[Ontbirds] OFO F.T. Kettle Point, Port Franks, Exeter S.L and West Perth Wetland.

2015-09-08 Thread Maris Apse

Although the day was already hot and humid at 0800hrs. the 'magnificent seven' 
managed a total count of 65 birds, with some geographic advantage over the 
Toronto Islands. We did tally 4 plover sp. and 9 sandpiper sp. plus 1 phalarope 
by the end of the day at Mitchell, when the last 3 of us barely made it to 
their cars before the torrential rain began at ~1600hrs.Some highlights of the 
day - Kettle Point - 1 ad. Bald Eagle, 1 Osprey, 2 Red-headed Woodpecker and 2 
juv. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, 1 ad. Great Black-backed Gull, 2 Caspian Tern, 3 
Great Egret.Port Franks - 2 Sandhill Crane, 1 juv. Black-crowned Night 
Heron.Unfortunately 2 of our group had to head home from Grand Bend  whilst the 
rest us crawled on north being caught in a fundraising event.Exeter S.L. - 
close looks at 4 Black-bellied Plover, 3 Stilt Sandpiper, 5 Baird's Sandpiper,4 
Pectoral Sandpiper, 4 ad. Red-necked Phalarope(9 days earlier I had seen 6 
juvies here). 2  more of our company had to take their leave from here
 . On route to Hwy #23 just east of Sunshine Line on the north side both Cindy 
and I yelled Golden Plover!! - I had seen 4/5 birds in a wet patch with some 
15/20 Killdeer. We pulled into a laneway #6768 (?) and both grabbed our scopes. 
I scoped the pond and heard Cindy counting over 20 plovers and suddenly 
realized that the whole field was alive with birds. 74 in all of which 66 were 
Golden and just 8 Black-bellied. Definitely the highlight of the trip for the 
last 3 of us.West Perth Wetland (Mitchell) - not much to report and as it got 
darker and darker a bit worrisome  and quite noisy with lightning flashing - we 
did see 1 Black-bellied 5/6 Greater Yellowlegs and many Lesser and finally 1 
Wilson's Snipe only new bird of day.  A thoroughly enjoyable day and we hope to 
see more in 2 years and next year at Oliphant.  
  Maris Apse,  10094 Red Pine Rd,  Grand Bend,  
 ON  N0M 1T0,   519-238-8415
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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[Ontbirds] Eurasian Wigeon - Port Franks

2015-04-20 Thread Maris Apse
Hi all ! 

Noting quite a few ducks in the wet areas of the field located about 
100 M north of Outer Drive on the west side of Hwy # 21 at 2:30 pm this 
afternoon (Apr. 20), I stopped to check them out and located 1 male in the 
middle of the pack. In the sun it stood out very nicely from a pretty good 
variety of waterfowl, the majority(~80/100} being American Wigeon.

 Good luck if you're travelling in the area!  Maris


  P.S. I also saw 2 adult Glaucous Gulls at Kettle Point and Ipperwash - 
not much room to drive due to the serious fall and winter storms - about a 
metre or two of height has disappeared from most dunes all the way north 
through Pinery PP and up through Grand Bend.

Maris Apse,  10094 Red Pine Rd,  Grand Bend,   ON  N0M 1T0,   519-238-8415
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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Posting guidelines can be found at 

[Ontbirds] Marbled Godwit at Grand Bend S.L.

2014-06-04 Thread Maris Apse via ONTBIRDS
The 3rd lagoon remains drained for a third week with a decent amount of 
shorebird habitat. On my last PRISM day of the spring I found this beautiful 
Marbled Godwit, 1 Semi-palmated Plover and 10 S-p Sandpipers. The usual 
Killdeer and Spotted Sandpipers abound. There were also  a pair of Am. Widgeon 
and a male Pintail with 2 females. 
The 2nd lagoon has an area along the north edge with very active Marsh Wren.
The 4 lagoons are on Mollard Line, which runs south of #81 to Greenway Rd and 
is paved part way. 

Maris Apse,  10094 Red Pine Rd,  Grand Bend,   ON  N0M 1T0,   519-238-8415
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 

[Ontbirds] Rondeau P.P.-Sun 27/04 -OFO field trip

2014-04-28 Thread Maris Apse via ONTBIRDS
Close to 30 brave souls gathered at the Visitors centre by 0800 - having dealt 
with very frosty starts to this day, all optimistically hoping for the bright 
sun to bring warmth. We drove to South Point Trail and walked the length in 
good spirits despite rather slim pickings. Some highlights were several quite 
vocal Eastern Towhee, Brown Thrasher and Red-bellied Woodpecker. A female 
Eastern Bluebird, both kinglets, a few gnatcatchers and a 'scope view of an 
adult male Merlin in great light being a big hit.
Two ladies went ahead and ran into a Yellow-headed Blackbird and a few 
Yellow-rumped Warblers which had disappeared by the time some of us arrived at 
the end of the trail, whilst others choose an early start back - several of 
whom met an obliging Woodcock.We saw some of the usual waterfowl and gulls 
offshore including a Horned Grebe and Common Loon flying over but the east wind 
kept our beach forays short.
On returning to the V.C. most of the group had a break for lunch, some walked 
Tulip Tree trail, adding Hermit Thrush, Brown Creeper and Winter Wren - 
surprisingly few individual birds of any species anywhere. We reassembled and 
drove on to Spicebush trail and started to study flowers and listen to 
frogs-both indications of a scarcity of birds - we did get an Eastern Phoebe 
here. We were disappointed at  the Maintenance yard, where a couple of warblers 
and a White-eyed Vireo were reported and ~ half the remaining group took their 
leave, whilst 5/6 cars followed Donald Pye and myself to the boat launch/pier 
where I was able to relocate the Eurasian Widgeon off to the right of the end 
of the structure, after we had studied over 30 Forster's Terns on the open 
A few die-hard birders carried on to Blenheim S.L. via Shrewsbury - Pied-billed 
Grebe, Greater Yellowlegs, nesting Great Blue herons and a Killdeer. At the 
lagoons we 'dipped' on the Eared Grebe but added Lesser Yellowlegs, Pectoral 
and Least Sandpiper, Dunlin a few waterfowl and Savannah Sparrow - even more 
windy as all the trees are downed - not a perch for any birds.
Our total count for the day was 79 but the cooperative and helpful participants 
were motivating to both leaders and each other and appreciated. 

Maris Apse,  10094 Red Pine Rd,  Grand Bend,   ON  N0M 1T0,   519-238-8415
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 
Posting guidelines can be found at 

[Ontbirds] Turkey Vulture - North of Port Stanley

2014-01-16 Thread Maris Apse
Hi all,
   About 10:00 am I saw a TV out-competing a Red-tailed Hawk for morsels of 
some dead critter in the corn stubble to north side of white-washed barn with 
green/yellow design at #6679 Talbot Rd (Hwy #4) ~ 1/2 km north of Sparta 
Line(opposite Shaw's Dairy Ice Cream - a much more appetizing option, I'd have 
to say). 
  Also had a male and female  Eastern Bluebird in orchard opposite #4958 
Union Rd and 11 Cedar Waxwing at Sparta Line just north of bridge past the 
cedar hedge.
  A much more enjoyable morning than Penny was having at the Ivey Eye 

Cheers!  Maris
Maris Apse,  10094 Red Pine Rd,  Grand Bend,   ON  N0M 1T0,   519-238-8415
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 

[Ontbirds] Snowy Owl - Greenway-Grand Bend

2013-12-18 Thread Maris Apse
At ~ 3:30 this afternoon I found an adult female Snowy perched on 1 slanting 
pole of 2 located at the west end of Adare Line, which dead ends there in the 
fields. The bird disappeared whilst I was setting up my scope but soon 
re-appeared on  a large brush pile very close to the two poles, hopefully 
making it quite easy to spot this bird.   Cheers!Maris 
Directions - Greenway is on CR #81 ~1km north of Corbett . Turn south off 
Greenway Rd unto Bullock and drive to Adare Line. Look west on the right down 
the 'No Winter Maintenance' path about 300M.

Maris Apse,  10094 Red Pine Rd,  Grand Bend,   ON  N0M 1T0,   519-238-8415
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 

[Ontbirds] Red-shouldered Hawk - N of Bayfield

2013-12-17 Thread Maris Apse
Hi all!
  Sorry for this late posting,  but I've had a lot of catching-up to do, 
after back to back CBC's(Sat-Kettle Point, Sun-Rondeau).  Yesterday Dec 16 at 
1515 hrs I saw a beautiful adult perched in small trees along a creek on 
Orchard Line ~100m north of Cut Line Rd,  ~1.5 km east of Hwy #21, which is ~9 
km north of Bayfield and 12 km south of Goderich.
   Worth a look if you're in the area  - Maris

Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Rd, Grand Bend  ON  N0M 1T0
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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[Ontbirds] Snowy Owl - 3 km. N of Zurich

2013-12-17 Thread Maris Apse
Hi all,
Another late post - on my way back to Zurich to get Penny from her 
appointment there, I drove east from Hwy #21 along Kippen Rd to Goshen Line, 
turning right I immediately noted a very white adult male Snowy Owl on a power 
pole at 1600 hrs. This corner is just 3 km north of Zurich and the bird was 
still there ~40 mins later when I returned with Penny. Unfortunately as we 
slowly approached it for a nice close look, a pickup truck almost skidded as he 
stopped right under the bird and not surprisingly spooked it.  We turned right 
on Kippen Rd for a short piece before turning back to Goshen and saw the bird 
in flight again to SW of this corner.  Cheers!   Maris
Maris Apse  10094 Red Pine Rd,  Grand Bend  ON  N0M 1T0
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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[Ontbirds] Sabine's Gull - Point Edward

2013-11-02 Thread Maris Apse
Near the end of a rather rainy day at SCNWA and Mitchell Bay area, Penny, Emily 
and I decided to drive up the river to try for the King Eider but could not 
locate it.  As I was scanning the gulls, ducks etc flying upriver a juvenile 
Sabine's Gull flew into my scope view - the closest I've ever seen. I yelled it 
immediately and Lance A. and his companion jumped out of their car to join me. 
We enjoyed this bird for several minutes from ~ 4.20 pm.  A wonderful way to 
end a  rather dreary day.   Cheers! Maris  
Directions - North of Hwy # 402 last  exit, turn left at Victoria(1 north of 
Michigan) and west to Fort St turning right to parking lot.

Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Rd, Box 22 BOP, RR 2 Grand Bend  ON  N0M 1T0
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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[Ontbirds] Snowy Egret - Tilbury lagoons

2013-09-06 Thread Maris Apse
Hi all - yes this bird reported by several observers this week was seen by 
Penny and I late this afternoon. We watched it from the west berm as it fed 
along the SW shoreline - it made a fairly long flight and I thought it may be 
heading to roost but it flew overhead, giving us great looks at its golden 
slippers and landed on the gravel/dirt spit/pile on southside of main lagoon 
with 6/7 Great Egrets. We drove around and got a reasonable 'Coolpix' shot of 

Cheers!   Maris

Directions - from the westerly Tilbury exit turn right on Edgefield Rd  and 
right again on Lakeshore 303 driving along to the lagoons on right - just north 
of Hwy #401. 

Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Rd, Box 22 BOP, RR 2 Grand Bend  ON  N0M 1T0
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit 

[Ontbirds] Piping Plover - Kettle Point-nr. Forest

2013-05-19 Thread Maris Apse
Hi all! 

   Whilst walking out on the point ~ 0900hrs as part of my regular 
'shorebird survey' this plover landed ~20 feet directly in front of me. I 
scoped it to look for any bands/flags but could not see any but its lower legs 
were blocked by vegetation and as I moved to try for a better angle it flew off 
in the direction that the 8 Semi-palmated Plover that originally accompanied 
this bird had done, when I first saw the flock.

The location of this relatively flat section of the point is between 
the 1st. and 2nd. bush/small tree 'islands' - not very far from the road and 
quite easy to access.

Kettle Point is First Nations territory signed from Hwy #21 north of 
Forest at the corner of Lakeshore Road.

  Cheers!   Maris

Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Rd, Box 22 BOP, RR 2 Grand Bend  ON  N0M 1T0
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Tundra Swans - nr. Grand Bend

2013-03-10 Thread Maris Apse
Yesterday, as I walked out of the garage a Turkey Vulture soared over the 
house, prompting me to drive down to check the Thedford bog area off Greenway 
Rd for swans. I estimated ~ 800/1,000 birds - almost all resting among the corn 
stub on the south side of the road ~400 M east of Hwy #21 and directly behind 
Lambton County Museum off Goosemarsh Rd.
There was very little open water and a few swans and gulls were on the ice but 
this has probably already changed with warm temperatures overnight and the 
bright sun shining this morning. Forecast of rain tonight and to-morrow should 
make for a lot more water out on the flats and facilitate more waterfowl 
migrants to show up imminently. Hopefullt the cooler temps starting Tue/Wed 
won't slow the birds too much!
Directions - Greenway Road runs east from Hwy #21 just north of Pinery P.P. 
entry gates, past the museum and ends at Greenway on Middlesex County Rd #81. I 
did not venture around the gravel roads to look for more flocks yesterday.
Cheers!   Maris

  Maris Apse  Box 22  BOP  RR2  Grand Bend  ON  N0M 1T0  519-238-8415   
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Bohemian Waxwing - SE of Grand Bend

2013-01-24 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,
 A small flock of 8 birds were at roadside in a tall deciduous tree over 
juniper bushes on the south side of Parkhill Rd (a.k.a Bog Line) ~ 500 M east 
of the bridge over Ausable River at River Road at 1530 hrs. Snow was falling at 
the time and I missed them but Penny luckily did see them and did not think 
they were Starlings prompting me to execute a 'safe' U turn.  Cheers!Maris
Directions - Bog Line runs east off Northville Road(opposite Grog's) and 
becomes Parkhill Rd at/nr River Rd which continues east to Parkhill opposite 
the reservoir.
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Snowy Owl - nw of Srathroy

2013-01-13 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,
 Yesterday (Jan 12) we made our 3rd foray to the Cuddy/Seed area and after 
quite a lot of driving Emily spotted a nice male Snowy Owl sitting pretty on 
the open short grass near a few remnants of snow. The field was east of School 
Line, north of house #29654 - first north of Hwy#22(Egremont). School Line runs 
N/S west of Hwy#81(Centre Rd) and Hwy #22 is just north of Hwy#402. 

