[jQuery] Here is another nice plugin idea

2007-03-13 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
If anyone wanted an idea for a jQuery plugin to write 


I think we have most if not all the infrastructure in existing plugins, 
but making it into a widget that you can easily drop on a page would be 


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Multiple Ajax calls and multiple loading... boxes

2007-02-26 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Dmitrii 'Mamut' Dimandt wrote:
>   Mike Alsup wrote:
>>> $.ajaxStart() is invoked for every ajax call that's made on the page.
>>> However, for one ajax call I need to display a "loading..." in one
>>> place, for another ajax call - a "loading..." in another place and for
>>> yet a third ajax call a "loading" in a third place.
>>> How can I do this in jQuery? Preferably, in one line (true to jQuery
>>> spirit :)) ).
>> You may want to use ajaxSend instead ajaxStart.  ajaxSend is passed
>> the xhr and the settings object for the ajax call.  This should give
>> you the context you need to figure out where the loading indicator
>> should go.
>> $().ajaxSend(function(e, xhr, settings) {
>> // your code
>> });
>> Mike
> Still. This is still like a proctologist performing an eye surgery :)) 
> Big thanks for the tip, though!

I think you need to define your problem in more detail if you want 
concrete help with it.

Like, how do you plan to identify and differentiate the different 
"loading" locations and respective messages? How is the first, second 
and third place identified in the DOM or in you code, or in your mind? 
Do you have a metadata structure that defines these that can be used to 
pull information from? etc. How do each of these separate ajax requests 
get initiated? What would your code look like if you didn't have the 
"loading" messages running.

If you ask really abstract questions you should probably expect to get 
abstract responses because we can only guess at your needs. I'm sure the 
list will help if there is enough information.

This sounds like an interesting problem that others might run into.


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] How do I get the XML of an ajax request?

2007-02-13 Thread Stephen Woodbridge

Thanks for the help. I changed my code to look like this and got things 
to work.

 $('#rgeo').bind('submit', function(){
 var xml = $.ajax({
 url: "/rgeo/",
 dataType: "xml",
 async: false,
 data: {
 x: document.rgeo.x.value,
 y: document.rgeo.y.value
 $("#response")[0].value = xml;
 return false;

This should be better documented in the $.ajax() documentation.


Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ wrote:
> you're close... you don't get simple text from an xml request.
> you get a big ol' request object.
> if you just want the text from the html
> you can see it in a 'complete' call back with data.responseText
> inside success, you get back the responseXML part of the request.
> it's an xmlDocument  that needs to be navigated with $("answer",data)
> or something like that!
> Hope that helps!
> On 2/13/07, Stephen Woodbridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> How do I get the XML response of an ajax request? I want to put the XML
>> text into a textarea and can do find this documented.
>>  $.get("/rgeo/",
>>  { x: document.rgeo.x.value, y: document.rgeo.y.value },
>>  function(data){
>>  console.log(data);
>>  $("textarea#response")[0].value = data;
>>  }
>>  );
>> My textarea ends up with the string "[object XMLDocument]"
>> I also tried:
>>  $.ajax({
>>  url: "/rgeo/",
>>  dataType: "xml",
>>  data: {
>>  x: document.rgeo.x.value,
>>  y: document.rgeo.y.value
>>  },
>>  success: function(data){
>>  console.log(data);
>>  $("textarea#response")[0].value = data;
>>  }
>>  });
>> Thanks,
>> ___
>> jQuery mailing list
>> discuss@jquery.com
>> http://jquery.com/discuss/

jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] How do I get the XML of an ajax request?

2007-02-13 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Hi all,

How do I get the XML response of an ajax request? I want to put the XML 
text into a textarea and can do find this documented.

 { x: document.rgeo.x.value, y: document.rgeo.y.value },
 $("textarea#response")[0].value = data;

My textarea ends up with the string "[object XMLDocument]"

I also tried:

 url: "/rgeo/",
 dataType: "xml",
 data: {
 x: document.rgeo.x.value,
 y: document.rgeo.y.value
 success: function(data){
 $("textarea#response")[0].value = data;


jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] Interesting plugin idea if anyone is interested for jquery

2007-02-02 Thread Stephen Woodbridge

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Really Ugly?

2007-01-31 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Karl Swedberg wrote:
> Hello my jQuery friends,
> I received a comment on learningjquery.com this evening from someone who 
> had a grievance with part of some example code. I was wondering if any 
> of you would be willing to shed some light on this for me. I think what 
> he's getting at is the whole "innerHTML is evil" thing, but since he 
> doesn't really explain why he think it's "really ugly," I'm just not sure. 
> Here is the relevant snippet of his comment:  
>> Nice post, but …
>> This part of code :
>> $('#show-alert').click(function() {
>> $('Alert! Watch me before it\'s too 
>> late!') .insertAfter( $(this) );
>> }
>> should be AVOIDED as is. Inserting HTML code like this is really ugly, 
>> it’s a lot better to use the DOM methods :
>> $('#show-alert').click(function() {
>> var oDIV = document.createElement('div');
>> oDiv.className = 'quick-alert';
>> oText = document.createTextNode("Alert ! Watch me before it's too late 
>> !");
>> $(oDiv).append(oText);
>> $(oDiv).insertAfter(this);
>> }
> I'd love to hear your opinions about this. With HTML/CSS stuff, I'm 
> obsessed with standards and such. And one of the things that has always 
> really attracted me to jQuery is its unobtrusiveness. I also read Jeremy 
> Keith's DOM Scripting book and really appreciated his approach -- which 
> is similar to what this commenter is suggesting. But I also love the 
> super-fast development that can be done with jQuery and don't want to 
> have to give that up if it's just a matter of someone's aesthetic 
> sensibility being offended. I guess I just want to do the right thing. 
> thanks,


I think this the argument about separation of content and structure. 
Like the MVC concepts it is "bad" practice mix you content and 
structure. Hence 7 lines instead of 4.

Personally, I don't like it conceptually either, but it is very 
convenient and all to easy to do for speed and easy of prototyping.

I think this is also revolves around what we want to be "teaching" new 
jQuery users by the examples we use.

my 2 cents,
   -Steve W

jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] SVN is Broken

2007-01-30 Thread Stephen Woodbridge

./dist/jquery.js Built

Building ./dist/jquery.lite.js
  - Removing ScriptDoc from ./dist/jquery.js
js: "build/build/lite.js", line 1: Couldn't open file 
js: "build/build/lite.js", line 6: uncaught JavaScript runtime 
exception: ReferenceError: "writeFile" is not defined.
make: *** [dist/jquery.lite.js] Error 3

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] I broke it - Why is it doing this?

2007-01-26 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Michael Geary wrote:
>> Ok did you try:
>> http://imaptools.com/sm/index-003.html
>> it should work in FF2, this is what I'm using.
> Should I see something happen when I click the GO text? Nothing happens. I
> didn't try setting a breakpoint in the click handler, just tried clicking on
> the GO text to see if something would happen on the screen.
> I tried it in IE as well, but there are some JavaScript errors: console and
> a trailing comma.


Since I have posted two urls, one that works for me and one that is 
broken, I am not sure which one you are saying does not work. Or maybe 
neither of them work for you.

1. If you click GO on http://imaptools.com/sm/index-003.html it should 
put up a blockUI screen, make an AJAX request to the server, load an 
image in the red box on the right and populate the Files select box and 
add some text to the table on the left. All the pseudo bottons have 
click events and work.

Does this work for you?
OK, now the problem URL is below, it is basically the same code, except 
an anonymous function has been moved to a named function.

2. If you click GO on http://imaptools.com/sm/index-002.html it should 
do the same thing but it does not, because the click handlers are 
damaged. Why are the click handlers getting damage when I use the named 
function save_check() instead of an anonymous function? So to recap, 
click GO does nothing on this URL. Why this is happening is the question 
I'm having trouble understanding.

I have only tried this with FF and FF 2.0 and the results above 
are consist on both of these browsers on WinNT and WinXP.


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] I broke it - Why is it doing this?

2007-01-26 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Michael Geary wrote:
>>> I see the word GO along with PREV/SAVE/NEXT, but none of them are 
>>> buttons, just plain text.
>> Right, they are aren't buttons yet, but they all have click 
>> events on them so you can just click the text. I plan to 
>> change them to buttons, I'm not sure why I did do that in the 
>> first place. In fact the whole control, is a pseudo-form, 
>> just text in cells. If I change it to a form I can probably 
>> use the form plugin and simplify my code somewhat.
>> If you start with http://imaptools.com/sm/index-003.html it 
>> actually works more or less so you can see how it should 
>> interact. index-002.html was my 1st iteration on 
>> restructuring and clean it up, but I ran into this weird problem.
> Nothing seems to happen when I click the GO text on that page in Firefox 2.

Ok did you try:


it should work in FF2, this is what I'm using. The problem with


is that it does not work. When the page loads in the $(document).ready() 
function the follow block of code runs:

 $(".button").each( function() {
 var mydata = {
 check_dirty: 1,
 action: $(this).text().toLowerCase()
 if (mydata.action == 'save') mydata.check_dirty = 0;

 $(this).css("text-align", "center");
 $(this).bind( "click", mydata, check_save);

I run the same block of code in index-003.html except I use an anonymous 
function instead of the named function "check_save" to on the 
bind("click", ... line.

$(".button").each() locates all the "buttons" and adds a click envent to 
them, but in index-002.html all the mydata references point to the 
mydata used for the last iteration of each() ie: the "NEXT" button.

What I expected to happen is that each() call to function() would create 
a new instance of mydata so that each bind on a button would have its 
own unique reference to a separate mydata. This is in fact how it works 
using the anonymous function instead of the named function.


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] I broke it - Why is it doing this?

2007-01-26 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Michael Geary wrote:
>> I appreciate the correction. I was a little dumb founded by 
>> the only explanation that I could come up with and decided 
>> over dinner that I should test it out an verify it. I 
>> probably should have done that before posting. All the good 
>> thoughts seem to come after hitting Send!
> Not to worry, Steve, you should have seen some of the bloopers I've posted!
> I was going to try tracing through your code, but your earlier message said
> to click the GO button:
>> http://imaptools.com/sm/index-002.html - with named function 
>> http://imaptools.com/sm/index-003.html - with anon function
>> To test the page, load it can click the "GO" button, it should call
>> action_go() and load an image and the select list, this work with the 
>> anon function.
> I see the word GO along with PREV/SAVE/NEXT, but none of them are buttons,
> just plain text.

Right, they are aren't buttons yet, but they all have click events on 
them so you can just click the text. I plan to change them to buttons, 
I'm not sure why I did do that in the first place. In fact the whole 
control, is a pseudo-form, just text in cells. If I change it to a form 
I can probably use the form plugin and simplify my code somewhat.

If you start with http://imaptools.com/sm/index-003.html it actually 
works more or less so you can see how it should interact. index-002.html 
was my 1st iteration on restructuring and clean it up, but I ran into 
this weird problem.


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] I broke it - Why is it doing this?

2007-01-26 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Michael Geary wrote:
>> When you create a named function is is basically a static 
>> object stored in funcname of the scope it was defined in. 
>> when you declare a var in a function it is also a static 
>> object attached to the function object. As such mydata is a 
>> single static object and effectively a single object in the 
>> global space of objects. So repeated calls to funcname that 
>> set mydata will result in the last calls values be stored into mydata.
>> With the anon function, you are actually creating multiple 
>> functions each with its own mydata variable defined within 
>> each anon function. The var statement DOES NOT work like it 
>> does in C where the variable is created on the stack and is 
>> unique to that function call at runtime.
>> Does this sound right?
> No, not at all. (Sorry!)
> The var statement DOES work just like a variable declaration in C. A
> variable declared in a function is not attached to the function object. It
> is created when the function is *called*, the same as in C, and free for
> garbage collection when the function returns - unless there is an
> outstanding reference to it as in the case of a closure. Even when there is
> a closure, a variable is still specific to a single invocation of the
> function in which it is declared.
> Also, it makes no difference if a function is named or anonymous. The scope
> rules are identical for either kind of function.
> I'll go look at the original problem, but I just wanted to correct this
> first.

Thank you Mike,

I appreciate the correction. I was a little dumb founded by the only 
explanation that I could come up with and decided over dinner that I 
should test it out an verify it. I probably should have done that before 
posting. All the good thoughts seem to come after hitting Send!


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] I broke it - Why is it doing this?

2007-01-26 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ wrote:
> not 100% sure but something like that happened to me!
> mydata, gets re-used! that's why we use the weird case of $.extend()
> to make a fresh object instead of just using it
>>>   var mydata = { check_dirty: 1 };
> seems to get shared!
>>>>>> var mydata = jQuery.extend({},{ check_dirty: 1 })
> makes a fresh mydata object
> there may be a better way of coding this... but it got me out of a
> similar situation!


Thank you for the suggestion. I will give it a try tonight.

I think I know why this is happening.

When you create a named function is is basically a static object stored 
in funcname of the scope it was defined in. when you declare a var in a 
function it is also a static object attached to the function object. As 
such mydata is a single static object and effectively a single object in 
the global space of objects. So repeated calls to funcname that set 
mydata will result in the last calls values be stored into mydata.

With the anon function, you are actually creating multiple functions 
each with its own mydata variable defined within each anon function. The 
var statement DOES NOT work like it does in C where the variable is 
created on the stack and is unique to that function call at runtime.

Does this sound right?

So the real way around this problem, I think, is to create an object and 
use the new constructor and attach you local instance variables to 
"this". Which is easier to say than to do for me, because my brain 
doesn't think this way yet.


> On 1/26/07, Stephen Woodbridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ wrote:
>>>   $(".button").bind( "click", function(){   });
>>> keeps everything associated with each individual button, throwing in a
>>> named function can easily hit some globals!
>>> and what is form_dirty?
>> form_dirty is a boolean global that gets set it my pseudo-form get
>> modified, so I can ignore asking the use to save if they move off the page.
>>> let's see the whole page!
>> http://imaptools.com/sm/index-002.html - with named function
>> http://imaptools.com/sm/index-003.html - with anon function
>> To test the page, load it can click the "GO" button, it should call
>> action_go() and load an image and the select list, this work with the
>> anon function.
>> I want to extract the named function so I can reuse it with the onchange
>> event on #files to ask the user to save if the form is dirty. You can
>> make the form dirty by clicking on the image.
>> -Steve
>>> On 1/25/07, Stephen Woodbridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> I have a bunch of buttons, and use the following to assign click events.
>>>>  $(".button").each( function() {
>>>>  var data = { check_dirty: 1 };
>>>>  data.action = $(this).text().toLowerCase();
>>>>  if (data.action == 'save') data.check_dirty = 0;
>>>>  $(this).css("text-align", "center");
>>>>  $(this).bind( "click", data, check_save);
>>>>  });
>>>> The problem is that all the click handlers get the data that is assign
>>>> by the last button processed. If I set through firebug, they are all
>>>> getting assigned the correct values as the each loop is executing, but
>>>> data seems to be global rather then scoped to the anon function!
>>>> What am I missing here?
>>>> -Steve
>>>> ___
>>>> jQuery mailing list
>>>> discuss@jquery.com
>>>> http://jquery.com/discuss/
>> ___
>> jQuery mailing list
>> discuss@jquery.com
>> http://jquery.com/discuss/

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] I broke it - Why is it doing this?

2007-01-26 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ wrote:
>   $(".button").bind( "click", function(){   });
> keeps everything associated with each individual button, throwing in a
> named function can easily hit some globals!
> and what is form_dirty?

form_dirty is a boolean global that gets set it my pseudo-form get 
modified, so I can ignore asking the use to save if they move off the page.

> let's see the whole page!

http://imaptools.com/sm/index-002.html - with named function
http://imaptools.com/sm/index-003.html - with anon function

To test the page, load it can click the "GO" button, it should call 
action_go() and load an image and the select list, this work with the 
anon function.

I want to extract the named function so I can reuse it with the onchange 
event on #files to ask the user to save if the form is dirty. You can 
make the form dirty by clicking on the image.


> On 1/25/07, Stephen Woodbridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I have a bunch of buttons, and use the following to assign click events.
>>  $(".button").each( function() {
>>  var data = { check_dirty: 1 };
>>  data.action = $(this).text().toLowerCase();
>>  if (data.action == 'save') data.check_dirty = 0;
>>  $(this).css("text-align", "center");
>>  $(this).bind( "click", data, check_save);
>>  });
>> The problem is that all the click handlers get the data that is assign
>> by the last button processed. If I set through firebug, they are all
>> getting assigned the correct values as the each loop is executing, but
>> data seems to be global rather then scoped to the anon function!
>> What am I missing here?
>> -Steve
>> ___
>> jQuery mailing list
>> discuss@jquery.com
>> http://jquery.com/discuss/

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] I broke it - Why is it doing this?

2007-01-25 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
> I have a bunch of buttons, and use the following to assign click events.
>  $(".button").each( function() {
>  var data = { check_dirty: 1 };
>  data.action = $(this).text().toLowerCase();
>  if (data.action == 'save') data.check_dirty = 0;
>  $(this).css("text-align", "center");
>  $(this).bind( "click", data, check_save);
>  });
> The problem is that all the click handlers get the data that is assign 
> by the last button processed. If I set through firebug, they are all 
> getting assigned the correct values as the each loop is executing, but 
> data seems to be global rather then scoped to the anon function!
> What am I missing here?

To add to this puzzle if I replace check_save reference to a function, 
with an anonymous function it works correctly. Like this:

 $(".button").each( function() {
 var mydata = { check_dirty: 1 };
 mydata.action = $(this).text().toLowerCase();
 if (mydata.action == 'save') mydata.check_dirty = 0;

 $(this).css("text-align", "center");
 $(this).bind( "click", mydata,
 function (e) {
 var check_dirty = e.data.check_dirty;

 if (check_dirty && form_dirty) {
 $("#continue").bind("click", e.data, 
function(e) {
 $("#save_it").bind("click", function (e) {
 if (e.data.action &&
 typeof actions[e.data.action] == 
 $("#cancel").bind("click", function() {
 } else
 if (typeof actions[e.data.action] == 

jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] I broke it - Why is it doing this?

2007-01-25 Thread Stephen Woodbridge

I have a bunch of buttons, and use the following to assign click events.

 $(".button").each( function() {
 var data = { check_dirty: 1 };
 data.action = $(this).text().toLowerCase();
 if (data.action == 'save') data.check_dirty = 0;

 $(this).css("text-align", "center");
 $(this).bind( "click", data, check_save);

The problem is that all the click handlers get the data that is assign 
by the last button processed. If I set through firebug, they are all 
getting assigned the correct values as the each loop is executing, but 
data seems to be global rather then scoped to the anon function!

