Re: [hlcoders] L4D Glow Effects

2009-11-25 Thread Chris Janes
We used a particle effect to create something similar, it's not quite as
clean as the L4D outlines and it has some issues with regards to vis leafs.

 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:hlcoders-] On Behalf Of Jonathan Murphy
 Sent: 24 November 2009 22:41
 To: Discussion of Half-Life Programming
 Subject: Re: [hlcoders] L4D Glow Effects
 I might be incorrect but didn't The Hidden mod have a similar shader
 effect? Maybe download and check it out?

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Re: [hlcoders] New Content Authoring Tools In Tonight's Update

2008-06-10 Thread Chris Janes
Quick question about the material editor - is there a way of changing the
preview model? A sphere isn't much use in a lot of cases! I may have missed
it, I only gave it a quick look but nothing jumped out at me as doing the

 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:hlcoders-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mike Durand
 Sent: 10 June 2008 01:38
 To: Discussion of Half-Life Programming
 Subject: [hlcoders] New Content Authoring Tools In Tonight's Update
 Hi All-
 Included in the updates of TF2, Portal, and HL2:Ep2 are the binaries
 the particle editor, the commentary editor, and the materials editor.
 I'm still working on an SDK update that includes a convenient way to
 launch the tools as well as some example particles and commentary
 but in the interim you can run any of the three games with '-tools' in
 the launch options and access the new tools.
 More documentation is on the way, but here is some general information
 to help get you started checking out the tools:
 1.   These three tools run in the same process as the engine and
 can switch between the tools.
 2.   The F10 button changes context between playing the game in the
 'Engine Viewport' window and editing content via the current tool.
 3.   In the lower left corner is an input field that allows the
 to dispatch console commands to the game while working with the tools.
 4.   Particle systems are defined in .pcf files that are located in
 the 'particles' subdirectory beneath the game directory. You should
 extract some of the TF2, Portal, or Ep2 particle files from the game
 caches if you would like to see some examples. The SDK update will
 include example particles.
 5.   Commentary node information is stored in text files in the
 games' 'maps' subdirectory and the established naming convention is
 map_name_commentary.txt. Again, you can extract these files from our
 shipping games to check out the editor ahead of the SDK update and
 example nodes.
 6.   The material editor  is a GUI front-end and preview tool that
 provides a more convenient way of tweaking materials settings. You can
 extract VMT files from our shipping games or those from your own mods
 check it out.
 I'm sure that there will be lots of questions and I'll do my best to
 answer them quickly. I'm looking update the SDK either tomorrow or
 Wednesday which will give you guys some more examples as well as make
 launching the engine tools more consistent with our other tools.
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Re: [hlcoders] Scale down mouse input?

2008-05-03 Thread Chris Janes
Yeah, the crossbow does just this when you zoom in (as does any zoom afaik)

Take a look at the zoom_sensitivity_ratio cvar in c_baseplayer.cpp (ep1) or
view.cpp (ob), it's doing (pretty much) exactly what you want (obviously,
just use your own value in place of the cvar) Jed.

 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:hlcoders-
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Garry Newman
 Sent: 03 May 2008 17:38
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Discussion of Half-Life Programming
 Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Scale down mouse input?
 Doesn't the crossbow do something like this, less sensitive when zoomed

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Re: [hlcoders] Getting OB scratch SDK running with no errors / bugs?

2008-04-28 Thread Chris Janes
 Ran the game, tried to load map. Black screen... seems like its taking
 forever to load. Went to console to see some network problem. The map
 loads... just get a black screen with the main menu on top of it.
 Anyone have luck running the OB scratch SDK? Any of this sound

Yes I've got the OB scratch SDK running and plenty of that lot sounds

 Anyone have a solution to get it running??

Not without a bit more information (ie, what's the network problem it

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RE: [hlcoders] Loading screen art

2008-02-09 Thread Chris Janes
I used a custom proxy to load a suitable image on my loading panels, rather
than changing anything in the UI code itself - you could probably use
something like this, or a procedural material to display dynamic text too.

The meat of the proxy is as follows:

#define DEFAULT_NAME vgui/loading/default

bool CLevelLoadingProxy::Init( IMaterial *pMaterial, KeyValues *pKeyValues )
bool found = false;
m_pBaseTextureVar = pMaterial-FindVar( $basetexture, found );
if ( !found )
return false;

m_pDefaultTexture = materials-FindTexture( DEFAULT_NAME,
if ( IsErrorTexture( m_pDefaultTexture ) )
return false;


return true;

void CLevelLoadingProxy::OnBind( void *pC_BaseEntity )
if ( !m_pBaseTextureVar )

ITexture *texture = NULL;
char loadingimage[ 512 ];
const char *mapname = engine-GetLevelName();

Q_snprintf( loadingimage, sizeof( loadingimage ), vgui/loading/%s,
mapname );

texture = materials-FindTexture( loadingimage, TEXTURE_GROUP_VGUI,
false );
if ( !IsErrorTexture( texture ) )
m_pBaseTextureVar-SetTextureValue( texture );

if ( m_pDefaultTexture )
m_pBaseTextureVar-SetTextureValue( m_pDefaultTexture );

As you can see, I get the name of the current map (there must be a way of
doing this that returns the map name at an earlier point in the loading
process, possibly CSDKModeManager::LevelInit) and use that to load the
relevant loading image. If there isn't a suitable image, it shows a default
image instead that's just pleasantly generic.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of dave
Sent: 10 February 2008 02:34
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Loading screen art

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Yep, I was wondering this as well. Changing the RES file and adding images,
text and changing panel sizes is not hard.  But making those changes and
images specific to whatever map is being loaded appears... very difficult to
say the least.  You'd think this would be something easily editable in
Source, for the sole purpose of letting players know what's coming up next
and maybe show a map briefing or something (we all know players don't read
the mission briefings when they can just click past it), but I guess not.