Cheers!   Maris 
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Sandhill Crane - south of Goderich

2013-01-10 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,
Yesterday ~1630 hrs I saw this injured(left wing) young crane in a small 
cornfield along the west side of Hwy #21 immediately south of Iron Springs Rd. 
Does anyone know of a local organization/authority in Huron county that may be 
able and/or willing to attempt a rescue of this bird?  Warm weather the next 
few days gives it some short term chance of survival but winter will return 
soon enough, so time is somewhat critical. Any suggestions?  Cheers!
Maris Apse  10094 Red Pine Road  Box 22 B.O.P. RR #2 GRAND BEND  ON  N0M 1T0   

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] SEOW - correction! - nr Melbourne

2013-01-05 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all - the pumpkin seeds must have been rattling in my brainpan last night 
when I posted this. Is there a Malborough - anywhere?  The first road south of 
Hwy#2 is Switzer and we did see a Rough-legged Hawk ~ half way along it as 
well. Sorry if these directions confused anyone but likely most of you would 
just chortle at my mistake.  Cheers!   Maris
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Short-eared Owl - nr. Malborough w. of London

2013-01-04 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,
 Penny and I took a drive around this afternoon meandering down to Seed Rd 
NW of Strathroy to look for Snowy Owl but finding only a couple of Rough-legged 
Hawk and many small to medium sized flocks of Horned Lark and Snow Bunting(no 
 We arrived at Marlborough ~ 1630 hrs, driving the 3 concessions S of Hwy#2 
as far W as Springfield Rd. a couple of times concentrating on Hyndman Rd(the 
middle one). We did run into a decent flock of Redpoll(~100 birds) along 
Gentleman Rd feeding on Teasel but facing into the sun, had no chance of 
finding any Hoary in the bunch.
  Finally at 1745 Penny spotted a SEOW flying on the N side of Hyndman 
close to Springfield which put on a great show, sometimes quite close and in 
the red tinged sky for some 10 minutes. Mission accomplished!!   Cheers!   Maris
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Golden Eagle - Grand Bend lagoons + OFO FT addendum

2012-10-29 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,
I just saw a juvenile Golden Eagle flying low over the woodlots south of 
GBSL as I was southbound on Mollard Line. I stopped and scoped it as it 
disappeared behind the woodlot adjacent to the lagoons before emerging over #3 
and continuing north, staying low so I believe it was hunting the area.
I received a note from Steve Thorpe that he and Ken Clarke had actually 
observed 2 Mourning Dove nr. Tim Hortons in GB and a Sandhill Crane off Hwy #21 
appropriately on the golf course south of Northville(it's called Sand Hills 
G.C.). This brings our group total # to 63 for the OFO FT yesterday.
For the trip participants I have 'irrelevant' info that at my feeders this 
morning I had 3 White-throated Sparrow, 2 Pine Siskin and a very bright Purple 
Finch - kind of typical of a 'listing day' eh?Cheers!   Maris
Directions to GBSL - turn south at 1st road east of downtown traffic lights and 
travel about 1 km to the gate on the right(west) ~ 2 km of Mollard Line is 
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] OFO F.T. Grand Bend, Pinery, Port Franks Ipperwash and Kettle Point

2012-10-28 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,
Birding this section of Ontario's West Coast on a very cold, windy but 
blessedly dry day was enjoyed by some 20 participants to-day. Our total species 
number was 61 with a Greater Yellowlegs seen by one and heard by another 
participant at the lagoons, Red-throated Loon by just three and finally Penny 
and I saw the only Rough-legged Hawk on Klondyke Rd homeward bound from K.P. 
after goodbyes to last 2 stalwart members at Kettle Point - one from Kitchener 
and one from Stayner(long distance award!).  A short summary follows - 
20 waterfowl sp.(all 3 Merganser but only Black and White-winged Scoter) -  
GB beach, lagoons and K.P.
 7 raptor sp. including Turkey Vulture and Merlin and best of day juvenile 
Northern Goshawk at GB lagoons.
 4 gull sp. Great Black-backed(ad + juv) at K.P. 
 5 sparrow and 2 woodpecker sp. despite much effort everywhere.
The most enjoyed birds wer were 3 Evening Grosbeak at the Pinery V.C. feeders 
during our lunch/facilities stop.
 Thanks to all the participants from 0830 until whenever they were able to 
hang in and keep their spirits and humour intact. As ever I truly enjoyed 
leading you and all your help with spotting and identifying almost every bird 
we saw. BTW - when tallying this list I realized there was no Rock Pigeon or 
Mourning Dove on it(did nobody see either sp?).

  Cheers!   Maris
Maris Apse  10094 Red Pine Road  Box 22  B.O.P.  RR 2   Grand Bend ON  N0M 1T0  
 (519) 238-8415 
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Buff-breasted Sandpiper etc - West Perth Wetlands

2012-08-29 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all!
 Had a bit of shopping to do in the general direction of Mitchell so took 
the opportunity to go look for the 2 Hudsonian Godwit and succeeded. Also saw 1 
Wilson's Snipe in the NE corner of the overgrown 'shorebird cell' with some 25 
Lesser Yellowlegs and a few 'peep' that only became visible when they all flew.
 The Buff-breasted Sandpiper was near the SE corner of the fenced lagoon to 
the right of the godwits and back close to the edge on the dry parts near the 
smallish wet patch there. As I was scoping this bird some 30 Am. Golden Plover 
zipped through my view to land right in front of me. 
  Thanks for the heads-up on the state of this terrific location for 
shorebirds and cheers!   Maris  
P.S. at risk of getting grief for 'late reporting' - I did see 2 good birds, 
whilst doing my Ontario Shorebird Survey route, yesterday. Firstly a Willet at 
Port Franks on the sandbar at the Ausable river outlet at 0800 hrs(I had seen 
one just north of Beach parking area #3 in Pinery PP Monday afternoon(probably 
same bird).
P.P.S.  At Ipperwash beach just north of Army Camp Road I saw a juvenile 
Black-headed Gull resting on the beach. When several juvenile  Bonaparte's flew 
by this bird joined them and continued flying south with the strong north wind 
so I had a good chance to compare them in flight.   
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Turkey Vulture - Grand Bend

2012-01-23 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,
Another odd sighting of this weird winter - at 1130 hrs I saw a Turkey 
Vulture soaring over my house, which backs onto the old Ausable channel in 
Beach'o Pines - about 2 km south of the main intersection in Grand Bend(Hwy 
#21/CR#81) - one of only two traffic lights in town. Cheers!   

Maris Apse,  10094 Red Pine Road,  Box 22 B.O.P.   RR2 Grand Bend   ON   N0M 
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Mountain Bluebird nr. Shetland C.A.

2012-01-17 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,
 Yesterday Pete Chapman found a female Mountain Bluebird with a female 
Eastern at roadside on Kerry Rd. just north of Bilton Line, which is one 
concession south of Bentpath Line. Pete asked me to post this as he is not 
subscribed to Ontbirds at this time. 


 Maris Apse,  10094 Red Pine Road,  Box 22 B.O.P.   RR2 Grand Bend   ON   N0M 
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Purple Sandpiper - Ipperwash Beach nr. Kettle Point

2012-01-06 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all!
At 1615 hrs I saw this bird and got close enough to video it on the small 
rocky point ~ 1/2 km to the north of the main K.P.  I've probably looked for 
one here many times over many years - it just looks so right for one.
Pete Chapman had spotted one about a week ago feeding around all the 
detritus on the beach further south and closer to K.P. - likely the same bird(I 
called Pete). We had some major wind and very cold conditions Jan 1-3 and I did 
look for this bird on Jan 2. To-day was very comfortable, weather forecast is 
good and the bird seemed quite relaxed, approachable and showed no anxiety.
  A Snowy Owl was on the shingle beach between the 2 main islands of the 
point and a couple of Glaucous Gull were way out on the rocks to the south of 
it. I also counted 30 Cedar Waxwings at Riverside/Erie in Port Franks ~1500hrs.

 Cheers!   Maris
Directions - from corner of Hwy #21 and Lakeshore Rd(#7). Access to the beach 
is from foot of West Ipperwash Road - the beach is quite bumpy but drivable - 
the worst conditions being  around this outcrop of rock - drive carefully. The 
area can also be accessed from the south end at the foot of Middle Road - turn 
left off West Ipperwash and all the way to the end or right off Indian Line 
onto Centre Road and left onto Middle Road. 
Maris Apse,  10094 Red Pine Road,  Box 22 B.O.P.   RR2 Grand Bend   ON   N0M 
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Gr.White-fronted, Snow, Cakling Goose - Bayfield/Clinton area

2011-12-22 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all! - especiallly 'winter listers' - this afternoon I headed up to Hullett 
W.A. after spending close to $200 to sort out a missing cylinder at HMP in 
Exeter. It was a good decision as I found 1 white morph Snow Goose with ~90 
Canada on the main pond of the Wildfowl Sanctuary Area and a Northern Shrike 
   The roads were quite muddy so I headed north to tne nearest pavement 
and then west past #4 Hwy, north on Old Stone School and Maitland Line(1 
Rough-legged Hawk) and south towards Varna, seeing occasional geese(all Canada) 
in cut cornfields and in flight.
 After turning west on Huron #13(Bayfield Rd) I saw 2 Red-tailed Hawk 
and then less than 1 km before Potters Hill Line, I came upon ~500 geese on the 
south side. I found a pair of Cackling and then a threesome hanging close 
together at the back of the large field each side of a large white driveshed. 
The single Greater White-fronted Goose was near the left side of the big door 
of this shed.
 A four goose day in about a 2 hour drive - cheers! and merry Xmas to 
dIRECTIONS - Bayfield Road runs east off Hwy #21 to Clinton. Hullet Wildlife 
Area is  NE of Clinton accessible from Hwys #8 or #4.  
Maris Apse,  Box 22  B.O.P.  RR 2  Grand Bend,  ON   N0M1T0

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Grand Bend to Kettle Point OFO FT

2011-10-30 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,
  By 0830hrs. 14 vehicles had gathered at GB Sobey's seeing a Kestrel 
here. By car pooling 12  headed to the beach for a quite cool start to the day, 
seeing 3 sp. of Merganser, Ruddy Duck, Surf Scoter, Horned Grebe, Red-throated 
Loon, D.C. Cormorant and 3 gull sp.  Our second stop at GB lagoons was quite 
productive with lots of waterfowl variety plus Golden-crowned Kinglet, Am Tree 
and Song Sparrow, Red-winged and Rusty Blackbird, Am. Pipit, Killdeer, Pectoral 
Sandpiper, Dunlin and Gr. Yellowlegs and 4 Sandhill Crane as we returned to the 
cars and 1 family with obligations excused themselves from the group.
 We drove to the Pinery via Mollard, Greenway, Cold Storage, Goosemarsh 
to the Museum parking lot to leave 2 cars whilst in the park. En route we saw 
Rough-legged and Red-tailed Hawk, Horned Lark, E. Bluebird, N. Harrier, 
Dark-eyed Junco, Blue Jay. We ate lunch at the pic-nic tables and saw Cedar 
Waxwing, Am. Robin and Cardinal here as well as a very fresh Red Admiral as the 
sun had raised the temperature. On the way to Burley Bridge we saw more 
E.Bluebird, Downy Woodpecker but the Bald Eagles were not to be seen and 
another family left us here.
  The VC feeders produced several Tufted Titmouse, 1 Fox Sparrow, a 
female E.Towhee and the usual chickadees and juncos. At Beach Parking #9  the 
water was quite bumpy making it difficult to identify some fairly distant ducks 
and we opted to go to the Heritage trail to seek the Red-headed Woodpecker 
family -  we probably saw all 4 birds albeit 2 at a time as well as 2 Golden 
Eagle flying high over the old Ausable channel.
  After retrieving 2 vehicles at the museum we headed to Kettle Point 
via Army Camp, driving unto the beach at West Ipperwash. We found all 3 Scoter 
sp., several Common Loon, lots of Horned Grebe and more. At the main point we 
added 2 juvenile Bald Eagle, 3 adult Great Black-backed Gull, Mute Swan, 6/7 
Black-bellied Plover and close to 300 Dunlin(until a dog spooked them) - but 
this made for some spectacular flights. A light morph Parasitic Jaeger was a 
fabulous close to a lovely day of birding with some very kind and co-operative 
people. The total count for the day was 77 species
 It was a great pleasure for me to lead this OFO trip and I thank all 
the participants  - cheers!Maris

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Scouting tomorrow's OFO FT - G.B.- P.P.P. - Kettle Point etc.

2011-10-29 Thread Maris Apse

Hi y'all,
  I started a bit late this morning(~10:30 am) at GB beach) with Red 
throated and Common Loon, ~10 Horned Grebe on very smooth water making for easy 
viewing.Then ended late(~6:30pm) at GB lagoons with 6 Sandhill Crane flying 
directly over and seemingly landing just SW of there(possibly we'll find these 
to-morrow morning. Lots of waterfowl including Redhead, L. Scaup, Bufflehead, 
N. Shoveller, Green-winged Teal, Am.Coot and one each of Dunlin and Gr. 
   I did not find many 'dickie' birds in the Pinery nor elsewhere all day 
but had a juvenile Red-headed Woodpecker on the Heritage trail and at least 5 
Rusty Blackbird with a flock of ~30 Red-winged BB at Hwy #21 and Outer Drive. 
The VC is still under renovations and the feeders were quite quiet - 1 Tufted 
Titmouse, 1 White-breasted Nuthatch, 2 Black-capped Chickadee and 1 Dark-eyed 
Junco. Both adult Bald eagles were at their nest, a Belted Kingfisher perched 
nearby whilst 6 Red-tailed Hawk soared overhead.
At Kettle Point/Ipperwash Beach I counted 40+ Black-bellied Plover, 7/8 
smaller shorebirds in the rocks at the base of the point. I had 1 Dunlin for 
sure, but the others were hunkered down, looked browner but I could not get a 
better view to be certain of I.D. Thedford SL still had at least 1 Pied-billed 
Grebe along with 2 Canvasback, lots of Gadwall and several Am. Wigeon.  
Weather looks nice to-morrow with a cool start of 3/4 degrees and S/SW 
winds picking up during the day up to ~25 kph by afternoon but temperature 
climbing to ~10 degrees.
 Hope to see you to-morrow @8:30 am Sobey's parking lot - if I'm late 
it's because Hydro has advised us of a planned' 4 hour interruption of 
service.   Cheers!   Maris  
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Red-necked Phalarope - GBSL + Little Gull - Kettle Point

2011-09-14 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,
  I decided to check out the local lagoons again and saw just 2 juvenile 
and 1 adult red-necked Phalarope in 2nd/ lagoon. The 3rd lagoon is totally dry 
and had no shorebirds at all. A smattering of waterfowl, an American Kestrel 
and a few butterflies including a Great Spangled Fritillary.
  Thedford lagoons both had high water but the north(left) one held ~15/18 
Lesser and 2/3 Greater Yellowlegs. The other lagoon had a Pied-billed Grebe and 
both had many waterfowl.
   2 juvenile and an adult Little Gull were on the shale/cobble section 
between the 2 main 'islands' of the point along with several Bonaparte's Gull 
and Common, Forster's and a Black Tern flying about just as the rain 
storm/squalls approached. Also had 4/5 Ruddy Turnstone and a Black-bellied 
Plover out there but saw only 1 Sanderling to-day - the rest must have moved on.

