Re: [PHP] MySQL get second row problem

2003-10-02 Thread Petre Agenbag
Either limit your query to return only the second row ( look in mysql
manual for the limit caluse), or you will need to move the array counter
forward one for the $row_rsLastL = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsLastL)
operation.(php manual under array functions)

On Thu, 2003-10-02 at 12:10, Joe Harman wrote:
> Hello... I am having just alittle trouble with this... I know it's
> simple... Look at my comment for the problem I am having
>mysql_select_db($database_ideation, $ideation);
>   $query_rsLastL = "SELECT * FROM logins WHERE user_id = '$UserID'
> ORDER BY `date` DESC";
>   $rsLastL = mysql_query($query_rsLastL, $ideation) or
> die(mysql_error());
>   $row_rsLastL = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsLastL);
>   $totalRows_rsLastL = mysql_num_rows($rsLastL);
> // Prints the first row... I just want to print just the second row
>   echo $row_rsLastL['date'];
>   mysql_free_result($rsLastL);
> ?>
> Thanks

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Re: [PHP] Accumulated Information in DB??

2003-10-01 Thread Petre Agenbag
As the previous comment states: MySQL is a DB, it's built to store data,
so it's pretty good at it, and the limiting factors re usually your
However, just one thought. I am always very protective of my databases.
If data is never going to change and no other process will be accessing
the data , then I usually think twice before i store it in a db. It
sounds to me like these reports are pretty "static" once they are run,
ie, they are date dependant ( report xyz for the period 2000-01-01 to
2001-01-01), and arguably, the data that was used to generate that
specific report is also "fixed" in history. So my assumption would be
that the report would also never change again. So, if that is the case,
why not generate the report, and simply save the "static" html version
of the report on the file system as a normal html file?

If your reports are not as my assumption states, then simply store them
in mysql, i assure you it can handle it. As I stated, you must just be
aware of hardware and your OS/filesystem limitation wrt table sizes.

On Wed, 2003-10-01 at 08:39, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi all, 
>I am having some doubts here and hope to hear some advices/solutions from
> all of you out there. Right now, I have a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly
> reports which stores information on all my customers. These info will of course,
> be stored in the DB.(MySQL). As all these reports are not to be deleted, it will
> accumulate as years go by. And so, my question is: is it possible to have such a
> system in my project and how should I go about doing it??Can the MySQL DB hold
> all this big chunk of info?
> These report info are to be viewed in a graphical format(PHP Graph)later on
> Regards, 
> Irin.

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Re: [PHP] Returns..

2003-09-19 Thread Petre Agenbag

On Fri, 2003-09-19 at 13:27, Chris Mach wrote:
> I have a simple little script that displays news articles that are stored in
> mySQL database.
> However, when the script displays the data, it doesn't recognize the
> returns/enters. So I have to put  when ever I want a new paragraph
> to begin.
> How can I get my script to recognize the returns? is there any functions for
> this type of thing?
> Thanks

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Re: [PHP] navigation question

2003-09-15 Thread Petre Agenbag
The function is correct, BUT, it looks like you are trying to run this
script off one server and then attempting to "feed" the function a
directory structure off another server.

Your code will work "as-is" if you run the script off my_domain2, but it
won't work if you run it off my_domain asking for a directory structure
located on my_domain2.

I am not sure that opendir() can work like this, and you would probably
need to look at some remote file functions like the ftp functions...

On Mon, 2003-09-15 at 08:38, Andre wrote:
> Hello,
> For my website I use some PHP code for navigation. Therefore I use a
> directory structure which contains some navigation files the visitor can
> open. The directory structure looks like this:
> my_domain
>  |
>  - /navigation
>  |  - file_1.html
>  |  - file_2.html
>  |  - file_3.html
>  |
>  -/images
>  :
>  :
> The name of the files the visitor can open (file_1file_3) I detect from
> reading the files in the directory "navigation". The function I use is this:
> $handle=opendir("./navigation/");
> $counter=0;
> while ($file = readdir($handle)) {
>  $the_type = strrchr($file, ".");
>  $is_html = eregi("htm",$the_type);
>  if ($file != "." and $file != ".." and $is_html) {
>$newsflash[$counter] = $file;
>  }
> }
> closedir($handle);
> rsort($newsflash);
> reset($newsflash);
> With some other code I can echo the different files, this code works on the
> same server. Now I want to read the navigation files from a different server
> (my_domain2), then I get an error and the name of the files are not shown.
> When I try it with Apache on my local computer an error is shown on the
> first line
>  $handle=opendir("http://domain2/navigation/";);
> Is there an other way of getting the filenames from a different server? The
> directory structure at my_domain is equal to my_domain2. Apparently the
> function opendir is not correct, can someone help me?
> Thanks in advance,
> Andr

