Re: New toy (was :just a dumb guy)

2003-06-15 Thread Doug Pensinger
G. D. Akin wrote:

I just got new toy, a 30Gb Apple iPod.  It is a bit on the spendy side,
$499, but it is the best thing for music and/or audio books.  I have almost
4400 songs (ripped my CDs to mp3) on the thing and The LOTR audio books and
still have almost 10Gb to go.  It has great sound, is lighter than my iPAQ,
and has my vote for Toy of the Year.
In Korea, we have few radio options (unless you like Korean music, of which
some is okay).  We have one military FM station and one AM.  Since the
military is very interested in diversity, there is much music I don't want
to listen to--I'm a classic rocker.  So I purchcased an RF transmitter and
now can play the iPod through my car radio.   I can set the thing to
shuffle and I get all the diversity I need from my collection of 250 or so
CDs.  Also, my friend downloaded the Billboard Top 100 songs (actually only
top 50 in the early years) from 1956 to 2002.  I have editted that set of
music (extensively) and so have all my favorite oldies.  I have every Jethro
Tull Album, all the Beatles, all Bob Dylan, all Moody Blues, etc.  So you
can see where my likes are tho' I also have all of Enya, Simon and
Garfunkle, and Vanessa Mae.
Anyway, great toy.  It will play back through your computer too.  Highly

Very cool toy!  And with definite advantages over my external HD.

I've got a lot of classic stuff too, but mixed in with some more 
contemporary stuff.  I just picked up Jack Johnson's new CD _On and On_ 
and like it quite a bit.  4400 songs though - puts my 2600 or so to shame.

Unabridged LOTR narrated by Rob Inglis?



Re: A friendly request JVB

2003-06-15 Thread Jon Gabriel
From: Jan Coffey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Killer Bs Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: A friendly request JVB
Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2003 19:50:42 -0700 (PDT)
Before you go and trash this message, I would request that you read it to 

Jeroen van Baardwijk has something he would like to say to this list.
Yes he does.  He's been flooding our mailboxes with it for months.  He hates 
us.  He'd like to see us rot in hell.  He wants us to die painful deaths.  
We deserve to die.  We are assholes.  We deserve to rot in the gutter with 
the rest of life's rejects.  He's been treated unfairly.  He should never 
have been put on moderation.  It wasn't his fault he attacked many of us 
onlist and off.  We forced him to attack us.  We forced him to spam us with 
multiple copies of the same e-mails sent to multiple addresses.  He's 
completely innocent.  He never tried to mislead us of his true motivations. 
He never tried to attack Nick's server and disrupt brin-l.  He really was 
trying to incite a rebellion against the listowners, but that's because they 
forced him into it.  He didn't want to do any of these things.  We forced 
him to take action by removing him when he attacked some of us repeatedly 
onlist and refused to apologize.

Oh, and when he did apologize, it was only because the listowners were about 
to throw him offlist for attacking us and he promptly rescinded the apology 
by again threatening us all.

I think we can honestly assume that very very few people on his supressed 
recipient list give a damn about his opinions any more.  In fact Jan, afaik, 
you might be the only one.

I don't know what the rules are about this sort of thing, but I think that
you will agree that if there are such rules this should be the exception.
Along with how many others?  He's had his chance to speak his mind.  He's 
gone out of his way to force us to get his e-mails.  He's been quite vocal 
about how he would like to make us wish we had never been born, and that he 
hopes we rot in hell and how we all deserve to die or end up in wheelchairs 
or shot.  Why should we bother to listen or believe his sincerity after 
hearing him spout such abuse, Jan?  Do you honestly think he's a changed man 
because his ISP and mail server and his own mailing list got mad at him over 
the way he harassed us?  Why?  Did he remove the page where he posts contact 
information about brinnellers and urges people to harass them?  Why not?  
What's stopping him from making a show of good faith and asking us to leave 
him alone?  After all, we were doing so before he started spamming us.

Whatever your individual differneces or opinions are, whatever has happned 
the past, recognize that this is an attmpt at resolution.
I doubt his sincerity.  Does the above list of offenses adequately explain 

I believe Jeroen to be sincere, and I would like to add my own caution.

Please try and put whatever is in the past, in the past.
We have been trying to do this since he was removed from Brin-L.  We don't 
have a problem doing so.  We have not been the ones trying to wage a one-man 
war against Brin-L's listowners and listmembers.

You know, I can't speak for anyone else here, but I did not complain to 
freeler until he threatened me.  Then I forwarded my entire correspondance 
with him from the addy to their abuse address _asking them_ if 
they agreed with me that what he had written was harassment.  So _they_ made 
the final decision based on what he had written.  I also asked them to take 
action so he would cease sending unwanted e-mails to those of us on his 
'recipient list'.  Judging by this post, they did so.

It is also completely disingenuous of him to complain that *we* have been 
attacking him -- verbally or otherwise -- when *he is the only one flooding 
our mailboxes despite repeated requests that he not do so*.   I repeat, why 
should we believe his motives or sincerity now?  What has he done to earn 
our trust?

Jeroen has shown greate dignity in the words he has written below. Should 
not also be given the opertunity to show honesty?

He wants to show dignity?  He wants to prove his sincerity?  He wants to 
show honesty?  OK, let *him* take the first step.

Let him show good faith and remove the page on where he posts 
contact information for some of our oldest members and our listowners?  Why 
can't he do that now?  Why does he need to continue to threaten us when he 
wants us to do something?  Why is he incapable of removing the page and 
**asking us** to leave him in peace?  IMO, the only reason I can think of is 
that he really has no intention of removing the page or ceasing his 

You may want the
order of envents to be differnt. You may require an appology. But ask
yourself seriously what differnce these petty temporal nuances would make a
few days from now, a week from now, or even a year from now.
I don't give a damn about an 

Re: A friendly request JVB

2003-06-15 Thread Erik Reuter
On Sun, Jun 15, 2003 at 04:06:19AM -0400, Jon Gabriel wrote:

 Let him take down the page and _permanently_ stop harassing us and
 I'll never mention his name anywhere, ever again.

Well said, Jon. The statement quoted above goes for me, too.


RE: A friendly request JVB

2003-06-15 Thread Gary Nunn

Jeroen wrote.
 I recommend that you accept this offer -- otherwise things 
 can and probably 
 will only escalate even further (no, that's not a threat, 
 that's insight 
 into how conflicts can escalate) and nobody stands to gain 
 anything from 
 that. Don't demand apologies; this is the best offer you'll 
 get. Accept it, 
 then we can go our separate ways and get on with our lives.

I have read the replies to this email, and I am a bit disappointed at
the attitudes shown - justified or not. 

This seems to be a sincere and reasonable suggestion, so my personal
reply is simply. yes, please.  

Does it really need to be any more complicated than this?  I suspect
that it was difficult for Jeroen to write that email, so give him a
break - and a little credit for being willing to call a truce and take
that first step.

