[rt-users] Auth

2010-09-29 Thread Kurt Engle
I have RT authenticating users against a LDAP database. That is working just 
fine right now. However, I have the need to be able to authenticate users that 
are not listed in this LDAP database. I would like to be able to create users 
that are 'internal' to RT and be able to administer these users via the RT 
system. Currently, RT is not allowing me to create internal users, it checks my 
external LDAP database and does not find the user and refuses to go further. 

Can anyone tell me if this is possible? If so, hints as to what needs to be 
done to accomplish the authentication that I am looking for. 


Kurt Engle 
Eugene 4J Schools 

RT Training in Washington DC, USA on Oct 25 & 26 2010
Last one this year -- Learn how to get the most out of RT!

[rt-users] Ticket 'Take' field in custom query

2010-10-14 Thread Kurt Engle
I am looking to add the 'Take' ticket option in a custom query that filters new 
tickets based on building location. Creating the query is the easy part but I 
have not been able to figure out how to add the 'Take' option to the query 

Anyone have any suggestions or instructions on how to do this? 


Kurt Engle 
Network Engineer 
Eugene 4J Schools 

RT Training in Washington DC, USA on Oct 25 & 26 2010
Last one this year -- Learn how to get the most out of RT!

[rt-users] Subject Tags

2010-11-04 Thread Kurt Engle
Can someone give me a quick explanation as to what 'Subject Tags' are or could 
be used for in a queue? 

Also, during my testing of 'Subject Tags' to see what they do, I enter the 
Subject Tag for a Q and hit save, go back into the configuration for that Q and 
the 'Subject Tag' is gone and nothing different shows up in tickets within that 

I am using RT 3.8.8. 



[rt-users] Scrip Condition = 0

2010-11-15 Thread Kurt Engle
I am attempting to disable the Global 'On Create Autoreply' scrip so that I can 
write specific Autoreply scrips for individual Q's. So, I went into the Scrip 
and set the Condition to '-' (nothing). Now the httpd process will not start. I 
found some previous postings about Scrips with conditions=0 and followed 
directions to get RT running again. 

So, my question is how to disable a Global Scrip without deleting it? Should I 
set the Condition to a 'User Defined' setting? If so, what is that process. 


Kurt Engle 

[rt-users] Child Tickets

2010-11-22 Thread Kurt Engle
I am looking for the ability to create a ticket in a Q that references a 
previously created ticket in a different Q. Basically, I want to be able to 
have a user create a ticket in. say, a Desktop Support Q and have the support 
tech be able to 'escalate' the ticket to a different Q but have the original 
ticket left in the Desktop Support Q. I need all correspondence with the 
enduser to look like it is coming from the original ticket in the Desktop Q. 

I believe that I am describing a 'child' ticket situation here, right? I can 
see how to create a child ticket, but I am unable to create this child ticket 
in a Q that is different from the original ticket's Q. Is this simply a rights 
issue for me? I have messed with the rights with no success. I am able to 
completely move the ticket from one Q to another, but the child ticket process 
is eluding me. 

Thanks for any help, 

Kurt Engle 

[rt-users] Notify based on CF

2010-12-01 Thread Kurt Engle
I am interested in setting up a notification tree based on a Custom Field 
value. Basically, I have one Q that accepts tickets from multiple physical 
locations. I have a tech at each location. I would like the tech at location X 
to be notified when a ticket comes in with the Custom Field Location=X . When 
the CF Location=Y, I want a different tech notified, etc... 

Thanks for any help.. 

Kurt Engle 

Re: [rt-users] Notify based on CF

2010-12-02 Thread Kurt Engle
That is exactly what I would like to have happen, but I am having a bit of a 
challenge finding the correct code snipits to accomplish this. I believe that I 
am pretty much looking at a big if/then statement. I am pretty much a novice at 
Perl but can figure things out if pushed in the right direction. 

If I have a custom field called 'Location' and a user called 'Bob' with an 
e-mail of 'b...@bob.com', what is the beginning of a scrip that would test the 
Location and notify Bob if the Location matches, say, Oregon? 

Do I need two scrips here? One to do the matching and set the owner, and 
another to do the notification? 

Thanks for the help, 

Kurt Engle 

From: "Kevin Falcone"  
To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com 
Sent: Thursday, December 2, 2010 7:03:03 AM 
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Notify based on CF 

On Wed, Dec 01, 2010 at 04:04:59PM -0800, Kurt Engle wrote: 
> I am interested in setting up a notification tree based on a Custom Field 
> value. Basically, I 
> have one Q that accepts tickets from multiple physical locations. I have a 
> tech at each 
> location. I would like the tech at location X to be notified when a ticket 
> comes in with the 
> Custom Field Location=X . When the CF Location=Y, I want a different tech 
> notified, etc... 

I'd have a Scrip that set the Owner based on that CF and then have a 
scrip that notifies Owners on owner change. 


Re: [rt-users] Notify based on CF

2010-12-02 Thread Kurt Engle
I have RT::Extension::ExtractCustomFieldValues installed and working. I do not 
have a problem populating the CF of a ticket. What I do need is a way to test 
that value and then notify an e-mail address based on the CF value. 

Basically, I need some help with Perl to accomplish this... 

Kurt Engle 

From: "Josh Narins"  
To: "Kurt Engle" , "rt-users" 
Sent: Thursday, December 2, 2010 6:26:56 AM 
Subject: RE: [rt-users] Notify based on CF 


Do you want a partial solution, to get started? 

I installed RT::Extension::ExtractCustomFieldValues and I think your first step 
would be to add a Scrip for "On Create" with action "Extract Custom Field 
Values" but exactly what you'd need to do then eludes me. Something like 
"Create a template where the To: line is based on the value in the Custom 

But I'm still pretty new at all this RT stuff. 

Josh Narins 

Director of Application Development 
845 Third Ave 
7th Floor 
New York, NY 10022 
Tel: (212) 994-6194 
Fax: (212) 994-4260 
Mobile: (917) 488-6248 


SeniorBridge Statement of Confidentiality: The contents of this email message 
are intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s) and may contain 
confidential or privileged information. Any dissemination, distribution or 
copying of this email by an unintended or mistaken recipient is strictly 
prohibited. In said event, kindly reply to the sender and destroy all entries 
of this message and any attachments from your system. Thank you. 

From: rt-users-boun...@lists.bestpractical.com 
[mailto:rt-users-boun...@lists.bestpractical.com] On Behalf Of Kurt Engle 
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 7:05 PM 
To: rt-users 
Subject: [rt-users] Notify based on CF 

I am interested in setting up a notification tree based on a Custom Field 
value. Basically, I have one Q that accepts tickets from multiple physical 
locations. I have a tech at each location. I would like the tech at location X 
to be notified when a ticket comes in with the Custom Field Location=X . When 
the CF Location=Y, I want a different tech notified, etc... 

Thanks for any help.. 

Kurt Engle

Re: [rt-users] Notify based on CF

2010-12-02 Thread Kurt Engle
Ken, thanks for the code. I will give it a go and see what happens. One 
question. I am not wanting to set the owner of the ticket, but simply send out 
a notification to a specific person based on the CF value. The owner of the 
ticket will be set in the usual manner of 'take'ing the ticket. 

Does that change this process? 

