Re: [Emc-users] Emc-users Digest, Vol 198, Issue 2

2022-10-01 Thread Ted

On 10/1/2022 4:55 PM, wrote:

Message: 1
Date: Sat, 1 Oct 2022 09:23:44 -0500
From: Thaddeus Waldner
To: "Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)"

Subject: [Emc-users] Intel NUC
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset=utf-8


I am looking for a viable alternative to the Raspberry Pi. I need this to fit 
inside a pretty small enclosure, so I can?t accommodate a much larger size than 
the Pi.

Has anyone tried the Intel NUK products?

Thaddeus - I use them all the time; I have about 150 of them (with large 
touchscreens) deployed in place of ipads for public kiosks.

I also use them for LCNC; their best features are typically removable 
PCIe wireless cards and real SATA interfaces. I stay with wired network 
(machine LAN such as MESA cards are on the native eth port) and comms 
LAN (internet, data servers, etc are on a USB-ETH  adapter). The 
wireless chipset is random based on the platform, and sometime drivers 
don't work.

The biggest problems I've had is that if it was prior-installed with a 
WIN environment, wiping the drive and simply installing LCNC from usb 
will not yield all the USB ports active - so you have to go hunting 
through the BIOS to manually enable those. It is quite happy in UEFI 
mode or legacy mode, your choice.

I *prefer* to stick with the core i7 units, but I do have a couple of i5 
and (Beelink? amd and rockchip) units also doing the same, just with a 
slightly lower response.  Servo performance is quite acceptable, jitter 
is all over the map, so of course testing in your use case is warranted. 
I also stay clear of any that have dual HDMI ports - they seem to fail 
at the hardware level more often (irregardless of the OS that's running 
on them.) I don't use them for software stepping, so cannot speak on 
that particular topic.

Worst part is dealing with the 19v power supply - they are often 
intolerant of anything but their own power bricks.


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Emc-users mailing list

[Emc-users] Press Brake Gui, was: Re: Variables for instantaneous transit vector, from python?

2022-04-26 Thread Ted

Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2022 09:52:11 -0700
From: "John Dammeyer"
To: "'Enhanced Machine Controller \(EMC\)'"

Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Press Brake Gui, was: Re: Variables for,
instantaneous transit vector, from python?
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset="UTF-8"

Not having seen the press brake I'm curious about the need for back gauge 
up/down setting.  Why would a press brake even have this?

Is it because the bent section behind the press may be up at an angle and 
therefore miss the back gauge?  If so, how much movement is there in the 
up/down direction.

Inquiring minds...


John - not all brakes do; some might only have manually adjustable 
t-slots, or nothing at all. This particular model had front-rear travel 
automated (what they and we called "X"), a vertical travel automated 
(which they and we called "Z") - that also had additional "flippers" 
with a manual micrometer adjust so you could effectively do tramming (or 
even tapers to a certain amount), and then the ram itself which they 
called Y.

The reason for this is that the tooling meetup point isn't/wasn't 
standardized - so you might have dies that are 4" tall and a punch to 
match - or you might have a die that is only 2" tall and use the same 
punch, or that same short die and a longer gooseneck punch to get into 
some weird area with little clearance. When you start playing with 
different meetup points, or progressive bends that don't have the 
material going in completely flat, then being able to adjust where the 
backgauge flippers touch vertically is also helpful.

On my personal press brake, all my dies are 2" tall, and apparently all 
my parts start flat, so the meetup is always going to touch there - 
which is probably why the manufacturer didn't bother to do much more 
than a fence on two steel rods.


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Emc-users mailing list

[Emc-users] Press Brake Gui, was: Re: Variables for, instantaneous transit vector, from python?

2022-04-26 Thread Ted

Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2022 10:40:02 -0500

From: Earl Weaver
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Press Brake Gui, was: Re: Variables for
instantaneous transit vector, from python?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

  ?Just to comment on the pressbrake setup

Not meaning to confuse from the thread being hijacked, but since there 
appears interest, I have also posted up the source project for my press 
brake iteration on the form (I don't hang out there too often), but your 
are welcome to it - all disclaimers apply:

(On a side note from my original posting for this, I was able to get my 
sphere-4points functions working as well as vector capture to determine 
contact direction - and although it doesn't really have much affect at 
the thou level (0.001") - it has shown to be a BIG difference when you 
hit sub tenths/micron. I'll be stealing the Reneshaw TP6 unit from work 
and putting it on my CMM to cross-test, but with manufacturing 
tolerances what they are, having more corrective values available is 
definitely worth it. Might be a reason why opening the "Advanced" tab in 
MCosmos shows over 200 corrective touch point calibration's 
a huge matrix.)



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[Emc-users] Press Brake Gui, was: Re: Variables for instantaneous transit vector, from python?

2022-04-24 Thread Ted

Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Variables for instantaneous transit vector
from python? (long)

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Hey I won't be much help but I would love to see how you did a break press

Andrew - I really do need to put together an entry for the wiki on this 
- we haven't quite given it the "full wrap" yet; it got the the point of 
daily supervised testing but stalled at that point (date: Dec 2018, I 
bet you can guess why) - however I did upload a screen cap from it at:  if it's of interest. The main 
points were to emulate the existing nomenclature of the press, so the 
vertical ram is "Y" (not R or X, for instance), and the two back-gauges 
(X and Z, also by those names originally) were servo driven. The Ram 
itself in this application was hydraulic with a Vickers proportional 
valve (0-10v control) and a glass scale attached - so it turned into a 
servo axis as well. We initially shied-away from trying to drive the 
valve in that tight of a loop, because we thought the system might 
cavitate, but it responds really really well that way. Way better than 
simply up-fast/down-fast/slam-stop!

This project had about a dozen different (less than successful) 
approaches but the production version uses a more streamlined custom 
component that handles only safety and logic rather than motion control. 
(Our first attempt was to build a comp with full motion control, but it 
turned out to be too jumpy) - so the motion is actually controlled by 
triggering a couple of g-code files. Jogging or manual single bends are 
straightforward jog implementations, semi-automatic is the daily-use 
feature that the operator sets waypoints and times - so we have ngc 
files for ram down, ram dwell and ram retract that reflect that. 
Although there is a plan for full-auto, we haven't bothered to implement 
the fully-auto feature, which due to the change in our comp file got 
simplified to just plain old g-code that they would write. We skipped on 
that due to operators not being interested in that level of complexity. 
They also didn't seem interested in wizards for taking material, 
knowledgebases, k-factors, tooling details, and building numbers - they 
just wanted to run the ram down to the number they set and keep 
repeating. Still a very hands-on type of process for them.

We took graphic and layout concepts from the original operators of the 
machine (it was an Accurpress 25 ton unit with a win98 control), as well 
as other shop operators using the current generation control on a larger 
unit but intentionally not wanting to copy it verbatim - as it turns out 
a number of the operators liked our different layout.


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Emc-users mailing list

[Emc-users] Variables for instantaneous transit vector from python? (long)

2022-04-22 Thread Ted
ent? I have examples for single arrays (using the dotted 
notation) but my first pass on doing multi-dim arrays using that type 
(and simply by double dotting) was not successful. (I am comfortable in 
c++, my python and ansi C is less variable typing knowledge 
is google-fu dependent)

For b) the intent is to be able to create smaller fast-run components 
such as:

    "cmm-sphereo-from-4-points" - which takes in 4 coordinates and 
returns center plus radius - note there is no approach vector info on 
this one, it's 4-xyz's in, and 1 radius, 1 xyz out.

    "cmm-spherotouch-center" - which takes current machine coordinates, 
known center reference coordinate, known radius (from above), the 
approach vector coordinates and returns a difference which becomes an 
offset for the calibration table.

    "cmm-coord-vector-offset" - which might take the approach vector, 
the tool/stylus number, have to lookup a tool/offset table for 
calibration data and then returns a single corrected xyz coordinate

    "cmm-3pt-inbore" - which might take 3 xyz corrected from above and 
calculate an inner bore radius and center

    "cmm-6pt-inbore" - which might do same as above but finds an 
evolving tolerance band based upon iterating through elements 1,3,5 then 
2,4,6 -(possibly more combinations) etc returning same as above but 
largest fitting result and smallest fitting result.

-and so on, which would also then permit creation of wizard-based 
programming in the gui to create measuring recipes which could be saved, 
edited, recalled, run, data output, etc. The important thing to notice 
is the requirement for many multi-dimensional data values

The functional result would be to:

    a) first use a probe of zero-size - not physically possible, but 
lets substitute "really pointy". We can then calibrate the system to a 
known sphere, eg a precision tooling ball, and those first captured 
coordinates can then be fed into the sphere map to give us a confidence 
on the size of the ball and its position. This is not really part of the 
calibration procedure, but just to ensure that our basic programing 
understanding is correct, and that we can actually figure out where the 
center of a sphere is. We are restricted to points on the sphere the 
probe can reasonably access, but hitting 40% on top is quite feasible, 
assuming a vertically mounted probe.

    b) confirming the sphere properties, now we have a known/accepted 
center position and radius, which we can now move to a non-zero-size 
stylus (real probe ball) and using that known sphere data plus the 
approach vectors, back-calculate the offset and stuff it into a 
calibration table (note that this also takes into consideration the 
probe actuation offset since it is unique to the approach vector). We 
have made an assumption that the tooling ball is precise, and that is an 
acceptable assumption. We are not assuming the ball is mounted in a 
particular symmetric location, which is what a single radial offset does.

    c) now with approach vectors and a "Triggered current machine 
coordinate" we can now forward-calculate a feature coordinate. I don't 
need to know right now if it is inside a bore or outside a boss, it's 
just the "real" world coordinate of some physical transition from void 
to part, but we also happen to know the travel vector from void to 
contact as a side-effect, so we could infer inside or outside based upon 
if multiple approach vectors would intersect on an internal or external 
virtual sphere

    d) now we have datasets to work with, whether that next step is 
setting up a virtual work plane, or actually getting coordinates to 
define a hole.

There are other math items like what is the best fit for an approach 
vector that is close but not exactly as calibrated? That is important 
too, but baby steps, right?

Thoughts and opinions appreciated,



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[Emc-users] Fwd: Requesting a short history review, if you'd be so kind.

2021-10-27 Thread Ted
s PID 
module config is clearly outdated.

So here's the big question - is there some major change that would 
prevent me from using the Mesa stepgen mode 0 (position) without the PID 
and use the glass scale as the feedback source? Is there a change to the 
motion planner that doesn't try to get the position to track 
continuously anymore on its own, and is that why the PID is in place? 
The PID just seems to be a clunky insertion just to force the stepgen to 
run in velocity mode, so unless I completely missed the reasoning, I'm 
not sure why the extra effort.

Much obliged,


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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] SSD reliability

2020-07-03 Thread Ted
I'm quite partial to traditional 2.5" SATA SSD's; I have about 30 
servers with SAS/SATA slots running either Kingston or Sandisk 3Gb/s 
SSD's in 480Gb capacities. My home SAN runs 20 x 1TB SSD's (also 
Kingston) and if I rummage through my gig bag, I'll probably find half a 
dozen 1tb M2 SSD's in sata/usb3 cases. After about 6+ years in 24-7 run 
capacity (yes, servers do get rebooted and wiped/rebuilt of course) in 
effectively webserver / asset server /db server setups - meaning lots of 
writes, I have yet to have a 2.5" 3GB/s SATA ssd fail.

Conversely, those "ultra-awesome" Crucial Micron M2 SSD modules I have 
had fail on 4 separate occasions - all of them within "warranty," and 
Crucial was not able/willing to RMA any of them - completely lousy 
customer service, which tempted me to just "buy and replace" through 
amazon (no I didn't, morally incorrect, but tempting). I also have some 
of the hybrids (both early Hitachi, whatever Apple was using in the 
early mac pro tubes) - many of those have failed, so I avoid hybrids 
like the plague, even if that new Fire series from Seagate is touted as 
the next best thingfor full transparency, I do have another SAN 
shelf with 24 1TB 2.5" traditional spindles (because it's an SAS-only 
shelf without interposers) that has been a solid performer for a long 
time - probably up 5+ years now, the only time off was moving the server 
racks and power failures. It's a Netapp shelf, so somewhat surprising 
that it has held up so well (nothing to do with the drives however).

Which just goes to show that mileage may vary wildly. I could have a 
dozen drives go out within 5 minutes of hitting send, or not. But for 
power savings and speed*, and not having to worry about what happens if 
a server is mounted directly on top of the UPS stack, or how the drives 
get transported, SSD media is a benefit in my book.

(* - my server installs have shown to run faster against the default SAS 
72GB slow drives that my servers come with - some folks have shown that 
SSDs can be slower than fast HD's with specific testing, and that stable 
platters consume less continuous power than idle SSDs during initial 
writing. My power bill tells a different story.)



Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] CNC Press Brake at TXRX Labs

2019-02-05 Thread Ted Hyde
Chris - it must be press brake season! I've been working on retrofitting 
an Accurpress 25 ton unit (about the same size as yours) with a Vickers 
proportional valve for the hydro and a 2 axis backgauge. I originally 
built a (really long) component that hard-coded the workflow, but about 
a month ago rewrote everything once I was able to tune the proportional 
valve loosely enough to act as a servo. Realizing that CNC builders 
years ago (like Moog) figured out servo hydraulics, I was actually 
surprised that it took so long to trust it in a servo mode than just an 
open loop floating ram. (My original testing gave so little confidence 
that it could be trusted that I didn't focus on it - however it just 
never "sat right" running as an open loop positioner that I ended up 
just getting lucky to trying again.)

To David's comment - "press brake friendly" is a real thing - in the 
shop I'm doing this work for currently, they are a mix of CNC, form and 
weld folks; the CNC guys know g-code and automation, the others not so 
much. The original control for this press (which was Windows based and 
died horribly despite a pacemaker and multiple surgeries) while it was a 
3-axis control, looked and acted unlike LCNC-Axis, for instance. It was 
a well-designed Mattel or FisherPrice experience. Axes references like 
X,R1,R2 and Y for a vertical traveling ram make perfect sense to a press 
op, but to give them letters of X,Y and Z would completely mess them up. 
Little pictures in the right spot help a lot, and there's really no use 
for a backplot.

I'll try and get a quick vid up of the version I'm working on too as a 
comparison, and eventually post the glade, python and configs for review.

BTW Chris, kudos on the slick shoe stops for repositioning the die 
between the multiple operations - you know your craft well!


On 2/5/2019 7:03 AM, wrote:

Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2019 21:47:25 -0600
From: Chris Kelley
To: "Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)"

Subject: [Emc-users] CNC Press Brake at TXRX Labs

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

I've been working on retrofitting a CNC press brake at TXRX Labs in
Houston, TX.

Emc-users mailing list

[Emc-users] O subroutines limited to 4 parameters, not 30?

2018-12-15 Thread Ted Hyde
Greets - I'm calling an o sub from python and need to pass 8 parameters 
to it. Per the docs, I'm expecting to be able to pass up to 30 
parameters, not just 4
Whether I make the call in python, or just in Axis' MDI window, I get 
the same response at the 5th parameter "Interp_error Bad Character '[' 
I can replicate this with any o sub (as external file) and it always 
fails on the 5th parameter, eg:

o<300> sub
(DEBUG, I actually have 8 params: [#1] [#2] [#3] [#4] [#5] [#6] [#7] [#8])
o<300> endsub

and calling it via python or just simply in Axis' MDI: o<300> call [1.0] 
[2.0] [3.0] [4.0] [5.0] [6.0] [7.0] [8.0]

will cause it to fail..
Calling only o<300> call [1.0] [2.0] [3.0] [4.0]
will run, but of course a full routine is missing parameters 5-8.
Running (Axis) 2.7.0 on Wheezy from LiveCD install.

Any help appreciated.


Emc-users mailing list

[Emc-users] LCNC Glade Python State Machine

2018-12-02 Thread Ted Hyde
Greets - I'm trying to write a machine-specific glade gui and I need to 
create a multiple step jog sequence while a button (and/or preferably a 
HAL pin) is true.
The jog info and my test jogging to a single target value works fine in 
my glade panels, however the "if" tests (trying not to set up "while" 
blocking) don't seem to actually get tested while the glade button is 
depressed for the multiple target points version.

For example: a glade panel contains 3 spinners (feed, target_a, 
target_b) and a button (go), and there is a working basic environment 
for axes and feedback. Assuming the current position is 0.00, the 
target_a is 1.00 and target_b is 2.00, and feed = 50if I have a 
function and assuming we are in linuxcnc.MODE_MANUAL:

   def go_pressed(self, widget, data=None)
  feed = self.builder.get_object("feed").get_value()   # which 
comes from the glade panel as 50.0
  target_a = self.builder.get_object("target_a").get_value()  # 
which comes from the glade panel as 1.00
  target_b = self.builder.get_object("target_b").get_value()  # 
which comes from the glade panel as 2.00
  if feed > 0:  # test to make sure there is a motion feedrate so 
we don't stall forever...

 position = self.s.actual_position[0]  # assuming X axis for 
 if position < target_a:   # tests that position is less than 
target_a, where we are going to jog positive to get to target_a
    self.c.jog(self.cnc.JOG_CONTINUOUS, 0, feed) # assumes 
joint 0 for testing
 elif position < target_b:  # we should fall through to here 
once position = target_a, but we DON'T!
    self.c.jog(self.cnc.JOG_CONTINUOUS, 0, feed / 10)   # note 
the div 10 for "really slow".

    print 'All done'
    self.c.jog(self.cnc.JOG_STOP, 0)   # and stop motion even 
if the button is still pressed, yet this also doesn't get tested!

so the above has a companion go_released function for completeness that 
I didn't show (the basics of this came from John Thorton's excellent 
tutorials - thank you , BTW) -- the function above is the crux to get 
right first.

I understand the concept of non-blocking routines from other aspects of 
my career, so have been cautious to avoid a test like "where" that could 
potentially stall the python script. What I am observing with the above 
(and about 5 or 6 variants I tried without success, including external 
functions, mdi sequences, wait_for_complete - which does block etc) is 
that if I keep the button pressed the routine keeps running, it seems to 
get stalled in the first "if" test and never jumps out. If I release the 
button, motion stops as expected - and if I'm lucky to do it between 
states, the "if" statements get re-evaluated, and the 2nd test will get 
tried. For example, if I press button and I release before position gets 
to 2.00, the re-press, the feed will be 10% - as required, but it will 
never re-test to find position >= target_b. IF I release and re-press 
past 2.00, then it does fall through to the final else.

I had originally built this with a very long (and ugly) halcomp. Is 
there a clean way to keep this all in python, or does it need a 
companion halcomp, and if so, how does one pass data between comps and 


Emc-users mailing list

[Emc-users] Axis -> EMCMOT -> Yaskawa SMC-2000

2017-08-23 Thread Ted Hyde
Greets - I have a press brake I am working on rebuilding; eventually we 
will be converting it over and using LCNC to fully control the system, 
however due to request, I am going to [try] using LCNC only as the 
graphical front end to send commands to the existing Yaskawa SMC-2000 
motion controller. (The press's original Win95 pc has failed after a 
number of extended rebuilds over time.)
The SMC 2000 takes commands over a serial port (typically a 2 letter 
command with a couple parameters)  and the command protocol is well 
documented. For my purposes, the most common command will be "move axis 
n to position with feedrate yyy.yyy and stop", of which the SMC 
2000 will take care of without further intervention.

I have used serial port devices in userspace in prior works (typically 
PIC or atmel microcontroller low-speed interfacing) that doesn't require 
any realtime priority.
The sending of a command also isn't a high realtime priority as with a 
pressbrake, there really isn't co-ordinated axis motion like with a 
cartesian machine. (Life is much slower with a press brake).

My concern is with the readback of the position data. I'd like to use 
the SMC-2000's position variables and feed them into Axis' DRO 
(preferably right into axis.n.motor-pos-fb) however it would be at a 
relatively slow rate - perhaps 2-5 times per second. With an update rate 
so slow, I expect my (virtual) following error will become huge and 
cause a fault. The actual following error doesn't exist, just the 
perceived deviation between DRO updates.
Any recommendations on getting around that problem? Just a huge 
following error allowance, or is there a cleaner method to omit EMCMOT 
or certain other components to simply accept a motion command from axis, 
and accept an occasional position feedback? I will be washing the 
position command through a custom userspace component to translate the 
command into a proper string for the SMC 2000, as well as convert the 
feedback value to something Axis can use. Both the command and feedback 
update rates will be at the mercy of the userspace update loop of course.
The SMC2000 controls feedrate,  as well as has its own interlock and 
e-stop loops for safety.

If anyone has used an SMC 2000/4000 platform before, I'd certainly 
appreciate any advice that comes my way.


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Emc-users mailing list

[Emc-users] LCNC 2.6.4 (Release) - Replace Bundled Mesaflash utility?

2014-11-21 Thread Ted Hyde
Greets -
I've been playing with the Wheezy/2.6.4 release on the Live ISO and 
intended to move it over to an older 2.4 machine while upgrading 
hardware in the process. (old system: Mesa 7i43)
The target machine will have a Mesa 7i90 via EPP. The included samples 
do not run, unfortunately.
Peter assisted somewhat, in that there is a typo in the 7i90.ini file 
where the board name needs to have a capital I, but that only gets us 

The version of Mesaflash utility bundled with the install is 3.0.0-July 
which has the '--list' option still available. When executed via script 
or CLI,  it throws a Segmentation Fault.

Downloading the current ver 3.0.0 that does NOT have the '--list' 
option (time to change the version numbers, isn't it?) builds and 
executes, and successfully finds the 7i90 board attached.

Apt, however still believes the old version is current, so even 
removing and force reloading the package won't update it. LCNC insists 
on using the old version when it finds it, and balks when it was 
force-removed. I saw an old thread on gmane about this, but it didn't 
appear to get resolved.

I realize this is a more generic Linux question overall to some extents, 
but it's specific to the LCNC build:  it's not how does one make the 
package, but WHERE should it be extracted to, made from and made to, so 
that LCNC uses it?

The loading of the hm2_7i90 driver appears to depend on running 
mesaflash (according to dmesg), so there's no moving forward it seems 
until I can resolve this.


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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] LCNC 2.6.4 (Release) - Replace Bundled Mesaflash utility?

2014-11-21 Thread Ted Hyde
Peter -
dmesg dump at:

but the core is an inconsistent Module Descriptor

What led me to believe Mesaflash was important is that when I had it 
installed, and prior a force removal, it would load just after the 
RTAI[math] section and give two lines of segmentation faults. Seemed 
logical at the time that perhaps it was trying to perform some form of 
lookup (like probe_parport). May have just been coincidental.

Additionally, the sample files don't include a 'loadrt epp' reference, 
per the man pages - is this necessary?

On 11/21/2014 10:10 AM, wrote:
 Message: 4
 Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 07:01:12 -0800 (PST)
 From: Peter C.
 Subject: Re: [Emc-users] LCNC 2.6.4 (Release) - Replace Bundled
   Mesaflash utility?
 To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed

 On Fri, 21 Nov 2014, Ted Hyde wrote:

 Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 07:26:21 -0500
 From: Ted
 Reply-To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
 Subject: [Emc-users] LCNC 2.6.4 (Release) - Replace Bundled Mesaflash 
 Greets -
 I've been playing with the Wheezy/2.6.4 release on the Live ISO and
 intended to move it over to an older 2.4 machine while upgrading
 hardware in the process. (old system: Mesa 7i43)
 The target machine will have a Mesa 7i90 via EPP. The included samples
 do not run, unfortunately.
 Peter assisted somewhat, in that there is a typo in the 7i90.ini file
 where the board name needs to have a capital I, but that only gets us
 The typo I found was a capital 'I' in the BOARD= line
 This seems to have been fixed in the latest ISO

 The version of Mesaflash utility bundled with the install is 3.0.0-July
 which has the '--list' option still available. When executed via script
 or CLI,  it throws a Segmentation Fault.
 Downloading the current ver 3.0.0 that does NOT have the '--list'
 option (time to change the version numbers, isn't it?) builds and
 executes, and successfully finds the 7i90 board attached.
 Apt, however still believes the old version is current, so even
 removing and force reloading the package won't update it. LCNC insists
 on using the old version when it finds it, and balks when it was
 force-removed. I saw an old thread on gmane about this, but it didn't
 appear to get resolved.
 I realize this is a more generic Linux question overall to some extents,
 but it's specific to the LCNC build:  it's not how does one make the
 package, but WHERE should it be extracted to, made from and made to, so
 that LCNC uses it?
 The loading of the hm2_7i90 driver appears to depend on running
 mesaflash (according to dmesg), so there's no moving forward it seems
 until I can resolve this.
 The driver does not depend on mesaflash, and works for me with the included
 hm2-servo/7i90.ini file (after I fixed the typo)

 What exact error message do you get?

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[Emc-users] MPG pendant

2014-02-08 Thread Ted Hyde
Billy - I have each of these. The red button one was the first I 
picked up over a year ago, before a lot of the heavy lifting was being 
worked on for the HID interface for LCNC; I thought perhaps I would find 
some time to reverse-engineer it, and worst case, I could give it to a 
friend of mine who uses Mach3. I couldn't get it to set up with Mach3 at 
all, neither could my friend, and it refuses to connect with the current 
HB04 components. Your particular ebay link states Does not work with 
Mach3 and that should be a warning, although the one I got didn't 
disclose that. I can't say if it's the same problem, or if the unit was 
defective, I couldn't even get the HID descriptor to decompile, so 
perhaps I just received a flaky unit.

On the other hand, the silver power button version (actual HB04) I 
picked up about 6 months ago, worked perfectly right out of the box 
(profile 2 for the menu layout, I believe), I now have a second one, and 
both work fine simultaneously, in a shop that has 3 CNC machines, lots 
of neighboring industrial equipment, and even an RF testing lab a few 
doors down. I get a very solid 50+ foot range, it's just a matter of 
ensuring the right remote stays with the right machine. I'm typically 
the only one using the pendants, so I have an additional level of safety 
where there is typically only one in use at a time. Plenty of 
traditional control and estop on each system remains.

