Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : kevin . glaap via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

hey everyone. Sorry for being off the radar for some time. The problem is that we are only two people developing the game and after the release in August we both got super sick for quite a while.However, I have good news for you. The blind-friendly version of Episode 1 is finally done and we hope that over the next few days some of you .. preferably the ones who already bought the game .. will test it for us.We have done a lot of testing ourselves, but of course, we can't get even close to imagining what it feels like for you. So I set up a thread for testing in the developers area.Hopefully, we can then release the blind-friendly mode later next week.We understand that our website isn't very blind-friendly. The reason why you think it's been abandoned is that the website is actually just graphics. The news-section that you talk about is actually burried deep on the fourth page so that is not used a lot, but we're going to write news soon.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : kevin . glaap via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

hey everyone. Sorry for being off the radar for some time. The problem is that we are only two people developing the game and after the release in August we both got super sick for quite a while.However, I have good news for you. The blind-friendly version of Episode 1 is finally done and we hope that over the next few days some of you .. preferably the ones who already bought the game .. will test it for us.We have done a lot of testing ourselves, but of course, we can't get even close to imagining what it feels like for you. So I set up a thread for testing in the developers area.Hopefully, we can then release the blind-friendly mode later next week.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-10-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Maybe they are posting updates via social media, but for those of us who don't use social media, their web site looks for all the world like its been abandoned. There hasn't been any changes or additions, especially to the news section, for a long time, and for me, that is all I need to know. No visually impaired version available? No money!


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-10-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : EternalGamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Hi!I'm sure this one will get released with accessibility at some point.Reminds me a bit of how I was waiting for Hadean Lands, the unbelievably complex alchemy sci-fi puzzle game by Andrew Plotkin. That one was something like two years overdue and then it came out and blew my mind.Happy gaming,E G


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-10-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : musicfairy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

guys, it will be released. we're still getting updates even with just Twitter and Kickstarter, let alone Redit and other things that i don't follow. They are very much still around, alive, and working, don't doubt them, please. If they dropped off the face of the map, that's one thing, but they are still posting fairly regularly, and good things don't happen overnight. Their are other audio games that are taking just as long to hit the market right now, so they're not the only ones, just keep checking social media and be a tiny bit patient.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-10-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Just looking their web site, it doesn't appear that they have released anything new since the initial release. I'm still waiting for the vision impaired version of episode to be released before I'll pay anything for this game. There's been too much vapourware to even considering paying anything until it is truly available for immediate download.@flame_elchemistYes, I do believe that you'll have to redownload it if the vision impaired version is ever released.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-10-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : flame_elchemist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Do i redownload it when the update comes out?


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-10-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : musicfairy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

it ixn't menus, the commands are typed, like old adventure games. BTW, their was a KS update saying that the next patch would be out soon for german and blind players.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-10-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Thork via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

where is the instructions for the blind player? I can't figure out how to move through the menus and hitting enter does nothing.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Is there any update as to when we can expect the accessible version of this game to be released?


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : flame_elchemist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

what's the link to the redit page?


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Unless they've posted something to their own community or their subredit page it doesn't look like it.I was just thinking about checking their website myself because I'm waiting for the visually impaired version of the game. Thanks for prompting me to do it.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : flame_elchemist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

any updates?


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-08-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Considering that the web site says this game was released two years ago and we're still waiting for an accessible version plus the rest of the episodes, and after seeing a number of games release episode 1 but but never release the rest of their story, I will wait until the accessible version is ready for immediate download before spending any money.At least I'll give you credit for saying right out that the game is episodic in nature. Blindside died at episode 1 but on their web site, where they are still selling the game, they never tell you that all you're getting is part 1 of a multi part story and that the rest of the story will never be written. Just like in Chillingham, and Time Adventure, you find out that you only have the first part of a longer story when the game ends rather abruptly.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-08-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Lirin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Kevin, it's okay, I'll wait as much as needed to play this masterpiece and help as much as possible to make this the best experience if you will ever need my help. What about Steam it's not accessible but everything is doable and you can use Steam fully with few workarounds. The problems is, some people just don't want to for differend reasons. I am using Steam for atleast 8 years and I have large selection of games there and it's ust fine. I can access achievements, games, I can install / uninstall and manage my games, I can browse games, chat with my friends, invite / remove people etc. Everything is doable and it's really easy if you WANT to use it. 