Kurt Engle 

From: "Kenneth Crocker"  
To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com 
Sent: Thursday, December 2, 2010 9:25:25 AM 
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Notify based on CF 


I agree with Kevin. The following is a simple scrip that sets the Owner based 
on the value in a Custom Field array: 

Name: Set owner on CF 
Condition:On Create 
Template: Blank 
Stage: TransactionCreate or TransactionBatch 

Custom Action Prep: 
# --- # 
# Set ticket owner based on Custom Field 
# KFCrocker 6/01/09 
# --- # 
# set new ticket owner id value 

my $trans = $self->TransactionObj; 
my $ticket = $self->TicketObj; 
my $ownerid = 10; # Nobody 

my %orgs = qw( 
value1 999 
value2 999 
value3 999 

my $cf = new RT::CustomField($RT::SystemUser); 
$cf->LoadByName(Queue => $ticket->QueueObj->id,Name => "CF Name"); 
return 0 unless $cf->id; 
my $cfvalue = $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('CFO-Org'); 
my $ownerid = $orgs{$cfvalue}; 

# set new Ticket Owner ID 


return 1; 

Custom Action Cleanup: 
return 1; 

Then follow up by creating a separate notification on Owner change. 

Hope this helps. 


On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 8:00 AM, Kurt Engle < en...@4j.lane.edu > wrote: 

I have RT::Extension::ExtractCustomFieldValues installed and working. I do not 
have a problem populating the CF of a ticket. What I do need is a way to test 
that value and then notify an e-mail address based on the CF value. 

Basically, I need some help with Perl to accomplish this... 

Kurt Engle 

From: "Josh Narins" < jnar...@seniorbridge.com > 
To: "Kurt Engle" < en...@4j.lane.edu >, "rt-users" < 
rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com > 
Sent: Thursday, December 2, 2010 6:26:56 AM 
Subject: RE: [rt-users] Notify based on CF 


Do you want a partial solution, to get started? 

I installed RT::Extension::ExtractCustomFieldValues and I think your first step 
would be to add a Scrip for "On Create" with action "Extract Custom Field 
Values" but exactly what you'd need to do then eludes me. Something like 
"Create a template where the To: line is based on the value in the Custom 

But I'm still pretty new at all this RT stuff. 

Josh Narins 

Director of Application Development 
845 Third Ave 
7th Floor 
New York, NY 10022 
Tel: (212) 994-6194 
Fax: (212) 994-4260 
Mobile: (917) 488-6248 


SeniorBridge Statement of Confidentiality: The contents of this email message 
are intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s) and may contain 
confidential or privileged information. Any dissemination, distribution or 
copying of this email by an unintended or mistaken recipient is strictly 
prohibited. In said event, kindly reply to the sender and destroy all entries 
of this message and any attachments from your system. Thank you. 

From: rt-users-boun...@lists.bestpractical.com [mailto: 
rt-users-boun...@lists.bestpractical.com ] On Behalf Of Kurt Engle 
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 7:05 PM 
To: rt-users 
Subject: [rt-users] Notify based on CF 

I am interested in setting up a notification tree based on a Custom Field 
value. Basically, I have one Q that accepts tickets from multiple physical 
locations. I have a tech at each location. I would like the tech at location X 
to be notified when a ticket comes in with the Custom Field Location=X . When 
the CF Location=Y, I want a different tech notified, etc... 

Thanks for any help.. 

Kurt Engle 

Re: [rt-users] Notify based on CF

2010-12-08 Thread Kurt Engle
Ken... I pretty much have this working but I am getting an error in the code of 
the scrip that you sent me. Here is the scrip as I ahve it on my system: 
my $trans = $self->TransactionObj; 
my $ticket = $self->TicketObj; 
my $ownerid = 10; # Nobody 

my %org = qw( 
ComputerandInformationSvs 34 
SEHS 34 

my $cf = new RT::CustomField($RT::SystemUser); 
$cf->LoadByName(Queue => $ticket->QueueObj->id,Name => "Building"); 
return 0 unless $cf->id; 
my $cfvalue = $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Building'); 
$cfvalue =~ s/\s+//g; 

my $ownerid = $orgs{$cfvalue}; 

# set new Ticket Owner ID 


return 1; 


I am getting this error when it runs: 
Scrip 24 Prepare failed: Global symbol "%orgs" requires explicit package name 
at (eval 6318) line 16. (/opt/rt3/bin/../lib/RT/Action/UserDefined.pm:64) 

If I remove the 'my $ownerid = $orgs{$cfvalue};' line the error goes away and, 
of course, the last line does not work. 

Kurt Engle 
Network Engineer 
Eugene 4J Schools 

From: "Kenneth Crocker"  
To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com 
Sent: Thursday, December 2, 2010 9:26:59 AM 
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Notify based on CF 


Sorry, I forgot to change this line: 

my $cfvalue = $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('CF Name'); 


On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 9:25 AM, Kenneth Crocker < kfcroc...@lbl.gov > wrote: 


I agree with Kevin. The following is a simple scrip that sets the Owner based 
on the value in a Custom Field array: 

Name: Set owner on CF 
Condition:On Create 
Template: Blank 
Stage: TransactionCreate or TransactionBatch 

Custom Action Prep: 
# --- # 
# Set ticket owner based on Custom Field 
# KFCrocker 6/01/09 
# --- # 
# set new ticket owner id value 

my $trans = $self->TransactionObj; 
my $ticket = $self->TicketObj; 
my $ownerid = 10; # Nobody 

my %orgs = qw( 
value1 999 
value2 999 
value3 999 

my $cf = new RT::CustomField($RT::SystemUser); 
$cf->LoadByName(Queue => $ticket->QueueObj->id,Name => "CF Name"); 
return 0 unless $cf->id; 
my $cfvalue = $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('CFO-Org'); 
my $ownerid = $orgs{$cfvalue}; 

# set new Ticket Owner ID 


return 1; 

Custom Action Cleanup: 
return 1; 

Then follow up by creating a separate notification on Owner change. 

Hope this helps. 


On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 8:00 AM, Kurt Engle < en...@4j.lane.edu > wrote: 

I have RT::Extension::ExtractCustomFieldValues installed and working. I do not 
have a problem populating the CF of a ticket. What I do need is a way to test 
that value and then notify an e-mail address based on the CF value. 

Basically, I need some help with Perl to accomplish this... 

Kurt Engle 

From: "Josh Narins" < jnar...@seniorbridge.com > 
To: "Kurt Engle" < en...@4j.lane.edu >, "rt-users" < 
rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com > 
Sent: Thursday, December 2, 2010 6:26:56 AM 
Subject: RE: [rt-users] Notify based on CF 


Do you want a partial solution, to get started? 

I installed RT::Extension::ExtractCustomFieldValues and I think your first step 
would be to add a Scrip for "On Create" with action "Extract Custom Field 
Values" but exactly what you'd need to do then eludes me. Something like 
"Create a template where the To: line is based on the value in the Custom 

But I'm still pretty new at all this RT stuff. 

Josh Narins 

Director of Application Development 
845 Third Ave 
7th Floor 
New York, NY 10022 
Tel: (212) 994-6194 
Fax: (212) 994-4260 
Mobile: (917) 488-6248 


SeniorBridge Statement of Confidentiality: The contents of this email message 
are intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s) and may contain 
confidential or privileged information. Any dissemination, distribution or 
copying of this email by an unintended or mistaken recipient is strictly 
prohibited. In said event, kindly reply to the sender and destroy all entries 
of this message and any attachments from your system. Thank you. 

