Re: [Mpls] Elections

2005-11-09 Thread Pamela Taylor
Your thoughts raise THE $64,000 Question:
Just WHAT did Progressive MN do to assist with getting Elizabeth Glidden 
elected aside from giving her the endorsement for Ward 8? 
Pamela Taylor 

Some thoughts:

Progessive Mpls is a big winner with lots of endorsed candidates 

Dean E. Carlson
Ward 10, East Harriet

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[Mpls] 8TH Ward

2005-11-09 Thread Pamela Taylor
LIst Members,
Just want to everyone to be clear - I like and supported Elizabeth Glidden, and 
am very happy she won!  I just want to know what Progressive MN did to ensure 
that victory, as I don't recall anything.  They seem to be getting a lot of 
credit, and I also noted that in the StarTrib.  I don't believe in giving 
political machines credit for anything unless it is warranted.
Congrats to all who won.  We will be supporting AND watching all of you for the 
next four years.  Don't take our confidence in you lightly!
Pamela Taylor  

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[Mpls] Zach Metoyer

2005-09-12 Thread Pamela Taylor
In case anyone has wondered where this candidate is in the last few days before 
the Primary, Zachary Metoyer is still serving the people, though not by handing 
out campaign material. 
He is serving in the relief effort to assist Hurricane Katrina evacuees.  He is 
doing the type of work that led him to run for public office to begin with.  
Helping his fellow citizens.  He is NOT doing this to get votes, nor to garner 
any photo opportunities.  Matter of fact, he shunned many of those so that he 
could concentrate fully on the job at hand.
At the 8th Ward Forum at McRae Park last Thursday, he let the people know what 
he was doing, and vowed that he will not neglect his duties if the constituents 
voted him into office.  He is simply following his heart and conscience, and I 
applaud that decision.  He is not abandoning those in need, nor will he abandon 
the needs of those in the 8th Ward.
And for those of you who wish to see this as a plug, go right ahead and call it 
that, and I will not shy away from that.  I cannot vote, I am in the 10th Ward, 
but I believe the 8th Ward has an opportunity to make a real smart decision to 
seat a real smart individual, starting tomorrow.  Zachary Metoyer.
Pamela Taylor

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Re: [Mpls] Gente de Minnesota endorsements for wards 8 and 10

2005-09-09 Thread Pamela Taylor
An Opinion: Do you think the reason that Zachary Metoyer did not (I am guessing 
since there was no mention of him in this post) respond to your questionnaire 
could be because he did not and is not seeking any endorsements of any kind?  
He may not have wanted to send a mixed message by doing so.  If I am not 
mistaken, I heard that his head campaign person is Latina, so he must resonate 
on some level with your issues.  Perhaps if you spoke to them, they could give 
you some insight into the candidate that could be passed along to your 
readership, though not in the form of any endorsements.  
In my opinion, endorsements are like toys, and in this crazy mixed up political 
world we currently exist in, we seem to believe that whoever has the most toys 
That is one of the main problems with this country today.  If we believe that 
some supposed big shot organizations, politicos and/or experts tells us 
something about something or somebody, that we should just take it as face 
value and believe it, instead of really delving into the matter (if feasibly 
possible) ourselves.  An example that comes to mind is the weapons of mass 
destruction speech.  A lot of Americans were smart enough not to believe the 
hype.  Even Colin Powell is having regrets...
Just a thought.
Pamela Taylor
Ward 10 

Alberto Monserrate [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Around four weeks ago we decided that as a media outlet that is part of the 
political, economic and social environment of the Twin Cities, we needed to 
demonstrate a larger political participation and endorse candidates in the 
September 13th primaries. We also decided to make endorsements so we could help 
our readers make what can be a very difficult decision: who to vote for in 
hotly contested races in Minneapolis. At the same time we wanted to draw 
attention from Minneapolis politicians to issues that affect our community. We 
decided to make endorsements in two wards in South Minneapolis that are very 
competitive and that have two of the largest concentrations of Latinos in the 
city: wards eight and ten. 

Ward eight covers from Lake Street to 50th Street and from Lyndale Avenue to 
Cedar Avenue and it has the one of the largest Latino populations in 
Minneapolis. Ward ten has a smaller Latino population than ward eight and it 
covers the uptown area, including part of Lake Street from Second Avenue to 
Lake Calhoon and forty second Street to Franklin. Both wards have grown a lot 
in Hispanic population in the past ten years, and they will continue to grow 
much more in the next ten. 

The job was harder than we expected since there were no incumbents in these 
races, and we had never heard before of most of the candidates (fourteen total 
candidates). But it was an interesting process to go through and we hope we can 
help in your decision on who to vote for. In Ward 8 six of the eight candidates 
we sent questionnaires to answered our questions and in ward ten, three of the 
six candidates responded. 

We asked the candidates seven questions that we decided covered the most 
important issues that our community faces. We asked what they would do to 
increase diversity in the City of Minneapolis decision-making, if they would 
support that Minneapolis residents be allowed to get a drivers license 
regardless of immigration status, what they would do help reduce the learning 
gap between white and minority students in Minneapolis, what they would do to 
help reduce gangs and crime in the city, what they would do to improve the 
chances for home ownership in the city, how they would help to improve the 
environment for small businesses in Minneapolis, and how to improve the job 
climate for thousands of immigrants that will move to the city in the next few 

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Re: [Mpls] In Ballot Box: Notes from 8th Ward Forum, etc.

2005-09-07 Thread Pamela Taylor
I find it interesting that the only candidates that the media seem to portray 
as real contenders for the 8th ward council seat are those candidates who are 
DFLers, who went for the endorsement at the convention, or have people or 
entities endorsing them.  
I really look at endorsements with a grain of salt.  Impress me with what you 
yourself have been doing when the public is not looking, and what you are 
continuing to do once you have stepped in front of the camera.  
Pamela Taylor

Craig Cox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In Ballot Box: Notes from 8th Ward Forum, etc.

Go to: 
Craig Cox
The Minneapolis Observer

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Re: [Mpls] FEMA/2nd Harvest/McLaughlin food drive

2005-09-06 Thread Pamela Taylor
List Members,
Last year I was living in Fort Walton Beach, FL not far from the coast, when 
Hurricane Ivan hit.  Part of our roof caved in.  My sixth sense told me to get 
out of my bedroom and sleep on the couch.  I heeded that feeling, and sure 
enough, the roof caved in in the bedroom.  We were without electricity for some 
time, the rest goes without saying.  
I then went to work for FEMA, supervising roofers as they placed the temporary 
BLU Roofs on homes, and as I worked in the various counties, I knew I had never 
seen such devastation in all my life.  Not to minimize Florida (and they have 
yet to recover as well) but the situation in New Orleans is much worse.  
The things Peter asks for are needed, however, I would like to add a few items 
to that list:
Since there is no electricity, manual can openers are needed.  Lot of people 
have gone to electric, and do not have this item.  Plus with the gas and 
electric lines out, you cannot heat the chili or soup, nor baby formula, so 
sterno heating cans are good too.  With no lights on the streets, we were under 
a curfew and had to be inside at a certain time.  And sitting in the dark was 
not pleasant (it is quite oppressive, speaking as a claustrophobic), so lights 
that you can press on and off (battery operated) are good too.  These are great 
for keeping children who are very frightened by this ordeal a little calmer.
As I think of other things I will list them.  Trust me, whatever you can do for 
these individuals and families will be greatly appreciated. 

Barbara Lickness [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am forwarding something I received from the Peter McLaughlin campaign:

Dear friends:

I know you are just as shocked and devastated as I am seeing the aftermath of 
Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans and the gulf coast. This disaster has 
disproportionately affected the poor and the elderly and we are all struggling 
to find ways we can help.

Second Harvest Heartland has partnered with FEMA to provide food and supplies 
to victims of the hurricane, and volunteers at my campaign have put together a 
food drive. I invite each of you to stop by Thursday evening with a donation. 
Below is a list of what is most needed.

WHEN: Thursday September 8th, 5:00 p.m. to dusk

WHERE: Beard’s Plaisance parking lot 45th  Upton, SW corner of Lake Harriet


Bottled water

Hand-held snacks like beef jerky, granola or energy bars

Peanut butter

Canned meat

Canned meals like hearty soups or chili


The food and supplies that we collect will be shipped immediately to the gulf 
region or to Camp Ripley to aid the evacuees from New Orleans.

Thank you.


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Re: [Mpls] Bad Landlord

2005-08-22 Thread Pamela Taylor
Depending on when you plan to move, here is an option that worked for me years 
Pay your rent on the first of the month, but pay it to the county (government 
building).  They will put it an an escrow account which will prove that it was 
paid on time, however, the landlord will not be able to recieve it until he/she 
fixes the problems they have been neglecting.  With that, I would also file my 
official notice to vacate the premises.  That way everything will be legal and 
timely.  I believe that they have about two weeks to send you your deposit, 
barring any discussed payment for damages.  If they do not, you are entitled 
to double what they owe you.
If  you have a hard time collecting it even still, you can file for it in 
concilliation court.  If they  still do not comply, you can fill out a form, 
pay the fee to the sherriff's office.  The sherriff will then freeze your 
ex-landlord's account, take out what is owed you, plus reimbursement for the 
fee, and give it to you.  
Once you have paid the money to escrow, your landlord will probably shape up, 
because they usually don't want to pay any more than they have to.
Oh, the person I did this to was Edward Manderville.  At the time he was the 
housing inspector for the City of Minneapolis. 
Hope things work out for you.
Pamela Taylor

I'm curious if there is anyone out there that can help me out with a 
question I have. My landlord really neglects our building. never 
responds to maintenance requests and there are some pretty severe 
problems (like electrical problems). My roommate and I have decided to 
vacate the apartment. However, two sets of former tenants have not ever 
received their security deposits back and have sued the landlords. Does 
anyone know if there is something that I can do before moving out to 
ensure that I receive my security deposit back... Are there any city 
ordinances that govern this type of thing? Also, do apartments ever get 
inspected by the city? The building is literally falling apart at this 
point. Thanks!

Matthew Philip
The Wedge
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Re: [Mpls] District investigating alleged misconduct by superintendent

2005-08-18 Thread Pamela Taylor
Good Morning,
IMHO, I find it odd to put it mildly that these allgations have come out 
seemingly on the heels of some people being let go.  If all this stuff was 
occuring prior to now, why are all these upstanding folks waiting until now 
to speak on it?
This one flew over the cuckoo's nest is nothing short of absurd!  If someone 
has something to say, they should not be afraid to use their own name.  If they 
are telling the truth, the truth shall set them free.  This reeks of bird 
doodoo and revenge.
I am going to be proactive.  I am going to believe in her innocence, until it 
can be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that I should believe otherwise. 
Pamela Taylor
(Who believes that change is good, and sometimes if some feathers get ruffled, 
so be it.)   

Dan McGuire [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Today's paper story had board chair Dr. Erickson troubled by a school 
district culture of accusatory rumor-mongering toward superintendents 
that he said predates Peebles. That culture is the responsibility of 
the board, and if the board doesn't own up to that responsibility and 
make the necessary changes, it will likely get worse before better.
Dan McGuire

Steve Brandt wrote: 

With much more to come later.

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RE: [Mpls] Skyway News story on Frank's Plumbing, Woodland

2005-08-16 Thread Pamela Taylor

Sheldon Mains [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It's the sole grungy, industrial, secret treasure
 hold out building left in the neighborhood. 

It has all that weird plumbing stuff you need to keep the plumbing working
in the 90 year old house--and with the cost of some of the stuff, I've
probably made significant contributions to their bottom line.

I loved Frank's Plumbing.  When I had my 100 year old house, it was where I 
went.  Plus, it had the type of atmosphere that you can just bask in and wish 
you had somewhere to put all the interesting tubs, sinks, etc. in your house.

Pamela Taylor


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Re: [Mpls] Budget Address...Good Tidings

2005-07-29 Thread Pamela Taylor
Good day to you all.
Ms. Freeman says shame on us who think its a little too late for Christmas to 
arrive.  No offense, but I am thinking shame on those who do not understand the 
early April Fool's joke being played.
Clearly the Mayor has done his homework, and the cliff notes read re-election! 
Why not get this wonderful funding for youth programs a long time ago, instead 
of making this grandstand play now?  You want to have programs in place BEFORE 
they are a month into summer vacation.  I was not in attendance, and did not 
hear about his ride through the North side, so I do not know how stirring to 
the heart it was, but IMHO, riding through a community and seeing the changes 
that need to be made isn't enough.  I can do that myself.
The cop issue!  I won't even bother discussing that because I am not that 
easily impressed.  
For those of you in awe of Santa Rybak bearing gifts, just wait as the yuletide 
progresses and you try to get those gifts out of the box.  The Return to 
Sender, and Complaint lines will be out the door.   
No yard sign for me to guide Santa's sleigh.  I am planning on the New Year.
Pamela Taylor

V.L. Freeman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Greeting's List!

I was present at the Mayors budget address on this day, and I have got to 
tell ya. I felt like a kid at Christmas time after hearing and reading the 
budget for 2006. Clearly, the mayor has done his home-work and clearly it 
shows. I was impressed with the budget and a few things in particular.

First, youth funding, and how the mayor was able to go to the private sector 
and ask them to help with funding; without questions the money was given. As 
RT spoke about the vision of our young people, he recounted a story of when 
he rode through the North side, which let me know how much in tune with what 
young people and their families face on a day to day basis on this side 
town. I was in awed, I actually felt his heart, and the sincerity, and it 
felt genuine to me.

Secondly, no cuts to Public Health. This was what I was actually listening 
and hoping for. Kudos’ to Natalie Johnson Lee, and Dean Zimmerman for 
keeping public health alive helping to save cut's to public health. As well, 
other council members that were involved. Next RT spoke about making 
diversifying the police department. I don’t know about you, but this too was 
music to my ears. Putting more police officers on the street was great too, 
in fact more than in 2001. Another biggie, was funding DAP, and Harriet 
Tubman. Lastly, the new “311” is and will be a great tool for people calling 
into the city offices, for general information and aid.

I loved it, and loved it all. I think RT has a heart after all; (well, I 
knew he had heart) and for those who seem to think to little to late, shame 
on you. While he is still our mayor he is doing what is needing to be done, 
and that is rolling up the sleeves and in the saying of my son, “Doing the 
damn thing.” We can always say that we can do better, and can do this or 
that, but I think our mayor has heart, and real heart he has. I was proud to 
be there and am proud to call him Mayor.

I’ll put a RT sign in my yard; and maybe even a Diane H. sign. (since she 
has answered some of my questions, and because I love my party, the DFL.) 
Clearly, my heart is overwhelmed, and overjoyed, with the great news I‘ve 
heard today.

Innovation, everyday entrepreneurship, and creativity are the aims of 

Vanessa L. Freeman-Hawthorne

Peter Keen

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Re: [Mpls] Mpls - Community Design

2005-06-29 Thread Pamela Taylor
Thank you.  What you said about design and community in conjunction with the 
deveopment factor is further proof that the ARTS are important to education.  
The arts factor into our everyday living on a constant basis.  When training 
with the DOJ/Weed  Seed years ago, I first learned about crime prevention 
through environmental design, etc.  Having gone to college for design, those 
types of things tickle my fancy.  Just thought I would throw in my two cents. 
And here is a nickle's worth on the Eminent Domain invasion taking place on the 
northside.  It makes no difference whether anyone thinks that Jamie should not 
have purchased the property.  Makes no difference that she fixed things up, or 
whether she turned down Mr. Blackstead's offer.  Those were all of her choices 
to make.  What concerns me is that Mr. Blackstead HAD NO APPARENT TWINGE OF 
CONSCIENCE in doing what he did!  How can we be make making our city a great 
place for people to live, work and play when STUPID things like this are 
allowed to routinely occur?  How does one live and play when their livelihood 
is forcibly STOLEN away?  And say what you will, but when you get right down to 
it, that is the TRUTH OF THE MATTER!  Sorry Listmaster, but go ahead and censor 
me for the all caps.  This is something to shout about.  No eloquent Minnesota 
Nice post on this issue.  If that had happened to any of us (and it seems like 
Keith is next on the hit list), we would be rightfu
 pissed. We should be demanding that the city ante up big time for this little 
Pamela Taylor (From Lyndale with $0.93 left to expend later)

Alan Arthur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Regarding controversy over the Minneapolis city council's recent rejection of a 
proposed Uptown project: Quality community design is far more than a subjective 
application of what one individual likes. Quality community design is also 
FAR more than an application of what it takes to make any real estate developer 
enough money to be interested in a project. 

Significant research has been done about what makes places great for people, 
and how design actually impacts human behavior. One of the best resources for 
understanding this is an incredibly powerful book called A Pattern Language 
by Christopher Alexander, et al. A Pattern Language describes a series of 
patterns and how they more positively impact human life, from a broad scale 
(regional) to a smaller scale (neighborhoods, blocks, buildings, rooms...).

Two other books from whence many CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental 
Design) principles came are Defensible Space (out of print), and Creating 
Defensible Space (HUD publication), by Oscar Newman.

Great websites that can help people learn about how to build better places to 
live, work, and play include:
Charette Center: 
New Urbanism: 
Congress for New Urbanism:

Issues of scale, use, and design are VERY important. Great community benefit 
will accrue when we apply sound design principles as intentionally and 
frequently as possible.

Alan Arthur
Central Community Housing Trust

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RE: [Mpls] Shoefiti

2005-06-28 Thread Pamela Taylor
Hello List,
I just asked my daughter's friend (who is in his 20's) and he said that the 
shoes signify that someone has died.  He did not specify whether it was 
connected to a gang thing or not.  That's all I have on the subject so far.
Pamela Taylor

Annie Young [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
It seems we on this list are not quite up on this possible hop-hop thing - 
how about some of you parent's with teenagers on the list see if they can 
give us some clues so we can get to the bottom of this thread.
Summer in the City,
Annie Young
East Phillips

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Re: [Mpls] New 5th Ward Election

2005-06-25 Thread Pamela Taylor

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: As to whether I have decided my vote the answer is 
NO.  Do I like some things about both candidates, Yes. Do I question things 
about both candidates, Yes. I never cast a vote for a person because someone 
else believes I should, 
and I never cast a vote based on gender or race. In this case I have to vote 
based on race since both candidates are people of color. 

I am failing to understand why you would vote for the council person in this 
race based on color?  It would seem that the issues are what is important?  I 
am hoping that that statement was a typo and you did not really mean that.

Pamela Taylor (Lyndale) 

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Re: [Mpls] Get Out The Vote Community Festival

2005-06-22 Thread Pamela Taylor
Pam Taylor: The issue that specificly requested clarification on, the part of 
the letter which states that by paying the $250 - $1000 sponsorship fees that 
you are then allowed into the candidates forum was not addressed. WHY?

Robert Lilligren: There is a focus on youth involvement and attendance at the 
Festival. The strategy here is to expose young people to political discourse 
and to build
an expectation in these youth that politicians will pay attention to them and 
their communities.

Pam Taylor: That is great.  Still you did not answer my question.  Will they be 
paid anything for their entertainment contribution?  

My office budget (which is no great shakes) contributes to the costs of the
event, but as I explained in an earlier post to this list it does not cover
the entire budget. We seek sponsorships from a number of sources. We have
corporate sponsors like Allina and Wells Fargo Home Mortgage. Individuals
contribute, too. Many festivals and events seek contributions and sponsors
to cover costs (like MayDay and GLBT Pride). Also, many charge campaigns for
space in parades and/or parks (like MayDay and GLBT Pride).

Different levels of sponsorship bring different levels of benefit. I will
ask my Assistant, Tiffany Green (now in her third year of doing an excellent
job coordinating this event) to post to this list the schedule of

Pam Taylor: Sponsorship via banner is one thing.  Having to pay to speak at  a 
candidates forum is another.  This is a community gathering geared toward 
engaging folks in the political process, and helping get the word out about the 
issues.  None of the candidates should have to pay a dime to participate in 
this forum.  Once again you sidestepped my direct question.  WHY? 

No sweat. I will ask Ms. Green to post the budget to this list. Three of the
four years of the festival have been election years.

Pam Taylor: Great.  That list will be posted BEFORE the event, correct? 
Specificly  the list of candidates who have paid to be in the forum.  

As in years past, any candidate for any office from any party that attends
is given mic time.

Pam Taylor: But how much mic time is the question.  Five full minutes of mic 
time is alloted to the candidates who pay for the Gold $1000 and Silver $500 
sponsorship packages. WHY ARE YOU BEING EVASIVE?

Mr Lilligren, please CLARIFY

I hope I have. The Festival will be Saturday, July 30 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
in Green Central Park at 34th St. and 4th Ave.

Pam Taylor: Actually, you have not!  You left gaping holes where real answers 
should be.  I will bring the letter with me to the gathering if anyone would 
like to get a first hand look at it.

See you at the gathering!

Pamela Taylor (Lyndale)

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Re: [Mpls] Peebles supporters not keeping eyes on the prize, part 1 of 2

2005-06-21 Thread Pamela Taylor

I must take issue with statements by Natalie Johnson Lee, Ron Edwards and 
others who are widely recognized as leaders of the black community in their 
response to latest controversy over Thandiwe Peebles performance as school 

The district's best schools are heavily concentrated in the district's 
wealthiest and nearly all-white neighborhoods. For a majority of nonwhite and 
white students, the public school options have been narrowed to low and 
middle-tier public schools, dead-end curriculum tracks in some of the better 
schools, and charter schools. 

Pamela Taylor says: 
 I don't believe the comment about where the 
best school's are located came as any surprise.  With that in mind, how many 
White parents from those neighborhoods have ever been seen protesting at the 
school board about lack of anything?  Minorities and poor white students have.  
My point is, WHY do we allow the wealthy neighborhoods to get the best of 
everything?  Why has the MPS allowed that? 

Doug Mann says:
Complaints about Peebles that are making the school board sit up and take 
notice appear to be coming from white parents in the Southeast quadrant of the 
city. That's where many of the city's middle and lower tier schools are 
That's where a majority of white students are not thriving academically in 
the public schools.