Directions - GBSL - Mollard Line ~2km south of CR#81 east of #21 Hwy.
   - Thedford SL -  ~1km north of town along Northville Rd
   - Kettle Point - Hwy #21 and Lakeshore Rd - turn onto West 
Ipperwash Rd and drive on to beach, then SW on the beach to the long rocky 

Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Red Knot@Kettle Point + Olive-sided Flycatcher@Grand Bend SL+

2011-09-05 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,
Despite the showers and squalls I ventured out ~11 am to-day to the  W. 
Ipperwash Rd entry to the beach and saw 12/15 Sanderling spread out almost to 
K.P. The Red Knot was with a Semipalmated Plover just before the small rocky 
point. There were so many para- sailers taking advantage of the stiff northerly 
winds that I could easily have missed a few shorebirds(e.g late yesterday I had 
3 Ruddy Turnstone and over 20 Sanderling in the same stretch of beach).
At Thedford SL I saw several Lesser and 1 Greater Yellowlegs, a Stilt 
Sandpiper and 1 Red-necked Phalarope but a driving rain shower cut my time 
short at this location.
At Grand Bend SL I had an odd sighting of a Lesser Yellowlegs running along 
the gravel path along 1st. lagoon, taking insects from the grass/weeds etc. - 
behaviour I've seen several times with Buff-breasted Sandpiper and once a 
Whimbrel. Only the 3rd. lagoon has some shallower water in the middle now but 
the weeds have grown thickly to the edges and it was hard to find 4 
Semipalmated Plover and 3 S.p. Sandpipers. From the SW corner of this lagoon I 
saw the Olive-sided Flycatcher perched at the very top of the only snag in the 
next fencerow south. At the NW corner of this same lagoon ~25 Lesser Yellowlegs 
flew out of and circled back to long vegetation - I could easily have walked 
past them had they not been disturbed.
 Who knows what this week of north winds and colder temps will bring down 
to us but the lagoon conditions are not prime hereabouts. I'll be checking West 
Perth Wetlands in Mitchell and Exeter to-morrow on my way home from Physio in 
Stratford so possibly we could route the Sep 10 , OFO Oliphant to Kettle Point 
trip inland a bit(?).  

Cheers!   Maris
Directions - entry to Kettle Point is at Hwy #21 north of Forest wher it turns 
sharply right at Lakeshore Rd.
- Thedford SL are just north of the village along Northville Rd 
easily visible on the right.
- Grand Bend SL are ~ 2km south of CR #81 along Mollard Line, 
which runs to Greenway Rd. 

Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] 3 Red-necked Phalarope at Exeter S.L.

2011-08-20 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all! - I saw  this trio about 12:30 pm today in the 2nd. cell at the 5th. 
bubbling treatment outlet north of the pumphouse. Nice and close and they all 
looked like juvenile birds. I did not spend much time looking for anything else 
as I was running errands for expected company later but did 'spook' 4 Lesser 
Yellowlegs, 5 Killdeer and 2 Spotted Sandpiper.Cheers!   Maris
Directions - The lagoons are just south of #83 Hwy on Airport Line, which is 
just west of Exeter (Hwy #4) and you should have a permit, which is available 
at the Town Hall - sorry I don't know their hours.

Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Brewer's Blackbirds south of Tiverton

2011-06-05 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,
On our way north on Hwy#21, Penny and I saw a male Brewer's Blackbird at 
roadside at #2635 Bluewater Hwy(Convay Farms). Executing a safe u-turn I 
returned to this driveway and noted a female across on the other side of the 
road and we both were able to study these. This location is just a bit south of 
Kincardine Twp. Concession 11 and a Km or two south of Tiverton. Interestingly 
we saw 3 of these birds at this location about a year ago and it's a lot closer 
than Ferndale.Cheers!   Maris   

Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Hooded Warbler - Pinery PP

2011-04-27 Thread Maris Apse

This afternoon, once the rains subsided, Penny and I watched a superbly 
marked male Hooded flitting back and forth across the Riverside trail just 
north of the end of the boardwalk for ~5 minutes. It was doing its typical 
'tail flash' making it very easy to follow in the bare brush but stayed totally 
 Near the northern causeway we saw 2 Blue-grey Gnatcatchers along with 
3 Yellow-rumped Warblers(plus a few more at a couple of places) - our only 
other warblers. It was still very windy when we left the park at ~6 pm.

Cheers!  Maris
Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Pectoral Sandpipers - Grand Bend area

2011-04-15 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,
 Finally saw a flock of over 40 Pectoral Sandpiper at the evershrinking wet 
area on the south side of Greenway Road. They were fairly close to roadside and 
near the west edge of the wet area.  Further from the road and to the east I 
counted ~20 Lesser and 8 Greater Yellowlegs, which were spooked by an 
overflying Red-tailed Hawk(along with the remnant ducks - mostly Pintail with 
some Teal.
 Not sure how the rain forecast for tonight will impact these birds but 
they were feeding quite intently despite being disturbed occasionally by 
Bonaparte's Gulls.Cheers!   Maris
Directions - Greenway Road runs east off Hwy #21 just north of Pinery P.P. gate 
and Lambton County Museum continuing all the way to Greenway village at 
Middlesex CR #81. The usually productive wet area at the Corbett corner is more 
like a lake this year and still held a Bufflehead this week)no shorebirds other 
than occasional (web-footed?) Killdeer.

Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] GRAND BEND - 5,000 + TUNDRA SWANS

2011-03-15 Thread Maris Apse

   Finally a decent number of these birds have arrived to the 
traditional areas off Greenway Road. Penny and I saw ~100 on Sat 12/03 in very 
limited open water way off on south side, which increased to ~500 yesterday 
14/03 with most of them behind the water in corn fields. To-day there wer ~50 
much closer to the road on the north side and ~250 in the water far off on the 
south side but I could see lots of white in the corn field behind these birds.  
I turned right off Greenway Rd unto River Road, right again on Haig Rd to thr 
corner of Blain Rd. and walked ~30M north for an open view of this spectacular 
  While estimating the number of Tundra Swans a flock of ~60 Snow 
Buntings flew by, with lots of Horned Larks and blackbirds in the area.  I saw 
2 Killdeer - first one on a 2 ft snow bank on Cold Storage Rd ay Hwy #21(wonder 
if he read the sign?) and the other south of Greenway Rd, while scoping the 
many gulls at the edges of water and on the ice. 
DIRECTIONS : Greenway Road runs east off Hwy #21 just north of Pinery 
Provincial Park entrance.  Cold Storage Rd is next road north and runs east 
from Hwy #21 to Klondyke Rd. River Road runs south from Greenway Rd to Bog 
Line/Parkhill Line. Haig/Blain can also be accessed from Walker Rd east of 
Hwy#21 more direct if coming from the south.

  Cheers!   Maris 

Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Red-shouldered Hawk - Ipperwash Beach + Snow Goose - Sarnia

2011-01-16 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,
Penny, Emily and I took a drive to sarnia via Kettle Point this afternoon.  
At ~ 2pm I spotted this brightly coloured adult along Army Camp Road perched 
~5M high opposite the first few houses/cottages on the north side of the road. 
The solid ice cover is now quite far out with very little open water.
 At Point Edward we saw many Long-tailed Duck, a few Common Goldeneye and 
Red-breasted Merganser, 1 adult Iceland(Kumlien's) and 1 juvenile/1st winter 
Glaucous along with many Herring Gull - some harrassing the ducks.  
 Sarnia Bay is frozen enough for a few ice fishermen but near the Q105 boat 
on the edge of the ice Emily spotted a blue morph Snow Goose in the midst of 
~80 Canada geese. Cheers!   Maris
Directions - Army Camp Road crosses Hwy #21 and is the 3rd. concession north of 
Kettle Point corner.
   - Point Edward is under the Bluewater bridge - take Fort St off 
Victoria St to lighthouse.
   - to find Q105 stay on Exmouth until you pass everything and 
have to turn right - look through the chain link fence or drive to the edge of 
the St Clair river if you feel adventurous.  

Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Bohemian Waxwings + @ Grand Bend and Pinery P.P.

2011-01-03 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,
Penny, Emi and I took a short drive into the park this afternoon. The 
feeders at the Visitor Centre had about 8/10 Pine Siskin and a similar number 
of Common Redpoll along with the more regular visitors. Emi and I walked the 
Cedar trail loop, seeing only 1 deer. On the way home I decided to drive 
'around the block' turning right at Greenway Rd off Hwy #21 and then left up 
Klondyke Rd, where at the VB Gravel Pit #5 - Green # 9899 I spotted a flock of 
~30 Bohemian Waxwing at the top of a tall Poplar/Aspen at 4:00 p.m. today. 
After turning the corner and close to Hwy#21 a second Northern Harrier in adult 
male plumage sailed south(we saw one earlier in the park near the causeway, 
where there is currently no open water and the ice is ~3 feet higher than last 

Directions - Pinery P.P. entry is west off Hwy #21 ~6 km south of Grand Bend 
and Greenway Road runs east off Hwy #21 just north of Pinery P.P. entry and 
Lambton County Museum. 

Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Red-headed Woodpecker - Pinery P.P.

2010-12-24 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,
 I took a walk with my daughters Amber and Emily this afternoon and we were 
able to locate the family of the title species along the Heritage Trail - 
fairly far along to the lookout, which we could see whilst watching one adult. 
I think we heard all 4 and saw 3 of the birds.
  There were also 2 American Robin in Red Cedars at the causeway, where 
there is a fairly large area of open water and we counted 16 Muskrats in and 
around the edges of this water. 1 Black Duck, several Mallard and some Canada 
Goose rounded out the assembley.
  We caught sight of a bird that seemed to come out of this area that flew 
rather poorly, resembled  woodcock/snipe but seemed to land across the road and 
on the snowy slope of the Ausable to the north of the causeway. We checked the 
wet, muddy areas again on our way out but to no avail and I only mention this 
so that anyone going into the park in the next few days might want to check 
this area.

  Cheers and a Happy Christmas to all - Maris

Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] 10 Snow Geese - Thedford S.L.

2010-11-27 Thread Maris Apse

There were 6 white and 4 blue morph Snow Geese at 4:00 pm to-day with many 
Canada's and several duck species. Due to the cold wind and lateness I didn't 
stay long but noted Ring-necked, Bufflehead and Hooded Merganser. Cheers!  Maris
The 2 lagoons are less than 1km north of town on east side of Hwy #79(heading 
towards Northville).

Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Oct 31 OFO field trip - Grand Bend to Kettle Point

2010-11-01 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,
It was a very blustery Halloween day with intermittent rain, sleet and even 
a short burst of hail but some 2 dozen hardy OFO members met at 0830 hrs to 
enjoy some 'birding around the bend' - pun intended!
 Most of the waterfowl flying past the beach were quite far out but both 
Black and White-winged Scoter(2 that landed were hard to see in the huge waves) 
gave some decent looks along with 2 Common Loon.
 The lagoons were quite productive but also featured the first rainfall - 3 
Greater and 1 Lesser Yellowlegs, 1 Hudsonian Godwit, 3 Semi-palmated and 4 
Pectoral Sandpiper plus ~20 Dunlin were in the first pond and a Killdeer was 
heard from the adjacent field and several American Pipit were found in the 
weeds. A total of 14 duck species, including Bufflehead and Common Goldeneye 
were found, mostly in the second pond. Sparrows were hard to see in the tall 
weeds but 6 of the 9 Emberizids of the day were found as we walked aall the way 
back to the 4th lagoon, where we added  Yellow-rumped Warbler.
 On Klondyke Road we stopped to look at a few more sparrows but no new 
species and carried on to Pinery P.P. to warm up at the Visitor Centre, enjoy 
feeder watching, lunch and some of Penny's ' Zombie Finger Cookies'. A Brown 
Creeper, a dozen Pine Siskin, a Field and several White-throated Sparrow, plus 
Purple Finch(male and female), Tufted Titmouse and Red-bellied Woodpecker were 
 I missed seeing 2 Sandhill Crane off Northville Road but luckily 
'eagle-eye' Pye(Donald) found them and advised me at the next stop (for a 
Common Grackle) and we drove around the block to have good views. Along Army 
Camp road some saw a Pileated Woodpecker and we stopped at the Ipperwash Swales 
area finding a flock of ~16 Snow Bunting but nothing new. At Kettle Point the 
sun broke briefly, we admired a rainbow forming until a huge dark cloud loomed 
over us and driving rain began. We wrapped up the trip ~1530 hrs after some saw 
a Great Blue Heron on a dump truck near the marina.
 The day's list totalled 70 - not too shabby considering the difficult 
weather conditions - of 12 vehicles at GB Sobeys , 7 carloads of 'diehard 
birders' headed home for a well deserved rest.
Cheers!   Maris, with 
apologies for lateness of this report. 
Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Kettle Point - Cackling and Snow Goose

2010-10-27 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,
 A blue phase Snow and the Cackling Goose were with a flock of Canada geese 
- quite near shore around the rocks in the bay just north of the main point 
early this afternoon. I had no time to explore further as we had to return home 
to lunch with friends from South Carolina and London.  
 Monday morning there were many shorebirds at the Grand Bend lagoons 
including 2 Hudsonian Godwit, 1 Semipalmated, ~30 Black- bellied and ~15 Lesser 
Golden Plover plus dozens of Dunlin, 1 White-rumped, several Pectoral Sandpiper 
and a few of each Yellowlegs sp. Also saw 1 Fox, 1 Swamp, 1 White-crowned, 
several Song and many Tree Sparrow along with Yellow-rumped Warblers.  
  After attending to business in Exeter I saw a Merlin at the corner of Hwy 
#21 and Army Camp road - perched on a TV antenna.  SW of Kettle Point near the 
little park with the gazebo I saw an adult lesser Black-backed Gull perched on 
the rocks.
   I have not seen any loons since last Thursday ~11:00 a.m. when there 
were 3 of 2 species off the main Grand Bend beach, cavorting along the 
mud-line(not too far out).  
   Weather looks nice for this weekend and I plan to scout around a bit for 
the upcoming OFO tour of this area on Sunday. Looking forward to meeting y'all 
at Sobey's parking lot @ 0830 hrs and having a fun day - Happy Halloween.

Cheers!  Maris

Directions - Kettle Point/Ipperwash beach is best accessed from West Ipperwash 
Road to drive along the beach.
   - GBSL are on Mollard Road off ~ 1 km from CR #81 east of Grand 
bend main intersection at Hwy #21
Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] 3 Brewer's Blackbird - North of Kincardine

2010-05-09 Thread Maris Apse


Returning from an afternoon jaunt to Southampton/McGregor Point PP we 
encountered 2 male and 1 female on the wires at #2635 Hwy #21 ~2 km north of 
Kincardine Con #9. This is on the west side of the road and a small barn with 
CONVAY FARMS can be seen. 

Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 

Win a $10,000 shopping spree from Hotmail! Enter now.
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] OFO Rondeau FT - Sun May 2

2010-05-05 Thread Maris Apse

My apologies for the tardiness of this report but I had no computer access 
until we returned from Windsor via Pelee late last night.

Over 20 OFO members met at 8:00 am at the Visitor Centre seeing a Lincoln's 
Sparrow at the feeders with some of the more usual 'feeder birds'. The weather 
'loomed' but improved greatly until our last stop, when we had to abandon 
Blenheim S.L. due to driving rain ~5:00 pm before we could not get to the last 
lagoon. We managed to tally just 86 species - surely quite a low count but an 
enjoyable and varied day of birding. Species highlights, more or less in order -


 South Point Trail - Common Loon(6/7), House Wren, Blackburnian Warbler, 
Red-headed Woodpecker, Eastern Towhee, Northern Mockingbird, Warbling Vireo, 
Common Yellowthroat, Field, Chipping Sparrow.

 Tulip Tree trail - Cooper's Hawk on nest, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Wood 
Thrush, Northern Waterthrush.

 Spicebush Trail - Wood Duck, Nashville, Black-throated Green Warbler(heard 
only), White-throated, White-crowned Sparrow.

 Maintenance 'loop' - Black and White, Yellow-rumped Warbler.


