Re: LI help on modem

1998-03-21 Thread Robert Blankenship

Robert Blankenship [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

thank you sue.

Sue Hartigan wrote:

 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi Bob:

 Len is the guy you need.  :)  He is helping me too and he knows what he
 is talking about.

  good morning all
  i'm thinking of upgrading my modem,but not sure which way to go.i now
  have a 28,800

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I dont suffer from stress.I'M a carrier..

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Re: LI Friday The 13th: Evil Or Excuse? It doesn't hurt to be prepared:

1998-03-21 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Jackie:

That little trick only took me a year to learn.  BG  Bobby was showing
me a lot more the other day.  But I have already forgotten them.  :(  If
you know how to use your word program I guess most of the tricks work
the same way on the mail and things out on the web.

I'm still saving my address book because it took me so long to finally
get one.  LOL  

 Hi Sue
 Thank you, thank you, thank you.  I bet Kathy is thanking you too.  See Kathy, your
 teaching paid off--the learner is now a teacher bg.  I will try this the next time 
 surf as a test.  Boy, wait this  I go to the computer seminar--they will really be
 impressed, don't you think.

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Re: LI Jim McDougal

1998-03-21 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Jackie:

I was thinking back about my experiences with this sort of thing the
other day, and can remember the first time it happened to me.  I was
about 20 or so and one of the engineers at the hospital came on to me. 
I had heard stories about him being married and coming on to women at
the hospital, but didn't really pay any attention.  Anyway one night
when I was working the grave yard shift the phone rang and it was him
asking if I wanted to go out after work for a drink and a few other
things.  :(  I didn't really know what to say or do.  After hee-hawing
around for a few minutes I managed to say something like my dad was
picking me up after work or something like that.  The next day I told my
supervisor, and she did something about it, never knew what, but this
guy was put on notice to leave the women alone.  He avoided me after
that.  Not that it was that hard, as I was avoiding him too.  And there
were never any more rumors about him.

I had a supervisor do the same thing a few years later.  But I just said
no thanks and after that there were no further problems.  We still got
along fine, and never really had any problems.

Can't really say that I have had that many problems with it.  Usually a
simple no was enough to end the problem, permanently.

Did have one guy who offered me a part time job let it be known that in
order to get the job, he expected a little entertainment.  Unfortunately
for him, I didn't need the money that bad, and I let him know that his
wife would love to know what the job he offered entailed.  Don't know
what ever happened to him, but needless to say I didn't go to work for
him.  He did call the office one day for an appointment, but never
showed up when he found out I worked there.  Hope he wasn't too 
sick.  LOL

 Hi Sue
 I guess the pollers didn't ask any independents then or even someone who has no 
professed party
 affliation.  Geez, now I can't have an opinion of my own that isn't influenced by my 
political leanings,
 excuse me all to heck.
 Had my students do a little off-the-cuff exercises.  Asked them to tell me what they 
would do if they had
 to meet with a person they had heard was a womanizer.  How would they handle it??  
My 18 year old males
 and females had more moxy than Ms Willey.  I guess that is why I didn't find it so 
credible in the first
 place.  I guess I agree with Doc in this respect.
 IMO, once again, we see the idea of the woman who should have all the rights, but 
bear little
 responsibility for the consequences that occur when she takes unnecessary risks.  
Yes, all these women had
 the right to expect not to be harassed, but knowing the reputation of Clinton if all 
the stories can be
 believed, didn't they also have the responsibility to cut down their risks of being 
harassed?  Just a

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LI Williams: Verdict

1998-03-21 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a case a prosecutor said would "give nightmares to Stephen King," a
woman was convicted Friday of killing two children and their pregnant
mother, then cutting the woman's full-term baby from her womb. 

The boy ripped from the womb survived and is now 2. 

A jury deliberated for about two hours before finding Jacqueline   
Annette Williams, 31, guilty on all counts. She could get the death

Members of the victims' family cried as the verdict was announced. 
Williams looked away from jurors, and was the only person in the 
courtroom to remain seated as they walked out. 

Williams was convicted in the November 1995 deaths of 28-year-old  
Debra Evans, her 10-year-old daughter Samantha, and her 7-year-old
son Joshua. 
Kathy E
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Re: LI Sleep Apnea

1998-03-21 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Jackie:

Steven is into that sleeping for a 1/2 hour up for an hour all night
long.  Bobby came down the other morning to go to work and he looked
like hell.  I asked him if he got any sleep and of course he grumbled
something like how can anyone sleep anymore.  Then he proceeded to say
that he wished babies were like computers that you could turn them off,
and then back on when you wanted to play with them.  LOL  I don't think
Steven will be seeing a sister or brother in the near future.  LOL

But one thing I do have to say, at least Yoko doesn't have the full
responsibility of being up all night with the baby.  I wish I could have
said that when mine were that little.  I guess times have changed some. 
The guys are taking more responsibility now in raising the kids.  And I
think that is wonderful, for both the kids and the dads.

BTW both Bobby and Yoko have these deep, dark circles under their eyes. 
And Steven is all bushy tailed and ready to go.  BEG

 Hi Sue
 You know the ole' saying--if men had the first child.  That may be a good area 
to be included
 in pre-nuptial instructions (?) that many churches now require.

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Re: LI Conjoined Twins

1998-03-21 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Jackie:

The babies went home yesterday.  They aren't even going to consider
seperating them for at least six months.

 Hi Sue
 Thanks for the article.  It is really a thought provoking article, isn't

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Re: LI For Steve and Vi

1998-03-21 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Jackie:

I personally think it is rather rude that we can't even say hello to
them.  LOL

There must be something to some of this, otherwise why would they even
make a law.  And if there is such a thing why would the government be
afraid of anyone saying or having anything to do with them?

Strange, IMO


 Hi Sue
 I'll bet that is a "just in case" law : )  Seriously, the government has
 been studying this phenomenon and if they wrote a law, I wonder.
 Sue Hartigan wrote:
  Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  If the U.S. government has no knowledge of aliens, then why does Title
  14, Section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations, implemented on
  July 16, 1969, make it illegal for U.S. citizens to have any contact
  with extraterrestrials or their vehicles?
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LI NG: Yet another Case update

1998-03-21 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I swear this case will never go to trial Ng will die of old age first,
in case you don't remember this is the SK who has done everything he can
to keep from going to trial.

In yet another twist in the legal saga surrounding accused serial killer
Charles Ng, attorneys representing the former Marine go to court today
to try to prove themselves wrong. 
The latest chapter in the case--expected to be one of the longest and  
costliest in California history--centers on whether Ng is mentally 
competent to stand trial for a dozen killings committed in 1984 and
1985 in Calaveras County. 

Ng's court-appointed attorneys acknowledge their position is nothing   
less than "schizophrenic" in nature. 
Deputy public defenders William Kelley and James Merwin will be arguing
that Ng is not competent to stand trial. The attorneys also want access
to sealed court records to be used in an upcoming hearing on Ng's mental
The same attorneys are then prepared to use this argument against their
own motion: Their client objects to being ruled mentally incompetent and
the request to unseal court records would violate attorney-client
"Counsel regret the schizophrenic nature of this pair of pleadings, but
offer them anyway because they feel they must in order to adequately   
represent defendant's mutually inconsistent--but equally   
important--interests," Kelley stated in a pair of motions filed recently
in Orange County Superior Court. 
The attorneys complain that they find themselves in this "dilemma" 
because of Judge John J. Ryan's refusal to appoint Ng's attorney of
choice to represent him. The attorneys said they may be faced with 
testifying against their own client during the competency hearing--a   
move that they consider to pose a serious conflict of interest. Ng
claims to have a mental illness that prevents him from putting his   
trust and confidence in his current attorneys. He claims his problems  
with his current and former defense attorneys are "driven by their 
incompetence and not his mental disorder," according to legal 
  * * *
Ng's attorneys contend that their client has an "irrational obsession" 
with having his original defense attorney, San Francisco Deputy Public
Defender Michael Burt, reappointed to the case. 

"This obsession has prevented defendant from cooperating with his  
appointed counsel," Kelley states in court records. ". . . Facing trial
for his life, all defendant can think about is his desire to be reunited
with Mr. Burt." 

Ng has fought for years to have Burt appointed to the case. And at one 
point, he demanded to represent himself. This has led to numerous delays
in a case that began shortly after Ng's 1985 arrest in Canada. He fought
extradition for six years until Canada's Supreme Court sent him back to

Ryan last fall appointed Burt to join Kelley and Merwin in defending Ng,
but Burt has said he considers such a teaming an "unworkable situation." 

Kelley has said that a competency trial would not be needed if he were 
replaced by Burt. But Ryan has said that such a hearing must take place
regardless of who represents Ng at his criminal trial. According to
defense legal briefs, Ng believes the competency trial that is being
sought by his current attorneys is proof that they are "deliberately
refusing to provide him legally adequate assistance." 

Legal experts said Thursday that Ng's attorneys appear to have had 
little choice but to proceed in this manner. "They are doing what they 
should do," said Marguerite Downing, chair of the criminal law section
executive committee of the State Bar of California. 

"People don't realize we are representing our client and sometimes 
they want things that aren't in their best interests," said Downing, a 
deputy public defender in Los Angeles County. 

Robert Pugsley, professor of criminal law at Southwestern University   
School of Law in Los Angeles said that "while on the surface [the  
dueling motions] are obviously totally inconsistent, each one 
represents a position that Mr. Ng quite recently voiced to the court." 
The criminal proceedings in the case were suspended last month by  
Ryan so that the trial to determine Ng's competency could be held first. 

The case was moved to Orange County in 1994 because of widespread  
publicity in Calaveras County, where most of the victims lived. 
Kathy E
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Re: LI NG: Yet another Case update

1998-03-21 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Kathy:

This SOB has been reading the Unabomber stories in the paper, Kathy. 
That is exactly what he is trying to pull, IMO.

 I swear this case will never go to trial Ng will die of old age first,
 in case you don't remember this is the SK who has done everything he can
 to keep from going to trial.

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Re: LI I'm bewildered! I'm Shocked! In reality I'm fed up with the BS

1998-03-21 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Bill:

I wonder seriously how she is going to explain her spread in Penthouse. 
Although I guess that wouldn't be considered the sex act, she is in
there having sex with her boyfriend.  

 Hi Sue,
 That one is easy to figure out.  They think the money they will get for
 their story is well worth the embarrassment they might feel when details
 of their personal life is revealed.
 I see where Paula Jones now has some doctor saying that he examined her
 and she suffers from sexual dysfunction because of her traumatic
 encounter with Clinton.  So now she opens up her entire sexual history
 from the time she had her "encounter" with Clinton.  Perhaps instead of
 claiming she cannot engage in sexual relations any more she should have
 claimed she was unable to avoid it. :)

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Re: LI I'm bewildered! I'm Shocked! In reality I'm fed up with the BS

1998-03-21 Thread hallinan


Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Bill:

I wonder seriously how she is going to explain her spread in Penthouse. 
Although I guess that wouldn't be considered the sex act, she is in
there having sex with her boyfriend.  


And how would you explain pictures taken of you by a boyfriend, Sue?  I
thought that was her former husband but I suppose it matters little today.

I fail to see why you would look down your nose at Paula Jones for that.  

Geez this woman has had to suffer some terrible insults for nothing.  She
raised money early on by doing an advertisement for Guess Jeans.  That was
the outfit that specialized in women involved in scandal like Paula Rice,
Gary Hart's playmate.  One could make something of that, I suppose, but
pictures sold by a boyfriend?

Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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Re: LI I'm bewildered! I'm Shocked! In reality I'm fed up with the BS

1998-03-21 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Terry:

I have no idea how or why she was in Penthouse.  But I still wonder how
she is going to explain this.  And you know she is going to have to.  So
who sold the pictures, and who got the money for this?  I do know that
Susan Carpenter McMillian was interviewed in the story that went along
with the pictures.