Look, my kids are in the Southwest area schools and Dr. Peebles has 
basically left these schools alone. So if parents like me were only looking out 
our own kids, we would too shut-up and color. Why risk bringing on a round of 
retribution? But as a citizen, I want the whole district to succeed...

Pamela Taylor says: 
   Take the above statement made by Lynnell Mickelsen 
and mentally insert wealthy school parents.  Shutting up and coloring is 
exactly what those parents were doing when minority parents were saying what 
Lynnell is now.  Did anybody see the White parents protesting the School Board 
about any problems in the minority community?  Did they offer to give up any of 
their children's amenities?  

Doug Mann says:
I doubt that the school board and Peebles want to rile up the school 
community in SW Minneapolis. There is a lot of support for the status quo 
there, which is why the issue of closing the education access gap is not being 
by the School Board, Thandiwe Peebles and her supporters, and the Star-Tribune.

Pamela Taylor says: 

So, it appears that you are saying that when poor Whites are having issues, the 
School Board must do something right away, which is to possibly consider firing 
Ms. Peebles.  So when did they become unimpressed with her skills and 
abilities, when that is the basis on which they hired her?  Who are they trying 
to placate now?  You say that Peebles doesn't want to rile up that community, 
but by concentrating on schools other than those in that SW community, she has. 
 Ms. Peebles doesn't have the problem; it is the School Board who appears to be 
in a quandry.  Is it possible that Ms. Peebles was getting to the worst schools 
first, and perhaps the extreme SW corner of Ward 13 that appears discontent was 
next on her list?  Minorities have waited for so long without seeing the 
wealthy White parents jumping up and down on their behalf to make things in the 
schools fair and equal, that I am failing to see the problem here.

Doug Mann says: 
  On the other hand, there is some support in SW 
Minneapolis for the kind of 
school reform agenda that I advocate. In the general election of 2002 the 
highest level of support for my candidacy was in ward 13 (the extreme SW corner 

Pamela Taylor says: 
Until Whites and Minorities are joined together for the greater educational 
good of ALL CHILDREN, not too much is ever going to change.  And, until the 
citizens of Minneapolis are joined together in an honest effort to reform the 
practices of the School Board (i.e. vote some out, and change the 
mindset/policies, etc.), it will not matter who is superintendent, that person 
will be doomed before they start, and we will forever be paying out huge 
severance checks as they leave, with only a pittance left in the bank for 

Yes, I believe their eyes are on the prize.  It is the opposition whose eyes 
have remained closed because they do not want to see what is coming at them.  

Pamela Taylor (Lyndale)

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[Mpls] Get Out The Vote Community Festival

2005-06-21 Thread Pamela Taylor
I am reading the letter addressed specificly to 8th Ward Candidates.  It lists 
three levels of paid sponsorship - Gold $1000, Silver $500, and Bronze $250.  
It specificly states that ones PAID sponsorship buys their way into the 
candidates forum.  This leads me to ASSUME that candidates who do not pay are 
not allowed to speak at this forum.  Now when I asked Councilman Lilligren 
about this some weeks ago, he stated that he was simply asking for sponsorship, 
and that they were only thinking about doing a forum.
Now I could read before I started to school, and my comprehension is pretty 
good too  (My mother taught a literacy program in the community), and my vision 
is nearly perfect, so I am quite confident in my abilities to know what I am 
looking at.  This letter is dated May 12, 2005.  It clearly states the fact 
that it COSTS to particpate in this forum.  It clearly states that there IS a 
forum, there is no just thinking about it at all.  So my gut feeling is that 
this is an underhanded tactic to exclude some campaigns.  I don't believe any 
of the candidates should pay a dime to speak at this public awareness event.  
Your letter states that this is supposed to be an integral step towards 
buildingand empowering those communities traditionally left out of the process. 
 Mr Lilligren, please CLARIFY.  
They also can buy time in front of the MTN camera which would constitute a paid 
commercial in my estimation.  I am not versed in the ways of public 
broadcasting, but is that not against the rules?  You are having KMOJ do 
periodic PSA's which is good.  But instead of simply letting them freely 
mention the various campaigns as a PSA curtesy to the community, those 5 minute 
slots are up for sale, too.  Now I can understand campaigns buying time 
themselves, but it seems as if you are working for the campaigns, too.  If your 
office is already paying for this event, why charge anyone an additional fee?  
Mr. Lilligren, please CLARIFY.
Also, the letter states that the food is free, the MTN coverage is supposed to 
be free.  You are putting out a call to talented youth in the area to perform.  
Is the entertainment free, or are you planning to pay them?  I know that 
sponsorships are nice, but if you did not get any, you already told us that 
your 8th ward office was paying for this.  Mr. Lilligren, please CLARIFY.
Now with the bruhaha about campaigning in the parks, the fact that you are 
selling signage and to the highest bidder on PARK LAND, it begs the question: 
Do you have the right PERMITS FOR THAT?  If not, you better start attempting to 
get them now.  We do not want to witness another unecessary misuse of our park 
police if it can be avoided.  Mr. Lilligren, please CLARIFY.
This being an election year, I want the budget for this event to be disclosed.  
I also want to know who/where the money collected from this event is going.  
The letter left that part out.  Since the candidates had to inform you of their 
intent to be a sponsor by June 1st, could you now supply us with a list of 
those Candidates who will be allowed to discuss the issues at the forum? 
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.  See you at the gathering!
Pamela Taylor (Lyndale)   

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RE: [Mpls] Neighborhood or Segregated Schools? (Have student's of colorbenefited?)

2005-06-17 Thread Pamela Taylor
Hello All,
As I have stated long before, there are these fantastic historically black 
colleges that African Americans attend, and they get a phenomenal education.  
So going to school alongside people who have the same skin color as yours is 
not, nor should it be, a problem.  While it is nice to have a diverse mix in a 
classroom, it is not essential to learning.
Therefore, it is the content of the curricula and the materials used within the 
schools in the various neighborhoods that contributes to the educational 
seperation.  The placement of teaching staff lacking the necessary experience, 
core knowledge and cultural competency is also a factor.  It is not always 
about money, its these basics that need improving.  It is how the materials is 
being taught, and the manner in which it is done.
There needs to be a focus on the provision of materials that are not just 
adequate, or kinda on par so to speak, with the schools in some of the 
supposedly better neighborhoods, but that the schools ALL recieve the EXACT 
SAME materials - from books to state of the art technology to qualified 
teaching and administrative personnel - so they are on equal footing right off 
the bat and can learn.  That DOES NOT mean that we pass another school's 
leftover books or used computers over to the poorer schools, that means invest 
in everybody's children EQUALLY and UP FRONT.  I know education budgets are 
being cut all over, but there are private corporations who have adopted 
schools, so let's start making some innovative partnerships happen.  If we can 
get a unneccessary stadium deals, we should be able to get some educational 
deals.  Our politicians can start working on that.  By the time the primary 
happens, which is, oddly enough, when school will be resumed, I would like to 
see SOM
There should be no parent telling us that they feel unwelcome in the schools 
anymore.  We simply have no time to ALLOW anyone to make us feel that way.  
There are too many excuses all the way around.  If anyone should be made to 
feel unwelcome it should be people who are not doing their jobs.  That includes 
teachers who are simply passing students out of one situation into another; who 
are not making efforts to connect with parents until the child is about to 
fail; that includes parents who wait to be invited to the table regarding their 
child's education, when they should have been helping SET THE TABLE to begin 
with; parents who don't take their responsibility seriously and prepare their 
child FOR SCHOOL AT HOME, who regard school as a babysitting service while they 
work or stay home and play.  This list could go on, but we all know how it 
plays out.
And, while I have not had any dealings with the new superintendent, I hope that 
the school board does not waste any of our money firing her, and paying a 
ridiculous severance package.  Give her time to make some changes.  None of us 
fell off the turnip truck last night, so we know this educational debacle did 
not happen overnight either.  
Well, thanks for reading.
 Most my son's friends parents that are white expressed that their first
choice for high school was Southwest, second South, and Washburn third. I
don't believe all of these parent's are racist, but the above data clearly
shows a segregated school system, and students of color are getting the
short end of the stick, as shown by the test scores. Have neighborhood
schools benefited students of color? Can someone show me data that will
prove it has helped these students?

So it seems to me that our Neighborhood School experiment has created a
certain amount of segregation. Parents of white children, and parents of
children of color, may be happy with having their children closer to home,
but we have to be honest that it has created a more segregated school

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Re: [Mpls] Kids Getting Kicked Out

2005-06-06 Thread Pamela Taylor
Thank you for listing some programs, but actually, I fail to see what is so 
tragic about individuals taking in youth on thier own.  Sometimes you don't 
have time to wait for a program to shuffle paperwork, etc., and sometimes, they 
are more trouble than they are worth.  I was on welfare years ago, and at one 
time I had an emergency situation, but after spending almost an entire day at 
Hennepin County filling out forms, then being told my situation was not dire 
enough and to come back in a week, I figured out how to solve it myself.  And I 
am not one who is going to ask for help unless I really need it.  So, trust me, 
if I needed their assistance when taking in the young people, I would have 
immediately investigated those resources.  Plus, what one person does not take 
leaves it available for the one who may really need the services.  
Cuts to programs dealing with youth have gone on for years, despite the 
swelling numbers in need of said services.  If not, this discussion about our 
children would not be taking place today.  Some of the reason why kids are in 
the gangs to begin with is due to the fact that they have next to none, or 
sometimes, highly inappropriate, family structures.  It is evident, too, that 
some programs (i.e. program funds), and people( i.e. program directors, etc.) 
that are supposed to help youth are only helping line their own pockets.  And 
no, I am NOT implying that the resources David listed are doing that, only that 
in today's imperfect world, my comments have merit.  
I believe that anyone willing to provide what youth need, with or without a 
program backing them up, is a good thing.  And from what I humbly predict, it 
will happen more and more, because things are getting worse and worse.  We 
cannot, nor should we ever really again, depend on the governmental sectors to 
provide adequately for OUR children.  They can serve in an assistive role, but 
the overall responsibility will remain squarely on our shoulders.  Things have 
come full circle.  Back in the day, people took care of their own and each 
other's families.  It was the norm.  We then let ourselves get complacent 
when all these federal, and then local, programs came into prominence and 
handed out money.  Some then abdicated their responsibility to their families 
altogether, and others delegated large parts of it to others (i.e. teachers, 
daycare centers, afterschool programs, CABLE TELEVISON, etc.).  Society, in 
many sectors and many forms, is now paying the price for it.
In some instances, it will not matter how many police we get back on the 
street, it will depend on their mindset as they deal with the particular crime. 
 It is not how many judges, again, it is the mindset of their sentencing of 
those harming our children, and how our children are sentenced and or 
rehabilitated.  It will take those NIMBY neighborhoods to GET A GRIP ON REALITY 
and realize that they are contributing GREATLY to what happens city and 
nationwide.  It will take the impacted neighborhoods, already weary of the 
RECURRING struggle, to CONTINUALLY force, and I repeat FORCE the issue(s) into 
the spines of our elected officials that they need to not simply act, but act 
int the BEST INTEREST of our communities.  If that means putting services 
and/or programs in THIER OWN neighborhoods (possibly on their own block), so be 
It will take citizens CITYWIDE to check their egos and party affiliations at 
the door and vote in individuals who will take the needs of the city SERIOUSLY. 
 We do not need (at least I don't) politicians who shake hands, kiss babies, 
spend a lot on yard signs and bombard us with stickers and posters.  Slick 
media ads are just that and nothing more.  We don't need anyone who looks and 
dresses the part of a public servant, we want someone who is the real thing.  
This election is all about SUBSTANCE and INTEGRITY! and sustaining that past 
the swearing in process is a job requirement.  I don't think I can stress that 
point enough.   
I believe a recent meeting was held in regard to providing insight into our 
city charter and policies.  If need be, citizens need to help direct changes to 
those policies so that elected officials cannot slip through legal cracks and 
weasel out of their campaign promises and obligations to their constituents.  I 
applaud programs such as GET BOB, and other groups who are doing their part to 
shed light on these critical areas.
Well, it is still early yet, and I am already on my soapbox.  I'll get down and 
let someone else have a turn.
Pamela Taylor 

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Re: [Mpls] Kids Getting Kicked Out

2005-06-04 Thread Pamela Taylor
Laura and lloyd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Aside from gang families, there are situations and have been for some 
time in Minneapolis where families have expelled children from their 
homes. My daughter is 38 now, but when she was in high school our 
family hosted three different teens who had been kicked out by their 
families. All were under 17 at the time. None had support or could earn 
income while going to school. We had two of them for over nine months 
each and the other for a shorter period (sequentially, not all at the 
same time). Our daughter brought them home and asked for our help.

These were not gang kids but they had issues. All three are now 
educated and working adults. They were given the chance their families 
would not give them.

Pamela Taylor:

I have been where Laura was.  When my daughter was in high school (she is now 
27) she had a friend whose mother had kicked him out of the house.  Why? 
Because he would not give her money to support her drug habit.  This young man 
was working, doing well in school, babysitting for young teen mothers so they 
could go to programs to better themselves, and was a member of the first 
group to win a Minneapolis Award.  He had nowhere to go, his older brother 
was already serving time in prison, his grandmother would not take him in 
because he was too dark, on so on.  

Even though I was divorced and a single parent by then, there was no way I 
could not take him in.  He moved in his senior year and graduated high school, 
and went on to college.  During the course of that same year, his mother 
decided to move out of state and did not bother to tell me.  I found out by 
accident.  But the good news is that she has now been clean for a few years, 
and has a good relationship with her son.

There were a few other kids who came and stayed when they needed to, and I 
simply helped where I could, and kept the communication with their parents open 
until they could return home.  I believe there are many people who have quietly 
done the same.  I think of Barb Lickness and her son Blake.  She stepped into 
his life, seemingly (to me anyway) without hesitation, when his parent was 
unable to do the right, and it was a blessing to them both.   

Laura says: 

It seems to me there are many, many children like this. The gang label 
is too easy to put on and too hard to take off. Between those with justice 
involvement and those just out there kicking around, there is a wide spectrum 
of need among young people who are seeking a way to transition to productive 

I'm not much in favor of blaming the parents. With our three, we 
discussed only what the kids wanted to talk about, we never heard from 
their home families, and we never tried to call them and tell them off. 
Our focus was the kids, not the tension in the family.

This is not to everyone's taste, I realize. It gets up close and 
personal with the issue, but in my opinion, more of that is needed with 
less focus on blaming from ten miles high. That, I think, would do us 
all a lot of good.

Pamela Taylor says:  AMEN!


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Re: [Mpls] New snitch law / Rounding-up the usual suspects / Noalternatives?

2005-06-04 Thread Pamela Taylor
Wizard, is correct, there was slavery going on, and when I wrote the following 
statement, I was not under the impression that Africans did not indulge in 
slavery.  I just am not convinced that the Africans would have done it to the 
degree that the European slave traders did here in this country.  There would 
have been the struggles, but I still don't believe it would have been this 

wmmarks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Pamela Taylor says:  I firmly believe that there would have been some sort 
of struggle, but I do not believe that the slave traders would have become the 
slaves of the African people.

I would have to disagree strongly. Slavery was widely practiced
throughout the world at that time (1492-1865). The odds are
infinitesimal that Africa would have been entirely free of slavery.
Egypt had been involved in slavery for thousands of years and they were
not alone in the practice. It had not died out. For that matter, slavery
is still practiced, but on a much smaller scale, not only in Africa.

Those Europeans most heavily engaged in the slave trade in the era
between the late 1600s and 1865 included England, Spain, and the
Netherlands, Dutch East India ships put into Liverpool and ports
in Scotland for a long time. However, different cultures of Africa, at
that time, did participate in the slave trade. It was they who brought
captured people and sold them or bartered them with the slave traders
who very seldom ventured far inland from the ports or bays where they
could weigh anchors.

PT says: The following statement was made because just as Africans integrated 
their customs into life here, any race/culture, I feel, would do the same 
wherever they are. I still think we got the best of both worlds, however, it 
was a 50/50 thing.  We also got some of the worst of each, too.

 I think they would have integrated into the culture of the Africans, bringing 
 some of their knowledge and abilities too. We could have had the best of both 

I'd like to think that of my own people, too. Sadly, the rotters
idiotically wrote everything down once they discovered how to do so, and
left a trail anyone could follow. Even cleaned up for print/media, as
many have tried, it's still not a pretty picture, nor does it take much
imagination to figure out what was edited out. Nor is the shooting war
even over. Sheesh!

If today Africa has seven indigenous languages (excludes Arabic, Hebrew,
Latin derivatives English, Afrikaans, etc.), there were probably at
least that many different language groups (ergo different cultures) in
the sixteenth century. They fought with each other across tribal and
cultural lines, just like everyone else in every other age of history.
Some Africans were victims of those wars, others were victors. Some
Africans who were not Egyptians were taken into slavery through wars and
on orders from the Pharaohs. There were other cultures in Africa, both
earlier and later, that practiced slavery.

Ideally, humans would have better foresight so we wouldn't have to be
disappointed in ourselves through hindsight.

WizardMarks, Central

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RE: [Mpls] New snitch law / Rounding-up the usual suspects / Noalternatives?

2005-06-03 Thread Pamela Taylor

Dennis Plante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What would have happened had when the first slave traders that showed-up in 
Africa done so with spears, and been faced with natives carrying guns? What 
would have happened had when the Spaniards showed-up in south america, they 
did so under the same circumstances? What would have happened had native 
americans been more technologically advanced than white settlers moving 
west? How would our world be different today?

Pamela Taylor says: As long as we are asking the hypothetical $64,000 question, 
this is my answer. I believe that to the degree that they were able, each of 
the cultures already WERE technologically advanced.  All were highly 
functioning societies, and would have become even more so had their genius not 
been so rudely interrupted.  I firmly believe that there would have been some 
sort of struggle, but I do not believe that the slave traders would have become 
the slaves of the African people.  I think they would have integrated into the 
culture of the Africans, bringing some of their knowledge and abilities too.  
We could have had the best of both worlds.  It is evident that in todays 
society Africans have contributed greatly, and when I hear the tired phrase go 
back to Africa , as if this is not our country too, it is laughable.  This 
country, by and large, was built by and on the BACKS of my people, who were 
slaves.  Don't look for me to be gushing about it during Black Hi
 Month, as I personally do not celbrate it.  My skin color and my views are a 
constant.  This information needs to be acknowledged 365 days/24 hours a day/7 
days a week.  If even that was done, just that piece would start making a 
difference.  ALL of our children, no matter their culture, could begin to grow 
up with a true sense of history.   

Dennis Plante says: Racism and discrimmination is too a large degree, based 
upon preconceived notions we have of each other. And sometimes, those that are 
discrimminated against end-up having to play an inequitable part in changing 
those preconceived notions than do the ones in-power.

Pamela Taylor says: IMHO, it is more than sometimes, it is almost always the 
case.  If those with less power did not keep up the good fight, praying and 
forgiving along the way, those in power would never see a reason to change.  
Things would remain status quo.

Dennis Plante says: EVERYONE faces some sort of discrimmination on a daily 
basis. At times we are all either the wrong, color, the wrong sex, the wrong 
age, or have too little money, to achieve what we would like to achieve. The 
further-up you 
are in race, age, sex and financial standing in our society, the less likely 
your are to be discrimminated against.

Pamela Taylor says: That is true to a degree.  Sometimes the form of 
discrimination is simply discreetly changed the further up you go. 

Dennis Plants says: My personal belief? Assimilation is what will inevtibably 
facilitate the social equity we all hope to achieve. We tend to care about and 
have a 
deeper commitment to, those we have come to know personally. 

Pamela Taylor says: IMHO, in this world where we keep insisting that we value 
diversity, by celebrating each other's cultures/customs etc., total 
assimilation is not likely to occur.  Yes, we can come to love, care, and 
commit to others, but should not count on assimilation.  And, one should not 
hope to rely on such to achieve the social equity that is the legal and ethical 
birthright of all of us.  

Dennis Plante says: I LOVE what the PEACE FOUNDATION is trying (in part) to 
accomplish. Many of the individuals that participated in the human chain a 
few weeks back, had not set-foot in Jordan in a long, long time. Yet, they 
came, and they learned.  Maybe they will continue to learn and care more deeply 
about their fellow residents that are not as fortunate as they are. Is this a 
bad thing? When dealing with the real world, sometimes one has to choose 
between the least dirty pair of socks when they have not done their laundry 
in a long, long, time.

Pamela Taylor says: What the PEACE FOUNDATION is working toward is wonderful, 
and I do not want to take away from that.  The Human Chain was great, and it is 
my sincere wish, as well, that people not wait for such a public event to set 
foot in there again.  Those of you who were there (as I was not), I urge you to 
remember who you saw there, and keep track as to whether they return when no 
huge crowd or photo opportunity awaits them.  Because its what people do when 
no one is looking but GOD that really counts.

And, thank you Dennis, for the opportunity to engage in meaningful discussion.  
List, you don't have to agree, but as always, thanks for reading.

Pamela Taylor (Lyndale) 

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Re: [Mpls] Gang bangers of Linden Hills / suite gang terrorism

2005-06-01 Thread Pamela Taylor
Kayla Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
II had heard through other community members that this email list was one way 
to 'tune' in to what was going on in our local community - more specifically 
the upcoming elections- so that's what I did since I am interested in 
following the Samuels vs Johnson-Lee campaigns closely to decide for myself 
and share with my people what is real and what is the mud-slinging.

But the only thing I have learned so far is that there are several people 
that are taking any avenue possible to discredit and bash Don Samuels as 
well as the DFL party. Has anyone else picked up on this? I wish the 
actual candidates or campaign representatives would come forward to present 
real facts and issues instead of what I see as 'planted' postings that I am 
sure all posters will say they have no affiliation with the campaigns, some 
will be true, some will not be true.

