Re: [osg-users] Unable to bind a Texture2DMultisample to a StateSet

2014-01-23 Thread Frank Sullivan
Thanks very much, Robert!

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Re: [osg-users] Unable to bind a Texture2DMultisample to a StateSet

2014-01-23 Thread Frank Sullivan
Hi again Robert and others,

I am now getting a glError that occurs in osg::State::applyModeOnTexUnit. It is 
trying to pass GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE TO glEnable, resulting in an invalid 
enum error. I'm working to track down the source of it, but this is code that 
I'm less-familiar with so it might take a while. I'll keep you posted.


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Re: [osg-users] Unable to bind a Texture2DMultisample to a StateSet

2014-01-23 Thread Frank Sullivan
Yes, Wojtek, you are correct. I habitually used setTextureAttributeAndModes. 
After changing it to just setTextureAttribute, the error goes away.

I am getting a black screen still, but that's probably another issue, as you 



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Re: [osg-users] Unable to bind a Texture2DMultisample to a StateSet

2014-01-23 Thread Frank Sullivan
Shader bug. I was using sampler2D instead of sampler2DMS. Fixed it now, and it 
works great!


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[osg-users] Unable to bind a Texture2DMultisample to a StateSet

2014-01-22 Thread Frank Sullivan

I have a multisampled texture that I've rendered my scene into, and I'd like to 
attach it to the StateSet of a full-screen quad so I can do some explicit 
multisampling. Here is the call I am making:


fsq-getOrCreateStateSet()-setTextureAttributeAndModes(0, inputTexture, 
osg::StateAttribute::ON | osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE);

Where inputTexture is an osg::Texture2DMultisample.

Since osg::Texture2DMultisample derives from osg::Texture, it correctly 
identifies itself as a texture attribute through isTextureAttribute(). However, 
eventually, StateSet::setTextureMode is called, and this call fails because 
GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE is not listed as a possible texture mode in the 
TextureGLModeSet class (see the top of StateSet.cpp).

Should this list be updated to include GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE or am I doing 
something wrong? Note: I am using OSG 3.0, but I've checked 3.3 and it is the 

Some background info on why I'm doing this: I'm trying to do explicit 
multisampling, which allows me to customize how the samples are blended. I 
already have it working in vanilla OpenGL. Basically the steps are a) render 
your scene into a multisampled FBO, b) bind the multisampled FBO and render a 
full-screen quad using a special shader, c) inside that shader, grab the 
individual samples using texelFetch and then blend them using your own custom 
blending, d) output the result. It is useful when you need to process the 
samples in some way before they are blended (e.g., tone map them).

If you can think of a better way to do explicit multisampling with OSG, I would 
be much obliged if you would point me in the right direction. 

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Unable to bind a Texture2DMultisample to a StateSet

2014-01-22 Thread Frank Sullivan
By the way, here is the warning message I'm receiving:

 Warning: non-textured mode '37120' passed to setTextureMode(unit,mode,value), 
 assuming setMode(mode,value) instead.

The value '37120' corresponds to GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE .

I'm not sure if setMode is the desired behavior. I'm only seeing a black 
screen, but I'm not positive that this is the problem.[/quote]

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[osg-users] osgUtil::Optimizer::optimize not obeying Permissible Optimizations for MERGE_GEODES

2013-05-17 Thread Frank Sullivan

This may be by design, but just in case, I wanted to ask about it. I'm using 
version 3.0.0, and if I look on Line 282 of osgUtil/Optimizer.cpp, the 
MergeGeodesVisitor is created. However, the optimizer object (this) is not 
passed into the constructor, and so the visitor does not have a pointer to the 
optimizer object. 

As a consequence, the visitor cannot access the optimizer's 
_permissibleOptimizationsMap and thus returns true every time 
isOperationPermissibleForObject is called. 

The reason I bring this up is that I do want to merge geodes, but I have four 
geodes in the model that I cannot allow to be merged. I was able to work around 
this problem by creating my own MergeGeodesVisitor, and that seems to be 
working well. I just have to remember not to include MERGE_GEODES in my options 
bit field that I pass into Optimizer::optimize(), and handle it manually myself 
as I described.

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Question about the correct use of osg::FrameBufferObject

2013-02-06 Thread Frank Sullivan
Thank you, Paul and Robert.

Just as a suggestion, it may be useful to have a way for NESTED_RENDER ordered 
cameras to render to a texture. It's my understanding, from looking at the code 
and from past forum posts, that NESTED_RENDER cameras ignore the camera RTT 
stuff. I was hoping that attaching an FBO to a StateSet below the camera would 
be a useful way to compel a NESTED_RENDER camera to switch over to a new FBO. 

The reason I bring it up is that it would make setting the render order on 
these cameras brainless -- if camera A needs to render before camera B, then 
one can simply place camera A as an ancestor of camera B, and not have to worry 
about setting an explicit render order number. This could be useful for systems 
that have data-driven pipelines where you have multiple passes over multiple 
scenes, that are required to happen in a specific order.

Thanks again!

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[osg-users] Question about the correct use of osg::FrameBufferObject

2013-02-05 Thread Frank Sullivan

I'm looking at the source code for osg::FrameBufferObject, and as far as I can 
tell, I just have to set this as an attribute on a node's StateSet and be done 
with it? 

If this is true, then can I use it in conjunction with Nested Render cameras in 
order to get render-to-texture cameras that render in the order in which they 
are encountered in the scene graph?

Thank you!


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[osg-users] Drawing only a specific bin (e.g., the Transparent render bin)..

2013-01-12 Thread Frank Sullivan

I was just wondering if there is any way to draw only a specific bin, either by 
telling the cull visitor to throw away objects that belong in the other bins, 
or by somehow influencing the draw process after the cull pass?
What I have in mind is deferred lighting, where one often wants to draw only 
the opaque objects to the g-buffer, and then draw the transparent objects after 
the lighting pass.

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Drawing only a specific bin (e.g., the Transparent render bin)..

2013-01-12 Thread Frank Sullivan
Thanks, Christian . I'm only using 7 bits right now, so that solution would 
suit me just fine. =).

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[osg-users] Disabling Checked Iterators and FFP ...Recommended?

2012-05-07 Thread Frank Sullivan

I'm in CMake again, creating a VS2010 solution for OSG v. 3.0.0 (64-bit this 
time). I have a couple of questions.

1) We have a huge problem with load times in Debug mode. So much so that it's 
not even worth it to link to the debug libraries because the models 
(OpenFlight, some of which are huge) take literally hours to load. About 99.9% 
of that load time is spent in the optimizer, destructing STL containers, and I 
believe that iterator debugging is the culprit (it's spending a lot of time 
invalidating iterators, IIRC). We are going to disable optimization during file 
load (and optimize offline instead), but the question I have here is: do you 
think it would be okay to check the MSVC_DISABLE_CHECKED_ITERATORS box? I don't 
even know if this will help; I'm pretty sure that iterator debugging is the 
real culprit. 

2) In CMake, there is also an option to disable the fixed-function pipeline. I 
am interested in trying this. Will it effectively disable a lot of OSG 

3) I'm looking for options here to create x64 build configurations, but I'm not 
seeing them. The only x64-specific thing that I've done is download the 64-bit 
pre-built dependencies. Is there anything else that I have to do?

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Possible memory growth issue with sorted Particles

2012-03-03 Thread Frank Sullivan

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Re: [osg-users] Possible memory growth issue with sorted Particles

2012-03-02 Thread Frank Sullivan
Thanks Robert,

It looks like, when the particles are sorted, dead particles are given a depth 
of 0 so that they are automatically placed at the beginning of the list. This 
will be useful, I think, because it looks like the purpose of the _deadparts 
stack is to keep track of which particles are dead, so that when the 
ParticleSystem wants to reuse a dead particle, it doesn't have to do a linear 
search through the particle list to find them. However, if I know that the dead 
particles (if any) are at the beginning of the list, then I can just take a 
look at the first item on the list. If it's dead, resurrect it. Otherwise, 
create a new one.

So I might try subclassing ParticleSystem and overriding the CreateParticle 
method. In it, I'll check the sorting mode. If it's NO_SORT, then I'll use the 
_deadparts stack as usual. Otherwise, I'll just check the first particle in the 
list to see if it's dead. 

I won't have a chance to try this for a few hours because I have to run off to 
school, but I will let everyone know how it works out.

Thanks again,

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Re: [osg-users] Possible memory growth issue with sorted Particles

2012-03-02 Thread Frank Sullivan
Hi Everybody,

The above workaround seems to work pretty well. However, it is necessary to 
give dead particles a depth of -FLT_MIN so that they don't get sorted behind 
particles that are behind the camera (and thus have negative depth).