As to how I would explain the pictures.  Well at my murder trial it
would be justifiable homicide. 

Donna Rice is another story altogether.  There was a whole slew of women
around that time.  None of them brought charges against anyone.

I'm not condemning nor am I condoning any of them.  It was a legitimate
question, IMO. 

 And how would you explain pictures taken of you by a boyfriend, Sue?  I
 thought that was her former husband but I suppose it matters little today.
 I fail to see why you would look down your nose at Paula Jones for that.
 Geez this woman has had to suffer some terrible insults for nothing.  She
 raised money early on by doing an advertisement for Guess Jeans.  That was
 the outfit that specialized in women involved in scandal like Paula Rice,
 Gary Hart's playmate.  One could make something of that, I suppose, but
 pictures sold by a boyfriend?
 Best, Terry

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Re: LI I'm bewildered! I'm Shocked! In reality I'm fed up with the BS

1998-03-21 Thread hallinan


Hi Sue,

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I have no idea how or why she was in Penthouse.

A former husband (boyfriend?) sold the pictures.

But I still wonder how she is going to explain this.

Why should she have to?  The pictures weren't made for the delight of the
readers of Penthouse.  Is this something that would even shock Pat Robertson?

The boyfriend should be sitting in court alongside Our Beloved President.

And you know she is going to have to.  So
who sold the pictures, and who got the money for this?

Former husband (boyfriend?).  I will try to find out which if you insist.
Paula Jones got nothing.

I do know that Susan Carpenter McMillian was interviewed in the story that
went along with the pictures.

As to how I would explain the pictures.  Well at my murder trial it
would be justifiable homicide. 

I understand. :-}

Donna Rice is another story altogether.  There was a whole slew of women
around that time.  None of them brought charges against anyone.

I'm not condemning nor am I condoning any of them.  It was a legitimate
question, IMO. 


I'll be damned if I can see how pictures sold by a former beaux could cause
anyone to look down on Paula Jones.  But then she is being blamed for
complaining about Our Beloved President waving his dick in her face.  People
have a strange sense of morality these days.  
Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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Re: LI Another Woman

1998-03-21 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Bill

I think you have really hit on one important thing that many forget when we
hear each person's story of what occurred.  Usually, it is not an either/or
thing, but the truth lies somewhere in-between. I guess what I mean here is
that it is not either she is telling the whole truth or he is telling the
whole truth.  In reality, we act and believe our perceptions of the
situation, not necessarily the reality of the whole situation.  How's that
for a muddy explanation??

But what has me baffled is the lack of interest by the younger generation in
what is occurring with this mess.  Some of them do not even know what is
happening and even if they are aware of the "mess" have no concern about how
it affects the political process, our international relations, etc.  I know I
can't generalize to the majority of young people in our society from my
experiences with the younger generation at this school, but I see hundreds
everyday, not just one or two.


William J. Foristal wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

 HI Jackie,

 I agree completely.  The sad part of this entire fiasco is that there is
 probably an element of truth in EVERY person's statements and comments
 about what really happened.  The problem comes when the truth becomes
 exaggerated with details that probably did not happen.  Then everyone who
 is observing this can, rightfully, cast doubts about EVERYTHING that a
 person says.  As usual, the truth probably exists somewhere in between.

 But I hope that not many people adopt the stance that women mus always
 stick up for other women, or men for other men, or Republicans for other
 Republicans, Dems for Dems, etc. etc. regardless of what the evidence and
 the facts are.


 On Wed, 18 Mar 1998 22:19:01 -0600 Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Hi Bill
 You know I can't help but wonder why the producers of 60 Minutes
 didn't ask
 themselves why Willey was so willing to come on the program and tell
 devastating tale?  I know I would wonder after she was previously a
 witness.  This whole mess to me really has gotten to me a "let's
 matter what methods we use to win" on both sides.  Truly a sad
 commentary on
 our political process.   I guess my skepticism when I watched her on
 Minutes saved me from feeling any letdown when all this other stuff
 public.  The one thing that really riled me the most, however, was the
 reaction of the feminists to this whole thing.  To me, they sent out
 implicit message to all women that you had better be seen as a
 "worthy" cause
 to be defended.  I may have been the only woman that felt that, but I
 not, especially after hearing a feminist badmouth a woman commentator
 daring to question Willey's allegations as she was a woman and should
 standing up for her.  I know that I am not being clear in voicing my
 about this, but hope you know what I mean.

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Re: LI Re: Disparity in Infant Mortality Rates

1998-03-21 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Bill

The neat thing though is that I don't pay anything for this trip.  The school
is paying for everything from the way it sounds.  And the seminar is designed
for profs in the social sciences so it shouldn't be too technical.  But, I
hadn't thought of incuding my ISP in occupational costs--do you think the IRS
would buy it? vbg.  I am trying to talk the dean into sending one of my
secretaries along with me to take care of the detail stuff, but so far he
isn't buying it : (.


William J. Foristal wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

 Hi Jackie, could write off the cost of you ISP as an occupational cost. :)

 Sounds like you saw some of the best of St. Louis when you were there.


 On Wed, 18 Mar 1998 22:28:27 -0600 Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Hi Bill
 Yep, that was the mansion.  It was really interesting.  We also drove
 to the
 haunted place on the campus of the university.  Was great fun as it
 something so different to do.  Was even more fun that the tour of
 We also went to the Masters and Johnson Institute, the zoo, and the
 gallery.  See what we profs. do when we attend conferences : ).  I
 guess it
 is a "go" for me to attend a 2 day seminar in Seattle this summer, but
 be able to have much free time at this one.  Don't tell Kathy, but it
 is a
 computer seminar.  Wouldn't she just ROTF.  The great computer genius
 (me) is
 going to a conference so she can show others at school how to make
 good use
 of their computers--hahahaha.

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Re: LI Freemen: Update

1998-03-21 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Kathy

Maybe they were smart and never wrote a check for less than a thousand.  Cut down
a little on overdraft fees.


Kathy E wrote:

 Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Heck I was wondering about the returned check fees! I can imagine that
 was quite a bill in itself

 Jackie Fellows wrote:
  Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Hi Kathy
  Jeez, my bank would have me in jail if I wrote $100 over my 'real' account.
  What is the name of their bank? g
  Kathy E wrote:
   Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   The Montana Freemen wrote 3,432 bogus checks totaling $15.5 billion
   against a nonexistent bank account, an Internal Revenue Service
   investigator said Thursday.
   The Freeman and their followers managed to swindle $1.8 million from
   government agencies and private businesses prior to an 81-day standoff
   with the FBI that ended in June 1996, according to IRS Special Agent
   Loretta Rodriguez.
   Rodriguez, testifying at the trial of six Freemen, said the IRS received
   413 of the bogus checks in a tax scheme that cost her agency $29,000.
   Only two of the six Freemen on trial, Elwin Ward, 57, of Salt Lake City,
   and Edwin Clark, 47, of Brusett, Montana, are implicated in the bogus
   check operation. The others are accused of being accessories by aiding
   Freemen leaders in the stronghold they called "Justus Township" to avoid
   Kathy E
   "I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
   isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's
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 Kathy E
 "I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
 isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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1998-03-21 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Kathy

Question:  After listening to the commentators last night from both sides of
the fence, didn't Paula's lawyers open a can of worms by filing the new
charge of sexual dysfunction??  That makes her sexual life fair game,
doesn't it?  I don't say it is right, merely that she opened the door.

I am not a Clintonite; I find him too slippery in a lot of ways, but I am
becoming truly baffled by this whole thing.  It seems that it is alright for
the one side to dig into everything to establish a pattern and establish a
motive for the behavior, the lying by one party, etc; yet, on the other
hand, it is not alright for the other side to dig into everything to
establish a pattern, motive for behavior, lying, etc.  We can bring in the
past sexual behavior of the accused in this case (even if the behavior is
different in many aspects), but not the past sexual behavior of the
accuser.  We can use a lie he told about good ole' maryjane to establish a
pattern of lying, but we can't use the accuser's past lies to establish a
pattern of lying.  We can immediately say that the truth is what the accuser
says it is; but all we want from the accused is the *truth, the whole truth*
as it is portrayed by the accuser, no other version will suffice.  Thank
goodness we all believe so strongly in innocent until *proven* guilty, or
do we??  As one commentator remarked just because we don't like the accused
and just because he is President, isn't he entitled to the same avenues open
to the accuser and to the same (if not more so) benefit of the doubt we give
the accused?


Kathy E wrote:

 Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 You mean to tell me they're just NOW taking the gloves off? Hell I never
 realized they had them on. I mean look how many lives they have
 destroyed, lets be honest they are digging up dirt for one reason only,
 and that is to take away the attention from the allegations that are
 being charged, their thinking is if we can come up with something
 juicier than what the person is alleging then we will take the spotlight
 off of Bill and put it on so and so. What people don't seem to care
 about is the one thing the WH does is no matter who it is they will put
 out anything they can to destroy that person. I bet if Mother Teresa was
 alive and said something they would put out some dirt on her also,
 alleging she was a leader of this weird cult or something. Truth doesn't
 matter in this case anymore only who is willing to get dirtier than the

 Has it dawned on anyone that no matter how many people you have had sex
 with doesn't mean that you can't be sexually harassed? The WH thinking
 sounds like the old belief that a hooker couldn't be raped. Well they
 can be and people are convicted for it. Who Paula has slept with does
 not matter in this case. Who Bill slept with does not matter, what does
 matter is did he do as she alleges?

 Sue Hartigan wrote:
  Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  This is really getting dirty now.  :(  Sue
  The DRUDGE REPORT has learned that the WASHINGTON POST will report in
  Friday editions that President Clinton's legal defense team plans to
  introduce in court Friday sealed evidence about Paula Jones' past sex
 Kathy E
 "I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
 isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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Re: LI GOP Women Want Dems Outrage Outloud

1998-03-21 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Kathy

But accessible to some--not really a private area with doors to close.  And,
I believe, it is inconsistent with her statement then isn't it?  Didn't she
say the private study??  Of course with all the different stories who knows
who said where it is alleged to have happened.Sounds like a small
detail, I know--but wasn't a small detail such as what Paula wore (culottes
or skirt) one of the things that made many wonder if she told the truth?


Kathy E wrote:

 Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 well if you read the depo clinton gave, the hallway connects the oval
 office with a private office and kitchen. It's a back hallway not
 accesable to anyone who wants access.

 Jackie Fellows wrote:
  Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Hi Sue
  In a hallway outside the Oval House??  Oh my!!
  Sue Hartigan wrote:
   Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   GOP Women Want Dems Outrage Outloud
  ``I wish they would talk,'' said Rep. Sue Kelly, R-N.Y.,
  one of a group of GOP women who met privately this week
  after Mrs. Willey's television interview. In a widely
  watched 60 Minutes broadcast on Sunday night, the former
  White House aide said Clinton fondled her in a hallway
  just outside the Oval Office in 1993.
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 Kathy E
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 isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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Re: LI Background Required

1998-03-21 Thread moonshine

moonshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:



 moonshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Danny Ferguson is the trooper and he is a target of the lawsuit for lying
 about the details.  His story that he worked for Clinton in gathering phone
 numbers and procuring women has been substantiated.  The story about Paula
 Jones is precisely what initiated the lawsuit.  He was the source of the
 article in "The American Spectator."  Not exactly a cogent argument, Mac.

Gee, I thought it was the other two troopers that were the source of the story.You
know...the one's being bankrolled by the GOPAC committee headed by
Clinton's arch enemy in Little Rock. I wonder why The American Spectator
is not named in the lawsuit or the author of the article.

   Jones was a government employee and Clinton was her boss.  His denials all
  around have been farcical.

 Maybe to you but not to others.

 Have it as you will.  All the witnesses for Jones, all the witness for the
 President are lying.  How the hell does that make sense?  If it makes sense
 to you then there is little more to say.