No response needed, but all are welcome.

Pamela Taylor says:

Why would the candidates, or their representatives, need to weigh in on this 
matter?  This matter does not involve Natalie Johnson-Lee.  It was always 
between Booker Hodges and Don Samuels.  Simply because Mr. Hodges wife works 
for NJL, thier names got dragged into this online bickering.  NJL has 
absolutely no reason to post simply because inquiring minds may want her to.  
And, though she may have started out working for NJL, Mr. Hodges wife was hired 
by the city at a later point, which was still way before this disagreement 
happened between the two gentlemen.

So you forum members concerned with real 5th Ward issues, I suggest that you 
not wait around for them to appear alongside this particular discussion, but 
instead call the candidates directly to get your issue oriented questions 
answered.  Base your decisions on how well they are each handling the concerns 
of the ward, or plan to, and not the personal concerns of these men.

As for the DFL Party, its currently in a league of its own.  There is no 
disagreement that it has its own longstanding issues, above and beyond the 
recent conventions.  However, with time and hard work by its members, and the 
infusion of new leadership (No disrespect at all to Brian Melendez, who 
leadership skills I found to be excellent) the party is working to make some 
changing which could turn the party around.  Let's give them that opportunity, 
and assistance, before we jump up and down and shout.

Thanks for reading.  Have a good night.

Pamela Taylor (Ward 10) 

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[Mpls] Minneapolis Centralian Eddie Albert Other Good Stuff

2005-05-27 Thread Pamela Taylor
Eddie Albert, of Green Acres fame, passed away today.  He grew up in 
Minneapolis, and attended Minneapolis Central High School back in the day.  
When the school was torn down, there was a box of papers that was to be thrown 
away.  Instead of letting it be tossed, someone rescued it, and passed it on to 
me, as I like antiques, old books and odd memorabilia.  In that box was a 
letter written by Eddie Albert to a long ago educator at our school after he 
had become a successful actor.  I thought that was rather cool, as yes, I was ( 
and still am) a Green Acres fan.  Now I want to dig it out and reread it.  
Mr. Albert, according to his bio, spent a majority of his life and times 
pursuing humanitarian causes.  I always felt rather proud of the fact that, in 
its heyday, quite a number of Central alumni became involved in social causes.  
Back then we drew diverse students from all around the city, and we were all 
the better because of it.  My mother took part in a number of the human 
relations/community talks that were recorded in the newspapers back in the 
seventies, and she served as quite the inspiration for me.  This quote, carved 
in stone above our school doors, also served that purpose for me: The 
commonwealth requires the education of the people as a safeguard to order and 
liberty.  I have never forgotten it, and it has become a part of my daily 
Somewhere in my storage I also have an old magazine that makes mention of the 
old Munsingwear factory (now International Market Square) and Central as 
historic buildings due to some specifics of their architecture.  As a 
seamstress, I spent time shopping for remnants with my mother at Munsingwear, 
and later as a design student, spent a lot of time oohing and ahhing in the 
design showrooms. 
Incidentally, if there are any former Central students on the list, there is a 
reunion planned for the classes of 1975 thru 1977, the weekend of June 9 - 11, 
2005.  Feel free to contact me and I will give you the specifics that I have.  
Even if you did not graduate in those years, but would still love to meet up 
with people you might have known in those years, we would love to have you 
I shared more memories than I had originally planned, but, oh well.  At least 
it was Minneapolis specific.
Have a good one, and may you all remember your own roses garnered along the 
way.  There may come a day when it may be all we have left.
Pamela Taylor
(Who has gone from a wildflower to a vintage rose, and is still blooming, in 
Ward 10)  

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[Mpls] 5th Ward Conflict Clarification

2005-05-25 Thread Pamela Taylor
FYI: Booker Hodges wife was hired by the City of Minneapolis, not Natalie 
Johnson-Lee.  Therefore, please do not attribute any of the conflict between 
Booker Hodges and Councilmember Don Samuels to NJL nor her campaign.  
FYI: Despite appearances to the contrary, the StarTribune article failed to 
note that no charges were filed against Mr. Hodges and Mr. Flowers.  The matter 
had been investigated prior to the news article and found to be groundless.  
The reporter was aware of this prior to writing the article which has since 
riled the community.
Please allow the two gentlemen to work out their apparent conflict without our 
interpretation.  It seems that we all have our take on it, and parts of it are 
either heresay and/or erroneous, and only serve to make the matter worse.
Thank you.
Pamela Taylor
(Ward 10)

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Re: [Mpls] Upcoming 8th Ward Forum - A Correction

2005-05-20 Thread Pamela Taylor

Robert Lilligren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Pam Taylor writes:
There is a mailing that has gone out about an upcoming 8th Ward Candidates

First a correction about the event. It is the fourth annual Southside Family
Festival and Get Out the Vote! It is on Saturday, July 30 from 11 a.m. to 5
p.m. at Green Central Park. It is a day of music, games, prizes, food,
vendors, community awards, voter registration and voter education.

This is a festival that my office has sponsored each year since I was
elected, along with other area organizations, as a response to the lower
voter turnout in my ward. The idea is to attract neighborhood folks -
especially young people and kids - get those who are eligible registered to
vote, get candidates and elected officials to the community to interact and,
hopefully create a higher level of political involvement in a core city

The festival has been very successful, about doubling in size each year. We
do seek sponsors and contributors to cover costs. There is mic time for
candidates and there has been discussion about having an 8th Ward
candidate's forum along with the other activities, though the candidate's
forum is hardly the sole or central activity.

Please come and participate. It is always a good time. I hope this clears up
any misunderstandings.

Pamela Taylor says:

Yes, that clears it up quite nicely, thank you!  Just wanted to be clear that 
there was no funny fiscal business going on.  I would suggest that just because 
there are so many 8th Ward candidates running that a forum separate from this 
event would fare much better.  However, it is a good idea for the candidates to 
get out and mingle with the community, and would be a great time to advertise 
when the next forum would be held. 

Pamela Taylor (Lyndale)


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[Mpls] Upcoming 8th Ward Forum - A Question of Money

2005-05-19 Thread Pamela Taylor
There is a mailing that has gone out about an upcoming 8th Ward Candidates 
Forum which is being put on by the following groups: Madd Dads (V.J. Smith's 
nnprofit), Community Collaboratives (Pauline Thomas' nonprofit), and Councilman 
Lilligren's office.  
Apparently, there is a huge fee for participation in this forum.  Gold 
Sponsorship ($1,000) allows you a table, your name on the banner, and another 
benefit which I have forgotten, and participation in the forum.  Silver ($500) 
allows the same named benefit, minus the one I cannot remember, and 
participation in the forum.  Bronze ($250) allows you a table, and 
participation in the forum.
I am wondering what nonprofit groups are doing accepting money from political 
campaigns?  And, is any of this going to councilman Lilligren's campaign 
coffers?  I am asking a serious question, not trying to be funny. If all ten 
candidates were to pay for Gold Sponsorship that's $10,000.  I have a problem 
with that.  I don't think the candidates should pay to discuss the issues.  I 
see this also, as an unfair way to weed out candidates.  I can see paying a 
small fee $10) toward defraying the cost of renting tables in which to put 
literature on, or something of that nature, but the other figures are 
ridiculous.  If the sponsoring organizations have to pay that much in rental 
costs to mount this forum, IMHO they should pick another spot.
What do other listmembers think?
Pamela Taylor

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Re: [Mpls] Reducing the number of delegates.

2005-05-18 Thread Pamela Taylor
I stand by my statement that delegates disrespected the process by leaving.  No 
one said that they had to change their votes to vote for someone that they did 
not believe in.  I fully expect everyone to vote their own conscience.  
However, again, there were OTHER RACES besides the one for mayor to be 
considered, and those candidates were left hanging by the Rybak delegation.  
That in itself is a strong argument for having seperate conventions.
A fellow delegate had some clippers attached to her keychain, so some of us 
took the liberty of snipping our seats loose.  Made moving and sitting there 
much easier.
I have long been of the inclination that there be no endorsing until after the 
primary, if any endorsing at all.  I really think that ime and money should 
rightly be spent getting people registered to vote, and educated on the issues. 
 Then if people want to support candidates of their choice, on these local 
levels, let them do so.  Then after the primary, for partisian races, the party 
should band together, as whatever candidates will (should) stand on the party's 
uniform platform.  For nonpartisian races, I don't believe there should be any 
endorsements.  I simply believe that the entire focus should be placed on 
educating constituents about the issues, and the underlying issues surrounding 
the issues, so the best possible decisions can be made by the people for the 
The older I get the more I try to remain focused on the picture that is larger 
than myself.  I want to become a vital part of the landscape, not control the 
view of it for others.
Pamela Taylor
(Ward 10)

Barbara Lickness [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
What are you going to do? The convention convenors did
the best thing they could. They moved people to the
bleachers and ended up accommodating everyone. Ya the
bleachers sucked but only because the convention
lasted over 12 hours. It was actually easier to
manuever around in the bleachers if you were ward or
precinct coordinator for a campaign than on the floor
where the chairs were all banded together with

I still say 12 hours is too dang long to sit at any
convention. I don't care if it's Brad Pitt or Angelina
Jolie running for office. You either split the board
endorsements off from the mayoral endorsement and hold
two conventions or just let all candidates run through
the primary and endorse after the primary is over. 

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Re: [Mpls] Reducing the number of delegates.

2005-05-18 Thread Pamela Taylor
I believe I understand where you are aiming (however, feel free to correct me 
publicly if I am wrong).  Speaking for myself, I went to a caucus and got 
selected to go to a convention and vote for who I wanted.  There was 1) no 
collective discussion as to how we as delegates could go out and garner input 
from the ward masses that our individual precincts represent regarding the 
candidates and the issues; 2) how we could then take the information we 
garnered, come back together to discuss it and determine who we as a precinct 
(representing our ward mass) should unanimously support; nor 3) how we then 
(not before) could go to a ward convention and support/endorse a candidate 
based on having a sense of what THE MASS CONSTITUENTS (whom the DFL likes to 
say they truly represent) would want.  If we adopted such an attitude, it could 
help us to be more unified as a party, and shorten these marathon conventions.
By conducting ourselves in the manner suggested above, we would need to start 
early.  We could not have caucuses that met for about fifteen-twenty minutes 
(like mine did), with a ward convention following on its heels shortly 
afterwards.  More thought would have to go into it.  That means more effective 
forums need be planned, for the current ones (IMHO) don't pass muster anymore.  
There needs to be more emphasis placed on getting the masses to attend public 
meetings where our elected politicians congregate and make decisions on our 
behalf.  In short, there is probably many other ways besides what I have 
suggested here to make people stand up and take notice of the world around them 
and encourage them to be a part of it. 
It may cause candidates to think more deeply before putting themselves out 
there, as they will be thoroughly looked at.  It will place a greater 
responsibility on us delegates to think beyond ourselves.  It could be a step 
in the right direction to garner the diversity of people and be inclusive of 
their ideas in a party that is floundering for direction.
Pamela Taylor
(Ward 10)   

Steve Cross [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Barbara Lickness said:

The number of delegates allowed to be elected at
caucuses is determined by the voter turn-out.

What I have been talking about really doesn't deal with just the matter 
of the total number of delegates. (Although, I admit to contributing to 
that impression by saying that smaller conventions have merit.) My real 
point is changing the fundamental nature of conventions from exercises 
in self-selecting democracy to be republican (again, note the small 
r.) What I'm ultimately saying is that the precincts should elect a 
few representatives to attend conventions rather than having the 
conventions being composed of virtually anyone who wants to come. The 
current procedure is not just a democracy (in the worst sense of that 
word) by one composed of self-selected members as well.

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Re: [Mpls] Were the delegates actually committed to endorsement?

2005-05-16 Thread Pamela Taylor
Exactly the point.  Since Rybak was never committed to abiding by the 
endorsement, neither were his delegates committed to the process.  McLaughlin's 
were.  So there should have been only one name on the balot, and the moyoral 
endorsement could have been over just that fast.  The problem lies in the fact 
that DFLer's are to afraid to just SAY NO to individuals who do not honor the 
process.  We trip all over ourselves to please everyone instead of simply being 
tough.  If you are going to have a convention to endorse, only deal with folks 
who are committed to being so.  Don't even allow candidates (whther they belong 
to the party or not) to even show up and walk around with banners.  They can do 
that somewhere else on their time (which might have been a better way for Rybak 
to spend his Saturday instead of gracing us with his presence, since now he 
will be going out talking to the real people instead of us imaginary ones at 
the convention.
Then, if you have a rule that a motion to endorse can come only after a certain 
ballot, than no one should even BE ALLOWED to put in a ballot calling for no 
endorsement until that time.  Then, whatever percentage a candidated must reach 
can be fairly determined by the true number of votes cast at each ballot.  So 
you have delegates who have come to endorse a candidate actually doing so.  I 
am sure that the convention could be thereby be shortened by a few hours.  
Unless we spend endless hours debating the above rules.  
But ultimately, I agree with Barry Clegg.  The decision of who will win this 
race will be made by the people not sitting at the endorsing convention.  As 
well it should be, since the voting public does not always agree with who we as 
delegates may choose.   
Pamela Taylor
(10th Ward) 

Since 40+% of yesterday's delegates chose to support a candidate who openly 
stated all along that he was not committed to abiding by the endorsement if 
he didn't obtain it for himself, what - if anything - does this say about the 
commitment of the delegates themselves to the endorsement?

Ann Berget

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Re: [Mpls] Convention update - lack of quorum? Pout and go home!

2005-05-15 Thread Pamela Taylor
, but once 
they see you actually get to the other side and dry land, they may decide to 
get their feet wet as well.

Pamela Taylor, 10th Ward

(Silence is golden, but sometimes speaking out allows you to double your money!)


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Re: [Mpls] Farheen Hakeem vs the Women's Press

2005-05-13 Thread Pamela Taylor

Eva Young [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Interesting. The MWP piece about Farheen Hakeem was what is known in the 
business as a puff piece. I wonder how much good this does Hakeem's 
campaign to write a letter like this bashing a paper that wrote a puff 
piece on her. Most candidates like that sort of coverage.

I actually don't think it will help Hakeem's campaign much if the letter 
does get published.

Why doesn't Hakeem join this list and tell list members directly what she 
wants to do as Mayor - in other words answer all those un-asked questions 
by the MWP reporter.

Pamela Taylor says:

Interesting.  I actually think it WILL help her campaign.  And why should she 
join this list and tell members directly what she wants to do as Mayor?  This 
forum group does not stand as the end all be all voice of the general public.  
It is THAT constitutency that she is trying to reach, not simply us here 
online.  And, as to those un-asked questions by the MWP reporter, that is what 
Ms. Hakeem is wondering too.  The reporter asked questions not as relevant to 
the campaign as the issues Ms. Hakeem would have liked to have discussed.  

And, could it be that because there seems to be more substance than puff to 
Ms. Hakeem's candidacy, that she had good reason to take offense to the articl? 
 Is it a crime to want to be portrayed in a more intelligent light?  If it were 
an article about you, and you wanted your intelligence to shine through, are 
you attempting to make us on this list believe that you, too, would not be 
offended?  You, yourself then, would be insulting our intelligence!  And, 
speaking for myself here, I am not that stupid.

I would have done the same thing as Ms. Hakeem.  Why go behind closed doors and 
talk to them privately just to keep others from becoming a witness to reality?  
And, why do we need to get the reporter's side?  Ms. Hakeem was also in the 
room.  Is HER voice relating HER experience not enough?  Do we need the voice 
of the reporter to validate Ms. Hakeem's story?  Especially when they called 
her to do the article, and put their version of her out there, instead of the 
side of her she was led to believe would be portrayed?  Why should anyone take 

This campaign year all of life's sober realities are bound to come out.  We 
would all be better off if we simply dealt with them and moved on. 

Pamela Taylor (Lyndale)

I like the fact that people can't guess my racial background right away, and 
that they have to be ncomfortable about it. It is a growing experience for 
them. There is never an issue of race, looking different, or being originally 
from somewhere for a white person. Why should it be different for me?


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RE: [Mpls] Farheen Hakeem

2005-05-13 Thread Pamela Taylor
Good Morning List,
Yes, David does have a point, but Eva saying that Farheen should just post here 
seemed as if she were trying to portay it as the end-all-be-all, and at the 
same time make excuses for the MWP's reporter.  I wanted to put it out there 
that this list WAS NOT.  To me it is simply just ONE source of getting a 
message out.  The MWP was another, and if Farheen was given the impression that 
this newspaper with a large circulation wanted to do a story on her campaign, 
then that is what should have occurred.  The fact that they made it into 
something else entirely, and Farheen did not simply roll over and take it is 
quite impressive.  If you are going to be in the public spotlight for any 
length of time, especially in politics, you must stand up for yourself.  If 
not, how are you going to stand up for the people you plan to serve.
And, I would not necessarily term this whole thing as bad news.  It may be bad 
press for the reporter who wrote the story, but Farheen's brilliance in posting 
it here certainly made people sit up and take notice.  I am sure that whatever 
reporters on this list who intend to do a story in the future on her will have 
learned a few things about what not to ask, and many voting individuals got an 
education as well.
Pamela Taylor

Leurquin, Ronald [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Farheen has been a topic, but would be more of one if she posted her points 
here once in a while. Good news travels much slower than bad news.

David wrote:
I don't think anyone is proposing Minneapolis-Issues as the end-all!
However, if I was a serious but relatively unknown candidate looking to
bypass media filters and publicize the issues of my campaign, this is a
logical place (among many) to be.

Of course, the readers here can talk back, which always has its risks. But
it's false to present list participation as an either/or proposition for
public campaigning. By participating, we could probably learn something from
her and perhaps she from us.

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Re: [Mpls] Park Board at large

2005-05-10 Thread Pamela Taylor
I like Tom Nordyke, and appreciate his relevance to the issues and his 
experiences.  He and I served on the Minneapolis Arts Commission together in 
the 90's, and we elected him board chair back then.  I believe that getting him 
elected to the Park Board would be a smart move on our part.
Pamela Taylor  

I attended the Park Board at-large forum last week without any clear ideas about
who I would support. I came out of it extremely impressed with Tom Nordyke. He
appeared to be the most prepared on the issues, and balanced in his approach to
solving the myriad problems on the park board right now. I actually looked
forward to hearing his answers! I think his experiences working with large
budgets and projects at ArtSpace, his dedication to historic preservation, his
avid use of the parks, and his broad experiences in general make him the best
of this field.

At my Ward 11 convention Rochelle Berry Graves talked about the importance of
connecting the arts to Park Board activities, and that is important to me. She
didn't mention the arts at the forum, but maybe she didn't feel she had the
right opportunity to do so.

Kelly O'Brien

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[Mpls] 8th Ward

2005-05-09 Thread Pamela Taylor
, as 
candidates and constituents, will determine what our loved ones and children 
will have left to work with in the future.  


Pamela Taylor
(In the 10th, speaking on behalf of some of the presumed voiceless in the 8th)  

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Re: [Mpls] Reminder: 8th Ward candidate forum is Thursday

2005-04-19 Thread Pamela Taylor

List Members,
I would like to go on record as saying that IMHO the upcoming 8th Ward forum is 
an outright slap in the face to all DFLers.  
This invite is cleverly worded, inviting the delegates to come, but I feel that 
the true intent is to welcome ALL DFLers in the 8th Ward, delegate or not, to 
hear only the candidates that these two newspapers want you to hear.  The bulk 
of the evening is given to five candidates, and then from what I believe is 
latent guilt, they are letting all 8th Ward candidates speak for the last 30 
minutes.  Then, saying that a separate nonpartisan forum will be held closer to 
the primary is even more ridiculous.  Are you trying to tell the masses that 
only two or three candidates will be on the stage speaking at the nonpartisan 
one then?  By that time, whomever the DFL had chosen to endorse - if anyone - 
will have all their lit and yard signs out and no one will be showing up to 
that particular forum.  
The first information that went out simply stated that it was a DFL forum.  
But, since that was not worded correctly enough to screen out the individuals 
that they did not want to speak, their being a DFLer or not, it was then 
changed to only those seeking the DFL endorsement.
Again, IMHO, I strongly believe that it should go back to being simply a DFL 
forum.  Let any and all DFLers attend and make up their own minds.  I think 
some people are afraid that the 8th Ward may not endorse anyone either just 
like they did in the 10th Ward last Saturday.  Some delegates may not even 
choose to attend the convention, as non-endorsement seems to be more the rule 
these days, then the exception.  The DFL machine once again proves that it 
shall continue to roll, although it is going downhill fast and gaining speed.  
As much as they read the affirmative action statements, and meander through 
endless processes, they are still not as inclusive nor as broadminded as they 
want one to believe.
Some folks may wonder at my nerve speaking out about this forum when I don't 
live in the 8th ward.  Well, wonder no more.  By virtue of being an American 
citizen I am entitled to take an interest in whatever part of the city I choose 
to without garnering anyone's permission.  I also have family members in the 
newly formed ward who are not prone to attend these functions due to age and 
other constraints, but who still like to have the information from someone they 
trust.  Plus, as I have said before, who knows where I will be living by 
election day.
Many DFLers and others attend forums and conventions in wards they are not 
living in.  One reason is because their councilperson will have to work 
collaboratively with those of other wards, so it is essential to get as much 
info up front as possible.  
It is amazing, too, how soon folks forget what happens to the promises made by 
their DFL endorsed or other party candidates once they have been elected.  So 
many honor the process until they are safely in office, and then selective 
memory loss sets in.  Sometimes the DFL endorsement process boils down to a 
popularity contest, and when the popular ones don't seem to be getting enough 
attention paid to them, some folks don't want to play.  Yet people continue to 
play this eccentric game.  
And folks thought that a casino in the city was a gamble.  Haven't you all 
figured out that this DFL process is its own gamble?
Pamela Taylor
(10th Ward) 

David Brauer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
It's not the first, but it might be your last chance if you're an 8th 
Ward DFL delegate to figure out which candidate to support.

