[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-18 Thread Jason Spock
  I thought you had a more abstract World-View..??

qntmpkt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Date: Fri, 18 May 2007 01:22:36 -
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

  --Right, very eloquent; but I see no evidence that Krishna is the 
Lord of the Universe, in a relative sense. My candidate: The 
Scientology God, Xenu. 

-  Richard J. Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED] . wrote:

   Isn't the Absolute Being synonymous with Natural Law, 
   the Creator of an Intelligent Design?
  MMY wrote a book called The Science of Being and
  the Art of Living that should be helpful to you in
  understanding the basics of what he teaches.
 So, there is a Science of Being and Intelligent Design 
 which MMY wants to teach in public schools. Now I'm no 
 longer confused.
 Excerpt from Maharishi's commentary on Bhagavad Gita 4.6:
 Although manifest creation, which includes men and other 
 creatures, springs from the unmanfest, its manifestation 
 is by virtue of prakriti. But the divine manifestation of 
 the unminanifest Being, which comes to re-establish the 
 forgotten wisdom of life, is by virtue of 'Lila-shakti' , 
 which is the very power of the Absolute, an integral part 
 of Its transcendent divine nature.
 Surgery is the inseparable power of the surgeon. Sometimes 
 it is active, as when the surgeon works at the operating 
 table, but at other times it is latent, as when he is 
 resting at home. Lila- shakti (the play-power of Brahman) 
 functions in an analogous way, and by virtue of this the 
 unmanifest, ever remaining in its absolute state, manifests 
 into creation.
 The almighty nature of the eternal Being thus maintains 
 Reality in both Its aspects, absolute and relative. The 
 Lord says: 'remaining in My own nature I take birth' just 
 as the sap in a tree appears as a leaf and a flower without 
 losing its quality as sap, so the unmanifest Being, remaining
 unmanifest, imperishable and eternal, takes birth. Nothing 
 happens to the Absolute, and yet the Incarnation of the 
 Absolute springs up, by virtue of Its own nature.
 Here the Lord is saying - While remaining in My own nature 
 I take birth through My power of creation, and through that 
 I function; that is how I remain unbound and at the same 
 time am able to restore law and order in creation.
 CBG p. 189
 Though I am unborn and of imperishable
 nature, though Lord of all beings, yet
 remaining in My own nature I take birth
 through My own power of Creation. - BG 4.6


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-18 Thread Richard J. Williams
TurquoiseB wrote:
 I *get off* on the mystery of it all.
 If you like playing with models, GO FOR IT.

So, mystery is your model that you *get off* 
on, but what's so mysterious about IF THEN ELSE, 
0 and 1, and Visual Basic.net?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-17 Thread TurquoiseB
 Just my usual too quick on the trigger response. I
 hear the term super string or anything of that ilk
 associated with TM and my brain locks-up! I'm sure it
 can have value for people, such as John Hagelin, who
 actually understand it and can facilitate deeper
 understanding of the mechanichs of consciousness, but
 for us lay folk it is mind numbing.

That's its true purpose. :-)
   the invoking the too quick on the trigger response part or 
   the mind numbing part?
  The mind numbing part. 
 I was asking a bit tongue-in-check. I understood your intent. But
 wanted to (humorously ?) introduce another possibility -- that M. 
 such to invoke an irritation / vansana-driven response to it.
 Resolvong the vasana in those who respond. Perhaps a fringe theory,
 but as credible as the trance / marketing theory, IMO.

Whatever floats your boat. :-) You'll notice, however,
that it gives Maharishi the benefit of believing that
he actually knows what the heck he's doing, something
I'm not as anxious to do as those who don't want to
deal with the possibility that they've spent their
lives following someone who may have no more clue 
than they do. :-)

 N.s comment about leaving Purusha because he did not pass the test 
 of patience, may (maybe not) be an example of this. IMO, and 
 M uses a lot of techniques to purify those around him. As did SBS,
 apparently -- sending M running with secret message to swami miles
 away. M to only find out it was a sort of hoax, just to put M thru
 some necessary loop of activity. Such tecnniques can drive many
 crazy and they leave. Others stick it out, and apparently gain 
 some good thngs. I can't say for sure. But I know the techniques 
 have validity from experience.

Couldn't you have gained just as much benefit from
banging your head against a wall? Again, you seem to be 
projecting onto Maharishi some kind of guru knowledge
that told him that Pointless Exercise In Frustration
32.4 was just the thing that Seeker 18,784 needed to
resolve some karma.

Another perfectly reasonable explanation for SBS send-
ing Maharishi off on a wild goose chase is that he
(Maharishi) was just being a pain in the ass and SBS
wanted to GET RID OF HIM and have a blessed few hours
without some adoring bhakti-freak dogging his heels. :-)

  It's a sales technique 
  designed to make the buyer think, O, these
  people are smarter than I am. I can tell because
  they use big words that I don't understand. There-
  fore they know what they're talking about. 
 I am sure there is a segment of the market that responds like that. 
 I suggest it may be smaller than you surmise.

I work in the computer industry. The segment of the
market that responds to incomprehensible geekspeak
is well established. Shocking, but well established.

I'm reminded of P.T. Barnum's famous line when the
crowds weren't leaving the tent quickly enough after
one of his shows and he needed to get them out of
the tent so he could fill it with more suckers for
the next show. He picked up a bullhorn and started 
shouting, This way to see the egress. This way to 
see the egress. Everyone rushed out of the tent, 
anxious to find out what an egress was and ooh 
and aah over it. 

This way to see the quantum mechanical level of life.
Better hurry.  :-)

  so they sign on the dotted line, or continue to
  buy the inferior products of an inferior company
  because they have bought into the company's use
  of buzzwords.
  It's the same model used to sell hardware and
  software. We in the industry call it geekspeak.
  The more incomprehensible geekspeak you throw
  into the blurbs about your product, the more of
  the product you are likely to sell.
 To fools perhaps. Most  people I know respond to substance. 
 Perhaps you hang with the wrong crowd 

Did I ever suggest that the people who fall for geek-
speak were NOT fools? I thought that was implicit in
what I said. But fall for it they do. Just look at 
the marketing brochures for high-end software aimed
at businesses; the more incomprehensible the geekspeak,
the better it sells, and the more Fortune 500 busi-
nesses are dependent upon it. 

  Whatever the intellectual can I connect these
  possibly unrelated dots in my mind value that
  hypothetical exercises like Hagelin's might have
  for *him*, their value to the TM movement is as
  One of the trends that one finds in the study of
  *many* spiritual traditions is that many of the
  traditions that made the biggest impact on 
  society, and in some cases have lasted the longest
  in history, were the ones that *dispensed with*
  geekspeak, or presented a clear alternative to it.
 So the premeise is that those who communicate clearly have 
 a larger impact than those who don't. Perhaps a revolutionary 

I would have thought that the premise was that those
who talk about things that most people are actually
interested in have 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-17 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   It's a sales technique 
   designed to make the buyer think, O, these
   people are smarter than I am. I can tell because
   they use big words that I don't understand. There-
   fore they know what they're talking about. 
  I am sure there is a segment of the market that responds like 
  I suggest it may be smaller than you surmise.
 I work in the computer industry. The segment of the
 market that responds to incomprehensible geekspeak
 is well established. Shocking, but well established.
I'd like to see your numbers Turq. I work in the industry here, 
pretty much at the center of it (Silicon Valley), and have for 
many years. The infamous Dot Com Bomb seven years ago was caused 
by a maturation of the industry, people waking up and realizing 
that, No, you couldn't sell bags of dog food over the Internet, that 
many of the highfliers of the time selling hardware and software had 
no viable business model showing actual ROI for their customers. 

Your oversimplified and cynical model of (especially) members of the 
Fortune 500 being duped by software with marginal value has seen its 
day. It was pretty much obsolete about ten years ago. 

Nowadays there are ways to get nearly instantaneous metrics on 
actual productivity improvements resulting from software, and 
everyone reads the same reports. There are no longer a bunch of 
dupes out there. To survive and make any real money, the providers 
of software these days actually have to be pretty darned good.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-17 Thread Richard J. Williams
TurquoiseB wrote:
 Although the relative world is purely relative, 
 it is *also* pure Absolute. 

So, you're saying that you hold a dualistic philosophy.

 That is the very essence of its mystery.

The mystery is why you'd adopt a metaphysical explanantion 
of the universe, when a physical expalanation is all that 
is needed. 

How can there be two reals?

 I'll jump in, even though I haven't thought 
 about this stuff in Physics metaphors since
 I left the TM movement (and haven't missed
 thinking that way). 
 I suspect you have a good point about any 
 Unified Field Theory that physicists could
 come up with having to do purely with the
 relative world. That is the only field
 they play in.
 As for the relative world not being Jack
 Kennedy, however, my experiences have con-
 vinced me that it *is* Jack Kennedy. Although
 the relative world is purely relative, it is
 *also* pure Absolute. That is the very essence
 of its mystery.
 But, at the same time, I have my doubts 
 as to science's ability to ever grok that,
 much less include it in any of their theories
 of How Things Work. Things only work in the
 field of the relative, and thus that is the
 field they are playing in and trying to find 
 some way to describe. That'll take them long
 enough and will be challenging enough. They
 should leave asking the Absolute to get up
 off the bench and join the game to mystics.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-17 Thread Richard J. Williams
Duveyoung wrote:
 To me Being is all the gunas perfectly balanced but 
 still having the quality of being manifest -- that is, 
 observable and thus distinct from the Absolute -- just 
 exactly as a mirror is functional but invisible to 
 human eyes that are tuned to see only to the mirror's
But Maharishi has said that the relative is separate from 
the Absolute, that the Absolute is free from the gunas,
and that the Absolute is not an object of knowledge.

The Vedas mainly deal with the subject of the three modes 
of material nature. Rise above these modes, O Arjuna. Be 
transcendental to all of them. Be free from all dualities 
and from all anxieties for gain and safety, and be 
established in the Self.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-17 Thread Duveyoung
Here's my first attempt to unfuzzify things.

Once upon a time, there were three aspects: Absolute, Being,
Manifesting Being.

THE ABSOLUTE is: beyond even beyondness, and no concept or
anti-concept can give any intellectual handle to grab it. Nor can the
quality of non-grab-ableness be said to apply to it.  It cannot be
said to be real or unreal, yet if a choice must be made, it is the
only real, and if one assumes that the Absolute is real, then, of
course, anything that is unreal cannot touch it.  Any THING-THOUGHT is
unreal; all unreal things are thoughts only.  The Absolute's nickname
is Big Self.  To call the Absolute pure consciousness cannot be
correct, but it is so alluring to think that the Absolute is someTHING
that is aware, but in the absence of things, there cannot be any
awareness -- awareness and thingness are like love and marriage, goes
together like a horse and carriage, duality donchaknow.