From: rt-users-boun...@lists.bestpractical.com [mailto: 
rt-users-boun...@lists.bestpractical.com ] On Behalf Of Kurt Engle 
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 7:05 PM 
To: rt-users 
Subject: [rt-users] Notify based on CF 

I am interested in setting up a notification tree based on a Custom Field 
value. Basically, I have one Q that accepts tickets from multiple physical 
locations. I have a tech at each location. I would like the tech at location X 
to be notified when a ticket comes in with the Custom Field Location=X . When 
the CF Location=Y, I want a different tech notified, etc... 

Thanks for any help.. 

Kurt Engle 

[rt-users] notification

2010-12-09 Thread Kurt Engle
I am looking for a way to send an email from RT to a specified e-mail address 
that is not an account in RT or associated with the ticket as a requestor, 
watcher, CC:, BCC:...etc 

I have the logic down to specify the e-mail address and have some nasty perl 
code to actually send the e-mail. But, it seems that RT has some internal 
module(s) that handle what the nasty perl code is doing. 

I can see the RT::Action:SendEmail module, but how do I incorporate that into a 
script that allows me to do what I am looking to do? 


Kurt Engle 

Re: [rt-users] notification

2010-12-10 Thread Kurt Engle
That is correct. But how do I make use of the RT::Action::SendEmail module to 
send the notification incorporating my To: field. Or is there a better way to 
send out a custom notification? 

Thanks for the help, 

Kurt Engle 

From: "Kevin Falcone"  
To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com 
Sent: Friday, December 10, 2010 8:59:25 AM 
Subject: Re: [rt-users] notification 

On Thu, Dec 09, 2010 at 11:42:03AM -0800, Kurt Engle wrote: 
> I am looking for a way to send an email from RT to a specified e-mail address 
> that is not an 
> account in RT or associated with the ticket as a requestor, watcher, CC:, 
> BCC:...etc 
> I have the logic down to specify the e-mail address and have some nasty perl 
> code to actually 
> send the e-mail. But, it seems that RT has some internal module(s) that 
> handle what the nasty 
> perl code is doing. 
> I can see the RT::Action:SendEmail module, but how do I incorporate that into 
> a script that 
> allows me to do what I am looking to do? 

Sounds like you actually just want to use a normal Notify action, but 
have the template contain your ugly logic that sets up the To: line 
based on your perl code 


Re: [rt-users] notification

2010-12-10 Thread Kurt Engle
Actually found a nice example of creating a template to send out an e-mail. 

However, I am having a bit of a problem constructing the To: field. Basically, 
I have a varialble '$toAddress' that is set to an e-mail address by some prior 

Here is my template code to construct the To: field: 
To: { $toAddress } 
Subject: Ticket #{ $Ticket->Id()} {$Ticket->Subject()} 
A new ticket has been created for you in the HelpDesk Queue. 

{ $RT::WebURL } Ticket/Display.html?id={ $Ticket->Id() } 

However, I keep getting 'recipient not found'. 

Kurt Engle 

From: "Kevin Falcone"  
To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com 
Sent: Friday, December 10, 2010 10:03:04 AM 
Subject: Re: [rt-users] notification 

On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 09:55:07AM -0800, Kurt Engle wrote: 
> That is correct. But how do I make use of the RT::Action::SendEmail module to 
> send the 
> notification incorporating my To: field. Or is there a better way to send out 
> a custom 
> notification? 

You use one of the standard Notify actions and a custom template. You 
don't write any code in the action and you don't call the action 


> From: "Kevin Falcone"  
> To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com 
> Sent: Friday, December 10, 2010 8:59:25 AM 
> Subject: Re: [rt-users] notification 
> On Thu, Dec 09, 2010 at 11:42:03AM -0800, Kurt Engle wrote: 
> > I am looking for a way to send an email from RT to a specified e-mail 
> > address that is not 
> an 
> > account in RT or associated with the ticket as a requestor, watcher, CC:, 
> > BCC:...etc 
> > 
> > I have the logic down to specify the e-mail address and have some nasty 
> > perl code to 
> actually 
> > send the e-mail. But, it seems that RT has some internal module(s) that 
> > handle what the 
> nasty 
> > perl code is doing. 
> > 
> > I can see the RT::Action:SendEmail module, but how do I incorporate that 
> > into a script 
> that 
> > allows me to do what I am looking to do? 
> Sounds like you actually just want to use a normal Notify action, but 
> have the template contain your ugly logic that sets up the To: line 
> based on your perl code 
> -kevin 

Re: [rt-users] notification

2010-12-13 Thread Kurt Engle
So here is the code that I am working with inside my template: 
Condition: On Create 
Action: Notify Other Recipients 
Template: My Notify 
Stage: TransactionBatch 

'My Notify' code 
my $trans = $self->TransactionObj; 
my $ticket = $self->TicketObj; 
my $cf = new RT::CustomField($RT::SystemUser); 
$cf->LoadByName(Queue => $ticket->QueueObj->id,Name => "Building"); 
return 0 unless $cf->id; 
my $cfvalue = $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Building'); 

my $to_address = ""; 

if ($cfvalue =~ /Sheldon/) { 
$to_address = "sheldonhd"; 
elsif ($cfvalue =~ /North/) { 
$to_address = "northhd"; 
elsif ($cfvalue =~ /South/) { 
$to_address = "southhd"; 
elsif ($cfvalue =~ /Churchill/) { 
$to_address = "churchillhd"; 
elsif ($cfvalue =~ /Kennedy/) { 
$to_address = "kennedyhd"; 
elsif ($cfvalue =~ /Kelly/) { 
$to_address = "kellyhd"; 
elsif ($cfvalue =~ /Computer/) { 
$to_address = "engle"; 
else { 
$to_address= "rubble"; 
return 1; 

To: {$to_addre...@4j.lane.edu"} 
Subject: New Ticket #{ $Ticket->Id() } has been created 

Time to go to work 

In my debug log, I am not even seeing the script being called that contains 
this template. If I strip everything above the 'To:' field, the scrip and 
template gets called but the e-mail is not sent even when I hard code the 
e-mail address. 

Kurt Engle 

From: "Kevin Falcone"  
To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com 
Sent: Friday, December 10, 2010 12:23:28 PM 
Subject: Re: [rt-users] notification 

On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 12:08:05PM -0800, Kenneth Crocker wrote: 
> Kevin, 
> The template would look like this: 


I'm perfectly able to write the scrip and template in question, but 
since Kurt has a half-working template I was curious what *he* was 
doing. Involving a CustomField seems like a bit of overkill. 