The new 8th Ward straddles I-35W, so Southside Pride and the Southwest 
Journal — community papers on either side of the concrete divide — will 
co-sponsor a City Council DFL candidate's forum Thursday, April 21, 
7-9:30 p.m. at the Phelps Park Center, East 39th Street  Park Avenue.

Only the 5 candidates seeking DFL endorsement will participate in the 
question-and-answer session. That's because the party's 8th Ward 
endorsing convention is Saturday, April 30.

A 9-9:30 p.m. informal discussion is open to any 8th Ward Council 

The event should be of special interest to the ward's DFL delegates, 
but anyone is welcome to attend and ask questions.

The papers plan a nonpartisan candidate forum closer to the Sept. 13 

Hope to see you there!

David Brauer
Editor, SW Journal  Skyway News

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Re: [Mpls] Reminder: 8th Ward candidate forum is Thursday

2005-04-19 Thread Pamela Taylor
List Member,
Yes, me again!  What if there is no endorsement at the convention and everyone 
decides to hang in there?  Then there will be still be nine left.  And, why let 
so many months pass in between the forums?  The last 30 minutes, in which 
people will be milling around is new.  It sounded much more formal before, in 
which we would all still be in our seats, and all nine candidates would be 
asked questions.  Funny how this thing is taking shape isn't it?  Had I not 
posted, I doubt we would have known that fact.   
IMHO (again), I suggest having a series of serious community roundtables, which 
will focus on just one or two topics per roundtable, that are vital issues for 
the 8th Ward.  It is sometimes hard to get a true read on candidates when they 
give you rehearsed blurbs in forums.  As they are conducted now, there is no 
time to really get into a topic, because the moderator has to keep things 
moving.  So, everyone then tends to give us variations of the same blurb. 
By having the roundtables, candidates will need to possess at least an hour's 
worth of knowledge about a topic to keep our interest in their candidacy, and 
will be given a chance to convince us further that it is more than just surface 
knowledge.  We could have enough roundtables to keep them on their toes.  I 
believe it is a much better way to winnow the field and get a view into their 
political character, backbones, etc. than by the current methods.
Pamela Taylor
(Ward 10  Proud Minneapolis Community Agitator for Civil Engagement)   

David Brauer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Apr 19, 2005, at 12:47 PM, Pamela Taylor wrote:

 List Members,

 I would like to go on record as saying that IMHO the upcoming 8th Ward 
 forum is an outright slap in the face to all DFLers.

 This invite is cleverly worded, inviting the delegates to come, but I 
 feel that the true intent is to welcome ALL DFLers in the 8th Ward, 
 delegate or not, to hear only the candidates that these two newspapers 
 want you to hear.

Hey, clever wording is what we do!

Seriously, here's the deal: Ed  I thought it would be a good idea to 
try to bring the two sides of the highway together for a series of 
civic forums. The first stage of the 8th Ward winnowing process is the 
April 30 DFL convention. That's why we're focused on candidates seeking 
the DFL endorsement at this point.

Frankly, Ed originally suggested limiting the forum to DFL candidates, 
and I thought it better to invite everyone. But when the total 
candidate pool swelled to nine (!), I saw the wisdom of his focus.

It's practical, not ideological: as anyone who's attended a 
multi-candidate forum knows, there's a number beyond which the whole 
thing becomes unwieldy. I can't tell you exactly what that number is, 
but I'm pretty sure nine is a heckuva lot.

So we created the two-forum process. We'd limit the April debate to DFL 
hopefuls facing off at the April 30 convention, and have a second forum 
in August or September for everyone who remains.

We are inviting all members of the public to the forum because there's 
no practical reason to limit the audience. The reason all candidates 
are invited to the last half-hour is because it's open, informal time 
where people can mill around and talk to each other. It would be 
ridiculous to exclude anyone, including non-DFL candidates, from that.

Anyway, these things take work, so I hope the budding onlist 
controversy at least drives some more folks to the debate. If not, 
there's another one in August or September.

David Brauer
Editor, SW Journal  Skyway News

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Re: [Mpls] Reminder: 8th Ward candidate forum is Thursday

2005-04-19 Thread Pamela Taylor

David Brauer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The last 30 minutes, in which people will be milling around is new.  
 It sounded much more formal before, in which we would all still be in 
 our seats, and all nine candidates would be asked questions. Funny how 
 this thing is taking shape isn't it?  Had I not posted, I doubt we 
 would have known that fact.  

I think Pam might have made an incorrect assumption. It was always 
planned to be the way I described, in countless e-mails and newspaper 

PT: While it may have always been planned to be that way, it was not stated in 
a way that made your intent CLEAR.  My posting helped to clarify your unclear 
message, apparently given in countless emails and newspaper announcements.

 IMHO (again), I suggest having a series of serious community 
 roundtables, which will focus on just one or two topics per 
 roundtable, that are vital issues for the 8th Ward.  It is sometimes 
 hard to get a true read on candidates when they give you rehearsed 
 blurbs in forums.  As they are conducted now, there is no time to 
 really get into a topic, because the moderator has to keep things 
 moving.  So, everyone then tends to give us variations of the same 

True, perhaps. We're hoping we can break through the blurbs with good 
audience questions and follow-ups, and good moderation. In any event, 
the blurb problem is worse at a forum with many more candidates, 
which is what Pam originally suggested.

PT: I did not originally suggest anything of the sort.  I asked the question as 
to why the exclusion of candidates from your upcoming forum.
 By having the roundtables, candidates will need to possess at least an 
 hour's worth of knowledge about a topic to keep our interest in their 
 candidacy, and will be given a chance to convince us further that it 
 is more than just surface knowledge.  We could have enough 
 roundtables to keep them on their toes.  I believe it is a much better 
 way to winnow the field and get a view into their political character, 
 backbones, etc. than by the current methods.

Go for it! We don't have enough time to commit to that, but we don't 
have a monopoly on forum organizing, either.

I do wonder how many people would show up at multiple hour-long forums 
featuring nine candidates, though.

PT: I believe quite a few people would show up.  They could pick and choose to 
attend the roundtable which happens to peak their particular interest.  And 
knowing that they will get to hear more than a blurb just might be enough 
incentive.  The roundtables would not be the audience talking, it would be the 
candidates talking, moderated of course.  Particular questions constituents 
would want to be discussed would have been submitted quite a few weeks ahead, 
so the roundtable could be formulated to be relevant and timely.

Who knows, maybe being faced with having to speak longer than two minutes on an 
issue, the candidates will winnow themselves.

And, maybe I will help mount some roundtables, but don't reflect back on this 
email and decide Pamela is definately going to do that, because it would be a 
major assumption on the part of List Members.  I have things on my plate too.  
Some of you may think that I should keep my thoughts to myself then, and that 
would be your right.  However, I believe that sometimes things need to be said, 
and folks are just to afraid of what someone else may think that they remain 
silent.  I thank God that I am not a part of that huge silent majority out 
there.  In today's world, the sound of that majority is deafening to the 
masses.  Now, I am simply putting the idea out there because there may be folks 
who coulr take this idea and run with it.  And power to them. 

Three posts today and I am out.  Ah, but tomorrow is another day.

Pamela Taylor (Ward 10)


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Re: [Mpls] Restructuring Mpls School Board

2005-04-13 Thread Pamela Taylor
I believe that if the school board members were voted in by wards much like 
council members, that the voter turnout would be much greater than in any of 
the other races.  Education is a big issue, and parents want someone to be 
accountable to them, which is not how a lot of them view school board members 
currently.  The way it stands now, you can be from anywhere, and that is a part 
of the problem.
Well, that's my two posts for the day.
Pamela Taylor


Thanks to Derek for a very thoughtful response to my email and, even
better, one that brought some new facts to the discussion. He's gone
a long way to convincing me...

 DBR == Derek Burrows Reise writes:


Derek points out that it would be hard to get the bad outcome that
worried me:

DBR With the restructuring proposal for the school board,
DBR we're talking about Minneapolis being carved into 6
DBR districts. That's over 60,000 people per district. 
DBR Compare that to the 13 city wards, 10.5 state house
DBR districts, and 6 park board districts. That's a
DBR pretty sizeable plot of land for a single interest to
DBR control due to political non-participation.

DBR While there is a disparity in voter turnout in
DBR Minneapolis (in 2004 Ward 6 had a 58% turnout (the
DBR lowest) and Ward 13 had an 81% turnout (the highest)),
DBR I don't think that's at the level that gives a citizen
DBR in one district a significant amount of more power
DBR than in another district. 


DBR One of the current board members responded to me that
DBR the board exists for all Minneapolis school children
DBR and therefore it is important to be elected citywide,
DBR versus a neighborhood. But I think in practice that
DBR means we elect folks to 4 year terms, and the office
DBR is far enough down-ballot, and the power of party
DBR endorsement and incumbancy is strong enough, that they
DBR are accountable to no one.

This is a very good point, that the terms might be too long to keep
the board members accountable. I'm not so convinced that endorsement
is huge, but incumbency would be a big one. Does anyone know the
typical number of terms school board members serve, historically?


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[Mpls] 8th Ward Candidate Forum

2005-04-04 Thread Pamela Taylor
Hello List,
I would like to get some feedback on the 8th Ward Forum held this past Saturday 
at Sabathani.  Was one candidate better at answering questions than another.  
Were issues addressed?  Thoughts, please.
Pamela Taylor
(Lyndale 10th Ward with friends in the 8th Ward)

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Re: [Mpls] Vigil Sunday for N Mpls murders

2005-03-10 Thread Pamela Taylor
Mark Snyder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've been reading this EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE LAW sermonizing for over
three years now and what has it gotten us? I don't fail to understand
anything. I simply realize that this approach that Jim Graham has been using
of attempting to shame city leaders with all his preaching isn't getting
anywhere, so perhaps it's time to try something else. As Albert Einstein was
credited with once saying, ³The definition of insanity is doing the same
thing over and over again and expecting a different result.²

Pamea Taylor says:

Jim is not attempting to shame the leaders into anything.  He is simply 
pointing out the obvious fact (over and over again) that our taxes should be 
going towards taking care of some of these issues in the impacted 
neighborhoods, as effectively as they are taken care of in less impacted 

MS:That's why I suggested getting organized and coming up with a plan for how
to pay for these additional cops or whatever other public safety resources
you seek. 

Get all the folks who are involved with MADDADs, PEACE Foundation, the
various neighborhood NRP committees, the court watch folks and any other
groups out there that are interested in working to stop the violence and the
crime and with all those various people getting together and working
collectively with a common message that's so loud and clear that it's
impossible for our elected city leaders and legislators to ignore, and then
you can probably really start to have some influence and get something done.

PT: The message has been stated loud and clear for decades.  However, the 
people you want to hear the message have insulated themselves from the loud din 
with custom fitted ear plugs.  And, although people want justice to be served, 
and it is their right to have it, they get mighty tired of having to get up and 
go to work during the day, then come home and don their super tights and cape 
and fight crime after dark, too.  Those folks involved with MADD DADS, PEACE 
Foundation and NRP committees should be commended for their efforts on our 
behalf, but it is not their DUTY to commit these random acts of kindness and 
courage.  Do you see people from the non-impacted neighborhoods out wearing 
Batman type tool belts equipped with cameras, pepper spray, walkie talkies, 
etc.  IMHO I see no reason to rail against Jim's very well stated points.  

I believe that even as people are devising ways to combat the crime, there is 
absolutely no reason not to continually restate the constituents need for 
action on the part of elected officials.  Who knows, maybe one day they may 
forget those ear plugs, and something such as social justice may actually 

Pamela Taylor (Lyndale)  


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Re: [Mpls] Vigil Sunday for N Mpls murders

2005-03-10 Thread Pamela Taylor
Mr. Brady,
The sarcasm illustrated my point quite well, and I will not hesitate to use it 
again if I feel it relevant.  Some individuals understand things better when 
put in another way.  Much like comedians do when talking about real life.  So 
your ire, if any intended, was wasted on me.
And, simply because you may or may not have missed MY point does not mean there 
was not one made, or that it was not valid.  Perhaps you should sit back and 
rewiew my post, just in case (and I am not saying that you did) you missed it.
And, nor did I belittle the neighborhood groups.  I give them high praise.  The 
reference to superheros was because some of the general public seem to believe 
that these neighborhood groups are comprised of such mighty individuals, and 
that they ought to be able to fight crime all on their own.  My opinion is that 
they should NOT have to do it if they don't choose to, nor if they choose to, 
they should not have to do it alone.  Other less impacted neighborhoods don't, 
so impacted neighborhoods should be granted the same priviledge.  They should 
be able to come home and do absolutely nothing but relax.  
Now, I rest my case on discussing this point.  If folks can't get it there is 
nothing more I can do to help them.
Wishing you a good day (and a relaxing crime-free evening at home).

In a message dated 3/10/2005 2:18:55 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
PT: The message has been stated loud and clear for decades.  However, the 
people you want to hear the message have insulated themselves from the loud din 
with custom fitted ear plugs.  And, although people want justice to be served, 
and it is their right to have it, they get mighty tired of having to get up and 
go to work during the day, then come home and don their super tights and cape 
and fight crime after dark, too.  Those folks involved with MADD DADS, PEACE 
Foundation and NRP committees should be commended for their efforts on our 
behalf, but it is not their DUTY to commit these random acts of kindness and 
courage.  Do you see people from the non-impacted neighborhoods out wearing 
Batman type tool belts equipped with cameras, pepper spray, walkie talkies, 
etc.  IMHO I see no reason to rail against Jim's very well stated points.  

I believe that even as people are devising ways to combat the crime, there is 
absolutely no reason not to continually restate the constituents need for 
action on the part of elected officials.  Who knows, maybe one day they may 
forget those ear plugs, and something such as social justice may actually 

Pamela Taylor (Lyndale)  
I think when you argue against a proposal with comments about batman belts and 
other nonsense sarcasm it really belittles your own arguements. The man came up 
with a very constructive post and how do you respond? I noticed that some 
people on this list like to throw out sarcasm instead of argue a valid point...
 Don't you agree that this need to have our elected officials take care of 
things attitude is what led the neighborhood to this predicament? On one end 
you belittle the neighborhood watch groups by saying they wear capes, tights 
and what not but then speak of social justice is this not the highest form of 
social justice when the people take back there neighborhood(and no not with 
machetes,machine guns and cannon balls so lets not misconstrue my comments 
again) I mean you can't get your politics more local than that! 
David Brady

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[Mpls] Vigil Sunday for N Mpls murders

2005-03-05 Thread Pamela Taylor
The older man who walked in and was shot, was indeed, just an innocent man.  We 
found out today that he is a close relative of my daughter's friend.  
There needs to be a statement made, I agree.  I also believe that a vigil is 
not enough. We conduct these things in our neighborhoods, where we care about 
what happened, but not always the rest of the world.  I think it is essential 
that vigils, marches and rallies not only be held where we live, but where 
people who may have the ability to address these things live.  
Oftentimes the press don't even acknowledge our presence, because it is not 
important enough when it only happens to us.  But let a commotion be caused in 
a NIMBY-like area, and it becomes another matter entirely.
When people rally in the name of MLK Jr. or other societal agitators, they do 
not do it only in the place where he/she was assasinated, or where the 
injustice occurred, they do it wherever and whenever possible.  We need to 
change our own mindset of how we conduct our everyday exchanges, if we expect 
others to change theirs and respond.
Pamela Taylor

Please join us. The community must make a statement
that the murders must stop.


Fred H. Olson Minneapolis,MN 55411 USA (near north Mpls)
Communications for Justice - My new listserv org. UU, Linux
My Link Page: Ham radio:WB0YQM
fholson at 612-588-9532 (7am-10pm Central time)



The whole city is disturbed by a gangland style slaying of two men
yesterday at 3010 Penn Avenue North. Both were seated at the Steak
House, a small local restaurant, when an assailant walked in, executed
a young man and then killed an older man in what appears to have been
the random phase of the shooting.

One bystander told a reporter that she was not surprised. This comment
shows just how our community continues to brace itself against the
mind numbing repetition of homicidal violence in its midst. The
natural inclination is to toughen ourselves against shock and to raise
our threshold for pain.

That is why we must all come together as a community, with this woman
and with the family of the slain and to grieve together and share the
impact of this horror. If we do not, our neighbors are condemned to
suffer in isolated silence, hardening themselves to unhealthy levels
of tolerance, evolving a community where crime can thrive unresisted.

Please join us tomorrow to grieve these untimely deaths. Together, we
can temper the legacy of horror left by this tragedy. Let us give this
embattled community another memory of generosity, unity, consensus,
empathy and support that returns a margin of hope and the promise of a
different kind of future.

Place: Penn Best Steak House at 3010 Penn Avenue (Next to the Dollar

Time: Sunday March 6, 2 PM to 4 PM


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Re: [Mpls] Inclusivity at the caucus

2005-03-03 Thread Pamela Taylor
Hello All,
I was new to 10-5, having been in the 8th ward for most of my years of 
political involvement.  We had about three people new to the whole process, and 
one brought forth a resolution regarding Head Start.  It only took a few 
minutes to bring them up to speed regarding the process and what delegates do, 
and they were happy to become such and look forward to the next phase.
We met over at Jefferson on 26th.  As seems to be the norm thus far, we had 
more delegate slots than people to fill them.  We have five open slots left and 
no alternates at all.  I believe three of the delegate seats were filled by 
proxy.  We all were quite friendly and civil to each other, and we all seemed 
such at ease with each other that had some insensitive remark had been made, 
any number of us would have spoke up.  Especially yours truly.  We all hope, 
however, that the next time we meet we do not have to walk up three flights of 
steps to our assigned meeting space, as we were all a bit out of breath at the 
It was interesting meeting people and hearing the candidates speak.  Most 
people seemed to have an idea which candidate they were planning to support 
already.  We had no visits in our group, though candidate Scott Persons was 
there.  He is a member of our precinct.
We were done about 8:15 p.m. and I was able to get home to watch the second 
half of my favorite show The Amazing Race. 
Have a great day!
Pamela Taylor
Lyndale Neighborhood 

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[Mpls] Central Neighborhood Info

2005-03-03 Thread Pamela Taylor
Just curious as to what the Central Neighborhood and CNIA are doing these days. 
 I know Art Erickson is the board chair, but can anyone else give me a clue as 
to what else is going on?  I am going to be doing some things with agencies in 
that neighborhood, so it would be nice to know a little something.
Pamela Taylor
(Formerly Central, now Lyndale)

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[Mpls] Nonprofit Insurance Query

2005-02-19 Thread Pamela Taylor
Good Morning List Members,
I would like to garner names (and contact information, if possible) for 
insurance companies that have good rates (and good reputations) for nonprofits.
Thank you,
Pamela Taylor
(Central Neighborhood - Also called The Frozen Tundra by those of us whom had 
grown used to 80 degree winters in Florida - sigh!) 

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Re: [Mpls] Basim Sabri Update: Big Bad Brian...oh really?

2004-11-30 Thread Pamela Taylor

Ms. Zuckweiler,

I take offense to your saying that Ms. Marks was in cahoots with Brian Herron 
and Basim Sabri.  During that time Brian Herron was also a friend of mine, but 
that did not mean that I knew what all his activities were.  Does that mean I 
was also in cahoots with him.  I believe you owe Ms. Marks an apology.

Pamela Taylor

(Miami, FL but formerly Central Neighborhood)

Faith Zuckweiler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Perhaps Wizard Marks (who was in cahoots with both of these controversial 
characters at that time) can offer her perspective?

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Re: [Mpls] Minneapolis names new Empowerment Zone chief

2004-11-20 Thread Pamela Taylor


Although I do not know you personally, I have read your insightful posts on 
this list.  I wanted to extend my congratulations, and I am sure that you will 
do a great service to the neighborhoods, and city in general, in your new post.

Pamela Taylor

(Coconut Grove, FL)

Shawn Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Minneapolis names new Empowerment Zone 
November 17, 2004
Jonathan Palmer, a longtime Minneapolis activist, 
is the city's new Empowerment Zone administrator.

Palmer, once a City Council candidate, is executive 
director of the Jordan Area Community Council. He will 
start his new job Dec. 1.

Palmer, who is on the zone's board, said he hopes to 
reach deeper into the inner-city neighborhoods 
designated as part of the zone.

The city received federal Empowerment Zone designation in 
1999 from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 
The designation has brought almost $19 million in direct 
funding, $100 million in tax incentives and $130 million 
in tax-exempt bonding authority.
Posted by Shawn Lewis, Field Neighborhood

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Re: [Mpls] Miller leaving, and perhaps returning to School Board/

2004-10-25 Thread Pamela Taylor

Hello List,
Yes, please trust Wizard on this.  I was a part of the three member team chosen to 
attend the federal trainings in regard to Weed  Seed.  Butch Miller and Alan Robinson 
were the other two.  We would go to trainings every other month, which were paid for 
by your tax dollars, in top hotels in cities around the country.  Butch would pretend 
to care what happened to Green Central while we were in the trainings, but would 
return home and go back to business as usual which was doing no real business at 
I would try to tell our site members what the consequnces would be if we did not plan 
and handle the money properly.  However, Butch managed to convince everyone that I was 
just talking nonsense.  So I got to the point where I simply attended meetings and 
said nothing.  I simply reported the real goings on to the folks in DC, as they were 
the only ones interested in hearing it.  In fact, they had spoken numerous times to 
Butch about the non-performance of our site, and Butch made just as many numerous 
promises to shape up.  All of his promises were simply hot air.  So instead of letting 
me quit, as I felt very ineffective and grew tired of being WS monthy punching bag, 
they asked to stay and keep track of what the site was, and in our case, was not 
This is why the federal mandate came down later and threatened to take the funds away 
if something was not done.  I had predicted that once the initial money was gone, and 
the free trips/training were complete, that Butch would resign as coordinator.  Sure 
enough, his resignation came almost to the day his personal joyride ended.
At that time Butch had no diagnosed kidney problem.  And when I found out later, and 
from Sandra herself, she told me at that same time of her intent to seek the council 
seat.  So do not let that stepping down from the MSB due to her husband's illness 
fool you.  Doug is right, she simply did not seek re-election.  And Wizard is right, 
they caused a lot of dissent among the neighborhood.  IMHO, I was not convinced of 
Sandra's effectiveness on the board at the time, and am not at all convinced that her 
return to the board would make any difference.  
Pamela Taylor
(From Fort Walton Beach, who is moving to Miami the day after the election.  I am 
staying in one place to make sure that my vote in Florida - land of the miscount and 
hanging chads - counts.)   