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RE: [hlcoders] OrangeBox SDK Port Problem

2008-01-27 Thread Chris Janes
Are your dlls being copied to your bin folder correctly?

The first release had a broken solution in that respect.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Cale Dunlap
Sent: 27 January 2008 12:15
Subject: [hlcoders] OrangeBox SDK Port Problem

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Its been a while since I've used this I hope everyone is as helpful as they
were years ago :)

I recently downloaded and began to port my existing mod code into the Orange
Box Beta SDK. Now when the mod starts, I get Could not load library
client. and quits.

When I run this in debug mode, it breaks into the debugger and has the
following in the call stack:
 [Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for
FileSystem_Steam.dll!CreateInterface()  + 0x780b bytes
 MaterialSystem.dll!CreateInterface()  + 0xa571 bytes
 engine.dll!F()  + 0xa0f31 bytes

From what I'm guessing... it is attempting to create an interface into the
client DLL and then failing. Can someone help me out by giving me some
common causes of this? I know Could not load library client is a pretty
vague message, but I hope the call stack helps.

I've changed my SteamAppID to 420 (like the create-a-mod ScratchSDK's
gameinfo.txt is). I've checked user messages and mod events too to make sure
that I am catching all of mine. It almost seems as if it is a simple missing
file or something.

I've always hated tracking these down :( Perhaps someone can point me in the
right direction.



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[hlcoders] datacache crash

2008-01-26 Thread Chris Janes
This issue has just recently sprung up - whenever I make a change to the
mods code base the mod refuses to load a map, it just crashes out with the
datacache.dll error, if I revert the change and try again, the mod works
fine again.

I thought it might be the specific change I was making when the issue
started, but I've since tried others and the same thing is happening, so
it's apparently anything in the codebase causing the issue. I'm not having
issues with other mods / games run via steam, just this one and only when I
make a change to the code base (which can be as little as setting a pointer
to null in a constructor).

I've searched the net for the issue and have tried the various folk
remedies out there to no avail - does anyone else have any ideas? I'm
developing a small pile of mdmps from the crash too - all of which just
point into datacache.dll!



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RE: [hlcoders] datacache crash

2008-01-26 Thread Chris Janes
The map works fine across multiple versions of the mod (it's just a test map
that's as basic as possible) - I think I've tracked the cause of the issue
down to some particle code (I'm updating the code base and bringing across
code from the previous version before then refactoring it).

I can have the particle files in the solution and they compile just fine but
as soon as they're used in another class they cause the engine to crash
through datacache.dll - I'll have to just try re-writing the particle code
tomorrow and see if that resolves the issue.

Not touching OB for now - the cause of the crash does appear to be purely
using the particle class in another entity, so I'll dig further into that.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Cory de La Torre
Sent: 26 January 2008 23:06
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] datacache crash

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
This is a problem with your map, as I've experienced this too, how does your
compile log look for all the maps, because oddly this shouldn't happen. Did
you recompile them under OB? Or what exactly have you edited on them?

On Jan 26, 2008 5:49 AM, Chris Janes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This issue has just recently sprung up - whenever I make a change to the
 mods code base the mod refuses to load a map, it just crashes out with the
 datacache.dll error, if I revert the change and try again, the mod works
 fine again.

 I thought it might be the specific change I was making when the issue
 started, but I've since tried others and the same thing is happening, so
 it's apparently anything in the codebase causing the issue. I'm not having
 issues with other mods / games run via steam, just this one and only when
 make a change to the code base (which can be as little as setting a
 to null in a constructor).

 I've searched the net for the issue and have tried the various folk
 remedies out there to no avail - does anyone else have any ideas? I'm
 developing a small pile of mdmps from the crash too - all of which just
 point into datacache.dll!



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RE: [hlcoders] Animated Decals on Models

2008-01-12 Thread Chris Janes
I think the mod you're talking about was Caliber - last I knew the coder
that did the shield stuff had moved on (Imperio59) and it seems the mod
itself is dead, their domain just points to an advert filled holding page
now, so I don't think it'll be easy to track any of their team down to get
info from.

It's possible that their shield was more than just a sphere mesh with a
pretty refraction shader applied to it, they may have done some fancy shader
writing to get the ripple or something in the code.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ryan Sheffer
Sent: 12 January 2008 20:41
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Animated Decals on Models

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
What we are looking for is either a way around this issue above or an
alternative. I remember a mod awhile back that had sphere shields around
robot players, and when the shields were struck by a bullet they would make
a very nice ripple effect. We are trying to basically accomplish the same
thing, but so far with bad results.

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RE: [hlcoders] Enemy AI to attack you...

2007-10-22 Thread Chris Janes
If the weapon is setup with an acttable, you won't need
NPC_TranslateActivity (well, in the majority of cases anyhow).

But glad it got you on the right track - I spent a couple of days confused
as to why my NPC wouldn't walk when others would!

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Michael Kramer
Sent: 22 October 2007 06:01
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Enemy AI to attack you...

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Thanks for the help, it was the NPC_TranslateActivity, I didn't have a

And also, the weapon wasn't setup for NPC's either, so i had to do that as

So thanks,

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RE: [hlcoders] hudlayout.res

2007-10-22 Thread Chris Janes
hud_reloadscheme will do it.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of John Hiott
Sent: 22 October 2007 20:40
Subject: [hlcoders] hudlayout.res

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

Is there a way to reload hudlayout.res while the game is in progress so I
can make changes and see the results without having to reload the game?


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RE: [hlcoders] hudlayout.res

2007-10-22 Thread Chris Janes
My sending the reply triggered the send / receive that brought in Tonys
reply - I saw it said the same thing as I'd said but it was a tad late by

At least, that's my excuse!

