Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread David Newhall
On Jan 31, 2010, at 12:00 AM, COMPUTERGUYS-L automatic digest system  

Subject: Re: You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

Link?  Second time I've asked you to back up an  
ignored the
first time, got a link this time?  How about we agree that even if  
this did
happen, at least that phone vendor doesn't assume all it's customers  

stupid as Apple assumes all it's customers are morons not able to make
choices for themselves.

On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 7:32 PM, t.piwowar  wrote:

I read recently about an app loaded onto a smartphone that did not  
have a
review/approval process in place. The app did all sorts of mischief  
to huge bills for the poor sap who downloaded it. It think a large  
part of

Apple's approval process is trying to prevent such problems.

It was the android app store. Here is the alert from the credit union  
involved: .

No, Apple doesn't treat its customers like morons. It knows they want  
a seamless experience above all. That requires intelligently limiting  
choices. They don't always get it right first time, but you can tell  
that there are lots of smart people thinking about these choices.

I intend to get an iPad next year. If I'm honest, it can do 90% of  
what I use a computer for outside of work. 10 hours of batter life and  
the cheap 3g will make it a brilliant travel companion.

David Newhall
Falls Church, VA

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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread
On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 9:47 PM, t.piwowar  wrote:

> On Jan 30, 2010, at 6:30 PM, wrote:
>>  I was not reacting to anything that Apple did or did not do.  I was
>> querying you about why you were telling someone that wanting to have a
>> USB port is a symptom of "clinging to the past," seemingly some kind
>> of disorder in your view, and also represented a means of data
>> transfer that "one should no longer need."
> I close my eyes and imagine you walking around with your ideal iPad. A dozen
> cables snaking their way to the floor and various peripheral boxes clanking
> as you drag them behind.

  Please do not be so damn silly.  This is a meaningless non-response
to my query and shows me that you view me as being an idiot.  Having a
USB port does not mean that one has to have "a dozen cables snaking
their way to the floor."  To transfer data, a USB slot requires only a
flash drive to be inserted, a little device that is about 2 inches
long or less, 1/4 thick and about 3/4 inch wide.

  I also was not specifically referring to an iPad in my query about
your apparent aversion to USB interface ports.  You weren't either
when you initially mentioned such in what you said to someone here
earlier on that got this started.  You were saying, in strictly
general terms related to current technology, that wanting to have
currently popular and widely used interface ports is indicative of
"clinging to the past."  Again I ask, how so?  You could have said,
"using existing technology" or even "using older technology."  But no,
you began your statement with the word "clinging" which clearly
indicates a situation of desperation, a stubborn refusal to abandon
something or an emotional mental condition.  You projected your view
upon someone's mention of a subject as opposed to simply reading what
was said and commenting upon it.  One again, either purposefully or
inadvertently, you managed to engage in ridicule as opposed to being
merely conversant.  Do you not understand that this makes
communication difficult?


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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread
On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 9:21 PM, t.piwowar  wrote:

> On Jan 30, 2010, at 5:30 PM, David K Watson wrote:
>> While price was probably an issue, I don't myself think that it was
>> the main one in Apple's decision to keep the physical interfaces
>> to a minimum.  Apple likes to promote itself as the company whose
>> devices just work, and if they had USB ports on the iPad then there
>> would immediately be thousands of things that wouldn't work with it.
>> By making sure that all input comes in wirelessly (where you have
>> one set of expectations) or through the dock (where they have
>> full control), Apple has a better chance of making sure that
>> everything "Just Works".
> Precisely right.

  Maybe.  Maybe not.  Is this why Apple did not include a CD/DVD drive
in the "Air"?  Or, was that a size or pricing consideration or even
analogous to Apple dropping floppy drives?  My iMac has USB.  Apple
apparently was not concerned about "things that wouldn't work with it"
in that instance.

  I do not think that any of us know for sure why Apple decided to
exclude ports on the iPad.


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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread
On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 9:40 PM, t.piwowar  wrote:

> On Jan 30, 2010, at 6:46 PM, wrote:
>> However, and while this does not
>> negate the previous sentence, most computer buyers still prefer to
>> use, by a wide margin, computers that run under Windows as opposed to
>> the Mac OS.
> False. People who have a real free choice very rarely pick Windows.

  Do I even want to respond to this?

  Your response is incorrect.  Prefer means "tend to choose."  Free
choice or no free choice, most computer users tend to choose Windows
as their operating system.  That is patently true.  Do I think that
many of those folks could be better served by a different OS.  Yes.

  What is a "real" free choice in this instance?  Consumers may be
brainwashed, but they still have a free choice.  Perhaps you are
saying that their being brainwashed may have resulted in not having a
REAL free choice even though they actually do.  As I have said a
hundred times before, most people tell me that they use Windows
because, and this is how they usually put it, "everybody else does."
Translation?  Because it is popular and they want to be part of the
popular crowd, i.e., intended for the general public rather than
specialists or intellectuals.


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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread mike
The only ones I've ever heard say they are 'forced to use windows' are mac
users.  I've heard plenty of complaints from windows users, but never  'I
went into the store and the salesman forced me to buy windows'.  It reminds
me of the line from A Few Good Men when Noah Wyle was asked how he finds the
mess hall because it's not in the manual...I just follow the crowd at chow
time.  But then those so called intellectuals are doing the same
thing...just following a smaller crowd and spending more money on chow.

On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 7:57 AM, wrote:

> As I have said a
> hundred times before, most people tell me that they use Windows
> because, and this is how they usually put it, "everybody else does."
> Translation?  Because it is popular and they want to be part of the
> popular crowd, i.e., intended for the general public rather than
> specialists or intellectuals.
>  Steve
> *
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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread Jordan
To me, for someone to choose implies that they are reasonably informed 
about the options. I believe that great masses of Windows users are not 
sufficiently aware of the Mac and OS X as a serious option.