 Donald Pye and one or two cars proceeded directly to the Blenheim lagoons as 
they had other commitments wheras the rest of us drove to Erieau via Shrewsbury 
and then to BSL.


  Shrewsbury - Great-blue Heron 'heronry', Lesser Scaup, Bufflehead, Lesser 

  Erieau - Caspian, Forster's Tern, Great Black-backed, Bonaparte's Gull and 
Cattle Egret at Erieau Road and Bisnett Line.

  Blenheim SL - Northern Shoveler, Bufflehead, Ruddy Duck, Spotted, Pectoral 
Sandpiper, Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs and Dunlin joined the Wilson's 
Phalarope who arrived ~ Mar 17, all six swallow sp, Savannah Sparrow and a pair 
of Bobolink as we left.  

Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 

30 days of prizes to be won with Hotmail.  Enter Here.
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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[Ontbirds] 32 Trumpeter Swans - Kettle Point

2010-04-07 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,

I was seeing a good variety of new birds at my feeders and in the yard 
to-day(including 1 Chipping and 1 White-throated Sparrow, 1 Ruby-crowned 
Kinglet and 1 female Yellow-rumped Warbler plus 3 Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers) so 
decided to  drive around the block this afternoon when the rain showers eased 

Along Mollard Line we saw 2 Vesper Sparrow ~2km apart and the on Army Camp 
Road opposite the campground a mixed flock of ~6/7 Savannah and 3/4 Vesper 
Sparrow - darting along the fenceline, in and out of cover. 

  The swans were located in the shallow water opposite Bressettes(the 
partly flooded) cut area at ~17:30 hrs. There were 8 adult birds and the rest  
had varying amounts of gray in their neckfeathers.  I scoped them well but 
could discern no yellow tags so familiar to me. 

On our way to Grog's at Northville for the 'Wednesday all you can eat 
Mussels' - I spotted a Greater Yellowlegs in a roadside wet patch just north of 
Outer Drive and when we stopped I saw 1 Spotted Sandpiper and eventually found 
8 Wilson's Snipe. Earlier we had seen 1 Pied-billed Grebe at L' Lake on our 
way to K.P. 

A few nice surprises and 2 plates of Jalepeno Tequilla Mussels - L.I.G.

  Cheers!  Maris


Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 

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[Ontbirds] Pectoral Sandpiper - Greenway Rd. S. of Grand Bend

2010-03-23 Thread Maris Apse

 At~ 6pm I saw a flock of shorebirds flying on the south side of Greenway 
Rd as I was heading home from Kettle Point. There are substantial 'wets' on 
both sides of G.R. now but the swans seem to have moved on - I counted just 24 
to-night. Scoping the edge of the south side wet, I counted ~ 48 Pectoral 
Sandpiper(certainly the earliest date for me). There were many Pintail(mostly 
paired), followed by Mallard, some Green-winged Teal and a few Black Duck.

 Earlier at Kettle Point there were 5/6 Great Black-backed, 2 ad. Glaucous 
and a very large gull(bigger than any of the GBBG). Despite its size, I decided 
it was most likely a Herring/GBBG hybrid on the basis of wing pattern, which 
looked exactly like the shot by Bruce McTavish - P.293 - H6.1, H6.2 Peterson - 
Gulls of the Americas.Maris 


Greenway Road runs east of Hwy#21 ~6 km south of Grand Bend

Kettle Point is west of Hwy#21, and can be accessed via, Army camp Rd., 
Ipperwash Rd or West Ipperwash Rd - the beach from WI to the point is 
driveable, but bumpy.   

Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 

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[Ontbirds] Grand Bend area Tundra Swans + Sandhill Cranes(4)

2010-03-19 Thread Maris Apse

 We took our usual drive 'around the block' this afternoon and found 
quite a good number of swans widely spread out over the old Thedford bog with 
remakably few other waterfowl. I saw only ~5 Pintail pairs, a few more of 
Mallard and many more Canada Geese, but even these seemd less abundant than 

  At the mouth of the Ausable cut in Port Franks there was 1 adult 
Glaucous Gull and 4 Great Black-backed Gulls - one almost fully adult. At 'L' 
Lake on Outer Drive we saw 4 Sandhill Cranes - one with a not quite full red 
crown patch(1st spring?).

Driving on towards Kettle Point I saw 1 male E. Bluebird along Army 
Camp Rd(BTW I had a male in my backyard yesterday inspecting a nesting box but 
the pair moved on after ~45 mins). Although driveable from W.Ipperwash to 
Kettle Point, there is still much ice at the lake edge, which did not deter a 
sun-worshipper enjoying this balmy weather.  Maris  


Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 

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[Ontbirds] TV, Tundra swans at Grand Bend

2010-03-11 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,

 After bottling our Red and White wine this afternoon, Penny and I drove 
'around the block' to loook for swans. The first and by far the biggest 
flock(~600) was on the west side of Mollard Line south of the lagoons and South 
Rd. There were just 2 small groups of ~25 ea. on the south side of Greenway Rd 
and quite distant. Two flocks of 60 and 30 flew north as we watched these. 
There is virtually no open water and little exposed earth despite the warm 
temperatures of this week - we had a lot more snow here than areas to the 

  As I was taking down some Xmas lights(first time I've been able to do so 
due to ice/snow) a flock of ~100 swans flew over the house from the lake 
followed by 30 and then 8 more. I'm waiting for more melt-water for other 
waterfowl to arrive.  

  A single Turkey Vulture was cruising along the old Ausable channel 
directly behind our house this morning and I've had 2 Golden-crowned Kinglets 
at my brush piles for 2 days.

 Cheers!  Maris


Directions - Greenway Rd runs east off Hwy #21 ~5 km south of Grand Bend

Mollard Line is first road east of Hwy #21, running south off 
CR #81. 

 Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 
- 8415 

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[Ontbirds] Bald eagles galore nr. Clinton - Saturday 06/02/10

2010-02-07 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,

Whilst cruising the area north-east of Bayfield we saw an adult Bald Eagle 
perched at the edge of the Maitland River from Stone School Line, north of Lobb 
Rd. Probably this bird would be visible from School Line C.R.#8, north of 

 At #40114 Winthrop Rd. east of Hwy #4 we counted 11 Bald Eagles, 8 of 
which were adults. This seems to be a poultry processing property with lots of 
crows, 3 Herring Gull and a Rough-legged Hawk also present. At Hullet Wildlife 
Area( Baldoon Line and Summerhill Rd we saw our 13th Bald Eagle - another adult 
perched on a tree in the frozen pond to the south. Sorry for the delayed 
posting but I thought his would be of interest to anyone travelling on Hwy #4 
or in this area.

 I'll add my two bits regarding wee Wiarton Wilie's prognostications to the 
contrary - on Wed 03/02 we saw 2 Great Blue Heron in Pinery P.P. south of the 
causeway in atiny bit of open water and a male and female Red-winged Blackbird 
perched close together at L lake on Outer Drive, Port Franks. Along Klondyke 
Rd we saw an American Robin, having not seen any of these in this area since 
early/mid Dec - I'm saying 'spring is on the way!'

Cheers!   Maris 

Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 


ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
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[Ontbirds] Bohemian Waxwing - McGregor P.P. etc.

2010-01-24 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,

Yesterday - Sat. Dec.23 ~ 4 pm, as we were leaving the park, Penny spotted 
a small flock of birds at the top of a Poplar(?) tree almost at the NE corner 
of Lake Range Road and Saugeen Concession #4 - we all had great looks at 11 
Bohemian Waxwings with the scope for ~ 5 mins until they flew off in a NE 
direction.  Just north of the house an adult Northern Shrike landed at roadside 
for a superb close view. In the park Emily had spotted 2 Bald Eagles - both 
adults - as we walked out to the beach at VC. Earlier she also spotted a Ruffed 
Grouse just outside Inverhuron PP(TG for sharp-eyed spotters - why do I bird 
alone so often?). 

 After ~ 5 pm NE of Paisley I finally found 2 adult female Snowy Owls 
(Emi's reward as she missed these last winter, when Penny and I had seen ~10 a 
week or two earlier). The owls were both along Bruce Concession #8 - first bird 
on top of a silo at #364 and the second at the top of a tree just west of a 
small creek at #651 - this bird flew right past us and landed ~100M east/behind 

  We also saw 2 more N.Shrike cruising these roads and 4/5 flocks of Wild 
Turkey numbering from 10 to over 30 for ~80 in total as we meandered north from 



Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 

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ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
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[Ontbirds] Snowy Owl - Metz nr. Arthur

2010-01-21 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,

 An adult female perched on nearest large 'rolled' hay bale NW corner of 
5th Line W Garafraxa and SR #25 W Garafraxa in beautiful full sun ~10:45 this 
morning. This is 2 concessions east of Metz, which is SE of Arthur.


Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 


ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Winter birding - Strathroy - Rondeau - Erieau - Iona.

2009-12-11 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,

   I met Mike Nelson at the commuter parking lot at Hwy#22/#81 just north of 
Hwy #402 ~9:30 am to do some 'winter listing' - while our wives drove on to 
Xmas shop in Port Huron. 

   There was a flock of ~250 Snow Buntings in the field NW of #402 and #81 
intersection but we could not scope them for longspurs. En route to Rondeau we 
encountered 3/4 small flocks of Horned Lark, 1 N. Harrier but not much else on 
this blustery/bitterly cold morning. Unfortunately we arrived at the gates of 
the park to find it closed due to a deer cull and so had to content ourselves 
with walking the house/cottage areas outside the fence. We finally saw some 
bird activity at #18084 Second St (Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, several Downy W. 
both Nuthatches, Brown Creeper, 2 G.C. Kinglet. 3/4 D.E. Juncos, W.T. Sparrow 
and N.Cardinal) - the owner welcomed us to view his feeders at the back of the 

  Turning south onto Erieau Road from Bisnett we had a Killdeer flying 
right at us and at Erieau we saw 6 D.C. Cormorant, several Ruddy Duck and 
Hooded Merganser, 100+ Am. Coot, 1,000+ Bonaparte's Gull and 100+ Am. Tree 
Sparrow in the weedy dune area. At Gore Rd off Bisnett, we added White-crowned 
Sparrow and 3 N.Harrier and along New Scotland between Kent Bridge and Hill 
St(Morpeth Road) a flock of 120+ Wild Turkey.

   At #23171 Hwy #3 (west of Eagle) Mike spotted a 'different' looking 
perched raptor so I executed a safe U turn to check it out. It was a beautiful 
'Rufous' Red-tailed hawk - Sibley and other references call it 'intermediate 
western form'.

   We continued east towards Fingal(hoping to find Long-eared Owl) and as 
we turned south on Iona Road going down into the wide valley we saw 2 soaring 
eagles travelling west - they were both juvenile Golden Eagles.  We did not 
locate any owls at Fingal C.A. but Mike tallied our days count, which reached 
~42 species - better than Xmas shopping!!

Cheers!   Maris 


Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 

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ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Grand Bend area OFO Field Trip

2009-11-01 Thread Maris Apse

   About 35 OFO members enjoyed a cool but dry day of birding the 'West 
Coast of Ontario'. During the first hour at the beach we saw many waterfowl, 
including all 3 Scoter species, both Common and Red-breasted Merganser flocks 
mostly flying downlake, ~40 Common Loon in various groupings of 3 to 20 mostly 
overhead angling inland. A few Horned Grebe, Long-tailed Duck, Bufflehead, 
Common Goldeneye and Scaup kept us busy.


   We walked around the first 3 lagoons seeing many more waterfowl 
including a male Wood Duck and 5 American Coot plus 3 White-rumped Sandpiper, 
~20 Dunlin and a Greater Yellowlegs.  An Eastern Phoebe, Song, American Tree, 
White-crowned, Fox and Vesper Sparrow were also seen. 


At Pinery P.P. we had lunch at the Visitor's Centre whilst 
birding(everyone saw several Tufted Titmouse). Downy, Hairy and Red-bellied 
Woodpecker plus Field, Fox and White-throated Sparrow and a female Purple Finch 
added interest. Along the river we saw several Am. Robin and Cedar Waxwing and 
an adult Bald Eagle before driving to Burley bridge, where ~40/50 Hooded 
Mergansers and 3 Pied-billed Grebe were seen along with a Red-tailed Hawk.


At Kettle Point the American Avocet was seen by all and 4 Red-necked 
Grebe played hide and seek in the bay and we saw 7 Mute Swan and a great 
Black-backed Gull southwest of the point. 


Our last stop was at Cedar Cove marina where we watched ~10 
Double-crested Cormorant, ~15 Horned Grebe, both Tundra and Mute Swan and a 
Great Blue Heron. A flock of ~100 Tundra Swan turned inland as they flew over 
us. A fitting end to a nice day and as most of the cars were heading up the 
hill a few of us heard and then saw a flock of 9 Sandhill Crane fly right over 
us and down the lake(one carload had seen 2 of these earlier in a field and as 
we returned north we stopped to have a closer view). 


During this day we had seen 23 Ducks, Geese and Swans, 3 Grebes, 4 
Raptors, 3 Woodpeckers and 8 Sparrows for a total # of species of 77 tallied by 
the group to-day.(I'm including a Northern Shrike at Army Camp Road seen by 
Donald Pye on his way back towards the Pinery - e-mail advice).


 Thanks to all the participants and especially my 'helpers' who found 
so many good birds to-day - it's such a pleasure to 'lead' a group that is so 
willing to share and help each other with finding and identifying the birds we 




Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 

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ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

[Ontbirds] Pinery P.P. - Brant and Red-throated Loon

2009-10-23 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,

 This afternoon ~3:30 I watched a flock of 10 Brant fly in from the lake 
landing ~300M offshore along with a female Black Scoter at the north end of 
Beach parking area #8. At Beach parking area #9 a single Red-throated Loon was 
~200M offshore.  Also saw several Hermit Thrush and the usual sparrows along 
the roadways.

  At Kettle Point there was 1 Black-bellied Plover on the beach north of 
the point and a Greater Yellowlegs just south of it. I saw 2 Pied-billed Grebe 
further down the lake in 2 of the cuts as well as a few Horned Lark and my 
first Snow Bunting of this fall.

  Earlier to-day I had seen 3 Long-tailed Duck and ~ 7/8 Bonaparte's Gull 
off Grand Bend Beach - note that Main street(#81) is well torn-up and will 
likely remain so for a while, whereas Ontario Street(#21) is completely 


Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 

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ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
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[Ontbirds] Red-necked Phalarope - Ridgetown S.L.

2009-10-04 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,

On our way home from Blenheim S.L. we found a Red-necked Phalarope 
associating with 2 Bonaparte's gulls along the east edge of the lagoon directly 
in front of the viewing stand. A nice surprise after seeing the Red Phalarope 
at Tilbury S.L. earlier in the day and great finish to a super OFO Convention 
weekend(despite the weather).   Cheers!   Maris


Directions to lagoons - from centre of Ridgetown go north on Erie St to Mitton, 
turn left and the viewing stand is on the left/south side.  

Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 

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[Ontbirds] Laughing Gull - Port Burwell + Aylmer

2009-09-22 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,

 A secod winter plumaged laughing Gull was on the beach, east of the river 
just about in line with the tree and picnic table. Also a Lesser Black-backed 
and many Bonaparte's gulls plus ~7 Caspian Tern loafing nearby. 

