Re: [PHP-DB] password in md5 to connect to mysql instead of clear password

2005-02-28 Thread Jason Wong
On Monday 28 February 2005 19:33, Simon Rees wrote:

> You said in that post: "Set default MySQL user and password in your
> virtual host container. Then connect to MySQL without specifying user
> and password."
> Presumably the file which contains the virtual host directive is
> readable by the process the webserver is running as - if not how does
> this work? 

When Apache starts up it does so as root and thus has the necessary 
privileges to read those files. After it has read all its config files it 
drops root privileges and assumes which whichever user you have 
configured httpd to run as.

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Re: [PHP-DB] password in md5 to connect to mysql instead of clear password

2005-02-28 Thread Jason Wong
On Monday 28 February 2005 18:44, Simon Rees wrote:
> On Sunday 27 February 2005 20:53, Micah Stevens wrote:
> > I think about as safe as you can get is by putting the connection
> > data out of the served directory, somewhere that's not directly
> > accessable, and concentrate on system integrity. (security wise)
> A refinement of this technique is available on Unix boxes to which you
> have root access.
> Create a simple program that can read data about passwords etc. from a
> file. Create a file that can be read by the program you've written with
> the 'secrets' you want to keep secure in it. Make this file owned and
> readable only by root.
> Set the program owned by root, executable by everyone and suid.

If you don't need the flexibility of the custom program and would rather 
make use of existing infrastructure:

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Re: [PHP-DB] password in md5 to connect to mysql instead of clear password

2005-02-26 Thread Jason Wong
On Sunday 27 February 2005 07:11, Micah Stevens wrote:
> Well, yes, but as my key is never transmitted from client to server,
> it's safer. ;)
> I encrypt a connect request with my private key, which is can be
> unencrypted by the public key, but the server knows it's me because
> only the private key can make the encryption. The message is sent over
> the network, but none of the tools to create it or read it are.

The original question was concerning that if someone somehow had access to 
the file which stored the connections details then they would be able to 
use it to connect to the mysql server. Now if someone somehow had access 
to your key then it's game over for you. Unless you password protected 
your key which -- would be extremely impractical.

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Re: [PHP-DB] password in md5 to connect to mysql instead of clear password

2005-02-25 Thread Jason Wong
On Saturday 26 February 2005 04:16, Micah Stevens wrote:

> I was just thinking that a better way to do this is with a
> public/private key set. Then it would be secure, but as someone else
> mentioned, you'd have to patch the source to make it work.

How would it be safer? Correct me if I'm wrong: if I have access to your 
key then I can connect.

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Re: [PHP-DB] accessing mysql on non default port - windows

2005-02-05 Thread Jason Wong
On Sunday 06 February 2005 07:59, Jeff wrote:

> Thats what i thought as well, but each time i attempt to use the port
> in mysql_connect, i.e. 'localhost:3307' or if i change the
> mysql.default_port = 3307  and just use 'localhost' in the server
> argument, i get

OK, but my understanding was that your mysql server is on *nix, and your 
problem was accessing it from a windows client. So you should not be 
using localhost?

> Warning: mysql_connect(): Client does not support authentication
> protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client - this
> using php 4.3.10, unfortunately i don't have the option of running 5.

This error has nothing (AFAICS) to do with the use port being used. The 
fact that you're getting this error indicates that the port being used is 
in fact correct and you have successfully managed to connect to the 
server. Google > the error message.

> Of course the *nix client works like a champ, but from all the
> searching, it seems that the constant MYSQL_PORT is a compile time
> argument.  

Yes, but like I said, if you specify a port then whatever MYSQL_PORT is 
irrelevant because it doesn't come into play.

> Have you succesfully connected from a php/mysql client to a mysql
> server running on 330[not 6]

All the time!

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Re: [PHP-DB] accessing mysql on non default port - windows

2005-02-05 Thread Jason Wong
On Sunday 06 February 2005 04:58, Jeff wrote:
> Hi.  I need to access mysql from windows to *nix on both the default
> port of 3306 and a secondary port of 3307.  php.ini states that win32
> will only pay attention to MYSQL_PORT. 

Just specify the port you want to use in mysql_connect().

> Is there a way to change the
> value of that constant without compiling my own version of php on
> win32. 

I think you're misunderstanding what those comments are saying. If you 
don't specify a port in mysql_connect() then PHP will try to use what is 
defined by mysql.default_port in php.ini. If mysql.default_port is not 
defined *then* it will start loking at other places (as detailed in the 

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Re: [PHP-DB] Table from an array?

2005-02-02 Thread Jason Wong
On Thursday 03 February 2005 05:41, Chris Payne wrote:

> Is it possible to create a database table from the first line of a CSV
> file? What I mean is, how would you create the table columns based on the
> CSV fileâs columns? 

Parse the first line and extract the column names, construct a suitable SQL 
statement to create table?

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Re: [PHP-DB] Storing JPEGS in MySQL

2005-02-02 Thread Jason Wong
On Thursday 03 February 2005 05:59, A Wood wrote:

> The image is resized like this, and as I say, this far its working fine...
> imagecopyresampled($image, $contents, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newxsize, $newysize,
> $orig_x, $orig_y);
> I then try to put it in the DB by passing the variable $image straight
> into an SQL query.  is that correct?

No, $image is the "image resource handle" ...

> The script executes fine with no errors, and there's something being put
> in the LONGBLOB field of the DB (Resource ID #3 it says when I look at
> it).

... and it this particular case your "image resource handle" has an ID of 3.

What you need is output buffering and imagejpeg(). If you're still stuck check 
out the umpteen working examples and tutorials available somewhere.

> The type field is set correctly by the upload script and is "image/jpeg"
> Again this script runs without errors but doesnt produce anything.

Yep, because you haven't stored anything resembling an image in the DB!

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Re: [PHP-DB] Auto Responses?

2005-01-23 Thread Jason Wong
On Monday 24 January 2005 02:13, Samar wrote:
> On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 01:56:03 +0800, Jason Wong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > More specifically, smart autoresponders will not respond to mailing
> > lists, bounces, etc.
> If they are some kind of extensions or plug-ins to email clients, I
> guess you could put up some more info on them to enlighten all of us
> and these "out of office" and "on vacation to Hawai" people.  :)

This is getting way off topic. I don't use any autoresponders on my mail 
client so I can't give any advice there (but I'm sure google can). I only use 
autoresponders on my mailserver. These look at the headers of the incoming 
mail to determine whether an autoresponse is appropriate. The autoresponders 
will also limit the number of autoresponses so that if eg your friend sends 
you 100 mails, they will not be told 100 times that you're having a whale of 
a time in Hawaii, it will only frustrate them and foment envy :).

So if your autoresponder doesn't have at least those 2 features, complain 
loudly, or find a better one (or a better mail client).

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Re: [PHP-DB] Auto Responses?

2005-01-23 Thread Jason Wong
On Sunday 23 January 2005 23:40, JeRRy wrote:
> > I do support you too,  Jerry. People should either
> > somehow exclude
> > 'php-db'/other mailing lists to be auto-replied to
> > or they must keep
> > off their auto-replies with themselves.
> Yes most mail systems allows you to exclude certain
> domains from getting a auto response.  Or if they own
> their own server they can do the same.

More specifically, smart autoresponders will not respond to mailing lists, 
bounces, etc.

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Re: [PHP-DB] mysql - image storing

2005-01-18 Thread Jason Wong
On Wednesday 19 January 2005 01:51, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >   Jason, can you explain why stripslashes should not be used on data
> > taken from the db? when you store data in the db i thought it was good
> > practice to addslashes, when you retrieve from the db, you will need
> > to use stripslashes to remove the extra \
> If I may step in...
> Assuming a MySQL db, using mysql_escape_string obviates the need for using
> either stripslashes or addslashes for db inserts and selects. I'm not sure
> of the underlying mechanism, but if you use mysql_escape_string on a
> string, the  \'s and   " ' "s, etc... all get escaped automagically before
> the insert. If you then take a look at the inserted data using the mysql
> client, you will see that the full unescaped text has been inserted. So
> there is no need to use stripslashes when selecting it out.

Additionally, it should be noted that whether you need to use stripslashes() 
on data retrieved from the database depends on the setting of 
magic_quotes_runtime. The recommended setting is to have it disabled which 
means you do not need stripslashes().

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Re: [PHP-DB] mysql - image storing

2005-01-18 Thread Jason Wong
On Tuesday 18 January 2005 19:30, mel list_php wrote:


> $donnees=stripslashes($row[donnees_binaires]);


> -I tried different combinations with addslashes/stripslashes, trim in case
> of spaces, mysql_real_escape_string...

I haven't looked at your code in detail but stripslashes() should never be 
used on data retrieved from the DB (that is assuming your data was inserted 
correctly in the first place).

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Re: [PHP-DB] ssh tunneling with phpmyadmin

2005-01-10 Thread Jason Wong
On Tuesday 11 January 2005 11:39, Graham Anderson wrote:
> is it possible to ssh tunnel with phpmyadmin
> I want to access my remote db [on shared server] from my phpmyadmin on
> my laptop
> my ISP wonderfully disabled phpmyadmin's relational features :(
> seems a bit hard to find the info so I thought I would ask here :)
> I am using Mac OS X if it matters

Assuming you're able to SSH into the server from your laptop then run this on 
your laptop:

  ssh -fN [EMAIL PROTECTED] -L 13306:

Then configure your laptop's copy of phpmyadmin to access MySQL using address and port 13306.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Trying to connext to MySQL with PEAR

2005-01-06 Thread Jason Wong
On Friday 07 January 2005 03:12, Ford, Mike wrote:
> Oh dear, as a fully-paid-up pedant, I'm afriad I can't resist this one:

I'm afraid it's "afraid" ... :-)

> Doesn't affect the answer, but this occurrence of 'effect' should be
> 'affect'. ;)

Yeah and it annoys me too when people mix up "you're" and "your", and just to 
annoy the Americans, it's "ensure" and not "insure"!

