[CTRL] Death Education at Columbine ?!?!

1999-04-25 Thread Lloyd Miller

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Ian Goddard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sunday, April 25, 1999 1:27 AM
Subject: Death Education ?!?!

  Wow! Life really can be stranger than fiction:




Death education classes have been taught at Columbine
High School, it has been learned.

The school that became the site of one of the nation's
worst massacres this week, was in the headlines in the
early 90's for offering death education classes to
confused students!

One student even planned to kill herself after attending
one of the classes, ABC NEWS reported in a 20/20 profile
back in 1991.

"We talked about what we wanted to look like in our
casket," student Tara Becker told ABC in an interview.

"Tara Becker believes she was seduced into a suicide
attempt by her Death Ed class."

Tara was a junior at Columbine High in Littleton,
Colorado, reported Tom Jarriel.

A transcript of the stunning ABC NEWS broadcast was
obtained by the DRUDGE REPORT.

Anchor Hugh Downs introduced the segment: "Your child
could be in a class that only a few years ago might
have been unthinkable- death education. These classes
are supposed to prepare young people for coping with
death and while most schools make it part of a health
class, some actually make it an entire course."

Becker told the news magazine: "I had thought about
[suicide] as a possible option for a lot of years, but
I never would have gone through with it, never, because
I wasn't brave enough. The things that we learned in the
class taught us how to be brave enough to face death."

Jarriel summarized: "Graphically introducing death to
impressionable young minds is at the core of the
controversy over death education in our public schools.
Will students walk away from here with clearer
understanding of death or with nightmarish memories
that might haunt them for life and perhaps, inadvertently,
suggest death as an answer to adolescent problems?"

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Re: [CTRL] Tough Questions for Heterosexuals (fwd)

1999-04-25 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

 -Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 24 Apr 1999, 1lls0081 wrote:
Sex as an activity does not involve higher thinking
skills.  To base a relationship on sex,
to base life on sex, removes the innocense of life.
Look around you, would life keep going if animals
and plants were to consider homosexualism a viable

I believe it is...homosexuality DOES occur in other species, and I view
it as Nature's birth-control...

Your question implies that you feel homosexuality is a choice, and
further implies that you are heterosexual...so tell us, just when did you
CHOOSE to be straight?  I know _I_ never made a choice to be
heterosexual, it was just something I felt I always WAS...

Every gay I've ever known has said the same thing about THEIR sexual
orientation, that it was just something they felt they always were...

I like to eat and how long would we have
animals and plants if this were true?

Again, I believe homosexuality is Nature's own way to control

And if sex was just for procreation, homo sapiens wouldn't be able to
boff each other at the drop of a hat, rather females would have breeding
seasons just like other mammals, which would be the only time
heterosexual sex took place...so it seems heterosexual homo sapiens have
already 'gone against Nature' by having sexual activities outside of a
breeding cycle...

So it seems that it does not matter if a male gets
paid or if he pays.  (Gigalo or "husband")

You display misogyny in that statement...you sincerely believe that
husbands 'pay' for sex?

Then you are saying that all wives are intrinsically prostitutes...

Talk about the need for education, YOU need to be educated about what a
real relationship between husband and wife should be...with a major
attitude adjustment where women are concerned (and if you are a woman
yourself, what does this say about your image of YOURSELF?)...

what is he.  If I had a husband that believed it was ok to
just spread it around than -- he would not be my husband
for long.  What commentment does that show?

None.  But what does THAT have to do with the issue of homosexuality?

Many gays are in as committed relationships as any hetero couple, and
there are heteros who all their lives 'spread it around' as you so
grossly put it (and BTW, WOMEN 'spread it around' as much as men)...

If the base line is education.  Does just studing
history / religion one day a week for social purposes
show a respect for education?

I'd suggest you try spelling and grammar first, before you tackle history
and philosophy...  :-7

So the question behind door number one is...
What is the difference between a male that is hetrosexual
and a male that is homosexual?
the ability to have children, without cloning, within
a viable relationship that shows respect for the way
that (higher) plants and animals replicate.

I know very few, if any, heterosexuals who give a damn, let alone
respect, 'the way that higher plants and animals replicate'first off,
we're not plants, many of which replicate via asexual reproduction...and
again, if animals' sexuality was RELEVANT, then an honest scholar would
note both the homosexual cases in other species, and the fact that homo
sapiens are the only mammals who violate 'the law of Nature' by having
sexual relations outside of a breeding cycle...

You also ignore the many heterosexual homo sapiens who choose not to
breed...many couples choose not to have children

So now we get into the reason for some people using
homosexuals as a spring board for thier ideas.  To use
homosexuals in this way you would have to show case
male homosexuals normally.  Why?  In the wild female
animals will not have sex until they are in season, yet male
animals attempt to show supiriority at a young age.

You make absolutely NO sense (not that you have before this point,

A good many species are matriarchal, and it's the FEMALES who show
superiority at a young age (don't you have a working spell-checker?)
...indeed, both male AND females when young partake in play which
demonstrates who will be 'alpha' and who will be 'beta' when they reach

I know this is not complete and I will work on it.

Start out with a good version of Webster's

How would
this corralate with taking down the consitution.

Only in your own mind

How is a homosexual couple with a child and a hetrosexual
couple with a child different?  If the husband spreads it around
and lets the wife and school district do the education.

What about wives who 'spread it around'...?

What about the vast majority of couples who are sexually faithful, but
IGNORE their kids?

What does a husband who 'spreads it around' have to do with homosexuals,
most of whom are in a committed relationship with another person (albeit
of the same sex)?


"To love another person is to see the face of God."


Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Food Supply Update: April 24, 1999

1999-04-25 Thread Andrew Kieran

 -Caveat Lector-

How many farmers kept their land during the depression?
Which meat packer will by your animals?

why would i want to sell them to meat-packers?

Which grain towers will be open to buy your grain?

i'd prefer to use my grain myself, and sell the surplus

Which bank will be ready to foreclose - because they
already know what is (was) planed?

what's with the bank thing? do you think i care about the artificial economy?

We were on the "land" standard at one time
We were on the gold standard
we go back to the land standard, and guess who
planned (plans) to own all the land?
could we be ''quietly'' switching to the bio standard?
this would mean that all the plans since starting the KKK
are out the window.
If the Intergalactic standard were based on how much
bio - diversity your world has

what the figgins are you talking about???
please anybody, tell me if that makes any sense at all

Who would be the laughing stock of the intergalactic
community IF we go to space.


so they have control, they have the monopolies and can
prove it
will it do them a-n-y good?


The Pied Piper

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Re: [CTRL] Except for the US UK, NATO Ambivalent

1999-04-25 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

Das GOAT wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

   At age 50, NATO is welcoming its three newest members, Poland, Hungary
 and  Czechoslovakia -- all formerly part of that half of Europe granted
 RUSSIA after WWII, all now joining the capitalist club at the price of
 rejecting any further ties with Russia,  all being given an object lesson in
 what the EU will do to "mavericks" like Serbia ...
   A decade after the fall of Communism, NATO is systematically undoing
 Europe's territorial losses after WWII by little by little shoving Russia OFF
 the continent -- leaving Russia nowhere to go except the Middle East, and
 further, former partner China ...
  (Russia is rapidly building new bridges with the anti-American,
 anti-Israel Arabs.  The US, under Bill Clinton, is hurriedly "giving away the
 store" to Red China, foolishly believing that money can buy anything,
 gambling that China will STAY "bought" ... )
  The REAL enemy in this war, in the eyes of those old-timers who write
 the checks and pick up the tab for the EU and NATO, is not Serbia, it's
 RUSSIA -- Russia as it once was and COULD be again -- a COUNTER-empire of the
 East, and an obstacle to the New WORLD Order, i.e., ONE cartel's monopoly of
 ALL the world's resources ...
  Funny how, with no enemy strong enough to withstand us, the roles are
 reversed, and now we reveal ourselves monstrously, as the Threat of World

Hi Goat,

Nice to have you back.

I want to make one point about your excellent observation above. That
that the roles are not reversed. Things were always like this.
propaganda was always successful in pointing out the real deficiencies
international communism and by doing so always kept our focus diverted
from the much greater threat to freedom and humanity. Corporate
has always been more destructive and dangerous than the commies. Now
there is no longer a bogeyman to distract us, we can see what we
refused to
see all along. Most of the world fears and hates America. America
under the
firm rule of the Rich is a brutal bully willing kill anyone and
including its own citizens, who dares to criticize or change the
system which
makes slaves of the non rich and non powerful.

I have no love for Russia or the Russians, but no nation deserves what
moneyed elites did to them. They are completely justified in their
hatred of
America, and if history is any guide they will get their shit together
have enough hatred to carry them through the next century as the enemy
the West.

This does not bode well for our next generation considering the
lessons our
elites are teaching the nations of the world. The great bully only
picks on
countries that are small and weak. The lesson is... get nukes or
chemical and
biological weapons or else.

All is not hopeless though. NATO may not succeed in Europe. It may
fall apart
with the upcoming ground war. Once the body bag counts start becoming
knowledge, our imperialist elites won't be able to keep it together.
falls apart in the middle of the nascent EU, that will be the
beginning of the
end of the military industrial aspects of the New World Order.

With the apparent failure of globalized economics and the impending
of a globalized military, the philosophy of the internationalist
will show itself to be what it has always been. The depraved desires
of greedy,
insane elitists to rule the world.



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[CTRL] [Fwd: Seattle: WTO-free zone]

1999-04-25 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Seattle: WTO-free zone
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 12:08:31 -0400
From: Doug Henwood [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Today's WSJ reports that Seattle is "bracing for protesters" at the
Trade Organization meeting this November. It says Seattle's city
has voted "to make the city a global-investment-treaty-free zone."
is home to Boeing and Microsoft, two companies with massive global
that thrive on the tightened intellectual property restrictions and
pried-open trade regimes embodied in WTO/MAI-style treaties. Can any
northwesterners on the list enlighten me on how the locals reconcile


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Re: [CTRL] Trenchcoat

1999-04-25 Thread revcoal

 -Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 23 Apr 1999, Sno0wl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm a little tired of the "blame the parents" bit. My own kids were not
brought up with any notions of racial bias and indeed never had any until
they had a very bad experience in junior highschool, in a school where
things were somewhat chaotic and suddenly they were menaced and
threatened by kids of other ethnic backgrounds.  Because of that
experience and in spite of being brought up with friends from many
ethnic backgrounds, I know they have--as adults--biases which sometimes
surprise and shock me.

But they presumably never teased a dwarf, hanging him in a tree...so
obviously SOMETHING of what you taught and stood for got thru...

Many parents in the past decades have had the experience of discovering
that children who were absolute angels until they were 10-11 were
impossible to control in their teen years.

I don't buy it...monsters just don't appear overnight when they reach
adolescent or teen years...those types of kids were monsters even when
young, only thing is they were just easier for the parents to tolerate
when in grade school...


   It is not enough that yearly, down this hill, April
   Comes like an idiot, babbling and strewing flowers.

  -- Edna St. Vincent Mallay:  Spring
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Re: [CTRL] Trenchcoat

1999-04-25 Thread revcoal

 -Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 24 Apr 1999, Colleen Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
There are also people on this list  who use different names, and from
their terminology, and certain key words often leave clues as to who
they are.Hot Mail, and stuff like that - coming to this list members
from time to time.again, rather obvious who they are

Just to clarify matters, I have started utilizing a 2nd ID, a Hotmail ID,
to access this list from work...but I still use the ID 'YnrChyldzWyld',
and I still sign my name 'June', and I still endeavor to keep within the
list limit of 7 posts per day, no matter WHAT account I use (IOW, I'm not
using the Hotmail account as a way around the list limit, neither am I
trying to hide that it's me who's doing the posting, else I'd have come up
with a totally different ID and not sign my name...)


   It is not enough that yearly, down this hill, April
   Comes like an idiot, babbling and strewing flowers.

  -- Edna St. Vincent Mallay:  Spring
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Re: [CTRL] French toast mafia?

1999-04-25 Thread revcoal

 -Caveat Lector-

hi, i have been hearing scary talk from London, England, about another
group of people who wear dark clothes and listen to these goth-black
metal music, now they are called "french toast mafia" or so David Smythe
said (one of there members) they have all the resemblences of the
trenchcoat mob (i.e there into quake2, and doom and all these gore games)
and Mr. Smythe said they hate America and Americans,

Your post brought something back to mind...at least a year ago, probably
two, perhaps a few more, there was a story in the news about a strange
murder where two people from London were found dead somewhere in
California...and I remember the two were dressed all in black (not sure if
they wore trenchcoats)...

Anyone else remember this?  It got a fair amount of news, and a lot of
Internet discussion, at the time...and then got dropped...

Then again, didn't the Heaven's Gate crowd also dress all in black?


   It is not enough that yearly, down this hill, April
   Comes like an idiot, babbling and strewing flowers.

  -- Edna St. Vincent Mallay:  Spring
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Re: [CTRL] Colorado's heroes

1999-04-25 Thread revcoal

 -Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 24 Apr 1999, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Yes, and that is about all this guy said.  During this press conference,
Steve Davis said NOTHING.  When asked about--by name, one of the
students that had been arrested Tuesday, Steve Davis said, "I don't
*even* know who that is."

I've actually admired Davis' way of dealing with the press...and yes, I
spotted right off that he was bluffing every time he said "I don't know
about that" and "I have no information regarding that", etc.

First off, this is an ongoing murder investigation, and one does NOT
reveal everything one has uncovered in the way of evidence to the press;
secondly, I like it that Davis doesn't seem to be a robot parroting the
'official' line...when the media was trumpeting the 'Harris left a suicide
note on his computer' line, Davis would not give any credence to the
story, and indeed from what I've seen, he's been leaving open the
possibility of more than 2 people having done the shooting and bombing on
Tuesday, and that Harris and Klebold may NOT have died by their own hands.

I'd be really bothered if he was spoonfeeding the press (and hence the
public) packaged 'answers'...

One reporter actually said, "Are you taking notes on *ALL* of the
questions for which you have NO ANSWER, so that you may ask
your superiors the answerSo we can get some actual answers
at the next conference?"

Davis said, "Well, I have a pretty good memory,
so I don't think I need to write them down."

Which was his way of saying "You'll get the answers on OUR schedule, not
YOURS..."...again, since this is an ongoing investigation, I have no
problem that he's not sucking up to the media by giving them what they
want, just so he can become a media darling...

That is called PROFESSIONALISM...

You can actually hear the Trenchcoat yelling, and shooting, right
outside the door.  Just on the other side of this unlocked door,
more potential victims are waiting for the Special Weapons
Assault Team to storm the building and protect them.

This event gave police the exact location of the shooter.

The single adult and untold amount of children

The police ask,
"Can you lock the door?"

First of all, it wasn't 'the police' saying that, but the 911 dispatcher;
secondly this call came within the first four minutes of the initial call,
hence the SWAT team wasn't even there yet...

Incidentally, a few of these children have stated that when
they initially dialed 911, the line was busy for the first seven
to ten minutes.

Presumably because the switchboard got overwhelmed with incoming calls;
remember, there are just so many lines available, and they were keeping
some tied up, as in the case of the teacher you just mentioned, where they
made sure they kept her on the line...

*At least* three (3) hours AFTER the original telephone calls from the
kids that were INSIDE, S.W.A.T.  "appeared" to enter "about" 1.p.m.,
and this was, "about a half-hour AFTER" the "authorities said the last
shots were heard".

The first calls to 911, made at the beginning of the rampage, were made at
approx. 11:25am, during the school's lunch period...so if the cops went in
at 1pm, that's a 90 minute delay, NOT a 180 minute one...


   It is not enough that yearly, down this hill, April
   Comes like an idiot, babbling and strewing flowers.

  -- Edna St. Vincent Mallay:  Spring
revcoal AT connix DOT com
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Fwd: Issue S99-54, Day 32, Update 2 (Apr. 24; 11:30PM EDT) - A Special TiM GW Bulletin on NATO's War on Serbia

1999-04-25 Thread Kris Millegan


The Special "NATO's War ofn Serbia" Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins,
such as the one enclosed below, can also be accessed at our Web site:
www.truthinmedia.org which is being updated throughout the day.

Issue S99-54, Day 32, Update 2
Apr. 24, 1999; 11:30PM EDT


Phoenix   1. Come and Join TiM, American Patriots in
 "March on Washington '99"

Belgrade  2. Check Out TiM Photo Album from Recent Trip


1.  Come and Join TiM, American Patriots in "March on Washington '99"

PHOENIX, Apr. 24 - All TiM readers who can make it to Washington, DC, on
May 1, are invited to attend the American Patriots' "March on Washington
'99," at the Ellipse - the south lawn of the White House.  Your editor will
be one of the speakers.

This nationwide protest against the New World Order's stooges, like Bill
Clinton and other abusers of our constitutional rights and liberties, had
been planned well before their latest travesty - NATO's needless war on a
sovereign country of Yugoslavia, America's ally in two of the 20th century
world wars.

Well, now that the NATO planes and missiles have been staging their daily
raids against innocent civilians in Yugoslavia for almost five weeks, come
and join your editor who will speak on the topic of:

"Five Weeks of America's Infamy: Why Clinton Cannot Win the Illegal War He

In his talk, the TiM editor also plans to reveal the real reasons behind
NATO's attack on Serbia, and suggest ways for America to win back its
liberty, its Constitution and its pride.  Here's an "official" invitation
for all able-bodied TiM readers and supporters to join us at the south lawn
of the White House on May 1:









Sponsored by True Blue Patriots, Citizens for Honest Government, members of
Free Republic, and individual citizens...

Sign on that you will attend March 99 at our Website:  http://www.march99.com

Additional Participating Websites: http://www.truthinmedia.org, Truth in
Media; http://home.fuse.net/trueblue - True Blue home page,
www.worldwebtalk.com - Thursday evenings, 8-11 PM EST
www.impeachclinton.org, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If your busy schedule doesn’t allow you to attend, let me urge you to
organize your own local rally to call attention to the growing number of
decent Americans who are fed up with this indecent president.  I’ll help
you in every way I can because your actions are so important to our shared
national future.

Campers have a saying when they counter obstacles:  Don’t complain!  Do

That’s advice we must take to heart as we try to survive two terms of Bill
Clinton’s immoral behavior.  So let me urge you now, in the strongest
possible terms, to join fellow conservatives from across the country in
doing something that is very, very important.

Do Something!