I have no idea how each pendant is paired to its receiver, whether it's 
just a factory-side pairing, a serial number or GUID, or just luck from 
different batches at different times.

I agree that a wired pendant is often more appropriate for daily 
operation because it restricts the operator physically, although a 
wireless one I've found to be very handy and I believe safer 
particularly for maintenance or during the building of a machine, to not 
be hindered by cords, where you can just place the pendant on anything 
steel (the back is magnetic) and it will stay there, and not 
accidentally get pulled off by the dreaded coily cord syndrome. 
(Admittedly, the cabled USB version of this pendant isn't coily, which I 
consider a good thing). And if you forget it  there, the pendant is 
not likely to be damaged, just perhaps your pride.

Kudos to Fred, Seb, Dewey  co for great work on that component 
inclusion. It's clean, stable, and I think just the right amount of 
thought for using a USB interface for this purpose.


On 2/7/2014 11:55 AM, wrote:

 Message: 4
 Date: Fri, 07 Feb 2014 11:49:19 -0500
 From: Billy
 Subject: Re: [Emc-users] MPG pendant
 To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

 These look interesting.. I might get one..   Only issue I see is.. all the 
 ones I can find are the 18 key version.. Which hasn't been tested with the 
 driver according to the Wiki.
 Also, Ebay has several of which that have a different face plate.. Ones with 
 Blue and have Macro..  I like the 16 Key better.. Has Step Mode instead of  
  and says X Y Z 4 Spindle
 Feed. Looks like the newer one Has X Y Z Spindle Feed and Something Else ? 
 Also like the silver all metal button vs the cheap looking red one.. Can 
 anyone comment on the different
 ones ?

 On Ebay

 One with BLUE keypad -- Has the nice silver Button.

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[Emc-users] Structs Unions with Comp

2013-12-16 Thread Ted Hyde
Greets - can Unions of custom types be used in a comp? (actual .comp for 
use with the Comp generator, not a native c file)

I seem to have a handle on structs, and I can declare a union that 
doesn't get its members used which doesn't throw an error, but any use 
of it faults:

portion from .comp file:

 option sen sensor_data;
 typedef union
 bool s0;
 bool s1;
 } sensor_data;

will not throw an error when Comp'd.
However, attempting to access sen.s0 or sen.s1 faults with 'sen' being 

Ideally, the end result is a 12-bit wide word accessible as the low-end 
of an s32 or via individual bits, thus the sensor_data union would 
actually be a union of a 12-bit type and an s32 type.

I went through a bunch of other comp files to see if I could gloss any 
examples buy came up with zip. Are there any recommendations on how I 
may accomplish this?


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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] OT, Pic controller? needed for high school play

2013-10-16 Thread Ted Hyde
 like a combination lock; two 
channels need to be on with one off, then the arming channel is turned 
on, then the fire channel is engaged. That's 5 channels, but it's the 
best use of channels I've had when more intelligent pyro controllers are 
not available. On easier things like confetti cannons, for instance, an 
arming and a fire channel are really all that's necessary - only when 
both channels are on does something happen - they don't need to be 
consecutive, just kept mentally separate (example with the confetti 
cannon: the fire was an r/c servo on a cam to engage the trigger, but 
the arm channel was actually a relay that controlled the power to the 
servo. If fire was triggered nothing would happen. Arm and fire had to 
happen for it to go off.) These methods typically preclude an operator 
from accidentally triggering a device by mis-programming or being in the 
wrong mode, as well as lost or noisy signals generating false control 
data, and to act as a hands-off when techs are preparing or loading the 
devices. It is amazing how often a single effect channel (like fog) 
accidentally gets included in a cue or a chase due to a typo

Regardless of which path you take, it will be important to set time 
aside to play - whether that be learning a lighting console, or 
debugging timing on your PIC device. Consider the amount of time or need 
to implement cue changes - a PC on the ground may be more comfortable to 
make late changes or experiments with than having to break out the PIC 

As one last sell point, the DMX modules you'd get would be rather 
generic - that means you have a generic asset that could be used in the 
future. I don't want to undersell the potential experience of the 
students getting involved in the electronics of developing on a PIC, but 
you may get better response from the budget folks if you can develop and 
teach a theatre-centric technology experience.



On 10/15/2013 10:32 PM, wrote:
 Subject: [Emc-users] OT, Pic controller? needed for high school play
 To: Enhanced Machine Controller \(EMC\)
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

 I need help

 First let me say i know zero about controllers.

 I am building the chandelier for the high schools performance of Phantom of 
 the Opera.
 I need to remotely control the lights, two actuators and some spark emitters.
 The chandelier will sit on the stage all crumpled up as the play starts it 
 will slowly raise and the lights will flicker and all come to life as the 
 chandelier reaches is apex.
 Later in the play we will lower the chandelier a few feet and shake it with 
 the actuators, flicker some of the lights and set off the spark emitters.

 Everything need to run off a 12 volt battery.
 There are:
   48 LED globes.
 Some types of spark emitters, not sure what I am using yet, don't want to set 
 of the smoke alarms
 Some type of linear actuator to pull two tiers of the chandelier together to 
 shake it. Open to suggestions.
 Run everything but the winch, remotely.

 I'm told I need a pic controller for this and the engineer where I work says 
 he'll put it all together and program it, but I need to find it and buy it 

 Any help I can get on this will be greatly appreciated.

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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] OT, Pic controller? needed for high school, play

2013-10-16 Thread Ted Hyde
On 10/16/2013 6:19 AM, wrote:
 But plays don't run to split second schedules. Since remote control is

Humorously, of course: Um, yeah we do - locking to time code (30 fps) is 
a pretty common occurrence. What used to be a hard line of high school 
plays are paper costumes and a followspot versus the good toys are 
reserved for Broadway has almost disappeared. Although I was really 
surprised too the first time a community theatre project required a 
media server for the show.the world has been changing and technology 
has infused itself everywhere!


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Re: [Emc-users] MTConnect

2013-08-30 Thread Ted Hyde
I think MTConnect would be a great addition to LCNC; I started to play 
with the building of an adapter shortly after MT was released at IMTS 
some years ago, but quickly got stalled. I have an MTConnect-compatible 
agent/adapter on my Mazak 410 machine, and it's pretty much a duplicate 
of the basic info (DROs, program/run status, spindle and axis loads) 
only. It is NOT intended to be a remote-control platform.

It's not much more useful than that, in a single machine installation, 
however it's not MT's fault, it's the limitation of the agent. I do 
occasionally run a terminal server window instead (the Mazak uses Win XP 
embedded for GUI control on top of the Mitsubishi motion platform) - 
which for all intents is just as capable as someone who already runs 
LCNC in a remote xwindow.
(BTW, for the top level overview, MTConnect spec defines three levels of 
soft-ish-ware; the adapter (optional) is the hard worker part that is 
specific to the machine and does the unification of useful data; the 
agent, one level up is the middleware, and effectively the webserver 
or dbase; and the client is the top view that actually displays or 
parses the useful info. That's the really short and vague version.)

I was playing with building an MT adapter/agent for my lathe, (agent 
would just be httpd to start) that would basically replicate the 
information that the Mazak would deliver - this is where I started to 
run into universal problems with development; since LCNC is so modular 
and adaptable, there would be machines that would have some features and 
lacking others (spindle load % for example) - so writing a comp to 
cover everything became too daunting.

That is the best and the worst of MTConnect, and by design; the adapters 
(or more often adapter/agent combos now) are specifically deployed 
unique to your machine (or at least unique to your machine family) and 
it unifies the info for serving up to the client viewer/app/dbase.

Since MTConnect spec information is free, it's certainly of value to 
expand one's knowledge. I was hoping to contribute to the LCNC community 
with this type of development, but the challenge so far has been that it 
would be like needing to have an additional HAL layer of connectivity 
just to accommodate all the possibilities of HAL itself. The XML 
definitions by the adapter would accommodate where the data would go to, 
what the data was, and how it was formatted, but the spec doesn't allow 
for additional info, such as where it comes from - ie the HAL pin it 
would be connected to, and at that point I had lost too many brain cells 
to spend more time writing something that couldn't be extended.
It might be feasible to just accommodate all the general DataItems in 
the dictionary, expose a ton of pins to the LCNC integrator, and if not 
useful or connected, they return null or 0; but when it comes to the 
tool cutting info, however, it just gets plain messy.

In regards to Rockhopper, IIRC, that was more than just a status window, 
it was intended to be a [complete] doc builder on the LCNC installation 
(?), but did have a status window, that for simplified intents, would be 
similar in result. Perhaps that is the better starting point, in that 
the same variables that are exposed that RH was referencing are the same 
ones used to build the initial MT adapter.

If there are some that wish to form a collaboration on something like 
this, I'd be happy to contribute, though!


On 8/30/2013 12:30 PM, wrote:
 Is MTConnect something worth learning more about? Has anyone used it
 with LinuxCNC?

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[Emc-users] 3d scanner

2013-06-13 Thread Ted Hyde
 with a joystick), or by 
script/conversational, program the machine for repetitious tasks. Even 
macros or sub-programs within a semi-auto task. (We can even, if we 
choose, make a probing program in g-code for probing in LCNC, so not too 
unrealistic right now). The best I've seen so far (but not yet in LCNC) 
imports a 3d model of your finished part, or if in-process, a partially 
finished part, and generates a probing boundary plus specific parametric 
checks (like diameter and depth of a hole), based on a combination of 
the raw part outline and user input. That's where I consider the logic 
to be in the right place - I don't think it's necessary to take the 
human all the way out of the equation, sometimes the grey matter still 
exceeds the silicon.

 On 12 June 2013 13:52, jeremy youngs wrote:

 not exactly just compare it to an iges file that will never change . or
 other parametric solid
 Going from a point-cloud to a parametric solid is not even slightly easy.
 However, in this case I guess that you could create a virtual
 point-cloud from the IGES file for point-by-point comparison.

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[Emc-users] Why is LinuxCNC Great?

2013-06-13 Thread Ted Hyde
Like many others, I started with a very old Mach3 (bless Art) on a Win32 
system, controlling steppers on a converted HF mini mill. That still 
runs, btw, mostly for teaching and demos. It was a paid copy, although 
most of my work would have fit within the free version (# blocks limited 
- 1000, IIRC). About $90, I was really drawn to the style and the way 
you could change the interface - the concept of servo drives were way 
too expensive, thus I was in a comfortable place. It was 
closed-loop-feedback that made the change, eventually.

First, I appreciate the open flexibility of the HAL. I use (used EMC2/) 
LCNC for a variety of things - and the only 3-axis-mill-thingie I have 
that runs it is that original HF mill! LCNC is operating my Tsugami 
lathe, (still being retrofitted, btw - it's a never-ending project of 
upgrades, even though it runs production parts right now), it's gone 
onto a couple plasma tables for clients, a CMM, some printers (non-3d), 
a Puma arm, and a ton of single or dual-axis automation - all of that 
simply possible due to HAL. Right now I'm building a custom comp set for 
a 5-axis press brake. Not a lot of cross-platform press brake controls 
out there - that's a world of custom closed-source development, if it's 
enough to even be considered Development.

Second, but not far behind is the co-operation of the community. I've 
worked on repairing or installing Mitsubishi, Fanuc and and Siemens 
controls - mostly because that's what a client had or demanded due to 
brand name label desire, but I still prefer LCNC. If the demand 
required me to be a fully-accredited Fanuc integrator, complete with all 
open maintenance contracts, I'd probably have better access to 
information. But with LCNC, there's always someone around who has at 
minimum part of a solution, or will at least discuss the options - put a 
few of those together and you're on a really good path to success. It 
may not be paid support, but I don't consider it any less valid or 

Third, is the continued consistent development. Fanuc may release an 
O-series control one year, and next year tack another letter on there, 
and it may not be compatible with your gear, setup and config files. 
(Probably a bad example, the alpha channel is pretty flexible). But you 
could have a 5 year old EMC system with a parallel port, have that PC 
die, and replace it with a current PC with parallel port and be up and 
going again rather quickly. Or mix servos and drives without LCNC caring 
much. That list goes on Moreover, aside from a few (very minor) 
changes, when we add capability (like GladeVCP) we haven't traded it for 
earlier capability (xml VCP) that in doing so strands all the previous 
users like say, Mazak's T series versus their Matrix series. A user 
could follow the upgrade path if needed, but isn't forced to.


On 6/13/2013 9:14 AM, wrote:
 On 13 June 2013 12:07, Charles  wrote:

 Why do you use LinuxCNC and what are the features you like best?