 At Aylmer SL I saw 2 American Pipit, ~12/15 Lesser and 2 Greater 
Yellowlegs, many Killdeer and 1 Semipalmated Plover plus a Spotted Sandpiper. 
The lagoons are south of Glencolin Line and west of Hw#73.Cheers!Maris

Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 

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ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
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[Ontbirds] Upland Sandpiper - nr. Zurich - Huron County

2009-06-12 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,

 Driving west on Cty Rd #84 from Zurich in late afternoon yesterday, I 
spotted 1 Upland Sandpiper perched on the wires on the south side of the road 
~50M west of Bronson Line (runs south to Dashwood on Cty Rd #83 and beyond).  
It is likely nesting in the field on SW corner of this intersection as it was 
watching the area quite intently - we observed it for ~5 mins.



Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 

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ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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[Ontbirds] 2 Red Knot - Kettle Point - May 31

2009-06-01 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,

 After a weekend of planting/yardwork Penny and I checked out Grand Bend 
lagoons which I've been avoiding due to much recent construction of a new 
pipeline from PPP. There were quite a few Dunlin, some Spotted, Least and SP 
Sandpiper with at least 1 White-rumped, ~8 SP Plover and both Yellowlegs sp. in 
the 3rd. lagoon(quite low water). The usual waterfowl included Ruddy and Wood 
Duck(2nd lagoon) and both GW and BW Teal(4th lagoon).

  We carried on to KP where I was pleasantly surprised to find the 2 Red 
Knot - intently feeding at water's edge, near the southern entry to the beach, 
north of the main point. Unfortunately the more brightly plumaged of the 'pair' 
had an injured right leg. Using the van as a 'blind' I got some nice video 
within ~ 5 M - a nice way to end May.


Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 

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ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
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[Ontbirds] OFO Rondeau - Sunday, May 3

2009-05-04 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,

 Some 30 OFO members gathered at the Visitor Centre on a wonderfully warm 
and windless morning, with visions of warblers dancing in our heads. We started 
on theTulip Tree trail and soon found our first mixed flock of ~6 species 
busily foraging at mid-height of - relatively easy spotting and most people had 
quite decent looks. Some Sandhill Cranes bugled as we continued and we added 4 
thrushes, including a late Hermit, 1 Veery, 1 Wood and several Swainson's. A 
Pileated Woodpecker added some drama, a co-operative N.Waterthrush, Pine 
Warbler(for some) plus Blue-headed Vireo, served as curtain raisers to a 
wonderful view of a roosting Whip-poor-will, some 12ft off trail(especially 
through a big-lens camera - thanks Karl!). The nesting Cooper's Hawk at the end 
of this trail was not visible but we saw it later soaring/displaying its white 
tail tufts from the Spice-bush trail.

  Some saw a Red-headed Woodpecker and Eastern Kingbird en route to South 
Point which proved to be somewhat quiet, but for Yellow Warbler, Blue-gray 
Gnatcatcher, Baltimore Oriole and Eastern Towhee. Three White-eyed Vireo, with 
one singing some 8/10 M high added spice as did a Woodcock that flushed. At the 
beach lookout Red-breasted Merganser, Bonaparte's Gull, Forster's and 
CommonTern and Herring Gull were added and 5 Great-blue Herons almost over us 
an interesting sight. En route to VC for lunch-break, some 'dawdled' finding a 
Mocking Bird(rare at RPP) at Dog beach as well as Indigo Bunting and E.Phoebe. 
During lunch most of us saw Pine Siskin and some Ruby-throated Hummingbird at 
the feeders plus the 'usuals'.

  We walked Bennet Road and Spice-bush trail adding Magnolia W. and a 
Winter Wren that Donald had found for our enjoyment. Behind the maintenance 
area we enjoyed many House,   a loud Carolina Wren calling until a Blue-winged 
Warbler made an all too brief appearance(only seen by 1 or 2 of us). It was 
almost 4pm - some were going on to Pelee, others decided to get started home 
and we discussed finishing the day with a trip to Erieau/ Blenheim S.L. to 
'pump the list' - opting for BSL. After a quick pit stop by the store the last 
5 vehicles proceeded adding Mute Swan and Horned Lark en route. The lagoons 
however did not disappoint starting with Eared Grebe(in 1st lagoon to right, 
which I had seen the previous evening) and 12 duck species including 2 female 
Hooded Merganser. Single Spotted and Pectoral Sandpiper, over 30 each of 
Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs and 50+ Dunlin in a variety of plumages. We also 
saw a Black Tern, Bank Swallow, Warbling Vireo(nice and low in the cut-down 
willows) and several Savannah Sparrow.

The final group list was 102 - of which some 21 sp. were seen only at 
these lagoons and of course not everyone saw everything along any trail or 
whilst travelling. Thank-you to all the participants and helpers who made this 
an enjoyable experience - hope you enjoyed it and see you next year!   


Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 

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[Ontbirds] Yellow-headed Blackbird - Grand Bend S.L.

2009-04-27 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,

 At ~7pm I located this bird on the grassy knoll at NE corner of the lagoon 
property after walking the perimeter of 3 lagoons, because a couple of birders 
whom we met on Riverside trail in Pinery PP ~3pm had told me of seeing it on 
the west side(close to the woodlot) between #2 and #3 lagoons. I tried to get a 
picture of it with Penny's 'Coolpix' but could not.  

 We left after some 15 mins of enjoying close views of it feeding in the 
cornfield stubble with a mixed flock of blackbirds/starlings just behind the 
'barn sweepings' at this corner.

  At Pinery we saw Ovenbird, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Brown Thrasher and 
Green Heron and on south side of Greenway Road 4 Greater Yellowlegs in decent 
sized 'wets' after the recent rains.

Also at the lagoons were Palm and Yellow-rumped Warblers along with many of the 
usual waterfowl.



 Directions - GBSL are located on Mollard Line - 1st road running south, east 
on #81 from main intersection with #21. 


Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 

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ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
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[Ontbirds] Red-headed Woodpecker - Pinery P.P.

2009-04-16 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,

 This afternoon I saw 2 of these birds at the big burn area towards 
Burleigh bridge - very active whilst calling and drumming. Further down the 
road  a pair of E. Bluebird were likewise occupied and the presumably female 
Bald Eagle was sitting tight on her new nest, which I first saw ~3 weeks 
ago(the gate was open one day when there were still snow drifts to traverse on 
the road). There were also 2 Rough-winged Swallows on the river south of the 
causeway and at the north end of the park I saw 1 Pileated Woodpecker. We had 2 
females and 1 Tom Turkey at Parking area #7 and 2 Field Sparrow at Area #5.  I 
counted a total of 4 Fox Sparrow, 3 Hermit Thrush and 6 E. Phoebe along the 

  I also saw 2 Vesper Sparrow on Mollard Line ~1km apart, both south of the 
lagoons, where at least 2 Barn Swallows were in company of ~20 Tree Swallows. 
It seems that some things are finally starting to move again with the warmer 
   Hoping to get out and see more f.o.s. birds to-morrow - cheers!Maris 

Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 

Experience all of the new features, and Reconnect with your life.
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
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[Ontbirds] Am. Golden Plover, Vesper Sparrow - Grand Bend

2009-04-14 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,

To-day a single Am. Golden Plover has joined the Pectoral Sandpipers and 
Dunlin at the 'bigger wet' on the north side of Greenway Road. Presumably the 
same Greater Yellowlegs has also moved across the road and ~ 1km to the east to 
join this group of shorebirds.
A Vesper Sparrow was at the Pinery Cemetery on north side of Klondike Road 
just west of the huge new construction area of Southbend Estates(eventually 
over 400 housing units here will destroy this habitat, where several 
Grasshopper Sparrows nested last summer).


Directions - Klondike Road runs between Greenway Road and Hwy#21 - the cemetery 
is ~1/2 km from the highway.  Cheers!   Maris

Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 

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ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
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[Ontbirds] Snow and Ross's Geese - Grand Bend

2009-03-20 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,

 There has been a significant build-up of this mixed flock over the past 
week. Today I estimated it at well over 200 birds with a third being blue morph 
birds. I saw at least 2 blue Ross's and 10+ white Ross's. To-day the flock took 
to the air from corn fields to the south, circled a few times and then landed 
in the major flooded section south of Greenway Road, east of Hwy#21. Wednesday 
I counted ~120 birds about 50/50 blue/white mix, but the Ross's were hard to 
pick out as there were many more swans for them to hide behind. 

  The areas east of River Road are now all dried up(I drove down Hagmier 
today and saw ~15 Snow Bunting but no swans at all. 

  Of note I also had my first Eastern Phoebe behind my feeders this 
morning(spring is here for sure!) but only 1 Painted Turtle on the log that 
held 5 on Tuesday and 12 on Wednesday.

   Cheers!   Maris


Directions - Greenway Road runs east off Hwy #21 ~ 6km south of Grand Bend . 

Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 

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ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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[Ontbirds] Tundra Swans etc. Grand Bend area

2009-03-12 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,

 Tuesday 10/03 - 6 Tundra Swans - hugging far S edge of flooded area on S 
side of Greenway Rd - quite windy.  
 Wednesday 11/03 - ~120 Tundra Swans - mostly in same area with many back 
in the 'reeds' so hard to count accurately - winds gusting to 70+ kph.

  Thursday 12/03 - over 500, possibly close to 1,000 but again mostly at a 
distance with best viewing from River Road south of Greenway Rd looking east 
top the extensively flooded areas, mostly frozen over to-day. I would NOT 
advise trying to drive closer to them from here, nor down Hagmier due to very 
soft muddy conditions(even with to-days colder temps).

  Also this afternoon - 1 Killdeer along main ditch at east edge of flooded 
area south of Greenway and 1 ad. Northern Shrike on north side of Greenway Rd. 
Lots of Horned Lark everywhere and several sp. of other waterfowl but not great 
numbers - did see 12 male and 6 female Common Merganser in the Ausable outlet 
to the lake in Grand Bend.  

  Of note I had a very early House Wren checking out each of the 4 brush 
piles in my back yard last Sunday - 08/03, but have not seen it since. They 
nested here the last 2 summers, but this has to be a month or more early(?). 

Cheers!   Maris


Directions - Greenway Rd runs east off Hwy#21 near Lambton County Museum(almost 
opposite Pinery P.P. entrance. River Road is 1st driveable road east of #21, 
running south of Greenway Rd

Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 

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ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
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[Ontbirds] E. Bluebirds - nr. Hawk Cliff (Port Stanley)

2009-02-02 Thread Maris Apse

 Hi all,   
   On a positively balmy Groundhog Day, Penny and I decided to take a 
meandering drive down to Lake Erie and I finally added this bird to my Winter 
List yesterday afternoon, seeing 3 males. 
   We noted several flocks of Wild Turkey, Horned Lark and Snow Bunting in our 
travels as well as 5/6 Rough-legged Hawk SW of Strathroy(along Calvert 
Dr/Kerwood Rd)
Getting closer to home, we also saw 2 Short-eared Owl NW of 
Strathroy(3rd.time this week(Jan 26, 29 and Feb 1) - also 1 Snowy Owl Jan 29 in 
this area).   Maris
DIRECTIONS - E. BLUEBIRD - On wires W. side of Fairview Rd N. of #5115, 1st 
house N of Dexter Line.
 - S.E.OWL - Roosting E side of #2415 Cuddy Dr. 1st house W of 
Seed Rd. - SNOWY OWL - well out in field between 
Hwy#22(Egremont Rd) and Hwy#402 W of Robotham Rd.
Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 
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ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
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[Ontbirds] PPNP - Spotted and Eastern Towhee - Jan 6, 2009

2009-01-06 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,
 I arrived at the '42ND PARALLEL' sign ~10am and the Spotted Towhee came 
out of the thick cover at 11:00 am. It was in company of a Fox and 2 Am. Tree 
Sparrow plus a N. Cardinal. 
 I found an Eastern Towhee in thick cover between the picnic shelter and 
the toilets building at Blue Heronarea ~1pm. 
  Other than ~60 Am. Robin along the road and 2 White-throated Sparrow 
along Anders trail, I did not see much else. It snowed for an hour or so from 
11:30, which may have kept 'dickie birds' a bit quiet. There were 2 Bald Eagles 
- adult on the ice and juvenile flying and landing in a tree near the tip.
  Stopping at Wheatley on my way to Pelee, I saw 4 Bald Eagles - 3 on the 
ice and 1 perched in a large tree near the harbour.  
Cheers! Maris
Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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[Ontbirds]Snowy Owl - NW of Strathroy

2008-12-12 Thread Maris Apse

 Hi all,
  Having finished shopping in Strathroy around dusk to-day I decided to 
check out the Cuddy Drive/Seed Road area for owls on our way home and found a 
female Snowy Owl at the 'chicken farm' ~ 1km north of Hwy#22 on Seed Rd. 
Unfortunately I saw no Short-eared Owls(often seen here) as we proceeded west 
on Cuddy Dr. to Kerwood Road.

Cheers!   Maris
Directions - From Hwy #402 turn north on #81 to Hwy#22, west(left) to Seed Rd, 
north(right) ~1km OR take #81 to Cuddy Dr, turn west(left) on it to Seed Rd and 
south(left) to the 'chicken farm'.Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 
Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 8415 

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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[Ontbirds]Black-throated Gray Warbler - Rondeau P.P. +++

2008-12-02 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,
 I arrived ~ 9:15 am and parked at the end of Bowman. It snowed 
intermittently all morning but at 11:55 I finally had a great view of this bird 
at the end of Centre at Evangeline near the top of the 'conical' Red 
Cedar/juniper there. It was with a very mobile mixed flock of ~8 or more 
Yellow-rumped Warbler, 3/4 Golden-crowned Kinglet, 1/2 Brown Creeper and a few 
Black-capped Chickadee. They all headed north/east(?) beyond Evangeline - it 
seems that they travel around quite a lot and quite far afield.
 I was not bored while waiting for the 'main event' - at #1340 Bowman 
(Stewart) I saw 1 Hermit Thrush, 2 Golden-crowned Kinglet and a Carolina Wren 
which even sang once or twice. Next door were 3 Fox Sparrow and at #1346 a 
Blue-headed Vireo - I went back to the van to get my video camera but could not 
re-find this bird. 
 There was a constant stream of visitors to the feeders at the back of 
#1340 Bowman including White-throated and American Tree Sparrow, Downy and 
Red-bellied Woodpecker to keep one entertained.
  At Erieau with the strong west wind, there were huge numbers of 
Bonaparte's Gull, a Lesser Black-backed, several Great Black-backed amongst the 
HEGU and RBGU.  Cheers!   Maris
Directions: Centre Street is first left after park gate(fee applicable) or park 
at the camping gate and walk over - I did both just to warm up after a while. 
Bowman crosses Centre after right, then left turn. Evangeline is at the end of 
Centre and runs parallel to Bowman.
 Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 
Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 8415 

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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[Ontbirds]Red-throated Loons - Grand Bend

2008-11-25 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,
 I saw a total of 5 of these birds yesterday morning(Nov 24) off the 'old 
cut'(circa 1910) of the Ausable River. Also present were 2 Tundra Swans, all 3 
species of Merganser(1 Common, 10 Hooded and ~15/20 Red-breasted) as well as 
some Bufflehead. Just south of #69754 Mollard Line, near the still standing 
corn was 1 E. Meadowlark at roadside. 
  There were several flocks of Snow Bunting and Horned Lark and at least 1 
Lapland Longspur further south and along Greenway Road, but did not see the 
N.Shrike we saw here on Saturday(after the major snowstorm). We also had a 
brief but good look at a Gyrfalcon(juvenile gray morph) flying south along the 
shore at Kettle Point that day.