What am I missing here?


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] image position question, take 2

2007-01-23 Thread Stephen Woodbridge

Sorry, I have commented out the console.debug() messages. I will convert 
the code over to $.log() when I get a chance.

I'm using the console.debug() in FF2 and firebug 1.0b9


Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ wrote:
> your console.debug("button: action:"+ e.data.action +"
> check_dirty:"+check_dirty);
> stops my firefox in it's tracks! I use
> jQuery.fn.debug = function(message) {
>   return this.log('debug:' + (message || '')
> +"[").each(function(){jQuery.log(this);}).log("]");
> }
> jQuery.fn.log = jQuery.log = function(message) {
>   if (!message) message = 'UNDEFINED'
>   if (typeof message  == "object") message = jsO(message)
>   if(window.console && window.console.log) //safari
>   window.console.log(message)
>   else if(window.console && window.console.debug) //firebug
>   window.console.debug(message)
>   else
>   jQuery("body").prepend(message+ "")
>   return this
> }
> and it works for any browser (especially firefox + firebug!
> $log(whatever)
> On 1/22/07, Stephen Woodbridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I know there has got to be an easy way to do thing but I'm having
>>> trouble figuring it out.
>>> I have a div that has an image in it and this image is positioned
>>> relative to the div based on what I want to look at and this works great
>>> so far.
>>> Now I want to overlay another transparent image over the first image. I
>>> know where the second image should be positioned relative the the 1st
>>> image. I can't figure out how to set top and left of the 2nd image to
>>> position it over the first. I know I need z-index set higher, but the
>>> positioning thing I get it to work. I started with:
>>> I then set the position of the image with jQuery. But this structure
>>> seem problematic as the 2nd image is positioned relative to the 1st
>>> image and not relative to its parent.
>> OK, so take 2 on this was to use the dimension plugin and get the offset
>> of div#mymap and to set the images "position: absolute" and to calculate
>> the top and left of the two images to position them absolute. This works
>> great for positioning, but the large map image is no longer honoring its
>> parent's div "overflow: hidden" attribute.
>> It late and I'm going cross-eyed looking at this. I'm hoping some has a
>> suggestion.
>> Here is a link (ONLY WORKS IN FIREFOX ATM):
>> http://imaptools.com/sm/
>> click "GO"
>> it will load a map, the map should be clipped by the 300x300 div #imwin
>> which is set to "overflow: hidden"
>> I'm guessing this is because overflow:hidden on works when elements are
>> layout in a flow and absolute must take them out of the flow.
>> -Steve
>> ___
>> jQuery mailing list
>> discuss@jquery.com
>> http://jquery.com/discuss/

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] image position question, take 2

2007-01-22 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
> Hi all,
> I know there has got to be an easy way to do thing but I'm having 
> trouble figuring it out.
> I have a div that has an image in it and this image is positioned 
> relative to the div based on what I want to look at and this works great 
> so far.
> Now I want to overlay another transparent image over the first image. I 
> know where the second image should be positioned relative the the 1st 
> image. I can't figure out how to set top and left of the 2nd image to 
> position it over the first. I know I need z-index set higher, but the 
> positioning thing I get it to work. I started with:
> I then set the position of the image with jQuery. But this structure 
> seem problematic as the 2nd image is positioned relative to the 1st 
> image and not relative to its parent.

OK, so take 2 on this was to use the dimension plugin and get the offset 
of div#mymap and to set the images "position: absolute" and to calculate 
the top and left of the two images to position them absolute. This works 
great for positioning, but the large map image is no longer honoring its 
parent's div "overflow: hidden" attribute.

It late and I'm going cross-eyed looking at this. I'm hoping some has a 



click "GO"

it will load a map, the map should be clipped by the 300x300 div #imwin 
which is set to "overflow: hidden"

I'm guessing this is because overflow:hidden on works when elements are 
layout in a flow and absolute must take them out of the flow.


jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] image position question

2007-01-22 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Hi all,

I know there has got to be an easy way to do thing but I'm having 
trouble figuring it out.

I have a div that has an image in it and this image is positioned 
relative to the div based on what I want to look at and this works great 
so far.

Now I want to overlay another transparent image over the first image. I 
know where the second image should be positioned relative the the 1st 
image. I can't figure out how to set top and left of the 2nd image to 
position it over the first. I know I need z-index set higher, but the 
positioning thing I get it to work. I started with:


I then set the position of the image with jQuery. But this structure 
seem problematic as the 2nd image is positioned relative to the 1st 
image and not relative to its parent.


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] "THE" List of Sites Using jQuery

2007-01-16 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Just tried it for the first time, and still has the DB error


Rey Bango wrote:
> Yep, we're working on the Wiki. Fun, Fun! :o)
> Give it another go as the page came up for me.
> Rey...
> Erik Beeson wrote:
>> Database error
>>  From jQuery JavaScript Library
>> Jump to: navigation, search
>> A database query syntax error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in 
>> the software. The last attempted database query was:
>> (SQL query hidden)
>> from within function "MediaWikiBagOStuff::_doquery". MySQL returned 
>> error "1205: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction 
>> (localhost)".
>> I'll try again in a bit :)
>> --Erik
>> On 1/16/07, *Rey Bango* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > 
>> wrote:
>> As promised, I've compiled the list of sites using jQuery and have
>> posted them up to the site. You can see the full list here:
>> http://docs.jquery.com/Sites_Using_jQuery
>> I've done my best to get everyone that sent me submissions. If I've
>> missed someone, please don't hesitate to buzz me and I'll add your site
>> in. Also, if I've made any mistakes on a site listing, please let me
>> know and I'll get it corrected ASAP.
>> Thanks again for all of the submissions.
>> Rey...
>> ___
>> jQuery mailing list
>> discuss@jquery.com 
>> http://jquery.com/discuss/
>> ___
>> jQuery mailing list
>> discuss@jquery.com
>> http://jquery.com/discuss/
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
> discuss@jquery.com
> http://jquery.com/discuss/

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Strange error message

2007-01-15 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
> Hi,
> I am getting a very strange error message:
> Node cannot be inserted at the specified point in the hierarchy" code: "3
> This is using jquery and the blockUI plugin. I assume it is because I'm 
> doing something wrong, but the error message does not point to a line 
> number or anything else.
> Any thoughts on this?
> -Steve

OK, figured it out. It was not happy with:

var message = $("mesageDiv")[0];

I should have typed: $("#mesageDiv")


jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] Strange error message

2007-01-15 Thread Stephen Woodbridge

I am getting a very strange error message:

Node cannot be inserted at the specified point in the hierarchy" code: "3

This is using jquery and the blockUI plugin. I assume it is because I'm 
doing something wrong, but the error message does not point to a line 
number or anything else.

Any thoughts on this?


jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] SVN Broken???

2007-01-15 Thread Stephen Woodbridge

Just tried to update update svn got the following:

svn: No repository found in 'svn://jquery.com'


jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] OT: Interesting Website Creation tool

2007-01-15 Thread Stephen Woodbridge

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Using $.blockUI() to make modal dialog

2007-01-14 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Mike Alsup wrote:
> Stephen,
> I put up a sample page that shows how to use blockUI to display a
> modal dialog.  This may help give you some ideas.
> http://malsup.com/jquery/block/dialog.html


Thanks! I'm sort of getting it. I think I need to reorganize my code to 
be less procedural and more object/event driven.


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Using $.blockUI() to make modal dialog

2007-01-14 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Mike Alsup wrote:
>> For example, reading through the code it is not obvious to me how the
>> function $.blockUI() blocks continued execution of javascript ...
> It doesn't.  All blockUI does it put an iframe over the window and
> capture/discard keystrokes.  The idea is to block the user from using
> the UI until unblockUI is called.   Blocking continued execution of
> javascript would be self-defeating.

Yes, you are correct. What I am trying to do is a modal dialog. My page 
has a form that is updated by user interaction. If the user tries to 
move on without save the data, I want to pop a modal dialog with a SAVE 
and CONTINUE button. The SAVE button saves the data and both buttons 
dismiss the dialog. While the dialog is up, I need the UI blocked.

So the simple test case works great, but if I call it directly is does 
not wait to be dismissed.

> I'm not entirely sure what you're attempting to do, but one thing you
> should be aware of is that when you pass a message or DOM element to
> blockUI it first discards the current message (via empty()) and then
> adds the new one.  So if you plan to use a DOM element be sure to
> cache it first, like the demo page does.  Otherwise the next time you
> call this:
> $.blockUI($('#dirtyFormMessage')[0]);
> jQuery will not find the dirtyFormMessage element.

Thanks, I noticed the empty() but didn't pickup on the side effect.


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Using $.blockUI() to make modal dialog

2007-01-14 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Yeah, I thought of using that or greybox but I'm already using blockUI 
and I'm trying to minimize the number of packages that I require.

I would also like to understand why the simple test case works but fails 
when integrated into my application. Is this a bug or more likely a 
fundamental misunderstanding of how this tool works.

For example, reading through the code it is not obvious to me how the 
function $.blockUI() blocks continued execution of javascript until the 
ok button is clicked. I know this is done with events, but I'm not 
seeing the pattern of how this happens.


Christopher Jordan wrote:
> Try the ThickBox plug-in. It's meant just for that sort of thing. :o)
> Cheers,
> Chris
> Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have been using $.blockUI with my ajax and image load events very 
>> successfully. Thanks this is a great tool.
>> I need a modal dialog that ask if the user wants to save data or 
>> continue without saving. I created a div with two buttons the and click 
>> events on them to save or continue. And this works if I do something like:
>> $(function() {
>>  $.blockUI($('#dialog')[0]);
>>  alert("Hello!");
>> });
>> The dialog opens, the UI is blocked, and clicking on the buttons works 
>> as expected, and the alert is shown after the dialog is dismissed.
>> The problem is that when I move this code into my application blockUI is 
>> not blocking.
>>  function save_form_data(ask) {
>> console.debug("save_form_data: ask="+ask+", form_dirty="+form_dirty);
>>  if (!form_dirty) return;
>>  // ask the user if they want to save it
>>  if (ask) {
>> // ** this sequence does not block **
>> console.debug("action_save: calling blockUI");
>>  $.blockUI($('#dirtyFormMessage')[0]);
>> console.debug("action_save: returned from  blockUI");
>>  }
>>  else
>>  action_save();
>>  }
>> I'm running this mornings svn, FF 2.0.1 and it probably only works in FF.
>> Anyone have some thoughts on this?
>> You can test it here, sorry, it is not nearly as nice as the code I see 
>> others generating:
>> http://imaptools.com/sm/
>> 1) click the "GO"
>> 2) click on the map image will enter data in IX, IY
>> 3) click "NEXT"
>> This should bring up a dialog with a "SAVE_IT" and "CONTINUE" button 
>> that should block until one of the buttons is clicked.
>> -Steve
>> ___
>> jQuery mailing list
>> discuss@jquery.com
>> http://jquery.com/discuss/

jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] Using $.blockUI() to make modal dialog

2007-01-14 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Hi all,

I have been using $.blockUI with my ajax and image load events very 
successfully. Thanks this is a great tool.

I need a modal dialog that ask if the user wants to save data or 
continue without saving. I created a div with two buttons the and click 
events on them to save or continue. And this works if I do something like:

$(function() {

The dialog opens, the UI is blocked, and clicking on the buttons works 
as expected, and the alert is shown after the dialog is dismissed.

The problem is that when I move this code into my application blockUI is 
not blocking.

 function save_form_data(ask) {
console.debug("save_form_data: ask="+ask+", form_dirty="+form_dirty);
 if (!form_dirty) return;

 // ask the user if they want to save it
 if (ask) {
// ** this sequence does not block **
console.debug("action_save: calling blockUI");
console.debug("action_save: returned from  blockUI");


I'm running this mornings svn, FF 2.0.1 and it probably only works in FF.

Anyone have some thoughts on this?

You can test it here, sorry, it is not nearly as nice as the code I see 
others generating:


1) click the "GO"
2) click on the map image will enter data in IX, IY
3) click "NEXT"

This should bring up a dialog with a "SAVE_IT" and "CONTINUE" button 
that should block until one of the buttons is clicked.


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] help speeding up code

2007-01-03 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
bmsterling wrote:
> Steven, thanks, I don't know where the bottle-necking is as I pointed in my
> initial post, I was just seeing if anyone had away to speed it up.


I think that was my point! You say "away to speed it up", what is "it", 
the whole thing? Sure get faster hardware, but that is probably not the 
answer you were looking for :). But if you want to speed up the code you 
need to find out what code is slow. Hence you need to profile the code 
and find out where it is slow. It is likely in the wz code, but you 
really need to know that for sure. You might have a silly bug that is 
causing something to loop a bunch of extra times or whatever. I'm pretty 
sure there was a recent post about a javascript performance profiling 
tool. This would let you know where you time is being spent, and hence 
where you need to focus your efforts.

Ah, found it! In the new firebug 1.0beta there is a profiling tool.


> Dave, I am kinda limited by what I can use.  This app will be put on a chip
> similar to the linksys admin panel in a router.  I wanted to use flash or
> java, but I have still not gotten the space requirements and stuff of that
> nature.
> I read thru that site before and figured I missed something in my research
> that someone else may have done something like this before.
> I have never heard of vml before, heard of svg and that was not an option. 
> But I will do some research on vml and see if that is an option.
> Thanks for the help, I appreciate it.
> Benjamin Sterling
> KenzoMedia.com
> Kenzohosting.com

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] help speeding up code

2007-01-03 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Seems to me that there were some posts a while back about code profiling 
maybe in firebug that would tell you how many calls you made to what 
functions and maybe how much time you spent in each function, maybe not 
this. But this would be the first step to optimizing your code. If you 
don't know where it is spending all its time then you don't know what to 
fix. You could also wrap function calls with a timer and log the times 
to the console.


bmsterling wrote:
> Hey all,
> I am working on a project at  http://ov.informationexperts.com/test.htm
> http://ov.informationexperts.com/test.htm  and the only issue I am having is
> the speed of my code.
> steps to test:
> 1.  create three or more points by click in the grey box area.
> 2.  when finish, dbl click the first point your created to close the box.
> (at this point there is a second or two delay)
> 3.  At this point you can resize/reshape the box by dbl click and then hold
> down any of the points. (when you mouse up there will be about a 3 second
> delay)
> Scripts being used:
> jquery w/ debug, dom, dimensions, idrag plugins
> jsgraphic (http://www.walterzorn.com/jsgraphics/jsgraphics_e.htm)
> After you do the above test, with firebox and web developer extension, view
> generated source and you will see all that went on.  The jsgraphic script
> produces a ton of divs to achieve the graphics.  It is a great script and
> would love to convert to jquery and that may speed things up, but would not
> know where to start.
> Basically what I need help with is speeding up this app.
> Thanks,
> Benjamin Sterling
> KenzoMedia.com
> KenzoHosting.com

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Create / access my own DOM element properties with jQuery?

2006-12-30 Thread Stephen Woodbridge

Yes an example of what you are trying to do would be great.

I have done a lot with my family genealogy and I currently display it 
using php to layout the pages. One of my future projects is to convert 
the genealogy application to use jQuery and ajax to build a web2 version 
of it.



Oliver Boermans wrote:
> I'll attempt to answer Jake's question because I know the 'why' is
> often more useful than the 'how'.
> I am laying out an ordered list as a family tree of sorts. This
> involves setting the widths on the elements based on their
> descendants. My current concept for the method requires me to break
> the chain to repeat it over the whole multi-leveled list
> (my family tree is rather large!).
> Repeat below until every ol with no parent ol has 'kids' (or width) set
> LI
> --
> find every li without 'kids' set in which every immediate child ol has
> 'kids' set
> or
> does not have an immediate child ol
> compare value of 'kids' of each of its immediate child ol/s
> set 'kids' on the parent li to the largest value
> or if there is no immediate child ol set 'kids' to 1
> set width of the li to 'kids' multiplied by variable
> OL
> --
> find every ol (without 'kids' set) inside which every immediate child
> li has 'kids' set
> set 'kids' on the ol to the sum of every of its immediate child li 'kids' 
> values
> set width of the ol to kids multiplied by variable
> --
> When it comes to writing jQuery selectors to match this logic - I
> expect it may be more practical to test for the widths I'm setting
> rather than a custom property like 'kids''?
> $("[EMAIL PROTECTED]'width']").parent().not("[EMAIL PROTECTED]'width']")
> I resorted to the property as it can be a number rather than a width
> value from which I would need to extract a number. e.g. '30em'
> Seems I've still got a long way to go to get this working! All
> pointers are welcome!
> Cheers
> Ollie 'out of his depth' Boermans
> On 31/12/06, Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> easy peasy and perfectly logical but what is Oliver's doing? is
>> the attribute assigned to the object and then lost when the current
>> $() is done? it would work from one line to the next, right?
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
> discuss@jquery.com
> http://jquery.com/discuss/

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Fast way to remove duplicate array entries?

2006-12-20 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Rich Manalang wrote:
> It is sorted, but it's an array of objects.  Is there a way to hash an 
> object?

I guess a better question would be how do you determine object A is 
equal object B. Because if it is sorted, it would be much faster to walk 
the array and copy any element that is not the same as the last one you 


> On 12/20/06, *Christof Donat* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > 
> wrote:
> Hi,
>  > Anyone know of a fast way to remove dups in an array?
> Is the array sorted? Then you can do
> function arrayUniq(a) {
> var rval = [a[0]];
> var o = a[0];
> for( var i = 1; i < a.length; i++ ) if( a[i] != o ) {
> rval.push (a[i]);
> o = a[i];
> }
> return rval;
> }
> Christof
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
> discuss@jquery.com 
> http://jquery.com/discuss/
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
> discuss@jquery.com
> http://jquery.com/discuss/

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Fast way to remove duplicate array entries?

2006-12-20 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Rich Manalang wrote:
> Anyone know of a fast way to remove dups in an array?

The Perl way to do this is to convert the array entries into hash keys 
and then extract the keys back into an array. This is faster than 
searching the array and it should work with javascript.


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] jquery session handling versus PHP

2006-12-19 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Kim Johnson wrote:
> Currently I use PHP's built in session functions to
> handle ensuring users are logged in, etc. It doesn't
> work correctly a small percentage of the time, but is
> robust as far as being able to use the $_SESSION array
> and other such things. Now that I'm starting to use a
> bunch of jquery stuff, I'm interested in knowing if
> there's anything comparable. I hate
> troubleshooting why sessions aren't working so I'd
> like something more reliable. 
> I noticed there's a cookie plugin for jquery but it
> seems to just do basic things. Is there anything
> comparable to PHP's system in jquery, or should I just
> stick with PHP?