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[osg-users] Possible memory growth issue with sorted Particles

2012-03-01 Thread Frank Sullivan

I am having some difficulty with the osgParticle classes, and I was wondering 
if someone could give me some advice.

It seems that whenever I choose a sorting mode for the particles other than 
NO_SORT, I get a particle list that grows unbounded. In a normal situation, the 
particle list should grow at first, and then stabilize as dead particles get 
reused. So, for example, if I set the particle effect to emit at a rate of 100 
particles per second, and I give the particles a lifetime at 1 second, then 
over the course of the first second, I should see the particle list grow from 0 
to 100. At that point, particles should start dying at about the same rate as 
they are being created, and so the list should stabilize at 100-105 (allowing 
some buffer because the world isn't perfect).

And indeed, this is exactly what I see when the particles aren't sorted (I 
created a DebugParticleSystem subclass that prints out the particle list 
counts, and other info, each frame).

However, when I set the sorting mode to SORT_FRONT_TO_BACK, then I get this 
weird behavior where the particle list grows and grows and grows and never 

Looking at the code, I think I have a hypothesis, but it isn't complete. 
Basically, after the particle list is updated, the list then gets sorted. This 
is an in-place sort on a vector of Particle objects, which has the effect (from 
what I can see) of invalidating the pointers in the _deadParts stack. So, the 
pointers in the _deadParts stack end up pointing to particles that are still 
living, and when a pointer from this stack is used to reuse a dead particle, it 
ends up reusing a particle that is already alive.

Now, I'm not exactly sure how this results in a growing particle stack, but my 
guess is that, in reusing a particle that is already alive, you prevent it from 
dying on schedule, and so when it comes time to create a new particle, there 
aren't enough dead ones on the stack to reuse, and so new particles have to be 
created from scratch.

The only thing that gives me pause about this explanation is that, after a 
Google search, I was not able to find anyone else who is having this same 
problem. So, I am pretty sure that I'm doing something wrong here, but I'm not 
sure what.

Thank you!


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[osg-users] Using custom shaders with osgParticle

2012-01-05 Thread Frank Sullivan

I need to render the particles using a custom shader that includes a special 
lighting system that I'm using. If I can just get the Particle System to pay 
attention to the shader that I wrote, I think everything will be dandy. 
However, I am having some trouble with this, and I am hoping for some insight.

In order to test this, I wrote a simple shader program with a fragment shader 
that outputs the color red. There is no vertex or geometry shader. This way, if 
I'm using the shader program correctly, I should see flat red particles. If I'm 
using the shader program incorrectly, depending on the problem, I'll either see 
black particles, or invisible particles, or perhaps particles that look as if 
they're being rendered without shaders (i.e., how they looked before I embarked 
on this task).

The first thing I tried is to simply follow the osgparticleshader example, 
without using my red shader at all, just to see if I could get particles 
working with shaders. Unfortunately, if I call 
setDefaultAttributesUsingShaders, the result is invisible particles. After much 
debugging, I discovered that I can get the particles to come back if I call 
setUseVertexArray(false). So, I think there is something that it doesn't like 
about using vertex arrays (at least in the context of my program).

With vertex arrays disabled, the particle system seems to be using immediate 
mode draw calls, which I don't mind. However, I can't tell if it's actually 
using the shader or not, because the particles look the same either way.

So, I tried adding my red shader program to the state set, and that did not 
help. The particles drew normally, as if it was ignoring my program and using 
the fixed function pipeline instead.

I suppose it's possible that the particle system now had two programs -- the 
one set by setDefaultAttributesUsingShaders and the one set by me. So, to rule 
out such a conflict, I omitted the call to setDefaultAttributesUsingShaders and 
instead replaced it with everything the method does (essentially inlining the 
method myself), with the exception that it uses my red shader program instead 
of the stock one. Still, however, it seemed to ignore my shader.

Can anyone think of what I might be doing wrong? My next step will be to try to 
accomplish this in isolation in a stand-alone program, but I just wanted to 
check and see if there are any ideas.

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Rendering ONLY to texture...

2011-09-02 Thread Frank Sullivan
Ah, yes. This works fabulously, thanks!

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Re: [osg-users] Rendering ONLY to texture...

2011-09-01 Thread Frank Sullivan
Thanks guys, that is very helpful. 

I am having a bit of trouble with this, and I was wondering if you might be 
able to help. For some reason, my call to glReadPixels seems to be a no-op. 
That is, none of the memory that my data* points to is actually being 
overwritten by my call to glReadPixels.

I ran the osgscreencapture example using --pbuffer-only and --no-pbo, and that 
seems to be working fine. The debugger reveals that, inside 
osg::Image::readPixels, the image data is indeed being written-to as a result 
of the call to glReadPixels. So, something definitely seems different about my 
program, although I can't seem to detect any appreciable differences in how I'm 
setting up my program vs. how osgscreencapture is set up.

Here is where I set up my viewer:

_viewer = new osgViewer::Viewer;

// Init the GraphicsContext Traits
osg::ref_ptrosg::GraphicsContext::Traits traits = new 
traits-x = 0;
traits-y = 0;
traits-width = OSGDLL_FRAME_WIDTH;
traits-height = OSGDLL_FRAME_HEIGHT;
traits-red = 8;
traits-green = 8;
traits-blue = 8;
traits-alpha = 8;
traits-windowDecoration = false;
traits-pbuffer = true;
traits-doubleBuffer = false;
traits-sharedContext = 0;

// Create the GraphicsContext
osg::ref_ptrosg::GraphicsContext gc = 

// Create  Setup Camera
osg::ref_ptrosg::Camera camera = _viewer-getCamera();
camera-setClearColor(osg::Vec4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));

// Add some scene data
osg::ref_ptrosg::Node shed = osgDB::readNodeFile(Shed2.flt);

// Realize viewer

The main difference here is that I'm not creating a new camera and setting it 
as a slave. I'm just using the main camera that was provided by the viewer. 
Also, I am not double-buffering (I'll explain why in a sec). Here is where I 
actually draw a frame and then try to retrieve it:

GLenum readBufferError = glGetError();
GLenum readPixelsError = glGetError();

As you can see, I am zeroing out the memory before I call glReadPixels. After I 
make the call, the memory is still zeroed out. I've tried other values as well. 
For instance, if I use 0x0F as my memset value, the array elements remain as 
0x0F even after glReadPixels is called. So, it's not even that the frame buffer 
is empty and I'm getting all zeros or something. Rather, it's just failing to 
overwrite my data with whatever is in the frame buffer.

And yet, I don't get any errors. Both calls to glGetError in the above code 
return zero. Now, if I attempt to set double buffering on, and I pass GL_BACK 
into glReadBuffer, this returns GL_INVALID_OPERATION for reasons I don't 
understand (the back buffer should exist, to my understanding, and I'm not 
making this call between glBegin/glEnd, and those are the only reasons that the 
glReadBuffer man page lists as possible causes for GL_INVALID_OPERATION). So, I 
just turned double buffering off and passed GL_FRONT in instead. This got rid 
of the GL_INVALID_OPERATION error, but unfortunately I'm still not getting 
anything from glReadPixels.

As another test, I tried using osg::Image::readPixels, just in case it was 
doing something important that I am failing to do:

osg::ref_ptrosg::Image img = new osg::Image;
img-readPixels(0, 0, 256, 256, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE);

The end result was the same: it allocated itself a data buffer, but 
glReadPixels fails to fill it in. The entire buffer is just full of 0xCD's. 

Although I am not creating any PBOs to my knowledge, I tried binding 
GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER to 0 just in case. However, this did not seem to help.

So, I'm thinking that there is something else about the OpenGL state that needs 
to be set, which I am missing, in order for this to work. Does anyone, by 
chance, have any ideas?[/code]

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[osg-users] Rendering ONLY to texture...

2011-08-31 Thread Frank Sullivan
Greetings, everyone.

Is there any way to get OSG into a state where it renders everything to an 
offscreen FBO? In addition to this, I would need to suppress any sort of window 
creation or rendering to a back buffer.

That's my basic question, but here's a little background just in case. What I 
am basically trying to do is create an OSG-based C++ library that will:

a) Create a render context without launching a window.
b) Draw a scene graph to an off-screen buffer.
c) Read the pixel data back into system memory.
d) Marshal that data into WPF code.
e) Paint a WPF control with this image.

I know that this is bound to be slow, but frame rate is not important for this 
application. I already have d  e working, using a set of dummy pixel data 
defined in the C++ library. I just need to figure out how to get OSG to render 
to an off-screen buffer without launching a window, and then how to get it to 
do some sort of glReadPixels-type thing in order to get the result into system 

So far, I've just been using osgViewer::Viewer for everything, but I'm guessing 
that option is out and that I'll have to do something more manual.