> To: {$Ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('ToOverride')}...@[1]lbl.gov 
> Subject: Request Titled: "{$Ticket->Subject}" is ready to Migrate! 
> A scrip based on whatever condition would do this: 
> my $trans = $self->TransactionObj; 
> my $ticket = $self->TicketObj; 
> my $cf_obj = new RT::CustomField($RT::SystemUser); 
> my $cf_name = "ToOverride"; 
> if condition is "A" 
> $my $cf_value = "the To address you want for "A" condition"; 
> elsif condition is "B" 
> $my $cf_value = "the To address you want for "B" condition"; 
> and on and on till you're thru. 
> then, set the Custom Field as the last piece of action code: 
> $cf_obj->LoadByName(Name=>$cf_name); 
> $RT::Logger->debug("Loaded\$cf_obj->Name = ". $cf_obj->Name() ."\n" ); 
> $ticket->AddCustomFieldValue( Field=>$cf_obj, Value=>$cf_value, 
> RecordTransaction=>0 ); 
> return 1; 
> Then write a notification scrip to use the new template based on your 
> conditions. 
> Use "TransactioBatch" for both scrips. 
> Hope this helps. 
> Kenn 
> On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 11:55 AM, Kevin Falcone 
> <[2]falc...@bestpractical.com> wrote: 
> On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 11:07:32AM -0800, Kurt Engle wrote: 
> > Actually found a nice example of creating a template to send out an e-mail. 
> > RTFM 
> > 
> > However, I am having a bit of a problem constructing the To: field. 
> > Basically, I have a 
> > varialble '$toAddress' that is set to an e-mail address by some prior code. 
> Where in the code is it set. It would really need to be in that 
> template 
> > Here is my template code to construct the To: field: 
> > To: { $toAddress } 
> > Subject: Ticket #{ $Ticket->Id()} {$Ticket->Subject()} 
> > A new ticket has been created for you in the HelpDesk Queue. 
> > 
> > { $RT::WebURL } Ticket/Display.html?id={ $Ticket->Id() } 
> > 
> > However, I keep getting 'recipient not found'. 
> In debug logging mode, RT will actually dump copies of the email being 
> processed into the logs, which would show you the To: 
> Please note that if To: is your email address and you're the actor on 
> this ticket while testing, you may have told RT not to send you email 
> in that case using $NotifyActor 
> -kevin 
> > 
> --
> > 
> > From: "Kevin Falcone" <[3]falc...@bestpractical.com> 
> > To: [4]rt-us...@l

Re: [rt-users] notification

2010-12-13 Thread Kurt Engle
I have removed the blank lines, thank you for that tip. I am sending in the 
'ticket' as a user other than myself and I am trying to notify someone other 
than myself. I am still not seeing the scrip being run. 

But, if I put the following code in the template: 
{my $to_address = "username" } 
To: {$to_addre...@4j.lane.edu 
Subject: New Ticket #{ $Ticket->Id() } has been created 

Time to go to work 

The script that uses this template gets run but I get an error on the 
recipients. I am trying to create a simple test that will successfully sendout 
e-mail, then I can start trying to figure out why my code is broken. 

Kurt Engle 

From: "Kevin Falcone"  
To: "Kurt Engle"  
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2010 11:34:58 AM 
Subject: Re: [rt-users] notification 

On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 11:15:33AM -0800, Kurt Engle wrote: 
> So here is the code that I am working with inside my template: 
> } 
> To: {$to_addre...@4j.lane.edu"} 
> Subject: New Ticket #{ $Ticket->Id() } has been created 
> Time to go to work 
> -- 
> In my debug log, I am not even seeing the script being called that 
> contains this template. If I strip everything above the 'To:' field, 
> the scrip and template gets called but the e-mail is not sent even 
> when I hard code the e-mail address. 

You can't have blank lines above To: 

Headers need to be the first lines in the template (after your code) 
Having blank lines like that means that the To: is going in the body 

Also, I believe we asked about NotifyActor. If you're testing as 
yourself and emailing yourself RT will not notify you based on the 
setting of that variable 


Re: [rt-users] notification

2010-12-13 Thread Kurt Engle
This code was entered in a template not a script. I was trying Kevin's 
suggestion with doing it all in one go. I figure that if I can capture the 
CustomField in the template code and test on that value to return my 
$to_address, then I am pretty much set to create my outgoing e-mail at the same 

Kurt Engle 
Network Engineer 
Eugene 4J Schools 

From: "Kenneth Crocker"  
To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com 
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2010 12:12:50 PM 
Subject: Re: [rt-users] notification 


Not sure why you start the scrip with a "{" and end with one. Just start with 
the "my $trans=". 

Your code should be in the "Prep Action" and you should add this at the end of 
the code you've got: 

else { 
$to_address= "rubble"; 

### after the above line, the code should look like this:  

# copy value of "To_Address" to Custom Field "Whatever you named it" 

my $cf_name = "Whatever it is"; 

$cf_obj->LoadByName( Name => $cf_name ); 
$RT::Logger->debug( "Loaded \$cf_obj->Name = ". $cf_obj->Name() ."\n" ); 
$ticket->AddCustomFieldValue(Field=>$cf_obj, Value=>$to_address, 

return 1; 

Then make sure the "Cleanup Action" ends with a "return 1;" or the scrip 
doesn't finish. 
Also, not sure why you start the scrip with a "{" and end with one. Just start 
with the "my $trans=". 

The Template should refer to the value in the CF you created for the "To 
Address", like this: 

To: {$Ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('To Address Value')}@ 4j.lane.edu 
Subject: Request Titled: "{$Ticket->Subject}" is ready to Migrate or whatever 

That should do it. 


On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 11:15 AM, Kurt Engle < en...@4j.lane.edu > wrote: 

So here is the code that I am working with inside my template: 
Condition: On Create 
Action: Notify Other Recipients 
Template: My Notify 
Stage: TransactionBatch 

'My Notify' code 
my $trans = $self->TransactionObj; 
my $ticket = $self->TicketObj; 
my $cf = new RT::CustomField($RT::SystemUser); 
$cf->LoadByName(Queue => $ticket->QueueObj->id,Name => "Building"); 
return 0 unless $cf->id; 
my $cfvalue = $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('Building'); 

my $to_address = ""; 

if ($cfvalue =~ /Sheldon/) { 
$to_address = "sheldonhd"; 
elsif ($cfvalue =~ /North/) { 
$to_address = "northhd"; 
elsif ($cfvalue =~ /South/) { 
$to_address = "southhd"; 
elsif ($cfvalue =~ /Churchill/) { 
$to_address = "churchillhd"; 
elsif ($cfvalue =~ /Kennedy/) { 
$to_address = "kennedyhd"; 
elsif ($cfvalue =~ /Kelly/) { 
$to_address = "kellyhd"; 
elsif ($cfvalue =~ /Computer/) { 
$to_address = "engle"; 
else { 
$to_address= "rubble"; 
return 1; 

To: {$ to_addre...@4j.lane.edu "} 
Subject: New Ticket #{ $Ticket->Id() } has been created 

Time to go to work 

In my debug log, I am not even seeing the script being called that contains 
this template. If I strip everything above the 'To:' field, the scrip and 
template gets called but the e-mail is not sent even when I hard code the 
e-mail address. 

Kurt Engle 

From: "Kevin Falcone" < falc...@bestpractical.com > 
To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com 
Sent: Friday, December 10, 2010 12:23:28 PM 
Subject: Re: [rt-users] notification 

On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 12:08:05PM -0800, Kenneth Crocker wrote: 
> Kevin, 
> The template would look like this: 


I'm perfectly able to write the scrip and template in question, but 
since Kurt has a half-working template I was curious what *he* was 
doing. Involving a CustomField seems like a bit of overkill. 


> To: {$Ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue('ToOverride')}...@[1] lbl.gov 
> Subject: Request Titled: "{$Ticket->Subject}" is ready to Migrate! 
> A scrip based on whatever condition would do this: 
> my $trans = $self->TransactionObj; 
> my $ticket = $self->TicketObj; 
> my $cf_obj = new RT::CustomField($RT::SystemUser); 
> my $cf_name = "ToOverride"; 
> if condition is "A" 
> $my $cf_value = "the To address you want for "A" condition"; 
> elsif condition is "B" 
> $my $cf_value = "the To address you want for "B" condition"; 
> and on and on till you're thru. 
> then, set the Custom Field as the last piece of action code: 
> $cf_obj->LoadByName(Name=>$cf_name); 
> $RT::Logger->debug("Loaded\$cf_obj->Name = ". $cf_obj->Name() ."