Directions - access to GB beach is restricted due to major construction and 
the best viwing is from the end of River Road(first south of #81 traffic 
light).  Mollard Line is past GBHC east of the traffic light at #81/#21 Hwy. 
Greenway Road runs back to Hwy #21 just north of Pinery PP. Kettle Point can be 
accessed at Hwy #21 and Lakeshore Rd but I usually drive down to the lake at 
Army Camp Road and turn south at Ipperwash Beach.Maris Apse 
10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 8415 

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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[Ontbirds]California Gull - Port Stanley

2008-11-20 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,
 I finally had a chance to get down to Port Stanley yesterday afternoon - 
Nov 19 ~3:30pm - I saw a 'winter adult' California Gull, just to the SW off the 
west side pier, swimming with mostly Herring Gull and a few Ring-billed Gull.
 A large number of Bonaparte's Gull wer all flying along the east 
pier/breakwater but I could not pick out the 'reason for my visit' Sabine's 
Gull being seen last week, despite a good 30 mins of scanning the patrolling 

  Maris   Directions: cross the 
bridge in Port Stanley and take the first street south as far as you can near 
the large oil storage tank and walk out as far as you feel safe on the icy pier 
- it was very windy yesterday.
Maris Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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[Ontbirds]60+ Sandhill Crane - Grand Bend

2008-11-18 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,
 Whilst doing yardwork ~12:30 pm a flight of over 60 of these birds flew 
over the house. I could hear them for ~ 2 mins before actually seeing them.  
Another smaller flock -judging by the level of bugling - followed ~5 mins later 
but I could not see these to count them.  Between these two groups a single 
Rough-legged Hawk pased over giving me 2 new 'Yard Birds' to-day - sure helped 
my mood with doing the chores. 
   I have been hosting a Pine Warbler since Friday but did not see it 
to-day - hoping it sticks around until Dec 1 for my Winter List.   Maris 
Apse 10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22, RR #2 Grand Bend ON N0M 1T0 (519) 238 - 8415 

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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[Ontbirds]Grand Bend area OFO field trip Nov 2

2008-11-03 Thread Maris Apse
  Hi all,
   Several flocks of birds including ~20 White-winged Crossbill flew over 
as we assembled at GB Sobey's on a cool but sunny morning. 12 vehicles with ~ 
20 participants proceeded to the end of River Road as the main beach is closed 
until spring for 'enhancements' - major construction/landscaping. We scanned 
the lake and found 2/3 Red-throated Loon with one eventually coming fairly 
close. As predicted the wind had turned to the east and there was relatively 
little movement of waterfowl/gulls etc, but we did see 3 distant Tundra Swan 
   Our 2nd stop was at the GB lagoons on Mollard Line south of  #81, where 
we walked to the third one seeing some 14 species of waterfowl, including a 
Cackling Goose, some Ring-necked Duck and Lesser Scaup, a few Gadwall and 
Long-tailed Duck, 1 White-winged Scoter(!), 12/15 American Coot and ~80 
Bonaparte's Gulls. 2 Pine Siskin, 2 Am. Goldfinch and a mixed blackbird flock 
flew over and we saw 2 Song Sparrow here.
  On the way to Greenway Road several Horned Lark were seen and we left 3/4 
cars at the Lambton Cty. Her. museum to reduce the convoy in PPP. At our 1st 
stop at the big burn, north of Burley bridge we located both juveniles and an 
adult Red-headed Woodpecker, while a Red-tailed hawk soared over us. It was 
quiet at the bridge but Blake Mann was able to hear a Swamp Sparrow and a group 
photo was taken. I spotted a Ruffed Grouse sneaking off the roadside a bit 
before the Nippissing Beach trailhead - most of us were able to get some decent 
views of it as it hopped up on a log before flying off. The feeders at the VC 
were not as busy as the 'facilities' but we got House Finch and Tufted Titmouse 
here, before a 'gate party' lunch in the parking lot enjoying the sun. We drove 
to Beach area #9 (no Pacific Loon) but Donald Pye spotted a soaring Bald Eagle 
with 2 Red-tailed Hawk and a female Purple Finch landed near us. 
  Driving towards Kettle Point Blake heard Pine Siskin. Along Ipperwash 
beach we saw a White-winged and several female Black Scoter, a Killdeer as well 
as an ad. and juv. Great-black-backed Gull. An adult Bald Eagle was perched out 
on the point and we found ~40 Black-bellied Plover and a Dunlin on the shingles 
- some of the plovers were quite active giving us great looks at their black 
axillaries. En route south we all watched a female Northern Harrier(possibly 
same bird that BM saw over the lake from our first stop). As we played hide and 
seek with several Horned Grebe , 2 sub-adult Bald Eagles put on an aerobatics 
   Cedar Cove was our next stop, where we re-found the ad. Lesser 
Black-backed Gull with many Horned Grebe, a closer Common Loon, Common 
Goldeneye, Greater Scaup, Hooded Merganser and the 5th. Bald Eagle of the day 
flew by. A Painted Lady butterfly was nice to see.
   We were down to 5/6 vehicles at the Forest lagoons where we saw 10 
Green-winged Teal and the only Double-crested Cormorant of the day.  
   Thanks to all the participants from near and far for their participation 
and contribution to a very enjoyable day of birding, walking and talking. 
Cheers! Maris
Maris Apse   10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22,  RR #2 Grand Bend ON  N0M 1T0  (519)  
238 - 8415 

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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[Ontbirds]Pacific Loon - Pinery P.P.

2008-11-01 Thread Maris Apse
Hi all,
This bird was sighted flying from the north, then landing off Beach parking 
area #9 ~2p.m. to-day.  Penny and I were scouting for to-morrow's OFO trip - 
sure hope it sticks around. It was the only loon we saw all day.
We visited 3 local lagoons, Pinery P.P., Cedar Cove to tally ~20 waterfowl 
sp., a Bald Eagle, 5 gull sp.(1 adult Lesser Black-backed), 3 flocks of 
White-winged Crossbill and most of the usual suspects.
Winds are forecast to change to the east by morning so Golden Eagle should 
be looked for(we had 2 hunting Rough-legged Hawk, a Northern Harrier, 
Sharp-shinned Hawk and an Am. Kestrel in our travels to-day).
 See you to-morrow, unless you're chasing Manx Shearwater at VW beach and 
good luck if you are!!   

 Maris Apse   10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22,  RR #2 Grand Bend ON  N0M 
1T0  (519)  238 - 8415 

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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[Ontbirds]Ipperwash - 150+ White-winged Crossbill

2008-10-29 Thread Maris Apse
Hi all,
 Wed. Oct 29 at ~4pm on Lake Parkway just north of Ipperwash Road near 
#6300(watch for yellow tractor with dinosaurs painted on it) a feeding frenzy 
of this flock of birds in spruce trees loaded with cones(a few Siskin were 
among them).
  ~3:30pm on the beach north of Kettle Point ~20 Snow Bunting, lots of Am. 
Tree Sp. and juncos.  Also 2 Horned Grebe in the small marina south of the 
  At ~2pm at Hiawatha Horse Park, south of Hwy #402 and west of Airport 
Road I saw 3 adult and 1 juvenile Snow Goose - all white morph with a few 
hundred Canadas.
  ~noon at Cedar Grove Marina I saw 2 Tundra Swan, 1 Lesser Black-backed 
Gull and a variety of waterfowl. 
   Before leaving home at my feeders I had a Fox Sparrow, 2 Golden-crowned 
Kinglet, 4/5 White-throated Sparrow, a dozen juncos and the usual 4/6 Tufted 
There are some interesting birds around this week. I'll scout out the area 
again, including Pinery P.P. plus GB/Forest lagoons Fri/Sat to prepare for OFO 
field trip Sun Nov 2 - remember clocks go back 1 hour - we meet at Sobey's 
08:30 EST.

   Cheers!   Maris Maris Apse   10094 Red 
Pine Road, Box 22,  RR #2 Grand Bend ON  N0M 1T0  (519)  238 - 8415 

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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[Ontbirds]Red-throated Loon ++ @ Pinery P.P.

2008-10-23 Thread Maris Apse
Hi all,
 1. A pair of Sandhill Crane(likely same as ~7/8 days ago -near the large 
wooden structure on west side of Ausable river) on our way to the Riverside 
trail, which was pretty quiet but for ~20 juncos, 1 Am. Robin and 1 RC Kinglet.
  2. Along the roadway we had ~20 Am. Robin and 1 Hermit Thrush.
  3. The Red-throated Loon was well seen off Parking area #3 ~200 M. 
offshore - quite calm to-day.
  4. We saw just 1 juvenile and 1 adult Red-headed Woodpecker in the big 
burn north of Burley as well as 1 E. Bluebird. 
  5. A Ruffed Grouse was 'crossing the road' just north of Burley Bridge. 
Last week I heard one drumming nearby - across the bridge towards the 
Carolinian trail.Cheers!Maris

Pinery P.P. entry is off Hwy #21 ~ 9 km south of Grand Bend (Huron Cty. 
Maris Apse   10094 Red 
Pine Road, Box 22,  RR #2 Grand Bend ON  N0M 1T0  (519)  238 - 8415 

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
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[Ontbirds]Northern Shrike - Grand Bend ++

2008-10-18 Thread Maris Apse
Hi all,
  After a day of household/yard chores Penny and I decided to take a quick 
drive around the 'hood', leaving home ~4:30pm we headed to Kettle Point where I 
found 5 Dunlin on the rocks but not much else. Further south(across from the 
recreation area) we had a 4th year Bald Eagle -99% white tail/mottled head - 
fly low over us and land on a large rock in the bay. There were also many 
Red-winged Blackbirds and a few Am. Tree Sparrows here.
 On the west side Hwy #21 just south of Jericho Rd there were 2 Eastern 
Bluebirds. An adult Northern Shrike was only 3 bushes west of Mollard Line 
north of Greenway Road and when it flew further along the fencerow 5 Eastern 
Bluebirds flushed and driving up Mollard towards GB we saw about a dozen Horned 
Lark and 4 Killdeer.
 This morning I had a Fox Sparrow under my feeders along with the many 
juncos and a few White-throated Sparrows and all the usual titmice etc.   
Cheers! Maris Maris Apse   10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22,  RR #2 Grand Bend 
ON  N0M 1T0  (519)  238 - 8415 

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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[Ontbirds]Whimbrel, Sandhill Cranes ++ at Kettle Point - Thursday

2008-10-10 Thread Maris Apse
Hi all,
 Yesterday, Penny and I took a drive around the point after checking out 
the polling station for our Tuesday duties.  There were 2 adults keeping a 
juvenile Sandhill Crane very close/between themselves - possibly our 'local' 
  At the 'mowed field' opposite Bressettes a Whimbrel was catching insects 
and occasionally probing along with 3 Killdeer. 
 On the rocks at the main point there were ~ 100 Plack-bellied and ~ dozen 
Golden Plovers, ~15 Dunlin, ~8 Greater yellowlegs and 3/4 pectoral Sandpipers. 
Also 2 adult Great Black-backed and  ~8 Bonaparte's Gull and on the beach 3 
   Cheers!  Maris   
Directions: Access K.P. from Hwy. #21 and Lakeshore Road Lambton Cty. Rd. #7 
and drive to lake.
  Maris Apse   10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22,  RR #2 Grand Bend ON  N0M 1T0  
(519)  238 - 8415 

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
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[Ontbirds]Wildwood Snow/Ross's Geese

2008-09-30 Thread Maris Apse
Hi all,
  The 5 Ross's Geese and single Snow Goose were closer to and more easily 
seen from just north of the bridge on Line #29 this afternoon. Lots of Killdeer 
and some Yellowlegs - more Greater than Lesser - as well but mostly from Line 
  Both of these gravel roads run north of Harrington Road, east of CR #119 
at Uniondale which is south of HWY #7.

Cheers!MarisMaris Apse   10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22,  RR #2 Grand 
Bend ON  N0M 1T0  (519)  238 - 8415 

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
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[Ontbirds]Western Kingbird - Grand Bend

2008-05-26 Thread Maris Apse
Hi all,
   At ~5:30 pm Penny and I were driving back from an afternoon in Pinery PP 
(Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Canada Warbler and Connecticut Warbler were best 
sightings there). On Klondyke Road north of Greenway Rd and immediately south 
of Cold Storage Rd, we have been seeing/hearing up to six Bobolinks and an 
occasional Eastern Meadowlark for almost a week. As we stopped to enjoy this 
to-day a Western Kingbird flew across the corner of this hayfield and landed on 
the wire fence ~40 ft. from our van.
 Before I could get at my video camera on this bird 2/3 pick-ups roared by and 
spooked the bird. Penny saw it fly back into the field but we could not 
relocate it (we tried 2 slow runs up and down Klondyke Rd ~ 15 mins).
I'll go early to-morrow to try see if it stayed the night - it does not 
look like we are going to get any of the threatened thunderstorms but the wind 
is predicted to turn NW again with a drop in temperature to-night.

 Directions - Greenway Road runs east off Hwy#21 ~ 5 Km south of Grand Bend 
(just north of Pinery PP entry gate). 
 Klondyke Road  runs east of Hwy#21 ~ 3 Km south of Grand Bend 
and does a 90 degree turn to join Greenway Rd.  Maris Apse   10094 Red Pine 
Road, Box 22,  RR #2 Grand Bend ON  N0M 1T0  (519)  238 - 8415 

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
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[Ontbirds]OFO Grand Bend Area Field Trip -THREE LOON DAY

2007-11-04 Thread Maris Apse
Hi all,
 After outlining the day's plan, 10 participants in 6 vehicles proceeded to 
the main beach, where we spent the first hour finding - Horned Grebe, all 3 
scoter sp, C. Goldeneye, Ring-necked Duck, Redhead, Gr. Scaup, Red-throated and 
PACIFIC Loon.  An adult Little Gull flying south with a flock of Bonaparte's as 
we left the beach.(Blake Mann only).
  GBSL was our second stop, where we continued ticking waterfowl - Am Coot, 
Green-winged Teal, Gadwall, N.Shoveler, Am. Wigeon, Black Duck, Bufflehead, 
L.Scaup, Ruddy Duck and a single white Snow Goose flying with hundreds of 
Canadas. We also had 1 Killdeer, Hairy and Downy Woodpecker, Song and Am. Tree 
Sparrow, Am. Pipit, Horned Lark, E. Bluebird and our first of several flocks of 
Snow Bunting.
   At Pinery P.P. we found 2 Bald Eagles, Red-tailed hawk, 2 Pied-billed 
Grebe, Gt. B. Heron, Red-bellied and Red-headed Woodpecker, both kinglets, 
Tufted Titmouse, both Nuthatches, Cedar Waxwing, Am. Robin, Gray Catbird, Swamp 
Sparrow and Purple Finch and ate lunch at the Visitors Centre.
En route to Kettle Point we located a N. Shrike just south of the golf 
course on Elliott Rd. where it was yesterday. We saw our 1st Gt. Black-backed 
Gull 'dominating' a dead carp on the beach, while about a dozen Herring Gulls 
waited, at the point we saw the last 1 or 2 cormorants and further south a 
Common Loon, 9 Dunlin and another flock of Snow Buntings.
Our last stop was at Forest lagoons where we added N.Pintail and 
Wilson's Snipe to finish with 70 species(unless I add the Am. Kestrel on my 
home along Hickory Creek Road).
 Thanks to all the participants for a most enjoyable day and cheers!