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-08-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : kevin . glaap via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Hello,sorry for not answering for some time.- Steam is not required. You can instead buy the game on itch io or on the Humble Store or directly from us on our website. I'm not sure how accessible all of these stores are since I've heard that Steam isn't?- Once the accessibility features are out, you can use the same download link as before. We'll upload the new version on all stores.- The usage of the tab key for almost all inputs in the game is rather new so it wasn't mentioned in the earlier accesibility version. Sorry. But the idea is also not to type in single letters to get to commands, but to type out whole words. The key dee will not access Door, because Database comes before that. So typing out the whole or at least the first few letters of the command is what you're supposed to do.- Can you point me to an overview of how to write out single letters so the screenreader will pronounce them correctly?I kno
 w that we have several spots in the game where the screenreader has to read single letters.- I'm glad to hear that some of you already managed to play through a large chunk of episode 1 even though we haven't been able to program most of the new accessibility features. That gives me hope that you won't have to wait that long.- Speaking of waiting time. Currently we're still working on the german translation and this whole week we'll be busy exhibiting the game at Gamescom. We have a nine square meter booth in the Indie Arena Booth, which is awesome, but also a lot of work. Hopefully this will lead to us getting some more press exposure though. After that week is over, we have a few more days planned to work on the german translation and after that we'll work on the accesibility features. So I'd estimate three to four weeks, because there are several spots, where we have to come up with slightly different game design. For example, ther
 e's one spot, where you have to download something, but the part where you learn how to download stuff is currently being skipped in the accesibility version. We want to deliver the best possible product, so please give us a few more weeks.Thanks for all your support.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-08-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Lirin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Well, for me steam is ideal platform for sure. Can't wait when it will be availlable. 


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

So, bottom line is that Steam is not required nor will it be installed if I buy through about all the questions, but I've never bought anything through before so I know next to zero about it, and I'm trying to avoid Steam.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Well they have a site on and thats where  I got the demo from its also where you can buy the entire game from, not sure what it is now but it is all one game.I got the season pass for 16 bucks when it was on sale.At any rate, what will probably happen is if you brought the game, you get access to the games files for that game.So previously if you get extras and updates to the game those will appear on the games files.You will get a notification from ich unless the game is a different game in which you need to rebuy, however, if its a different version or something for something else but still the same game then its fine.Ich also support steam keys as well as direct internally so the system is sound enough.You can buy steam directly on steam or claim steam through ich if you buy direct from ich so thats not a problem.I buy a lot of my renpy visual books from ich myself and the system is reasonably good.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Oh really!? If you go to their web site there is not one single mention that Steam is required. If the Steam requirement is true, then I'd say this developer is using very deceptive business practices by omitting that piece of information.And considering that Steam itself is not accessible without a lot of extra work and addd ons for a specific screen reader, it is my feeling that games that require it do not belong on this site or these forums.Can someone verify or deny that Steam is a requirement to play the full version of this game?


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Their web site has buy links on it with no mention of Steam any where on the site.If you are right, and they are being deceptive by not mentioning the Steam requirement, then I won't be buying anything from them for several reasons.Too bad, I enjoyed episode 0 too.Oh well.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Amine via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Wait, can you buy it directly? I dout that. I guess they only give you a steam key.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

That may be true for those that buy it through Steam, but what about those of us who don't or won't use it, and are buying it directly from the developer?You shouldn't assume that everyone is like you and uses Steam. There are those of us who don't and or won't use it. And you know what you get when you spell assume don't you?


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Amine via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Orko wrote:Just as there are two versions of episode 0, one for sighted players, and one for vision impaired players, I would expect that episode 1 will be the same.No, because there is no such game called code7 ep 1, it's all one game on steam, epesode 0, 1, and then what comes next. You only need to buy the game once, Then it will eventually get updates that includ accessibility features or so i think, since it got updated yesterday but I guess those are only bug fixes.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Just as there are two versions of episode 0, one for sighted players, and one for vision impaired players, I would expect that episode 1 will be the same.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SirBadger via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

my main question is, I've bought the game and got a download link but when the extra accessability options are added for the rest of the game will I get a new download link?


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

When trying to install this game I get the error:Failed to initialize player. Failed to initialize direct 3d. Make sure you have at least directX 9.0c installed, have drivers for your graphics card, and have not disabled 3d acceleration in display settings. InitializeEngineGraphics failed.I ran dxdiag and got the following info:DirectX version: 11.0Name: Standard VGA Graphics AdapterDirectDraw acceleration not availableDirect3D acceleration not availableAGP texture acceleration not available.Being blind, graphics has never been a top priority but I was just curious as to what the issue might be. Is it just a crap graphics card, or are there some settings I could change somewhere?