We have national broadcasters willing to cover our rally and spread our
message.  Our challenge is to give them a gigantic rally filled with
sign-carrying protesters, who are fed up to the gills with Clinton’s
behavior.  We need you there!  Call toll free to: 1-877 531-TALK or 1-877

Notify friends and family of the March on Washington ‘99 Rally, on
Saturday, May 1 at the NW Quadrant of the Ellipse from noon - 5:00 p.m.
Write, fax, phone, e-mail! You can register your plans to attend at the
Rally web site: www.March99.com

Join the buses and/or carpool to the March in Washington, D.C.  Call
1-800-777-8127 for travel information.  If you can’t attend our “Caravan of
Conscience,” alternate rallies are being organized closer to your home.
Help us select a site and recruit other participants.  Notify our True Blue
office and let me know your plans.

Write letters to the editor, call your radio and TV stations and be part of
Nationwide Live Talk Show. Become a Grapevine Member or Coordinator.
Contact the Grapevine coordinator at [EMAIL PROTECTED] to join the May 1

Join the Petition Drive.  Petitions are available at
http://home.fuse.net/trueblue or www.March99.com.  Or, you can call
1-800-777-8127; leave your name, address and request.

  For the sake of freedom, Pat Cooksey, True Blue Patriots

Belgrade  2. Check Out TiM Photo Album from Recent Trip

PHOENIX, Apr. 24 - We invite you to check out the photos which TiM has just
posted at our Web site which your editor took during his recent trip to
Serbia.  Just follow the links from our home page - www.truthinmedia.org.
NOTE: To cancel the e-mail 

[CTRL] Strange Symbolism at NATO Summit (fwd)

1999-04-25 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-


(CNNS,  04/25/99)  --  A  broadcast  by  local  independent radio
(WEFT-FM) news outlet, "News From Neptune" (4/24/99), pointed out
some strange symbolism at the NATO summit  held  these  past  few
days in Washington, DC.

According  to  the broadcast, the main conference layout involved
the NATO "logo," a cross eerily reminiscent of the Nazi swastika,
surrounded  by  tables  arranged  in  the  form  of  a  pentagon.
("Pentagon," as in *the* Pentagon.)

This news service has  been  imperfectly  able to corroborate the
existence of a weird symbolic layout arranged for the NATO summit
main conference.  From news video of the NATO summit,  it  indeed
appears that the conference tables were arranged in the form of a
pentagon, and surrounded the NATO "iron cross" logo.

Below is an attempt to illustrate the conference layout:

/|   \
  /  | \
/-   \
\|   /
  \  | /

The symbolism is telling:  the U.S. military (Pentagon) surrounds
the NATO "iron cross" logo.

CNNS  (Conspiracy  Nation  News  Service)  is an INDEPENDENT news
outlet, not owned by anyone.  (But  of course, we would say that,

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: SNET: (Fwd) - useful excerpts from IOM medicinal marijuana report

1999-04-25 Thread Kris Millegan

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

Forwarded E-Mail Message
Tue, 20 Apr 1999 15:10:22 -0400
useful excerpts from IOM medicinal marijuana report
Marijuana Policy Project [EMAIL PROTECTED] posted:

Special thanks to everyone who responded to MPP's request for donations
to help us continue making the most of the Institute of Medicine's
(IOM's) landmark report on medicinal marijuana.

More than a month after its March 17 release, the IOM report is still
making news. And according to a Gallup poll conducted March 19-21, 73%
of Americans support "making marijuana legally available for doctors
to prescribe in order to reduce pain and suffering." Yet, according to
the latest issue of _Psychiatric News_, the Drug Czar's office still
endorses arresting medicinal marijuana users. (Please see MPP news
release below.)

MPP has just published "Questions about medicinal marijuana answered by
the Institute of Medicine's report" -- which is available on-line at
http://www.mpp.org/science.html. This document, a compilation of the
best excerpts from the IOM report, reaffirms that the science is on our
side. Consequently, the IOM report will be a useful tool that we can all
use to change the laws.

Please read the aforementioned document and let your three members of
Congress know the truth. In particular, please ask your U.S.
representative to co-sponsor U.S. Rep. Barney Frank's (D-Mass.) new
bill, H.R. 912, which would allow states to determine their own
medicinal marijuana laws without federal interference. (Please see
http://www.mpp.org/912alert.html for specifics.)

Finally, please read the following news release to see the kind of
cruelty and dishonesty that we are fighting against. Thank you.

This news release appears on the Web at http://www.mpp.org/nr042099.html



One Month After Institute of Medicine Endorsed
Legal Access to Medicinal Marijuana, Drug Czar's Office
Reaffirms Policy of Arresting Patients

WASHINGTON, DC -- The White House Office of National Drug Control Policy
(ONDCP) endorses the continuing arrest of medicinal marijuana users,
according to the April 16 issue of _Psychiatric News_, the newspaper of
the American Psychiatric Association (APA).

 A full month has passed since the National Academy of Sciences'
Institute of Medicine (IOM) released its landmark report -- yet national
drug war leaders maintain their hard-line stance against medicinal
marijuana users. ONDCP Deputy Director Donald Vereen told _Psychiatric
News_, "It doesn't matter what the excuse is," and, drawing an analogy
to "using cocaine to treat depression," he said that "you are going to
get arrested just as fast."

 "The prestigious Institute of Medicine recognized marijuana's
medical value and endorsed giving seriously ill people legal access
to the plant," said Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) co-director
Chuck Thomas.

 Indeed, at IOM's March 17 news conference, IOM Principal
Investigator Dr. John Benson said, "[W]e concluded that there are
limited circumstances in which we recommend smoking marijuana for
medical uses."

 "The nation's drug warriors first pretended to like the report, but
for the past month they've been ignoring it and outright maligning it,"
said Thomas. "Medicinal marijuana users remain criminals, and there is
no change to these laws in sight."

 In addition, a new Gallup poll, conducted after the IOM report was
released (from March 19-21), found that 73% of the American people
support "making marijuana legally available for doctors to prescribe in
order to reduce pain and suffering."

 "Drug Czar McCaffrey and his ilk are completely out of touch with
the American people, as well as the science," said MPP's Chuck Thomas.

 Below is a sampling of some opinions recently expressed by national
drug war leaders. (Note: When statements from the IOM report follow the
drug warriors' opinions, the page numbers refer to the "pre-publication
copy" of the IOM report, released on 3/17/99.)

 * "[IOM's report] is little more than a `thinly veiled effort' to
   promote legalization of the drug, [U.S.] Rep. Bob Barr (R-Ga.)
   said," according to an Associated Press article that appeared in
   the _Atlanta Journal_ on March 19. "Barr argued that the panel
   was heavily influenced by the Marijuana Policy Project, which
   advocates legalization of marijuana for medical uses."

 * According to a March 22 _USA Today_ article, U.S. Rep. John Mica
   (R-Florida) "announced plans to hold hearings in late April on

[CTRL] OEN 4/25/99

1999-04-25 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A
"In some ways this is a tabloid government and it tried to fight a
tabloid war," said a senior naval officer. "They were swayed by their
own rhetoric, believed in surgical strikes and an easy capitulation, and
did not sufficiently consider the practicalities."


Der Fuhrer Invades Yugoslavia

Oil Blockade Could Lead to War with Russia

Montenegro is also alarmed

TENSION mounted between Russia and the West last night after Moscow's
special envoy to Yugoslavia condemned Nato plans for an oil embargo on
Viktor Chernomyrdin said that the naval blockade proposed by Nato on
Friday was "bad" and could drag Russia into the conflict. As one of the
main oil-exporting countries to Yugoslavia, he made clear Russia
intended to carry on trading and was quoted by Russian news agencies as
saying: "The problem in Kosovo can neither be solved by bombing nor by a
blockade. Russia should not be dragged into the conflict in the Balkans.
If we do not find common ground at the negotiating table, we could be
dragged into a third world war." Before the air war in Kosovo, Russia
supplied about 12,000 barrels of oil a day to Yugoslavia, and
commentators fear that the Kremlin could use its navy to support its
merchant ships.

Nato plans for a sea blockade follow earlier moves by the European Union
to step up the oil embargo, but fall short of the all-out blockade
wanted by senior generals because of French objections to the move. As a
result, it remains unclear what will happen if a ship presses on with
its cargo in defiance of Nato vessels.

Nato leaders are unhappy that pilots are being put in danger by flying
missions to destroy oil refineries and storage facilities while supplies
are being replenished by sea. Jamie Shea, the Nato spokesman, said last
night that it was now believed that the Serbs were siphoning petrol from
abandoned refugee cars and that it was important to "switch off the oil
tap completely" to Yugoslavia. Nato is already preparing for a blockade
and British Marines will join the operation today. The elite Fleet
Standby Rifle Troop will be deployed to Royal Navy ships and the
heavily-armed Marines will board ships to reduce the chances of
confrontation with embargo-breaking crews.

Britain has four ships in the area: the aircraft carrier Invincible,
taking part in the air war; the Swiftsure class submarine Splendid,
carrying cruise missiles; and two Type 23 frigates - Somerset and Iron
Duke. Other Navy ships are on stand-by in Portsmouth.

The European Union earlier approved its own embargo on oil and petroleum
products delivery to Yugoslavia and asked other European countries who
want to become EU members to join. Romania has said it will respect a
Nato oil embargo, but it is unclear if Bulgaria, which is also not an EU
member, will stop petroleum shipments by truck across its western
borders with Yugoslavia. Although American companies are not affected by
the embargo, Texaco - which recently shipped 65,000 barrels of fuel to
the port of Bar in Montenegro under an existing contract - said it will
now halt all such shipments.

Serbia's crude oil production averaged 18,000 barrels a day last year,
and it imported another 54,000 barrels each day, mainly from Russia and
Greece, to meet daily consumption needs of 72,000 barrels. Nato bombing
has put its two oil refineries out of action and Serbia's oil company,
NIS Jugopetrol, now takes delivery of refined fuels through Bar and on
overland routes from Romania and Bulgaria.

Serbian oil supplies were already down before the current crisis because
Belgrade was short of money to pay its suppliers of crude oil. However,
crude is of little use now as the need is for petrol and diesel.
Belgrade has been stepping up such imports by sea to compensate for the
effects of Nato attacks. But many of the ships arriving at Bar are
registered in countries such as Panama and Belize, making it difficult
to trace the shipments.

The prospect of an oil embargo and naval blockade has alarmed
Montenegro, the pro-Western republic which is neutral in the conflict,
but it has indicated that it will accept international monitors to
ensure its oil imports are only for civilian use and do not reach the

The London Telegraph, April 25, 1999

Information Warfare

NATO Starts to Believe Its Own Propaganda

Maybe NATO should take a few lessons from the MasterLiar MasturBator

THEY were "Task Force Hawk", the "devastating tank-killers", and within
days they would be getting "up close and personal to the Milosevic
armour units in Kosovo".
That, at least, was the promise on April 4 as the Pentagon announced the
deployment of 24 Apache attack helicopters to Albania. By April 7, the
same officials were admitting "it would take a little bit longer . . .
there's a lot of complication, we're not sure where they're going to
go." At 

Re: [CTRL] Colorado's heroes

1999-04-25 Thread revcoal

 -Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 24 Apr 1999, "Prudence L. Kuhn" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I was rather amazed at their reticence, especially in light of the usual
knocking doors down and throwing everybody (male, female, child) to the
floor and shooting the family dog.

That's because in those situations, those whom the police are attacking
are themselved unarmed, or minimally armed.

Seems like when the cops come up against a REAL challenge, they tuck their
tails between their legs and run yelping to hide in a corner...

I loved the explanation one of the cops in charge gave for not rescuing a
boy who held up a 'HELP!' sign in a window, a boy who later bled to
death...seems the cop was worried about him and the other cops getting

HELLO?!  Isn't that their JOB?!  To take risks to protect the public?


   It is not enough that yearly, down this hill, April
   Comes like an idiot, babbling and strewing flowers.

  -- Edna St. Vincent Mallay:  Spring
revcoal AT connix DOT com
 It is UNLAWFUL to send unsolicited commercial email to this email
 address per United States Code Title 47 Sec. 227.  I assess a fee of
 $500.00 US currency for reading and deleting such unsolicited commercial
 email.  Sending such email to this address denotes acceptance of these
 terms.  My posting messages to Usenet neither grants consent to receive
 unsolicited commercial email nor is intended to solicit commercial

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Johnny's HomePage

1999-04-25 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.cybersurf.co.uk/johnny/"Johnny's HomePage/A
Many articles and interesting stuff.


My Web Pages in various places have been the source of various Web
outrages and interviews with the CID and Scotland on Sunday, but just
now it's pretty tame, though you can check a few pages maintained by me

•Strange But True
A compendium of essays about things that take my interest. Give it a
try. (Under construction of course!)
•Dunblane Massacre Resource Page
Including the British Home Office's 'proof' that guns cause crime. Do
you know enough psychology and stats to see what's propaganda and what's

•The Jeff Cooper's Commentaries Archive
Maintained by me in conjunction with Barry in California, Keith in Texas
and Bill in Vegas, all via e-mail. Isn't modern technology wonderful.
Warning: the opinions expressed here may not be to everyone's liking.

•The Original Linsey Dawn McKenzie HomePage
All in the best possible taste!
Warning: includes revealing photographs of "page 3 girl" Linsey.

•Sacrifice - a screenplay
A full-length feature film screenplay, written for a competition ages
ago. I love it - hope you will too. (Yes, my first novel is "under
construction" too.)
Warning: contains strong language and scenes that some may find

•Craig Walker's Ring of Fire World Tour
My pal Craig blaggin' his way around the world for charity - send him
some money.

In case you asked, here's a link that explains my politics -
The Libertarian Alliance (UK)

"Hain't we got all the fools in town on our side? And hain't that a big
enough majority in any town?"
Mark Twain, Huckleberry Finn

Send mail to Johnny at:
But use my PGP Public Key -

This page last maintained
Sat Mar 27 20:51:51 GMT 1999

Join the Blue Ribbon Online Free Speech Campaign!

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Beyond ÔVictim DisarmamentÕ

1999-04-25 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.17/pageone.html"Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 17
The Laissez Faire Times
April 26, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 17
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola

Littleton Shootings

Beyond ‘Victim Disarmament’

by Sunni Maravillosa

The recent shooting at a Littleton, Colorado high school has the gun
control advocates calling for more laws to "end the violence". The
mainstream media, ever so comfortable in their role of dutifully
reciting the propaganda of the anti-gun crowd, add little of substance
to the dialog. True to form, much of the commentary in the aftermath of
Littleton is the usual hand-wringing and calls for more laws to help
"protect the children".

Haven’t we had enough of that?

How do we "end the violence"? Well, they reason, guns are responsible
for much of the violence in our society today, so a ban on guns would
reduce the violence. This logic is so tortuous as to be laughable—except
that people believe it. When I hear someone claim that "guns cause
violence", I imagine hundreds of guns—revolvers, semi-automatic pistols,
rifles, shotguns—sprouting little feet and hands, running around and
pulling their own triggers and "causing" violence. In the absence of
guns, Bad Guys will choose other means of expressing their violent rage,
be it knives, bombs, cars, chopsticks, or stones. Violence cannot be
legislated away.

Even if "gun control" were the answer, why doesn’t all the gun control
legislation at the federal level alone accomplish this stated goal of
protecting us? Despite all the laws that require background checks,
waiting periods, firearms training, or that simply prohibit firearms
carry by private citizens, more and more people are getting shot at in
public places. Bad Guys know that places where guns are prohibited
provide a target-rich environment, and, more importantly, an environment
where it’s unlikely that they’ll be facing return fire.

Public schools are especially attractive, in part because of the ratio
of young people to adults. Students in schools are under increasing
surveillance, including locker and vehicle searches, and metal detector
checks upon entering the school in some places. A young person who wants
an education won’t risk expulsion, so it’s highly unlikely that most
kids will carry a weapon for protection. Teachers and school
administrators generally don’t have to go through that gauntlet, but the
laws apply to them as well. If they ignore the laws, they can be fired,
and with the horror of carrying a firearm to school on their record,
it’s a foregone conclusion that no other school district would hire such
a monster. Schools have become places where almost everyone is unarmed
—in other words, the ideal place for a killing spree.

Is it any wonder that that’s what we see happening?

In nature, life adjusts to the conditions of the environment—in the
desert, you find plants that don’t require much water, and animals that
are nocturnal to avoid the heat of the day. When laws create conditions
that make peaceful people easy prey, how can people fail to see that
it’s the same principle at work? Yet that’s what is happening with gun
control laws.

We "extremists" who support the Second Amendment have a phrase that
accurately describes gun control laws. They’re called "victim
disarmament laws". Law-abiding individuals who feel they have a
legitimate need for a handgun wait agonizing days for the background
check and "cooling off period" mandated by law—and run the risk of being
shot because the criminal doesn’t jump through the government’s hoops.
They will not buy automatic weapons—illegal simply because they do the
job with greater efficiency—while a criminal seeks out such weapons
precisely for that reason. They will obey the laws that limit where they
may lawfully carry weapons, while criminals seek out those places. Gun
control laws create a disarmed class of citizens, and easy prey for

Victim disarmament is the tip of the iceberg, though. The gun-grabbers
are creating new victims for criminals. Every gun that is taken out of a
peaceful person’s hands is one less opportunity for the good guys to
fight back. Why do you think there are drive-by shootings in California,
where gun control is strict, and such crimes are unheard of in Vermont,
which has unrestricted carry for its law-abiding citizens? It isn’t
because Vermont has no roads!

Victims of Gun Control

Rather than ending the violence, gun control laws are increasing the
likelihood of law-abiding citizens meeting an untimely, unnecessary end
while conducting routine business. Every person who has died or been
injured at the hands of someone spraying bullets in a public place is a
victim created by the gun-control crowd.

By creating gun-free zones of the public schools, the politicians are
making especially easy targets 

Re: [CTRL] Trenchcoat

1999-04-25 Thread revcoal

 -Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 24 Apr 1999, Liz Schumacher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
june, i believe bundy did admit at the end to some of the murders--to buy
time, he took the law on a tour and they found some bodies-this was in an
attempt to put off his execution

Not that I read...the only thing anyone could get out of him was to get
him to 'speculate' in the 3rd person about the murders, and by so doing he
revealed things only the murderer would have known...IOW, he'd say
something "Well, if 'someone' was to do this, this is probably how'd he do
it...' and then go on to provide details...

I never heard of any additional bodies being found after he was
convicted...but if they were, it was via this 'I'd imagine the killer
would have done this' sort of equivication Bundy played...