  Do I even want to respond to this?

  Your response is incorrect.  Prefer means "tend to choose."  Free
choice or no free choice, most computer users tend to choose Windows
as their operating system.  That is patently true.  Do I think that
many of those folks could be better served by a different OS.  Yes.

  What is a "real" free choice in this instance?  Consumers may be
brainwashed, but they still have a free choice.  Perhaps you are
saying that their being brainwashed may have resulted in not having a
REAL free choice even though they actually do.  As I have said a
hundred times before, most people tell me that they use Windows
because, and this is how they usually put it, "everybody else does."
Translation?  Because it is popular and they want to be part of the
popular crowd, i.e., intended for the general public rather than
specialists or intellectuals.


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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread mike
Thanks for the link.  I usually assume Tom is just making stuff up because
he never provides links when he's in all out carpet bombing mode as he has

Perhaps morons was too strong a word, but my point remains.  Apple usually
takes a path that takes choices away from consumers to better their
'seamless' experience.  In my opinion this can cost the consumer freedoms.
 If the iPhone ran multiple apps, users could choose to not do it..but Apple
has already chosen for them.  I like having those choices left to me, not
someone else.

On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 7:03 AM, David Newhall  wrote:

> It was the android app store. Here is the alert from the credit union
> involved: .
> No, Apple doesn't treat its customers like morons. It knows they want a
> seamless experience above all. That requires intelligently limiting choices.
> They don't always get it right first time, but you can tell that there are
> lots of smart people thinking about these choices.
> I intend to get an iPad next year. If I'm honest, it can do 90% of what I
> use a computer for outside of work. 10 hours of batter life and the cheap 3g
> will make it a brilliant travel companion.
> David Newhall
> Falls Church, VA
> *
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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread tjpa

On Jan 31, 2010, at 9:57 AM, wrote:

What is a "real" free choice in this instance?  Consumers may be
brainwashed, but they still have a free choice.  Perhaps you are
saying that their being brainwashed may have resulted in not having a
REAL free choice...

There is some of that. There are various forms of intimidation too.  
Often it is just a failure to adequately explore the alternatives. The  
conditions for a free choice are not always easy to achieve.

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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread tjpa

On Jan 31, 2010, at 10:11 AM, mike wrote:

But then those so called intellectuals...

Well that proves the previous point about "...channelling this popular  
anger against intellectual snobs."

The most effective way to keep the serfs in line is to convince them  
that freedom would mean their selling out to the intellectual snobs."

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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread mike
I believe that the great masses of mac users believe cost is not a

You may also be right, people stick to what they are used to.  They stick to
what their friends have.  They use things that their friends can help them
fix if something goes wrong.  The thing is, mac users do the same thing.
 Imagine the peer pressure of being a friend of some of the more vocal mac
users on this list, you buy a pc and suddenly your mac using friend is
calling you an idiot and treating you horribly..telling you you are actually
evil.  There is much more pressure from mac users to stick with Apple than
windows users ever exert.  This anger from some mac users isn't going to
sway many buyers who are on the fence to go to mac, it might push them the
other way if nothing else to get away from the negative vibe.  Apple has
also put itself into the space of expensive/high end computing.  When people
think I need a new inexpensive computer, Apple does not come to mind.  Now
this tactic has worked out VERY well for Apple, they don't want to be the
everymans computer, they only want the ones that are willing to pay.  But
Apple has placed themselves in this box in the mind of consumers, and it
serves them as well as it doesn't.  I have a friend from work who bought two
systems just before last Christmas, she spent less than 1100 for
you think these were new macs?  She hasn't had a lick of trouble...I know
because I'd have gotten the call.

On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 8:41 AM, Jordan  wrote:

> To me, for someone to choose implies that they are reasonably informed
> about the options. I believe that great masses of Windows users are not
> sufficiently aware of the Mac and OS X as a serious option.
>   Do I even want to respond to this?
>>  Your response is incorrect.  Prefer means "tend to choose."  Free
>> choice or no free choice, most computer users tend to choose Windows
>> as their operating system.  That is patently true.  Do I think that
>> many of those folks could be better served by a different OS.  Yes.
>>  What is a "real" free choice in this instance?  Consumers may be
>> brainwashed, but they still have a free choice.  Perhaps you are
>> saying that their being brainwashed may have resulted in not having a
>> REAL free choice even though they actually do.  As I have said a
>> hundred times before, most people tell me that they use Windows
>> because, and this is how they usually put it, "everybody else does."
>> Translation?  Because it is popular and they want to be part of the
>> popular crowd, i.e., intended for the general public rather than
>> specialists or intellectuals.
>>  Steve
>> *
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>> *
> *
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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread tjpa

On Jan 31, 2010, at 10:40 AM, mike wrote:

In my opinion this can cost the consumer freedoms.
If the iPhone ran multiple apps, users could choose to not do  
it..but Apple
has already chosen for them.  I like having those choices left to  
me, not

someone else.

This is just so silly. Apple has made a huge investment in protesting  
its customers and you carp because you want the wild west.

If you want a tour of the White House to you expect to be allowed to  
jump the fence?

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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread tjpa

On Jan 31, 2010, at 9:20 AM, wrote:

Please do not be so damn silly.  This is a meaningless non-response
to my query and shows me that you view me as being an idiot.  Having a
USB port does not mean that one has to have "a dozen cables snaking
their way to the floor."  To transfer data, a USB slot requires only a
flash drive to be inserted, a little device that is about 2 inches
long or less, 1/4 thick and about 3/4 inch wide.

Scroll to the bottom of this page...

Its the picture in the middle.

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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread tjpa

On Jan 31, 2010, at 10:40 AM, mike wrote:

Thanks for the link.  I usually assume Tom is just making stuff up

Just because you constantly make things up does not mean that I do. I  
don't have to make things up because I am not defending an  
indefensible position. I don't always provide links because I think  
you can use Google as well as I can. Independent fact checking is  
always a good idea and a link to a looney-tune site proves nothing.