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Re: [PHP-DB] MySQL Auto PK

2005-01-06 Thread Jason Wong
On Friday 07 January 2005 02:29, Andrew Kreps wrote:

> This would be a great place for a stored procedure, but I don't know
> if I can recommend running MySQL 5 to you.  The most platform-safe way
> I can think of is to get a count(*) of the number of rows with today's
> date, add 1 to it, and stick that number on the end of the string
> you've created to insert into a varchar field.  It's an extra query
> per insert, but it'd do the job.

Don't forget to WRITE lock the table before counting, and only unlock after 
inserting the new id.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Trying to connext to MySQL with PEAR

2005-01-06 Thread Jason Wong
On Thursday 06 January 2005 23:41, Jason Davis wrote:
> Hi all I am new to PHP and am trying to connect to mysql for the first
> time. 

In that case I strongly suggest that you at least vaguely familiarise yourself 
with using the basic PHP-native mysql_*() functions first. Go through the 
examples in the manual, learn how to:

- connect to the server
- select a database
- perform some simple queries
- retrieve the results of the queries
- handle errors

Whilst doing that you will have also confirmed whether your connection 
parameters (username/password/hostname/dbname) are correct.

> I get activity on the mysql monitor when I run it,  

What is this monitor? Doesn't it give any clearer indication of what is 
failing? Because this ...

> but get the following error.
> DB Error: connect failed

... seems to be an error produced by your Pear DB class and isn't very 
informative at all. If you do the above and use mysql_error() you'll get a 
more precise error message.

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Re: [PHP-DB] str_replace question

2005-01-05 Thread Jason Wong
On Thursday 06 January 2005 09:38, Chris Payne wrote:

> Iâm having a weird problem and Iâm not sure why, if I try to replace WHERE
> AND with just WHERE it wonât do it, but if I try to replace WHERE or AND by
> themselves it WILL do it, but I cannot replace BOTH of them from a single
> string, is something wrong below?
> $additionalsql = str_replace("WHERE AND", "WHERE", $additionalsql);

The code looks OK. Most likely that $additionalsql DOES NOT contain what you 
think it contains -- check case, check space.

> Basically Iâm trying to replace WHERE AND with just WHERE as Iâm building 
> a
> very complex SQL query and itâs a difficult one, and I have a solution that
> works perfectly but I need this to work in order to do it.

I'm pretty sure a simple if-clause somewhere would prevent the extraneous AND 
from appearing in $additionalsql.

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Re: [PHP-DB] $_GET of array variables

2005-01-05 Thread Jason Wong
On Thursday 06 January 2005 07:02, Jochem Maas wrote:

> now lets sing together: "If in doubt print it out!" :-)

Hey, you're using my trademark without my permission :)

google > "If in doubt print it out"

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Re: [PHP-DB] Removing first word from a string?

2005-01-03 Thread Jason Wong
On Tuesday 04 January 2005 10:46, Chris Payne wrote:

> I am building a dynamic MySQL query for a project I am working on, but
> there are instances where it products WHERE AND instead of WHERE city etc
> â.. due to the nature of the system I am developing.  My question is, how
> can I remove the FIRST â ANDâ from a string if it is present, but leave 
> all
> other AND statements in the string?
> I would really appreciate any help on this.  I can do a find and replace on
> a string no problem, but just want it to be removed IF it is the FIRST word
> in the string.

You can use preg_replace(), but the better solution would be to revise your 
logic so that you produce correctly formed SQL in the first place.

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Re: [PHP-DB] semi-newbie | php, mysql & RH Enterprise

2005-01-01 Thread Jason Wong
On Sunday 02 January 2005 04:55, Evan Cooch wrote:
> > > OK, so I try again, this time using --with-mysql=/usr/bin/mysql - no
> > > luck. Same message.
> >
> >You need to install the mysql-devel package.
> Actually, turns out it is installed already. So, that suggestion won't take
> care of the problem.

You're specifying the incorrect directory, it needs to point to the _header_ 
files which in the case of RH is simply


[Bonus tip, most extensions which needs a library will most likely be 
specified in the same way, ie /usr]

NB no matter which MySQL library you use (whether the PHP-bundled one or the 
MySQL one) it will have no bearing on your socket problem.

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Re: [PHP-DB] semi-newbie | php, mysql & RH Enterprise

2005-01-01 Thread Jason Wong
On Sunday 02 January 2005 05:44, Evan Cooch wrote:
> Jason Wong made several helpful suggestions to my earlier query - alas, non
> of them have panned out.

That's because you have more problems than you know. Basically it mostly boils 
down to RH putting things in non-default places.

> As per his suggestion, I went into php.ini and changed the default mysql
> socket to
>  mysql.default_socket =/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
> Then, I rebooted the system, since I'm guessing changes to php.ini aren't
> dynamic (like everything else that parses a config file isn't).

Hmm, I see you're used to the Windows philosphy of rebooting everytime you 
"move your mouse" so that the "changes can take effect". All you need do is 
restart Apache.

> But, this didn't work.  Two possible answers:


> 2) but, perhaps its simply because changes to php.ini aren't being read.

That explains why your changes to mysql.default_socket have no effect.

> In 
> fact, this might also be the case:  when I run info.php, I get the
> following for the mySQL bits:
> Active Persistent Links0
> Active Links0
> Client API version3.23.49
> MYSQL_SOCKET/tmp/mysql.sock
> MYSQL_LIBS   no value

> So, I have a look at the top bits from the info.php output. It tells me
> that the Configuration File (php.ini) Path is /usr/local/lib. Not /etc.
> But, copying php.ini from /etc to /usr/local/lib doesn't seem to have done
> the trick.

The output from phpinfo() will give the definitive location for where PHP 
expects to find its php.ini. Did you restart webserver? Search php-general 
archives for more info about php.ini.

> So, something more fundamental. And (tada) I think its because I have two
> versions of PHP on the machine. The old one (4.3.2-19ent) that comes with
> RH Enterprise, and the version I compiled from the PHP 4.3.10 tarball. I
> can confirm that I have 2 binaries.
> So, suggestions? I'm total confused by all this. I don't want to use 4.3.2,
> since its got a number of security issues that were corrected with
> 4.3.10.  Should I simply re-install, but try to make sure PHP is NOT
> loaded, and then do it manually myself from the tarball? Or is there a way
> I can get everything to work with the 4.3.10 installation, and ignore the
> older 4.3.2?

Although not strictly necessary it is however strongly recommended that you do 
remove RH's PHP, and if you're feeling brave I suggest removing Apache too 
and install both from source, just follow the instructions in manual. And 
while you're at it you might as well ditch RH's MySQL and install MySQL's own 
RPMs. That way you can keep on top of all the updates that RH7.3 won't be 

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Re: [PHP-DB] semi-newbie | php, mysql & RH Enterprise

2005-01-01 Thread Jason Wong
On Sunday 02 January 2005 00:14, Evan Cooch wrote:

> >You need to install the mysql-devel package.
> Hmmm...OK. Why? (just for my understanding). Again, never had this problem
> with RH7.3...

The same situation exists with RH7.3 (and probably most/every version of Red 
Hat Linux), it's just probably that you never came across it. For reference, 
under Red Hat, most PHP extensions that you may wish to compile will require 
that you install the corresponding -devel package.

> I did, and saw several (many!) options related to mySQL, but wasn't sure
> what to do with them. The one that seems most related to the 'socket' issue
> is
> ; Default socket name for local MySQL connects.  If empty, uses the
> built-in ; MySQL defaults.
> mysql.default_socket =
> Do I simply change this to
> mysql.default_socket=/var/lib/mysql

That should point to the socket _file_ that is used by RH's implementation of 
MySQL. Do a locate/find mysqld.sock.

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Re: [PHP-DB] semi-newbie | php, mysql & RH Enterprise

2005-01-01 Thread Jason Wong
On Saturday 01 January 2005 23:26, Evan Cooch wrote:

> OK, so I do a bit of reading, and see that maybe what I should do is
> explicitly tell PHP where mysql is, during compilation. On this machine,
> whereis mysql yields
> mysql: /usr/bin/mysql /usr/lib/mysql /usr/include/mysql /usr/share/mysql
> /usr/share/man/man1/mysql.1.gz
> OK, so the mysql binary is in /usr/bin, and the library files are in
> /usr/lib. So, I try a recompile of PHP, using
> ./configure  --with-apxs2=/wwwroot/bin/apxs  --with-mysql=/usr/lib/mysql
> But, this bombs during configure - I get the following error message:
> configure: error: Cannot find MySQL header files under /usr/lib/mysql
> OK, so I try again, this time using --with-mysql=/usr/bin/mysql - no luck.
> Same message.

You need to install the mysql-devel package.

> So, how do I either (i) compile PHP (or tweak php.ini) to tell it to look
> in /var/lib/mysql for the mysql.soc file, or (2) tell mySQL to put the
> mysql.sock file somewhere else (like, presumably, /tmp, so PHP can find
> it)?

Did you actually look in your php.ini? Because there is an entry there just 
for this purpose.

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Re: [PHP-DB] how to connect new html page in PHP.