P.S. I am aware that there are other ways of getting OSG to draw to a WPF 
control. For instance, I tried using a WinFormsHost in order to stick a 
WinForms panel into my application. This gives me an HWND that I can pass to 
OSG so that it will draw directly to the control. I have tried this approach, 
however in doing so, I have run into some so-called airspace issues that are 
tricky to solve. I have tried a couple of the approaches that I found on the 
web for working around this, and none of them are optimal. So, I am giving this 
method a try, wherein I draw to an off-screen FBO and then read the pixel data 
back, and pass it to WPF.

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Re: [osg-users] Rendering ONLY to texture...

2011-08-31 Thread Frank Sullivan
Oh, one more thing.

So, I'm sure it's probably not possible to create a render context without 
having a window of some kind. My guess is that (in Windows, at least), creating 
a render context requires a Win32 device context, and that getting a device 
context requires an HWND. So, I suppose my only option would be to create an 
invisible window. If possible, I think it would be acceptable to create an 
invisible window, and then just glReadPixels from the back buffer or something.

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Re: [osg-users] Acquiring the world matrix of a DoF node

2011-08-24 Thread Frank Sullivan
Greetings, everyone.

I figured out what I was doing wrong, and I thought I would post my answer here 
for posterity.

The short answer is: everything is working the way it is supposed to. Nothing 
to see here. Move along. =)

Long answer: 

The PUT matrix is essentially the inverse of the DoF node's origin. The 
descendant geometry is not defined relative to the DoF's origin, as is the case 
with other types of transforms. Instead, the PUT matrix will transform all 
descendant geometry such that it becomes relative to the DoF's origin.

For example. If you have a DoF whose origin is at 0,0,10 (lets leave rotations 
out of this, for simplicity sake), and you have a geode with a single vertex 
that is one meter above it (z=up in this example), you may expect (as with 
other transforms) that the DoF would have a position of 0,0,10 and the vertex 
would have a position of 0,0,1. However, this is not how it works.

Instead, the DoF has a PUT matrix of 0,0,-10 and the vert has a position of 
0,0,11. If you transform this vert by the PUT matrix, it becomes 0,0,1 (its 
DoF-relative position!). At this point, you can apply the DoF position/rotation 
offsets (if any). Then, you need to transform it back, using the inverse PUT 

So let's say that the DoF in our example has a 45degree y-rotation. Here's what 
happens. The PUT matrix transforms out vert to 0,0,1. Then, we apply the 
45-degree rotation, making it 0.7071, 0, 0.7071. Then, the inverse matrix is 
applied, making the final position 0.7071, 0, 10.7071. Voila.

So, the final matrix of a DoF transform is:

PUTMatrix * rotationPositionOffsetsMatrix * InvPUTMatrix

...which is exactly what DoFTranform::localToWorld does (which is called by 
Node::getWorldTransforms). So, naturally, if there are no rotation or position 
offsets in the DoF (i.e., they are all 0), then the final matrix is going to be 
identity. But that's okay, because your geometry is not defined relative to the 
DoF's origin (i.e. its inverse PUT).

If you have a chain of DoFs, the final matrix of each (as calculated above) can 
be concatenated just like any other matrix, and the math works out (I had to 
see this for myself on the whiteboard before I believed it ... tough to 

So, again, long-story-short, it will all work out if you just let it do its 
thing. If you question it too much, you'll end up on a long journey to reinvent 
the wheel, as I did. =)


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[osg-users] [osgOcean] Syncronizing waves across multiple monitors

2011-08-24 Thread Frank Sullivan

I know that I can initialize the water with the same random seed. However, 
there does not seem to be a way to synchronize the timing of the waves. Does 
anyone know if this is possible? If not, I have coded a solution. It's a bit of 
a hack, but I would be happy to clean it up and submit it as a possible future 

I would prefer to use the canonical source code, rather than my own version of 
it, and so if the feature doesn't exist, canonizing my changes would be the 
next best option. =) Hahaha.


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Re: [osg-users] [osgOcean] Syncronizing waves across multiple monitors

2011-08-24 Thread Frank Sullivan

Yes, you are right. I neglected to mention that these monitors are hooked up to 
separate machines. =)

Your suggestion is much cleaner than my solution, and has the added benefit of 
not having to be checked into the central repository. I will give that a try. 

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[osg-users] Loading textures into VRAM

2011-07-27 Thread Frank Sullivan

My understanding is that most OpenGL implementations will not load a texture 
into VRAM until the time that it is first used. I was wondering, will a call to 
glBindTexture suffice for using a texture? If so, could I write a node 
visitor that just visits every StateSet in my graph, pulls out the texture 
objects, and calls Texture::TextureObject::bind()?

I'm trying to think of a way to preload all of my textures into VRAM so that I 
don't get a frame rate stutter the first time one object or another comes into 

Thank you!


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[osg-users] [3rdparty] Frame Rate Decay w/ SilverLining Integration

2011-05-06 Thread Frank Sullivan

Sorry for the wall-of-text. I am working on a really thorny issue, and I want 
to include as much information as possible.

I am not sure that this is necessarily an OSG-related bug, but I was wondering 
if there is anyone here who can provide some insight anyway, because I can get 
the bug to appear/disappear by changing certain OSG settings, but I have no 
idea why.

Basically, we have an OSG-based app (v. 2.8.3) that is integrated with 
SilverLining for all of our atmospheric stuff. The problem is that, on some 
computers, we are seeing a frame rate decay. That is, the frame rate will 
start off high (180fps or so), and the steadily decrease at a rate of about 
2fps/sec. So after 30 seconds, it's running at 120fps. After a minute, it's 
running at 60fps. And so on. 

Note: this is only happening on a couple of computers. We've had an opportunity 
to test this app on 6 different computers. So far, the problem has shown up on 
2 of them.

On those two computers, the problem only shows up under the following 

1. I'm using SilverLining, AND
2. I'm using the SingleThreaded model, OR the app uses render-to-texture.

(the render-to-texture is done by attaching an osg::Texture2D to an 
osg::Camera, set to PRE_RENDER with a FRAME_BUFFER_OBJECT render target 
implementation, which is then added to the scene graph)

So, if I remove the SilverLining integration, the problem goes away. However, 
SilverLining in of itself is not a sufficient cause. I know this because I can 
run a simple app, like the OSG 2.x sample that ships with the SilverLining SDK, 
and the problem does not appear.

However, if I add a simple RTT camera to that sample, the problem shows up. 
Also, if I set the threading model to SingleThreaded, the problem shows up 
whether there's any RTT in the scene or not.

In our own app, the problem goes away if I use a non-SingleThreaded model AND I 
disable any features that use RTT (osgShadow, mirrors, etc.).

There might be other conditions that cause the problem to show up, but if so, I 
haven't found them. And again, this only happens on two of the computers, out 
of the six that we've had an opportunity to try (we'll have an opportunity to 
test on more computers soon). Part of what makes this bug so devious is that it 
doesn't happen on every computer, and I'm guessing that reduces my chance of 
finding someone who has already encountered it and solved it. =P

Another interesting fact is, if I change the threading model at runtime (using 
the 'm' key, thanks to the ThreadingHandler), the frame rate Resets, and then 
starts decaying again. In other words, the app will start at 180fps or so, and 
then decay (after a minute or so) to 30fps. Then, if I hit the 'm' key to 
change to a different threading model (doesn't matter which), the frame rate 
shoots back up to 180fps and then starts decaying again. I can do this over and 
over again by hitting the 'm' key.

Tomorrow, I'll try to delve into the depths of the OSG and SilverLining code to 
see if I can find the problem. In the meantime, I would feel silly if I didn't 
at least throw a couple of messages out there and ask if someone else has 
already encountered this.

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] [3rdparty] Frame Rate Decay w/ SilverLining Integration

2011-05-06 Thread Frank Sullivan
Hi Zonk,

The basic configuration for the two computers that are having this problem are:

1) Intel Xeon 5405 2.0GHz CPU, 4GB RAM, Nvidia GeForce X260 GPU 896MB
2) Intel Core i7 2.79GHz, 4GB RAM, Nvidia 9800GT 512MB 

I'm personally running on a machine with an Intel Xeon 5410 (2.33GHz), 4GB RAM, 
NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT 512MB. However, the problem doesn't show up on my 
computer. So, I'm not sure if the video card is to blame, because I use the 
same video card as one of the problem computers.

Zonk, do you have RTT in your demo by chance? If so, would you mind if I took a 
look at it?

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Rotating the display

2011-01-26 Thread Frank Sullivan
Thank you for your suggestion, Magnus. We have given that a try, and it works 
great for the most part. We've had some troubles with Windows 7 spontaneously 
changing our settings back to 0-degree rotation, but it turns out that is 
probably a hardware problem. Also, our HUD items tend to look squished when we 
rotate 90 or 270 degrees, because of the aspect ratio change, but I suppose 
that some of the work that I've already done can work in conjunction with the 
solution you proposed to fix that problem. I'll have to give it some thought.