Jeroen, I am sure you are reading this... Let me make a humble
suggestion: Take down the opinion page as a sign of good faith. If you
are not satisfied that your requests have been honored, then you always
have the option of putting it back up. Just something to think about. 



Re: A friendly request JVB

2003-06-15 Thread Erik Reuter
On Sun, Jun 15, 2003 at 10:33:57AM -0400, Erik Reuter wrote:

 We must have read different messages. What I read was, do what I want
 you to do, or else [despite the fact that I have consistently refused
 reasonable requests from numerous others to stop my own various
 poor behaviors], and if you do as I say in my [rather detached from
 reality] judgement, then I will stop harrassing you.

By the way, in case it is not clear, what I'd LIKE to read, and what I
think many others here would agree with, would be something along the
lines of:

I'm sorry for harrassing everyone. I took down the page on
that encouraged harrassment of several list members. I won't be spamming
anyone anymore. If you don't want to receive emails from me in the
future, just send me an email letting me know and you won't hear from me

Of course, that is probably too much to hope for. In reality, something
like this would suffice:

I took down the page on that listed contact addresses of
people who asked not to be listed there. I have also removed the email
addresses of people who requested it from my Bcc: email list. In return,
I request that people not discuss me or mention my name on the Brin-L


Re: A friendly request JVB

2003-06-15 Thread Michael Harney

From: Jan Coffey [EMAIL PROTECTED]

snipped proposition from Jeroen

I don't know that I trust him to live up to his end.  As long as he has
access to the list archives, I don't trust him to truly leave the list
alone.  I am fine with the suggestion.  The way I see it, the list was
already living up to that until he rang back in reply to a message I posted
that was not meant as an attack on him, I mearly repeated a comparison that
someone had made *off-list*.  I regret having posted that message for
various reasons and I have said as much in one of my replies to it.  The
list hasn't been engaging in any Jeroen-bashing for some time now (since he
stopped the mass mailings the first time), and we can not really control the
words/actions of a few listmembers who may privately decide to continue
speeking ill of Jeroen in private emails and personal blogs, nor should we
be expected to.  All of this started again when he chose to restart the mass
mailings again (I wonder if he can see the causality there).

I will not engage in any Jeroen bashing, I never have.  I just don't believe
he'll stay away from the list like he says he will.  As long as he has
access to the archives on Yahoo... I believe that he has the will to stay
away if he wanted to, but I don't see him wanting to, especially as he makes
another plee to be let back on-list in this message.  If he will, as an act
of good faith, delete the Brin-L Wall of Shame (AKA About the old
Brin-L) as soon as possible, rather than a few weeks from now, I would be
more inclined to believe the authenticity of this offer he is making.
Either way, I was living up to the terms of it before, and I have no intent
of changing that.  I hope he really does live up to his side of the bargain
though, as I feel he really needs to take a step away from this list and try
to regain his perspective.  If he can regain some perspective and
demonstrate that his attitude towards the list and it's members has changed,
then I would be very willing to argue for his return to the list in the

Michael Harney

Man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because
he had achieved so much... the wheel, New York, wars, and so on, whilst all
the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time.
But conversely the dolphins believed themselves to be more intelligent than
man for precisely the same reasons. - Douglas Adams


Re: A friendly request JVB

2003-06-15 Thread Erik Reuter
By the way, Gary, I have read your messages and I am quite disappointed
at the attitudes shown. You are making things worse. Don't encourage
harrassment by making concessions to it. Don't interpret demands and
veiled threats as goodwill.




2003-06-15 Thread Jim Sharkey

John D. Giorgis wrote:
That's o.k., I participate on a Catholic discussion List where I 
am considered a flaming liberal. oh yes, and after discussing 
certain economic policies with my officemates, one of them printed 
off a picture of the Kremlin for me to hang on my cube, because he 
thought that I was basically a communist.

That could very well be one of the most frightening things I've ever read.  :)

I bet there are frogs with asses less watertight than people who'd consider you a 
liberal, John.  ;)


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The most personalized portal on the Web!

Re: A friendly request JVB

2003-06-15 Thread Doug Pensinger
Michael Harney wrote:

  I just don't believe
he'll stay away from the list like he says he will.  As long as he has
access to the archives on Yahoo... I believe that he has the will to stay
away if he wanted to, but I don't see him wanting to, especially as he makes
another plee to be let back on-list in this message.  
So, I ask again, what are the objections to making the Yahoo archive 



RE: A friendly request JVB

2003-06-15 Thread Nick Arnett
 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Doug Pensinger


I just don't believe
  he'll stay away from the list like he says he will.  As long as he has
  access to the archives on Yahoo... I believe that he has the
 will to stay
  away if he wanted to, but I don't see him wanting to,
 especially as he makes
  another plee to be let back on-list in this message.

 So, I ask again, what are the objections to making the Yahoo archive

It wouldn't help.  The list is fundamentally public.  Although we can keep
an eye on who is posting, we don't have any way of knowing who is
subscribed.  It would be trivially simple to subscribe under an obscure
e-mail address.  Furthermore, one can always read one's wife's subscription.



Re: Where are the European hypocrites?

2003-06-15 Thread Matt Grimaldi
Richard Baker wrote:
 In your opinion, are the European media more
 biased than the US media?  In my opinion, the
 British media, at least, are considerably more
 balanced than those US news channels I see (CNN,
 Fox). I can't speak for newspapers though - I
 just read the (London) Sunday Times, New
 Scientist and sometimes the Economist.

Fox News, IMHO, is a total waste of spectrum.
They have the lunch-room TV at work tuned to it
in such a way that you can't change the channel...

On Friday, they spent 5 - 10 minutes every hour
on a segment on the Laci Petersen case.  The
news:  The judge placed a gag order, so there is
no news, and not likely to be any for a while.

They followed this with a segment called 80
seconds around the world, in which the top
stories were:  China is getting ready to launch
a manned rocket, Some guy in India is giving away
water to people around his neighborhood for free,
and Some crocodiles in Brazil were captured for
release into the wild who got stuck in a fountain.

Don't even get me started on the topic of
balanced political coverage.

How they make any money with such crap goes
a long way towards arguing against the notion
that free market anything is automatically

-- Matt

Re: A friendly request JVB

2003-06-15 Thread Doug Pensinger

When I've wanted to search various mailing list archives, I've found it
extremely annoying when the archive is private. I don't like it.
Besides, there is more than the Yahoo archive to consider (mail archive,
which cannot be private).
and Nick wrote:

It wouldn't help.  The list is fundamentally public.  Although we can keep
an eye on who is posting, we don't have any way of knowing who is
subscribed.  It would be trivially simple to subscribe under an obscure
e-mail address.  Furthermore, one can always read one's wife's subscription.





2003-06-15 Thread Gautam Mukunda
--- Doug Pensinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The election was 2 1/2 years ago.  Circumstances and
 the list have 
 changed.  I would guess that between 80-90% of the
 list were in favor of 
 the invasion, and that at least half have a
 favorable opinion of Bush 
 right now, though I'm guessing his popularity will
 continue to slip here 
 and everywhere else.