Sessions are in large part because HTTP applications used to be 
stateless and it was the only way to write an application that had flow. 
In that world the application lived on the server and the browser was 
just a presentation window. With Javascript and AJAX the application can 
move into the browser so all the state information is maintained there 
and then it can request services via AJAX from the server. Services 
might be:

Authentication Service
Information requests
Data storage requests

Your data storage services might store application data, application 
state data, etc. In many ways this is what might have been stored in a 
persistent session.

You could use php servlets to implement the services. Similar ideas, but 
different way of decomposing the application into components. Smaller 
modular components foster reuse.


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] JQuery driven site

2006-12-19 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Very nice.

I tried "(check all)" and Sort by "Most Downloaded" then Search and got 
"Bad Request (Invalid URL)"  FF2 on WinNT

I like the nice style and use of effects.


Stefan Holmberg wrote:
> fellows,
> Finally my first JQuery driven site has been released -
> http://www.findfreefonts.net . To start by presenting myself -  I try to
> spread the word about JQuery in the ASP.NET world - through my site 
> http://www.aspcode.net/articles/l_en-US/t_default/ASP.NET/ASP.NET2.0/Ajax/category_61.aspx
> cause the fact is that JQuery has become my JS toolkit choice - and not MS
> ASP.NET Ajax (formally Atlas)..
> Anyway, a little nervous cause I'm pretty new/lame when it comes to client
> side programming - but 
> http://www.findfreefonts.net 
> is my new the JQuery driven site. You might want to take a look, I thought
> (maybe you get an dns error today, I registered the domain today but found
> that it resolved instantly - at least for me...) 
> Am using the cssRadio/cssCheckbox plugin, cookie plugin, hovertip etc. I
> know it doesn't look all right in Firefox etc, but hey, I need something to
> do waiting for Santa... Just wanted to thank you - and if you look at the
> site and find some abvious errors/stupid things - please let me know...
> /Stefan

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] More DOM Query Speed Tests

2006-12-19 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
OK, here is an interesting tidbit.

I used the test below and and did the 7 click thing, and out of all my 
tests except one, the long delay happened in has() and once I got it in 
find(). has() is pretty simple and I wonder if this has less to do with 
the number of clicks versus the number of regex's we use and dispose or 
something like that.

I love testing!!! It makes one look at what is happening and sometimes 
you are surprised! but the questions and introspection are always good 
on occasion.


Aaron Heimlich wrote:
> If you want some more detail (and have Firefox with Firebug 1.0 Beta 
> installed), you can head on over to 
> http://aheimlich.freepgs.com/tests/jquery/speed-test-firebug/ 
>  where I 
> replicated Karl's tests using Firebug 1.0 Beta's script profiling 
> abilities. The results aren't much different from Karl's, but there's 
> still some interesting stuff there like:
> $(.dialog) does 815 function calls ()
> $('#speech28') does 6 function calls
> On 12/18/06, *Karl Swedberg* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > wrote:
> Thank you for that summary, Jake! And for the stat lesson. :)
> On Dec 18, 2006, at 11:19 PM, Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ wrote:
>> Since the 7th click is reproducible, and has little to do with the
>> issue, you can discard the value, with a simple note... years of
>> stat classes!
>> conclusions:
>> running thru the whole dom looking for a class is slow.
>> looking for an ID (which should be unique) after getting the tags
>> is worthless.
>> looking for a class after getting a subset of the dom is faster
>> than searching the whole dom.
>> Safari is almost always faster than ff!
>> Just what was expected!
>> On 12/18/06, *Karl Swedberg* < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> > wrote:
>> Hey everyone,
>> I have results of a few more speed tests that I ran this
>> evening at
>> http://test.learningjquery.com/speed-test.htm
>> Method: I clicked 10 times on each query in Firefox 2.0 and
>> Safari 2.0.4 (See HTML source for all code, markup, etc.) I
>> recorded the mode (most common value) and the range of values
>> for each, all in milliseconds.
>> @ FF2 / Safari2
>> *1. $('#speech28') *
>> - mode: 1 / 1
>> - range: 0-1 / 0-4
>> *2. $('div#speech28')  *
>> - mode: 43 / 32
>> - range: 42-59 / 30-35
>> *3. $('#final-speech div.final-dialog ') *
>> - mode: 5ms / 5ms
>> - range: 4-6 / 3-6
>> *4. $('#final-speech .final-dialog')*
>> - mode: 6 / 5
>> - range: 5-8 / 3-6
>> *5. $('div.final-dialog')*
>> - mode: 55 / 40
>> - range: 28-253  / 40-45
>> *6. $('.final-dialog')*
>> - mode: 101 / 51
>> - range: 83-306 / 51-68
>> ***
>> Note that queries 5 and 6 have huge ranges in Firefox because
>> of the mysterious seventh click issue.
>> Looks like these tests confirm what we've all been saying on
>> this list about the relative speed of various selectors. 
>> This has been a fascinating exercise. I'd love to hear
>> people's analysis, etc. 
>> --Karl
>> ___
>> Karl Swedberg
>> www.englishrules.com 
>> www.learningjquery.com 
>> ___
>> jQuery mailing list
>> discuss@jquery.com 
>> http://jquery.com/discuss/ 
>> -- 
>> Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ - יעקב   ʝǡǩȩ   ᎫᎪᏦᎬ
>> ___
>> jQuery mailing list
>> discuss@jquery.com 
>> http://jquery.com/discuss/
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
> discuss@jquery.com 
> http://jquery.com/discuss/
> -- 
> Aaron Heimlich
> Web Developer
> http://aheimlich.freepgs.com 
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
> discuss@jquery.com
> http://jquery.com/discuss/

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] NEWS: Meet The People Behind jQuery

2006-12-18 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Hey this is cool! Little did I know the John is also in Massachusetts! 
Hi John, I'm in North Chelmsford! Sometimes "out there on the web" is 
just around the corner!

It is great to see all the work and effort that is going into jQuery and 
toward promoting it. Keep it up guys! Great work.


Rey Bango wrote:
> Some big changes have been going on in an effort to better organize the 
> jQuery project as well improve the user experience and extend the 
> project's visibility. John has done quite a bit of legwork and broken 
> out the project team into dedicated groups that will help promote the 
> effort on many different fronts.
> Be sure to check out all of the details at the jQuery blog:
> http://jquery.com/blog/2006/12/18/meet-the-people-behind-jquery/
> Rey
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
> discuss@jquery.com
> http://jquery.com/discuss/

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Optimizing DOM Traversal

2006-12-17 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
You guys have fast machines!

I get 47-63 on $(.dialog) with the 7th being 172 ms.

I guessing, but I think the 7th click is also triggering some garbage 

Running FF 2.0 on WinNT.


Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ wrote:
> I ran your test in ff 2, very similar numbers, including the 7 click 
> silliness !! (your machine is a little faster than mine). But in Safari, 
> all the queries were approximately the same! and No "every 7 click 
> problem"!
> On 12/17/06, *Karl Swedberg* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
> Ok, so I put together a little test page at
> http://test.learningjquery.com/speed-test.htm
> <http://test.learningjquery.com/speed-test.htm>
> I run the following queries, using .click() and checking the
> difference between the time they start and the time they end (on FF2
> Mac):
> $(.dialog)
> $(div.dialog)
> $(div).filter('.dialog')
> There are 49 DIVs with class="dialog" on the page.
> $(.dialog) averages ~30 milliseconds
> $(div.dialog) and $(div).filter('.dialog') usually clock in around
> 19-20 milliseconds
> The first one to be clicked typically takes about 10ms longer than
> subsequent clicks on it.
> Here is the really weird part: 
> On every 7th click, the query will take 70 - 85 milliseconds, no
> matter which one is clicked or what the order is.
> I figure there must be something really stupid about the way I'm
> doing this.  All the code is in the , so feel free to take a
> look, and if it's really dumb, post to the list and let everyone
> know to disregard these numbers. If it's not so dumb and someone
> wants to test it on another system/browser, I'd be interested to
> hear what your results are. 
> --Karl
> _____
> Karl Swedberg
> www.englishrules.com <http://www.englishrules.com>
> www.learningjquery.com <http://www.learningjquery.com>
> On Dec 17, 2006, at 8:48 PM, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
>> I seem to remember seeing that post also and having done a lot of 
>> testing in other jobs it is easy to make tests the are not 
>> representative, misleading, or distort reality, etc. However this
>> is not 
>> an excuse for not developing tests, it should be just a caution
>> that you 
>> need to be aware of what you are measuring.
>> Having some standard tests that compare different searches using some 
>> standard, that ever that might be, complexity pages, may not reflect 
>> real-life queries, but it would give us some standards to compare 
>> against from version to version and if we find cases that are not
>> well 
>> represented then we can add more cases.
>> My $.02,
>> Karl Swedberg wrote:
>>> I'd like to see some real benchmarks on this, too. Is it possible
>>> to rig  
>>> up the test suite to do something like that? 
>>> On the other hand, won't the speeds (and the respective
>>> difference in  
>>> speeds) depend to some extent on the complexity of the page?
>>> I seem to recall having read a pretty convincing argument by
>>> someone on  
>>> this list (Michael Geary maybe?) about the unreliability of speed 
>>> benchmarks, but I could be confusing it with some other loosely
>>> related  
>>> matter.
>>> --Karl
>>> _
>>> Karl Swedberg
>>> www.englishrules.com <http://www.englishrules.com>
>>> www.learningjquery.com <http://www.learningjquery.com>
>>> On Dec 17, 2006, at 6:51 PM, Sam Collett wrote:
>>>> Has anyone done any benchmarks to compare the speeds of using
>>>> different expressions? Like how much faster $(" a.myclass") is than
>>>> $(".myclass") and the difference, if any, between
>>>> $("a").filter(".myclass") and $("a.myclass") etc.
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
> discuss@jquery.com <mailto:discuss@jquery.com>
> http://jquery.com/discuss/
> -- 
> Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ - יעקב   ʝǡǩȩ   ᎫᎪᏦᎬ
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
> discuss@jquery.com
> http://jquery.com/discuss/

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Optimizing DOM Traversal

2006-12-17 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
I seem to remember seeing that post also and having done a lot of 
testing in other jobs it is easy to make tests the are not 
representative, misleading, or distort reality, etc. However this is not 
an excuse for not developing tests, it should be just a caution that you 
need to be aware of what you are measuring.

Having some standard tests that compare different searches using some 
standard, that ever that might be, complexity pages, may not reflect 
real-life queries, but it would give us some standards to compare 
against from version to version and if we find cases that are not well 
represented then we can add more cases.

My $.02,

Karl Swedberg wrote:
> I'd like to see some real benchmarks on this, too. Is it possible to rig 
> up the test suite to do something like that? 
> On the other hand, won't the speeds (and the respective difference in 
> speeds) depend to some extent on the complexity of the page?
> I seem to recall having read a pretty convincing argument by someone on 
> this list (Michael Geary maybe?) about the unreliability of speed 
> benchmarks, but I could be confusing it with some other loosely related 
> matter.
> --Karl
> _
> Karl Swedberg
> www.englishrules.com
> www.learningjquery.com
> On Dec 17, 2006, at 6:51 PM, Sam Collett wrote:
>> Has anyone done any benchmarks to compare the speeds of using
>> different expressions? Like how much faster $("a.myclass") is than
>> $(".myclass") and the difference, if any, between
>> $("a").filter(".myclass") and $("a.myclass") etc.
>> ___
>> jQuery mailing list
>> discuss@jquery.com 
>> http://jquery.com/discuss/
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
> discuss@jquery.com
> http://jquery.com/discuss/

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Jobs and tasks at getJquery.org

2006-12-11 Thread Stephen Woodbridge

GetjQuery.org looks great, but it is missing the most important thing!
It needs a prominent [GetjQuery] or [Download] link to get jQuery. The 
rest only matters after I can Get It :)

Thanks for your efforts. Great start!


digital spaghetti wrote:
> Hey folks,
> I'm pretty happy with the setup over at http://getjquery.org now - I
> have groups up and running (so working groups can be created), buddy
> lists for the social element and a few other cool things so go check
> it out.  Apologies for the length of this email also, but I'm typing
> this as I travel and just commiting my thoughts to email.
> Below are some on my thoughts on what to do next, you can contribute
> on-list, or feel free to start editing the wiki
> (http://getjquery.org/wiki)
> Now that this initial stage is running, I want to begin work on other
> parts.  The first thing is the design.  I'm torn between blog & news
> style on the front page so it's more dynamic, or go with a "static"
> front page more like http://getfirebug.org that leads off in to other
> areas.
> The site will (hopefully) eventually be rather large with lots of user
> generated content, so I'm wondering if a "best of both worlds" could
> be done with this - say top half of the page "static" to content, and
> the bottom half dynamic content like latest news, latest blogs, latest
> tutorials, etc.  The beauty of drupal is that each part of the site
> can easily have different layouts and styles that correspond to the
> data being presented.
> The next part is moderation and localisation.  The primary language of
> the site will be english, but certainly I'd like to present it in
> other languages.  Already the first french blog post has been made and
> the author is on board for helping make some translations.  What are
> the other main languages that should be focused on (german, chinese,
> japanese, scandanavian and eastern european langauges)?
> Regarding moderation, I would be looking for people to help moderate
> incoming content.  Most content types are available to registered
> users, such as stories, blogs, Book pages, groups, podcasts, etc.
> Blogs are the only content type that do not go in to a moderation
> queue (possibly book pages too, I'll have to double check). For all
> other types, I'd like to have some respected people on board who can
> moderate the content, and decide if something needs to be rejected
> (spam, buggy code, self-gratifying posts), accepted (most posts) or
> promoted (something so good, everyone and their dog needs to know
> about this via the front page).
> Finally for roles, there are developers - these are the people who
> will actually help build the site - they will be able to access the
> server to install and modify things, it's a bit too much for little
> ol' me to do all of it.
> If you want to help, then contact me and let me know.  Make sure you
> sign up to the site and wiki.  I'll soon be setting up a closed
> mailing list for core people who want to help so there is less clutter
> in this one.
> Regards,
> Tane
> Sent from my Blackberry, forgive the grammar and spelling.
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
> discuss@jquery.com
> http://jquery.com/discuss/

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Efforts to Convert Folks to jQuery

2006-12-09 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
In spite of my suggestion for the tag line

"jQuery: puts the fun back in JavaScript!"

I think we should be very careful about be negative about JavaScript, 
after all it is the language we are working in.

My line was meant more to reflect that fact the programming cross 
browser DOM stuff in JavaScript is really painful and not fun. jQuery 
has made it fun! Sure there are lots of other libraries that support 
cross browser scripting, but they tend to be more obtrusive, heavy 
handed and in your face. jQuery lets you focus on what you need to do. 
It is simple and elegant and if you don't looks for it, it almost 
doesn't seem to be there. It is all about the DOM and making is accessible.


Marc Jansen wrote:
> What about
> "jQuery: try today - stay forever",
> "jQuery: JavaScript as it was meant",
> "jQuery: efficient yet creative"
> -- Marc
> Christopher Jordan schrieb:
>> Yeah, but we probably don't want to slam other projects. That seems 
>> kinda like bad sportsmanship or bad geekmanship or something. Doing 
>> something like that may alienate more folks that it attracts. :o/
>> Cheers,
>> Chris
>> Edwin Martin wrote:
>>> "jQuery: past prototype".
>>> I like the double meaning of it.
>>> Edwin Martin
>>> Christian Bach wrote:
 "jQuery, duty now for the future"


 Pje wrote:
> "jQuery, the way that javascript should be."
> Just my 2 cents. :)
> On 12/8/06, Luke Lutman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Solid Source wrote:
>>> 1. Change the slogan "New Wave Javascript" to something more along the
>> lines
>>> of explaining what it does or how it does it rather than what it is.
>>> Everyone thinks they are new wave right? :)
>> How about:
>> jQuery: The JavaScript Swiss Army Knife.
>> I like the associations a Swiss Army knife has:
>> - small & lightweight
>> - handy
>> - does lots of stuff
>> - can have all sorts of attachments (plugins)
>> Luke
>> ___
>> jQuery mailing list
>> discuss@jquery.com
>> http://jquery.com/discuss/
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
> discuss@jquery.com
> http://jquery.com/discuss/
 jQuery mailing list

>>> ___
>>> jQuery mailing list
>>> discuss@jquery.com
>>> http://jquery.com/discuss/
>> ___
>> jQuery mailing list
>> discuss@jquery.com
>> http://jquery.com/discuss/
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
> discuss@jquery.com
> http://jquery.com/discuss/

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Efforts to Convert Folks to jQuery

2006-12-07 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
I kind of like: jQuery: puts the fun back in JavaScript!

[huge snip]

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] input type checkbox

2006-12-07 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Brandon, Dave,

Thank you for the summaries. We have had a LOT of discussion about 1.1 
over the last month+ and maybe it is time to create a wiki page the 
keeps a running list of decisions and issues. Links to bugs would be 
cool also.

This would be really good for all. I would avoid rehashing a lot of 
stuff on the list because we could point people to a roadmap page and it 
would help others that are coding now so they are aware of changes that 
will be forth coming.

Just a thought for a guy that has trouble keeping it all in his head :).


Brandon Aaron wrote:
> On 12/7/06, Dave Methvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I think the outcome of the past month's discussion was this:
>> 1) .val() will be dead in jQuery 1.1, as will all of the macro properties.
>> 2) It's easy to get the value of a non-input element with .attr("value").
>> 3) Mike Alsup added fieldValue to the form plugin to get the value that
>> would be used for the element if the form was submitted.
>> Once .val() is well and truly dead, you can include the form plugin and
>> create a custom .val() that uses fieldValue.
> Not all macros are being removed in 1.1. There has been some confusion
> about this but some macros are too highly used to be removed from the
> core, even to a plugin. The .val() macro happens to be one of those
> that are highly used ... but lets not get back into the 1.1 discussion
> just yet.
> --
> Brandon Aaron
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
> discuss@jquery.com
> http://jquery.com/discuss/

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Attention Please

2006-12-04 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
I think you will need to put together a simple? demo page that show the 
behavior you are describing. There is no way yo guess what might be 
going wrong. It might be a bug you are running into, it might be that 
you are not using something as intended, or any other number of things.