He'd studied law, and knew how to play people to benefit himself...he had
nothing to gain, and a lot to lose, by admitting to the murders after
denying them...so he knew just how far to push things, so that he'd be
able to get ego strokes by displaying how 'clever' he was, and yet not
provide anything which legally could be used against him...

? i may be wrong in this ?
perhaps im confusing him with another serial killer? i know henry lee
lucas did this also

Yes, Lucas bragged about any number of killings...some of which were
unknown, and so he probably DID do them (else how would he have known
where a body could be found?)...but he got carried away, and apparantly
confessed to some unsolved murders, which on investigation were found to
have been impossible for him to have committed (murders committed when he
wasn't even in the state, murders committed while he'd been incarcerated
for one thing or another, etc.)...so while he DID provide info on some
unknown murders, it seems as if he enjoyed being the center of attention a
little too much, and started admitting to any and all unexplained deaths
over the prior decades...


   It is not enough that yearly, down this hill, April
   Comes like an idiot, babbling and strewing flowers.

  -- Edna St. Vincent Mallay:  Spring
revcoal AT connix DOT com
 It is UNLAWFUL to send unsolicited commercial email to this email
 address per United States Code Title 47 Sec. 227.  I assess a fee of
 $500.00 US currency for reading and deleting such unsolicited commercial
 email.  Sending such email to this address denotes acceptance of these
 terms.  My posting messages to Usenet neither grants consent to receive
 unsolicited commercial email nor is intended to solicit commercial

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Trenchcoat

1999-04-25 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/24/99 10:20:09 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Ted Bundy never had a list, and to the day of his execution never admitted
 he did the murders.


I was under the impression that he did confess right before he was executed
and agreed to tell the police about more bodies to prolong his life.  Am I

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Trenchcoat

1999-04-25 Thread AOL User

 -Caveat Lector-

Bill Curtis did a bit on Bundy's life and it showed he confessed and became a
born again Christian.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-04-25 Thread Teo One Thousand

From a friend.

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"The illusion of freedom (in America) will continue as long as
it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where=20
the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just=20
take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they=20
will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see=20
the brick wall at the back of the theater."- Frank Zappa


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Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable


META content=3Dtext/html;charset=3Diso-8859-1 =
META content=3D'"MSHTML 4.72.3110.7"' name=3DGENERATOR
BODY bgColor=3D#ff
DIVquot;The illusion of freedom (in America) will continue as long =
profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where BRthe illusion =
too expensive to maintain, they will just BRtake down the scenery, =
they will=20
pull back the curtains, they BRwill move the tables and chairs out of =
the way=20
and you will see BRthe brick wall at the back of the theater.quot;- =


[CTRL] Journalists Murdered by NATO (fwd)

1999-04-25 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-


(CNNS,  04/25/99)  --  According  to latest reports, 15 civilians
were killed by  the  NATO  bombing  of  the Radio-TV Serbia (RTS)
building in Belgrade [1].  This number, 15 dead, adds  a  further
chilling  link  between  the  Columbine High massacre and the RTS
massacre, since besides  their  juxtaposition  in time, they both
now share equal body counts.

According to a report in the Electronic Telegraph, there had been
division within NATO over whether or not to actually bomb the RTS
building,  rather  than  its  transmitters,  but  that  the  U.S.
Pentagon's wishes finally prevailed.   Reporter John Simpson says
he had been receiving  on-again,  off-again  whispered  warnings:
"Don't go to the RTS building tonight."  But the tragic Columbine
High  massacre  in Littleton, Colorado, seems to have opportunely
provided cover for  the  NATO  attack  on  the RTS building.  The
Littleton massacre occurred on a Tuesday.  Then, writes  Simpson,
"on  Wednesday,  came  another private whisper.  The Pentagon has
won the battle; don't go to Serbian Television tonight."  [2] The
USA mass media's blanketing coverage  of the high school massacre
served to overwhelm coverage of the other massacre which occurred
the following day, in Belgrade.

In his article, Simpson describes some of  what  he  saw  at  the
bombed  RTS  building:   "I saw the make-up woman again on Friday
morning.  Or, to be more exact,  I saw her foot.  It was sticking
out at a strange angle  from  the  heap  of  crumbled  brick  and
plaster that was all that was left of her room." [3]

Australian   journalist   Miroslav  Mlinar  contributes  his  own
eyewitness description of  the  horror  at the Belgrade building:
"I saw three bodies protruding from the wreckage.   I  approached
the nearest one, but the man was already dead, all torn apart.  I
moved  on  to  pull  out  the second one.  Then went back for the
third one, but then I collapsed.  The firemen arrived then.  This
has been a horror that cannot be put into words..." [4]

Ted Turner's Cable News Network (CNN) may  have  been  tipped-off
ahead of time that the RTS building was to be bombed.  CNN pushed
hard  for  an  exclusive  interview  with the Serbian Minister of
Information,  Aleksandar  Vucic.Had   he   consented  to  the
interview, planned for broadcast  on  CNN's  "Larry  King  Live,"
Vucic  would  have  been in the RTS building when the NATO attack
occurred.   Says  Vucic,  "I've  found  out  that  interview  was
scheduled exactly at time when attack happened, in RTS rooms.  It
would be funny for me to say  that somebody wanted to kill me.  I
think that they wanted, at first place, spectacular live show  in
which  everybody  could see how it looks like when missile shot."
[5] A "spectacular live  show"?   Or  was  CNN  part of a plot to
murder Vucic?

Journalists  worldwide are condemning the NATO attack on the Serb
television  building.   After   all,   if   we   can  kill  their
journalists, then who's to say they can't kill  our  journalists?
According  to  Chrystyna Lapychak, director of the New York-based
committee  for  the  protection   of  reporters,  the  murder  of
civilians  at  the  RTS  building   "might   forever   jeopardize
correspondents  who  report  about various conflicts all over the
world.  Under the Geneva Convention, reporters are not fighters."
[6] By violating the Geneva  contract,  NATO may have voided that

In another NATO atrocity, 5 children have died after a NATO plane
dropped a "cluster bomb" on them.  "Edon (3), Fisnik  (9),  Osman
(13),  Burim (14) and Vajdat (15) Kodza were killed.  Two wounded
boys are transferred to the  Pristina Hospital.  Shrapnels of the
cluster bomb lightly injured another four kids."  [7]

Besides "cluster bombs," this  news  service  has reported on the
use, by NATO, of depleted uranium  (DU)  weapons  in  Yugoslavia.
[8]  This  use  of DU weapons is corroborated in a recent report,
which states that "Remnants  of  radioactive ammunition have been
found in many places raided by NATO planes..." [9]

It  has also come to light that U.S. Secretary of State, Madeline
Albright,  via  the  U.S.   State  Department,  may  have  subtly
threatened the lives of some U.S. Congress members who wanted  to
go on their own fact-finding mission to Yugoslavia.  According to
Congressman  Kurt  Weldon,  he was peremptorily told "that such a
trip should not  take  place."   And,  according to reports, "The
Congressmen were not only told that the U.S.  Administration  was
against  the  tour  but  were  warned that no one could guarantee
their security."  [10]

--- Notes ---
[1] "NATO bombs Serb TV off the air." UPI, 4/25/99.
[2] "What signal does this send?" by  John  Simpson.   Electronic
Telegraph, 4/25/99.
[3] Ibid.
[4] "Tens of Dead in the Attack on the RTS." 4/24/99.

Re: [CTRL] China Labels US/NATO Policy Terrorism

1999-04-25 Thread Mark Maloney

 -Caveat Lector-

Is this the same Chinese gov't that Mr. Clinton is now referring to as "our
world partner"?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Freedom's Enemy on C-SPAN, Monday, 4/26/99

1999-04-25 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

Know Your Enemy, and you'll know how to fight them!
--- Peter L. Sroufe,
Passionate Charter Member of the International Society of Clinton 

"FREE SPEECH! Use it, or lose it!"
--- Ken Hamblin

08:00am to 09:00am ET 05:00am to 06:00am PT LIVE

Democratic Socialism
Washington Journal
Washington, DC
ID : 122791 Length : 1 hr 00 min  Event date : 04/26/99

Llewellyn, Frank, President, Democratic Socialists of America



Necessity is the plea of every infringement of human freedom.
 It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.
--- Unknown

"Anyone who defends Clinton might as well hold down a woman while he rapes
--- Cheryl Enyart


Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Slobodan Milosevic Interview on RealPlayer A MUST!

1999-04-25 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

with Professor Ron Hatchett.
(Hatchett, Ron, Analyst, University of St. Thomas, Houston, Texas
Milosevic, Slobodan, President, Serbia)

(Note-This Interview was arranged by a Montana Freedom-Lover who is a
personal friend of the Milosevic family.  Original interview, 4/19/99, is 66
minutes, uncut and unedited.)



"FREE SPEECH! Use it, or lose it!"
--- Ken Hamblin

Hell no, Bill wouldn't go -
But He'll send your kids to Kosovo!

STOP!  Your Help is Killing Us!


Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:
a benefit/subsidy protection racket!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: SNET: Rush Limbaugh, Council on Foreign Relations, John Birch Society, NewWorld Order

1999-04-25 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Let me add this, I realized when the Birch Society invaded the Mormon
Church in the 60 period, thas all was not well; but felt people were
entitled to own opinion.  In our political group, they brought in quite
few real hatersand took  lot of fun out of life.

They hated Kennedy; said he was member of CFRlater, in the 70 period
one of their publications apologized for so stating.

When you mix religion with something so political, you can produce a lot
of crazies.  The truth cannot be biased.I followed JB for years;
their love life was Ronald Reagan on a horse sitting under a rainbow.
They have been a valuable source of information but when Welch died you
never know who takes over.

The haters with rabies seem to have disappearedthe Mormon Church,
well look at their Library being shot up.You Shall Know the Truth,
but they will shoot up your library?

I am not afraid of the truth right or wrong; but, now they have brought
the kids into it.
Thank you for your space.   JB is just another controlled
confraternityas anything else, if it gets too big you change your
name, or go find another Club.


And if you get caught.always keep one foot in the stirup, as the
Arabs say when one about to tell great truth.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: AANEWS for Friday, April 23, 1999

1999-04-25 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, April 23, 1999 2:34 PM
Subject: AANEWS for Friday, April 23, 1999

subject: AANEWS for April 23, 1999

 A M E R I C A N   A T H E I S T S
  #561 ~~ 4/23/99

   "For Reason and the First Amendment"

  In This Issue...
   * Bauer exploits Colorado slaying, launches nomination drive
   * "The Great God Debate" -- Tomorrow!
   * Alabama town is "City of Prayer"
   * "City of Prayer" Proclamation
   * Update: Hysteria, scapegoating from Colorado
   * Resources
   * About this list...


Religious conservative activist Gary Bauer officially announced his
candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination on Wednesday, and
immediately took aim to exploit the tragic shooting deaths at a
Littleton, Colorado high school.  "Virtue is in free fall," declared
Bauer.  "Reverence and respect are disappearing, and the question
before us is: Will the family, as well?"

At a rally in his hometown of Newport, Ky., Bauer linked the deaths of
over a dozen students and a teacher at Columbine High School to the
culture-war issues he has become famous for, at least inside the D.C.
beltway.  "The culture glorifies death in a thousand different ways.
We've got movies and music and television shows that show people dying
as if it were something that was as simply as the sun coming up in the
morning."  Despite his identification as a conservative who is
mistrustful of government, Bauer added, "In the America I want, those
Hollywood producers and directors -- they wouldn't be able to show
their faces in public, because you and every other American would
point to them and say, 'Shame!  Shame!  Shame'"

The shootings in Littleton involve at least two students linked to an
affinity group identified as the "Trench coat Mafia."  Since Tuesday's
tragedy, a variety of theories have been advanced to explain the
behavior of the disaffected students -- everything from the
availability of firearms, and the alleged prevalence of violent
imagery throughout the culture to lack of prayer and religion in the
public schools, and a disintegration of "family values."

The 52-year old head of the influential, Washington D.C.- based Family
Research Council enters a primary field already crowded with
candidates, most of whom agree with Bauer's religious conservative
agenda.  What distinguishes Bauer, though, is his intransigence on the
need to emphasize cultural issues such as ban on all abortion, over
the more traditional GOP campaign issues like taxes and the economy.
Bauer also is competing for the same party base, the GOP's Christian
religious fundamentalist and evangelical members already being courted
by other candidates, including former Vice President Dan Quayle, radio
broadcaster Alan Keyes, commentator Pat Buchanan, New Hampshire Sen.
Bob Smith and millionaire publisher Steve Forbes.  Others, such as
Elizabeth Dole and Texas Governor George W.  Bush, while ideologically
similar, are increasingly viewed with suspicion by the party's
religious wing, in part because of recent statements both have made
concerning abortion.  Bush, for instance, while leading the field in
both surveys and funding, has declared that Americans are not ready
for a total ban on abortion; Ms. Dole has expressed similar thoughts.

Bauer's strategy will attempt to mirror Pat Buchanan's upset win in
the 1996 New Hampshire primary, and get off to an early start in the
race for delegates.  While he is considered a virtual unknown by many
political pundits, Bauer is recognized for his strength as a
communicator.  He has also established a network of supporters
throughout the country, and can likely count on the support of the
600,000 FRC members, too.  The New York Times noted, "The group's
large mailing list has given Bauer a built-in base of supporters and
donors."  Political scientist John C.  Green of the University of
Akron added that the FRC's national base gives Bauer "a lot of
resources," and even a shot at finishing a respectable second or third
at the GOP year 2000 convention in Philadelphia.  Bauer wins, or even
respectable showings in the primaries, could lead to a floor-fight
over delegates, as well as tension within the Platform Committee when
issues like the abortion plank are discussed.

Many religious conservatives see Bauer as the "last chance" candidate
within the Republican party.  Earlier this year, Paul Weyrich of the
Free Congress Foundation expressed his disenchantment with both the
GOP and the nation, insisting that the acquittal of President Clinton
on impeachment charges demonstrated 

[CTRL] U.S. To Tighten Controls On Hormone-Free Beef

1999-04-25 Thread Steve Wingate

 -Caveat Lector-

(You mean the US government does not protect us from chemicals in our
food... duh! --S)

Sunday April 25 12:27 AM ET

U.S. To Tighten Controls On Hormone-Free Beef

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The United States has agreed to tighten controls
on hormone-free beef exports after a European Union study said
supposedly hormone-free U.S. beef contained hormone residues, an EU
document showed Friday.

The EU's ruling Commission Wednesday threatened to ban imports of U.S.
hormone-free beef from June 15 if a solution to the problem could
not be found by then.

U.S. Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky initially reacted angrily to
the move, saying it was a step in the wrong direction, while
acknowledging that any technical issues concerning U.S. beef imports
could probably be resolved.

But U.S. officials, in talks with their EU counterparts in Washington
Wednesday, took a more conciliatory approach, according to the
Commission document obtained by Reuters.

The officials said the United States did not dispute the objectivity of the EU
study and was anxious ``to correct the problem'' of the residues, the
paper said.

``The U.S. was surprised at the results of the ... study, since they had no
advance awareness of problems and believed that the control
measures in place were effective,'' it said.

The United States asked the EU for a list of slaughterhouses which
supplied the meat analyzed in the study, it added.

U.S. officials assured the EU that they were reviewing controls in
slaughterhouses and would not sign meat export certificates to the EU
they were satisfied, it said.

The Commission Friday welcomed these comments.

``We welcome the United States' constructive approach. We have a mutual
interest in resolving the problem as we have no desire to ban U.S.
imports provided they are produced without hormones,'' Commission
spokesman Gerry Kiely told Reuters.

Kiely has said previously he expects EU veterinary chiefs Tuesday to
endorse the Commission's view that an import ban is necessary. A
formal proposal would probably then be drawn up Wednesday, he said.

The ban, if adopted, would effectively block all U.S. beef imports into the
EU which already bars the import of all U.S. beef produced from cattle
reared using hormones.

The EU imports between 7,000 and 8,000 tons of U.S. hormone-free beef
a year, worth around $20 million. It is high quality meat sold in
restaurants and shops.

Steve Wingate

California Director


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [11] Crime, Big Business Watergate

1999-04-25 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Breaking of a President 1974 - The Nixon Connection
Marvin Miller, Compiler
Therapy Productions, Inc.©1975
LCCCN 7481547

The Havanna Connection

The men who gathered together in 1934 to form the National Crime Syndicate
had long been aware of the opportunities for American criminals in Cuba.
During 1919 and 1920, Arnold Rothstein, then operating gambling casinos in
New York, joined with Charles Stoneham and others to take over operation of
the casino and race-track in Havana. It was easy to foresee that Cuba would
become a base for illegal operations, outside the jurisdiction of American
law enforcement and yet close enough to Florida to permit coordination with
illegal activities inside the United States.

However, organized crime was not to make major investments in Cuba until the
end of World War II. The 1920's were primarily used by the developing gangs
to exploit the profitability of Prohibition. The major emphasis in the 1930's
was the development of regional gambling centers in places like Kentucky, and
the consolidation of the modem mob in the criminal activities Rothstein had
pioneered: bookmaking, labor racketeering and the drug traffic. The years of
World War II were taken up with black marketeering, the counterfeiting of
ration stamps, and obtaining for the Syndicate its extortionate share of
cost-plus defense contracts.


Nevertheless, it is typical of Rothstein that as early as 1921 he used his
base in Cuba to cheat his own early partners in smuggling, pickpocket Irving
"Waxey Gordon" Wexler and Detroit bootlegger Max "Big Maxey" Greenberg. In
our chapter on The Development of the Modern Mob, it has been mentioned that
at the very beginning of Prohibition Rothstein had obtained a ship and
arranged for eleven trips from Europe to the United States with smuggled
whisky. Wexler and Greenberg had approached Rothstein with a proposal that he
bankroll the two in a modest venture to smuggle liquor from Canada. Rothstein
refused, but suggested the grandiose scheme of bringing 20,000 cases of
Scotch whisky from Europe at a single time. As he alone was capable of
financing such a huge project, Rothstein made himself the majority partner.