Hindu word for the Absolute:  Brahman.  Not Brahma cuz He IS manifest.
 The temptation to say that the Absolute is the Witness is almost
unbearable, but doing that would be wrong.  Even though only the
Absolute could possibly be said to be real, for the purposes of
dialog, assuming INSTEAD, that Being manifestation soul
consciousness is the real allows for the intellect to pretend to
think about the Absolute, but the intellect would be merely navel
gazing at the small self, Being.  

BEING is: All Qualities in perfect balance -- poised to variegate.
Consciousness now exists, but it has not become conscious of any THING
except its self, the first thing, the only everything.  Being is
Amness with a titch of isness besmirching it -- or beautifying it like
an ingenue's mole. It is the small self before sinning (imbalancing)
has begun.  It is an almost perfect metaphor for the Absolute in
that 1. Silence seems to exist/prevail, Being seems to be a perfectly
still harmony of the gunas. 2. All possibilities are available: every
quality, every iteration of physicality, every thought, every sin,
every form of love, every energy, every structure, EVERY THINGNESS is
at the ready. The canvas is perfectly white and any shading, no
matter how pastel will pop. 3. Consciousness of Unity without an
intent to express itself. 4. Identification -- ego, though existing,
is satisfied, intent-less and is called soul, Brahma,
Unified-Virtual Field, atma.  And the list how Being reminds one of
the Absolute goes on literally forever.  

How it can be that, in Being, all materiality resides -- balanced,
undifferentiated, unified but intellectually delineate-able -- how
that is structured, is up for grabs -- and it has been grabbed by
every religion. I like The Ten Sefirot of the Kabbalah as an approach
-- I think of the Sefirot as God's personality when no one's looking.
Or, how about imagining the entire Hindu pantheon all seated and
humming OM?  That's a good one too. Then there's Modern Physics too;
when it looks for the ultimate particle, a heretic is banging on the
church door demanding to be allowed to partake of communion,

MANIFESTING BEING, the infinite disconnect has occurred. Big Isness is
in the building. Manifesting Being is all the qualities of Being now
displaying in space/time. Now Ego assumes -- steals -- authorship of
existence.  Ego has lost sight of God because Ego is looking outwards
instead of being content with the pure harmony of samadhi's unity.
Ego's drugged, tripping on God's parts.  The apple has been bitten. 
In Hindu terms, Brahma is deluded, because He couldn't find Brahman at
the bottom of the lotus stalk and because no other God has His
perfections.  So, Brahma thinks He's creating -- Brahma says, Hey, by
default, I must be God. Then He cops out, and tells his four
mind-born sons to do the actual work of creating, but they, like their
Old Man, cop out too and say, Heck with you, Dad, we're staying in
samadhi.  So, Bramha invented sex, and we all know what happened
after that -- since then, every ego thinks it's Jack Kennedy. 

There's a start. Any help in tweaking these words towards a stronger
clarity would be appreciated.  I'm not so much handing the above down
from on high, but, rather, I'm hoping it is a faithful presentation of
vocabulary so that we can communicate.  If we could take out all my
poetry and horsing around with words, we might have something worth


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, claudiouk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 you're no Jack Kennedy - not sure what THAT means.. no I'm Claudio.
 I'm sure we all have our own views on these matters and how far our 
 definitions are fuzzy, and how bad that is in fact, is all rather 
 fuzzy to me. I think language can only point the way.. 
 re definitions for consciousness, the Absolute, Being, and the 
 Unified Field - I don't find MMY's usage of these terms, as in his 
 Gita or more recent pronouncements, problematic. They refer to a 
 transcendental realm of awareness, beyong thoughts or concepts or 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-17 Thread Duveyoung

In transcendental samadhi, it gets tricky, because to me, that's still
duality.  One (a nervous system) is still saying I am. One is not
saying I am suchandsuch, but nonetheless, it is saying, I am. But
that's still two thingies, ego and amness. Or, if you prefer to go up
a notch in abstraction, 1. Absolute 2. Soul.  Samadhi is amness,
primal sinless ego, singing OM -- singing like hunters doing duck
calls -- hoping to lure the Absolute down from the heights of akhanda
mandala karum.  But, ha!, it's one smart duck!

One transcends by doing less and less.  Thinking a thought is work
being done.  The least work of this type is samadhi -- a nervous
system is still operating but in neutral, not in drive.  If I have
no awareness of anything outer, but I'm still aware, I've transcended,
stopped, MOST thinking, but awareness without an object is still some
work being done.  That least state of excitation, that smallest amount
of working, results in the experience, amness, but it is not a perfect
silence since it is an action of a body that is intended to symbolize
the Absolute.  The Absolute is, functionally, the imaginary friend of
amness.  The problem with samadhi is that identification remains
localized as body, mind, spirit.  Time still seems to exist as a
potential of Being, and urp, now I'm getting claustrophobic!  

The trick of enlightenment is to identify with the Absolute instead of
Being.  It's a toughie, cuz you know Being is s convincing. 
How convincing?  There's that story about the sage who had become so
powerful that he could create a whole new creation with its own new
Gods, so Indra and his boys sent a hot chick to twiddle the sage's
twiddleables.  And, yep, sure enough, ten thousand years of tapas went
down the drain, and then the sage didn't have enough shakti to do a
new creation, so the Gods could relax.  How sweet must Being Beauty
be, eh?  That chick musta been something to have a sage pay 10,000
years of tapas for her fee. 

Like that, Being can suck ya in.  Pun intended.  One moment one's
almost perfectly identified with the unbounded, then BLAMMO, you're
Indra with a ton of work to do, or worse, Edg on caffeine.  

Nope, TM's mantra only gets ya to samadhi, and dwelling there is good
cuz as one gets used to identifying with a symbol of perfect silence
-- that is, the sound of OM -- one cultures one's nervous system until
it can shift from local, quality ladened, unbounded but yet fettered
ensoulment onto the Absolute.

Once this toggling of identification happens, that's the last paradigm
shift the mind can have -- when even wooden decoy bliss cannot bribe
the Absolute down to the duck hunter.  

That's enlightenment -- one leaps out of the zombie.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams

 Duveyoung wrote:
  To me Being is all the gunas perfectly balanced but 
  still having the quality of being manifest -- that is, 
  observable and thus distinct from the Absolute -- just 
  exactly as a mirror is functional but invisible to 
  human eyes that are tuned to see only to the mirror's
 But Maharishi has said that the relative is separate from 
 the Absolute, that the Absolute is free from the gunas,
 and that the Absolute is not an object of knowledge.
 The Vedas mainly deal with the subject of the three modes 
 of material nature. Rise above these modes, O Arjuna. Be 
 transcendental to all of them. Be free from all dualities 
 and from all anxieties for gain and safety, and be 
 established in the Self.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-17 Thread matrixmonitor
-thanks, as usual for your extraordinary insights!
Personally, I believe (grok) that there is a genuine paradox of 
Brahman; i.e. that existence is simultaneously relative and Absolute.
 Paradoxes are found in mathematics, entities B. Russell and later, 
K. Godel delved into.  Examples: 1. the Cretan's Paradox, named after 
a passage in the Bible which states that all Cretans are liars.
So, if one asks a Cretan, are you telling the truth?, is the Cretan 
telling the truth, or lying?  This is a paradox since, if the Cretan 
is stating the truth, he's actually lying.
 A simpler one is to have a piece of paper on which is written on 
both sides: The other side of this paper is untrue. Is the 
statement true or false? 
 The human mind may be tempted to demand an easily solution to such 
paradoxes: right or wrong, yin or yang.  Such dichotomies exist in 
Aristotlean logic, but the truth often exists in the excluded 
middle, the gray area between true or false.
 One can find metaphorical analogues to the excluded middle in 
quantum physics: a quantum particle may exist in a shadowy area of 
quantum ghostliness, in a twilight zone of probabilities.  Attempting 
to pin down the precise location and momentum of such particles runs 
up against Heisenberg's Uncertainy principle. It can't be done.
 Metaphorical analogues to physical principles can be useful in 
helping us to understand physics and metaphysics.
 For one thing, there are serious wide open gaps between our current 
store of knowledge and the actual state of the universe, which 
nobody can account for.  Such phenomena include dark matter and dark 
 In the current state of physics, there is no shortage of wild 
speculative hypotheses to account for the existence of dark matter 
and dark energy.
 Metaphorical analogues can help people get pointed in the right 
direction; subject to later confirmation by experimental methods 

-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In transcendental samadhi, it gets tricky, because to me, that's 
 duality.  One (a nervous system) is still saying I am. One is not
 saying I am suchandsuch, but nonetheless, it is saying, I am. 
 that's still two thingies, ego and amness. Or, if you prefer to go 
 a notch in abstraction, 1. Absolute 2. Soul.  Samadhi is amness,
 primal sinless ego, singing OM -- singing like hunters doing duck
 calls -- hoping to lure the Absolute down from the heights of 
 mandala karum.  But, ha!, it's one smart duck!
 One transcends by doing less and less.  Thinking a thought is work
 being done.  The least work of this type is samadhi -- a nervous
 system is still operating but in neutral, not in drive.  If I have
 no awareness of anything outer, but I'm still aware, I've 
 stopped, MOST thinking, but awareness without an object is still 
 work being done.  That least state of excitation, that smallest 
 of working, results in the experience, amness, but it is not a 
 silence since it is an action of a body that is intended to 
 the Absolute.  The Absolute is, functionally, the imaginary friend 
 amness.  The problem with samadhi is that identification remains
 localized as body, mind, spirit.  Time still seems to exist as a
 potential of Being, and urp, now I'm getting claustrophobic!  
 The trick of enlightenment is to identify with the Absolute instead 
 Being.  It's a toughie, cuz you know Being is s convincing. 
 How convincing?  There's that story about the sage who had become so
 powerful that he could create a whole new creation with its own new
 Gods, so Indra and his boys sent a hot chick to twiddle the sage's
 twiddleables.  And, yep, sure enough, ten thousand years of tapas 
 down the drain, and then the sage didn't have enough shakti to do a
 new creation, so the Gods could relax.  How sweet must Being Beauty
 be, eh?  That chick musta been something to have a sage pay 10,000
 years of tapas for her fee. 
 Like that, Being can suck ya in.  Pun intended.  One moment one's
 almost perfectly identified with the unbounded, then BLAMMO, you're
 Indra with a ton of work to do, or worse, Edg on caffeine.  
 Nope, TM's mantra only gets ya to samadhi, and dwelling there is 
 cuz as one gets used to identifying with a symbol of perfect 
 -- that is, the sound of OM -- one cultures one's nervous system 
 it can shift from local, quality ladened, unbounded but yet fettered
 ensoulment onto the Absolute.
 Once this toggling of identification happens, that's the last 
 shift the mind can have -- when even wooden decoy bliss cannot bribe
 the Absolute down to the duck hunter.  
 That's enlightenment -- one leaps out of the zombie.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams
 willytex@ wrote:
  Duveyoung wrote:
   To me Being is all the gunas perfectly balanced but 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-17 Thread Richard J. Williams
jstein wrote:
 In my understanding, Consciousness, Being,
 Absolute, and Unified Field are all synonymous
 in MMY's teaching.