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[Emc-users] 3d scanner

2013-06-13 Thread Ted Hyde
 the touch probe is in 
3d space given the lengths/offsets of the arm components and the encoder 
angles, then determines an xyz co-ordinate of the probe tip, relative to 
a defined home position. It then adds that xyz to a text file which I 
import to Rhino as a point cloud. Although I can just do generic point 
clouds that way, I've been separating the triggers into segments that 
through some RhinoScript I can join points together with lines; either 
open curves, or polylines based upon points (like the circle example). I 
then use that info similar to a SolidWorks sketch to make solids. From 
there, I can import a companion Iges, and through absolutely no 
automatic work whatsoever, rotate/move the parts for comparison. It is a 
grueling and manual process between pressing the button and a finished 
comparison, certainly an area worthy of more development. Additionally, 
I don't yet have automatic tip offset - so I'm careful about how I probe 
(0.5mm ruby ball, typically), again, something that will see more 

The framework is generic enough that it could be adapted to any 
digitizing arm of similar style - and if Win32/Mac/or Linux is your 
aquisition platform of choice, (as opposed to Android) then it can be 
all compiled with the indie version of Unity. I'm using PICs as my 
encoder counters, over a little I2C net to a master that sends out the 
packets of angles to the Unity App via RS232 or BT. But it's not the 
only way.

This wouldn't really fit as the poor man's dig arm, but it does fit as 
this poor man's dig arm!


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[Emc-users] 3d scanner

2013-06-12 Thread Ted Hyde
In regards to a depth sensor, there's a good change Aram is referring to 
a Kinect or the Asus Xtion (Pro Live). There's been plenty of 
hacker-friendly attempts for point-n-shoot capture solutions using 
these over the years, adding to the laser-line, and distributed-light 
methods. The Xtion unit retails sub-$250, so it's an expensive 
experiment, but a contender for entry-level scanning - but it's only 
part of the hardware side. The DAVID project uses just laser and 
distributed light methods (at current, IIRC), so not a compatible 
software piece. There are retail packages that speak with a Kinect or 
Xtion, my favorite low-cost at the moment is Manctl's Skanect, but I 
also like the free Faro (tickler), Scenect. There are of course 
others. Most are Win32 or Win64 offerings only. OpenCV is often used as 
a framework for open-source attempts, so not all hope is lost if someone 
wants to try

In a commercial environment, I do create and provide difference scans 
of parts in some cases as required by a client, but it's pretty rare. A 
big thing to note about volumetric scanning versus probing is that 
scanning gets you a profile, and it takes a lot of time; probing gets 
you parametric data and can be extremely fast.

To implement an in-process scanning technique effectively, I would have 
to do it in between machining operations - not just at the end, as one 
part feature may be dependent upon the next, such as a helical thread 
inside a drilled then bored hole) - and although most faults like that 
would cause tool damage, I wouldn't want to write part programs so that 
each individual feature is a separate operation (that's what automation 
is supposed to make easier!) - thus the logic decision as to how to 
fix the problem won't exist.

Even if it did, one would have to scan a known-good-master at each 
step of the production for the test scan to reference against. If you 
want accuracy, measuring scale on a single volumetric scan is near 
impossible. You need to have many angles and views stitched together to 
see past obstructions. Any imperfection in the part, including 
unintended, is recorded [perfectly].

Furthermore, the scanner is unable to understand chips, swarf or coolant 
sitting on the part - it will look like a fault in the part and raise an 
alarm. Get coolant on the lens and your scanning is of no value.

Probing, on the other hand, can be more easily automated, and directed 
towards achieving the stated goal - whether or not a particular feature 
is within tolerance.

I use both laser and depth-based scanning plus probing for a variety of 
tasks, but only probing on my machines.

I would liken volumetric scanning versus probing to the earlier 
implementation of a webcam (camview by pavel et al, for example, which I 
really do applaud) for tool-length-setting (and more) versus a touch 
probe. Although I'm enamored with having a non-contact tool setter, a 
camera is much less tolerant of mistakes or changes in the environment 
than a touch probe. When you just want to get parts out, the touch probe 

That's not to say that having a volumetric scanner as a tool in a 
machine isn't a possibility or a value, but the historical intent for 
LCNC not to require a 64bit 8-core watercooled machine with Cray 
loadbalancing (sic) makes it a difficult challenge to have it 
integrated with LCNC. My preference would be to have it on a separate 
machine as a standalone application, but load the sensor as a tool when 
needed. The benefit is the automation of the motion of the camera 
(instead of human hand) which in that aspect, would return a much more 
accurate result. Since the software has to chew on the scanning 
result, it would actually be dangerous to have this type of interruption 
(and I guarantee it would be an interruption) to the safety of the LCNC 
realtime loop.


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[Emc-users] USB Pendant (XHC HB04)

2013-06-03 Thread Ted Hyde
Not to hijack the recent pendant thread, but I thought I saw scrolling 
past that someone may have had working the XHC pendants with LCNC?
These are (rather sexy) USB or USB-Wireless units with an MPG, LCD for 
DRO and button pad. I picked up one of the wireless units, despite my 
misgivings about wireless control, more for fun with a friend who is 
still running Mach3 (so I could give it away if needed) - but thinking 
that maybe that someday I might actually get the time to see if HIDCOMP 
would see it.

Although these are available from a variety of sellers,
is the most loved distributor by the Mach guys, currently.

This isn't a plug for this device, as I certainly don't have it working 
(at all) with LinuxCNC (or even Mach at the moment) - but I'm fishing to 
see if someone already has



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Emc-users mailing list

[Emc-users] AXIS accel/velocity settings with other Kins

2012-11-13 Thread Ted Hyde
Greets -
Is there a better explanation of the interaction of the ACCEL and 
VELOCITY settings for Axis in its' INI file? We've been working on a 
Puma arm which we used to have running on Copley amps in Torque mode 
(and a MESA card performing PWM angle output), but have moved it over to 
Gecko 320x amps using step/dir inputs. We're (obviously) using Pumakins 
instead of trivkins. The observation is that changing between joint and 
teleop (world-xyz) modes, the jog velocities are quite different 
(approximately by an order of magnitude). I would have expected that in 
joint mode, the _ANGULAR_VELOCITY group in the ini file[Display] section 
would affect this (since the axes are defined as type Angular), however 
it does not. Changing _LINEAR_VELOCITY affects both joint and teleop. As 
noted, in joint mode the jogging barely makes the machine move, while in 
teleop, it's about 10 times faster. That's a problem to merely bump up 
the velocities, as at 10x those values, the machine has problems 
keeping up, and faults due to following errors, so it's more prudent to 
keep the slider values within the correct limits. In the [Display] 
section, the _LINEAR_VELOCITY variables change the view of the Jog 
slider as intended, but it appears that the Max Velocity slider (located 
below it) is calculated as a function of all the [AXIS] velocity 
variables? Or is it derived from another hidden variable? (With the 
settings below, it indicated 30,000 mm/min) Is this difference 
potentially just a function of the Kins module?

I'm running 10.04 current stable (from LiveCD install). Relevant INI 
snippets below:

#+ Highest value that will be allowed for feed override, 1.0 = 100%

#+ machine specific settings
AXES =  3
HOME = 0 0 0

#+ First axis
HOME =  0.000
BACKLASH =  0.000
INPUT_SCALE =   1.000
MIN_LIMIT = -180.0
MAX_LIMIT = 180.0
FERROR =2.000

// Axis 1  2 are practical duplicates of above.



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Emc-users mailing list

[Emc-users] Usefulness - was Re: OT: 3D Printer Mods?

2012-05-31 Thread Ted Hyde
I think it's important to evaluate on the usefulness of a tool, within 
the design scope of that tool. Due to the nature of our business (fast 
turn, low volume, high mix parts, often called prototypes) we have a 
variety of tools in our shops, not just one hammer. I have a Mazak mill, 
a Tsugami lathe (retrofitted to LCNC), a small HF mini mill (also LCNC), 
a ULS laser cutter/engraver, and a Dimension 1200 FDM 3d printer, 
amongst other things. I use the 3d printer a LOT. We probably push about 
$5k in consumables a year through it. It's ABS material, relatively 
tough, and a good standin for passing quick prorotypes around the table. 
There are parts that one can draw in CAD and click print faster, not 
having to worry about fixturing, than one can push into CAM, create 
machining operations, figure out a workholding and tool strategy, 
monitor the cut, perform secondary operations, and hope you got it 
right. I do push what are considered the limits of FDM - in fact a lot 
of my parts are so organic in nature that the 3d printed parts become 
the actual production parts. An on-demand printed part 6 times a year 
doesn't justify creating injection mold tooling, and often where weight 
is an issue, cutting from steel or aluminum billet also isn't 
appropriate. I've used it to make single piece chain sprockets in a 
pinch where the needed part just wasn't available off the shelf. It ran 
for 5 days, which was 4 days longer than it needed to. That said, if the 
part demands material that isn't compatible with ABS, then 3d printing 
isn't appropriate. Agreed, you cannot take a micrometer to these parts 
and expect every feature to measure net zero accuracy. There is a 
learning curve to each machine on where to redraw a feature over or 
undersize, and to consider secondary operations. If you want a 0.3210 
diameter hole, be prepared to ream it.
Even grander however, is the large variety of 3d printing tools out 
there - I'm still very partial to SLA, but it's still incredibly 
expensive. (although DLP polymer is becoming reality). I've had the 
ZCorp powder printers, but the post-processing is exhausting, messy, 
and very limited in application. FDM (such as Stratasys and the extruder 
rep-raps) is a nice middle ground that in many cases, I can produce 
parts that literally just pop off the tray and go to finishing. If I 
needed sintering, I sent it out. All two times.
What I really like though is that I can use the laser cutter and the 3d 
printer together to produce workholding fixtures that can hold a part 
for machining in the mill or on the lathe. The largest distribution of 
parts that come out of our 3d printer are either custom fixtures or 
patterns for casting.
It is however very true that although the hardware or technology in many 
units is close to identical, the software or secondary features either 
makes or breaks a product. I have an early Darwin (reprap) from handmade 
parts, that has sat in a corner (probably smushed now) for a long time, 
because the software didn't keep up with the technology early on and the 
glitter wore off. Commercial technology came and filled the void. I 
wouldn't want to compare parts from the reprap to the Dimension - 
they're $50k apart in capabilities. The current crop of thing-o's with 
dual extruders will eventually catch up once builders copy the tricks 
that the commercial guys learned only through their own development. 
Some of those tricks relate to dimensional tolerances (you're adding 
physical fluid material, in a space that may already have material, as 
opposed to machining to zero, so particular decisions have to be made 
on the order of laying down that material and physical offsets versus 
cooling time). Some are omissions to simplify a product - the heated 
enclosed chambers that Stratasys use I feel are an essential part of the 
process; the open frames of repraps don't allow the deposited filament 
to anneal slowly and reduce the layer artifacts. You can easily tell a 
commercial part form a Hobby one. But that's common to all fabrication 
technologies. Even then, 3dp isn't a Fits all tool.

Will a singular technology exist on the kitchen counter to make 
everything you need? Probably not. But then, I've never been one to stir 
my coffee with a hammer, either.


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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] psu for atom boards

2012-05-14 Thread Ted Hyde
dave wrote:
 Hi all,

 Sometime ago I bought a D510MO to replace my aging 1.2 GHz Duron. I'm
 finally frustrated enough with the present cpu, etc. to actually
 upgrade. ;-)

 I've been looking at the power supplies in the above link. Does anyone
 have experience, recommendations, etc. Further what are people using
 for the 12 VDC source; or is the preferred method to use a battery
 charger and go with one of the supplies that will tolerate= 14 V?

Dave - I have a handful of the older units in service (of both the 
standard and wide-input variety) and the standard 12v units would 
literally shut down at 13.0v input as overvoltage - and that 
protection spec was clearly listed in the datasheet with the units. If a 
brick (other than theirs - I never tried their versions) went slightly 
out of compliance, which could be common, the unit would shut down 
often, and tough to trace. How the CarPC guys got these to work 
reliably, is beyond my guess. It was a little bit of a challenge in many 
cases trying to use an existing DC buss (utility 12v) that wasn't 
tightly regulated. If it was close to 12v, the wide input wouldn't work 
(14-35v), if it went slightly over 12, the standard wouldn't work. I 
eventually started feeding them with a dedicated DIN-mount adjustable 
power supply (the typical MeanWell style, 12 or 24v), adjusted slightly 
under, and then monitored to give a good average based upon the load. 
Spike draws (such as hard drive spindle motors) were eliminated as much 
as possible (by using CF card storage, etc) and fans were placed on 
their own alternate buss. I've noticed that the current online spec 
sheet for the standard PicoPSU says PG is acceptable between 10.5 and 
13.5 vdc. It's not a bold statement spec - you have to hunt for it. 
However, I'd believe it in that if you fed 13.6, it would shut down.