I never said that.

   It is proven by his lies and his vicious attacks on the women and reporters.

 Attacks on what women? What reporters?

 I printed excerpts from a long article discussing the "free-speech" hero,
 Sidney Blumenthal, in particular who made claims various prosecutors and
 reporters were homosexuals or involved in illicit relationships.  The
 incredible attack machinery operating out of the White House has shown
 itself once again against Willey.  It is really no secret.  People just hide
 their eyes.  If you don't have the article, if you want it, Mac, I will be
 glad to look it up and email it to you.

Let me get this's ok for the Right Wing crowd to sling mud but nota
supporter of the President! I believe there may be a damn good reason for
the WH to challange Ms. Willey.

  The attacks themselves by a highly sophisticated publicly-funded hit
 operation should shock people.
 He is not allowed the same rights as any other American.

 Not every other American has private investigators digging up dirt on
 reporters and blackmailing them over access to the White House.  Not every
 American has been able to attack the personal lives of prosecutors.  I
 didn't know there was such a right.

If they have the funds they can.

 What about the Republican funded smear campaign against him?

 Tsk, tsk.  The imaginary crap from Falwell has fallen flat for obvious
 reasons. If you want to simply call these wingnuts and religious fanatics
 Republicans, I suppose.  But they simply don't have the platform of the
 President of the United States.  Since James Carville toured the country
 calling Paula Jones trailer-park trash, people are often shocked to learn
 she never lived in a trailer park.  How many people are intiamately familiar
 with Falwell's charges? I have only the vaguest concept of what they are.

It goes far beyond Falwell.

 Now would you like to discuss which smear campaign you are talking about?
 Jerry Brown's original charges about a certain land development in Arkansas?
 Is Jerry Brown a Republican?

I don't belive Clinton has been found to be guilty of anything relating toWhitewater. I
belive Jerry Brown has created his own party.

   The intimidation and evasion has been pervasive and wide-ranging.

 Maybe so but it's working and so far there is no proof that he has done
 anything illegal.

 Yes there is.  The evidence is overwhelming.  The denials are equivalent to
 the denials by OJ's fans.

Overwhelming!! Where is it? I haven't seen it yet. Alot of allegations but nothing 
turned in by Ken Starr or anyone else.

  Elizabeth Ward, a woman who told a friend about an encounter according to
 the friend, is busily occupied dodging a subpoena in Europe.  Got any idea

 Maybe she doesn't really have anything to say. Also it sounds alot like

 It is hearsay.  I didn't know we were in court.  Everything I am saying is

I agree.

 If Ken Starr can find a friend of Monica's in Japan I'm sure he could track
 her down if her testimony was relevant.

 Uh, Mac, we were talking about Paula Jones' lawsuit.  Paula Jones has been
 trying to serve a subpoena on the former Miss America for many months.

It's all the same Terry. The same witnessess that are being deposed forthe Jones suit 
being brought in front of the grand jury.

  From the very beginning Clinton has shown himself to be a liar.  He told the
  nation in a tear-jerking appearance on "60 Minutes" with Hillary that he had
  done wrong but he never had an affair with Gennifer Flowers.  It was a
  performance that put to shame Nixon's wonderful "Checkers" speech or the
  tearful confession of Jimmy Swaggart.  Later Flowers was the "woman I never
  slept with."

 Then got reelected!

 So?  Nixon had a tremendous landslide.  Better than Clinton's as I recall.

Re: LI Background Required

1998-03-21 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 Hogwash.  They are the most effective means known of showing lies.  Police
 agencies and security agencies have great faith in them.  Why would they do

 Best, Terry

Hi Terry

No they are not the most effective means of showing lies.  If they were, they would
be permissible in court.  Any antisocial can pass a lie detector, even one who is
not a criminal.  Pathological liars can pass a lie detector; people whose physical
responses do not follow a normal pattern can pass a test; the person giving the test
can mess up the findings; the phrasing of the questions can alter the findings.

One other thing I disagree with--Starr just calls everyone to testify at the grand
jury--seems he has a bigger stick in this case to initimidate in some respects.  So
both sides are engaging in some 'dirty pool', not just the wh.


 "Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary

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Re: LI eek!

1998-03-21 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


Leave it to you!!  LOL


Kaye wrote:

 Kaye [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

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Re: LI Freemen: Update

1998-03-21 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Sue

Only $18 a check??  Ours is $20 and you better think twice before doing it
or you won't have an account for very long.


Sue Hartigan wrote:

 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Kathy E wrote:
 Hi Kathy:

 Let's see at 18 dollars a check that adds up to 61,776.00 in bad check
 charges if they only went through once.  GeezeI wonder if the bank
 closed their account.  :)

  The Montana Freemen wrote 3,432 bogus checks totaling $15.5 billion
  against a nonexistent bank account, an Internal Revenue Service
  investigator said Thursday.

 Two rules in life:

 1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Computer Learning was Re: LI Friday The 13th: Evil Or Excuse?

1998-03-21 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Sue

Oh good, there is hope for me : )  Only problem is that they keep changing word 
programs on
me everytime I finally learn one.


Sue Hartigan wrote:

 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi Jackie:

 That little trick only took me a year to learn.  BG  Bobby was showing
 me a lot more the other day.  But I have already forgotten them.  :(  If
 you know how to use your word program I guess most of the tricks work
 the same way on the mail and things out on the web.

 I'm still saving my address book because it took me so long to finally
 get one.  LOL

  Hi Sue
  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  I bet Kathy is thanking you too.  See Kathy, your
  teaching paid off--the learner is now a teacher bg.  I will try this the next 
time I
  surf as a test.  Boy, wait this  I go to the computer seminar--they will really be
  impressed, don't you think.

 Two rules in life:

 1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: LI eek!

1998-03-21 Thread Kaye

Kaye [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

At 07:13 AM 3/21/98 -0600, Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Leave it to you!!  LOL

I may not post a lot but I sure don't say much...  LOL!


Kaye wrote:

 Kaye [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

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Re: LI Jim McDougal

1998-03-21 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Sue

You know it may be the different times we grew up in that makes the reaction to this 
sort of behavior so
different.  I guess when I went to work, dealing with this in a direct manner was just 
part of the territory.
You either dealth with it yourself or it would go on; simple as that.  I must say 
though, you were nicer about
it than I was.


Sue Hartigan wrote:

 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi Jackie:

 I was thinking back about my experiences with this sort of thing the
 other day, and can remember the first time it happened to me.  I was
 about 20 or so and one of the engineers at the hospital came on to me.
 I had heard stories about him being married and coming on to women at
 the hospital, but didn't really pay any attention.  Anyway one night
 when I was working the grave yard shift the phone rang and it was him
 asking if I wanted to go out after work for a drink and a few other
 things.  :(  I didn't really know what to say or do.  After hee-hawing
 around for a few minutes I managed to say something like my dad was
 picking me up after work or something like that.  The next day I told my
 supervisor, and she did something about it, never knew what, but this
 guy was put on notice to leave the women alone.  He avoided me after
 that.  Not that it was that hard, as I was avoiding him too.  And there
 were never any more rumors about him.

 I had a supervisor do the same thing a few years later.  But I just said
 no thanks and after that there were no further problems.  We still got
 along fine, and never really had any problems.

 Can't really say that I have had that many problems with it.  Usually a
 simple no was enough to end the problem, permanently.

 Did have one guy who offered me a part time job let it be known that in
 order to get the job, he expected a little entertainment.  Unfortunately
 for him, I didn't need the money that bad, and I let him know that his
 wife would love to know what the job he offered entailed.  Don't know
 what ever happened to him, but needless to say I didn't go to work for
 him.  He did call the office one day for an appointment, but never
 showed up when he found out I worked there.  Hope he wasn't too
 sick.  LOL

  Hi Sue
  I guess the pollers didn't ask any independents then or even someone who has no 
professed party
  affliation.  Geez, now I can't have an opinion of my own that isn't influenced by 
my political leanings,
  excuse me all to heck.
  Had my students do a little off-the-cuff exercises.  Asked them to tell me what 
they would do if they had
  to meet with a person they had heard was a womanizer.  How would they handle it??  
My 18 year old males
  and females had more moxy than Ms Willey.  I guess that is why I didn't find it so 
credible in the first
  place.  I guess I agree with Doc in this respect.
  IMO, once again, we see the idea of the woman who should have all the rights, but 
bear little
  responsibility for the consequences that occur when she takes unnecessary risks.  
Yes, all these women had
  the right to expect not to be harassed, but knowing the reputation of Clinton if 
all the stories can be
  believed, didn't they also have the responsibility to cut down their risks of 
being harassed?  Just a

 Two rules in life:

 1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: LI I'm bewildered! I'm Shocked! In reality I'm fed up with the BS

1998-03-21 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Sue

Was this spread (no pun intended) before or after the traumatic event in the
hotel room that caused her to suffer sexual aversion??  I am assuming
after--she probably wouldn't be noticed by Playbody until she was a celebrity
of some sort

As long as everyone is jumping on this bandwagon, I wonder if Ed can sue??
After I found out that I was overlooked (remember you are my expert witness
Sue) my trauma has been so great that I have developed an aversion to sex and
Ed  is now suffering from deep emotional trauma from the loss  LOL.  We
could really rake in the dollars, don't you think : )


Sue Hartigan wrote:

 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi Bill:

 I wonder seriously how she is going to explain her spread in Penthouse.
 Although I guess that wouldn't be considered the sex act, she is in
 there having sex with her boyfriend.

  Hi Sue,
  That one is easy to figure out.  They think the money they will get for
  their story is well worth the embarrassment they might feel when details
  of their personal life is revealed.
  I see where Paula Jones now has some doctor saying that he examined her
  and she suffers from sexual dysfunction because of her traumatic
  encounter with Clinton.  So now she opens up her entire sexual history
  from the time she had her "encounter" with Clinton.  Perhaps instead of
  claiming she cannot engage in sexual relations any more she should have
  claimed she was unable to avoid it. :)

 Two rules in life:

 1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: LI I'm bewildered! I'm Shocked! In reality I'm fed up with the BS

1998-03-21 Thread Jackie Fellows

Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:



 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi Bill:
 I wonder seriously how she is going to explain her spread in Penthouse.
 Although I guess that wouldn't be considered the sex act, she is in
 there having sex with her boyfriend.


 And how would you explain pictures taken of you by a boyfriend, Sue?  I
 thought that was her former husband but I suppose it matters little today.

 I fail to see why you would look down your nose at Paula Jones for that.

 Geez this woman has had to suffer some terrible insults for nothing.  She
 raised money early on by doing an advertisement for Guess Jeans.  That was
 the outfit that specialized in women involved in scandal like Paula Rice,
 Gary Hart's playmate.  One could make something of that, I suppose, but
 pictures sold by a boyfriend?

Then why isn't she suing the former husband for trauma caused by putting her
body on display to the world??  Or is she??


 Best, Terry

 "Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary

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LI Paula Jones' Penthouse Pictures

1998-03-21 Thread hallinan


This may not be from the most reliable sources.  It is third-hand hearsay
from Susan Carpenter McMillan, a rightwing media flack, through a gossip
columnist interviewing such hack to your faithful quoter:


McMillan is still furious about the silence of liberal feminists. "Where was
Pat Ireland when some scum-bucket ex-boyfriend sold topless pictures of
Paula to Penthouse magazine? Where was the outrage? They were out there with
tape on their mouths."


I was really surprised that the message hadn't long ago sunk in that Paula
Jones has been smeared and dirtied by the most potent PR attack machine
ever, betrayed and sold out by friends and family for great paydays.  I have
wondered if Jones has nerve endings.  She has gone through attacks that have
driven others to suicide and she had the option of ending it unlike people
such as OJ or Marv Albert.  