 Maris Apse   10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22,  RR #2 Grand Bend ON  
N0M 1T0  (519)  238 - 8415 
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Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at 

[Ontbirds]Grand Bend OFO Field Trip - Sunday Nov 4

2007-11-03 Thread Maris Apse
Hi all,
 We meet at 8:30 am EST at Sobey's - remember to put your clock back 1 hour 
to-night. I did a bit of scouting to-day as part of a Lambton Wildlife trip, 
which started at Point Edward ~8:00 am and ended ~3:00 at Ipperwash. Some good 
birds were seen - Snow Buntings (3 flocks -largest ~80 included 2/3 Longspur 
sp.), American Pipit, Cedar and Bohemian Waxwing, Short-eared Owl, Dunlin, 
Northern Shrike, a good variety of waterfowl, both 'late' and early' - 3 Falcon 
species. Friday I saw just 1 adult Red-headed Woodpecker in Pinery P.P. 
 To-morrow will likely bring cooler temps. with westerly winds so layering 
and gloves for the morning are a good idea. 

Cheers!   Maris
 Maris Apse   10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22,  RR #2 Grand Bend ON  N0M 
1T0  (519)  238 - 8415 
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Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
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[Ontbirds]Pine Siskins - Beach o' Pines - Grand Bend

2007-10-22 Thread Maris Apse
  Hi y'all,
This afternoon I, spent an hour at Grand Bend beach(in shorts and 
sandals) watching ~100 Bonaparte's Gulls wheeling/ fishing just offshore 
(looking/hoping for something more exciting, such as a first winter Little Gull 
that I saw off Pinery Beach access #3 on Friday). I got home @ 4:30 pm to find 
a dozen Pine Siskins competing for nyjer seed on both feeders, which the  Am. 
Goldfinches considered their own for the last month. This morning there was a 
very fresh Painted Lady butterfly nectaring on our potted blue Salvia/white 
Impatiens (I even got a nice video clip).
 To update anyone contemplating the OFO field trip hereabouts on Sunday 
Nov 4 (on OFO website but not 2007 FT list - meeting @8:30 am at Sobey's 
parking lot).  Yesterday, I did a quick scouting run around the Pinery, Kettle 
Point and GBSL. 
The Ausable Bird Observatory will finish banding operations on Riverside trail 
Nov 1st(Peter and Kevin showed me the most colourful Orange-crowned Warbler 
I've seen - yesterday). I hope the Visitor Centre and the road to Burleigh 
bridge (2 ad.+ 1 juv. Red-headed Woodpeckers, 2 E.Bluebirds here) will be open 
but I could not get a definite answer- yet.
  At KP I saw 1 Black Swan (2 have been seen here on and off since mid-Aug) 
to the north of the rocks, plus 4 Am.Tree Sparrows(winter IS coming). Near the 
south end of Lakeshore Rd were 4 ad. Sandhill Cranes (here Fri as well) and a 
mixed flock of ducks including 2/3 Black Scoter.
 All 4 lagoons have high water with great variety of waterfowl including ~ 
20 Am. Coot, 2 Canvasback, 6 Redhead, ~12 ea. Lesser Scaup and Ring-necked 
Duck, M. and F. Bufflehead, loads of both Green-winged Teal and N. Shoveler but 
I saw no grebes here (there were 8 Horned Grebes off Pinery Beach #3 on Fri). 3 
Snow Geese flew out with the huge flock of Canadas, when a Cooper's hawk flew 
over lagoon #3 (presumably the same that I saw at GB beach on Thu -2 blue,1 
white.) A single Rusty Blackbird at the 2nd. lagoon and a Great Horned Owl in 
the woodlot along the south edge rounded out my sightings, except for a 
well-worn American Lady butterfly and a 'jet-fuelled' skipper as I left.

 Maris Apse   10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22,  RR #2 Grand Bend ON  N0M 
1T0  (519)  238 - 8415 
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ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 
ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at http://www.ofo.ca/ontbirdsguide.htm

[Ontbirds]St. Clair NWA Point Pelee NP - June 16

2007-06-16 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,

   14 stalwart birders met Blake Mann and I at the SCNWA parking lot at 
7:00 am.  There was a heavy dew and most of us got our feet wet walking to 
the 'former' tower.  We saw a family of Pied-billed Grebe, several Least and 
heard one American Bittern, many Marsh Wren and Common Yellowthroat, a few 
Swamp Sparrow, 1 Green Heron, 4 Black and several Forster's Tern.

The return walk produced a Common Moorhen and a co-operative pair of 
Yellow-billed Cuckooin the parking area. We drove on to PPNP, making a short 
pitstop at Tilbury Tim Horton's (must be the busiest in the country). Birds 
seen 'en route' included Ring-necked Pheasant, Am.Kestrel and Horned Lark.

 From the parking lot (our most productive habitat?) of DeLaurier trail 
we saw 2 Black-billed Cuckoo, disappointingly we could found no chat, but 
did see Baltimore and Orchard Oriole, House and Carolina Wren and Indigo 
Bunting as we walked part of Ander's and then the main trail.  We lunched at 
Pioneer picnic area to the 'sound of music' - a Wood Thrush and were 
rewarded with 4 Common Loon and a 'breeding' plumaged Horned Grebe, by 
walking out to the west beach.

  We stopped at Wheatley for 4 gull sp. and at SW Ont. Reg. Centre in 
Dealtown to find E.Meadowlark and Bobolink before finishing the trip at 
Blenheim SL, where ~10 Ruddy Duck,1 Redhead and 2 Black Duck brought our 
'day list' to 80 - we were all sated and I hope satisfied with our 9 hours 
of birding in the hot sun.
Cheers!   Maris

Maris Apse
10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22,
RR #2 Grand Bend ON  N0M 1T0
(519)  238 - 8415

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[Ontbirds]Ross's Goose at Ridgetown SL- 3 Little Gulls at Erieau

2006-12-20 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,
I saw the Ross's Goose at 5:00pm yesterday (found on Rondeau CBC Sunday 
by Jim Burk (?) - on my way home - there were no birds there ~1:30 pm.
I spent over an hour at Erieau (with my video) but did not see the 
Kittiwake (Blake must have chased it off), however there were 2 Little Gulls 
in the marina area (got video of 1) with all the 'bonies' and I saw a third 
one on Rondeau bay.
I saw 5 Rough-legged Hawks in the air at one time just north of 
Shetland on CR #8.
At Forest SL there was a juvenal blue-morph Snow Goose in the back cell 
along with 1 male and 2 female Northern Pintail.  Still flocks of Snow 
Buntings - but not as huge as in Nov.
At Thedford SL there was just one Tundra Swan with the Canada geese and 
on Mollard Line and South Rd. an adult Northern Shrike was hunting the ditch 
running west(got video).
This is in reverse chronological order - all after my physiotherapy 
session in GB at 10am (really needed it after weekend CBC doubleheader).

   Ridgetown SL - turn north of town @ lights ~1km - south side of Mitton 
Line which is left before Gosnell Line - viewing platform

   Forest SL - SW of town on Brush Line - easy squeeze by gate.
  Thedford SL - on east side of Northville Road - continuation of Hwy#79 
~1km north of town


Maris Apse
10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22,
RR #2 Grand Bend ON  N0M 1T0
(519)  238 - 8415

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[Ontbirds]Red-throated Loon - Grand Bend

2006-12-14 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all !(but mostly local)
   This bird was diving/feeding around the mud-line at the mouth of 
Ausable channel along with the usual bunch of mergansers.  There were 4 
species of gull including an adult and a juvenile Great Black-backed and 
still ~ 40 'bonies'.
Near the GBSL on Mollard Line south of Huron #81 there were ~ 50 
Tundra Swan flying over in several smaller groups and further south an adult 
Northern Shrike hunting from the wires.

Kettle Point CBC is this Saturday - s/b interesting.

 Cheers! Maris

Maris Apse
10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22,
RR #2 Grand Bend ON  N0M 1T0
(519)  238 - 8415

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you stay in touch with friends and family wherever you go. Click here to 
find out how to sign up!  http://www.telusmobility.com/msnxbox/

[Ontbirds]Willet at Kettle Point- Dec 02

2006-12-02 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,
   At ~ 4 pm to-day I saw a Willet flying out towards the lake on the north 
side of the point and followed with bins as it turned and flew back towards 
the beach where I lost sight of it beyond 'Pat's Point' (the house on the 
corner).  I grabbed my scope and hurried across the base of the point and 
found the bird standing on a largish flat rock not too far out.  I decided 
to run back to the car to get my video camera, but by the time I got back I 
could not see the Willet.
   There was also 1 Snowy Owl on the reef straight out from the parking 
pulloff (shiningly white in the bright sun).

Yesterday, despite the nasty weather I birded the Pelee area.  Of some 
interest were -

 12/15 Horned Grebe near shore at Black Willow and West beaches
 13 Wild Turkey on Chinquapin trail south of Cemetery
 1 Blue-headed Vireo west side of tip around the sign
 3 Yellow-rumped Warbler and both kinglets on Redbud trail south of VC
 1 Hermit Thrush and 1 Leopard Frog on gravel path south of DeLaurier 
Trail parking lot
 Several mixed blackbird flocks - E.Starling, Brown-headed Cowbirds 
Red-winged Blackbird, Rusty  Blackbird and Common Grackle in descending 
order of number - concessions north of PPNP

  1 Savannah Sparrow on dike south side of Hillmann marsh
  1 Little Gull (adult) flying with hundreds of bonies near rocks off 

  1 Bnaparte's Gull with immaculate hood at Erieau
  ~300 Tundra Swan opposite 'old' sewage lagoons at Ridgetown and ~100 
more north of Hwy#401 on Victoria Road.
   Lots of other waterfowl and the 'usual suspects' and flying, 
occasionally rather large tree limbs made for an interesting, though tiring 

Maris Apse
10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22,
RR #2 Grand Bend ON  N0M 1T0
(519)  238 - 8415

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you stay in touch with friends and family wherever you go. Click here to 
find out how to sign up!  http://www.telusmobility.com/msnxbox/

[Ontbirds]3 Jaegers (2 sp) - Pinery P.P.

2006-09-08 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,
With a moderate SW wind blowing onshore, as we sunned on the beach at 
parking Lot #9, I saw a flock of Bonaparte's Gulls a fair distance out. My 
brother and his wife were visiting from Princeton NJ and we were planning to 
walk down the beach to look for shorebirds. To my surprise I saw a light 
juvenile Long -tailed Jaeger harassing the bonies and excitedly directed 
Juris to the location (his NA list is only ~170!!) and he was finally able 
to get on the bird.  We both watched it on and off for ~5/6 mins before 
losing it below the horizon.
 About 10 mins later we again saw some agitated flight in the gulls in 
same general area - I estimate that they were off beach parking # 3.  As we 
looked three Jaegers came into view - 2 of which were a bit larger and 
showed more white in the wings, especially visible in the darker of these 
two.  We continued observing these three in turn, although I never had all 3 
in my view at once after the first sighting.
  What a fantastic double-header for J. and after I had said there was 
no hope of seeing anything interesting on a SW wind.  We also walked south 
on the natural beach area and saw 21 Sanderling, 2 Lesser yellowlegs, 4 
Herring Gull and many Ring-billed - also Common Terns numbered ~80 in a 
steady stream closer to shore with just one Black Tern, as we sat 'watching 
the show.

   Cheers!   Maris

Maris Apse
10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22,
RR #2 Grand Bend ON  N0M 1T0
(519)  238 - 8415

[Ontbirds]Grand Bend SL - Am.Avocet(1), Dowitcher(12), Solitary(1)

2006-07-13 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,
   I revisited the lagoons this afternoon 3-4 pm -  the Avocet was in 
lagoon #3.  Brett Woodman (Waterloo) had left me a message that he had over 
25 Dowitcher sp. yesterday morning, I wanted to check for these and found 12 
to-day - all Short-billed.
   On the way out I also saw my first 'fall' Solitary Sandpiper and ~ 
10 Least S. and even more Spotted S. and Killdeer.
Waterfowl - 2 Ruddy Duck (M,F) , 2 Hooded Merganser, 5 green-winged 
Teal and 1 male Ring-necked Duck + family groups of Wood Duck and Mallard.
Butterflies - ~ 25 Monarch, 3 Viceroy, 2 Black Swallowtail, lots of 
Cabbage White and a few Sulphurs.
Directions:  GBSL are on Mollard Line, SE of Grand Bend - turn right off 
Huron Cty #81 or left off Greenway Road which runs east off Hwy#21, between 
Pinery P.P. and GB.

Maris Apse
10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22,
RR #2 Grand Bend ON  N0M 1T0
(519)  238 - 8415

[Ontbirds]American Avocet - Grand Bend S.L.

2006-07-11 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all!
 I just got back from ashort trot around the lagoons - not much 
shorebird habitat as the water is quite high in all 4, but an adult female 
(judging by sharp upturn of bill) was foraging on west side of 3rd. lagoon. 
It flew up and landed in the deep water and seemed quite comfortable (first 
time I've  seen this) and then flew over to 4th. lagoon and again landed on 
the water for a short time and then flew up, landing on west shore of the 
3rd. lagoon. As I was leaving via the south side it flew into the 2nd lagoon 
but I could not locate it here on my way out - it could have landed in the 
taller vegetation to stay hidded.
 There were ~12 Killdeer, ~ 6 Least S. , ~12 Spotted S., ~ 8 Lesser and 
1 Greater Yellowlegs and 1 Baird's S. and still lots of waterfowl including 
2 Hooded Merganser.
 Cheers !  

Directions - GBSL are SE of town on Mollard Line - coming out of GB on HC#81 
turn right on Mollard Line - lagoons are on right OR from Greenway Road 
(east of Hwy#21) turn left on Mollard Line - lagoons are on left.

Maris Apse
10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22,
RR #2 Grand Bend ON  N0M 1T0
(519)  238 - 8415

[Ontbirds]Pinery P.P. - Bird Banding - F.Y.I.

2006-05-13 Thread Maris Apse

  This morning the first Cape May and Mourning Warblers, both 
females were banded at the Riverside Trail location.  Common Loons are still 
flying over (3 and 2 this morning) and 21 Bonaparte's Gulls flew north along 
the beach.
  For more information the link to the banding part of the park website 
is -


 Maris Apse
10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22,
RR #2 Grand Bend ON  N0M 1T0
(519)  238 - 8415

[Ontbirds]Red Crossbill - Pinery P.P. - May 10

2006-05-11 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all,
On our way to visit the banders on Riverside Trail early yesterday I 
spotted a female and then Emily pointed out a male Red Crossbill, just over 
the boardwalk perpendicular to the river. They were only 4/5 m high and 
seemed to have very large bills, perhaps accentuated by their relative 
proximity. Of course I mentioned these birds to the 'ringers', expecting 
some excitement, but they calmly said that they had seen ~20 fly over some 
10 days ago.(Emi and I sure were excited - I saw a pair June 26/05 on 
Hwy#599 south of Pickle Lake - OBBA trip and a single male bird at Algonquin 
V.C. Dec 14/99). We watched these birds for about 3 minutes before they flew 
off to the north.
This morning I went by myself and experienced my first 'fall-out' of 
this spring. There was an Olive-sided Flycatcher, Canada Warbler and 
Lincoln's Sparrow amongst many others and the banders were kept quite busy 
until the rains came back.