Acuff, Daniel (Comm Lines, PAC) wrote:
> I have attempted to bring this up in the past but did not get any 
> response. Which is amazing since this is such a huge issue.
> I *could* be doing something incorrectly, so please if so, I want to be 
> corrected.
> One of the reasons for no-response a couple months back *MAY* be due to 
> the complicated matter and it is hard to put into words to describe what 
> is happening.
> I will try to make it clear.
> I am NOT a good jquery coder, just barely a newbie.
> So say for example I am doing a simple border on image hover.
> I believe this much of an example will suffice? I am relying on .ready, 
> using IE 6.0.28
> $(document).ready(function(){
> $("img.helpIcon").hover(
> function() { $(this).addClass("jsHover"); },
> function () { $(this).removeClass("jsHover"); });
> //
> $(".frmElement").focus(function(){ $(this).addClass("selected"); })
> .blur(function(){ $(this).removeClass("selected"); })
> });
> In my case I am displaying say 100 rows with an Icon at the start of 
> each row, that when you hover over changes the border color.
> THE PROBLEM: Sometimes not 100% either way, the "code" will stop, and 
> say only the first 50 rows have the DESIRED jQuery feature/hover.
> Something happens where any given amount "CAN FAIL". And you will NOT 
> see the results on all or some of the jquery effect.
> As most of you have been developing as long or longer than I, 10 years, 
> you KNOW we cannot even allow a 1% failure rate.
> What can be done? How is everyone getting 100% accuracy and I am seeing 
> effects fail? If you refresh more than a couple times you can usually 
> see where the effect fails. This is a HUGE concern as it means I cannot 
> role out using jQUERY to do ANYTHING important until I *learn* / find 
> out what causes an effect to fail.
> Another example is is I use JQUERY to say color divs in a dynamic menu I 
> built. Say the first 3 columns/tabs of the horizontal menu do the effect 
> perfectly, I hover over a choice and jquery colors it from white to blue 
> say. But all the sudden if you go to tab 5 the jquery effect is not 
> working!!
> I told you this is hard to put into words, can anyone help me?
> *
> This communication, including attachments, is
> for the exclusive use of addressee and may contain proprietary,
> confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not the intended
> recipient, any use, copying, disclosure, dissemination or distribution is
> strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify
> the sender immediately by return e-mail, delete this communication and
> destroy all copies.
> *
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
> discuss@jquery.com
> http://jquery.com/discuss/

jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] jQuery came to my rescue

2006-11-25 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
I spent all day long fighting with a stupid layout problem. I have a 
table that is used to layout a google style info box the is part of the 
msCross library I use for maps. It works fine with a transitional 
DOCTYPE and for some reason add extra space around an image in a cell 
because it thinks it has text in the cell as far as I can tell.

Anyway, I finally figured out I had to do two things to fix the problem

1. set the font-size to anything less than the height of the image AND
2. make sure that the image height and vspace attributes were set

The problem was that all of these tables and cells and stuff were being 
generated by javascript in the msCross library.

Anyway, once I figured out I needed to set this stuff, 3 lines of jQuery 
added to the library and it was working.

I have a really appreciation for you guys that read and understand the 
DOMs. Fixing stuff like this is a real hassle when you have to poke and 
test, poke and test, etc.


Did I mention I  jQuery?

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] [OT] Firefox 2.0 Annoying Errors

2006-11-25 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Michael Geary wrote:
>>> This has nothing to do with jQuery, but I'm hoping that some of you 
>>> might have seen this and figured out how to make it go away. I have 
>>> googled for it, but nothing helpful showed up.
>> not jquery. I get a bunch of errors each time  I start up ff 
>> 2... they don't recur. do yours?
> Did you try this: Uninstall FF2, kill any remaining Firefox processes in
> Task Manager, and reinstall FF2.
> I had a bunch of problems when I upgraded and that fixed them. One of the
> other problems I had was missing bookmarks, which led me to this page where
> I found the reinstall tip:
> http://kb.mozillazine.org/Lost_bookmarks

Thanks Mike and Jake. I will try the uninstall and reinstall. Sounds 
like that might help. I had thought of doing just that, but it seemed a 
little heavy handed but hey, if it works that would be great.


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] [OT] Firefox 2.0 Annoying Errors

2006-11-25 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ wrote:
> not jquery. I get a bunch of errors each time  I start up ff 2... they
> don't recur. do yours?

Yeah this error occurs with every page load of ajax transaction. It 
fills up firebug with errors. Very annoying.


> On 11/25/06, Stephen Woodbridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I recently upgrade to Firefox 2.0 and I get the following annoying error
>> message on basically every request.
>> [Exception... "Component is not available" nsresult: "0x80040111
>> (NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE)" location: "JS frame ::
>> file:///C:/Program%20Files/Mozilla%20Firefox/components/nsSessionStore.js
>> :: sss_saveState :: line 1688" data: no]
>> This has nothing to do with jQuery, but I'm hoping that some of you
>> might have seen this and figured out how to make it go away. I have
>> googled for it, but nothing helpful showed up.
>> Any ideas?
>> Thanks,
>> ___
>> jQuery mailing list
>> discuss@jquery.com
>> http://jquery.com/discuss/

jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] [OT] Firefox 2.0 Annoying Errors

2006-11-25 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Hi all,

I recently upgrade to Firefox 2.0 and I get the following annoying error 
message on basically every request.

[Exception... "Component is not available" nsresult: "0x80040111 
(NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE)" location: "JS frame :: 
:: sss_saveState :: line 1688" data: no]

This has nothing to do with jQuery, but I'm hoping that some of you 
might have seen this and figured out how to make it go away. I have 
googled for it, but nothing helpful showed up.

Any ideas?


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] jQuery 1.1 by the end of Nov

2006-11-17 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Jörn Zaefferer wrote:
>> jQuery documentation should clearly illustrate which base / core
>> jQuery is required and dependencies should be illustrated in a
>> clear manor.  I think the php pear site exemplifies this, i think
>> this is mostly covered but could be a touch clearer.
> PHP PEAR is a bad example: In most cases you won't care about 5 or 50
> additonal php files on your server, but you can't do this with js
> files.
> I think the recommended/custom way is a good approach: API
> documentation and tutorials are all written with the recommended
> version as their base.
> When a single plugin has dependencies on another plugin, it must be
> explicitly stated somewhere. A package/requires system that
> automatically resolves those dependencies would be nice, but I don't
> think this should have a high priority.

I would agree with Jörn, and expand that I think we need to require 
plugins include a:

@Requires: blahblah.js[, version: 29+]
@Requires: morestuff.js

We are rapidly getting a large number of plugins and more and more of 
them seem to be using other plugins which is really good. This will help 
users figure out what plugins and versions they might need and it will 
supply the info needed for some future package system to figure this out 


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] API docs draft 2

2006-11-16 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Jörn Zaefferer wrote:
> Hi folks,
> it's update time, take a look for yourself:
> http://fuzz.bassistance.de/api-draft/cat.xml
> The position:fixed hack for IE is implemented, but still a little
> fuzzy.
> Good thing: The complete API is bookmarkable across browsers. So far
> it's tested on FF 1.5, Opera 9, IE 6.
> Things that are not in there because they don't quite run as they
> should: Including the history plugin caused the page to eat my
> processor, not nice. I was unable to get the quicksearch plugin
> working on the navigation.
> Klaus: Could you please commit the history plugin? In addition, the
> tabs are not properly initiated, couldn't figure out what the problem
> was. When I click the first time on one of the tabs, the other gets
> hidden, but not before then.
> I hope to get some help from Rik with his quicksearch plugin.


Very nice! Would it be possible to set the style for #nav to hidden for 
printing, so the nav links and panel are gone? That would be very cool.

Thanks for putting a lot of work into this. It really looks good!


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] jQuery support for namespace attributes

2006-11-15 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Klaus Hartl wrote:
> Stephen Woodbridge schrieb:
>> Jörn Zaefferer wrote:
>>>> I understand the CSS selector and have read the other thread but a
>>>> true namespace selection based on xpath syntax doesn't work.  As
>>>> for writing a plug-in, I believe the issue could be corrected with
>>>> a change to a regular expression.  But, reg exps are, by their
>>>> nature, difficult for me to tinker with, and I can't figure out
>>>> which regular expression is used for node and attribute filtering.
>>>> I asked about this back in September and am asking again because I
>>>> believe better xpath support would improve jQuery's handling of xml
>>>> docs as well as xhtml pages.
>>> The problem: Mixing XPath and CSS selectors is very limited. And as
>>> more users of jQuery are familiar with CSS then XPath, there is much
>>> more support for CSS then XPath. To fully support XPath you have to
>>> remove a lot of CSS selectors.
>> Or escape the expression so we know it is explicitly XPath, or provide 
>> a separate function that is dedicated to XPath.
>> -Steve
> This fits into the "What to strip out for 1.1" discussion, I assume. I 
> only use XPath when traversing through XML documents, so maybe XPath 
> support could go into a plugin as well. I think this was discussed before...

Yes agreed, not in 1.1, but definitely needed in future and a plugin 
would be fine for me.


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] jQuery support for namespace attributes

2006-11-15 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Jörn Zaefferer wrote:
>> I understand the CSS selector and have read the other thread but a
>> true namespace selection based on xpath syntax doesn't work.  As
>> for writing a plug-in, I believe the issue could be corrected with
>> a change to a regular expression.  But, reg exps are, by their
>> nature, difficult for me to tinker with, and I can't figure out
>> which regular expression is used for node and attribute filtering.
>> I asked about this back in September and am asking again because I
>> believe better xpath support would improve jQuery's handling of xml
>> docs as well as xhtml pages.
> The problem: Mixing XPath and CSS selectors is very limited. And as
> more users of jQuery are familiar with CSS then XPath, there is much
> more support for CSS then XPath. To fully support XPath you have to
> remove a lot of CSS selectors.

Or escape the expression so we know it is explicitly XPath, or provide 
a separate function that is dedicated to XPath.


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] jQuery 1.1 by the end of Nov

2006-11-14 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
I think that the point that I am trying to make is that we create some 
number of prepackaged files. Each prepackaged file is completely 
standalone and does not require any other jQuery files to be requested. 
We decide what functionality set gets bundled into each package and 
describe that functionality maybe in a comparison table with check marks 
for included functionality.

Then the average user that does not want to download all the build tools 
and figure out how to edit the make files to select whatever 
functionality they might think they need and then broke it because they 
forgot some dependency, etc. etc. can simply look at the check list and 
pick the pre-packaged file that covers what they need.

This means that the user loads ONE jQuery file, that size of it depends 
on which package they choose. This makes the chooses limited, clear, and 
that means there is a high probability of success from the user's point 
of view - This is good. I just think that we should make it as easy as 
possible for the new user to jump in and use jQuery. If we can provide a 
good simple fast dynamic packaging system then great! This is an 
alternative that is easy to implement a good compromise and requires 
minimal training to use.

Anyone that has the willing to dig into the tools can probably figure 
out how to make a custom package to fit their needs or to optimize the 
package to their special requirements.


Corey Jewett wrote:
> The problem with all this is that 4 js files totaling 20K is will  
> typically make your page load slower than 1 20K JS file. There are a  
> couple reasons:
> 1) round trip time per each additional requests for each file.  
> Roughly equivalent to ping lag + server processing time. I wouldn't  
> be surprised if this was an extra 250 millis per request.
> 2) the HTTP RFC suggests a maximum of 4 open connections from a  
> client to a server. More files == larger backlog of files == poorer  
> utilization of broadband connections.
> 3) HTTP pipelining (assuming it's even turned on, which it frequently  
> isn't since it wastes server resources) can theoretically mitigate  
> #2, but will not do much for #1. It'll cut out repeated setup and  
> teardown of TCP stacks.
> 4) I haven't done any recent research on it, but don't browsers tend  
> to cache JS files anyway?
> Now having said all that, if you still want to whittle down the file  
> size, can I make a vote to maybe yank serialization, but nothing  
> else. From the response so far it appears that there's a pretty even  
> split between people who use/don't FX and/or AJAX. Meaning that  
> pulling either one out is sure to screw up the other half.
> I could get on board with releasing several packages, as somebody  
> suggested:
> JQuery: src/jquery + src/events + src/fx + src/ajax
> JQuery-fx-only: src/jquery + src/events + src/fx
> JQuery-ajax-only: src/jquery + src/events + src/ajax
> Jquery-dom-only: src/jquery + src/events
> JQuery-lite: src/jquery
> This just seems likely to generate a lot of extra support problems on  
> the mailing list. Can't we just leave it up to people to build their  
> own if they really want to cut it down below 20K?
> Corey
> On Nov 14, 2006, at 2:22 PM, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
>> John,
>> That is why I think some prepackaged packages might work better in the
>> short term.
>> Longer term we might want to have plugins define a requires  
>> statement so
>> that is would be easier for a build system to pull in all the required
>> modules.
>> -Steve
>> John Resig wrote:
>>> I'm all for the custom build feature - in fact it was one of the  
>>> first
>>> things included on the jQuery home page when it first launched  
>>> back in
>>> Jan. (I removed it at the 1.0 launch, because it was broken).
>>> My biggest worry about having custom builds is that if a user sees
>>> something in the documentation (e.g. .height()) and then it doesn't
>>> work at all, that'll cause a lot of confusion. Figuring out what
>>> package everything is in. It is for this reason that I think any sort
>>> of package system has to be documented very explicitly so that people
>>> know what they're getting in to.
>>> This would also require that all demos, tutorials, and plugins use  
>>> the
>>> lowest comon denominator of code (which will require a lot of
>>> rewriting). In all, it's very tricky, and something that we'll  
>>> want to
>>> consider carefully.
>>> --John

Re: [jQuery] jQuery 1.1 by the end of Nov

2006-11-14 Thread Stephen Woodbridge

That is why I think some prepackaged packages might work better in the 
short term.

Longer term we might want to have plugins define a requires statement so 
that is would be easier for a build system to pull in all the required 


John Resig wrote:
> I'm all for the custom build feature - in fact it was one of the first
> things included on the jQuery home page when it first launched back in
> Jan. (I removed it at the 1.0 launch, because it was broken).
> My biggest worry about having custom builds is that if a user sees
> something in the documentation (e.g. .height()) and then it doesn't
> work at all, that'll cause a lot of confusion. Figuring out what
> package everything is in. It is for this reason that I think any sort
> of package system has to be documented very explicitly so that people
> know what they're getting in to.
> This would also require that all demos, tutorials, and plugins use the
> lowest comon denominator of code (which will require a lot of
> rewriting). In all, it's very tricky, and something that we'll want to
> consider carefully.
> --John
> On 11/14/06, Stephen Woodbridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I think that it would be great if we had a few bundled "flavors" like:
>> jQuery-minimal.js
>> jQuery-lite.js
>> jQuery-standard.js
>> jQuery-heavy.js
>> This way we get the benefit of claiming all the features and can claim
>> "starting at only xx bytes" based on the packed size of the minimal
>> flavor. Providing a other flavors makes it easy for uses to grab a
>> package of features without having to deal with build issues.
>> -Steve
>> John Resig wrote:
>>> Hi Everyone -
>>> I want to start a discussion about the features that should go into
>>> (or be removed from) the upcoming 1.1 release. I'd like to shoot for a
>>> release by the end of this month.
>>> I know that Joern already has some event code, ready to be committed -
>>> and I have the "non-destructive jQuery" code ready to go. Brandon
>>> mentioned that he wants to rewrite the jQuery.attr() in time for
>>> release too.
>>> No significant features are going to be added to this release, think
>>> of it as jQuery 1.0++.
>>> Right now, the jQuery compressed build is teetering around 18-19KB, I
>>> really want to try and cut this down. Any thoughts on particular
>>> features that should be extracted into a plugin?
>>> For example: Since the 'form' plugin already does serialization really
>>> really well (much better  than jQuery's serialization). I'm tempted to
>>> remove the serialization plugin from core and just defer everyone to
>>> using the form plugin.
>>> Also, stuff like .height() and .width() could be removed in favor of
>>> using the (more powerful) methods of the same name in the 'Dimensions'
>>> plugin.
>>> Let me know if you have any ideas.
>>> --John
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
> discuss@jquery.com
> http://jquery.com/discuss/

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] jQuery 1.1 by the end of Nov

2006-11-14 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
I think that it would be great if we had a few bundled "flavors" like:


This way we get the benefit of claiming all the features and can claim 
"starting at only xx bytes" based on the packed size of the minimal 
flavor. Providing a other flavors makes it easy for uses to grab a 
package of features without having to deal with build issues.


John Resig wrote:
> Hi Everyone -
> I want to start a discussion about the features that should go into
> (or be removed from) the upcoming 1.1 release. I'd like to shoot for a
> release by the end of this month.
> I know that Joern already has some event code, ready to be committed -
> and I have the "non-destructive jQuery" code ready to go. Brandon
> mentioned that he wants to rewrite the jQuery.attr() in time for
> release too.
> No significant features are going to be added to this release, think
> of it as jQuery 1.0++.
> Right now, the jQuery compressed build is teetering around 18-19KB, I
> really want to try and cut this down. Any thoughts on particular
> features that should be extracted into a plugin?
> For example: Since the 'form' plugin already does serialization really
> really well (much better  than jQuery's serialization). I'm tempted to
> remove the serialization plugin from core and just defer everyone to
> using the form plugin.
> Also, stuff like .height() and .width() could be removed in favor of
> using the (more powerful) methods of the same name in the 'Dimensions'
> plugin.
> Let me know if you have any ideas.
> --John
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
> discuss@jquery.com
> http://jquery.com/discuss/

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] new jQuery API draft

2006-11-14 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Jörn Zaefferer wrote:
>> One suggestion, I really love in the php documentation: it should
>> be possible to add user comments to every navigation point. I
>> think, that such a feature is very helpful.
> It's true that the comments in the PHP documentation are very
> helpful. I wonder if it would be better to add a discussion system
> that results in improving the actualy documetantion.
> Anyway, it would be nice to have a comment system in the API, but it
> is currently out of the scope and not that easy with XML/XSTL only
> :-)

If we had a database or used flat files, then an Ajax call could be used 
to fetch or update the comments on the backend. I'm just thinking out 
loud ... :)

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Alternative tooltip, with shadows...

2006-11-13 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Jörn Zaefferer wrote:
> Hey Rey!
>>> So I was planning on using Jorn's tooltip plugin, but my client
>>> nixed it saying that he wanted something that looked more like
>>> this:
>> Not sure how difficult this would be but let me know if you get
>> this done Andy as it would VERY cool.
> We already solved that. Checkout the updated demo, the fourth example
> features a nice shadow:
> http://jquery.bassistance.de/tooltip/tooltipTest.html


Very nice Jörn! I'll definitely be using these.