Dorie Rae Gallagher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Wizard wrote:
 Sandra and Butch Miller were the leadership of Green Central Weed  Seed
 prior to the last city council election. During their leadership Weed 
 Seed was constantly embroiled in controversy and meetings were long
 fights with name calling, shouting, outrageous insults, crying, and
 general misery. This became so divisive that Weed  Seed partners and
 community people refused to attend meetings and foundations which stood
. Since people hired to perform tasks for the organization had not
 been paid for work done, a check was sent to Sandra Miller with
 instructions to pay off workers left hanging. The check was cashed, but
 the workers were not paid.

I guess I am going to trust you on this. Thanks for the
don't find that in the opinion page of the stribe.
dorie rae gallagher/nokomis


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RE: [Mpls] Arts in the Mpls schools

2004-09-23 Thread Pamela Taylor
Hello List,
Higher education is grouped into colleges.  There is a reason why the Arts  Sciences 
are grouped together.  They compliment one another.
I am a highly creative individual.  When I was in 7th grade at Bryant Jr. High, I was 
fortunate to have an advisor named Miss Seaberg.  I was shy and she ran a afterschool 
group for teen girls.  She spent time talking to me and recognized my artistic bent, 
and took me to audition at the Minneapolis Children's Theater.  We had to sing, learn 
a dance routine on the spot, do some speaking, etc.  God blessed me, and I was 
accepted into their program.  I then spent half a day at regular school and my 
afternoons in theater school.  It was the best education I could have imagined.  One 
helped me focus better on the other.  In 7th and 8th grade I stayed on the Honor Roll, 
doing well in subjects I hate like math.
My daughter attended North High School under the Arts and Communications Magnet.  She, 
a lot like her mother, thrived under the dual programs as well.  My son did not attend 
school in Minneapolis, but he is also creative.  He can take things apart and fix them 
without being taught how.  And sometimes having a bent nudges the book learning.  
Coincidentally, my children and I are all quite literate, and we all write as well.  
I am returning to school in January to complete a dual major of Communication Studies  
and Fine Arts, with a minor in Public Relations.  All of these are in the same school. 
  All of these skills will be used as my foundation, The Smith Howard Foundation for 
Youth (2002) comes to prominence.  It will serve the artistic, educational and 
socioeconomic needs of youth and communities.  Most social service programs utilize 
arts in various forms to reach children who may be considered lost or have lost 
their way in some form or fashion.  Studies have proven that individuals who have a 
liberal education are the most adaptable to situations that life thrusts upon them.  
I can personally attest to that.  
Also, an FYI:  Who do people think design these nice school buildings and homes you 
live in?  I have a friend who is an architect who is not so great in math.  If it were 
not for the artsy stuff, where would he be?  Coincidentally, he is a founding partner 
in the firm, and they design buildings around the country.  If it were not for dance 
and sports to give those bodily kinesthetic individuals (known in school as the kids 
who never want to sit still and act out, who are full of energy), there may be a whole 
lot less doctors around.  Individuals who have great control of their bodies make 
wonderful surgeons.  Where would the NFL be without great players like Lynn Swan, who 
took dance to make him a more graceful and coordinated runner?  Sometimes the arts are 
so subtle that you don't notice them in the everyday scheme of things.  But they are 
highly important to the scheme of things.
Well, enough said for today.  I survived my bedroom ceiling falling in due to 
hurricane Ivan.  I was among the lucky few.  I lost a few items, but oh well.  I am 
creative AND a critical thinker.  I will figure something else out.  I will survive.
Pamela Taylor
(In Florida, getting ready for Hurricane Jean) 

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Re: [Mpls] Public School Enrollment, why is it falling? How to increase it.

2004-09-13 Thread Pamela Taylor
Hello Listmembers,
Although I am in Florida, and getting prepared to evacuate in the face of Ivan the 
Terrible Hurricane, I implore you to RUN, not walk, to the polls and VOTE for Doug 
He has for years, done his homework, and sometimes, that of the existing school board 
members, for them.  He has offered many ideas to stem the the flow of educational 
waste, and what he may not be certain of, he actually attempts to search out real 
answers.  If he is elected, I don't believe he will change any, except to pursue 
solutions more aggresively.
I have a very intelligent granddaughter in first grade in Minneapolis.  I don't intend 
to let her be dumbed down nor bullied, nor her educational possibilities stunted  by 
an inadequately managed system.  I will come yank her out myself.  The system needs 
help.  Give them Doug Mann.
Pamela Taylor
(In the Panhandle)   

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[Mpls] RE: Disappointed with Doug Grow on Spike Moss

2004-06-07 Thread Pamela Taylor

Thank you Bill, for your post.  
I asked the questions I did becuase of the initial information put out to to the 
community via this list.  Since it was put out there, and the A.A. community seems to 
allow only a handful of individuals to speak for it, I wanted to know, and still do, 
if he is doing his job on behalf of the community according to his employer's job 
description, or has he veered off into his own thing.  
We, meaning the community, get so up in arms about so much that I wanted to see 
whether or not it was even our business to jump up and down about his lost wages.  
I get the distinct feeling that people, of all races, are truly scared to talk openly, 
and that is a big problem in the community.  If this whole thing is not a big deal, 
say so.  If everything is okey dokey, great!  If not, what do people have against 
making people, even so called leaders, be accountable?  True, we don't do the hiring 
and firing of organizations, however, if they are there to serve specific needs and 
are given funds to do so on behalf of certain populations, and they are falling short, 
things need to be examined under a microscope, not hidden under self agendas (again, 
IF that be the case).  Especially by those certain populations.  Otherwise, folks are 
just collecting money and using you to do it, and you are letting it happen.  And, IF 
that be the case and no one says anything, don't bring us your belly-wailing later.  
C'mon all you normally vocal listmembers.  Quit holding your tongues.  I know you are 
chomping at the bit so let yourselves be real.  
Pamela Taylor

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Re: [Mpls] Disappointed with Doug Grow on Spike Moss

2004-06-03 Thread Pamela Taylor
List Members,
I find it very interesting that not a one of you has any comment regarding my queries 
to Mr. Spike Moss.  It is as if everyone, especially the African-Americans, are afraid 
to speak on the subject.  If someone were to say that the subject matter simply was 
not interesting enough to respond, I would be personally inclined to believe that they 
were being less than truthful.
I have read time and again about Mr. Moss on this forum as a community leader, what he 
has and has not done.  But no one (that I can recall, anyway) ever questioned his 
actions in regards to his job performance.  As an African-American myself, I would 
like to know the answers.  
I asked them openly as I don't believe there's any reason for beating around the bush. 
 We talk about improving race relations in Minneapolis, yet we cannot even talk freely 
in this setting which is created to do so.  White folks should not fear speaking thier 
thoughts lest a person of color think them a tad too critical.  A person of color 
should not fear speaking thier thoughts for being targeted for scorn by their own.  
The questions are valid.  And IMHO if they are not being asked AND answered of 
entities and individuals claiming to work on behalf of underserved, albeit, any 
community, I see no reason to believe in them.
Pamela Taylor
(Florida - Where we question everything since the last presidential election.)

Pamela Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I may be viewed strangely for asking the following questions, but I am going to ask it 

Spike Moss,

I know you are an active community voice. My queries: How much of what you do publicly 
is out of your responsibility to your employer and its programs, as opposed to just 
being who you are as a private citizen concerned about your community?

IF what you do publicly keeps you active and in the public light, but neglectful of 
your everyday job responsibilites, what do you feel should be the way it should be 
dealt with?
What should be done to strike a workable balance, if any is to be found?

List Members,

If the aforementioned questions should prove to be what tipped the scale (and I am NOT 
saying that they are), why would one accuse the community of turning on its own? It 
is not always a case of not enough funding to go around, sometimes it is a matter of 
ethics. It would seem, then, that a community organization is trying to be responsible 
to its clients and the job for which it was created, which is unlike what a lot of 
nonprofits and big companies are doing these days. IF that is the case, I fail to see 
the problem with that. Linnea Anderson was right on target. Before funders will give 
up their money, they want to see how responsible one is with what they have.

Potential Funders,

Those of you out there who have money to save Mr. Moss' job, consider whether you are 
funding his The City Inc. job or his job personal one as a community 
consultant/liaison. And please, make sure the public knows the difference.

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Re: [Mpls] Disappointed with Doug Grow on Spike Moss

2004-06-02 Thread Pamela Taylor
I may be viewed strangely for asking the following questions, but I am going to ask it 
Spike Moss,
I know you are an active community voice.  My queries: How much of what you do 
publicly is out of your responsibility to your employer and its programs, as opposed 
to just being who you are as a private citizen concerned about your community?
IF what you do publicly keeps you active and in the public light, but neglectful of 
your everyday job responsibilites, what do you feel should be the way it should be 
dealt with?
What should be done to strike a workable balance, if any is to be found?
List Members,
If the aforementioned questions should prove to be what tipped the scale (and I am NOT 
saying that they are), why would one accuse the community of turning on its own?  It 
is not always a case of not enough funding to go around, sometimes it is a matter of 
ethics.  It would seem, then, that a community organization is trying to be 
responsible to its clients and the job for which it was created, which is unlike what 
a lot of nonprofits and big companies are doing these days.  IF that is the case, I 
fail to see the problem with that.  Linnea Anderson was right on target.  Before 
funders will give up their money, they want to see how responsible one is with what 
they have.
Potential Funders,
Those of you out there who have money to save Mr. Moss' job, consider whether you are 
funding his The City Inc. job or his job personal one as a community 
consultant/liaison.  And please, make sure the public knows the difference.
Pamela Taylor
(Florida, but who has plenty family in Minneapolis)

Shawn Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

A victim of funding

I was profoundly disappointed by Doug Grow's 
May 28 column about Spike Moss' relationship 
with The City Inc. As a former City Inc. employee 
and a current nonprofit employee, I take offense 
at the portrayal of Fred Easter's decision as cowardly. 

Most likely, Easter's decision is reflective 
of the current funding climate, where programs 
and employees of nonprofits that aren't clearly 
accountable simply aren't funded. Easter's 
decision, given the inevitable community response, 
was anything but cowardly. 

As Grow acknowledged, Moss is loved and loathed 
in about equal numbers. He is valued by some in 
his community, by the media and by the police chief, 
but scrutiny of the funders of The City Inc. would 
most likely reveal that none value him enough to pay for him. 

It is sad that the community turns on its own in 
these situations when the real villain, if there 
is one, is a much more restrictive and conservative 
funding climate. 

Linnea Anderson, St. Paul.

Posted by Shawn Lewis, Field Neighborhood

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Re: [Mpls] Smoking ban in Minneapolis

2004-05-10 Thread Pamela Taylor
Hello Listmembers,
I keep reading that workers have a choice whether or not to work in places which allow 
smoking.  IMHO I think that argument went up in a cloud of smoke.
In this economy when people have to decide whether they should pay rent and feed their 
families or starve, they may simply have NO choice in where they end up workig.  It is 
called survival.  Death by starvation or death by second-hand smoke?  Why would anyone 
pick death by smoke?
Pamela Taylor

On Monday, May 10, 2004, at 10:50 AM, MJ Mueller wrote:

 Business owners should be free to decide if their clientele is a 
 smoking crowd or not and should be able to adjust their policies 
 accordingly. As for workers - working in an establishment that allows 
 smoking is a choice and there is no argument that will disabuse me of 
 that oprinion.

 MJ Mueller
 Former New Riverside Cafe Worker - Late 70's, early 80's


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Re: [Mpls] Re: St. Paul considers smoking ban - should Mpls?

2004-05-06 Thread Pamela Taylor
My two cents for the day - sunny Forida has a ban, too.  I love it! 
Pamela Taylor

Terrell Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
--- List manager wrote:
 Is that a hot button or are you looking at the end of my cigarette?: 
 St. Paul Councilmember Dave Thune will propose a citywide smoking ban
 in bars and restaurants. Undoubtedly, this will put pressure on Mpls
 to consider the same.

[TB] Within the last few weeks, I had a conversation with one person
whose office is on the 3rd floor of City Hall who told me there is some
concern that such a ban would put Minneapolis at a disadvantage in
drawing business to the city. It was suggested during that
conversation that a ban should be statewide.

Perhaps the Mayor’s spokesperson should step outside her cube and learn
what’s going on.

--- ken bradley wrote:

 I travel to California often where such a ban is already law and the
restaurants and bars seem to be
doing a very healthy business. 

[TB] We’re certainly not leading the charge here. California and New
York City both have bans.

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Re: [Mpls] Apache Plaza to be replaced by Wal-Mart? Say it ain't so!

2004-04-13 Thread Pamela Taylor
Hello All,
Apache Plaza was great in its day.  I used to live across the street from it, and 
would take my kids bowling there.  It had a nice open two sided bowling alley 
downstairs, and it was good cheap entertainment.  It a nice mix of stores, and you 
could wait inside in warmth for that #4 bus.
I think the turning point for the complex was when it had that tornado rip through it, 
and roofs and such were blown off.  Stores closed, others took a while to regain their 
business, and things just lagged after that.
But yes, fond memories.  My kids went indoor trick or treating there.  We loved 
Jolly's because we did a lot of crafts, and I still had credit at the bookstore when I 
moved away.  
Pamela Taylor

Mark Snyder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm sure I'm not alone among Northeasters in having fond memories of Apache
Plaza. That was where my mom took my sister and me to shop for school
clothes and other stuff pretty much all through our childhood since my mom
didn't drive and we could take the #4 straight up and over without
transferring. I remember my favorite place as a kid was the Little Professor
bookstore, which I liked even better than Jolly's, the toy store, though
that was the place to go if you were into models.

Northeasters have probably known for a while that Apache Plaza is coming
down, but a Strib story last week was the first confirmation I've seen that
the key part of the development that will replace it will be a Wal-Mart.

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Re: [Mpls] Transit workers food drive

2004-03-30 Thread Pamela Taylor
List Members,
Take what Ms. Quast said to heart, and also remember this:  Do not bring food items 
that have been sitting on your shelf that you would not really want to eat yourself.  
Donate stuff that TASTE's good too.  They have lost jobs, not their tastebuds.  They 
will not be choosy, but remember to treat your neighbor as yourself.
Pamela Taylor
(Florida, but who has family in Minneapolis affected by the strike.)

Emilie Quast [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If you've been looking for a way to support the transit drivers (whether or
not you agree with the strike) here's an opportunity:

Wednesday March 31, will will have a food drive at the University of

Between 9 AM and 3PM, please bring (or send along with a UMn staff member
or student) non-perishable food items to one of the following locations:

Mondale Law School Lobby (probably the easiest drop off site. There's a
drive circle outside the door.)
Carlson School Info Desk
Wilson Library Basement Level (Tunnel) entrance
Skyway convenience store (over Washington Ave.)

Whether you agree with the politics or not, these are real people with real
families who really need support. They are your neighbors and probably
your friends.

Don't forget the baby food and other baby items, and
bringing pet food for the furry members of the family is also a good idea.

Cake mix and frosting because strikers' kids have birthdays. diapers.
laundry soap. tp and tissue. it all helps.

This drive is sponsored by AFSCME Local 3800 and Local 3937 and all
donations will be appreciated

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RE: [Mpls] response from PPL Executive Director

2003-12-03 Thread Pamela Taylor
Allysen Hoberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Allysen Hoberg: Why is no one asking that to the non-impacted neighborhoods where there currently is no affordable housing? 
Pamela Taylor: It is being asked to non-impacted neighborhoods. They just have selective hearing and the backing of a citythatappears to be turning a deaf ear as well.
AH: Why is PPL supposed to address supportive family housing issues as well as fix desegregation in Minneapolis?
PT: PPL has been asked because they are helping to cause some measures of desegration.
AH:I agree that poverty should NOT be concentrated in the core of the city, but what happens when every other neighborhood blocks you out as well? 
PT: You do what Jim Graham, Barb Lickness and many others keep saying - Fight it with everything you can. Just because the non-impacted neighborhoods are currently blocking you out does not mean that they should continue to be left off the hook. Simply put, it should be forced upon them if they don't gracefully accept their share of the responsibility. Charity - and simple humanity - begins at home. That means "In their back yards", too. 
Steve Cramer stated in his post that more needs to be said. Well Mr. Cramer, please do not keep us waiting any longer. Tell us the rest of the story, the whole truth and nothing but. My daughter and grandchildren live in Whittier and what affects them affects me.
Pamela Taylor (Tampa)
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Re: [Mpls] RE: Hood Stores

2003-11-17 Thread Pamela Taylor
Good Morning List,

I believe that Jon's idea is a good one. Back in the day, when my children were small, I remember there was a grocery delivery service. I cannot remember who ran it, but for a young single mom with no car and a limited budget it was great. I could call in my order, even WIC foods, and for a small fee, have quality food and service delivery. I lived in south Minneapolis at the time. It saved me time, and I did not mind the small fee as I would have had to take the bus to the store and pay for a cab ride home, anyway. 

I was lucky in that my kids were pretty well behaved in public, but some parent's havechildren that think stores and the like are simply large playrooms for them, and shopping becomes an unwanted experience to be relived weekly. So it could be a lifesaver in thart aspect for some as well.

I remember when I lived on Plymouth Aveneue in the late '80's. There was a hood store on the corner of what I think was Plymouth and Russell or thereabouts, and they too, frequently changed hands and charged more than they should. One day I sent my children to the store, and I am a stickler for getting reciepts. Well, they came back without a reciept and with less money than they should have after purchasing the itemI needed. When I asked what had happened they told me they had been basiclly browbeaten, told the item cost more than what I knew it cost, and the cashierrefused to give them a reciept. Now, my children were well trained, and they do not lie. 

So I went back to the store with my children and demanded that the storerefund the money they overcharged for the item, issue a correct recipt and give my children the respect they deservedby apologizing to them. To be honest, the store owner did not really want to comply, but I promised him I would make quite a public stink overthe incident, and that he would look worse than he already did,so he did. And from that point on, no matter how much I might have neededsomething last minute, I did without rather than go to that store again. 

Unfortunately, other folks still utilized the store, and a lot of them, IMHO, seemed to do nothing other than loiter and carry-on other questionable activities, in pretty much plain sight. When I moved from the area, after one year, they were still there. I hope that is not still the case.

Pamela Taylor

In a message dated 11/17/03 7:46:49 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I am interested in developing relationships among retailers, developers, and community residents/organizations so that A) Communities have greater control over the direction of retail development in their neighborhoods; B) Retail availability in lower-income neighborhoods is higher quality, reasonably priced, and accessible; and C) Neighborhood residents, entrepreneurs, and community groups have opportunities for ownership, employment, and a business stake in those retail ventures. I grew up in the projects on the dole without any spare income or car. My mother used to take the bus downtown to the Great Northern Market and lug two bags back to southeast and then walk two and a half blocks home. This was obviously not a perfect shopping situation especially in winter. The Hood Stores of yesteryear were not so cr
 inclined but they were tiny and understocked and expensive. Not a viable situation either.  Then Delmonicos, a tiny Italian store over Nordeast decided they would offer free call-in shopping services and free delivery. They almost instantaneously had 176 new families as customers. If youi've ever been in the place that's a little hard to believe as it doesn't look much bigger than your average corner store; but there's large storage in back and with only a couple of employees shopping at any one time, no need for display cases or fancy coolers. Matter of fact half the stuff you get even when there in person has to come from "the back". I seem to remember they would have designated delivery days in our neighborhood but that was a hell of a lot less inconvenient than any other option.  Personally I'm a lousy businessman but I don't see why this can't work again. You trade the huge expense of massive square footage and blo
 cks of
 coolers and racks for the expense of order pickers and delivery people. Also keep a little store front operation going for convenience. There are few places with the concentrated housing of the Project any more so you would probably have to consider opening such stores in many neighborhoods to cut down on the expense of delivery. As for WIC and welfare fraud, prostitution, fencing, drug dealing etc. well, it takes two to tango there. If there were easy legitimate shopping options for the mass of legitimate shoppers then the "Hood Stores" would be reduced to little criminal crannies and pretty easily focused upon and busted.Jon
 GorderLoring Park 
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RE: [Mpls] Who Speaks for White People?

2003-11-03 Thread Pamela Taylor

Congratulations. I believe you understood my point.

I have never needed anyone, White, Black, or otherwise to lead me anywhere. I can agree with, or disagree with, someone's point of view, or toss out my own. It is just like Black History Month. Somebody decided that celebrating once a year was enough, like Christmas,and a majority of Black folks fell into line with it. I simply cannot. I am very proud to be Black the other eleven months, too. I don't need to be patronized by White companies putting ads in minority publications once a year. It is simply another way of being put in a box.

Its the same way with this leadership thing. It is a crock, and there is noGreat Black (or White, or Hispanic, etc.) Hope out there. There are simply people who take stands. We all need to remember that - they are only flesh and blood not Gods. We can admire folks for their leadership abilities and willingness to put themselves on the line for causes, but don't let it turn in to a three ring circus. Listen to the issue or review the cause for yourself, and make up your own mind. Kinda like movie reviews. The critic may say its a bad movie, but if you like cheesy movies, go see it. Decide for yourself how you feel.

Be an individual. The world was built on people following their own hearts and minds. And, again, it is the best thing you can teach your children.

