is it possible to follow the Common Lisp convention
of proclaim/declaim/declare in order to specify types?

Mark Engelberg wrote:

Thanks for the responses.

Going back to the naive factorial function:
(defn fact [n]
  (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (fact (dec n)

Right now,
user=> (fact 40)

Under the proposed changes,
user=> (fact 40)
java.lang.ArithmeticException: integer overflow

So the same code now risks an arithmetic exception.  What have I, the
programmer, gained from this new level of risk?  The answer, if I'm
the kind of programmer who has no interest in putting in type
annotations into the header of the function, is nothing.  There is no
speed improvement without the additional type annotations.  So all
I've gained is the /potential/ for a speed improvement.

I assume that most Clojure users really like its dynamic nature.  If
this is true, then for most of us, the common case is to NOT annotate
our code with types.  Certainly I like the idea of making it as easy
as possible to write fast code in Clojure.  I want my dynamically
typed code to be as fast as it can be, and it's nice to know that
there is a way to write statically typed code that is even faster.
But I really don't want to incur a penalty (i.e., possibility of
Arithmetic Exception) when I'm not using type annotations.

I agree that the burden on those who want to write type annotated code
is too high.  I agree that this should be made easier.  But
ultimately, I still want the burden to be on them (or me, the 1% time
I need it), not those of us who prefer unannotated code.  I that some
of the changes you have proposed for moving the annotations into the
header, along with literal notation for long (i.e., 0L rather than
(long 0)) would be preferable to the bigint dichotomy.

I agree that an improved bigint type would address the performance
aspect of my argument.  On the other hand, it wouldn't really address
the problem of using these things in sets and hash tables.  I think
it's very important that Clojure have one unique canonical
representation for numbers arrived at through Clojure-based
computations.  It is very difficult to use numbers sanely if that's
not the case.

I see your point that there are a couple of sides to this argument.  I
hope I can persuade some more people to speak up for my side :)


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Re: classpath and require

2010-06-18 Thread

On Jun 18, 5:00 pm, Mohammad Khan  wrote:
> C:\Projects.clj>java -cp
> c:\clojure-contrib\clojure-contrib.jar;c:\clojure\clojure.jar clojure.main
> Clojure 1.1.0-alpha-SNAPSHOT
> user=> (require 'examples.introduction)
> Could not locate
> examples/introduction__init.class or examples/introduction.clj on
> classpath:  (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
> user=>
> C:\Projects.clj>echo %CLASSPATH%
> C:\Projects.clj;C:\clojure;C:\clojure-contrib
> C:\Projects.clj>dir examples\introduction.clj
>  Volume in drive C is xxx
>  Volume Serial Number is -
>  Directory of C:\Projects.clj\examples
> 06/18/2010  04:52 PM                40 introduction.clj
>                1 File(s)             40 bytes
>                0 Dir(s)  xx,xxx,xxx bytes free
> C:\Projects.clj>

You're overriding your %CLASSPATH% variable with your -cp argument

Try starting your REPL with the following.

java -cp c:\clojure-contrib\clojure-contrib.jar;c:\clojure
\clojure.jar;C:\Projects.clj clojure.main


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Re: Clojure script in the classpath

2010-06-18 Thread
On Jun 18, 6:15 pm, Paul Moore  wrote:
> I've just seen a couple of postings which, if I'm not mistaken, imply
> that it's possible to have a Clojure script in my classspath. Is that
> right?

Yes, you can have .clj files on your classpath.  In fact, you can
pretty much have anything on your classpath.  Checkout
.  This is what Clojure uses under the covers.

> Can anyone give me a complete example of how this works? (I probably
> need to get the file names and namespaces right, something I'm still
> struggling with - again the Java/JVM requirements for filenames that
> match classnames is a new concept for me).

Let's say I put my clojure.jar on the classpath, but only put the
clojure-contrib source files on the classpath and I want to use the
clojure.contrib.string/blank? function.  Here is a session at the
REPL.  Note that I used a custom script to start the REPL, it prints
out the Java executable and CLASSPATH env variable at the top.

rzeze...@chinaski.local [~] clojure
>>> JAVA: 
>>> /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6.0/Home/bin/java
>>> /Users/rzezeski/projects/clojure/clojure.jar:/Users/rzezeski/projects/clojure-contrib/src/main/clojure
Clojure 1.2.0-master-SNAPSHOT
user=> (clojure.contrib.string/blank? "")
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: clojure.contrib.string
user=> (load "/clojure/contrib/string")
user=> (clojure.contrib.string/blank? "")

Notice the load function converted my string into a path to the .clj I
wanted.  The initial forward-slash means I want to lookup relative to
the classpath.  The lib I want has the namespace
clojure.contrib.string.  In this case simply convert the periods to
forward-slashes.  You don't specify the .clj extension because Clojure
will first try to load the lib via class file or source depending on
which is newer.  For example, if I tried to load the lib

user=> (load "/foo/bar") Could not locate foo/bar__init.class or
foo/bar.clj on classpath:  (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)

Now that I've shown you the load function I'm going to pull the rug
from underneath you and tell you not to use it to load your Clojure
libraries.  The idiomatic way to load a lib is via the require
function, which uses load under the covers.  Require allows you to
specify your lib in it's native Clojure tongue.

user=> (require '[clojure.contrib.repl-utils :as ru])
user=> (ru/show ClassLoader)
===  public abstract java.lang.ClassLoader  ===
[ 0] static getSystemClassLoader : ClassLoader ()
[ 1] static getSystemResource : URL (String)


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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Mark Engelberg
I'm confused.  In the latest scheme, what is the eventual plan for
handling a recur to a loop element that was initialized with a
primitive?  Are boxed numbers automatically coerced to the primitive?
Would a long be coerced to a double, or double to long?  Under what
scenarios will you get a warning, and when will you get an error?

I think what troubles me the most about this loop/recur issue is that
the semantics of recur depend completely on whether a variable is
assigned a primitive or boxed numeric type.  To know what the recur
will do, you must know the type of the assigned value.  This has
always been the case, but in the current version of Clojure, provided
you aren't using Java interop, it's relatively straightforward to
know.  Unless the variable or literal is explicitly cast to a
primitive, it's not a primitive.  But now, with the advent of static
functions which can return primitives, it becomes more likely to not
easily be able to determine this fact.  If I say (loop [x (foo 2)]...)
 I have no way of knowing what's going to happen when I recur.  Yes, I
realize that you can run the function and use warnings/errors to find
out.  But I find it unsettling to have a commonly used code form with
semantics I can't predict just by looking at it.

It's attractive that the current proposal gives speed benefits to
common cases with no additional annotation.  But I personally place a
higher value on being able to understand the semantics of my code when
reading through it.  I would prefer a version where loop requires some
sort of explicit annotation on a variable if you want it to require a
primitive upon recur.  (Ideally, I'd probably want the annotation on
the variable using a syntax that mirrors static functions, rather than
the old technique of typecasting the initializer, since the whole
typecasting system makes less sense now that literals and certain
return values are already primitives.  Unifying the syntax and
semantics of using primitives in loops with the syntax and semantics
of using primitives as inputs to static functions makes a lot of sense
to me.)

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Re: Basic toolset for non-Java programmer

2010-06-18 Thread rob
My attitude toward debugging is decidedly non-Java, but I find the
best thing to do is break your problem into small enough pieces that
you can experiment with them rapidly in the REPL.  For certain stuff
that is hard to test in the repl (such as aspects of applet
development for example and other things that depend on an environment
in which they run), use print statements.  Most debugger experiences I
have had have in the end not offered much, and I have had better luck
applying minimalist debugging techniques and critical thinking about
the logic of problems.

On Jun 19, 1:21 am, ""  wrote:
> While not reflective of the entire community, here's my suggestions.
> > - Build tools: There seem to be things like ant, maven, leiningen. How
> > do they relate to each other? Is there an "obvious" best answer or
> > should I be expecting to check them all out depending on my needs? In
> > that case, are there any good comparisons around?
> Honestly, for now, I would either go with Leiningen or Maven, with
> Leiningen probably having the most gentle learning curve.  In the long
> run, I don't think there is a clear best answer, yet.
> > - Debuggers: Should I be assuming I use my IDE for debugging? What if
> > I stick to a basic text editor to develop my code? Is there a good
> > standalone debugger?
> You can use standard Java debuggers with your Clojure app.  I won't
> pretend to be well versed in the practice, but I've tried it a few
> times with a few different debuggers with varying degrees of success.
> If you like Emacs, my best experience was with 
> this:  Note that this just uses
> jdb under covers, jdb is java's bundled debugger.  It's primitive, but
> it works.
> > - Profilers: Same sort of question - do IDEs offer this, are there
> > standalone tools?
> You can start with the bundled profiler, jvisualvm.  I've used it a
> couple of times to track down performance bottlenecks and I felt it
> worked well.  You can also get a trial of YourKit, but I've read from
> some that it's overpriced for what you get.
> > - Testing: I've not really got to the documentation on Clojure's own
> > testing tools, so maybe that's all I need, but are there testing
> > frameworks I should look at, that sort of thing?
> That should have everything you need to get started.
> > - Deployment: For simple standalone utilities, am I looking at bat
> > file wrappers (I'm on Windows mainly) to set classpath and the like?
> > Given that there are some annoying limitations with bat files (nasty
> > nesting behaviour, ugly console windows for GUI applications), are
> > there any commonly used better solutions? For web applications, I
> > gather that a servlet container (all that fancy J2EE stuff :-)) and
> > something like compojure is a good place to start. For non-web
> > long-running services, is it still reasonable to use an application
> > server, or should I be looking at something to wrap a Clojure app up
> > as a Windows service (something like "Java Service Wrapper"
> > ( came up
> > for me on a Google search)?
> For a webapp built with Compojure you can build a WAR and deploy it on
> any J2EE container.  Probably the most convenient model.  For a
> standalone app you could build what we call an "uberjar" (a JAR with
> all your dependencies) and write a small script to execute your main
> entry point.  Once again, if you're an Emacs person you may want to
> start up a swank server in your entry point to allow for remote
> debugging and hot-patching.
> I'm sure others will have much to add, but this should be a start.
> -Ryan

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Re: Keyboard Input in Applets

2010-06-18 Thread rob levy
For the sake of anyone who finds this thread in a search at some point, here
is the actual answer to my original question:

1.  It doesn't matter whether you extend Applet or JApplet, at least for my
purposes so far, it seems.  JApplet is swing, and solves some of the
bugginess found in awt (such as buffered image flicker for example).

2. For Java applets there seems to be two different and incompatible methods
of listening to the mouse.  One is using the mouseDown handler, and other
than throwing random null pointer exceptions, there is no corresponding
handler for keyboard events that actually works from that API as far as I
can tell.

Therefore you need to implement java.awt.event.KeyListener and
java.awt.event.MouseListener in your gen-class.

Gen-class should have this at least (syntax as embedded in ns macro call):
 :extends javax.swing.JApplet
 :implements [java.awt.event.KeyListener java.awt.event.MouseListener])

You need to import from java.awt.event: KeyListener KeyEvent MouseListener
and MouseEvent.

3.  The prefered event handlers to implement are those from KeyListener et
al.  Do not write handlers for mouseDown, etc (also those alternate handlers
won't work if you have implemented the above in your gen-class).

(defn -keyReleased [#^JApplet this #^KeyEvent e] )
(defn -keyTyped [#^JApplet this #^KeyEvent e] )
(defn -keyPressed [#^JApplet this #^KeyEvent e]
   (and (condp = (. e getKeyCode)
   KeyEvent/VK_LEFT (go-left) KeyEvent/VK_RIGHT (go-right)
   KeyEvent/VK_UP (go-up) KeyEvent/VK_DOWN (go-down) false)
   (.repaint this)))

(defn -mouseEntered [#^JApplet this #^MouseEvent e] )
(defn -mouseExited [#^JApplet this #^MouseEvent e] )
(defn -mousePressed [#^JApplet this #^MouseEvent e] )
(defn -mouseReleased [#^JApplet this #^MouseEvent e] )
(defn -mouseClicked [#^JApplet this #^MouseEvent e]
   ; do something with (.getX e) (.getY e)
   (.repaint this))

Repaint is a method of JApplet (or Applet if you use that).

4.  Implement JApplet (or Applet)'s init handler (not to be confused with
gen-class's init/post-init handlers, which I'm not entirely clear on just

(defn -init [#^JApplet this]
   (.addKeyListener this this)
   (.addMouseListener this this)
   (.setFocusable this true)

Very important: add the listeners, and setFocusable as shown above.

5.  Implement paint to render any graphics based on your applet's updated
Like so:
(defn -paint [#^JApplet this #^Graphics g]
  (draw-images this g))


On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 3:52 AM, Meikel Brandmeyer  wrote:

> Hi,
> On Jun 14, 8:55 am, rob levy  wrote:
> > (ns ...
> > ...
> > (:gen-class
> >  :extends javax.swing.JApplet
> >   ???   :implements java.awt.event.KeyListener))
> :implements [java.awt.event.KeyListener]
> Note: vector.
> > (defn -init [#^JApplet applet]
> >   ??? addKeyListener )
> You probably want :post-init.
> > (defn -keyPressed [#^JApplet applet #^KeyEvent event]
> >   (let [key (. event getKeyCode)]
> > (cond (= key (. KeyEvent VK_LEFT))  (dosync (ref-set message "left"))
> >   (= key (. KeyEvent VK_RIGHT)) (dosync (ref-set message
> "right"))
> >   (= key (. KeyEvent VK_UP))(dosync (ref-set message "up"))
> >   (= key (. KeyEvent VK_DOWN))  (dosync (ref-set message
> "down"
> You can simplify this with condp.
> (condp = key
>  KeyEvent/VK_LEFT 
>  KeyEvent/VK_RIGHT 
>  KeyEvent/VK_UP 
>  KeyEvent/VK_DOWN )
> Concerning the question how to make the applet respond: Dunno what the
> best way is. I would probably put the KeyListener into a proxy, which
> drives the necessary changes (changing the refs in your example). In
> the GUI code I would add listeners to the refs, which update the UI on
> change.
> Sincerely
> Meikel
> PS: Shameless self-promotion:
> For proxy:
> For gen-class:
> For GUI driving:
> Hope some of this helps.
> --
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Re: Basic toolset for non-Java programmer

2010-06-18 Thread
While not reflective of the entire community, here's my suggestions.

> - Build tools: There seem to be things like ant, maven, leiningen. How
> do they relate to each other? Is there an "obvious" best answer or
> should I be expecting to check them all out depending on my needs? In
> that case, are there any good comparisons around?

Honestly, for now, I would either go with Leiningen or Maven, with
Leiningen probably having the most gentle learning curve.  In the long
run, I don't think there is a clear best answer, yet.

> - Debuggers: Should I be assuming I use my IDE for debugging? What if
> I stick to a basic text editor to develop my code? Is there a good
> standalone debugger?