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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Emc-users Digest, Vol 70, Issue 11

2012-02-03 Thread Ted Hyde
On 2/3/2012 3:19 AM, wrote:
 Beware - of these gotcha's
   No jog in feedhold! -  So don't break an insert or get a swarf ball
   around a tool!!!
   Taper thread pitches are measured along the hypotenuse ???
   Unfortunately any changes to EMC only happen if you can do it yourself
   even when you can prove it's sensible or Industry standard. Committee
   member ego's seem to overrule standards or common sense.
   Explains really why it's still a niche application with so few users...
Really? I've followed the no jog in feedhold many times on this list - 
I'm still surprised at the discussion that comes up by how it should be 
obvious that when a tool is broken that you can just keep on cutting 
from where it failed. The ones that claim this as a need indicate to 
me that they really haven't been in the situation.
My Mazak 410 VMC doesn't have jog in feedhold (brand new in 2008)- does 
that mean they owe me $100,000 back? Not at all - heck, in many 
circumstances, I can't even open the door in feedhold - it's a safety 
thing. The item that keeps escaping me is that one believes they can 
stop the machine just as the tool breaks in the toolpath (which by 
definition is physically impossible along a lateral plane), replace it, 
and pick up from where you left off. From production to prototyping - 
it doesn't happen. You either have to back up a few blocks or operations 
into the program to cut the scallop that the tool left, or scrap the 
workpiece and start again. Neither requires jog in feedhold - it 
requires stopping the program. And LinuxCNC is quite capable in that 
department, just like EVERY other control out there.
In regards to a rats nest - from a turning workpiece to a turning tool 
- if you're getting a buildup of a continuous spiral from your cut, the 
cutting conditions are not correct. Aluminum, titanium and many polymers 
do tend to spiral - it is an indication of incorrect tool application. 
Feeds, speeds and depth of cut are no longer the realm of a secretive 
tool maker - they are well published, even equivalents for 
import/generic HSS tooling. Granted, most mini mill spindles are lacking 
the speed to run a 1/8 diameter cutter properly - the easy (and 
appropriate) solution is to program a Z+ raise in between machining 
operations - just a little higher than the clearance plane is sufficient 
- where you can then SAFELY hit feedhold and clear the swarf. Also 
something that traditional feedhold operations are capable of.
In regards to the tapered threads - go ahead and look up how that thread 
is supposed to be cut - and measured -  from Machinery's Handbook or an 
equivalent - Unless you're using a custom gage for checking, you're 
going to be measuring.along the hypotenuse! If you need to convert, 
the math is rather simple. Open a calculator app, or go retro and 
consult an antique known as a chart.
I'm not responsible for programming or defining either of the above 
functions in LinuxCNC - I do tend to implement LinuxCNC as my control of 
choice in a number of installations - many of them hobbyists - that 
require instruction in the proper use of CNC equipment. (They thought 
that the 30 second cameo they saw on American Chopper showed them all 
they needed to know.)
These things aren't photocopiers - the 100 hours you put into getting a 
mini mill cutting its first chip should be supplemented with 500 hours 
of learning proper machining and programming techniques. Even if using a 
free waterline CAM program is what you want, knowing how to write a 
couple lines of manual G code really is a requirement. I don't let 
anyone touch my machines that can't tell me how to use G04 and block delete.

Just some rambling from someone who doesn't blame the control,


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Emc-users mailing list

[Emc-users] MESA 7i43

2011-07-03 Thread Ted Hyde
Andrew -
You noted that you are using step/dir into servo drives - does it follow 
that your servo drives require those SPI interfaced encoders? In the 
servo drives I've encountered, if it has a step/dir mode, the drive is 
an intelligent one and handles the entire PID and feedback loop itself, 
meaning the encoder (or at least halls+) is fed directly to the servo drive.

Although I agree with Viesturs and recommend you go right to analog for 
your production setup, it's quite acceptable to work with what you 
have first and get comfortable with it.

In that regard (step/dir) it's unlikely that you'd be feeding back 
encoder data to EMC (you're treating the system like stepper motors). 
True, some have succeeded in getting steppers with encoders for 
closed-loop, although it's not the typical implementation.

Does your drive by chance send out a buffered or recreated quadrature 
signal? Some drives do, as they are used for encoder following 
installations. If it does, you can likely keep the drive-encoder 
relationship as SPI (as the manufacturer intended?) and grab the 
quadrature signal coming out of the drive for EMC when you decided to 
convert to analog command mode..

On 7/3/2011 8:35 AM, wrote:
 Date: Sun, 3 Jul 2011 14:06:24 +0300
 Subject: [Emc-users]  MESA 7i43
 To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1


 I consider purchasing 7i43 board to control 6 servo drives. First in
 step/dir, later in analog mode (with homemade PWM to analog
 convertors). As long as I have SPI encoders, I'm not sure it is that
 simple to connect them to EMC2 for analog servo mode, but I hope it's

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Emc-users mailing list

[Emc-users] stepConf configuration | EMC conversion

2011-06-27 Thread Ted Hyde
Andy - per your bottom assumption, and the fastest way to get things up and 
going: yes you'll probably want to remove the serial (if it truly is serial) to 
step-driver motion controller board from your system. The beauty is that the 
IB106's (although discontinued) are plain ol' stepper drivers, with 
step/direction/enable inputs, and are apparently capable of half- or full-step 

The very first thing you need to do to make informed decisions is to get as 
many datasheets as you can; google will be your friend, (although since I had 
to go and drop by Schneider's website anyway), check out the PDF for the 106:  Don't stop there - if 
there are limit switches, get info on them. Spindle drive/controller, same 
thing. Vacuum stuff? Ditto. Practically everything in what you are doing is 
related only to being on or off - so don't let the electronics spook you.

If you look at the system now, without that motion control board, you have a 
standard 3 axis stepper system. You can choose to buss the enables for each 
drive together as one, or keep them separate, or for testing just jumper them. 
You can most likely ( unless the datasheets indicate differently), use the 
default values from either conf or the stepper sample configs for testing with 
your hardware. Get one section going first, then add, then add, then add. Are 
there limit or home switches? Remote control for the spindle? Speed? Vacuum 
platen/hold downs? Toolchanger? -- Get the table motion going first, then add 
the remainder to the mix.

Put the power for the stepper drivers/spindle on a powerstrip/switch SEPARATE 
from your computer - this is a temporary OMG e-stop until you get a real 
emergency stop system in place, that doesn't power off your computer. Keep that 
switch within reach.

The next decision you're going to make is whether to use a motherboard/PCI 
parallel port for control, or go with an external pulse generator board 
(PPMC/Mesa/etc). For instant gratification, lowest budget, fastest time - 
if you have a PC available with a parallel port, I'd recommend that first. 
(again, start with simple knowns, add more stuff later) Regardless, make sure 
you get some form of breakout or opto-isolation board for protection.

 From here on in, you can pretty much follow any (or all) of the stepper-driven 
projects whether they be micromills or shopmates or anything else with 
steppers. There are plenty of projects in the wiki that you can learn from. The 
EMC Getting Started Guide includes pretty much a step-by-step recipe for 
stepper systems. As an aside, and Not To Be Recommended, but technically you 
can get a 3-axis stepper system running on only 7 wires (including ground) off 
the parallel port.

More specific answers: driver variables - would actually depend a little more 
on experimentation given the mass/inertia in your system. Too quick on the 
pulses or too high an acceleration value and the motors may stall, or the 
drivers may not even sense it. Too long and the system will be sluggish. Since 
you have a router, which typically implies wood, you'll need to get your 
feedrates as high and consistent as possible so you don't burn tools.

Leadscrew pitch - in stepconf it's looking for rev/inch (or if you prefer, TPI) 
- yes, you can count the number of threads per inch, (or in 10 inches, or in 
100 inches - depends on what resolution you need) but don't forget to make sure 
you also include any gearing if it's applicable (there are other fields for 
that). You can always come back and edit/fine tune the scale values after the 
fact if necessary.


I got an old CNC router (phoenix) from a school district auction and am very 
eager to get it going.
The old interface is using a serial cable and I need figure out how to connect 
this to EMC.
The electronics part is where I am a bit rusty - sorry if I ask obvious 

Here is the low down:

Drivers:IB106 (see
Steppers:   1.8 deg - Eastern Air Devices  LA34BJK-P500

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Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Lathe Tool-Changer

2011-06-16 Thread Ted Hyde
Clint - my Tsugami lathe is similar, except it had a 3phase AC motor 
with hi and lo gearing for rotation - but did include the binary cams 
(position, top-dead center and a PARITY bit!) - although that setup did 
prove to be less-than-optimal in the long run (I have since converted 
the turret over to direct drive servo) - and am writing a component to 
handle the position offsets and auto-homing procedures more cleanly. My 
earlier CL work, which required two ladders (one for the turret 
operation and a second as a lookup table for conversions), is still 
posted at the Tsugami blog:  -- you're welcome 
to borrow whatever useful tidbits you find there.

 Clint Washburn wrote:
I am in the process of setting up classic-ladder for the tool-changer on 
 my Hitachi-Seiki NH500 Turret lathe.  I am using a mesa 5i20 card for inputs 
 and opto22 relays.  For each tool position it uses a combination of inputs 
 from six switches that follow 6 cams on a drum to dictate position input.
 The tool change process consists of:
 1. The carriage extending to unlock with a solenoid.
 2. Tool changer initializing solenoid for hydraulic motor rotating clockwise 
 to switch combination for tool position
 3.  Once in position de-energize solenoid for rotation and return to locked 
 state (also designated by switches.)
 4.  Depending on if it is an ID or OD tool position an auxiliary function 
 would be then required to extend the ID tool if it is called.

 Does this make sense to anyone?  Has anyone used this type of classic-ladder 
 program for their tool-changer?  Does anyone have an .clp program that would 
 illustrate how to go about this so I can get an idea of how to go about it? 
 Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Emc-users mailing list

[Emc-users] Single Phase Lathe spindle motor question

2011-03-09 Thread Ted Hyde
Clint - I have an older Allen Bradley 1336S drive (courtesy of ebay) -
the collection of 5hp units I got without operator panels, and then
finding a panel, probably ran me about $150. I don't see those drives
at that price ($40 each!) on ebay currently. The motor was a 5hp
Craigslist find, about $60. I added a new pulley and bushing for
another $100. My power service is in a medium-industrial area, and
sits pretty stable at 212 VAC, +/- 1v variance leg-leg, with a
recorded typical of less than 5% variance. My mazak says it's at 60.2
Hz - so it's right on the money for USA domestic service. We are on a
recent (last 3 years) installed site transformer, and one of only two
customers on it.

I cut typically aluminum and polymers, and the load meter has always
been less than 50% with the exception of accel and decel. Even in a
mild steel or stainless cut, 0.070 engagement, was only 40% loaded. I
have inserts that will allow 200thou DOC, but I'm not expecting  to
use that capacity. My limiting factor really isn't power for my
applications, it's surface speed; I top out around 3500 RPM now, and
while that's more than sufficient for aluminum at 2, it gets kind of
slow at 1/4.

I do not currently employ an external resistor, although I should. EMC
controls the external PID loop, while the drive takes care of the
inner accel/decel loop - ie. the drive's accel/decel is faster than
EMC and rarely takes precedence, but is there in case EMC (or I)
command it to do something stupid. The spindle has a full A/B/Z
encoder on it for feedback. It is NOT run in a tight servo-loop, just
a relaxed at-speed loop. It's fine for threading straight, but needs
a little tightening for tapers still. (change in surface speed

I pulley'ed up the motor as large as I can go (given physical space
restrictions) - the 3500 is actually more than what the lathe
originally did (2880 to 3000) on it's DC motor, so I guess I should be
happy. The motor I have on there now has class-H insulation, so it's
technically not inverter-grade -  thus I'm not going to overclock the
VFD - it's running at 60Hz. Many VFDs you can freq-up to 100 or even
120Hz, but consensus is that you really Should have an inverter-duty
motor for that. Aside from lucky finds, I'd look at either or for retail units -
probably cost as much to ship as they do to buy - a 5hp motor will
weigh about 151 lbs - just enough when crated to be over UPS small
package, so it goes by truck. However you could still have yourself a
decent motor for about $500. I understand the retrofit cost versus the
iron cost - I paid $500 for my Tsugami complete, but $1200 to truck
it, and have probably sunk only an additional $2k of gear into it.
However, exclusive of labor, it has already paid for itself. I have no
doubt my hobby lathe will continue to be such until the day it is
retired - it's unlikely it would ever be a completed project - one
more bell or whistle to add to it, a software upgrade etc.

If you can find a servo drive for that size of motor, I'd recommend it
- if you think C-Axis work will be in your future. You can use a VFD
to work as a servo drive (hack, cough. disclaimer), but the challenge
is that most VFD's have a built in accel/decel profile that has a
minimum setting of 0.1 seconds, not 0 seconds or disabled.  So
although EMC could control the servo loop, it will always have that
0.1 sec (*2) delay. Which won't get you consistent or repeatable
results in absolute degrees. I originally had a VFD on my turret
toolchange motor, and although it would work, it took a lot of effort
and multiple gear changes to get it there. Even then, if it went from
one tool to a neighboring tool (like #3 to #4) it would often hunt for
a few seconds before it was close enough to let the turret lock again.
There is now a real servo with gearhead and a real servo drive on
there and the difference is night and day.

I don't have a C axis going on my unit yet, but I plan on following
what Tsugami did in the past - the headstock has provisions for
clutching in and out a secondary servo for fine positioning. Since the
mech is already there, I just have to find a suitable servo for it.

One final caveat - the firmware in my AB spindle drive is set for
forward run only - however I haven't used a tool that I need to run


- Original Message -
From: Clint Washburn
To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2011 7:18 PM
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Single Phase Lathe spindle motor question


 What kind of motor did you go with and what model of vfd do you use? Also
 I have not yet purchased a drive yet I am weighing my options.  I am
 thinking of 5-7.5 hp. With the price some of the vfds are going for I
 would pay several times over what I paid for the lathe.