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : tabutcu via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

hi there all! i tryed to game, but, i can't play it, how can i play it? the screen reader is doesn't speak.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-08-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

When trying to install this game I get the error:Failed to initialize player. Failed to initialize direct 3d. Make sure you have at least directX 9.0c installed, have drivers for your graphics card, and have not disabled 3d acceleration in display settings. InitializeEngineGraphics failed.I ran dxdiag and got the following info:DirectX version: 11.0Name: Standard VGA Graphics AdapterDirectDraw acceleration not availableDirect3D not availableAGP texture acceleration not available.Being blind, graphics have never been a top priority but I was just curious as to what the issue might be. Is it just a crap graphics card, or are there some settings I could change somewhere?


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-08-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Do you have a guesstimate when the blind friendly version might be released? No rush, I'd rather see you take the time to do it right, rather than rush out a product that isn't ready.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-08-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Amine via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

@NickIt is accessible, the one that's not, or some of it isn't is epesode 1 witch you get from buying the game.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-08-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Nick via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

is the demo version on steam accessible?


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-08-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Amine via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

So me and hamada both have been playing code 7 together, and all i gotta say it's fun. It's accessible for the most part, ecsept for the net work part we had a few dificulties with, but they weren't a big deal. We've managed to get to 16 percent of ep 1 and that is like about 2 to 3 and a half hours of game play. Looking forword to the blind friendly version, as we got stuck in how to use the intelegence app cause it was needed.Keep up the good work.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-08-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

I persisted and figured out the menu system, where I thought that you were expected to use something like first letter navigation, it turns out that you instead use tab to move from choice to choice.I may bitch a bit while trying to figure out what's going on but I generally keep at it until I figure it out. Like a dog with a bone, I just keep gnawing at it.What would have been helpful is a small read me that explains the games controls. Knowing to use tab instead of letters would have saved me a lot of frustration.I just finished episode zero and am looking forward to the rest of the game and story.Very well done guys, kudos to you for such a good game.One thing I did notice, the main menu doesn't pronounce the keys you need to press to do things like start a new game or settings, or exit, etc. What I get is something like:Press to start a new gamePress for settingsPress to exitand so on. If there are just let
 ters in there and you are expecting the text to speech engine to read the letter, sometimes it does, and sometimes it doesn't. The way I've found to ensure that the letters are read is to use words instead of just letters, like this.Press en to start a new gamePress ess for settingPress ex to exit


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-08-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

I persisted and figured out the menu system, where I thought that you were expected to use something like first letter navigation, it turns out that you instead use tab to move from choice to choice.I may bitch a bit while trying to figure out what's going on but I generally keep at it until I figure it out. Like a dog with a bone, I just keep gnawing at it.I just finished episode zero and am looking forward to the rest of the game and story.Very well done guys, kudos to you for such a good game.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-08-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Yup, I hear the door option but can't activate it. D activates the database, O doesn't do any thing, R activates the room controls, in fact I've tried every letter key trying to find the one to activate the door option and found nothing. This is what I mean by going around in circles, I've already been everywhere that the game will let me go.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-08-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Hi.Well, the game is not for everyone. This is what I'll call a geek game. I've installed the latest version which I got from bagging the project. I'm not sure on what I'm doing wrong, but after the intro, the speech seem to crash. I hear the keyboard clicks when entering letters, but no speech. I'm playing it on my Mac. I'm not sure on how to adjust the speech rade.Well, it's so long time since I played the older demo, so I have pretty much forgotten what to do in the game. 


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-08-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

I should have mentioned that I got the door ID and the password, but after an hour am still stuck in the room behind the locked door. The only useable choices I've been able to use are system check, system info, database search, apps, calculator, and room controls. Puzzles are fun when there are logical hints or clues buried in the game for you to discover to give you a chance at solving the puzzle with some thought, with no instructions on how to play the game, and nothing in the way of logical hints or clues, this game seems to be not much more than a huge guessing game.Not what I would call an adventure.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-08-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : flame_elchemist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

how are you guys able to get the visually impaired version to work? it crashes on my end after the intro.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-08-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : RTT entertainment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Hi.Nice game.@orco sorry if spelling isn't correct.Spoiler!After getting the door ID (016) you go to the database and then search.type the ID in and you will get the password.Spoiler!the password is:s q p y qSpoiler end.Hope you enjoy.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-08-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : flame_elchemist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

how come when I play the demo it keeps crashing after the intro?