You can use standard Java debuggers with your Clojure app.  I won't
pretend to be well versed in the practice, but I've tried it a few
times with a few different debuggers with varying degrees of success.
If you like Emacs, my best experience was with this:  Note that this just uses
jdb under covers, jdb is java's bundled debugger.  It's primitive, but
it works.

> - Profilers: Same sort of question - do IDEs offer this, are there
> standalone tools?

You can start with the bundled profiler, jvisualvm.  I've used it a
couple of times to track down performance bottlenecks and I felt it
worked well.  You can also get a trial of YourKit, but I've read from
some that it's overpriced for what you get.

> - Testing: I've not really got to the documentation on Clojure's own
> testing tools, so maybe that's all I need, but are there testing
> frameworks I should look at, that sort of thing?

That should have everything you need to get started.

> - Deployment: For simple standalone utilities, am I looking at bat
> file wrappers (I'm on Windows mainly) to set classpath and the like?
> Given that there are some annoying limitations with bat files (nasty
> nesting behaviour, ugly console windows for GUI applications), are
> there any commonly used better solutions? For web applications, I
> gather that a servlet container (all that fancy J2EE stuff :-)) and
> something like compojure is a good place to start. For non-web
> long-running services, is it still reasonable to use an application
> server, or should I be looking at something to wrap a Clojure app up
> as a Windows service (something like "Java Service Wrapper"
> ( came up
> for me on a Google search)?

For a webapp built with Compojure you can build a WAR and deploy it on
any J2EE container.  Probably the most convenient model.  For a
standalone app you could build what we call an "uberjar" (a JAR with
all your dependencies) and write a small script to execute your main
entry point.  Once again, if you're an Emacs person you may want to
start up a swank server in your entry point to allow for remote
debugging and hot-patching.

I'm sure others will have much to add, but this should be a start.


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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread MarkSwanson
> :s /non-prime/non-primitive/g

Oh, nvm. You were referring to '.


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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread MarkSwanson

> I have to say I'm in the 'pay for what you use' camp - you need a box,  
> you ask for one. If I don't (and neither do any of those loops), why  
> should I have to do extra work to avoid it?


Barely worth mentioning:
:s /non-prime/non-primitive/g

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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread dmiller
> Yes, it's easy to imagine a world where people who want efficient code
> have to jump through hoops to get it. OTOH, you can just say (num some-
> expr) to force it to be boxed, if you want assurance of an Object
> initializer. Which will be the more common need?

>From the wiki page "Enhanced Primitive Support":  * Note: this means
that locals initialized with literals will have primitive type, e.g.
(let [x 42] …), and especially: (loop [x 42] …). If you intend to
recur with a non-primitive, init like this, (loop [x (num 42)] …)

I'd like to ask for some consideration on any use of (num x).   On the
CLR side, it is unimplementable as documented, there being no
equivalent in the CLR to Number.  If a proposed use of num can be
satisfied by this definition of num:

(defn num {tag :object} [x] x)

I can manage. I imagine this to be the case, but haven't had time to
read all the new code.

If you really mean to use a type that is a base type for all the
primitive numeric types -- not going to happen on the CLR.


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Re: compiling the instructions of a simple vm into a function

2010-06-18 Thread Eugen Dück
Thanks Nicolas,

your first variant resembles the generated code much closer than my
initial approach, which is great. I need the eval though, to be able
to pass in non literals. In my real program I'm reading the
instructions from a binary file. So if I want to be able to do
something like this:

(def three-instructions '([+ 2 3] [- 0 1] [+ 1 0]))
(def compiled (compile-instructions three-instructions))

The macro would have to look like this:

(defmacro compile-instructions
 (let [memory (gensym "memory-")]
   `(fn [~memory]
  ~@(map (fn [[op m1 m2]]
 `(aset ~memory ~m1 (~op (aget ~memory ~m1) (aget
~memory ~m2
   (eval instructions)

But I like your suggestion to turn it into a function even better:

(defn compile-instructions
 (let [memory (gensym "memory-")]
`(fn [~memory]
   ~@(map (fn [[op m1 m2]]
`(aset ~memory ~m1 (~op (aget ~memory ~m1) (aget ~memory ~m2


(def compiled (compile-instructions three-instructions)))

just works as before. So I guess macros don't add any value here.

> eval is evil, but eval is not evil is a compiler (you have to evaluate the
> code you read).
> However eval is evil again in an "embedded compiler", when you use macro to
> extend Clojure.

What do you mean by "embedded compiler"?


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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Rich Hickey

On Jun 18, 2010, at 10:18 PM, Mark Fredrickson wrote:

So far most of the action has concerned arithmetic ops (+, -, *, /).
Will these new semantics include the bit-shift operators? I vote yes.
My use cases for bit ops would benefit from primitive ops.

On a related note, my use cases call for silent overflow of bit shifts
(pseudo random number generators). Will there be a way to disable
overflow exceptions (either via a binding or through unchecked-*

Yes, bit-ops will be made to align with whatever is done here.


On Jun 18, 8:33 pm, Rich Hickey  wrote:

Turnabout is fair play, so I've produced a version that swaps the
defaults, still in the 'equal' branch:



You can get the older arbitrary-precision default with this commit: 

I've also temporarily enabled a diagnostic (in both) that tells you
when you have a mismatch between a loop initializer and its recur
form. It goes off over a hundred times in Clojure itself, when using
the arbitrary precision default. In each case, the recur value is
needlessly being boxed, every iteration of a loop, for loops that  

never be bigints; indexes, counters etc. I expect this will be very
typical of most code. But removing that useless overhead would be a
lot of tedious work.

With the defaults swapped, only 2 warnings.

Pay for what you use ...


On Jun 18, 4:52 pm, Rich Hickey  wrote:

I've revised and enhanced the strategy, based upon the feedback  

I think it is a nice compromise.

Docs (see update section at the top) 


Thanks to all for the feedback, keep it coming!


On Jun 17, 2010, at 4:13 PM, Rich Hickey wrote:

I've been doing some work to enhance the performance, and unify the
semantics, of primitives, in three branches. I've started to  

this work here:

Feedback welcome,


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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Rich Hickey

On Jun 18, 2010, at 10:09 PM, Mark Engelberg wrote:

An idea to consider:

How about keeping the arbitrary-precision default, but add a loop'
construct to the family of +',-',*',inc', and dec' for primitive
optimization?  The loop' construct would bind primitive literals,
whereas the loop construct would keep the literals boxed, so people
who don't want to analyze types rigorously in their loop/recur
constructs won't get mismatch errors.

I see that using primitive literals by default in loop/recur offers
speed benefits for the common case (recur type matches the
loop-declared type), but I worry about how hard it might be to analyze
and make sure that I'm always recurring with a type that exactly
matches what is in the loop.

Did you try it? The compiler does that analysis and reports any  

user=> (defn foo [] (loop [x 42] (recur 4.2)))
NO_SOURCE_FILE:2 recur arg for primitive local: x is not matching  
primitive, had: double, needed: long

user=> (defn foo [] (loop [x 42] (recur false)))
NO_SOURCE_FILE:5 recur arg for primitive local: x is not matching  
primitive, had: java.lang.Boolean, needed: long

user=> (defn foo [] (loop [x 4.2] (recur (meta #'first
NO_SOURCE_FILE:15 recur arg for primitive local: x is not matching  
primitive, had: java.lang.Object, needed: double

Any other ideas on how to solve the problem of mismatch errors for
"casual coders"?

Those could become hard errors again. But there are legitimate correct  
cases that would then need annotation:

(defn foo [] (loop [x 42] (recur (:y z


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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Mark Fredrickson
So far most of the action has concerned arithmetic ops (+, -, *, /).
Will these new semantics include the bit-shift operators? I vote yes.
My use cases for bit ops would benefit from primitive ops.

On a related note, my use cases call for silent overflow of bit shifts
(pseudo random number generators). Will there be a way to disable
overflow exceptions (either via a binding or through unchecked-*


On Jun 18, 8:33 pm, Rich Hickey  wrote:
> Turnabout is fair play, so I've produced a version that swaps the
> defaults, still in the 'equal' branch:
> Docs:
> Code:
> You can get the older arbitrary-precision default with this commit:
> I've also temporarily enabled a diagnostic (in both) that tells you
> when you have a mismatch between a loop initializer and its recur
> form. It goes off over a hundred times in Clojure itself, when using
> the arbitrary precision default. In each case, the recur value is
> needlessly being boxed, every iteration of a loop, for loops that will
> never be bigints; indexes, counters etc. I expect this will be very
> typical of most code. But removing that useless overhead would be a
> lot of tedious work.
> With the defaults swapped, only 2 warnings.
> Pay for what you use ...
> Rich
> On Jun 18, 4:52 pm, Rich Hickey  wrote:
> > I've revised and enhanced the strategy, based upon the feedback here.  
> > I think it is a nice compromise.
> > Docs (see update section at the top)
> >
> > Code:
> >
> > Thanks to all for the feedback, keep it coming!
> > Rich
> > On Jun 17, 2010, at 4:13 PM, Rich Hickey wrote:
> > > I've been doing some work to enhance the performance, and unify the
> > > semantics, of primitives, in three branches. I've started to document
> > > this work here:
> > >
> > > Feedback welcome,
> > > Rich

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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Rich Hickey

On Jun 18, 2010, at 9:52 PM, Aaron Cohen wrote:

I've also temporarily enabled a diagnostic (in both) that tells you
when you have a mismatch between a loop initializer and its recur
form. It goes off over a hundred times in Clojure itself, when using
the arbitrary precision default. In each case, the recur value is
needlessly being boxed, every iteration of a loop, for loops that  

never be bigints; indexes, counters etc. I expect this will be very
typical of most code. But removing that useless overhead would be a
lot of tedious work.

With the defaults swapped, only 2 warnings.

How often does the warning go off if you go back to
arbitrary-precision by default, but make literals return boxed numbers
again? I suspect your comparison is unfair because lots of the loop
initializers are probably literals.

It would be easy to make it go away. The point is not the mismatches  
themselves, but they serve as a counter - how many loops had primitive  
init and needed only primitive arithmetic? Each warning is a case  
where it could be automatically fast but isn't. Making the warning go  
away will leave the inefficiency but make it silent. It is just a  
measurable loss to counter all the theoretical arguments being made.


A concern I have is that interop forms that return primitives can
cause a loop var to have a primitive type.

(loop [procs (.availableProcessors Runtime/getRuntime)] ; Current
clojure makes procs a primitive, do people really expect that?

Would it be possible for loop to use boxed numbers always by default,
and only use primitives if some specific metadata is on the

So in that world:

(loop [i 5] ; Boxing is always done by the loop statement, even if
initialized with a primitive

(loop [procs (.availableProcessors Runtime/getRuntime)] ; Boxing is
done by the loop statement

(loop [^:primitive procs (.availableProcessors Runtime/getRuntime)] ;
Primitive is used, good because we are expecting it

I'm not sure which order the metadata should go in such a scheme.

(loop [^:primitive i 5]
(loop [i ^:primitive 5]
(loop [i (prim 5)]

Yes, it's easy to imagine a world where people who want efficient code  
have to jump through hoops to get it. OTOH, you can just say (num some- 
expr) to force it to be boxed, if you want assurance of an Object  
initializer. Which will be the more common need?

I have to say I'm in the 'pay for what you use' camp - you need a box,  
you ask for one. If I don't (and neither do any of those loops), why  
should I have to do extra work to avoid it?


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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Mark Engelberg
An idea to consider:

How about keeping the arbitrary-precision default, but add a loop'
construct to the family of +',-',*',inc', and dec' for primitive
optimization?  The loop' construct would bind primitive literals,
whereas the loop construct would keep the literals boxed, so people
who don't want to analyze types rigorously in their loop/recur
constructs won't get mismatch errors.

I see that using primitive literals by default in loop/recur offers
speed benefits for the common case (recur type matches the
loop-declared type), but I worry about how hard it might be to analyze
and make sure that I'm always recurring with a type that exactly
matches what is in the loop.

Any other ideas on how to solve the problem of mismatch errors for
"casual coders"?

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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Aaron Cohen
> I've also temporarily enabled a diagnostic (in both) that tells you
> when you have a mismatch between a loop initializer and its recur
> form. It goes off over a hundred times in Clojure itself, when using
> the arbitrary precision default. In each case, the recur value is
> needlessly being boxed, every iteration of a loop, for loops that will
> never be bigints; indexes, counters etc. I expect this will be very
> typical of most code. But removing that useless overhead would be a
> lot of tedious work.
> With the defaults swapped, only 2 warnings.

How often does the warning go off if you go back to
arbitrary-precision by default, but make literals return boxed numbers
again? I suspect your comparison is unfair because lots of the loop
initializers are probably literals.


A concern I have is that interop forms that return primitives can
cause a loop var to have a primitive type.

(loop [procs (.availableProcessors Runtime/getRuntime)] ; Current
clojure makes procs a primitive, do people really expect that?

Would it be possible for loop to use boxed numbers always by default,
and only use primitives if some specific metadata is on the

So in that world:

(loop [i 5] ; Boxing is always done by the loop statement, even if
initialized with a primitive

(loop [procs (.availableProcessors Runtime/getRuntime)] ; Boxing is
done by the loop statement

(loop [^:primitive procs (.availableProcessors Runtime/getRuntime)] ;
Primitive is used, good because we are expecting it

I'm not sure which order the metadata should go in such a scheme.

(loop [^:primitive i 5]
(loop [i ^:primitive 5]
(loop [i (prim 5)]


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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Rich Hickey
Turnabout is fair play, so I've produced a version that swaps the
defaults, still in the 'equal' branch:



You can get the older arbitrary-precision default with this commit:

I've also temporarily enabled a diagnostic (in both) that tells you
when you have a mismatch between a loop initializer and its recur
form. It goes off over a hundred times in Clojure itself, when using
the arbitrary precision default. In each case, the recur value is
needlessly being boxed, every iteration of a loop, for loops that will
never be bigints; indexes, counters etc. I expect this will be very
typical of most code. But removing that useless overhead would be a
lot of tedious work.

With the defaults swapped, only 2 warnings.

Pay for what you use ...


On Jun 18, 4:52 pm, Rich Hickey  wrote:
> I've revised and enhanced the strategy, based upon the feedback here.  
> I think it is a nice compromise.
> Docs (see update section at the top)
> Code:
> Thanks to all for the feedback, keep it coming!
> Rich
> On Jun 17, 2010, at 4:13 PM, Rich Hickey wrote:
> > I've been doing some work to enhance the performance, and unify the
> > semantics, of primitives, in three branches. I've started to document
> > this work here:
> >
> > Feedback welcome,
> > Rich

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Re: scala

2010-06-18 Thread RandyHudson
Bear in mind that Scala is about 5 years older than Clojure, so it's
had more time to build up momentum.

On Jun 18, 5:56 pm, cageface  wrote:

> Unfortunately there seems to be a lot more commercial momentum for
> Scala though. It's still a blip compared to the mainstream languages
> but I'm seeing more and more job posts mentioning it, and hardly any
> for Clojure.