2004-12-25 Thread Jason Wong
On Saturday 25 December 2004 17:07, Zareef Ahmed wrote:
> On Sat, 25 Dec 2004 16:41:40 +0800, Jason Wong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Saturday 25 December 2004 16:32, Zareef Ahmed wrote:
> > > $header="from:[EMAIL PROTECTED] \n\r\n\r";
> >
> > The newlines should be \r\n and not \n\r.
> Does it really make a diffrence?

Yes. Some of the security problems with Outlook stems from MS's strict 
non-compliance with the standards. And it takes just as much effort doing it 
incorrectly by using '\n\r' as it does doing it correctly using '\r\n' :)

Also if there is only a single header in $header then there is no need for 
'\r\n' at all. You only need it to separate multiple headers, and even then 
you should not use two sets of them, ie:

correct: \r\n
  incorrect: \r\n\r\n

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Re: [PHP-DB] php4 + sqlite - quoting stuff

2004-12-25 Thread Jason Wong
On Saturday 25 December 2004 16:15, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:

> There's something I'm not groking about php's syntax.  When I look at how
> you're supposed to quote stuff in sqlite for php4:
>  sqlite_query( $handle, "
>'" . sqlite_escape_string($termcode). "',
>'" . sqlite_escape_string($semester). "',
>'" . sqlite_escape_string($course)  . "',
>'" . sqlite_escape_string($course_desc) . "',
>'" . sqlite_escape_string($college) . "',
>'" . sqlite_escape_string($reference)   . "'
>   )
>  ") or die("Error bravo in query: " .
>   sqlite_error_string(sqlite_last_error($handle)));
> it makes me want to cry.  Php should be prettier than Perl, not uglier.  We
> have single quotes, double quotes and a string quote function.

Perhaps if you understood what that oneliner was doing then you would 
appreciate it that a similar statement in any language would look, similar.

> How am I supposed to parse this?

How do you mean? It's PHP's job to parse.

> What's the purpose for all this quoting? 

OK for the SQL statement you need to construct a string that looks something 

  INSERT INTO course VALUES ('valueoftermcode', ...)

The significant part is that you have single-quotes inside that string. so to 
make things easier for yourself you use double-quotes as your string 

  "INSERT INTO course VALUES ('valueoftermcode', ...)"

Now you could have used single-quotes as your string delimiter but then you 
would have had to escape the single-quotes that appear inside your string so 
it would look something like this mess:

  'INSERT INTO course VALUES (\'valueoftermcode\', ...)'

> And is there a _nicer_ way of doing this?

Yes, don't do oneliners. Rewrite like so:

  $sql_termcode = sqlite_escape_string($termcode);
  $sql_semester = sqlite_escape_string($semester);

  $sql = "INSERT INTO course VALUES ('$sql_termcode', '$sql_semester', ...)";
  sqlite_query( $handle, $sql) or die("Error bravo in query [$sql]: " .

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates ->
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Re: [PHP-DB] how to connect new html page in PHP.

2004-12-25 Thread Jason Wong
On Saturday 25 December 2004 16:32, Zareef Ahmed wrote:

> $header="from:[EMAIL PROTECTED] \n\r\n\r";

The newlines should be \r\n and not \n\r.

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Time goes, you say?
Ah no!
Time stays, *we* go.
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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: HTTP Auth for PHPMyAdmin

2004-12-23 Thread Jason Wong
On Thursday 23 December 2004 21:31, Mark Benson wrote:

> This presumably means that a cookie would remain allowing anyone who used
> the browser on my machine to access it after login. Again, if this is the
> case, this is not adequaterly secure, I require the phpMyAdmin pages to be
> locked at all times from all points of access.

Did you try asking on the phpMyAdmin support channels?

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Re: [PHP-DB] New to the Mailing List

2004-12-23 Thread Jason Wong
On Thursday 23 December 2004 16:50, Ben wrote:

> I attach a document, which is used to send an email with attachments. What
> I need to do though, is if a form field is left blank, then that tag is not
> included in the email. Any clues anybody?

Check whether field is blank, if so don't include it? Or is this a trick 

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I'm going to Vietnam at the request of the White House.  President Johnson
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Re: [PHP-DB] fopen

2004-12-23 Thread Jason Wong
On Thursday 23 December 2004 16:36, Yemi Obembe wrote:

> How can I get the file name of the home page of a url I opened with fopen()
>  this way:
> $handle = fopen("";, "r");
> ?

You can't. 

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Re: [PHP-DB] _POST, _GET, _REQUEST not working

2004-12-22 Thread Jason Wong
On Thursday 23 December 2004 03:12, Keane, Warren A FIN:EX wrote:

> You are a sharp one but alas that is not my real code. The real code for
> displaying var1 and var2 is:

Is there any reason why you originally posted bogus code and not your real 
code? When you post code, please make sure it's verbatim and is the actual 
code that you're having problems with.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Redhat-MySQL Issues

2004-12-21 Thread Jason Wong
On Tuesday 21 December 2004 12:29, Nathan Mealey wrote:

> I am trying to get PHP (4.3.2) to connect to MySQL 4.1.8 on a Redhat AS
> 3.0 server.
> I ran the command: up2date php-mysql
> And on the initial run-through, PHP connected to MySQL no problem. But
> then I changed something in the PHP.ini and the next time I ran a PHP
> to Mysql script, I got the following error message:
>  Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect()
> All I changed in the PHP.ini was the include path.

My guess is that that is not what you changed (or not the only thing you 
changed). If you're pretty sure that 'include_path' was the only thing you 
changed then just revert it back to what it was before.

> What could have happened? 

It doesn't know about your MySQL extension. You could have a look at the 
'extension_dir' setting to whether you had changed that accidently.

> I am so in the dark on how to fix this! 

If all else fails, extract a fresh copy of php.ini from one of the RPMs. Or 
ask someone on the RH mailing lists to send you one.

Oh, and next time you edit php.ini, make a backup!

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Re: [PHP-DB] Looping within a string?

2004-12-16 Thread Jason Wong
On Friday 17 December 2004 11:24, Chris Payne wrote:

Please do not top post.

> Well basically I have a list of items and their prices etc . which have
> to be sent via email, so I need to store the data in a string.  I THOUGHT I
> could execute the loop with all the elements (Such as table rows etc ...)
> inside a string, but I was wrong, so how can I store the data PLUS the
> table data into a string?

By 'data' I assume you mean data from the database and by 'table data' I 
assume you mean the HTML markup to output a table?

  $text = '';
  while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_resultc)) {
$text .= 'some html markup' . $row['id'] . 'more html';

Now stick $text somewhere in the body of your mail.

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 Professor: Oh, dear. She's stuck in an infinite loop and he's an idiot. 
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Re: [PHP-DB] Looping within a string?

2004-12-16 Thread Jason Wong
On Friday 17 December 2004 10:33, Chris Payne wrote:

> Iâm having to send an email with looped results, but Iâm having problems. 
> I can send an email no problem, and this code works OUTSIDE of the string,
> but not inside, can anyone see what is going wrong?

Please explain what you are doing. A string is a string. Code doesn't execute 
inside a string. What else are you doing to the string?

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Re: [PHP-DB] date conversions

2004-12-15 Thread Jason Wong
On Thursday 16 December 2004 14:00, neil wrote:

> I am needing to convert a d/m/y date such as 30/11/2004 into the format
> that mysql can use ie. 2004-11-20
> If I try the following:
> $testdate="30/11/2004";
> echo date("Y-m-d", strtotime($testdate));
> the result is - 2006-06-11
> I can't find any other function apart from strtotime to do this.

Use the string functions to manipulate it into the required format, explode() 
is one approach. If you're desperate search the archives, hundreds of 
variations of code to do this have been posted in the past. But it might be 
quicker to write your own than to hit upon the appropriate keywords to search 

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates ->
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Re: [PHP-DB] stumped-mail and database

2004-12-07 Thread Jason Wong
On Tuesday 07 December 2004 19:15, Stuart Felenstein wrote:
> --- Jason Wong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Please be explicit, do you mean this what you get?:

> > What happens when you do this:
> >
> > $to = $rsVendorJobs->fields('Conmail');
Call to a member function on a non-object

> > echo $to;
Nothing, as $to is undefined (or ill-defined)

> > echo $rsVendorJobs->fields('Conmail');
The contents of 'Conmail'

> > $to = $rsVendorJobs->fields('Conmail');
Call to a member function on a non-object

> > echo $to;
Nothing, as $to is undefined (or ill-defined)

Also just to be certain that you *are* running those lines of code change the 
echo $to, to echo "Before $to" & echo "After $to" or something.

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates ->
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hard, adj.:
 The quality of your own data; also how it is to believe those
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Re: [PHP-DB] stumped-mail and database

2004-12-07 Thread Jason Wong
On Tuesday 07 December 2004 18:13, Stuart Felenstein wrote:

> Here is what's freaking me out ! :)
> Anywhere on the page I can do a
> fields('Conmail');?>
> And it will echo out the correct value,
> But! as soon as I do a
> $to = $rsVendorJobs->fields('Conmail');
> I get a "Fatal error: Call to a member function on a
> non-object in /ho"

What happens when you do this:

$to = $rsVendorJobs->fields('Conmail');
echo $to;
echo $rsVendorJobs->fields('Conmail');
$to = $rsVendorJobs->fields('Conmail');
echo $to;

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates ->
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Re: [PHP-DB] php5 and mysql_connect

2004-12-06 Thread Jason Wong
On Monday 06 December 2004 23:54, Norland, Martin wrote:

> Sorry this got a little toasty, but it sure felt like a blind attack,
> since the most cursory of checks revealed my statements true.