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-08-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

I've downloaded the prelude but haven't tried it yet, I'm waiting for my weekly backup to finish first. If I like what I hear, I'll be buying the Season Pass once the vision impaired version is released.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-08-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : musicfairy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Yes, this game is nothing if not large scale. Take your time, you've earned a rest. I don't think I would have the dedication, or the energy, to get something like this out of my brain and into the world at large. When it comes, it will be beautiful, now I just have to resist looking at lets plays on Youtube until then, . I've only gotten about 20 minutes in and I'm already in love with this new character. Well done.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-08-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : flame_elchemist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

should I buy the season pass for windows?


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-08-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : kevin . glaap via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Hello,really sorry that the speech version is not ready yet, but game development for such a big game is really stressful.It's like musicfairy said. All the speech features, that you know from episode 0 are in the code and can be accessed with Control plus V, but there are several new features, that we haven't gotten around to yet, like the network app, which is a big part of Episode 1.Also, there's some places, where thousands of lines of text are generated in a fraction of a second and we have to find solutions for these.That's why we haven't officially mentioned the game here yet.There's some stuff that we have to do before this, for example Gamescom is happening next week.But right after Gamescom, we have our priorities on the blind and german versions of the game.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-08-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : musicfairy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Sort of...I can get through the first few stages of ep 1. But the screen for doing things with network connections on computers/systems is inaccessible with speech as of yet, unless it's user error, which is completely possible. The minigames involving man in the middle attacks and robot evading are also still cut out in ep 0, and I assume these will be needed in further segments of the ep. I like what I see of new characters though, and look forward to playing more. Has anyone actually done much with ep 1? I have gotten to the bit where I'm trying to follow someone through networks, though I may restart when their is more accessibility. Cheers to this team for going through a successful KS, and creating an awesome game!


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-08-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : stewie via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

So episode 1 is fully accessible already? I'm pretty sure the developer said the version for visually impaired people would come out later.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-08-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : hamada via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Hello, so code7 episode 1 is out. If you wanna play it, you can find it on steam.the game has speach turned off by default, thus to turn it on you have to press the alt key pluse v in the main here to enter the game's page on steam have fun playing.greetings.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-04-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Nick via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

I started the game, I went into settings and decreased the screen resolution to the smallest size, but When I start episode 0 it reverts back to the recommended do I save my changes so that the game doesn't revert to the default screen resolution?


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : musicfairy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Exactly. Not dead at all, for anyone, us included. Just give them some time. I am sure when it finally comes time to experience this game, it will be a masterpiece!


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Lirin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Guys, don't worry, they are working hard on it so just sit tight and be patient. :-)


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Valmorian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

of course it is guys they won't go through all the work of making one then telling you there going to make the others, and not do it


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-03-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

well hopefully the game is still being developed not only for the sighted, but also for us


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-03-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : musicfairy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Their will be speech for all of the game. It has not been released, but continuous updates are being posted. They have their noses to the grindstone at the moment, trying to get things done. Check KS or Twitter for more info.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Nick via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

so there is no speech for the first episode of the game?I will just have to wait it out until the next episode comes out.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-03-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Amine via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Is it not dead for sided people only, or everyone including blinds?


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : musicfairy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Their has been plenty of news on the kickstarter page, and on their twitter, the game is not dead.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : flame_elchemist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Are the developers still looking at this?


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : hamada via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

I don't think so, there are some info on the website, they even did a video about the first episod, but it has no speatch. just for sided persons.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2017-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

any new info on the game yet?


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : stewie via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

There is a passwords list, it tells you when you get to a password prompt.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Valmorian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

I kind of want to replay the game now but I think I'll wait for the next episode. I'm guesing the choices have an impact


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

congratulations to all the team who developed code 7, now the project has been funded.hopefully, next year we will get the next episode soon


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Valmorian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

a passwords list would be nice, but I don't actually have any problems with how the game is played I'm use to the hole number thing because of the kotor series its great!


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : kevin . glaap via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

i'm currently preparing a version where the visually impaired version is combined in the default build.can you tell me what the document you'd like to read should be named?   accesible.txt ?It should contain something like:Start the game app, wait until the main menu music starts, then press the Alt and the V key simultanously to start the visually impaired mode.Does that sound alright?