Rothstein then contracted for a Norwegian ship and, through American
criminals exiled in Europe, stocked it with the whisky—and English ale and
uncut diamonds from Holland. The last was a private cargo for Rothstein
alone. Each time, the ship was met outside the U. S. three-mile limit by six
speedboats Rothstein had built specially for that purpose. The Coast Guard
had patrols supposed to prevent anyone from landing illegal liquor and other
contraband on Long Island—but Rothstein was able to establish very friendly
relations with the Coast Guard. He already had bribed local officials because
of his ownership of a plush gambling casino on Long Island. Rothstein was
even able to arrange for Coast Guard personnel to unload his speedboats onto
the fleet of waiting trucks. Then a police motorcycle escort convoyed the
whisky to Long Island City where Rothstein had rented a warehouse.

But during the eleventh trip, Rothstein was informed that a new commander had
been stationed at the Coast Guard headquarters, and this officer was planning
to seize the ship. Rothstein made radio contact with his ship and ordered the
captain to change course on the high seas and head for Cuba. When the ship
landed there, an agent for Charles Stoneham, Havana race-track and casino
operator, picked up the cargo at cost. Rothstein informed Wexler and
Greenberg that the voyage had not been profitable, but did not tell them that
Stoneham was Rothstein's secret partner in Cuba. Actually, when the whisky
was smuggled into the U. S. from Cuba, Rothstein made a greater profit than
normal. These facts were not disclosed until after Rothstein's death,
although a court case in 1923 revealed the hidden relations Rothstein had
with Stoneham in Wall Street swindling schemes. This was also Rothstein's
last direct involvement in smuggling liquor during Prohibition. Since he
couldn't maintain a monopoly over liquor-smuggling, he preferred from this
time on to simply bankroll the smuggling liquor during Prohibition. Since he
couldn't maintain a monopoly over liquor-smuggling, he preferred from this
time on to simply bankroll the smuggling. When not mediating between the
rival gangs, or acting as the gobetween with the politicians, Rothstein
concentrated on rackets he could personally control.


Nixon enters the Cuban picture as early as 1940. His biographer, Earl Mazo,
briefly reports in the following words that the young lawyer from Whittier
found himself in faraway Cuba soon after his marriage to Pat Ryan in June
1940: "Mrs. Nixon continued to teach (at Whittier High School) after her
marriage, and Nixon confided to a few intimates that he aimed sooner or later
to get into a big-city law practice. He kept 

[CTRL] [7] The Strange Death of FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT

1999-04-25 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Strange Death of FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT
A History of the Roosevelt-Delano Dynasty America's Royal Family
Emanuael M. Josephson©1948
127 East 69th Street
New York 21, N. Y.




Monopoly of every necessity of life and of national existence, and
absolute dictatorship are the basic doctriness[sic] of the Rockefeller
Empire. For this purpose the Rockefeller "philanthropies" have fostered
Marxism as the shortest cut to dictatorship in a Democracy. The world-wide
chain of dictatorships which they seek would not be complete without an
American dictator-ship. In this idea of an American dictatorship, the
Roosevelt-Delano Dynasty fully concurs. It was quite natural that an alliance
should be formed between them.

So complete is the contempt of America's rulers for the moronic level of
intelligence of its people that they sponsored the open publication of their
program in the form of Hoffman Nickerson's book "The American Rich". It was
published by Doubleday Doran  Company at the time that Theodore Roosevelt
Jr. was its president. It was a blueprint of the New Deal subse. quently
adopted in the Roosevelt regime, published in 1930, three years before it was
launched. Hoffman Nickerson was the prophet of the Empire and Dynasty whose
counsel and blueprint was followed closely.

The schemers of the New Deal left nothing to chance but prepared the
flim-flam the nation well in advance, in this matter, as well as in others.
Thus the Agricultural Allotment Plan was drawn up in 1932 by a Hindu,
Svirinas Wagel, Barney Baruch's Hentz  Company's economist, to appear to be
a boon to the far. mers,—whereas it was a made-to-order godsend for the
speculators in commodities and designed to make their gambles "sure things".

The theme of "The American Rich" is a familiar one:

Democracy, the "Cult of Equality", is, always has been, and always will be a
failure, it relates. It must be eliminated under the pretense of improving
it. The objective to be sought and attained by finesse, is Medieval feudalism
and serfdom — a masterful upper class dominating, the rest of the population
reduced to slavery. And at the head there must be a king. That is the form of
government the United States must have if it is to have a perfect government.

It is to the interest of the group that can be called perpetually rich,
because they can always dip their hands into the pockets of the people
through the Treasury, to see to it that the United States attains a perfect,
feudal monarchic government. To accomplish this the rich must organize
amongst themselves to fight a common cause and pick their agent, who will be
made to appear to desert and betray his class. They must then undertake by
sly undercover methods to "divide to rule". The people must be dealt with not
as Americans, but as minorities set at each other's throats, Labor vs
Capital, Black vs White, Catholic vs Protes. tant, Christian vs Jew, for
example. Then the selected agent must. be made to appear the champion of all
causes, the indispensable composer of differences, while from behind the
scenes he must never cease to foment.

This agent then can assume readily the role of popu. lar leader and be
elected President. Once in office, everything must be done to keep him there
by repeated reelections. The government must be converted into a huge
propaganda agency and perverter of popular thought. He must cater to the mob.
But all. the while he must discredit and break down the checks on monarchic
power of the President incorporated in the Constitution-the Supreme Court and
Congress. But in the process he must be made to appear to seek an improvement
on democracy. The gullible, moronic public must never suspect that he seeks
to wipe out democracy—"The absurd Cult of Equality".

Once elected, the President must be continually reelected. The opposing
candidate must merely be a straw man selected by the same group, to be
knocked down and defeated. The people must be deceived into believing that
they are exercising the democratic right to vote, while they have been robbed
of the right of choice, i. e. the right to vote, by restriction of
nominations; by the same group, to men subservient to them. When the
President will have been reelected often enough, he will have had an
opportunity to appoint to the Supreme Court all the justices, who will do his
bidding. The Supreme Court, packed thus or otherwise, will have ceased to be
a check on the monarchic power of the President, as required by the
Constitution. Instead it will have become a prostituted agency serving the
President and the invisible powers behind him.

The problem of eliminating the power of Congress, of effecting "the twilight
of legislature", Nickerson points out, is a bit more complicated but it must
be done.

" . . . they (legislatures) must be abolished or their bases and functions

[CTRL] [8] The Strange Death of FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT

1999-04-25 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Strange Death of FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT
A History of the Roosevelt-Delano Dynasty America's Royal Family
Emanuael M. Josephson©1948
127 East 69th Street
New York 21, N. Y.



Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the pathetic puppet of the conspirators
scheming the destruction of democracy and the establishment of an American
monarchy. For the role for which he was picked, he had every qualification.

F.D.R. was a direct scion of both the Roosevelt and Delano clans. On the
Roosevelt side, he was descended from Claas Martenszen van Rosenvelt (or
Rosenfeld) descendants of proselytized Sephardic Jews who had settled in
Holland and later migrated to New Amsterdam in 1649. Claas, his son, was
father of Johannes, the direct ancestor of Theodore Roosevelt, and of
Jacobus, the direct ancestor of F. D. R.

Jacobus Roosevelt married one of the most affluent and picturesque woman of
the time, Catherina Hardenbroeck. According to tradition, she was the hardest
drinking, hardest cussing, hardest fighting woman who ever sailed before her
own mast as skipper in the rum, molasses, slave and smuggling trade. Isaac,
her son, was the man whose invitation to attend a wife's funeral, was
rejected by George Washington because of a question of propriety.

The intervening ancestors were German, Swedish, and principally English, so
that the original Dutch strain is thoroughly diluted. Col. Theodore
Roosevelt, 26th president was a fifth cousin. F. D. R.'s half-niece, Helen
Rebecca Roosevelt married Theodore Douglas Robinson, son of Theodore
Roosevelt's sister Corinne, the grandmother of Joseph and Stewart Alsop, the

By direct line of descent-from Thomas Shepard and Anne Tyng, John Adams,
second president, and John Quincy Adams, sixth, were sixth and seventh
cousins. But the relationship of the two branches of the family have ben
maintained in closer degree by intermar. riage. The marriage of Fred B. Adams
to Ellen W. Delano, a first cousin of F.D.R. has been mentioned.

Less directly, through intermarriage of the Van Deursens and the Van Burens,
F.D.R.'s. great grandfather was a third cousin of Martin Van Buren, eighth
presi. dent.

On the Delano side F. D. R. was more or less remotely related to George
Washington, James Madison, 4th president, General William Henry Harrison, 9th
president, General Zachary Taylor, 12th president, Andrew Johnson, 17th
president, General Ulysses S. Grant, 18th president, General Benjamin
Harrison, 23rd president and William Howard Taft, 27th president. As has been
stated, President Grant was F.D.R.'s closest relative among the presidents.
It has been noted also that on the Delano side, F. D. R. proudly traces his
ancestry to the King of England, Henry II, and through the Astors, by
marriage, to George VI. The numerous inter. marriages with European nobility
have been mentioned. The royal background and ancestry were calculated to
engender ambitions and fire the aspirations of a Pretender to an American
throne; and the Dynasty's influence has made it a possibility.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the son of fifty-two year old James Roosevelt,
vice-president of the Delaware and Hudson Railroad, director of several other
corporations and retired country squire, and Sara Delano, twenty-six year old
daughter of Warren Delano, merchant and clipper ship operator in the China
trade, who made a sizeable fortune in opium smuggling. This was his father's
second marriage.

By the first marriage F. D. R. had a half-brother, James Roosevelt Roosevelt,
a banker and appointee to the diplomatic corps by Grover Cleveland, a friend
of his father. It is amusing to note that this brother has been kept a dark
secret by the New Dealers because it  would not be compatible with the
picture of F. D. R. "throwing the money lenders out of the temple". James
Roosevelt Roosevelt's first wife was Helen Schermer. horn Astor, daughter of
the society leader, Mrs. William B. Astor and aunt of Vincent Astor.

Sara Delano Roosevelt, dominating mother, did not send her boy to school to
mix with schoolmates but kept him home under the tutelage first of French and
German governesses, and then of tutors until he was fourteen Almost every
year he was taken to Europe for several months. He attended public school at
Nauheim two years, studying map reading and military topography. At an early
age he conceived a great admiration for things German and became thoroughly
imbued with Prussian militarism, and their lust for war on land, and
especially, on sea. Summers were spent at Campobello.

Under the influence of his mother, who was derived from a sea-faring family
and whose cousin, according to Daniel W. Delano (Pic, July 8, 1941), had
designed and built the first armor-clad, screw-driven warship, F. D. R.'s
keenest interest, at the age of twelve, was warships and navies.

At fourteen he was sent to school at Groton, which tries to be ever so

[CTRL] [9] The Strange Death of FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT

1999-04-25 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Strange Death of FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT
A History of the Roosevelt-Delano Dynasty America's Royal Family
Emanuael M. Josephson©1948
127 East 69th Street
New York 21, N. Y.




President Wilson was a quite synthetic creation of the Wall Street interests.
The principal figure in build. ing him up and imposing him on the nation was
his intimate friend and life-long associate Cleveland H. Dodge, a Princeton
classmate of Wilson's and an in-law of the Rockefellers who together with
Cyrus Hall Mc. Cormick, gave him the Princeton professorship, pri. vately
supplemented his salary in conjunction with Percy R. Pyne (National City
Bank), promoted him to Princeton's president, and through George Harvey, the
Morgan-Ryan-Rockefeller agent and president of Harper's Publishing Company,
secured him the governorship of New Jersey from Democratic boss, Senator
James Smith, Jr. on payment to him of $75,000 by Dodge. (McCombs' "Making
Wilson President", p. 20) In 1908, Harvey predicted in Harper's Weekly, on
be. half of the Wall Street crowd, that Wilson would be elected Governor of
New Jersey in 1910, and President in 1912. And the clique carried out their
scheme on time and without a hitch, while making it appear to the public that
Wilson actually opposed the poli. tical bosses who put through the deal that
made him President.

Dodge was not engaged in politics for his health. He was director of the
National City Bank, a principal of the Phelps Dodge Copper Company, and
heavily interested in the munition industry—including Remington Arms Company,
Winchester Arms Company and Union Metallic Cartridge Company. With such heavy
interests at stake it was necessary that he be assured that his pal, Woodrow
Wilson, would take orders with. out question and that Wilson assure his
associates of it. This Wilson did in dinners arranged with representatives of
the Rockefeller-Morgan crowd. Among them was a dinner for Wilson held at
Beechwood, home of Frank A. Vanderlip, President of the National City Bank,
which was attended by James Stillman and Wil. liam Rockefeller. (John
Winkler, The First Billion, p. 210). Wilson agreed to permit Vanderlip to
write the monetary views for his speeches. But Wilson would not take these
views directly from Vanderlip because he did not want the public to realize
that his pretended opposition to the financial interests and the trusts was a
fraud. William G. McAdoo served as go-between. (Frank A. Vanderlip and Boyden
Sparks, From FarmBoy to Financier, pp. 225-226).

At the time of Wilson's inauguration, Dodge was under indictment in the
Territory of New Mexico and Arizona for a land deal fraud. Following Wilson's
inauguration, the case was promptly dismissed.

Peace is not conducive to great profits in the muni. tions industries. Dodge
was more than a little interested in a good sized war. Franklin Delano
Roosevelt had campaigned for Wilson with the support of Dodge and his
Rockefeller-Morgan allies. The hold that the Roosevelt-Delano Dynasty had on
Wilson is illustrated by his appointment of Frederic A. Delano, F. D. R.'s
uncle, as vice-governor of the Federal Reserve Bank, a key position in
national finance.

On Wilson's election, nothing could have been more ,readily taken for granted
than the appointment of Senator Franklin Delano Roosevelt, thirty-one years
old, to the post of Assistant Secretary of the Navy, just as previously
Theodore Roosevelt had been appointed to the post by McKinley. For naval
armor, armaments and shipbuilding is one of the principal interests of the
Roosevelt-Delano Dynasty. As Daniel W. Delano relates in "My Cousin In The
White House" (Pic, July 8, 1941) it was a Delano, a cousin of F. D. R.'s who
built the first armor-clad, screw-driven warship and for generations the
family engaged in shipbuilding and seafaring. Under the influence of his
mother, F. D. R. had passionately devoted himself to seafaring and
specialized in a study of naval vessels and naval warfare to prepare him to
carry on a family tradition.

For in the past half century the job of Naval Secretary has become a
hereditary prerogative of the Roosevelt-Delano Dynasty. In every
administration which has not been headed by one of its members as Presi.
dent, it has been represented by one or more Secretaryships in the Navy
Department, to take care of their naval interests. A list of these is



President   Secretary   Asst. Sec'y.
McKinleyT. Roosevelt
T. Roosevelt
Wilson  F. D. Roosevelt
Harding T. Roosevelt Jr.
CoolidgeT. Roosevelt Jr.
T. D. Douglas
(T. R.'s nephew)

Hoover  Chas. Francis Adam
F. D. Roosevelt Henry L. Roosevelt
Nicholas Roosevelt

[CTRL] [10] The Strange Death of FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT

1999-04-25 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
The Strange Death of FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT
A History of the Roosevelt-Delano Dynasty America's Royal Family
Emanuael M. Josephson©1948
127 East 69th Street
New York 21, N. Y.




From the days he had entered the political arena at thirty-one as State
Senator, F. D. R. had been invested with the Dynastic leadership of the
Hudson Valley Democrats handed down from cousin Martin Van Buren and with the
full support of their political, commercial and industrial allies. He was
pushed forward on every occasion.

In 1914 the Dynasty placed F. D. R. in the primaries for United States
Senator against Murphy's candidate, Wilson's Ambassador to Germany, James W.
Gerard. As usual, it was a case of an upstate political machine against a
down state political machine.

In June 1918, Charles F. Murphy a henchman of Wilson's and F. D. R.'s
sponsors, the Morgan-Ryan-Rockefeller crowd, offered the New York Democratic
Gubernatorial nomination to Roosevelt. But the Acting Naval Secretary
Roosevelt was enjoying himself too much with his bright new war. He
condescendingly re. plied, according to Lindley, that in his opinion in time
of war "when all questions of religion and party association were sunk"
Alfred E. Smith would do as a candidate. (Franklin D. Roosevelt, p. 165).

In 1920, however, instead of being imprisoned for the 999 laws which he
frankly acknowledged he had broken, for exceeding his authority as Acting
Naval Secretary, and for other malfeasance of which he was guilty, Franklin
Delano Roosevelt continued to follow in Teddy's footsteps. The
Roosevelt-Delano Dynasty thumbed their nose at law, Congress and the nation,
and nominated their agent, F. D. R., Democratic vice presidential candidate.
The Dynasty had made its peace and merged with the Rockefeller-Standard Oil
crowd and the nomination went off without a hitch.

James Cox, the presidential candidate, like Taft and Harding, were all Ohio
henchmen of the RockefellerStandard Oil Ohio political machine. They selected
Cox from the Democratic side of their machine to oppose Harding from its
Republican side, in a framed fight. Cox published a chain of newspapers and
was an associate of Charles G. Dawes, Comptroller of the Treasury under
McKinley, in the Pure Oil Company.

Cox and Roosevelt were both reliable pawns of the bipartisan Rockefeller
Empire. But the sanctimonious corruption of Wilson had so far lost popular
favor, that it was decided to let the Republican pawns win. This was
signalized by an apparent defection of Harvey, the agent of Ryan and the
Rockefeller-Morgan group, from the original Wilson backers who were now
supporting Cox and Roosevelt. Harvey predicted Harding's victory with his
usual precision that derived from the dominant role that he played for the
Wall Street crowd in manipulating elections.

In the course of the campaign some, newspapers pointed out that the
scandalous corruption in Franklin Delano Roosevelt's conduct as Assistant
Secretary of the Navy that had been exposed by the Congressional
investigating committee and the contemptuous disregard of the law to which he
had confessed, should bar him forever from holding public office. Roosevelt
bluffed and threatened to bring suit for libel. But he never did sue.

Following his defeat, Roosevelt was given, in January 1921, the job of Vice
President in charge of the New York office of the Fidelity and Deposit
Company of Maryland by an admirer, Van Lear Black, President

of the Company and owner of the Baltimore Sun. He received a salary of
$25,000 a year. This was the first salary that he had earned that was in
anywise commensurate with his needs for supporting his family and maintaining
a scale of living that had been much beyond his income.