[Emc-users] Single Phase Lathe spindle motor question

2011-03-08 Thread Ted Hyde wrote:
 Message: 5
 Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2011 22:03:45 -0800
 From: Clint
 Subject: [Emc-users] Single Phase Lathe spindle motor question
 To: 'Enhanced Machine Controller \(EMC\)'
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

 I am in the process of converting my 1978 Hitachi Seiki CNC lathe to EMC.
 It currently has a 7.5 KW dc motor that used to be powered by FUJI SCR
 drive.  My first problem my house does not have 3 phase power.  I am having
 to work around this issue with my whole retrofit.  I wish to convert this to
 a 3 phase AC spindle.  What VFD's are people having success with as a
 spindle drive with single phase power?  Is it realistic to have a 10 hp 3
 phase spindle on single phase power?  or will I have to go with a spindle
 motor closer to around 7.5hp instead?  What is everyone's input on this?

 Clint Washburn

Clint - I converted my Tsugami lathe (also 7.5Hp DC spindle) over to a 
5hp AC spindle - and for testing was running on single phase 220. My AB 
VFD would only get the motor up to about 70% speed (2200rpm) before 
going into Bus Undervolt Fault - I was running this directly from the 
front panel of the VFD without EMC intervention at the time, so there 
should have been little to no regen or accel/decel problems. The spindle 
was also under no load (from cutting) - so under a cut scenario, I'd 
expect the unit to fault just as soon as the insert entered the cut. The 
unit functions just fine under 3phase power, of course.
It may be worthwhile to note that although many VFDs with 3 phase input 
are built on a simple bridge-cap system, how they check the line-line 
voltage may differ, so going leg R-T instead of R-S (for example) may 
get you lucky. Alternatively, you may look at a separate DC supply, and 
feed the ?440 into the DC bus input on your VFDassuming your VFD 
supports it. I can do this on my AB, apparently. I recall Rexroth 
(Bosch) did this with a lot of their high end servo and spindle drives, 
so did Mitsu - one central DC supply, with drives that connected to the 
buss, instead of all AC input units.
My instinct based only one one experience says you're going to have a 
challenge getting that 10hp spooled up on single phase.

BTW - where did you get a 208vac 10hp drive? By the time you get higher 
than 5hp, most are wanting 380-480 inputor you have to mortgage the 
house. :-)

Best wishes,

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Emc-users mailing list

[Emc-users] Control offsets or variables from Hal pin?

2011-01-16 Thread Ted Hyde
Is it possible to control offsets from a Hal pin? I'm looking to change 
the x,y, and z offsets dependent upon a tool change, without using the 
tool table. I need absolute tooltip offsets, not radial left/right sets.
At the moment, I'm putting G92/.1/.2 commands in my post file, but would 
prefer to write a comp to do this based upon fixed parameters. (For our 
application this works, as it offsets relative to any of the additional 
WPC's called (like G54 or the other work coordinate systems, of which 
we're using about 6).
Our application has a circular array of tools, from which tool 0 
(reference) is programmed to the center of the array. T1-12 are spaced 
around a pair of concentric circles, and due to length, thus have x,y 
and z offsets from the reference.
I have a couple custom components running too, as there are accessories 
running that are being controlled (not in realtime) over a couple serial 
ports. It's in one of these comps that I'd love to be able to command 
the offsets.
I know I can read pins like halui.tool.length_offset.x or 
motion.tooloffset.y -- however those pins are read only. Is there 
anything out there, or even the ability to change variables (perhaps 
like #5211-5219?)


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Emc-users mailing list

[Emc-users] M53/54/55 Addition to EMCTask?

2010-12-05 Thread Ted Hyde
Hi all-

I've been working on getting the live tool system working on my lathe
and am curious if it is at all possible (for me) to add interpretation
of M53/M54/M55 to EMCTask, to activate new pins
{motion.livespindle-forward, motion.livespindle-reverse,
motion.livespindle.on} - which are equivalent to M3/M4/M5, but assigned
to the live spindle motor. Spindle speed would be handled with the
existing pins.
I realize I can do this in the M100-M199 range, (which is what I'm doing
with it right now) - however I'm hoping to retain some form of
traditional Fanuc/Mori functionality.
The real question is, can any non-implemented (m) code be parsed by an
external rogram - just like the process of M100-199, or does it have to
happen within a modified version of EMCTask? (ie, would my changes
have to be redone if a new and lucrative release comes out?)
Since one already gets a unknown m code used fault if M100 is called
without an associated program, could EMCTask check for the existence of
M53 (and thus any non-implemented code) in the PROGRAM_PREFIX directory
as well by default?


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Emc-users mailing list

[Emc-users] EMC2: Genserkins params

2010-11-17 Thread Ted Hyde
Stuart - you're not crazy - at this point it doesn't look like 
genserkins accepts the theta parameter, thus it's most likely hardwired 
into the transforms. I lost braincells working on matricies over the 
past few months and Alex's work on genserkins was a godsend. I now have 
a Puma 500 up and running quite happily under genserkins - of which I'm 
forcing out only 3 joints of kins for our application. I would 
love,love,love however to reposition the theta parameter for Joint 0 in 
order to re-orient the xy plane to not emulate a vertical machine quill. 
That's not availableyet. Along with a couple others, my next step 
will be to dive back into that work and see if theta can be integrated 
as well. It is the least-used parameter, given a Puma-style-manipulator, 
so I'm not surprised it didn't get in for the first round. If you look 
at pumakins, it's STRICTLY Puma(R)-style and leaves very little room for 
other configurations - so generkins even at this level, is quite an 

There is an amazing disconnect in the world of robotic arm manipulators 
- it was mentioned that Mach3 would have a tough time doing this - would 
you believe that Unimation (Puma), Yaskawa (Motoman), Kuka, Kawasaki, 
Fanuc FM (or whatever they changed their name to again this month) - and 
others - practically all arm manufacturers can't do what EMC2 does? In 
their world, a robot arm is strictly a parts manipulator. Teach-in and 
point-to-point programming - that's it. True, there's a Mastercam plugin 
for most platforms, and if you're really clever with VAL programming, 
you can write scripts that covnert xyz point tables into macrosbut 
to directly take g-code and emulate a mill quill? I got a lot of lost 
deer in headlights looks, even from support reps at the booths in IMTS 
this year. I was specifically pushing them on this capability and their 
response categorically was that sounds incredibly cool - we'd like to 
see it - but to operate your robot arm we have this pendant-thingie 
here. Or one guru back at headquarters that can write some XML for you.

I think one of the big reasons it isn't pursued is due to the fact that 
understanding the work envelope versus the workpiece envelope is a 
challenge. The first thought of looking at a 6' tall arm is 
can do a really big part with that thing - we anthropomorphize the 
machine to our own arm/shoulder capabilities. On my Puma 500, (17 
links, and is currently mounted to a wheeled 48x48 pallet!) I really 
only have a usable single-part work envelope of about 14x14x6 - why 
so small? The work envelope of the arm is spherical, and g-code 
operations are relative to planar surfaces - so I need to work within a 
planar surface that is tangent to the sphere of my robot. That space 
shrinks very very quickly. In a point-to-point program, (typical part 
manipulator) you can ignore the actual path as long as you don't crash. 
In g-code, the path is the whole purpose of the code. Thus if the arm is 
almost at a joint max extension, there may be a good chance you run 
out of length and fault. A fully extended arm can't extend any further. 
In a part-manipulator situation it is very easy to visualize where the 
conveyor and vice/chuck are - and if they are within the work envelope. 
If they are within, then there's little chance your application will 
fail. Since the kins has to resolve xyz into (any potential number of) 
solutions given current position, next position and mechanical limits, 
there is an incredibly high chance that eventually, it will fail. I 
think that's the reason that practically no one else out there is even 
attempting this (aside from research institutions).

It always amazes me for what many perceive as a Hobby platform how 
absolutely cutting edge the stuff that is done here is!


Stuart Wrote:Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2010 11:23:44 -0600
From: Stuart Stevenson
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] American Robot at MPM
To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
   In studying the D-H parameter I see the use of 4 parameters. I see
only three listed. Either I don't understand how 4 becomes three or
something is not correct in the DH parameters description or genserkins. Any
clarification would be greatly appreciated.
   Also, I saw a comment by SWP of a change made during the setup of the
robot here. Clarification here would also be met with happiness.
   I only ask this as I am still uncertain of PC start success (I haven't
used the hammer yet) and think I may be facing a start over from blank hard
   I am off to find a hammer. :)
-- dos centavos --

Beautiful is writing

Re: [Emc-users] Emc2 Safe Zone ?

2010-09-01 Thread Ted Hyde
The Matrix control on my Mazak Vertical has a component called an Intelligent 
Safety Shield that does what you were describing. However, does is a bit 
misleading, as you have to load a model file that describes the machine, the 
table and the out-of-bounds areas. And a lot of parameter changing. Depending 
on the tool, you may have model files for each one. I had our install tech demo 
me a prebuilt version and it was quite painful to watch him try and implement 
it - not something that could be changed easily. Thus it wouldn't be practical 
for collision avoidance with a vise, or to be honest any type of workholding. I 
don't know if it's as difficult on the lathe setup (same control), but if you 
do both chuck and collet work, changing over from a jaw to collet nose would 
require a lot of effort.
I can certainly agree with the request though - the Tsugami lathe I'm almost 
done rebuilding to EMC (honestly, though, does it ever get done?)showed 
evidence of boring bars or drills slamming into the firewall when someone 
didn't pay attention to their extension in regards to another tool (like a 
cutoff) on the turret! Those impact marks only showed up AFTER I finished the 
nice white paint job, too!

That fact, however is an indication of how difficult implementing this would 
be; my turret has 12 stations; there would have to be a collision zone for the 
firewall, the chuck/nose, the cabinet sheetmetal, probably 12 axial and 12 
radial zones (depending on tool selected) for positive and negative motion, and 
a tail or median workholding (steady, etc) if used. That's a lot of continuous 
3d to analyze in realtime - that may require more than an old pentium to keep 
up with
The point is you really couldn't (shouldn't) just implement a little bit of 
safety. If you implement a shield just to avoid the current tool with the 
chuck, it doesn't do you any good when a bar in another location slams into the 
firewall. It becomes a human problem, not an automation one, as the 
operator/programmer will begin to assume that since there is a shield, it 
will prevent programming or operational errors.

On my Tsugami, I have two sets of ini files, one for my 3jaw chuck, one for my 
5c collet nose. The only differences are in their soft limits. So far, that has 
seemed to work for me. I've been doing a lot of chuck work, with varying jaw 
heights, so I do have the occasional need to change those. I would love to have 
a drop-down or manual edit to change the limit variables, though - or quick 
profiles instead of exiting Axis, editing, and restarting. To date however, it 
hasn't been enough of a bother to worry about. My project of the moment is 
graphical tool representation in a panel. :-)
If I could expand the tool list, I'd love to be able to add at the 
per-tool-level, either a tool profile code that references another file, or a 
set of +/- xyzabc limits (in machine space) that when this tool is selected 
become the internal (more restrictive) soft limits. There may be other ways to 
accomplish this already, however.


Message: 7
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2010 21:36:57 -0500
From: Daniel
Subject: Re: [Emc-users] Emc2 Safe Zone ?
To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

What additional info would be required to know what I was asking about.
Or is it more Oh no dude, we know what you wanted, it's just so not
possible, we just don't want to touch this one :

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Re: [Emc-users] Lathe ATC Integration

2010-07-25 Thread Ted Hyde wrote:
 On 25 July 2010 14:53, Schooner wrote:
   The ATC is currently assigned to axis A, so I could just write GCode to
   achieve the same result, but would rather it responded properly to M6.
   Can anyone point me to some info or tell me the secret?!
ArcEye -

I have a 12-station turret running on my Tsugami Lathe as a pseudo-servo 
controlled joint - some ClassicLadder grabs the tool change request (Tx 
M6), runs the hydraulic locks, ensures the rest of the machine is in 
feed-hold, controls a PID component that is driving a small VFD that 
drives the AC induction motor that spins the turret. The VFD has a very 
quick accel/decel curve in it. I have an incremental encoder on the 
output of the gearbox (there is a high- and low- speed clutch as well as 
a brake on the turret gearbox) that reads about 180,000 pulses per full 
turret rotation. The index pulse on the encoder is ignored and generated 
by a separate inductive sensor on the turret itself, once per true 
revolution. The ladder is written to go directly to the tool number 
(hand-coded encoder position) as opposed to the shortest distance; 
thus if I'm at tool 12, and call tool 1 (which is right next to it 
physically), the turret will unwind all the way from 12 to 1 - which 
is not the fastest, but since it runs the change in high-speed for the 
majority of the time, I get a maximum tool change speed of about 3 to 4 
seconds; and for that I'm not going to complain about. The ladder shifts 
the gearbox into high for most of the transit, and downshifts for about 
one tool position; it reduces the hunting (since the VFD really isn't 
designed for that) to a minimum. The joint doesn't exist as an actual 
axis; so it isn't subject to modes or feed hold status of EMC. Homing is 
accomplished by button on startup (or any convenient time afterwards); 
it winds and unwinds the turret searching for the index pulse, then sets 
tool 1 ready for the first cutting operation. The index is ignored after 
You can check out the entire process here at: or the turret-specific pages starting 


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[Emc-users] OT: Fwd Kinematics Equation

2010-07-23 Thread Ted Hyde
Does anyone happen to have a completed (or process to complete one) 
equation for forward kinematics to solve the following structure?
Origin Fixed point (A) -- Joint Length (L1) -- Wrist (F) -- Elbow (B) 
-- Joint Length (L2) -- Wrist (G) -- Elbow (C) -- Joint Length (L3) 
-- Wrist (H) -- Elbow (D) -- Joint Length (L4) -- Terminus

The input parameters would be a) Fixed Lengths L1, L2, L3, L4  b) 
dynamic angles in degrees of Wrists F, G, H, that rotate about the joint 
axes  c) dynamic angles in degrees of Elbows B,C,D that rotate 
orthogonally to the joint angles.