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Hi Kevin, Awesome the project got through. I'll look forward to giving the game a full try next april.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : kevin . glaap via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

[ a-t ] mr.brunete yes we made it. thank you![ a-t ] lukasgreat insight into the whole screen reader thing. i too would hope that someday the support would be more universal. there are some awkward workarounds that wouldn't be needed if you could just freely roam the screen.but I think the question was also about using the voice you've been customizing for a long time and if they hook into the same system voice database, maybe I can access them ingame. I'm still working on that.[ a-t ] grryfindorethank you! yes you can get the full season pass for 13 euro at Kickstarter. After Kickstarter is done tomorrow, we'll add a preorder option for about 15 euro on gamejolt.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Kevin: A big congratulations to you and the rest of the team. I haven't had time to complete the game yet, but I'm glad I backed the project, because I know this will be huge, and really really great. Keep up the fantastic job guys.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Ahoy allcongratulations to kevin and the hole team. and also us. to them for reaching the goal, and to us that we will have a awesome game coming up [ a-t ] kevin 1 question,though. for the 13euros backing at kickstarter we get the full game? I.E all 5 episodes? or just episode 1 that comes after 0BrianP you actually have to look around in generator a bit more, because there are other options besides distribute in there.A key to solving the puzzels in this game is to look around and checkout all the options available. I at least found them simple enough that if I looked around at everything that was available eventually I could find the solution. spoilers ahoy!spoiler wrote: I managed to finish the whole game without needing help, however.I read somewhere that there are 2 ways you can
  stop the robot, I obviously found one just wondering what's the other? Here is what I didchecked out the elevator, tried to access, told it was blocked by ID bla bla bla, figured out that that was the robots id number because the dialogue did say the robot was the one hacking the elevator, went to the database, searched, overwrote the robot,deactivated it. poor sod.Oh and, congrats to the team again for having won the "Best Student Project"-Award at Indie Games Play in Paris!You definitely deserve it.grryf


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : BryanP via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

At Mr.Brunete I've tried that. No matter what I type in it still says life support set to fifty. This is after going into Generator and then Distribute.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : lukas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Minorspoilersforthelastpuzzleahead:Brian, it seems you have so far only tried to actually redistribute the energy from one unit to another. Try looking directly into the individual ship systems rather than into the rredistribute branch at the generator level of the command hierarchy, if you see what I mean. :-) That should help.Lukas


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : lukas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Hi Kevin,I'm so relieved, happy and delighted you made it, even though I personally was not able to spare the cash. Congratulations forever! :-) I'll be looking forward to the final game so much.At the previous, relatively old post by Eternal Gamer, yes, I'm afraid your definition of an accessible app *is* in deed a bit too super strict. Screen readers were not designed to support games. This game, like many other modern mainstream ones, is made in Unity, which doesn't compose its GUI's using the standard graphics API's and controls provided by the system but rather through custom sprites that you as the developer later fill with any textures of your choice, if I understand it correctly, and there really is no way to make the current screen readers able to support that setup, so I see it as a minor miracle that an Unity dev implemented at least Sapi support, and, most importantly and above all, was motivated enough to do that in the first
  place. Just look at the screen reader support problems many devs face even when creating audiogames as such. If someone wants to make their game output text directly through a popular screen reader, they will usually come across one or another programmatic issue regarding the obsolete and relatively unfriendly, closed setup of thescreen readers sooner or later. Let's face it, even though screen readers should be providing us with access to as much information and as many different kinds of GUI controls and applications as possible, the amount of information they expose through their own API's, and especially the ways in which you can control that provided information, is pretty limited, so much that it's not sufficient at all for a third party app to be able to hook into the screen reader efficiently. And, last but not least, games just inflict new controls, concepts and paradigms at you as the player in general anyways, so I don't see any problems with that mys
 elf.I mean, as an end user, I would tend to agree with you wholeheartedly. Unfortunately, though, we are not yet living in an ideal world and the amounts and complexity of the technical obstacles currently preventing such an ideal universal access support solution is still too large. However, I see other areas where this problem matters much more than with games, since as I said, games do expect you to learn new controls and ways of thinking anyway, so what.Just my thoughts. I'm not sure whether there'd be any good in this evolving into a discussion though. Quite a lot of such discussions have already been held in the past, I know, and they never led to anything as the screen reader developers won't just be making as complex a redesign of their software as would be needed to make that kind of support possible, after so many years spent coming up with the relatively solid and stable code bases they already have. Asking them to do something like that would
  be almost like asking, say, the developers of Twitter to integrate Facebook, Skype and Whatsapp support all at once into all their native websites and clients. :-DLukas


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mr . brunete via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

@bryanPi think the problem you're having is that you imput negative numbers to substract from the 50 that life suport has.just try to imput for example. 30.@kevin.congratulations!!! you made it and you deserve! it!.i think we will be able to play the full story, fortunately!