Roosevelt devoted only one or two hours, when he was in town, to the Fidelity
job. This left him free to exploit his name in many different directions. He
was eager for "easy money" and had no scruples whether he worked for it or
not, or how be got it. He became a partner in the firm, Emmett, Marvin and
Roosevelt in 1921, and in 1924, he formed a law firm with Basil O'Connor as
partner. He devoted a little time in the afternoon to his law clients. He
took the job of President of the American Construction Council, formed to
whitewash the corruption in the building trades that had been exposed
recently by a legislative investigation. But the ugliest of his money-making
activties[sic] we're the malodorous stock deals to which he gave his name and
in which he participated; and his Georgia Warm Springs business.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not 

[CTRL] another conflict on the number dead

1999-04-25 Thread Kevin


  NATO Says Only One F-117 Down,
  No Casualties To Date -
   Greek Paper Says 81 NATO Dead
   From: www.serbia-info

   Athens - A Greek newspaper said on Wednesday that NATO and
   the United States have lost 81 soldiers in the 28 days of
   their aggression on Yugoslavia.

   In an exclusive story, the Vradyni newspaper said that they
   were primarily pilots of planes and crews of helicopters
   downed by Yugoslav anti-aircraft defense systems.

   According to Vradyni, this number does not include losses
   among foreign mercenaries - warriors of Allah, recruited for
   the ethnic Albanian terrorist Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in
   Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and Yemen by the authors of the new
   world order.

   The paper said that the people in the west are deliberately
   being kept in the dark about the allied losses in NATO's
   operations in Yugoslavia, in order to avoid a panic and
   undesirable strong reactions and condemnation in the
   participating states.



[CTRL] A-albionic Back Issues Now Available On-Line

1999-04-25 Thread Lloyd Miller

 -Caveat Lector-

A-albionic Research Weekly Up-date 04-25-99

Back Issues of A-albionic's Journal, the Project, Available
On-Line for "Subscribers Only:

Subscribe for $9.95/year at:  http://a-albionic.com/join.html
Or Order Hard Copies at:

The Project: Vol. 8, No. 4; Vol. 9, No. 1-2: Winter-Spring-Summer 1991-92 by
Lloyd Miller1992 In Print Newsletter, 28 pages, Order #00827

 Black Paranoia on the Rise: Conspiracy Theories Abound!œ Picking-up on the
growing intensity prior to the LA riot of the Black anger springing from
rapidly deteriorating conditions in Black ghettos due to the
de-industrialization of America, the Projectœ presciently surveyed and
analyzed the spectrum of ruling class/conspiracy theories then circulating
in the Afrocentric community: Was Egypt Black?, Is Global 2000 an
Anti-Minority Conspiracy?, Is the Conspiracy Covertly White-racist (as
assumed by Black conspiracy theorists) or Race Amalgamating (as assumed by
the Right-wing)?, Why Did Western (White?) Civilization Conquer the World:
Genetic Superiority Acquired in Harsh Northern Clime, Genetic Evil, Lucky
Acquisition of Technology, Cultural Freedom and Access of Masses to Power of
Reason, Science, and Technology,...?, Are Drugs a Plot to Destroy
Minorities?, Was AIDS Developed to Destroy Blacks?, Did the Judeo-Masonic
(white?) Conspiracy Steal Its Secret Knowledge from (black?) Egypt?, New
World Order or New Dark Age of De-Development for All but Whites?, Does the
White Collective and Collective Consciousness Descend from Albino Rejects
from Black Africa?, Does Melanin Provide Blacks with Special
Occult/Spiritual Sensitivity?, Does the Incredible White Political/Military
Supremacy (less than 10% of world population) Spring from Furious
Compensation for Sexual-Spiritual-Emotional-Physical Defects Relative to
Blacks?...Reviews of the most popular conspiracy books circulating in the
black community. The Projectœ theory of the role of race in the New World
Order conspiracy, originally under Cecil Rhodes and now...? Is Star Trek the
archetype of New World Order racial policy? White racism or "Brave New
World" Promethean, scientific culture in which Whites, Jews, and other
"advanced" groups have the advantage? Afrocentric Blacks falling victim to
"cultural Judo" strategy of the conspiracy? Who Is Ross Perot? His
connection to the Royal Family! Computerization of the Projectœ book
catalog. Kennedy Assassination conspiracy books reviewed.


The Project: Vol. 9, No. 3: Fall 1992 by Lloyd Miller1992 In Print
Newsletter, 8 pages, Order #00828

 A-albionic adjusts to hard times and the computer age. The new computerized
permanent catalog system replaces haphazard offerings. Conspiracy research
power dramatically increased with the availability of computerized data
bases. Who Is Bill Clinton? Does the Projectœ theory of his mentor, Carroll
Quigley solve the mystery?? œ Parapolitics/USA Magazine:œ New Source of
Support for Projectœ theory of Carroll Quigley. The Carroll Quigley
Bibliography: Now all Carroll Quigley's published writings are available
from A-albionic. World Wilderness Conference organizer Maurice Strong lets
the Cat Out of the Eco Bag?

Project: Vol. 9, No. 4: Winter 1992-93 by Lloyd Miller1992 In-Print
Newsletter, 12 pages, Order #00865

 "New Age" Reign of Prince Charles Stillborn?..as a result of covert Vatican
attacks? Upsurge of IRA violence, CIA-SMOM-MI5 forces release Prince
Charles's "secret love tapes", Royal fortune to be taxed, suspicious fire at
Windsor Castle followed by another at the seat of the Hapsburgs! Vatican
inspired anti-Masonic campaign rages on in Britain. But, Judeo-Masonic
triumph continues. Pope plots to end America's democratic capitalism through
Mexican immigration and "primitivisation" of the American Church.
Vatican-Islamic alliance continues. The Holy Alliance: How Reagan and the
Pope Conspired to Assist Poland's Solidarity Movement and Hasten the Demise
of Communism. Clinton: Where is he really from...Oxford or Georgetown! What
does his early Catholic schooling and Georgetown experience with Carroll
Quigley as a mentor portend? Unveiling the Virginœ by D. Guide...Real magic
of the Vatican as heir to the Pagan "Goddess Religion" of Rome. Recommended
reading up-date.

The Project: Volume 10, No. 1  2: Spring-Summer 1993 by Lloyd Miller1993 In
Print Newsletter, 12 pages, Order #00995

 Project Suspicions Confirmed: Royal Family Under Intense Vatican Attack!
Complexity/Chaos Theory: Plot or Progress? Diana, the Cardinal and the
Vatican! Diana, a Monk 

[CTRL] David Icke interview

1999-04-25 Thread Kevin

 -Caveat Lector-

 David Icke was on Sightings Thursday for 2 hours and Saturday for the
last hour.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Trenchcoat

1999-04-25 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 04/24/1999 11:53:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 I dunno.  I've personally known a number of otherwise intelligent
 from good families who, besides playing DD and being into the usual gross
 gore flicks, have coldbloodedly skinned pets and nailed them to crosses or
 immolated them, immerse themselves in satanistic lore, and secrete large
 collections of REAL mutilation photos, and images of piles of decaying
 corpses from Auschwitz, beneath their beds, a la porn, as a quasi-sexual
 taboo TURN-ON source.  And these were kids you'd LIKE -- in all other
 respects "normal" among our best and brightest ...  What's "normal" anymore?

Well not what you describe above.  If that's our best and brightest, then
let's hope Nostradamus' "great king" comes along and wipes us out before we
breed any more of them.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Balkans: Blundering?

1999-04-25 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


NATO's Balkan blunders
By Globe Staff, 04/25/99

In war, as in love or the stock market, it is never too soon to review
past mistakes. Many things about Washington's slide into the current war
against Slobodan Milosevic's regime may remain murky, but since the war
cannot end without changing the mind of the Serbian ruler or negotiating a
peace agreement with him, there are practical reasons to ask how the Clinton
administration came to misread the enemy's intentions so badly.

That misreading was one of a sequence of errors leading to the forced
expulsion of perhaps a million Albanian Kosovars and NATO's involvement in a
bombing campaign that has altered the purpose of the Atlantic alliance,
alienating the entire political class in Moscow.

Britain's Defense Minister George Robertson, when asked if a failure of
human intelligence explained NATO's failure to foresee what Milosevic would
do under the bombing, told Globe writers and editors recently that in a
tight little tyranny such as that in Belgrade, it is nearly impossible to
discover the tyrant's plans.

Yet George Tenet, director of the CIA, predicted in testimony to Congress in
February that Milosevic would mount a major spring offensive, driving
enormous numbers of refugees out of Kosovo.

After all, Milosevic had backed similarly brutal and swift expulsions of
Bosnian Muslims. More than 200,000 Serbs had been ethnically cleansed from
the Krajina region of Croatia, and the practice of uprooting populations
from their homes is hardly a new phenomenon in the history of the Balkans.

Nonetheless, the intelligence assessments that reached President Clinton and
his foreign policy advisers did not anticipate Milosevic's tactic of
forcible expulsion, and there was no planning to prevent it.

Similarly, no effort was made to prevent the Kosovo Liberation Army from
giving Milosevic the provocations he seized upon to destroy Albanian
villages. At key moments, KLA guerrilla fighters attacked and killed the
Serbian special forces that were making life miserable for the 90 percent
Albanian majority in Kosovo.

The KLA's impulse to meet violence with violence may be understandable
psychologically and emotionally. But if the United States and its allies
wanted to keep the Albanians of Kosovo alive and in their homes and avoid
having NATO drawn into a Balkan war, a firm ultimatum should have been
delivered to the young KLA commanders. They should have been told that NATO
would not continue trying to halt Serbian assaults in Kosovo unless the KLA
accepted coordination with NATO.

The KLA's bravado played into Milosevic's hands, giving him the
justification he needed to rally his people behind the crimes against
humanity he ordered in Kosovo. At Rambouillet, KLA delegates refused to sign
a text that did not include some promise that independence would be possible
for Kosovo after a three-year interim period. To accommodate this demand,
NATO altered an agreement that was to be imposed on both sides without any

What had already been for Milosevic a humiliating imposition of NATO terms
became an overt display of NATO's collaboration with the KLA guerrillas and
their independence movement.

This blunder was indefensible: The NATO countries do not support
independence for Kosovo. Furthermore, their dealings with the KLA at
Rambouillet had the effect of shunting aside the elected leader of the
Kosovars' shadow government, Ibrahim Rugova, a pacifist who understood the
great peril that awaited his people if they tried to match firepower with
the Serb forces.

After Richard Holbrooke, the US special envoy, struck a deal last fall with
Milosevic, NATO's 19 members enraged Milosevic by suspending rather than
annulling a NATO threat to bomb Serbian forces, as he believed Holbrooke had

Of course, it is possible that even with much better coordination among the
allies and much better intelligence about Serbian designs, the same
catastrophe would have happened.

But it is still important to learn from past mistakes. The Milosevic problem
will not be solved unless the democracies comprehend his thuggish Communist
mentality, the KLA hotheads are kept under control, and the Clinton
administration learns that the most effective weapons and alliances are
those that do not need to be used.

This story ran on page C06 of the Boston Globe on 04/25/99.
© Copyright 1999 Globe Newspaper Company.


From LA Times

 Friday, April 23, 1999
Believe This: 'Credibility' Isn't the Issue
 Kosovo: Constant Washington drumbeat has led U.S. into too many
questionable conflicts.

A s the U.S.-led NATO air war against Serbia is in its fifth week, a
growing number of voices--in Congress, the media and the foreign policy
establishment--urge that the U.S. escalate the conflict by 

[CTRL] Introduction to the WingMakers' Time Capsule

1999-04-25 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.wingmakers.com/"WingMakers/A
A HREF="http://www.wingmakers.com/index2.html"WingMakers/A

Two opposing heads
in profile frame the
entrance to one of the
most closely maintained
secrets in human history.

 Introduction to the WingMakers' Time Capsule
(Code-named Ancient Arrow Project)

Nearly 27 years ago, mysterious artifacts were found that led to one of
the most intriguing scientific and anthropological discoveries ever
made. A secret, unacknowledged department of the NSA -- responsible for
extraterrestrial contact and technology assimilation -- took the
discovery into their laboratory for the purposes of their own agenda.
This secret organization is known as the Advanced Contact Intelligence
Organization (ACIO) and has enjoyed complete anonymity until now.

The discovery -- referred to by the ACIO as the Ancient Arrow project --
consisted of 23 chambers and connecting tunnels hollowed out deep within
a huge, natural rock structure in a remote canyon of northern New
Mexico. Inside this massive and well-hidden structure were incredible
artifacts of a culture that was of indeterminate origins. In each of the
23 chambers were found wall paintings, various alien technologies, and
strange, encoded hieroglyphs. By most appearances, the discovery was
like a natural history museum from an alien race. It became known among
the researchers as ETC or Extraterrestrial Time Capsule.

Because of carbon-dating analyses, it was initially assumed that this
time capsule was left behind by extraterrestrials that had visited earth
in the 8th century AD. However, it wasn't until 1997 that the encoded
language found within the site and its artifacts became accessible to
the ACIO. It was then that it was determined that the time capsule was
actually designed and built by a future version of humankind who were
adept at interactive time travel. They called themselves, WingMakers.

One of the scientists from the ACIO involved in developing the
translation tables for the Ancient Arrow project, defected in December
1997, and has disclosed this secret project to a journalist named Anne.
Anne is the author of this web site, and, under agreement with the
aforementioned scientist, has placed these materials on the Internet for
the purpose of exposing the WingMakers' time capsule to all who want to
see, hear, and read its poignant and provocative message.

There are hundreds of pages of philosophy, photographs, poetry, new
physics, music, and artifacts inside this site, all derived from the
WingMakers' time capsule. This discovery is being introduced in December
1998 to a worldwide audience through the Internet. Please treat these
materials respectfully and view them with an open mind. It is highly
recommended that you read the Interview Transcripts between Anne and the
scientist before you judge the validity of this site and the materials
therein. At the very least, read the Story. This will give you the
background on this important discovery.

Additional content will be added to this site as time permits. Anne is
very reclusive at this time due to potential issues involving the ACIO
and NSA, so please be patient for updates and new materials. There is no
email, address, or phone number to contact anyone affiliated with the
development of this site. The administrative and technical contacts for
the domain, wingmakers.com, are not affiliated with this site or its
content. Please respect their privacy. Thank you.

(Note from Anne: For those of you visiting this site for the first time,
please be patient with the disclosure I've made related to the
WingMakers and their time capsule. This is not an easy story to grasp or
to tell. You'll need to be both persistent and patient in your review of
these materials. It's taken me over six months to come to terms with the
WingMakers and what their story is really all about. It's an enormous
story, unlike anything I had ever experienced before. But it's worth the
time and effort to investigate it, and if you do, don't be surprised if
things in your life take on an entirely new perspective. That's what
these materials can enable if you spend the time with them. I hope that
you do.)

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust 

[CTRL] WingMakers: Project Briefing and Background

1999-04-25 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.wingmakers.com/arrow/indexr.html"WingMakers/A
Project Briefing and Background

In 1972, in a remote section of northern New Mexico, a group of hikers
discovered an unusual artifact and pictographs within an obscure canyon.
An archeologist from the University of New Mexico analyzed the artifact
and searched the area where it was discovered, but found no signs that a
prehistoric culture had established any permanent site in the canyon. It
was presumed that a nomadic, Native American Indian tribe had
occasionally used the canyon as a temporary settlement and had left
behind a few artifacts of their presence as a consequence.
There were, however, two very puzzling questions. All but one of the
artifacts could be dated to the 8th century AD. The exception, known as
the "compass" artifact, appeared to be an unusual form of technology,
and was found among more typical artifacts like pottery and simple
tools. The compass was covered in strange hieroglyphic symbols, some of
which were also found on the pottery. Secondly, the pictographs that
were found in the area had inexplicably appeared, and they were
strikingly different than any of the other native petroglyphs or rock
art found in the southwest or the entire continent for that matter.

Because of these two anomalies, the artifacts and the entire project
quickly became the property of the US government, or more specifically,
the National Security Agency. It was decided that these artifacts might
suggest a pre-historical, extraterrestrial presence on earth, and that
the NSA had the appropriate agenda and wherewithal to initiate a
full-scale, scientific expedition to determine the nature and
significance of the site.

The site was completely searched by a secret department of the NSA in
1973, but it only resulted in a few additional findings, and none of
them were designated as technologies or evidence of an extraterrestrial
presence. Additional pictographic symbols were found, but decoding them
was a difficult and frustrating process. Experts were called in to help,
but it was impossible to reach a consensus as to what the pictographs
meant. As quickly as the project had risen as a priority investigation,
it fell into the archives of the NSA under the code name, Ancient Arrow.

Twenty-one years later, in 1994, a series of rockslides opened up a
section of the Ancient Arrow site. The canyon was in a naturally obscure
section of park land held by the state of New Mexico. After its
discovery in 1972, it had been officially sanctioned off-limits to
hikers and campers and was to be left in its natural state. From
time-to-time, scientists -- sponsored by the NSA -- would visit the site
hoping to uncover new evidence, but were invariably disappointed.

Shortly after the rockslide occurrence, a small team of operatives from
the NSA visited Ancient Arrow canyon to do some follow-up research. They
discovered the rockslide had exposed an entrance to a hidden cavern that
led deep within the canyon walls.

At the back of this cavern, the research team discovered a well-hidden
entrance into the interior of the canyon wall or rock structure of the
Ancient Arrow site. There they found a system of tunnels and chambers
that had been carved out from solid rock. There were a total of 23
chambers, all intricately connected to an interior corridor, and each
chamber held a specific wall painting, series of pictographs, written
hieroglyphs, and what seemed to be dormant, alien technologies.

Once this entrance to the cavern was found, a report was immediately
filed with the Director responsible for the Ancient Arrow project. The
project was then formally brought under the jurisdiction of the Advanced
Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO), which organized an
inter-disciplinary research team to assess the exact nature of the site
and attempt to discover additional artifacts or evidence of an
extraterrestrial visitation.

The ACIO is a secret or unacknowledged department of the NSA. It is
headquartered in Virginia, but also have personnel in Belgium, India,
and Indonesia. They are largely unknown, even to senior directors within
the NSA. The ACIO is the lowest profile organization within the entire
intelligence community. Its agenda is to research, assimilate, and
replicate any technologies or discoveries of extraterrestrial origin.
Its personnel consist mainly of scientists who are completely anonymous,
yet are paid salaries in excess of $400,000 per year because of their
security clearance and IQ. This secret organization not only possesses
enormous brain power, but it is also in possession of technologies that
are far in advance of any other research facility on the planet. They
are, in a word, privileged.

