Re: [WSG] working with line-height

2009-07-01 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Ben Lau wrote:

This is what I'm trying to achieve:
 So there'll be a div with padding top and bottom of 20px, and with 
text inside. If I do:

 some text 

The gap would include both the padding and the anonymous inline boxes
 (thanks Russ), which works out to be >20px. Could there perhaps be a
 way to calculate the amount of white-space for these anonymous
inline boxes?

Set the line-height in em, and approximate apparent whitespace for the
chosen font family - also in em, and you'll get something like this...

...with the same amount of whitespace (only the pixel-sized div-padding)
on top and bottom of div, regardless of font-size.

I have "broken" one paragraph in two, but you can use separate
paragraphs if you give the top and bottom one classes and only subtract
the apparent whitespace from top and bottom respectively.

I'm not trying to achieve exact look across all browsers, I 
understand it's impossible. But I'm trying to achieve to make it look
 like the design at least.. in 1 browser (just so my designers are 

Visual designers don't care much about reality on the web, so they
should be easy to please ;-)

FWIW: I often pull paragraphs and headlines this way, and most browsers
handle it quite well. I usually don't bother to count pixels though, as
in most cases it just has to look right.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] working with line-height

2009-07-01 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Ben Lau wrote:

I'm wondering if there was a way to top align the text to its 
line-height. So say, with text size 20px, could the top of the 'T' be

aligned to the top of the pink box?

Is this what you want?

Note that you can't really get "pixel perfect" alignment across
browser-land, as there will always be some em-to-pixel rounding deviation.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] a bizzare background image disappearing bug in IE

2009-04-25 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

tee wrote:

Two divs wrap - background image not showed up in iE6/7

Old IE usually doesn't render an absolute positioned element when it is
next to a float in the markup.

In that particular case: move the  below the  in the markup, and old IE will render it.

See:  for more on the issue.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] IE8 compatibility mode

2009-04-07 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Eyemax Studios wrote:
You can have a look, it's I would be more 
inclined to fix it, when have time hehe.

Well, it definitely isn't what Microsoft believes the Standards should
be. All KHTML/WebKit and Presto browsers agree with IE8 (in Standards
mode), and only Gecko browsers and older IE are missing the

Neither IE's old 'hasLayout' bug nor the particular margin-collapse
behavior in Gecko can be relied on in IE8 and the other browsers. The
'hasLayout' bug is gone in IE8 (in Standards mode).

Try adding/changing to...

.content1, .content2{margin-bottom: 0;}

* html .home{margin-top:110px; /* IE6 */}
*:first-child+html>body .home{margin-top:110px; /* IE7 */}

...for that particular page, and all browsers will line up - in
accordance with standards.

Doesn't prevent your page from looking a bit broken when subjected to
font resizing in all browsers though, I'm afraid.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] IE7 CSS fix

2009-04-02 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Alex wrote:

Blimey, you norwegians are a tad opinionated.

Nah, we just just like to be given a valid reason for changing our
minds. Comes with the territory - we never take the easy way out since
there isn't any in this country :-)

What does 'one' actually think 'one' is going to acheive in 
developing for modern browsers over the older ones?

Progress. It may be slow, but it is inevitable and sure better than nothing.

You make it sound like modern browsers have a host of features that 
are going to turn your website/s into an all dancing and singing awe 
inspiring experience that the older browser is just going to merely 
mimick after you have bodged it up with hacks and tweaks.

Oh, old browsers can't do much "dancing and singing" no matter what, so
'one' (or another) may as well stop trying so hard.

Yes, modern browsers do, obviously, provide a more complete and bug free
standard support platform. "Dancing and singing" is slowly edging its
way into standards too, so those who like that kind of stuff may have a
go at it - but of course only in the very latest and more experimental
browser versions...

Broader support may be provided tomorrow, if there's a demand for it.

The majority of businesses use typically older versions of ie that 
are typically on XP builds and they 'typically' couldnt give a 
monkies or even have any knowledge about better or newer browsers.

Thanks for presenting "the (very well known) state of the business
world" - stagnation and regression everywhere. (No wonder the world as a
whole is in such a mess right now.)

Sorry, but this Norwegian can't see the point in being stuck in the past
just because someone else thinks that's "good enough".
Life's too short, and after having worked in front of these screens for
nearly thirty years I'm getting a bit bored and impatient.

Anyway...thought I would give Gunlaug something to chew on...(cheer 
up son).

Yummy :-)
Got more?


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] IE7 CSS fix

2009-04-02 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Prashant wrote:

I have tried the following but for some reason IE7 is picking IE6
hacks only -

Which means IE7 is in Quirks Mode - on level with IE5.5.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] IE7 CSS fix

2009-04-02 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Alex wrote:

I dont understand why anyone needs to hack anything. If you design to
 web standards and use a logical structure/layout with good use of 
floats or positioning, you can develop a page/layout that works in 
all browsers. It usually takes a bit of tweaking but it can be done.

Sure, but such tweaking often ends up on level with what the weakest
browser can handle, and thereby holds back better browsers. No progress
in that, IMO.

When one wants more, one has to aim for what works in better browsers
and correct/nudge/fix weaker browsers until they appear to do reasonably
well - without disturbing better browsers in the process. Simple
tweaking usually falls short then, and one may have to look at other

I thought this group was discussions of all things relating to 
standards and not support of people using non-standard ways i.e. 
hacking/conditional comments.

There's nothing much to discuss about existing standards apart from
obvious unclear and/or incomplete passages and the occasional typo in
same documents. Anyone can read the relevant documents on standards for

Browser-support, or lack of same, for standards, is what most often
triggers discussions, and I believe that's the case in this thread too.

(Of course: this thread may have been initiated by a "designer bug", but
there's no proof of that yet.)


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] IE7 CSS fix

2009-04-02 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:

To my mind, that is the definition of a CSS hack - it is abuse of a 
bug that is believed to only apply to the required browser(s)

Mmm. One exploits a bug to kill/fix another bug, and triggers an unknown
number of bugs in various browsers - present and future versions - in
the process. Before one knows it one has a complete bug-house :-)

There is almost never a direct correlation between the bug and the 
'fix' that is being applied.

True. Not a problem if the hack is proven to only work in the
browser/version that needs the "fix", but few test and study progress in
standards and implementations in browsers well enough to make sure a
hack can't misfire and end up serving the "fix" to the wrong
Even many CC for IE are made "universal", and end up serving bogus fixes
to the wrong versions.

Regarding future editors: in my experience there's more of a chance that
they'll break the entire work while "tidying up", than that they'll
break just a hack or two.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] IE7 CSS fix

2009-04-02 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

James Ducker wrote:

Can you not use a conditional?

Of course one can.

It's far more reliable than CSS hacks, which may cause problems in 
future browsers.

I don't agree with that assessment, providing one work a bit on
selecting the right CSS hack and don't just use any hack because it
seems to work.

However, I have problems seeing why one would want/need to serve IE7 a
different padding anyway - regardless of method, so I won't discuss
hacking-method without seeing the case it is supposed to solve.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] IE7 CSS fix

2009-04-01 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Prashant wrote:

I need to implement a padding-left:65px in IE7.

Which mode is IE7 in for your document?

Hacks like...
*:first-child+html #foo .bar {...}
...will only work in "IE7 Strict Mode". If it doesn't work in "Strict
Mode", then something is overruling it.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] IE8 compatibility mode

2009-03-25 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

James Leslie wrote:

Using  will also 
have the same effect (getting rid of the compatibility view button 
and forcing standards mode), but may be a bit more stable against 
future releases of IE.

But, may also lock documents to IE8's rendering capabilities even if
future IE releases can handle more, better - which they should. Not very
wise, IMO. You wouldn't choose/advice such a "safeguard" strategy for
any of the other browsers, would you?

IE8 does have a few dozen irritating bugs and weaknesses, and is (pretty
much) limited to CSS2.1. However, IE8 final is pretty stable and works
quite well for all properly built sites, so one can say Microsoft has
done an acceptable job. No signs they'll jump off the "standards path"
either now that they've finally got on it, even if they're a little
behind the others.

What's holding IE8 back now is all those sites that has been
"safeguarded" and tailored to work in earlier IE versions as if there
was no tomorrow, and it is about time we stop treating IE as a browser
that will be in need of special solutions forever.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] IE8 compatibility mode

2009-03-25 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

tee wrote:

Sorry for my ignorant, is IE8 out?

Yes, as of March 19th.

Keep an eye on a site like this...

...and you'll at most only be a few days off regarding new releases.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] IE8 compatibility mode

2009-03-25 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:

The rendering of that page is slightly broken (at the moment) in IE6
 and IE7 in that the right-hand column overlaps some of the content.
 What confused me though, was that IE8 insisted on rendering in 
'compatibility mode' otherwise known as IE7 mode, even though the 
rendering is correct when I worked out how to force it into IE8 mode.

That page is clearly rendered in IE8 standard mode by default at my end.
Check internal settings in IE8 at your end, and make sure you don't mix
those two modes.

If in doubt, place this meta in page head...

...and the "Compatibility view" button will disappear in IE8.

The start  tag is missing in your page - you have 
directly followed by .


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Chrome now higher traffic than IE

2009-03-02 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Mike Kear wrote:
For the first time since I started building web sites, IE is not the 
most prominent browser on my two highest traffic sites.

Of course other sites will have a different pattern, depending on the

Not entirely new, but much broader...


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Safari Beta 4

2009-03-02 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

tee wrote:

By the way, Google Chorme behaves as Safari does.

Not during my testing, but that may be "conditional".
"Conditional" is problematic since that mean behavior may change with
factors like OS and connection speed = highly unreliable.

Tested Chrome, OmniWeb and Arora - all complete WebKit with unique
script engines. All behaved more or less like the latest versions of
Firefox, Opera and IE8 - not like any Safari version on any OS.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Safari Beta 4

2009-03-01 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

tee wrote:

Thanks for checking. Adding the above rule makes the thumbnail 
unclickable when no thumbnail shows up. If I refresh the browser to 
make thumbnail shows up, then it's clickable.

Yeah, the various Safari versions show very different behavior for the

- Safari 3.2.x indeed behaves as you describe, but doesn't behave in a
stable manner. Extra rule fixes distortion, but Safari's script-engine
fails on that script quite often.

- New script-engine in Safari 4, and in that version the thumbnail isn't
clickable even when the image shows up just fine. The new script-engine
seems to fail on that script every time, but very different from the
older version.

- More as a curiosity: Safari 2 fails in ways more like Safari 4 than
like Safari 3.

- Other WebKit based browser - those that are not just shells, got their
own script-engines and behave just fine.

So, Safari is a moving target for scripts, each script-engine version
with its own unique failures in your case. Need an expert on jquery and
script-engines to work around the problems in that browser, but the
extra CSS rule does fix the distortion problem in all Safari versions.