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : BryanP via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

I even tried typing in a math problem t distribute the energy and it didn't work, so I'm stumped. Of course knowing me it's probably something so obvious that I'm just not thinking of it.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : kevin . glaap via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

[ a-t ] the playerthank you! we're finally past our funding goal  15.000€ and still 48 hours to reach more.also yesterday we won the "Best Student Project"-Award at Indie Games Play in Paris.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : the player via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

@Kevin Congratulations! You made it :-). I am so looking forward to play the game.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : BryanP via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

I've tried inputting negative numbers and that didn't work.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : kevin . glaap via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

[ a-t ] BryanPthis is a puzzle. think about what you want to do here.just inputting anything will not want to take away from the 50 in lifesuport


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : BryanP via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Still no go. I went into life support but no matter what I entered it said set to fifty.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : blindndangerous via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Well, 69 hours to go and $200 left on the kickstarter.  We'll see what happens!


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : kevin . glaap via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

[ a-t ] BryanPspoilerno it doesn't set it to 0 for all.go into lifesupport first.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mastodont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

spoilers ahead:you have to distribute the energy to engines and life support first, after that you can go into engines and distribute the given energy between the two engine parts. do the same for life support. You can not distribute the energy between the parts because you have to set the amount of energy that you need for that part.spoilers end.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : BryanP via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Uhm, ok. But I'm still stuck on the ship part since no matter what I do it says set to zero.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : kevin . glaap via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

[ a-t ] BryanPdid you try all available control options though? you're only talking about the two but there are more.the scene with soli is unchanged to the non-blind-mode if that's what you mean. in the overall game there are some minigames that are left out in this version though and one of those is being started in that moment after the soli conversation, but it's not possible to beat and instead stops like it you hear it after a few seconds because Sam intervenes.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : BryanP via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

I really hope you make your goal. If I could contribute I would gladly do so. As for the game itself I'm stuck on the ship part where you have to distribute energy. SpoilerI'm not exactly sure how it works. If I click on Distribute, then Engine or Life Support and then type in a number it always says set to zero. It does the same if I just click on engine and then try one of the subsets within Engine IE thrusters. It always says set to zero no matter what I type. So I'm not sure if it's a certain format or what. Also I'm curious if there's something you're supposed to do in the scene with SOLI after you learn what you learn and it cuts off your connection or whatever.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : kevin . glaap via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

[ a-t ] Chrisyou could change the screen resolution to the smallest one in the list in the settings.a macbook air doesn't have a graphics card so it could have troubles with the game, but if you don't need the graphics then reducing the screen resolution should fix that.[ a-t ] dan_c [ a-t ] SLJthank you so much. we have 3 days left with less than 1000€ to go. we can do it![ a-t ] musicfairythank you for trying anyways. they seem to be very strict about any kind of content. you could try to send it in as a app recommendation, but i can't do that.[ a-t ] Darkdon't worry. you're helping a lot with your expertise. thank you for that.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

There is nothing I can do to reduce the processor load and the increased fan activity? Is my MacBook Air not powerful enough to fully support it? Does this exhibit this kind of behavior on Windows? If my machine is simply too underpowered, I understand. Regardless of all this, the game is fantastic. I look forward to playing the future episodes.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

this really is an excellent game.  Will certainly be backing this. 