Jones is embarrassed by seeing the nude pictures her boyfriend sells to
Penthouse spread out for all the world and then she is condemned as if she
sold the pictures herself.  Seems few believe in any sort of fair play for
Clinton's victims? 

To pass along a bit of totally unsubstantiated gossip (an anonymous caller
to C-SPAN), revenues to NOW took a big hit with the recent round of sex
stories regarding Our Beloved President.  Could explain Patricia Ireland's
sudden discovery of a conscience - but only regarding a woman with a decent
wardrobe and accent.
Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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Re: LI Background Required

1998-03-21 Thread hallinan


Hi Mac,

I deleted much.  We can go on arguing over whether a propaganda machine
blackmailing reporters, making libelous charges in secret against
prosecutors and anyone regarded as hostile, controlling access to the White
House to stifle hostile stories about presidential criminality is all just
normal operations and we should all be glad to be paying for it.  I
politeley demur.

moonshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Danny Ferguson is the trooper and he is a target of the lawsuit for lying
 about the details.  His story that he worked for Clinton in gathering phone
 numbers and procuring women has been substantiated.  The story about Paula
 Jones is precisely what initiated the lawsuit.  He was the source of the
 article in "The American Spectator."  Not exactly a cogent argument, Mac.

Gee, I thought it was the other two troopers that were the source of the
story.You know...the one's being bankrolled by the GOPAC committee headed by
Clinton's arch enemy in Little Rock.

Danny Ferguson was the source of David Brock's description of Paula Jones.
When you quote Danny Ferguson, you quote David Brock's hatchet job.

I wonder why The American Spectator is not named in the lawsuit or the
author of the article.

Because they have attributed their source and are essentially immune in the

   Jones was a government employee and Clinton was her boss.  His
denials all around have been farcical.

 Maybe to you but not to others.

 Have it as you will.  All the witnesses for Jones, all the witness for the
 President are lying.  How the hell does that make sense?  If it makes sense
 to you then there is little more to say.

I never said that.

Oh?  Then what are you saying?  Clinton has denied everything.  There was no
meeting.  There was no sex.  Or at least he can't remember.

I maintain that Jones was approached and propositioned.  That Clinton, with
the phenomenol memory of most successful politicians, is unlikely to have
forgotten Jones.  That Jones' version of events is shown by the
preponderance of witnesses to the events, even some that are hostile, and by
Clinton's unwillingness to address the issue instead using false and
contemptible attacks on his accuser.

What is it that you said?

Let me get this's ok for the Right Wing crowd
to sling mud but nota supporter of the President!

It is not alright for "the rightwing crowd" to pass around salacious
information which has no particular basis in truth and maybe deliberately
false any more than it is for the President to do so.  It is particularly
nauseating when the President indulges in such sleazy operations because he
is supposed to at least have a modicum of respectability.

I believe there may be a damn good reason for
the WH to challange Ms. Willey.

Let's see what we know about Ms. Willey.  She was in desperate straits.  She
was a longtime supporter of the the President and Democratic volunteer.  She
for a fulltime job but never got one - she did get shorter term jobs.  Her
financial condition remains quite desperate. Clinton at first couldn't
remember meeting her (that ol' memory problem again and then remembered with
crystal clear accuracy).  Kathleen Willey resisted a subpoena from Paula
Jones for months and when the efforts collapsed told her story after being

Now there is fantastic charge that Willey had some sort of diabolical scheme to
use this whole affair to make money off the story.  Her partisanship has
been overruled completely by greed.

I think it is more believable that the man in the White House, who has
acknowledged problems with sex and has demonstrated his willingness and
ability to lie convincingly in the Gennifer Flowers case, received Kathleen
Willey in a time of desperation and sexually assaulted her as she said, as
has happened to others.
 Not every other American has private investigators digging up dirt on
 reporters and blackmailing them over access to the White House.  Not every
 American has been able to attack the personal lives of prosecutors.  I
 didn't know there was such a right.

If they have the funds they can.

Blackmail is illegal.  I don't dispute people get away with it.

I don't belive Clinton has been found to be guilty of anything relating

Al Capone was never convicted of any mob activities.  Many people
nevertheless believe the evidence.

I belive Jerry Brown has created his own party.

Jerry Brown was the Democratic governor of California, he was a candidate
for the Democratic nomination for President when he brought up Whitewater.
He comes from a Democratic family and has been a Democrat all his life.  If
he has started a new party it is news to me.  (A lot of things are.)

Are you now claiming Jerry Brown too is a member of the rightwing conspiracy?

I believe there may have been an encounter but it was consensual.

And your evidence is?  

All is fair in love and war. It's politics and it tends to get real ugly

Re: LI Background Required

1998-03-21 Thread hallinan


Hi Jackie,

Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

[about polygraphs]
No they are not the most effective means of showing lies.  If they were,
they would be permissible in court.

Courts are places of drama, of theater.  They are not places of truth and
justice.  Only little children believe that.

Any antisocial can pass a lie detector...

This is one of many myths that are totally false.

I have extracted from an amicus curiae brief for arguments before the
Supreme Court regarding the use of polygraphs.  It was allowed in this a
case - a court martial.  The full brief, which is very lengthy, is located at:


The scientific data concerning the validity of the polygraph can be
summarized as follows: High quality scientific research from the laboratory
and the field converge on the conclusion that the CQT is a highly accurate
discriminator of truth tellers and deceivers. The research results converge
on an accuracy estimate that exceeds 90 percent. Moreover, original
examiners, who are most likely to offer testimony, produce even higher
estimates of accuracy. There may be a tendency for the CQT to produce more
false positive than false negative errors, but this trend in the current
literature is not particularly strong. (17) Moreover, no tendency toward
false positive errors is seen in the decisions of the original examiners.
The scientific validity of a properly administered polygraph examination in
a real life case compares favorably with such other forms of scientific
evidence as x-ray films, electrocardiograms, fiber analysis, ballistics
comparison tests, blood analysis, and is far more reliable than other forms
of expert testimony (e.g., psychiatric and psychological opinions as to


diminished capacity, dangerousness and many of the post traumatic
stress/recovered memory syndromes). (18)


The notion that the polygraph is generally accepted in the relevant
scientific community as a valid test is supported by several sources of
evidence. There have been two surveys of the Society for
Psychophysiological Research that have directly attempted to address the
general acceptance issue. (19) The Society for Psychophysiological Research
is a professional society of scientists (Ph.D. and M.D.) who study how the
mind and body interact. Thus, the Society for Psychophysiological Research
would seem to be the appropriate scientific community for assessing general
acceptance. An initial survey was undertaken by the Gallup Organization in
1982. That survey was replicated and extended in 1994 in Susan Amato's
Master's Thesis at the University of North Dakota. [etc.]

[Those who claim lack of scientific acceptability it seems do not consult
the scientists who would have some knowledge of the subject.  The prejudice
against polygraphs is superstitious.  They are damned for being both
unreliable and too reliable.  That they are a dangerous tool that should be
controlled should go without saying but only because of their validity.]



Countermeasures are anything that a subject might do in order to distort or
defeat a psychophysiological credibility assessment test. Detailed reviews
of the scientific literature on countermeasures are available in a number
of locations. (24) This research leads to several conclusions. First, there
is no credible scientific evidence that drugs or other countermeasures
designed to affect the general state of the subject are effective against
the CQT. (25) However, studies have indicated that training in specific
point countermeasures designed to increase responding to comparison
questions is effective in producing a substantial number of false negative
outcomes. (26) Nevertheless, it is also important to note that training in
the countermeasures appears critical to their effectiveness. Subjects who
spontaneously attempt countermeasures or are only given the information are
unable to achieve effects, (27) and the required training is hopefully
difficult to obtain. (28) Honts and Perry note that while there are no easy
answers to the problem of countermeasures, it appears that computerized
analysis of the physiological records substantially reduces the false
negative rate attributable to countermeasure use. (29)

Psychopathy and Other Psychological Conditions

The popular notion that a "pathological," "psychopathic," or "criminally
hardened" liar cannot be tested successfully with the polygraph has no
basis in scientific fact. "Psychopathic" or "criminally hardened" liars,
including those clinically diagnosed with 

Re: LI I'm bewildered! I'm Shocked! In reality I'm fed up with the BS

1998-03-21 Thread hallinan


Jackie Fellows [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Then why isn't she suing the former husband for trauma caused by putting her
body on display to the world??  Or is she??

I would say she has a full plate.  Wouldn't you, Jackie?
Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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Re: LI Sexual History/Herstory

1998-03-21 Thread DocCec

DocCec [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 98-03-20 22:06:41 EST, you write:

 But aversion to sex and partaking of it wouldn't seem to be the same thing.
 Maybe she did a lot more, trying to overcome the problem? :-} 

Truly heroic! 

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Re: LI Jim McDougal

1998-03-21 Thread DocCec

DocCec [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 98-03-21 00:27:16 EST, you write:

 I had a supervisor do the same thing a few years later.  But I just said
 no thanks and after that there were no further problems.  We still got
 along fine, and never really had any problems.
 Can't really say that I have had that many problems with it.  Usually a
 simple no was enough to end the problem, permanently.
 Did have one guy who offered me a part time job let it be known that in
 order to get the job, he expected a little entertainment. 

(I've snipped bits above and below the quoted piece)

I once had a boss (years ago when I was cute, blonde and young) who decided,
after he hired me, that some extra-curricular activity went with the job.  I
just said no -- sort of in the no, thanks mode but a bit more definite than
that.  He grumbled a bit but after a few tries he stopped.  I learned later
that he had told his colleagues that I was the first secretary he ever had who
said no to him, and that he rather liked me for it.  At any rate, he bought
the champagne for my wedding breakfast.

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Re: LI Williams: Verdict

1998-03-21 Thread DocCec

DocCec [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 98-03-21 00:29:10 EST, you write:

 In a case a prosecutor said would "give nightmares to Stephen King," a
 woman was convicted Friday of killing two children and their pregnant
 mother, then cutting the woman's full-term baby from her womb. 
 The boy ripped from the womb survived and is now 2. 
 A jury deliberated for about two hours before finding Jacqueline   
 Annette Williams, 31, guilty on all counts. She could get the death

And as might have been predicted, her defense is that she was a victim of some
kind of childhood abuse.  I'd like to see all child abusers stopped in their
tracks, but I also get a bit tired of the constant use of that as an excuse
for every sort of stuff.  I didn't exactly have an abuse-free childhood, and I
knew many of my classmates whose home life was far worse than mine.  All seem
to have managed to put that behind them and build successful lives.  

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1998-03-21 Thread DocCec

DocCec [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 98-03-21 07:34:36 EST, you write:

 goodness we all believe so strongly in innocent until *proven* guilty, or
 do we??  As one commentator remarked just because we don't like the accused
 and just because he is President, isn't he entitled to the same avenues open
 to the accuser and to the same (if not more so) benefit of the doubt we give
 the accused?

Jackief, I was in central Illinois when WC was first elected, and you could
cut the Clinton-hate with a knife.  They hated him before they knew anything
about him other than that he was young and didn't do military service.  In
fact, the most usual complaint was that he was too young to have been in World
War II .  Some of those folks were ready to fly to DC and commit murder before
they guy was even inaugurated.  You can't change that kind of thing -- the
rock-hard conservatism is just as impervious to reasonableness, IMO, as is the
far left.  Fringes just are that way.

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Re: LI Background Required

1998-03-21 Thread DocCec

DocCec [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 98-03-21 10:04:07 EST, you write:

 Any antisocial can pass a lie detector, even one who is
 not a criminal.  Pathological liars can pass a lie detector; 

And anyone, pathological liar, antisocial personality, or just plain John/Jane
Doe, can be taught to pass a lie detector test on a specific question.  I
learned that trick years ago -- it was a kind of fun thing we played with in
grad school.  Don't know how well I'd do in a real situtation, but it sure
worked then, not just for me but for everyone who tried it.