80-90%?  Not a chance.  50%, at most.  Dan M. whom you
called a conservative, much to my (and, I'd guess,
his, amusement) was against it, I believe, just to
pick an example.

As for his popularity slipping, well, he's not going
to stay at 60+%, no.  OTOH, the odds that he's going
to win in 2004, well, let's just say that I'm not
urging my politically active friends to count on
getting a Democratic White House job in 2005.

Gautam Mukunda
Freedom is not free

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SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!


2003-06-15 Thread Gautam Mukunda
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  A simple breakdown.  The country as a whole split
  essentially 50/50 Bush/Gore.  What do you think
  list split?  I'd bet something like 25/75
  and that's being generous.
 So? There's something wrong with that?
 Tom Beck

It suggests that the Americans on the list are not
representative of the American public, which was my
point.  Even most Democratic activists don't hate
Republicans the way you do, Tom.

Gautam Mukunda
Freedom is not free

Do you Yahoo!?
SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!


2003-06-15 Thread TomFODW
 It suggests that the Americans on the list are not
 representative of the American public, which was my
So? We're supposed to be?

Tom Beck

I always knew I'd see the first man on the Moon. I never dreamed I'd see the 
last. - Dr Jerry Pournelle


2003-06-15 Thread Erik Reuter
On Sun, Jun 15, 2003 at 02:59:17PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  It suggests that the Americans on the list are not representative of
  the American public, which was my point.

 So? We're supposed to be?

Tom, are you having a bad day? Or are you really a conservative in
disguise, trying to make liberals look stupid?


Re: Blogging

2003-06-15 Thread Gautam Mukunda
--- Kevin Tarr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I visited your site today. Wow can you ramble on!
 Thanks for keeping your 
 L3s to yourself.
 Was wondering: why aren't you using movable type? I
 had trouble getting the 
 comments to work, the link was based in England?
 Kevin T. - VRWC

Hi Kevin.  I'm not using Movable Type because blogger
is free and takes no resources to set up - and I have
exactly no resources, so the match works out fairly
well :-(  Otherwise I'd certainly very strongly prefer
Movable Type.  I think the comments are working again.

Gautam Mukunda
Freedom is not free

Do you Yahoo!?
SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!

Re: Interpreting language (was RE: A friendly request JVB)

2003-06-15 Thread Jan Coffey
I could have responded to any number of posts but I am responding directly to
this one becouse it is the easiest to include everything I wish to say. 

I would like to note here that I strongly disagree with JvB's ideas and
opinions on almost every political topic and many other topics as well, and I
am put-off by his anti-americanism. 

--- Nick Arnett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  -Original Message-
  Behalf Of Jan Coffey
  I believe Jeroen to be sincere, and I would like to add my own caution.
 Sincerity is not the only issue in a situation like this.  I don't think a
 community is obligated to tolerate someone's anti-social behavior because
 they are making a sincere effort not to be anti-social. A failed sincere
 effort is still a failure and is still anti-social.  I do believe that
 sometimes a separation is needed and appropriate. 

I just don't know what to say to this. I'm really not very good with words
and I tend to speak in extreams and expect everyone to see the 'gray scale' I
am talking about. Far too often they just don't get it. Even when I explain
before hand they still read it as threatenting or only listen to the extream
or the personification (which I don't believe in). This among other things
has coused me some dificulty at times. When I was younger I thought it was
becouse such people were simply stupid, but as I have grown older I realize
that it is due to a compleatly differnt way of thinking. Alter which type is
the majority in a particular group and you have a compleatly differnt set of

That said...and hopefully understood, ... If you ask a racist why they hate a
particular race (bad word, but I can't think of the better one just now),
they will generaly give you a list of reasons that have some anticdotal truth
to them. There are stereotypes and the like which are gernalized to the whole
group. If we remove this generalization and the racists said that they simply
hate people who have that particular quality most would agree that it is
still unaceptable.  

I am reminded of high school football players who daily atach smaller and
weeker nerds, and a principle who shrugs and says, boys will be boys.
Contrast this with the skate punks who bring the nerd along, when they go to
the gym, taking him with them to concerts and clubs, teach him balance, teach
him to skate, they might laugh at his expense from time to time, but they do
it in friendhsip. The nerd learns how to fit in, learns the differnce between
perspectives, learns a type of social interaction that allows him to
understad the majority, and avoid what to him appears to be their crazyness.

The majority are almost incapable of seperating ideas from the personality
that hosts the idea. I do not share this disfunction and can speak about the
way something nick has said without thinking ill of nick becouse fo the
implications of this. Please try and keep this in mind.

It's all about perspectives. Can you honestly say that the words above do not
sound intolerant? Can you not see that perspective? I don't think a
community is obligated to tolerate someone's anti-social behavior because
they are making a sincere effort not to be anti-social. I do believe that
sometimes a separation is needed and appropriate

Sounds an aufull lot like a twin-cen seperatist to me. It seems very
intolerant. Literaly, this idea _scares_ me. It makes me cautious and warry
of danger.

 The main issue, as far as I'm concerned, is the person's behavior.  Perhaps
 a sincere effort can be recognized by substantial change in behavior, in
 which case a sincere effort might be enough to make a difference... but
 it is the behavior that counts.

You still don't get that form jeroen (and other's) perspecitve what was done
to him did appear to be abusive. Can you not step outside your norms, outside
your own feelings and history? Can you not stretch to view anothers
perspecitve? Maybe that skill is something you learn when you are differnt
than the majority. Maybe the necessity that I, and others, had to leanred to
translate perspectives just to get along with people has made this easier for
us, but I can't believe that you are incapable.

 I am not saying what JvB did was right. No, I agree that many of his actions
were very wrong. He acted childishly and took things further than most would.
JvB is a poude person with a strong affinity for justice. He does not back
down easily or let himself be walked on. 

From his perspecitve he was first singled out and attacked, then when he
responded in the same manner as his attackers he was scolded for it. He tried
to make others see how he was being wronged and finaly blue up. He was shuned
and baned from a comunity that ment a lot to him. All, in his perspective,
for doing nothing more than what other had done. 

You don't get that this is real his perspective is justified, it may not
agree with your view of reality, but that does not 

Re: Interpreting language (was RE: A friendly request JVB)

2003-06-15 Thread Adam C. Lipscomb
Jan wrote:
 You still don't get that form jeroen (and other's) perspecitve what
was done
 to him did appear to be abusive. Can you not step outside your
norms, outside
 your own feelings and history? Can you not stretch to view anothers
 perspecitve? Maybe that skill is something you learn when you are
 than the majority. Maybe the necessity that I, and others, had to
leanred to
 translate perspectives just to get along with people has made this
easier for
 us, but I can't believe that you are incapable.

  I am not saying what JvB did was right. No, I agree that many of
his actions
 were very wrong. He acted childishly and took things further than
most would.
 JvB is a poude person with a strong affinity for justice. He does
not back
 down easily or let himself be walked on.