A bug on the forth example is that on ff 1.5 the the tool tip is 
displayed at the bottom of the page and some of the tool tip extends 
below the bottom of the page and adds a scroll bar to the page. There is 
no way to scroll down to see the tools tip.

Now that I write this I think this was discussed previously on the list, 
but I'm not sure. Anyway, tool tips the extend off the currently 
viewable window need to be repositioned to be totally in the viewable 
region, unless they are too big to do that, then I guess you have to 
just let them overflow.

I love the work you do, it is always very clean and stylish.


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] OO programming is confusing to old functional programmers

2006-11-11 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Michael Geary wrote:
> I don't think this approach will work quite the way you'd like. In your
> example:
>> // I access my plugin via:
>> $("#myMap").Map({  });
>> // later I can access a public function on this object like:
>> $("#myMap").Map.recenter(x, y, dxy);
> Those two $("#myMap") calls are going to result in different jQuery objects.
> How does the recenter() method know it applies to the Map object you created
> earlier?

This is what I'm having trouble understanding.
So it sounds like Map object is not getting attached to the DOM object 
be to the jQuery object that the DOM object is wrapped in. So if you 
later search for the same DOM object, the jQuery result does not contain 
the Map.

> OTOH, you could easily get this to work:
>  // Create a map object for an element
>  var map = $("#myMap").Map({  });
>  // later I can access a public function on this object like:
>  map.recenter(x, y, dxy);

So I need to save the instance I create an then work on that.

> But before I make any more specific suggestions, does your Map object always
> relate to a single map as in your example, or could one Map object relate to
> multiple maps, e.g.
>  // Get a Map object that controls every map with class anyMap
>  var maps = $('.anyMap').Map();
>  // Recenter all the maps
>  maps.recenter( x, y, dxy );

It is conceivable that there will be multiple maps on a page and you 
might want to recenter them all or not. I will also want to be about to 
create a map and pass it to another map as a dependent map where it will 
get control by its owner. For example create a small overview map the 
shows the world and as the large map is zoom, it will tell the small map 
to display a rectangle showing its current extents.

So ideally, I want a map object that I can attach to a DOM or jQuery 
object, that will expose some public methods. I then will have other 
controls on the page, that will manipulate the map object via these 
public methods. The map will be interactive based on events, like 
dragging the map, or selecting navigation tools on the map, or clicking 
or double clicking on the map, etc.

I'm hoping to use other jQuery plugins for building this, like interface 
  Resizable and Dragable, etc.

I have a beasic shell I have started coding, but it has my head spinning.


I want to refactor/rewrite from scratch the mapping used in this:



> -Mike
>> From: Stephen Woodbridge
>> OK, How much of this is right?
>> jQuery.Map = {
>>  // this is a public global attribute?
>>  // ie: global across all instances of jQuery.Map
>>  whatever : null,
>>  // a public function
>>  init : function(options)
>>  {
>>  // this is the jQuery search collection
>>  // self is a private pointer to the collection
>>  var self = this;
>>  // another private variable scoped to the function
>>  var _maph = 0;
>>  // an public attribute, accessed via $("#map").Map._maph
>>  this._maph= 0;
>>  // a method, accessed via $("#map").Map.recenter(x,y,dxy)
>>  this.recenter = function(x, y, dxy)
>>  {
>>  console.log("calling recenter()");
>>  };
>>  return this.each(
>>  function(options) {
>>  // this is each respective object in the collection
>>  // this is a DOM object not a jQuery object
>>  // here I can modify the DOM, bind events, etc
>>  };
>>  };
>> // This extends jQuery with my plugin
>> jQuery.fn.extend(
>>  {
>>  Map : jQuery.Map.init
>>  }
>> );
>> // I access my plugin via:
>> $("#myMap").Map({  });
>> // later I can access a public function on this object like:
>> $("#myMap").Map.recenter(x, y, dxy);
>> Is this right? I probably have some terminology mixed up.
>> -Steve
>> ___
>> jQuery mailing list
>> discuss@jquery.com
>> http://jquery.com/discuss/
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
> discuss@jquery.com
> http://jquery.com/discuss/

jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] OO programming is confusing to old functional programmers

2006-11-11 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
OK, How much of this is right?

jQuery.Map = {
 // this is a public global attribute?
 // ie: global across all instances of jQuery.Map
 whatever : null,

 // a public function
 init : function(options)
 // this is the jQuery search collection
 // self is a private pointer to the collection
 var self = this;

 // another private variable scoped to the function
 var _maph = 0;

 // an public attribute, accessed via $("#map").Map._maph
 this._maph= 0;

 // a method, accessed via $("#map").Map.recenter(x,y,dxy)
 this.recenter = function(x, y, dxy)
 console.log("calling recenter()");


 return this.each(
 function(options) {

 // this is each respective object in the collection
 // this is a DOM object not a jQuery object

 // here I can modify the DOM, bind events, etc


// This extends jQuery with my plugin
 Map : jQuery.Map.init

// I access my plugin via:
$("#myMap").Map({  });

// later I can access a public function on this object like:
$("#myMap").Map.recenter(x, y, dxy);

Is this right? I probably have some terminology mixed up.


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] new jQuery API draft

2006-11-10 Thread Stephen Woodbridge

Very nice! and oh so close to what I want.
Can you add a print link that will render the right panel only for 
printing? It would be nice it it could be printed in either aphabetical 
or catagory order.

Please, please, please! Pretty please!


Jörn Zaefferer wrote:
> Hi jQueryians,
> I'd like to present you a first draft for a new stylesheet for the 
> jQuery API: http://joern.jquery.com/api-draft/cat.xml
> There is still lot's of work to do, but the main concern, a new concept 
> for the navigation, is already functional. Both Alphabetical and 
> Category lists will be provided as exapandable trees.
> Please don't waste your time checking it with IE, the draft works so far 
> only with Firefox.
> Please post your opinions and ideas, I'm sure there are many.
> Regards
> Jörn

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Help: Trying to write my first plugin and its not trivial

2006-11-10 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Jörn Zaefferer wrote:
> Stephen Woodbridge schrieb:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm trying to write my first plugin and I'm having some conceptual 
>> problems on how to organize stuff and getting my head wrapped around 
>> this. The plugin will be for turning a div into an interactive mapping 
>> application.
> Just a quickie: Why don't you integrate the Resizable into your Map 
> method? Makes coding it way easier.

Ah, you mean load it like normal, but directly call 
jQuery.Resizable.whatever() directly. Yeah, I can do that. Like I said, 
getting over the initial duh! thats obvious stuff is hard sometimes. 
Working with a plugin for use to manipulate DOM objects has a pattern, 
but using a plugin inside of another plugin does not seem to be same 

> Another point: To interact from other controls with your Map, you may 
> want to hijack jQuery's event system, using bind, trigger and some 
> wrapper methods. I did just that in my latest accordion update, it works 
> very well and elegant: http://joern.jquery.com/accordion/accordion.html
> The intersting part is at the end here: 
> http://joern.jquery.com/accordion/jquery.accordion.js
> $.fn.activate calls trigger, which calls an event handler that was 
> registered via bind. Because the actual handler is defined inside the 
> plugin method, I don't have to pass around tons of variables, they are 
> all in one closure.

Yeah that is cool, I can probably make use of that.

> Hope that helps somehow.

Yeah, helps a bunch. I'm just trying to get my head around the problem 
to do this in a jQuery-ish way. Once I have worked through a few of 
these conceptual problems, I'll start coding otherwise it will be a 
total hack job instead of only a partial hack job ;)


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Overlib in combination with drag-n-drop from interface

2006-11-10 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Barry Nauta wrote:
> Or perhaps there is a way to have (optional) sticky tooltips in jQuery? That 
> is the reason why I use overlib
> On Friday 10 November 2006 11:07, Barry Nauta wrote:
>> Has anyone used the overlib libraries in combination with interfaces' dnd
>> libs?
>> I have some rows in a table (overlib hover of the name gives a popup with
>> more details) and these rows can be dragged to a trashbin. When this
>> happens, the overlib library goes insane telling me that the event (related
>> to a mouseout event) does not exist.

Sounds like someone needs to write a postit note plugin that can also be 
used for tool tips. For tools tips the postit would not be editable. For 
regular postits you would be able to add your own text to the postit and 
edit its content.


jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] Help: Trying to write my first plugin and its not trivial

2006-11-09 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Hi all,

I'm trying to write my first plugin and I'm having some conceptual 
problems on how to organize stuff and getting my head wrapped around 
this. The plugin will be for turning a div into an interactive mapping 
application. So, I will start with something like this:

   onStop: function(dir) {
 {  // initialize a bunch of stuff
cgi: "/cgi-bin/mapserv",
 fullExtent: [-160.0, -60.0, 15.0, 75.0],
   toolPosition: "right",
  tools: ["zoomExt", "zoomWin", "zoomIn", "zoomOut"],
 onDblClick: function() { ... },
resized: function() {
   width  = parseInt(jQuery(this).css('width'));
   height = parseInt(jQuery(this).css('height'));
   reCenter: function(x, y, dxy) {
   // recenter the map

Ok, so here are the questions:

I'm not sure how the Map() and the Resizable() interact or if they can?

How do I get the onStop of the Resizable package to propagate to the Map 

In general, the Map package will run based on events that happen in the 
"#map" div, but what I can't figure out is how to to effect changes in 
the map when the user interacts with other controls on the page.

Oh, I think I get it, if I add the reCenter function above, then can I 
later access it via:

$("#map").Map.reCenter(x, y, dxy);

Is this right? That initial call binds the Map() to the DOM object and 
later I can access it like this?


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] does jQuery has support for parameter handling ?

2006-11-09 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Does decodeURIComponent() support character encoding character 
sequences? %F6 looks like an accented character, if you remove this does 
it work? That might give you a clue to the problem or what to search for.


Truppe Steven wrote:
> Mark Gibson schrieb:
>> Javascript has the functions:
>> decodeURI(s) and decodeURIComponent(s)
> I get a string like this:
> Stumpf+einer+Palme%2C+ausgeh%F6hlt%2C+geschliffen+und+mit+Perlmutteinlegearbeiten+verziert
> If this string is inside the variable "test" and i do:
>   var newtest = decodeURIComponent(test);
> I get the error "malformed URI sequence".
> I've looked documentation on 
> http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference
> but there i don't see much about that function...
> Thanks for the fast reply! What am i doing wrong ?
> best regards,
> Truppe Steven
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
> discuss@jquery.com
> http://jquery.com/discuss/

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] conflict between jtip and thickbox

2006-11-09 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Olivier Percebois-Garve wrote:
> Hi
> I'm trying to implement jtip on a page where I have already implemented 
> the thickbox, both on  elements.
> Apparently the saveTitle function is not being called.
> Any thoughts ?
> In javascript I really miss not to have a print_r() function to debug. 
> Often I use alert() and innerHTML in order to see what I am manipulating,
> but here with objects, I don't know how to debug...

Here, just rename this function to print_r()

 // function to dump contents of an object

 var MAX_DUMP_DEPTH = 10;
 function dumpObj(obj, name, indent, depth) {
 if (depth > MAX_DUMP_DEPTH) {
 return indent + name + ": \n";
 if (typeof(obj) == "object") {
 var child = null;
 var output = indent + name + "\n";
 indent += "\t";
 for (var item in obj)
   try {
   child = obj[item];
   } catch (e) {
   child = "";
   if (typeof(child) == "object") {
   output += dumpObj(child, item, indent, depth + 1);
   } else {
   output += indent + item + ": " + child + "\n";
 return output;
 } else {
 return obj;

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] $.get - Retrieving XML Docs

2006-11-08 Thread Stephen Woodbridge

This sounds like bug 164, which has been recently fixed in svn.


Richard Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to use the $.get function to bring back a DOM Document which I
> can then manipulate with jQuery functions.
> In Firefox and Opera this works fine with a function call similar to the one
> below; $(xml) will give me a jQuery Dom Document I can work with without
> problem.
>  If I try the same code in IE it just gives me javascript errors (Error:
> Object does not supprt this method or property).
>$.get(src_xml, function(xml) {
>   alert("Requested XML: "+ $(xml).toXML());
> It looks like IE is bringing back a XMLHTTPRequest Object - from which I can
> get the XML as text.
> How can I get the IE call to bring me back a DOM Document OR how can I turn
> the XML String into a working DOM Document for IE with jQuery?
> Regards, Richard.

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] New Plugin: Resizeable

2006-11-08 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
> Mark Gibson wrote:
>> Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
>>> Mark Gibson wrote:
>>>> I've not had chance to test it, but I'm sure all elements
>>>> have a resize event. If not then the resizeable plugin can
>>>> trigger() it itself.
>>> Hi Mark,
>>> I tried to do this like this:
>>> $(document).ready(function(){
>>>  $('#resize_map').Resizeable(
>>>  {
>>>  minHeight: 100,
>>>  maxHeight: 700,
>>>  minWidth: 100,
>>>  maxWidth: 800,
>>>  handlers: {
>>>  se: '#resize'
>>>  }
>>>  }
>>>  );
>>>  $("#resize_map").bind('resize', function(e) {
>>>  alert("resized event");
>>>  });
>>> });
>>> But no event fires :(, I have also tried:
>>>  $("#resize_map").resize(function(e) {
>>>  alert("resized event");
>>>  });
>>> $("#resize_map").trigger('resize'); does force the event to fire.
>>> I can add the trigger('resize') to the resizable plugin, but it seems 
>>> like it should just fire. Any other thoughts?
>> Steve,
>> After a quick flick through JavaScript, The Definitive Guide and a
>> few online docs, it seems that the resize event only applies to
>> window size changes.
>> So you'd have to manually trigger the event.
>> Also, I've noticed that trigger appears to be broken for IE in the
>> latest jquery download r501! - but is fixed in SVN.
>> BTW, you can just chain the bind:
>> $('#resize_map')
>>  .Resizeable({
>>  ...
>>  })
>>  .bind('resize', function(e) {
>>  alert("resized event");
>>  });
> Gilles, Thank you for you note about the rename in svn.
> Mark,
> I have made a little progress, reading the plugin and looking at the 
> demo I found that:
> $(document).ready(function(){
>  $('#resize_map').Resizeable(
>  {
>  minHeight: 100,
>  maxHeight: 700,
>  minWidth: 100,
>  maxWidth: 800,
>  handlers: {
>  se: '#resize'
>  },
>  onResize: function(size, position){
>  console.log(size.height + 'x' + size.width + " resized");
>  },
>  onStop: function(){
>  alert("We have finished resizing!");
>  }
>  }
>  );
> });
> This will fire on every mouse move. This is very cool, but is not what I 
> want. I need just a single final event fired when the resizing is done 
> so I can update the map with its new size and have it request an new 
> image from the sever.
> The code looks like it has an onStop: function(){} option but I could 
> not get that to fire.
> -Steve

Nevermind! it works just great out svn, exactly the way I wanted.


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] New Plugin: Resizeable

2006-11-08 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Mark Gibson wrote:
> Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
>> Mark Gibson wrote:
>>> I've not had chance to test it, but I'm sure all elements
>>> have a resize event. If not then the resizeable plugin can
>>> trigger() it itself.
>> Hi Mark,
>> I tried to do this like this:
>> $(document).ready(function(){
>>  $('#resize_map').Resizeable(
>>  {
>>  minHeight: 100,
>>  maxHeight: 700,
>>  minWidth: 100,
>>  maxWidth: 800,
>>  handlers: {
>>  se: '#resize'
>>  }
>>  }
>>  );
>>  $("#resize_map").bind('resize', function(e) {
>>  alert("resized event");
>>  });
>> });
>> But no event fires :(, I have also tried:
>>  $("#resize_map").resize(function(e) {
>>  alert("resized event");
>>  });
>> $("#resize_map").trigger('resize'); does force the event to fire.
>> I can add the trigger('resize') to the resizable plugin, but it seems 
>> like it should just fire. Any other thoughts?
> Steve,
> After a quick flick through JavaScript, The Definitive Guide and a
> few online docs, it seems that the resize event only applies to
> window size changes.
> So you'd have to manually trigger the event.
> Also, I've noticed that trigger appears to be broken for IE in the
> latest jquery download r501! - but is fixed in SVN.
> BTW, you can just chain the bind:
> $('#resize_map')
>  .Resizeable({
>  ...
>  })
>  .bind('resize', function(e) {
>  alert("resized event");
>  });

Gilles, Thank you for you note about the rename in svn.


I have made a little progress, reading the plugin and looking at the 
demo I found that:

 minHeight: 100,
 maxHeight: 700,
 minWidth: 100,
 maxWidth: 800,
 handlers: {
 se: '#resize'
 onResize: function(size, position){
 console.log(size.height + 'x' + size.width + " resized");
 onStop: function(){
 alert("We have finished resizing!");

This will fire on every mouse move. This is very cool, but is not what I 
want. I need just a single final event fired when the resizing is done 
so I can update the map with its new size and have it request an new 
image from the sever.

The code looks like it has an onStop: function(){} option but I could 
not get that to fire.


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] New Plugin: Resizeable

2006-11-07 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Mark Gibson wrote:
> Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
>> Hi Stefan,
>> I have been trying your resize plugin, it is really slick and works great!
>> I have a request, does it already have or can you add the ability to 
>> added a call back at the end of the resize, so other code can be 
>> notified of the change in size? Like notify below:
>> $(document).ready(function(){
>>  $('#resize_map').Resizeable(
>>  {
>>  minHeight: 100,
>>  maxHeight: 700,
>>  minWidth: 100,
>>  maxWidth: 800,
>>  handlers: {
>>  se: '#resize'
>>  },
>>  notify: function(){
>>  alert("I have been resized");
>>  $('#map_tag').Resized(this.sizes);
>>  }
>>  }
>>  );
>> });
>> Maybe there is another way to do this?
> Would this not be better suited to an event?
> $('#resize_map').bind('resize', function() {
>  alert("I have been resized");
> });
> I've not had chance to test it, but I'm sure all elements
> have a resize event. If not then the resizeable plugin can
> trigger() it itself.

Hi Mark,

I tried to do this like this:

 minHeight: 100,
 maxHeight: 700,
 minWidth: 100,
 maxWidth: 800,
 handlers: {
 se: '#resize'
 $("#resize_map").bind('resize', function(e) {
 alert("resized event");

But no event fires :(, I have also tried:

 $("#resize_map").resize(function(e) {
 alert("resized event");

$("#resize_map").trigger('resize'); does force the event to fire.