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Leighton
Sent: 22 October 2007 23:55
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] hudlayout.res

Sometimes gmail, hotmail and other providers hold email back for a
while... dunno why.

Or they're too lazy to read replies. Damn coders.

Tony omega Sergi wrote:
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 lol, when i saw all the replied within 20 and 30 minutes of mine i was
 wtf. am i the only person that reads replies before replying? :)

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RE: [hlcoders] Enemy AI to attack you...

2007-10-21 Thread Chris Janes
You might also want to double check that the animation activities are
correct (not just the events) - developer 2 will give you a lot more NPC
debug info, if a schedule is failing you should be able to figure out why.

I had an issue with an NPC recently not moving and it was due to a problem
with the activity name (the NPC didn't have a weapon, so it didn't have an
acttable to convert ACT_WALK into something it understood) - I added
NPC_TranslateActivity to the NPC class and that resolved the issue.

On 10/21/07, Michael Kramer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 I'm building my NPC from scratch, and i'm having trouble getting enemy
 to attack me, or other NPC's.

 This is a From Scratch Mod, but the AI has been enabled, and

 It has the assault behavior, and has all the capabilities to attack, but
 just stands in place...and looks at me. And rotates as i walk around it.

 Any help would be greatly appreciated.

 -Michael Kramer

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RE: [hlcoders] Advice: Laser Beam Sight in Multiplayer

2007-10-17 Thread Chris Janes
Take a look at the RPG - the beam on that is visible to other players and
uses attachment points on the weapon to provide an accurate position, it's
also really easy to make purely client side (I haven't looked at the code
since I pulled it out and made a separate class out of it) - in fact, it may
be just that already.

All you'd need to do would be to extend the little beam it currently
projects out into the world to the end of your traceline.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Richard Hough
Sent: 17 October 2007 23:07
Subject: [hlcoders] Advice: Laser Beam Sight in Multiplayer

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

I'm looking for some advice on how to best structure my code and was hoping
that someone could provide some feedback.


Any advice that any of you can give would be helpful.  While we could just
sludge through the code ourselves and hack something in, learning how to
write efficient code in this SDK is of high value to us and for that we
thought your insight might be helpful.  :)

-Richard Brackhar Hough

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RE: [hlcoders] Compiling under Visual Studio 2008

2007-10-17 Thread Chris Janes
Want to write up how you got it going?

What was the issue that was causing the crash?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Michael Kramer
Sent: 18 October 2007 03:16
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Compiling under Visual Studio 2008

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

Successfully compiled, linked, and running with visual studio 2008, so i
guess you can ignore this now,

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RE: [hlcoders] Advice: Laser Beam Sight in Multiplayer

2007-10-17 Thread Chris Janes
It has a small beam that pokes out from the weapon - it's also visible on
the world model (as seen on the following: I'd have
thought all you'd need would be some tweaking of that (extending the range,
stopping the fade out etc) and you'd be pretty much good to go.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Richard Hough
Sent: 18 October 2007 03:47
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Advice: Laser Beam Sight in Multiplayer

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
Thanks for all the advice so far guys, it's quite helpful!  Keep it coming!

Quick question about the RPG though - I thought the RPG implementation was a
painted dot ala the sniper rifle in TF2, not a full on beam everyone could


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RE: [hlcoders] Map Backgrounds

2007-10-07 Thread Chris Janes
I wouldn't recommend using map backgrounds for a multiplayer mod - the
startup time it incurs is excessive, players just don't want to wait that
long to get into an mp game!

However, look at InstallGameRules in sdk_client.cpp - if you give your
background map a specific prefix or name, you can check for there and make
the game use a specific gamerule class.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Daniel Menard
Sent: 06 October 2007 21:57
Subject: [hlcoders] Map Backgrounds

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

I need a little help with background maps... is there some standard way of
implementing these in a multiplayer game. Ours seems to start a server when
we try to load the background map. How can we revert the gamerules back to
singleplayer when a background map is loaded?


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RE: [hlcoders] Linux Class table problem

2007-08-20 Thread Chris Janes
Indeed - just this last week, I had an issue with SVN conflicts on the .so
file from a remote test server. After a couple of full rebuilds, I finally
thought to take a look at the bin directory, cleared out all the files and
got them all down again via SVN, fixed it up nicely.

Otherwise, make sure that your project files are up to date on the linux
system so that everything is being included properly.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mulchman
Sent: 20 August 2007 23:58
Subject: [hlcoders] Linux Class table problem

Do you use any version control software?

If yes and it's SVN make sure you don't have some lingering .r*'s
somewhere... we had some hidden conflicted files in some stats directory for
a while and I kept wondering why gdb was showing crashes in code that
shouldn't have been compiled in the first place.

Another problem we had at one time was the being compiled wasn't
the same one we were copying (somewhere a copy had been introduced into our


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RE: [hlcoders] SteamId

2007-05-31 Thread Chris Janes
string_t steamId = pPlayer-GetNetworkIDString();

should do the job.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark Chandler
Sent: 31 May 2007 15:34
Subject: [hlcoders] SteamId

Is there any easy way to get clients steam id when you load up the game. Im
looking into locking my mod for beta testing because we had huge problems
last time with leaks. I have managed to encrypt the list of ids using md5
just need to find a way to get the clients steamed.


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RE: [hlcoders] Linux oddness

2007-04-21 Thread Chris Janes
A full reinstall of the system has sorted the issue, not sure what's
happened, but I've re-written the Makefile to ensure everything points to
the right place and it now starts the build properly, but of course, that's
not the end of the troubles!