Well, good for him.  I, and many others on this list, feel that he was
given many, many chances to amend his choices and retain membership in
this list.  He instead chose to act in such a way that made it quite
clear the he was not interested in justice, but rather in continuing
to be a major disruption to this community.  Since he's been banned,
he has continued to act in a way that makes it clear that he will not
let something as trivial as removal from a fricking mailing list rest,
and still has (last time I checked) maintained a web page that has the
personal contact information of several listmembers posted, along with
inflammatory language that makes it clear that he would not be unhappy
if there were real-life consequences to these people.  This is all
over a damn mailing list, mind you.

His request was a thinly veiled threat that promised that, if we
NEVER spoke of him again, he MIGHT stop mass emailing listmembers, and
me might even, if he was feeling sufficiently charitable, remove the
personal contact information of those listmembers mentioned above.

The ball is in his court - he needs to demonstrate good will and
maturity by ceasing the mass emailings (which appear to have stopped,
possibly because his ISP told him to stop) and removing his Wall of

I don't need to see his perspective to know that he's a disruption to
this community, kind of like a belligerent drunk guy in a bar that
keeps slobbering on the other patrons, than, when he's ejected, stands
outside in the parking lot and screams abuse at the bartender.  Who
needs to see the world from the point of view of an angry, embittered
person that can't accept the consequences of his choices?

Adam C. Lipscomb
Read the blog.  Love the blog.


Re: Interpreting language (was RE: A friendly request JVB)

2003-06-15 Thread Ronn!Blankenship
At 01:08 PM 6/15/03 -0700, Jan Coffey wrote:

You still don't get that form jeroen (and other's) perspecitve what was done
to him did appear to be abusive.

Did you read the copies of his messages I sent you off-list?  Do I need to 
send you copies of the rest of the messages he sent to the list in which he 
made threats against Nick, Julia, John, and others?

If the guy is not mentally ill, he acts like he is.  He needs to 
_immediately_ quit monitoring this list, take down his Wall of Shame, 
quit sending unsolicited messages off-list, and get some professional 
help.  And that is the most truly friendly request I or anyone here can 
make of him.

I supported him as long as I could, hoping he would truly change his ways 
and would not have to be banned from the list.  As I said in my off-list 
message, those were among the flood of messages he sent when it was made 
clear that he was indeed going to be banned, which was only after nearly a 
full year of an ever-worsening situation.  His actions in the past eight 
weeks do not suggest that he has changed one bit.

End of discussion as far as I am concerned.

-- Ronn! :)

God bless America,
Land that I love!
Stand beside her, and guide her
Thru the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans, white with foam…
God bless America!
My home, sweet home.
-- Irving Berlin (1888-1989)


Re: A friendly request JVB

2003-06-15 Thread Deborah Harrell
I haven't commented on-list about this latest incident
because I truly don't like confrontation, and I
usually try to avoid what I think might escalate
tensions as well.

I don't like having expletives SHOUTED at me, or
threats, especially when I've done nothing to deserve
such treatment; I made sure that won't happen for now,
but I'll re-assess soon.

I've cut-and-pasted from several posts in this thread,
with my responses beneath.

--- Jon Gabriel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think we can honestly assume that very very few
 people on his supressed 
 recipient list give a damn about his opinions any
 more.  In fact Jan, afaik, you might be the only

No, he isn't (although I'd probably have said
feelings instead of opinions).
Gary Nunn wrote:
Jeroen, I am sure you are reading this... Let me make
a humble suggestion: Take down the opinion page as a
sign of good faith. If you are not satisfied that your
requests have been honored, then you always have the
option of putting it back up...

Seconded.  This opinion page is why I did not join
the other list, which I had intended to do until I saw
these statements.  

Erik Reuter wrote:
what I'd LIKE to read, and what I think many
others here would agree with, would be something 
along the lines of:

I'm sorry for harrassing everyone. I took down the
page on that encouraged harrassment of 
several list members. I won't be spamming anyone 
anymore. If you don't want to receive emails from me
in the future, just send me an email letting me know
and you won't hear from me again.

Of course, that is probably too much to hope for. In
reality, something like this would suffice:

I took down the page on that listed 
contact addresses of people who asked not to be 
listed there. I have also removed the email
addresses of people who requested it from my Bcc: 
email list. In return, I request that people not
discuss me or mention my name on the Brin-L list.


Michael Harney wrote:
If he will, as an act of good faith, deleteAbout
the old Brin-L as soon as possible, rather than a 
few weeks from now, I would be more inclined to 
believe the authenticity of this offer he is making.
Either way, I was living up to the terms of it 
before, and I have no intent of changing that.  I 
hope he really does live up to his side of the 
bargain though, as I feel he really needs to take a 
step away from this list and try to regain his 
perspective.  If he can regain some perspective and
demonstrate that his attitude towards the list and 
it's members has changed, then I would be very 
willing to argue for his return to the list in the

Also agreed.

Jan Coffey, in the _Interpreting language_ thread,
wrote [I snipped quite a lot from this paragraph, but
tried to stay true to what I think Jan meant]:
I am not saying what JvB did was right. No, I agree
that many of his actions were very wrong. He acted
childishly and took things further than most
Jeroen then responded in the same way he saw himself
being attacked[he] is proud and has a strong
affinity for justice. He couldn't let it goBut
manner in which he did it was socialy unacceptable...
A fight has two sides you know, when things get
the point they are now, no one wins, no one gets to 
have it all their way

Yes.  However, Jan later wrote:

Personaly I find banishment dispicable

It was appropriate for the RL behavior.  I would
prefer that it be temporary/reversible (but admit to
not knowing all the story, as I deleted most of the
posts in those threads unread, and of course have no
knowledge of what occurred offlist).  [Not really
tangential: The highly observant will have noted that
I have acted in accordance with prior comments on
social conflict.]


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Re: Interpreting language (was RE: A friendly request JVB)

2003-06-15 Thread Jan Coffey

--- Ronn!Blankenship [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 01:08 PM 6/15/03 -0700, Jan Coffey wrote:
 You still don't get that form jeroen (and other's) perspecitve what was
 to him did appear to be abusive.
 Did you read the copies of his messages I sent you off-list?  Do I need to 
 send you copies of the rest of the messages he sent to the list in which he
 made threats against Nick, Julia, John, and others?

Yes in fact I referenced this in my message. Obviously this list ment quite a
bit to him. His actions at that point were intolerable, but I do not believe
that what I read necisarily constitutes a direct threat of the sort one would
need to be physicaly conserned about. They were clearly the words of someone
who had been deeply hurt and was lashing out in response. While I do not
condone this, and while I find these particular actions in and of themsleves
compleatly dispicable, I also wonder what kind of response you were
expecting. There are allways more than one way to deal with a situation, and
the response in question was compleatly forseable. Therefore if you choose to
take the action and you know what the response will be, how can you then
speak of that response as if it were proof that the action you took was

While I think that what JvB did was absolutly wrong, while I think that his
wall of Shame is dispicable, while I disagree with his actions that put
this conflict in place, I also disagree with the actions which exaserbated
the conflict, the intolerance that prolongs it.