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[osg-users] Rotating the display

2011-01-25 Thread Frank Sullivan

My application is going to be run on different displays, some of which might be 
rotated 90, 180, or 270 degrees from their typical position. I've basically set 
things up so that my app reads the screen orientation from a config file, and 
does what it needs to do to make sure that things look 'upright' if that screen 
orientation is anything other than 0 degrees.

For the HUD, I have an osg::Projection node that is a parent to all of the HUD 
items. If the screen orientation is non-zero, then the projection matrix that I 
use contains some built-in rotation, like so:

osg::Matrix orthoMat = osg::Matrix::ortho(0, screenWidth, 0, screenHeight, 0.1, 
osg::Matrix rotMat = osg::Matrix::rotate(screenOrientationAngle, 0, 0, 1);
osg::Matrix finalProjMat = orthoMat * rotMat; 

Just in case you are wondering: if the screen is rotated 90 or 270 degrees, I 
also swap the width and height so that my HUD items don't look stretched. I 
also use a trick to make sure that items appear in the correct place when the 
aspect ratio changes, but I don't bore you with the details of that.

This all seems to work well with one hitch: it seems to mess up the 
computePixelSizeVector calculation. I'm not quite sure how this calculation 
works, but when I embed some rotation into my projection matrix, it seems to 
have the effect of setting the w component of the pixelSizeVector to some huge 
number, and invariably all HUD items are culled by small feature.

I solved this by disabling the small feature culling, but since this is done on 
the camera, it will probably be global to the whole scene, which is probably 
not desirable. I'm sure I can find some other way (turning culling inactive for 
all HUD-related nodes, perhaps).

I'd like to do this same sort of thing for the main scene rendering, i.e. set 
the projection matrix on the camera to its normal projection matrix (using the 
reciprocal of the aspect ratio if necessary), multiplied by a rotation matrix. 
However, since running into that snag, I'm starting to wonder if this isn't a 
terrible idea. =]

I have no idea what I might be messing up. =P

Thank you!


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[osg-users] Drawing items beyond the far plane

2010-12-14 Thread Frank Sullivan

I can tell that my OSG-based app is doing some sort of frustum culling, because 
if I take the camera to the edge of the scene, and I turn it such that it isn't 
looking at anything, the frame rate jumps to 500fps. However, when I turn back 
around to look at my scene, the frame rate drops to about 60fps.

One thing I found interesting, though, is that this doesn't seem to work for 
the far plane. If I aim my camera towards the scene, and I pull back until the 
entire scene disappears beyond the far plane, my frame rate remains at about 

Does anyone know why this is happening, and if there is a way to fix it?


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Re: [osg-users] Drawing items beyond the far plane

2010-12-14 Thread Frank Sullivan
Thanks a lot guys; you are incredibly helpful, as usual.

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[osg-users] Making sure that reflection texture only draws if mirror is visible.

2010-12-10 Thread Frank Sullivan

I have some mirrors in my scene, which use RTT for reflections. I'd like to 
make sure that, if the mirror isn't visible, the RTT pass doesn't happen. A 
simple frustum check should be fine. If the mirror is in the scene camera's 
frustum, it would be okay to render the reflection texture even if the mirror 
itself is occluded.

So what I have right now is a MatrixTransform node that is the parent of the 
whole mirror object sub-tree. I give this MatrixTransform a call callback, 
which renders the reflection texture before traversing to draw the mirror 

What I'd like to do is add a frustum test here, so I can avoid doing the 
reflection RTT if the child sub-tree isn't even viewable by the camera. Is this 


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Re: [osg-users] Making sure that reflection texture only draws if mirror is visible.

2010-12-10 Thread Frank Sullivan
Oh, nice, thanks!

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[osg-users] Some texture questions

2010-10-12 Thread Frank Sullivan

I just have some basic questions about textures, and I was hoping someone might 
have an answer to them:

1) Right now, I have several objects that refer to the same texture file. Is 
there any way to make sure that these objects, when loaded, share the same 
texture object in memory, rather than loading the same texture multiple times?

2) It seems as though the system might use a sort of lazy loading scheme for 
the textures. I'm not 100% sure about this, but when I first load my scene and 
move the camera around, I notice that there is a frame rate hitch whenever an 
object is being displayed for the first time. Once I've viewed all the objects 
at least once, then there are no more hitches. I could be wrong, but I also 
noticed that some of these objects have non-power-of-two textures, and these 
hitches correspond with a console message that says Scaling image x from 
(800,800) to (1024,1024). So, that's why I suspect that maybe the textures are 
being loaded when they first appear, rather than when the model is loaded. If 
so, can this be turned off?

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] [osgOcean] Jerky noise map motion

2010-10-03 Thread Frank Sullivan
This seems to have spontaneously fixed itself. o_0

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[osg-users] [osgOcean] Jerky noise map motion

2010-09-27 Thread Frank Sullivan

When I run the example, the wave motion looks great, and the demo runs at 
around 350 frames per second. However, the scrolling normal map seems to move 
in a very jerky motion, moving in large steps at maybe 4hz. 

I've stepped through the code, and I'm looking at 
FFTOceanSurface::computeNoiseCoords. Now, if I comment this code out, and run 
the example again, the noise texture stops moving as expected. So I think I've 
found the right place to look.

But I can't seem to find what is causing the jerking motion. It looked to me 
like perhaps there was an issue with mixing ints and floats: some value, like 
time perhaps, is accumulating, but new accumulations are fractional and are 
thus being truncated by some implicit integer cast somewhere. Eventually, the 
value accumulates to the point where a whole number boundary is reached, thus 
creating a 'pop'. That was my hypothesis, anyway.

But I don't see any integers being used as terms in this function. So, it 
should be creating a nice, smooth motion from what I can see. Has anyone else 
run into this?

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] [build] Postbuild error with ot11-OpenThreads??

2010-09-21 Thread Frank Sullivan

Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but I am running into a very similar problem:

 3file INSTALL cannot find

The OP said that they could find this DLL (and others) in the specific 
directory. It seems that the OP's problem was that VS didn't have the right 
permissions to access the destination directory.

My problem is a bit different. I'm running VS2010 as Administrator, but it 
still doesn't work. When I look at the above folder path, all it has are PDBs. 
In my case, that is not the correct path. The correct path is:


All of my DLLs, etc., are in that path. They are not in the folder that the 
cmake install step is looking in.

I don't know how to get them to build into the path that the cmake install step 
is looking for them in (aside from manually editing each project file by hand). 
Does anyone have any advice?

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] [build] Postbuild error with ot11-OpenThreads??

2010-09-21 Thread Frank Sullivan
Oh yes, that would explain it. I'll try using VS2008 when I get home (I just 
downloaded CMake yesterday so I think I have the latest version, but I'll 
double check that as well).

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Re: [osg-users] Geometry Drawing Performance

2010-09-15 Thread Frank Sullivan
Hi guys,

The 700fps is just in wireframe mode with nothing else being drawn. Eventually 
I'll have to put it in a scene, and apply a special shader effect to it, which 
could reduce the frame rate. I don't know exactly what the frame rate will be, 
but I thought it might be fruitful (partially for curiosity's sake) to try some 

rosme, thanks very much for your help. It appears that those features have been 
added since the 2.8.3 tag. Do you think I should update from the trunk to get 
the newest stuff? Or is there a better/safer procedure that I should follow?


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[osg-users] Geometry Drawing Performance

2010-09-14 Thread Frank Sullivan
Hello everybody,

Can I trouble you with some questions about performance? My situation is 
basically this. I have a list of 54 drawables that I'm generating in-code. Not 
all of them are necessarily displayed on the screen at any given time, and in 
some cases, a certain drawables might be drawn more than once (accomplished by 
adding a second MatrixTransform parent above the associated Geode).

In any case, I went for a naive implementation at first. Each drawable was an 
osg::Geometry object attached to an osg::Geode (which again, may have one or 
more osg::MatrixTransforms as parents). Each osg::Geometry had its own 
Vec3Array as a vertex array. The performance wasn't bad. It was around 700fps 
in wireframe mode on my machine. But I figured I could do better.

So, I groups all of the verts for these 54 drawables into a single Vec3Array 
that all of the osg::Geometry objects shared. The primitive set (an 
osg::DrawArrays) would specify which subset of the vertex array to draw.

I figured this would help because it would eliminate a lot of useless VBO 
bindings (or whatever else is going on under the hood). However, this actually 
cut the frame rate by about a third. 

This confused me, but in a way it made sense. My new master vertex array has 
well over a million verts! So maybe the memory requirements of this outweighs 
the savings I get from reducing VBO bindings?