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Re: LI I'm bewildered! I'm Shocked! In reality I'm fed up with the BS

1998-03-21 Thread DocCec

DocCec [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 98-03-21 10:04:28 EST, you write:

 Then why isn't she suing the former husband for trauma caused by putting
her body on display to the world??  Or is she?? 

I suppose it's not fair to wonder why there are nude pix of her available in
the first place?  Does everyone except me have those?  

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1998-03-21 Thread hallinan



Jackief, I was in central Illinois when WC was first elected, and you could
cut the Clinton-hate with a knife.  They hated him before they knew anything
about him other than that he was young and didn't do military service.  In
fact, the most usual complaint was that he was too young to have been in World
War II .  Some of those folks were ready to fly to DC and commit murder before
they guy was even inaugurated.  You can't change that kind of thing -- the
rock-hard conservatism is just as impervious to reasonableness, IMO, as is the
far left.  Fringes just are that way.

One of the fringies is Sen. Bob Kerrey of Nebraska, who was elected governor
and then Senator after losing a leg in Vietnam and gaining Congressional
Medal of Honor and then making himself a millionaire building a business.
He was a Democrat in a state that was then known as the most Republican
state in the nation.  Like many others I thought Kerrey was the ideal
candidate.  Little did I know he was a fringie.

Kerrey had no chance because as Paul Tsongas, another fringie, noted Clinton
is a "pander bear."  He is the all-purpose man who cofounded the DLC to make
the Democrats into Republicans.  Clinton would die before speaking up for
the poor like all previous Democratic presidents, who apparently were also

I voted for every Democratic presidential nominee since Eisenhower except
Clinton and Carter because I never vote for Republicans or Republican
look-alikes for president.  I am a fringie too.
Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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Re: LI A Word From the Leftwing of The Vast Rightwing Conspiracy

1998-03-21 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Terry :)

The best way anyone can handle this type of smear campaign is to come
back with the comment of "so what" to anyone who tries this. Perhaps
those who try to destroy people with this type of gossip will then see
they are pretty childish and immature to use this type of mud slinging,
and someone's sexual preference doesn't matter one bit to most people.
What does matter is how well they do their job.

 by Doug Ireland
 [Excerpts from an article in "The Nation."  Doug Ireland was onetime
 media critic for the "Village Voice."]

Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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Re: LI I'm bewildered! I'm Shocked! In reality I'm fed up with the BS

1998-03-21 Thread hallinan


DocCec [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I suppose it's not fair to wonder why there are nude pix of her available in
the first place?  Does everyone except me have those?  

People will be glad to know there are none of me.  It is not a matter of
morality but of common decency.

Wonder no longer, Doc.  Paula Jones is no doubt a slut - or whatever term
grabs you denoting a lack of puritanical values for women only - for letting
a boyfriend take nude pictures of her.

Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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Re: LI Cameras in Courtroom?

1998-03-21 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Linda :)

I didn't see the show that Sue was talking about but I have thought a
bit on my feelings towards camera's in the courtroom. I am mainly for
it, due to the fact it gives a lot of people the chance to see our
justice system at work, something most people never get to see. 

The upside if a trial is going to be televised I would think that
lawyers on both sides make sure they have their case completely prepared
and all the I's dotted and T's crossed. I do think the camera's does
have some affect on how the attorney's try their case, it would be
foolish to think otherwise IMHO. Is that good or bad? I don't know the
jury is still out on that. We saw some of the bad in the OJ trial, yet
in other trials I have watched I have seen how watching the case had
helped me understand the juries decision.

The downside is sometimes I see the attorneys acting for the camera and
they forget their focus should be to impress the jury not the audience
with their case. And some attorneys are very nervous, but usually they
settle down after a day or so and forget about the camera. 

The question then comes to the defendant is this fair to them? Shouldn't
they have a say in this? I would think if they're innocent it would help
them, OTOH if they are guilty and so judged it would make it harder for
them if they appeal and get the case dismissed since the public would
still be convinced they are guilty. It's a fine line concerning the
defendant IMHO. Yet since we do have camera's in courts I can't see us
ever reversing that.

Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff wrote:
 "Dr.L.D.Misek-Falkoff" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Sue, you mentioned seeing a program on cameras in the courtroom, what
 were the pros and cons? What does this group think, do you think it
 encourages acting by the lawyers or principals (plaintiffs, defendants)
 or distractions for the judge or jury -- or the other way around !!!
 Sue, did the program stimulate any thoughts on whether we can generalize
 about c's in the c?  Looking forward to a discussion, :) LDMF (next
 thing we know there will be e-mail to the courtroom, or to specific
 people in the courtroom sitting there with laptops and engaging in chat
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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Re: LI I'm bewildered! I'm Shocked! In reality I'm fed up with the BS

1998-03-21 Thread DocCec

DocCec [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 98-03-21 10:59:06 EST, you write:

 Paula Jones is no doubt a slut - or whatever term
 grabs you denoting a lack of puritanical values for women only - for letting
 a boyfriend take nude pictures of her. 

No "for women only" about it on this end, Terry.  I'd think the same thing if
a guy let his girlfriend take nude pix and then complained about it when those
pix ended up in Playgirl.  ("Slut" BTW is your word, not mine.)

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Re: LI Media Trial

1998-03-21 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Bennet's first spin was that the President didn't remember the meeting
with Kathleen, the president said the opposite, he said he had a very
clear memory of the meeting. I haven't read Ms. Steele's depo as of yet,
I'm going to try to read those this weekend :)

Concerning the amount of money asked, well isn't it common sense if you
owe money that you would want to make enough to pay off your debt? Don't
most people do that? I think so.

moonshine wrote:
 Mornin' Kathy,
Considering this situation I think it does. It's the timing that troubles me.
 Also the amount that she sought. She owes $272,000 and the last figure she
 was seeking was $300,000. mm!
What lie did Bennet say? Did Ms.Steele lie in her avadavite?
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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Re: LI Re: law-issues-digest V1 #695

1998-03-21 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

It seems your looking at the sexual aspect of the case, I'm looking into
the investigation and illegal acts that were done, if you read the plea
agreement that was just reached btwn Starr and Tucker, it shows that
there is something coming out of this investigation, Tucker pleaded
guilty to one of the charges and has agreed to testify if need be at
trial about his knowledge concerning the Clintons and their involvement
in Whitewater. That tells me something is happening but people are
overlooking that since they are more interested in the backside gossip.

Sue Hartigan wrote:
 I think that if you read what I told Bill you would see that I basically
 am saying the same thing.  There were people in the Simpson trial that
 were used because they had either written a book (Resnick) or been paid
 by Hard Copy (Snively) or the Enquirer (the knife brothers).  If their
 testimony had been used perhaps something different would have come of
 that circus.
 I was watching Eye to Eye just now, and I don't know anymore about
 Kathleen Willey than what I saw on 60 Minutes, but it sure looks like a
 deal where someone is trying hard to discredit her.  I do have one
 question, if everything that these people are saying is true, wouldn't
 she have known that before she went on 60 Minutes.  And knowing that
 wouldn't she have thought about it quite a bit before she did.
 I don't know how in the world anyone is going to ever know who lied and
 who didn't.  Not in this mess.
 IMO Starr's investigation is going to go nowhere.  All that is going to
 come out of it is a big bill for the taxpayers.  There are too many
 people on both sides who are not telling the truth, and there is no way
 that anyone can ever figure out what is what.
 That is unless an *eye witness* suddenly jumps out of the bushes.  And
 the way that this thing is going that just might happen.
 Have you heard anything about the actress from the Highlander show?  She
 supposedly had an affair with Clinton too, and now she is suppose to be
 before the grand jury, and then there is the model from New York.  Does
 it ever end?
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and tomorrow
isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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Re: LI Re: law-issues-digest V1 #695

1998-03-21 Thread Kathy E

Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

No just as it doesn't mean that every person wether they be male or
female should not have to worry about their life being destroyed for
telling what happened to them by someone. That is what is happening in
the Clinton investigations right now, it's no wonder people don't want
to talk. Would you? You can try to be noble and say but I have the truth
on my side, in this case the truth doesn't matter that has been proven
over and over, what does matter is what they will do to destroy people
for no reason but to turn the spotlight off of the accusations.

William J. Foristal wrote:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:
 Hi Kathy,
 Does that mean that every woman who accuses someone of sexual harassment
 is automatically to be believed and awarded some judgment in court?
 On Tue, 17 Mar 1998 23:57:16 -0500 Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Hi Sue :)
 And what light does the book deal shed? None I'm aware of. Also
 concerning it being a he said she said. That is the way sexual
 harrassment always has been, most people don't try a move when there
 an audience to watch. They do it in private.
 Sue Hartigan wrote:
  Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Hi Vi:
  Actually I thought her to be very creditable also.  But then I heard
  tonight, and I am waiting to find out where the information came
  that she has a book deal, or a book already.  Don't know which.
  Seems to me that everyone in this sordid tale has said something one
  and then turned around and said it another way.  I doubt that we
  will come to find out what the truth is.  Besides every time this
  allegedly happened the only people involved in it were Clinton and
  woman involved.  And it is always a he said, she said type of thing,
  how can anything be proved.
 Kathy E
 "I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and
 isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's
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Kathy E
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isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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Re: LI Background Required

1998-03-21 Thread moonshine

moonshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:



 Hi Mac,

 I deleted much.  We can go on arguing over whether a propaganda machine
 blackmailing reporters, making libelous charges in secret against
 prosecutors and anyone regarded as hostile, controlling access to the White
 House to stifle hostile stories about presidential criminality is all just
 normal operations and we should all be glad to be paying for it.  I
 politeley demur.

Mornin' Terry,  I never thought of it as an arguement. I was under the impression it 
was a
I do believe that the propaganda machine has been running hard and fast on both sides
of the aisle.

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Re: LI Media Trial

1998-03-21 Thread moonshine

moonshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Kathy E wrote:

 Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Bennet's first spin was that the President didn't remember the meeting
 with Kathleen, the president said the opposite, he said he had a very
 clear memory of the meeting. I haven't read Ms. Steele's depo as of yet,
 I'm going to try to read those this weekend :)

Not remembering a meeting or having a differant recollection doesn't always add uo to

 Concerning the amount of money asked, well isn't it common sense if you
 owe money that you would want to make enough to pay off your debt? Don't
 most people do that? I think so.

I wonder why she didn't pay off the debt when the insurance checks started rolling 
her husband's policy. According to the lender she went to great lengths to hide the 
from the creditors. The policy was for a million.

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Re: LI Re: law-issues-digest V1 #695

1998-03-21 Thread moonshine

moonshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Kathy E wrote:

 Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 It seems your looking at the sexual aspect of the case, I'm looking into
 the investigation and illegal acts that were done, if you read the plea
 agreement that was just reached btwn Starr and Tucker, it shows that
 there is something coming out of this investigation, Tucker pleaded
 guilty to one of the charges and has agreed to testify if need be at
 trial about his knowledge concerning the Clintons and their involvement
 in Whitewater. That tells me something is happening but people are
 overlooking that since they are more interested in the backside gossip.

Mornin' Kathy,
   If there is something then I'm sure it will be used in one form or another
against Clinton. That will a matter for the courts or congress. Alot will depend
on the evidence and how it holds up under scrutiny.

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Re: LI I'm bewildered! I'm Shocked! In reality I'm fed up with the BS

1998-03-21 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Terry:

The one thing about the story that appeared in Penthouse that really
bothered me was that Susan Carpenter McMillian took that opportunity to
defend her client, friend, or whatever Paula Jones is to her.

There just seems to be something wrong with that scenario to me.  It
seems to me that if Paula was that upset about these pictures appearing
then instead of using that forum to defend her "client", McMillian
should have been yelling about the pictures being there in the first

I don't know if I am getting my feelings across here very well.  