While every person must be responsible for their own actions, and while it is
sometimes necisary to simply allow others who are more skilled at phrasology
and spin to manipulate a situation, while it may be better to simply let
another win an argumant than start an incident, it certainly is also
dispicable for someone who is fully skilled at such manipulations to push
someone who isn't's buttons when they know full well what they will get as a

It doesn't make the response anyones elses fualt but the one who took that
response, but I for one still find it just as much a disruption.

 If the guy is not mentally ill, he acts like he is.  

I think many people would if they felt they were pushed into a corner. I
don't believe he is mentaly ill, but he might be. Does it really make any

 He needs to 
 _immediately_ quit monitoring this list, 


 take down his Wall of Shame, 

That would help.

 quit sending unsolicited messages off-list, 

I believe he would if he was never spoken of again on list.

and get some professional 

You know, you don't know that he isn't. Besides there is no reason to try and
be abusive. If you really think or feel that way, why must you say it?
Otherwise it's just an attack.

And that is the most truly friendly request I or anyone here can 
 make of him.
 I supported him as long as I could, hoping he would truly change his ways 
 and would not have to be banned from the list.  As I said in my off-list 
 message, those were among the flood of messages he sent when it was made 
 clear that he was indeed going to be banned, which was only after nearly a 
 full year of an ever-worsening situation.  His actions in the past eight 
 weeks do not suggest that he has changed one bit.
 End of discussion as far as I am concerned.

Fine, you had your say. 

How far down does one have to go, before you let them starT to climb back up?

Can we all just agree to his proposal and end this thing? 

   Jan William Coffey

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Re: Interpreting language (was RE: A friendly request JVB)

2003-06-15 Thread Erik Reuter
On Sun, Jun 15, 2003 at 03:43:13PM -0700, Jan Coffey wrote:

 How far down does one have to go, before you let them starT to climb
 back up?

He CAN climb back up. You are not listening, Jan. I posted one way he
can do it (others agreed or mentioned similar ways he could show that he
made an effort). It is HIS choice.

 Can we all just agree to his proposal and end this thing?

No. For the last time, Jan, his proposal amounts to blackmail. I
and others have explained this. YOU, Jan, are making this worse by
encouraging his behavior. Since you are so fond of extrapolation: one
does not solve the problem of a terrorist taking hostages by doing
whatever the terrorist tells you to do. That is a recipe for disaster.


Re: Where are the European hypocrites?

2003-06-15 Thread Damon

After the Dryfus affair, Zionism got its start.
Modern Zionism started in Eastern Europe--specifically Russia in the late 
19th C, where anti-semitism was most virulent--according to my source. The 
roots of Zionism actually predate the affair by at least a decade. See _A 
History of the Modern Middle East_ by Cleveland pp. 235-237.


Damon Agretto
Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum.
Now Building: Tamiya's M151A2 MUTT w/TOW


Re: Native American Rights RE: Where are the European hypocrites?

2003-06-15 Thread Deborah Harrell
--- Jan Coffey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
snipped all but phrases of interest 

 Uh...phwit lamunkpelechis!
 kpentai maru

Since no-one else has asked...what do these
phrases/words mean?  (Maru of course I know)

Inquiring Minds Would Like To Know Maru  :)

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SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!

Re: Interpreting language (was RE: A friendly request JVB)

2003-06-15 Thread Dan Minette

- Original Message -
From: Jan Coffey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Killer Bs Discussion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2003 5:43 PM
Subject: Re: Interpreting language (was RE: A friendly request JVB)

 While every person must be responsible for their own actions, and while
it is
 sometimes necisary to simply allow others who are more skilled at
 and spin to manipulate a situation, while it may be better to simply let
 another win an argumant than start an incident, it certainly is also
 dispicable for someone who is fully skilled at such manipulations to push
 someone who isn't's buttons when they know full well what they will get
as a

Huh?  Jeroen is the one of the very best manipulators that I have ever seen
in almost 50 years.  I thought Ive seen some pro's in the past, but he
takes the cake.

Let me state it simply:

Death threats are not a normal reaction to reading posts one doesn't like.
Death threats should not be dismissed. If someone is put on moderation
after many warnings, hacking a computer is not a reasonable response.   I
am married to a psychotheripist who has specialized in abuse.  I've asked
her questions, as a sanity check.  His behavior is deffiniately the
problem.  Her criticism has been, for months, that we spent too much time
buying into his dsyfunctional behavior.

IMHO, you are not only hurting the situation with Jerone, you are hurting
him.  One of the worst things you can do for a person who exhibits this
type of behavior is reward it.  It helps no-one.  Indeed, its such a well
recognized problem that there are two names for the type of behavior:
enabling and co-dependant.

Dan M.

 It doesn't make the response anyones elses fualt but the one who took
 response, but I for one still find it just as much a disruption.

  If the guy is not mentally ill, he acts like he is.

 I think many people would if they felt they were pushed into a corner. I
 don't believe he is mentaly ill, but he might be. Does it really make any

  He needs to
  _immediately_ quit monitoring this list,


  take down his Wall of Shame,

 That would help.

  quit sending unsolicited messages off-list,

 I believe he would if he was never spoken of again on list.

 and get some professional

 You know, you don't know that he isn't. Besides there is no reason to try
 be abusive. If you really think or feel that way, why must you say it?
 Otherwise it's just an attack.

 And that is the most truly friendly request I or anyone here can
  make of him.
  I supported him as long as I could, hoping he would truly change his
  and would not have to be banned from the list.  As I said in my
  message, those were among the flood of messages he sent when it was
  clear that he was indeed going to be banned, which was only after
nearly a
  full year of an ever-worsening situation.  His actions in the past
  weeks do not suggest that he has changed one bit.
  End of discussion as far as I am concerned.

 Fine, you had your say.

 How far down does one have to go, before you let them starT to climb back

 Can we all just agree to his proposal and end this thing?

Jan William Coffey

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2003-06-15 Thread John D. Giorgis
At 02:59 PM 6/15/2003 EDT [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It suggests that the Americans on the list are not
 representative of the American public, which was my
So? We're supposed to be?

Tom, a brief chronology for you:

1) Gautam stated that he considered Brin-L to be weighted heavily towards
the liberal end of the spectrum.

2) Doug P. disagreed with this characterization.

3) Gautam used the above statistic regarding the election to rebut Doug's

Hopefully this all makes sense to you now.