Without that rule, empty thumbnail box is still clickable.

Not quite so easy, it seems.

Note that what you see as "empty" thumbnail boxes in Safari (without the
extra CSS rule) aren't necessarily empty. Those images are just blown up
so large, and only the middle-left portion is shown, that the objects
end up hidden outside the list-item box. Thus, the image is often there
in Safari too, and therefore clickable, even if you can't see the object.

Safari fails to load the image just as often with and without the extra
CSS rule, so that rule doesn't seem to have any negative effects.

Find someone who can fix Safari's various script-engines, and once the
loading and layering works in all Safari versions you can find out if
the extra CSS rule is necessary to fix the distortion problem.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Safari Beta 4

2009-02-28 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

tee wrote:

On this site, in Safari (PC and Mac) you will see that the
thumbnail(s) in the gallery (jquery galleria) is either not showing
up or the image gets distorted (should be 80px). You may not see it
from the first visit, should this be the case, please click on other
page, then come back to the same page.

I can only test so far on a snapshot, but it looks like Safari 3.2.1 and
Safari 4 beta1 behaves well when image-dimensions are styled on class
"gallery" - not just "galleria". Also seem to improve transition in
Firefox 3, which otherwise flashes terrible IMO.

Try adding...

.gallery li img {width: 80px!important; height: 80px!important;}

...which will "calm down" the script a bit without ruining its operations.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Safari Beta 4

2009-02-27 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

daniel wrote:

it would be much more interesting to discuss IE8's compliance again.
 All compliant sites that I've made render fine in Safari 3 & 4 and 
FIrefox 3 but always fail to work 100% on IE...

It isn't about standard compliance for your sites, but which standard
IE8 is limited to - CSS 2.1 pretty much...

Trying to do anything more advanced in IE8, is doomed to failure. Add a
few bugs - surprisingly few for the average site, and you may as well
roll your design back a bit.
Test in earlier Gecko and WebKit versions too, as many browsers in
regular use use those older engines.

side note: I've been using Safari 4 for a couple of days and I 
absolutely love it - it loads and renders pages much faster than FF 
and JS intensive pages are faster then ever - besides, who really 
uses Opera anyway?!


Nothing but!

I'll leave further commenting to someone who knows more...

...and Safari 4 beta will be put through a round of thorough tests too...

...while we're waiting for the finals.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Accessibility testing

2009-02-17 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

David Dorward wrote:

Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:

2: according to specs (and browsers) a character encoding stated in
 an xml declaration is good, and further stating unnecessary. No 
warning should be given in such a case.

An  declaration (or anything else before the Doctype) will 
trigger Quirks mode in IE6 [...]

IE6 works best in quirks mode...
...IMO, so that's a very welcome side-effect.

so should be avoided.

FWIW: anything other than an xml declaration before doctype will make
_all_ IE/win versions stay in quirks mode.

The prolog is optional if the defaults (XML 1.0 and UTF-8 or UTF-16) 
are used.

Which means one can deliberately choose to put the xml declaration in,
and its 'encoding' is valid and honored. That's my point.

It is forbidden if HTML 4.01 is used.



List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Accessibility testing

2009-02-17 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Jon Gunderson wrote:

Please let me know what you think of it.

First impression: good.
Informative page reports.

A few points...

1: i and b can in many cases not be replaced by h1..h6 or em and strong.
Both i and b are valid - span-like (no implied semantics) - elements in
HTML4/XHTML1, and are (so far) kept that way in (X)HTML5.
The existence of b and i should not be called a failure.

2: according to specs (and browsers) a character encoding stated in an
xml declaration is good, and further stating unnecessary.
No warning should be given in such a case.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] a Div tag won't pick up the height of a floated image?

2009-02-16 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Brett Patterson wrote:

Will a div tag pick up the height of an image that is floated left?

Only if the div is styled to "contain floats"...

Lots of options linked in on that page.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Implication of empty divs

2009-02-10 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Ben Lau wrote:

But as far as i know, screen readers do not pick up IDs or classes? 
So even by declaring a div ID="mainNav", it's still not enough to 
describe what's inside the div?

I'm starting to get awfully confused...

A div is an element primarily intended for grouping blocks of content -
hence it defaults to "block" with no further default styling or meaning
in most UAs.

The meaning of IDs and classes is mostly on your (designer/developer)
side of the fence, when you work on the markup.

Normally not enough artificial intelligence at the other side (user-end)
to interpret the meaning of IDs and classes. Well-chosen headlines with
suitable text at or near the beginning of each area make more sense there.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Implication of empty divs

2009-02-09 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Ben Lau wrote:

Are there any (seriously) bad implications of having empty DIVs 
around your HTML document?

I understand from that that you mean "nested divs", for multiple
backgrounds etc.

A few extra divs means nothing other than extra weight, but I have
managed to break a few older browsers by going to the extreme.

This is "extreme nesting"...

...where not only the regular layout has deep nesting, but where there's
also a demo consisting of deeply nested divs in the middle of the main
content area.

IE5.01 usually gives up on it - freezes during load, and this is caused
by the demo. Later IE-versions don't seem to have real problems with it.

Some older Opera versions tended to slow down and/or freeze up when the
completely loaded page was scrolled, also caused by the demo. Haven't
noticed any problems in 9.5+ versions.

All browsers work ever so slightly harder than usual to get all pieces
of the demo lined up during scrolling.

So, it is possible to go too far :-)


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Opera Targeting?!

2009-02-04 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:

Maybe someone can do a control check, measure the actual sizes on
screen for zoom values and mouse-wheel resizing steps for 'text
resizing' vs 'full page zoom' set at shown values, and let us know
the results.

Just to make sure we're resizing the same way: notice that I refer to
"mouse-wheel steps" everywhere, and not 'view drop-down options' or
keyboard 'ctrl + +'.

These non-mouse resizing options have 6 steps from 100% to 200% in
Firefox - as Patrick Lauke presented it, for both 'full page zoom' and
'text only zoom'.

Guess that accounts for my error :-)


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Opera Targeting?!

2009-02-04 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

David Dixon wrote:
Not quite right im afraid. Patrick Lauke sent an email about this in 
December that highlighted the Firefox zoom config as shown below:

-- Quote --

toolkit.zoomManager.zoomValues, and this will show the various zoom 
factors at each step. In my case (which should be the default) these


.3, .5, .67, .8, .9, 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.33, 1.5, 1.7, 2, 2.4, 3

So, nominally 200% (which, according to the "Understanding..." bit 
for that SC, means "200%, that is, up to twice the width and height" 
- so really a 400% increase in total area) is actually 6 steps, if 
you want to go purely by numbers.

-- End Quote --


Ok, but then 200% 'whole page zoom' in Opera and IE8rc1 is _much more_
than 200%, because when I overlay Firefox (3.0.5 & 3.1b2) with 'text
only zoom' on any of these two (Opera and IE) at that 200% 'whole page
zoom', I need 10 mouse-wheel steps up from default (100%) to reach the
text-size and line-height they're at (at 200%), as shown below.

Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:

Side-by-side comparison and measuring on various OSes (96dpi res. 
all to avoid any misunderstandings) reveals the following:

- Firefox (3.0.5 & 3.1b2) seems to increment in 10% mouse-wheel 
steps for both 'text zoom' and 'whole page zoom'. That means 10 
steps (or clicks) from "default" to "200% of default" for both zoom


Both Opera and IE8rc1 have 'whole page zoom' selectors showing 200% as a
value - seen in the lower-right corner of their chrome, and I can't
imagine that these two (competing) browsers agree that 200% means
exactly the same and that this "same value" is then *not* really 200%.

I also cross-checked using the same screens (96dpi res.), OSes (win2K,
XP, Vista, Ubuntu) and mouse/keyboard (connected via Synergy), and can't
find the cause for my errors.

Rounding-errors caused by trying to hit the same number of screen pixels
at the same resizing levels via different calculation algorithms, become
insignificantly small at 200% resizing level.

Maybe someone can do a control check, measure the actual sizes on screen
for zoom values and mouse-wheel resizing steps for 'text resizing' vs
'full page zoom' set at shown values, and let us know the results.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Opera Targeting?!

2009-02-04 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Brett Patterson wrote:

Okay, one quick question. You say 200% is twice the default size, but
 in browsers like Firefox 3, there is only the (shortcut) Ctrl++ to 
zoom in, and I cannot find the percentage of that zoom, so is 200% 
font size increasement one or two clicks?

Much more than that, I'm afraid.

Side-by-side comparison and measuring on various OSes (96dpi res. all to
avoid any misunderstandings) reveals the following:

- Firefox (3.0.5 & 3.1b2) seems to increment in 10% mouse-wheel steps
for both 'text zoom' and 'whole page zoom'. That means 10 steps (or
clicks) from "default" to "200% of default" for both zoom variants.

- IE8rc1 increments its 'whole page zoom' in 5% mouse-wheel steps, with
the usual +/- 2steps a' 25% for 'font resizing'. The latter only allows
for "150% of default".

- Opera (all versions) increments its 'whole page zoom' in 10%
mouse-wheel steps.

- Konqueror seems to increment in 10% mouse-wheel steps for both 'text
zoom' and 'whole page zoom'.


Note that 200% resizing means each letter take up 4 times the space
compared to on default size, regardless of zoom variant. Simple square

So, calculating in a one or two clicks range while designing, doesn't
count for much.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Opera Targeting?!

2009-02-04 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

tee wrote:

IS 200% one time font size increasement or two?

200% is twice the default size, and the number of steps to get there
varies from browser to browsers.

Again: _default_ isn't whatever size you have declared in/for your
document, but the browsers' own defaults. This default font size is what
you see on your screen(s) when you do not declare font-size at all in
your documents.
Then, make the letters in the text twice as tall in the browser itself,
without zooming the page as a whole. That is 200% font resizing - the
kind that actually works for end-users.

My practise for a good layout is two times increasement, and I try to
 accommodate one decrement, but sometimes with certain design layout,
 especially with floated elements that either one or both have 
background image(s) that the underneath div block has different 
background color, it's just too much work to take good care and I let

 it goes without guilt :)

Guilt would be misplaced no matter what, and shouldn't be an issue. No
matter what you do you're in good (or "good") company :-)

It is however your creation that gets broken if it can't take a
reasonable amount of the stress it risks getting exposed to when
end-users use their browsers as designed, so you can't complain about it
being broken either.

That foreground and background get somewhat "detached" here and there is
quite normal, and in some cases unavoidable with today's browsers and
standards when background-images are used. Resizing of background-images
to go with containers is only implemented on an experimental level in
one or maybe two browsers - have only seen/tested it in Opera.

We have only the tool-set that is available in browsers at any given
time to play with, and when that tool-set isn't sufficient we either
have to scale back our, or our clients', ambitions and use somewhat
safe solutions, or we have to accept that our designs break.