Thanks to David for a very solid link.

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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread tjpa

On Jan 31, 2010, at 9:20 AM, wrote:

You were saying, in strictly
general terms related to current technology, that wanting to have
currently popular and widely used interface ports is indicative of
"clinging to the past."  Again I ask, how so?  You could have said,
"using existing technology" or even "using older technology."  But no,
you began your statement with the word "clinging" which clearly
indicates a situation of desperation, a stubborn refusal to abandon
something or an emotional mental condition.

And I gave lots of example too. Apple does this quite often and it  
causes great angst among those resistant to change.

Someone else even pointed out that you can now buy an SD card that  
gives the camera a wireless link. Isn't that a far better way to link  
your camera to an iPad?

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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread mike
Right, the problem is you are the only one who believes there are
intellectuals and serfs.  Treat people who make choices a little better and
you'd have a more convincing argument, you are the epitome of someone who
doesn't want choice.

On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 9:34 AM, tjpa  wrote:

> On Jan 31, 2010, at 10:11 AM, mike wrote:
>> But then those so called intellectuals...
> Well that proves the previous point about "...channelling this popular
> anger against intellectual snobs."
> The most effective way to keep the serfs in line is to convince them that
> freedom would mean their selling out to the intellectual snobs."
> *
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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread mike
I know freedom scares liberals like you, things like self reliance are

On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 9:49 AM, tjpa  wrote:

> On Jan 31, 2010, at 10:40 AM, mike wrote:
>> In my opinion this can cost the consumer freedoms.
>> If the iPhone ran multiple apps, users could choose to not do it..but
>> Apple
>> has already chosen for them.  I like having those choices left to me, not
>> someone else.
> This is just so silly. Apple has made a huge investment in protesting its
> customers and you carp because you want the wild west.
> If you want a tour of the White House to you expect to be allowed to jump
> the fence?
> *
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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread mike
You do make things up..I *still* await your link, as I have many times.  You
make crazy assertions, you should back them up.

On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 9:40 AM, tjpa  wrote:

> On Jan 31, 2010, at 10:40 AM, mike wrote:
>> Thanks for the link.  I usually assume Tom is just making stuff up
> Just because you constantly make things up does not mean that I do. I don't
> have to make things up because I am not defending an indefensible position.
> I don't always provide links because I think you can use Google as well as I
> can. Independent fact checking is always a good idea and a link to a
> looney-tune site proves nothing.
> Thanks to David for a very solid link.
> *
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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread
On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 10:11 AM, mike  wrote:

> The only ones I've ever heard say they are 'forced to use windows' are mac
> users.  I've heard plenty of complaints from windows users, but never  'I
> went into the store and the salesman forced me to buy windows'.  It reminds
> me of the line from A Few Good Men when Noah Wyle was asked how he finds the
> mess hall because it's not in the manual...I just follow the crowd at chow
> time.  But then those so called intellectuals are doing the same
> thing...just following a smaller crowd and spending more money on chow.

  My line about specialists and intellectuals was actually from my
dictionary as per its definition of the word popular.  I think it fits
perfectly well in the computing world, the music world, the film
world, the magazine world, the TV world, etc., etc., etc.  I did not
intend that line as a slam against any particular Windows user.  I
like a certain amount of popular, or "pop" music even though I spend
none of my money buying or supporting any of it.

  I am sure that many Mac users are part of a herd and are likely to
be proud of that as well.  Such is their prerogative and/or fate or
fortune, though hopefully and most likey the flatter.   Personally
speaking, the main reason that I went with Macs is because I was
coming off of Atari computers at the time and they had GUIs as did
Macs and also excelled at graphics work.  Macs were therefore a
natural for me.


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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread Rich Schinnell

All of this mac vs pc reminds me of what henry ford evidently said
at some time.

"You can have any car I make, any color you wish, as long as it is black"

Someone else also said.

"Mine is biggern  yours"



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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread
On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 10:41 AM, Jordan  wrote:

> To me, for someone to choose implies that they are reasonably informed about
> the options. I believe that great masses of Windows users are not
> sufficiently aware of the Mac and OS X as a serious option.

  Agreed.  However, an implication of awareness or knowledge is not
part of the definition of the word "choose."  People often make
choices without any understanding about options, if indeed there even
are any, as in "damned if you do, damned if you don't."  Additionally,
many computer users are either truly afraid to switch to something
else, merely reluctant to do so, unwilling to go through yet another
learning process or do not want to spend money on new software, as
well as a litany of other good and valid reasons for sticking with
they currently have.


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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread
On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 11:52 AM, tjpa  wrote:

> On Jan 31, 2010, at 9:20 AM, wrote:
>> Please do not be so damn silly.  This is a meaningless non-response
>> to my query and shows me that you view me as being an idiot.  Having a
>> USB port does not mean that one has to have "a dozen cables snaking
>> their way to the floor."  To transfer data, a USB slot requires only a
>> flash drive to be inserted, a little device that is about 2 inches
>> long or less, 1/4 thick and about 3/4 inch wide.
> Scroll to the bottom of this page...
> Its the picture in the middle.

  Okay.  I see the picture and here is the text:

iPad Camera Connection Kit

The Camera Connection Kit gives you two ways to import photos and
videos from a digital camera. The Camera Connector lets you import
your photos and videos to iPad using the camera’s USB cable. Or you
can use the SD Card Reader to import photos and videos directly from
the camera’s SD card.

  This tells the consumer that one may use this device to import
photos and videos to their iPad.  What of other forms of data
typically associated with USB as a means of transfer?  Text files?
Files, other than photo or video, that may want to be used with some
of the apps available?  I am only left to guess.