I'm not getting a series of undefined references to V_* calls (V_FixSlashes,
v_strncpy, V_strnchr etc) in what appears to be all the vcpm o files during
linking. It's finding the so files from the srcds bin folder (or at least,
it's not complaining about them not being there).

I'm forever bemused by the ability of the linux compile process to stump
me... At least it's always a learning experience!

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ondrej Hošek
Sent: 21 April 2007 10:37
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Linux oddness

Could you give us the commandline that leads to the error? (The call to
GCC should be shown by 'make' before you the errors.) It might help with
diagnosing the problem.

Additionally, please make sure that
/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/3.4.6/lib{stdc++,gcc_eh}.a aren't symbolic links
pointing to files that don't exist. ('ls -l' can tell.)

~~ Ondra

Chris Janes wrote:
 I'm always quite careful setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH since my first
 at compiling in linux. As I said, the Makefile hasn't changed (and I've
 double checked the locations to be sure), so CPP_LIB is pointing to the
 right place.

 I'll have to dig further through any logs I can find to see if it might be
 something else causing the issue, suppose it might be something odd about
 the vcproj file.

 As it stands though, I think I'll have a reasonable bit to write about
 getting it going via Fedora Core 6 on VMWare for the Wiki.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jed
 Sent: 21 April 2007 02:25
 Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Linux oddness

 Only two things that came to mind which caused me problems was a) is
 LD_LIBRARY_PATH set correctly and b) have you got the paths set as
 CPP_LIB in the Makefile.

 I had one other problem where i thought I had a No such file error
 but on closer inspection of the message it was caused by an erronous
 semicolon in the Visual Studio .vcproj file that was causing the Linux
 makefile to have a bogus line. It looked like another error until I
 looked into it more.

 On 21/04/07, Chris Janes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm not convinced I need to upgrade the system - I'm running a suitable
 version of gcc, my only issue is that it claims to not find files that I
 know for a fact are present on the system in the locations specified in



 But I need to sort this out fairly rapidly, so I'm going to do it via a
 for now until I can get that machines config sorted.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Louka
 Sent: 20 April 2007 20:20
 Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Linux oddness

 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 I think you need to update your system.  checkout
 this guide, it's very handy.

 On 4/19/07, Chris Janes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've got a head scratcher with my linux compile process - I've not made
 changes to the linux box I build on, nor to the Makefile since I last
 compiled with it, but it's spitting out the following after vcpm has


 gcc: /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/3.4.6/libstdc++.a: No such file or
 gcc: /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/3.4.6/libgcc_eh.a: No such file or

 I've done an slocate and both files are in the location listed in the
 Makefile, so I'm not entirely sure why it's throwing the error in the

 Any ideas?

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RE: [hlcoders] Linux oddness

2007-04-21 Thread Chris Janes
These are separate from running it under VMWare, all of these issues stem
from my FC3 box. I decided to resolve the issues with my normal box rather
than go through setting up a temporary solution with VMWare (though it was
an interesting learning experience running FC6 through VMWare).

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jed
Sent: 21 April 2007 13:43
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Linux oddness

 As it stands though, I think I'll have a reasonable bit to write about
 getting it going via Fedora Core 6 on VMWare for the Wiki.

Well I'm running FC6 under VMWare and haven't had any of the problems
you've described. :(

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RE: [hlcoders] Linux oddness

2007-04-20 Thread Chris Janes
I'm not convinced I need to upgrade the system - I'm running a suitable
version of gcc, my only issue is that it claims to not find files that I
know for a fact are present on the system in the locations specified in the

But I need to sort this out fairly rapidly, so I'm going to do it via a VM
for now until I can get that machines config sorted.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Louka Outrebon
Sent: 20 April 2007 20:20
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Linux oddness

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
I think you need to update your system.  checkout
this guide, it's very handy.

On 4/19/07, Chris Janes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've got a head scratcher with my linux compile process - I've not made
 changes to the linux box I build on, nor to the Makefile since I last
 compiled with it, but it's spitting out the following after vcpm has run:

 gcc: /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/3.4.6/libstdc++.a: No such file or
 gcc: /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/3.4.6/libgcc_eh.a: No such file or

 I've done an slocate and both files are in the location listed in the
 Makefile, so I'm not entirely sure why it's throwing the error in the

 Any ideas?

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RE: [hlcoders] Linux oddness

2007-04-20 Thread Chris Janes
I'm always quite careful setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH since my first attempts
at compiling in linux. As I said, the Makefile hasn't changed (and I've
double checked the locations to be sure), so CPP_LIB is pointing to the
right place.

I'll have to dig further through any logs I can find to see if it might be
something else causing the issue, suppose it might be something odd about
the vcproj file.

As it stands though, I think I'll have a reasonable bit to write about
getting it going via Fedora Core 6 on VMWare for the Wiki.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jed
Sent: 21 April 2007 02:25
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Linux oddness

Only two things that came to mind which caused me problems was a) is
LD_LIBRARY_PATH set correctly and b) have you got the paths set as
CPP_LIB in the Makefile.

I had one other problem where i thought I had a No such file error
but on closer inspection of the message it was caused by an erronous
semicolon in the Visual Studio .vcproj file that was causing the Linux
makefile to have a bogus line. It looked like another error until I
looked into it more.

On 21/04/07, Chris Janes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm not convinced I need to upgrade the system - I'm running a suitable
 version of gcc, my only issue is that it claims to not find files that I
 know for a fact are present on the system in the locations specified in

 But I need to sort this out fairly rapidly, so I'm going to do it via a VM
 for now until I can get that machines config sorted.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Louka Outrebon
 Sent: 20 April 2007 20:20
 Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Linux oddness

 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
 I think you need to update your system.  checkout
 this guide, it's very handy.