Pamela Taylor

 Eric Oines [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
You are all missing the point.White people defining "Black leadership" is stupid, just as Black people defining "white leadership" is stupid.I think what Booker T is saying, if I may, is that this whole "Black leadership" thing ends up being a way to pidgeon-hole people of color and then discredit people who speak out. And of course, Mr. Krasnoff took the bait immediately with a litany of "discredited Black Leaders".Randy Staten doesn't represent Booker T Hodges any more than Rush Limbaugh, Strom Thurmand, David Duke, Tim Pawlenty, Robert Lillegren, or RT represents me.I just love how some of the white folks get defensive when the tables are turned.Thanks for the chuckles...Eric OinesNorth MinneapolisLind-Bohanon"When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and <
 has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall - think of it, always."~ Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948), Agitator_Cheer a special someone with a fun Halloween eCard from American Greetings! Go to Think a member has violated the rules? Email the list manager at [EMAIL PROTECTED] before continuing it on the list. 2. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious flame-bait.For state and national discussions see: external forums, see: Issues Forum - A City-focused Civic Discussion - Mn E-DemocracyPost messages to: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subscribe, Un-subscribe, etc. at:
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Re: [Mpls] Who Speaks for White People?

2003-11-02 Thread Pamela Taylor
Anne McCandless [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In the meantime, who does speak for the African American community? Itcan't be everyone or else we will never come to any accord. On the otherhand, it doesn't have to be just one person or group if (big IF) the peopleand groups are willing to work together and compromise.
IMHO, why is that question even asked? Why do we have to have a designee? Was it a conditionof the Emancipation Proclamation? If we have to have one, so shouldWhite people.What one accord have the White people come under except the virtue of their being white? No one took me seriously months ago when I stated that there should be a Summit on White People and their Issues. I was not being racist, I was dead serious. We always seem to have them about African-Americans and other communities of color, so turnabout is fair play. 
To me, every person of color who speaks their humble opinion is speaking for themselves. If it did not resonate with them they would not be talking about it. Some may have folks who agree with them, and the voice becomes louder. Sometimes they stand alone. Either way they are taking a stand. There are plenty of White people who, all by themselves, seem tocommand attention. Us, we have to have a coalition. Says who? 
And, please don't tell me that just because Rybek got elected he has the authority to speak for white people. All hedid was get lucky and won an election. And, as I recall, people other than White folks voted for him. And, there are plenty of people - white and otherwise - who are not thrilled with the words coming out of his mouth now. And,technically speaking, heis out of the running anyway as White designee because he was not voted upon by only the White community. 
Bottom line is this: Listen to what is being said, no matter what the color of thespeaker, and determine its relevance in regard to the issue at hand. Then act accordingly.
I am pretty independent in words and action, that is to say, I am not one to simply follow the crowd because that is the way they are traveling. My parents taught me that being a critical thinker was one of the best assets I could ever have. I may never be rich, but my integrity -priceless.
Pamela Taylor (Tampa)

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Re: [Mpls] Jennings' salary

2003-10-30 Thread Pamela Taylor

What if (and God forbid this should happen) there is some sort of freak accident, and Jennings is no longer there? No amount of money put in his salarycontract could bring him back. What would the board do then? Would the world suddenly fall apart? 

Well, possibly, for the school board members. But chances are great that they would figure out a way to function until a new superintendant (or another interim one) could be put in place.

More value is put on those who leave us, instead of what they do for us while they are there. I agree with Chris and others, that severance package is ridiculous. I am willing to bet that Jennings already has got his next job lined up before the ink was dry on his recent contract with the school board.

If I were a teacher I would be highly protesting that severance package, and calling for a search for new school board members along with the superintendant search.

Pamela Taylor
(Who is currently unemployed with no severance package in Tampa)Chris Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Allow me to play devil's advocate here for a moment.Next question: why $46,000? Seems like the incentive for not leavingearly could have been thousands less than what is, after all, a year'ssalary for most Minneapolitans. Oh boo-hoo, cry me a river. As if other people don't have a problem with finding a new in a matter of a few weeks? He's getting $46k plus any unused sick and vacation time, which should allow him to live comfortably for 6 months or more while looking for work. And do you think for one moment that if he knows he might be out of a job in 9 months he is not already looking for a new job? There's little doubt that Mr. Jennings will land on his feet and find a new position without a lot of distress -- unlike most of the unemployed people right now.Such is life w
 one's belly is up to the public trough. It's so easy to spend Other People's Money.
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Re: [Mpls] Jennings @ the whipping post

2003-10-30 Thread Pamela Taylor

I was hoping not to have toWASTE my second post on this same topic, but I had to respond to this Mr. Ecklund's post.

I am real tired of people stating how Jennings, or anyone else for that matter, lowers themselves to take jobs that are financially beneath them. If money was the factor, they should have taken a job elsewhere to begin with. They are hired to do a job, right now. What happens to them once the job is over is up to them. If they leave thier jobs down the road, or are even planning to do so, that means they need to start savingmoney like us regular folks must do to cover lean times.

Anyway, the fault lies not with Jennings; all he did was take what they offered and ran with it. It is the school board who offered up that package, knowing full well that money could have gone to better use. If Jennings would not have taken less, and walked away, they would have then had to contend with Plan B, C, and D  That is the reality of life.

If we stopped paying such outrageous salaries to people, we might actually hire someone to do the job who wants to do the job, and not someone who just wants money.We are so busy trying to keep up with the jones we lose sight of the main objective. A quality education for ALL children. If they deserve a raise, depending on favorable and real (not fabricated) results garnered, then increase it. But stop giving away the farm up front.

Pamela Taylor


It appears time to unleash Jennings from the whipping post. It is fair to state most Minnesotan's do not make the income of an interim superintendent, nor should they. A man of Jennings status and public service brings much to the table. Iam confidentfew could disagree that decades of public service and business experiencecouldbenefit the Minneapolis Public School System (MPS). A man of Jennings status can command $300,000 to$500,00 per year in the private sectorwith his knowledge of politics and business; and he is willing to work fora dramatic wage reduction to serve the citizens of Minneapolis.Should even one connection Jennings has made over the decades result in even a $10 increase per studentin funding for the MPS, the result is roughly $500,000 to MPS, covering his salary at a profit to the citizens. An outside candidate will face years of building relationships with the powers to be and
  will be
 a dis-service to the taxpayers of Minneapolis.

Lee R. Eklund
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Re: [Mpls] Analysis of Jennings departure continues

2003-10-12 Thread Pamela Taylor
Hello List,

Despite what Jennings says his reasons are for turning down the job, I believe if he really thought he was qualified he should have stayed. If he really believed that he had what it took to close the gap for kids and so forth, he should have toughed it out. IMHO, I think he really thought it would be an easier ride, and since it was not, he turned tail. I am not rooting for or against him, I just think it really shows what he is made of.

Had it been me and I totally believed that I was the right person for the job, I would have stuck like glue. As the interim superintendent, he had to be aware of the clauses for appointing individuals without the seemingly required criteria, so that would have putan end to that particular argument.

As to public input, I believe there should have been that. The school board certainly did not have to, but it would have been a nice curtesy prior to this hoopla. Maybe they still would have chosen him. And I do not believe that had Jennings stayed that parents and other interested community folks would have become disenfranchised altogether. I believe they would still participate even as they held Jennings feet to the fire to perform up to par.

When the school board members are running for office, they solicit input as they try to garner support to win. Why stop asking for how they can serve thier constituents better once they get in? The same goes for the Mayor and City Council.

That remark about how Jennings was given congratulatory handshakes by Mayor Rybek and others - big deal. The esteemed Mayor, City Council members and others were all given them too, and look at what's happening there. Thatis all fluff compared to the realwork that comes after the appointment.

As forRev. Staten and the others whom have raised the ire of some, I say keep raising ire. Somebody has to do it. If people don't like whatthey are saying, nothing is stopping them from rising up and speaking out, too. Change is usually attributedto those who make some noise.

In conclusion, this earthshattering announcement of Jennings departure has grown old. If people want input, tell us when the community input meeting is, and make sure all the school board members will be in attendance. Invite some KIDS. Invite the groups of parents who have special needs children,PTA moms and dads, talk about cultural competancy not just matters of race. Talk about what type of educational backgrounds teachers coming in to the schools where our children attend should have. What should our current crop of teachers have now. Talk about what parents can and should be doing. Talk about what CAN happen, and then set about the task of MAKING it happen.

When it all boils down to it, there are a lot of highly educated socially illiterate individuals walking around with Ph D's. Ihave personally met a few and I am not impressed. Find and hire the best person for the job. Don't look to hire credentials. You may find yourself being disappointed.

By the way, Doug Mann, when are you throwing your hat into the ring? I like your politics. You are very consistent and have back-upinformation when you speak out. Make sure you are at the big meeting. Let me know when your book comes out.

Pamela Taylor
(Whose granddaughter currently attends kindergarten in a Minneapolis school, and is the only one, according to her teacher, who can read in the class, and whom am hoping that her enthusiasim for learning will not be suffocated by the system, weighing in from Tampa, FL)

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Re: [Mpls] Analysis of Jennings departure continues

2003-10-12 Thread Pamela Taylor

In a previous post I said:"Had it been me and I totally believed that I was theright person for the job, I would have stuck likeglue."Barbara Lickness responded:At what cost? Yes, I think it's human instinct tofight for what is yours. But, to keep the school boardembroiled in a battle that wasn't going to go away anytime soon could prove to be an even costlier venturefor the kids in Minneapolis. Who wins in thatscenario. This isn't about a personal victory forDavid Jennings. It sounds like he is a resilient manwho will find plenty of ways to contribute. Hopefully,he will continue at the MPS to help guide whoever itis they do choose. At any rate, I am sure he will landon his feet. 
My response:
Jennings knew, and should have understood,the cost when he took the job.The smart move would have been toprepare for the expected fallout, as it appeared to be brewing when Johnson was considering taking the new position. And, if the belief is that he is resilient, he should have been okay. I believe either way the school board was going to be embroiled in a battle, so no news there. I believe, as I stated before, the focus should be on this community input that people are wanting to see happen, so that the battledoes not have to drag on so long. 
Barbara Lickness said:
My personal agenda is to advocate for the children atWhittier School. For their sakes and for the future ofthis school I would like to see the decision regardingsuperintendent made quickly so that the attention tohow we close the gap becomes paramount. I am not sureany one we choose for school superintendent will comearmed with all the answers. I just think it will suckup a lot of attention for now and will steer away fromwhat is important to me. That is improving theeducation of the kids in the school by my house. 
Pamela Taylor says:
I admire Barb's agenda, and I totally agree that no superintendent will come armed with all the answers. That is why I statedwe should notsimply look at credentials. Look for the best candidate to do the job that needs to be done. And thenholdALL feet (Super/MPSB/Parents/Teachers/Community/etc.) to the fire for the sake of our kids.
If anyone out there knows of good candidates, homegrown or otherwise, is ther a law stating you cannot make viable recommendations to the school board? They may or may not use them, but at least its being proactive, and helping to move the search and selection process along faster.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." -- Margaret Mead
Barb and I seem to share an affinity for the same quote.It has always been one of my favorites. Why, because it has always rung true.
Pamela Taylor (Tampa)
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Re: [Mpls] Pledge of Allegiance

2003-06-02 Thread Pamela Taylor

Michelle Gross [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Amen, Jim McGuire! In addition to being mindless nationalistic drivel, requiring kids to recite the pledge of allegiance may well violate some of their religious or personal beliefs. 

Pamela Taylor says:
Amen, Michelle! My mother became a Jehovah's Witness when I was in 7th grade, and from that point on we were told we did not have to say the Pledge. This religious group does not vote nor take part in any political endeavors. So imagine a small child being brought up in this religion and being forced to go against it by saying the Pledge at school. 
While I never converted to being a JW, I don't see the reason in saying the Pledge. As a child it was meaningless drivel to me. I never saw it as having anything remotely to do with my real life. Once I grew up, I felt my instincts as a child had been right.
I am political and I do vote and even work on political campaigns! That proves we don't all believe what we are told as children. I think we need a revision of a whole lot of these antiquated rituals. Kids today catch on to thingsmuch faster then we did back in the day, and they will soon ask critical questions about these things, and, I suspect, rebel on thier own.
Pamela Taylor (In Tampa, on her way to Sunday Mass like a good girl)
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Re: [Mpls] Fw: costs

2003-03-29 Thread Pamela Taylor

"James E. Jacobsen" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think the Governor is absolutely right about charging those arrestedin protests to pay the police costs before being dismissed.In a time when both City and State governments are besieged withbudget problems and have to do layoffs -in police and fire departments, thenthose who want to challenge civil order, and protest the common defense ofthe country, necessitating extra police duties -as well as court costs-should pay those costs.
Pamela Taylor responds:
So, in times of plenty it is okay to exercise your right to voice a dissenting opinion, but when the government decides to go to war over the objections of its constituents and to the detriment of the nation's children, and they need some extra moola to pay for it, it then becomesperfectly acceptable tostick it to the country.That is the stupidest idea yet! As far as I am concerned there is no "extra" police duties. All of those duties are part of the original job. They just may not feel like doing them. But then, they should have thought twice about that before signing their contracts and collecting a paycheck.
One reason that the city has budget problems is because they have officers on the force whom are horrible and they have to pay huge lawsuitsfor thier horrendus actions, and are stupid enough to then retain the bad cops. Two, does the phrase "corporate subsidy" mean anything to you? I think you are getting my drift, so there is no need to go on to three, four, five, etc...
The city and state need to get back to the drawing board on this one because as hard as they try to convince us of this, it won't wash.Thier reasoning is crap.
Pamela Taylor (Tampa)Do you Yahoo!?
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Re: Please don't respond RE: [Mpls] 1700 miles away

2003-03-29 Thread Pamela Taylor

List Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I guess us 'rich' local crowd should just hunker down and implement exclusionary rules for all these outside agitator types who only want to manipulate and exploit us to dazzle their preverted psycho mentalities.Yes, he was warned, and PLEASE don't respond. David BrauerList manager
Pamela says;
Yes, he was warned but he needs to be responded to. I have family in Minneapolis, and as long as my children and grandchildren live there, it is my home base.I will continue to send my two cents worth in so he might as well"hunker down" and get used to it. And as far as his comment about agitators, I have no idea whom he might be referring to. My feet are firmly planted and I don't wear shoes that don't fit.
Pamela Taylor (Marching merrily along in Tampa)Do you Yahoo!?
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Re: [Mpls] What is your [school] list up to today?

2003-03-21 Thread Pamela Taylor
Hello List,
I agree with Peter, and quite a few of the rest of you. We always talk about children being the future, but some of us don't want to acknowledge that our children can reason enough to make wise decisions.
In junior high I attended Bryant (now Sabathani) and then was bussed to Ramsey for 9th grade. We had our own little mini race riots and walkouts over human relations issues, so don't tell me kids don't know the issues. And it is so true that they all have so much more info than we did back in the 70's.
It is said that "a little child will lead them." If you need further proof of our young people's desires in action to save this world that we adultsseem bent on destroying, go to and click on the part that deals with youth.
Pamela (who attended Field school back in the day, and who now does not live that far from Macdill Air Force base which isa majorintelligence unit for militaryoperations, in Tampa, and who hopes Iraqdoesn't choose to drop a bomb on us because she is plumb out ofduct tape and plastic wrap.)
Patrick Peterson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Has this list gone absolutely mad?--Your suggestion sounds pretty unethical, if notoutright illegal. I frankly hope that this type ofbehavior doesn't pervade HR departments. If so, maybeI should go to law school -- I could make a fortune onunlawful discrimination suits.About the protest itself--Recall that it was a bunch of kids who persuadedMcDonalds to change their packaging from styrofoam topaper-based packaging, and that Kids for Saving theEarth (a successful environmental awarness group) wasstarted by kids in the metro area (I believe). Theywere somehow able to persuade Target to carry theirmagazine in their stores for a long time (they werenear the community information kiosks), which wereextraordinarly well-produced. Perhaps yourperceptions do not fit the evidence.Patrick PetersonDinkytownDo you Yahoo!?
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Re: [Mpls] homeless

2003-03-10 Thread Pamela Taylor
Hello List,
I agree with Jim about the church status.
You know, in wartime, people lived in tents. Did you see all of those M.A.S.H. episodes? Lots of people have big back yards, if not houses. Put up a few tents at night, maybe hook up some generators for heat. Also, the city has a number of heated parking ramps I believe. Let people at least hole up in them until a certain hour in the morning. There are plenty of pockets of places people can be in rather than outside. The city may not like the idea of having them there, but it is better than having people out in the bitter cold dying on the streets. Since good health care has gone the way of education (down the tubes) at least it will keep folks from overflowing the hospital emergency rooms.
Pamela Taylor (Who is fortunate to be warm in the 80 degree winterweather we are experiencing in Tampa)
P.S. Bill Cullen, please contact me offlist and send me your info again for my daughter. I misplaced it in my campaigning these past few weeks. My candidate is in the runoff on the 25th for Mayor (GO SANCHEZ!!!). Thank you.
Margaret, the problem you describe is truly heart rending and so easilysolved. Margaret you say you live in the Kingfield Neighborhood, I wonderhow many churches in your neighborhood have at one time had sermons preachedabout the "Good Samaritan"? I would bet most of them. Yet how many leavetheir doors open at night so the homeless might come in from the cold andpossibly pray?Suggestions:1) Pull the tax -free status from any Church unwilling to open its basementto homeless people. If they are not going to act like Christians then theyshould not be given tax breaks for being churches. Start taxing them to helppay for shelters down the street from them. You know, "help" them do their"Christian Duty".2) Get as many poor people as possible into ownership situations. Get themsome cushion against the hard realities of occasional bad luck anddepression.3) Open the Target Center and Dome for camping on the playing surface atnight. They even have bathrooms. "We" own them and why in the hell did wepay for their roofs if not to keep people warm and dry.Sorry for the sermon, but it is Sunday.Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Tax Center - forms, calculators, tips, and more

RE: [Mpls] Affordable Housing - Other Ideas

2003-03-03 Thread Pamela Taylor

Vicky, can you sharpen your pencil for an analysis of people with children
also?  Make sure you include the EITC, Working Family Credit, food stamps,
etc. (and day care costs should also be included... wow this gets really
complicated, but it's worth doing even if we leave off some categories of
people at first).

Mark V Anderson
Bancroft Neighborhood

I would like to know this, too.  My daughter was one of a large number of
people recently laid off from a bank in Minneapolis.  She is a single
parent, with a five and a two year old.  She has daycare costs to contend
with as well.  Sharing a apartment with someone is not a real option as,
most single people without kids don't want to room with a mom.  The kids
need their own space.
She was making $10 an hour, but now that she is laid off, her subsidized
daycare will be taken away.  She was not on Section 8, she was cutting
corners and doing all the right things, but the system doesn't look at that.
They don't allow you any time to regroup.  You lose your job, you get cut
off at the knees all at once.  This contributes to the homeless issues. My
daughter neither smokes nor drinks nor has loud parties or wild friends.  We
have family in the city but I come from a large family.  They do not have
Anyone know of a good boarding house (not a shelter) and/or kindly landlord
who will take in a women with kids that is safe?  I don't want them in a
dump.  Thanks.
Pamela Taylor (Tampa)

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[Mpls] FW: Media Complicity in war Drive Round Table Discussion

2003-02-28 Thread Pamela Taylor

I am
sending this on behalf of Michael Calvin whose computer is not cooperating with
him right now. This is not to be
considered one of my two allotted posts for the day. 

Have a good


-Original Message-
From: michael cavlan
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003
6:07 PM
To: Pamela Taylor
Subject: Media Complicity in war
Drive Round Table Discussion


This is Michael. If you could, I would
appreciate this message being sent to the Mpls List serve, asI am unable to
send anything there. ApparentlyI am computer challenged and the damn
things hate me.//:-)

Thank you in advance

You are cordially invited to a round
table discussion asking the question, is the corporate media complicit in
advancing the current war drive while at the same time shutting out the voices
and perspectives of the Anti-War and Social Justice Movement? Have the media
become nothing more than a vehicle for the Pentagon and Administration to
propogate their propaganda? Where are the critical questions and information
needed for the American public to make an informed decision? Has the media
already lost all credibility and if so how can it regain itgiven the
issue of corporate funding? Join us as we discuss these issue that are critical
to the principle of democracy itself. Located at Spiritof the Lakes
Church at Lake Street and 13th Ave in Minneapolis 7 pm Friday Feb 28th.
Organized by the Counter Propaganda Coalition. For questions callSpirit
of the Lakes Church (612)724-2313 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Mpls] Another murder in Don Samuels' Ward

2003-02-25 Thread Pamela Taylor
You act as if Don is personally responsible. IMHO, if you are so aware of the needs of the ward, which incidentally, is YOURS as much as it is Don's, put on your OWN super poor person cape and and go play superhero. Your attitude over Olin's defeat is deplorable!
Pamela Taylor (Tampa)
Don, enough with the cheerleading... a few more blocks of the Northside fell to violence tonight. Alongside the Holiday station on 24th Avenue a gunshot victim was pronounced dead.- most of our city fathers and mothers, even the one that's supposed to represent this 3rd ward, don't know much what's going down on the Northside. And if they do they don't give a damn anyways- 'cus it's just us poor folks who live on the wrong side of the Great Northern tracks.hanging on in Hawthorne,Dyna SluyterTEMPORARY REMINDER:1. Send all posts in plain-text format.2. Cut as much of the post you're responding to as possible.Minneapolis Issues Forum - A City-focused Civic Discussion - Mn E-DemocracyPost messages to: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subscribe, Unsubscribe, Digest, and more: you Yahoo!?
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RE: [Mpls] LGA Cuts and their Logic

2003-02-24 Thread Pamela Taylor
Hello List,

Everything being said about Florida is absolutely true.  You do pay through
the nose for everything.  Plus, they don't give people benefits here if they
can help it.  We are told the sunshine is our benefit.  Rents are as much
here as in Minneapolis, and the jobs pay considerably less.  So the cost of
living is high, don't let anyone tell you different.