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Basic toolset for non-Java programmer

2010-06-18 Thread Paul Moore
I'm wondering, what would be a useful basic set of tools for a
newcomer to Clojure with no Java background? I'm not really talking
about IDEs (everyone has their own opinions about IDEs, and I've seen
some discussions elsewhere to give me some pointers on that one). I'm
more interested in things like build tools, testing frameworks,
debuggers, etc. Also, in terms of deployment, what should I be looking

To try to clarify what I mean:

- Build tools: There seem to be things like ant, maven, leiningen. How
do they relate to each other? Is there an "obvious" best answer or
should I be expecting to check them all out depending on my needs? In
that case, are there any good comparisons around?
- Debuggers: Should I be assuming I use my IDE for debugging? What if
I stick to a basic text editor to develop my code? Is there a good
standalone debugger?
- Profilers: Same sort of question - do IDEs offer this, are there
standalone tools?
- Testing: I've not really got to the documentation on Clojure's own
testing tools, so maybe that's all I need, but are there testing
frameworks I should look at, that sort of thing?
- Deployment: For simple standalone utilities, am I looking at bat
file wrappers (I'm on Windows mainly) to set classpath and the like?
Given that there are some annoying limitations with bat files (nasty
nesting behaviour, ugly console windows for GUI applications), are
there any commonly used better solutions? For web applications, I
gather that a servlet container (all that fancy J2EE stuff :-)) and
something like compojure is a good place to start. For non-web
long-running services, is it still reasonable to use an application
server, or should I be looking at something to wrap a Clojure app up
as a Windows service (something like "Java Service Wrapper"
( came up
for me on a Google search)?

That's a lot of stuff, and I certainly don't need to dive into all of
this at once, but any pointers, comments or suggestions would be very
gratefully received.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Daniel
Sorry guys - missed that latest post.  This new approach is something
I can definitely get behind.  :)

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Re: classpath and require

2010-06-18 Thread Mohammad Khan
No, it didn't work.. what else I could be missing..

On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 5:56 PM, Rob Lachlan wrote:

> Whoops, that should read:
> java -cp c:\clojure-contrib\clojure-contrib.jar;c:\clojure
> \clojure.jar;c:
> \projects.clj clojure.main
> On Jun 18, 2:51 pm, Rob Lachlan  wrote:
> > have you tried starting with:
> >
> > c:\clojure-contrib\clojure-contrib.jar;c:\clojure\clojure.jar;c:
> > \projects.clj clojure.main
> >
> > On Jun 18, 2:00 pm, Mohammad Khan  wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > C:\Projects.clj>java -cp
> > > c:\clojure-contrib\clojure-contrib.jar;c:\clojure\clojure.jar
> clojure.main
> > > Clojure 1.1.0-alpha-SNAPSHOT
> > > user=> (require 'examples.introduction)
> > > Could not locate
> > > examples/introduction__init.class or examples/introduction.clj on
> > > classpath:  (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
> > > user=>
> >
> > > C:\Projects.clj>echo %CLASSPATH%
> > > C:\Projects.clj;C:\clojure;C:\clojure-contrib
> > > C:\Projects.clj>dir examples\introduction.clj
> > >  Volume in drive C is xxx
> > >  Volume Serial Number is -
> > >  Directory of C:\Projects.clj\examples
> >
> > > 06/18/2010  04:52 PM40 introduction.clj
> > >1 File(s) 40 bytes
> > >0 Dir(s)  xx,xxx,xxx bytes free
> >
> > > C:\Projects.clj>
> --
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Clojure script in the classpath

2010-06-18 Thread Paul Moore
I've just seen a couple of postings which, if I'm not mistaken, imply
that it's possible to have a Clojure script in my classspath. Is that
right? I come from a Python background (little or no Java experience)
and the idea that anything other than .class or .jar files (or
directories) could be on the classpath never occurred to me.

Can anyone give me a complete example of how this works? (I probably
need to get the file names and namespaces right, something I'm still
struggling with - again the Java/JVM requirements for filenames that
match classnames is a new concept for me).

Could I have found anything about this on the web? The Java
didn't mention anything other than classes/jars/zips/directories, and
my Google skills didn't turn up anything clojure-specific.


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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Heinz N. Gies

On Jun 19, 2010, at 0:32 , Heinz N. Gies wrote:

> On Jun 18, 2010, at 22:52 , Rich Hickey wrote:
>> Thanks to all for the feedback, keep it coming!

Another one:

This is the same problem as with the exception but this time it does not crash 
just return very odd and utterly wrong value. This is actually broken in my 
eyes since it will lead to unexplaind errors especially since (* 1 0.2) works 
just fine in repl.

Again the values in a binding form should be from the NumberStack by default 
and only get primitive when explicitly declared so for the sake of not 
confusing the hell out of people.


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Re: parallel vs serial iteration in a "for" loop

2010-06-18 Thread Moritz Ulrich
Personally, I think the cl loop-macro is kind of ugly. Yes, it's a
nice dsl for looping, but it is almost too powerful for my taste. Too
complicated to learn, if you can accomplish the same thing with sexps.

However, you can combine doseq, destructuring and the map-stuff by
Meikel Brandmeyer to loop over two lists in parallel:

(doseq [[a b] (map vector [:a :b :c :d :e] [1 2 3 4 5])]
   (println a "," b))

(You can also try to port the loop-macro from common lisp to clojure,
that would be interesting)

On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 7:45 PM, viksit  wrote:
> Hey Meikel,
> On Jun 17, 10:48 pm, Meikel Brandmeyer  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Jun 18, 1:35 am, viksit  wrote:
>> > (loop for x in '(a b c d e)
>> >       for y in '(1 2 3 4 5)
>> >       collect (list x y) )
>> > ((A 1) (B 2) (C 3) (D 4) (E 5))
>> > Are there any good (and idiomatic) methods to achieve this using a
>> > Clojure loop construct?
>> user=> (map vector [:a :b :c :d :e] [1 2 3 4 5])
>> ([:a 1] [:b 2] [:c 3] [:d 4] [:e 5])
> Oh yes, thanks. I know about using the map method - I was just
> wondering if Clojure's loop supports (or has any plans to support) the
> loop construct as in CL (
> node235.html). And if not, then are there any ways to "loop" through 2
> lists in parallel.
> Cheers
> Viksit
>> Sincerely
>> Meikel
> --
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Moritz Ulrich
Programmer, Student, Almost normal Guy

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Re: scala

2010-06-18 Thread Mark Engelberg
I've spent a number of years looking for a functional programming
language suitable for the kind of work I do.  evaluating Clojure,
Haskell, Erlang, Scala, F#, Mozart, ML, Clean, Racket, and probably
some others I'm not thinking about right now.  For me, once Clojure
hit 1.0 status, it was clearly the best choice for my purposes.  Scala
is probably my second choice, but I think there's a chance it would be
my first if I were working on a large team -- I have an unfounded
opinion that static typing can be especially useful for ensuring that
components produced by different individuals get properly linked up.
But as a solo developer, I feel great about my decision to use

So to answer your question, yes, a lot of us have spent time
evaluating many languages and agonizing over which is the best one for
our purposes.  Try the languages that interest you, and decide for

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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Heinz N. Gies

On Jun 18, 2010, at 22:52 , Rich Hickey wrote:

> Thanks to all for the feedback, keep it coming!

Okay you asked for it :P

to quote from the IRC:

also, (defn fact [n] (loop [n n r 1] (if (zero? n) 1 (recur (dec n) (* r n) 
throws on (fact 40) -- that's with *, not *'

and it trhows: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Value out of range for long: 

and as you explained it is because 1 is a primitive instead of a Number. This 
is quite frankly not the best behavior in my eyes. Not only is the error 
message overly cryptic, and if you hadn't explained us what went wrong we 
likely taken hours to figure it out, but also the behavior is very very 
strange. This again is not 'it just works' but 'it works most of the time and 
if not has horrible painful and unpredictable consequences'.

I start this again, I know, but imagine someone starting to code in clojure and 
reaching this point, they will be super frustrated, toss the language in the 
next corner and start crying for the next full moon. Don't get me wrong it is 
not a reason to drop the language, god (or whatever you believe in) forbid, but 
it is very well a reason not to learn the language. I say it frankly if that 
would have been one of my first experiences, before I learned what joy and 
beauty clojure can be, I'd had turned without a second thought - and taking 
this is a very simple example many newcomers might actually write, this is a 
not unlikely scenario.


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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Michał Marczyk
In connection to a conversation on #clojure (in progress as I write)...

Apparently loop/recur locals are now primitive by default:

(defn fact [n]
  (loop [n n r 1]
(if (zero? n)
  ;; note the regular * on the next line
  (recur (dec n) (* r n)

will throw ArithmeticException because of integer overflow, because r
is a long. The solution provided by Rich is to "hint" r to be a boxed
number: (num r) => gives old behaviour. I'm vaguely in favour of
switching around to boxed-by-default locals, but that's just a very
early initial impression... Just wanted to point this out for the
consideration of others here.


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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Mark Engelberg
On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 1:52 PM, Rich Hickey  wrote:
> I've revised and enhanced the strategy, based upon the feedback here. I
> think it is a nice compromise.

Looks good to me.

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Re: Possible Clojure Bug

2010-06-18 Thread Rob Lachlan
I think he retracted this post in a separate new thread not long after
posting this.


On Jun 18, 2:56 pm, "Heinz N. Gies"  wrote:
> On Jun 18, 2010, at 18:48 , pleone wrote:
> > I ran this in a slime REPL on AQUAMACS with clojure 1.1. It appears to
> > be a bug.  Am I mistaken?
> > user> (def conj-test-vector ["1" "2" "3" "4"])
> > #'user/conj-test-vector
> > user> conj-test-vector
> > ["1" "2" "3" "4"]
> > user> (conj conj-test-vector "5")
> > ["1" "2" "3" "4" "5"]
> > user> (conj conj-test-vector ["test"])
> > ["1" "2" "3" "4" ["test"]]
> > user> (conj conj-test-vector "6")
> > ["1" "2" "3" "4" "6"]
> I'm not sure what would be a bug it all looks pretty sane to me, conj does 
> not change the def'ed object (that is why it does not grow) and conjing 
> another vector of cause adds the vector and not it's elements :)
> Regards
> heinz.

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Re: classpath and require

2010-06-18 Thread Rob Lachlan
Whoops, that should read:

java -cp c:\clojure-contrib\clojure-contrib.jar;c:\clojure
\projects.clj clojure.main

On Jun 18, 2:51 pm, Rob Lachlan  wrote:
> have you tried starting with:
> c:\clojure-contrib\clojure-contrib.jar;c:\clojure\clojure.jar;c:
> \projects.clj clojure.main
> On Jun 18, 2:00 pm, Mohammad Khan  wrote:
> > C:\Projects.clj>java -cp
> > c:\clojure-contrib\clojure-contrib.jar;c:\clojure\clojure.jar clojure.main
> > Clojure 1.1.0-alpha-SNAPSHOT
> > user=> (require 'examples.introduction)
> > Could not locate
> > examples/introduction__init.class or examples/introduction.clj on
> > classpath:  (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
> > user=>
> > C:\Projects.clj>echo %CLASSPATH%
> > C:\Projects.clj;C:\clojure;C:\clojure-contrib
> > C:\Projects.clj>dir examples\introduction.clj
> >  Volume in drive C is xxx
> >  Volume Serial Number is -
> >  Directory of C:\Projects.clj\examples
> > 06/18/2010  04:52 PM                40 introduction.clj
> >                1 File(s)             40 bytes
> >                0 Dir(s)  xx,xxx,xxx bytes free
> > C:\Projects.clj>

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Re: Possible Clojure Bug

2010-06-18 Thread Heinz N. Gies

On Jun 18, 2010, at 18:48 , pleone wrote:

> I ran this in a slime REPL on AQUAMACS with clojure 1.1. It appears to
> be a bug.  Am I mistaken?
> user> (def conj-test-vector ["1" "2" "3" "4"])
> #'user/conj-test-vector
> user> conj-test-vector
> ["1" "2" "3" "4"]
> user> (conj conj-test-vector "5")
> ["1" "2" "3" "4" "5"]
> user> (conj conj-test-vector ["test"])
> ["1" "2" "3" "4" ["test"]]
> user> (conj conj-test-vector "6")
> ["1" "2" "3" "4" "6"]
I'm not sure what would be a bug it all looks pretty sane to me, conj does not 
change the def'ed object (that is why it does not grow) and conjing another 
vector of cause adds the vector and not it's elements :)


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2010-06-18 Thread cageface
Quick disclaimer - there are a lot of things I like in Scala and I
think Odersky & crew have done some very impressive work bringing
functional language concepts to the VM and giving Java developers a
path forward. I also don't think Clojure vs x language battles are
very productive and don't want to encourage one.

Anyway, I imagine my trajectory as a developer over the last 10  years
is pretty typical. I started out doing Java stuff but fell in love
with Ruby and Rails in 2004 and have been working almost entirely in
Ruby since. The idea that all that heavy, cumbersome Java cruft could
in many cases be dispensed with was a revelation and the discovery
that I could build software in a language that offered *no* compile
time error checking that was still robust was a very pleasant

Like a lot of Ruby hackers though, I also saw some warts in the
language and also remained curious about other approaches. Also like a
lot of Ruby hackers, the recent rise of new JVM languages has piqued
my interest, particularly Scala and Clojure. Scala seemed like a more
natural step from Ruby and my first experiences with it were
encouraging. It seemed to offer a lot of the expressiveness of Ruby
but with potentially much better performance and more robust runtime
and, intriguingly, static type checking. However, after writing a
handful of small but non-trivial programs in it the complexity lurking
under the surface started peeking through and the intricacies of the
type system and the significant complexity of the language itself
became more apparent. It started to feel like a step back to the
rigors of Java and heavyweight syntax and fights with the compiler.
The predominant Scala web platform, Lift, also seemed to have a very
heavy, enterprisey sort of "correctness" about it that felt

So I bounced over to Clojure and its clean, elegant core and minimal,
flexible syntax seemed very refreshing. It felt much more in the
liberal, malleable spirit of Ruby. The functional stuff was a bit of a
stretch but it also seemed built on a simpler set of core concepts
than the featureful but complex Scala collections.

Unfortunately there seems to be a lot more commercial momentum for
Scala though. It's still a blip compared to the mainstream languages
but I'm seeing more and more job posts mentioning it, and hardly any
for Clojure. I don't think Scala is a bad language overall, but I'm
not sure I'd dump Ruby for it. On the other hand, I can imagine
migrating most of my dev work over to Clojure with the right project.
Has anybody else wrestled with this choice? Any thoughts?

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Re: Problems with URL params and http-agent

2010-06-18 Thread Timothy Washington
That works, thanks. It's a bit weird because I did try just http encoding
the parameters before. But I obviously encoded the wrong characters, or
maybe used the wrong character encoding. Hmmm.