Minimizing the problems caused by breakage at the user-end is an
important part of web design IMO, and "trying now" certainly makes it
easier to pick up and make use of new design tools as they become
available to us.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Opera Targeting?!

2009-02-04 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Brett Patterson wrote:

[...] Now I realize where most of my problems have stemmed from.

Note that nearly all such "designer bugs" will be caught if you follow
WCAG2 recommendations and resize text in a browser to at least 200% of
browser default. (Default is 16px on 96dpi screen resolution in nearly
all browsers, so 200% will be 32px on that resolution. Numbers grow with
higher screen resolutions, but browser do not yet agree on how to deal
with / adjust for rising screen resolution.)

- If you can't resize text in the browser, then it's probably IE and the
font-size unit is the wrong choice. Time to re-think design.

- If design/layout breaks in unacceptable ways when subjected to font
resizing stress, then the design/layout is at fault. Time to re-think

Nothing you can do to prevent end-users from stress-testing your
creations - because they want to or because they have to, so it is
always best to test beyond breaking-point across browser-land before
In the end you as designer/developer, consciously or unconsciously,
decide how much your creation(s) should be able to take before it
becomes "unacceptable".

FWIW: I didn't stress you layout on first load in any browser, but it
showed serious shortcomings anyway.
Later when I did put it under stress by applying regular browser-options
to it... revealed its weaknesses.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Opera Targeting?!

2009-02-03 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Brett Patterson wrote:

You should rethink the positioning method, and forget about 

between browsers until you have stabilized it in one.

I do not understand this either, unless you are talking about using 
margin as the positioning method. I have stabilized it one browser. 
This is why I am worried about the deviations in all the others.

Apply font resizing in any browser, and you'll get larger
"positioning-errors" for the menu in _that_ browser than you get between
browsers when leaving all at their font size defaults.

Same version of same browser (Firefox 3.0.5) with similar settings on
different OSes already position the menu with much more that 1px
deviation - more like 20px, so I had to check across my entire
browser/OS range to see where you really wanted that menu to stay on the
page. Sorry, but that doesn't look "stabilized" to me.

My point is that elements are not styled to work well together under
even the slightest amount of stress in any browser, which means it is
much too early to correct 1px deviations in any of them.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Opera Targeting?!

2009-02-03 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Christian Montoya wrote:

On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 2:41 PM, Gunlaug Sørtun 

IE7 is "dead" - meaning: "stable",

Ah, well, most people would consider "dead" and "stable" to be two 
entirely different things. Dead is more akin to "abandoned" or 

OK, guess my choice of word can easily be misunderstood.

I consider software to be dead and stable the moment a real successor is
on its way, and the old piece isn't upgraded any more and can be safely
separated from all others. IE7 is there now, IMO.
I place FF2 in the same category btw, although is is slightly harder to
separate it safely from its successor - FF3.

And it's still entirely possible that while Microsoft is supporting 
IE 7, they could release a patch for it, if they ever decide they 
need to.

IE7 is supported in the sense that it gets security patches and alike
when there's a need for it.
Its rendering engine won't see any major upgrades, simply because of Ms
fear of "breaking the web". That fear has been sufficiently documented
and demonstrated by now.

IE8 is the major upgrade of/from IE7, and the only potential problem
here is that IE8 will not be able to emulate IE7' rendering perfectly
down to the minutest details and combinations - there are simply too
many details and combinations to test and tune.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Opera Targeting?!

2009-02-03 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

David Dixon wrote:

Chomping at the bit to dismiss IE7 a little early aren't we Georg? :)


Look at IE7 from a designer/developer's point of view...

IE7 is "dead" - meaning: "stable", so if it acts up and there isn't a
suitable solution that all browsers can see, there's no harm whatsoever
in hacking its dead body to pieces. IE7 can't come back to haunt us, no
matter how many users it has.

No other browser/version will ever see what we feed IE7 only - with the
right targeting method, apart from maybe IE8 (and probably its
successors if it gets any) when it mimics IE7 in "(backwards)
compatibility view".

Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:
Besides: one should only target/hack dead browsers, like IE7 and 
older. Targeting/hacking live browsers like Opera, Firefox, Safari 
etc. for real, will only create maintenance-problems as new 
versions arrive.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Opera Targeting?!

2009-02-03 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Brett Patterson wrote:
If my site is visited in Firefox or Internet Explorer first, you can 
see that everything aligns perfectly.

Not if that browser is called "IE8", I'm afraid. IE8 agrees with

It's a designer-bug. Vertical position of the navigation relies entirely
on font size, which means it is all over the place in my browsers on
first load.

No two browsers calculate font size exactly the same before rendering,
so relying on "pixel-perfect" font size across browser-land is not a
good idea. Add in font resizing and other regular options in browsers,
and it gets a lot worse - for the whole layout.

You should rethink the positioning method, and forget about deviations
between browsers until you have stabilized it in one.

FWIW: there are no reliable ways to target Opera anymore. You can't even
know for sure if Opera is Opera.

Besides: one should only target/hack dead browsers, like IE7 and older.
Targeting/hacking live browsers like Opera, Firefox, Safari etc. for
real, will only create maintenance-problems as new versions arrive.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Clearing a row with floated list

2009-01-29 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Paul Collins wrote:

I can add a class of "clear" to every third list item, which is
great, but I'm still having troubles in getting them to behave in IE.
Has anyone got a solution, or seen on online lately?!

Didn't check for the actual case, but it's usually safer to declare 
'clear: left' than 'clear: both' when trying to clear left-floats in IE.

IE has quite a few 'clear' related bugs, and I think this is one of them.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Parenthesis around list counters

2009-01-27 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

James O'Neill wrote:

We are a small county displaying our ordinances and parens are
important for legal notations and references.

If such details are important, they should be written in plain text.
Regardless of whether a method is found or not, one can not rely on
browsers support for HTML/CSS to "replicate importance" at such a level.

Simplest way to test if a method is acceptable or not for a particular
case, is to observe the outcome with CSS and script support off - in
Lynx for instance.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Re: Users who deliberately disable JavaScript

2009-01-26 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Paul Hudson wrote:

Doesn't ie6's highest security setting turn js off?

Yes, and all that goes with it - like IE-expressions.

I haven't looked at ie7 but would assume similar.

IE7 same as IE6.

From the look of it - brief testing - IE8b2 also turns off
script-support in high security mode.

Statistics are as unreliable as they ever were, but one can deduct from
crawling around in stats and reading various stat-based conclusions that
5 to 10% of web surfers have javascript support disabled - at least on
some sites, or use browsers with no script-support - not many of those.
Don't think one can get any closer.

No real indication that "javascript support disabled" is on the rise,
but not that it falls either.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] pos- relative or margin?

2009-01-08 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Naveen Bhaskar wrote:

I have seen a page where all the divs are positioned with position 
relative and with top , bottom attributes  instead of margin.. Is 
this a good method?

Depends entirely on the actual layout. I often use both relative offset
and margin push/pull on the same elements.

Position relative doesn't move the element, only offset it visually -
the element still takes up space in its original, non-positioned, position.

Margins affects the element's actual position. When used on floats
margins can remove the element-space partly or entirely.

There is no browser compatibility issues while using this where as 
when using margin properties IE has probelms.

IE6 has serious problems with position relative in certain combinations,
but provoking bugs with margins isn't a problem either in that old
bugger. IE7 is better but far from flawless.
IE7 and older introduce positioning and margin problems related to
'hasLayout'[1], where the cure for one bug often causes more problems
than the disease.



List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Chrome and Safari render the same...or do they?

2009-01-08 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Jens-Uwe Korff wrote:
I'm running into big rendering differences between Google Chrome and 
Safari 3.1/PC. They are said to render pages the same, given that 
they're using the same Webkit engine.

They're using the WebKit engine, not necessarily the same version.
Safari is at version 3.2.1 last I looked BTW.

The differences seem to be mainly due to the different font 
rendering. Safari's fonts are way smaller, hence my boxes are smaller

 and shift up, breaking the layout.

All my testing concludes that Safari's fonts show up ever so slightly
larger than Chrome's and other browsers' on same OS (XP & Vista), but
these differences are insignificant and may only occasionally cause
earlier line-breaks in Safari.

Would be interesting to see your example page to see if your way of
styling can cause the differences you experience, or if they're caused
by you setting those browsers different locally.


No, there are no Safari vs. Chrome CSS hacks, and I hope no-one ever
find or at least not use any since it'll probably do more harm than good
and hit a number of other WebKit based browsers.
It'll probably also target designer-bugs that are counteracted in the
next versions of WebKit based browsers, and create problems that way.
One should never hack live browsers.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] issues with too many divs

2009-01-07 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Ben Lau wrote:
Are there any major downfall in doing so apart from increasing page 
size? I'd like to be able to convince our designer to simplify the 

No UA will have problems with a dozen or so extra wrapper-divs around
every single element in a page - doesn't even have to be valid nesting,
so that in itself won't give you arguments for simplifying a design.

Complex imagery in designs tends to lead to failures when exposed to
font-resizing and other normal user-induced challenges -
background-images don't scale with foreground, so it's probably easier
to find arguments for a simplified design on the accessibility/usability
side of web design.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG]WCAG 2.0 enlarging text to 200% ?

2008-12-12 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Heather wrote:
I'm not really understanding this point very well and I'm not sure 
how this is measurable and testable across a wide range of platforms?
 What if the websites default size is set in percentage to 75% and 
then another website has default setting of 110%?

Doesn't really matter as long as it can handle 200% resizing measured
against a browser's own "web page normal text" defaults.

---> Large scale (text) Note 4: When using text without specifying 
the font size, the smallest font size used on major browsers for 
unspecified text would be a reasonable size to assume for the font. 
If a level 1 heading is rendered in 14pt bold or higher on major 
browsers, then it would be reasonable to assume it is large text. 
Relative scaling can be calculated from the default sizes in a 
similar fashion.

"Web page normal text" defaults to 16px on 96DPI screens in nearly all
my browsers on that resolution. Checking default-settings on other
resolutions is easy, as one only has to override, or ignore, a page's
own font-size declarations and leave the browser's own settings at default.

Checking web pages ability to handle browser-defaults, usually messes up
a large number of pages too a point where further testing becomes a
purely academical exercise.

So, when I really want to test if a page can take 200% font resizing, I
blow it up by setting "minimum font size" to around 32px on my screens -
that's 200% of browser's own default at my end. I use use such testing
to see if my own designs are reasonable accessible when put under stress.

Of course, this blows most designed web pages apart to a point where
content becomes covered up and inaccessible, and then it doesn't matter
much if someone has figured out whether these pages meet a WCAG
checkpoint or not.