  Hey, isn't that thingy the mess of wires dragging around that you
were saying Apple eschews in their visions of the future, which by the
way, is like in the next five minutes or less.  Personally, I am never
in the future anyway, only in the present, and the present has ports
on most computers, and you know what, they get used.  I'll bet that
you are using at least one right now, or at least have it hooked up.


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Re: [CGUYS] Wait (was: You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?)

2010-01-31 Thread Constance Warner
At this point, why not WAIT AND SEE what happens when the iPad gets  
into the stores and people actually buy it and start using it?

It seems to me that the discussion has gone about as far as it can go  
at this point, at this imperfect state of knowledge about the device   
And we know nothing about how it will actually perform in the real  
world and how many customers are going to buy it.  All we have are  
some of the specs, a sales presentation, and some blog postings.   
Pretty thin gruel, that.

So why not wait until we get more real-world information, to discuss  
it any more?  Better yet, wait for Version 2.0, which is sure to come.

--Constance Warner

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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread
On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 11:59 AM, tjpa  wrote:

> Someone else even pointed out that you can now buy an SD card that gives the
> camera a wireless link. Isn't that a far better way to link your camera to
> an iPad?

  Perhaps so, but at what cost?  $60 for a couple of gigs?  Transfer
speed?  Slowww?  What, maybe around 50 or so Mbits/second?

  Most folks only have a limited amount of their hard earned income,
and these days it can be very hard earned, to spend on goodies.  A
better way to do this, a better way to do that, and a better way to do
all the other things we do can add up to a financial impossibility
even for the wealthiest.


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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread Jordan wrote:

On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 10:41 AM, Jordan  wrote:


To me, for someone to choose implies that they are reasonably informed about
the options. I believe that great masses of Windows users are not
sufficiently aware of the Mac and OS X as a serious option.

  Agreed.  However, an implication of awareness or knowledge is not
part of the definition of the word "choose."  People often make
choices without any understanding about options.

Can an ignorant person actually be making a choice?
Or does ignorance preclude the possibility that a choice is being made?

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Re: [CGUYS] Wait

2010-01-31 Thread Jordan

Constance Warner wrote:
At this point, why not WAIT AND SEE what happens when the iPad gets 
into the stores and people actually buy it and start using it?

It seems to me that the discussion has gone about as far as it can go 
at this point, at this imperfect state of knowledge about the device 

Much further than it should have gone.
Thank you Constance.
More of us should have heeded David Pogue's advice quoted early in this 

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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread b_s-wilk

Tom imagines a he is imagining a world where everyone is
controlled.  Typically, people like this are really the ones being Apple does to it's users.

Hey Mike--Tom, too -

Cut out the hyperbole.

We use Macs and iPods/iPhones because they're good products, in spite of 
the reality distortion fields from Jobs and elsewhere. I remember the 
good and bad products.

The new Maxi iP[a/o]d is a niche product, like the Mac Cube, but even 
less practical, like the MacBook Air. Some people will love it, some 
will hate it. Unless Apple deals with some serious issues, like a 
nonstandard SIM slot and only a dock port, it will remain a niche toy 
with lots of happy consumers, but not much practicality. Wireless--WiFi, 
3G, EDGE--isn't "everywhere"--and do we really want to search for a 
McDonald's or other place just to transfer pix from our cameras, or 
carry a variety of extra cables that fit only into the dock port?

Nah. Silly. A few covered ports could eliminate the need for all those 
extra interchangeable dock cables--you'll need plenty of nonstandard 
cables to make up for the lack of basic connectivity. Don't be snarky, 
Tom, I don't mean floppy or Zip disks either.

We're not zombies...not zombies...not 


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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread Chris Dunford
> I know freedom scares liberals like you, things like self reliance are
> frightening.

Sorry, Mike, but this is unnecessary, incorrect, and insulting. You know I'm 
liberal. Do you seriously believe that I am frightened by self-reliance even 
though I've been self-employed for nearly
thirty years? Or that I spend my time trying to figure out how to get more 
welfare and food stamps? Or that I somehow dislike freedom, or find it 
frightening? Come on.

And lest you think I'm somehow unique, I can assure you that I am not. I don't 
know *any* liberal who thinks the way you seem to believe we do, and I know a 
*lot* of liberals, I promise you.

This is exactly the sort of sweeping generalization that's ruining political 
discourse in this country. 

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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread David K Watson
> From:Chris Dunford 
> Subject: Re: You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?
> David, sorry, but I have plenty of experience with multitouch devices. Of the 
> two I have now, the SMALL one is 12" (and they're both 16:9, by the way, not 
> 4:3 like iPad). The iPad's touchscreen is
> incontrovertibly midsize.

Now here you're telling us of your vast experience with something without 
providing any basis for us to evaluate it, making us work to tease some details 
out of you.  It's annoying, but anyhow, here goes:  please tell us of your 
experiences and the devices you now have.  I realize myself that I had 
about the tablet computers  that everyone else seems to have forgotten about 
also. So yes, I was wrong as far as screen size goes for generically-named 
devices".  While conceding the issue, I would like to point out that for many 
these tablets, "multi" means "two", and for a lot of the others it means 
and that it would be difficult to apprehend a really good multitouch experience 
based on familiarity with those clumsy machines.   

>> Regarding the lack of HD output, I'd really like it if someone would
>> establish how important it really is for any mobile device.
> I think it's silly to bring out any non-toy video device in 2010 without HD 
> capabilities.