In my job I get to work with families who are involved with the system.  I
actually check point these DCF workers whose families and children I work
with, since my agency is not a part of their grand system.  So far none of
mine are missing.  I am making every effort to make sure they don't.

Pamela Taylor
(Who has no insurance but is enjoying the 75 degree winter weather benefits
of the day, in Tampa)

Eric says:  Well, a couple things I know about...

Florida - you pay through the nose for everything else, especially water
taxes.  And this is a state that has 'lost' a significant number of kids in
the child welfare system.

You always pay.  It's just a matter of how you pay.

After living in NY for 20+ years, I KNOW how good we have it in MN as far as
what you get for your tax dollar.

Eric Oines
North Minneapolis

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RE: [Mpls] Block E is an equal opportunity hang-out.

2003-02-24 Thread Pamela Taylor
Hey, for being a bit S L O W down here in Tampa, we must be pretty
progressive when it comes to recreation.  Block E sounds like what we have
in Historic Ybor City, and various places around Florida (Miami, St. Pete,
Clearwater, etc.).  We have the movie theaters and the 4 hour free parking
and all sorts of clubs for all sorts of people.  We have Gameworks, too.
Y'all would have a blast down here.  Ybor City reminds you of a less
expensive South Beach on the weekends.

I find, for the most part, like Barb and Wizard, kids with their knee pants
(cause they don't reach the waist) are pretty harmless.  Usually the most
danger they can cause is to themselves trying to run across a street without
tripping.  They can't hit anyone because they need their hands to hold up
their pants.

Fashion does go in cycles.  I am 43 and my daughter is 25, and my
granddaughter is 5.  We all wear bell bottoms.  Twenty years from now, and
wonder if my daughter will be mistaken for her daughter's sister, as I am
for mine?  And will bell bottoms be still the rage?

Only time will tell.

Pamela Taylor (Tampa)

Wow Vicki, I am sorry you experienced block E like
that. That hasn't been my experience and I go there a
lot. I don't know why you parked by the IDS. You can
get heated underground parking with 4 hours free at
Block E parking lot. It's wonderful!

Our whole family loves going to the movies there. My
husband particularly likes being able to butter his
popcorn himself. I like the fact that my husband and
son can go to a movie they like and I can go to one I
like all at the same time.

We had a birthday party for my son and his friends at
gameworks and then took them to a movie next door and
for ice cream. It was great.

I read the rules in Gameworks and they are very strict
about attire and behavior. You can't have your pants
hanging to your knees and there are even rules about
hats and tatoos showing, etc. The food at the
Hopscotch was great for kids.  The theater area was
packed with people. The kids loved the ice cream shop
next to the theater. We didn't notice any thugs and
everyone was well behaved. We did notice what appeared
to be a lot of urban teenagers hanging out with
friends.  They weren't making any trouble and it
looked like security was such that it wouldn't be
tolerated if they did. Remember Vicki, the pants
hanging to the knees thing is a fad. It too shall
pass. Just like the fringe vests and nehru jackets of
the 70's did that were the bain of our parents
existence.  Looks like the fashion world has brought
some of the 70's back for another round.

Barb Lickness

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RE: [Mpls] protesters

2003-02-19 Thread Pamela Taylor
I did not know that you, Mike, went into the Marines to garner me freedom of
speech.  I thought that was something the constitution did.  I graduated
high school (Minneapolis Central) in 1977, and I was talking quite freely at
that time.  I must have jumped the gun and started talking before your
triumphant return from duty, and missed the official proclamation.

The killing of other human beings does nothing for my voice except to make
me cry out longer and harder for the warmongering to cease.

If I still need you and my other as yet unnamed heroes to go to war for me
to ensure my various freedoms, then maybe We The People have need to
reevaluate and rewrite the constitution.

Maybe this time people of color could help write it.

I hope you are not offended by my expressing my opinion.

Pamela Taylor
(Standing at the ready, with parchment and plumed pen in hand, in Tampa)

MN: Um, yes, he does. It's called freedom of speech, and those of us who
embrace  tolerance,
open-mindedness, acceptance, etc. need to remember that it works both ways.
Believe it or not, someone will always be offended by what you, I, or
someone else says.
For the record, I don't agree with Jim on this one, but in 1977 I did join
the U.S. Marine Corps and
served with pride, and no regrets. I did it partly to ensure that every
citizen of this country could
voice their opinion freely.

Mike Nelson

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RE: [Mpls] Just in Case.... War this weekend?

2003-02-14 Thread Pamela Taylor

Have you ever thought about what happens in 20 to 50 years when every
country has a nuke and threaten to use it on some other country every
other day? Right now we say, no you can't have nukes 'cause we don't
trust you, but if you don't do as we say, we'll use all of our military
might (hint nukes) to remove you.

.oO( have to nuke this thread soon. )
Thomas T. Thai / Whittier

In the words of Alfred E. Neuman What, me worry? That was exactly my point
a few weeks back when I said that all the countries have bombs hidden
somewhere.  They all plan to blast each other into submission/compliance
with their objectives, the USA included.  We are about to embark upon the
war of all wars.  I see no point in preparing for any of it.  I am simply
going to live as full a life as I can until I die.  Then I will be going on
home to glory with my maker.
For those of you who manage to survive into the Great Aftermath, and plan to
attend my funeral if I don't, please do not cry over me.  Celebrate me
instead, that I had sense enough not to waste my time wrapped in cellophane
and duct tape.  Besides, you folks will be the ones who will be in dire
Pamela Taylor (Who saw the movie The Omega Man and it was not a pretty
sight - in Tampa)

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Re: [Mpls] Doug Grow: Controversy draws attention to black history display

2003-02-07 Thread Pamela Taylor
Hello List, 
Can someone please tell me when it is officially White History Month? I would be interested to know when and where this exhibit will be put up, and by whom. And, what specifically would this exhibitcontain? 
Sounds stupid does it not? A White person will never even have to think of such a thing in their lifetime. I don't believe some people really understand how degrading having the lifetime achievements of ones race relegated to one month out of the year. 
There exists so very many everyday unsung Rosa Parks and MLK Jr.'s in our world. Yet every year we elevate the status of these two to near sainthood, and overlook these remarkable treasures walking unherlded amongst us. We miss the chance to honor them "Simply Because" of who they are everyday of the year. We wait for special occaisions instead of living and making them daily. 
I ask you again, as I have before: What are we waiting for? and WHY ARE WE WAITING? 
We are going to war. Must someone die before we celebrate them? Must someone give their life willingly or will one be taken by default. Must we wait for the designated month, day or hour? Or worse still - PERMISSION? 
I would like to say how much I appreciate everyone on this list whether I agree with their thoughts or not. You have helped shape my world on a daily basis, by living in the moment. I salute your freedom of words and deeds and have been inspired time and again to do the same.I have deeply held values and beliefs that rock my soul on a minute by minute basis, and which do not allow me tovalueone race overanother. I recognize the inherentdifferences in the races, but the race of humankind is the one I most revere and love. This is the one thing that my God requiresme to do with a willing heart,and I promised him I would keep that mandate first and foremost. 
I am going to spend a moment in silence tomorrow (Saturday) at high noon to give thanks for someone or something inmy life just because. I welcome your shared communion wherever you are. 
God Bess. 
Pamela Taylor 
(Whose soapbox sometimes becomes a pulpit, because her spirituality is a gift she sometimes cannot contain, preaching from the heart in Tampa) 
Further, a document reciting the history of African American settlement in the Shingle Creek community was produced as part of the Humboldt Greenway project. This document was later serialized in the Shingle Creek neighborhood (NRP) newsletter to honor BlackHistory Month.Some Information on Activities during Black History Month: L. StrandShingle CreekDo you Yahoo!?
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RE: [Mpls] NAACP: a major internal struggle is inevitable (Spokesman-Recorder)

2003-02-06 Thread Pamela Taylor
IMHO, of which I obviously have many, if a President of a nonprofit does not
support an audit of its internal affairs, there exists a flaming red flag.
In this day and age of the ever-shrinking dollar, you have to be ever
careful and accountable to the membership and the constituents you are
proposing to serve.

A cash review may be sufficient for the national office, but if so, given
the fiscal instability of the local organization and their willingness to be
so easily satisfied, I would be questioning their integrity as well.

Pamela Taylor (Tampa)

Controversy continues to divide Mpls NAACP

Financial report falls short of full audit

Contrary to the Minneapolis NAACP's public assurances since the installation
of Reverend Al Gallmon as president, the turmoil and disagreement within the
group is not resolved. Far from it -- the general membership meeting on
Saturday, January 25, at Zion Baptist Church revealed that the fault lines
have widened and that a major internal struggle is inevitable...

-Doug Mann

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RE: [Mpls] Grow on Black History exhibit

2003-02-06 Thread Pamela Taylor
OR, move it upstairs to the main lobby area.  Why hide it in the basement,
anyway?  Besides, jurors watch television and go to movies, too.  They
should not be shocked, nor should it influence their decision one way or the
other.  If they are sitting jurors on any cases, they ought to have a sense
of what is right and wrong already.  Woe to all of us if they do not.

So, in other words, I am still not buying Opat's excuse.  If he, or anybody
else, buy's it, I have some swamp land for sale here in Florida.  Comes with
a pet alligator that doesn't bite.  Much.

Pamela Taylor (Tampa)

Jordan Kushner wrote:

 This is a rather unrealistic hypothetical.  A more likely
 scenario is that jurors hearing a case of a Black criminal
 defendant (probably a majority of the defendants in Hennepin
 County) might actually be more sensitive about racism
 God forbid!

When I first saw Mr. Kushner's post about the exhibit I
sat down to write a roaring defense of First Amendment
rights. But, as I was researching my response (I normally
read over the discussion carefully to be sure that I
understand the issues), I found Mr. Opat comment about the
possible influence on juries and since I believe that a
right to a fair trail is as important as free expression I
held my tongue.  I do think that Mr. Kushner wrote a creditable
response to my question, however if I was in charge of the Courts
building I would have taken a similar action.

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park

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RE: [Mpls] Don, RT and the police federation, the latest Police Assault incident, and Dyna tries to become the DFL's answer to Rush Limbaugh

2003-02-05 Thread Pamela Taylor
My suggestion to Dyna is to think back when you were telling us of the great
property you could buy elsewhere, and go purchase it.  If you are not going
to be part of the solution in the third ward, you are part of the problem.

And, had Olin Moore won, I wonder what he would be in store for if he ever
crossed you.

Pamela Taylor

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RE: [Mpls] County Board/Black History Exhibit

2003-02-05 Thread Pamela Taylor

One of the primary concerns of educators teaching the history of the
Holocaust is how to present horrific images in a sensitive and appropriate
manner. Graphic material should be used judiciously and only to the extent
necessary to achieve the objective of the lesson ...The assumption that all
students will seek to understand human behavior after being exposed to
horrible images is fallacious. Some students may be so appalled by images of
brutality and mass murder that they are discouraged from studying the
subject further.

Amy Draeger
Audubon Park

We are on our way to war.  How graphic is that?  There is more graphic stuff
on MTV, in the movies, on prime time television.  Students today, even five
year olds, know a whole lot more than we ever did at their age.  IMHO that
quote is about a few hundred years too late.  In a world that is becoming
more and more segregated, those images need to stay on the forefront of
people's minds, lest some people be prone to forget history.  Just like
television, when it offends you, turn the channel.  If the picture offends
people, they can walk another way.
If that picture were to be replaced by a picture of Dr. Martin Luther King,
Jr. that would probably be just dandy.  It would be more pleasing to the
senses because White America is okay with that.  They gave him his own day.
He makes people feel good.  But people need to understand that the world is
not comprised of all feel good moments.  Some bad ones had to come to pass
in order to get to those good ones.  Its called HISTORY.  And history,
especially Black AND White history, should not have to be compromised any
more than it already has been.
Pamela Taylor
(Who as a past Minneapolis Arts Commissioner believes that Art in Public
Places is a good thing, weighing in from Tampa)

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RE: [Mpls] County Board censors Black Historty Exhibit

2003-02-04 Thread Pamela Taylor
Hello List,

First off, congratulations to Don Samuels!!!

Now, about that picture.  I am with Jordan and Becky on this as well.  I
would like to understand this:  Compare - We could not get an Anti-War
Resolution signed because the council did not know if their constituents
really wanted that done.  Okay.  Now the County Chair comes along and
decides that the picture needs to be taken down.  Well does he have a
constituent consensus on that or his it simply a personal problem?  I am
guessing the latter, and he needs to just get over it His explanation
just does not cut it.

This Black woman is pissed  Isn't it enough that our history books
already do not reflect history accurately?  Isn't it enough that we have to
endure White America patronizing us every February with all the ads in our
newspaper and on television?  Then it's back to Minnesota Nice business as
usual come March 1st.  It is beyond me why my people even accept this once
a year gig.  Do some of you changes spots (color) for the remaining 11
months of the year?  So much of what our ancestors have worked and fought so
hard for is being done away with, and the attitudes of some of their
descendants are helping to bring that about.

I don't wish to receive any emails asking if I am an angry Black woman
either.  I am not angry with white people nor do I blame all white people.
I simply do not play stupid mind games with them, and Opat is playing one.
And, he is doing it during a time when White people profess to care so much
about us.  Maybe he does not believe in Black History Month any more than I
do.  If that is in fact true, I commend him on refusing to be Minnesota Nice
and being real instead.

There are plenty pictures we have hanging around the city and statues that I
don't care to look at, but they have historical value and are there for a
reason.  Did we ask them to be taken down?  If there is not some sort of
public ire raised in regard to this attempted submersion of our history,
especially by my own folks, it will take more than one of Spike Lee's movies
to sound the Wake Up call.

Pamela Taylor
(A Free Black Woman for all seasons blowing her trumpet in Tampa)

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RE: [Mpls] Loppett and homelessness

2003-02-03 Thread Pamela Taylor

In times of great stress or adversity, it's always best to keep busy, to
plow your anger and your energy into something positive.
Lee Iacocca

Again, for a balanced life.
Martha Sandberg, kingfield

Come now List Members, what does the above quote have to do with the two
issue?  Unless it is being said that R.T. was stressed because of the
homeless situation of people actually LIVING outdoors in the snow, so he
chose to attend the Loppet and PLAY in the snow to relieve that stress, IMHO
that quote was quite inappropriate.  And insensitive.
Again, let's not make excuses.
Pamela Taylor (For whom staying out of the snow seems to be the greatest
stress reliever to date.)
P.S. Since I have used up my posts for today, I am saying CONGRATULATIONS in
advance to Council Member Elect Don Samuels!!!
Until tomorrow

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RE: [Mpls] Loppett and homelessness

2003-02-03 Thread Pamela Taylor

In times of great stress or adversity, it's always best to keep busy, to
plow your anger and your energy into something positive.
Lee Iacocca

Again, for a balanced life.
Martha Sandberg, kingfield

Come now List Members, what does the above quote have to do with the two
issues?  Unless it is being said that R.T. was stressed because of the
homeless situation of people actually LIVING outdoors in the snow, so he
chose to attend the Loppet and PLAY in the snow to relieve that stress, IMHO
that quote was quite inappropriate.  And insensitive.

Again, let's not make excuses.
Pamela Taylor (For whom staying out of the snow seems to be the greatest
stress reliever to date.)

P.S. Since I have used up my posts for today, I am saying CONGRATULATIONS in
advance to Council Member Elect Don Samuels!!!

Until tomorrow

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RE: [Mpls] My last post on anti-war resolutions

2003-01-31 Thread Pamela Taylor
Hello List,

I am going to say what I truly believe on the subject of war and weapons.

right mind knows that our own nose is not as clean as Bush would like us to

By going to war with Iraq, we are doing EXACTLY what Saddam wants us to do,
as well as Bin Laden, wherever he is.  They know us as well as we THINK we
know ourselves because for years, this great country of ours, has been
selling them arms and teaching them everything they want to know at our
universities, and allowing them to memorize every law that governs our
actions, where every nick and cranny there is to hide in within our cities,
and how to walk, talk and live like any (so-called) typical American.

We would not be appeasing Saddam, we would be appeasing our own government
who believes that they are holier than thou.  Thou, being the rest of the
world, and, especially us, its own citizens.  By our arrogant rush to war,
whether or not we are given adequate proof, we are still simply rushing to
face our own demise.  As we drop weapons, they are well equipped to fight
back.  We have already seen that some of them will give their lives to the
cause (suicide missions) so death is not something they fear.  We, on the
other hand, are NOT so willing to greet the grim reaper on the morrow.

Plus, and lets be quite honest, minorities of all races are in greater
numbers here than before.  I can easily see a form of genocide coming about,
to thin out the masses.  Am I being paranoid?  NO.  Simply realistic.
Segregation has never been buried with the Jim Crow Laws.  It just went
underground into hiding.  And, it is coming to the surface with a vengeance.

Now, why is this an issue that everyone, from your cousin to the mailman to
the mayor's office, should be having an opinion on?  Hypothetically, say for
instance one of YOUR relatives was on a plane that got hijacked to Iraq.
Somehow you got word of it.  They were forced of the plane and are in a
holding cell in some area that is slated to be bombed by the good old US of
A.  You are looking for some intervention because you don't want your
relatives, who are wonderfully philanthropic (of course) to become a
casualty of war.  You know that Senator X has some pull with the powers that
be in Washington.  But Senator X is unavailable to you.  However, your
Councilman, Mr. Z, has the ability to penetrate that inner circle to gain
the access you need.  Are you going to say, No, it is not city council
business.  I will just pray for a miracle for Uncle Marty and Aunt Jenny,
or are you going to ask for intervention?

Those of us who are anti-war, IMHO, are placing ourselves in the role of the
relative who will do what they can to save lives now, not willing to wait
until they are sitting on that plane.  We don't want to see more of what
happened on September 11, 2001 to happen again either, however, we cannot
prevent it necessarily because we have trained our own enemies in everything
except how to be predictable.  That is our own specialty, and we do it well,
much to the delight and/or dismay of the rest of the world.

Bottom line.  We do not need this war.  I will not feel one bit safer than
before the 9/11 tragedy.  Indeed, I will feel that much more uneasy.
Homeland Security is a billion dollar boondoggle, just as the Wizard was to
the Land of OZ.  We are the ultimate land of smoke and mirrors, and glitz
and glamour.  Buy into it if you want, but don't say you were never warned.

Is this my last post on the subject?  NO.  As long as I can still breathe, I
will be perched on my soapbox, utilizing my rights of free speech.

Let Freedom Ring.

Pamela Taylor

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[Mpls] RE: Rosa Parks Comment and the NRP

2003-01-30 Thread Pamela Taylor


Last week I responded to Jim Mork that no minority person wants to be pegged
as the authoritive voice on all things concerning their particular race.  He
then stated to this list   that he responded to me in an email that no one
gave Rosa Parks permission to sit down, she just did.

My problem with that post was that it was completely untrue.  I have two
email addresses and that message he supposedly sent was not on either of
them.  It was then, it appears to me, stated for the benefit of this group.
Also, my problem with that supposed response was that it had absolutely
nothing to do with his expressed viewpoint that just one minority represents
all the rest of them.  That was a degrading remark and depicts a racist
mindset, and I for one believe that he ought to publicly explain himself and
apologize for that.

Pamela Taylor

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RE: [Mpls] ZZ City Council Anti-War Resolution

2003-01-28 Thread Pamela Taylor
Hello List,

Yes, it's the woman in Tampa again.  I support the Anti-War Resolution.
While people keep remarking on the fact that the mayor and council members
were not elected to get involved in national politics, they were, however,
IMHO, expected to make decisions and partnerships with officials much higher
up than themselves, which will work to benefit us all in the long run.  And,
every local politician is a national one in the making, whether they see
themselves in that light or not.  Sometimes fate intervenes and puts them in
the position to lead, while others, depending on the circumstances, may
stumble and fall.

No, this is not a post to expound on the idea of using ones public trust for
political and social gain.  It is, however, to show how nothing works in
isolation.  The City of Minneapolis is a vital contributor to the nation as
a whole.  The thoughts, actions, and livelihoods of the citizenry there are
intertwined in this seemingly unrelenting march toward war.  Some may see a
reason for it war, and for every reason given for it, I believe, as do
others, that there exists a million reasons against it.

My brother-in-law, Herbert Thompson, is in the Air Force here in Florida.
He grew up in south Minneapolis, Central neighborhood to be exact.  He is a
homegrown son of excellent character.  He is the loving and devoted husband
of my sister Robin, and the loving and responsible father to my nephews,
Marcus, Ryan and Anthony.  He dedicated the majority of his adult life to
the military, and protecting his country, flying in the F-16's.  He did his
time, and is due to retire now.  However, with this WAR upon us, he is being

I do not believe this should be happening.  My sister and his children have
spent a majority of their lives being brave and praying for his safe return
form his missions.  His son's are now all in college, and he was looking
forward to spending time with my sister and growing old gracefully.  They
recently bought a home, and were looking forward to a life OUTSIDE the
military.  He looked forward to spending time with both sides of the family,
who do reside in Minneapolis.  Going to war at this time in his life was the
last thing any of us would have foreseen.  He has survived this long; he has
earned the right to his freedom.  I do not believe even the military has the
right to deny him his civilian life now.  Is this a case of me saying, not
in my backyard?  The answer is an unequivocal YES  If something should
happen to him President Bush should thank his lucky stars that I believe in
GOD because that would be his only saving grace from me.  He is a valued
member of our world and his presence would be sorely missed.

I have three brothers who are veterans of the armed services.  I thank God
that they survived it.  I do not believe in this war.  I believe that there
is outpouring enough in the city, albeit, the nation, to warrant public
officials speaking out, even if it comes down to nothing more than taking
that public stance.  I believe that reaching out to save another human being
is always correct.  All it takes sometimes is the power of one.  And then so
on and so on and so on...and suddenly you have a coalition.  Many voices.
One action.

A thought: Hitler became a dictator by the margin of just one vote.  In the
final analysis, every voice and action counts for something.