Thanks :)

On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 11:24 AM, Michael Wood  wrote:

> On 18 June 2010 14:53, Timothy Washington  wrote:
> > Hmm, this is a good idea and I got the GET request string as...
> >
> /exist/rest/rootDir/system.main.system/aauthentication.main.authentication/users.aauth.users/
> > default element namespace 'com/interrupt/bookkeeping/users';//user[
> > @id='one']
> > This exact URI (behind http://localhost:8080) works when used by the
> > browser, or wget.[...]
> But spaces etc. are not valid as part of a URI.  They need to be escaped.
> What happens if you try this hard-coded URL:
> http://localhost:8080/exist/rest/rootDir/system.main.system/aauthentication.main.authentication/users.aauth.users/
> Try that in the browser, wget and also your Clojure program.  It might
> also help to get a simple CGI script or something that can extract the
> _wrap and _query parameters from the query string and just print or
> log them so you can compare what you get from the browser and wget and
> your program.
> --
> Michael Wood 
> --
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Re: How to derive a protocol from another protocol?

2010-06-18 Thread Nicolas Oury
I believe that too.

It is not clear to me why you would need that without static typing.

On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 10:50 PM, David Nolen wrote:

> Unless I'm mistaken, protocols cannot be derived.
> David
> --
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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Heinz N. Gies

On Jun 18, 2010, at 22:02 , Daniel wrote:

> This also seems to break the principle of make it work, make it right,
> make it fast.  Math in Clojure isn't to the point that it works well
> yet.

Daniel the decision was to keep things working and add speed as an option by 
using +' (and friends) specifically. So actually what happened is exactly what 
you wished for :).

Just tested with the newest code:

user=> (defn fact [n] (if (zero? n) 1 (*' n (fact (dec' n) 
user=> (fact 42)
java.lang.ArithmeticException: integer overflow (NO_SOURCE_FILE:3)
user=> (defn fact [n] (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (fact (dec n)   
user=> (fact 42)


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Re: classpath and require

2010-06-18 Thread Rob Lachlan
have you tried starting with:

\projects.clj clojure.main

On Jun 18, 2:00 pm, Mohammad Khan  wrote:
> C:\Projects.clj>java -cp
> c:\clojure-contrib\clojure-contrib.jar;c:\clojure\clojure.jar clojure.main
> Clojure 1.1.0-alpha-SNAPSHOT
> user=> (require 'examples.introduction)
> Could not locate
> examples/introduction__init.class or examples/introduction.clj on
> classpath:  (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
> user=>
> C:\Projects.clj>echo %CLASSPATH%
> C:\Projects.clj;C:\clojure;C:\clojure-contrib
> C:\Projects.clj>dir examples\introduction.clj
>  Volume in drive C is xxx
>  Volume Serial Number is -
>  Directory of C:\Projects.clj\examples
> 06/18/2010  04:52 PM                40 introduction.clj
>                1 File(s)             40 bytes
>                0 Dir(s)  xx,xxx,xxx bytes free
> C:\Projects.clj>

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Re: How to derive a protocol from another protocol?

2010-06-18 Thread David Nolen
Unless I'm mistaken, protocols cannot be derived.


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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Michał Marczyk
On 18 June 2010 21:47, Daniel  wrote:
> Save for the new equality semantics (bravo!), most of this can be
> viewed as a loss for newcomers to the language, especially those using
> project euler to learn the language.  Shame you've been unable to
> think of some way to garuntee top performance while keeping overflow
> prevention the norm.

Actually the new idea with the + / +' split addresses this, so the
Eulerians (?) among us may be happy again. I take it you've posted
without reading the bottom of the thread or your message was stuck in
the moderation queue...

Incidentally, at first glance, I love the new tip of equal. Really
exciting stuff! :-)


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classpath and require

2010-06-18 Thread Mohammad Khan
C:\Projects.clj>java -cp
c:\clojure-contrib\clojure-contrib.jar;c:\clojure\clojure.jar clojure.main
Clojure 1.1.0-alpha-SNAPSHOT
user=> (require 'examples.introduction) Could not locate
examples/introduction__init.class or examples/introduction.clj on
classpath:  (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)

C:\Projects.clj>echo %CLASSPATH%
C:\Projects.clj>dir examples\introduction.clj
 Volume in drive C is xxx
 Volume Serial Number is -
 Directory of C:\Projects.clj\examples

06/18/2010  04:52 PM40 introduction.clj
   1 File(s) 40 bytes
   0 Dir(s)  xx,xxx,xxx bytes free


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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Daniel
This also seems to break the principle of make it work, make it right,
make it fast.  Math in Clojure isn't to the point that it works well

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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Daniel
Save for the new equality semantics (bravo!), most of this can be
viewed as a loss for newcomers to the language, especially those using
project euler to learn the language.  Shame you've been unable to
think of some way to garuntee top performance while keeping overflow
prevention the norm.

On Jun 17, 3:13 pm, Rich Hickey  wrote:
> I've been doing some work to enhance the performance, and unify the
> semantics, of primitives, in three branches. I've started to document
> this work here:
> Feedback welcome,
> Rich

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Re: parallel vs serial iteration in a "for" loop

2010-06-18 Thread viksit
Hey Meikel,

On Jun 17, 10:48 pm, Meikel Brandmeyer  wrote:
> Hi,
> On Jun 18, 1:35 am, viksit  wrote:
> > (loop for x in '(a b c d e)
> >       for y in '(1 2 3 4 5)
> >       collect (list x y) )
> > ((A 1) (B 2) (C 3) (D 4) (E 5))
> > Are there any good (and idiomatic) methods to achieve this using a
> > Clojure loop construct?
> user=> (map vector [:a :b :c :d :e] [1 2 3 4 5])
> ([:a 1] [:b 2] [:c 3] [:d 4] [:e 5])

Oh yes, thanks. I know about using the map method - I was just
wondering if Clojure's loop supports (or has any plans to support) the
loop construct as in CL (
node235.html). And if not, then are there any ways to "loop" through 2
lists in parallel.


> Sincerely
> Meikel

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Delete my last post

2010-06-18 Thread pleone
Mistake there is no error

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Possible Clojure Bug

2010-06-18 Thread pleone
I ran this in a slime REPL on AQUAMACS with clojure 1.1. It appears to
be a bug.  Am I mistaken?

user> (def conj-test-vector ["1" "2" "3" "4"])
user> conj-test-vector
["1" "2" "3" "4"]
user> (conj conj-test-vector "5")
["1" "2" "3" "4" "5"]
user> (conj conj-test-vector ["test"])
["1" "2" "3" "4" ["test"]]
user> (conj conj-test-vector "6")
["1" "2" "3" "4" "6"]


Phil Leone

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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Paul Moore
On 18 June 2010 15:08, Stuart Halloway  wrote:
> While I enjoy a theoretical debate as much as the next person, it would be
> nice to see
> (1) examples of real code that fail on reasonable inputs, if this change
> were made. And how difficult it would be to fix them.
> (2) examples of real code that get way faster, and the ease of making those
> changes (if any).
> WRT #1, we have tested a few dozen libs, and found only a single trivial
> breakage in their test suites. But I would say tha is still just plural
> anecdotes. More data welcome!

I'm new to clojure, and while I have an interest in fast number
crunching, and in easily using big numbers, I don't have a valid
opinion on the whole matter.

However, I know that some time back, Python changed in precisely the
opposite direction - from separate small and big numbers to a unified
numeric type. Their situation is completely different (not least
because all Python objects are effectively boxed, so the speed benefit
of primitive arithmetic isn't relevant) but there may be real-world
examples of code that demonstrates (1) in the Python discussions. If
the information might be useful, I'd be happy to do some searching of
the archives.


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labrepl isn't a project in netbeans 6.8 - (Ubuntu 10.04)

2010-06-18 Thread Jared
I was following the instructions to get labrepl up and running and hit
a snag. Netbeans does not recognize Samples/Clojure/Relevance
LabReplProject as a project. After creating it it does not appear in
the Projects window. So I go to File -> Open Project and click on
RelevanceLabRepl and hit Open Project. Instead of opening the project
it displays the subfolders. Also, when RelevanceLabRepl is selected it
does not display a name for Project Name:, and the box Open as Main
Project is grayed out.

I do have a normal clojure project that I can open. I am using clojure
1.0 if that matters.

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How to derive a protocol from another protocol?

2010-06-18 Thread Travis Hoffman
I'm trying to develop a hierarchy (of sorts) of protocols and I'm
coming at it in from a Java Perspective, which I fully understand
might be my problem. In Java, I would do something like this:

interace A {
  public void aFoo();

interface B {
  public void bFoo();

interfacece AB extends A, B {
  public void abFoo();

Then, I could have some objects that implement A, or B or AB (for
both). I'm trying to accomplish something similar with protocols in
Clojure, but I don't see how to. I would have expected that I could
have done something like (extend-protocol AB A B) to accomplish this.
It seems, however that I have to provide a concrete implementation in
that case.

I see that there is "satsifies?" function which determines if an
instance meets a protocol. Then, to implement the protocol, we use
"extend-protocol". It seems that it would make sense to implement a
protocol with "satisfy-protocol" -- as extend-protocol does now...and
then to use "extend-protocol" to create a new protocol based upon a
simpler protocol.

Can anyone describe the correct approach for extending protocols?



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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread David Nolen
On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 4:52 PM, Rich Hickey  wrote:

> I've revised and enhanced the strategy, based upon the feedback here. I
> think it is a nice compromise.
> Docs (see update section at the top)
> Code:
> Thanks to all for the feedback, keep it coming!
> Rich

Tried it out. Even faster than before. Love it.


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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Heinz N. Gies

On Jun 18, 2010, at 22:52 , Rich Hickey wrote:

> I've revised and enhanced the strategy, based upon the feedback here. I think 
> it is a nice compromise.

I agree this is a very nice compromise :) great work again and it is really 
cool to see how a community effort shapes clojure itself :D


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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Rich Hickey
I've revised and enhanced the strategy, based upon the feedback here.  
I think it is a nice compromise.

Docs (see update section at the top)


Thanks to all for the feedback, keep it coming!


On Jun 17, 2010, at 4:13 PM, Rich Hickey wrote:

I've been doing some work to enhance the performance, and unify the
semantics, of primitives, in three branches. I've started to document
this work here:

Feedback welcome,


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Re: Leiningen documentation review?

2010-06-18 Thread Chris Perkins
On Jun 18, 1:21 pm, Phil Hagelberg  wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 8:20 AM, Chris Perkins  
> wrote:
> > This sentence in the README: "On Windows you can download lein.bat"
> > contains a link to an old and busted version of lein.bat that can only
> > lead to tears and misery for new users :)
> Oh right; I will update that to point to the master branch instead of stable.
> I'm trying to move away from using my personal web site, so the
> instructions now point to the Github Downloads section instead. Does
> that work OK?

I just tried out the instructions from lein.bat on master, and it
works beautifully.  Thanks, Phil.


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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread miner
On Jun 18, 8:49 am, Rich Hickey  wrote:
> Fixing it requires adopting a single  
> semantic for +. Choosing auto-promotion precludes the use of + on  
> primitives, a huge loss IMO. Choosing throw-on-overflow precludes auto-
> promotion, but preserves polymorphism otherwise, and gives the  
> compiler free reign to optimize since it will never be altering the  
> semantics by doing so.
> I don't see a way around this fundamental dichotomy. The semantics for  
> + should be unified, and the operator that makes the other choice  
> needs to be called something else, or placed somewhere else.

I'm just a newbie here, but I would prefer the simpler and faster +
(with throw-on-overflow).  I don't want to annotate my arguments
(carefully!) to get primitive performance.  I want the best
performance in the simple cases.  The primitive domain is big enough
for most programs.

I would be willing to use separate function names ("auto-promo-+",
etc.) to get the "safe" auto-promotion semantics.  Perhaps they could
be in a separate namespace so that you can make your + symbol refer to
the auto-promoting one if you want to pay the cost.  By the way, I
also want to know if a library is using auto-promotion so that I can
avoid it unless I really need it.  And, yes, I think I'll know enough
about my domain to make that decision.

Steve Miner

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Re: code review request:

2010-06-18 Thread Rasmus Svensson
2010/5/11 Stuart Halloway 

> Assembla Ticket #311 [1] calls for the promotion of clojure.contrib.iointo 
> clojure (as
> I have attached a patch, and am requesting comments and
> code review from the community.

I think I have found a bug in the code.

The current 1.2 master branch contains the following :

  (extend Socket
(assoc default-streams-impl
  :make-input-stream (fn [^Socket x opts] (.getInputStream x))
  :output-stream (fn [^Socket x opts] (output-stream (.getOutputStream
x) opts

Note that :output-stream is not part of the IOFactory protocol. The intended
keyword was most probably :make-output-stream. Also, the body should not
contain a call to output-stream, since it calls make-output-stream. I
propose that the last line is changed so that the code becomes the

  (extend Socket
(assoc default-streams-impl
  :make-input-stream (fn [^Socket x opts] (.getInputStream x))
  :make-output-stream (fn [^Socket x opts] (.getOutputStream x

Now, one can make output streams from sockets again (this threw an
exception[1] before):

  (output-stream (Socket. "" 1234))

So what is the next step for me now? I am not formally a contributor yet. It
will take approx a week until my signed CA arrives. I will gladly help with
whatever I can do in the mean time...

// raek

[1] The exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot open <#> as an

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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Nicolas Oury
- There is a speedup without static or annotation.
- Static keep the dynamic semantic, if I understood well the proposal (only
direct first-order call are static)

On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 6:51 PM, Mark Engelberg wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 9:06 PM, Stuart Halloway
>  wrote:
> > It will be much easier for people to write fast library code (including
> in Clojure and contrib). So if you ever use Clojure libraries, you will get
> a speed boost.
> I am skeptical of this claim.  Since static functions lose some of
> their dynamism, I don't think library writers are going to rush to
> convert all their code over to the "fast" format.  I think library
> writers will care the most about ensuring their functions play well
> with Clojure's dynamic ecosystem, and so, as before, type-optimized
> code will be written only sparingly.  (I'll admit though, I don't
> fully understand yet which dynamic features are lost by static
> functions, and how much of an impact it will have, so I could be wrong
> about this.  Just wanted to throw this out as something to consider.)
> --
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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Mark Engelberg
On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 9:06 PM, Stuart Halloway
> It will be much easier for people to write fast library code (including in 
> Clojure and contrib). So if you ever use Clojure libraries, you will get a 
> speed boost.

I am skeptical of this claim.  Since static functions lose some of
their dynamism, I don't think library writers are going to rush to
convert all their code over to the "fast" format.  I think library
writers will care the most about ensuring their functions play well
with Clojure's dynamic ecosystem, and so, as before, type-optimized
code will be written only sparingly.  (I'll admit though, I don't
fully understand yet which dynamic features are lost by static
functions, and how much of an impact it will have, so I could be wrong
about this.  Just wanted to throw this out as something to consider.)