I'm sorry if you felt that that was an attack. Your honour, in my defence, I 
confess that I haven't really read the "Installation" section of the "MySQL 
functions" chapter of the manual since sometime near the end of the PHP 3 
development cycle. And I've always relied on ./configure --help to show me 
what the defaults are for the particular version of PHP I'm installing. In 
light of the mitigating circumstances I declare this a mistrial :)

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates ->
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BOFH Excuse #346:

Your/our computer(s) had suffered a memory leak, and we are waiting for them 
to be topped up.

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Re: [PHP-DB] php5 and mysql_connect

2004-12-06 Thread Jason Wong
On Monday 06 December 2004 22:46, Norland, Martin wrote:

> No, PHP5 does indeed have some new (and different) functions for mysql,
> but it supports (properly, nothing old about it) the normal mysql
> functions as well.  The change for PHP5 is that it no longer enables
> mysql functions by default (you need to now compile it with
> --with-mysql), and it no longer bundles the client libraries.

AFAIK no version of PHP ever did compile with mysql by default. You *had* to 
use --with-mysql if you wanted mysql support. The choice was whether to use 
the bundled library (the default if you didn't specify a directory with 
--with-mysql) or some other library.

> From
>   - MySQL support.  There has been some confusion with regards to the
> disabling of MySQL by default in PHP 5.  This simply means that in
> order to use MySQL you must explictly use --with-mysql just like
> you do with most every other extension. 

If this is where you got the above from, then maybe you would like to point 
out to them that it is incorrect (not that it matters to people using PHP5 -- 
but people using PHP4 might wonder why they don't have mysql support when it 
is "supposed to be enabled by default").

Actually, reading it again, it doesn't explicitly say the versions of PHP 
older than PHP5 enabled by mysql by default. Maybe it is your interpretation 
and reading between the lines which led to your above statement :)

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Re: [PHP-DB] Checkboxes on repeat regions

2004-12-06 Thread Jason Wong
On Monday 06 December 2004 20:39, Stuart Felenstein wrote:

> --- Jason Wong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm not sure what you mean exactly by "intended use
> > checkboxes".
> Intended use - I generate a list (via a repeat region)
> of records.  Each item on the list has an associated
> checkbox. If I put a check in the box, do a $_POST I
> expect on the next page where I"ve set up the correct
> parameters, to see the selected record only.

OK, so your intended use is to "see the selected record(s?)" (based on the 
checkboxes selected). Now your problem is not with the "see selected record" 
bit (I'm pretty sure you've got that sussed out), it is with "how do I handle 
checkboxes". See below.

> Probably, but then again all questions posted here
> could be derived from the manual.

I would guess that 80% of the questions on the list could be answered with 
_direct_ reference to the manual(s). By direct reference I mean either 
searching the manual for the 1 or 2 _obvious_ keywords or looking in the 
_obvious_ section of the manual. For example, some people have asked "how do 
I escape strings before inserting them into a mysql database", well one of 
the obvious place would be to look at the mysql section of the php manual, 
and if the asker had done that they would have seen that there are functions 
called mysql_real_escape_string() and mysql_escape_string(). That's why 
people should RTFM first, before even thinking of posting to the list!

Anyway ...

> So I set the value of the check box to:
>  name="checkbox" value=" $rsRes->Fields('Rese'); ?>">

... there's your problem, all your checkboxes have the same name. PHP is not 
smart enough to automatically put them into an array, so if you check more 
than one checkbox PHP will either keep the first checkbox or the last 
checkbox (I don't know the exact behaviour (and don't care) but you can 
easily do some tests to find out should you wish).

> While it returns from the correct field it is not
> returning the correct record.  I read somewhere to
> name checkbox as an array.  checkbox[]
> Perhaps this is what I need to do.

Indeed, that is what the manual hints at, and what the articles will tell you 
to do.

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Okay ... I'm going home to write the "I HATE RUBIK's CUBE HANDBOOK FOR

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Re: [PHP-DB] Checkboxes on repeat regions

2004-12-06 Thread Jason Wong
On Monday 06 December 2004 18:11, Stuart Felenstein wrote:

> Okay, I'll take a look.  Usually, as in this case, I
> did perform an extensive search for an answer.  I did
> not find one however that really addressed my
> particular intended use of checkboxes.  Many articles,
> forum post, etc were about "deletes" and insertions
> using checkboxes.

I'm not sure what you mean exactly by "intended use checkboxes". Let's try to 
break it down:

Purpose: check boxes are used to select one or more values/options/choices

How to implement using PHP: you need to know how to output the correct HTML so 
that it will be easy to process - this is covered in the manual; you need to 
know how to process the submitted form and read the values from the 
checkboxes - again this stuff is in the manual;

What to do depending on the values of checkboxes: this is probably what you 
meant by "deletes" and "insertions". Well, as along as you know *how* to read 
the values from checkboxes then *what* you do with them is a completely 
separate issue. Just because one article uses checkboxes to "delete stuff" it 
doesn't mean you can't use the overall principle and change the code to 
"delete stuff" into "display stuff".

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates ->
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Re: [PHP-DB] Checkboxes on repeat regions

2004-12-06 Thread Jason Wong
On Sunday 05 December 2004 20:53, Stuart Felenstein wrote:

> I have this form that is set up like this:


I understand from your previous postings that you use Dreamweaver (to do at 
least part of your coding). If you are at all serious about coding with PHP 
(ie you want to do stuff that is any more advanced than the most basic stuff) 
then you should ditch Dreamweaver (or only use it as an straightforward 
editor and project manager). The code produced by Dreamweaver will be 
(because of its generic nature) any one or more of these: convoluted, 
obfuscated, non-obvious, overly lengthy.

Writing your own code will (hopefully) allow you to understand what you're 
doing, and why you're doing it.

> I'm having no luck though and perhaps I'm unclear
> about  the use of checkboxes or even radio buttons.

  google > html checkbox php

In particular the IBM developerworks article looks like ideal reading for you.

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Re: [PHP-DB] PHP-HTML-select deny

2004-12-01 Thread Jason Wong
On Thursday 02 December 2004 00:37, denys wrote:

> wouldn't it be possible to display the text in a form text area and put
> it state to disabled ?
> But if someone really want your text he just have to rewrite it...

View source > copy > paste

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It doesn't matter what you do, it only matters what you say you've
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Re: [PHP-DB] PHP-HTML-select deny

2004-12-01 Thread Jason Wong
On Wednesday 01 December 2004 20:50, PHPDiscuss - PHP Newsgroups and mailing 
lists wrote:
> Hi, what can i do, where users can't select and copy my text from web-page.

Don't display any text. If they can see it they can copy it. If you're really 
determined, then use images instead of text. What are you trying to prevent?

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Re: [PHP-DB] Use of 'as' name in where sub-clause

2004-12-01 Thread Jason Wong
On Wednesday 01 December 2004 17:53, Ross Honniball wrote:

> If someone can give me a good reason why this is so, it will stop it
> annoying me so much.

I'm sure someone on the _MYSQL_ list will give you a jolly good reason or two.

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates ->
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Optimism is the content of small men in high places.
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Re: [PHP-DB] Using a loop on a result destroys array??

2004-11-24 Thread Jason Wong
On Wednesday 24 November 2004 23:02, Mark Benson wrote:

> >You want people to focus on your real problem and not on
> >the mistakes you made in transcribing your actual code into your post.

> I actually write (rather badly it would seem!) theoretical examples

Please don't construct theoretical examples. 

> that would (or in this case wouldn't!!) end in the same situation as the
> problem in my code (as I see it).

It's hard enough writing code that works without having to mess around with 
writing theorectical code that:

  "doesn't work in the exactly the same fashion as another piece of code"

Construct a stripped-down, bare-bones, *working* example that illustrates your 
problem. (Working in the sense that it is free from syntax and other errors 
that are not the focus of the problem).

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Re: [PHP-DB] Using a loop on a result destroys array??

2004-11-24 Thread Jason Wong
On Wednesday 24 November 2004 20:31, Mark Benson wrote:

> From the above code,

Actually the above code would result in a parse error. There are no 
where-loops in PHP but there are while-loops. This is not being pedantic. If 
you're going to post code, make sure it's verbatim by using "copy and paste" 
your actual code. You want people to focus on your real problem and not on 
the mistakes you made in transcribing your actual code into your post.

> loop 2 returns a blank array, the output is simply 
> "Array ()". If I remove the loop (by commentiung it out) that extracts
> $crab the mysql $result array is suddenly full of the correct values. It
> seems to me that loop 1 is destroying or somehow not resetting $result.
> Very odd...

mysql_data_seek() is what you need. Or you can consider storing the results 
into an array the first time round then you can read results from the array 
whenever next you need it.

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Re: [PHP-DB] mysql db dump with php

2004-11-16 Thread Jason Wong
On Wednesday 17 November 2004 13:51, Nate Nielsen wrote:

> i need a script that will connect to a db with a username and password, and
> then export to the screen scripts to both recreate the database structure
> (the create table commands) and then create insert statements to populate
> that information into the database.  then of course, i need to run those
> scripts on the other server to create the db and populate it.

From the command line of the system holding source database:

  mysqldump --opt -u username -p password nameofdatabase > nameofdatabase.sql

Now take the created file nameofdatabase.sql and place onto the system holding 
destination database. Then from the command line of the system holding 
destination database:

  mysql -u username -p password < nameofdatabase.sql

If you don't have direct access to the command line use php's program 
execution functions.

> if you can hook me up i'll paypal you $20 bucks to buy you and yours a few
> pints of your favorite ale on me.

Donate it to your local Red Cross/Red Crescent or equivalent.