Too much font resizing? Well, maybe. At least one is somewhat on the
safe side with regards to that particular WCAG2 guideline if a document
survives reasonable well and remains accessible and usable.
Once that test is over it is time to zoom the page and see what happens...


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] HTML/XHTML/XML - Question about the future of.

2008-11-25 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Brett Patterson wrote:
From the few recent posts, I have become so far confused, as anyone 
would as to why, Gunlaug, you keep stating xHTML5 or as above you say
 XHTML5? HTML and xHTML/XHTML are different. xHTML is XHTML, albeit 
1.0 or 1.1 or 2.0 etc. So, is it a typo?

No typo, but I understand the confusion.

We may call it 'HTML5', '(x)HTML5', 'xHTML5' or 'HTML5 + XML
serialization', as the 'HTML5' drafts in existence to date cover both
HTML and XHTML as two flavors, or rather "serializations", of the same
markup language.


Keep in mind that we're reading drafts, so nothing is set in stone, and
won't be for years to come. Gives us a good indication of how they're
continuing, and smoothing, the relationship between 'HTML' and XHTML
that began with 'HTML4' and 'XHTML1.0' though.

To exemplify: one can in most cases just change doctype and a meta, and
serve a valid and tested XHTML1.0 Strict document... valid HTML5 (text/html)...

...or as valid XHTML5 (application/xhtml+xml)...

Note which validator I use - , as the
experimental W3C HTML5 validator won't play ball yet.
I can't judge which one is more correct on every detail than the other,
as both validators are new and experimental and will be tuned to spec in
time. Thus, I may have to make minor adjustments to how I modify my old
markup, once the dust settles around xHTML5 :-)

Unless they introduce major changes to the specs, the syntactic
differences are not creating any real problems for us who serve valid
XHTML1.0 as 'text/html' and/or 'application/xhtml+xml' today.
Only one or two HTML4/XHTML1.0 elements are "signaled to be" deprecated
in xHTML5, so that's not a problem.
Serving a document as 'text/html' vs. as 'application/xhtml+xml' does of
course introduce potential problems in other areas, but nothing really
new for the average document there either.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] HTML/XHTML/XML - Question about the future of.

2008-11-25 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Andrew Maben wrote:

XML is not going away, so by all means hope for an XHTM revival 
somewhere down the road, but for now, if it's text/html then 
shouldn't it be HTML as HTML, and not XHTML treated as HTML?

IMHO, naturally, and of course YMMV.

Of course. We have choices and preferences :-)

Since HTML5 allows XHTML syntax more or less all the way, it doesn't
really matter which flavor the document is coded in as long as it is
served as 'text/html' ... and provided with the proper standards mode
triggering "doctype" on top. It's just a trigger anyway.

Since I personally wouldn't dream of intentionally letting IE6 switch to
its "not very standards compliant 'Strict' mode", while at the same time
I definitely want IE7 and 8 and so on to obey W3C standards as best they
can, I'll probably plug in an xml declaration on top no matter which
mode-trigger I use - even if it's declared "non-valid".

So 'text/html' it is, and probably will be for most coders for a long
time - maybe until internet as we know it is obsolete, and most of it
will probably be non-valid and subject to error-recovery until the very
end. I personally don't think the xHTML5 standard will have much
influence on markup quality as such, although I'd love to be proven
wrong on this point.

Serving properly coded documents as 'application/xhtml+xml' is nice when
one wants to push the boundaries and/or add in something that doesn't
work when served as 'text/html', and knows those at the receiving end
got a proper browser (or something else) that can handle it all.
We're already filtering out weak, old and obsolete browsers from stuff
they can't handle - from CSS for instance, or ignoring these browsers'
existence entirely. Thus, letting weak browsers filter themselves out
from everything, can be an interesting option, at times.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] HTML/XHTML/XML - Question about the future of.

2008-11-25 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis wrote:

David Hucklesby wrote:

The validator still needs a DTD though.

If you mean the W3C validator, then no, it just got experimental 
HTML5 support.

And the W3C validator misinterprets XHTML5 to be "some lesser XHTML
flavor"... it is a bit too experimental to be of practical use today.

The  validator OTOH gets it right...

...and is also useful for checking details.

The W3C validator "gets" HTML5 alright, but I'm not sure if it gets it

...since the  comes to another conclusion...

...obviously because I've left the xml declaration in there.

So, the future doesn't change the HTML vs. XHTML-XML relations, or lack
of same. We will still have one standard, that can be applied to the web
in (at least) two different ways...

...if they don't change something in the xHTML5 spec in the near future.

Of course, only HTML can be widely used, as long as XHTML isn't
supported by the most used browser.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Disappearing legends in IE 6

2008-11-17 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Christian Montoya wrote:

Unless anyone here knows what good would come of applying negative
margins to legends, I'm going to remove them for good.

Probably this you're looking for...


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] CSS font-size-adjust

2008-10-20 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Christian Montoya wrote:

Could someone please read the body of my email instead of just 
looking at the title and then post a response that is on-topic?

OK :-)

CSS2's 'font-size-adjust' support is limited to Gecko/Fx IIRC, and is
probably put on hold by the W3C CSS group for the time being - to pop
back up in a later CSS version.


List Guidelines:

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] CSS font-size-adjust

2008-10-20 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Christian Montoya wrote:

Could someone please read the body of my email instead of just 
looking at the title and then post a response that is on-topic?

OK :-)

CSS2's 'font-size-adjust' support is limited to Gecko/Fx IIRC, and is
probably put on hold by the W3C CSS group for the time being - to pop
back up in a later CSS version.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] google and validation

2008-10-19 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Brett Patterson wrote:
So, Gunlaug, in essence, (essence being the operative word), you do 
validate your site by using tidy? Correct? I mean if you trust tidy 
to correct your code and all the code that tidy puts out is, as you 
say, 99.9% effective then that is kinda like validating, right?

Pretty much so, although tidying is an active process while validating
is pretty passive.

If "my" Tidy gives up on my markup, then it's time to ask the validator.
In such cases I go back and forth between validating, tidying and
cross-browser checking until the problem is tidy, valid and solved.

May I add that I don't really trust any software - my own creations
included. So, when I'm really bored I attack 'em with all I've got and
then some. "My" Tidy has survived all my attacks quite well.

Always some weak spots that may be overcome by cross-checking and making
notes on what to look out for.
"My" Tidy disagrees with the validator on a few points - like MSIE
down-level conditional comments, and I haven't bothered fixing "my" Tidy
on these points since the ones I've encountered are so few and easy to

Otherwise I think Dave Raggett got it more or less right in the original...

...but, as I say in my article, I'm not impressed by what others have
done to Tidy later. Some releases/attachments are ok, while others are
crippled by someone's personal preferences.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] google and validation

2008-10-18 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

tee wrote:

Hi, I am just curious how many people in this list actually spend 
extra time making a validation error free page for the sake of 
validation when third party's code is embedded. Surely the above 
example is an easy fix, but how about embedding google calendar or 
other scripts?

I rarely ever spend extra time on it, but I do like to save time on
debugging later by checking and cleaning up my own and third party's
code early - and often. If something is going to break anyway, it better
break early.

I use the "one click - 1/10 of a second processing in HTML Tidy"
shortcut all the time, which means I actually have problems creating or
leaving non-valid parts in a page even when wanting to - for
testing-purposes and alike.

Embedded scripts are automatically commented out by "my" Tidy - thus
ignored by the validator, so no problems there.

Google code and similar sometimes means "my" Tidy performs
doctype-downgrading, which isn't much of a problem either, IMO. If the
source-code is only good for "Transitional", then "Transitional" it is.

If I want a "pass" on "Strict" when Tidy says it is only "Transitional",
I'll have to perform the extra tidying and testing myself to make sure
it works, before calling on Tidy again to check and confirm.

Sometimes I even validate my work, but not often since "my" Tidy got it
right in 99.9% of all cases anyway. The validator does a better job at
informing me about what's wrong than Tidy does though, so if I'm more
confused than usual the validator is a "nice to have".

The cleaning-up process I'm very much depending on in my daily work,
seems to only work properly with the original, customized, Tidy-version
integrated in my old editor though, which is why I haven't changed basic
editing-tool for my own work for years. I'll probably have to customize
it, and "my" Tidy, for (X)HTML 5 one day, so it doesn't trip on new
elements and attributes.

I normally only use my much newer and more user-friendly editors when
I'm looking at other people's pages - like yours :-) - since I've found
their newer Tidy-versions (if they have one) and integration of it near
useless. They seem to have become too lenient, and many of the
integrated Tidy's are almost "set in stone" and can't be properly
customized through the interface no matter what.

I am not implying validation isn't important nor should be ignored. 
But as we in this list know it's not something that matters much as 
far as accessible site concerns. Do people today actually still 
trying  to make the page validate by way of proper xhtml markup that 
may  create problem in IE and then write another script to hack the 

Validation _isn't_ important at all in itself, but making sure the
markup and whatever else is in there is actually in accordance with
specs before one starts to curse various browsers for their failures,
sure makes those curses more valid :-)

After all: most cross-browser problems are caused by invalid and/or
nonsensical markup and CSS, so quickly knowing in which direction one
should direct those curses saves time and frustration.

Can't say I've seen IE fail because of validity, but of course one in
rare cases has to add something (still valid) to the markup in order to
avoid an IE bug or two. Nearly all IE bugs can be fixed without touching
the markup though - if the source-code is valid and logical, and, as
mentioned, embedded scripts don't create validity-problems.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] min-might question

2008-10-18 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

tee wrote:

'min-heigh' talls enough is the problem. If I can't forsee how long 
the content will be, how do I decide the set the value of min-height?

The design is the fixed width, but even with fuild layout, it's a 
problem not knowing how tall the content be

Looks like you're trying to build a table with divs. Much better to use
a real HTML table for that since none of the existing CSS solutions are
supported well enough to replicate one. As you know, IE doesn't play
ball when served CSS table - support = zero.
In addition to that, Gecko can't A:P the  in a table-cell - real or
styled, so you'll have to give those  their own rows with cells.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] min-might question

2008-10-17 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

tee wrote:
I cannot control or foresee how long the content in the 
'set-minheight' div be. What do I do to have the  tag always stay 
at the bottom of the block?

For the example it's pretty strait forward as the  will always stay
below the 'set-minheight' div, no matter how much or how little content
that div is given, and 'set-min-height' must just be styled tall enough
to push the  to the bottom of the 'box' - if that's what you want.
The 'box' must also be able to expand if the content in 'set-min-height'
pushes it taller.

If there's any problems with that, then other factors/styles are
affecting the construction and we must see a live example.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] 1px difference between IE and FireFox

2008-10-13 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Taco Fleur wrote:

The cause of this problem is something I've never encountered in my
14 years of web dev, this is amazing to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well, IE moves in mysterious ways, but one can always follow its path 
and figure out which bugs we're dealing with :-)

What IE6 does with odd numbers in such cases is relatively well known, I
think. Easy to check, and usually not a problem as long as designs can
take +/- 1px or avoid those odd numbers.