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[PHP] reboot pc with PHP

2003-08-28 Thread Petre Agenbag
Hi List

I've gone through the list for previous questions and the only one that
seems to be a solution is to use sudo, however, I cannot seem to get it

Just as background:

I want to make a small "admin" utill for an intranet machine, so the
security risks don't bother me at all.

Instead of myself having to ssh into the box to reboot or do other
"routine" commands, I'd like to make a simple password protected webpage
that would have simple links on them like "reboot", "redial" etc, so
that someone with some sort of responsibility can do it themselves.

Obviously these command(s) need to be run as root, so I looked at the
/etc/sudoers and added apache , BUT, in the error log it prompts for a

I tried to add the option NOPASSWD: ALL to the file, but it says there's
a syntax error.

What am I missing?

Any other ways of doing this?  PS, I don't even want to consider Webmin,
it's way too complicated, I just want a handfull of predefined commands
to be run, nothing else)


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RE: [PHP] Nestled 'while's or 'for's or 'foreach's -- I'm lost

2003-08-17 Thread Petre Agenbag
OK, Difficult to see from your pseudo code EXACTLY what it is that you
want to do, but I'll take a stab anyway...

Firstly, instead of using your elaborate ways of running through the
result set and extracting the variables, use something like this:

$sql = "whatever";
$result = mysql_query($sql);

echo 'ID...

while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
//or $id = $myrow[id]; etc.
//construct your table here
echo ''.$id.'...';
echo '';

You must also remember that in cases where you do "limit" queries, and
want to "continue" on the next page, you must remember that your result
will NOT contain the "next" page's data. You will need to do another
query with the new "limit" data. It *looks* like this is what you are in
fact attempting in your code, just making sure...

In your case, I would say the easiest is to call the page onto itself.
Ie, your first query will be 
$sql = "whatever limit 0,6";

it will return the (maximum) 6 rows and then, on your "next" link you
should include the data for the next query. Ie, create a link like this:


Meaning that you call up the same page that you used to display the
first query results, but you pass it different values for the start and
limit numbers in the query ( x,y ).

To recap, one of you biggest mistakes in the pseudo code below is that
you open a the  inside the while and close it as well (which is
fine if you want to create a table for each row you display , BUT, you
close the table again AFTER the while, that *could* cause the HTML to
freak out. So, the reason your app is not working is probably not PHP
related, but related to the fact that you are creating erroneous HTML
with your PHP. The pseudo code you are using *should* work, although, as
I stated above, there are easier and more efficient ways of doing the
same thing as per my example...

-Original Message-
From: Verdon vaillancourt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2003 9:47 PM
To: 'PHP-General'
Subject: [PHP] Nestled 'while's or 'for's or 'foreach's -- I'm lost

Hi, somewhat newbie warning :)

I'm trying to take a paged result set and divide it into two chunks for
displaying on the page. Basically making something that looks like a
thumbnail gallery. I'm limiting my result set to 6 records and want to
display it as 2 rows of 3 cells with a record in each cell. I've had no
trouble getting my result set, paging etc. I'm not having much luck
splitting my result into 2 chunks. I've tried nestling 'while'
with a number of arguments and either end up with no results or a loop
seemingly never ends. That lead me to looking at some other apps which
seemed to use a variety of ways to achieve what I want. That lead me to
looking at 'for' and 'foreach' in the php manual. And that lead me to
more confused than I was before I started ;) Sometimes there's just too
ways to skin a cat, eh!

Below, I've include a rather lengthy bit of pseudo code that represents
basically where I'm at now. This particular version returns no results,
though I know it's just the nestled while's that are causing this. The
results are there. My research makes me think that I should replace the
nestled while's with 'foreach's. I was kind of hoping that before I
spend a
few hours trying to puzzle out how to use the 'foreach's correctly that
somebody would venture an opinion as to whether or not that would be the
to go.