Output solution would be geometric location of terminus in x,y,z 
co-ordinates relative to the Origin point (assume 0,0,0 ok)

I've pushed through a lot of the DH descriptors - but to be honest, my 
few remaining brain cells just aren't up to the task of multiplying and 
transforming 6 4x4 matricies anymore (if they ever were!)- of which I 
probably would get it wrong a lot

Does anyone have a method to create this layout (using one of those 
computer thinginesthose things that are supposed to do the hard work 
for us?) and generate the equation set to determine the terminus X,Y,Z 
location? I've found a couple of simulators that are supposed to (but 
don't) do this. Matlab is also supposed to have an OS plugin, but it's 
apparently been purged from existence, and I don't have a seat of Matlab 
to play with, anyway.

I've looked through the pumakins as well as a lot of the available (and 
yes, mind-numbing literature) on kins descriptors - and am still kind of 
lost to solve it. This is for a device similar in design to a digitizing 
arm that I want to eventually attach to an EMC machine - so to be 
honest, I'd rather spend time integrating it with EMC instead of solving 
the maths by hand.

Opinions and Thoughts welcome!



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[Emc-users] EMC2 Homing with Index Pulse

2010-05-21 Thread Ted Hyde
Don - I am running with 2.3.0 with a Mesa 5i20 and am noticing the same 
behavior; I have at least for the moment returned to mode 2 (home switch use 
only) as that is currently sufficient; my initial expectation was that an 
unfinished part of my system may have been at fault. It's a servo system, 
separate limit +/-, separate overtravel +/-, separate home for each axis (total 
5 sw per axis, nothing shared), running encoders as hostmot2 modules, and the 
index pulse does occur. If I use mode 3 or 4 for homing, the do_homing() proc 
doesn't appear to see the index pulse at all and continues to the overtravel 
limit. I can reset count signals with the .index-enable, so I believe the 
hostmot2 and hardware are fine.

I expect there is an additional encoder.xx.index-enable 1 or equivalent 
required for the system to actually use the index, however in my earlier 
dealings with the hostmot2 I thought that particular parameter was to clear the 
position counter on the next index pulse, instead of being used by another part 
of EMC; and thus you would have to set that parameter true every time you 
wanted to clear the position. I may of course be, way off, however it is also 
described this way in the current man page for hostmot2. I was unable to find 
any additional requirement to set it true for homing use.

(EDIT: encoder.xx.index-enable 1 does indeed work as described in the 
hostmot2 man page; verified just now on my lathe. I can't see how one would use 
the same parameter for the homing setup).


EKCo Inc Don Stanley wrote:

   Hi All;
   I have installed EMC 2.3 on a lathe using the Motenc Light interface.
   Two problems have me stumped.
   1- I want to Home at the Encoder Index after using Plus-limit / Home
   combination Switch at the Plus end of travel to get to a known 
   position. This is shown in the third homing diagram on the page
  of four diagrams in the Integrator Manual INI file homing section.
   I can't stop if from Homing at the Home Switch release point.
   Does anyone know how to make this work with my equipment?


Emc-users mailing list

Re: [Emc-users] Jog under PAUSE / tool change

2010-05-18 Thread Ted Hyde
 a usable part. To 
be honest, even with controls that do have this functionality, I rarely, 
if ever find a practical use for it.



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Re: [Emc-users] Non-parametric for CNC

2010-03-23 Thread Ted Hyde
 (such as Inventor) and bring them in for rework and 
 production. They aren't the machinists or builders, but they use those 
 tools to workout their initial intent. For them, it is a very valuable 
 tool. From strictly a machining aspect, I find it doesn't add any 
 value. I cannot yet machine the whole assembly from a single billet 
 (and trust me, I'll be cheering when I can!), so knowing how a u-joint 
 rotates against a shaft doesn't (as yet) lend any value to the 
 machining operation.

 A number of the job shops in my area don't even want to hear about 
 solid models - some only accept 2d dimensioned prints - not due to 
 lack of technology - but due to liability. No one wants to be the guy 
 who mis-interpreted or assumed a relation. Thus, they want to follow 
 every feature on the page, wrong or not!


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[Emc-users] Fwd: Blatant Update for Ted's Tsugami Lathe Retrofit

2010-03-22 Thread Ted Hyde
For those that may or may not have been following the progress on my
Tsugami NCM45 lathe retrofit, I'm finally at the point of getting EMC2
integrated into the system. You're welcome to see the current (and past)
progress over at
I've closed automatic comments due to spam, but you're welcome to email,
or even keep relevant comments on-list.

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[Emc-users] FS: More Iron to retrofit...up for grabs

2010-03-22 Thread Ted Hyde
In an interesting twist, Richard, the kind gentleman who sold me my 
Tsugami NCM45 also has another Tsugami lathe, this time a (per Richard 
-  1986?) 'PL3B which has 11.8 on XZ, some kind of air chuck and was 
used for machining lenses. (r)an the spindle,nice and quiet. Very clean 
sump to top. Oiling system works great.' Appx weight is 5000lb. 
Alternative to an angel is the scrap heap.
It's a gang tool unit, smaller than my NCM45. Richard got it to strip 
out the Fanuc O-t control as spare parts for some of their other 
equipment. (Which by my guess means it could be primed for an EMC2 
refit!) That's all the info I have, but if anyone in interested, PM me 
and I'll put you in direct contact - and you can negotiate all you want. 
Since Richard isn't a list member, I didn't want to put up his personal 
info publicly, however he'd be quite happy to hear from someone who 
wants the unit! rishard is in Nescopeck, PA and if you drop by my blog 
you'll also note that the freight/trucking company a few miles from his 
place was quite helpful! (And apologies for the somewhat weird post).

Does anyone make bumper stickers for Save Old Iron?  :-)


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[Emc-users] Build Blog: Ted's Tsugami Lathe retrofit

2009-10-30 Thread Ted Hyde
Hey guys - just thought I'd drop a shameless plug for the Tsugami 
Mercury lathe project I'm retrofitting from its original Fanuc 6T(a) 
control to EMC2 - if you're interested in some pictures, humor and maybe 
even an occasional tidbit of useful info, feel free to drop by:
Comments and suggestions always welcome.

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Re: [Emc-users] line limitation - and auto mode interrupt capability

2009-08-10 Thread Ted Hyde
None of the Mori Seiki, Kitamura, or Hwacheon machines I have used have this 
magic ability. ( I leave out
Mazak- cause they are just different, and Okuma, which doesn't really break 
the rules, they just made up
there own.)

Greg - you can safely add Mazak to that list too - My very current Matrix Nexus 
control in its Mazatrol conversational mode, true, can do modal-safe restarts 
(because each machining op/pocket/line/arc isn't a block of gcode or sub; it's 
a description of the operation in a standalone, complete manner), you don't 
have that luxury in EIA/traditional GCode mode! True, yes, there are 4 levels 
of TPS (no, not reports, but manual teach points that can be used to move out 
of the work, then return back in) - however, if you stop the spindle, you get a 
spindle abnormal alarm. Reset, dump program. If you move out of memory or tape 
mode, dump program. If you attempt to open the door, door interlock alarm, 
reset, dump program. Move to MDI? Dump program.

There is also a restart function. It turns out to be non-modal. You need to 
have searchable strings/comments/ sub numbers on your code for that to work, as 
the Matrix doesn't use line numbers. Again, all aimed more to the 
conversational/Mazatrol or manual machining modes than streaming GCode. BTW - I 
don't use Mazatrol conversational. At all. I build my CAM with VisualMill, and 
it is a happy production scenario. I also use VMill to write code for my hobby 
EMC installs. (Other customers use anything from hand to Master X and Gibbs.)

However, in a weird twist of fate, I think it ends up being more the way you do 
have to evaluate your methods to the machine, than trying to force the machine 
to use your methods - for instance, true, it would be fabulous to, upon 
discovering a broken tool (on a machine with no tool check or management) pause 
the program, have the tool disengage, spindle stop, change tool, update 
offsets, then re-engage and continue - however - that's a lot of non-program 
interference, and is an incomplete solution - it's also likely that the broken 
tool left a scallop or poor edge on the cut, and you don't have the opportunity 
to BACK UP - you only have the opportunity to carry on - in that case, you've 
likely made or are about to make your workpiece unusable. Also, it's important 
to consider, why did the tool break? Is there debris/interference/tool remnants 
left that will cause more failures? I embarrassingly admit, I do mess up on a 
feed/speed/DOC entry more than occasionally, just trying to get the first run 
in. And the tool goes pop. I don't want to rerun that mistake, I need to go 
back to my CAM and fix it, then run it correctly from the start. Thus, for the 
most part, I'll break down my machining ops into a lot of little sections that 
I can (and do) post, then run, individually - it's not uncommon to have 10 
little programs that I load and run sequentially for the first-off run. If I'm 
happy with the optimization (which I rarely am the first time), I'll then go 
back, fix, and post everything as a single program.

Since I'm a specialty resource, not a job shop, I don't have to justify my 
spindle-on time; in fact, I probably only have about 600 spindle hours in the 
past year on that particular VMC, which would barely break in a new machine. 
That also means I don't have to justify a 5S, lean, super-optimized, kanban, 
every-second-accounted-for machining principle. I probably produce 10 or fewer 
parts in a single run, with  20-50 of the same family - EVER. That definitely 
fits the low-volume, high-mix profile. So, given that, I don't feel bad about 
having to do things twice in regards to a CAM session. I also never make just 
one. If I were a lights-out job shop owner, I would want and demand tool 
management (that I do have on my Matrix, I just don't use it either) - but I'd 
also have a lot of other automation working in concert for workpiece movement, 
measurement and verification - and with any luck, the incoming dollars to 
support it. For that case there would also be no need for manual interruption 
of a program; a workpiece would likely still be damaged, possibly continue to 
damage other tools, but most likely just carry on with the occasional failed 
part that gets tossed into the scrap bin. When doing a night run of 500 parts, 
overrun with 10%, tossing one or two isn't a big deal. But again, it's not 
something I specialize in.

This isn't a photocopier-scenario where interrupting a job to copy one page of 
someone else's document is okay - every time I see a point where I'd think 
hey, I wish I could interrupt and do...x.., it's quickly followed by but it 
really wouldn't make any difference, since ..y... is screwed up anyway.

Just a few cents worth,


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[Emc-users] EMC: Lathe Users CAM preferences?

2009-07-06 Thread Ted Hyde
Hey guys - I started this thread on the forum, but since there's not 
much activity there at the moment, I thought I'd bring it here:

Rather simple question: what are the EMC-lathe users out there using as 
their preferred method of developing GCode? The wiki lists a few - and 
in many cases - outdated options. I'm a lover of Mecsoft products 
myself, but would also prefer to support the OS community if something 
exists. So, given a DXF profile or equivalent, what's your method of: 
rough/finish, thread and grooving (and are you using gang, turret or 



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Re: [Emc-users] Mesa 5i23 and 7i37 I/O problem

2009-01-19 Thread Ted Hyde
Peter Wallace wrote:
Also the: setp watchdog.timeout_ns line is commented out

Perhaps someone thought that the watchdog would be disabled if this value
not set.

I think with the current driver, the watchdog cannot be disabled, probably
good thing...

So at least the first fix is to uncomment the two watchdog related lines

In my PRE-2.2.8 TESTING setup, performing anything with the watchdog on the
HM2 7i43 caused errors, hence its inclusion, but being commented out. For
the sake of function, I just assumed that portion of the driver wasn't
completed yet. (Keep in mind this was back in October '08). Significant
improvements have been made to the drivers and firmware since then.