Somebody, maybe MMY, is really confused!

The Top 10 Intelligent Designs (or Creation Myths):

Scientists now believe that there is an intrinsic logic to our
reality, that there are absolutes, laws of nature.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-17 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams 

 jstein wrote:
  In my understanding, Consciousness, Being,
  Absolute, and Unified Field are all synonymous
  in MMY's teaching.
 Somebody, maybe MMY, is really confused!

Actually, I think that would be you.

 The Top 10 Intelligent Designs (or Creation Myths):
 Scientists now believe that there is an intrinsic logic to our
 reality, that there are absolutes, laws of nature.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-17 Thread Richard J. Williams
   In my understanding, Consciousness, Being,
   Absolute, and Unified Field are all synonymous
   in MMY's teaching.
Richard J. Williams wrote: 
  Somebody, maybe MMY, is really confused!
jstein wrote:
 Actually, I think that would be you.

Now I am confused!
Confused about MMY teaching the Science of Creative 
Intelligence in public schools. 

Please set me straight on this:
Isn't the Absolute Being synonymous with Natural Law, 
the Creator of an Intelligent Design? 

Another question: 

How could something be created in the Unified Field? 

Wouldn't that defy logic? I've never heard of anyone 
having intrinsic logic. Where does that come from? 
From God the Creator? If so, why don't I see any logic 
from you these days?
  The Top 10 Intelligent Designs (or Creation Myths):
  Scientists now believe that there is an intrinsic logic 
  to our reality, that there are absolutes, laws of nature.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-17 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams 

In my understanding, Consciousness, Being,
Absolute, and Unified Field are all synonymous
in MMY's teaching.
 Richard J. Williams wrote: 
   Somebody, maybe MMY, is really confused!
 jstein wrote:
  Actually, I think that would be you.
 Now I am confused!
 Confused about MMY teaching the Science of Creative 
 Intelligence in public schools. 
 Please set me straight on this:
 Isn't the Absolute Being synonymous with Natural Law, 
 the Creator of an Intelligent Design?

MMY wrote a book called The Science of Being and
the Art of Living that should be helpful to you in
understanding the basics of what he teaches.

 Another question: 
 How could something be created in the Unified Field? 
 Wouldn't that defy logic? I've never heard of anyone 
 having intrinsic logic. Where does that come from? 
 From God the Creator? If so, why don't I see any logic 
 from you these days?
   The Top 10 Intelligent Designs (or Creation Myths):
   Scientists now believe that there is an intrinsic logic 
   to our reality, that there are absolutes, laws of nature.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-17 Thread Richard J. Williams
Duveyoung wrote:
 Here's my first attempt to unfuzzify things.
 Once upon a time, there were three aspects: Absolute, 
 Being, Manifesting Being.
Only in metaphysical theory - there's nothing in nature 
that would indicate that reality is a manifestation of 
three supernatural powers. It's more reasonable to infer 
from observation that there is a primal unity in nature, 
not chaos. An orderly universe implies a unity, rather 
than a duality. It's natural to assume that everything 
is in reality one, and that everything is connected and 
dependant on other things.

Although we infer that the ultimate reality is one, we 
don't know what to call it until we read the scriptures. 
Ishvara in the Yoga Tradition is the same as the Brahman 
in the Vedantic tradition. But, Ishvara is not 'God' in 
the sense of a Creator nor is Ishvara a demi-God such 
as Shiva, Parvati, Durga, etc. 

The only Indian tradition that purported the idea that 
Brahma the Creator was a material entity was Charvaka 
and Sanjaya the Skeptic. All the schools of Vedanta are
transcendentalist in point-of-view. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-17 Thread Richard J. Williams
  Isn't the Absolute Being synonymous with Natural Law, 
  the Creator of an Intelligent Design?
 MMY wrote a book called The Science of Being and
 the Art of Living that should be helpful to you in
 understanding the basics of what he teaches.

So, there is a Science of Being and Intelligent Design 
which MMY wants to teach in public schools. Now I'm no 
longer confused.
Excerpt from Maharishi's commentary on Bhagavad Gita 4.6:

Although manifest creation, which includes men and other 
creatures, springs from the unmanfest, its manifestation 
is by virtue of prakriti. But the divine manifestation of 
the unminanifest Being, which comes to re-establish the 
forgotten wisdom of life, is by virtue of 'Lila-shakti', 
which is the very power of the Absolute, an integral part 
of Its transcendent divine nature.

Surgery is the inseparable power of the surgeon. Sometimes 
it is active, as when the surgeon works at the operating 
table, but at other times it is latent, as when he is 
resting at home. Lila- shakti (the play-power of Brahman) 
functions in an analogous way, and by virtue of this the 
unmanifest, ever remaining in its absolute state, manifests 
into creation.

The almighty nature of the eternal Being thus maintains 
Reality in both Its aspects, absolute and relative. The 
Lord says: 'remaining in My own nature I take birth' just 
as the sap in a tree appears as a leaf and a flower without 
losing its quality as sap, so the unmanifest Being, remaining
unmanifest, imperishable and eternal, takes birth. Nothing 
happens to the Absolute, and yet the Incarnation of the 
Absolute springs up, by virtue of Its own nature.

Here the Lord is saying - While remaining in My own nature 
I take birth through My power of creation, and through that 
I function; that is how I remain unbound and at the same 
time am able to restore law and order in creation.

CBG p. 189

Though I am unborn and of imperishable
nature, though Lord of all beings, yet
remaining in My own nature I take birth
through My own power of Creation. - BG 4.6

[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-17 Thread qntmpkt
--Right, very eloquent; but I see no evidence that Krishna is the 
Lord of the Universe, in a relative sense. My candidate: The 
Scientology God, Xenu.  

- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams 

   Isn't the Absolute Being synonymous with Natural Law, 
   the Creator of an Intelligent Design?
  MMY wrote a book called The Science of Being and
  the Art of Living that should be helpful to you in
  understanding the basics of what he teaches.
 So, there is a Science of Being and Intelligent Design 
 which MMY wants to teach in public schools. Now I'm no 
 longer confused.
 Excerpt from Maharishi's commentary on Bhagavad Gita 4.6:
 Although manifest creation, which includes men and other 
 creatures, springs from the unmanfest, its manifestation 
 is by virtue of prakriti. But the divine manifestation of 
 the unminanifest Being, which comes to re-establish the 
 forgotten wisdom of life, is by virtue of 'Lila-shakti', 
 which is the very power of the Absolute, an integral part 
 of Its transcendent divine nature.
 Surgery is the inseparable power of the surgeon. Sometimes 
 it is active, as when the surgeon works at the operating 
 table, but at other times it is latent, as when he is 
 resting at home. Lila- shakti (the play-power of Brahman) 
 functions in an analogous way, and by virtue of this the 
 unmanifest, ever remaining in its absolute state, manifests 
 into creation.
 The almighty nature of the eternal Being thus maintains 
 Reality in both Its aspects, absolute and relative. The 
 Lord says: 'remaining in My own nature I take birth' just 
 as the sap in a tree appears as a leaf and a flower without 
 losing its quality as sap, so the unmanifest Being, remaining
 unmanifest, imperishable and eternal, takes birth. Nothing 
 happens to the Absolute, and yet the Incarnation of the 
 Absolute springs up, by virtue of Its own nature.
 Here the Lord is saying - While remaining in My own nature 
 I take birth through My power of creation, and through that 
 I function; that is how I remain unbound and at the same 
 time am able to restore law and order in creation.
 CBG p. 189
 Though I am unborn and of imperishable
 nature, though Lord of all beings, yet
 remaining in My own nature I take birth
 through My own power of Creation. - BG 4.6

[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-16 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutphen@ wrote:
   Just my usual too quick on the trigger response. I
   hear the term super string or anything of that ilk
   associated with TM and my brain locks-up! I'm sure it
   can have value for people, such as John Hagelin, who
   actually understand it and can facilitate deeper
   understanding of the mechanichs of consciousness, but
   for us lay folk it is mind numbing.
  That's its true purpose. :-)

 the invoking the too quick on the trigger response part or 
 the mind numbing part?

The mind numbing part. It's a sales technique 
designed to make the buyer think, O, these
people are smarter than I am. I can tell because
they use big words that I don't understand. There-
fore they know what they're talking about. And
so they sign on the dotted line, or continue to
buy the inferior products of an inferior company
because they have bought into the company's use
of buzzwords.

It's the same model used to sell hardware and
software. We in the industry call it geekspeak.
The more incomprehensible geekspeak you throw
into the blurbs about your product, the more of
the product you are likely to sell.

Whatever the intellectual can I connect these
possibly unrelated dots in my mind value that
hypothetical exercises like Hagelin's might have
for *him*, their value to the TM movement is as

One of the trends that one finds in the study of
*many* spiritual traditions is that many of the
traditions that made the biggest impact on 
society, and in some cases have lasted the longest
in history, were the ones that *dispensed with*
geekspeak, or presented a clear alternative to it.

Christ taught in the common language, using anal-
ogies and metaphors that were comprehensible to
the common man. As opposed to the language and 
the teachings used by the prevailing religions of
his time. He developed a following.

One of the primary reasons that the Catholic Church
exterminated the Cathars was that they *taught in
the common language*, not in Latin...and not in

Buddha became popular because he rejected the high-
falootin' language and rituals of the existing 
religions, and (again) taught in clear, non-geek-
speak language to the common people, about things
that they had to deal with...everyday stuff, like
suffering and how to get past it.

In the beginning, the TM movement taught in clear,
non-geekspeak language about the benefits of medi-
tation. And it developed quite a following. Over
the years it abandoned that approach and began to
rely more and more on geekspeak, which in my opinion
was more designed to pander to and hold onto the
existing followers than to attract new ones. The
result? As some have pointed out here, more existing
TMers die every year than new TMers are created.