Re: [rt-users] notification

2010-12-13 Thread Kurt Engle
The error that I am getting is: 

[Mon Dec 13 22:05:45 2010] [info]: 
 #587/7702 - Scrip 26 
Email TSS from Template (/opt/rt3/bin/../lib/RT/Action/SendEmail.pm:300) 
[Mon Dec 13 22:05:45 2010] [info]: 
 No recipients found. Not 
sending. (/opt/rt3/bin/../lib/RT/Interface/Email.pm:352) 

Here are the details for scrip #26: 
Condition: On Create 
Action: Notify Other Recipients 
Template: My Notify 
Stage: TransactionBatch 

The code that generated this error in my template is: 
{ my $to_address = "rubble"; } 
To: {$to_addre...@4j.lane.edu 
Subject: New Ticket #{ $Ticket->Id() } has been created 

Time to go to work 

I really appreciate your help with this. Once I get this solved, RT will 
provide some much needed customization for our environment. 


Kurt Engle 

From: "Kevin Falcone"  
To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com 
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2010 12:11:12 PM 
Subject: Re: [rt-users] notification 

On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 11:50:53AM -0800, Kurt Engle wrote: 
> I have removed the blank lines, thank you for that tip. I am sending in the 
> 'ticket' as a user 
> other than myself and I am trying to notify someone other than myself. I am 
> still not seeing 
> the scrip being run. 
> But, if I put the following code in the template: 
> - 
> {my $to_address = "username" } 
> To: {$to_addre...@4j.lane.edu 
> Subject: New Ticket #{ $Ticket->Id() } has been created 
> Time to go to work 
> -- 
> The script that uses this template gets run but I get an error on the 
> recipients. I am trying 
> to create a simple test that will successfully sendout e-mail, then I can 
> start trying to 
> figure out why my code is broken. 

Please include the error 

Re: [rt-users] notification

2010-12-14 Thread Kurt Engle
I am trying to approach this a little differently now. I am skipping the email 
part, and just trying to get it to print the value I want in the email (I am 
hard coding the To: field) 

But when I use this in the body of the email: { 

My result is this: RT::ObjectCustomFieldValues=HASH(0x2b9a63a9c110) 

But I cannot figure out how to get the value out of the Hash. 

Kurt Engle 
Network Engineer 
Eugene 4J Schools 

From: "Kevin Falcone"  
To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com 
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2010 8:19:16 AM 
Subject: Re: [rt-users] notification 

On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 02:24:26PM -0800, Kurt Engle wrote: 
> Action: Notify Other Recipients 

Oh, I wonder if that is your problem. Notify Other Recipients 
notifies CCs 

> { my $to_address = "rubble"; } 
> To: {$to_addre...@4j.lane.edu 
> Subject: New Ticket #{ $Ticket->Id() } has been created 

What happens if you Cc: to that address, or RT-Send-Cc: to that 


Re: [rt-users] notification

2010-12-14 Thread Kurt Engle
I have tried FirstCustomFieldValue('NotifyEmail') but it returns nothing. But I 
can look at the ticket and it shows the value that I would expect there. 

FirstCustomFieldValues('NotifyEmail') returns this in the log file: 
Template parsing error: RT::Ticket::FirstCustomFieldValues Unimplemented in 

Kurt Engle 
Network Engineer 
Eugene 4J Schools 

From: "Kevin Falcone"  
To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com 
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2010 10:40:33 AM 
Subject: Re: [rt-users] notification 

On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 09:50:38AM -0800, Kurt Engle wrote: 
> I am trying to approach this a little differently now. I am skipping the 
> email part, and just 
> trying to get it to print the value I want in the email (I am hard coding the 
> To: field) 
> But when I use this in the body of the email: { 
> $Ticket->CustomFieldValues('NotifyEmail');} 
> My result is this: RT::ObjectCustomFieldValues=HASH(0x2b9a63a9c110) 
> But I cannot figure out how to get the value out of the Hash. 

You're missing the word First in your method call 

> --
> From: "Kevin Falcone"  
> To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com 
> Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2010 8:19:16 AM 
> Subject: Re: [rt-users] notification 
> On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 02:24:26PM -0800, Kurt Engle wrote: 
> > Action: Notify Other Recipients 
> Oh, I wonder if that is your problem. Notify Other Recipients 
> notifies CCs 
> > { my $to_address = "rubble"; } 
> > To: {$to_addre...@4j.lane.edu 
> > Subject: New Ticket #{ $Ticket->Id() } has been created 
> What happens if you Cc: to that address, or RT-Send-Cc: to that 
> address? 
> -kevin 

Re: [rt-users] notification

2010-12-14 Thread Kurt Engle
Yes, I understand that it is not. My first example below is returning nothing. 

On 14 Dec 2010 13:53, Kurt Engle wrote: 
> I have tried FirstCustomFieldValue('NotifyEmail') but it returns 
> nothing. But I can look at the ticket and it shows the value that I 
> would expect there. 

Kurt Engle 
Network Engineer 
Eugene 4J Schools 

From: "Thomas Sibley"  
To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com 
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2010 11:04:10 AM 
Subject: Re: [rt-users] notification 

On 14 Dec 2010 13:53, Kurt Engle wrote: 
> I have tried FirstCustomFieldValue('NotifyEmail') but it returns 
> nothing. But I can look at the ticket and it shows the value that I 
> would expect there. 
> FirstCustomFieldValues('NotifyEmail') returns this in the log file: 
> Template parsing error: RT::Ticket::FirstCustomFieldValues Unimplemented 
> in Text::Template::GEN14. 

It's not plural. 


Re: [rt-users] notification - solved

2010-12-15 Thread Kurt Engle
The custom notification issue that I was trying to solve has been solved. 

The issue was the ordering of the scripts. I had 'TransactionBatch' set for all 
of my scripts that run 'On Create' but I was still having an ordering issue. I 
was trying to get the value of a Custom Field before the value was set. So, I 
named my scrips starting with numbers (numeric/alphabetic) and that caused the 
scrips to run in the order that they need to run to populate and get custom 
field values. 

The entire process: 
When a ticket is created, the 'requestor' e-mail address is looked up in LDAP 
and the 'location' attribute is returned and populates a Custom Field. Then 
that Custom Field (Location) is tested and married with a technician or group 
of technicians. The e-mail address of the technician is placed in a separate 
Custom Field. Then I have a scrip that uses "Notify Other Recipients" and a 
custom template that pulls the email address out of the Custom Field and 
creates a 'To:' address that sends an e-mail to the specified address. 

Ken and Kevin... thanks for all your help. 

Kurt Engle 
Network Engineer 
4J Schools 

From: "Kurt Engle"  
To: "Thomas Sibley"  
Cc: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com 
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2010 11:11:31 AM 
Subject: Re: [rt-users] notification 

Yes, I understand that it is not. My first example below is returning nothing. 

On 14 Dec 2010 13:53, Kurt Engle wrote: 
> I have tried FirstCustomFieldValue('NotifyEmail') but it returns 
> nothing. But I can look at the ticket and it shows the value that I 
> would expect there. 