 Hi Sue,
 I have no idea how or why she was in Penthouse.
 A former husband (boyfriend?) sold the pictures.
 But I still wonder how she is going to explain this.
 Why should she have to?  The pictures weren't made for the delight of the
 readers of Penthouse.  Is this something that would even shock Pat Robertson?
 The boyfriend should be sitting in court alongside Our Beloved President.
 And you know she is going to have to.  So
 who sold the pictures, and who got the money for this?
 Former husband (boyfriend?).  I will try to find out which if you insist.
 Paula Jones got nothing.
 I do know that Susan Carpenter McMillian was interviewed in the story that
 went along with the pictures.
 As to how I would explain the pictures.  Well at my murder trial it
 would be justifiable homicide.
 I understand. :-}
 Donna Rice is another story altogether.  There was a whole slew of women
 around that time.  None of them brought charges against anyone.
 I'm not condemning nor am I condoning any of them.  It was a legitimate
 question, IMO.
 I'll be damned if I can see how pictures sold by a former beaux could cause
 anyone to look down on Paula Jones.  But then she is being blamed for
 complaining about Our Beloved President waving his dick in her face.  People
 have a strange sense of morality these days.
 Best, Terry

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: LI Subdural Hematomas

1998-03-21 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Terry:

You are right they can linger on for months even a year with a
subdural.  However that is unlikely anymore, with the CT scans etc.  But
it can and has happened in the past.  It depends on the bleed,
absorption, and pressure on the brain.


 I don't understand what you are saying here.  A person can die within
 hours, minutes for that matter from a subdural.  Just as they can linger
 on for days.
 Or weeks, or months, more than a year.
 It depends on the bleed, /w the resultant pressure on the
 The prosecutors claimed that the 3 or 4 weeks of healing of the skull
 fracture shown in photographs did not exist.  At worst that leaves
 reasonable doubt.  The au pair was convicted because they convinced the
 jurors that Matthew Eappen died as a result of a skull fracture the day he
 was taken to the hospital.  He lingered for some days and they claimed the
 healing (which they earlier denied existed at all) was only during that time.
 I too wondered about the wrist fx.
  Now Mary was only a nurse and we all know nurses know nothing. :-}  But she
  did save a life over one of these damn things.  Because she didn't listen to
  higher authority.
 I do take exception with "nurses know nothing".  BG
 Best, Terry

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: LI Paula Jones' Penthouse Pictures

1998-03-21 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Terry:

Patricia Ireland, and Pat Schroder both said that the reason that they
have come forward now, and didn't in the past is because this most
recent case (if true) was a sexual assault. 


 This may not be from the most reliable sources.  It is third-hand hearsay
 from Susan Carpenter McMillan, a rightwing media flack, through a gossip
 columnist interviewing such hack to your faithful quoter:
 McMillan is still furious about the silence of liberal feminists. "Where was
 Pat Ireland when some scum-bucket ex-boyfriend sold topless pictures of
 Paula to Penthouse magazine? Where was the outrage? They were out there with
 tape on their mouths."
 I was really surprised that the message hadn't long ago sunk in that Paula
 Jones has been smeared and dirtied by the most potent PR attack machine
 ever, betrayed and sold out by friends and family for great paydays.  I have
 wondered if Jones has nerve endings.  She has gone through attacks that have
 driven others to suicide and she had the option of ending it unlike people
 such as OJ or Marv Albert.
 Jones is embarrassed by seeing the nude pictures her boyfriend sells to
 Penthouse spread out for all the world and then she is condemned as if she
 sold the pictures herself.  Seems few believe in any sort of fair play for
 Clinton's victims?
 To pass along a bit of totally unsubstantiated gossip (an anonymous caller
 to C-SPAN), revenues to NOW took a big hit with the recent round of sex
 stories regarding Our Beloved President.  Could explain Patricia Ireland's
 sudden discovery of a conscience - but only regarding a woman with a decent
 wardrobe and accent.
 Best, Terry
 "Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary
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1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: LI Re: law-issues-digest V1 #695

1998-03-21 Thread moonshine

moonshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Kathy E wrote:

 Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 No just as it doesn't mean that every person wether they be male or
 female should not have to worry about their life being destroyed for
 telling what happened to them by someone. That is what is happening in
 the Clinton investigations right now, it's no wonder people don't want
 to talk. Would you? You can try to be noble and say but I have the truth
 on my side, in this case the truth doesn't matter that has been proven
 over and over, what does matter is what they will do to destroy people
 for no reason but to turn the spotlight off of the accusations.

Afternoon Kathy,
   What if the accusations turn out to be false? The damage done to the president
and the office of the presidency cannot be erased.

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Re: LI Re: law-issues-digest V1 #695

1998-03-21 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Mac:

Either way the office of the Presidency has been damaged IMO.  There are
going to be a lot of people who are not going to run for the Presidency
now because they aren't going to want to have their lives turned upside
down by having their personal lives put under microscopes, etc.  

IMO the office of the Presidency has been tarnished for years to come,
if not forever.  And I doubt that it will ever be held in high regard as
it should be again.  :(

 Afternoon Kathy,
What if the accusations turn out to be false? The damage done to the president
 and the office of the presidency cannot be erased.

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: LI Jim McDougal

1998-03-21 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Jackie:

I don't know really if it is different times or not.  My daughter
handles it pretty much the same way I did.  

I think that it really depends on the age of the woman involved.  The
first time it happened to me I was scared.  The second time it really
wasn't any big deal, and a simple no thanks seemed to handle it.  I
wasn't thinking at the time that the guy was my boss, or that he could
help or hurt me in the work place, just that I didn't want to get
involved with him or anyone else.  He was married and so was I.  

The third guy was a creep, and I let him know so.  :)

I wonder how this whole thing with Clinton would have turned out if it
was Hillary that was doing what Clinton is accused of and these were men
who wanted to get further up in the WH.  I really do.

 Hi Sue
 You know it may be the different times we grew up in that makes the reaction to this 
sort of behavior so
 different.  I guess when I went to work, dealing with this in a direct manner was 
just part of the territory.
 You either dealth with it yourself or it would go on; simple as that.  I must say 
though, you were nicer about
 it than I was.

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: LI I'm bewildered! I'm Shocked! In reality I'm fed up with the BS

1998-03-21 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Doc:

The only nude photos that I know exist of me are on a bear skin rug. 
And to be honest I don't care who sees them.  :)  So no you aren't
alone.  :)


 I suppose it's not fair to wonder why there are nude pix of her available in
 the first place?  Does everyone except me have those?

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: LI Re: law-issues-digest V1 #695

1998-03-21 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Kathy:

You are right I haven't paid any attention to the Whitewater case.  In
fact until yesterday I didn't even know that it was still going on. :(

As for people looking at the "backside gossip".  Yes they are, mainly
because this is what is going to either make or break the President. 
Also nothing else really is being reported.  Sex sells.  BG

 It seems your looking at the sexual aspect of the case, I'm looking into
 the investigation and illegal acts that were done, if you read the plea
 agreement that was just reached btwn Starr and Tucker, it shows that
 there is something coming out of this investigation, Tucker pleaded
 guilty to one of the charges and has agreed to testify if need be at
 trial about his knowledge concerning the Clintons and their involvement
 in Whitewater. That tells me something is happening but people are
 overlooking that since they are more interested in the backside gossip.
 Sue Hartigan wrote:

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: LI Re: law-issues-digest V1 #695

1998-03-21 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Kathy:

We saw this same thing happen with Simpson.  Everytime a person came
forward to tell what they knew they were attacked and their lives were
torn upside down.  :(

Personally after watching that trial I decided that if given the same
circumstances I would keep my mouth shut.  And unfortunately that is
what the bad guys hope for.  (not saying that Clinton is the bad guy)

 No just as it doesn't mean that every person wether they be male or
 female should not have to worry about their life being destroyed for
 telling what happened to them by someone. That is what is happening in
 the Clinton investigations right now, it's no wonder people don't want
 to talk. Would you? You can try to be noble and say but I have the truth
 on my side, in this case the truth doesn't matter that has been proven
 over and over, what does matter is what they will do to destroy people
 for no reason but to turn the spotlight off of the accusations.

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: LI I'm bewildered! I'm Shocked! In reality I'm fed up with the BS

1998-03-21 Thread hallinan


 Paula Jones is no doubt a slut - or whatever term
 grabs you denoting a lack of puritanical values for women only - for letting
 a boyfriend take nude pictures of her. 

No "for women only" about it on this end, Terry.  I'd think the same thing if
a guy let his girlfriend take nude pix and then complained about it when those
pix ended up in Playgirl.  ("Slut" BTW is your word, not mine.)

I don't use slut.  I am not a puritan.  I have no familiarity with the
language of puritanism.  I am not one who thinks the public has a right to
knowledge about the private sexual activities of consenting adults.  Just my
own private immorality, I guess.  

From my own perspective there does not seem to be a great demand for nude
pictures of many men outside the gay community.  The sexual activities of
men do not seem to scandalize the public like those of women.

I don't make the rules, Doc.
Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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Re: LI Background Required

1998-03-21 Thread hallinan


moonshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Mornin' Terry,  I never thought of it as an arguement. I was under the
impression it was a discussion.

Hope so, Mac.

I do believe that the propaganda machine has been running hard and fast on
both sides of the aisle.

I know of no evidence that reputable figures in the Democratic or Republican
parties outside Clinton have hired professional rumormongers on an ongoing
basis at public expense to spread rumors about opponents, reporters, or
other possible enemies. Such things occur during political campaigns on a
much smaller scale and are not publicly funded.

I think it is rightfully denounced then.

Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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Re: LI Paula Jones' Penthouse Pictures

1998-03-21 Thread hallinan


Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Terry:

Patricia Ireland, and Pat Schroder both said that the reason that they
have come forward now, and didn't in the past is because this most
recent case (if true) was a sexual assault. 


Hi Sue,

Naturally they wouldn't care to explain that Kathleen Willey is not a lower
class type with the wrong hairdo and accent.  Paula Jones was assaulted just
as surely as Willey was and suffered further intimidation and humiliation.
Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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Re: LI I'm bewildered! I'm Shocked! In reality I'm fed up with the BS

1998-03-21 Thread hallinan


Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Terry:

The one thing about the story that appeared in Penthouse that really
bothered me was that Susan Carpenter McMillian took that opportunity to
defend her client, friend, or whatever Paula Jones is to her.

There just seems to be something wrong with that scenario to me.  It
seems to me that if Paula was that upset about these pictures appearing
then instead of using that forum to defend her "client", McMillian
should have been yelling about the pictures being there in the first

I don't know if I am getting my feelings across here very well.  


Seems to me you are, Sue.

In order to use "Penthouse" as a forum it might not have been possible to
daman the publisher for buying and running the photos.  Obviously McMillan,
a rightwing flack who is only using Paula Jones for her own agenda IMO, has
condemned the publishing of the photos.

Are you really denying the pain that Paula Jones made obvious when the
pictures were published?
Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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Re: LI Re: law-issues-digest V1 #695

1998-03-21 Thread hallinan


moonshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Mornin' Kathy,
   If there is something then I'm sure it will be used in one form or another
against Clinton. That will a matter for the courts or congress. Alot will
on the evidence and how it holds up under scrutiny.

Hi Mac,

Don't you think that might depend partly on whether Starr's Republican
friends can be surgically removed?  Starr has been very solicitous of such
concerns in the past.
Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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Re: LI A Word From the Leftwing of The Vast Rightwing Conspiracy

1998-03-21 Thread hallinan


Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Terry :)

The best way anyone can handle this type of smear campaign is to come
back with the comment of "so what" to anyone who tries this. Perhaps
those who try to destroy people with this type of gossip will then see
they are pretty childish and immature to use this type of mud slinging,
and someone's sexual preference doesn't matter one bit to most people.
What does matter is how well they do their job.