IE7' behavior is caused by the way they made IE7 respect declared
dimensions - something IE6 doesn't. IE7 internally replicates the old
hack we sometimes use on IE6 to make it respect dimensions while
presenting any overflow - 'overflow: hidden' on the container and
'position: relative' on the content.

In your design the '#mn li a' is actually 1px taller that the '#mn'
that's containing it because of the declared height and border-width,
which causes 1px overflow. This 1px overflow pushes h3 down and into the
actual position in all good browsers - and even in IE6 because IE6
auto-expands '#mn'. However, IE7 now respect declared dimensions so well
(!) that it won't let the overflowing 1px take up space even though it
does present it visually. This is a documented IE7 bug, and it causes
the h3 to sit 1px too high in the page.

So, you can fix IE7 by making height on '#mn' 1px taller, and no other 
browser will complain since that's the actual height of '#mn li a' anyway.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] 1px difference between IE and FireFox

2008-10-13 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Taco Fleur wrote: In Internet Explorer there
 is a 1px difference in the evolution image.

IE6 doesn't like odd numbers so it rounds off 'height: 135px' on h3 to
134px - making the h3 1px too short.

IE7 handles odd numbers better so it gets the height right, but it
places the h3 itself 1px too high - at least relative to the

Suggest you cut IE some slack (or bug-space) by making the image 1px
shorter that the h3. Will at least make it appear right in those buggers.

Furthermore, on that same page there is a "find out how" button to 
the bottom right, in IE this aligns to the center of the  element,

 but in Firefox it does not. I would like it centered.


p.findOutHow a {margin: 0 auto;} center across browser-land.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] old horizontal list formatting issue in ie

2008-10-11 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

kevin mcmonagle wrote:

Floating the images/ anchors contained in the li's left next to each
 other is what im trying to do. But right now each li streches to the
width of the ul so the cant float left. Even distributing them evenly
would be fine though.

You're running into specificity problems, as you have styled li
completely different other places and those styles override the low
specificity '.bos_image_index li' styles.

Make the selector...

#rightcol .bos_image_index li {...}

...and the styles will kick in.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] [IE7 Glitch] footer is expanding, and acting wonky with scrolling.

2008-10-09 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Andrew Brown wrote:

Does anyone know what would fix this? I exhausted my self with
various solutions. The live demo is here:

Stiffen up IE's backbone with a 'hasLayout'[1] triggering declaration.


div.footer_wrap {height: 1%;}

...and it'll do fine.

BTW: 'display: relative;' that you have on the same element, must be a
mistake. No such 'display' value - you probably meant to write
'position: relative' but I can't see the need for that one either.



List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Is it a good practice to have 'Back to Top' link?

2008-09-30 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Joe Chiang wrote:

Perhaps, implement something like 'sticky sidebar' or 'position 
fixed' to present the 'Return to top' link rather than adding it 
after each section is another option I look favourably at. Obviously,
 I need to work out on IE6 for this.

Any thoughts?

I collected my thoughts on 'fixed' here a couple of years ago...

...and used IE-expressions to enhance my home and ToC pages in IE6 for
quite a while...

IE-expressions, complete with the "jerkiness fix", creates a good
illusion, but they rely on script-support as much as any other script
and do put a load on computer resources over time. Apart from that they
can be made to work better that the real 'position: fixed' since one can
conditionally manipulate both axis independently.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Is it a good practice to have 'Back to Top' link?

2008-09-29 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

May I suggest that we "fix" an "Up" link at the bottom and a series of
"section" tabs and "Skip to ..." at the top of the window - 'position:
fixed' that is.

Should work on all but the smallest windows and in all the latest
browsers, and are easy to reposition or turn off for print.
IE6 will have to pull a little extra, but should otherwise cooperate well.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Is it a good practice to have 'Back to Top' link?

2008-09-29 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Joe Chiang wrote:

I have some VERY long pages in the website I maintain. Currently, I 
insert 'Back to Top' after every section in the page. Sometimes, I 
feel they are disturbing and am not sure if there is any better way 
to do it or don't insert them at all.

Unless clients insist on having 'in-page navigation' links, I don't add
any. That goes for "Back to Top", "Skip to Content", "Skip to
Navigation" and all the others.
In most cases such links are duplication of browsers own functionality,
which is only useful additions in rare cases and in most cases can be
seen as unnecessary noise.

The exception is links to in-page references or content groups, which I
add since browsers can't help much in finding them otherwise.
Good example: W3C documents list of links to sections - would be hard to
access them without those ToC lists/links.

Of course, splitting the page into smaller pages is the simplest way 
out, but for our application, the page has to contain all the 
information on the same page.

Splitting documents is also something I avoid when I can, almost
regardless of how long a document becomes. It takes longer to move
between sections and split documents are a nuisance when going to print.

Cross-linking separate documents for reference is of course a different
matter, and splitting up documents because there's "a change of subject"


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Setting HTML and BODY background not working

2008-09-29 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Cole Kuryakin wrote:

The height of the body image (the hiroshige painting) - rather than 
showing in full - seems to be getting "cropped" by the height of my 
"wrapper" div.


padding: 1px 0;
min-height: 100%;

* html body{ height: 100%;} make body at least as high as html/viewport - and growing with


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Is it a good/bad practise to have more than one same link url?

2008-09-28 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

tee wrote:
As far as SEO concerns, it seems to have an advantage because google 
image search and a few other image search engines (can't remember 
their names). This seems to be very useful for sites that sell 
products, image stock and photographers

Have to keep that in mind when I'm looking for such products - look
beyond the first few dozen finds. This is something I quite regularly do
anyway, for all searches, because of all the SEO aimed at twisting

But no good for screen reader I guess. Without one to test from, I 
imagine the screen reader reads each links?!

They ain't got much of a choice - a link is a link even if it is a

To expand on practical solutions at hand:

I often duplicate links myself, but in a different way and for a
different reason - no SEO intended.
- One link to a page goes in the relevant place in the main section.
- One link to same page goes in a listing of links in a separate
section, so that all relevant links can be found in one place - for
instance in the sidebar. I may have one such link-group for internal
pages and one for external, marked up with suitable group-headlines.

In some layouts an image can be positioned out of the text-link, which
eliminates the need for duplicated links. Depends very much on the
actual layout if this "noise-reduction" method can be used, or not.
Would work fine in layouts like the one the site I used as example of
link-duplications - .


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Background-Image not displaying in IE5 & IE6

2008-09-25 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Kristine Cummins wrote:

I have a div container that has a background image (gradation) which is
displaying fine in IE7 & Mozilla, but it's not displaying in IE5 & IE6.


* html #container,
* html #headercontainer {
height: 1%; overflow: visible;
} give old IE something it understands - a 'hasLayout' trigger and a 
hint not to hide the overflow. That will fix the problems.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Is it a good/bad practise to have more than one same link url?

2008-09-25 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

tee wrote:
I was thinking maybe it's a SEO question and shouldn't post it here, 
however, the more I think about it, the more I feel it deserves a 
semantical perspective and  wonder if it creates obstacle for screen 

Might be seen as "noise", but can't see any other problems with
otherwise meaningful duplication of links.

On  you'll find 3 links to same page for each
of their main posts, and I don't think it hurts. Don't think it helps
either for that matter.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] suckerfish problem - ie6

2008-09-25 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

kevin mcmonagle wrote:
cheers george. i thought the !important; fixed that but apparently 
not. menus height ok in ie6, just have to give it a conditional 
comment for the width now.

Suggest you add this "package" instead of something in a CC...

#mainMenu li ul {padding: 0; }
* html #mainMenu li { overflow: hidden; }
* html #mainMenu li ul {margin-bottom: -1000px; overflow-x: hidden;
width: 12em;}


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] suckerfish problem - ie6

2008-09-25 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

kevin mcmonagle wrote:

Hi, Having a problem with suckerfish drowndowns, ie6 shows the nested
lists expanded to the full height of all li's.  Im doing the css for
a programmer and im not sure whats going wrong. is it possible the 
javascript fix isnt being picked up? Im not doing that part of the 

Anyone see this before?

Sure, IE6 has no respect for declared dimensions - !important or not,
and expands #mainMenu li to make room for #mainMenu li ul.

Suggest you add...

* html #mainMenu li ul {margin-bottom: -1000px;} prevent IE6 from acting on the height.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] please help me understand how Opera (9.5) deals with em, % and pixel

2008-09-19 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

tee wrote: [1] input element 
or class has background color borders - no checkmark (or tiny 
checkmark depending on the width/height of the class for input 
element) in checkbox.

Padding seems to cover the area, and does so until the padding becomes
too large so padding from all sides starts overlapping inwards. Once
that happens the checkbox presents its status properly again.

In your test-page, with 'input {border:1px solid #555;padding: 5px;...
}' there's 1 red pixel visible when checked.

With 'input {border:1px solid #555;padding: 6px;... }' there's no
visible check-mark when checked.

With 'input {border:1px solid #555;padding: 7px;... }' the checkbox and
check-mark appears normal. Continue to do so on larger padding, but (of
course) eventually the padding becomes so large that it breaks the
checkbox apart.

Conclusion: one or more nonsensical bugs for styled checkbox in Opera.

[2] input element or class  has background color, no borders - 
checkmark shows up alright.

[3] input element has no background color, no borders and no class 
added - see second checkbox/radio button example.

So, [1] seems to be a bug. What about [2] and [3]? Which one is the 
correct rendering? It looks like none of them are correct because 
they are all inconsistent.

If by "inconsistent" you mean "don't appear identical across
browser-land and OEes", then you won't find a "correct" one in Opera.
Opera seems to use its own across OSes, while for instance Firefox seems
to change with (rely on) OS. They will never look the same.

[2] is probably the best shot at "consistency" based on what I see on my
win-OSes, but it definitely doesn't look the same in Opera 9.52 and
Firefox 3.0.1 on win2K.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] please help me understand how Opera (9.5) deals with em, % and pixel

2008-09-18 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

tee wrote:

Hi  Georg, very nice to 'see' you :)


I am narrowing down to the % and em that are causing many problems I 
have encountered. The site is in my localhost therefor I can't post 
it, but I will move it to a webserver maybe tomorrow or in the 
weekend, and email you the url (can't show the site to public) as I 
have stumbled 3 more issues after my post.

Some of Opera's '%' and 'em' issues are old as , and should have
been fixed half a decade ago.
I'll see if any of those issues are creating problems for you when I get
the page for debugging.

Problem in debugging is that I can't recreate the exact conditions of OS
and parallels you use. Should be able to improve things for the average
end-user though - to the degree Opera is willing to cooperate.