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Re: Upgrade from 1.1 to 1.2

2010-06-18 Thread Howard Lewis Ship
I've noticed that logging has moved into clojure.jar ... could Clojure
start leveraging logging to identify what namespace its compiling and
why; I'd love to see something like:

[Compiler] Compiling namepace cascade
[Compiler] Namespace cascade imports namespace cascade.asset
[Compiler] Compiling namespace cascade.asset
[Compiler] Compiled function cascade.asset/is-allowed-path
[Compiler] Finished compiling namespace cascade.asset
[Compiler] Finished compiling namespace cascade


One thing I've done in Tapestry is similar to this .. a thing I call
the OperationTracker which tracks what Tapestry is doing using a stack
of descriptive strings (stored in a ThreadLocal). When a deeply nested
exception occurs, Tapestry can describe why it got to that point, i.e.

[ 1] Realizing service Foo
[ 2] Instantiating core service implementation silly.example.FooImpl
[ 3] Finding injection for parameter #2 of silly.example.FooImpl(Bar, Baz)
[ 4] Realizing service Baz

This can be an alternative to logging, since its only needed when
something goes wrong.

This is really handy since so much code goes through the same exact
methods, just with different parameters, which is in common with
Clojure.  I've spent many years working on exception reporting in
Tapestry ... I'd love to see some of the same love for Clojure!

On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 11:50 PM, Laurent PETIT  wrote:
> Hi,
> 2010/6/18 Wilson MacGyver :
>> ^ was deprecated in 1.1 as per release note below
>> The ^ reader macro has been deprecated as a shortcut for meta in the
>> hopes that it can eventually replace the #^ reader macro.
> No, it's not that gray: in 1.2 (so in clojure master, and all new
> branches like prim, equal, etc.), ^ now has the same semantics as #^.
> #^ is still working as usual, but becomes deprecated. The behaviour of
> the old ^, as mentioned by Howard, requires the explicit (meta ) call.
> Howard, another point to have in mind in 1.2: some libraries from
> clojure contrib have partially migrated to clojure. For example I/O
> stuff has appeared in String manipulation stuff also.
> As a result, you may encounter warnings in your own code, or in
> libraries you use which may not yet have migrated to 1.2 (which is to
> be expected, since 1.2 is not out), or not be prepared for 1.2 (by
> avoiding 'use-ing foreign namespaces, but rather using aliases). The
> warnings will tell you when a var is re-def-ined (this is a new
> feature, which may or may no stay in core : before this warning
> feature, you just wouldn't have been able to compile the code,
> redefinitions of vars bound to external namespaces vars was an error.
> The new "warning only" behaviour tries to enhance the user experience:
> allow the code to run, until everybody has removed the warnings in new
> versions of their code).

My experience over the last several years is that warnings are always
ignored. Better to fail hard, fast and early ... as long as you inform
the dev what broke and how to fix it!

> HTH,
> --
> Laurent
> --
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Howard M. Lewis Ship

Creator of Apache Tapestry

The source for Tapestry training, mentoring and support. Contact me to
learn how I can get you up and productive in Tapestry fast!

(971) 678-5210

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Re: Leiningen documentation review?

2010-06-18 Thread Phil Hagelberg
On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 10:14 AM, Brian Carper  wrote:
> It looks quite good.  Maybe some mention of `lein clean` is
> warranted.  It would preclude a lot of the "Hey I just upgraded
> library X and now everything is broken" kinds of questions I see on
> various mailing lists.


> The part discussing the group-id/artifact-id etc. is great for those
> of us who don't know maven.  Can you consider adding something about
> how to name a project in project.clj so that it can be pushed to
> clojars cleanly?  On clojars you see projects named with a bare word,
> like "compojure" and "swank-clojure", and then others with a one-word
> group-id, "foo/bar", then others with a full domain,
> "org.clojars.someguy/baz".  This is a bit of a mess.

There's some mention of this in the readme, but I will expand it and
move it to the tutorial. It is important that people understand when
org.clojars.$USERNAME is appropriate since otherwise they will squat
on group-ids that belong to someone else.


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Re: Leiningen documentation review?

2010-06-18 Thread Phil Hagelberg
On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 8:20 AM, Chris Perkins  wrote:
> On Jun 17, 12:24 am, Phil Hagelberg  wrote:
> This sentence in the README: "On Windows you can download lein.bat"
> contains a link to an old and busted version of lein.bat that can only
> lead to tears and misery for new users :)

Oh right; I will update that to point to the master branch instead of stable.

The Windows support is totally volunteer-driven since I don't have a
copy of Windows to test it on. For the 1.1.0 release we had Rob Wolfe
helping out to adapt the bash script to a batch file, but we haven't
had anyone step up for this release. Volunteers welcome.

> Could you either update it to point to a newer version of lein.bat, or
> at least upload leiningen-1.1.0-standalone.jar to
> - I think that's all that's required in order to make the old
> instructions workable.

I'm trying to move away from using my personal web site, so the
instructions now point to the Github Downloads section instead. Does
that work OK?


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Re: Leiningen documentation review?

2010-06-18 Thread Brian Carper
On Jun 16, 9:24 pm, Phil Hagelberg  wrote:
> Mostly I'd like feedback on the 
> tutorial:

It looks quite good.  Maybe some mention of `lein clean` is
warranted.  It would preclude a lot of the "Hey I just upgraded
library X and now everything is broken" kinds of questions I see on
various mailing lists.

The part discussing the group-id/artifact-id etc. is great for those
of us who don't know maven.  Can you consider adding something about
how to name a project in project.clj so that it can be pushed to
clojars cleanly?  On clojars you see projects named with a bare word,
like "compojure" and "swank-clojure", and then others with a one-word
group-id, "foo/bar", then others with a full domain,
"org.clojars.someguy/baz".  This is a bit of a mess.

But I wonder how many packages are pushed to clojars under the wrong
name or wrong group-id accidentally, not realizing how it would end up
looking.  It might be helpful to promote a convention for project
naming, if nothing else.  Or if there's already some convention that
I'm missing, maybe explain the convention.  Just a thought.


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Re: Upgrade from 1.1 to 1.2

2010-06-18 Thread Howard Lewis Ship
On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 11:50 PM, Laurent PETIT  wrote:
> Hi,
> 2010/6/18 Wilson MacGyver :
>> ^ was deprecated in 1.1 as per release note below
>> The ^ reader macro has been deprecated as a shortcut for meta in the
>> hopes that it can eventually replace the #^ reader macro.
> No, it's not that gray: in 1.2 (so in clojure master, and all new
> branches like prim, equal, etc.), ^ now has the same semantics as #^.
> #^ is still working as usual, but becomes deprecated. The behaviour of
> the old ^, as mentioned by Howard, requires the explicit (meta ) call.
> Howard, another point to have in mind in 1.2: some libraries from
> clojure contrib have partially migrated to clojure. For example I/O
> stuff has appeared in String manipulation stuff also.
> As a result, you may encounter warnings in your own code, or in
> libraries you use which may not yet have migrated to 1.2 (which is to
> be expected, since 1.2 is not out), or not be prepared for 1.2 (by
> avoiding 'use-ing foreign namespaces, but rather using aliases). The
> warnings will tell you when a var is re-def-ined (this is a new
> feature, which may or may no stay in core : before this warning
> feature, you just wouldn't have been able to compile the code,
> redefinitions of vars bound to external namespaces vars was an error.
> The new "warning only" behaviour tries to enhance the user experience:
> allow the code to run, until everybody has removed the warnings in new
> versions of their code).

Right, I'm working through that code right now.

What's really got me worried is this:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Wrong
number of args (3) passed to: cascade$link (views.clj:25)
at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyzeSeq(
at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyze(
at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyze(
at clojure.lang.Compiler$InvokeExpr.parse(
at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyzeSeq(

Problem is, cascade/link does take 3 args:

(defmacro link
  "Creates a link to a view or action function. Additional path info
data may be specified (as a seq of
  data items),
  as well as query parameters (as a map whose keys are strings or
keywords and whose values are converted to strings.).
  Uses standard keys from the env map. The resulting link is returned
as a string."
  ([env function]
(link env function nil))
  ([env function extra-path-info]
(link env function extra-path-info nil))
  ([env function extra-path-info query-parameters]
`(link-path ~env (link-map-from-function ~function
~extra-path-info ~query-parameters

And the call looks kosher:

(defaction increment-count
  {:path "count/increment"}
  [count :int]
  (send-redirect env (link env show-counter [(inc count)])))  ;
view.clj, line 25

> HTH,
> --
> Laurent
> --
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Howard M. Lewis Ship

Creator of Apache Tapestry

The source for Tapestry training, mentoring and support. Contact me to
learn how I can get you up and productive in Tapestry fast!

(971) 678-5210

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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Hugo Duncan
On Fri, 18 Jun 2010 09:20:35 -0400, Rich Hickey   

On Jun 18, 2010, at 8:56 AM, Konrad Hinsen wrote:

On 18.06.2010, at 14:49, Rich Hickey wrote:

I don't see a way around this fundamental dichotomy. The semantics for  
+ should be unified, and the operator that makes the other choice  
needs to be called something else, or placed somewhere else.

If you are doing a lot of work with whichever semantic requires decorated  
use, then it is going to seem awkward.  A namespace based solution would  
allow "natural" use of whichever semantic was appropriate for the domain  
you are coding.  It would still require an explicit choice - pulling in a  
different namespace.

- how will someone 'protect' themselves from libraries written using  

If I understand correctly, that is still an issue, whatever syntax is  

- similar looking code will change semantics when the ns switch is made

The switch is explicit.

- seems dangerous as it might violate the presumptions of the original  

Not sure I understand this. Presumably if you change your selected  
semantics within a namespace, you had better be sure of how that affects  
all the functions in that namespace.

Hugo Duncan

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Re: compiling the instructions of a simple vm into a function

2010-06-18 Thread Nicolas Oury
First a simple version, equivalent to yours but more readable.

(defmacro compile-instructions
 (let [memory (gensym "memory-")]
   `(fn [~memory]
  ~@(map (fn [[op m1 m2]]
 `(aset ~memory ~m1 (~op (aget ~memory ~m1) (aget ~memory

(def memory (into-array Integer/TYPE (range 4)))
(def compiled (compile-instructions ([+ 2 3] [- 0 1] [+ 1 0])))

And another one to workaround the JVM 64K "feature". I split the generated
code into blocks of 500 instructions.

(def length-threshold 500)

(defmacro protected-fn [binding-form & body]
   (if (<= (count body) length-threshold)
  `(fn ~binding-form ~...@body)
   (let [small-funs  (partition length-threshold  length-threshold ()
 let-block (map (fn [bod] (let [name (gensym "let-")] [name
 `(fn [...@binding-form] ~@ bod)] )) small-funs)]
  `(let [~@(apply concat let-block)]
 (protected-fn [...@binding-form] ~@(map (fn [[name code]] `(~name
~...@binding-form)) let-block))

(defmacro compile-instructions-2
 (let [memory (gensym "memory-")]
   `(protected-fn [~memory]
  ~@(map (fn [[op m1 m2]]
 `(aset ~memory ~m1 (~op (aget ~memory ~m1) (aget ~memory

(def compiled-2 (eval `(compile-instructions-2 ~(take 1150 (cycle '([+ 2 3]
[- 0 1] [+ 1 0]))

This last line is quite ugly. In fact, if you want to use
compile-instruction programatically, maybe it should not be a macro but a
Then using a code-generating function in a macro is easy.

Plus, it is easy to eval the generated code.
But, be careful, you have to eval it once, just after the compiling phase.
Then, you get a real function.
eval is evil, but eval is not evil is a compiler (you have to evaluate the
code you read).
However eval is evil again in an "embedded compiler", when you use macro to
extend Clojure.

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Re: Problems with URL params and http-agent

2010-06-18 Thread Michael Wood
On 18 June 2010 14:53, Timothy Washington  wrote:
> Hmm, this is a good idea and I got the GET request string as...
> /exist/rest/rootDir/system.main.system/aauthentication.main.authentication/users.aauth.users/
> default element namespace 'com/interrupt/bookkeeping/users';//user[
> @id='one']
> This exact URI (behind http://localhost:8080) works when used by the
> browser, or wget.[...]

But spaces etc. are not valid as part of a URI.  They need to be escaped.

What happens if you try this hard-coded URL:


Try that in the browser, wget and also your Clojure program.  It might
also help to get a simple CGI script or something that can extract the
_wrap and _query parameters from the query string and just print or
log them so you can compare what you get from the browser and wget and
your program.

Michael Wood 

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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Nicolas Oury
Experiment results :

I switched a program to num.
It was quite straightforward.
First I had to replace a few unchecked-add by +.
Has unchecked-add changed name? (I use it for indices when itering on a java
array, if there is an overflow, you will know it beforehand)

The only funny event is that it was much much much slower at first.
Mainly doing reflection stuff.
I used *warn-on-reflection* and found:

( < val 0) where val is a double. Ugly, bad and wrong. I am not proud.
(* some-int some-double), that I changed to (* (double some-int)

Then, I had some results on the benchmark I use to test my change. (I remove
14 seconds to each, because it is the compilation time. As this program is
made to run for a long time and I want to test the stationary speed,I put a
very low threshold for the jit. I don't know if it is a good idea or not.)
Initial program :   92 seconds - 14 = 78s
Corrected program with master :  86 seconds - 14 = 72s
Corrected program with num : 80 seconds - 14 = 66s

Note that it is quite heavy on the GC, so there is 5s gc in that, which
increase still more the difference.
Altogether, it is around 10% faster, without touching any annotation and
static function.
Moreover, it might be difficult to believe if you read the beginning of my
mail, but I spend a lot of time adding annotations where I thought it was
That's difficult, and still there is a nice speedup.
Most of all, I could start added annotations to function. The problem is I
use a lot of protocols.
Are there plans for support of prim in protocols?

Last thing, there is no single bottleneck that I could rewrite easily. This
10% is spread over the program.
Result of profiling:

  Interpreted + native   Method
  0.2% 2  +10clojure.core__init.load
  0.1% 8  + 0distribution.FastProductWithinComp.non_local_draw
  0.1% 7  + 0clojure.core$vector.invoke
  0.1% 7  + 0java.util.WeakHashMap.get
2.8%   177  +32Total interpreted (including elided)

 Compiled + native   Method
  2.4%   183  + 0clojure.lang.RT.seqFrom
  2.2%   164  + 1distribution.FastProductWithinComp.non_local_draw
  1.9%61  +81java.util.WeakHashMap.getTable
  1.4%   103  + 0clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke
  0.8%62  + 1clojure.core.protocols$fn__5284.invoke
  0.7%51  +
  0.4%31  + 1clojure.lang.Var.pushThreadBindings

14.8%  1019  +   100Total compiled (including elided)

 Stub + native   Method
 81.3% 0  +  6154java.lang.Object.hashCode

And yes, this 10% are obtained in a code that mainly use HashMaps to
retrieve already computed values (81.3% seems spent there).
So I would expect far better speed-up in a more typical program.

(Game : guess what the program does from its profile...)

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Re: Leiningen documentation review?