Then many smartphone and netbook manufacturers are silly. As are most 
portable DVD players, but maybe you consider those to be "toys".  Speaking 
of toys, the PSP, Wii and DS/DSi don't have HD and Nintendo seems to be 
doing quite well without it at the moment.  And why exclude "toys"?  I would 
have thought that HD is even more essential to them.  For example, it seems 
like weekend sports fanatics aren't considered serious unless they have HDTVs.  
In any case, you haven't answered the question, only slapped a different 
on it.  Before, I asked why HD output was so important, and now I am asking 
why not having it is silly.  As I asked before, can you give any indication how 
popular HD output is among Zune HD users or explain why smartphone 
manufacturers aren't exactly falling over each other in a rush to include it?  
Maybe they believe that the extra sales HD would generate aren't enough 
to justify the cost of including it at present.  
>> The tech specs page says that the 3G iPad has assisted GPS,
>> and the TomTom kit for the touch should work for the non-3G
>> model, so you DO have GPS on all of the iPads, should you want
>> it.
> Extra cost for GPS either way. 

Come now, it has GPS, contrary to what you said.  Tell us, where don't 
you pay extra for GPS?  I guess you could say the iPad, since if you 
are buying it for the 3G you would be getting GPS for free.  

> Well, I didn't say anything about "horrible" app restrictions. But it IS a 
> restriction, and a significant one, in my view. I can't write an iPad app, 
> post it on the web, and let everyone use it.
> Nobody else can either. All I can do is submit it, wait, and hope. If Apple 
> doesn't like the app, for whatever reason, that's it, that's all she wrote. I 
> don't like that one bit, either as a developer
> or as a consumer.

You came close to owing me a new keyboard, as I just barely was able to 
contain a mouthful of tea when I read this.  You write an iPad app?  
Wouldn't you have to use a Mac for that?  (Seriously though, if you 
wanted to do it, I hear that there's a Mono iPhone SDK now.)

I didn't say you said horrible, but you did imply that they were bad, bad, bad, 
hence my use of quotes.  How is what you describe different from working 
on spec in any field?  You don't have exclusivity agreements with any of your 
retailers, who may also choose to stop promoting your product for any reason?  

> Sorry, but I don't consider either of these to be multitasking. Unless you 
> can have two arbitrary apps both RUNNING at the same time, it's not 
> multitasking.

Now you are moving the goal posts.  The definition that the rest of us 
use is that multitasking is "the apparent simultaneous performance of 
two or more tasks by a computer".  So the iPhone OS devices do 
multitask for their most commonly used apps, one example being 
Safari + Music + Mail + Calendar.  And there effectively is multitasking 
for many more apps, since (for example) there is no functional difference 
between keeping a book app open while composing an email then 
returning to the book, as opposed to closing the book app, writing the 
email and opening the book app automatically at the page where it had 
been before.  That is not to say that it wouldn't be nice if the multitasking 
was a little more thorough, but that hasn't proven to be a big obstacle 
for Touch or iPhone adoption rates.  

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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread Rev. Stewart Marshall

To be honest political discourse is ruing political discourse these days.

All people ever hear or listen to is sound bites.

If I actually believed what is said when I listen to sound bites I 
would be in big trouble.

Politicians speak in sound biteese.

Have you ever seen how some of those Senate speeches are given?  To 
an empty room, they no longer even listen to each other.

To have discourse you need to have a back and forth discussion.


At 01:06 PM 1/31/2010, you wrote:

This is exactly the sort of sweeping generalization that's ruining 
political discourse in this country.

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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread mike
Apologies, I let myself get away from myself.  I usually hit Tom's crazy
talk with hyperbole of my own.  I suppose the difference is, I know it's
hyperbole.  So to present company, no insult intended.

On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 12:06 PM, Chris Dunford  wrote:

> > I know freedom scares liberals like you, things like self reliance are
> > frightening.
> Sorry, Mike, but this is unnecessary, incorrect, and insulting. You know
> I'm liberal. Do you seriously believe that I am frightened by self-reliance
> even though I've been self-employed for nearly
> thirty years? Or that I spend my time trying to figure out how to get more
> welfare and food stamps? Or that I somehow dislike freedom, or find it
> frightening? Come on.
> And lest you think I'm somehow unique, I can assure you that I am not. I
> don't know *any* liberal who thinks the way you seem to believe we do, and I
> know a *lot* of liberals, I promise you.
> This is exactly the sort of sweeping generalization that's ruining
> political discourse in this country.
> *
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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread
On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 1:34 PM, Jordan  wrote:

> Can an ignorant person actually be making a choice?
> Or does ignorance preclude the possibility that a choice is being made?

  Wow, that's a tough one.  Just how ignorant are we taking about here?


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[CGUYS] iPad dock connector for tethering

2010-01-31 Thread b_s-wilk
You can tether most smart--and not so smart--cell phones to your 
notebook to use whatever data plan is provided by your mobile provider.

Is it technically possible to tether through a dock connection? Can you 
[theoretically] tether iPad to a Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile phone via 

Did Apple use a nonstandard SIM and ATT-only US 3G frequencies in the 
iPad to cut out their main competitor--T-Mobile? Micro SIM is different, 
but not an improvement. You could cut your original SIM to fit the iPad, 
just as people cut SIM cards to fit two SIMS into a duoSIM for multiple 
accounts in one cell phone. Or you'll have to pay for a new SIM card IN 
ADDITION to a new device.

What 3G frequencies do Canadian mobile services use? Rogers/Fido?

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Re: [CGUYS] iPad dock connector for tethering

2010-01-31 Thread mike
If the ipad has wifi, you can connect it that way to any service I would
expect.  Thus you could get a sprint or verizon mifi and use it like that.
 I know there are programs for windows and android that let you turn your
mobile phone into a wifi router and this would work too.