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates ->
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Re: [PHP-DB] PHP / Javascript question

2004-11-15 Thread Jason Wong
On Tuesday 16 November 2004 11:03, Chris Payne wrote:

> BUT because the tickboxes information is stored in a PHP Array called del[]
> I am having major problems getting it to work.  Does anyone know how to
> determine with javascript if any boxes are ticked, when the name for the
> box is an Array such as del[] ???

manual > PHP and HTML

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Stone's Law:
 One man's "simple" is another man's "huh?"

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Re: [PHP-DB] mysqldump

2004-11-09 Thread Jason Wong
On Tuesday 09 November 2004 19:12, Aaron Todd wrote:

Please do not top post (google > top post).

> I tried the double quotes but that didn't seem to matter. 

It does matter. 

> I also put the 
> command string in a variable and then am running the variable with exec.
> Still it doesnt work.

Splitting it up into 2 steps is to aid in debugging.

> $filename = "/home/virtual/site341/fst/var/www/html/db_backup_" .
> date("n-j-y").".sql";
> $command = "/home/virtual/site341/fst/usr/bin/mysqldump -u * -p*
> database > $filename";
> echo $command;

If what is being echoed looks OK then

> exec($command);

make use of the extra arguments to exec() (see manual) so that you can see 
what's being output.

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates ->
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Re: [PHP-DB] mysqldump

2004-11-09 Thread Jason Wong
On Tuesday 09 November 2004 17:59, Aaron Todd wrote:
> I have created a PHP script that looks like:
>$filename = "/var/www/html/db_backup_" . date("n-j-y").".sql";
>   exec('mysqldump -u * -p* database > $filename');
> ?>
> For some reason this doesnt work and I cant figure out why.  There is no
> error that comes back.  When I run the mysqldump command from the server
> console it produces the file fine.  I have read a few other posts out there
> about this same thing which resulted in the location the file was being
> saved.  But I have gone through my server and found nothing.  Does anyone
> have any suggestions for regarding this.

Try using double quotes.

Also just like performing SQL queries, it's a very good idea to build up the 
command you want executed, store it in a string ($cmd), then echo it to see 
whether it looks good, then exec($cmd).

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Re: [PHP-DB] How to get unique entries?

2004-11-02 Thread Jason Wong
On Tuesday 02 November 2004 22:24, Chris Payne wrote:

> Iâm listing entries by date in a dropdown box, but on some days there are
> 7-8+ dates the same, but I just need it to display each date ONCE in the
> dropdown, but for the life of me I canât remember the command to use to do
> this, can anyone please remind me?  I know it was dead simple, but canât
> remember the command.

google > sql unique

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It is Fortune, not Wisdom, that rules man's life.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Parsing CSV files into a MySQL Table

2004-11-02 Thread Jason Wong
On Tuesday 02 November 2004 13:46, Mark Benson wrote:

> mysql_connect (localhost, foouser, foologin);

Always use check the return value of any mysql_*() function you use and make 
use of mysql_error().

> $csvfile = file("";);

If you're using a newer version of PHP you can use fgetcsv() instead. Even 
better, if you're able to, use MySQL's LOAD DATA.

> foreach($csvfile as $line_no => $datastring) {

As you're not using $line_no the following is better:

  foreach ($csvfile as $datastring) {

>  mysql_query ("INSERT INTO 'footable' (foo1, foo2, foo3, foo4, foo5, foo6,
> foo7) VALUES '$foo1', '$foo2', '$foo3', '$foo4', '$foo5', '$foo6',
> '$foo7')"); }

Again, use mysql_error().

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates ->
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 Michelle: You should be chief.
 Fry: What do I need, ulcers?

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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: [EMAIL PROTECTED] November 2, 2004

2004-11-02 Thread Jason Wong
On Tuesday 02 November 2004 08:04, GH wrote:
> However, when other countries are in trouble or need something... who
> do they turn to? America

No country or government acts unless it is in their interests (perceived or 
otherwise) to do so. 

> Therefore everyone in the world has an interest in what happens in the
> american body politic just as Americans have an interest in what
> happens to the British Prime Minister and in parts of the British body
> politic.

It would be interesting if the rest of the world was able to partake in the 
American presidential elections. With the level of anti-"incumbent president" 
feelings around the world there'll soon be an ex-president.

It would be even more interesting to see what would happen if the upcoming 
Iraqi elections results in an anti-American pro-Islamist government. Would it 
then still be the "beacon of hope" that current administration keep 

Now can we go back to discussing php and databases.

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Fools ignore complexity.  Pragmatists suffer it.
Some can avoid it.  Geniuses remove it.
-- Perlis's Programming Proverb #58, SIGPLAN Notices, Sept.  1982

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Re: [PHP-DB] can i display an image _directly_ from postgres db storage?

2004-11-01 Thread Jason Wong
On Tuesday 02 November 2004 03:36, P. George wrote:
> i know that postgres has a raw binary datatype called bytea for storing
> pictures and whatnot, but i'm having trouble finding an example of
> displaying an image on a web page with php that is pulled directly from
> the database?
> is this possible?


> if so, how?

Tutorials that shows how to upload and store image/binary files in a database 
also usually shows how to retrieve them (and in the case of images, also how 
to display them).

One function you'll find useful is


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There are a lot of lies going around and half of them are true.
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Re: [PHP-DB] Something wierd with time() and curdate()

2004-10-31 Thread Jason Wong
On Sunday 31 October 2004 22:45, Bobo Wieland wrote:
> There is something wierd going on over here...
> I have a date field, datum, in mysql that I cast to a timestamp and check
> against time(). If the datum value is more than one day old the table finds
> a new random row and sets the datum field to CURDATE(). Now, this has
> worked for two years now, but today the script suddenly finds a new random
> row each time the script is run... 

Would this line have anything to with it? If not, post some concise code (see 

> mysql_data_seek($result, rand(0,$rows));

> I've notice this just after 11 pm today. 
> As I can see from some debugging time() allways returns a higher value than
> the timestamp + 86400... Have I missed something in this script for the
> last couple of years or is there a bug somewhere? Could it have something
> to do with the fact that we turned the time back one hour last night?
> This is the code btw:

Please *try* to isolate the problem and post CONCISE code which sufficiently 
illustrates your problem. For example (for this particular problem) if you 
suspect PHP is calculating the dates incorrectly then a few lines of code 
showing the date calculations would be sufficient. If you suspect MySQL is 
the culprit then a single query would be sufficient.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Problems with mysql_num-rows()

2004-10-31 Thread Jason Wong
On Sunday 31 October 2004 18:32, Arne Essa Madsen wrote:
> I have the following problem:
> This one does not work:
>  $query = "SELECT * from user where name='$userid' and
> pass=password('$password')";

print $query;

>   $result = mysql_query($query, $link);

Use mysql_error().

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An honest tale speeds best being plainly told.
  -- William Shakespeare, "Henry VI"

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Re: [PHP-DB] PHP & Javascript

2004-10-30 Thread Jason Wong
On Saturday 30 October 2004 12:33, balwantsingh wrote:

> can anybody guide me how to embed php script into javascript. 

You can't.

> actually i am 
> using a function in  javascript and want that when this fuctions is called
> than some values to be stored in php session so that the values can be
> displayed in next page.

You can pass values from client-side using Javascript either via the URL 
($_GET) or form ($_POST) or cookies ($_COOKIE).  You can't manipulate the 
session variables directly.

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Defeat is worse than death because you have to live with defeat.
  -- Bill Musselman

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Re: [PHP-DB] printer dialouge box

2004-10-30 Thread Jason Wong
On Saturday 30 October 2004 12:33, balwantsingh wrote:
> how i can open the printer dialouge box of browser in PHP.  pls. help.

You don't because you can't.

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It is a profitable thing, if one is wise, to seem foolish.
  -- Aeschylus

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Re: [PHP-DB] MySQL backup software

2004-10-27 Thread Jason Wong
On Wednesday 27 October 2004 13:57, Perry, Matthew (Fire Marshal's Office) 
> Does anyone know a free MySQL backup program to schedule regular backups?

  google > mysql mailing list

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Sigh.  I like to think it's just the Linux people who want to be on
the "leading edge" so bad they walk right off the precipice.
(Craig E. Groeschel)

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Re: [PHP-DB] Implementing search in a database driven website

2004-10-26 Thread Jason Wong
On Wednesday 27 October 2004 03:11, Vinayakam Murugan wrote:
> Thanks, Robby. This worked. However I wasn't able to get any
> documentation on the siU parameters used in the command as in
> > $string= preg_replace("']*>.*'siU",'',$string);
> Any pointers.

manual > Regular Expression Functions (Perl-Compatible) > Pattern Modifiers 

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Re: [PHP-DB] How to send a SID in a security way

2004-10-22 Thread Jason Wong
On Saturday 23 October 2004 01:00, Bart Baaten wrote:

> The session ID will always remain inside the session as long as you're in
> the session.
> You don't have to 'send' it, it's already there.

And to 'stay in the session', the session id has to be propagated from page to 
page whether by cookies, URL or form. In other words you *have* to send it 
one way or another.

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Re: [PHP-DB] how to connect to dbase

2004-10-15 Thread Jason Wong
On Friday 15 October 2004 19:11, Swapan Mazumdar wrote:
> I can't believe this, my problem doesn't attract any attention.
> But I am quite sure that everybody else besides me has more experience
> than me in this specific field.
> Anyone pl, is my question absurd or just impossible.

I may be wrong, but I can't believe that dbase is exactly popular amongst php 
users. Its lack of popularity could explain the lack of response.

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But scientists, who ought to know
Assure us that it must be so.
Oh, let us never, never doubt
What nobody is sure about.
-- Hilaire Belloc

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Re: [PHP-DB] DB will INSERT wont UPDATE..error in code?