John D. Giorgis - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
   it is God's gift to humanity. - George W. Bush 1/29/03

Scouted: Statscan

2003-06-15 Thread Deborah Harrell
Previously used to check miners for stolen diamonds,
this technology now checks for injuries in trauma
Conventional X-rays take up to 45 minutes to develop,
and full-body scans have to be pieced together from
several X-rays, taking more time and forcing the X-ray
technicians to repeatedly move an injured patient.
   With the Statscan, a clear image of the entire
body pops up on a computer screen in seconds after the
scan is completed, allowing quick access to
information at a time when diagnosing a patient’s
injuries is most crucialBesides faster and clearer
images, the machine, which costs about $400,000, also
exposes patients to 75 percent less radiation than a
conventional full-body X-ray series, doctors said... 

Nifty Devices Maru

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SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!

RE: Interpreting language (was RE: A friendly request JVB)

2003-06-15 Thread Gary Nunn

Jan wrote
  Can we all just agree to his proposal and end this thing?

Erik replied 
 No. For the last time, Jan, his proposal amounts to 
 blackmail. I and others have explained this. YOU, Jan, are 
 making this worse by encouraging his behavior. Since you are 
 so fond of extrapolation: one does not solve the problem of a 
 terrorist taking hostages by doing whatever the terrorist 
 tells you to do. That is a recipe for disaster.

Erik, you also accused me of making the situation worse by encouraging
his (Jeroen's) behavior. I may not be the most intelligent person on
this list, but I fail to see how giving someone the benefit of the doubt
is encouraging bad behavior. What exactly do you want from Jeroen?   Do
you want him to grovel and plead? I can almost certainly guarantee that
is not going to happen. 

He made a peace offering. Regardless of how he worded it, it is a peace
offering none the less. He specifically said that he was not making
threats, but merely having insight into what will happen if this thing
continues. I agree with Jeroen, if this thing continues, it will
escalate and get blown farther out of proportion than it already has. 

Erik, to take a momentary pause, to allow Jeroen time to carry out his
end of the deal hurts no one. It does not mean that you (or we) agree
with him, it does not mean we think he was, or is, right or wrong. I
agree his behavior was unacceptable, I agree that he can be very
anti-social when his buttons are pushed and I agree that he can be
manipulative, but let's not pass up this chance to minimize damage
before someone has real life consequences.

Your analogy of giving into a misbehaving child in another post could
not be more wrong. Do you have children? Sometimes you must be an
authoritarian parent, but also sometimes you have to be the mature
parent and compromise and allow the child to walk away with a little
dignity intact. That does NOT mean that you are encouraging bad
behavior, it means that you were intelligent enough and mature enough to
induce the desired behavior by a compromise.  

It seems that the only bad behavior that is being encouraged here is by
you.  Do you (and others) really think that inflammatory and abrasive
remarks aimed at Jeroen are constructive in this case?  Do you think
that making counter demands and counter blackmail will resolve this

Let's be the mature parent here and compromise and let the child walk
away with a little dignity -  but yet get what we want. It is possible.



Re: Interpreting language (was RE: A friendly request JVB)

2003-06-15 Thread Erik Reuter
On Sun, Jun 15, 2003 at 10:57:52PM -0400, Gary Nunn wrote:

 Erik, you also accused me of making the situation worse by encouraging
 his (Jeroen's) behavior. I may not be the most intelligent person
 on this list, but I fail to see how giving someone the benefit of
 the doubt is encouraging bad behavior. What exactly do you want from
 Jeroen?  Do you want him to grovel and plead? I can almost certainly
 guarantee that is not going to happen.

For the last time, I stated EXPLICITLY what I would like to see and what
I would accept; a few others made similar statements. I also answered
your question about how it was making it worse.

 He made a peace offering.


 Regardless of how he worded it, it is a peace offering none the less.


 He specifically said that he was not making threats,

Here's a hypothetical for you Gary:

  If you don't stop behaving like this, Gary, I am going to put a brick
  through your window, but that is not a threat.

 Erik, to take a momentary pause, to allow Jeroen time to carry out his
 end of the deal hurts no one.


 but let's not pass up this chance to minimize damage before someone
 has real life consequences.

This is not such a chance.

 Your analogy of giving into a misbehaving child in another post could
 not be more wrong.

Well, it seems the general priniciple I stated agrees with Dan's

 It seems that the only bad behavior that is being encouraged here is by

It seems you are a sucker for whining.

 Do you (and others) really think that inflammatory and abrasive
 remarks aimed at Jeroen are constructive in this case?

I haven't seen any such.

  Do you think that making counter demands and counter blackmail will
 resolve this issue?

No one made counter DEMANDS. Several people stated that if Jeroen wants
to demonstrate his goodwill to us (since he seems to want something from
us), he could start with certain things. That is not a demand. If Jeroen
never emailed me again, that would also be acceptable, although maybe
not to the people whose contacts he has posted to harrass them.

 Let's be the mature parent here and compromise and let the child walk
 away with a little dignity - but yet get what we want. It is possible.

You are being naive. 

That's all I'm going to say to you about this.



2003-06-15 Thread Damon

Wow, we must either be on different lists, or one of us isn't very 
perceptive.  Of the politically vocal Americans on the list*, I count 
yourself, Georgis, Tarr, Cofey, Agretto and Cooper as well right of center.
Heh heh. Would it surprise you then to know I am a registered Democrat and 
voted for Gore?


Damon Agretto
Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum.
Now Building: Tamiya's M151A2 MUTT w/TOW


RE: Interpreting language (was RE: A friendly request JVB)

2003-06-15 Thread Gary Nunn

 Erik wrote
 It seems you are a sucker for whining.
 You are being naive. 
 That's all I'm going to say to you about this.

Erik, you are clearly an intelligent person and I have always enjoyed
reading your posts - even when you are being abrasive, so please know
that this next comment was made in a friendly way and said with a great
deal of respect: You certainly can be a stubborn and opinionated pinhead
at times.

Having said that, I think that we should just agree to disagree here. We
have both laid out our arguments and defended our positions, and I don't
think that either one of us are going to change our position.

Can we at least agree to that?




Re: [L3] Re: Communication (was Re: media stratagy meetings)

2003-06-15 Thread Julia Thompson
Deborah Harrell wrote:

 So *please* tell how you would let a woman know that
 she looked like a zombie potato chip without being
 derogatory... huge grin

Well, for starters, if the dress just didn't flatter her coloring, I'd
just let her know that it's not her best color, and maybe mention
another *specific* dress of a better color (mentioning the color, of
course) I've seen her in that I like better on her.

Or do the same sort of thing for the *line* of the dress.

Pick one little attribute like that and tell her what would flatter
*her* better than what she's wearing, at least on that attribute.

Or if you were going to be very blunt, tell her it's not to *your*
taste.  That puts the problem on you, and not the dress.  :)


who wore a dress she didn't care for all *that* much yesterday, but
considering it's the only dress she can wear right now with a bra she
can stand to be in for a few hours, and the only other clothing that
fits her is shorts  tops, and shorts were forbidden for the function,
she just wore the darn thing (and nobody criticized it, and if they had,
I'd've cheerfully told them it wasn't my favorite either, but it was a
dress that fit, which is more than could be said for anything *else* she
owns right now, and YES she wanted to go out on Friday and get a new
dress, but the weather was really bad at the ideal time to go shopping,
so she stayed home and vegged and looked up the quote in the Feynman
book and typed it in, instead)

Re: Native American Rights RE: Where are the European hypocrites?