 On 4/19/07, Chris Janes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I've got a head scratcher with my linux compile process - I've not made
  changes to the linux box I build on, nor to the Makefile since I last
  compiled with it, but it's spitting out the following after vcpm has
  gcc: /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/3.4.6/libstdc++.a: No such file or
  gcc: /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/3.4.6/libgcc_eh.a: No such file or
  I've done an slocate and both files are in the location listed in the
  Makefile, so I'm not entirely sure why it's throwing the error in the
  Any ideas?
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[hlcoders] Linux oddness

2007-04-19 Thread Chris Janes
I've got a head scratcher with my linux compile process - I've not made any
changes to the linux box I build on, nor to the Makefile since I last
compiled with it, but it's spitting out the following after vcpm has run:

gcc: /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/3.4.6/libstdc++.a: No such file or
gcc: /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/3.4.6/libgcc_eh.a: No such file or

I've done an slocate and both files are in the location listed in the
Makefile, so I'm not entirely sure why it's throwing the error in the first

Any ideas?

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RE: [hlcoders] My mod disapeared.

2006-12-06 Thread Chris Janes
You could just hand craft the entry in the GameConfig.txt - found in
\Steam\SteamApps\Username\sourcesdk\bin - copy an existing entry (for say,
HL2) and enter the information for your mod (the majority is either the same
or really easy to figure out).

That's part of what Vconfig does - you'll then be able to find the mod under
the drop down list in the SDK menu. It's not the easiest method, but it's
pretty much a guaranteed way of fixing this sort of issue.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Greg Lindquist
Sent: 06 December 2006 17:12
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] My mod disapeared.

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] I was under the impression
that there was a away to reinstall the entire SDK
- if I do that, would that ruin my mod?

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RE: [hlcoders] Problems with latest hl2dm sdk update:

2006-10-29 Thread Chris Janes
The quick and easy way to resolve this is to change the SteamAppId from 215
to 320 in your mods GameInfo.txt - while it will enforce the requirement of
having HL2DM, I can't think of many ways of owning an HL2 game that doesn't
include DM, it's also a bit easier than shipping a bunch of redundant

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gustavo Restrepo
Sent: 27 October 2006 14:22
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Problems with latest hl2dm sdk update:

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Im experiencing the same
issues as enriched btw, i could recreate all the problems when compiling a
HL2DM mod

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RE: [hlcoders] SDK Bug Tracking Web Page

2006-09-06 Thread Chris Janes
Who's to say which VDC users are 'more experienced'?

What if a person isn't a member of the VDC, is a member of the list and
wishes to submit a bug?

Basically, you can't limit membership to the bug tracker in that sort of

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Robbie
Sent: 06 September 2006 09:26
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] SDK Bug Tracking Web Page

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] What about letting only the
more experienced users on the VDC add bugs to bugzilla and the other users
just use the wiki-pages. This would prevent that bugs are added that are not
confirmed or just aren't undocumented well.

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RE: [hlcoders] virtual function

2006-08-10 Thread Chris Janes
C_WeaponFrag is the client side implementation of the class - you'll want to
either put your new function in the shared baseweapon code or in


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Wursteisen David
Sent: 10 August 2006 20:51
Subject: [hlcoders] virtual function


This is for a noob question (I think :P)

I try to add a virtual function to CBaseCombatWeapon

So I add this into the declaration of this class :

virtual int GetHudDisplay() const {
return Clip1();

and, in my weapon, which is derivated from class CWeaponFrag: public
CBaseHLCombatWeapon { public :
// something
int GetHudDiplay() const;

(CWeaponFrag - CBaseHLCombatWeapon - CBaseCombatWeapon )

When I debug this :
C_BaseCombatWeapon *weapon = player-GetActiveWeapon();

the debugger say that weapon is a C_WeaponFrag (so a CWeaponFrag, isn't it
?) but the weapon use the function from CBaseCombatWeapon and not
CWeaponFrag, as I want. but why ? There is something that I don't


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RE: [hlcoders] Re: Portal

2006-08-01 Thread Chris Janes
Given a 'true' implementation of a portal system (as described at flipcode
( and wikipedia
( ) the portals themselves
resolve the PVS issue by extending the view frustrum for clipping /
rendering purposes. I'd be hoping that the Portal team have in fact gone as
far as to add the tech to the core engine rather than spend over a year
doing a hack job of it (Narbacular Drop shows they know how to do it, it's
'just' a case of integrating it into Source) - as has been discussed (and
demonstrated with the Gmod SWEP) it's possible to do in the current engine
with a bit of work and some smoke and mirrors, it just doesn't form a 'true'
portal implementation.

I guess we'll either have to wait for an official word from valve about it,
to save us all going mad figuring it out - or for Portal to be released so
we can poke around ourselves and figure it out.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jeffrey botman
Sent: 01 August 2006 22:20
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Re: Portal

Aaron Schiff wrote:
 [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Another problem we
 haven't thought of is the PVS...they obviously have to add much more
 to the PVS code to make sure all of the entities on other side of the
 portal are rendered too

PVS should be handled with respect to the remote camera used by the
portal.  What's visible to that camera (from the camera's point of view)
gets rendered to the texture used as the material displayed as the portal.

Jeffrey botman Broome

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RE: [hlcoders] Fundamental Source engine question (OT)

2006-07-20 Thread Chris Janes
You'll have to keep us updated on how things are going Adam, well, until NDA's 
and the like kick in and you vanish into a web of obscurity. My team and I 
recently won a years worth of free office space from a local business incubator 
to help us get up and running, so hopefully we'll be in a similar position 

Slightly back on topic, it'd be interesting to find out whether or not Source 
has paid for itself yet in terms of game sales and engine licenses.