I'm not convinced that geekspeak is a good thing
when it comes to spiritual teaching. Yeah, it may
appeal to the intellect, which in turn appeals to
the ego and the small self. But does it really help
your life in any way to hear about superstrings and
such stuff? Many people seem to *want* their minds
numbed by high-falootin' language and concepts 
that they don't really understand. They *like*
that stuff. Me, I'm drawn to those teachers and
traditions that just speak clearly and without
pretension about everyday stuff and offer clear,
non-geekspeak techniques that offer more effective
ways to deal with that everyday stuff. But that's
probably just me...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-16 Thread curtisdeltablues
Whatever the intellectual can I connect these
possibly unrelated dots in my mind value that
hypothetical exercises like Hagelin's might have
for *him*, their value to the TM movement is as

This is an excellent point.  Any time a person uses a string of terms
I don't have the background to understand, they are using words as
hypnotic tools rather than to communicate.  Since your intellect can't
engage with undefined words, you resort to an emotional feeling of
what the words feel like, and this shifts your mind's function off of
its best chance to engage and challenge the concepts presented.  This
language form is not meant to inform, it is meant to shift mental
states.  That doesn't mean that you walk away as a zombie under their
control, but it does make you a bit too spacey to stand up and shout STFU!

I think the next generations are more vulnerable to infotainment
graphics that sum up complexities into simple images.  That is how
their mind's are being trained to process.  It has a similar effect
but uses a different sense to achieve its no question goal.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutphen@ wrote:
Just my usual too quick on the trigger response. I
hear the term super string or anything of that ilk
associated with TM and my brain locks-up! I'm sure it
can have value for people, such as John Hagelin, who
actually understand it and can facilitate deeper
understanding of the mechanichs of consciousness, but
for us lay folk it is mind numbing.
   That's its true purpose. :-)
  the invoking the too quick on the trigger response part or 
  the mind numbing part?
 The mind numbing part. It's a sales technique 
 designed to make the buyer think, O, these
 people are smarter than I am. I can tell because
 they use big words that I don't understand. There-
 fore they know what they're talking about. And
 so they sign on the dotted line, or continue to
 buy the inferior products of an inferior company
 because they have bought into the company's use
 of buzzwords.
 It's the same model used to sell hardware and
 software. We in the industry call it geekspeak.
 The more incomprehensible geekspeak you throw
 into the blurbs about your product, the more of
 the product you are likely to sell.
 Whatever the intellectual can I connect these
 possibly unrelated dots in my mind value that
 hypothetical exercises like Hagelin's might have
 for *him*, their value to the TM movement is as
 One of the trends that one finds in the study of
 *many* spiritual traditions is that many of the
 traditions that made the biggest impact on 
 society, and in some cases have lasted the longest
 in history, were the ones that *dispensed with*
 geekspeak, or presented a clear alternative to it.
 Christ taught in the common language, using anal-
 ogies and metaphors that were comprehensible to
 the common man. As opposed to the language and 
 the teachings used by the prevailing religions of
 his time. He developed a following.
 One of the primary reasons that the Catholic Church
 exterminated the Cathars was that they *taught in
 the common language*, not in Latin...and not in
 Buddha became popular because he rejected the high-
 falootin' language and rituals of the existing 
 religions, and (again) taught in clear, non-geek-
 speak language to the common people, about things
 that they had to deal with...everyday stuff, like
 suffering and how to get past it.
 In the beginning, the TM movement taught in clear,
 non-geekspeak language about the benefits of medi-
 tation. And it developed quite a following. Over
 the years it abandoned that approach and began to
 rely more and more on geekspeak, which in my opinion
 was more designed to pander to and hold onto the
 existing followers than to attract new ones. The
 result? As some have pointed out here, more existing
 TMers die every year than new TMers are created.
 I'm not convinced that geekspeak is a good thing
 when it comes to spiritual teaching. Yeah, it may
 appeal to the intellect, which in turn appeals to
 the ego and the small self. But does it really help
 your life in any way to hear about superstrings and
 such stuff? Many people seem to *want* their minds
 numbed by high-falootin' language and concepts 
 that they don't really understand. They *like*
 that stuff. Me, I'm drawn to those teachers and
 traditions that just speak clearly and without
 pretension about everyday stuff and offer clear,
 non-geekspeak techniques that offer more effective
 ways to deal with that everyday stuff. But that's
 probably just me...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-16 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutphen@ 
Just my usual too quick on the trigger response. I
hear the term super string or anything of that ilk
associated with TM and my brain locks-up! I'm sure it
can have value for people, such as John Hagelin, who
actually understand it and can facilitate deeper
understanding of the mechanichs of consciousness, but
for us lay folk it is mind numbing.
   That's its true purpose. :-)
  the invoking the too quick on the trigger response part or 
  the mind numbing part?
 The mind numbing part. It's a sales technique 
 designed to make the buyer think, O, these
 people are smarter than I am. I can tell because
 they use big words that I don't understand. There-
 fore they know what they're talking about. And
 so they sign on the dotted line, or continue to
 buy the inferior products of an inferior company
 because they have bought into the company's use
 of buzzwords.
 It's the same model used to sell hardware and
 software. We in the industry call it geekspeak.
 The more incomprehensible geekspeak you throw
 into the blurbs about your product, the more of
 the product you are likely to sell.

One would think, if the TMO were using geekspeak
as a sales technique, that one would find it in
abundance on the primary Web site designed to sell
TM, www.tm.org.

But it doesn't have any geekspeak that I can find.
It seems to use all simple, straightforward, everyday

[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-16 Thread sinhlnx
--- thanks for your outstanding points, most valid indeed!.
OTOH, on occasion, metaphorical analogues to math/physics principles 
can be useful in helping us find parallels to certain deep, subtle 
properties of relative existence.  The downside is the risk of 
logical errors such as the appeal to authorities, and geekspeak, or 
  Since the TMO has been known to use some (or all) of such logical 
fallacies, we become naturally suspicious, and rightly so!.
 Such mathematical principles as the E8 Lie group point to (contrary 
to MMY and Hagelin) strictly relative principles, akin to the 
Buddhist principles of interconnectedness and dependent origination; 
and ultimately, the holographic nature of the universe: a concept 
pioneered in Buddhism - more so than in Hinduism. (wiki - the 
Buddhism of Tien Tai).
 At any rate, no, pure Consciousness - as pointed out by the 
quantum pioneers themselves (since some of them apparently had an 
intuitive knowledge of Being-In-Itself, especially Schroedinger); 
is not a subject of modern scientific inquiry (unless** - as pointed 
out by Jim Flanagan, we restrict the inquiry by safe qualifications 
such as this is my experience:..etc..  Then, such studies can 
be scientific as long as one doesn't tweak the statistics (as in 
the MUM studies).
  Thus, pure Consciousness is not a field.  One can make parallels 
to certain facets of relative existence (explored and explained more 
by the Buddhists than Hindus) - particularly the nature of Dharma, 
karma, and reincarnation; and the various elements of cause and 
 As mentioned before, such relative concepts would be 
interconnectedness, dependent origination, and the holographic nature 
of existence.
 Such concepts may point to THAT, but as several contributors have 
already pointed out, there's no direct connection between Being and 
quantum mechanics.
  I might add that the concept of a Singularity has a ringing 
appeal to what me might experience as That; but again, a Singularity 
has to be something relative in order for scientists to investigate 
it, according to the commonly accepted notions of scientific inquiry. 
(that does not of course include private revelations).
 BTW private revelations were in the domain of the Gnostics, as 
opposed to appeal by Authorities ; such as the local Bishop, Pope, 
 Naturally, Gnosticism was a very dangerous, heretical approach; 
since if one can discover innate wisdom through interior inquiry, who 
needs the Pope?

In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutphen@ 
Just my usual too quick on the trigger response. I
hear the term super string or anything of that ilk
associated with TM and my brain locks-up! I'm sure it
can have value for people, such as John Hagelin, who
actually understand it and can facilitate deeper
understanding of the mechanichs of consciousness, but
for us lay folk it is mind numbing.
   That's its true purpose. :-)
  the invoking the too quick on the trigger response part or 
  the mind numbing part?
 The mind numbing part. It's a sales technique 
 designed to make the buyer think, O, these
 people are smarter than I am. I can tell because
 they use big words that I don't understand. There-
 fore they know what they're talking about. And
 so they sign on the dotted line, or continue to
 buy the inferior products of an inferior company
 because they have bought into the company's use
 of buzzwords.
 It's the same model used to sell hardware and
 software. We in the industry call it geekspeak.
 The more incomprehensible geekspeak you throw
 into the blurbs about your product, the more of
 the product you are likely to sell.
 Whatever the intellectual can I connect these
 possibly unrelated dots in my mind value that
 hypothetical exercises like Hagelin's might have
 for *him*, their value to the TM movement is as
 One of the trends that one finds in the study of
 *many* spiritual traditions is that many of the
 traditions that made the biggest impact on 
 society, and in some cases have lasted the longest
 in history, were the ones that *dispensed with*
 geekspeak, or presented a clear alternative to it.
 Christ taught in the common language, using anal-
 ogies and metaphors that were comprehensible to
 the common man. As opposed to the language and 
 the teachings used by the prevailing religions of
 his time. He developed a following.
 One of the primary reasons that the Catholic Church
 exterminated the Cathars was that they *taught in
 the common language*, not in Latin...and not in
 Buddha became popular because he rejected the high-
 falootin' language and rituals of the existing 
 religions, and (again) taught in 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-16 Thread claudiouk
Sorry sinhlnx, I'm finding it harder to follow your points than 
Hagelin's! And you're not even using any quantum maths!

strictly relative principles, akin to the Buddhist principles of 
interconnectedness and dependent origination - MMY consistently 
identifies the Unified Field with the ABSOLUTE, the origin of the 
dualistic Relative.

holographic nature of the universe: a concept pioneered in 
Buddhism - if you mean things like smaller than the smallest = 
greater than the greatest; or as above, so below; or as is the 
atom, so is the universe etc then such holographic parallels predate 

pure Consciousness is not a field - Hagelin says it's the field of 
all fields; a field effect of consciousness, as in the Maharishi 
Effect, means that changes in the coherence and quality of 
indivindual consciousness has an effect on others over and above one-
to-one interactions through action or communication. I think this is 
not anti-Buddhist. The Natural Mind, Buddha Nature, transcends 
individuality.. enlivening the Buddha Nature in oneself naturally 
creates positive effects in others - a field effect.

there's no direct connection between Being and quantum mechanics -
Hagelin talks of superstring theory. Transcending the individual mind 
and the quantum + gravity unification brings us to the Unified 
Field Consciousness - the Being or pure consciousness/existence of 

So don't really see where the discrepancy between MMY and Buddhism 
lies. I personally see myself as more Buddhist than anything else..