Thanks in advance for any advice,

-- pseudo code --

 0) {

$x = 0;

echo "Page of Pieces";

while ( $x < $numberall ) {
// Retreiving data and putting it in local variables for each
$id = mysql_result ($resultall ,$x ,"id");
$title = mysql_result ($resultall ,$x ,"title");
$description = mysql_result ($resultall ,$x ,"description");
$thumb = mysql_result ($resultall ,$x ,"thumb");
$company = mysql_result ($resultall ,$x ,"company");

echo "";
echo "";

while ($x >= 0 && $x < 4)

echo "";
if ($thumb) {
echo "thumbnail with a link";
} else {
echo "text with a link";
echo "$title";
echo "$company";
echo "$description";
echo "";
$x ++;

echo "";
echo "";

while ($x > 3 && $x < $numberall)

echo "";
if ($thumb) {
echo "thumbnail with a link";
} else {
echo "text with a link";
echo "$title";
echo "$company";
echo "$description";
echo "";

Re: [PHP] What does -> mean?

2003-08-14 Thread Petre Agenbag
You should read up on classes and objects in the manual.

On Thu, 2003-08-14 at 09:14, James Johnson wrote:
> Hello,
> I've searched through Zend and and can't find the answer.
> In the following code:
>  $this->vendor = $vendor; 
> What does the -> mean or do?
> Thanks,
> James

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[PHP] Mysql query and PHP loops

2003-07-31 Thread Petre Agenbag
Hi List

I've been trying to do something with one MySQL query, but I don't think
it is possible, so, I would need to probably do multiple queries, and
possibly have queries inside loops, but I am rather weary of that so,
I'd like your views/possible solutions to doing the following:

Consider this:

id  val1val2val3
1   a   1   1
2   b   2   3
3   a   1   2
4   b   2   1
5   c   3   3
6   c   2   1

I need to query this table to return this:

id  val1val2val3
3   a   1   2
4   b   2   1
6   c   2   1

Thus, I need to firstly only return ONE row for each val1, and that row
MUST be that last row (ie, the row with the highest id, OR, should val3
for instance be a date, then with the highest date).

if I do a

select distinct val1, MAX(id) from table order by val1, then it returns 

id  val1
3   a   
4   b   
6   c   

which is correct, BUT
select distinct val1, MAX(id), val2 from table order by val1

it returns

id  val1val2
3   a   1   
4   b   2   
6   c   3   <--- incorrect

it then returns the FIRST "hit" for val2 in the db, and NOT the one in
the row with the max id...

Can I do this with one query? ( PS, I cannot use MAX on val2 or val3,
they are text)


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Re: [PHP] Why wouldn't a simple script work on my server thatworks on other servers?

2003-07-29 Thread Petre Agenbag
Look;s like he has short_open_tags = on in php.ini, BUT, as I understand
it, this is a supplemental setting, meaning that it does not disable the
use of the (proper)  I have a client who had me upload a relatively simple script to his
> server.  Oddly, it does not work there but works every where else I test
> it.  AND he has other PHP scripts running on his server.
> So I checked out his server and all scripts are of the form:
>  // some functionality
> ?>
> versus my scripts as
> ?>
> Why would this affect things?
> -Dan

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[PHP] MySQL query/PHP logic?

2003-07-29 Thread Petre Agenbag
Hi List
 OK, I've posted this on the MySQL list as well, but it seems a bit quiet
there, and arguably it could definately be a PHP rather than mysql question
depending on whether it can be done with one query (then it was/is a mysql
query), or whether it should be done with some structures and multiple
queries ( then it's arguably PHP).

So, here goes.

I'm trying to return from multiple tables, the records that have field
"information_sent" between two dates.
The tables are all related by means of the id of the entry in the main
table, ie..

id  entity_name ...

id_fof  id  information_sent ...

id_pub  id  information_sent ...


So, I tried the following join

select * from main
left join fof on =
left join pub on =
left join gov on =
left join med on =
left join ngo on =
left join own on =
left join sup on =
left join tra on =
where (
(fof.information_sent > '$date1' and fof.information_sent < '$date2')
(pub.information_sent > '$date1' and pub.information_sent < '$date2')
(gov.information_sent > '$date1' and gov.information_sent < '$date2')
(med.information_sent > '$date1' and med.information_sent < '$date2')
(ngo.information_sent > '$date1' and ngo.information_sent < '$date2')
(own.information_sent > '$date1' and own.information_sent < '$date2')
(sup.information_sent > '$date1' and sup.information_sent < '$date2')
(tra.information_sent > '$date1' and tra.information_sent < '$date2')
order by entity_name

BUT, although it seems to be "joining" the tables correctly AND only
returning the ones with the correct date criteria, it does NOT return
the "id" or the "information_sent" fields correctly ( due to duplication
in the result )

Can this be done in one query without sub-selects, or should it be broken up
(in which case I would still need help with the logic and to minimize the
amount of queries inside loops)


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RE: [PHP] Bizarre SQl, if issue....