2004-10-12 Thread Jason Wong
Please do not top-post.

On Wednesday 13 October 2004 10:26, Matthew Kiehne wrote:
> sorry this is the output i meant to post
> SQL statement = UPDATE badges SET staff = '1' ttlpst = '1' mnthpst = '1'
> ttlicon = '/trophies' mnthicon = '/ribbons' WHERE fid = 61
> and this is the error i getyet i still cant for the life of me find a
> problem
> Update query = UPDATE badges SET staff = '1' ttlpst ='1' mnthpst = '1'
> ttlicon = 'trophies' mnthicon = 'medals' WHERE fid = 61Query3 failed: You
> have an error in your SQL syntax near 'ttlpst ='1' mnthpst = '1' ttlicon =
> 'trophie' at line 3

If you look up the manual entry for UPDATE, you'll find that you're missing 
the commas separating the columns.

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I'm free -- and freedom tastes of reality.
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Re: [PHP-DB] DB will INSERT wont UPDATE..error in code?

2004-10-12 Thread Jason Wong
On Wednesday 13 October 2004 04:08, Matthew Kiehne wrote:

> database, however when i want to update the SQL query returns an output
> like this 'SQL statement = UPDATE badges
> (staff,ttlpst,mnthpst,ttlicon,mnthicon) VALUES
> ('1','1','1','/ribbons','/ribbons') WHERE fid=2' but when i try to pull the
> information from the database it hasnt updated, can someone help me out
> with not sure why it wouldnt update even though the statement
> looks correct.

I don't see how you get the above output when $sql is defined like so:

>  $sql = "UPDATE badges SET staff = '".$HTTP_POST_VARS["staff"]."' ttlpst =
> '".$HTTP_POST_VARS["ttlpst"]."' mnthpst = '".$HTTP_POST_VARS["mnthpst"]."'
> ttlicon = '".$HTTP_POST_VARS["ttlicon"]."' mnthicon =
> '".$HTTP_POST_VARS["mnthicon"]."' WHERE fid = $fid";

echo $sql;

Make use of mysql_error().

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There are three things I always forget.  Names, faces -- the third I
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Re: [PHP-DB] Don't mean to be repetitive - Session Variables

2004-10-11 Thread Jason Wong
On Monday 11 October 2004 19:42, Stuart Felenstein wrote:
> I think I found the correct way.  By registering the
> session variable in the "next" page is how they take.
> Form Page 1 -
> collect user input
> Form Page 2 -
> $_SESSION['name'] = $POST['myane'];
> This sound right?

Yes (aside from the typos above).

> I'm not sure if
> A) in the field area do i keep the value set as
> "value=""> or is
> that where my mistake is happening ?

At this point $_SESSION['MyName'] is not defined (not registered, and even if 
it was registered you have nothing to put in it just yet) and hence setting 
your field value to it is meaningless.

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When you say "I wrote a program that crashed Windows", people just stare at
you blankly and say "Hey, I got those with the system, *for free*".

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Re: [PHP-DB] Don't mean to be repetitive - Session Variables

2004-10-11 Thread Jason Wong
On Monday 11 October 2004 17:35, Stuart Felenstein wrote:

> > If you don't have a specific reason for this to be
> > enabled you should disable
> > it.
> I don't control it.  On  a shared server.


> > and try out the examples and understand what's going
> > on.
> The examples don't seem to apply.  

The point is that you should understand *what* is going on with the examples. 
It's only when you've understood something that you can then apply it to 
other situations.

> > Executive summary:
> >
> > do not enable register_globals
> > $_SESSION['variable'] = 'something'; // to register
> > a session variable
> Alright , I guess the light isn't shining through
> here. 'Something' is setting the variable to something
> the user can change with the form input ?

The 'something' in your particular case is the data from the form on Page1. Eg

  $_SESSION['variable'] = $_POST['myforminput'];

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About all some men accomplish in life is to send a son to Harvard.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Don't mean to be repetitive - Session Variables

2004-10-11 Thread Jason Wong
On Monday 11 October 2004 16:47, Stuart Felenstein wrote:
> I can't seem to figure this out.
> Right now I'm still trying to get the multi page form
> down.
> For the facts, running php 4.3.8, apache 1.3.x
> Register Globals are enabled

If you don't have a specific reason for this to be enabled you should disable 

> So I'm starting the pages with:
>  session_start();
> ?>
> Now since this is a form, the user creates the value
> for the variable, so within the form:
>  value="">
> Question 1: is this enough to register the session
> variable ?

No. You should read (repeatedly if necessary)

  manual > Session Handling Functions

and try out the examples and understand what's going on.

Executive summary:

do not enable register_globals
$_SESSION['variable'] = 'something'; // to register a session variable

> If I send this form action post to a page where I
> have:
>  session_start();
> ?.
> ..
>  echo "\$myname = ".$myname."";
> ?>

$myname is taken straight from your form, and because you have enabled 
register_globals it is available in the GLOBAL scope. That has nothing to do 
with your sessions.

> The variable print out fine.
> BUT - if I add another page between first and
> printout,
> echo "\$myname = ".$myname.""; - returns nothing

1) understand the paragraph above
2) realise that at no stage have you actually registered any session variables
3) realise that you have not propagated $myform from page2 to page3 either 
through a form or through the URL

hence $myname is not available on page3.

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Re: [PHP-DB] PHP compile error: Cannot find mysql header files

2004-10-10 Thread Jason Wong
On Monday 11 October 2004 09:49, andy wrote:

First, read manual > MySQL Functions

Second, decide whether you want to compile using the bundled MySQL library. If 
so the above tells all you need to know. If not you need to install the devel 
package for MySQL.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Addslashes / DB Sort

2004-09-27 Thread Jason Wong
On Tuesday 28 September 2004 02:49, Ed Lazor wrote:

> I'm using PHP to retrieve user input and store it in MySQL.  PHP's
> addslashes function is used on data going into the database

Use the more specific mysql_escape_string() (or friend) instead.

> and PHP's
> stripslashes function is being used on data coming from the database.

You're not supposed to use stripslashes() on data coming from the database -- 
read up on addslashes() and also search manual for magic quotes.

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The best way to hold a man is in your arms
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Re: [PHP-DB] Question on Registration Method

2004-09-26 Thread Jason Wong
On Monday 27 September 2004 03:01, Stuart Felenstein wrote:
> How are they any different?
> I'm seeing the same thing as your method.

These two methods are separate:

> > - Send user a system generated password with which
> > they can login and
> > subsequently change.


> > - Send user an activation link which once clicked on
> > would activate them and
> > allow them to choose a password.

What is the advantage in sending someone a password AND making them click on a 
link to activate?

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A countryman between two lawyers is like a fish between two cats.
-- Ben Franklin

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Re: [PHP-DB] Question on Registration Method

2004-09-26 Thread Jason Wong
On Sunday 26 September 2004 19:45, Stuart Felenstein wrote:

> While I'm okay with mine, not completely satisfied.
> I'd like to change it to the type where like above the
> username and password is sent via email, but with the
> addition of a link in the email whereby the user must
> click on link to be "activated".  You probably have
> seen this, but to spell it out - even though they have
> the user name and password it somehow is not good
> enough to login with until this "activation" takes
> place.

Can someone please enlighten me on what extra security this method provides 
over and above the following more simple methods:

- Send user a system generated password with which they can login and 
subsequently change.

- Send user an activation link which once clicked on would activate them and 
allow them to choose a password.

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Believe everything you hear about the world; nothing is too impossibly bad.
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Re: [PHP-DB] mySQL searching through serialized arrays

2004-09-09 Thread Jason Wong
On Tuesday 07 September 2004 12:14, rolando g wrote:
> I am storing array of user IDs as TEXT using the serialize() function
> on the array, since several users, one or none can be part of each
> record...
> and I noticed that the serialized array has the values in double
> quotes  like :"21";  for example... so since I know that the values
> will be enclosed,  i am using the sql statement, with 21 as the
> example variable:
> SELECT FROM table WHERE userarray LIKE '%\"21\"%'
> is there a better way or a built-in mySQL function to filter through
> the serialized array

You're not using the database properly. Have a separate table where each 
record contains a user_id and the record_id to which it is linked.

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Re: [PHP-DB] New to the list

2004-08-29 Thread Jason Wong
Please use a _descriptive_ subject.

On Sunday 29 August 2004 19:35, Stuart Felenstein wrote:

> So, I dug around more and see for behaviour like this,
> typically you would need to use javascript.  The
> examples I've found are exactly what I want, only they
> use preformatted values and not the database / tables
> I wish to use.

Have php pull the data required, have php output the appropriate javascript 
code using the pulled data _instead_ of the 'preformatted values'.

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"Ada is PL/I trying to be Smalltalk.
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Re: [PHP-DB] letting a table name be a constant

2004-08-23 Thread Jason Wong
On Tuesday 24 August 2004 08:18, Ben Galin wrote:

> You're right.  It doesn't run.  I retyped instead of copy-and-paste'd;
> that's a typo.

Please, when you post code make sure they're verbatim by using copy & paste. 
That way people can focus on your actual problem rather than on your typos.

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The few, the proud, the dead on the beach.

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Re: [PHP-DB]different heading

2004-08-19 Thread Jason Wong
On Thursday 19 August 2004 18:28, balwantsingh wrote:

> now my problem is that by default column name (of mysql table) is displayed
> as heading

You are in control of the HTML that goes into the webpage. You don't have to 
use the column names returned from the mysql query. So where's the problem?