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sinhlnx [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- thanks for your outstanding points, most valid indeed!.
 OTOH, on occasion, metaphorical analogues to math/physics 
 can be useful in helping us find parallels to certain deep, subtle 
 properties of relative existence.  The downside is the risk of 
 logical errors such as the appeal to authorities, and geekspeak, 
   Since the TMO has been known to use some (or all) of such logical 
 fallacies, we become naturally suspicious, and rightly so!.
  Such mathematical principles as the E8 Lie group point to 
 to MMY and Hagelin) strictly relative principles, akin to the 
 Buddhist principles of interconnectedness and dependent 
 and ultimately, the holographic nature of the universe: a concept 
 pioneered in Buddhism - more so than in Hinduism. (wiki - the 
 Buddhism of Tien Tai).
  At any rate, no, pure Consciousness - as pointed out by the 
 quantum pioneers themselves (since some of them apparently had an 
 intuitive knowledge of Being-In-Itself, especially Schroedinger); 
 is not a subject of modern scientific inquiry (unless** - as 
 out by Jim Flanagan, we restrict the inquiry by safe qualifications 
 such as this is my experience:..etc..  Then, such studies can 
 be scientific as long as one doesn't tweak the statistics (as in 
 the MUM studies).
   Thus, pure Consciousness is not a field.  One can make 
 to certain facets of relative existence (explored and explained 
 by the Buddhists than Hindus) - particularly the nature of Dharma, 
 karma, and reincarnation; and the various elements of cause and 
  As mentioned before, such relative concepts would be 
 interconnectedness, dependent origination, and the holographic 
 of existence.
  Such concepts may point to THAT, but as several contributors 
 already pointed out, there's no direct connection between Being 
 quantum mechanics.
   I might add that the concept of a Singularity has a ringing 
 appeal to what me might experience as That; but again, a 
 has to be something relative in order for scientists to investigate 
 it, according to the commonly accepted notions of scientific 
 (that does not of course include private revelations).
  BTW private revelations were in the domain of the Gnostics, as 
 opposed to appeal by Authorities ; such as the local Bishop, 
  Naturally, Gnosticism was a very dangerous, heretical approach; 
 since if one can discover innate wisdom through interior inquiry, 
 needs the Pope?
 In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutphen@ 

 Just my usual too quick on the trigger response. I
 hear the term super string or anything of that ilk
 associated with TM and my brain locks-up! I'm sure it
 can have value for people, such as John Hagelin, who
 actually understand it and can facilitate deeper
 understanding of the mechanichs of consciousness, but
 for us lay folk it is mind numbing.

That's its true purpose. :-)
   the invoking the too quick on the trigger response part or 
   the mind numbing part?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-16 Thread Duveyoung

Please tell me the definitions you'd have for consciousness, the
Absolute, Being, and the Unified Field.  I think you're being fuzzy
and mixing the Absolute with Being, but I see Being as the relative,
qualities that must be described dualistically -- thus, I would say
that the Unified Field is a good metaphor for Being, not the Absolute.
 This fuzziness is what I finally decided was a tell about the lack
of subtlety for Maharishi's vocabulary.  

To me, soul, consciousness, Being, atma, are all in the relative. 
They're egoically spawned concepts.

Tell me your definitions for awareness and sentience while you're at it.  

To me the Absolute is pure mystery -- Being can pretend to be the
Absolute, even fool the rishi's that it is the Absolute, but I've seen
the Absolute, and Being, I gotta tell ya, you're no Jack Kennedy.

Anyone else want a piece of this?


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, claudiouk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Sorry sinhlnx, I'm finding it harder to follow your points than 
 Hagelin's! And you're not even using any quantum maths!
 strictly relative principles, akin to the Buddhist principles of 
 interconnectedness and dependent origination - MMY consistently 
 identifies the Unified Field with the ABSOLUTE, the origin of the 
 dualistic Relative.
 holographic nature of the universe: a concept pioneered in 
 Buddhism - if you mean things like smaller than the smallest = 
 greater than the greatest; or as above, so below; or as is the 
 atom, so is the universe etc then such holographic parallels predate 
 pure Consciousness is not a field - Hagelin says it's the field of 
 all fields; a field effect of consciousness, as in the Maharishi 
 Effect, means that changes in the coherence and quality of 
 indivindual consciousness has an effect on others over and above one-
 to-one interactions through action or communication. I think this is 
 not anti-Buddhist. The Natural Mind, Buddha Nature, transcends 
 individuality.. enlivening the Buddha Nature in oneself naturally 
 creates positive effects in others - a field effect.
 there's no direct connection between Being and quantum mechanics -
 Hagelin talks of superstring theory. Transcending the individual mind 
 and the quantum + gravity unification brings us to the Unified 
 Field Consciousness - the Being or pure consciousness/existence of 
 So don't really see where the discrepancy between MMY and Buddhism 
 lies. I personally see myself as more Buddhist than anything else..
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sinhlnx sinhlnx@ wrote:
  --- thanks for your outstanding points, most valid indeed!.
  OTOH, on occasion, metaphorical analogues to math/physics 
  can be useful in helping us find parallels to certain deep, subtle 
  properties of relative existence.  The downside is the risk of 
  logical errors such as the appeal to authorities, and geekspeak, 
Since the TMO has been known to use some (or all) of such logical 
  fallacies, we become naturally suspicious, and rightly so!.
   Such mathematical principles as the E8 Lie group point to 
  to MMY and Hagelin) strictly relative principles, akin to the 
  Buddhist principles of interconnectedness and dependent 
  and ultimately, the holographic nature of the universe: a concept 
  pioneered in Buddhism - more so than in Hinduism. (wiki - the 
  Buddhism of Tien Tai).
   At any rate, no, pure Consciousness - as pointed out by the 
  quantum pioneers themselves (since some of them apparently had an 
  intuitive knowledge of Being-In-Itself, especially Schroedinger); 
  is not a subject of modern scientific inquiry (unless** - as 
  out by Jim Flanagan, we restrict the inquiry by safe qualifications 
  such as this is my experience:..etc..  Then, such studies can 
  be scientific as long as one doesn't tweak the statistics (as in 
  the MUM studies).
Thus, pure Consciousness is not a field.  One can make 
  to certain facets of relative existence (explored and explained 
  by the Buddhists than Hindus) - particularly the nature of Dharma, 
  karma, and reincarnation; and the various elements of cause and 
   As mentioned before, such relative concepts would be 
  interconnectedness, dependent origination, and the holographic 
  of existence.
   Such concepts may point to THAT, but as several contributors 
  already pointed out, there's no direct connection between Being 
  quantum mechanics.
I might add that the concept of a Singularity has a ringing 
  appeal to what me might experience as That; but again, a 
  has to be something relative in order for scientists to investigate 
  it, according to the commonly accepted notions of scientific 
  (that does not of course include private revelations).
   BTW private revelations were in the domain of the Gnostics, as 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-16 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Please tell me the definitions you'd have for consciousness, the
 Absolute, Being, and the Unified Field.  I think you're being fuzzy
 and mixing the Absolute with Being, but I see Being as the relative,
 qualities that must be described dualistically -- thus, I would say
 that the Unified Field is a good metaphor for Being, not the 

 This fuzziness is what I finally decided was a tell about the 
 lack of subtlety for Maharishi's vocabulary.  
 To me, soul, consciousness, Being, atma, are all in the relative. 
 They're egoically spawned concepts.
 Tell me your definitions for awareness and sentience while you're 
 at it.  
 To me the Absolute is pure mystery -- Being can pretend to be the
 Absolute, even fool the rishi's that it is the Absolute, but I've 
 seen the Absolute, and Being, I gotta tell ya, you're no Jack 
 Anyone else want a piece of this?

I'll jump in, even though I haven't thought 
about this stuff in Physics metaphors since
I left the TM movement (and haven't missed
thinking that way). 

I suspect you have a good point about any 
Unified Field Theory that physicists could
come up with having to do purely with the
relative world. That is the only field
they play in.

As for the relative world not being Jack
Kennedy, however, my experiences have con-
vinced me that it *is* Jack Kennedy. Although
the relative world is purely relative, it is
*also* pure Absolute. That is the very essence
of its mystery.

But, at the same time, I have my doubts 
as to science's ability to ever grok that,
much less include it in any of their theories
of How Things Work. Things only work in the
field of the relative, and thus that is the
field they are playing in and trying to find 
some way to describe. That'll take them long
enough and will be challenging enough. They
should leave asking the Absolute to get up
off the bench and join the game to mystics.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-16 Thread claudiouk
you're no Jack Kennedy - not sure what THAT means.. no I'm Claudio.
I'm sure we all have our own views on these matters and how far our 
definitions are fuzzy, and how bad that is in fact, is all rather 
fuzzy to me. I think language can only point the way.. 

re definitions for consciousness, the Absolute, Being, and the 
Unified Field - I don't find MMY's usage of these terms, as in his 
Gita or more recent pronouncements, problematic. They refer to a 
transcendental realm of awareness, beyong thoughts or concepts or 
even objective reality, which is universal, oneness, non-duality, 
the fundamental reality of Being, Existence, Reality.. as opposed to 
duality, individuality, physical reality characterised by locality, 
isolation etc. Can't say I'm philosophically minded so not that 
bothered with fuzzy thinking.

re  Unified Field is a good metaphor for Being, not the Absolute - 
suggests you yourselk have an understanding of the difference between 
Absolute and Relative. The Unifield Field is the theoretical Non-
Duality of Nature, the Unity underlying the Diversity of the 
Relative. Hence I don't find it that difficult to equate it with the 
Absolute. Yes we are dealing with concepts that have arisen from 
different epochs and philosophical traditions but if one takes a 
broader view one can see the equivalences and idsentities rather than 
get bogged down obsessively with finer details that end up distorting 
the reality.