I see problems in that page, but even after side-by-side comparison
 with Fx3.0.1 I can't see opacity problems. Care to explain? You 
can mail me off-list if it becomes long-ish. Sorry, the opacity bug is in the homepage, the 
large slide show.

I looked at the correct page first time around, but couldn't decide what
intended rendering-effects should be. Looked a bit "challenged" in all
my browsers.

When the image pan out, it turns to semi-transparent and fading, but 
Opera shows a solid image.

Indeed. Opera starts fading too late and behaves as if it it "hangs" on
fading at cross-points.

I reported this before and talked to the author who wrote the 
slideshow script, he couldn't figure out even though he was very keen

 to fix it.

Something for those at Opera, me thinks. Looks like an excellent
real-world test case.

Re the unclickable and unselectable issue, here is the page.

Bruno wrote he has no problem selecting the content and clicking the
 link 'go there'.

No problems with select or functions in Opera 9.20 <---> 9.60beta
versions on win2K or winXP at my end.

I trashed my Opera from both Mac and PC version (via Parallels), 
re-installed it but  the problem doesn't go away. I am also seeing 
the same behavior (links not clickable) in the site I was working in 
my local server. I figure it must be something to do with  %, pixel 
and em units I have for font size, margins, padding, width and 
line-height and Opera isn't smart enough to do the math.

Sounds like a problem in the relationship between Opera and MacOSX, and
I've quit updating/using Mac so can't test.

Though very unlikely, I have started thinking maybe  the problem 
occurs because I have more than 1 classes declared in a div.

Never observed any "multiple classes" problems in Opera. Don't think
there are any.

Also, in the above page, do you know which checkbox/radio button is 
the correct rendering in Opera?

When 'Enable Styling On Forms' is checked (default) in 'opera:config',
all instances of checkbox/radio button in your page look like in your
image in Opera 9.20 <---> 9.60beta version on win2K.
In Opera on winXP the colored area of checkbox is smaller - the size of
unstyled checkbox, and therefore bordered area wider than colored area
with white space in the "gap".

How "far" you style those elements should have no effect on function.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] please help me understand how Opera (9.5) deals with em, % and pixel

2008-09-18 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

tee wrote:
Is it just me kept running into issues with Opera? I really don't 
remember having these problems so obvious with pre-version 9.5 that I 
can't tolerate. I am getting this impression that the evolution of Opera 
has come to an end and now it's rapidly reversing back to the buggy 
primitive state that it almost mimics IE 6's behavior and the worse, I 
don't have a conditional comment  to make it works better. From some 
articles I have read, I got a sense that Opera folks are very proud of 
the CSS3 spec achievement, but my take is, if I have to make double 
effort to have my layout render just slightly closer to FF and Safari, I 
can't afford to care all those shiny CSS3 attributes and Selectors. What 
is more aggravating is that it's less than 3% population that needs to 

Not the first time Opera, or any browser, goes into regression - or 
worse. Lack of extensive real-world testing, I guess.

I can see that Opera is weakening on a few points that matters to me, 
but generally the latest versions (9.5x & 9.60b) haven't created any 
real problems.

Good thing Opera is hard to hack, or else those regressions might end up 
being pretty permanent - as in IE. Might make it easier for some, but 
not for progress.
Better to ignore those 3% or whatever if you can't make it work, 
although I'm not sure Opera's performance is to blame for all your problems.

I still have not fixed the problem I have had from my previous post (and 
still can't figure why the link and text are not clickable/selectable), 
now I am seeing another two little problem.

In this link, it illustrates two issues: the screen shots on the right 
are taken from Opera, as you can see, the background image drops to the 
bottom in the breadcrumbs.
And the button, it works likes IE does, the difference is that IE 
doubles the width and Opera doubles the height.

My font size declared in the body tag:

font: normal 100.1%/1.5em

Obviously Opera got it wrong again somewhere with em and  pixel 
calculation. Is this another new bug or something so old that never got 
fixed ?

Have no thread/post to look at for debugging. What page(s) (links) 
present the problem?

And here is another Opera problem I stumbled few days ago when I was 
doing Opera bug hunting:

The page uses  Prototype Glider script:

In Opera, you will see clicking the snapshot on the left changes nothing.
Turn out I goofed, I forgot to load the script in the page (time wasted: 
over 24 hours):

var my_glider = new Glider('glider', {duration:0.5, frequency: 4});

But the fact that page still works (except without glider effect) in all 
other browsers make me think this is just another bug of Opera.

Confirming that. Opera before 9.50 beta supported effects like that, 
without scripting. No go in later Opera versions.


Here is the working page with glider script loaded.

if you go to homepage of the site, you will see another Opera opacity bug.

I see problems in that page, but even after side-by-side comparison with 
Fx3.0.1 I can't see opacity problems. Care to explain? You can mail me 
off-list if it becomes long-ish.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Position and peace of mind

2008-09-04 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

John Unsworth wrote:

So my questions to the group are; Was the decision to write the 
markup in the order I did correct or pedantic? Because if I didn't 
then I wouldn't have the layout issues I'm having I'd guess.

Positioning out of visual order on a detailed level, can easily create
more problems than it solves. Unless found to be absolutely necessary,
and tested to function flawlessly (see below), I advice not to rearrange
actual vs. visual order for accessibility or other reasons.

Was it a mistake to try and create an elastic layout in em's and 
expect the entire interface to expand? In this case might it be 
better to use pixel for width's but em's for font and % for height 
and allow the boxes to expand with the text? Or should I just stick 
to pixel's all round.

Elastic layouts with lots of images tend to not do to well in the real
world, but otherwise there's nothing principally wrong with them - they
just have to be done right.

Percentage for height will create problems. Proper equal height boxes
can only be created in a reliable way when using HTML or CSS 'table',
ant the latter ain't supported by IE7 and lower.

Is there a 'golden rule' about repositioning sections of markup out 
of the order they're written, and why was there variation with the 
margins across apparently very well behaved browsers?

The only reliable 'golden rule' is that _it has to work_ - preferably
also under stress.

Stress-testing should ideally cover what end-users _might_ do to your
layout because their browsers allow, not only what most of them are most
likely to do to it. This means you as designer has to know at least as
much about each of the browsers you choose to support, as the most
knowledgeable end-users, while still catering reasonably well for the
majority of "dummies".

For instance: your "dimensioned boxes" are overflown by their content
when exposed to the 'minimum font size' option (I always set)...

Other misalignments in the layout look pretty unimportant then, since
vital parts become inaccessible and unusable.

[...] Generally the whole IE thing I ignore until required.

You should run through the supported IE-versions regularly while
designing, so you don't run into problems that can't be solved later on
without changing things for/in all browsers.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Code for Firefox, hack for IE

2008-09-01 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

David McKinnon wrote:
For a while now, I've been operating on the principle "Code for 
Firefox, hack for IE".

Is this the way anyone works?

Apart from that I "code for the most standard compliant browsers
(plural) at present time, and then hack for various IE versions", I
think I'll go along with your principle.

FWIW: Firefox (3.01) is third on my list of reasonable compliant
browsers at the moment.

Is it the best way to work?

Well, it is rather time-consuming and impractical to "code for IE and
then hack for the other browsers", so I think you got that about right
too :-)

Does anyone know where I got this idea from? Book? Blog? A bit of 
googling this afternoon turned up not very much.

Maybe on this old note...


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Figures out issues. Standards for troubleshooting css

2008-08-31 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Fred Ballard wrote:
For problems with box alignment, I know I usually turn on 
background colors to clearly see the size and position of the boxes

 the browser is using.

Or is that a newbie answer?

Definitely not a newbie method. Setting backgrounds is one of the
quickest ways to check line-ups while designing and troubleshooting.

I usually set borders first time around, and the extra
element-dimensions borders create gives me lots of information about
"tight-corner" layouts and other potential design-problems that browsers
may handle differently.

Another technique I use daily is to invalidate CSS rules instead of
commenting them out during troubleshooting.
Typical example: "background-: #abc;"
Such rules stop working in all browsers, and the CSS validator will help
find these invalid rules if I lose track of them.

I prefer such direct debugging over developer tools in various browsers,
simply because the tools are always at least one step behind.

Michael Horowitz wrote:
The hardest thing about learning a new language is learning its 
troubleshooting techniques.

Maybe not a technique, but...

Being able to separate browser-bugs from designer-bugs quickly, helps a
lot. That means being aware of the browser-bugs we run into most
frequent, to a point where it almost becomes second nature to spot them.
A quick stress-test of a design in the major browsers should normally be
enough to pin-point most bugs and design-weaknesses, without even having
to look at the HTML/CSS behind it.

Getting to that point takes time and a lot of "bug-spotting", so looking
at other designers' work, attempts, failures etc. across browser-land is
(for me at least) more useful and less time-consuming than creating
test-cases and struggling with my own designs.
That's the main reason I keep an eye on lists/forums like [css-d], [WD],
[WSG] etc, since all you new and old designers manage to trigger many
more browser-bugs and create more weak designs than I can - even on a
good day :-)

Helping others fix their problems helps me recognize, remember and
thereby avoid getting stuck on the same or similar problems. Seeing how
others go about solving problems helps a lot too - even when I disagree.
Doesn't matter if I see the problem or need a solution right now, as I
probably will one day. A few minutes troubleshooting someone else's case
may save me hours on my own cases later on, so it is time well spent.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Mystery Margin or Padding in FF and IE

2008-08-25 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Cole Kuryakin wrote:

Hello All -

I'm developing a new framework for my projects and have come across 
something I can't get rid of.

Go here:

If you look at the purple float that contains a beige main content
area, you'll see that the beige content area is being pushed down
about 25px for some reason in FF. In IE 6 and IE 7 the same phenomena
also happens, but it happens at the TOP of the beige content area

The top margin you've declared on h1...

#contentMain h1 {margin: 25px 0 10px 0;} escaping #contentMain and ends up on top of it in compliant
browsers. That's correct behavior AFAICS...

IE6/7 OTOH are containing h1's margin because of the 'hasLayout'

#contentMain {width: 550px;'ve declared in there. That's not correct but not much you can do
about it.

One way to solve it is to have zero margin-top on that h1, and use on it
padding-top instead.

Another way is to contain the margin-top by declaring...

#contentMain {float: left; display: inline;}

...which all browsers will agree on, and thereafter adjust h1's
margin-top to taste.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] IE6/7 behaviour

2008-06-24 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Rob Enslin wrote:
Although not a standards-based question (I think) I wonder if anyone 
has the 'fix' for it?

The page:

Maybe better to trigger "standard mode" in browsers first, and add fixes

The combination of declarations you have now is a somewhat new one - to
me at least. An XML declaration has no place above an HTML DTD in an
HTML document, and the DTD is incomplete and triggers "quirks mode" in
all browsers...