Inspiring thoughts, Kathy, but not always practical.  A man was credited
with possibly saving President Ford's life by jostling Squeaky Fromm who was
trying to shoot Ford.  Reporters discovered he was a homosexual.  It came as
a shock to his family - not to mention friends, neighbors and employer.  It
tore his life apart.  

The use of such information (rumormongers are not always terribly
conscientious about spreading totally false rumors as people like Tom Foley
and Barry Goldwater could tell you) can be devastating to lives.  It is like
the businesses that used to have rumormongers on their staff to let it be
known a guy with leprosy was processing the food a competitor was selling.
Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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Re: LI Re: law-issues-digest V1 #695

1998-03-21 Thread moonshine

moonshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Sue Hartigan wrote:

 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi Mac:

 Either way the office of the Presidency has been damaged IMO.  There are
 going to be a lot of people who are not going to run for the Presidency
 now because they aren't going to want to have their lives turned upside
 down by having their personal lives put under microscopes, etc.

 IMO the office of the Presidency has been tarnished for years to come,
 if not forever.  And I doubt that it will ever be held in high regard as
 it should be again.  :(

Afternoon Sue,
   I agree. Also I feel the media in general has also taken a big hit. What was
once considered trash journalism has become the norm. I think the newspaper
rack at the check-out line in the supermarkets will and should contain the countries
leading newspapers and magazines It shouldn't be long before we start seeing
color photos of mutants, aliens, and monkey boys on the front page of all the so
called respectable publications.

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Re: LI Re: law-issues-digest V1 #695

1998-03-21 Thread moonshine

moonshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


 Hi Mac,

 Don't you think that might depend partly on whether Starr's Republican
 friends can be surgically removed?  Starr has been very solicitous of such
 concerns in the past.

Afternoon Terry,
From what I understand the House Judiciary Committee headed by Mr. Hyde
is well respected by both sides of the aisle. The recent attempt by Newt to create
a special select group to have a peak into the investigation by Starr was a blunder
IMO, and his talk of impeachment is a tad premature. I'm starting to believe he
wants to have impeachment hearings regardless of any evidence to stengthen his
parties upcoming elections. I think he blinked and it didn't go unnoticed.

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Re: LI I'm bewildered! I'm Shocked! In reality I'm fed up with the BS

1998-03-21 Thread hallinan


Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Terry:

LOL  Well I never read their magazines anyway.  LOL  But I would suspect
that Penthouse is probably a bit classier, if that is possible, than
Hustler.  :)

It would be extremely difficult not to be.

I don't know if Paula is "lying" or just exaggerating.  I do believe
something happened in that hotel room.  But I also think that the story
has grown from what exactly happened.  But that is just my opinion on
that one.  And if you remember it hasn't changed since the inception of
this whole thing.  I may be wrong, but that is just how I feel.


Let me just reiterate the evidence about what occurred:

Clinton says:

a. He never met Jones.

b. He can't remember meeting Jones.

c. But he can remember it didn't happen.

Paula Jones says:

a.  She met Clinton.

b.  He made a sexual assault on her.

c.  She told witnesses.

d.  She was threatened and humiliated to keep her quiet.

Witnesses say:

a.  It happened.

b.  She told them Clinton assaulted her, except

- Trooper Ferguson says:

 Jones wanted to be assaulted.

- Jones sister says:

Jones was happy to be assaulted.

- Other witnesses say:

Jones was unhappy to be assaulted.

c.  Jones was intimidated and humiliated on the job.

Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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Re: LI Re: law-issues-digest V1 #695

1998-03-21 Thread moonshine

moonshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Sue Hartigan wrote:

 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi Mac:

 I don't know why it surprised me, but it did.  The other day I was in
 the checkouts and there on the Star, Enquirer, and a few others were
 pictures and stories of Clinton.

 For some reason it just hit me wrong.  The office of the Presidency
 should hold some kind of respect.  But here it is in the same trash that
 holds the story of some three headed alien that came down and managed to
 mate with an alligator or something.

 I certainly wouldn't want to be the next guy who is running for the
 office of President either.  Unless this guy came straight out of a
 monastery, I can't imagine anyone not having something in their
 background that they don't want people to know.  Well then there is
 Quayle  BG

 But do we really want someone in that office that is sooo perfect that
 they wouldn't be able to relate to the everyday guy.  I don't think I

 Ther has to be a happy medium out there somewhere.


Afternoon Sue,
It's the sexiness of the case that sells. Americans drool over it and the press
relishes it. I think if we put anyone under the same microscope as Clinton there
would be something there for someone to take issue with.

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Re: LI I'm bewildered! I'm Shocked! In reality I'm fed up with the BS

1998-03-21 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Terry:

There are two reasons why I wonder about her story, other than the fact
that things do seem to get added. 

First being she took until just a short time before the statue of
limitations ran out to file her claim.  If she was so humiliated and
hurt why did it take so long?

Secondly she was id'd as only Paula in the obscure magazine The
Spectator, and no one even knew who this person was even if they
happened to be the one person who happened to read this publication.

Now she is saying that her sexual ability has decreased due to this
happening.  Which IMO is something that will be impossible to prove one
way or the other.  

 Let me just reiterate the evidence about what occurred:
 Clinton says:
 a. He never met Jones.
 b. He can't remember meeting Jones.
 c. But he can remember it didn't happen.
 Paula Jones says:
 a.  She met Clinton.
 b.  He made a sexual assault on her.
 c.  She told witnesses.
 d.  She was threatened and humiliated to keep her quiet.
 Witnesses say:
 a.  It happened.
 b.  She told them Clinton assaulted her, except
 - Trooper Ferguson says:
  Jones wanted to be assaulted.
 - Jones sister says:
 Jones was happy to be assaulted.
 - Other witnesses say:
 Jones was unhappy to be assaulted.
 c.  Jones was intimidated and humiliated on the job.

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: LI I'm bewildered! I'm Shocked! In reality I'm fed up with the BS

1998-03-21 Thread hallinan


Hi Sue,

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Terry:

There are two reasons why I wonder about her story, other than the fact
that things do seem to get added. 

First being she took until just a short time before the statue of
limitations ran out to file her claim.  If she was so humiliated and
hurt why did it take so long?

Most women never report such an incident or a more serious rape.  Jones says
she had no intention of reporting anything until the continuing stories of
her dalliances with Clinton were put in print.

You should understand that suit was filed under a somewhat novel
interpretation of one law and that time had expired on normal charges.

I think the time women take to level charges is a complete red herring.
Most of those who use this argument against Jones have no problem with Anita
Hill's much longer silence. 

Secondly she was id'd as only Paula in the obscure magazine The
Spectator, and no one even knew who this person was even if they
happened to be the one person who happened to read this publication.

She didn't read it.  It was pointed out to her by a friend who did read it.
Her circle of acquaintances was quite well aware of the whispers and knew
damn well who "Paula" was.

Now she is saying that her sexual ability has decreased due to this
happening.  Which IMO is something that will be impossible to prove one
way or the other.  


I think personally that is a silly claim and is only a ploy by her lawyers
to shore up the legalities.  Seems a blunder to me but what do I know.
Fantastic claims are upheld in court.

That Jones was upset should be obvious to anyone.  Her determination and
unwillingness to compromise is incredible.  She has taken blasts from the
Clinton hatchet men and broadsides from the like of Sam Donaldson that would
unnerve a charging rhinoceros.
Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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Re: LI Re: law-issues-digest V1 #695

1998-03-21 Thread DocCec

DocCec [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 98-03-21 12:15:13 EST, you write:

 Either way the office of the Presidency has been damaged IMO.  There are
 going to be a lot of people who are not going to run for the Presidency
 now because they aren't going to want to have their lives turned upside
 down by having their personal lives put under microscopes, etc.  
 IMO the office of the Presidency has been tarnished for years to come,
 if not forever.  And I doubt that it will ever be held in high regard as
 it should be again.  :(

I can't imagine anyone so simon pure as to have nothing in his/her background
that the scandal mongers could use against him/her.  That being the case, I
think your first PP is right on.  Would you want to run, if everything you
ever did, said, didn't do, didn't say, etc., was up for grabs?  Add to that
everything that could be said about you -- perhaps on tape -- between your
"friends" and I think my answer would be a resounding no.

I hope you're wrong about the office itself, though only time will tell.
History does have a few parellels -- presidents accused of scandalous conduct
-- and the office has survived. 


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Re: LI I'm bewildered! I'm Shocked! In reality I'm fed up with the BS

1998-03-21 Thread DocCec

DocCec [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 98-03-21 12:43:00 EST, you write:

 The only nude photos that I know exist of me are on a bear skin rug. 
 And to be honest I don't care who sees them.  :)  So no you aren't
 alone.  :)

LOL Sue!  I have the equivalent of those, too -- no bear skin rug, just bare
skin taken when I was under a year old.  Guess is Penthouse is really
desperate they can have those if they want to pay for them.

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Re: LI I'm bewildered! I'm Shocked! In reality I'm fed up with the BS

1998-03-21 Thread DocCec

DocCec [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 98-03-21 13:07:42 EST, you write:

 From my own perspective there does not seem to be a great demand for nude
 pictures of many men outside the gay community.  The sexual activities of
 men do not seem to scandalize the public like those of women. 

Now if I were a real friend I'd subscribe to Playgirl for you.  Those
centerfolds aren't just there to make the magazine larger, you know.  
I remember when a new nightclub opened in Peoria offering male strippers
instead of the female strippers offered by the other places.  A colleague of
mine insisted that would be of interest only to gay males.  I dared him to
visit it one night -- he and his wife took me up on it and discovered an
audience of enthusiastic screaming females.  Believe it or not, women are as
interested in men as men are in women.

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Re: LI I'm bewildered! I'm Shocked! In reality I'm fed up with the BS

1998-03-21 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Doc:

Actually I kinda like my nude pictures, now that I don't have a
boyfriend that my brother threatens to show them to.  BG

I don't think Penthouse has the kind of money that either of us would be
asking for these special pictures.  :)


 LOL Sue!  I have the equivalent of those, too -- no bear skin rug, just bare
 skin taken when I was under a year old.  Guess is Penthouse is really
 desperate they can have those if they want to pay for them.

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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LI Re: law-issues-digest V1 #695

1998-03-21 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

On Fri, 20 Mar 1998 17:12:13 -0500 (EST) [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

I think it's obvious that this is the kind of prejudice that 
our forefathers to institute the innocent until proven guilty 
phrasing in
the Constitution.  

Bill, you can hunt and search, you can use a magnifying glass, you can 
use a
computer to search it but nowhere in our Constitution is there any 

The prejudice against a raped woman should be understood in this 
The rapist's lawyer always attacks the woman ruthlessly as a 
vindictive woman.  If you go into a case saying every woman who claims 
to be
raped is lying and that there is always another side, then you should 
certainly not be permitted on a jury, any jury.

My prejudice is for the truth and I deny that every woman asks for it. 
have never and will never claim that women do not at times make 
false claims and that the truth may be entirely on the other side.
Best, Terry 

HI Terry,

LOLnice speech. yawn



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1998-03-21 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

On Sat, 21 Mar 1998 10:18:59 EST DocCec [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
DocCec [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 98-03-21 07:34:36 EST, you write:

 goodness we all believe so strongly in innocent until *proven* 
guilty, or
 do we??  As one commentator remarked just because we don't like the 
 and just because he is President, isn't he entitled to the same 
avenues open
 to the accuser and to the same (if not more so) benefit of the doubt 
we give
 the accused?

Jackief, I was in central Illinois when WC was first elected, and you 
cut the Clinton-hate with a knife.  They hated him before they knew 
about him other than that he was young and didn't do military service. 
fact, the most usual complaint was that he was too young to have been 
in World
War II .  Some of those folks were ready to fly to DC and commit 
murder before
they guy was even inaugurated.  You can't change that kind of thing -- 
rock-hard conservatism is just as impervious to reasonableness, IMO, 
as is the
far left.  Fringes just are that way.