On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 12:49 PM, b_s-wilk  wrote:

> You can tether most smart--and not so smart--cell phones to your notebook
> to use whatever data plan is provided by your mobile provider.
> Is it technically possible to tether through a dock connection? Can you
> [theoretically] tether iPad to a Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile phone via
> Bluetooth?
> Did Apple use a nonstandard SIM and ATT-only US 3G frequencies in the iPad
> to cut out their main competitor--T-Mobile? Micro SIM is different, but not
> an improvement. You could cut your original SIM to fit the iPad, just as
> people cut SIM cards to fit two SIMS into a duoSIM for multiple accounts in
> one cell phone. Or you'll have to pay for a new SIM card IN ADDITION to a
> new device.
> What 3G frequencies do Canadian mobile services use? Rogers/Fido?
> *
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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread David K Watson
Not sure what point you're trying to make with the Air, but the primary 
concern with it was pretty obviously keeping down the weight without 
sacrificing performance, not saving money.  With USB on Macs, yes, 
nearly everything you expect to work with it does work with it, flash 
drives, printers (sometimes you have to install software first, but 
you already expect that), scanners (ditto), etc.  When some devise 
doesn't fully work, it usually can be blamed on the manufacturer's 
software, and you blame them, not Apple.  If the iPad had USB, 
even flash drives would have issues that conflicts with user 
expectations because of the iPad's storage scheme.  

And I didn't say that I knew for sure why Apple doesn't have 
extra ports, I said what I believed was a good reason.  Anyhow, 
it doesn't have to be THE reason, but (IMO) it probably is A reason, 
and one near the top of the list, at that.

> From:"" 
> Subject: Re: You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?
> On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 9:21 PM, t.piwowar  wrote:
>> On Jan 30, 2010, at 5:30 PM, David K Watson wrote:
>>> While price was probably an issue, I don't myself think that it was
>>> the main one in Apple's decision to keep the physical interfaces
>>> to a minimum.  Apple likes to promote itself as the company whose
>>> devices just work, and if they had USB ports on the iPad then there
>>> would immediately be thousands of things that wouldn't work with it.
>>> By making sure that all input comes in wirelessly (where you have
>>> one set of expectations) or through the dock (where they have
>>> full control), Apple has a better chance of making sure that
>>> everything "Just Works".
>> Precisely right.
>  Maybe.  Maybe not.  Is this why Apple did not include a CD/DVD drive
> in the "Air"?  Or, was that a size or pricing consideration or even
> analogous to Apple dropping floppy drives?  My iMac has USB.  Apple
> apparently was not concerned about "things that wouldn't work with it"
> in that instance.
>  I do not think that any of us know for sure why Apple decided to
> exclude ports on the iPad.
>  Steve

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Re: [CGUYS] Wait

2010-01-31 Thread Stephen Brownfield

I agree!

Jordan wrote:

Constance Warner wrote:
At this point, why not WAIT AND SEE what happens when the iPad gets 
into the stores and people actually buy it and start using it?

It seems to me that the discussion has gone about as far as it can go 
at this point, at this imperfect state of knowledge about the device 

Much further than it should have gone.
Thank you Constance.
More of us should have heeded David Pogue's advice quoted early in 
this discussion.

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Re: [CGUYS] iPad dock connector for tethering

2010-01-31 Thread Rev. Stewart Marshall

Palm has introduced two new Palm phones that can do this. (pre and Pixi)

However they do charge you a pretty penny (30 per month) extra (this 
is over and above your data plan) but cheaper than the mifi plan.

If you were traveling and knew you were going to be gone for a month 
or so this would make sense as no long term contract.


At 02:05 PM 1/31/2010, you wrote:

If the ipad has wifi, you can connect it that way to any service I would
expect.  Thus you could get a sprint or verizon mifi and use it like that.
 I know there are programs for windows and android that let you turn your
mobile phone into a wifi router and this would work too.

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Re: [CGUYS] Wait

2010-01-31 Thread tjpa

On Jan 31, 2010, at 1:41 PM, Jordan wrote:
More of us should have heeded David Pogue's advice quoted early in  
this discussion.

Quote provided by Tom, but you didn't respond as suggested.

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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread tjpa

On Jan 31, 2010, at 1:44 PM, b_s-wilk wrote:

nonstandard SIM slot

It is not non-standard. In is the next generation SIM.

Once again, some prefer to be clinging to the past.

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Re: [CGUYS] Wait

2010-01-31 Thread mike
More hyperbole, less agreeing, Stephen!

On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 1:14 PM, Stephen Brownfield

> I agree!
> Jordan wrote:
>> Constance Warner wrote:
>>> At this point, why not WAIT AND SEE what happens when the iPad gets into
>>> the stores and people actually buy it and start using it?
>>> It seems to me that the discussion has gone about as far as it can go at
>>> this point, at this imperfect state of knowledge about the device
>> Much further than it should have gone.
>> Thank you Constance.
>> More of us should have heeded David Pogue's advice quoted early in this
>> discussion.
>> *
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>> *
> *
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> *

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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread mike
This is interesting because a lot of people blame windows under this same

On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 1:03 PM, David K Watson

>  When some devise
> doesn't fully work, it usually can be blamed on the manufacturer's
> software, and you blame them, not Apple.

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Re: [CGUYS] iPad dock connector for tethering

2010-01-31 Thread mike
Probably easier to set up, but it can already be done on a lot of phones.
 iPhones too if they are jailbroken...

On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 1:17 PM, Rev. Stewart Marshall <> wrote:

> Palm has introduced two new Palm phones that can do this. (pre and Pixi)
> However they do charge you a pretty penny (30 per month) extra (this is
> over and above your data plan) but cheaper than the mifi plan.
> If you were traveling and knew you were going to be gone for a month or so
> this would make sense as no long term contract.
> Stewart
> At 02:05 PM 1/31/2010, you wrote:
>> If the ipad has wifi, you can connect it that way to any service I would
>> expect.  Thus you could get a sprint or verizon mifi and use it like that.
>>  I know there are programs for windows and android that let you turn your
>> mobile phone into a wifi router and this would work too.
> *
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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread tjpa

On Jan 31, 2010, at 12:56 PM, wrote:

Hey, isn't that thingy the mess of wires dragging around that you
were saying Apple eschews in their visions of the future, which by the
way, is like in the next five minutes or less.  Personally, I am never
in the future anyway, only in the present, and the present has ports
on most computers, and you know what, they get used.  I'll bet that
you are using at least one right now, or at least have it hooked up.