But hey, that's just my opinion and understanding. So what 
conclusions are you making from your premises as expressed in your 
posting (apart from questioning mine, I mean)?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Please tell me the definitions you'd have for consciousness, the
 Absolute, Being, and the Unified Field.  I think you're being fuzzy
 and mixing the Absolute with Being, but I see Being as the relative,
 qualities that must be described dualistically -- thus, I would say
 that the Unified Field is a good metaphor for Being, not the 
  This fuzziness is what I finally decided was a tell about the 
 of subtlety for Maharishi's vocabulary.  
 To me, soul, consciousness, Being, atma, are all in the relative. 
 They're egoically spawned concepts.
 Tell me your definitions for awareness and sentience while you're 
at it.  
 To me the Absolute is pure mystery -- Being can pretend to be the
 Absolute, even fool the rishi's that it is the Absolute, but I've 
 the Absolute, and Being, I gotta tell ya, you're no Jack Kennedy.
 Anyone else want a piece of this?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, claudiouk claudiouk@ 
  Sorry sinhlnx, I'm finding it harder to follow your points than 
  Hagelin's! And you're not even using any quantum maths!
  strictly relative principles, akin to the Buddhist principles of 
  interconnectedness and dependent origination - MMY consistently 
  identifies the Unified Field with the ABSOLUTE, the origin of the 
  dualistic Relative.
  holographic nature of the universe: a concept pioneered in 
  Buddhism - if you mean things like smaller than the smallest = 
  greater than the greatest; or as above, so below; or as is 
  atom, so is the universe etc then such holographic parallels 
  pure Consciousness is not a field - Hagelin says it's the field 
  all fields; a field effect of consciousness, as in the Maharishi 
  Effect, means that changes in the coherence and quality of 
  indivindual consciousness has an effect on others over and above 
  to-one interactions through action or communication. I think this 
  not anti-Buddhist. The Natural Mind, Buddha Nature, transcends 
  individuality.. enlivening the Buddha Nature in oneself naturally 
  creates positive effects in others - a field effect.
  there's no direct connection between Being and quantum 
mechanics -
  Hagelin talks of superstring theory. Transcending the individual 
  and the quantum + gravity unification brings us to the Unified 
  Field Consciousness - the Being or pure consciousness/existence 
  So don't really see where the discrepancy between MMY and 
  lies. I personally see myself as more Buddhist than anything 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sinhlnx sinhlnx@ wrote:
   --- thanks for your outstanding points, most valid indeed!.
   OTOH, on occasion, metaphorical analogues to math/physics 
   can be useful in helping us find parallels to certain deep, 
   properties of relative existence.  The downside is the risk of 
   logical errors such as the appeal to authorities, and 
 Since the TMO has been known to use some (or all) of such 
   fallacies, we become naturally suspicious, and rightly so!.
Such mathematical principles as the E8 Lie group point to 
   to MMY and Hagelin) strictly 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-16 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Please tell me the definitions you'd have for consciousness, the
 Absolute, Being, and the Unified Field.  I think you're being fuzzy
 and mixing the Absolute with Being, but I see Being as the relative,
 qualities that must be described dualistically -- thus, I would say
 that the Unified Field is a good metaphor for Being, not the 

 This fuzziness is what I finally decided was a tell about the 
 lack of subtlety for Maharishi's vocabulary.  
 To me, soul, consciousness, Being, atma, are all in the relative. 
 They're egoically spawned concepts.
 Tell me your definitions for awareness and sentience while
 you're at it.  
 To me the Absolute is pure mystery -- Being can pretend to be the
 Absolute, even fool the rishi's that it is the Absolute, but I've
 seen the Absolute, and Being, I gotta tell ya, you're no Jack 
 Anyone else want a piece of this?

In my understanding, Consciousness, Being,
Absolute, and Unified Field are all synonymous
in MMY's teaching.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-16 Thread Duveyoung
To me Being is all the gunas perfectly balanced but still having the
quality of being manifest -- that is, observable and thus distinct
from the Absolute -- just exactly as a mirror is functional but
invisible to human eyes that are tuned to see only to the mirror's

That quality of having all qualities nested in virtual potential,
and its quality of objectivity, these are what I think the Unified
Field is to today's physicists -- they make statements like an
infinite amount of energy can come from any cubic centimeter of
virtual field.  Sounds like Brahma to me.

Now, what kicks Being off balance and into full manifestation?  Can't
be nothing but the Absolute, right?  But the Absolute has no feet! 
And in fact the Absolute does NOT have the quality of having no feet
too!  See?  Gonna come out stupid sounding whenever one talks about
the Absolute.  That's the mystery -- there's no connection between the
Absolute and Being and this is a powerful deep truth, but as Turq just
reminded us, the Relative is nothing but the Absolute.  Hence the
paradox -- Godel loved it.

I'm waiting for a physicist to say, Hey, is it just me, or did I just
see the universe blink off for a scintillation's halflife?  Then,
I'll say they're sniffing around the Absolute's hydrant.

In a dream, everything's real only as long as the dreamer is there.

Of all the statements one can make about the Absolute, that pausing of
bliss, that silence of deep dreamless sleep is about as truthful as
any lie a brain can tell.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, claudiouk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 you're no Jack Kennedy - not sure what THAT means.. no I'm Claudio.
 I'm sure we all have our own views on these matters and how far our 
 definitions are fuzzy, and how bad that is in fact, is all rather 
 fuzzy to me. I think language can only point the way.. 
 re definitions for consciousness, the Absolute, Being, and the 
 Unified Field - I don't find MMY's usage of these terms, as in his 
 Gita or more recent pronouncements, problematic. They refer to a 
 transcendental realm of awareness, beyong thoughts or concepts or 
 even objective reality, which is universal, oneness, non-duality, 
 the fundamental reality of Being, Existence, Reality.. as opposed to 
 duality, individuality, physical reality characterised by locality, 
 isolation etc. Can't say I'm philosophically minded so not that 
 bothered with fuzzy thinking.
 re  Unified Field is a good metaphor for Being, not the Absolute - 
 suggests you yourselk have an understanding of the difference between 
 Absolute and Relative. The Unifield Field is the theoretical Non-
 Duality of Nature, the Unity underlying the Diversity of the 
 Relative. Hence I don't find it that difficult to equate it with the 
 Absolute. Yes we are dealing with concepts that have arisen from 
 different epochs and philosophical traditions but if one takes a 
 broader view one can see the equivalences and idsentities rather than 
 get bogged down obsessively with finer details that end up distorting 
 the reality.
 But hey, that's just my opinion and understanding. So what 
 conclusions are you making from your premises as expressed in your 
 posting (apart from questioning mine, I mean)?
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
  Please tell me the definitions you'd have for consciousness, the
  Absolute, Being, and the Unified Field.  I think you're being fuzzy
  and mixing the Absolute with Being, but I see Being as the relative,
  qualities that must be described dualistically -- thus, I would say
  that the Unified Field is a good metaphor for Being, not the 
   This fuzziness is what I finally decided was a tell about the 
  of subtlety for Maharishi's vocabulary.  
  To me, soul, consciousness, Being, atma, are all in the relative. 
  They're egoically spawned concepts.
  Tell me your definitions for awareness and sentience while you're 
 at it.  
  To me the Absolute is pure mystery -- Being can pretend to be the
  Absolute, even fool the rishi's that it is the Absolute, but I've 
  the Absolute, and Being, I gotta tell ya, you're no Jack Kennedy.
  Anyone else want a piece of this?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, claudiouk claudiouk@ 
   Sorry sinhlnx, I'm finding it harder to follow your points than 
   Hagelin's! And you're not even using any quantum maths!
   strictly relative principles, akin to the Buddhist principles of 
   interconnectedness and dependent origination - MMY consistently 
   identifies the Unified Field with the ABSOLUTE, the origin of the 
   dualistic Relative.
   holographic nature of the universe: a concept pioneered in 
   Buddhism - if you mean things like smaller than the smallest = 
   greater than the greatest; or as above, so below; or as is 
   atom, so is the universe etc then such holographic parallels 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-16 Thread claudiouk
Being is all the gunas perfectly balanced but still having the
quality of being manifest - MMY, frequently talked about Being = the 
Absolute and, for instance in the Gita, how the Gunas are the 
first Relative manifestation from this Absolute/Being.

the Relative is nothing but the Absolute is just because the 
manifestation is just another point of view of the Absolute - as 
Hagelin tried to show, even in the Unified Fileld equations, one can 
discern the non-duality underlying diversity. And in higher states of 
consciousness first the distinction betweeen Absolute and Relative is 
established, then the non-duality of reality.

All rather theoretical stuff for me anyway - I'll wait and see what 
personal experience brings - so far nothing remotely about Gunas or 
Being or Absolutes.. unfortunately.

But going back to your formulation, if the Absolute is NOT Being, and 
Being is just a finer value of the Relative, and there is a mystery 
about how the Absolute becomes Relative, what 
consequences/implications you see in that then regarding meditation, 
knowledge, enlightenment etc?

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 To me Being is all the gunas perfectly balanced but still having the
 quality of being manifest -- that is, observable and thus distinct
 from the Absolute -- just exactly as a mirror is functional but
 invisible to human eyes that are tuned to see only to the mirror's
 That quality of having all qualities nested in virtual potential,
 and its quality of objectivity, these are what I think the Unified
 Field is to today's physicists -- they make statements like an
 infinite amount of energy can come from any cubic centimeter of
 virtual field.  Sounds like Brahma to me.
 Now, what kicks Being off balance and into full manifestation?  
 be nothing but the Absolute, right?  But the Absolute has no feet! 
 And in fact the Absolute does NOT have the quality of having no 
 too!  See?  Gonna come out stupid sounding whenever one talks about
 the Absolute.  That's the mystery -- there's no connection between 
 Absolute and Being and this is a powerful deep truth, but as Turq 
 reminded us, the Relative is nothing but the Absolute.  Hence the
 paradox -- Godel loved it.
 I'm waiting for a physicist to say, Hey, is it just me, or did I 
 see the universe blink off for a scintillation's halflife?  Then,
 I'll say they're sniffing around the Absolute's hydrant.
 In a dream, everything's real only as long as the dreamer is there.
 Of all the statements one can make about the Absolute, that pausing 
 bliss, that silence of deep dreamless sleep is about as truthful as
 any lie a brain can tell.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, claudiouk claudiouk@ 
  you're no Jack Kennedy - not sure what THAT means.. no I'm 
  I'm sure we all have our own views on these matters and how far 
  definitions are fuzzy, and how bad that is in fact, is all rather 
  fuzzy to me. I think language can only point the way.. 
  re definitions for consciousness, the Absolute, Being, and the 
  Unified Field - I don't find MMY's usage of these terms, as in 
  Gita or more recent pronouncements, problematic. They refer to a 
  transcendental realm of awareness, beyong thoughts or concepts or 
  even objective reality, which is universal, oneness, non-
  the fundamental reality of Being, Existence, Reality.. as opposed 
  duality, individuality, physical reality characterised by 
  isolation etc. Can't say I'm philosophically minded so not that 
  bothered with fuzzy thinking.
  re  Unified Field is a good metaphor for Being, not the 
Absolute - 
  suggests you yourselk have an understanding of the difference 
  Absolute and Relative. The Unifield Field is the theoretical Non-
  Duality of Nature, the Unity underlying the Diversity of the 
  Relative. Hence I don't find it that difficult to equate it with 
  Absolute. Yes we are dealing with concepts that have arisen from 
  different epochs and philosophical traditions but if one takes a 
  broader view one can see the equivalences and idsentities rather 
  get bogged down obsessively with finer details that end up 
  the reality.
  But hey, that's just my opinion and understanding. So what 
  conclusions are you making from your premises as expressed in 
  posting (apart from questioning mine, I mean)?
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
   Please tell me the definitions you'd have for consciousness, the
   Absolute, Being, and the Unified Field.  I think you're being 
   and mixing the Absolute with Being, but I see Being as the 
   qualities that must be described dualistically -- thus, I would 
   that the Unified Field is a good metaphor for Being, not the 
This fuzziness 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-16 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 I think the next generations are more vulnerable to infotainment
 graphics that sum up complexities into simple images.  That is how
 their mind's are being trained to process.  It has a similar effect
 but uses a different sense to achieve its no question goal.