2010-06-18 Thread Chris Perkins
On Jun 17, 12:24 am, Phil Hagelberg  wrote:
> Mostly I'd like feedback on the 
> tutorial:
> But if you've got some time to look over the readme, that would be
> great too:

This sentence in the README: "On Windows you can download lein.bat"
contains a link to an old and busted version of lein.bat that can only
lead to tears and misery for new users :)

Could you either update it to point to a newer version of lein.bat, or
at least upload leiningen-1.1.0-standalone.jar to
- I think that's all that's required in order to make the old
instructions workable.


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Clojure / Common Lisp Question

2010-06-18 Thread rob levy
As an informal survey of people who use both Clojure and Common Lisp for
different projects, what do you see as the main determining factors behind
your choice to use either Clojure or Common Lisp for a project, given the
present state of Clojure.  Let's only assume we are talking about projects
you completely own and have complete freedom to do what you want with.

Common lisp:
   Compiled on the processor, fast.
   Reader macros.
   Quality, not quantity of libraries.
   Multi-paradigm programming with no nudging -- programmer has freedom to
be insane/bizarre in ways Clojure makes hard (see Let Over Lambda for
 Hard to deploy. -- but not a problem as server side of web app
 Can't run on on GAE. -- need to run a server or rent/maintain virtual
 Limited to native librares, though they tend to be awesome.

   Neat concurrency stuff.
   Better deployment.
   Can run on Google App Engine. (maybe ABCL can too, but I wouldn't want to
use that personally).
   Lots of Java libraries, many more than for CL.
   Increasing a large number of awesome native libraries.
  As server side of web app in apache, less straigtforward requires
Tomcat, Java crud.
  Java interop is great-- but Java itself sucks!  There is an impedance
mismatch of language semantics.
  The nudging of paradigm/idiom makes many things easier in Common Lisp.
  Lots of cool benefits of Clojure (such as any/all GUI stuff for
example) depend on crufty Java nonsense you must contend with.

So, for me at this point, if I don't need interesting concurrent stuff, and
I do my own hosting, Common Lisp in Hunchentoot or mod lisp still seems like
a superior web development approach.  On the other hand if I am doing
desktop apps, applets, want to use GAE, etc, Clojure seems better.   I feel
like as time goes on we will be more abstracted away from the pain of Java.

Any thoughts on how you make your decision for specific projects?


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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Nicolas Oury
> Point is, no one will write 250 variables even less so values by hand, it
> will be a map, reduce or whatever and then it's pretty easy to type hint it
> if the performance is an issue at this point and if you write this code you
> likely will know that this is a bottleneck. (I ignore the * there since you
> corrected it, otherwise it'd be a nice Palce to point out that it is likely
> becoming a overflow and an exception w/o automatic promotion :P)
That would have been really better to have an exception as it was a bug

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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Heinz N. Gies

On Jun 18, 2010, at 16:24 , Nicolas Oury wrote:
> I am not sure (= (* 20 not-a-bottleneck) not-a-bottleneck)
> or more precisely:
>  (= (* 20 not-a-bottleneck-1 ...  not-a-bottleneck-250) not-a-bottleneck)

Point is, no one will write 250 variables even less so values by hand, it will 
be a map, reduce or whatever and then it's pretty easy to type hint it if the 
performance is an issue at this point and if you write this code you likely 
will know that this is a bottleneck. (I ignore the * there since you corrected 
it, otherwise it'd be a nice Palce to point out that it is likely becoming a 
overflow and an exception w/o automatic promotion :P)


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Re: Leiningen documentation review?

2010-06-18 Thread Phil Hagelberg
On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 11:14 PM, Howard Lewis Ship  wrote:
> I've been using Lein in earnest the last couple of days, prepping for
> a talk on Clojure for OSCON. I'm hitting enough issues to make me
> think that 1.2 needs a bit of TLC before a release.
> Don't get me wrong; I like Lein, how easy it installs, and how focused
> it is. I'm just finding that, despite being "in theory" customizable
> to slightly different directory layouts (I like a Maven style layout,
> with src/main/clojure, src/test/clojure, target/classes, etc.) ...
> well, it just doesn't work in practice.

Yes, that's definitely true. I think you are one of the first people
to actually use those customizations, so you're hitting all the edge

> I'm doing what I can to help with patches and bug reports.

Thanks; it's appreciated. I will make sure they are addressed before
the 1.2 release. Hope the talk goes well.


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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Rich Hickey

On Jun 18, 2010, at 10:09 AM, Christophe Grand wrote:

On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 2:49 PM, Rich Hickey   

This L suffix idea is a non-starter. Here's why:

We're in a reader based language. The reader reads objects. When  
the reader

reads 42, it must return an object. It cannot return an int or a long
primitive. Right now, it returns an Integer. I've also conducted  

where it returned a Long. Certainly 420 will be a Long. What
different thing would the reader return given 42L, or 420L?  
Given an
int 42 what should the printer print? And long 42, Long 42? Would  
(= 42L

(read-string (pr-str 42L)))?

But what if the reader reads 42 as a BigInteger (or an alternative
implementation) and 42L as a Long?
then you should be able to tell them apart.

And keeps them that way? Hrm. Then most programs, that currently have  
no bigints, will now be full of them. And the boxed math will be  
slower still, as it will be the (possibly improved, but still more  
complex) logic of bigints. And the interop will be trickier. The  
current boxing matches the boxing you will get from things from the  
outside world. This wouldn't. And if this is just a 'way to  
communicate with the compiler' thing, then read/print round-tripping  
will break.

I agree with the goals of the num branch, I'm just unconvinced by the
reader defaulting to Long for integer literals.

It's important not to get focused on the literals. There are  
primitives coming from other places as well. The semantic dichotomy is  
the driver. The choice of the semantics of + can't be based upon the  
boxed-ness of the argument, as it is now.


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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Nicolas Oury
I meant:

 (= (* 20 (+ not-a-bottleneck-1 ...  not-a-bottleneck-250))

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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Nicolas Oury
On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 3:11 PM, Heinz N. Gies  wrote:

> But lets look at the other side of the coin, performance. We all want it -
> of cause otherwise we'd put a lot of (Thread/sleep 1000) in our code but,
> again lets face the reality, most of us don't need it. Most of the time we
> don't need to do fac or fib or very fast math, in 90% of the cases what
> clojure offers is just fast enough since the bottle necks isn't arithmetics.
> For the rest 10% of the cases, well if you are in that case you likely have
> a complex algorithm. This again means that you belong to the people who
> really know what they are doing, and know what your algorithm works, given
> that someone in this position should know where to put performance
>  optimization so the fact that it needs to be explict isn't that horrible in
> my eyes usually the code that has to be made more complex is alway some kind
> of focus code where you do way more then just toss a few statics on it and
> hope that it is fast but try every trick to get it fast - so you'll have the
> work anyway.
> I am not sure (= (* 20 not-a-bottleneck) not-a-bottleneck)

or more precisely:
 (= (* 20 not-a-bottleneck-1 ...  not-a-bottleneck-250) not-a-bottleneck)

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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Stuart Halloway
> So the same code now risks an arithmetic exception.  What have I, the
> programmer, gained from this new level of risk?  The answer, if I'm
> the kind of programmer who has no interest in putting in type
> annotations into the header of the function, is nothing.  There is no
> speed improvement without the additional type annotations.  So all
> I've gained is the /potential/ for a speed improvement.

It will be much easier for people to write fast library code (including in 
Clojure and contrib). So if you ever use Clojure libraries, you will get a 
speed boost.

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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Heinz N. Gies

On Jun 18, 2010, at 15:11 , Rich Hickey wrote:
> So, let's go easy on the hyperbole. The behavior might not be what you 
> desire, but it is not unsafe.
I agree with both actually it isn't unsafe but in my eyes undesired, met me 

In generally it seems we have two options:

1) We make fast default and loose auto promotion in the number stack.

2) We make it more difficult to be fast (as in extra work) but keep promotion.

Lets hope that I got this right otherwise the following argumentation can be 
skipped since it's based on this understandings. (of cause there might be a way 
to accomplish both which would - without question the best way to go ;)

Now let see the auto promotion has one very nice effect, it just works. That 
simple and this is in my eyes hugely important, because it gives people a happy 
and fluffy feeling to be able to write normal code without special 
considerations and deep knowledge of types and hinting. Lets face it for 90% of 
people it does not matter that it is a long or bigint or even a double they 
expect math to just work, this is one of the reasons why people enjoy languages 
like Ruby or buy Apple hardware - because it just works (yes we don't play on 
the same ground but it was a good principle of it). If we go to the point where 
people need to know that they have to pass a 42N instead of 42 or get an 
exception it is just plain ugly, it is javaish and that things are not javaish 
is one thing poeple love about clojure, and just to not be tossed in the 
bucket, it is not insecure just horrible inconvenient and annoying.

But lets look at the other side of the coin, performance. We all want it - of 
cause otherwise we'd put a lot of (Thread/sleep 1000) in our code but, again 
lets face the reality, most of us don't need it. Most of the time we don't need 
to do fac or fib or very fast math, in 90% of the cases what clojure offers is 
just fast enough since the bottle necks isn't arithmetics. For the rest 10% of 
the cases, well if you are in that case you likely have a complex algorithm. 
This again means that you belong to the people who really know what they are 
doing, and know what your algorithm works, given that someone in this position 
should know where to put performance  optimization so the fact that it needs to 
be explict isn't that horrible in my eyes usually the code that has to be made 
more complex is alway some kind of focus code where you do way more then just 
toss a few statics on it and hope that it is fast but try every trick to get it 
fast - so you'll have the work anyway.

Now what is my conclusion: lets keep the 'it just works' and sacrifice some out 
of the box performance gains which 90% of the users won't notice anyway and 
half of the people notice it will only do so because they benchmark for exactly 
this. Especially since number arithmetics are rarely the bottlenecks, database 
lookups, string manipulations, IO, network and object allocation those are 
things that eat much performacne in the most cases.

Just my two (european!) cent :)

That said I find the possible performance gain extraordinary and brilliant, and 
I'm all for it just not for the sacrifice of 'it just works'. I rather write 
(long 1) in 2 functions where it is really needed then making sure I write 42N 
or ^Bigint in every function where I'm not 100% certain (which will likely be 
all but the two functions where I'd write logn).


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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Christophe Grand
On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 2:49 PM, Rich Hickey  wrote:
> This L suffix idea is a non-starter. Here's why:
> We're in a reader based language. The reader reads objects. When the reader
> reads 42, it must return an object. It cannot return an int or a long
> primitive. Right now, it returns an Integer. I've also conducted experiments
> where it returned a Long. Certainly 420 will be a Long. What
> different thing would the reader return given 42L, or 420L? Given an
> int 42 what should the printer print? And long 42, Long 42? Would (= 42L
> (read-string (pr-str 42L)))?

But what if the reader reads 42 as a BigInteger (or an alternative
implementation) and 42L as a Long?
then you should be able to tell them apart.

I agree with the goals of the num branch, I'm just unconvinced by the
reader defaulting to Long for integer literals.


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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Stuart Halloway
While I enjoy a theoretical debate as much as the next person, it  
would be nice to see

(1) examples of real code that fail on reasonable inputs, if this  
change were made. And how difficult it would be to fix them.

(2) examples of real code that get way faster, and the ease of making  
those changes (if any).

WRT #1, we have tested a few dozen libs, and found only a single  
trivial breakage in their test suites. But I would say tha is still  
just plural anecdotes. More data welcome!

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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Rich Hickey

On Jun 17, 2010, at 11:57 PM, Mark Engelberg wrote:

Thanks for the responses.

Going back to the naive factorial function:
(defn fact [n]
 (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (fact (dec n)

Right now,
user=> (fact 40)

Under the proposed changes,
user=> (fact 40)
java.lang.ArithmeticException: integer overflow

So the same code now risks an arithmetic exception.  What have I, the
programmer, gained from this new level of risk?  The answer, if I'm
the kind of programmer who has no interest in putting in type
annotations into the header of the function, is nothing.  There is no
speed improvement without the additional type annotations.  So all
I've gained is the /potential/ for a speed improvement.

I fully acknowledge this is a breaking change that doesn't suit your  
preferences. But again, you are over- and misstating things.

The benefit does not only accrue to those annotating their arguments.

Because many functions and methods return primitives (and more will,  
now that fns can return primitives), any operations on their results  
and/or literals can be optimized. E.g. things like (if (< (dec (count  
x)) 100) ...) can now be optimized into primitives.

I assume that most Clojure users really like its dynamic nature.  If
this is true, then for most of us, the common case is to NOT annotate
our code with types.  Certainly I like the idea of making it as easy
as possible to write fast code in Clojure.  I want my dynamically
typed code to be as fast as it can be, and it's nice to know that
there is a way to write statically typed code that is even faster.
But I really don't want to incur a penalty (i.e., possibility of
Arithmetic Exception) when I'm not using type annotations.

I agree that the burden on those who want to write type annotated code
is too high.  I agree that this should be made easier.  But
ultimately, I still want the burden to be on them (or me, the 1% time
I need it), not those of us who prefer unannotated code.  I that some
of the changes you have proposed for moving the annotations into the
header, along with literal notation for long (i.e., 0L rather than
(long 0)) would be preferable to the bigint dichotomy.

I agree that an improved bigint type would address the performance
aspect of my argument.  On the other hand, it wouldn't really address
the problem of using these things in sets and hash tables.  I think
it's very important that Clojure have one unique canonical
representation for numbers arrived at through Clojure-based
computations.  It is very difficult to use numbers sanely if that's
not the case.

Agreed that this equality bit is a separate issue.


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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Nicolas Oury
On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 2:35 PM, Laurent PETIT wrote:

> No please, not even in my worst nightmares !
> Semantic changing compilation flags ? So I use lib A which needs lib B
> compiled with flags C and D, but I also use lib E which needs lib B
> compiled with other values for the flags ... I think this just is a
> recipe for disaster.

Seen like this, this does not look so great.

However, I would like to note that, in this specific situation, there is a
flag that subsumes the other.
I can't see someone relying on overflow (as opposed to promotion) for its
It would be a bit sick.