2003-07-29 Thread Petre Agenbag
Hi Mike, List

Where is the $place variable coming from that you use in your query's where
I hope it is not being POST'ed or GET'ed (sic), cause then you might have
the dreaded old register_globals issue.

Humour me,

echo your sql string in your code and see if it actually has something in
the $place.

-Original Message-
From: Mike At Spy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2003 9:25 PM
To: Jay Blanchard; Mike At Spy; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [PHP] Bizarre SQl, if issue

> [snip]
> > $person = mysql_query("The Query");
> > $thecount = mysql_num_rows($person);
> > echo "$thecount \n";
> >
> > And tell us what $thecount is...
> Returns 0 (zero).
> [/snip]
> Then
> if($thecount == 0){
>$whatever = 1;
> } else {
>$whatever = 4;
> }
> $whatever should be 1

But that is my point - and I think we are going in circles now.  It just
doesn't do that.  It returns 4 (as per your example). :\


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Re: [PHP] PHP should know my data!

2003-07-25 Thread Petre Agenbag
Quit horsing around fellas, what if the developers take interest in this
thread and decide it's a good idea to release PHP6 with cranial
electrodes that will detect "what I want to do", and instead of me
having to code the application, PHP will just spit out the
application... That way our bosses won't need us...


On Fri, 2003-07-25 at 15:08, Comex wrote:
> Step Schwarz:
> > I'm trying to open a pop-up window with PHP but I keep getting an
> > error. HELP!  Does anyone know if they plan to fix this
> > bug in PHP5? 
> LOL!

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RE: [PHP] I'm really getting annoyed with PHP

2003-07-23 Thread Petre Agenbag
If you want to "use PHP", then you must use the headers() function. BUT,
with the header function, you MUST make sure that there will be absolutely
NO output to the page before the header() function is called, not even a
Otherwise, you can simply use a meta refresh...

-Original Message-
From: Beauford.2005 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 24, 2003 9:41 PM
Subject: [PHP] I'm really getting annoyed with PHP

Yes, I'm still screwing around with this stupid redirection thing, and
either I'm just a total idiot or there are some serious problems with
PHP. I have now tried to do it another way and - yes - you guessed it.
It does not work.

I mean really, it can not be this hard to redirect a user to another
page. If it is, then I must look into using something else as I just
can't be wasting days and days on one minor detail that should take 30
seconds to complete.

If anyone has some concrete suggestion on how to get this to work It
would be greatly appreciated. In the mean time I have given up on it as
I am just totally pissed off at it.


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Re: [PHP] How to execute a bat file on the Apache server

2003-07-22 Thread Petre Agenbag
Well, firstly, you should not have to use the double \\ when using the
single quotes, try it without and see if it works...


 exec('c:\WINNT\system32\cmd.exe /c START c:\test.bat > c:\xxx.txt');
> ?>

On Mon, 2003-07-21 at 16:34, Mikael wrote:
> Hello all, I am trying to execute a bat file, and its not working. I manage
> to get the CMD in the "win task list" however its not executing the bat
> file, and its not closing it self...?? What I need it for is to execute a
> modem to send a SMS. I got that working but the php stuff is not really my
> please, I need some help.
> I have tried:
>  exec('c:\\WINNT\\system32\\cmd.exe /c START c:\\test.bat > c:\\xxx.txt');
> ?>
> Os:win 2000
> Can anyone sheed some light on this...?
> Thanks in advance

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RE: [PHP] Register Globals

2003-07-21 Thread Petre Agenbag
a simple extract($_POST) or extract($_GET) would also work