H Doc,

And, can you believe this...some people think he's a liar and he hasn't
even been given a lie detector test.  How can they really know for


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Re: LI Background Required

1998-03-21 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

Hi Terry

No they are not the most effective means of showing lies.  If they 
were, they would
be permissible in court.  Any antisocial can pass a lie detector, even 
one who is
not a criminal.  Pathological liars can pass a lie detector; people 
whose physical
responses do not follow a normal pattern can pass a test; the person 
giving the test
can mess up the findings; the phrasing of the questions can alter the 

One other thing I disagree with--Starr just calls everyone to testify 
at the grand
jury--seems he has a bigger stick in this case to initimidate in some 
respects.  So
both sides are engaging in some 'dirty pool', not just the wh.


Hi Jackie,

I agree completely.  This is obviously a controversial issue and there
are those who have reasons for having us believe that lie detectors are
the best way to tell if someone is telling the truth or not.  Perhaps
they have investments in companies who make the equipment.  Who knows?


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1998-03-21 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

Hi Kathy,

Hmmm, lemme see if I understand what you are saying here.  It's ok for
people to come out and accuse Clinton of doing things and to delve into
his personal life and attack him on every front possible.  But it's not
ok for Clinton to do the same thing to his accusers???  Sounds like a
double standard to me.

Too bad this whole thing has to be fought in the media.


On Fri, 20 Mar 1998 17:10:49 -0500 Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

You mean to tell me they're just NOW taking the gloves off? Hell I 
realized they had them on. I mean look how many lives they have
destroyed, lets be honest they are digging up dirt for one reason 
and that is to take away the attention from the allegations that are
being charged, their thinking is if we can come up with something
juicier than what the person is alleging then we will take the 
off of Bill and put it on so and so. What people don't seem to care
about is the one thing the WH does is no matter who it is they will 
out anything they can to destroy that person. I bet if Mother Teresa 
alive and said something they would put out some dirt on her also,
alleging she was a leader of this weird cult or something. Truth 
matter in this case anymore only who is willing to get dirtier than 

Has it dawned on anyone that no matter how many people you have had 
with doesn't mean that you can't be sexually harassed? The WH thinking
sounds like the old belief that a hooker couldn't be raped. Well they
can be and people are convicted for it. Who Paula has slept with does
not matter in this case. Who Bill slept with does not matter, what 
matter is did he do as she alleges?

Sue Hartigan wrote:
 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 This is really getting dirty now.  :(  Sue
 The DRUDGE REPORT has learned that the WASHINGTON POST will report 
 Friday editions that President Clinton's legal defense team plans to
 introduce in court Friday sealed evidence about Paula Jones' past 
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and 
isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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Re: LI Question for Kathy

1998-03-21 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

HI Kathy,

That's what makes the statement so damaging to her.  No one coerced her
to say that on the statement.  It's what she wrote.  Obviously, she was
mistaken about not meeting with Clinton, but the meaning of the statement
seems to be that if she had such a horrible experience she would have
remembered it when she made the statement after her husband's death.


On Fri, 20 Mar 1998 17:37:01 -0500 Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Kathy E [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

But Sue we already know that statement is false, her and Clinton both
admit they met that day. So now I'm left wondering why did they want 
to sign a statement saying she didn't meet with anyone? There is
something fishy going on I'm just not sure what it is. Yet there has 
be a reason they wanted her to say she didn't meet with anyone.

Sue Hartigan wrote:
 Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Hi Kathy:
 According to the lawyer who is handling the case for the clients her
 husband stole the money from, Kathleen made a sworn statement which 
 the on the day of her husband's death she went to the WH to do her 
 job, and talked to no one there that day.  She is also still legally
 responsible for the money that her husband stole which is in the
 neighborhood of 30 thousand dollars.  And the clients are actively
 trying to recover it.
 I got this off of Bryant Gumbles show last night, where the attorney
 appeared with the sworn statement of Kathleen's.  :(
Kathy E
"I can only please one person a day, today is NOT your day, and 
isn't looking too good for you either" Law  Issues Mailing List - Cowboy Histories Crime photo's

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Re: LI Sexual History/Herstory

1998-03-21 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

On Sat, 21 Mar 1998 10:18:18 EST DocCec [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
DocCec [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 98-03-20 22:06:41 EST, you write:

 But aversion to sex and partaking of it wouldn't seem to be the 
same thing.
 Maybe she did a lot more, trying to overcome the problem? :-} 

Truly heroic! 

Hi Doc,

ROTF here!  Sort of like getting back on the horse before she loses her


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Re: LI Re: law-issues-digest V1 #695

1998-03-21 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Doc:

To be absolutely honest even if I were qualified, or even over qualified
to be President, and had nothing in my background that could hurt me in
the least, I wouldn't run.  Especially right now.  

And that is where we are going to lose good people.  Because even if
they don't have anything in their backgrounds that is that horrible,
they are going to be afraid that things will be made up.  IMO

You are right the WH has survived scandals before, such as Nixon.  But
most of the information that came out of the WH came out after the
President left office.  Or it just wasn't made a big deal of until he
left office.

I hope that I am wrong on this one.  I really do.  I guess we will be
finding out soon by seeing who runs.  We might just end up with one
person in the running though, Quayle.  :(

 I can't imagine anyone so simon pure as to have nothing in his/her background
 that the scandal mongers could use against him/her.  That being the case, I
 think your first PP is right on.  Would you want to run, if everything you
 ever did, said, didn't do, didn't say, etc., was up for grabs?  Add to that
 everything that could be said about you -- perhaps on tape -- between your
 "friends" and I think my answer would be a resounding no.
 I hope you're wrong about the office itself, though only time will tell.
 History does have a few parellels -- presidents accused of scandalous conduct
 -- and the office has survived.

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: LI I'm bewildered! I'm Shocked! In reality I'm fed up with the BS

1998-03-21 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Doc:

Our firemen have just sold out their 1999 calender this year already. :)

I went to see the Chippendale Dancers with my daughter, and I wouldn't
say that women weren't interested in this sort of thing.  I know I 
was. BG

Playgirl has quite a subscription list too.  :)

 Now if I were a real friend I'd subscribe to Playgirl for you.  Those
 centerfolds aren't just there to make the magazine larger, you know.
 I remember when a new nightclub opened in Peoria offering male strippers
 instead of the female strippers offered by the other places.  A colleague of
 mine insisted that would be of interest only to gay males.  I dared him to
 visit it one night -- he and his wife took me up on it and discovered an
 audience of enthusiastic screaming females.  Believe it or not, women are as
 interested in men as men are in women.
Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: LI Re: law-issues-digest V1 #695

1998-03-21 Thread Sue Hartigan

Sue Hartigan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi Doc:

LOL  You are certainly on the mark about that. :)

I don't know that I would want a perfect person in the WH anyway.  It
would be very difficult to relate to us mere mortals if he was.  IMO  

 That guy from the monastery would almost certainly have his sexual orientation
 questioned, Sue.  Quayle?  No, that's going too far IMO.

Two rules in life:

1.  Don't tell people everything you know.

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Re: LI Re: law-issues-digest V1 #695

1998-03-21 Thread hallinan


DocCec [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I certainly wouldn't want to be the next guy who is running for the
 office of President either.  Unless this guy came straight out of a
 monastery, I can't imagine anyone not having something in their
 background that they don't want people to know.  Well then there is
 Quayle  BG 

That guy from the monastery would almost certainly have his sexual orientation
questioned, Sue.

Think David Souter or Janet Reno.  Barbara Mikulski was even subliminally
charged.  She couldn't deny it without uttering the dread word.

Quayle?  No, that's going too far IMO. 

Innocent, Sue.  Not stupid.

There actually have been wonderful candidates with spotless records in
recent times though they didn't fare well.  Sen. Paul Simon is an easy one.
Dukakis was even nominated.  They had to claim he was crazy and didn't look
good in a tank.  He was even accused of being horrors a liberal.  It was a

The supply of decent people is not so meager that we have to elect degenerates.

Some might have noticed that Al Gore is quite clean.  He is a nightmare for
Republicans who would promise a bleak future for them if they did the right
thing and cleaned up the mess in the White House.
Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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1998-03-21 Thread DocCec

DocCec [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 98-03-21 15:46:13 EST, you write:

 And, can you believe this...some people think he's a liar and he hasn't
 even been given a lie detector test.  How can they really know for

Sure.  The people I mentioned thought he was a liar and he hadn't said
anything yet.  

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Re: LI I'm bewildered! I'm Shocked! In reality I'm fed up with the BS

1998-03-21 Thread DocCec

DocCec [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 98-03-21 15:43:12 EST, you write:

 I don't think Penthouse has the kind of money that either of us would be
 asking for these special pictures.  :)

Darn!!  Another good idea down the drain.

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Re: LI Re: law-issues-digest V1 #695

1998-03-21 Thread DocCec

DocCec [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 98-03-21 15:56:55 EST, you write:

 You are right the WH has survived scandals before, such as Nixon.  But
 most of the information that came out of the WH came out after the
 President left office.  Or it just wasn't made a big deal of until he
 left office. 

I didn't so much mean Nixon as Andrew Jackson and people like that, accused of
sexual peccadilos and the like.  

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Re: LI Sexual History/Herstory

1998-03-21 Thread DocCec

DocCec [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 98-03-21 15:46:58 EST, you write:

 ROTF here!  Sort of like getting back on the horse before she loses her

Bill, give a girl some warning, will you?  I nearly peed my pants!  Back on
the horse indeed!  Ya gotta love it!

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Re: LI I'm bewildered! I'm Shocked! In reality I'm fed up with the BS

1998-03-21 Thread DocCec

DocCec [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 98-03-21 15:57:11 EST, you write:

 I went to see the Chippendale Dancers with my daughter, and I wouldn't
 say that women weren't interested in this sort of thing.  I know I 
 was. BG 

Those guys are really gorgeous, aren't they?  (Hey, folks, that's art
appreciation, not prurient interest.  Isn't it?)

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Re: LI Re: law-issues-digest V1 #695

1998-03-21 Thread hallinan


DocCec [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 98-03-21 15:56:55 EST, you write:

 You are right the WH has survived scandals before, such as Nixon.  But
 most of the information that came out of the WH came out after the
 President left office.  Or it just wasn't made a big deal of until he
 left office. 

I didn't so much mean Nixon as Andrew Jackson and people like that, accused of
sexual peccadilos and the like.  

The most interesting one of all, of course, was Grover Cleveland.  He
survived the scandal of an illegitimate son. Cleveland told his campaign to
answer all questions honestly and fully.  That didn't completely occur.
There was a secret that was not divulged.

Cleveland had his name placed on the birth certificate. The circle of men
for whom the woman was providing relief from home and hearth were all
married except for Cleveland and in order to preserve domestic tranquility
for his friends Cleveland took credit for work that he likely had not
accomplished.  An intelligent electorate returned Cleveland to the White
House after a lapse.

All our early presidents were accused of all manner of crimes.  They do not
seem to me to have been of the dreary quality that so concerns this group.
Best, Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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Re: LI Appologies for the snappy reply.

1998-03-21 Thread William J. Foristal

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

HI Steve,

No apology necessary, Steve.  I didn't consider your reply snappy or rude
in any way.

I find all of your notes to be thought provoking and you certainly add to
the value of this discussion group.


On Sat, 21 Mar 1998 00:01:51 - Steve Wright
Steve Wright [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I would just like to say I'm sorry for the snappy reply to bills 
I remember vividly as anyone would checking the underside of our car 
going shopping.
My dad going on armed guard duty for four consecutive weeks.
Waking in the morning to hear that a guy I had laughed and joked with 
only a
week before had had his brains blown out, the guy had a wife and kids 
and to
a impressionable 16yr old, well you know the result.  All countries 
have a
bloody history of one kind or another.

What you said in a way Bill is right, justice is justice, not right or 
just justice.
Peace Steve

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