I can add the trigger('resize') to the resizable plugin, but it seems 
like it should just fire. Any other thoughts?


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] jquery incompatible with adsense?

2006-11-07 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
I think it breaks if you click on the image.


Luke Lutman wrote:
> Hmmm... Your test page looks fine (no errors) in Firefox and Safari for me.
> Luke
> Mark D.B.D wrote:
>> I upgraded first to revision 522 and after to 524 and both doesn´t work. 
>> I get the following error on thinkbox.js:
>> $(document).ready is not a function on line 11
>> Here is the test page:
>> http://markdbd.com/proyectos/jquery_test/
>> Regards,
>> On 11/6/06, *Luke Lutman* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > 
>> wrote:
>> I had a similar problem, Mark.
>> Upgrading to the latest revision of jQuery (522 at the time) solved the
>> problem :-)
>> Luke
>> Mark D.B.D wrote:
>>  > Hi all,
>>  >
>>  > When I finished my little project with jquery I decided to add my
>>  > adsense code. After this I saw there is something that makes jquery
>>  > incompatible with the adsense script. I don't know what it is so I
>>  > created a little test page so you all can check it:
>>  >
>>  > http://www.markdbd.com/proyectos/jquery_test/
>>  >
>>  > Just click on the image to get the error, I think it only happens on
>>  > firefox. I am using the thinkbox plugin but If I am right the bug
>> is in
>>  > jquery.js.
>>  >
>>  > Regards,
>>  >
>>  > --
>>  > --
>>  > Mark D.B.D
>>  > http://www.markdbd.com
>> >
>>  > --
>>  >
>>  >
>>  >
>>  >
>>  > ___
>>  > jQuery mailing list
>>  > discuss@jquery.com 
>>  > http://jquery.com/discuss/ 
>> ___
>> jQuery mailing list
>> discuss@jquery.com 
>> http://jquery.com/discuss/
>> -- 
>> --
>> Mark D.B.D
>> http://www.markdbd.com
>> --
>> ___
>> jQuery mailing list
>> discuss@jquery.com
>> http://jquery.com/discuss/

jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] Building a Community (was: Re: New way of animating

2006-11-06 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Rey Bango wrote:
> Hi Dan,
>> Still, I suppose if you make enough examples of everythin everyone else has
>> done, and then throw jQuery's own killer features, then we might get more
>> converts! :D
>> There's plenty of cool stuff out there that we should push more and more.
> Yep! See, part of my concern is that it seems that the other libraries 
> get a ton more exposure than jQuery does so when someone creates a new 
> whiz-bang page using moo or Prototype, it gives a ton of press to those 
> libraries even though in many cases, jQuery has had those features for 
> some time. So I think its important to empathize, in some tangible 
> fashion, these capabilities especially to new visitors. I think the 
> folks at Scriptaculous have done a really good job of this with their 
> new site.

This is in part that we are not well coordinated as a community and I 
think we are going through some growing pains. In the month+ that I have 
been playing with jQuery it seems like the list of new posters has more 
than doubled.

The one thing that I find very had about jQuery is that there are a lot 
of person blogs and sites the contain a lot of the key information the 
is required to learn it, but it is not always obvious where to go look 
or how to find that information. We seem to have a lot of individual 
contributors doing their own things for the community, but we don't seem 
to have an organized community. If that makes sense.

Some examples:

I now bookmark every plugin reference, because there is no one single 
place to find the plugins. There is a plugin section in svn, there is a 
plugin page on the site, but many (most?) of the bookmarks are not 
there. In fact I remember a post a short while ago about some plugin 
getting lost because the site no longer existed.

Some things we could do: create a contrib directory in svn the would 
allow us to capture more of these plugins in an unsupported way. Write 
up a simple standards doc for inclusion. Think of the Perl CPAN site as 
an example.

Make it easier to find the other sites that promote jQuery, like 
visualjquery.com and learningjquery.com

How can we better leverage the resources of the community? Like the 
jQuery button contest, but also promoting jQuery with announcement every 
time some creates a new plugin, or releases a site built on jQuery, etc. 
Recruit someone to work on a site redesign if John would be up for 
something like that. Personally, I would rather have John working on 
jQuery core than spending a lot of time on a new website because with a 
little guidance from John others could take that on and contribute to 
the community.

Things like the following and comparisons to other library features is 
another thing the people from the community can work on as part of site 

> Going along your comments, I think you're right that we need to clearly 
> delineate whats already built-in to jQuery, what can be enhanced via a 
> plugin, and what should be added to some best practices/demo page so 
> that we're not constantly reinventing the wheel. I would just hate for 
> someone to come by and say, "Well, jQuery doesn't seem to have this 
> animation capability that I saw on Ajaxian" simply because its not 
> obvious to them from what they see on the site.
> Rey...

Anyway, I do not mean for any of this to be taken as criticism, its more 
an observation of where I think we are and what make sense to move it to 
the next level. I'm new to jQuery and I may be totally off base. If that 
is case please delete this and accept my apology. I think I hear a lot 
of desire for this to happen in the form of the suggestions that are 
focused on smaller tactical steps of trying to improve the doc or 
tutorials, etc. These are all things that are important and need to be 
done but I think a building and growing a community takes some planning 
and coordination and some leadership and thinking big.

One way to do this is for the leadership (whoever that may be) to think 
about where they want this to go or what their vision is. Then identify 
concrete tasks of things that need to be done and ask for volunteers to 
work on them. I'm probably not say anything that you don't already know, 
but I hope putting it into words generates some discussion and action 
and provide a mechanism to focus community members on improving jQuery.

I have to say that one of the better aspects of this community is the 
list and the support I have gotten from it. It is a very positive and 
instructive environment.

Thanks and best regards,

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Is this possible?

2006-11-06 Thread Stephen Woodbridge

I think you would need to test for performance differences unless John 
or one of the other guys with more clue have some insight.

This works by creating a jquery collection of all td objects and using 
each to iterate through them, then uses the if to filter them.

$('td').each(function() {
  if (this.status == 'enabled')
  $(this).click(function() {
  // do something

Where as:

$("[EMAIL PROTECTED]'enabled']").click()

uses the xpath syntax to create a collection of just those td's that 
have the attribute state='enabled' set on them, then applies the click() 
method to each of them.

The first is probably a little more readable if you are new to jquery 
and requires you to write more code. The later is probably more 
jQuery-ish and I guessing it is a little faster, but I have not done any 
testing and really have no facts to support the guess.


Christopher Jordan wrote:
>   Thanks Klaus!
> How does this syntax differ from other suggested syntax:
> $("[EMAIL PROTECTED]'enabled']").click()
> I'm curiout which is preferred, or faster. They both look clean enough to me.
> Chris
> Klaus Hartl wrote:
>> Christopher Jordan schrieb:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> I have a table that represents a calendar. The user will be able to 
>>> select multiple dates from the calendar, but cannot select dates in the 
>>> past. I've written this code before using all JavaScript and what I did 
>>> was add several additional pieces of data to the td tag other than ID or 
>>> CLASS. I added "state", "index", "status" and a few others. I accessed 
>>> these through f.calendarid.state... that kind of thing.
>>> So I'm wanting to apply an event (probably several: click, mouseover, 
>>> mouseout) to only those td tags that have their state  set to "enabled". 
>>> Not to *all* tds and not even to all tds with a certain class. ID alone 
>>> won't work. Is there a way to do this using jQuery? Something like: 
>>> $("td" status).click()... or whatever.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Chris
>> Hi Christopher, this could work:
>> $('td').each(function() {
>>  if (this.status == 'enabled')
>>  $(this).click(function() {
>>  // do something
>>  });
>> });
>> -- Klaus
>> ___
>> jQuery mailing list
>> discuss@jquery.com 
>> http://jquery.com/discuss/
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
> discuss@jquery.com
> http://jquery.com/discuss/

jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] What is "this"?, I am so confused!!! or JavaScript Tutorial

2006-11-06 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Well actually I am not that confused any more. Ok, maybe a little at 
times, but that is nothing new :)  I recently found this site that 
someone here or elsewhere posted for learning JavaScript:


which explains closures, this and other stuff, and when you down that 
you might want to spend some time reading the rest of the site that 
starts here:



jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Is this possible?

2006-11-06 Thread Stephen Woodbridge

I haven't tried it but would $("[EMAIL PROTECTED]'enabled']").click()

-Steve W

Christopher Jordan wrote:
>Hi folks,
> I have a table that represents a calendar. The user will be able to 
> select multiple dates from the calendar, but cannot select dates in the 
> past. I've written this code before using all JavaScript and what I did 
> was add several additional pieces of data to the td tag other than ID or 
> CLASS. I added "state", "index", "status" and a few others. I accessed 
> these through f.calendarid.state... that kind of thing.
> So I'm wanting to apply an event (probably several: click, mouseover, 
> mouseout) to only those td tags that have their state  set to "enabled". 
> Not to *all* tds and not even to all tds with a certain class. ID alone 
> won't work. Is there a way to do this using jQuery? Something like: 
> $("td" status).click()... or whatever.
> Thanks,
> Chris
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
> discuss@jquery.com
> http://jquery.com/discuss/

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] New way of animating

2006-11-06 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
I think the putting the sizzle in is not a problem for jQuery. The real 
problem is much more basic and the one we are faced designing an site.

What do we want to say?
What is the material we have to offer?
How do we want to organize it and present it?
What is the story board of the work flow for the site?
Build the site, then unobtrusively add sizzle!

One approach would be to look at other javascript library sites and see 
if there is something we like, or other sites for that matter.

We should think about how to design a site that is extensible because 
jQuery is rapidly evolving. I think long term it would be a good idea to 
get some champions to start work on doing something like this.

I'm also involved with the UMN Mapserver project and they have just 
reworked their site into a CMS, but it is a full-time(?) job to keep the 
site updated, not to mention that time it took to build originally. 
Check it out at http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/

Using the design concepts of this site might go a long way to mapping 
the information that we need to present. We could build a "sizzle only" 
site, but I am a big believer in eating ones own dog food. So building a 
site and unobtrusively adding sizzle does few things for us. One is it 
gives us a good site, another is that it should the "right" way to use 
jQuery, it gives us a real production site for testing jQuery in. Well 
we might want to do the testing in a staging clone of the site, but you 
get the idea.

Anyway, all good ideas, boil down to someone has to do a lot of hard 
work! But load share is a about what community is about.


Dragan Krstic wrote:
> Can we make biz-wang-ultra-boom-bang-crash site, for jQuery, with tones of 
> "cool" features, animations, etc...
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Rey Bango" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "jQuery Discussion." 
> Sent: Monday, November 06, 2006 7:07 PM
> Subject: Re: [jQuery] New way of animating
>> Hey Karl! Yep, your site is invaluable. You really do have some great
>> tutorials on there and I think expanding it out via your submissions and
>> those from anyone else is an awesome idea.
>> Rey...
>> Karl Swedberg wrote:
>>> On Nov 6, 2006, at 11:29 AM, Rey Bango wrote:
 Hi Paul,

 This is the type of stuff that I think would be OOO helpful in a
 tutorial or demo page. Like a best practices type of thing. I recently
 spent a lot of time talking to John about how to get the project more
 exposure and one of the things we threw out was getting more
 examples of
 coding practices on the site.

 Would you mind terribly jotting down some of these examples? I think
 they'd really help new users transition to jQuery.
>>> Please forgive the self-promotion, but these are the kinds of thing
>>> I'm also trying to do on learningjquery.com, and I (again) warmly
>>> welcome anyone who would like to author one or more tutorials for it
>>> or offer suggestions.
>>> Of course, adding more of this to the official jquery.com site would
>>> be great, too. Still, IMO the more jQuery love out there, the better.
>>> Third-party sites such as Cody Lindley's jQuery examples page and 15
>>> Days of jQuery did as much as anything to get me hooked on jQuery.
>>> I'm currently working on these topics (in roughly this order):
>>> - How to Get Anything You Want (DOM Traversing)
>>> - Multi-Level Drop-Down Menus
>>> - jQuery Chaining
>>> - Basic Ajax Form Submission
>>> - Create a Basic Plugin
>>> - Collapsible Details Using Definition Lists
>>> and Brandon Aaron has been working on Populating a Select Menu with
>>> JSON and AJAX.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Karl
>>> ___
>>> Karl Swedberg
>>> www.englishrules.com
>>> www.learningjquery.com
>>> ___
>>> jQuery mailing list
>>> discuss@jquery.com
>>> http://jquery.com/discuss/
>> ___
>> jQuery mailing list
>> discuss@jquery.com
>> http://jquery.com/discuss/ 
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
> discuss@jquery.com
> http://jquery.com/discuss/

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] New way of animating

2006-11-06 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
I can't speak to most of these issues, but I would like to point that 
for myself, learning works best by taking something that exists and 
rewriting it into jQuery. This allows me to not have to think about the 
existing application, but rather focus on get it working or getting it 
right in jQuery.

Getting a thoughtful (not judgmental) critic and suggestions from more 
knowledge users is also very useful. I often get so focused on what I am 
trying to get working, I totally miss that there was a different simpler 
way to solve the problem.

jQuery is relatively new, and many of the things that some of the more 
mature packages have are not use available in jQuery, (for the good or 
bad), so I applaud anyone that has time and effort and a willingness to 
create and offer new tools. The free market place of plugins will 
determine which are more useful.


Dan Atkinson wrote:
> There's a whole page of various plugins that can be attached to jQuery.
> http://jquery.com/plugins/
> In my opinion, going after individuals who show their work would not only be
> a childish 'me too'-ism, but it would be damaging to the reputation of
> jQuery, as it would just make people think that we don't have our own ideas,
> so we have to copy those of others.
> Rey Bango-2 wrote:
>> If all the animation features are in jQuery standalone, then I'm onboard 
>> with Dan.
>> What would be good, though, is if a page showing this being done in 
>> jQuery was created. Paul, are you up for that challenge? :o)
>> Rey...
>>> Paul Bakaus wrote:
 Hey guys,

 has someone seen this at ajaxian? Check it out:
 This is probably the most sexiest animate lib I've ever seen in my life.
 Porting this to jQuery would be the PERFECT addition to jQuery's css

 What do you think?

 Paul Bakaus
 Web Developer
 Hildastr. 35
 79102 Freiburg

 jQuery mailing list

>> ___
>> jQuery mailing list
>> discuss@jquery.com
>> http://jquery.com/discuss/

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] New Plugin: Resizeable

2006-11-05 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Sorry for the long list of posts replying to myself. Here is a new patch 
that fixes the last problem. I think there is probably a more elegant 
way to do this, but this seems to work now.

diff -Naur temp/iresizeable.js sew/iresizeable.js
--- temp/iresizeable.js 2006-10-21 08:22:10.0 -0400
+++ sew/iresizeable.js  2006-11-05 13:58:52.0 -0500
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 pointer: null,
 sizes : null,
 position: null,
+notify: function(){},
 start : function(e)
@@ -46,8 +47,17 @@
 if (jQuery.iResize.resizeElement.resizeOptions.onStart) {
+   jQuery.iResize.sizes = {
+   width : 
+   height : 
+   };
+   jQuery.iResize.position = {
+   top : 
+   left : 
+   };
 jQuery.iResize.resizeElement = null;
 jQuery.iResize.resizeDirection = null;
 getWidth: function(dx, side)
@@ -208,6 +218,9 @@
+if (options.notify && typeof(options.notify) == 
"function") {
+jQuery.iResize.notify = options.notify;
@@ -216,4 +229,4 @@
 Resizeable : jQuery.iResize.build
\ No newline at end of file

Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
> OK, this is not quite right yet. In side the notify function this.sizes 
> seems to be the original size of the div and not the new resized sizes. 
> Using it like this:
> $(document).ready(function(){
>  $('#resize_map').Resizeable(
>  {
>  minHeight: 100,
>  maxHeight: 700,
>  minWidth: 100,
>  maxWidth: 800,
>  handlers: {
>  se: '#resize'
>  },
>  notify: function(){
>  alert(this.sizes.height + 'x' + this.sizes.width + " 
> resized");
>  }
>  }
>  );
> });
> Looks like sizes and position get set on start but not on stop, so 
> something a little smarter is required. I guess I'll need to poke at it 
> some more.
> -Steve
> Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
>> Hi Stefan,
>> I took a shot at adding the notify to your iresizeable.js and it seems 
>> to work for my limited testing. Here is the patch:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/work/jquery2/plugins/interface.eyecon.ro$ diff -Naur 
>> temp/iresizeable.js sew/iresizeable.js
>> --- temp/iresizeable.js 2006-10-21 08:22:10.0 -0400
>> +++ sew/iresizeable.js  2006-11-05 10:28:54.0 -0500
>> @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
>>  pointer: null,
>>  sizes : null,
>>  position: null,
>> +notify: function(){},
>>  start : function(e)
>>  {
>>  jQuery(document)
>> @@ -48,6 +49,7 @@
>>  }
>>  jQuery.iResize.resizeElement = null;
>>  jQuery.iResize.resizeDirection = null;
>> +jQuery.iResize.notify();
>>  },
>>  getWidth: function(dx, side)
>>  {
>> @@ -208,6 +210,9 @@
>>  }
>>  }
>>  }
>> +if (options.notify && typeof(options.notify) == 
>> "function") {
>> +jQuery.iResize.notify = options.notify;
>> +}
>>  }
>>  );
>>  }
>> @@ -216,4 +221,4 @@
>>  {
>>  Resizeable : jQuery.iResize.build
>>  }
>> -);
>> \ No newline at end of file
>> +);
>> Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
>>> Hi Stefan,
>>> I have been trying your resize plugin, it is really slick and works great!
>>> I have a request, does it already have or ca

Re: [jQuery] New Plugin: Resizeable

2006-11-05 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
OK, this is not quite right yet. In side the notify function this.sizes 
seems to be the original size of the div and not the new resized sizes. 
Using it like this:

 minHeight: 100,
 maxHeight: 700,
 minWidth: 100,
 maxWidth: 800,
 handlers: {
 se: '#resize'
 notify: function(){
 alert(this.sizes.height + 'x' + this.sizes.width + " 

Looks like sizes and position get set on start but not on stop, so 
something a little smarter is required. I guess I'll need to poke at it 
some more.


Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
> Hi Stefan,
> I took a shot at adding the notify to your iresizeable.js and it seems 
> to work for my limited testing. Here is the patch:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/work/jquery2/plugins/interface.eyecon.ro$ diff -Naur 
> temp/iresizeable.js sew/iresizeable.js
> --- temp/iresizeable.js 2006-10-21 08:22:10.0 -0400
> +++ sew/iresizeable.js  2006-11-05 10:28:54.0 -0500
> @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
>  pointer: null,
>  sizes : null,
>  position: null,
> +notify: function(){},
>  start : function(e)
>  {
>  jQuery(document)
> @@ -48,6 +49,7 @@
>  }
>  jQuery.iResize.resizeElement = null;
>  jQuery.iResize.resizeDirection = null;
> +jQuery.iResize.notify();
>  },
>  getWidth: function(dx, side)
>  {
> @@ -208,6 +210,9 @@
>  }
>  }
>  }
> +if (options.notify && typeof(options.notify) == 
> "function") {
> +jQuery.iResize.notify = options.notify;
> +}
>  }
>  );
>  }
> @@ -216,4 +221,4 @@
>  {
>  Resizeable : jQuery.iResize.build
>  }
> -);
> \ No newline at end of file
> +);
> Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
>> Hi Stefan,
>> I have been trying your resize plugin, it is really slick and works great!
>> I have a request, does it already have or can you add the ability to 
>> added a call back at the end of the resize, so other code can be 
>> notified of the change in size? Like notify below:
>> $(document).ready(function(){
>>  $('#resize_map').Resizeable(
>>  {
>>  minHeight: 100,
>>  maxHeight: 700,
>>  minWidth: 100,
>>  maxWidth: 800,
>>  handlers: {
>>  se: '#resize'
>>  },
>>  notify: function(){
>>  alert("I have been resized");
>>  $('#map_tag').Resized(this.sizes);
>>  }
>>  }
>>  );
>> });
>> Maybe there is another way to do this?
>> Thanks,
>> Stefan Petre wrote:
>>> Franck, try this http://interface.eyecon.ro/demos/resize_textarea.html
>>> Franck Marcia wrote:
>>>> 2006/10/21, Stefan Petre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>>> I think you can use for textareas, just that you have to move the handle
>>>>> while the textarea is resized
>>>> I gave it a try: http://fmarcia.info/jquery/resize
>>>> Report:
>>>> There's a odd behavior with FF: after you resized the textarea the
>>>> first time, it looses 4px in width.
>>>> Adding a doctype declaration to make it "xhtml 1.0 strict" resolves
>>>> the problem but the textarea becomes larger than the resizer (?)
>>>> With IE, when you start to drag the resizer the first time, the
>>>> textarea's height quickly becomes the min height.
>>>> Same behavior than FF with the doctype declaration.
>>>> Franck.
>>>> ___
>>>> jQuery mailing list
>>>> discuss@jquery.com
>>>> http://jquery.com/discuss/
>>> ___
>>> jQuery mailing list
>>> discuss@jquery.com
>>> http://jquery.com/discuss/
>> ___
>> jQuery mailing list
>> discuss@jquery.com
>> http://jquery.com/discuss/
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
> discuss@jquery.com
> http://jquery.com/discuss/

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] New Plugin: Resizeable

2006-11-05 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Hi Stefan,

I took a shot at adding the notify to your iresizeable.js and it seems 
to work for my limited testing. Here is the patch:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/work/jquery2/plugins/interface.eyecon.ro$ diff -Naur 
temp/iresizeable.js sew/iresizeable.js
--- temp/iresizeable.js 2006-10-21 08:22:10.0 -0400
+++ sew/iresizeable.js  2006-11-05 10:28:54.0 -0500
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 pointer: null,
 sizes : null,
 position: null,
+notify: function(){},
 start : function(e)
@@ -48,6 +49,7 @@
 jQuery.iResize.resizeElement = null;
 jQuery.iResize.resizeDirection = null;
 getWidth: function(dx, side)
@@ -208,6 +210,9 @@
+if (options.notify && typeof(options.notify) == 
"function") {
+jQuery.iResize.notify = options.notify;
@@ -216,4 +221,4 @@
 Resizeable : jQuery.iResize.build
\ No newline at end of file

Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
> Hi Stefan,
> I have been trying your resize plugin, it is really slick and works great!
> I have a request, does it already have or can you add the ability to 
> added a call back at the end of the resize, so other code can be 
> notified of the change in size? Like notify below:
> $(document).ready(function(){
>  $('#resize_map').Resizeable(
>  {
>  minHeight: 100,
>  maxHeight: 700,
>  minWidth: 100,
>  maxWidth: 800,
>  handlers: {
>  se: '#resize'
>  },
>  notify: function(){
>  alert("I have been resized");
>  $('#map_tag').Resized(this.sizes);
>  }
>  }
>  );
> });
> Maybe there is another way to do this?
> Thanks,
> Stefan Petre wrote:
>> Franck, try this http://interface.eyecon.ro/demos/resize_textarea.html
>> Franck Marcia wrote:
>>> 2006/10/21, Stefan Petre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>> I think you can use for textareas, just that you have to move the handle
>>>> while the textarea is resized
>>> I gave it a try: http://fmarcia.info/jquery/resize
>>> Report:
>>> There's a odd behavior with FF: after you resized the textarea the
>>> first time, it looses 4px in width.
>>> Adding a doctype declaration to make it "xhtml 1.0 strict" resolves
>>> the problem but the textarea becomes larger than the resizer (?)
>>> With IE, when you start to drag the resizer the first time, the
>>> textarea's height quickly becomes the min height.
>>> Same behavior than FF with the doctype declaration.
>>> Franck.
>>> ___
>>> jQuery mailing list
>>> discuss@jquery.com
>>> http://jquery.com/discuss/
>> ___
>> jQuery mailing list
>> discuss@jquery.com
>> http://jquery.com/discuss/
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
> discuss@jquery.com
> http://jquery.com/discuss/

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] New Plugin: Resizeable

2006-11-05 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Hi Stefan,

I have been trying your resize plugin, it is really slick and works great!

I have a request, does it already have or can you add the ability to 
added a call back at the end of the resize, so other code can be 
notified of the change in size? Like notify below:

 minHeight: 100,
 maxHeight: 700,
 minWidth: 100,
 maxWidth: 800,
 handlers: {
 se: '#resize'
 notify: function(){
 alert("I have been resized");

Maybe there is another way to do this?


Stefan Petre wrote:
> Franck, try this http://interface.eyecon.ro/demos/resize_textarea.html
> Franck Marcia wrote:
>> 2006/10/21, Stefan Petre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>> I think you can use for textareas, just that you have to move the handle
>>> while the textarea is resized
>> I gave it a try: http://fmarcia.info/jquery/resize
>> Report:
>> There's a odd behavior with FF: after you resized the textarea the
>> first time, it looses 4px in width.
>> Adding a doctype declaration to make it "xhtml 1.0 strict" resolves
>> the problem but the textarea becomes larger than the resizer (?)
>> With IE, when you start to drag the resizer the first time, the
>> textarea's height quickly becomes the min height.
>> Same behavior than FF with the doctype declaration.
>> Franck.
>> ___
>> jQuery mailing list
>> discuss@jquery.com
>> http://jquery.com/discuss/
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
> discuss@jquery.com
> http://jquery.com/discuss/

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] maps (was: xml in Browser after ajax

2006-11-04 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ wrote:
> Damn nice tool!
> On 11/4/06, Stephen Woodbridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Ooh! I know! Did this! look at:
>> http://imaptools.com:8081/maps/demo2.html
>> double click the map to get xml displayed under the map, click toggle to
>> see it as formated html.
>> Check my script, you welcome to any ideas I have there. I'm sure you can
>> improve on them.
>> -Steve

Thanks. Mapping and geospatial tools is what I do. mostly building 
server side tools, but this is my first attempt to pull together a 
javascript based client application.

I want to rebuild the mapping application as a jquery plugin or at least 
make it use more jquery stuff, like make the map size dragable, convert 
the help to a thickbox, etc.

This is also why I posted about having drawing tools. With those it 
would be pretty easy to click a feature on the map, fetch it via ajax, 
render and edit it, or add a new feature to the map and stuff like that. 
Then save the results back to the server via ajax.

There are some other opensource efforts to build vector editing tools, 
but they are all targeted at large opensource geo frameworks. It would 
be very cool to have simple point, polyline and polygon drawing tools 
available in jquery. If I ever have the time to push this project that 
far, I probably make a plugin.


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] xml in Browser after ajax

2006-11-04 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Olaf Bosch wrote:
> Jörn Zaefferer schrieb:
>>> How I can let the grabbeing xml in browser explain?
>>> With the .html give me *[object XMLDocument]*
>> If you need html, tell $.ajax to get it for you:
>> $.ajax({
>> ...
>> dataType: "html",
>> sucess: function(html) {
>> }
>> });
> Thank you all for the input. I have to play with all.
> I wanted to show it only visuel. Understand, in the DIV#content is to see:
> text
> So the pure code, does a possibility exist there?
Ooh! I know! Did this! look at:


double click the map to get xml displayed under the map, click toggle to 
see it as formated html.

Check my script, you welcome to any ideas I have there. I'm sure you can 
improve on them.


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] [Fwd: jquery bug 164] (fix?)

2006-11-04 Thread Stephen Woodbridge

You are Awesome! this fixes the problem in IE6.


double click the map and now you can "toggle" between the xml and 
formated html under the map.

Many many thanks!

-Steve *happy* *happy* *smiling* *smiling*

Dave Methvin wrote:
> Okay, this version doesn't error out at least:
> http://methvin.com/junk/jquery-xml-bug.html?patched
> The fix is to change this line of attr() :
> Old:
>   } else if ( elem.getAttribute != undefined && elem.tagName ) { // IE
> elem.getAttribute passes even for style
> New:
>   } else if ( typeof(elem.getAttribute) != "undefined" && elem.tagName ) {
> \
> I think IE  is trying to _call_ elem.getAttribute for some reason, must be a
> bug in the COM typelib for the XML control.
> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Brandon Aaron
> Sent: Saturday, November 04, 2006 1:01 PM
> To: jQuery Discussion.
> Subject: Re: [jQuery] [Fwd: jquery bug 164]
> On 11/4/06, Brandon Aaron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> This is interesting. These both fail for me ...
>> Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; 
>> .NET CLR 2.0.50727)
> I should also mention it fails with the line #722 'Wrong number of arguments
> or invalid property assignment' in both IE6 and IE7.
> --
> Brandon Aaron
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
> discuss@jquery.com
> http://jquery.com/discuss/
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
> discuss@jquery.com
> http://jquery.com/discuss/

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] [Fwd: jquery bug 164]

2006-11-04 Thread Stephen Woodbridge

It just dawned on me I could pull the js from you site:


And both of these fail in IE6.


Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
> Dave,
> Thank you for looking into this.
> I just set up a test case that fails roughly using your test case as a 
> model. I tested it based on todays svn and it fails in IE6. Can you test 
> it against the older versions.
> http://imaptools.com:8081/test/jquery-xml-bug.html
> http://imaptools.com:8081/test/jquery-xml-bug.xml
> -Steve
> Dave Methvin wrote:
>> I just set up a test case based closely on the sample code at the top of bug
>> #164 and can't get it to fail in IE6 with build 501:
>> http://methvin.com/junk/jquery-xml-bug.html?501
>> It does not fail on 413 either, using the copy of the file from
>> http://imaptools.com:8081/js/jquery.js :
>> http://methvin.com/junk/jquery-xml-bug.html?413
>> Can someone still experiencing this problem in real code please respond with
>> a working (uh, non-working) test case and information about the version of
>> the browser? Is it possible that the dependent variable is the version of
>> MSXML instead of the browser?
>> For these situations, it would be very handy if we kept an archive of older
>> builds, and if the files had the revision number inside the .jquery
>> variable. You can't easily get the built files out of SVN.
>> ___
>> jQuery mailing list
>> discuss@jquery.com
>> http://jquery.com/discuss/
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
> discuss@jquery.com
> http://jquery.com/discuss/

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] [Fwd: jquery bug 164]

2006-11-04 Thread Stephen Woodbridge

Thank you for looking into this.

I just set up a test case that fails roughly using your test case as a 
model. I tested it based on todays svn and it fails in IE6. Can you test 
it against the older versions.



Dave Methvin wrote:
> I just set up a test case based closely on the sample code at the top of bug
> #164 and can't get it to fail in IE6 with build 501:
> http://methvin.com/junk/jquery-xml-bug.html?501
> It does not fail on 413 either, using the copy of the file from
> http://imaptools.com:8081/js/jquery.js :
> http://methvin.com/junk/jquery-xml-bug.html?413
> Can someone still experiencing this problem in real code please respond with
> a working (uh, non-working) test case and information about the version of
> the browser? Is it possible that the dependent variable is the version of
> MSXML instead of the browser?
> For these situations, it would be very handy if we kept an archive of older
> builds, and if the files had the revision number inside the .jquery
> variable. You can't easily get the built files out of SVN.
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
> discuss@jquery.com
> http://jquery.com/discuss/

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] [Fwd: jquery bug 164]

2006-11-04 Thread Stephen Woodbridge

If I recall correctly, I think the version that I had that worked was 
marked r29. I'm not sure what that reflected, but I'm kicking myself for 
deleting it, when I upgraded.


Brandon Aaron wrote:
> Since the move to /trunk I'm only able to go back to Rev 482. Is it
> just my SVN client (SVN X) or something I'm not doing right? I don't
> mind taking a look back to see if I can find anything revealing ...
> but I can't get to those older revesions.
> --
> Brandon Aaron
> On 11/4/06, Jörn Zaefferer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Klaus Hartl schrieb:
>>> Hey Steve, as Dave said, this one is hard *and* no fun... But the bug
>>> didn't occur in pre 1.0, so theres still hope!
>> Anyone up for some digging in those old revisions? No fun at all...
>> --
>> Jörn Zaefferer
>> http://bassistance.de
>> ___
>> jQuery mailing list
>> discuss@jquery.com
>> http://jquery.com/discuss/
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
> discuss@jquery.com
> http://jquery.com/discuss/

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] xml in Browser after ajax

2006-11-03 Thread Stephen Woodbridge

I barely know this stuff, but would something like this work:

$("#el1").html($("for-el1", xml).text());
$("#el2").html($("for-el2", xml).text());
$("#el3").html($("for-el3", xml).text());

or if you have a lot of elements, then making an array of them and 
looping through the list might be cleaner.

It seems like if you named the elements in the xml the same as the 
elements in the html, that you should be able to just loop through the 
elements in the xml and use the tagname there to do search in the html 
which would be more elegant. json might already do this for you, but I'm 
not familiar that much with json.



OK here's the point: suppose I want to return in one ajax call several
values to be displayed in different dom elements. I'd return an XML value
with .. and so on. Then I'll use
$("for-el1", xml) and so on to get each piece and stick it into the
corresponding element.

So how would I do it? Since the xml-tree value of the elipsis is exactly
the dom elements I want to add, how do I replace the current contents of
el1 with that? I'm sure its simple but I'm missing a clue on how to :)


yeah... but what's the point? debugging? some folks (not me) use html
without trying to deal with it as xml, and just use some regexs and
other methods to insert directly into the current dom (page)

the beauty of the full ajax deal is to take what you need from the xml
and slip it just where you want it!
I've gone thru hoops to get back my html as full xml (xhtml) and
played with it in the xml manner.


OK so can it be converted back into a string somehow (w/o knowing the
structure) and inserted inside a div for generating HTML display?


Success's parameter on an xml ajax call is not a string. it's a fully
parsed out representation of the  xml. Normally people call the
parameter 'xml' not 'msg'.

You deal with it differently... if you get pieces of the xml with
standard jquery notation (plus you pass the xml, as in:

$("somenode",xml).text() would give you the text from somenode

the complete: callback gives you the whole http request so you can get
whatever you want!

On 11/3/06, Olaf Bosch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

How I can let the grabbeing xml in browser explain?
With the .html give me *[object XMLDocument]*

The Function are:

   type: "GET",
   url: "url.xml",
   dataType: "xml",
   success: function(msg){

Viele Grüße, Olaf


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jQuery mailing list

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] [Fwd: jquery bug 164]

2006-11-03 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Dave Methvin wrote:
>>> I'd would like to know if possible what is the
>>> status on the bug 164 in jquery.
>> As far as I know this is still an open issue. I am hoping
>> the one of the developers that has some expertise in
>> IE will take pity on us and try to fix this bug sooner
>> rather than later ;). 
> If it's being ignored that either means it's hard, it's not fun, or both. :)

Yeah, I figured as much. But hey, no pain, no gain! The bigger the 
challenge, the bigger the glory! ;) or something like that.

> Was the problem the .getAttribute(..., 2) in .attr()?  That was probably put
> in as a patch to the situation where IE fiddles with href attributes unless
> you call it like .getAttribute('href', 2). Maybe you could just take out the
> second argument as a workaround for now? It's worth a try.
> Perhaps a permanent fix would be to only use the two-arg form of
> getAttribute if it's one of the troublesome attributes like href. I guess
> there is no way to know if we're working on an XML document?

I think there are actually more than one problem here. I can't speak to 
Clem's problem, but my is that the that xpath searches on xml documents 
are failing in IE as documented in the bug. I spent about two days 
poking at it in IE, but I just don't have the knowledge or experience to 
sort out this type of problem. So I'm just stuck until some of you 
wizards put you minds to squashing this bug.

Many thanks to all of you that work so hard to make jQuery so wonderful. 
I really love working with it.


jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] [Fwd: jquery bug 164]

2006-11-03 Thread Stephen Woodbridge

As far as I know this is still an open issue. I am hoping the one of the 
developers that has some expertise in IE will take pity on us and try to 
fix this bug sooner rather than later ;). This was not a problem pre 
1.0.0, but I'm sure a lot of code has change since then which has 
resulted in this bug.

The thanks go to the jQuery team, not me. These guys are way smarter 
then me and are generating a very awesome package.

Best regards,

 Original Message 
Subject: jquery bug 164
Date: Fri, 03 Nov 2006 19:42:28 +0100
From: Clément Beffa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I'd would like to know if possible what is the status on the bug 164 in
jquery. As I've a new project at uni were I'm using jquery in order to
support most of browsers. However with this bug i can't use .attr() on
XML object in IE, which is really bad. It crash in :
} else if ( elem.getAttribute != undefined && elem.tagName ) { // IE
elem.getAttribute passes even for style
This is really a blocker for me. Will there be a fix or jquery design is
the problem? Do you have some dirty tricks to make it works even if it
breaks other part of jquery, as i'm probably not using the whole thing ?