2003-06-15 Thread Medievalbk
In a message dated 6/15/2003 6:30:13 PM US Mountain Standard Time, 

  Uh...phwit lamunkpelechis!
   kpentai maru
  Since no-one else has asked...what do these
  phrases/words mean?  (Maru of course I know)
  Inquiring Minds Would Like To Know Maru  :)

Just a guess...

phwit lamunkpelechis! = Please look for my teeth!

William Taylor
(Well, it would on The Goon Show)

Re: Native American Rights RE: Where are the European hypocrites?

2003-06-15 Thread Jan Coffey

--- Deborah Harrell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- Jan Coffey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 snipped all but phrases of interest 

 Since no-one else has asked...what do these
 phrases/words mean?  (Maru of course I know)

Lenape, spelling I am unsure of, but then there are so many ways to properly
spell in Lenape, I am sure I hit one of them with each word.

  Uh...phwit lamunkpelechis!

Oh...phooey underpants!

  kpentai maru

-Do you understand me- maru

like savvy?
an afermative sersponse would be kpentul

 Inquiring Minds Would Like To Know Maru  :)
 Do you Yahoo!?
 SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!

   Jan William Coffey

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Re: [L3] Communication (was Re: media stratagy meetings)

2003-06-15 Thread Deborah Harrell
--- Jan Coffey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I wrote:
 --- Jan Coffey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  we disagree onthe appropriateness of the
 actions that were taken concerning spin. 
  At the same time, I hold no negative assessment
 of Bush et. al. for spinning as I
  see spinning a requirement to communicate with
 and persuade the American
  public. The emergent properties of this appears
  contradictory. Listen to
  what I mean not what I say Listen to what I say
  not what it sounds like I
  mean. The key to the difference is in the use of
  logic and recognizing
  mistakes rather than recognizing spin.

 As you said earlier, many people seem to be too
 lazy, distracted or uncritical of what they hear and
 I don't know how to correct that except by teaching
 critical thinking in school (I suppose some private
 schools do this).  So one question is, should our
 government look upon its constituency as PT Barnum
 would, or as sheep to be led, or wolves who are
 content to follow-the-leaders but might turn upon
 them and tear them up if sufficiently angered?
 And my answer to this is that they should do what
 they think is right, the
 communication to the masses should follow whatever
 paradigm they find to be most effective.

But effective short-term or long-term?
 Transparency and accountability lessen the State's
 predatory abilities; both of these principles have
 been under attack by the current admin, IMO.  
 Can you give examples of this? 

Holding people in jail without formal charges; running
Patriot I through Congress without giving sufficient
time for members to read it before voting; the
proposed 'Domestic Security Enhancement Act' aka
Patriot II, which was leaked to the press.  These have
all been discussed/cited on-list previously.  While I
think Ashcroft is the force behind these manuevers,
Bush put him into his position of power, so what the
Justice Dept. does reflects on Bush, for ill or good.
Mind you, I am *not* saying that prior admins were
shining examples of transparency or accountability
either - look at Johnson and the Gulf of Tonkin, which
resulted in an escalation of involvement in Vietnam;
it was in best light a stupid misinterpretation, and
at worst an outright lie.  :/
 Which in
 turn has led to my distrust of their motives in
 just about every arena.  
 Would you always distrust any government?

Yes, to one degree or another.  'Not only does power
corrupt, but it attracts the corruptible,' to
paraphrase Himself.

Is that not a sign of a healthy democracy?

Freedom to express one's doubts, without fear of
repression or unwarranted repercussions, certainly is.
 One of the dangers to 'the
 spinners' is that if *enough* people become aware
 of excessive manipulative spin, they might revile
 attack those who twist critical truth.  Or
 disbelieve *anything* the spin-mongers say because
of the prior perceived manipulation(s).

This WashPost OpEd piece, provocatively titled,
nevertheless gives examples of prior spinning-lying
which got those Admins into trouble (Eisenhower,
Johnson, Nixon, Clinton).  It also discusses the very
spin we are disagreeing on, re: WMD, and wonders why
(non-militarily critical) truth isn't used instead. 
Of course, it too spins by comparing the current
situation, which is *far* from clear, to the *known*
lies of the above presidents.  Yet that rather proves
my point about government spin/lying - public/media
mistrust and disbelief!
...Of course, weapons of mass destruction may yet be
uncovered in Iraq. But in Poland last month, President
Bush startled observers by saying on Polish TV: We've
found the weapons of mass destruction. You know, we
found biological laboratories . . . . And we'll find
more weapons as time goes on. But for those who say we
haven't found the banned manufacturing devices or
banned weapons, they're wrong. We found them.

Bush was referring to two mobile units that the CIA
had concluded were designed to manufacture biological
substances. But by artfully joining the manufacturing
devices or banned weapons in one sentence, his
comments nicely fuzzed up what he meant by saying, We
found them

...Official lies erode the public's confidence in its
leaders and inspire conspiracy theories. Public trust
between the government and the electorate is the
bedrock of a democracy that ultimately rests on the
informed consent of the governed. Ethics professor
Sissela Bok has written of the presumption against
lying that forms the basis of trust, without which
institutions collapse. Official lying destroys that

There is an alternative to government lying. It is to
tell the truth. Or, if need be, to remain silent.
 We can only hope that *enough * people become aware,
 but I also hope that
 with that awareness comes some maturity so that
 attacks are unnecessary.
 Do you think that Wofowitz(sp?) admissions
 about the amount of 


2003-06-15 Thread Gautam Mukunda
--- Damon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Heh heh. Would it surprise you then to know I am a
 registered Democrat and 
 voted for Gore?

Well statistically it shocks the hell out of me,
Damon.  Army officers are what, 90% Republican? 
Something in that range.

Gautam Mukunda
Freedom is not free

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Re: [L3] Re: Communication (was Re: media stratagy meetings)

2003-06-15 Thread Deborah Harrell
--- Julia Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Deborah Harrell wrote:
  So *please* tell how you would let a woman know
 that she looked like a zombie potato chip without
 being derogatory... huge grin
 Well, for starters, if the dress just didn't flatter
 her coloring, I'd
 just let her know that it's not her best color, and
 maybe mention
 another *specific* dress of a better color
 (mentioning the color, of
 course) I've seen her in that I like better on her.
 Or do the same sort of thing for the *line* of the
 Pick one little attribute like that and tell her
 what would flatter
 *her* better than what she's wearing, at least on
 that attribute.
 Or if you were going to be very blunt, tell her it's
 not to *your*
 taste.  That puts the problem on you, and not the
 dress.  :)

Oh, Julia, now you've gone and given the guys another
example of how we females finesse our reactions! 
How will they learn if they don't try first?!

cups ear to listen for distant snarling, and some Tim
Allen-type u-UNn?  ;}

Do you Yahoo!?
SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!