Yeah those damn kids. When we were their age we use to have to trod
through 20 miles of snow to go rounding or fly in the domes. Kids!
Next thing you know they will be listening to rock'n'roll -- or even
blues music!. (the devils music)  


[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-16 Thread jim_flanegin
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  I think the next generations are more vulnerable to infotainment
  graphics that sum up complexities into simple images.  That is how
  their mind's are being trained to process.  It has a similar effect
  but uses a different sense to achieve its no question goal.
 Yeah those damn kids. When we were their age we use to have to trod
 through 20 miles of snow to go rounding or fly in the domes. Kids!
 Next thing you know they will be listening to rock'n'roll -- or even
 blues music!. (the devils music)  
Ha-Ha! Why when I was their age, I had to 

Seriously the greatest impact on a child's mind and whether or not 
they view life with clear and intelligent discrimination is how their 
parents see things. Amazing how unfazed my daughter is by some of the 
less helpful social influences these days, and on the other hand how 
susceptible some of her (mostly past) friends are. She was joking with 
me the other day, yeah dad, I turned out so badly- many of the kids I 
go to school with do drugs on Friday night, and here I am attending a 
school play with my mom 

Also we were talking about how when parents say one thing but do 
another, even though the child can't articulate the disconnect, they 
are totally aware of it on a visceral level, and if the disconnect 
continues, they will naturally lose respect for the parent, and tune 
them out. Something that is way too common, in any generation. So our 
kids keep us real too when we are tuned into them in the present vs. 
stories about how we should be raising them. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-16 Thread new . morning
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutphen@ wrote:
Just my usual too quick on the trigger response. I
hear the term super string or anything of that ilk
associated with TM and my brain locks-up! I'm sure it
can have value for people, such as John Hagelin, who
actually understand it and can facilitate deeper
understanding of the mechanichs of consciousness, but
for us lay folk it is mind numbing.
   That's its true purpose. :-)
  the invoking the too quick on the trigger response part or 
  the mind numbing part?
 The mind numbing part. 

I was asking a bit tongue-in-check. I understood your intent. But
wanted to (humorously ?) introduce another possibility -- that M. does
such to invoke an irritation / vansana-driven response to it.
Resolvong the vasana in those who respond. Perhaps a fringe theory,
but as credible as the trance / marketing theory, IMO.

N.s comment about leaving Purusha because he did not pass the test of
patience, may (maybe not) be an example of this. IMO, and experience,
M uses a lot of techniques to purify those around him. As did SBS,
apparently -- sending M running with secret message to swami miles
away. M to only find out it was a sort of hoax, just to put M thru
some necessary loop of activity. Such tecnniques can drive many
crazy and they leave. Others stick it out, and apparently gain some
good thngs. I can't say for sure. But I know the techniques have
validity from experience.

 It's a sales technique 
 designed to make the buyer think, O, these
 people are smarter than I am. I can tell because
 they use big words that I don't understand. There-
 fore they know what they're talking about. 

I am sure there is a segment of the market that responds like that. I
suggest it may be smaller than you surmise.

 so they sign on the dotted line, or continue to
 buy the inferior products of an inferior company
 because they have bought into the company's use
 of buzzwords.
 It's the same model used to sell hardware and
 software. We in the industry call it geekspeak.
 The more incomprehensible geekspeak you throw
 into the blurbs about your product, the more of
 the product you are likely to sell.

To fools perhaps. Most  people I know respond to substance. Perhaps
you hang with the wrong crowd :)

 Whatever the intellectual can I connect these
 possibly unrelated dots in my mind value that
 hypothetical exercises like Hagelin's might have
 for *him*, their value to the TM movement is as
 One of the trends that one finds in the study of
 *many* spiritual traditions is that many of the
 traditions that made the biggest impact on 
 society, and in some cases have lasted the longest
 in history, were the ones that *dispensed with*
 geekspeak, or presented a clear alternative to it.

So the premeise is that those who communicate clearly have a larger
impact than those who don't. Perhaps a revolutionary concept.

 Christ taught in the common language, using anal-
 ogies and metaphors that were comprehensible to
 the common man. As opposed to the language and 
 the teachings used by the prevailing religions of
 his time. He developed a following.

Which prevailing religions were those and what languge and teachings
do they attempt to foster on to the public? 
 One of the primary reasons that the Catholic Church
 exterminated the Cathars was that they *taught in
 the common language*, not in Latin...and not in

I appreciate the Cathers directlness, but were the catholics of the
time submerged in geekspeak? How so?
 Buddha became popular because he rejected the high-
 falootin' language and rituals of the existing 
 religions, and (again) taught in clear, non-geek-
 speak language to the common people, about things
 that they had to deal with...everyday stuff, like
 suffering and how to get past it.

Yet baptists and fundamentalist ministers today gather millions with
far from simple language, logic and metaphors. Go figure!
 In the beginning, the TM movement taught in clear,
 non-geekspeak language about the benefits of medi-

More stage II. In the beginning, it was God-consciousness, divine
love, angels, gods, and Charlie Lutes golden oratory of SRM.

 And it developed quite a following. Over
 the years it abandoned that approach and began to
 rely more and more on geekspeak, which in my opinion
 was more designed to pander to and hold onto the
 existing followers than to attract new ones. The
 result? As some have pointed out here, more existing
 TMers die every year than new TMers are created.

I find a lot of the newer language and cited studies more
straightforward than the SIMS days. YMMV.

 I'm not convinced that geekspeak is a good thing
 when it comes to spiritual teaching. Yeah, it may
 appeal to the intellect, which 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-16 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
[Barry wrote:]
  Christ taught in the common language, using anal-
  ogies and metaphors that were comprehensible to
  the common man. As opposed to the language and 
  the teachings used by the prevailing religions of
  his time. He developed a following.
 Which prevailing religions were those and what languge and
 teachings do they attempt to foster on to the public?

This is laughably wrong, BTW, on both counts. The
prevailing religions of the time didn't use
incomprehensible language.

But even more starkly wrong, Jesus is recorded as
having said explicitly that his parables and metaphors
had hidden meanings that only those in the know
could understand:

And he said, 'He who has ears to hear, let him hear.'
And when he was alone, those around him with the twelve
[disciples] asked him about the parables. And he said
to them, 'To you has been given the secret of the
kingdom of God, but for those outside everything is in
parables, so that they may indeed see but not perceive,
and may indeed hear but not understand, lest they
should turn and be forgiven' (Mark 4:9-12; similarly
in Matthew 11:9-15).

Sounds like quite the elitist, doesn't he?

He repeats He who has ears to hear, let him hear
something like a dozen times in connection with
one or another of his parables, indicating they
have multiple levels of meaning beyond the surface
understanding of the words.

Jesus is *known* for his geekspeak. It is *the*
predominant characteristic of his teaching. Not
only did he speak in enigmatic, koan-like parables
to the masses, he engaged in highly sophisticated
wordplay with the Jewish religious authorities
that left them baffled and confused.

He developed a following *despite* the fact that
his teaching was couched in highfalutin language,
far from easily accessible to the common man. His
geekspeak challenged them, puzzled them, intrigued
them, drew them in. It was, indeed, a highly
effective sales technique.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-15 Thread at_man_and_brahman
The E(8) Lie group is an essential component
of the E(8)xE(8) heterotic superstring that
Hagelin was involved with at CERN.

This shameless TM tie-in is a sort of 
Eight Degrees of Hagelin theory, if
you will. TM is only eight scalar degrees of 
separation, or vibrational modes of the
superstring, from anything, or something
like that.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mathatbrahman 
 mathatbrahman@ wrote:
  New mathematical discovery, the E8 Lie group. Has more data than the 
  human genome.  Here's an image of it.: (makes a great mathematical 
 Oooo.  Dizzifying.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-15 Thread Peter
All this theoretical physics stuff from Hagelin is a
metaphor, and a poor metaphor at that. It is
essentially incomprehensible and contributes
absolutely nothing to the understanding of

--- at_man_and_brahman

 The E(8) Lie group is an essential component
 of the E(8)xE(8) heterotic superstring that
 Hagelin was involved with at CERN.
 This shameless TM tie-in is a sort of 
 Eight Degrees of Hagelin theory, if
 you will. TM is only eight scalar degrees of 
 separation, or vibrational modes of the
 superstring, from anything, or something
 like that.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
  mathatbrahman@ wrote:
   New mathematical discovery, the E8 Lie group.
 Has more data than the 
   human genome.  Here's an image of it.: (makes a
 great mathematical 
  Oooo.  Dizzifying.
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-15 Thread Vaj

On May 15, 2007, at 7:45 AM, Peter wrote:

All this theoretical physics stuff from Hagelin is a
metaphor, and a poor metaphor at that. It is
essentially incomprehensible and contributes
absolutely nothing to the understanding of

It's interesting, MIU physics texts (privately published) did  
emphasize a relationship and an analogy between physics and  
consciousness BUT they also included a chapter on such analogies and  
mentioned the fact that such analogies could only be taken so far.

At some point, probably around the time Hagelin was urged (forced?)  
to write the hilarious Is Consciousness the Unified Field?, a major  
leap of faith was made and analogy became taken as science or fact.

The TMO and Mahesh Varma: putting the Con back in Consciousness and  
selling it to you.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-15 Thread claudiouk
Is Consciousness the Unified Field? - if consciousness is truly 
most fundamental, there IS a need to relate it to the most 
fundamental laws of physics, because presently it is being ignored 
altogether. As for the limits and incomprehensibility of Hagelin's 
metaphors or equivalences, surely the same could be said of the 
Vedas - in spite of countless commentaries it remains a rather 
obscure philosophy/manual of consciousness. In the end nothing 
but realization itself will do.. 