If you really want "quirks mode" rendering, you may as well delete both
these lines...


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Marking Up Poems

2008-06-24 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Jens Nedal wrote:

[...] If you ask me, i would say that a double  is a  already.
 Look at word processing programs. When you wish for a double  
you will simply type "Enter". If you want a line-break you will 
mostly do a Shift+Enter.

Word processing isn't web design, and one has to look beyond the visual
when selecting markup since markup convey both visual and non-visual
meaning by its presence, or absence.
A  doesn't tell anything about the context it's in - it is just a
line-break no matter where it is found. How many breaks one add doesn't
change that.
Visually a  can have "some height", "line-height" or "zero height",
depending on how one styles it, so one can not rely on it to create
a space to add additional meaning either.

 is a paragraph and a poem can consist of multiple paragraphs, 
called verses. The discussion might be about small matters, but i 
feel  looks more like it fits breaking a poem into verses.

One can observe some discussion about how to markup poems and alike on
the HTML 5 lists, and so far "series of paragraphs with line-breaks
() as appropriate and spans for additional styling" seems to be the
only somewhat suitable option.
I think that'll stick ... unless they add new, dedicated, elements for
poems, which seems unlikely.

Since one can style paragraphs, spans and line-breaks as one wants, one
can achieve quite acceptable visual presentations with control of
white-space etc., without losing or messing up more than one has to for
the non-styled and/or non-visual presentation. Wrapping the whole poem
in a div (division/section) provides for additional styling.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] W3C HTML Validation of an Intranet site

2008-06-19 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Hayden's Harness Attachment wrote:
 I am really confused. Can anyone explain?

What the validator says:

There's one end-tag too many for a link on line 91. Delete one "" in
that line.

Alt-attributes not included for images on line 115 and line 130. Make
that empty alt-attributes, alt="", since those images probably don't
need alt-text.

Looks like a missing ">" on the start-tag for the link on line 150. That
generates three errors since the validator tries to interpret the
link-text as part of the link-address.

You've used XHTML syntax to close the image-element in line 304. Delete
the ending "/" since you're marking up in HTML 4.01 Transitional.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Marking Up Poems

2008-06-19 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Must you Australian's *always* have the last say?  ;)

not always, but often. esp if it ends in beer and a party

Is that why what you say most often makes no sense?



List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Should we design for 800x600 screens?

2008-06-10 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Darren West wrote:
An alternative could be to develop with relative sizes for all 
measurements, allowing the interface to be scaled to any screen 
resolution. Examples can be seen at and

Dysfunctional examples, but they clearly show what many mean by
"relative sizes" - font-size dependent layouts, without looking into the
potential problems created by such a "framed" approach.

1: wanting or having a need for larger text, doesn't mean one has or
want a larger screen and/or browser-window.

2: having a larger screen and/or browser-window, doesn't mean one wants
or need larger text.

Thus, "relative sizes" means a/the layout only works well within a
certain window-size on a certain screen-resolution with a certain
font-size, and can not adapt well to the end-user's environment and
needs if they deviate from the designer's "frame".
Sounds designer-friendly enough since they get to keep the designed
proportions, but is not what I would call user-friendly.

Page zoom in Opera, Firefox 3 and Safari 3 allow layouts to adjust to
the end-user's environment and needs - unless the designer has declared
"relative sizes" and/or other width-barriers.
Since this user-friendly zoom-feature seems to be on its way in - after
having been found only in Opera for years, it would be better if
designers tried to make sure it could actually work as intended instead
of designing for certain "relative or absolute sized frames".

Since all browsers can also resize fonts (one way or another)
independent of page zoom, "relative sizes" risk creating even more
problems when both font resizing and page zoom are used.

The latest mobile browsers also incorporates page zoom and font resizing
in various forms in order to enhance the experience, so the more freedom
we give those browsers to perform their job the easier it'll be for the

Optimizing our designs for an "average" window-size is an ok approach
IMO, as long as we don't "lock them in" so they fail too badly outside
that "average" window.

Personally I optimize for a range of 600 - 1200 in width, and am now
working on extending the "don't fail too badly" range to 200 - 2400 in
width by giving the browsers more freedom to determine proportions.
I also get to keep _my_ design-proportions, since I design for the way
browsers treat my layouts and make as much out of the many variables
introduced by browsers and their various options as I possibly can.

I use 3800 wide screens/browser-windows and mobile browser emulators to
test on, and although there may be quite a few problems getting older
browsers "perfectly" in line, I see no real problems in getting the new
ones to play ball.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Help setting current menu state on level2 menus

2008-06-09 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Susie Gardner-Brown wrote:

Re the font-resizing - sigh!! For a lot of the websites we develop at
 the university here, we're supposed to use this awful template, 
which includes the lefthand menu like this. In the template it's all 
in tables!! I got the way of doing this menu from and I thought it 
covered all problems!

For a menu in isolation, yes. When placed in your layout its 'em' sizes
creates more problems than it solves.

Once you start using 'em' for dimensions _one_ place, you'll have to
make sure _all_ elements play well together when subjected to font-resizing.

I already have the base body font size set at 62.5%. Are you saying 
that if I add in "html{ font-size: 100%;}" before that it 
will be OK?

If you check with the CSS validator you'll see that a big chunk of your
stylesheet disappears in a Parse Error - including the font-size on
body. Fix that part and you'll fix the "em bug".

Of course: such a small font-size as 62.5% as base will make the effect
of 'minimum font size' in Firefox and Opera ruin the page...

Of course, I'm a Mac-user, who pretty  much uses Firefox all the 
time. But I do have XP and IE6 installed in Parallels so I check on 
that. But I guess usually after I've developed in FF Mac ... :)

Cross-checking _during_ development will save you time - tons of it.

Testing with regular browser-option well beyond what "normal" users will
expose your work to, will save you from having to deal with
"user-introduced problems" later on.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Help setting current menu state on level2 menus

2008-06-09 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Susie Gardner-Brown wrote:

But when the link has sub-menu items under it, all of those get the 
same treatment! Because the styles are applied to the list item. Can 
anyone think of a way to do this that would not affect the sub-menu?

Add specificity to the selectors for sub-menu styles...

#lhnav #navcontainer li li a { ... }
#lhnav #navcontainer li li a:hover { ... } make those styles override "ACTIVE" styles on first level.

BTW: font-resizing doesn't play well with that menu in any browser, and
IE/win's "em font-resizing bug"[1] doesn't help much either.



List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Alt versus Title Attribute

2008-05-28 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Darren West wrote:
There is the argument that you are changing the behaviour of IE, 
however wrong it is, it could be what users expect. I believe Jaws 
ignores empty attributes so all good there ...

I do not think one should meddle with a browser's behavior in minor
cases like "showing alt-text as tool-tip by default". Nothing gets
broken in most cases, and other browsers can show alt-text as tool-tip
too - via an option or add-on.

Only those cases where clearly a wrong and misguiding text pops up on
:hover in IE, should any form of workarounds be applied ... IMO.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Alt versus Title Attribute

2008-05-28 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Designer wrote:

I'm getting confused now - on MY IE6, the title is displayed on 
hover, not the alt. I was originally testing with my standalone IE6,

 so I checked on my laptop, (with 'real' IE6) and got the same

Me too. IE/win shows title-text on images when such exists, otherwise it
shows the alt-text if such exists.

The most problematic with IE6' behavior comes when title is used on an
anchor containing an image with alt-text - with or without a title. IE
tends to show the image-title/image-alt while (at least most) other
browsers show only the anchor-title, (if I remember my last battle with
that correctly).

Changes in default-behavior announced for IE8, IIRC. Probably more
confusing than ever.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Alt versus Title Attribute

2008-05-28 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun


So what's the general consensus on the use of null or empty alt
strings as per the reasons outlined in the article below?

The choice between alt-text or no alt-text depends entirely on whether
an alt-text contributes something meaningful to the document, or not.
This often makes it hard for authors to decide what's best to add or
leave out, since most of us can't/won't read our documents as text-only.
Even if we do, we will still have the images fresh on our minds, which
affects our ability to make wise decisions.

Basically: If nothing gets lost when an image cannot be appreciated
visually, then its alt-text can be left out. If something/anything
important _do_ get lost, one should use the alt-text to restore the
meaning of the document in a "no-images, text-only" situation to as high
a level as possible - without cluttering it.

My own interpretation of the issue is presented in some length here...

...but whether or not that constitutes any level of consensus amongst
authors/designers is a big unknown.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] help with menu positioning

2008-05-16 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

tee wrote:

Tell me, what do you like for Christmas gift ?

An internet-connection that is extremely fast and works all the time ;-)
(Maybe I'll get one before Christmas, but I'm not holding my breath.)


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] IE6 background image positioning problem

2008-05-15 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Susie Gardner-Brown wrote:

That big image on the right is a bg image in a container that has
absolute positioning. It works fine in Firefox on my Mac, but IE6 it
drops down.

Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong?

You're trying to fixed-position a background, which I don't think you
really want since that means the background is positioned relative to
the browser-window - not the page.

Anyway, IE6 can't handle fixed backgrounds on regular elements inside
body, so it is absolute positioning that background.

Change to...

#entryContainer {
background: #FFF url(entry-bg.jpg) no-repeat 193px 0;


...and IE6 will line up with the other browsers - or rather the other
way around but with all parts in the correct places.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] help with menu positioning

2008-05-13 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

tee wrote:
My brain isn't working. I thought I  have the answer but it's not 
working :-(

Missing base-position...

#menu li a {background-position: left top;}


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] IE8 beta's a nightmare

2008-04-30 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Jens-Uwe Korff wrote:

Did anyone do some more testing with IE8?

Yes, and I've concluded here...

Do we know any better release date than "mid year"?

The later the better, as the IE-team got plenty left to fix if they want
IE8 to end up as a serious replacement for earlier versions.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] transitional vs. strict

2008-04-30 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Patrick H. Lauke wrote:

Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:

"Quirks mode" is the best mode for the old bugger known as IE6, 

Care to clarify why, exactly?

I listed a few reasons down this page some time ago...
...and nothing seems to have changed since then.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] transitional vs. strict

2008-04-29 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Thierry Koblentz wrote:

On top of using a correct Doctype, authors need to make sure that
nothing (e.g., XML prolog or HTML comment) comes before the DTD or it
will send IE into Quirks mode.

"Quirks mode" is the best mode for the old bugger known as IE6, IMO,
which is why I make sure to always have an xml declaration above an
xhtml 1.0 Strict / Transitional DTD for any regular document.

A comment at the top is not practical though, since that'll disturb
later IE/win versions too.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] IE7 - content not displaying

2008-04-22 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Likely, James A. wrote:

The footer on the page is not appearing, but the space that it is
meant to hold the footer is present.  I know about the peek-a-boo
effect for IE, but this does not seem to be the case. Does any one
have any suggestions on how to fix this?