So anyway, I figured it might be a good idea to try to index this geometry, to 
cut down on the number of verts in the vertex array. Doing this, I was actually 
able to cut down the number of verts to just over two thousand. That's a 
savings of 99.84%!

Of course, now I've got 54 separate primitive sets (I had to use 
osg::DrawElements, because it doesn't look like osg::DrawArrays supposed 
indexed geometry). But since these primitive sets are essentially vectors of 
USHORTs (rather than vectors of Vec3's), I'm still saving a significant amount 
of memory (about 725,00 bytes for the Vec3's and USHORTS versus about 16 
million bytes for the huge Vec3Array).

Yet, the frame rate remains at about 220fps, which is significantly lower than 
the naive method involving 54 separate Vec3Arrays totaling 1.4 million verts!

I still have a ways to go. I'm thinking about seeing if I can use a triangle 
strip instead of GL_TRIANGLES, to save even more on memory used for verts. 
However, the logic for building the meshes with triangle strips will be much 
tougher, and will likely require smart use of degenerate triangles. 

I'm happy to do the work, but before I do, I just want to make sure that there 
isn't something that I'm missing. I tried setting the data variance of the 
osg::Geometry objects to Static, hoping that perhaps if I signal to OSG that I 
have no intention of changing those objects, it could put it in a 
more-efficient memory pool (perhaps). However, that didn't seem to affect the 
frame rate.

Any advice at all would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: [osg-users] Geometry Drawing Performance

2010-09-14 Thread Frank Sullivan
Hello again,

There is something else that I thought of. Here is a diagram of what one of 
these drawables might look like:

Because of the way that this drawable is generated (by recursively subdividing 
a quad), the indices are not necessarily in an order that is cache-friendly. 
For instance, the triangle in green is composed of indices 8, 12, 41. This may 
cause OpenGL to have to jump around the VBO in a random access fashion. Could 
this cause the lower frame rates when compared to my naive brute force method?

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Re: [osg-users] Geometry Drawing Performance

2010-09-14 Thread Frank Sullivan
Another thing,

Looking at the GL Trace output in glslDevil, it looks like my program is using 
vertex arrays. I can't tell for sure, but I think it is using vertex arrays 
because I don't see any calls to glBindBuffer and the pointer used in 
glVertexPointer looks like an actual pointer to data (035ce860) rather than an 
offset into a VBO. 

Is there any way to force OSG to use VBOs? I'm using 2.8.2.

Thanks again,

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[osg-users] Red FPS indicator

2010-09-09 Thread Frank Sullivan
Hello everyone, hope everyone is well.

Sorry to bother you with such a simple question, but somehow I ended up with a 
red FPS indicator in the lower-left portion of my screen, and I have no idea 
how it got there! Does anyone know how to remove it?


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Re: [osg-users] Red FPS indicator

2010-09-09 Thread Frank Sullivan
Haha, it turned out to be something that another programmer did, which I 
accidentally switched on through a bug in my code. Thanks, J-S, and sorry for 
confusing everybody.

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[osg-users] Drawing a subset of a vertex buffer...

2010-09-08 Thread Frank Sullivan
Hello there,

IIRC, OpenGL allows you to stuff several meshes into a single VBO, and then 
when it comes time to draw a mesh, you can specify an offset into this VBO 
along with the number of primitives to draw, in essence drawing only a subset 
of this VBO at a time.

I was wondering if this same functionality is exposed in OpenSceneGraph? What 
I'd like to do is something like this: stuff the vertex positions into a single 
Vec3Array, and hand this array over to a single Geometry object. Then, 
instantiate one or more Geodes that each share this Geometry object, but each 
draws only a subset of the Geometry (each possibly drawing a different subset). 
Is this possible?

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Drawing a subset of a vertex buffer...

2010-09-08 Thread Frank Sullivan
Thanks very much, Robert. Do you happen to know how I would specify the range 
of verts that an osg::Geometry object is responsible for drawing?

Thanks again,

robertosfield wrote:
 Hi Frank,
 You can share a single osg::Vec3Array between multiple osg::Geometry,
 in the lastest OSG in svn/trunk and the 2.9.x dev series the buffer
 object support should also be flexible enough for you to manually
 specify the VBO for that particular Vec3Array.
 On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 7:01 PM, Frank Sullivan  wrote:
  Hello there,
  IIRC, OpenGL allows you to stuff several meshes into a single VBO, and then 
  when it comes time to draw a mesh, you can specify an offset into this VBO 
  along with the number of primitives to draw, in essence drawing only a 
  subset of this VBO at a time.
  I was wondering if this same functionality is exposed in OpenSceneGraph? 
  What I'd like to do is something like this: stuff the vertex positions into 
  a single Vec3Array, and hand this array over to a single Geometry object. 
  Then, instantiate one or more Geodes that each share this Geometry object, 
  but each draws only a subset of the Geometry (each possibly drawing a 
  different subset). Is this possible?
  Thank you!
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Re: [osg-users] Drawing a subset of a vertex buffer...

2010-09-08 Thread Frank Sullivan
Oh! That is fantastic, thank you.

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Re: [osg-users] Custom Drawing for Geode

2010-09-03 Thread Frank Sullivan
That is some incredible information, thank you very much! =D

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[osg-users] Custom Drawing for Geode

2010-09-02 Thread Frank Sullivan

I am working on an ocean water effect that basically consists of a tessellated 
plane that undulates in a wave-like motion. It's just a flat plane, but it has 
a vertex shader that creates the wave motion by adding a few sine waves 

And this is working perfectly well, but my problem is that I want this ocean 
water surface to be about 2km^2, and I can't have that entire plane 
heavily-tessellated, or I'll run into trouble. =)

So I need to make sure that only the parts of the water near the camera are 
heavily-tessellated, and that the parts of the water further away are 
less-heavily-tessellated. Pretty basic stuff for some of you pros, I'm sure. =)

So what I've decided to do is divide the water surface up into a grid of cells, 
and give each cell a different tessellation level. A top-down view of it might 
look something like this:

As you can see, the closer a grid cell is to the camera, the more 
heavily-tessellated it is. Also, note that if two cells of different 
tessellation levels are adjacent to one another, the cell with the 
lower-tessellation will have a special seam. Finally, the cells that are shaded 
in gray should not be drawn, because they are not in the viewing frustum.

I don't want to totally re-compute the geometry for this each frame, so I've 
precomputed a set of 36 cell meshes, which covers 6 levels of tessellation, and 
6 seam types for each level. Each of these pre-computed meshes is an 
osg::Geometry object. I've done this so that, each frame, all I have to do is 
decide which grid cells are in the frustum, and which of the precomputed meshes 
to draw at each visible grid cell location.

I'm not quite sure how best to do this within the OSG paradigm, though. I 
thought about maybe creating an OceanGeode class that, during the cull 
traversal, wipes out its list of drawables, and then calculates how the grid 
should be laid-out, and then re-adds these Geometry objects back to its 
drawables list. However, I'm not sure if I can add the same Geometry object 
more than once, and even if I could, I'm not sure how I could instruct each 
drawable to draw in a different location, because if I recall correctly, 
drawables don't have their own transformation matrices.

To solve the last problem, I could pass down a grid coordinate to the shader 
and have the vertex shader transform it to the correct place. That is a 

Alternately, I could assign each pre-computed Geometry object to a separate 
Geode, and then give each of these Geodes 0 or more MatrixTransform parents. 
Then, each of those MatrixTransforms would share a single WaterNode parent that 
manages them all.

Or perhaps I should make my own WaterDrawable! But that would require knowing a 
great deal more about the whole rendering process in OSG than what I currently 
know (but I'm willing to read up on it if it is documented somewhere).

Does anyone have any advice on this? Even if it's just to point me towards an 
example or tutorial, that would be a huge help. I checked the Instancing 
example, but in that example, the number of instances is decided at Geometry 
creation time, and the positions of each of the instances is determined from 
the InstanceID, which is not what I'm looking for. I looked at the 
Precipitation example, which seems to have a similar scheme involving drawing 
the same geometry over and over in different grid cells, but I found it a bit 
difficult to understand.

And help would be greatly appreciated.


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[osg-users] Choosing a different cull mask for Viewer's master camera seems to mess up shadows...

2010-08-19 Thread Frank Sullivan
Hello friends,

I am trying to improve the way that we utilize node masks. Right now, the cull 
mask for our Viewer's master camera is set to 0x (all bits on). So, a 
node will always be drawn if _any_ of its node mask bits are set.