Kurt Engle 
Network Engineer 
Eugene 4J Schools 

From: "Thomas Sibley"  
To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com 
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2010 11:04:10 AM 
Subject: Re: [rt-users] notification 

On 14 Dec 2010 13:53, Kurt Engle wrote: 
> I have tried FirstCustomFieldValue('NotifyEmail') but it returns 
> nothing. But I can look at the ticket and it shows the value that I 
> would expect there. 
> FirstCustomFieldValues('NotifyEmail') returns this in the log file: 
> Template parsing error: RT::Ticket::FirstCustomFieldValues Unimplemented 
> in Text::Template::GEN14. 

It's not plural. 


[rt-users] File::Temp

2010-12-28 Thread Kurt Engle
I just upgraded the Red Hat system that RT 3.8.8 is running on. Upon reboot, RT 
would not stop and was complaining that my File::Temp was at 0.16 and needed to 
be at 0.18. So I upgraded to 0.22 and now RT will still not start. The error 
message in the httpd log is: 

Unknown error\nCompilation failed in require at (eval 2) line 1.\n 

I have loaded 0.18 and things are still down. 

Any ideas or any more information needed? 


Kurt Engle 

Re: [rt-users] File::Temp

2010-12-29 Thread Kurt Engle
Hit it right on the head. 

Ran the force install Scalar::Util and all is well. 

How did you know that this was the issue? 

Kurt Engle 
Network Engineer 
4J Schools 

From: "James Moseley"  
To: "Kurt Engle"  
Cc: "rt-users"  
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 5:05:35 PM 
Subject: Re: [rt-users] File::Temp 

More than likely, the upgrade broke the Scalar::Util perl module. From a CPAN 
prompt, do: 

force install Scalar::Util 

This should reinstall the Scalar::Util perl module over what the Redhat upgrade 
just installed... 

James Moseley 

On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 6:34 PM, Kurt Engle < en...@4j.lane.edu > wrote: 

I just upgraded the Red Hat system that RT 3.8.8 is running on. Upon reboot, RT 
would not stop and was complaining that my File::Temp was at 0.16 and needed to 
be at 0.18. So I upgraded to 0.22 and now RT will still not start. The error 
message in the httpd log is: 

Unknown error\nCompilation failed in require at (eval 2) line 1.\n 

I have loaded 0.18 and things are still down. 

Any ideas or any more information needed? 


Kurt Engle 

[rt-users] RTFM rights

2011-01-11 Thread Kurt Engle
Yes, there are many articles with this title... but I am not finding an answer. 

I would like to grant the ability for a group of privileged users to create 
'Topics' under a 'Class'. I have created my group and populated it with 
members, I have created my RTFM class and assigned the group 'all rights' to 
the class and the Custom Fields assigned to the articles in the class. I had 
assumed that if I assign the 'Admin Class' and the 'Admin Topic' rights to the 
group, the members would be able to administer (Add and Delete topics) the 
'Topic Tree' for the class. 

Am I interpreting the rights in RTFM correctly? 

Thanks for your help. 

Kurt Engle 

[rt-users] Set User Password

2011-01-12 Thread Kurt Engle
I am wanting to use the Internal RT user database as well as an External LDAP 
database for user authentication. I have the LDAP side of things working 
properly. I also have the ability to create users using the RT WebUI. However, 
there is no option for setting a password for the newly created user. I am 
unable to login as the newly created users with a 'blank' password or a 
password of 'password'. 

Why is there no option in the WebUI when creating a user to enter a password in 
my setup? I was under the impression that RT would fall back to internal auth 
if a user was not found in the External LDAP database. My log files do not 
indicate any such action. 

>From RT_Siteconfig.pm: 
Set($DatabaseType, 'mysql'); 
Set($DatabaseHost, 'localhost'); 
Set($DatabaseRTHost, 'localhost'); 
Set($DatabaseUser, ''); 
Set($ExternalAuthPriority, ['My_LDAP']); 
Set($ExternalInfoPriority, ['My_LDAP']); 
Set($ExternalServiceUsesSSLorTLS, 0); 
Set($AutoCreate, 1); 
Set($AutoCreateNonExternalUsers, 1); 

Kurt Engle 

Re: [rt-users] RTFM rights

2011-01-13 Thread Kurt Engle
I am using RT 3.8.8 and RTFM 2.4.3rc1. 

My rights are granted per class. 

I have setup a group of privileged users and have assigned all the rights 
available to the class to the group. Specifically, the group as 'Admin Class' 
and Admin Topics' to the class. The rights to the Custom Fields within the 
class are also assigned to the user group but the group 'Everyone' has 'See 
Custom Field' assigned. 

I am able to create the Class as 'SuperUser' but I would like to delegate the 
creation of Topics to someone else. 

Thanks for the help. 

Kurt Engle 

From: "Kevin Falcone"  
To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com 
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 3:12:50 PM 
Subject: Re: [rt-users] RTFM rights 

On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 02:05:06PM -0800, Kurt Engle wrote: 
> Yes, there are many articles with this title... but I am not finding an 
> answer. 
> I would like to grant the ability for a group of privileged users to create 
> 'Topics' under a 
> 'Class'. I have created my group and populated it with members, I have 
> created my RTFM class 
> and assigned the group 'all rights' to the class and the Custom Fields 
> assigned to the 
> articles in the class. I had assumed that if I assign the 'Admin Class' and 
> the 'Admin Topic' 
> rights to the group, the members would be able to administer (Add and Delete 
> topics) the 
> 'Topic Tree' for the class. 
> Am I interpreting the rights in RTFM correctly? 

It'd be helpful to know RT version, RTFM version and what rights you 
granted and whether you did it globally or to a particular Class. 
Otherwise it is difficult for anyone to try and replicate. 


Re: [rt-users] Set User Password

2011-01-13 Thread Kurt Engle
Yes, the password change box does appear when I login as 'root'. I am able to 
set passwords for local users as the 'root' user. 

Interesting though, when I login to RT as myself via LDAP with 'SuperUser' 
rights, I do not see the password boxes for any users other than myself. So, I 
went ahead and entered a password for my account and made it that same as my 
LDAP retrieved password. Now, I can see password boxes for all of my users and 
can make changes to their passwords. Which is what I want. 

But, can someone explain the logic of the credentials checking process that is 
followed here? Is RT using my LDAP retrieved password or is it using an 
internal password in this process? If I change my password internal to RT and 
make it different than my LDAP retrieved password they both work and appear to 
be the same user. So it seems that a user's account, if it is external, can 
have and external and internal password. 

Kurt Engle 

From: "Kevin Falcone"  
To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com 
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 3:11:45 PM 
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Set User Password 

On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 04:58:02PM -0600, John Alberts wrote: 
> On Wed, 12 Jan 2011 13:16:51 -0800 (PST) 
> Kurt Engle  wrote: 
> > I am wanting to use the Internal RT user database as well as an 
> > External LDAP database for user authentication. 
> The only way I've found to do this is to temporarily disable LDAP auth, 
> add the users I want and set their password, and then re-enable LDAP 
> auth. One side effect, if the user you added does exist in LDAP, the 
> user can use either the LDAP password or the password you gave them to 
> login. 
> Not sure if there is a better way to do this, but I couldn't find any 
> 'official' way to layer authentication and I only need to add a couple 
> special users for automation purposes, so what I did worked for me. 