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Well I confess I do feel a bit bad for not being able to back this project at the moment, since were this another time i'd be glad to, but up until my wife and I get our lives a little settled I'm going to have to be rather careful cash wise, particularly since I need a new computer later this year. I don't know about applevis, though if an ap posting might help that could be good. also i believe there are several mac specific mailing lists and other resources, perhaps someone who is a mac user could help (isn't there one called mac visioneries?). there is also This page listing various mac related vi websites on whitestick, and I don't know if anyone there is likely to be amenable to this sort of news. I really hope this gets through.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : musicfairy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

i tried yesterday to post it to applevis, but I didn't realize they don't allow people to post forums regarding kickstarters or fund raising of any kind, which is a crying shame, my post was taken down. I am sorry, perhaps I can post the app as an app directory post rather than a forum? I just hope people would find the kickstarter.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : BryanP via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Well never mind, got past the robot. Quite a twist there. Now I'm at the point where I have to distribute energy.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Hi.I've just backed the project. I really hope you'll get the money before the time runs out.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : BryanP via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

SpoilerI'm confused about deactivating the robot. I don't seem to be able to affect the room in a way that'll neutralize it before it breaks through to sam.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : BryanP via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Good luck.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : kevin . glaap via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

[ a-t ] BryanPwell.. there's only four more days for the Kickstarter campaign. if that's not successful the game won't be made.spoilerthere's an attachment in one of the mails you can openspoiler end[ a-t ] Darkthank you. apple vis doesn't want developers themselves to send in the data. so if any of you is in that community, please tell them about the game.[ a-t ] Chrisit's a 3D game so of course it needs a lot of resources. We can't just stop the game from being what it is in the background.spoilerit should be 1112011spoiler end[ a-t ] EternalGamerthank you. the thing about the screen readers though is not like they just support whatever you program and the engine that the game was made in is not supported by the screenreaders. so there's no possible way for us to make the game playable with screenreaders.[ a-t ] grryfindorethank you for your support. we have four more days to make it and only need 1750€ more. Somehow this must be possible.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : BryanP via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Just downloaded it and gave it a go. So far I like it and, if my finances ever become less tight I'll definitely contribute. But I'm stuck. I've managed to get Sam out of the room she starts in but I can't get her t0 room 025. It says security not high enough. This is while I'm trying to find a way for her to get to my position. I've explored all the computers in the various other rooms she can access but unless I'm missing something I can't find a way to progress. I apologize if this question has been asked before, but any hints would still be appreciated.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

I haven't checked this topic for a while, but I will say I was well impressed with the game and would urge anyone who can to support it. Unfortunately at the moment my cash reserves are rather tight, owing to the hole getting married thing, but I'll be interested to see where this game goes. and  hopefully be able to buy and play it next April.Oh, I did send an email to the audeasy list, a mailing list for discussion of accessible games, so hopefully there are people on that list who didn't see the news at front of site who might want to contribute. I also believe there is a mac users mailing list, and I know a lot of people with mac computers are looking for more games, so perhaps looking that out might help too, you could also try, apple's own accessibility site which has a dedicated forum. hth.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

I haven't ccked this topic for a while, but I will say I was well impressed with the game and would urge anyone who can to support it. Unfortunately at the moment my cash reserves are rather tight, owing to the hole getting married thing, but I'll be interested to see where this game goes. and  hopefully be able to buy and play it next April.


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

I'm stuck on the robot puzzle. What is the robot ID code so I can search it in the database? When I tried to find it out, the speech read something like ed112011 or at least I think that was what it was. Since most speech synthesizers garble strings of random text, would it be possible to put spaces in the codes so that the synthesizer would read character by character? It would certainly make things easier.I will be contributing to this game right now. My only question is about the CPU usage. Currently, I have the game running in another window as I type this in Safari. My Mac fan has gone quiet once again. What's going on with the CPU? Does this game use way too many system resources?


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Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

2016-10-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : grryfindore via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Code 7 - A fully-voiced text adventure

Ahoy all!When I first read this topic, and all about the game, I was excited felt that this game would be fun, better than those IF text adventures that I have never been able to get anywhere beyond the begining.But I just tried the game,and feel its quite excellent and my excitement was justified.Its not only a interactive fully voiced text/audio game,but its also something like one of those games that are quite a trend nowadays, I.E you get in communication with someone and help them along. If you are sick of those games by now, do not fear,because from all indications its not just limited to that but aye, it does incorperate that method a bit in episode 0,at least.I would also like to extend my thanks and regards to the developer of this game who has made efforts to make this awesome game accessible to the visually impaired and your willingness to connect with the players is also great.I would erge everybody that can to back this game on kickstarter, cause I don't know about you but I for one would certainly like to see where this game goes next!And hey, I gotta say, the actress voicing the character is hot I hope this project makes it it has reached €12,637 with 5 days to go to the goal of €15,000!grryf


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