Right now, we're essentially using the node mask for three things:

1) To indicate whether the node should be drawn or is hidden
2) To indicate if the node should be a shadow caster
3) To indicate if the node should be a shadow receiver

To this end, we have three basic masks that we bitwise OR together:

visibleNodeMask 0x1
castsShadowsMask 0x2
receivesShadowsMask 0x4

So, a visible object that casts shadows, but does not receive them, would have 
a mask of 0x1 | 0x2 = 0x3. I'm sure you get the idea, as this seem pretty 

But the problem is, since our camera's cull mask is set to 0x, the 
visibility bit doesn't actually matter. If we want to hide an object, we have 
to set its node mask to zero. If we want to show an object that was previously 
hidden, we have to reconstruct its node mask, and that means we have to store 
its shadow state separately.

This is all very silly, so I decided to try and set our camera's cull mask to 
0x1. That way, the only bit that matters, as far as whether objects draw or 
not, is the visibility bit that we've already designated, and showing or hiding 
an object is a matter of simple, straightforward bitwise math.

So I did this:


And this seems to work fine, as far as determining which objects should be 
hidden and which objects should be shown, however now my shadows are messed up. 
I have a scene with one shadow caster, and the shadow appears as a full square 
below the caster. To me, it looks as though the camera that renders the shadow 
map is correctly identifying which object should be rendered, and adjusting its 
frustum to match the bounding box of this object. However, after the shadow map 
is rendered, the resulting shadow map is filled with depth values of zero (or 
nearly zero) -- almost as if it didn't actually render the caster into the 
shadow map.

Just in case, I took a look at my scene graph in the debugger, just to see what 
the nodes' masks looked like. They all seemed to be what I expected.

I know that you guys couldn't possibly tell me exactly what is causing my 
problem, because you have no idea what my code or scene graph looks like. 
However, I was hoping that perhaps this is a common-enough problem that has a 
well-known solution. Just a stab in the dark.

I was reading elsewhere that, when setting the cull mask of the camera, one 
should also set the inheritance mask like so:

osg::Node::NodeMask inheritanceMask = 
inheritanceMask |= ~(osg::CullSettings::CULL_MASK);

I have no idea what this does. I tried it, but it didn't seem to help.


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Re: [osg-users] Choosing a different cull mask for Viewer's master camera seems to mess up shadows...

2010-08-19 Thread Frank Sullivan
Well, I got it to draw something other than a square shadow. =)

Remember before I had said that the shadow appeared as a square-shape just 
below the shadow caster. It was about the right size and position for the 
caster, leading me to conclude that the shadow technique was correctly locating 
the shadow caster, and adjusting its view frustum to fit it prior to rendering 
the shadow map.

Well, it's doing the same thing now, but now instead of this square 'shadow 
region' being filled with shadow, it's filled with a pattern of dots. The cool 
thing is that, among the dots, I do see a silhouette of the shadow caster! 
However, this silhouette appears to be offset by half the width of the shadow 
region. Thus, half of it is cut off, and wraps around to the other side!

I don't know if you can picture that or not, but it's definitely very weird!

But I have learned some interesting things from this!

a) It's stable. That is, if I close the program down, and then start it back up 
again, I get the same exact pattern of dots with the 'offset and wrapped' 

b) The shadow map isn't updating from frame-to-frame anymore. I've tried moving 
the directional light source's direction around, as well as moved  rotated the 
shadow caster around. The shadow itself moves as expected, but it always looks 
the same. So, the position of the shadow changes, but the content of the shadow 
does not. It's like a projective texture with a static image of a weird shadow 
on it.

I also tried this. Instead of setting the cull mask to 'visibleMask ', I set it 
to visibleMask | castShadowMask | receiveShadowMask. Now, the shadowing works 
perfectly! However, it still leaves me with my original problem, which is that 
if I want to hide an object, I can't just turn its visibility bit off, I have 
to turn the shadow bits off as well.

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[osg-users] Moving Particle Effects

2010-07-15 Thread Frank Sullivan

I am hoping to create a particle effect that moves. However, I am having 
difficulty with this. If I call ParticleEffect::setPosition, it seems to have 
the effect of destroying the existing particle system and rebuilding it from 


void ParticleEffect::setPosition(const osg::Vec3 position)
if (_position==position) return;

_position = position;

if (_automaticSetup) setUpEmitterAndProgram();

The result of this seems to be that only 1 particle is emitted before the 
Effect is reset, causing perhaps 2-3 particles to be emitted per second rather 
than the 200 or so that I set as the rate.

So, I tried to instead add this ParticleEffect as a child of a MatrixTransform 
and, instead of moving the ParticleEffect with setPosition, I move the 
MatrixTransform instead. This has an interesting effect. The emitter itself 
seems to stay in the same exact spot. However, the particles have a definite 
inertia to them. I tried moving the MatrixTransform in a continuous circle on 
the x/y plane. The emitter didn't move, but the particles seemed to fly outward 
from this position, as if they knew they should be flying out at the circle's 
tangent, but weren't actually being emitted from changing positions on the 
circle's perimeter.

Lastly, I tried setting the useLocalParticleSystem value to false, not knowing 
what it was, but thinking it was worth a try. The result seems to be that no 
particles are emitted (or perhaps they are emitted somewhere where I can't see 

Does anyone have any idea how I can achieve this, hopefully without modifying 
OSG code?

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Moving Particle Effects

2010-07-15 Thread Frank Sullivan
That works very well, Jordi, thanks.

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[osg-users] Sub-tree picking

2010-06-30 Thread Frank Sullivan

I was wondering. I want to implement some picking, however I don't want to pick 
the entire scene graph. Just a sub-tree. 

I looked at osg::View::computeIntersections to try to replicate what it is 
doing. I have mimicked the code pretty much exactly, with one exception. 
Instead of having the camera accept the IntersectionVisitor, I have the root of 
my sub-tree accept it.

However, it doesn't seem to be working. The LineSegmentIntersector has zero 
intersections. However, if I switch to having the camera accept the 
IntersectionVisitor, then I get all of the intersections I'm expecting (and 
many that I don't want).

I tried a different approach: instead of having the sub-tree root accept the 
Visitor, have the camera accept it, since I know that works. However, give the 
root of my sub-tree a special nodemask so that the Visitor will affect it and 
ignore the others (the descendant nodes of this sub-tree root all have node 
masks of 0x so they will allow anything to traverse, but since the 
roots of the sub-trees that I'm interested in all have node masks of 0x1, this 
could work). The problem is, now I have to make sure that the _parents_ of 
these sub-tree roots all have this special bit set, which they don't, and 
managing that could be a pain.

I could just feed the Visitor to the camera, compute all intersections, and 
then try to suss out which node sub-trees were hit. This is sort of what I was 
doing before, but I found it to be a problem because our scene graph structure 
is not set up in a way that I can just look at a certain element in the 
NodePath to know what I hit. I write a fair amount of intelligence into it, and 
actually this is the way I _have_ been doing it, and I'm trying to move away 
from it because it's becoming unwieldy. I already have a list of the sub-tree 
roots that I care about, and I'd much rather just be able to ask one of these 
roots Have you been picked?

Does anyone have any suggestions? If so, that would be a huge help. Meanwhile, 
I keep plugging ahead and see what I find. Maybe the camera node is doing 
something to the IntersectionVisitor that I should know about? I'll take a look 
at that next.

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Sub-tree picking

2010-06-30 Thread Frank Sullivan
Thanks very much, J-S. That explains everything. Luckily, your first solution 
will work for me because there aren't any other transforms in the way. However, 
the more-general solution looks more interesting so I think I will give it a 
try! =D Could be useful later, who knows.


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[osg-users] A challenge with diamond-shaped graphs...

2010-05-14 Thread Frank Sullivan
Hello there,

Let's say I want two cars in the scene. What I currently do is I load the car 
file once, but I give it two matrix transform parents, like so:

This works well for me (the small graph stemming from the word 'car' is just 
there to emphasis that the car is actually a sub-tree of nodes and not a single 
object in of itself). 

The only problem is, what if I want these cars to move? As far as translating 
and rotating the cars, that's easy. I simply modify the matrix transforms, 
which I can do independently since they are separate objects.

But I want to make the wheels look as though they are turning as well. I 
accomplish this with a simple texture matrix. I simply find the node that 
represents each wheel, and I add a texture matrix to each of them that will 
slide the s/t coordinates of the wheels' textures so as to give the illusion 
that the wheels are turning.

This seems to work well also. Well enough for my purposes, anyway.

The problem is when I have two cars in the scene, and the graph looks like it 
does above, I can't turn the wheels on one car without turning them on the 
other as well.

Is the best solution to this to do a deep copy of the car's sub-graph rather 
than reusing the same sub-graph with two different matrix transforms?

Thank you!


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[osg-users] Sliding / Scrolling Textures

2010-04-08 Thread Frank Sullivan

I am just trying to implement some sliding textures for things like waterfalls 
and what have you. I figure that the best way to do this is to modify the 
texture matrix. So, if I want to slide a texture in the U direction by 0.1 
units, I would use a texture matrix that looks like this:

1.0 0.0 0.0 0.1
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0

Right? So I set out to do this, but it doesn't seem to work. I am wondering if 
anyone can help me make sure that I am doing this correctly? So the code I 
would use would look something like this, right?