The artifacts found at the Ancient Arrow site were virtually
incomprehensible to the research team. There were many mysteries. Why
would an advanced culture leave their artifacts 

Re: [CTRL] Resourceful Trends

1999-04-25 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 04/25/1999 12:10:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 The greatest threat to sustainable energy for the 21st century is the
 warming scare. Climate-related pressure to artificially constrain use of
 fossil fuels is likely to subside in the short run as a result of political
 constraints and lose its "scientific" urging over the longer term. Yet an
 entrenched energy intelligentsia, career bureaucrats, revenue-seeking
 politicians, and some Kyoto-aligned corporations support an interventionist
 national energy strategy based on incorrect assumptions. A "reality check"
 of the increasing sustainability of conventional energy, and a better
 appreciation of the circumscribed role of backstop technologies, can
 reestablish the market momentum in energy policy and propel energy
 entrepreneurship for the new millennium. 

Anything the CATO Institute tells us just has to be "Right."  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] HOFFMAN ON THE COLORADO MASSACRE Hoffman's website: http://www.hoffman-info.com

1999-04-25 Thread Lloyd Miller

 -Caveat Lector-

A-albionic Research Weekly Up-date--Addendum

Hoffman's website: http://www.hoffman-info.com

THE HOFFMAN WIRE, April 22, 1999

Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor

The Mirror World of Columbine

Media Bypass Talk-show host Pat Shannan recently had Michael A. Hoffman II
as a guest on his radio program, discussing Hoffman's new work, "Profiling
the FBI's Unabom Charade." With regard to the Littleton, Colorado high
school massacre, Mr. Shannan posed the following question-via e-mail:

Dear Michael

I understand that you predicted this Colorado tragedy. I may want to do a
story with the Satanic tie-in with these Sodomites and several previous
school shootings. What evidence exists of a CIA and MK-Ultra influence?

Thanks, Pat


There is no evidence of a CIA or MK-Ultra influence. Most programming cues
are now in our mass media culture itself. Watch Wesley Snipes in the
gruesome and despicable 1998 film, "Blade" and Keanu Reeves in the current
"Matrix," both blazing away in their trench coats.  The Trench Coat Mafia
was made in Hollywood, in spite of these films' do-gooder facades, which
only fool adults who want to be fooled. The dark and bloody symbolism is
paramount. The medium is the message.

The best and brightest kids will not take New World Order bureaucratic
regulation. Our centralized mega-schools have become immense factories not
only of anti-white indoctrination, but of micro-management of young people's
lives, preparing them for more of the same in the adult world.

Public school students have little if any understanding of their hereditary,
Common Law and Constitutional rights. They are increasingly herded like
assembly-line automatons. The elite among them intuitively revolt. Once our
people as a whole would have rebelled. It was a common pastime of the
English people to hurl rocks at the royal carriage during the reign of
George I (1714-1727). Bill Clinton would have been routinely stoned and spat
upon by our ancestors.

Unfortunately, disaffected youth today turn toward the Hegelian fake
alternative: System-certified "rebels," the System's manufactured image of
Hitler, System-distributed videos and films--most of which have implanted
behavior cues for these elite kids to emulate and create the kind of mayhem,
murder and suicide the System needs to build its police state.

American forces are presently terror-bombing the Serbian people for "peace,"
and Americans have butchered 37 million unborn babies on the altar of
convenience, in abortions. President Clinton rapes and abuses women like
cattle, perjures himself and remains the beloved leader of the soft-spoken
liberal humanists and feminists. America has become a pathological culture
of violence against the innocent while a jaded populace of movie-goers and
TV spectators are mesmerized by ever more deadening hyper-violence on the

The message of Oliver Stone's much maligned movie, "Natural Born Killers"
(NBK), one of the few Hollywood films to critique and lampoon the culture of
death, was that, in the face of killings like those in Colorado, the
suposedly "shocked and saddened" TV networks gleefully market and sell the
violence at a profit,  just like they sell tampons and toilet paper. I
discuss this phenomenon at length in my book, "Secret Societies and
Psychological Warfare."

Stone's NBK pointed out that the source of the violence is America's culture
and the media that drives it. NBK concludes with a song by Leonard Cohen
attacking perverted sex and abortion. I am not an Oliver Stone fan, but in
this rare instance, he hit the media where it hurts. For this reason his
film is deliberately stigmatized and falsified as the evil paradigm for
future killers.

The racist/Hitler angle: one of the members of the Colorado Trench Coat
Mafia was a Hispanic girl named Alejandra who the media have now nicknamed
Alex in order to conceal her ethnicity.  As one of the Littleton killers'
friends noted, these boys were equal-opportunity haters--they hated everyone
and mostly they hated their fellow white students who comprised the majority
of their victims. The killers even spared a Jewish student, Aaron Cohn.

Hitler's birthday was April 20 but these kids--if indeed they were seeking
to pay perverse tribute to Hitler with their carnage--had no idea who Hitler
was. They are simply taking the Jewish media image of Hitler which is
obsessively broadcast and published on a weekly basis, and embracing it as
their Hitler. In other words, Hitler for them is a symbol of Nietzschean
power and defiance, beyond good and evil, beyond compromise and it is to
that image that they may have attached themselves.

The "racism" angle is largely manufactured by the media, who would like to
pass restrictive gun laws as well as "hate" laws on the backs of these
student cadavers. There are Hitler cults among Mexicans, among Arabs,
Africans and American Blacks and many other 

[CTRL] FW: a couple of really good articles....

1999-04-25 Thread Troy Griggs

 -Caveat Lector-

Subject: a couple of really good articles
Date: Sun, Apr 25, 1999, 1:21 PM

Heads Up

 A Weekly View from the Foothills of Appalachia

April 25, 1999 #132

  by: Doug Fiedor


  Copyright © 1998 by Doug Fiedor, all rights

   This text may be copied and distributed

but only in its entirety, and with no

Previous Editions at:




 Table of Contents



My father kept his in the bedroom closet. My grandfather said he didn't
need one, but when I had to crack his safe because he
forgot the combination, I found two old ones in there. My uncle kept his
on top of the chest of drawers in the bedroom. As a
child, all of my friends had essentially the same experiences.

In my 14th summer, Elvis made the charts with "Heartbreak Hotel." I had
a little jingle in my pocket from my paper route,
mowing grass and caddying for the rich folks down at the fancy golf
course. Because, you see, I wanted one, too. So I worked
and saved for it.

Well, there came a day back that summer when I had the $25 I needed, so
I peddled my bicycle the seven miles over to the
closest Wards store. And therein, I purchased my first one: A brand new
bolt-action, single shot 22 caliber rifle.

"Don't load that thing around here," the salesman admonished as he
rapped a sales receipt around the barrel and bagged my
300 rounds of "High Power" ammunition.

That was sold in the basement of the large department store. Picture a
lanky 14 year old boy walking through a department
store today carrying a rifle and a bag of ammunition. That would cause a
bit of attention today. Back then, no one cared. Nor
did anyone say anything as I held the rifle across the handlebars of my
bike while I peddled home.

It wasn't that everyone knew me (few did) and had no fear of me shooting
them, it was that kids did not shoot at people.
Period. No exceptions. There were no problems like that back then.

We lived within the city limits of a major city, but on the very last
street of that city. Within a five minute walk was a large
woods. Therefore, most of the guys in the neighborhood had guns and it
was rather common to see them carried around.

There were two rules for us kids that were not often violated: No loaded
guns within the city limits. And, point it at someone
and you loose it. The last rule was important because, back then, any
adult could smack any kid upside the head and take their
gun away for inappropriate use. It happened sometimes, too.

Lots of guns were around that neighborhood, but no person ever shot at
anyone. Not even once.

Yet, in high school, many of us were chided relentlessly by our "peers."
That's part of growing up. I certainly got my share,
because there was much about me to kid about. Four eyes and fumble
fingers come to mind. Lanky and dumb Pollock were
part of it, too.

But even with that, there were unstated rules among us kids. Say
something nasty about someone's, family or religion and there
will be a fight. Ditto for not fighting "fair" by ganging up on someone
or picking on someone smaller.

That's how it was back when Elvis was starting to become "king" and Fats
Domino was selling records by the many millions.
We knew that people were all different and that we did not have to like
everyone. But we also were taught that we were not to
bother people, that we were to respect their freedom and leave them
alone -- as long as they did the same for us.

There also came a time that summer when a group of us were stopped by a
police officer while walking down my street at
11:30 p.m. We had shotguns, 22s and there were even a couple revolvers
in the group.

The officer asked normal police officer questions: Where do you live?
Where are you going? Why are you out this late? Do
your parents know you are out this late? However, there was not one
question about the guns. We were sent home. We were
going home anyway, so simply replied "yes sir," and continued on our

No identification was necessary. We didn't have any, anyway. No one did,
back then, unless they drove a car. Nor did the
officer bother to write down our names. We lived in the neighborhood, he
didn't. Still, we were required to do as we were 

[CTRL] Albania, then Serbia (and a little China to taste)

1999-04-25 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

After researching my recollection for the specificity of facts about
"Albania", I recalled that Albania {to/with whom the Kosovars are aligned}
was (one of) the only European Communist nations that was wholly aligned
with China.   H ... and you notice how "Britain" {formerly the owner of
HongKong [and a variety of other currently unstable places], key player in
the 'Opium Wars'} keeps popping up as an influence in all the areas in which
we have committed military resources?  AER

From www.albania.co.uk

begin excerpt -- excerpted to present 20th century history of Albania

Independent Albania.
Creating the new state.

Shortly after the defeat of Turkey by the Balkan allies, a conference of
ambassadors of the Great Powers (Britain, Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungary,
France, and Italy) convened in London in December 1912 to settle the
outstanding issues raised by the conflict. With support given to the
Albanians by Austria-Hungary and Italy, the conference agreed to create an
independent state of Albania. But, in drawing the borders of the new state,
owing to strong pressure from Albania's neighbours, the Great Powers largely
ignored demographic realities and ceded the vast region of Kosovo to Serbia,
while, in the south, Greece was given the greater part of Çamria, a part of
the old region of Epirus centred on the Thamis River. Many observers doubted
whether the new state would be viable with about one-half of Albanian lands
and population left outside its borders, especially since these lands were
the most productive in food grains and livestock. On the other hand, a small
community of about 35,000 ethnic Greeks was included within Albania's
borders. (However, Greece, which counted all Albanians of the Orthodox
faith--20 percent of the population--as Greeks, claimed that the number of
ethnic Greeks was considerably larger.) Thereafter, Kosovo and the Çamria
remained troublesome issues in Albanian-Greek and Albanian-Yugoslav
The Great Powers also appointed a German prince, Wilhelm zu Wied, as ruler
of Albania. Wilhelm arrived in Albania in March 1914, but his unfamiliarity
with Albania and its problems, compounded by complications arising from the
outbreak of World War I, led him to depart from Albania six months later.
The war plunged the country into a new crisis, as the armies of
Austria-Hungary, France, Italy, Greece, Montenegro, and Serbia invaded and
occupied it. Left without any political leadership or authority, the country
was in chaos, and its very fate hung in the balance. At the Paris Peace
Conference after the war, the extinction of Albania was averted largely
through the efforts of U.S. President Woodrow Wilson, who vetoed a plan by
Britain, France, and Italy to partition Albania among its neighbours.

A national congress, held in Lushnje in January 1920, laid the foundations
of a new government. In December of that year Albania, this time with the
help of Britain, gained admission to the League of Nations, thereby winning
for the first time international recognition as a sovereign nation and

Bishop Noli and King Zog.
At the start of the 1920s, Albanian society was divided by two apparently
irreconcilable forces. One, made up mainly of deeply conservative landowning
beys and tribal bajraktars who were tied to the Ottoman and feudal past, was
led by Ahmed Bey Zogu, a chieftain from the Mat region of north-central
Albania. The other, made up of liberal intellectuals, democratic
politicians, and progressive merchants who looked to the West and wanted to
modernize and Westernize Albania, was led by Fan S. Noli, an
American-educated bishop of the Orthodox church. In the event, this
East-West polarization of Albanian society was of such magnitude and
complexity that neither leader could master and overcome it.
In the unusually open and free political, social, and cultural climate that
prevailed in Albania between 1920 and 1924, the liberal forces gathered
strength, and, by mid-1924, a popular revolt forced Zogu to flee to
Yugoslavia. Installed as prime minister of the new government in June 1924,
Noli set out to build a Western-style democracy in Albania, and toward that
end he announced a radical program of land reform and modernization. But his
vacillation in carrying out the program, coupled with a depleted state
treasury and a failure to obtain international recognition for his
revolutionary, left-of-centre government, quickly alienated most of Noli's
supporters, and six months later he was overthrown by an armed assault led
by Zogu and aided by Yugoslavia.

Zogu began his 14-year reign in Albania--first as president (1925-28), then
as King Zog I (1928-39)--in a country rife with political and social
instability. Greatly in need of foreign aid and credit in order to stabilize
the country, Zog signed a number of accords with Italy. These provided
transitory financial relief to Albania, but they effected no basic change in
its economy, especially under the 

[CTRL] Crack The CIA Event

1999-04-25 Thread David Crockett Williams

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Jack Michon [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Mobilize at Bethel AME Church (79th  Western)
at 4:00 PM and MARCH to Florence  Normandie

*Crack The CIA - Sue The CIA
Join The Lawsuit

A New  Fair Trial For Mumia Abu Jamal

*Amend Racist 3 Strikes Law Provide Solutions that Build People, not Prisons

The National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression
(323) 232-8316 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (213)427-8519



From 1982 through 1995, the CIA had a secret agreement with the Department
of Justice
exempting all reporting of drug trafficking
by employees and agents of the CIA.

On March 1st., 1999, a Class Action lawsuit was filed against the CIA and
the Department of Justice (DoJ) alleging that the ClA's failure to report
allegations of drug crimes along with the DoJ's acquiescence to this
non-reporting, interfered with law enforcement's efforts to thwart the
importation of crack cocaine into our communities.

This means the flow of crack cocaine by major
drug dealers was sanctioned by our government.

We did not receive adequate law enforcement protection and were consequently
pelted with the crack epidemic and all it implies - addiction, death, crack
babies, increased crime, higher taxes, exhaustion of social services, and
destruction of businesses!

If you believe you were harmed by the CIA allowing cocaine to be brought
into our community, we will help you, as a CLAIMENT, to fill out the TORT

The named Claiments and their Attorneys control the suits. They belong to
the people and no one else!

The National Alliance Against Racist  Political Repression.
at P.O. Box 88808, Los Angeles, CA 90009
(213) 427-8519 (310) 837-6684

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Clinton's(outrageous) Balkan Refugee Secret*HudsonFoodsTyson quid pro quo?

1999-04-25 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

 -Caveat Lector-

More Klintoon corruption:

Carl Limbacher
April 23, 1999

Vice President Al Gore announced on Wednesday that the U.S. would welcome up
to 20,000 Kosovar refugees to the American mainland, scuttling an earlier
plan for emergency resettlement at Guantanamo Bay.
The administration claimed that the Guantanamo option was ditched after the
displaced Kosovars rejected the idea of being relocated so far from their
homeland. Yet neither Gore nor anyone else explained why the equally distant
American mainland was geographically more acceptable.

What the Vice President and the reporters who covered his refugee
announcement failed to mention is this: the 20,000 Albanian Kosovars would
be just the latest Balkan influx to hit American shores since the U.S.
became embroiled in that European conflict. In fact, since the mid-90's,
America has resettled over 80,000 displaced persons from the region, mainly
Bosnian Muslims, primarily to the American mid-west.

Moreover, America's largest meat processing company, which just happens to
have a curious link to Clinton-friendly Tyson Foods, has done very well by
the deluge of hardworking Balkan refugees willing to take their dangerous
non-union jobs.

A case in point: The small town of Waterloo, Iowa, population 65,000, has
been overwhelmed since 1995 with resettled Bosnians, many of whom find their
first work at the local meat processing plant. Until recently Bosnian
immigrants made up nearly a third of the 2,000 strong workforce at Iowa Beef
Processors, Inc.'s Waterloo plant.

Over the last few years Waterloo has taken in about 6,000 Bosnians, nearly
10% of the town's entire population. The new immigrants are recruited by IBP
for rough and tumble meatpacking jobs at below union wages. The influx of
Bosnians to Iowa has made the state the only one in the nation with its own
refugee bureau.

In fact, the U.S. meat-packing industry has a history of recruiting workers
on-site in Yugoslavia going back to the 1920's; though, thanks to America's
recent Bosnia entanglement, IBP generally has to look no further than
Chicago for eager refugee labor.

IBP became dominant in it's industry after successfully challenging major
competitors like Hormel and Armour; companies which generally offered better
paying unionized work to American citizens. Before IBP hit the jackpot with
the new Bosnian labor pool, the company actively recruited Mexican and
Vietnamese workers.

And what about IBP's Clinton-Tyson connection? The link is through Hudson

In August 1997 Arkansas' Hudson Foods was pretty much run out of business
after the Clinton Dept. of Agriculture determined that e-coli contamination
of its ground beef had sickened 16 people in Colorado. Though no one died,
within days the USDA ordered millions of pounds of beef recalled. The alarm
caused Hudson's major beef buyer Burger King to cancel its contract. Meat
industry executives were stunned at the USDA's heavy-handed tactics.

Hudson was primarily a chicken processing operation that had branched out
into beef and pork, with plants outside Arkansas like the one where the
e-coli problem was discovered. And Tyson Foods, notorious as a longtime
Clinton backer with a history of winning favorable treatment from his state
and federal administrations, had long been interested in acquiring Hudson.

But Hudson was never interested in selling out until the Clinton USDA
struck. Then the Tyson deal became an offer Hudson couldn't refuse.

Still, Tyson didn't want Hudson's beef processing plant, the one where the
USDA first found the e-coli contamination. For that another buyer had to be

That buyer? Iowa Beef Processors, the same company which made out so
handsomely when Bill Clinton's Balkan refugees began streaming into America.

Small world.

Crooked politicians, illegal aliens, a country in moral decay . . . all of
that and more made Steve Vaus mad. So mad that he decided to write a song.

The song has become a rallying cry for "patriots" from coast to coast. It is
probably the most popular recording on talk radio. Listen and you'll
understand why.

The music video which was prominently featured on The Nashville Network and
Country Music Television is available at Steve Vaus' web site.Crooked
politicians, illegal aliens, a country in moral decay . . . all of that and
more made Steve Vaus mad. So mad that he decided to write a song.

The song has become a rallying cry for "patriots" from coast to coast. It is
probably the most popular recording on talk radio. Listen and you'll
understand why.