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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Carson
On Jun 18, 6:11 am, Rich Hickey  wrote:
> On Jun 18, 2010, at 6:47 AM, Carson wrote:
> > Just tried out num branch and I really like how easy it is to be
> > fast!  However...
> > Consider:
> > (defn fact [n] (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (fact (dec n)
> > (defn twice-fact [n] (fact (fact n)))
> > (defn bad-twice-fact [n] (fact (-> n fact range last inc)))
> > user=> (fact (fact 5))
> > java.lang.ArithmeticException: integer overflow (NO_SOURCE_FILE:3)
> > user=> (fact (fact 5N))
> > 668950291344912705758811805409037258675274633313802981029567135230163355724496298936687416527198498130815763789321409055253440858940812185989848111438965000596496052125696N
> > user=> (twice-fact 5)
> > java.lang.ArithmeticException: integer overflow (NO_SOURCE_FILE:5)
> > user=> (twice-fact 5N)
> > 668950291344912705758811805409037258675274633313802981029567135230163355724496298936687416527198498130815763789321409055253440858940812185989848111438965000596496052125696N
> > user=> (bad-twice-fact 5)
> > java.lang.ArithmeticException: integer overflow (NO_SOURCE_FILE:7)
> > user=> (bad-twice-fact 5N)
> > java.lang.ArithmeticException: integer overflow (NO_SOURCE_FILE:8)
> >> Don't buy it. That's the whole point of BigInt contagion. If fact  
> >> and foo
> >> are correctly written this will work.
> > BigInt contagion doesn't help if in some convoluted manner a BigInt's
> > value is used to construct a primitive sufficiently large that later
> > causes an overflow.
> > It'd sure be nice if I could just write ((safe bad-twice-fact) 5) and
> > get back a BigInt.  Maybe ((safe foo) x) can ensure all arguments and
> > return values of function foo are boxed, and recursively, ensures
> > boxing of arguments and return values for all functions called by foo,
> > etc.  Is that possible? Would that guarantee safety?
> --
> While range could be written differently, this is tantamount to saying  
> - if I use a bigint to lookup another number in some mapping, it might  
> not be a bigint. Yes, ok, but not a real issue.
> -
> Note - I don't mean to single you out, as others are using the same  
> language, but I find this whole characterization of throw-on-overflow  
> being somehow 'unsafe' to be a bit specious.
> I want it to be perfectly clear to everyone, this is not a choice  
> between good math and bad math, i.e. C/Java style truncating/wrapping  
> of results. That will never be the default. Such silent truncation/
> wrap is truly unsafe, and often the proposed alternative. It was a  
> surprising result that optimizations of hot spot, combined with  
> pipelining and speculative execution on modern processors, makes the  
> overflow checking a very minor overhead above the raw operations, and,  
> in my mind, a third, new, viable and safe high-performance option.
> Is a program that might throw an exception unsafe? If so, no Java  
> program is safe.
> Is a vector that throws an exception when asked to store something at  
> an index out of range, rather than grow to accommodate it, unsafe?  
> This is in many ways similar - you are creating a result that doesn't  
> fit, and need to be using a bigger container.
> So, let's go easy on the hyperbole. The behavior might not be what you  
> desire, but it is not unsafe.
> Rich

hmm...didn't see this earlier.
You're right, it's not unsafe, it's undesired behaviour.  My mistake
describing it that way.

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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Laurent PETIT
2010/6/18 Nicolas Oury :
> On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 2:20 PM, Rich Hickey  wrote:
>> On Jun 18, 2010, at 8:56 AM, Konrad Hinsen wrote:
>>> On 18.06.2010, at 14:49, Rich Hickey wrote:
 I don't see a way around this fundamental dichotomy. The semantics for +
 should be unified, and the operator that makes the other choice needs to be
 called something else, or placed somewhere else.
>>> My preference would be "placed somewhere else". We have namespaces, so
>>> why not profit from them?
>>> My vote would be for:
>>> 1) clojure.core/+ doing bigint promotion and reduction under all
>>> circumstances (no optimizations that would break the semantics)
>>> 2) clojure.fastmath/+ doing type-specific and optimized addition.
>>> This would retain the "safe by default" approach that I think fits
>>> Clojure best, and yet make it easy to use the "fast" version everywhere with
>>> nothing to change but the ns form at the top of a module.
>> Which then begs the questions:
>> - how will someone 'protect' themselves from libraries written using
>> fastmath?
>> - similar looking code will change semantics when the ns switch is made -
>> seems dangerous as it might violate the presumptions of the original
>> authors.
>> Rich
> In this situation, I would rather have some kind of toggle
> *use-bigints-by-default* (defaulted to false) used by the compiler.
> Then, if someone needs big integers, he can switch the toggle and recompile
> everything.

No please, not even in my worst nightmares !
Semantic changing compilation flags ? So I use lib A which needs lib B
compiled with flags C and D, but I also use lib E which needs lib B
compiled with other values for the flags ... I think this just is a
recipe for disaster.

> You wouldn't have to change the libraries ns.
> As for being predictable, if you have numbers that can be bigger than 10^19,
> you would probably know it in advance.
> (indices, counters and the like don't grow that big)

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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Laurent PETIT
2010/6/18 Rich Hickey :
> I want it to be perfectly clear to everyone, this is not a choice between
> good math and bad math, i.e. C/Java style truncating/wrapping of results.
> That will never be the default. Such silent truncation/wrap is truly unsafe,
> and often the proposed alternative. It was a surprising result that
> optimizations of hot spot, combined with pipelining and speculative
> execution on modern processors, makes the overflow checking a very minor
> overhead above the raw operations, and, in my mind, a third, new, viable and
> safe high-performance option.
> Is a program that might throw an exception unsafe? If so, no Java program is
> safe.
> Is a vector that throws an exception when asked to store something at an
> index out of range, rather than grow to accommodate it, unsafe? This is in
> many ways similar - you are creating a result that doesn't fit, and need to
> be using a bigger container.
> So, let's go easy on the hyperbole. The behavior might not be what you
> desire, but it is not unsafe.

Fair enough.

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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Nicolas Oury
On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 2:20 PM, Rich Hickey  wrote:

> On Jun 18, 2010, at 8:56 AM, Konrad Hinsen wrote:
>  On 18.06.2010, at 14:49, Rich Hickey wrote:
>>  I don't see a way around this fundamental dichotomy. The semantics for +
>>> should be unified, and the operator that makes the other choice needs to be
>>> called something else, or placed somewhere else.
>> My preference would be "placed somewhere else". We have namespaces, so why
>> not profit from them?
>> My vote would be for:
>> 1) clojure.core/+ doing bigint promotion and reduction under all
>> circumstances (no optimizations that would break the semantics)
>> 2) clojure.fastmath/+ doing type-specific and optimized addition.
>> This would retain the "safe by default" approach that I think fits Clojure
>> best, and yet make it easy to use the "fast" version everywhere with nothing
>> to change but the ns form at the top of a module.
> Which then begs the questions:
> - how will someone 'protect' themselves from libraries written using
> fastmath?
> - similar looking code will change semantics when the ns switch is made -
> seems dangerous as it might violate the presumptions of the original
> authors.
> Rich
In this situation, I would rather have some kind of toggle
*use-bigints-by-default* (defaulted to false) used by the compiler.
Then, if someone needs big integers, he can switch the toggle and recompile
You wouldn't have to change the libraries ns.

As for being predictable, if you have numbers that can be bigger than 10^19,
you would probably know it in advance.
(indices, counters and the like don't grow that big)

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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Rich Hickey

On Jun 18, 2010, at 8:56 AM, Konrad Hinsen wrote:

On 18.06.2010, at 14:49, Rich Hickey wrote:

I don't see a way around this fundamental dichotomy. The semantics  
for + should be unified, and the operator that makes the other  
choice needs to be called something else, or placed somewhere else.

My preference would be "placed somewhere else". We have namespaces,  
so why not profit from them?

My vote would be for:

1) clojure.core/+ doing bigint promotion and reduction under all  
circumstances (no optimizations that would break the semantics)

2) clojure.fastmath/+ doing type-specific and optimized addition.

This would retain the "safe by default" approach that I think fits  
Clojure best, and yet make it easy to use the "fast" version  
everywhere with nothing to change but the ns form at the top of a  

Which then begs the questions:

- how will someone 'protect' themselves from libraries written using  

- similar looking code will change semantics when the ns switch is  
made - seems dangerous as it might violate the presumptions of the  
original authors.


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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Carson
On Jun 18, 5:45 am, David Nolen  wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 6:47 AM, Carson  wrote:
> > (defn fact [n] (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (fact (dec n)
> > (defn twice-fact [n] (fact (fact n)))
> > (defn bad-twice-fact [n] (fact (-> n fact range last inc)))
> Not only is it contrived, under the proposal, this implementation of fact is
> broken. It needs to be fixed to:
> (defn fact [n] (if (zero? n) 1N (* n (fact (dec n)
> With that change bad-twice-fact is not actually bad.

I appreciate what you're saying, and the example above is not broken.
Recall from here:

On Jun 17, 8:00 pm, Rich Hickey  wrote:
> Certainly one could write a version of fact
> that hardwired bigints as you showed. But you need not - here's the
> original naive definition:
> (defn fact [n]
>(if (zero? n) 1 (* n (fact (dec n)
> Such logic that doesn't specify one of the components (in this case,
> n) is still polymorphic, as are operations with mixed components. So
> the power is in the hands of the supplier of n:
> user=> (fact 10)
> 3628800
> user=> (fact 40)
> java.lang.ArithmeticException: integer overflow
> user=> (fact 40N)
> 8159152832478977343456112695961158942720N
> I think you can always write code in this way, such that it will work
> with any of the numeric types, without dictating.

I believe the example (which I have tried on the num branch) shows
providing a BigInt argument does not always make things safe.  That is


> As Christophe Grand has mentioned one of the main things that is be
> complained about from the BigInt supporters *is already a problem* in
> Clojure. Nothing new to see here.
> Finally having actually tried out the new branches, this is a good change
> for me. I'd like to hear more from the BigInt crowd about whether getting
> their code to work with the new branches is actually causing problems.
> So far it just seems like talk.

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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Rich Hickey

On Jun 18, 2010, at 6:47 AM, Carson wrote:

Just tried out num branch and I really like how easy it is to be
fast!  However...


(defn fact [n] (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (fact (dec n)
(defn twice-fact [n] (fact (fact n)))
(defn bad-twice-fact [n] (fact (-> n fact range last inc)))

user=> (fact (fact 5))
java.lang.ArithmeticException: integer overflow (NO_SOURCE_FILE:3)
user=> (fact (fact 5N))
user=> (twice-fact 5)
java.lang.ArithmeticException: integer overflow (NO_SOURCE_FILE:5)
user=> (twice-fact 5N)
user=> (bad-twice-fact 5)
java.lang.ArithmeticException: integer overflow (NO_SOURCE_FILE:7)
user=> (bad-twice-fact 5N)
java.lang.ArithmeticException: integer overflow (NO_SOURCE_FILE:8)

Don't buy it. That's the whole point of BigInt contagion. If fact  
and foo

are correctly written this will work.

BigInt contagion doesn't help if in some convoluted manner a BigInt's
value is used to construct a primitive sufficiently large that later
causes an overflow.

It'd sure be nice if I could just write ((safe bad-twice-fact) 5) and
get back a BigInt.  Maybe ((safe foo) x) can ensure all arguments and
return values of function foo are boxed, and recursively, ensures
boxing of arguments and return values for all functions called by foo,
etc.  Is that possible? Would that guarantee safety?

While range could be written differently, this is tantamount to saying  
- if I use a bigint to lookup another number in some mapping, it might  
not be a bigint. Yes, ok, but not a real issue.

Note - I don't mean to single you out, as others are using the same  
language, but I find this whole characterization of throw-on-overflow  
being somehow 'unsafe' to be a bit specious.

I want it to be perfectly clear to everyone, this is not a choice  
between good math and bad math, i.e. C/Java style truncating/wrapping  
of results. That will never be the default. Such silent truncation/ 
wrap is truly unsafe, and often the proposed alternative. It was a  
surprising result that optimizations of hot spot, combined with  
pipelining and speculative execution on modern processors, makes the  
overflow checking a very minor overhead above the raw operations, and,  
in my mind, a third, new, viable and safe high-performance option.

Is a program that might throw an exception unsafe? If so, no Java  
program is safe.

Is a vector that throws an exception when asked to store something at  
an index out of range, rather than grow to accommodate it, unsafe?  
This is in many ways similar - you are creating a result that doesn't  
fit, and need to be using a bigger container.

So, let's go easy on the hyperbole. The behavior might not be what you  
desire, but it is not unsafe.


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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Konrad Hinsen
On 18.06.2010, at 14:49, Rich Hickey wrote:

> I don't see a way around this fundamental dichotomy. The semantics for + 
> should be unified, and the operator that makes the other choice needs to be 
> called something else, or placed somewhere else.

My preference would be "placed somewhere else". We have namespaces, so why not 
profit from them?

My vote would be for:

1) clojure.core/+ doing bigint promotion and reduction under all circumstances 
(no optimizations that would break the semantics)

2) clojure.fastmath/+ doing type-specific and optimized addition.

This would retain the "safe by default" approach that I think fits Clojure 
best, and yet make it easy to use the "fast" version everywhere with nothing to 
change but the ns form at the top of a module.


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Re: Problems with URL params and http-agent

2010-06-18 Thread Timothy Washington
That's a good idea which I tried. But no dice. I have a feeling I'm not
handling the response properly in Clojure. See my other posts here.


On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 3:57 PM, RandyHudson  wrote:

> You don't want to encode the whole URL, just the keys and values in
> the query string. Something like this:
> (defn encode-params [request-params]
>  (let [encode #(URLEncoder/encode (str %) "UTF-8")
>coded (for [[n v] request-params] (str (encode n) "=" (encode
> v)))]
>(apply str (interpose "&" coded
> On Jun 16, 9:21 pm, Timothy Washington  wrote:
> > Hey all, something very weird happens when trying to use the http-agent.
> If
> > I execute a) or b) in a browser, I get the desired result XML.
> > a)http://RESTful/path/to/xml
> > b)http://RESTful/path/to/xml?_wrap=no&_query=declaredefault element
> > namespace 'com/interrupt/bookkeeping/users';//user[ @id='one']
> >
> > However, using clojure, If I try the same call, d) in this case will NOT
> > work.
> > c) (clojure.contrib.http.agent/http-agent "http://RESTful/path/to/xml";)
> > ; works
> > d) (clojure.contrib.http.agent/http-agent "
> http://RESTful/path/to/xml?_wrap=no&_query=declaredefault element
> namespace
> > 'com/interrupt/bookkeeping/users';//user[ @id='one']") ; doesn't
> > work
> >
> > I've tried url-encoding the url using the below function, but that
> doesn't
> > help either.
> > (defn url-encode [text]
> >   (URLEncoder/encode text "UTF-8"))
> >
> > Is the something obvious I'm missing?
> > Thanks
> --
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Re: Problems with URL params and http-agent

2010-06-18 Thread Timothy Washington
Oh... and the /tmp/out file is empty.