// Create the texture matrix.
osg::Matrix textureMatrix;
textureMatrix.makeTranslate(0.1, 0.0, 0.0);

// Create the Texture Matrix attribute
osg::ref_ptrosg::TexMat textureMatrixAttribute = new osg::TexMat;

// Set the Texture Matrix attribute
osg::ref_ptrosg::StateSet stateSet = myNode-getOrCreateStateSet();
stateSet-setTextureAttribute(0, textureMatrixAttribute.get(), 
stateSet-setTextureMode(0, GL_TEXTURE_MATRIX, osg::StateAttribute::ON);

Is that about it? I'm having trouble getting this to work. If I call this code 
each frame, with a new texture offset each time (first argument of the 
makeTranslate method call above), I do not get a scrolling texture. Instead, 
the texture doesn't move.

Now, I know that this could be caused by a number of things, and that one could 
not possibly diagnose the problem for me without seeing the above code in the 
context of the entire system. However, I'm hoping that someone here will be 
able to spot something wrong about the above code, the solution to which might 
also be a solution to my problem. =) 

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Sliding / Scrolling Textures

2010-04-08 Thread Frank Sullivan

Skylark wrote:
 Hope this helps

It sure did! Thanks!

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[osg-users] Resizing a window

2010-01-22 Thread Frank Sullivan

I was just wondering what is required when resizing a window. I've done this 
with Direct3D, and what it does is basically take your front buffer surface and 
then it stretch blits it to the client area of your window. If you want to 
avoid distortion when the aspect ration changes, you must, at a minimum, change 
your perspective matrix to reflect the new aspect ratio. Ideally, you would 
also change the dimensions of your front/back buffers to exactly match the size 
of your client area, but this was a bit more complicated as it required 
resetting the device (which, in turn, requires unloading and re-loading some of 
your resources, if applicable).

Ok, so I haven't yet dealt with this issue in OpenGL. Would it require changing 
the rendering context, or possibly deleting it and creating a new one? I'm not 
sure, but I guess that is moot because I'm working with OSG and therefore those 
details are probably abstracted away to that extent.

So I guess I'm just wondering how I could do this with OSG. In this case, I am 
not having OSG launch the window for me. Instead, I have a Panel control in an 
already-existing application that I'm using to display the rendered scene. To 
do this, I am passing the Panel's HWND to a WindowData object, and then 
assigning that object to the inheritedWindowData member of the Traits object 
that I use to create the graphics context.

It works fine, but the image seems stretched horizontally, so I'd like to be 
able to fix that. Interestingly, I can't seem to 'fix' the stretching by 
resizing the Panel, which may be an indication that OSG, or something, is doing 
the aforementioned adjustments automatically, but in doing so, maintains the 
original aspect ratio, which as I said, results in a stretched image.

Thank you!


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[osg-users] Linking difficulties with C++\CLI

2009-12-08 Thread Frank Sullivan

I was wondering is anyone else has had experience with this problem.

I have written a DLL of my own, which is written in C++, and makes heavy use of 
OSG. It is written so that any application that needs to display a scene can 
simply link to this DLL:

OSG -- MyDLL -- App

This works fine, as long as the App is native C++. The App simply links to 
myDLL, and the OSG stuff comes with it.

However, when try to link to MyDLL from a C++\CLI App, I get a whole host of 
linker errors (unresolved external symbols), all referring to the OSG stuff.

If I link my C++\CLI app directly to the OSG libraries, the errors go away. 
However, I am curious as to why it couldn't find the symbols in MyDLL.

I thought that perhaps there was some C++\CLI quirk that prevented those 
symbols from 'carrying over'. To test this, I made two separate DLL projects, 
which I'll just call DLL_A and DLL_B, and tried linking them as follows:

DLL_A -- DLL_B -- C++\CLI App

And this works fine! So it appears to only be a problem with the OSG libraries, 
but I can't seem to figure out what that problem is. If I could, then maybe I 
could figure out how to build them differently.

Note: I am not 100% sure that this is a difference between native and managed 
C++. All I can say for sure is that I've built several native C++ apps that 
link to MyDLL without any problems. This C++\CLI project that I'm having 
trouble with is the first, and only, managed project that I've tried.

Thank you!


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[osg-users] Would someone be willing to help me diagnose a performance issue?

2009-11-10 Thread Frank Sullivan

I have two applications, both of which are displaying basically the same scene. 
One application runs at 230+ fps while the other runs at about 45 fps. I'm 
trying to figure out what is causing this performance difference. Using 
high-precision timers, I've been able to determine that the difference occurs 
somewhere in the rendering of the scene graph, but I'm not 100% sure where. I 
have a couple of ideas, but each will take some amount of time to investigate, 
and so I was hoping someone might be able to lead me towards the most-correct 

The first idea I had concerns differences in how the scene graphs are 
structured in each application. The quick app works simply by loading the three 
models that it needs (from FLT files, so these 'models' are in fact complex 
sub-graphs) and attaches them to the root node, and sets that root node as the 
scene data.

The slow app loads every model that could possibly ever be used (52 in all, and 
again each 'model' could actually be a complex sub-graph). These 52 nodes are 
then attached to the root, and their visibility is turned off by setting their 
node mask to 0. Then, if the user of the application wants to see a model, the 
app will copy the node (and all of it's children) and then add this copy to the 
scene root group, with the visibility turned on. This way, if the user of the 
app wants to populate the scene with many instances of the same model, they can 
do so, because each time they do it, a separate copy of the node is made.

I realize that there are a lot of things that can be done to make the slow app 
more memory-efficient. For instance, it could use lazy loading to load a model 
only when it is needed (although this may cause a noticeable delay, but that 
would probably be fine). And if the user wants to see several instances of this 
model, this could be accomplished without copying the model's entire subgraph. 
Instead, we could simply create a new matrix transform, and add THAT to the 
root, and add the model's node as a child of this new matrix transform (at 
which point, the model's node will have more than one Matrix Transform parent).

However, these issues seem to pertain more towards memory efficiency than 
rendering efficiency, so I'm not sure if this is going to solve my immediate 
problem (although it is almost certainly something I will implement later on).

Related to this, I was wondering if anyone had an explanation as to what the 
Camera / View statistics referred to. I read the Quick Start Guide, and it had 
excellent information about the Event/Update/Cull/Draw/GPU chart at the top of 
the statistics screen, but I'm not exactly sure what the statistics in the 
Camera / View windows refer to. For instance, does the Vertices stat refer to 
the total number of vertices in all of the drawables, whether those drawables 
are visible or not? The reason I ask is that, in terms of these statistics, 
both the Quick App and the Slow App have nearly-identical numbers in the View 
section, but in the Camera section, the Slow App's numbers are way, way, way 
higher. I wonder if this tells me something about how to optimize the Slow App 
to bring it up to speed.

The other major difference I noticed was in the threading model. The Quick App 
uses DrawThreadPerContext and the Slow App uses SingleThreaded. I tried getting 
the slow app to use DrawThreadPerContext by setting the environment variable, 
but it ignored that value and chose the SingleThreaded model for me. I can 
probably figure out why this happens, but I'm curious to know if you think this 
will affect performance much?

Thanks so much to whomever has patience to read all this!

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Re: [osg-users] Would someone be willing to help me diagnose a performance issue?

2009-11-10 Thread Frank Sullivan
Thanks for all of your help and suggestions, people.

My plan for the last hour or so has been to first follow Philip's suggestion to 
see if I can get the Quick App to start behaving like the Slow App. My first 
step toward that goal was to replicate that 'object cache' by loading all 52 
objects, adding them to the scene graph, each with their node masks zero'ed 
out. Then, for the three objects I actually want to display, I add them again 

It turns out that this had little effect on frame rate. The Quick App is still 
quick. Although I still find Frederic's suggestion helpful and I plan on 
implementing it later, it doesn't look like it will affect the frame rate much, 
which is what I'm after at this point.

So for my next step, I forced the Quick App to use the SingleThreaded model, 
which is the one that the Slow App uses. This actually seemed to give me a 
slight performance boost! Probably because, as Frederick mentioned, I only need 
a single thread for one display window (which is what I have) and so if 
anything, changing to SingleThreaded sped things up a bit, perhaps by getting 
rid of the overhead of managing multiple threads.

So, the culprit is neither the 'object cache' nor the threading model. I will 
have to keep plugging ahead I guess.

One difference I did notice, though, is that the numbers in the Camera stats 
window are still much, much higher in the Slow App than either versions of the 
Quick App. 