The music video which was prominently featured on The Nashville Network and
Country Music Television is available at Steve Vaus' web site.



Visit me at:
The Center for Exposing Corruption in the Federal Government

Federal Government defined:

[CTRL] Y2K The Middle Path

1999-04-25 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

The Middle Path

There are Choices Besides
"Pollyanna" and "Doomsday"

 THE DEBATE OVER THE YEAR 2000 PROBLEM has deteriorated into a sharp split
between those who believe it will have a world-changing impact and those who
believe it will be a non-event. Much of the discussion of Y2K consists of
heated arguments and name-calling between members of the two camps, loosely
defined as the "doomsday" crowd and the "pollyannas."

THIS HAS LED many to believe that they must choose sides and decide who is
right. We believe this is a false choice, and the best course in approaching
Y2K lies in defining a middle path between the two camps, one that takes the
issue seriously without lapsing into behavior unsupported by the facts or the
Bible. Sorting out such an approach is no easy matter.

BUT AT THIS MOMENT of confusion and conflict, I believe we are running out of
easy options. It is important that the people of Christ be both rational and
proactive, remaining faithful to the Gospel and its guidance about gossip and
future events, while stepping forward to lead the community with a ministry
of reassurance and readiness.

THE DISPUTE ABOUT Y2K, which has been raging in Internet newsgroups for
several years, has now flared up in the Christian community. This in turn has
become front-page news for the national media with the Wall Street Journal's
page one profile of Christian Computing magazine editor Steve Hewitt and his
ongoing effort to convice believers that Y2K will be no more than a "bump in
the road."

HEWITT'S CRUSADE is itself a reaction to a group of Christian-themed websites
that warn that Jan. 1, 2000 may bring TEOTWAWKI ("The End of The World As We
Know It"). The "Christian survivalist" story has become a staple of Y2K
coverage, but has left a skewed impression of what the church is doing. My
experience with reporters calling about Christians and Y2K suggests many were
looking to craft an attention-getting story featuring "end of the world
extremists" motivated by religious belief. Some reporters made the effort to
locate more moderate faith-based preparedness efforts and tell the larger
story; many others did not.

WE'VE COMMENTED ON THE NEED to retain credibility in our Christian message in
Prophecy And Perspective. We share some of Hewitt's concerns, but fear that
he is leading an anti-Y2K backlash that is itself deeply problematic. The
effort to discredit "doomsayers" may allow many Christians to ignore or
dismiss the year 2000 issue, which would be a mistake.

ONE DIFFICULTY WITH THE Y2K DEBATE is that it has a tendency to cause people
of faith and integrity to become very self-selecting about what information
they believe and why. The alarmists interpret "bad" Y2K news as truth and
dismiss "good" news as lies. The skeptics do the opposite. Once someone has
begun making public statements and predictions about Y2K, their credibility
is on the line, and it becomes harder for them to be TRULY unbiased in
evaluating new information. In the age of media "spin," both camps are
spinning madly to convince the public of the rightness of their position.

THERE IS A MIDDLE PATH between the two positions, one that avoids
presumptions about precisely what God may be up to, but accepts that the
problem is real and demands a response from the Christian church.

FAITHFUL CHRISTIANS need to confront the likelihood of social disruption on
Jan. 1, 2000. We also must be careful not to be deceived and be caught up in
millennial fervor or survivalist sentiment that in many cases has no
connection to our faith.

BELIEVERS MUST REVIEW the best available information and decide for
themselves how to proceed. Because of the complexity of the Y2K issue and the
debate about how to respond, there are many people who want to follow someone
else's lead or be told what to do. Educate yourself, maintain an open mind,
and seek out the most credible information available. Then take
responsibility for your own beliefs about Y2K and how to prepare.

WHILE THERE'S NO DENYING that there are some extreme views about Y2K, our
experience suggests that most Christians who are preparing are level-headed
people responding out of a sense of stewardship and obligation to their
families, congregations and communities, in the best tradition of Christian

IN THE FINAL ANALYSIS, inaction invites anxiety and worry, and readiness
provides reassurance. The most effective way to avoid panic is to help people
develop a comfort level that allows them to be live confidently no matter
what Y2K may bring. Making prudent preparations - including having some
supplies of food, water and cash - does not make one a nut.

MANY Y2K "DEBUNKERS," in the Christian community and elsewhere, are
comfortable spending thousands of dollars each year to insure themselves
against death, fire, floods and auto accidents that may never happen, yet
will declare that it's outlandish to take even modest steps to prepare for
Y2K - which is a real 

[CTRL] Fwd: [MC] military-industrial-media complex media manipulation

1999-04-25 Thread Kris Millegan

Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 11:17:19 -0700
From: Norman Solomon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: For Whom the Media Bell Tolls


By Norman Solomon   /   Creators Syndicate

For several weeks now, the suffering of refugees from Kosovo has filled
our TV screens. Empathy seems to motivate much of the public support for
the ceaseless bombing of Yugoslavia.

Fortunately, Americans can be stirred by moral outrage. Unfortunately,
that outrage has been manipulated by a constellation of forces that could
be described as a military-industrial-media complex.

Central to U.S. news coverage is a paradigm as old as the macabre art of
propaganda itself. Routinely, media reports make a huge distinction --
sharp yet cloaked -- between worthy and unworthy victims. Policy-driven
from the White House, the coverage emphasizes some suffering and downplays
or ignores other suffering.

While American television lenses focus on the anguish of Albanian refugees
and the carnage at a high school in Colorado, less worthy victims remain
out of media sight and out of public mind.

In East Timor -- occupied for a quarter-century now by the U.S.-backed
Indonesian government -- more than 1,000 paramilitary thugs, actively
abetted by Indonesia's army and police, went on a murder spree targeting
pro-democracy activists in mid-April. On a single day, confirmed accounts
put the number of dead at more than a dozen. In the atmosphere of the U.S.
mass media, this was no big deal. The victims were not worthy.

During this decade -- seen through the media window on the world tinted
red, white and blue -- the Kurdish people slaughtered inside Iraq by the
Baghdad government have been worthy victims. In contrast, viewed through
that same media window, the Kurdish people slaughtered inside Turkey by the
Ankara government (a member of NATO) have been unworthy victims: deserving
scant coverage or outcry.

In the wake of the Colorado school tragedy, President Clinton said that
the nation's prayers went out to the victims and their loved ones. But, of
course, he offered no prayers for victims and loved ones in connection with
the incessant bombing of Yugoslavia.

The president declared with a straight face: "We do know that we must do
more to reach out to our children and teach them to express their anger and
to resolve their conflicts with words, not weapons." Mainstream American
journalists were far too circumspect to point out that such pieties were
being uttered by a leader who has championed the deadly use of many weapons
by the United States and other NATO countries.

The high-school shootings occurred while NATO warplanes were in the midst
of the most intense bombardment of Yugoslavia yet -- with 603 "missions"
reported in a 24-hour period. Civilians under those bombs were mere blips
on our media screens.

Ever since the bombing began a month ago, the Clinton administration has
been committed to continuing -- and trying to justify -- that military
assault. No official wants to admit that the results of bombing have been
absolutely opposite of the proclaimed aims.

In a candid moment, a media spokesperson in Washington or Brussels may yet
echo an infamous claim made for U.S. military actions in Vietnam three
decades ago: Perhaps we'll have to destroy Kosovo in order to save it.

As disastrous as the NATO assault has proven to be -- measured against its
initial announced purposes -- the human catastrophe experienced by Albanian
refugees has been tremendously important in marshaling support for this war
from Americans. There is much talk about our moral obligation to do
something. The fact that U.S. actions have gravely worsened the situation
is presumably of minor importance.

The greatest lies are commonly told by inference and emphasis -- by the
unacknowledged chasm between repetition and evasion, between victims deemed
worthy and unworthy. A truth told to the virtual exclusion of another truth
can become, simultaneously, a truth put to use for distortion and

Such selectivity cheapens compassion and turns it into the coin of


Norman Solomon's new book is "The Habits of Highly Deceptive Media."

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Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] [Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Jerry Black's Update on ...

1999-04-25 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/25/99 12:13:10 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 And when you and those like you who hold the same beliefs finally do that,
than we will all benefit because we can then admit the reality and then DO
SOMETHING to stop or change it. And I pray that you and those like you do and
do so sooner rather than later because then we as a race will be better off
when that happens.

Well, I have advocated doing something about it.  I have said in my response
that we should concentrate on eliminating the known phenomenon and then we
can see the UFO's for what they really are.  If they prove out to be "alien",
whether from near or far, otherdimensional or otherwise then fine and dandy,
but if we eliminate the known cases of governmental craft and abduction what
do we really have left?  Can you answer that? Let's tackle the problem not
constantly jibe each other about which ones are which since we can't do that
effectively anyway until we eliminate the known.  Since the government has
UFO's and they apparently have perpetrated abductions for nefarious ends THEN
why postulate further UNTIL you have eliminated all of these events from the
radar screen.  Once again I am NOT denying the possibility that some of what
is observed are in fact alien craft.  Let's grasp the issue from the end we
can grab not from the one that is in the dark.  Of course, maybe I'm just an
idiot like your condescending reply implied.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Except for the US UK, NATO Ambivalent

1999-04-25 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/25/99 3:40:54 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Of course, in actual practice, the US has ALWAYS been a mirror-image of the
 greedy, conscienceless, subversive totalitarian system our citizens were
 taught International Communism was.

 The Party?  We're always been, and still are, a "one-party" system TOO --
 since both Democrats and Republicans have to be vetted by the "king-makers"
 club formed by the CFR, Trilateral Commission, and Bilderbergers'
 interlocking directorates.  Beria?  We
 had J. Edgar Hoover, cut from the same cloth, just as effective as Party
 "enforcer."  A
 mirror-image in every respect, just as was dramatized by Orwell in "1984."

 And since the "fall of Communism," even the "booming" US economy has begun to
 reflect cliche media-images of life in Russia, at least in our bigger cities
 -- long lines everywhere for everything ("fast food" is slower than ordering
 at a restaurant nowadays), half a dozen people crowded into every living
 space (but nowadays they call these folks "roommates," and it takes at least
 three people to afford the rent for a 2-bedroom apt), etc etc.  Welcome to
 Joe Stalin's "proletarian paradise" in the USSA !  LOL

Is there such a thing as Fascistic Capitalism?  We have become that which we
supposedly fought against and derided as our "enemies".  Exporting our
philosophy and Babylon system of Death around the world.  And God forbid you
should not fall in line 'cause we WILL get you one way or the other, if it
ain't the IMF it will be "Bombs away!".

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Albania, then Serbia (and a little China

1999-04-25 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/25/99 6:23:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 After researching my recollection for the specificity of facts about
 "Albania", I recalled that Albania {to/with whom the Kosovars are aligned}
 was (one of) the only European Communist nations that was wholly aligned
 with China.   H ... and you notice how "Britain" {formerly the owner of
 HongKong [and a variety of other currently unstable places], key player in
 the 'Opium Wars'} keeps popping up as an influence in all the areas in which
 we have committed military resources?  AER

My GOD!  The mind boggles at the Synchronicity of this information.  I was
just discussing this VERY fact with a coworker today, and was wondering WHY
there was no mention of the fact that Albania was aligned with CHINA!  Great
minds think alike, No?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Who Is Really to Blame?

1999-04-25 Thread Howard R. Davis III

 -Caveat Lector-

Kris Millegan wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 A HREF="http://www.zolatimes.com/V3.17/pageone.html"Laissez Faire City
 Times - Volume 3 Issue 17
 The Laissez Faire Times
 April 26, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 17
 Editor  Chief: Emile Zola
 Littleton Shootings

 Who Is Really to Blame?

 by Don Lobo Tiggre

 The One-Room Schoolhouse

 This is the current trend in American education, but it hasn’t always
 been so. Consider the one-room schoolhouse of last century. Is it even
 imaginable that something like the Littleton shootings could have
 occurred in such an environment?


 And there are reasons for this. The first and foremost would be that
 parents back then did not expect the school teacher to teach their
 children to become responsible, healthy, moral adults. That was their
 job, and the teacher was there to teach letters and numbers (which he or
 she did with a success rate that would put many modern schools to

 Another important reason is that the school was too small for any
 misunderstood outcasts to be neglected. The teacher would know much of
 the life history of each child, would know their parents, would
 understand their unique situations and challenges. Even if the teacher
 wasn’t particularly sympathetic, he or she would at least be
 knowledgeable about every single child under his or her care. There were
 probably mal-adjusted outcasts in most one-room schoolhouses, just as
 there have always been outcasts—how long ago did Hans Christian Andersen
 write "The Ugly Duckling"? But those unhappy souls would have a much
 better chance of getting the attention they needed back then than the
 misfits in today’s massive indoctrination centers.

 To say that the increasing size of today’s huge urban high schools is a
 contributing factor to school violence may seem to be making the same
 mistake that people who blame inanimate objects (like guns) make. But
 who designs these giant, politically-correct reprogramming factories?
 There are people, individual policymakers, who have been pushing things
 in this direction. Who are they, and where can we write them letters of
 protest? It would be useful to find out and let them know that we will
 hold them accountable.

   I recently spoke on the phone with the former superintendent of our
school district in Michigan. In the sixties he had done research on the
relative quality of education in the district while pursuing a doctorate
(I think at U of M). He compared the IQ information with tests
indicating achievement to establish a difference between potential
learning ability and results. He then rated the differences between the
various schools in the district expecting to show that the larger
schools with modern libraries and facilities and more highly educated
teachers would prove to have the least differential (i.e. performance
met expectation). However, he found that the best performing school was
a one room school house with eight grades taught by a teacher with only
a two year certificate (soon to be closed). The second best was a two
room school house (also soon to be closed). The poorest performance came
from the largest and most modern school. He checked his figures in
disbelief, but they were correct. He realized that the whole philosophy
of bigger is better in education was unfounded. When he presented his
data and findings to his professor he got a rude awakening. This was not
the finding that was desired and his professor destroyed his data and he
had to change to other research to obtain his doctorate.

Howard Davis

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] More on CIH Virus

1999-04-25 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

  Info available at following for virus with Monday payload date (26th).
And yes, I checked the sites first before posting this.

 CNN Story



CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: S99-56, Day 34, Update 1 (Apr. 26; 0:10AM EDT) - A Special TiM GW Bulletin on NATO's War on Serbia

1999-04-25 Thread Kris Millegan


The Special Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins on NATO's war on Serbia,
such as the one enclosed below, can also be accessed at our Web site:
www.truthinmedia.org which is being updated throughout the day.

Issue S99-56, Day 34, Update 1
Apr. 26, 1999; 0:10AM EDT


Novi Sad   1. Last Novi Sad Bridge Destroyed; Hungary to Let
  NATO Use Its Three Air Bases

Italy   2. An Italian Soldier: Very Little Time Left;
Maybe a Week?

Naples   3. Italian Police Battle anti-NATO Protesters

U.S. Midwest  4. Jewish Students Support NATO's Bombing of Serbia;
  An Anglo-American Student Fights Back

Florida   5. Roundtable's Reaction to Independent's Story:
  About Exposing the CFR Sins?

Belgrade6. German Mothers Say No to NATO's War


1. Last Novi Sad Bridge Destroyed; Hungary to Let NATO Use Its Three Air Bases

Novi Sad, Apr. 25 - This just in from a TiM source in Novi Sad:

"After several attempts, they (NATO) have finally managed to completely
destroy the last remaining bridge in Novi Sad. The attack started at 1:15AM
(local time; 7:15AM EDT), and ended 30 minutes later."
TiM Ed.: And now, "let the games begin!" (i.e., the NATO invasion from
Hungary).  After all, despite a general sentiment among the Hungarian
population against NATO's war on Serbia which this writer encountered
earlier this week, while traveling through Hungary, the Hungarian prime
minister, Viktor Oban, acceded to Washington's request, and agreed to let
NATO operate out of its three air bases.  Many of the additional 400
airplanes, which Gen. Wesley Clark has requested from the Pentagon, are
expected to fly out of the Hungarian air bases in Taszar, Kecskemet and Papa.

Meanwhile, there are some 300,000 ethnic Hungarians living in the northern
Serbian province of Vojvodina who are also targets of NATO's wrath against
civilians, just like their Serb neighbors.  Many of them are freedom
fighters who escaped to Yugoslavia following the unsuccessful 1956
Hungarian uprising against the Soviets.  Having been welcomed with open
arms in Yugoslavia (see a letter from a Hungarian refugee - Day 31, Update
2, Item 4, Apr. 23), wonder what they will think of the Hungarian prime
minister's decision to help NATO wage war on them, too?

2. An Italian Soldier: Very Little Time Left; Maybe a Week?

BELGRADE, Apr. 25 - TiM has just received a letter from an Italian soldier
who warns that there is very little time left for a political solution to
the Kosovo crises; "maybe a week," he says.  Here is an excerpt from his

"Today, the Italian newspaper, 'Liberazione,' published the following note
received from an informer in the Italian army in Macedonia:

'A gigantic military maneuver has been under way for 48 hours on the
territory of Macedonia, up to the frontier with the Yugoslavia. The
operational NATO HQ is situated in Krivolak (Macedonia). Another command
center, only for U.S. troops, is in the (Macedonian) capital Skopje.

Principal protagonists of the maneuver, beyond to the 'bersaglieri' of the
of the (Italian) brigade 'Garibaldi,' is a German tank division - the best
of Bonn's army. The Germans have 100 powerful "Leopard 2" (similar to U.S.
heavy Abrams tanks)n and 200 armored vehicles. The Italian brigade has 60
mobile batteries of TOW optically-guided missiles. There are also two
British tank brigades with activated missile heads.

These forces, once the order arrives, have the possible assignment of
attack on the Yugoslav troops in Kosovo that are facing the Italian
"alpini" (alpine troops) along the Albanian border.

The way to the forces coming from Macedonia should be opened by a well
armed and trained KLA special detachment, which penetrated 48 hours ago
into Kosovo, along the famous corridor number 10.
TiM Ed.: TiM has no idea what that is, nor why it is "famous?"  We suspect
it may have to do with the Lepenac river valley entry into Kosovo from

From Friday (Apr. 23), despite the persistently bad weather, all of Kosovo
territory under Serb control has  been subjected to a continuous
"preparatory" aerial and missile bombardment .