When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and
love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time
they seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall - think of it,
   ~ Mohandas K. Gandhi (1869-1948), Agitator

Thank you, Eric, for the quote, and the thoughtful message which preceded
it. And, I applaud council members Zimmerman and Zerby for being unafraid of
standing up and being counted.


Pamela Taylor (Tampa)

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RE: [Mpls] Housing and NRP Reform Proposals

2003-01-27 Thread Pamela Taylor

Subject: [Mpls] Housing and NRP Reform Proposals
In short, less militant rhetoric, more practical talk, would be welcome.
I've gone to the meetings here in Longfellow, and we're lucky if ONE
minority shows up who can be DRAFTED to represent the whole community.  The
problem we seem to have is a Catch-22 that if the membership is
overwhelmingly white, it therefore loses its interest to non-whites.

Jim Mork--Cooper

You just named a reason why no minority would show up.  If I came to a
meeting and you decided that I should be drafted to represent the WHOLE
African American community, it would prove that you had one heck of a lot of
nerve.  We don't all look alike nor do we all think alike.  I would be there
representing my own views.  If you want to know what we ALL think, go do a
qualified survey.
Think about it.  If all it takes is one individual to represent a whole
community, than there would be no need for YOU to show up.  They can just
bring in one of your race, and let that individual speak for all of you.
Sounds ludicrous, now doesn't it?  Unfortunately, this is how a lot of
people want to think about and classify us.  And, if the truth be told, if a
bunch of us showed up with intelligent contributions, we would scare the
pants off some people.  Even in this day and time, EDUCATED minorities
threaten the status quo. The ugliness of segregation is advancing like a
film of pre civil rights demonstrations up the legs of our American flag.
As a NRP rep, a majority of my neighborhoods were northeast ones.  One group
attempted to put together a housing plan that basically redlined minorities.
I told them that I would not, in good conscience, help push that plan
forward.  They went back to the drawing board to start over.  Another entity
wanted me fired.  Not for not doing my job, because I was doing it well, but
because of my color.   My boss, Mr. Miller confirmed this.  I must say,
also, that this was the old guard; the younger members (30's - 40's) thought
I was doing excellent.  The older group put out untrue statements in regard
to my performance.  They were great friends with the then councilperson, who
supported their unprofessional behavior. To keep peace, Mr. Miller had
decided to move me to another neighborhood.
I let it be known that if that were to occur that I would be suing that
group for defamation of my character.  If I had to, I would have sued NRP
for helping contribute to that by their compliance.  Needless to say, I was
NOT moved.  I had on my desk the next morning a bouquet of flowers from the
group to let me know how much they appreciated me.  They were from the
younger group.  The older group merely tolerated me after that.
Now I merely worked in the neighborhood.  I let them know that while I cared
about the work I was doing, and I advocated on their behalf, when I went
home, I left their problems at the door.  Think how hard it is, however, as
a minority person, trying to be involved in their own neighborhood with
attitudes like this.  And, while I do not profess this to be the reality of
all neighborhoods, nor everyone's experience, the attitude of feeling of
being unwelcome is prevalent.
Pamela Taylor
(In Tampa, home of the world famous Super Bowl team, the TAMPA BAY

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RE: [Mpls] 3rd Ward Politics~Observations

2003-01-23 Thread Pamela Taylor
Good Morning List,

I find it interesting that anyone is being accused of using the race card.
The race issue is a FACT in dealing with the police and the community,
whether people want to classify it as rhetoric or not.  Wasn't the Jordan
melee considered racial to a large degree?  Just because one calls a spade a
spade, and is running for political office, there's all of a sudden a
problem with the truth?

So what if Don Samuels is just now responding.  I have read nothing from
Olin Moore. As we all are aware, there was a lot to do for this unforeseen
election, and everyone is running out of time.  These two are just trying to
GET elected.  You have sitting council members who are not accessible.  What
experience does Olin have that would make him a spokesperson for white or
black?  I did not hear either candidate proclaim to be speaking for the
whole of anyone.  That fallacy sprang up through the community ranks, I am
assuming.  What magic touch does anyone have?  People really need to get a
grip and quit looking for a leader with magic powers to appear.  It is not
going to happen.  People are only human, and can only do what they can.
And, can someone tell me how you run a campaign that is not motivated by
self-interest?  As a candidate you want yourself to win.

And there has been cow manure flung from both camps, most of it by
individuals on this list on their behalf (possibly known and unknown to
them).  Now, wasn't R.T. endorsed by the Police Federation?  Did he not want
to fire the Chief when he got in office?  Making a comparison to Brian
Herron is ridiculous.  Brian did what he could do, and people were okay with
that.  The fact that he happened to take money under the table was a
personal problem of greed.  It had absolutely nothing to do with me, nor
you.  Get over it.  Move on. Clinton was a womanizer.  So was JFK.  Did that
negate the good governance they did?  We need to hold politicians to high
standards because we entrust them with much responsibility, but at the same
time, not relegate them to godly status.

Maybe neither of them has got a superior plan to fight crime and deal with
the community policing issue.  That does not mean that they can't come up
with one.  Have we in the community found the definitive answer ourselves
yet?  No. IMHO if more time were being spent trying to find workable
solutions to problems and communicating them to the sitting officials and
candidates, and less on harassing them on inferior issues, the council may,
in the end, reflect more judicial governing.

It is the responsibility of the third ward residents to determine which
candidate will be best able to listen, comprehend, govern responsibly, and
bear the consequences of his actions under public scrutiny.  It matters not
whether he uses his ideas or those of others.  What matters is that they are
relevant to the matter at hand; they accomplish the necessary objectives,
and are done fairly, legally and constitute the best interest of the people
he is serving.  That is, in the end, what is tangible and REAL.

Pamela Taylor
(On her soapbox in Tampa, who is helping coordinate a mayoral debate prior
to the March 4th election.)


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RE: [Mpls] 3rd Ward Politics~Observations

2003-01-23 Thread Pamela Taylor
Good Afternoon List Members,

I have to use my second post for the day on this.  Vanessa, what Brian
Herron did WAS NOT a reflection on me nor any of the people who believed in
his abilities as a council person.  The fact that we were disappointed in
his behavior is one thing, but claiming responsibility for his criminal
activities, NO.  However, you can if you want to.  Guilt is a personal

As for his claiming to be a role model, in some ways he was.  However, I was
not brought up to follow ANYONE blindly.  Brian and I were friends. I
attended Central High School with his sisters.  He always knew where I
stood.  My parents taught me that we are all mortal with feet of clay.  So I
brought my own children up to not trip all over people with PRESUMED power.
I respect people for their accomplishments and hard work, but I don't put
ANYONE on a PEDESTAL.  With the way the world is, people regularly get
knocked off of one even as we rush to put the next hero atop.
Unfortunately, I find it nothing short of amusing.

My saying get over it was not careless, it was simply speaking to the
reality of the situation.  I did not say forget it occurred and trust every
word he says, but the community cannot afford to come to a dead halt because
of the criminal activity that happens within it.  Why waste time obsessing
when there is so much to be done.  People running around in circles yapping
over won't get my attention.  Standing still,

And, I may not live there currently, but my grown children, my
grandchildren, and my siblings still do, as do many of my long-time friends.
My sister resides in the third ward specifically.  And, we do talk.  I grew
up in Minneapolis, and it is still home.  The well-being of these
individuals does affect me.  If I should ever decide to move back to
Minneapolis, I want to be on top of the issues, not just appearing to climb
out from under a rock.  So understand this: I do not make these posts with a
cavalier attitude.  I take the time to THINK about what I am saying.

I am very proud of myself Vanessa.  My words and actions have always been
consistent, especially when dealing with (and on the behalf of) the
community at large.  If I don't know something, I ask questions.  If I do
know something, I speak on it.  I don't allow people to misrepresent me, nor
do I try to misrepresent myself to others.  I do not let other people bully
me into corners because of their own insecurities and/or anger.  As Nelson
Mandela once said (and I paraphrase and greatly simplify here) Being less
of who I am benefits no one. I AM a great role model to my children, and
grand-children, as MY MOTHER, who was a community activist in MINNEAPOLIS
was to me.  My children, siblings and friends are proud of me.  My GOD is
proud of me.  Beyond that, I don't give a hoot.  Now you can't get any more
real than that.

Be blessed everyone.

Pamela Taylor
(Posting proudly from Tampa)

pt: Brian did what he could do, and people were okay with
that.  The fact that he happened to take money under the table was a
personal problem of greed.  It had absolutely nothing to do with me, nor

Well, let's see here, someone saying they are a role model to the community
and the cities youth, yet takes money under the table. GEE WHIZ Oh, but
that's okay? That is the problem now, we tend to say, oh, that's okay, He
was good anyway. He committed a CRIME!.

Get over it, what a careless bunch of of words to say. A criminal is a
criminal, no matter what they have done in the community. Yes, I'm afraid it
does make the difference. Maybe not to you, because you don't live here, but
to those of us who do, it makes all the difference in the world.

Your attitude and the likes of people like yourself, make it hard for things
to come together for the good of community.  Face the truth with what's
going on, or is it that you are blinded by the real truth. On how the
community is getting played, due to lack of understanding of process.

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Re: [Mpls] Goodman, Lane, Benson Commentary NRP Resolution Straight Talk About Sharing The Pain.

2003-01-22 Thread Pamela Taylor
Dean, what will that extra $250,000 - $300,000 do, you ask? You could start by designating it to an educational program. I mean really state what it is to be used for, not drop it into a black hole within the already scary school district budget. Then you can all feel proud of yourselves. Yes, every little bit DOES help. The taxpayers are going to have a little budget shortfall in their weekly paychecks and city services;you all can tighten your budgets, too. Share the pain means more than lip service. We are very serious. You all work for us, not yourselves. In business, when business is not good, nobody gets a raise. Simple economics.
Pamela Taylor (Tampa) 
Dean Carlson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have not had the time to fully digest Lisa Goodman's post, but theresponse below demonstrates why elected officials find it so damn difficultto do anything about the budget crisis. I'm all for looking at paring backexecutive staff raises but what's that going to actually do, save $250,000to $300,000 a year? When we have a $11 MILLION per year gap? You can force all senior staff and electeds to work for a dollar and we will still have ahuge budget mess on our hands.Do you Yahoo!?
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Re: [Mpls] Don Samuels can't find a union printer?

2003-01-21 Thread Pamela Taylor

List Members - 
Wizard Marks:However, when he went to at least one union printer, the entire plant was white, from the manager down to the heavy lifters. I checked that out, he was correct about that shop.Dyna Sluter: There are several union printers in Minnesota, and it was prejudicial of Don Samuels to judge them all by his experience with one. That printer may have had an all white staff on the day he visited simply because they are located in an area that is largely populated by whites.

Pamela Taylor:WHAT kind ofREASONING is that? That the staff may have been all white simply because they areLOCATED in an area that is largely populated by whites?
 Dyna Sluter: And Don Samuels' decision to base the placement of his printing business on race scares me- if he wins will he award city contracts on the basis of race rather than to the most qualified vendor?
Pamela Taylor: In response to that (silly) question- maybe it will depend on the day. Could be all white or could be all minority. Depending on the area in which the contracted workers will be working, of course. 
Pamela Taylor (Tampa)Do you Yahoo!?
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RE: [Mpls] What they are saying about the 35W Access Project

2003-01-21 Thread Pamela Taylor
Hello List,

I recently returned from a conference in Portland, Oregon, and got to
experience riding on their light rail system.  It was clean, efficient, and
they had a place to hang bikes for passengers on the inside of the train.
Ground transportation from the airport would have cost us $10, but we took
the rail.  It left from the airport and stopped a block from the hotel
downtown, and cost us only $1.55.  It only took eight more minutes in travel
time than a cab, and was much more enjoyable.

We went to a Portland Trailblazers game, and took the rail.  We happened to
be traveling to the arena, which was in a free ride zone.  They have various
pockets of these.  And, apparently, the rail and bus systems are run by the
same company, and they compliment each other with scheduling and such.  The
rail runs every fifteen minutes.  It was great.

Minneapolis should send someone to experience it.  Tampa needs it
desperately, too.  It cannot handle all of its traffic, which is a major
reason why folks don't have events here.  And our bus system is next to
non-existent.  Unfortunately, without a car one is in big trouble here.

That is my two cents on the topic.

Pamela Taylor

 153 million dollars can be better invested in
building a transit system for this city and the
-Dean Zimmerman, 6th Ward Councilmember

One of the biggest mistakes was the accommodation of
HOV lanes.  The PAC supported it because they want the
project to move forward at any cost, and thats not
acceptable.  We will ask that it be an LRT or BRT,
(Bus Rapid Transit) line.  Transit improvement needs
to be more a part of this project.
-Jeanne Massey, Kingfield

What I want to see is what other cities are doing
right now.  Theyre getting more transit, theyre
tearing up the freeways, theyre closing ramps.
Thats what we should be doing.  We shouldnt be
asking for the advice of the people who only know how
to muck it up for us (the highway engineers).
-Ken Avidor, Kingfield


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[Mpls] Hey, All Football Fans...

2003-01-19 Thread Pamela Taylor
While my heart is in Minneapolis, my Buccaneers are going to the SuperBowl.
I couldn't resist that.
Pamela Taylor (Tampa)
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RE: [Mpls] Re: NRP

2003-01-17 Thread Pamela Taylor
Good Afternoon List,

People have become dependent on NRP, and why they have makes sense given its
daily presence in our lives for years.  However, one must now think outside
of the same box that created NRP (whether they want to or not), and come to
some conclusions as to how they could exist without it.  That will be a
tough one, but once that gigantic feat is accomplished, then you can
re-entertain the idea of it on a much smaller funding scale.

As hopefully, much better organized (or at least more aware communities),
you can decide what type of currently funded services/activities can be done
by community volunteers choosing to pool their human resources.  This
sharing of ideals, time, selves, etc., may even cross neighborhood
boundaries.  If people can band together to save NRP, what they are doing is
banding together to save themselves.  So start doing it in spite of NRP.  I
think, therefore I am.  The neighborhoods came before NRP; continue to
exist now.  If NRP, in whatever its new incarnation, will still never be
enough.  So lower your expectations on it, and raise them of yourselves.
IMHO, this is what (Earl Craig) NRP was supposed to do anyway.  Help us as
neighborhood residents rise to the occasion.

If there is one thing we should all have learned by now is that GOVERNMENT
and TIME waits for no one.  We are headed to fight Bush's war; the nation is
in economic decline in other places besides the City of Minneapolis and its
81 neighborhoods; our children's education is in great peril; our universal
mental and physical health system has one foot in the grave

The clock of mankind is ticking, and the nations are rising up.  Our
husbands, wives, sons, daughters, friends, and significant others are being
asked to put on their marching boots and to say goodbye to life as we know

September 11th was our 9-1-1 EMERGENCY WAKE UP CALL.  Did we hear it, and
pay attention, or did we let it begin our own war?  People need to work
together now to get through this deficit in human capital if we have any
hope of surviving with the least amount of casualties on our own home front.

Pamela Taylor
(In the trenches of Tampa, waging peace not war)

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 11:09 AM
Subject: [Mpls] Re: NRP

 Yesterday, neighborhood folks attending the city council committee of the
whole had an opportunity to sit down with Mayor and talk about our shared
perception about what is happening to NRP funding.

One piece of the discussion -- and the Mayor talked about this-is:

How can we incorporate the kind of community planning process that happens
neighborhoods currently on NRP projects into the whole city budget and

I am trolling for good ideas of how that actually might happen.

Scott Vreeland, president of the Seward Neighborhood Group


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RE: [Mpls] Re: Samuels vs. Price: discuss

2002-12-16 Thread Pamela Taylor
Many moons ago when I ran for school board I was endorsed first by the
Progressive MN group.  Then I was also endorsed by the Independent Party.
They could have endorsed four candidates since four seats were open.  They
chose to only endorse two of us, after hearing about seven/eight of us
speak.  I was not a member of their party (I was DFL), and they picked me
over their own party member who ran.  They especially liked that I would not
agree to vote for a candidate simply because we were all endorsed by the
same party.

Given that, they knew I was endorsed by PM, and they stated that they would
work with PM to get me elected.  I had spoken with PM and told them this,
and they said they would work with them as well.  The IP then repeatedly
called the PM group, and was repeatedly ignored.  So the IP did what they
could for me on their own.  PM then worked less for me, I was told later,
because they did not want to have to work with anyone else.  That ticked me
off, and yes, I partially blame them for the fifteen margin loss in the

I also must take partial blame because I agreed to abide by the DFL
endorsement and not run against the endorsed candidate.  I should have never
gone for the endorsement to begin with, but was talked into that.
Remembering too late that the race WAS (IS) a non-partisan one, I chose to
run anyway, causing my own political suicide.

But I digress.  So I agree with Phaedrus, it is about political party power,
not about who it is felt to be a good candidate.  Lots of DFLers liked me
but being staunch DFLers they were bound by the ties that bind.

Needless to say, I cancelled my automatic monthly donation to the PM party.
Since I am and always will be quite the independent thinker, I simply vote
my conscience.  One's party affiliation doesn't impress me.  You have to
give me a darn good reason to believe and vote for you.

Pamela Taylor

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2002 2:54 AM
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Re: Samuels vs. Price: discuss

 He may have once been DFL, but he is now a Green
 and, from what I've seen, has the support of many
 Greens and Green leaners.

 Fact: Shane was active in Paul Wellstone's campaign
 this year. Paul Wellstone is a DFLer.

The fact that he decides to support the candidate who
he feels is the best, regardless of party, is not a
negative in my mind.

I would hope that if a Green Candidate stood in
opposition to his values that he would not support
that candidate.

 In the last city election cycle Shane ran for the
 DFL endorsement, garnering something like 4 of 40
 some votes. One of those votes for Shane was mine.
 He then went to the Green's convention and garnered
 their endorsement.

I personally think parties should be willing to
endorse a candidate even if another party has also
done so.

If a candidate is the best candidate from both a Green
perspective and a DFL perspective, why should they not
seek endorsement by both? Why is that any different
than seeking endorsement any other two groups?

I could imagine a candidate who would be supported by
local Green, DFL, and GOP voters. Why should they not
get all three endorsements?

To me, the endorsement means Out of the candidates
running, this one stands most closely to our core

But political parties can't do that because they're
more focused on getting power than getting good
leaders in office.

 If you think Moore will do a better job than Price
 at representing Ward 3 and leading this city,
 explain why. Whether or not Moore is a better DFL
 than Price is no more relevant than which is a
 better Green, GOP, or any other party.

 I believe it's your Green Party's job to persuade
 the voters that Shane is the better candidate.

Well, first of all, it's not my Green Party. I don't
belong to a political party.

As for persuading the voters, I was asking you to
persuade me. You believe Olin Moore is the best


. . .

 I might have supported Shane if he was a competitive


He came in 2nd last time and the person who came in
first is no longer in the race. That doesn't mean he's
got it in the bag, but it certainly makes him viable.

 The Green Party did so badly in 2002 that they
 weren't even able to throw any elections of import,
 never mind win them.

Due to it's policy of disavowing corporate backing and
funding, the Green Party has more potence in smaller,
local elections where $$$ doesn't have quite as big of
a factor.

Btw, personally, I think in many ways, my mayor, city
council, county commissioner, etc, is of greater
import to my daily life than those higher up the
chain. Change can only begin locally.

 I thusly see no point in jumping ship now to a party

 that is clearly in the end stages of the life cycle
 of 3rd parties.

The following statement has nothing to do with the
Ward 3 campaign, but is my own personal sentiment

RE: [Mpls] Mpls-St Paul Comparison;Street Conflict

2002-12-12 Thread Pamela Taylor

Jim Mork: On the fundraising subject, why is MPD and MFD
doing private fundraising, anyway?  I've never
belonged to any union that did telemarketing.

Wizard Marks: But the police officers' benevolent associations have done so
centuries. They were once called widow and orphan funds.

Pamela Taylor: The way things have been going with the police force, I think
that there will have to be a Widows and Orphans Fund for Minneapolis
Citizens soon.

Pamela Taylor (Tampa)


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RE: [Mpls] Bad Poetry, NAME THAT CITY, the Freeway, and an Asphalt Reservation Casino

2002-12-09 Thread Pamela Taylor
Jim may be on to something.  Metropolis, eh?  I could go for that.  Plus,
with all the movies being made there in recent years, and the resurgence of
films featuring comic book characters, we could make even more money out of
this thing!  We could probably come up with some of our own super hero's as
well, you know, some neighborhood mild mannered crusaders who discovered
their hidden strengths (powers) fighting the nonprofit developers/big
business/politicians, etc.  I know someone on this forum list has got to be
a talented writer.

We can have it filmed around the Lake Street/Sears area, and in the casino
that will be built (I am thinking proactively here).  It will provide jobs
for local residents (put that clause in the contract up front), as well as
give some unknown neighborhood actors a chance to make their debut on the
big screen.

Alas, it being Monday morning, I have to do some real work now, so I will
leave the list to ponder the endless possibilities

Oh, and being 1/8 Creek Indian, I like the Urban Indian idea.

Pamela Taylor (  A Minneapolian/Metroplisian currently living in Tampa)


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RE: [Mpls] Gang Activity Clues;Elections

2002-12-06 Thread Pamela Taylor
I live in Tampa, and according to my friend who runs a temp agency we are at
the bottom of the barrel job-wise.  I would like you to point out where all
the wonderful jobs are down here I the south.  They don't want to pay anyone
what they are worth, and think you should claim the sunshine as one of (or
in lieu of) a benefit.  The claim that the cost of living here as being
cheaper is decidedly a falsehood.

Pamela Taylor
(Who will be sleeping under her down comforter tonight in Tampa, FL)

Jim Mork wrote:
As for Steve Meldahl's thermostatic woes, I think
there are some people who shouldnt be living
here. Obviously, the weather they want is
Floridian.  With all the job ops in the South,
why do they live here where they must set their
heat to 80 degrees to feel comfortable?  Me,  I
love winter. 65 is fine for me all year long.


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