Those hal configs weren't tested on a 5i2x (or anything else for that
matter) on my setup, as at the time all I had were the 7i43s. Since the 5i20
is the more mature hardware, one could conclude that the 'dog function is
completely capable. Side note also that the 5i2x has additional, separate
thread calls for gpio (can't recall if you're using them) - that the 7i43
file doesn't use currently (IIRC, per Peter, due to EPP timing


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Re: [Emc-users] Pissed off of EMC2 and 7i43 (Ted - long)

2008-11-09 Thread Ted Hyde
firmware (.bit file for the Spartan) explicitly in the .hal file. That means
the firmware loader needs to know where to look, and by default it typically
doesn't. This is referred to as symlinking your sandbox, and goes something
like this:


$ sudo ln -s $HOME/emc2-sandbox/src/hal/drivers/mesa-hostmot2/firmware


The first reference (with the $HOME path) needs to actually point to where
you compiled your trunk version - there are plenty of google references to
help you with this.


Power input to the 7i43 is via an external 5v power supply. You can use USB
power if you want, but you can't just plug a USB cable into the USB port -
the board will attempt to enumerate with the MB BIOS. Even if you remove USB
drivers from Ubuntu, the 7i43 will (in my observation) get stuck, doing
what, in fact, it's been told to do: make a USB connection - thus, if you
use the USB power from the MB, remove the D+/D- lines from the cable, or
preferably, just connect 5v to the proper power connector. Jumpers are set
for EPP config (W4  W5 down), USB Power off (W6 down) - since I'm feeding
power into the external 5v connector - Power Enable is on (W7 up). Data
cabling is via a short (12 long) crimped D25-IDC ribbon cable.


After that, I made sure that I could actually get firmware to load into the
7i43 - and the best way to do this, IMO, is through the command prompt.
Too much is variable in an untested system, so wanting an ini and hal
fileset at this point is a) useless, and b) a waste of time. I am going to
hope that you already have established communication with your board, but
the pastebin files didn't help me, so for reference:


$ halrun

Halcmd: loadrt hostmot2

Halcmd: loadrt hm2_7i43 config=firmware=hm2/7i43/SVST4_4B.BIT


I happen to have the 400k gate Spartan, if you have the 200k version,
substitute SVST4_4S.BIT - you should hopefully have read that there are 2
different firmware sets, one for the 400k (Big) version, and one for the
200k (Small) version...Note that in my hal file, the same 400k vs. 200k
requirement applies..


If the hm2_7i43 component loaded without error, the hardware is likely
good to go. If it failed, there is more hunting you have to do, and all the
config files in the world aren't going to help. Here, you really need to
know your system, and track down problems with patience.


If you got this far, we can now cheat a bit and you can download my files
from here: and


You will want to put them in their own directory (inside your trunk EMC2
would be nice, but desktop is fine, too)

You will also need to build a .var file, a .tbl file and copy over the
emc.nml file - all as referenced in the ini file, or you can just download
them also from here: and and


Those 5 files, together with a properly configured launcher shortcut will
launch EMC with the Axis gui, and set up 3 PWM servo axes (x,y,z), that
output to the P4 connector on the 7i43. All shared without warranty,
fitness, merchantability or liabilities of any kind.


The .hal and .ini files are slightly stripped from my current ones, as I'm
adding less mill-style connections to run the laser and various
workholding options, conveyors, limit switches, height sensors, etc. - I
pulled that stuff out to confuse less, and replaced the estop chain with the
standard/virtual version - make sure you implement an appropriate physical
estop chain.


Hopefully this works for you, but as you probably don't have my exact setup,
there's a chance you may still run into problems. It's important to take it
one step at a time and strip out as much of the complexity as possible, but
I can respect your desire to test against a confirmed functional baseline.


Keep at it - you'll get there!








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[Emc-users] Mesa 7i43 2.2.6, Hostmot2 (Ted) - SUCCESS!

2008-10-19 Thread Ted Hyde
Ted Hyde wrote:
 7i43 (400K Spartan3) board is USB powered now (Sebastian's suggestion,
 though no difference from external port was found) - and is set for EPP
 firmware load/config.

I suggest starting with GPIO instead of the encoders, just to verify the 
7i43 and HAL functioning before adding more hardware to the mix.

Load the hm2_7i43 driver with all functions turned off (by saying 
config=num_encoders=0 num_stepgens=0 num_pwmgens=0).  All the pins 
become GPIOs, which default to inputs with pullup resistors

 If I change BIOS to EPP 1.9, hm2_7i43 components will fail to load, halrun

Sebastian - I moved back to external power supply- it appears that the FTDI
USB driver may have been Getting in the way when I reset the 7i43 power
during testing. Didn't catch that until just now. 
I also moved back to EPP 1.7; EPP1.9 still fails with the same messages, and
adding the _debug token doesn't get any additional info than before as the
driver fails to load, thus cannot start to issue debug messages. 

However, here's the important part - now the board in EPP1.7 mode works
fine. It was NOT thrilled with the components being disabled (set to all
GPIO mode) - this took the better part of 30 seconds to return to the
halcmd: prompt - it may have been partially my fault of not giving a
component sufficient time to load, and the occasional mistype (I would often
forget to include the 'firmware=' portion after config=.and of course
get invalid parameter errors!)

That, coupled with the phase of the moon and a new bag of tea leaves, has
GPIO, encoders and PWM functioning.

(And for John's sanity, I was loading threads, linking the drivers and
starting rt services - but it's always good to confirm, nonetheless!)

I believe the USB connection was my major stumbling block; and unless the
Epia BIOS was labeled incorrectly - which I would never rule out - in this
case, EPP1.7 works, while EPP1.9 does not, at least while hard-selected at
the BIOS setup screen. FWIW, I am pulling power for the 7i43 from an
isolated bench supply now, although frame grounds are common.

Time to go turn the servo shafts and watch the numbers move! Woo Hoo!


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[Emc-users] Mesa 7i43 2.2.6, Hostmot2

2008-10-12 Thread Ted Hyde
Does anyone have a working 7i43 setup (with hostmot2) currently? (Eric?
Anders? Peter?) I shifted from step/dir drives to servo and added the 7i43
card to my system. I was previously running a functional,
fully-updated-to-11Oct08 Ubuntu 8.04, EMC2 2.2.6 system with step/dir
(stepper-mm, modified) to the onboard parallel port of my Epia 1 board,
and have started the Slow move to full closed loop servo. The Ubuntu
install was originally from a LiveCD.


After lots of pre-show effort, I am starting simply inside of halrun:


# components

loadrt siggen 

loadrt hostmot2 

loadrt hm2_7i43 config=firmware=hm2/7i43/SV8B.BIT num_encoders=1
num_pwmgens=1 num_stepgens=1 

loadrt threads name1=tt period1=10

# parameter values

setp hm2_7i43.0.gpio.P3.047.invert_outputFALSE

setp hm2_7i43.0.gpio.P3.047.is_output TRUE

setp siggen.0.update.tmax0

# realtime thread/function links

addf tt

addf hm2_7i43.0.write tt

addf siggen.0.update tt


When this is run (either manually typing or loading from CL, the 7i43 inits,
loads and reacts as expected; done and init flash, and go out. 7i43 is set
for EPP config, power always on, external 5v (with external 5v connected!)
Epia parport is set for EPP mode in BIOS. My sandbox was obviously
symlinked, else the firmware wouldn't have been found.


Now, when I view 047.out on halmeter, and toggle it with some setp, it
changes as expected, on the halmeter. Also as expected, it does not output
to the board, as the rt threads aren't actually running. So I type start,
and the system locks up; no kbd, no mouse, video freeze. Siggen is just
there for what would be my next stage (pin strobing) - if I could get


I can still load and run stepper-mm (or any other parport-based setup) just
fine, either by a launcher shortcut, or forcing the halfile with a CL halrun
call; no rt errors or broken tasks (it appears) - the hardware in this
system (less the recent 7i43 addition and its glue) has been in use for
about two years now, with various versions of Mach and EMC. There is a
mechanical cable swap between working with my step/dir servo drives, and the
7i43 board; so only one is attached at a time.


I have read recently that the 7i43 support is still ongoing, and all the
good stuff is in the trunk, not release, so  I went and pulled down the
HEAD (which showed the most recent entries to the hostmot2 components - 6
days ago). Couldn't compile it - so many packages missing with the LiveCD
install (I stopped counting at 14!) - Python and OpenGL were the main
unresolvable culprits; even tried to configure with Python disabled
(--disable-python) - still wouldn't finish out. An attempted make did break
my EMC2 build. So time to wipe.




Kindest regards,




This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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[Emc-users] EMC: AC Drives recommendation

2008-09-23 Thread Ted Hyde
Does anyone know if the CNC-fest Mazak retained its original servo drives,
or if they were swapped out, and more importantly, with what? I have a Mitsu
laser I'm working on with 3 AC (3phase, encoder w resolver combo)servos, but
due to its age, I won't be retaining the servo drives themselves. I'd like
to hear if anyone has found a good US source for 208 3ph input drives, up to
10kw (the x-axis is about 8kw, iirc) - and preferably either step/dir or
+/-10v inputs. If there are any Mitsubishi friends out there that want to
chat about the glory days of the HA900 motors, I'm open to that, too!





This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
Build the coolest Linux based applications with Moblin SDK  win great prizes
Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the world
Emc-users mailing list

[Emc-users] open loop galvanometer control

2007-12-01 Thread Ted Hyde
Klemen - 

You'll no doubt shortly get questions about how fast you want to scan, and
that EMC may not be appropriately fast enough for both axes. Since graphical
laser scanning is a persistence-of-vision process, the graphical image must
be continuously rescanned. How fast? In the laser graphics industry (oh,
right - 10 year+ veteran here - 20 watt mixed gas, 150watt YAGs - big
side-of-the-mountain type shows - lots of 480volt camlock cable!)we
measured vector graphics in points per second. When I started, a LaserMedia
Z80 processor could do about 12000 pps with closed loop galvos (General
Scanning's G120 were the defacto standard). Now a Pangolin or similar
PC-driven system can do over ten times that. You absolutely must have closed
loop scanning to do anything better than 20,000 pps with mirrors of mass
more than 1.25 grams. The inertial mass of the mirrors and the rotor doesn't
stop on a dime, and closed-loop scanning provides a
reverse-kick-in-the-pants to prevent the rotor from overshooting the target.
You will also not get sharp corners open-loop at faster than 1000 pps on
those units. Physics just sucks that way. Finally, the MFE galvos (old
workhorses that are still in use currently) are slow devices; check out the
resonant frequency - 90-100 Hz - that's really as fast as you can accurately
go before the rotor mass affects performance. This rating is exclusive of
any mirror you attach - and the mirrors are small for a reason - a 1 square
glass will shatter on its own from internal stresses if you wiggle it too
much. That 100 Hz freq will go down as you increase the mirror mass. A
high-performance scanning mirror is about 3-5mm square and 0.25grams
mounted. Even the drop of acrylate glue was precision dispensed for balance.
I should probably mention that points per second does not necessarily equal
Hz; if you have a graphic with lots of anchors, corners, etc - you have a
lot of points, thus to try and retain those corners, you have to go through
the loop slower; if you have a 2 point line, you can get really zippy. 

This however should not discourage you from your development - I started out
the same way and would recommend everyone experiment that way too - in fact,
most of the major players in the laser entertainment industry started out
the same way, less than 30 years ago. The eye will maintain vision on a 30
degree field with about a 20Hz refresh - so a 20-30Hz circle is a good
graphic to start scanning. It's a good test and will let you get the phasing
tuned in on your PID loop.

Having a known envelope to work with is important - you may not get text
and corporate logos (you didn't mention blanking) - but you'll easily
accomplish lissajous patterns and good beam effects (with a powerful enough
laser and atmospheric haze) that will be a good compliment to any show.

The EMC challenge is how comfortable are you to interrupting the HAL
translation to push in the vector data? I expect that the gcode parser may
not behave quickly enough to continuously refresh without getting bogged
down. A step/direction setup will be of no value here, and straight PWM will
work, but you'll severely restrict your beam/projection angle.

The early el-cheapo pattern scanners of yesteryear used +/-15v supplies
and drivers, and not always variable drive signals - not PWM either - just
-15, 0 and +15 with an RC network and clever timing. The RC network locked
in your scanning speed, unfortunately, but it was cheap, sturdy and
reproducible. Even recent closed-loop scanners still use bipolar supplies
(your MFE unit can too - the torsion bar will self-center with zero-current
applied). Your R2R ladder will work - and will be faster than a
serially-commanded DAC.

If you can take a PWM from EMC and make it bipolar (a few opamps here, an
H-bridge there...) you'll have the basis for a good driver. The top speed of
EMC processing on the HAL-side (PWM generation, etc) will likely not be a
factor - again your top scanning speed with the galvos you have will be
around 1000-5000 pps, once you mount mirrors. 

I would recommend highly, especially for the instant gratification aspect,
to build the servo amps and get the galvos moving first (just put in a
line-level audio signal - it's fun) so you have a known working baseline
instead of trying to hunt down unknown peculiarities.



Original Msg
Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2007 06:13:17 -0800 (PST)
From: Klemen Dovrtel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Emc-users] open loop galvanometer control
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

I have two open loop galvanometers (
) which i would like to use emc controlled laser show
(similar to this one: ).

I will use a hardware encoder for measuring the angle
of galvanometer. I will configure hal using
hal-encoder and hal-pid. I think i will manage