There is very little time (perhaps one week) for a "political"
intervention.  Otherwise it would go off the 'Plan X', of which I have
given many details some weeks ago."
TiM Ed.: Not to TiM, anyway.  We are not aware to what our correspondent is
referring here.
"Otherwise, God save  the Italian army, once more sent to battle without
any preparation.
This soldier swore to the Italian Constitution, art. 11, 'Italy repudiates
war as an instrument to attack other peoples freedom and to resolve
international disputes.'
The traitors are in the government."
TiM Ed.: As is 

[CTRL] Balkans: Furtive Glances

1999-04-25 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

Vol. 15, No. 18 -- May 17, 1999 . . . . www.insightmag.com

Flirting With KLA Terrorists

By J. Michael Waller

Support is building to arm the KLA to fight against the Serbs in Kosovo,
though evidence suggests it is a drug-smuggling, leftist terrorist group
with plans of conquest.

anctions failed. Diplomacy failed. Even massive air attacks by
nuclear-capable strategic bombers failed. As the Clinton administration's
drive to force Yugoslavia to grant autonomy to Kosovar Albanians crumbled
amid the bombed-out hulks of government buildings, bridges and factories,
Washington seemed primed to try yet another weapon: waging a ground war by
arming what a former U.S. special envoy to Kosovo called a "terrorist
group." It's an option that, if implemented, will further complicate
Operation Allied Force, will risk throwing a monkey wrench into U.S.
counterterrorism and counternarcotics policy and could further complicate
relations with NATO allies.
. . . . With dashed hopes for the Yugoslavian regime's quick surrender, the
administration and Congress are considering an initiative to build up a
small guerrilla force, the Kosovo Liberation Army, or KLA, into an effective
fighting machine. As Secretary of State Madeleine Albright openly flirts
with the KLA, other officials say the United States wants closer relations
with the group. Some Capitol Hill staff following Kosovo are asking if,
despite NATO's open nonsupport, the United States already may be providing
covert assistance to the KLA.
. . . . Bipartisan initiatives in the House and Senate, meanwhile, openly
would fund the arming and training of the KLA into a full-scale irregular
army. Arming the KLA is attracting an unlikely coalition of Democratic and
Republican lawmakers with ethnic Albanian constituencies; politicians
squeamish about using U.S. and NATO ground forces but wanting some sort of
on-the-ground military presence against Yugoslavian forces in Kosovo; a
smattering of conservative armchair insurgency "experts" who invoke the
Reagan Doctrine of supporting anticommunist resistance movements; and
Marxist radicals who find the KLA's ideology compatible with their own.
. . . . Among the most prominent politicians favoring this scheme are polar
opposites, Republican presidential candidate Steve Forbes and House Minority
Whip David Bonior of Michigan. While Forbes was hastening the collapse of
the Soviet empire in the 1980s as head of the board supervising Radio Free
Europe/Radio Liberty in the effort to undermine communist rule, critics say
Bonior was so friendly to the comrades that he became a cheerleader for the
Marxist-Leninist Sandinista regime in Nicaragua and a leading foe of
democratic resistance there.
. . . . On April 14, six congressmen led by Rep. Eliot Engel, a New York
Democrat, introduced the Kosova Self-Defense Act to allocate $25 million to
train and arm the KLA. (The name of the Yugoslavian province itself is in
dispute. Kosovo is the Serbian-language name, while Albanians use the term
Kosova.) "The KLA is on the ground in Kosova now and, with proper weapons,
could defend innocent Kosovars against Serb predation," the hawkish Engel
reasons. "When Serb forces do leave, the KLA can serve as a peacekeeping and
police force until a government is organized. This would mean fewer NATO
troops, including U.S. forces, would be needed in the area." Sponsors
include Republican Mark Sanford of South Carolina and William Goodling of
Pennsylvania, as well as Bonior. Sens. Joseph Lieberman, a Connecticut
Democrat, and Mitch McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, have prepared similar
legislation, now under State Department review.
. . . . Veteran Reagan Doctrine proponents who have studied the KLA think
the proposal is a dangerous idea. "Some politicians have apparently confused
the KLA with the Nicaraguan Contras or the Afghan mujahideen of the 1980s,"
says Michael Radu of the Foreign Policy Research Institute in Philadelphia.
In a memo circulating on Capitol Hill, Radu argues that arming the KLA
"would display both American ignorance of the true nature of the KLA and
despair at the failure of the NATO air strikes against Yugoslavia."
. . . . Not only does the KLA stake territorial claims on other countries,
including NATO ally Greece, but Insight's sources say it has roots in the
Sigurimi secret police of Albania's late Stalinist dictator Enver Hoxha, who
had designs on a Greater Albania carved from Greece and countries that made
up Yugoslavia. "Some of its founders and leading cadres were associated with
the Yugoslavian Communist secret police or even . . . Sigurimi," according
to Radu. Even more disturbing are reports that the KLA has received military
support from Iran and from fugitive Saudi terrorist financier Osama bin
Laden, who is wanted for a spate of mass killings, 

[CTRL] Eyes on the Isles

1999-04-25 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

I would suggest the Brits' politicians not make the same error as a leader
of a central European country did midway through this century and forget
geography and the scope of resources -- not to mention resolve -- the
Americans can muster.  Put differently, until they can demonstrate they can
enter and win conflicts on their own -- without our assistance -- perhaps
gold can be found in that thar silence. AER 

From http://www.telegraph.co.uk/

ISSUE 1430 Sunday 25 April 1999

Blair enlists Thatcher for advice on war
By Tom Baldwin, Andrew Gilligan and David Wastell in Washington

Oil blockade by allies 'could drag Russia into war'

TONY BLAIR has called in Lady Thatcher to advise him on the Kosovo conflict
and how to keep Nato united against Slobodan Milosevic. Her support is
believed to have been a key factor in Mr Blair's hawkish stance on Kosovo at
the Washington Nato summit this weekend.

Lady Thatcher has discussed war strategy with the Prime Minister in a series
of telephone calls, some lasting as long as 30 minutes, all of which were
initiated by Downing Street. She emphasised the importance of Britain taking
a lead and of "stiffening the spine" of the Americans, in a similar fashion
to the moment in the Gulf war when she chided George Bush for going

Mr Blair's official spokesman last night confirmed that there had been
contact with Lady Thatcher, saying she had told the Prime Minister that it
was "important to do the right thing".

The employment of the Falklands War leader as an unofficial Downing Street
adviser has been a feature of Mr Blair's premiership. He has previously
expressed his admiration for her leadership on the world stage.

Lady Thatcher was invited into Downing Street for one-on-one talks with Mr
Blair within weeks of Labour's election victory in May 1997. She was also
consulted in November of that year, shortly before the Government became
involved in military action for the first time when it ordered an aircraft
carrier to the Gulf.

But Britain's campaign for the use of ground forces failed to win support as
Nato leaders ducked substantive discussion of the question. The rebuff to Mr
Blair came as fresh evidence emerged of deep divisions within the alliance,
with President Clinton resisting demands for an immediate ground campaign.

Britain will today fight to keep open the option of a ground invasion by
unveiling plans for a multi-million-pound package of aid, including the
offer of associate European Union and Nato membership, to frontline Balkan
border states.

The proposal is designed to ease the financial plight of Macedonia, the most
likely launchpad for an invasion of Kosovo, which has been increasingly
disenchanted by the operation as it is engulfed by refugees.

News of Lady Thatcher's intervention came as another key figure gave his
backing for the use of ground troops. Gen Wesley Clark, Nato's Supreme
Allied Commander, has privately told diplomats that the conflict will not be
won by air power alone.

The remark, made at a gathering during the Nato summit, is a major reversal
of Nato's position. It contradicts the public statements by Nato leaders
this weekend that air power will still be enough to win.

According to a North American diplomat at the meeting, Gen Clark said: "I
can no longer guarantee that bombing will succeed in breaking the will of
the regime." A diplomatic source corroborated the report.

Gen Clark's statement shows the shift in Nato opinion towards ground forces.
"We must start to give ourselves the option of a ground force," said an
alliance politician. "It will take a long time to build one up: if we do not
start now, we will find that we are not ready for a campaign until the
winter, and that will be truly horrendous."

Lady Thatcher has thrown her weight behind the deployment of ground troops,
describing Milosevic as a "truly monstrous evil" who must be "totally

Mr Blair echoed her comments on his US trip, in which he insisted that
America should not be allowed to slip back into isolationism. "If we let an
evil dictator range unchallenged, we will have to spill infinitely more
blood and treasure to stop him," he said. Downing Street increased the
pressure on Belgrade last night by claiming that there were growing signs of
dissent inside the Milosevic regime.

Asked how the Government's apparent assessment of Milosevic's vulnerability
squared with reports in yesterday's US press that the Pentagon believed Nato
was failing to win the war, Mr Blair's spokesman said: "My assessment is
completely in accord with Gen Clark's."


The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
   German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + 

[CTRL] China: Silent Might

1999-04-25 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From Irish Times

Monday, April 26, 1999

Silent Beijing protest
biggest in many years

From Conor O'Clery, in Beijing
 In the biggest, and certainly one of the oddest, protests seen in Beijing
in a decade, some 15,000 members of a religious cult besieged the Chinese
leadership compound near Tiananmen Square yesterday to demand fair treatment
from the authorities.

The demonstrators carried no banners or placards, they made no speeches, and
their protest, which lasted for 13 hours, was held in almost total silence.
From 9 a.m. until 10 p.m. the multitude simply stood or sat tightly packed
six-to eight deep for a distance of 2 km around the north and west sides of
the compound, sometimes reading from little blue books of spiritual

At one point when the setting sun made a fleeting appearance, they turned
towards it and applauded. "Did you see it?" a middle-aged man asked

The people who dared to bring their protest to the centre of power in China
were members of the Fa Lun Gong sect, which claims 100 million members and
whose US based leader, Li Hongzhi (47), advocates physical and spiritual
healing through oriental exercise like qigong.

Leaders of the sect demanded to see the Chinese Premier, Mr Zhu Rongji, to
protest against attacks on the cult in the official media, and the arrests
of several members after a sit-in last week in the nearby city of Tianjin.

Police closed the roads around the compound and just before darkness handed
out sheets of paper with instructions to disperse. This cited a ruling from
the Complaints Bureau of the State Council which said members of the cult
had never been banned from practising their qigong activities and that while
they were allowed to air their opinions they should not congregate around
the Zhongnanhai government compound.

"The action is wrong because it is already affecting the normal life of the
people," it said. "So you must respect the laws and leave the area."
Beijing's public security bureau, which has tightened security in Beijing in
the run-up to the 10th anniversary of the bloody 1989 crackdown on student
protesters on June 4th, was clearly caught off guard by the demonstrators,
who arrived in groups from all over China before dawn.

Late last night they left in long, silent columns, heading for the main
railway station, after police finally ordered them to end their protest.
Adding to the mystery, members of the sect, simple people of all age groups
but mostly middle-aged, largely declined to give interviews to reporters, as
if under orders.

One man in his 50s in a black vest said, however, they wanted to be
recognised as a legal entity. A middle-aged woman chimed in: "We want to
have good health in mind and body; this will make us better people and will
help our families and society and cut down on state medical costs."

Conventional religious organisations and cults have found a mass following
in China amid rapid social change in recent years. Li Hongzhi, the leader of
the Fa Lun Gong sect, is a faith healer who maintains that homosexuality,
rock and roll, television and drugs are signs of the end of the world.

"Your diseases will be eliminated directly by me," writes Li Hongzhi, in one
of his five "sacred texts". He criticises modern science and, quoting from
Buddhist law, claims that the power of healing comes from the Chinese
martial art form of qigong whose practitioners tap into an inner energy, and
is centred on karma, by which people's fate in the next life is determined
by their deeds in this one.


The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
   German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial 

[CTRL] Adams' Appeal

1999-04-25 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From Irish Times

 Monday, April 26, 1999

Adams calls for an
end to NATO action

By Andy Pollak
Sinn Féin president Mr Gerry Adams has called for an end to NATO's bombing
of Serbia. He told a conference on Irish neutrality and European security on
Saturday that "determined efforts for a peaceful negotiated settlement,
under the auspices of the United Nations should be redoubled".

Labour Party president Mr Proinsias De Rossa called the bombing of the
Serbian broadcasting service's headquarters in Belgrade a "war crime". He
told the conference in Dublin, which was organised by the Peace and
Neutrality Alliance, that if Serb troops had occupied and killed civilians
in a Kosovo TV station, it would rightly be regarded as a war crime.

Mr Adams said President Milosevic was "a gross violator of hu man rights".
The TV pictures of tens of thousands of Kosovan refugees gave an insight
"into the havoc he has presided over". How ever, NATO had supported and
armed violators such as Indonesia, "still committing genocide in East
Timor", and Turkey, which "ruthlessly suppresses the Kurds".

He added: "NATO has broken a whole range of international laws in waging war
against Yugoslavia. Moreover, NATO is in breach of the Geneva Convention,
which makes it illegal to go to war without making an official declaration
to that effect. NATO is in breach of its own charter, which requires it to
act in accordance with the UN, and it has violated the UN charter by
assaulting a sovereign state without a UN mandate.

"Instead of passive support for NATO's stand," Mr Adams said, "Ireland
should be leading the efforts outside NATO, in the EU and in the UN, to
secure a diplomatic solution." If the Government "proceeds towards
Partnership for Peace, they will be clearly in breach of their promise to
the electorate and of the mandate by which Fianna Fáil gained power."

Northern nationalists were "living in a state dominated by a foreign power,
Britain, occupied by British troops, who are also NATO troops. We therefore
have had many years of first-hand experience of how NATO troops behave, of
how NATO turns a blind eye to the military excesses of one of its
member-states, but also how NATO seeks to use our situation as a testing
ground of new weapons and surveillance technology, counter-insurgency
techniques and crowd-control methods."

Mr De Rossa said as well as accepting the largesse of the EU, Ireland had to
accept responsibility for participating in its common foreign, security and
defence policies. It was important that any common European security and
defence policy should be "founded on democratic decision-making". If Ireland
joined the Partnership for Peace, there would be no "democratic control",
since it would be linked to NATO, of which Ireland was unlikely to become a

Asked about differences between himself and Labour Party leader Mr Ruairí
Quinn on the bombing of Yugoslavia, Mr De Rossa said they both wanted the
bombing to stop; the differences were over when that should happen and
whether it should have started in the first place.

He later pointed to an agreed plan the two leaders announced 10 days ago
which included a call for a 72-hour pause in the bombing to allow the UN and
Russia to persuade Mr Milosevic to come to the negotiating table.

Mr Alan Dukes TD said Ireland joining the Partnership for Peace would not
mean abandoning neutrality. It would mean joining an organisation where the
best practices in peacekeeping were being effectively developed.


The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
   German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us 

[CTRL] Arabiana / Russiana

1999-04-25 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From ArabicNews.Com

Mubarak, Russian FM discuss situation in Kosovo, Egypt sends aid
Egypt, Politics, 4/24/99

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak met today with Russian Foreign Minister
Igor Ivanov who is visiting in Cairo within the framework of his Middle East

Meanwhile, the Egyptian foreign minister Amr Moussa said that the meeting
held between president Mubarak and Ivanov tackled the developments of
situations in Kosovo and Middle East peace process, beside the situation in
Iraq and the Russian-Egyptian bilateral ties.

Concerning the Russian initiative to end the war in Kosovo, Moussa said that
his talks with FM Ivanov tackled the situation and the diplomatic efforts to
solve this crisis. He said that they have agreed upon the necessity that the
US should play a role in this concerns.

Moussa also expressed the grave practices against Kosovo people.

Meanwhile, two planes carrying 70 tonnes of relief aid to the ethnic
Albanians of Kosovo are to leave Cairo tomorrow.

Meanwhile, the secretary general of Egyptian Red Crescent Society, Dr.
Mohammed Gabr, said the first plane carrying 30 tonnes of relief aid is set
up by the Egyptian Red Crescent at the authorization of Mrs. Suzanne
Mubarak, to coordinate between the international union of the Red Crescent
and Red Cross, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the ministries
of supply and foreign affairs and the Cabinet.

He added that the second plane, carrying 40 tonnes of medicines, is
presented by the Ministry of Heath, the physicians and pharmaceutical
syndicate, in cooperation with Health Minister Ismael Salam, heading a
medical delegation to present medical services and perform surgeries on
Kosovar Albanian patients.

Ivanov says Moscow defensive weapons to Damascus don't threaten neighbors
Regional, Politics, 4/24/99

Egyptian Foreign Minister Amr Moussa said that the meeting held between
president Mubarak and Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov tackled the
development of the situations in Kosovo and the Middle East peace process,
as well as the situation in Iraq and Russian - Egyptian bilateral ties.

Concerning the question of the declarations stated in Israel that Israel
stopped Russia from exporting technology to some Middle East countries and
whether Russia feels anxiety toward the current situation of the United
Nations and intends to make initiatives to restore the greatness of the
world organization, Ivanov said Israel has expressed its anxiety toward
exporting Russian weapons to Syria, adding that there are claims of Russian
cooperation with Iran in the field of weapons.

He added that Syrian cooperation on military supplies will be carried out
according to Russia's international commitments and in a specified form
through bilateral relations only, and that Russian weapons exports to Syria
are defensive weapons that don not constitute any danger to Syria's

Concerning Iranian - Russian cooperation, Ivanov said his country has
previously and in a formal way announced that there is no cooperation in the
field of missile technology.

Concerning the UN's affairs, he said Russia seeks always to confirm the
importance of the UN's role, and it will pursue its endeavors in the future
with all its capabilities.

 Russia calls for resuming peace talks with Israeli from point at which they
broke off
Regional, Politics, 4/23/99

Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov on Thursday called upon Israel to
resume peace talks with Syria from the point at which they broke off three
years ago.

In a joint peace conference with Israeli Foreign Minister Ariel Sharon,
Ivanov stressed that Russia's position is to resume talks between Syria and
Israel from the point where they stopped.

Ivanov is currently making a tour of the region which will cover Syria,
Egypt, and the Palestinian self-rule areas.

Upon his arrival in Israel on Thursday, Ivanov toured on board a helicopter
in the airspace of the occupied West Bank. He was accompanied by Sharon.

An Israeli official said through his tour of the West Bank, Sharon intended
to acquaint the Russian minister with what Israel calls the "security zones"
which it believes it has to keep in the context of a final agreement with
the Palestinians.

Sharon and Prime Minister Netanyahu believe almost half of the territories
of the occupied West Bank should remain under the Israeli control. Ivanov is
scheduled to meet today with Netanyahu before he heads for Ramallah to meet
with Palestinian President Yasser Arafat.

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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,