If you insist, you can use something like:

  SELECT clumsy_column_name AS goodname FROM ...

Refer to MySQL documentation for more info.

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Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Tricky MySQL / php Script

2004-08-18 Thread Jason Wong
On Thursday 19 August 2004 09:23, Vern wrote:

> Basically what I'm trying to say is this. The following is my url:
> mypage.php?photoID=uploads/1052367746.jpg&userID=215
>  photoID =  uploads/1052367746.jpg
>  userID   =  215
> I want to point to a record in a recordset.
> That records id is  "uploads/1052367746.jpg"
> However, I want to return all records for the userID "215".
> How do I point my recordset at that file in the recordset so that the user
> can go to the next and previous records in that recordset based on the
> user's id?

Assuming you have already created your 'recordset':

  loop through recordset looking for 'photoID'
  when found, use mysql_data_seek() to grab the previous and next records

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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: MySQL denying access to everything

2004-08-18 Thread Jason Wong
On Wednesday 18 August 2004 22:30, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Look I'm totally new to this, so all this MySQL stuff you are sending me
> too is like an alien language to me.

New doesn't excuse you from reading documentation. Last time I looked the 
documentation was available in English too.

> Can you just tell me how to delete all this MySQL stuff so I can start
> again or something? Because even when I reinstall MySQL and delete my old
> MySQLgui.exe, it still gives me the same problem...

All the instructions for installation and configuration are in the MySQL 
manual. Uninstalling would depend on how you installed it in the first place.

And in any case this isn't the list for discussing how to install and 
configure MySQL.

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Nature abhors a virgin -- a frozen asset.
-- Clare Booth Luce

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Re: [PHP-DB] Check Boxes

2004-08-18 Thread Jason Wong
On Wednesday 18 August 2004 20:07, Ford, Mike [LSS] wrote:

> > >   $sql = 'SELECT ' . implode(', ', $chkboxes) . 'FROM form';
> >
> > Just note that with either solution, someone can post a value of "*
> > FROM table WHERE 1#" and see everything in any table in your database.
> I was waiting for someone to come in with a security warning, but knew that
> whoever it was would express it much better than I could ;) -- so, a gold
> medal to John!!

The trouble is that it's a never ending task. Almost every question concerning 
sql queries and accepting info from POST, GET etc have security implications 
if data is not sanitised. Where do you begin? Where do you end?

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Everything is worth precisely as much as a belch, the difference being
that a belch is more satisfying.
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2004-08-17 Thread Jason Wong
On Tuesday 17 August 2004 16:31, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I was guided to contact isp for smtp, however their configuration is
> applicable to outlook express.

John Holmes has already advised you to look on and

> How do I download my own smtp server for my configure with my
> php script.
> Any guidance,please.

Setting up an SMTP server is beyond the scope of this list (and indeed off 
topic). And even if you do successfully setup a mailserver, then depending on 
you internet connnection you may not be able to send mail anyway (your ISP 
may have blocked port 25) - thus you are forced to send your mail through 
your ISP's SMTP server.

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All things are either sacred or profane.
The former to ecclesiasts bring gain;
The latter to the devil appertain.
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2004-08-16 Thread Jason Wong
On Tuesday 17 August 2004 12:58, Jason Wong wrote:
> On Tuesday 17 August 2004 14:07, John Holmes wrote:
> > > In the Outgoing mail (SMTP): field, change the number that displays to
> > > 587.
> >
> > I guess "587" is the name of AOL's outgoing SMTP server for you? Change
> > the below line in php.ini to reflect that, then.
> >
> > > [mail function]
> > > ; For Win32 only.
> > > SMTP = localhost
> >
> > SMTP = 587
> I believe the 587 is the port number to use.

Just to clarify, if you're using an SMTP server that requires authentication 
then you have to use some external class, the builtin mail() will be no use 
and hence there's no need to change anything in php.ini.

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates ->
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2004-08-16 Thread Jason Wong
On Tuesday 17 August 2004 14:07, John Holmes wrote:

> > In the Outgoing mail (SMTP): field, change the number that displays to
> > 587.
> I guess "587" is the name of AOL's outgoing SMTP server for you? Change
> the below line in php.ini to reflect that, then.
> > [mail function]
> > ; For Win32 only.
> > SMTP = localhost
> SMTP = 587

I believe the 587 is the port number to use.

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I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to
make it shorter.
-- Blaise Pascal

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Re: [PHP-DB] I'm not getting any mailing list messages

2004-08-12 Thread Jason Wong
On Friday 13 August 2004 03:06, Peter Ellis wrote:
> nothing's been sent to it?  This is not a heavy traffic list.  I get
> maybe 4-5 messages a day from this one.

  that's because all the php-db questions (and more) are handled over
  at php-general

To the OP, if you want to check whether any messages have been posted to the 
list then have a look at the archives. Messages to the list will appear in 
the archives almost immediately.

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25. Nobody was using that file /vmunix, were they?

--Top 100 things you don't want the sysadmin to say

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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: Exporting Data From MySQL Using PHP

2004-08-09 Thread Jason Wong
On Tuesday 10 August 2004 11:34, Peter Ellis wrote:

> It has been my experience that you sometimes need to do backquotes (`)
> in MySQL queries when cutting/pasting into PHP -- it's the same key as
> the tilde (~) on my keyboard.  Try:
> $result = mysql_query("SELECT e_mail FROM subscriptionsdatabase WHERE
> `discipleship_mailing_list_e_mail_subscription` LIKE 'on'");

The backticks (`) are only needed if:

(a) your column names uses (MySQL) reserved words (eg names of the builtin 
functions etc)

(b) you have spaces in your column names

Both (a) and (b) are rather bad and shouldn't really be used. Just use 
'friendly' column names and backticks will not be necessary.

> That should work.  I've always used the equal sign instead of LIKE, but
> that seems to be a matter of preference.

It is not a matter of preference, = and LIKE have different purposes. Refer to 
manual and/or some SQL tutorial for details.

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Why won't you let me kiss you goodnight?  Is it something I said?
-- Tom Ryan

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Re: [PHP-DB] "Last monday" query question

2004-08-05 Thread Jason Wong
On Friday 06 August 2004 05:33, Adrian Madrid wrote:
> How do you select all articles from last monday on (and that I can use
> that query today and always too)? I've been trying to figure out how to
> do this query but so far all I can do is create a /very /long query and
> it doesn't seem to work all the time. Any ideas?

Use strtotime() and maybe PHP's other date/time functions then plug into your 

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Slous' Contention:
If you do a job too well, you'll get stuck with it.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: sendmail

2004-08-04 Thread Jason Wong
On Wednesday 04 August 2004 20:47, Aaron Todd wrote:

> I dont know how to be more specific.  It just doesnt work.  There is no
> error.  The program runs and sometimes it sends the email and sometimes it
> doesnt.  I've looked at all the log files that I know about and havent seen
> anything that looks like an email error.  

"all the log files that I know about" does not tell us anything at all. Please 
state *which* log files you looked at.

> Is there any other
> troubleshooting that I can do to get more information on what I am doing?

The most useful thing to look at would be the mail logs. That would tell you 
whether a mail was injected into the queue.

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates ->
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Tact is the ability to tell a man he has an open mind when he has a
hole in his head.

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2004-08-03 Thread Jason Wong
On Wednesday 04 August 2004 02:10, Lester Caine wrote:
> Gary Every wrote:
> > The answer to that is SPEED. Nothing short of Oracle comes even
> > close
> You must have a big cheque book.
> I get just as fast a system without having to pay a penny over the cost
> of the hardware ;)

Hmm, if I'm not mistaken, I think he means that *unless* you have a big cheque 
book to pay for Oracle then MySQL is the next fastest thing around.

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates ->
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I saw Lassie.  It took me four shows to figure out why the hairy kid never
spoke. I mean, he could roll over and all that, but did that deserve a series?

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2004-08-03 Thread Jason Wong
On Tuesday 03 August 2004 15:34, Lester Caine wrote:

> > It depends on your needs. For simple storage of data (involving few
> > relationships) then MySQL is more than sufficient and a tried and tested
> > solution. This probably covers the vast majority of the data storage
> > needs of web apps. No sense in going for a DB with features you're never
> > ever going to use and is probably slower to boot.
> Ever tried?

What? To use features that I'm never ever going to use? Or?

> I have always used Interbase and now Firebird. It has useful things like
> triggers and stored procedures. These are implemented in the database
> engine, so do not need all the miles of additional code I find in many
> MySQL examples that are provided.

If your app can benefit from triggers and stored procedures then, yes, 
Firebird might be a good choice for you. But try selling the advantges of 
Firebird over MySQL to someone who just wants a simple database to store data 
for their guestbook.

Just because someone wants MySQL it doesn't automatically make them a lemming. 
Their rationale for using MySQL could include:

 - MySQL being adequate for their needs
 - An app they want to use only supports MySQL
 - Their host only supports MySQL

> SQLite is a different matter and the obvious new base for beginners, but
> for real applications ...

Use Postgresql!

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates ->
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The rate at which a disease spreads through a corn field is a precise
measurement of the speed of blight.

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2004-08-02 Thread Jason Wong
On Tuesday 03 August 2004 14:14, Lester Caine wrote:

> I want LAFP but LAPP seems still to be more popular on Linux.
> WHY does everybody run lemming like after MySQL. It STILL has to catch
> up with the better FREE database engines ;)

It depends on your needs. For simple storage of data (involving few 
relationships) then MySQL is more than sufficient and a tried and tested 
solution. This probably covers the vast majority of the data storage needs of 
web apps. No sense in going for a DB with features you're never ever going to 
use and is probably slower to boot.