RT-Authen-ExternalAuth hides the password boxes using css if the 
current user doesn't have a password, since it can't ask you to type 
in your password before changing the user's password. Does it work if 
you're logged in as the root user? 


[rt-users] Auto resolve ticket with e-mail

2011-01-24 Thread Kurt Engle
I am aware of the CommandByMail extenstion and have been able to make it work 
as advertised... 

But, is there a way to auto-resolve a ticket by simply sending an email to a 
specific address similar to the way that you can create and comment on a ticket 
by sending to a specific e-mail. Basically, sending email to 
-reso...@rt.blah with a line in the /etc/aliases file that would look 

-resolve: "|/etc/smrsh/rt-mailgate --queue  --action resolve 
--url https://rt.blah"; 

Is this possible? 

Kurt Engle 

[rt-users] Notify specific owner on Correspond

2011-02-11 Thread Kurt Engle
I have created a scrip that successfully notifies owners but now I need to be 
able to only run this scrip when a specific owner is listed on the ticket. I am 
guessing that I need a Custom Condition for this scrip. So far I have the 

Description: On Correspond notify specific owner 
Condition: User Defined 
Action: Notify Owner 
Template: Global template: Admin Correspondence 
Stage: Transaction Create 

Custom Condition: 
my $trans = $self->TransactionObj; 
my $ticket = $self->TicketObj; 
my $ownerid = $ticket->Owner; 

if ($ownerid = 34) { 
return 1; 
else { 
return 0; 

So far, this scrip does not discriminate based on the ticket owner. 

Thanks for your help 
Kurt Engle 

Re: [rt-users] Notify specific owner on Correspond

2011-02-11 Thread Kurt Engle
Kenn can you give me some pointers on how to do that? 



From: "Kenneth Crocker"  
To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com 
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2011 12:05:37 PM 
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Notify specific owner on Correspond 


I think you need to add a check for a "correspond" transaction to your 


On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 11:37 AM, Kurt Engle < en...@4j.lane.edu > wrote: 

I have created a scrip that successfully notifies owners but now I need to be 
able to only run this scrip when a specific owner is listed on the ticket. I am 
guessing that I need a Custom Condition for this scrip. So far I have the 

Description: On Correspond notify specific owner 
Condition: User Defined 
Action: Notify Owner 
Template: Global template: Admin Correspondence 
Stage: Transaction Create 

Custom Condition: 
my $trans = $self->TransactionObj; 
my $ticket = $self->TicketObj; 
my $ownerid = $ticket->Owner; 

if ($ownerid = 34) { 
return 1; 
else { 
return 0; 

So far, this scrip does not discriminate based on the ticket owner. 

Thanks for your help 
Kurt Engle 


Re: [rt-users] Notify specific owner on Correspond

2011-02-14 Thread Kurt Engle
Bingo. That took care of it. Thanks for the code. 


From: "Kenneth Crocker"  
To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com 
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2011 9:06:28 AM 
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Notify specific owner on Correspond 


This (in Custom Condition) will ensure the code is triggered only on 

my $trans = $self->TransactionObj; 
my $ticket = $self->TicketObj; 
my $ownerid = $ticket->Owner; 

return 0 unless ($trans->Type eq 'Correspond' && 
your owner comparison); 

Good luck. 


On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 1:22 PM, Kurt Engle < en...@4j.lane.edu > wrote: 

Kenn can you give me some pointers on how to do that? 



From: "Kenneth Crocker" < kfcroc...@lbl.gov > 
To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com 
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2011 12:05:37 PM 
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Notify specific owner on Correspond 


I think you need to add a check for a "correspond" transaction to your 


On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 11:37 AM, Kurt Engle < en...@4j.lane.edu > wrote: 

I have created a scrip that successfully notifies owners but now I need to be 
able to only run this scrip when a specific owner is listed on the ticket. I am 
guessing that I need a Custom Condition for this scrip. So far I have the 

Description: On Correspond notify specific owner 
Condition: User Defined 
Action: Notify Owner 
Template: Global template: Admin Correspondence 
Stage: Transaction Create 

Custom Condition: 
my $trans = $self->TransactionObj; 
my $ticket = $self->TicketObj; 
my $ownerid = $ticket->Owner; 

if ($ownerid = 34) { 
return 1; 
else { 
return 0; 

So far, this scrip does not discriminate based on the ticket owner. 

Thanks for your help 
Kurt Engle 



[rt-users] RTFM - Topics

2011-02-24 Thread Kurt Engle
I am running RT 3.8.8 and RTFM 2.4.3rc1. I am looking for a way to assign users 
the right to create topics within a given class. Is this supported in RTFM? I 
have assigned users the 'Admin Class' and 'Admin Topics' rights but it doesn't 
seem to do what I intuitively thought it would do. 

I am more than willing to read documentation on this, but I have not found any 
that explains that rights associated with RTFM. 

Thanks for help, 

Kurt Engle 

Re: [rt-users] RTFM - Topics

2011-02-25 Thread Kurt Engle
Ok, let me see if I can describe what I would like to have happen here with 

I have a group of users ( group is called 'SIS') that I would like to provide 
privileges for them to admin a RTFM class. ie... I have a class called 'Student 
Info Services'. I would like to have this group of users be able to create 
'Topics' within this class and add articles to the 'Topics' that they have 
created. Inside RTFM, I have assigned the 'SIS' group all of the rights 

Currently, I as 'superuser', have to create the class, which is not a problem, 
but I also have to create the 'Topics' within that class, which is a problem. 
Once I have created the Class and the Topic tree, my 'SIS' group of users can 
add articles without any restrictions. 

I hope that helps, please let me know if I need to provide more information. 

Thanks for you help, 

Kurt Engle 

From: "Kevin Falcone"  
To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com 
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 9:05:12 AM 
Subject: Re: [rt-users] RTFM - Topics 

On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 02:48:59PM -0800, Kurt Engle wrote: 
> I am running RT 3.8.8 and RTFM 2.4.3rc1. I am looking for a way to assign 
> users the right to 
> create topics within a given class. Is this supported in RTFM? I have 
> assigned users the 
> 'Admin Class' and 'Admin Topics' rights but it doesn't seem to do what I 
> intuitively thought 
> it would do. 

Kurt, there isn't quite enough info there for me to go on. 
Can you give us a replication recipe? Something like Create a group, 
create a class, give the group these rights (and no others) on that 
class (or globally?). Knowing what doesn't happen (box doesn't show 
up, can't change the topics list, etc) instead of "doesn't seem to do 
what I intuitively thought it would" is much more helpful. 



Re: [rt-users] RTFM - Topics

2011-02-25 Thread Kurt Engle
Sorry, I am sure my lack of an explanation has to do with my lack of 
understanding of the rights structure within RTFM. 

When this group of users clicks on the RTFM link on the Left Hand menu, they 
see the options "Overview", "Articles" and "Topics". When they click on 
"Topics", they have the ability to 'Browse by Topic', but not the ability to 
create a new topic. This group of users will be administering RTFM for a given 
class and they need to be able to organize their articles under their Class 
which means they need to be able to create a 'Topics' tree under the class 
without being granted the 'superuser' right. 

This group does have the rights to extract and add articles to Classes and 
Topics that have been created by the 'superuser'. They just don't have the 
rights/ability to create new 'Topics' to place their articles under. 