Yes it does look to be wisely limited to photo files. I agree with you  
that it looks like a mess. Maybe Apple will figure out that it is not  
necessary and it never ships.

Bottom line here is that WFBs reject any computer that is not infested  
with malware. They oppose all effective means of keeping malware off  
of computers. Apple wisely realizes that keeping their iPads and  
iPhones free of malware is a very important part of their success.

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Re: [CGUYS] Wait

2010-01-31 Thread mike
That's ok, neither did you...and you posted it.  Heh

On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 1:17 PM, tjpa  wrote:

> On Jan 31, 2010, at 1:41 PM, Jordan wrote:
>> More of us should have heeded David Pogue's advice quoted early in this
>> discussion.
> Quote provided by Tom, but you didn't respond as suggested.
> *
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> *

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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread mike
Yes in fact it is non-standard, take the glasses off and read a little more
about it.  Apple used this sim for the one purpose of not allowing the
standard sims to be placed in the device.  The micro sim is not a 'thing of
the future' it is just a level of control.

On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 1:19 PM, tjpa  wrote:

> On Jan 31, 2010, at 1:44 PM, b_s-wilk wrote:
>> nonstandard SIM slot
> It is not non-standard. In is the next generation SIM.
> Once again, some prefer to be clinging to the past.
> *
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> *

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Re: [CGUYS] iPad dock connector for tethering

2010-01-31 Thread John Duncan Yoyo
On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 3:05 PM, mike  wrote:

> If the ipad has wifi, you can connect it that way to any service I would
> expect.  Thus you could get a sprint or verizon mifi and use it like that.
>  I know there are programs for windows and android that let you turn your
> mobile phone into a wifi router and this would work too.
> All iPads are supposed to have WIFI.

John Duncan Yoyo

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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread
On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 3:19 PM, tjpa  wrote:

> Once again, some prefer to be clinging to the past.

  Clinging to the past or just guilty of using existing technology?


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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread Chris Dunford
> Apologies, I let myself get away from myself.  I usually hit Tom's crazy
> talk with hyperbole of my own.  I suppose the difference is, I know it's
> hyperbole.  So to present company, no insult intended.

Apology happily accepted.

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Re: [CGUYS] Wait

2010-01-31 Thread Jordan

tjpa wrote:

On Jan 31, 2010, at 1:41 PM, Jordan wrote:
More of us should have heeded David Pogue's advice quoted early in 
this discussion.

Quote provided by Tom, but you didn't respond as suggested.

I'm aware of that and appreciate it, (I read Pogue all the time) and I 
have not participated in the speculation.

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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread t.piwowar

On Jan 31, 2010, at 3:32 PM, mike wrote:
Yes in fact it is non-standard, take the glasses off and read a  
little more

about it.  Apple used this sim for the one purpose of not allowing the
standard sims to be placed in the device.  The micro sim is not a  
'thing of

the future' it is just a level of control

Gramps, dem dar new-fangled micro-SIMs have been around for 11 years  
and standardized 7 years ago.  And it is backwards compatible too.

"The micro-SIM was developed by the European Telecommunications  
Standards Institute along with SCP, 3GPP (UTRAN/GERAN), 3GPP2  
(CDMA2000), ARIB, GSMAssociaton (GSMA SCaG and GSMNA), GlobalPlatform,  
Liberty Alliance, and the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) for the purpose  
of fitting in into devices otherwise too small for a mini-SIM card.[4]  
[5] The form factor was mentioned in the Dec 1998 3GPP SMG9 UMTS  
Working Party which is the standards setting body for GSM SIM  
cards[6]and the form factor was agreed upon in late 2003"

And quit waving your cane at me!

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[CGUYS] another

2010-01-31 Thread mike

The site is in french, but you can see pretty clearly the end result.  Specs
listed contain what you'd expect (unless you are already an ipad fan), still
no HD, but it is slightly more widescreen than the ipad.

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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread mike
Name someone in the US that is using them.  Anyone?  I'll give you a hint,
it's the maker of a GPS tracker for kids.  That's it.  I never said anything
regarding the length of time this has been out...12 years and it's still not
standard.  You are changing the point of what I said just enough to again
try and be 'right'.

On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 4:36 PM, t.piwowar  wrote:

> On Jan 31, 2010, at 3:32 PM, mike wrote:
>> Yes in fact it is non-standard, take the glasses off and read a little
>> more
>> about it.  Apple used this sim for the one purpose of not allowing the
>> standard sims to be placed in the device.  The micro sim is not a 'thing
>> of
>> the future' it is just a level of control
> Gramps, dem dar new-fangled micro-SIMs have been around for 11 years and
> standardized 7 years ago.  And it is backwards compatible too.
> "The micro-SIM was developed by the European Telecommunications Standards
> Institute along with SCP, 3GPP (UTRAN/GERAN), 3GPP2 (CDMA2000), ARIB,
> GSMAssociaton (GSMA SCaG and GSMNA), GlobalPlatform, Liberty Alliance, and
> the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) for the purpose of fitting in into devices
> otherwise too small for a mini-SIM card.[4] [5] The form factor was
> mentioned in the Dec 1998 3GPP SMG9 UMTS Working Party which is the
> standards setting body for GSM SIM cards[6]and the form factor was agreed
> upon in late 2003"
> And quit waving your cane at me!
> *
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> *

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[CGUYS] Even Peewee has an Ipad

2010-01-31 Thread Rev. Stewart Marshall

Check this link out.