But I think you are both being too harsh on Hagelin.. He is making 
valiant efforts to interpret those equations in novel ways, as 
windows to the properties of the unified field. Like us looking at 
the behaviour of someone and figuring out underlying propensities? 
The discussion on the equations reflecting the non-duality of unity I 
thought ADDED to my understanding of nonduality I had  come across 
previously from similar statements made by individuals or in 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On May 15, 2007, at 7:45 AM, Peter wrote:
  All this theoretical physics stuff from Hagelin is a
  metaphor, and a poor metaphor at that. It is
  essentially incomprehensible and contributes
  absolutely nothing to the understanding of
 It's interesting, MIU physics texts (privately published) did  
 emphasize a relationship and an analogy between physics and  
 consciousness BUT they also included a chapter on such analogies 
 mentioned the fact that such analogies could only be taken so far.
 At some point, probably around the time Hagelin was urged 
 to write the hilarious Is Consciousness the Unified Field?, a 
 leap of faith was made and analogy became taken as science or fact.
 The TMO and Mahesh Varma: putting the Con back in Consciousness 
 selling it to you.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-15 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On May 15, 2007, at 7:45 AM, Peter wrote:
  All this theoretical physics stuff from Hagelin is a
  metaphor, and a poor metaphor at that. It is
  essentially incomprehensible and contributes
  absolutely nothing to the understanding of
 It's interesting, MIU physics texts (privately published) did  
 emphasize a relationship and an analogy between physics and  
 consciousness BUT they also included a chapter on such analogies
 and mentioned the fact that such analogies could only be taken so
 At some point, probably around the time Hagelin was urged 
 (forced?) to write the hilarious Is Consciousness the Unified 
 Field?, a major leap of faith was made and analogy became
 taken as science or fact.

Actually, as the question mark in the title of
the paper indicates, Hagelin is quite clear
that he is *speculating*.

And, of course, there are plenty of highly
credentialed non-TM physicists and mathematicians
who are also working on integrating consciousness
and physics (e.g., Penrose).

I don't suppose you'd care to be specific as to
why Hagelin's paper is hilarious, would you?

I won't hold my breath.

 The TMO and Mahesh Varma: putting the Con back in Consciousness 
 selling it to you.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-15 Thread at_man_and_brahman

I didn't say that the E(8)xE(8) heterotic
superstring theory had anything to do
with TM, nor did Hagelin at the time
he was at CERN. That came later. He
was still about two years from writing
his first TM/physics monograph.

My point was that *I* had made a connection
between the E(8) Lie group and TM by 
explaining that it had a relationship to
Hagelin himself, and by extension to
the TM universe.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 All this theoretical physics stuff from Hagelin is a
 metaphor, and a poor metaphor at that. It is
 essentially incomprehensible and contributes
 absolutely nothing to the understanding of
 --- at_man_and_brahman
  The E(8) Lie group is an essential component
  of the E(8)xE(8) heterotic superstring that
  Hagelin was involved with at CERN.
  This shameless TM tie-in is a sort of 
  Eight Degrees of Hagelin theory, if
  you will. TM is only eight scalar degrees of 
  separation, or vibrational modes of the
  superstring, from anything, or something
  like that.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend
  jstein@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
   mathatbrahman@ wrote:
New mathematical discovery, the E8 Lie group.
  Has more data than the 
human genome.  Here's an image of it.: (makes a
  great mathematical 

   Oooo.  Dizzifying.
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-15 Thread Vaj

On May 15, 2007, at 9:51 AM, claudiouk wrote:

Is Consciousness the Unified Field? - if consciousness is truly
most fundamental, there IS a need to relate it to the most
fundamental laws of physics, because presently it is being ignored

One wonders if you have read this type of literature, because I've  
read numerous other hypotheses in this regard, so it's far from being  

As for the limits and incomprehensibility of Hagelin's
metaphors or equivalences, surely the same could be said of the
Vedas - in spite of countless commentaries it remains a rather
obscure philosophy/manual of consciousness.

Have you read the Vedas? Is that what they really are, manuals of  
consciousness? You must've read a different Veda than I did then.

In the end nothing
but realization itself will do..

But I think you are both being too harsh on Hagelin.. He is making
valiant efforts to interpret those equations in novel ways, as
windows to the properties of the unified field.

No, he was read the riot act by his guru: either come up with a  
unified field/quantum answer for consciousness/TM/TMSP to support  
what I say or you're out of here.

He stayed.

Like us looking at
the behaviour of someone and figuring out underlying propensities?
The discussion on the equations reflecting the non-duality of unity I
thought ADDED to my understanding of nonduality I had come across
previously from similar statements made by individuals or in

Of course, if you even find the idea of consciousness as a unified  
field tenable.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-15 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On May 15, 2007, at 9:51 AM, claudiouk wrote:
  But I think you are both being too harsh on Hagelin.. He is
  making valiant efforts to interpret those equations in novel 
  ways, as windows to the properties of the unified field.
 No, he was read the riot act by his guru: either come up with a  
 unified field/quantum answer for consciousness/TM/TMSP to support  
 what I say or you're out of here.

 He stayed.

Not surprisingly, Vaj is misrepresenting this
six ways to Sunday.

Here's what he's basing his claim on, a post
by Patrick Gillam from January 2006 (#139273):

I'm trying to summon a memory of a conversation
with a former assistant of John Hagelin. This would
have been the late 1980s or early '90s. As I recall,
she said John was under pressure from Maharishi to
tour the country, telling scientists that consciousness
was indeed the unified field. John resisted, saying his
research partners would frown upon it, and more to
the point, it wasn't such a slam-dunk parallel. But
Maharishi persisted, ultimately saying, If you won't
do it, I'll find someone who will. So John did it.

To start with, this is third-hand information;
Patrick acknowledges that his recollection is

But note that the issue was *touring the country
addressing groups of non-TM scientists* with the
consciousness-is-the-unified-field notion, not
coming up with it in the first place, as Vaj
erroneously claims.

As Lawson pointed out to Vaj on alt.m.t when Vaj
made this claim there, the notion was, in fact,
the reason Hagelin had come to MUM, giving up his
prestigious gig at CERN. There's just no question
that it was something Hagelin believed in
fervently, and he had already developed the idea
in some detail by the time MMY told him to go on
tour with it.

Again, the physics/consciousness connection *was
why he came to MIU to work with MMY*. The claim
that he was forced by MMY to come up with a
theory he didn't believe in is entirely bogus.

Wasn't such a slam-dunk parallel could mean 
several different things (especially since we
don't know if this was a verbatim quote), but
in this context, given that we *do* know Hagelin
believed in the notion, it seems likely that what
Hagelin meant was that the notion was still
*speculative*, not something that was ready to
present to the non-TM physics community as an
actual full-fledged theory.

It's also not clear that Hagelin ever went on
such a tour. According to Lawson, who is pretty
familiar with Hagelin's work, Hagelin may have
given an informal talk here or there to a particular
group, but there was never any kind of full-dress

(And we don't know how Hagelin ended up presenting
the notion to the groups he spoke to. My guess is
that he did present it as speculative, just as he
did in the paper.)

The difference here between what Vaj says and the
real story is a sterling example of why, when Vaj
makes an unsupported claim, it's important to have
a large saltshaker handy. Either Vaj has a terrible
memory, or he doesn't care about accuracy.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-15 Thread Peter
Just my usual too quick on the trigger response. I
hear the term super string or anything of that ilk
associated with TM and my brain locks-up! I'm sure it
can have value for people, such as John Hagelin, who
actually understand it and can facilitate deeper
understanding of the mechanichs of consciousness, but
for us lay folk it is mind numbing.

--- at_man_and_brahman

 I didn't say that the E(8)xE(8) heterotic
 superstring theory had anything to do
 with TM, nor did Hagelin at the time
 he was at CERN. That came later. He
 was still about two years from writing
 his first TM/physics monograph.
 My point was that *I* had made a connection
 between the E(8) Lie group and TM by 
 explaining that it had a relationship to
 Hagelin himself, and by extension to
 the TM universe.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter
  All this theoretical physics stuff from Hagelin is
  metaphor, and a poor metaphor at that. It is
  essentially incomprehensible and contributes
  absolutely nothing to the understanding of
  --- at_man_and_brahman
   The E(8) Lie group is an essential component
   of the E(8)xE(8) heterotic superstring that
   Hagelin was involved with at CERN.
   This shameless TM tie-in is a sort of 
   Eight Degrees of Hagelin theory, if
   you will. TM is only eight scalar degrees of 
   separation, or vibrational modes of the
   superstring, from anything, or something
   like that.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
   jstein@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
mathatbrahman@ wrote:

 New mathematical discovery, the E8 Lie
   Has more data than the 
 human genome.  Here's an image of it.:
 (makes a
   great mathematical 

Oooo.  Dizzifying.
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   Or go to: 
   and click 'Join This Group!' 
   Yahoo! Groups Links

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-15 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just my usual too quick on the trigger response. I
 hear the term super string or anything of that ilk
 associated with TM and my brain locks-up! I'm sure it
 can have value for people, such as John Hagelin, who
 actually understand it and can facilitate deeper
 understanding of the mechanichs of consciousness, but
 for us lay folk it is mind numbing.

That's its true purpose. :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-15 Thread Vaj

On May 15, 2007, at 12:14 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

 Just my usual too quick on the trigger response. I
 hear the term super string or anything of that ilk
 associated with TM and my brain locks-up! I'm sure it
 can have value for people, such as John Hagelin, who
 actually understand it and can facilitate deeper
 understanding of the mechanichs of consciousness, but
 for us lay folk it is mind numbing.

That's its true purpose. :-)

You laugh, but that's actually very true!

What better way to sway the masses than to bombard them with  
Hagelin's pseudoscience as part of your marketing spiel?

It *sounds* true, so therefore it must be good. After all, science  
cannot lie.

Or so they'd like us to believe.

Well, at least he got an award in pseudoscience for some of his  
efforts. Well deserved I might add ;-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-15 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, at least he got an award in pseudoscience for some of his  
 efforts. Well deserved I might add ;-)

And another example of the need to take
a saltshaker to Vaj's claims.

The award he's referring to is the Ig Nobel,
which is most decidedly *not* in pseudoscience.
Vaj knows this, because I've pointed it out

[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-15 Thread new . morning
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter drpetersutphen@ wrote:
  Just my usual too quick on the trigger response. I
  hear the term super string or anything of that ilk
  associated with TM and my brain locks-up! I'm sure it
  can have value for people, such as John Hagelin, who
  actually understand it and can facilitate deeper
  understanding of the mechanichs of consciousness, but
  for us lay folk it is mind numbing.
 That's its true purpose. :-)

the invoking the too quick on the trigger response part or the mind
numbing part?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Visualizing the E8 root system

2007-05-14 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mathatbrahman 

 New mathematical discovery, the E8 Lie group. Has more data than the 
 human genome.  Here's an image of it.: (makes a great mathematical 

Oooo.  Dizzifying.