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates ->
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Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Enabling LDAP support

2004-08-02 Thread Jason Wong
On Monday 02 August 2004 21:27, Philip Thompson wrote:

> Sorry to bug you again. But I thought I would throw this out here again
> and see if anyone has any input. It would be greatly appreciated.

Yes, second time you post about this problem, yet ...

> I am running PHP on a Windows 2000 Server, and I need to enable LDAP
> support. So I have viewed the
> <> page on how to get LDAP
> running. However, I have run into a snag.

... you're still keeping it a secret as to what your snag is.

> I have copied the two required .dlls (libeay32 & ssleay32) into the
> system folder. I also put the configuration option 'ldap.max_links =
> -1' in my php.ini file. Is there anything else I need to add to the
> .ini file? I tried uncommenting the extension for php_ldap.dll,
> thinking that that might make it work... but it didn't.

So HOW didn't it work? 

> Anyone have any suggestions b/c I'm stuck?

1) post some *concise* code that illustrates your problem

2) state exactly what and how it is not working

3) post any error messages that you get (having first made sure that FULL 
error reporting is enabled).

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates ->
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"Hello again, Peabody here..."
-- Mister Peabody

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Re: [PHP-DB] Re: form results to email

2004-07-31 Thread Jason Wong
On Saturday 31 July 2004 23:25, Vincent Jordan wrote:

> I have tried to add some html such as "$firstname $lastname
> ..."; however when I do this there is nothing displated in
> the email message.

google > html mime message

Or look on 

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The world does not revolve on an axis
-- Murphy's Laws on Sex n52

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Re: [PHP-DB] Empty query result

2004-07-26 Thread Jason Wong
On Tuesday 27 July 2004 00:57, Philip Thompson wrote:

> Here's my function:
> function getMysqlSelectResultForUsername($identifier, $userName, $link)
> {
>  $queryResult = mysql_query("select $identifier from theTable where
> username = '$userName'", $link);
>  if (!($queryResult = mysql_result($queryResult, 0))) {
>  session_register('_selectIdentifierFromTheTable');
>  header("location:error.php");
>  exit;
>  }
>  return $queryResult;
> }
> Here's the code that calls it:
> $hall = getMysqlSelectResultForUsername('buildingID', $_userName,
> $link);
> $roomNum = getMysqlSelectResultForUsername('roomNum', $_userName,
> $link);
> $phone1 = getMysqlSelectResultForUsername('phone1', $_userName, $link);
> $phone2 = getMysqlSelectResultForUsername('phone2', $_userName, $link);
> $lastLogin = getMysqlSelectResultForUsername('lastLogin', $_userName,
> $link);

What you're doing is extremely inefficient. You could do in a single query 
what you're currently doing in 5 queries. Use a query like:

  SELECT col1, col2, col3, coln, FROM table WHERE colx = 'something'

Then use mysql_fetch_row() or siblings to get the column contents.

> If the mysql_result($queryResult, 0) returns zero/nothing, then it goes
> to the 'error.php' page. However, I just want it to move on. For
> example, if there is no 'phone2' given in the database, I want it to
> just assign $phone2 to zero/nothing, not go to the error page.

Well you wrote the code so that it will go to the error page.

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates ->
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If little green men land in your back yard, hide any little green women
you've got in the house.
-- Mike Harding, "The Armchair Anarchist's Almanac"

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Re: [PHP-DB] DB access failure...

2004-07-24 Thread Jason Wong
On Saturday 24 July 2004 15:24, \[php\]Walter wrote:

> That's what I thought. so I tried this test using PHP functions...
>mysql_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass)
> I get this...
> Warning: mysql_connect(): Unknown MySQL Server Host ''

Well that sounds like something, somewhere is not using the system's DNS 
resolve mechanism. As I don't have a Windows box handy I'm afraid I cannot 
help you.

> Sometimes things are not done for "practical purposes."


Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates ->
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"Who is General Failure and why is he reading my hard disk ?"
Microsoft spel chekar vor sail, worgs grate !!
(By [EMAIL PROTECTED], Felix von Leitner)

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Re: [PHP-DB] DB access failure...

2004-07-23 Thread Jason Wong
On Saturday 24 July 2004 10:25, \[php\]Walter wrote:

> So, your saying that if the name is in the HOSTS file and it still does not
> work I should not try anything further and just use the IP?



correctly resolves to the IP address as listed in the HOSTS file? If it does 
then you probably haven't setup the permissions correctly in MySQL. You need 
to use the GRANT command to allow connections from [EMAIL PROTECTED] See 
MySQL docs for info.

If your IP address is not going to change over time then for practical 
purposes there will be no difference whether you connect using IP address or 

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates ->
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It is not every question that deserves an answer.
-- Publilius Syrus

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Re: [PHP-DB] What's wrong with this QUERY??

2004-07-22 Thread Jason Wong
On Friday 23 July 2004 10:57, Harry G wrote:

> I have a database with members details and PK is id.
> $thing = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";
> $query = "SELECT id, email, familyname FROM members WHERE email=$thing";

  $query = "SELECT id, email, familyname FROM members WHERE email='$thing'";

Please refer to some SQL primer to learn the basics of SQL.

> $result = mysql_query($query);

Look at the examples in the manual to see how you can incorporate error 
checking into your code. In particular look at mysql_error().

> If i do a query where id=$thing.
> and $thing="20";
> this works fine and I get the desired result. But what is wrong with the
> other one, when I do search for the email address??

Because your 'id' column is numeric and 'email' column is text. Text columns 
needs their values enclosed by quotes.

> The email address does exist exactly as quoted above in the "email" field
> in my "members" table but still doesn't produce any results.

mysql_error() would let you know that there was an error in your query.

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates ->
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I don't wish to appear overly inquisitive, but are you still alive?

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Re: [PHP-DB] Concurrent rutines

2004-07-20 Thread Jason Wong
You have started a new thread by taking an existing posting and replying to
it while you changed the subject.

That is bad, because it breaks threading. Whenever you reply to a message,
your mail client generates a "References:" header that tells all recipients
which posting(s) your posting refers to. A mail client uses this information
to build a threaded view ("tree view") of the postings.

With your posting style you successfully torpedoed this useful feature; your
posting shows up within an existing thread it has nothing to do with.

Always do a fresh post when you want to start a new thread. To achieve this,
click on "New message" instead of "Reply" within your mail client, and enter
the list address as the recipient. You can save the list address in your
address book for convenience.

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Re: Re[2]: [PHP-DB] Wait Statement... ?

2004-07-20 Thread Jason Wong
On Wednesday 21 July 2004 05:00, Pablo M. Rivas wrote:

>sleep() is the brute deffense of the brute force attack...
>You can make a script that opens simultaneous attacks

One thing to bear in mind is that sleep() will hog resources and can lead to 

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates ->
Open Source Software Systems Integrators
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He's dead, Jim.
-- McCoy, "The Devil in the Dark", stardate 3196.1

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Re: [PHP-DB] howto get PK id after INSERT??

2004-07-20 Thread Jason Wong
On Tuesday 20 July 2004 19:49, Vincent Jordan wrote:
> I think I got it correct got the most part. I am having a problem with
> the urlencode function I believe.
> On page CustomerAddNew1.php ( page than handles form data ) im using:
> $last_id = mysql_query("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() from customerinfo");

mysql_query() returns a "resource id".

> $last_id = urlencode ($last_id);
> header("Location: UserMain.php?custid='$last_id'");

So the above is meaningless.

Please check the previous responses where you have been pointed to a more 
appropriate function to use.

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates ->
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It's multiple choice time...

What is FORTRAN?

a: Between thre and fiv tran.
b: What two computers engage in before they interface.
c: Ridiculous.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Wait Statement... ?

2004-07-20 Thread Jason Wong
On Tuesday 20 July 2004 16:56, ..: GamCo :.. wrote:

> ok, i added the sleep() function in my page. what i'm basically doing is :-
> i have a .php page where people log-in from. from there i send the form to
> another .php page that actually checks the login and registers a session
> with the username and password as session variables. then on the page that
> actually does the validation, i have something that says : validating
> login... sleep 1 funtion. then, i have another line that says validation
> successfull... sleep 1 function and then i have another line that says
> redirecting... with sleep 1 function and then header redirects to the
> actual logged-in.php file. the redirect and validation works perfectly as
> well as the sleep functions, but it now doesn't display the validating
> login... blah blah blah stuff which is done in normal html code...

WHy don't you just validate the login and be done with? Why wait 1 second, 
another second, ... ?

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates ->
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There are no accidents whatsoever in the universe.
-- Baba Ram Dass

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Re: [PHP-DB] DB access failure...

2004-07-19 Thread Jason Wong
On Tuesday 20 July 2004 13:16, \[php\]Walter wrote:
> I have a mySQL DB running on an NT server.

> $db_host   = '';

> Now, if I change $db_host to the machine IP, it works fine.

If does not resolve to a sensible IP address add it to your 
HOSTS file. Or setup your DNS properly. Or just use the IP address.

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates ->
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If you think something is important, no one else will. 
-- Murphy's Laws for Researchers n2

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Re: [PHP-DB] howto get PK id after INSERT??

2004-07-19 Thread Jason Wong
On Tuesday 20 July 2004 10:09, Vincent Jordan wrote:

> Is there a way to get the ID (custid PK UNIQUE AUTO_INCREMENT) from
> mysql after INSERT then pass to final page using urlencode to pull cust
> record?

manual > MySQL Functions

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I used to think that the brain was the most wonderful organ in
my body.  Then I realized who was telling me this.
-- Emo Phillips

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