PeeWee Herman has an Ipad.|main|dl7|link6|


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Re: [CGUYS] Even Peewee has an Ipad

2010-01-31 Thread John Duncan Yoyo
On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 7:53 PM, Rev. Stewart Marshall <> wrote:

> Check this link out.
> PeeWee Herman has an Ipad.
I wonder how and why he had the set handy.  Could this be a hint that Pee
Wee has something on the horizon.
John Duncan Yoyo

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Re: [CGUYS] Bill Gates saves the world...well some of it

2010-01-31 Thread John Duncan Yoyo
On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 11:29 AM, Schmidt, Paul wrote:

> Not on this scale, but the Newman Foundation seems to do pretty good
> too.
> FYI You got sent to spam in my gmail with a big red warning that you may
not be who you claim to be.

John Duncan Yoyo

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Re: [CGUYS] Even Peewee has an Ipad

2010-01-31 Thread Rev. Stewart Marshall

I read somewhere that, that has ben in the works for a little while now.


At 07:19 PM 1/31/2010, you wrote:

I wonder how and why he had the set handy.  Could this be a hint that Pee
Wee has something on the horizon.
John Duncan Yoyo

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[CGUYS] Apple monitor issues

2010-01-31 Thread
Apple internally acknowledges more 27" iMac screen issues

Apple support technicians are told to tell customers complaining about
the issue that slight variations are normal. If the customer complains
further, the tech is supposed to get contact information so the
customer can be contacted about having the display panel replaced "in
approximately three weeks." Those asking for "immediate resolution"
should be offered a refund and not a replacement.

WARNING: Due to a Presidential Executive Order, the National Security
Agency may have read this email without warning, warrant or notice.

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Re: [CGUYS] You Saw the Demo? Are you impressed?

2010-01-31 Thread t.piwowar

On Jan 31, 2010, at 6:53 PM, mike wrote:
Name someone in the US that is using them.  Anyone?  I'll give you a  
it's the maker of a GPS tracker for kids.  That's it.  I never said  
regarding the length of time this has been out...12 years and it's  
still not
standard.  You are changing the point of what I said just enough to  

try and be 'right'.

Dab gummet and it ain't got one of 'em UFO thingies too. Can't be any  

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[CGUYS] SNL & iPad

2010-01-31 Thread Chris Dunford
SNL's take on iPad, from Weekend Update (this is from memory, doesn't seem to 
be online):


"And in technology news, Apple this week released new stuff that does the same 
stuff as their old stuff. In other news. ..."

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[CGUYS] New SIM, but improved? [was: You Saw the Demo?...]

2010-01-31 Thread b_s-wilk

nonstandard SIM slot

It is not non-standard. In is the next generation SIM.

Once again, some prefer to be clinging to the past.

This SIM card is too small for those of us who switch cards frequently. 
The micro SIM is about 30% smaller [about the size you need to cut a 
regular SIM card to fit two SIMs for two networks in one phone], and is 
too easy to lose when switching networks. Unless there is a way to add 
new networks without removing the card, the micro SIM will be easily lost.

Since T-Mobile is one of the first to use the cards, there probably will 
be a remedy for that in their new European phones and devices. However 
because the new specs add multitasking and authentication, it could be 
an interesting way to prevent fraud [but that will be circumvented 

There's no good reason for the new SIM to be a different size than the 
old SIM since the active part is the same size as the current SIM card. 
However there may be two not so good reasons. First, size makes it so 
that the two cards are distinguishable from each other [not important, 
since new card is backward compatible]. More important, the newer SIM 
won't fit [you can slide it in, but you can't get it out!] in a lot of 
current phones that work fine now but may have to be replaced sooner 
than expected if AT&T and T-Mobile decide to switch quickly to the new 

Questionable for most consumers--good for the corporate bottom line. Who 
has a budget for this? I can wait until next year, at least, and let the 
bleeding edgers get hosed before the price drops. I think I'll go read a 
real book now.

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Re: [CGUYS] New SIM, but improved? [was: You Saw the Demo?...]

2010-01-31 Thread mike
Tmo US or overseas?  I just read an article today that said the micro sim
was not in use anywhere in the US.

On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 10:48 PM, b_s-wilk  wrote:

>>nonstandard SIM slot
>> It is not non-standard. In is the next generation SIM.
>> Once again, some prefer to be clinging to the past.
> This SIM card is too small for those of us who switch cards frequently. The
> micro SIM is about 30% smaller [about the size you need to cut a regular SIM
> card to fit two SIMs for two networks in one phone], and is too easy to lose
> when switching networks. Unless there is a way to add new networks without
> removing the card, the micro SIM will be easily lost.
> Since T-Mobile is one of the first to use the cards, there probably will be
> a remedy for that in their new European phones and devices. However because
> the new specs add multitasking and authentication, it could be an
> interesting way to prevent fraud [but that will be circumvented quickly].
> There's no good reason for the new SIM to be a different size than the old
> SIM since the active part is the same size as the current SIM card. However
> there may be two not so good reasons. First, size makes it so that the two
> cards are distinguishable from each other [not important, since new card is
> backward compatible]. More important, the newer SIM won't fit [you can slide
> it in, but you can't get it out!] in a lot of current phones that work fine
> now but may have to be replaced sooner than expected if AT&T and T-Mobile
> decide to switch quickly to the new cards.
> Questionable for most consumers--good for the corporate bottom line. Who
> has a budget for this? I can wait until next year, at least, and let the
> bleeding edgers get hosed before the price drops. I think I'll go read a
> real book now.
> *
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Re: [CGUYS] Apple monitor issues

2010-01-31 Thread b_s-wilk

Apple internally acknowledges more 27" iMac screen issues

Remedy? Soup up a Mac Mini and get one of the large HP displays that 
uses an S-IPS LG Philips panel, like my son has? Find a 24" iMac 
instead? In addition to this article at Ars Technica, there's more 
discussion at Gizmodo with links at the end of the above story.

Thank goodness my 24" iMac is mostly OK for now. This is yet another 
reason to avoid bleeding like the bleeding edgers and not buying newer 
technology when it's first released. We're not Luddites. We're practical!

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