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Adam amckern 
Sent: 21 July 2006 01:37
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Fundamental Source engine question

This has gone way OT, but I’ll add my few cents

I have worked out a budget of just over 10K (AUD) a month for 10 people, plus 
business start up costs, and we plan on reaching about 3 million from VC 
capital) to stay afloat. (At the moment we have a lot less then that)

We (Nigredo Studios) are spending 3 months making a demo/prototype, and then 
will pitch that to publishers so that we can stay a float for the planed 18 
months cycle.

I worked out the total dev length to be around 18 months; working within the 
shared office space we let opening hours. (They are software developers them 

Looking at game engine offers, Source, and UE3, where the best on the market, 
that offered what we where after, but because Epic are a pain in the arse to 
deal with (They don’t answer your email), I contacted valve, and we have a 
very lose agreement.


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RE: [hlcoders] Rendering Model over VGUI

2006-07-18 Thread Chris Janes
Are you running in debug or release mode?

I get a black background in debug, but not in release (I have no idea why

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Aaron Schiff
Sent: 18 July 2006 22:27
Subject: [hlcoders] Rendering Model over VGUI

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] I've been working on this
and it all works right, except I end up with a black background.  How do I
make it transparent?


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RE: [hlcoders] Vac

2006-07-11 Thread Chris Janes
A number of admins on the hidden forums found that rolling back their srcds
files allowed them to run secured servers - though I'm not sure if VAC is
running in a complete sense or if it's just indicating a false secure status
in the server browser, I can provide a link to 'rolled back' linux files if
anyone wants them for testing.

Could someone at valve comment on the official situation regarding VAC and
third party mods?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Charles Solar
Sent: 12 July 2006 02:25
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Vac

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Well thats what I thought
too, but then I created a new mod from scratch, and copied the dods's dlls
into it.  Then I started it and presto, no vac either...  Which is what led
me to beleive that it has to be configured valve side like the steam stats.

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RE: [hlcoders] Blood not spawning for attacker?

2006-06-26 Thread Chris Janes
We had a similar issue but with projectile weapons, the DispatchTraceAttack
call in FireBullet was only being made on the server - we only figured it
out by looking at how our melee and projectile weapons differed (the melee
showed blood sprays correctly to everyone).

Assuming that you're using fairly standard melee weapon code, be sure that
the call to tr.m_pEnt-DispatchTraceAttack in Hit is called on both client
and server.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Imperio59
Subject: [hlcoders] Blood not spawning for attacker?

I was working on a new melee weapon for our mod Caliber when I ran across
this. I've been debugging left and right all night trying to understand why
the blood and the spark effects I do in TraceAttack(by
default) and OnTakeDamage don't show up when you're the person attacking.

I ran tests with two computers to figure out if this was the bot code
causing this (as I run tests with the default SDK bots) and it is the
same: If i'm the one being attacked I see the blood decals and the spark
effects, but if i'm the one attacking I don't see any blood decals or
sparks, even though I hear the spark sounds for the sparks... I checked the
code, it gets run on both sides (Server's DispatchEffect and Client's
EffectCallback) so that rules out any network oddities I guess.

I'm at a loss to understand this...
Is this a known bug Valve? Is there a fix for it? Has anyone else run into
this? Am I having coder hallucinations at 3:20am again?

Thanks in advance

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RE: [hlcoders] How to Create a Model Attached to the Player using only code.

2006-06-08 Thread Chris Janes
Unless I'm grossly mistaken, this will spawn the box, but won't attach it to
the player - I may be misreading the original request, but I thought it was
more about spawning the box, attaching it to the player then detaching it
when the player died.

So Michaels code is a good start, but a bit more information is required to
get the box moving with the player and falling away when the player dies.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Michael Kramer
Sent: 08 June 2006 05:01
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] How to Create a Model Attached to the Player using
only code.

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] ahh, that formatted all
weird, I will send it again:

Somewhere in player.cpp (or sdk_player.cpp, or hl2_player.cpp) you need to
add a class like this:

snipped code

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RE: [hlcoders] Writing VTFs

2006-04-01 Thread Chris Janes

It's not quite the same as writing TGAs - VTFs are more like DDS files than
TGAs in how they store image data. You could look at VTFlib
( which should be able to
point you in the right direction for writing VTFs.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Garry Newman
Sent: 01 April 2006 11:24
Subject: [hlcoders] Writing VTFs

Just wondering if anyone had done this yet before I started messing.
Is it available anywhere in the code? All I could find was writing TGAs.

At the moment I can write TGAs fine (following the save game icon example).

I'm kinda thinking that the actual data of TGAs and VTFs aren't going to be
that different, if the image format is the same.

There's some really useful information here

Including the struct for the header.. So would saving a VTF just be the same
as a TGA but with a different header?

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RE: [hlcoders] filesystem_steam.dll cant load

2006-03-14 Thread Chris Janes
Run HL2, should fix it right up.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Adam Donovan
Subject: [hlcoders] filesystem_steam.dll cant load

[ Converted text/html to text/plain ]

well just woke up today to play with some things I was doing with the sdk to
find that all my mod files will not run in hammer. I even tried making a new
mod from scratch to test things and I got the error of filesystem_steam.dll
cant load..  I did notice that there was an upadtae for steam just before it
all stopped what is the go here anyone have any clues to whats


Adam Donovan

Hybrid Media Artist

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RE: [hlcoders] Meetup at GDC?

2006-03-10 Thread Chris Janes
I'll be there for the IGF finals, should be interesting.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tim Holt
Sent: 10 March 2006 18:55
Subject: [hlcoders] Meetup at GDC?

How many listers will be at GDC this year?  I'm attending to go to the
Serious Games Summit (and the conference as a whole).  Anyone else?