2003-06-15 Thread Michael Harney

From: Julia Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Gautam Mukunda wrote:
  --- Dan Minette [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Where I am considered a right wing kook. :-)
   Dan M.
  But, as you yourself would say, by the standards of
  American politics, you're pretty far to the left.
  A simple breakdown.  The country as a whole split
  essentially 50/50 Bush/Gore.  What do you think the
  list split?  I'd bet something like 25/75 Bush/Gore,
  and that's being generous.

 OK, if we look at all the current subscribers who voted in the 2000
 election, I bet it's going to be less than 100.  And of all those, I bet
 that not everyone who voted for a presidential candidate chose either
 Bush or Gore.  So your breakdown has a little problem -- maybe it should
 be more like 25/70/5 Bush/Gore/Other.

 I mean, *I* wasn't particularly happy with either major party candidate,
 and I cast a vote for a third party candidate.  Without my having said
 that, who would you have pegged me for voting for?  And my having said
 that, who do you think I voted for?

My guess:  I can't imagine you voting for Pat Buchanan of the Independant
party (then again, I can't imagine anyone who isn't ultra-conservative
voting for him), and you say you didn't vote for Bush or Gore... That leaves
the Libertarian and Green parties.  Regrettably, I don't remember the
Libertarian candidate.  I would guess you probably voted Libertarian.  Just
a guess though.

 And am I the only one?

You should know better than that.  Everyone here who was present in 2000
should know that I voted for Ralph Nader in the 2000 election. :-)

Michael Harney

Man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because
he had achieved so much... the wheel, New York, wars, and so on, whilst all
the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time.
But conversely the dolphins believed themselves to be more intelligent than
man for precisely the same reasons. - Douglas Adams


Re: Native American Rights RE: Where are the European hypocrites?

2003-06-15 Thread Deborah Harrell
--- Jan Coffey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- Deborah Harrell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  --- Jan Coffey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  snipped all but phrases of interest 
  Since no-one else has asked...what do these
  phrases/words mean?  (Maru of course I know)
 Lenape, spelling I am unsure of, but then there are
 so many ways to properly
 spell in Lenape, I am sure I hit one of them with
 each word.
   Uh...phwit lamunkpelechis!
 Oh...phooey underpants!

I got a garbled visual of the cartoon character 'Hong
Kong Phooey' in dirty diapers...
   kpentai maru
 -Do you understand me- maru
 like savvy?
 an afermative sersponse would be kpentul

Kpentul And Wakarimas* Maru

*?sp; my roommate and I, while the miniseries Shogun
was running back in the early '80s, used various
Japanese phrases that we'd learned from the show;
'wakarimas' is my phonetic spelling of the word which,
IIRC, means I understand (and 'wakarimaska?' meant
'do you understand?')  :)

Do you Yahoo!?
SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!

RE: Interpreting language (was RE: A friendly request JVB)

2003-06-15 Thread Nick Arnett
 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Gary Nunn


 He made a peace offering. Regardless of how he worded it, it is a peace
 offering none the less. He specifically said that he was not making
 threats, but merely having insight into what will happen if this thing
 continues. I agree with Jeroen, if this thing continues, it will
 escalate and get blown farther out of proportion than it already has.

I have to say that I'm a little confused at this point -- I don't know what
it would mean for this thing to continue, nor to I know what it would mean
to accept Jeroen's offer.

The latter would seem to require a pledge by all subscribers to refrain from
saying anything negative about Jeroen and to refrain from complaining about
his behavior to his ISP, hosting company etc.  I can't see why we'd do that
for any individual on or off the list.  We have a policy about personal
attacks, which most of us think is sufficient.

As far as this thing continuing, as far as I know, the list subscribers
let it go quite a while ago.  A number of other folks joined me in calling
for and sticking to a policy of dropping the whole subject.  Then one
comment by one person and we're getting sucked back into this vortex again.

If accepting Jeroen's offer means we drop the whole thing and tolerate each
other's existence in peace, then I'm all for it.  And so I'll suggest again
that the best thing for all of us is to move on.  But I have to add that if
there are one or two violations of this informal agreement, let's not hit
the panic button.  I tolerated quite a few annoying e-mails from Jeroen
before complaining to his ISP and that's what I'll do next time.  Anybody
can have a bad day, after all.  I would hope that he'll tolerate a few
gripes that people fail to withhold.  But if he starts making a habit of
harassing us or we are habitually bashing him, there's certainly a problem.

I don't want this list and the part of my life it represents to be mainly
about Jeroen van Baardwijk.  The best we all can do is try to live well
despite the difficulties of the past.




2003-06-15 Thread Doug Pensinger
Damon wrote:

Wow, we must either be on different lists, or one of us isn't very 
perceptive.  Of the politically vocal Americans on the list*, I count 
yourself, Georgis, Tarr, Cofey, Agretto and Cooper as well right of 

Heh heh. Would it surprise you then to know I am a registered Democrat 
and voted for Gore?

I'm glad to know that you are so enlightened. 8^)


No, not at all.  I've observed you are hawkish on matters of national 
defense, and based my assessment on those observations - especially as 
this was a discussion on WMD.

Would it surprise any of you that I was once a registered Republican and 
that, having participated in all the elections starting in 1972, I have 
never voted for a presidential candidate that lost the popular vote?


Converted by GHWBush



2003-06-15 Thread Damon

Would it surprise any of you that I was once a registered Republican and 
that, having participated in all the elections starting in 1972, I have 
never voted for a presidential candidate that lost the popular vote?
Huh. So far every presidential candidate I've voted for lost! :(


Damon Agretto
Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum.
Now Building: Esci/Italeri's M60A1 Patton



2003-06-15 Thread Doug Pensinger
Damon wrote:

Would it surprise any of you that I was once a registered Republican 
and that, having participated in all the elections starting in 1972, I 
have never voted for a presidential candidate that lost the popular vote?

Huh. So far every presidential candidate I've voted for lost! :(
Not the popular vote




Re: Hurmuphta newspaper editorial--correction.

2003-06-15 Thread Medievalbk
In a message dated 6/15/2003 10:15:58 PM US Mountain Standard Time, 

 Earthclan literate,


The spellchecker must have bounced off of literature.

Ah well,...Hurmuphta is just a small colonial planet. 

Never of any importance.

(So far.)

William Taylor

Parrot Fable

2003-06-15 Thread Ronn!Blankenship
A man goes into a petshop and asks for the price of a parrot.

That one can program in C++ - it's $500, says the shop-owner.

The man then asks about the next parrot to be told that this one costs 
$1,000 because it can do everything the other parrot can do plus it knows 
how to use the UNIX operating system.

Naturally, the increasingly startled man asks about the third parrot to be 
told that it costs $2,000. Needless to say this begs the question, What 
can it do?

To which the shop owner replies, To be honest I have never seen it do a 
thing, but the other two call him boss!