On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 8:53 AM, Timothy Washington wrote:

> Hmm, this is a good idea and I got the GET request string as...
> */exist/rest/rootDir/system.main.system/aauthentication.main.authentication/users.aauth.users/
> default element namespace 'com/interrupt/bookkeeping/users';//user[
> @id='one']*
> This exact URI (behind http://localhost:8080) works when used by the
> browser, or wget. The service is a RESTful interface around the eXist XML
> DB. And I'm suspecting the DB is returning the correct result, I'm just not
> handling it somehow in clojure. I though my code was pretty straight forward
> (carbon copy of Stuart Halloway's handler).
> (clojure.contrib.http.agent/result  (clojure.contrib.http.agent/http-agent
> "
> http://localhost:6300/exist/rest/rootDir/system.main.system/aauthentication.main.authentication/users.aauth.users/
>  element namespace 'com/interrupt/bookkeeping/users';//user[
> @id='one']"
>  :method "GET"
> :header {"Content-Type" "text/xml"}
>  :handler (fn [agnt]
>  (with-open [w ( "/tmp/out")]
>  ( (clojure.contrib.http.agent/stream agnt) w))
>  )
>  )
> )
> Hmmm
> Tim
> On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 2:26 PM, Jim Blomo  wrote:
>> On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 6:21 PM, Timothy Washington 
>> wrote:
>> > Hey all, something very weird happens when trying to use the http-agent.
>> If
>> > I execute a) or b) in a browser, I get the desired result XML.
>> > a) http://RESTful/path/to/xml
>> > b) http://RESTful/path/to/xml?_wrap=no&_query=declare default element
>> > namespace 'com/interrupt/bookkeeping/users';//user[ @id='one']
>> It's hard to say without the specific error you're seeing and what
>> service you're hitting, but one technique I've used for debugging HTTP
>> calls is to setup netcat on another port.  Then make the same requests
>> with the browser and library to the new port and compare netcat's
>> output.  Perhaps they are escaping the paths differently.  Cheers,
>> Jim
>> --
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Re: Problems with URL params and http-agent

2010-06-18 Thread Timothy Washington
Hmm, this is a good idea and I got the GET request string as...
default element namespace 'com/interrupt/bookkeeping/users';//user[

This exact URI (behind http://localhost:8080) works when used by the
browser, or wget. The service is a RESTful interface around the eXist XML
DB. And I'm suspecting the DB is returning the correct result, I'm just not
handling it somehow in clojure. I though my code was pretty straight forward
(carbon copy of Stuart Halloway's handler).

(clojure.contrib.http.agent/result  (clojure.contrib.http.agent/http-agent "
element namespace 'com/interrupt/bookkeeping/users';//user[
 :method "GET"
:header {"Content-Type" "text/xml"}
 :handler (fn [agnt]
 (with-open [w ( "/tmp/out")]
 ( (clojure.contrib.http.agent/stream agnt) w))


On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 2:26 PM, Jim Blomo  wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 6:21 PM, Timothy Washington 
> wrote:
> > Hey all, something very weird happens when trying to use the http-agent.
> If
> > I execute a) or b) in a browser, I get the desired result XML.
> > a) http://RESTful/path/to/xml
> > b) http://RESTful/path/to/xml?_wrap=no&_query=declare default element
> > namespace 'com/interrupt/bookkeeping/users';//user[ @id='one']
> It's hard to say without the specific error you're seeing and what
> service you're hitting, but one technique I've used for debugging HTTP
> calls is to setup netcat on another port.  Then make the same requests
> with the browser and library to the new port and compare netcat's
> output.  Perhaps they are escaping the paths differently.  Cheers,
> Jim
> --
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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Rich Hickey

On Jun 18, 2010, at 1:23 AM, Mark Engelberg wrote:

On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 9:20 PM, David Nolen  
The problem is that it distinctly *not* easy to write fast numeric  
code in

Clojure. It requires expert Clojure knowledge.

Right, but with just the prim branch and a shorthand for long  
literals, you get:

(defn ^:static fib ^long [^long n]
 (if (<= n 1L)
   (+ (fib (dec n)) (fib (- n 2L)

which really isn't that bad.  So my claim is that the prim branch gets
you far enough along the road to easy fast numeric code, without
screwing with the numeric tower.

This L suffix idea is a non-starter. Here's why:

We're in a reader based language. The reader reads objects. When the  
reader reads 42, it must return an object. It cannot return an int or  
a long primitive. Right now, it returns an Integer. I've also  
conducted experiments where it returned a Long. Certainly 420  
will be a Long. What different thing would the reader return given  
42L, or 420L? Given an int 42 what should the printer print?  
And long 42, Long 42? Would (= 42L (read-string (pr-str 42L)))?

The second thing I don't see being acknowledged is that the real  
problem here is the semantic difference. It's not a matter of getting  
at a primitive operation when handed a boxed number - that already  
happens, and pretty efficiently. It is the fact that the results have  
to go somewhere, and the difference in 'where' creates a difference in  
semantics. In master right now:

(+ x y)


(+ (identity x) y)

can produce different results. We already have bug reports around  
this, and user confusion. Fixing it requires adopting a single  
semantic for +. Choosing auto-promotion precludes the use of + on  
primitives, a huge loss IMO. Choosing throw-on-overflow precludes auto- 
promotion, but preserves polymorphism otherwise, and gives the  
compiler free reign to optimize since it will never be altering the  
semantics by doing so.

I don't see a way around this fundamental dichotomy. The semantics for  
+ should be unified, and the operator that makes the other choice  
needs to be called something else, or placed somewhere else.


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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread ajuc
+1 to safe-by-default.

I use clojure for games, but if it will be possible to easily make
computations fast, safe-by-default is more important.

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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread David Nolen
On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 6:47 AM, Carson  wrote:

> (defn fact [n] (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (fact (dec n)
> (defn twice-fact [n] (fact (fact n)))
> (defn bad-twice-fact [n] (fact (-> n fact range last inc)))

Not only is it contrived, under the proposal, this implementation of fact is
broken. It needs to be fixed to:

(defn fact [n] (if (zero? n) 1N (* n (fact (dec n)

With that change bad-twice-fact is not actually bad.

As Christophe Grand has mentioned one of the main things that is be
complained about from the BigInt supporters *is already a problem* in
Clojure. Nothing new to see here.

Finally having actually tried out the new branches, this is a good change
for me. I'd like to hear more from the BigInt crowd about whether getting
their code to work with the new branches is actually causing problems.

So far it just seems like talk.

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Re: Miscellaneous noob questions

2010-06-18 Thread Craig Andera
> I'm a little confused over when to use a var vs. a ref vs. an agent
> vs. an atom. For writing small (<200 lines) single-threaded programs
> when do I want to use each one?

In addition to the great answers you got here, you could have a look
at my screencast series on vars, refs, agents, and atoms:

Ignore the (unfortunate) prominence of the Silverlight player - the
"mobile" button will give you downloads in all sorts of formats.

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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Lee Spector

I too think that "correct by default" is a much better idea than "fast by 

One way I think about this is that the meaning of +, for example, is the sum of 
its numeric arguments. The performance characteristics are not part of this 
core meaning, although of course everyone will be happier the better the 
performance is. Nonetheless, I think that the meaning should be correctly 
maintained as a first priority, and that means giving the right answer 
regardless of how many bits are needed.

I frequently produce BigIntegers, even in code that's not particularly 
math-heavy. It has always galled me that in most programming languages any such 
code breaks because of low-level implementation issues that I don't want to 
have to think about most of the time. I usually just want the right answer, and 
I certainly don't want to have to think about the binary representations every 
time I write code that handles numbers. If I find that my code is too slow then 
I'll have to think about it, and that's when it makes sense to have to deal 
with declarations or type hints or special faster unsafe arguments or whatever. 
Ideally this will take as little work as possible, but I think it'd be a bad 
approach to make fast free (default) at the cost of saying "but the meaning of 
+ may not actually be numeric sum, and this depends on the number of bits 
required to represent your numbers, so you better always be thinking about low 
level representation stuff whenever you use numbers."


On Jun 18, 2010, at 8:10 AM, Laurent PETIT wrote:

> I'm no expert in this field.
> What I would like to avoid, is having to become expert in the field to
> expect the prevention of more :
>  * nightmare debug sessions because of my own code or third party
> libraries code
>  * crash in production code
> which might derive from the choices.
> I tend to think that it seems wrong to require more knowledge from
> people wanting to write *more* correct code than from people wanting
> to write faster/performant code. This is were I would place the
> cursor.
> 2010/6/18 Carson :
>> On Jun 18, 2:44 am, Christophe Grand  wrote:
>>> With contagious bigints (let's nick name them "safeints" and assume
>>> they are not BigInteger but something à la kawa) a single N on
>>> literals or having all your inputs going through a safeint conversion
>>> would trigger safe computations (unless you try to call a static
>>> primitive-hinted fn but the compiler would then bark).
>> I think the example
>> (defn bad-twice-fact [n] (fact (-> n fact range last inc)))
>> shows it takes more than safeint conversion of arguments to the
>> "surface" function to trigger safe computations.  All functions called
>> by the "surface" function needs to have their arguments converted to
>> bigints too, and their return values probably, just in case.  Although
>> I'm not sure if even that's enough without auto-promotion (if I
>> understand auto-promotion correctly...).  But note the example doesn't
>> even use any type hints or explicit conversion to primitives (the
>> point is the conversion may occur as a legitimate side effect of doing
>> something else).
>> *Still*, I'm in favour of fast by default, with an *easy* way to make
>> things safe as an option.
>>> Of course a rogue fn can still internally convert to primitives and
>>> overflow but you can't do anything to protect you from that.
>>> As for mixing several numebr representations in a single collection, I
>>> think it's a problem of normalizing data but most of the time your are
>>> either in safeland or in fastland so your representations will be
>>> homogeneous (safehints or (boxed) primitives).
>>> A middleground may be to keep the semantics proposed by Rich but:
>>> * integer literals default to safeint (unless suffixed by L for long)
>>> * scientific notation and decimal literals default to double (unless
>>> suffixed by M or N)
>>> * implement a better bigint.
>>> Christophe
>>> --
>>> European Clojure Training Session: Brussels, 23-25/6
>>> Professional:
>>> On Clojure:
>> --
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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Laurent PETIT
2010/6/18 Carson :
> And *still*, I'm in favour of fast by default, with an *easy* way to
> make things safe as an option. The key is to make the safe option
> *easy*.

The solution is easy: write java code by default, and clojure code
when you want to be safe :-p

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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Laurent PETIT
I'm no expert in this field.

What I would like to avoid, is having to become expert in the field to
expect the prevention of more :

  * nightmare debug sessions because of my own code or third party
libraries code
  * crash in production code

which might derive from the choices.

I tend to think that it seems wrong to require more knowledge from
people wanting to write *more* correct code than from people wanting
to write faster/performant code. This is were I would place the

2010/6/18 Carson :
> On Jun 18, 2:44 am, Christophe Grand  wrote:
>> With contagious bigints (let's nick name them "safeints" and assume
>> they are not BigInteger but something à la kawa) a single N on
>> literals or having all your inputs going through a safeint conversion
>> would trigger safe computations (unless you try to call a static
>> primitive-hinted fn but the compiler would then bark).
> I think the example
> (defn bad-twice-fact [n] (fact (-> n fact range last inc)))
> shows it takes more than safeint conversion of arguments to the
> "surface" function to trigger safe computations.  All functions called
> by the "surface" function needs to have their arguments converted to
> bigints too, and their return values probably, just in case.  Although
> I'm not sure if even that's enough without auto-promotion (if I
> understand auto-promotion correctly...).  But note the example doesn't
> even use any type hints or explicit conversion to primitives (the
> point is the conversion may occur as a legitimate side effect of doing
> something else).
> *Still*, I'm in favour of fast by default, with an *easy* way to make
> things safe as an option.
>> Of course a rogue fn can still internally convert to primitives and
>> overflow but you can't do anything to protect you from that.
>> As for mixing several numebr representations in a single collection, I
>> think it's a problem of normalizing data but most of the time your are
>> either in safeland or in fastland so your representations will be
>> homogeneous (safehints or (boxed) primitives).
>> A middleground may be to keep the semantics proposed by Rich but:
>> * integer literals default to safeint (unless suffixed by L for long)
>> * scientific notation and decimal literals default to double (unless
>> suffixed by M or N)
>> * implement a better bigint.
>> Christophe
>> --
>> European Clojure Training Session: Brussels, 23-25/6
>> Professional:
>> On Clojure:
> --
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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Carson
On Jun 18, 4:22 am, Nicolas Oury  wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 11:47 AM, Carson  wrote:
> > Don't buy it. That's the whole point of BigInt contagion. If fact and foo
> > > are correctly written this will work.
> > BigInt contagion doesn't help if in some convoluted manner a BigInt's
> > value is used to construct a primitive sufficiently large that later
> > causes an overflow.
> > I would like to see that in real examples. And not in something that tend
> to be mainly a program that crunch numbers.
> (I think a program "about numbers" could take a bit of complexity to handle
> numbers.
>  If you write a program to that generates web page, you agree to have an
> html library and not have "every structure in clojure is html".)

I agree!  Sorry I have no real examples, just my contrived example.
But note the example I used isn't *that* contrived, in the sense that
it doesn't use any type hints or explicit conversion to primitives to
cause an overflow on purpose. The point is that the overflow may occur
as a legitimate side effect of doing something else, whereas it
currently will not.

And *still*, I'm in favour of fast by default, with an *easy* way to
make things safe as an option. The key is to make the safe option

> On the other hand, programs that have few number computations - mainly to
> handle a few stats and indices - but that are spread in a lot of code
> (I think most program are like that) should benefit from good performance
> without annotating all the code.

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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Carson
On Jun 18, 2:44 am, Christophe Grand  wrote:
> With contagious bigints (let's nick name them "safeints" and assume
> they are not BigInteger but something à la kawa) a single N on
> literals or having all your inputs going through a safeint conversion
> would trigger safe computations (unless you try to call a static
> primitive-hinted fn but the compiler would then bark).

I think the example
(defn bad-twice-fact [n] (fact (-> n fact range last inc)))
shows it takes more than safeint conversion of arguments to the
"surface" function to trigger safe computations.  All functions called
by the "surface" function needs to have their arguments converted to
bigints too, and their return values probably, just in case.  Although
I'm not sure if even that's enough without auto-promotion (if I
understand auto-promotion correctly...).  But note the example doesn't
even use any type hints or explicit conversion to primitives (the
point is the conversion may occur as a legitimate side effect of doing
something else).

*Still*, I'm in favour of fast by default, with an *easy* way to make
things safe as an option.

> Of course a rogue fn can still internally convert to primitives and
> overflow but you can't do anything to protect you from that.
> As for mixing several numebr representations in a single collection, I
> think it's a problem of normalizing data but most of the time your are
> either in safeland or in fastland so your representations will be
> homogeneous (safehints or (boxed) primitives).
> A middleground may be to keep the semantics proposed by Rich but:
> * integer literals default to safeint (unless suffixed by L for long)
> * scientific notation and decimal literals default to double (unless
> suffixed by M or N)
> * implement a better bigint.
> Christophe
> --
> European Clojure Training Session: Brussels, 23-25/6
> Professional:
> On Clojure:

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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Nicolas Oury
On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 11:47 AM, Carson  wrote:

> Don't buy it. That's the whole point of BigInt contagion. If fact and foo
> > are correctly written this will work.
> BigInt contagion doesn't help if in some convoluted manner a BigInt's
> value is used to construct a primitive sufficiently large that later
> causes an overflow.
> I would like to see that in real examples. And not in something that tend
to be mainly a program that crunch numbers.
(I think a program "about numbers" could take a bit of complexity to handle
 If you write a program to that generates web page, you agree to have an
html library and not have "every structure in clojure is html".)

On the other hand, programs that have few number computations - mainly to
handle a few stats and indices - but that are spread in a lot of code
(I think most program are like that) should benefit from good performance
without annotating all the code.

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  1   2   >