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RE: [hlcoders] Animation issues

2006-02-24 Thread Chris Janes
 Yeah, that's why I was fairly sure it wasn't the model - I've seen people
discuss it before. I'm just curious as to why it's happening on the melee
weapon, which has a good 1/2 second delay before it can fire again...

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jason Houston
Sent: 24 February 2006 13:28
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Animation issues

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] It's nothing to do with the
model, the blank SDK does it(that's what you are using isn't it?). When I
was stuffing about with that SDK, I ported some old
HL1 models from my first mod to it, the shotgun had the wierd animation
skipping problem still. Maybe something in the blank SDK doesn't like having
animations play too fast?


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[hlcoders] Animation issues

2006-02-23 Thread Chris Janes
I'm experiencing some weird blending issues - from what I've read in the
past I'm not the only one that has odd blending when the shotgun reloads
(it's does a couple fine, but then skips several sets of the animation, the
gun remains motionless, the sound plays but the hand doesn't move).

I've got a similar issue with a melee attack, I've put in a 1/2 second delay
between attacks to make sure it wasn't just trying to blend between the two
animations too quickly but from a standing start there's no guarantee that
the animation will play correctly.

Has anyone else had similar problems and figured out a work around / fix for

I've linked two videos showing the problems (because, as they say, a
picture's worth a 1000 words)

On an aside - I've just been told about a material exploit using
mat_texture_limit, setting it to a high value (over 10k) makes certain
textures (such as player model textures) appear black. Anyone got any ideas
about how I can combat this? (it's not a cvar that's obvious in the sdk



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RE: [hlcoders] Animation issues

2006-02-23 Thread Chris Janes
Yup, the qc file references all smds correctly - even then, it's not an on
/ off thing, sometimes it'll do the right animation 5 times in a row, then
randomly refuse to play it. It starts to play, you can see the hands twitch
but it doesn't continue on with the animation.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Michael Kramer
Sent: 23 February 2006 23:54
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Animation issues

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] When you are compiling the
models, the smd' they have names such as Fire.smd Fire01.smd Fire02.smd
and so on. Now, are you sure that the file has animations set to these?
Otherwise, it would play lets say, Fire.Smd's animation which is the
correct, while the modelor left fire 01 blank, so on the next time it plays
the animation it is now nothing..

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[hlcoders] Aura effect

2006-02-11 Thread Chris Janes
I'm trying to create an effect similar to the Auspex vision in Bloodlines
(see image links) I've figured out that the basic effect is create by
attaching particle emitters to the bone hierachy of the character models,
this isn't an issue.

The problem I'm having is figuring out how to make it render in a similar
way, where the character model occludes the sprites but nothing else does.
It may be that it required engine alterations, in which case I'll just make
do with something not quite as pretty, but if anyone can suggest any ideas
I'd be much obliged!

Image links :
Http:// ( shows the basic aura )
Http:// ( shows the aura through a
wall )



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RE: [hlcoders] Round Timer/Map Reset

2006-02-02 Thread Chris Janes
Where are you storing the scores?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gus
Sent: 02 February 2006 19:28
To: hlcoders
Subject: [hlcoders] Round Timer/Map Reset

Hey y'all,

am having trouble with my round timer/map reset..was working before
but now is has a glitch or something. Was wondering anyone out there can
help me get this going.the problem is that the team scores are
erased at each map reset, I need the scores to stay for every
round.anyway here's the code am using..

 snip code 

Best regards.


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RE: [hlcoders] First Person Spectator

2006-01-31 Thread Chris Janes
Cheers for that - it's how I figured it'd go... But it does however mean
going through and making any calls to pl.v_angles safe by using .Get()
with them. A minor niggle but there's nothing else to be done (well, apart
from running the risk of a crash on linux servers).

Looking at it, you might also be able to use GetAnimEyeAngles() from
C_SDKPlayer - m_angEyeAngles is a networked copy of the v_angle so should
work just as well.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ben Everett
Sent: 31 January 2006 03:45
Subject: RE: [hlcoders] First Person Spectator

Hah, thanks for giving me a reason to hunt this one down. The Forsaken
testers have been after me a while to fix it... anyways... here you go. A

Step 1: In PlayerState.h around line 34 change:
QAngle v_angle;

Step 2: In player.cpp around line 6484 add in after sending the dead flag:
SendPropQAngles (SENDINFO(v_angle), 13),

Step 3: In c_baseplayer.cpp around line 85 add in after receiving the dead
RecvPropQAngles (RECVINFO(v_angle)),


P.S. The cause of this is in baseplayer_shared when calling EyeAngles. It
returns pl.v_angle which is initialized to a zero-vector. By enabling it to
be sent over the network this resolves the issue.

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RE: [hlcoders] First Person Spectator

2006-01-29 Thread Chris Janes
I spent a week or so trading emails with Martin Otten about this - nothing
came of it, it's something about pl.v_angle not being sent across to the
client (which stops you from getting the correct player eye angles). Quite
why this is true, yet all the spectator stuff is done client side is beyond

Sorry it's not a fix, but it might point you in the right direction at least
- I've not got time to pick it up again right now.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jeremy Swigart
Sent: 30 January 2006 01:27
Subject: [hlcoders] First Person Spectator

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ] Anyone that has fixed the
first person spectator bug remember offhand what it was needed fixed? The
bug I'm referring to specifically is the spectator bug that causes the
camera not to rotate with the player you are spectating(first person
spectator mode), it stays looking in one direction, even though the player
is rotating normally. Hope that makes sense. Anyone that fixed this remember
what they changed?


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RE: [hlcoders] Weapons research

2005-12-16 Thread Chris Janes
Not sure where the cs information came from, but is a good resource for weapons, is useful for images. It's also worth visiting
the sites of the manufacturers of the weapons, they tend to list a fair
amount of information.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of DrBob
Sent: 16 December 2005 18:38
Subject: [hlcoders] Weapons research

With regards to the weapons used in Counter-Strike: Source, where did you
guys at Valve get the schematics and information?
I've had a quick Google, and all I can find is piecemeal.