Hope that helps, 


From: "Kevin Falcone"  
To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com 
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 9:38:58 AM 
Subject: Re: [rt-users] RTFM - Topics 

On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 09:30:35AM -0800, Kurt Engle wrote: 
> Ok, let me see if I can describe what I would like to have happen here with 
> RTFM. 
> I have a group of users ( group is called 'SIS') that I would like to provide 
> privileges for 
> them to admin a RTFM class. ie... I have a class called 'Student Info 
> Services'. I would like 
> to have this group of users be able to create 'Topics' within this class and 
> add articles to 
> the 'Topics' that they have created. Inside RTFM, I have assigned the 'SIS' 
> group all of the 
> rights available. 
> Currently, I as 'superuser', have to create the class, which is not a 
> problem, but I also have 
> to create the 'Topics' within that class, which is a problem. Once I have 
> created the Class 
> and the Topic tree, my 'SIS' group of users can add articles without any 
> restrictions. 
> I hope that helps, please let me know if I need to provide more information. 

I still don't understand what they can't do. Do they not get the 
Topics link, do they get the Topics link and can't create them? 
These are very different problems and you're not differentiating. 



Re: [rt-users] RTFM - Topics

2011-02-25 Thread Kurt Engle
They do not have the 'Configuration' option under RTFM. When this group of 
users clicks on the RTFM link on the Left Hand menu, they only see the options 
"Overview", "Articles" and "Topics". I have assigned them the 'Admin Class' and 
the 'Admin Topics' but they still do not see the 'Configuration' option when 
they click on RTFM from the main Left Hand side menu items. 



From: "Kevin Falcone"  
To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com 
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 10:39:47 AM 
Subject: Re: [rt-users] RTFM - Topics 

On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 10:11:58AM -0800, Kurt Engle wrote: 
> Sorry, I am sure my lack of an explanation has to do with my lack of 
> understanding of the 
> rights structure within RTFM. 
> When they click on "Topics", they have the ability to 
> 'Browse by Topic', but not the ability to create a new topic. This group of 
> users will be 
> administering RTFM for a given class and they need to be able to organize 
> their articles under 
> their Class which means they need to be able to create a 'Topics' tree under 
> the class without 
> being granted the 'superuser' right. 

So, if they're admins, they need to be able to navigate Configuration 
-> RTFM -> Classes -> pick a class -> Topics 

> This group does have the rights to extract and add articles to Classes and 
> Topics that have 
> been created by the 'superuser'. They just don't have the rights/ability to 
> create new 
> 'Topics' to place their articles under. 
> Hope that helps, 
> Kurt 
> ------
> From: "Kevin Falcone"  
> To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com 
> Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 9:38:58 AM 
> Subject: Re: [rt-users] RTFM - Topics 
> On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 09:30:35AM -0800, Kurt Engle wrote: 
> > Ok, let me see if I can describe what I would like to have happen here with 
> > RTFM. 
> > 
> > I have a group of users ( group is called 'SIS') that I would like to 
> > provide privileges 
> for 
> > them to admin a RTFM class. ie... I have a class called 'Student Info 
> > Services'. I would 
> like 
> > to have this group of users be able to create 'Topics' within this class 
> > and add articles 
> to 
> > the 'Topics' that they have created. Inside RTFM, I have assigned the 'SIS' 
> > group all of 
> the 
> > rights available. 
> > 
> > Currently, I as 'superuser', have to create the class, which is not a 
> > problem, but I also 
> have 
> > to create the 'Topics' within that class, which is a problem. Once I have 
> > created the 
> Class 
> > and the Topic tree, my 'SIS' group of users can add articles without any 
> > restrictions. 
> > 
> > I hope that helps, please let me know if I need to provide more 
> > information. 
> I still don't understand what they can't do. Do they not get the 
> Topics link, do they get the Topics link and can't create them? 
> These are very different problems and you're not differentiating. 
> -kevin 
> -- 
> -kurt 


Re: [rt-users] RTFM - Topics

2011-02-25 Thread Kurt Engle
The magic right attribute that is exactly what I wanted. Thanks for 
pointing this out. I will be careful with the other 'Admin' rights. 



From: "Kevin Falcone"  
To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com 
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 12:22:35 PM 
Subject: Re: [rt-users] RTFM - Topics 

On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 11:08:11AM -0800, Kurt Engle wrote: 
> They do not have the 'Configuration' option under RTFM. When this group of 
> users clicks on the 
> RTFM link on the Left Hand menu, they only see the options 
> "Overview", "Articles" and "Topics". I have assigned them the 'Admin Class' 
> and the 'Admin 
> Topics' but they still do not see the 'Configuration' option when they click 
> on RTFM from the 
> main Left Hand side menu items. 

Sounds like you meant to give them the ShowConfigTab right so that 
they can get into the Admin side of the house. Just make sure they 
don't have other stuff like AdminUsers or AdminQueue unless you meant 
for them to go in there. 


> --
> From: "Kevin Falcone"  
> To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com 
> Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 10:39:47 AM 
> Subject: Re: [rt-users] RTFM - Topics 
> On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 10:11:58AM -0800, Kurt Engle wrote: 
> > Sorry, I am sure my lack of an explanation has to do with my lack of 
> > understanding of the 
> > rights structure within RTFM. 
> > 
> > When they click on "Topics", they have the ability to 
> > 'Browse by Topic', but not the ability to create a new topic. This group of 
> > users will be 
> > administering RTFM for a given class and they need to be able to organize 
> > their articles 
> under 
> > their Class which means they need to be able to create a 'Topics' tree 
> > under the class 
> without 
> > being granted the 'superuser' right. 
> So, if they're admins, they need to be able to navigate Configuration 
> -> RTFM -> Classes -> pick a class -> Topics 
> > This group does have the rights to extract and add articles to Classes and 
> > Topics that 
> have 
> > been created by the 'superuser'. They just don't have the rights/ability to 
> > create new 
> > 'Topics' to place their articles under. 
> > 
> > Hope that helps, 
> > 
> > Kurt 
> > 
> > 
> --
> > 
> > From: "Kevin Falcone"  
> > To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com 
> > Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 9:38:58 AM 
> > Subject: Re: [rt-users] RTFM - Topics 
> > 
> > On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 09:30:35AM -0800, Kurt Engle wrote: 
> > > Ok, let me see if I can describe what I would like to have happen here 
> > > with RTFM. 
> > > 
> > > I have a group of users ( group is called 'SIS') that I would like to 
> > > provide 
> privileges 
> > for 
> > > them to admin a RTFM class. ie... I have a class called 'Student Info 
> > > Services'. I 
> would 
> > like 
> > > to have this group of users be able to create 'Topics' within this class 
> > > and add 
> articles 
> > to 
> > > the 'Topics' that they have created. Inside RTFM, I have assigned the 
> > > 'SIS' group 
> all of 
> > the 
> > > rights available. 
> > > 
> > > Currently, I as 'superuser', have to create the class, which is not a 
> > > problem, but I 
> also 
> > have 
> > > to create the 'Topics' within that class, which is a problem. Once I have 
> > > created 
> the 
> > Class 
> > > and the Topic tree, my 'SIS' group of users can add articles without any 
> restrictions. 
> > > 
> > > I hope that helps, please let me know if I need to provide more 
> > > information. 
> > 
> > I still don't understand what they can't do. Do they not get the 
> > Topics link, do they get the Topics link and can't create them? 
> > These are very different problems and you're not differentiating. 
> > 
> > -kevin 
> > 
> > -- 
> > -kurt 
> -- 
> -kurt 