 Cheers!   Maris

Maris Apse
10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22,
RR #2 Grand Bend ON  N0M 1T0
(519)  238 - 8415

[Ontbirds]Hronry - NE of Ilderton(nr. London)

2006-03-25 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all!
Yesterday I noted 11 of these birds on  or near nests on Hyde Park Road 
south of Hwy.#7 and immediately south of 13th. on the east side.  Until 
leaf-out this is a very visible heronry with nothing in the way from 13th. 
or Hyde Park Road and not very far from London.
I recall there was another heronry further south on Hyde Park just 
north of Fanshawe Road(Hwy.) but I have not been by it this spring, nor in 
fact for a few years and it may not be active.

   Cheers  Maris

 Maris Apse
10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22,
RR #2 Grand Bend ON  N0M 1T0
(519)  238 - 8415

[Ontbirds]125 Tundra Swans - Grand Bend

2006-03-09 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all!
 This afternoon ~1:30 as I counted 95 swans south of Greenway Rd. and 
east of Goosemarsh Rd. another 35 noisily flew in to join this group.  There 
were also ~40 Canada geese here. I could not see any other waterfowl but I'm 
sure as more open water appears the hordes will arrive.
At Pinery P.P.  I  saw the overwintering pair of Red-headed Woodpecker 
- first time since Jan 1st. though I've seen single birds here several times 
- near the maintenance area.
  The V.C.feeders had the usual - Tufted Titmouse, Red-bellied and 
Downy Woodpecker, Red and White-breasted Nuthatch and B.C. Chickadee plus 1 
A. Robin - but I did not see any Am. Tree Sparrow nor Dark-eyed Junco 
  On Klondykle Rd. a dozen C. Grackle and a singing Red-winged 
Blackbird confirmed the arrival of spring to my satisfaction.  There were 
also hundreds of Herring and Ring-billed Gull at the beach along with 19 
Common Merganser - all males.

Maris Apse
10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22,
RR #2 Grand Bend ON  N0M 1T0
(519)  238 - 8415

[Ontbirds]Large flock of 2,000+ Snow Bunting - Ailsa Craig

2006-02-22 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all!
It was hard to make a good estimate as these birds were swirling and 
landing on both sides of the road as well as out in the fields. The recent 
thaws have uncovered some pretty good looking
manure - likely spread in December.  There were ~ 75 Horned Lark and a few 
Lapland Longspur as well.  A few km. north I also saw 2 Rough-legged Hawks 
close to-gether at the extreme ends of the dark-light spectrum (dark one had 
just a narrow band of light, not white tips of tailfeathers - I spotted the 
light one first and thought 'Snowy').

Directions : A.C. is west of Hwy #4 and Hwy #7 (Elginfield Road) These birds 
were located on the  first road west of Ailsa Craig - ~ 500M north(right) on 
Cassidy Rd (Mdsx.#21).  The RLHawks were just north of the next road, before 
the 'S' bend at Windsor Rd. and on the right.

Maris Apse
10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22,
RR #2 Grand Bend ON  N0M 1T0
(519)  238 - 8415

[Ontbirds]Savannah Sparrow etc. - Grand Bend

2006-02-11 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all!
 Yesterday - Feb 10 - I drove my usual route 'round the block' and was 
surprised to find a Savannah Sparrow with about 30 Horned Larks and a couple 
of Snow Buntings on Klondyke Road on the north side, just east of the 
cemetery.  On Tuesday Feb 7, there was a Lapland Longspur here, so I thought 
it was this bird again, but was glad to get a second look - these birds were 
moving around  constantly.
 There are often 1 or 2  Rough-legged Hawks and 3/4 Wild Turkeys 
further down the road, along with flocks of Horned Larks, Tree Sparrows and 
Dark-eyed Juncos.


Directions: Klondyke Road runs east off Hwy #21 about 4 km. south of GB( it 
turns south to Greenway Road after about 1 km). Turning left at Greenway 
will bring you to Mollard Line, where there are often good flocks of field 
birds and if you continue on it , you will arrive at County Road #81, just 
east of GB ('round the block').

 Maris Apse
10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22,
RR #2 Grand Bend ON  N0M 1T0
(519)  238 - 8415

[Ontbirds]Eurasian Wigeon - Port Elgin - Dec. 8

2005-12-10 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all!
Sorry about the very late posting, but we've been rather 'snowed under' 
hereabouts.  This bird was well seen by Penny and I. It was very close to 
the shoreline ice, in company of 1 American Coot, 1 male Bufflehead and 
several female scaup ~ 3:30 p.m.
On our way north, ~ 12:30,  we saw a juvenile Golden Eagle flying south 
about halfway between Clinton and Goderich on Hwy.#8.  2 good birds for my 
WL and E.W. for my 2005 list.
Directions : ~ 1/2 Km. south of the end of Bruce Road #25, which runs west 
off Hwy#21 at a traffic light, in the south end of Port Elgin - this is the 
road where the CAW Education/Meeting centre is located.

Maris Apse
10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22,
RR #2 Grand Bend ON  N0M 1T0
(519)  238 - 8415

[Ontbirds]Whirlwind trip - Exeter to LP - Dec. 9

2005-12-10 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all!
   I've ben champing at the bit, since Dave Milsom's post of Dec.4, to make 
run to my favourite 'old stomping' grounds and was planning to leave here 
early yesterday, but with the big snows of Thu. night, I first had to take 
Penny to her flu clinic in Exeter, so only left there ~ 9:45 a.m.
   On N. side of Perth Road #20, 1.2 Km. west of Hwy #23 just west of a 
creek (sign was obscured by snow) I saw 15 Wild Turkey.
The huge flocks east of Hwy#24 near Brantford airport were there, along 
with lots of crows, but I could not locate any partridge. I did see a male 
Northern Harrier and a juvenile Cooper's Hawk.
 Front street east of Fisher's Glen (same feeder?) I saw 2 Fox and 2/3 
White-throated Sparrows and most of the usual feeder birds, but no alas 
E.Towhee. The feeders on the N. side in F.G. had Tufted Titmouse(a 'junk' 
bird now that I have 3/4 daily at my feeders) and a Chipping Sparrow plus 
the usual suspects.  In the 'hollow' at the foot of Charlotteville E. 1/4 
Line(?) - I stopped for a largish mixed flock and was rewarded with a 
Lincoln's Sparrow. Continuing west I found a solitary Vesper Sparrow around 
the curves, just past the St.William's Road - 3 new sparrows for W.L.
 I gingerly plowed my way into the well snowed pull off at the 
Biosphere sign, but saw only 2 Tundra Swan fly across here, although I could 
hear a blackbird - probably Red-winged -saw a Bald Eagle (2nd yr?), male 
Northern Harrier and Rough-legged Hawk over the marsh.  I drove to the open 
water at the bridge and had 2 Pied-billed Grebes, which dived and then 
barely poked their bills out of the water as I watched them.
   On the north side of HN #42, just west of Port Royal I saw 5 
Sandhill Crane - all adults and further along near Houghton Centre a Turkey 
Vulture.  Shortly after turning north on HN #28, I came upon a flock of some 
60 blackbirds and starlings ( ~15 Brown-headed Cowbird, ~20 Rusty Blackbird) 
and about 2 km. on another cowbirds.
   Great day of winter birding (+11 sp. W.L.) -  well worth the 
displeasure for my being 50 minutes late to collect Penny and visit her 
sister in Ailsa Craig for dinner (I blamed it on the Tillssonburg rush-hour, 
school buses and blowing snow on the Whalen Line).


 Maris Apse
10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22,
RR #2 Grand Bend ON  N0M 1T0
(519)  238 - 8415

[Ontbirds]6 Sandhill Crane - North of Wallaceburg

2005-11-16 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all!
After watching about a dozen Common Loon, 2 Red-necked and 2 Horned 
Grebe at Point Edward in the heavy SW winds, I decided to drive south along 
the river(hoping for a Cave Swallow to have been blown back?). Several 
places had good gull activity(usual 3 sp.) but I did see 10 Common Goldeneye 
and 2 Hooded Merganser and some 50 or more Mute Swan.
   Further south near Snye I saw a small flock of large birds flying 
with the strong SW wind and decided to stop for a better look.  When I found 
them they were just landing about 2/3 fields away and by their erect stance 
I knew they were not the geese I expected.
   I got much closer to these 6 Sandhill Crane by turning left onto 
Langstaff Line - they were feeding in a harvested corn field near the RR 
tracks behind houses #5745 and #5763.
   I did a quick sweep of the south end of Walpole Island where there 
were many blackbirds, but had to hie back to Sarnia to rescue Penny from her 
flu clinic at Wal Mart.

  Cheers! Maris

   Langstaff Line runs between Hwy#40 and St. Clair Parkway north of 
Cty. Rd.#31(I'm not sure if this is Lambton or Kent).

Maris Apse - OFO SALES
10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22,
RR #2 Grand Bend ON  N0M 1T0
(519)  238 - 8415

[Ontbirds]Western Sandpiper - Rock Point PP

2005-09-02 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all !
   Yesterday, after moving my daughter Emily's furniture to St.Catherines 
and noting that there was a fairly brisk west wind, we drove down to Fort 
Erie.  Driving west we did not see not much of interest at any of our stops 
until we got closer to RPPP, although there was a fairly good variety of 
shorebirds on most algae mattted sections of beach or shelf(eg Morgan's 
Point).   There was a major concentration was at the park and not an 
accurate count altogether we noted -

 Black-bellied Plover - 1
 Semipalmated Plover ~ 15
 Killdeer ~ 12
 Greater yellowlegs - 2
 Lesser Yellowlegs  ~ 8
 Ruddy Turnstone - 3
 Red Knot ~ 10
 Sanderling ~ 40
 Semipalmated Sandpiper ~ 8
 Western Sandpiper - 1
 Least sandpiper ~ 30
 White-rumped Sandpiper - 1
 Baird's Sandpiper - 5
 Pectoral Sandpiper - 3
 Short-billed Dowitcher ~ 8

 We saw only a few of the usual gulls and terns and very few passerines, 
though Emi saw a Dark-eyed Junco - I dismissed it as too early - until 
reading the Ontbirds postings to-day.


 Maris Apse - OFO SALES
10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22,
RR #2 Grand Bend ON  N0M 1T0
(519)  238 - 8415

[Ontbirds]Grand Bend - Osprey

2005-08-14 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all!
 Yesterday, I saw an Osprey that seemed to me to be on a mission 
southbound.  I watched it alternately soaring and flapping along the shore 
from Grand Bend to the Pinery PP beach.  I've also been seeing more juvenile 
Bonaparte's gulls this week - 5 to-day.
   I was bit surprised to see a small ~ 45cm Watersnake on this very clear 
and sandy part of the beach - discovered by 3/4 young lads in a dry 
sandcastle moat?  It was an educational moment as I was able to convince 
them and their parents that it was harmless and beneficial(the lads were 
more adventurous, each wanting to touch it, but the parents declined).  I 
took it out into the water about 15M, but  it swam back in, struggling 
through the surf, so then took it up into the dune grass.   My daughter 
Emily and I re-found the snake after the boys had tired of it and the 
families had packed up and left.  It was seemed quite at ease in the 
detritus line, within the beach grass.


Maris Apse - OFO SALES
10094 Red Pine Road, Box 22,
RR #2 Grand Bend ON  N0M 1T0
(519)  238 - 8415

RE: [Ontbirds]Reporting Trumpeter Swans?

2005-04-06 Thread Maris Apse
Hi Judi and anyone else on Ontbirds who is interested in helping to keep 
track these magnificent swans - send your sightings(with as much detail as 
you can)  to Sarah Richer at Wye Marsh - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Cheers! Maris

Maris Apse - OFO SALES
511 Chamberlain Lane
Oakville ON L6J 6A2

From: Judi Parker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: ontbirds@hwcn.org
Subject: [Ontbirds]Reporting Trumpeter Swans?
Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2005 11:16:24 -0400

Is there someone to whom sightings of tagged trumpeter swans should be

I saw and heard one (wing tag #708) at the outlet of Rattray Marsh into
Lake Ontario this morning.  It allowed me to get quite close for a
really good look.  It was being harassed quite a lot by a group of
Canada geese.  Other birds at the Marsh included:
Green-Winged Teal
Common Merganser
Hooded Mergansers
Northern Shoveler
Northern Pintail
Mute Swan
Belted Kingfisher
Great Blue Heron

Judi Parker

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.

Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For instructions to join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 

ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at http://www.ofo.ca/ontbirdsguide.htm

[Ontbirds]Stoney Creek waterfowl

2005-03-26 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all!
  After spending avery enjoyable day at Beamer CA at the annual  Good 
Friday 'Hawkwatch Open House' some of us were discussing checking for the 
previously reported  Eiders etc. on the way home.  Between 4:30 and 5:30 p.m 
I saw -
   At Glover Road - 12 Red-necked Grebes and a single 1st winter male 
King Eider with some Surf and many White-winged Scoters.

   At Sioux Lookout - many Surf and White-winged Scoters.
   At Bronte marina -  4 Red-necked Grebes, between the two easternmost 

All of these are accessible from Lakeshore or Service Roads - the other 
3/4/5 stops I made had very few birds on the lake of any kind(Millen, Jones, 
Green, Fruitland, Sayers Park etc.)
Cheers!  Maris

Maris Apse - OFO SALES
511 Chamberlain Lane
Oakville ON L6J 6A2

RE: [Ontbirds]RFI - Lambton County Heritage Museum location

2005-03-23 Thread Maris Apse

Hi all!
   I just returned from Grand bend yesterday - there were no swans 
here yet - the area is snow and ice bound, but I would expect the birds to 
show up anytime. There were a few gulls and even fewer ducks.  I did see one 
flock of about 50 Tundra Swans flying south over the Ausable River at Hungry 
Hollow, while watching the Townsend's Solitaire(got it on my 4th,try).
Cheers!  Maris

Directions from Toronto - Hwy.#401 to Hwy.#402 - off at Hwy 
#81(2nd.Strathroy exit) - north on #81 to Hwy #7 - jog right at Parkhill  to 
follow #81 - turn left at Greenway Rd. to Hwy.# 21.  The main area is on the 
left before you reach #21 - Goose Marsh Road runs parallel to and east of 

Good luck and cheers! Maris

Maris Apse - OFO SALES
511 Chamberlain Lane
Oakville ON L6J 6A2

To: Ontbirds ontbirds@hwcn.org
Subject: [Ontbirds]RFI - Lambton County Heritage Museum location
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2005 22:23:21 -0500

Has anyone heard if there is any swan activity behind the Lambton County
Heritage Museum?  (And if so possible directions from the Toronto area)
This used to be a terrific hotspot, but I haven't seen or heard of any
activity there.

Thanks very much
Sue Suess
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.

Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
To join or leave ONTBIRDS visit 

ONTBIRDS Guidelines may be viewed at http://www.ofo.ca/ontbirdsguide.htm

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