Slow App
Lights: 0
Bins: 30
Depth: 0
Matrices: 15,789
Imposters: 0
Drawables: 15,789
Vertices: 1,361,039

Quick App (without Object Cache)
Lights: 0
Bins: 9
Depth: 0
Matrices: 1,379
Imposters: 0
Drawables: 1,379
Vertices: 299,982

Quick App (with Object Cache)
Lights: 0
Bins: 9
Depth: 0
Matrices: 1,379
Imposters: 0
Drawables: 1379
Vertices: 300,530

I'm not sure exactly what these numbers mean. I thought that perhaps they 
referred to the total number of objects in the scene graph, whether visible or 
invisible, and whether or not they are in the viewing frustum. However, I 
noticed that the numbers change slightly depending on where I place the camera 
(therefore, I tried to place the camera in the same position for each of the 
data samples above to get the most comparable results). Also, if that were the 
case, then Quick App (with Object Cache) should have numbers comparable to Slow 
App -- they both have the exact same objects loaded and attached to the scene 
graph. However, both versions of the Quick App have similar numbers, while the 
Slow App numbers are way, way higher.

If anyone can help explain what these stats actually refer to, I think I may be 
able to track this problem down.

Thanks again,

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Re: [osg-users] Would someone be willing to help me diagnose a performance issue?

2009-11-10 Thread Frank Sullivan
Thanks, Bryan, I'll try and see if there's anything causing multiple re-draws 
of the geometry or something.

Do you happen to know what the stats under the 'View' column refer to, in this 
case? E.g., StateSet, Group, Transform, Geode, Drawable, etc. These seem to 
refer more to higher-level osg concepts, except that this window, too, has a 
Vertices state which is slightly different than the one under the Camera column 
(in the Slow App's case, it's 231,648 Unique and 1,389,888 Instance).

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Re: [osg-users] Would someone be willing to help me diagnose a performance issue?

2009-11-10 Thread Frank Sullivan
Thanks again, guys.

Jean-Sebastien, I apologize, but I did not notice your reply until just now!

I didn't write the Slow App code myself, but I do have the power to change it, 
if only on my local machine to test things. You are correct that, in both apps, 
the hierarchy is very flat, with a single group node, which I'll call the 
'Scene Root', and all of the objects in the scene are children of this Scene 
Root, and siblings of one another.

Although, by 'Object', what I really mean is a MatrixTransform that has, as its 
child, the root of a subgraph that contains many geodes, drawables, statesets, 
etc. It is the Matrix Transform that is given the 0x00 node mask in both the 
Quick App and in the Slow App. So, it SHOULD be enough to stop the cull visitor 
right away, and prevent it from looking any deeper into these objects' 

However, the way I did it in my Quick App is much simpler than how it is done 
in the Slow App. In the Quick App, for each object in the scene, I:

- Load the FLT file  assign the result to a Node*
- Create a new Matrix Transform
- Set the Node* as a child of the Matrix Transform
- Set the Matrix Transform as a child of the Scene Root
- Set the Matrix Transform's node mask to 0x00

However, in the Slow App, there's actually a Model class of our own making, 
that has an osg::Group* member that stores a reference to the model's parent 
node, and an osg::MatrixTransform* that stores a reference to the model's 
Matrix Transform. The constructor of this class follows the same basic steps I 
outlined above, in order to wire everything together, but it's possible that 
I'm overlooking something amongst the added complexity.

Thanks again,

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Re: [osg-users] Would someone be willing to help me diagnose a performance issue?

2009-11-10 Thread Frank Sullivan
Hey guys,

Just an update: it looks like someone turned off the side culling in the Slow 
App. This wasn't the case in my Quick App, so I guess that explains both the 
low frame rates and the comparatively high stats.

The Slow App is still only running at 65 fps or so, but my profile data now 
indicates that the scene graph / rendering is no longer the bottleneck.

So, I think that about wraps it up! Thanks to everyone for your help.


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[osg-users] Rendering a depth texture quickly

2009-10-20 Thread Frank Sullivan
Hello everyone,

I've implemented a feature that is similar to shadow mapping in that I first 
have to render the scene from another point of view, and this rendering is 
depth-only. I'm not using it for shadows, but this first depth-only pass is 
conceptually the same.

So right now, I have all the objects in the scene arranged in a subgraph, and 
this subgraph is attached to the viewer, as well as to a pre-render camera, 
which renders the depth texture.

And one thing I'm wondering about is, it seems like this is inefficient, 
because during that first pass, I only need the depth. So, there's no need to 
actually set  sample any textures, or do any other effects that these objects 
in the subgraph would normally use when rendering.

Is it possible to perhaps override the normal rendering of the entire subgraph 
by, perhaps, setting the objects to use a simple set of shaders that does 
nothing but transform the vertices and render the depth? Could I do this using 
the camera node?

Frank Sullivan

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Re: [osg-users] Rendering a depth texture quickly

2009-10-20 Thread Frank Sullivan
Hi Paul,

Yes, that is what I meant, thank you. So, I guess the thing I'm wondering about 
is, if I add a shader to the camera's state set, how do I ensure that this 
shader isn't overridden by the child nodes? For instance, if there is a Geode 
in this subgraph with a conflicting state set (let's say it has a shader of its 
own), won't that state set override the camera's?


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Re: [osg-users] Rendering a depth texture quickly

2009-10-20 Thread Frank Sullivan
Thanks again, Paul. That looks like it will work nicely.

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Re: [osg-users] Cameras View Matrix - I am perplexed

2009-10-16 Thread Frank Sullivan
I think that makes a lot of sense, Paul. After learning about this yesterday, 
it took me about a half hour to think it all through, and realize that it's all 
pretty much equivalent and boils down to arbitrary choices about how you want 
to orient your scene.


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[osg-users] [forum] Cameras View Matrix - I am perplexed

2009-10-15 Thread Frank Sullivan

I was wondering if someone could help explain the camera's view matrix to me. 
The reason I ask is that, when I look at it in the debugger, it is not at all 
what I expected it to be.

Here's what I am doing. Before calling osg::Viewer::run(), I set the camera 
manipulator, and set its home position, like so:


viewer.setCameraManipulator(new osgGA::TrackballManipulator);
viewer.getCameraManipulator()-setHomePosition(osg::Vec3d(0.0, 500.0, 30.0), 
osg::Vec3d(0.0, 480.0, 30.0), osg::Vec3d(0.0, 0.0, 1.0));

As you can probably tell, this should amount to placing the camera at 0,500,30 
and then swinging it around 180 degrees on the Z axis, such that we're looking 
directly down the -Y axis.

So if I wanted to create a world matrix for this camera, I would first create a 
180 degree z-rotation matrix:

-1 0 0 0
0 -1 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1

And then I would multiply it against the translation matrix:

1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 500 30 1

Which yields:

-1 0 0 0
0 -1 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 500 30 1

So if there is a point that is [1,1,1] relative to the camera, multiplying it 
by this matrix would yield [-1,499,31], which looks to be the correct 
world-space position.

On the other hand, if I wanted to know what the point [-1, 499, 31] is relative 
to the camera, I would need to know the inverse of the camera's world matrix, 
which is the view matrix, which happens to be what my question is about. So 
anyway, when I calculate the inverse of the camera's world matrix, I get:

-1 0 0 0
0 -1 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 500 -30 1

Multiplying my world-space vector [-1, 499, 31] by this matrix yields [1, 1, 
1], which is what I want. So, I'm satisfied that this is correct.

The problem is, when I actually call osg::Camera::getViewMatrix() for this 
camera, what I get instead is:

1- 0 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 1 0 0
0 -30 -500 1

..and multiplying [-1, 499, 31] by this yields [1, 1, -1], which is close, but 
not what I'm looking for (and I suspect it would be way off if I were 
multiplying with more interesting vectors).

The thing is, the scene seems to render properly, and if I call 
osg::Matrix::getLookAt() on this (seemingly incorrect) view matrix, it gives me 
the correct values for the eye, center, and up vectors.

So I was hoping someone could explain to me why this works the way that it 
does, perhaps by pointing out an error in my reasoning. I am trying to 
implement a shader that is similar to shadow mapping, and it's not working, and 
this is the only step along the way that isn't working as I expected it to.

Frank Sullivan[/code]

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Re: [osg-users] Cameras View Matrix - I am perplexed

2009-10-15 Thread Frank Sullivan
Thanks Thomas,

Yeah, I think you are right. I don't have it all worked out in my head how the 
coordinate system switch from osg and OpenGL occur. But I notice, now, that 
when I try to get getLookAt() on an identity matrix, I get:

eye: 0, 0, 0
center: 0, 0, -1
up: 0, 1, 0

Instead of what I expected:

eye: 0, 0, 0
center: 0, 1, 0
up: 0, 0, 1

i.e., the identity matrix still has me looking down the -z axis, just like 
OpenGL, even though in the osg World, I'm looking downwards. 

Thanks again,

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