Start by adding a 'hasLayout'[1] trigger to the bottom-container, for

#idx-content-bottom {height: 1%;}

That'll give IE/win something to hold on to when it tries to figure out
where to display the rest.

BTW: a div is 'display: block' by default, so all those 'display: block'
on divs is "butter on fat" that doesn't help any browser.



List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Rogue text appears in IE6.

2008-04-03 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Rob Enslin wrote:
I've recently built a website trying to move towards more 
standards-compliant code. After the delight at pushing the site live

my world 'caved in' (a little over-dramatic maybe) this morning when
a colleague noticed rogue 'ls." text some way down the home page.

Live site:

Delete HTML-comments, and IE6 will stop "duplicating characters".

for more info about that bug.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] premature to test/worry new site for IE8?

2008-03-21 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

tee wrote:
I am about to start coding for a new site, and client asked me to 
make sure my code will work for IE8, meaning when IE 8 comes out, she

 doesn't need to pay me extra to fix any problem that may occur in IE
 8.Client is from a web media company, though I understand her 
concerns and that she has to answer to her client, but I just don't 
know how or if I should commit to such 'expectation'.

You've got no real IE8 to make anything work for yet, so, no.

IE8b1 is so weak and broken that it doesn't make sense to do anything
but reporting its weaknesses back to the IE-team. Better wait for better
betas or the final version, or else you risk ending up having to redo
whatever you do for it now.

IE8 final will probably be relatively standard compliant - based on what
the IE-team has written about it and what one can imagine from studying
IE8b1, so there's a chance we won't have to do much for it if a design
is made to work well in better browsers.

Advice: just make sure IE8 can't see any fixes for IE6 and IE7, or for
IE/Mac, and leave it at that for now.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Spolsky on IE8 flag

2008-03-17 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Lea de Groot wrote:
Joel Spolsky has published an ... interesting article

Microsoft failed to follow the evolutionary trail and keep up with
common standards - to the degree that such exists, and now they try to
catch up without causing a revolution with subsequent riots all over
IE/win-hackery land.
I wish the IE team - and us - good luck.

A fresh start would indeed be worth considering - with name and all, but
I can't see that coming :-(

I like "Internet Avenger" for I am a romantic. Who can think of a 
better name?  :)

It already has one: "Internet Exploder", and I'm pragmatic and can't
think of a better name until I see a better browser.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] inline floated right problem in Firefox

2008-03-13 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

tee wrote:
IE/win handles it like Firefox. Gecko and IE have one 
interpretation of such float line-ups, and Opera and Safari have 
another. I prefer the Op/Saf one since it works well for all cases,

 but it's probably the wrong one :-)

'Probably the wrong one' because it's not according to the CSS spec?

The way I read the specs it _is_ in accordance with them...

" The outer top of an element's floating box may not be higher than the
top of any line-box containing a box generated by an element earlier in
the source document. "[1], a float _may_ line its top edge up with the top of the text-line
- the line-box[2] - preceding it, which is exactly how Opera and Safari
line up those floats.

Gecko and IE line those floats up with the bottom of the preceding
line-boxes, which is easy to see if you modify the line-height.

Two standard compliant browsers handle the same and other two the 
opposite; judging from IE's history, it's hard to believe IE would 
get it right.

From reading some of the comments in other threads, I think many
designers find it hard to believe that Firefox got it wrong. Maybe
the specs are wrong, or at least difficult to interpret on this point.

Maybe someone should ask for clarification over at the [EMAIL PROTECTED]



List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Opera 9.26 Problem

2008-03-13 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Web Dandy Design wrote:

Can you advise what would need to be done to the site to 'make it
work' in Opera?

#left-col {clear: left;}
...and the problem is solved in all browsers and on all resolutions.
The problem was that the left-col got hung up on the horizontal nav's
right edge when that nav grew in height when subjected to font-resizing.

Opera has a 'minimum font size' default value around 9 - 14px depending
on OS and resolution, while Firefox has 'minimum font size' default of


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Opera 9.26 Problem

2008-03-13 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Web Dandy Design wrote:

[...] However the client's French distributor says that the site 
doesn't look right when they are using Opera v9.26, revision 8835, 
Win32, Windows XP.

Has anyone ever come across this problem before?  .

Breaks the same way in all versions of Opera and Firefox at first load
at my end, on win2K and winXP at 96dpi res.

Problem is known as "unprepared for font-resizing", and all these
browsers are preset at 'minimum font size: 14px' here.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] inline floated right problem in Firefox

2008-03-12 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

tee wrote:

I have not tested this page in IE as my Parallels desktop has 
networking issue and I can't connect to the Internet  from Windows 
XP, so I am not 100% sure if the problem only occur in Gecko 

IE/win handles it like Firefox. Gecko and IE have one interpretation of
such float line-ups, and Opera and Safari have another. I prefer the
Op/Saf one since it works well for all cases, but it's probably the
wrong one :-)

"Float first" is the only cross-browser reliable solution, but it
doesn't always suit the case.

I sometimes use the alternative styled into your "example 2"...

...but it has the same "potential overlapping" effect as absolute
positioning has, and does therefore only work well in some cases.

A better alternative is what I have overstyled a bit in the added
"example 2-b", as there's no chance of overlapping in such a "reverse
styled" case, and the source-order is the the same as the visual order.
One more span needed though.

Sorry for the mess, but I don't have time to create a new demo right now.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Links are not "hot" in ie8

2008-03-05 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Thierry Koblentz wrote:

I think it's going to be a fun ride...

I really don't think it's time to saddle up yet :-)

So, they still have those stacking-bugs to sort out.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] multiple css style sheets

2008-03-01 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

dwain wrote:

On 3/1/08, Matthew Pennell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Sat, Mar 1, 2008 at 12:47 PM, dwain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

do you have a link for your side?

what about the w3c specs?

I think this gives us the necessary freedom to add stylesheet links.

14.3.1 Preferred and alternate style sheets

HTML allows authors to associate any number of external style sheets 
with a document. The style sheet language defines how multiple 
external style sheets interact (for example, the CSS "cascade" 

...with this limitation...

If two or more LINK elements specify a preferred style sheet, the 
first one takes precedence.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] multiple css style sheets

2008-03-01 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

dwain wrote:

On 3/1/08, Melissa Forrest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
aaah no, there is nothing invalid about more than one stylesheet 
 tag in the markup

do you have a link for your side?

Validity isn't a problem, but don't add too many stylesheet links or
style elements in the markup - unless one doesn't want IE/win to get
them all...

Haven't tested for number of @imports yet, but IE/win gets them wrong
anyway - so far...


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Please help! - CSS Drop Down not working under IE 6

2008-02-24 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Cole Kuryakin wrote:

First, go here under IE 6:

The drop down menuing system at the very top of the screen DOES work 
(it drops down correctly). You can even select the FIRST menu item on

each drop down menu. But, when you try to cursor over any other menu
item, POOF! The menu disappears!

The absolute positioned dropdowns are stacked behind the header, even
though they appear visually in front. This prevents interaction below a
certain point in both IE6 and IE7.

Try adding...

#navTop {position: relative; z-index: 1;} fix that IE/win "stacking of A:P elements" bug.
I've only tested that it works in IE7.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] re: generate data

2008-02-24 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

dwain wrote:

if accessibility isn't cracked up to what it's supposed to be, then 
why are there laws about the subject?

The laws are probably there to prevent "accessibility" from falling
through the cracks. Consciously or unconsciously ignoring "access for
all" is after all more the norm than the exception, and that has to change.

The two levels of accessibility have been mention.

- The first level, where access to content and functionality should be
guaranteed on a "technical" level, is not much of a problem. Basic
understanding of how to build a site is all that's required to reach
that level.

The "challenged" user-groups I ask for advice, expect me to meet them at
that level - which is (slowly being) required by law for public sites in
my country anyway.

- The second level, where some kind of optimizing for specific
user-groups and their hardware/software solutions has to take place, is
of course harder.

I'm being told *not to go there* by the same "challenged" user-groups,
as "more accessible solutions for smaller groups" may end up being
tied to some weak end-user solutions that should rather be
upgraded/replaced and brought in line with the "technical" level most of
them are comfortable with. They work for improvements and solutions that
are tailor-made to the individual's needs - at their end, based on
common delivery-methods and techniques that can be made to work for all
- as long as we developers/designers don't get in their way.

A requirement for common delivery-methods and techniques is being
introduced by law in my country now anyway - for public sites, which
should mean solutions at the user-end will make the need for "more
accessible" solutions at our end a non-issue over time - in Norway.

What kind of "leveling" that is missing/introduced/necessary in other
parts of the world is somewhat unknown to me, but providing accessible
solutions on a "technical" level - and pretty much limit it to that, is
the only common and sensible approach if we want some progress, IMO.
Promoting the need for accessible solutions on a "technical" level on
top of existing and future web standards, should keep us busy enough for
quite a while.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] IE6 3-pixel jog victim

2008-02-14 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Jens-Uwe Korff wrote:

thanks very much for your solution - it works perfectly. Could you 
please explain how the margin works with IE6? I wonder how the top 
margin eliminates the left margin when I apply it. Thank you.

Not sure I understand your question - which margin eliminates what,
since there's a zero margin-left on the paragraph in my example.
The paragraph is "hanging on" its right margin - floated right with a
declared width, which means a left margin isn't needed.
That's the "trick", and would work the same in all browsers - if they
could "see" these styles.

IE6 ignores margin-bottom on floats in your line-up - an IE6 bug, so I
instead introduced margin-top for both the paragraph and the dl to
preserve the vertical spacing and line-up.
The negative margin on the floated ol then compensates for these top
margins that are pushing the whole line-up downwards, by moving the
entire ol upwards.

BTW: your page suffers from the "em font-resizing bug in IE5 - IE7"[1].



List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] IE6 3-pixel jog victim

2008-02-11 Thread Gunlaug Sørtun

Jens-Uwe Korff wrote:

I have restyled a timeline but have come stuck with IE6's 3-pixel 

I cannot apply the usual remedy (floating the paragraph) as I need 
any element next to the floated "offender" to be indented. Hence the 
paragraph has a left margin which cannot be zero.

You haven't exhausted the 'float' property yet.

By adding...

* html ol.timelineList dl {clear: both; margin-top: 1em;}
* html ol.timelineList li p {float: right; width: 500px; margin: 1em 1em
0 0; clear: right;}
* html ol.timelineList {float: left; margin-top: -1em;}'ll get rid of the 3-pixel jog and keep indentation.
The indentation will then be depending on the paragraph-width - not the
left margin, in IE6, and the whole line-up can be tuned to taste.

Note: the "em font-resizing bug in IE5 - IE7"... hitting your creation hard.


List Guidelines:

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