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RE: [hlcoders] Is there such a thing as a NULL model?

2005-11-26 Thread Chris Janes
For early versions of hidden we just commented out the world model from the
weapon script - it threw an error in the console, but didn't crash and the
model was invisible (no error model either). Might be a good place to start

If that doesn't work for you, could you not maybe set the models alpha to 0?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Imperio59
Sent: 26 November 2005 20:20
Subject: [hlcoders] Is there such a thing as a NULL model?

I'm faced with a problem right now, and i've been trying a few solutions but
to no avail so far...
I'm trying to create a weapon that has a first person view model, but no
third person model at all (the character model will display the animation).
I've tried SetModel(NULL); or putting  as the world model name in the
script file, both those crash me... I've tried putting a bunch of
AddEffect(EF_NODRAW) everywhere in my weapon class, no luck there, i've had
a modeller make me an empty model, and that also crashes...

Anyone got a simple solution for me to fix this problem?

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[hlcoders] Problems with observer targets

2005-10-08 Thread Chris Janes
I've setup a custom entity to create security camera style spectator
positions; at initialspawn, I create a vector of ehandles to store them.
Then in FindNextObserverTarget, I loop through this vector and compare
against the existing observer target, if I find it, I return the next item
in the vector (or previous, depending on order). There are checks for out of
bounds, these work nicely.

The new observer target gets set successfully, but when it comes to
calculating the view on the client, GetObserverTarget returns an invalid
pointer. I'm a bit wary of networked entities, I've double checked the VDN
for any further information that might help but it's proving elusive if it's
there. Anyone got any ideas about how / why this is happening?



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RE: [hlcoders] Just a few questions!

2005-05-06 Thread Chris Janes

A google search won't reveal the best way of using the already present crc
code in the sdk, I'd rather not reinvent the wheel as it were!

I'm not sure what you mean by not got any real entities there... The
entities are present in the map and in the global entity list, it just seems
that it gives up looping through the entity list and drops some of the
players at the same spawn point.

Yeah, we'll keep trying to find a way round it, TWL and VERC have proven
generally useless with regards to shader fallback questions.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Adam amckern
Sent: 06 May 2005 06:47
Subject: Re: [hlcoders] Just a few questions!


Try doing a google search for crc's or try forums (very

This is also common on NS HL1, its becuase the code refrences the loction of
spawns, but has not got any real entitys there (correct me if i'm wrong UWE)

Try TWL, or VERC

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[hlcoders] Just a few questions!

2005-05-05 Thread Chris Janes
Just a couple of things that have me thrown at the moment!

I need to secure some material files against modification, obviously, we can
do things like mark them as read only and set them as hidden files, however,
we'd like to put in crc checks against the clients versions - I know there's
a checksum_crc.cpp but I've not the slightest idea how to use it or even if
I can - I've looked at the code and nothing obvious jumps out - any chance
of some documentation for it?

I've got a majorly weird spawn bug - standard spawning code, with slight
modification to provide for different entity names however, during spawn
it's common to find players trapped within each other, as if there are
insufficent spawn spots. I've been scratching my head over it and really
can't think of much else to try - the only thought our team has come up with
is to put in a slight delay between player spawns at the start of a round to
see if that helps at all. Any ideas on how I might go about fixing that up
would be much obliged as it's been the bane of the teams existence for a
while now.

Finally, a semi-art, semi-code question, is there any reason that HL2
doesn't support alpha transparent vertex lit models? We've tried it as part
of a shader fallback and they come out as bright white models with vertices
that stretch out to infinity. We can do it with unlit models, but that makes
them bright as day in dark areas.

I'll happily post up code if you reckon it'll help at all, cheers for any
ideas or thoughts!


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[hlcoders] Shader fallbacks

2005-03-11 Thread Chris Janes
My mod team has managed to create fallback shaders for our refraction effect
for every level *except* for dx8 at low shader settings - I'd have thought
that at the least, dx8 low would fall back to dx 7 / 6, but that doesn't

Any ideas how we should go about setting this up?



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RE: [hlcoders] Player Rendering effects

2005-02-21 Thread Chris Janes
I've got a similar system going in my mod, except we use a material with the
refract shader - a possibility would be to use the playerspeed material
proxy to affect the refraction level, though that wouldn't allow a way of
getting the model back into full visibility again (something I want to look
into for a player death).

However, be warned, the refract shader requires a number of fallbacks (it
looks different between dx 8 and 9, doesn't work at all on dx8 low shaders
or dx6/7). One of my artists is currently trying to figure out a way of
getting dx8 on low shaders to at least fall back to dx6, rather than
displaying a pure white material!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of British_Bomber
Sent: 21 February 2005 09:51
Subject: [hlcoders] Player Rendering effects

I am currently trying to implement a way of making a specific class in my
mod become more and more translucent the less they move, and if they stop
completely for a period of time they become completely invisible.

I have the majority of this working, it's simple enough, but I am having an
issue with creating a translucent player. The final effect which is a
complete no draw is in, and so is the starting point, solid.  It's the
middle, transitional period I have had the problems with.  If  you have seen
the E3 demo where the translucent character is standing in the flame you
will get an idea of what I am trying to acheive.  Unfortunatly I havent been
able to figure out exactly how to get them to appear like that.  I have
tried changing the player's keyvalue renderamt, and also the players
rendermode.  Is this the right way to go about it or do I have to change the
player's material dynamically somehow?

I know it's probably some simple soloution that I missed at 3am, but it's
just eluding me.

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