Thanks you very much for your work,


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] jQuery 1.0.3 compressed - file header missing

2006-11-02 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Laurent Yaish wrote:
> The packed version of jQuery 1.0.3 is missing the file header, 1.0.2 had 
> it.
> I know it makes the file slightly smaller but then there is no way to 
> know what version you're using.

Actually, it would be nice if jQuery had a var or function like:

$.version or $.version()

the returned the current version string.


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] jQuery Metadata Plugin

2006-11-01 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Oops, I forgot about that.

The guys at work do this, but they don't use a dtd and in fact don't 
even use a doctype and clearly don't validate. Oh well, it was a 
thought, if only half baked. :)


Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ wrote:
> sure, slip in a different namespace and you can make your own tags
>  but it won't validate unless you do the dtd for it too.
> On 11/1/06, Stephen Woodbridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Or just adding an xml data island to your document that has everything
>> you want it it and then parsing that using xpath. This is approach is
>> much cleaner, should validate, and we already have the tools to parse it.
>> -Steve W.
>> Erik Beeson wrote:
>>> In the case of adding metedata to divs, are these approaches any better
>>> than just using nested hidden spans?
>>> --Erik
>>> On 10/31/06, *John Resig* < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>>> Hi Everyone -
>>> I just finished reading over the massive thread that discusses
>>> embedding metadata into elements for later extraction. Well, I just
>>> finished a plugin to handle all three metadata-extraction methods.
>>> You can see a demo here: (Uses Firebug debug statements!)
>>> http://john.jquery.com/plugins/meta/
>>> It's capable of extracting metadata from classes, random attributes,
>>> and child elements.
>>> For example, you can do:
>>> ...
>>> OR
>>> ...
>>> OR
>>> {some:"json",data:true} ...
>>> The default is the first method, but you can always change it but
>>> twiddling the options. This means that there is at least one option
>>> here to appease you.
>>> There's also a bunch of options (like loading data into a single
>>> property and the ability to ignore braces {}). Let me know what you
>>> think of this - I know that I'll probably be using it very soon.
>>> --John
>>> ___
>>> jQuery mailing list
>>> discuss@jquery.com <mailto:discuss@jquery.com>
>>> http://jquery.com/discuss/
>>> ___
>>> jQuery mailing list
>>> discuss@jquery.com
>>> http://jquery.com/discuss/
>> ___
>> jQuery mailing list
>> discuss@jquery.com
>> http://jquery.com/discuss/

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] jQuery Metadata Plugin

2006-11-01 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Or just adding an xml data island to your document that has everything 
you want it it and then parsing that using xpath. This is approach is 
much cleaner, should validate, and we already have the tools to parse it.

-Steve W.

Erik Beeson wrote:
> In the case of adding metedata to divs, are these approaches any better 
> than just using nested hidden spans?
> --Erik
> On 10/31/06, *John Resig* < [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > wrote:
> Hi Everyone -
> I just finished reading over the massive thread that discusses
> embedding metadata into elements for later extraction. Well, I just
> finished a plugin to handle all three metadata-extraction methods.
> You can see a demo here: (Uses Firebug debug statements!)
> http://john.jquery.com/plugins/meta/
> It's capable of extracting metadata from classes, random attributes,
> and child elements.
> For example, you can do:
> ...
> OR
> ...
> OR
> {some:"json",data:true} ...
> The default is the first method, but you can always change it but
> twiddling the options. This means that there is at least one option
> here to appease you.
> There's also a bunch of options (like loading data into a single
> property and the ability to ignore braces {}). Let me know what you
> think of this - I know that I'll probably be using it very soon.
> --John
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
> discuss@jquery.com 
> http://jquery.com/discuss/
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
> discuss@jquery.com
> http://jquery.com/discuss/

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] moddify the title tag

2006-10-30 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Mike Alsup wrote:
>> You get only one chance at this - you can't change it once the tag is 
>> written.
> You can do this in FF and IE:
> document.title = 'my new title';

I could not get this to work via the url which might not be significant:

javascript:document.title='my new title'

but this worked:

javascript:document.write('my new title')

using FF but neither worked as expected in IE 6.


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] json.js

2006-10-30 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Jörn Zaefferer wrote:
>> When I introcuded json.js [http://json.org/json.js] from 
>> http://json.org/ . Problem now is my browser keeps freezing and
>> eating up CPU.
>> I checked and it is clearly conflicting with JQuery.
> It extends Object, which seemes to cause lots of trouble with jQuery.
> You could check if it works when removing
> Object.prototype.toJSONString.

I ran into a similar problem with another script the extended Object. 
I'm wondering if this is an easy condition to check for and generate an 
alert(). This would give the developer am early heads up to what seems 
to be a potentially come problem.


jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] lite.pl - perl script to create jquery-lite.js

2006-10-28 Thread Stephen Woodbridge

Hi all,

This might be useful for some of you that do not have the java jre 
installed and are using the jQuery svn. I have been using this like:

make jquery
./lite.pl build/jquery.js build/jquery-lite.js

I hope this might be useful. Somewhere I read that there might be a full 
set of perl tools for doing this, pack and build. But I have finaly 
install java on my debian box so I can just use the standard build tools.

John, feel free to add this to svn in a contrib section or whereever or not.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Author: Stephen Woodbridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# License: Public Domain
# Simple script to process jQuery build/jquery.js and create 

use strict;

my $in  = shift @ARGV || die "Usage: lite.pl  \n";
my $out = shift @ARGV || die "Usage: lite.pl  \n";

open(IN, $in)  || die "Failed to open $in for read: $!\n";
open(OUT, ">$out") || die "Failed to create $out : $!\n";

my $f = join('', );

$f =~ s/\s*\/\*\*\s*((.|\n)*?)\s*\*\/\n*/\n/gs;
$f =~ s/\n\n+/\n\n/gs;

print OUT $f;
jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] today's svn test report

2006-10-28 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Also adding results from Opera 8 and 9:

Opera/9.02 (Windows NT 5.0; U; en)

   - same results as Foxfire below
Tests completed in 5750 milliseconds.
2 tests of 291 failed.

Opera/8.54 (Windows NT 5.0; U; en)

39.  $.find() (3, 92, 95)
   53. Selected Option Element (option:selected) expected: [object 
HTMLOptionElement],[object HTMLOptionElement],[object 
HTMLOptionElement],[object HTMLOptionElement] result: [object 
HTMLOptionElement],[object HTMLOptionElement],[object HTMLOptionElement]
   69. Sibling Axis (//p/../) expected: [object 
HTMLParagraphElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement],[object 
HTMLDivElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement],[object 
HTMLUListElement],[object HTMLOListElement],[object 
HTMLFormElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement],[object 
HTMLParagraphElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement] result: [object 
HTMLParagraphElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement],[object 
HTMLDivElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement],[object 
HTMLUListElement],[object HTMLOListElement],[object 
HTMLFormElement],[object HTMLElement],[object 
HTMLParagraphElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement],[object 
   70. Sibling Axis (//p/../*) expected: [object 
HTMLParagraphElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement],[object 
HTMLDivElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement],[object 
HTMLUListElement],[object HTMLOListElement],[object 
HTMLFormElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement],[object 
HTMLParagraphElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement] result: [object 
HTMLParagraphElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement],[object 
HTMLDivElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement],[object 
HTMLUListElement],[object HTMLOListElement],[object 
HTMLFormElement],[object HTMLElement],[object 
HTMLParagraphElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement],[object 

Tests completed in 5640 milliseconds.
3 tests of 291 failed.

Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just got tools loaded to be able to run svn make and set up my system 
> for running tests.
> Test results for todays svn follow:
> -Steve
> Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv: 
> Gecko/20060909 Firefox/
> $.find() (2, 93, 95)
> 69.  Sibling Axis (//p/../) expected: [object 
> HTMLParagraphElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement],[object 
> HTMLDivElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement],[object 
> HTMLUListElement],[object HTMLOListElement],[object 
> HTMLFormElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement],[object 
> HTMLParagraphElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement] result: [object 
> HTMLParagraphElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement],[object 
> HTMLDivElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement],[object 
> HTMLUListElement],[object HTMLOListElement],[object 
> HTMLFormElement],[object HTMLSpanElement],[object 
> HTMLParagraphElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement],[object 
> HTMLParagraphElement]
> 70.  Sibling Axis (//p/../*) expected: [object 
> HTMLParagraphElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement],[object 
> HTMLDivElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement],[object 
> HTMLUListElement],[object HTMLOListElement],[object 
> HTMLFormElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement],[object 
> HTMLParagraphElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement] result: [object 
> HTMLParagraphElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement],[object 
> HTMLDivElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement],[object 
> HTMLUListElement],[object HTMLOListElement],[object 
> HTMLFormElement],[object HTMLSpanElement],[object 
> HTMLParagraphElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement],[object 
> HTMLParagraphElement]
> Tests completed in 9516 milliseconds.
> 2 tests of 291 failed.
> Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
> 39.  $.find() (1, 33, 34)
>Died on test #34: [object Error]
> 53.  toggle(Function, Function) (1, 0, 1)
>Died on test #1: [object Error]
> 54.  eventTesting() (1, 0, 1)
>Died on test #1: [object Error]
> 58.  load(String, Hash, Function)xx (1, 0, 1)
>Died on test #1: [object Error]
> 60.  ajaxHandlersTesting() (1, 0, 1)
>Died on test #1: [object Error]
> 69.  $.ajaxTimeout(Number) (1, 0, 1)
>Check for timeout failed
> 73.  $.ajax(Hash)xx (1, 0, 1)
>Died on test #1: [object Error]
> Tests completed in 24828 milliseconds.
> 7 tests of 188 failed.
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
> discuss@jquery.com
> http://jquery.com/discuss/

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Visual jQuery Announcement

2006-10-28 Thread Stephen Woodbridge

Please add to your Future list to provide a printable version of the 
documentation like a single html page or pdf document that is linear so 
it prints on letter sized paper.

This is really a great resource. Kudos for all your effort!


Yehuda Katz wrote:
> I've moved visualjquery.com  to a new, snappier 
> server (that hopefully will have better uptime too). It's also now a 
> Rails app, although the actual API stuff is still just the XML and XSL 
> (Rails allows the use of static files). What's nice about MediaTemple's 
> implementation is that I'm using their grid product, which means the 
> site should easily be able to handle spiked in traffic (not so with my 
> previous site).
> This way, it'll be much easier for me to add new stuff in the future, 
> like more details about the plugins I release on this list.
> A list of recent changes:
>  * All functions indicate a return value (let me know if there are errors)
>  * Plugins have been added to the list
>  * I started documenting Interface inline
>  * It is now possible to indicate that a parameter is a Hash, and 
> provide hash options separately (see Interface)
>  * I improved the parameter style (it's much more readable now with 
> multiple parameters).
>  * Moved to a new server (MediaTemple) and switched to a Rails app.
> Future changes:
>  * Finish documenting official plugins inline
>  * Add a list of my plugins and better downloadability (probablty in a 
> database)
>  * Add style picker for changing colors
>  * Redo UL implementation to DL implementation (will greatly simplify 
> code and allow me to do more with the styles).
>  * Do something about the static header.
>  * Offer offline version via svn.
> If you have any other ideas, please let me know.
> -- Yehuda
> On 10/28/06, *Giuliano Marcangelo* < [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > wrote:
> Scott,
> I have no problem whatsoever with yehuda's color scheme, but if you
> are having problems, why not use the wonderful firefox extension by
> Chris Pederick,the Web Developer Toolbar and disable yehuda's
> stylesheet and use your own.try this for
> starters.hides the header,and colors the body background
> white.not pretty, but  will at the very least enable
> you to see this wonderful piece of work
> On 27/10/06, *Scott Sharkey* < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > wrote:
> Very nice, except for one thing.  Black text (on the buttons) on
> very
> dark blue or brown buttons with a black background is just a
> non-starter.  At least on my screens, Visual jQuery is useless,
> because
> I can't read the navigation screens.
> If it's just me, I apologize.
> -Scott
> Yehuda Katz wrote:
> >  I just updated Visual jQuery so it uses docs that include the
> plugins in
> >  the svn.
> >
> >  I'm going to be adding inline docs to Interface over the next
> few days,
> >  so Interface docs will be available on visualjquery.com
> >  < http://visualjquery.com> in the next few days.
> >
> >  If there's a plugin that you have in the svn repository, but
> it's not
> >  currently on Visual jQuery, please let me know whether I can
> add the
> >  inline docs into the repository, or if you want to do it. The
> more we
> >  get centralized documentation, the better the overall jQuery
> community
> >  becomes.
> >
> >  --
> >  Yehuda Katz
> >  Web Developer | Wycats Designs
> >  (ph)  718.877.1325
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >  ___
> >  jQuery mailing list
> >  discuss@jquery.com 
> >  http://jquery.com/discuss/ 
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
> discuss@jquery.com 
> http://jquery.com/discuss/
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
> discuss@jquery.com 
> http://jquery.com/discuss/
> -- 
> Yehuda Katz
> Web Developer | Wycats Designs
> (ph)  718.877.1325
> ___
> jQuery mailing list
> discuss@jquery.com
> http://jquery.com/discuss/

jQuery mailing list

[jQuery] today's svn test report

2006-10-28 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Hi all,

I just got tools loaded to be able to run svn make and set up my system 
for running tests.

Test results for todays svn follow:


Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv: 
Gecko/20060909 Firefox/

$.find() (2, 93, 95)
69.  Sibling Axis (//p/../) expected: [object 
HTMLParagraphElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement],[object 
HTMLDivElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement],[object 
HTMLUListElement],[object HTMLOListElement],[object 
HTMLFormElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement],[object 
HTMLParagraphElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement] result: [object 
HTMLParagraphElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement],[object 
HTMLDivElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement],[object 
HTMLUListElement],[object HTMLOListElement],[object 
HTMLFormElement],[object HTMLSpanElement],[object 
HTMLParagraphElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement],[object 
70.  Sibling Axis (//p/../*) expected: [object 
HTMLParagraphElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement],[object 
HTMLDivElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement],[object 
HTMLUListElement],[object HTMLOListElement],[object 
HTMLFormElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement],[object 
HTMLParagraphElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement] result: [object 
HTMLParagraphElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement],[object 
HTMLDivElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement],[object 
HTMLUListElement],[object HTMLOListElement],[object 
HTMLFormElement],[object HTMLSpanElement],[object 
HTMLParagraphElement],[object HTMLParagraphElement],[object 

Tests completed in 9516 milliseconds.
2 tests of 291 failed.

Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)

39.  $.find() (1, 33, 34)
   Died on test #34: [object Error]
53.  toggle(Function, Function) (1, 0, 1)
   Died on test #1: [object Error]
54.  eventTesting() (1, 0, 1)
   Died on test #1: [object Error]
58.  load(String, Hash, Function)xx (1, 0, 1)
   Died on test #1: [object Error]
60.  ajaxHandlersTesting() (1, 0, 1)
   Died on test #1: [object Error]
69.  $.ajaxTimeout(Number) (1, 0, 1)
   Check for timeout failed
73.  $.ajax(Hash)xx (1, 0, 1)
   Died on test #1: [object Error]

Tests completed in 24828 milliseconds.
7 tests of 188 failed.

jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] xml / javascript help requested

2006-10-27 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Jörn Zaefferer wrote:
> Dave Methvin schrieb:
>>> look at http://imaptools.com:8081/maps/demo.html
>>> and double click on the map, then click the toggle button under the map.
>>> This is currently broken on IE, because of
>>> http://jquery.com/dev/bugs/bug/164/
>>> (Which I hope gets FIXED soon, please!)
>> I think this is breaking a find() case in the test suite as well. Did some
>> recent change cause the breakage, or just that the error has been there all
>> along and recently reported?
> Check my latest comment here: http://jquery.com/dev/bugs/bug/164/
> These three lines cause lots of trouble when working with XML in IE:
> } else if ( elem.getAttribute != undefined && elem.tagName ) { // IE 
> elem.getAttribute passes even for style
>   if ( value != undefined ) elem.setAttribute( name, value );
>   return elem.getAttribute( name, 2 );
> Test attr(String, Object)x does not fail, instead IE hangs and skips the 
> test. In addition, it indicates an error on the first line, but only the 
> first time the page is loaded. Something about "Wrong number of 
> arguments or illegal property assignment".
> If you have any idea how to solve this, you are welcome.
Hi Jörn,

I do know that this was working in jQuery r29 because that was what I 
started all my development using. Unfortunately, I upgraded and did not 
test IE, then cleaned all the old version from my work area, so I don't 
have that version any more.


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Oooh! These are pretty!

2006-10-27 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Dave Methvin wrote:
>> Hmmm, I just checked all these links in IE 6.0.2800.1106
>> and they all work fine for me. So I'm wondering what
>> version you are using? And why it works for me and not you?
> I've got the latest IE6 for XP SP2, which is 6.0.2900.2180. This page gives
> me one of those typically unhelpful IE errors: "line 65, this.rawNode.fill
> is null or not an object". It's hard to trace the real error location in IE
> because of dojo's dynamic includes.
> http://archive.dojotoolkit.org/nightly/demos/gfx/circles.html
Interesting. This also works for me in
   IE 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp2_gdr.050301-1519  - XP laptop
don't you just love m$ version numbers!

IE 6.0.2800.1106 is on my win2k workstation


jQuery mailing list

Re: [jQuery] Oooh! These are pretty!

2006-10-27 Thread Stephen Woodbridge
Dave Methvin wrote:
>>> I might be wrong, but isn't that what Canvas is for? Drawing shapes?
>> Canvas is Mozilla's implementation... IE doesn't support that however.
>> A JQ drawing lib would be great but quite a pain in the ass to code
>> so it was cross browser.
> What else is new?  ;-)
> None of those "pretty" dojo examples work on IE6 BTW. Don't you guys use the
> world's most popular browser?  :-O
> If anyone is masochistic and thinking about tackling the drawing problem,
> start here:
> http://starkravingfinkle.org/blog/2006/09/canvassvgvml-drawing-roundup/
> The dojo library might be a good starting point but there are alternatives.
> It worries me that none of the demos work with IE.

Hi Dave,

Hmmm, I just checked all these links in IE 6.0.2800.1106 and they all 
work fine for me. So I'm wondering what version you are using? And why 
it works for me and not you?

-Steve W

jQuery mailing list

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