On Mon, 2003-07-21 at 14:22, stfmoreau wrote:
> Hi,
> include this code in your header file :
>   // _GET
>   if (isset($_GET))
>   while (list($key, $val) = each($_GET))
>   {
>   eval ("$".$key." = '".$val."';");
>   }
>   // _POST
>   if (isset($_POST))
>   while (list($key, $val) = each($_POST))
>   {
>   eval ("$".$key." = '".$val."';");
>   }
>   // _SESSION
>   if (isset($_SESSION))
>   while (list($key, $val) = each($_SESSION))
>   {
>   eval ("$".$key." = '".$val."';");
>   }
> It may works (I have not expirimence it)
> Stf
> -Message d'origine-
> De : Daryl Meese [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Envoyé : lundi 21 juillet 2003 14:18
> Objet : [PHP] Register Globals
> I would like to rewrite my scripts to work when register globals is off.
> The problem is that my scripts encompass several thousand files.  Does
> anyone have any suggestions for an effective tool to help in this process?
> Daryl Meese
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Protecting files with PHP

2003-07-17 Thread Petre Agenbag
If you place files inside a webfolder, then they are publicly
accessible, period.

They might not be obvious, ie. you would have to guess that there are
files in a specific folder AND know the exact name of the file, but if
you do happen to guess correct, then the files are downloadable.

There are ways to still have files in "public" folders and have a
measure of extra protection, but that is up to your webserver, and not
PHP. Use .htaccess to place a username/password on the folder, or better
yet, you can use ftp, but then you place the files outside the
webfolder. PHP has built in ftp functions that would allow you to create
a pretty secure system to give access to files.

On Thu, 2003-07-17 at 15:58, Maria Garcia Suarez wrote:
> Hi there!
> I'm developing an application to which you can upload
> files. Right now the destination folder of those files
> is at /public_html/files which makes them visible from
> the internet.
> I thought of putting that ./files/ folder outside the
> ./public_html/ folder and make those files be only
> accessible via PHP pages (if the pages doesn't display
> a link to that folder there's no way to download the
> file). But, there's any way to keep on having the
> ./files/ folder inside ./public_html/ and have those
> files protected? Right now to identify users
> (authenticate them) I use session variables... it
> should be a protection that could be used together
> with session variables
> Thanks a lot.
> Kisses,
> Maria
> __
> Do you Yahoo!?
> SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!

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[PHP] really no way to get byte size of variable?

2003-07-16 Thread Petre Agenbag
Hi List
Just want to make sure:

Is there no way for me to easily determine the byte size occupied by a
variable (regardless of type)?

It might be trivial, or I'm missing the point (as per usual)...

I would like to find the actual byte size that is transmitted when say a
$_POST variable is sent, or how much memory a particular variable is taking

Just want to make sure. Some of the post received so far suggest that "one
character = one byte" etc, but I would love to work with something more
precise if possible, also, is a variable contains a multi-dimensional array,
would that "one character = one byte" formula still return a fair


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RE: [PHP] get size of variable n bytes

2003-07-16 Thread Petre Agenbag
Yes, well, that complicates things.

You see, I'm trying to determine the size that the $_POST variable will be
in bytes, because there is a byte limit in the php.ini file for POST
variable size, so I was hoping for something easy like bytes_size($_POST)...
Would also be handy to calculate how much memory your script will use/need.

So, you say there is no such function or no way to determine it?

-Original Message-
From: David Nicholson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] get size of variable n bytes


This is a reply to an e-mail that you wrote on Wed, 16 Jul 2003 at 15:31,
lines prefixed by '>' were originally written by you.
> One way would be to assume that 1 character takes 1 byte to store
> so...
>   $sizeinbytes = strlen($field);

Also, this will only work with text data as numbers types, bool types etc
will be stored differently.


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[PHP] get size of variable n bytes

2003-07-16 Thread Petre Agenbag
Hi List

Sorry, tried to find it in manual...

I'd like to query a db and and see how big the result is in bytes. How
can I do that?


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Re: [PHP] elegant way of doing something else the last timethrough a loop? SOLVED

2003-07-16 Thread Petre Agenbag

Yes, I see your point.
Guess I'm way too trusting a person, should think like a criminal...

So you're basically saying I should always place sensible "default
values" in my script and then compare the $_POST vars, else stick to the
default, ie, have the $_POST overwrite your default before the script
can use it?


On Tue, 2003-07-15 at 17:39, David Otton wrote:
> On Tue, 15 Jul 2003 16:47:22 +0200, you wrote:
> >Well, it should never be, it comes from a drop down that only has 3 options,
> >any, all or exact
> >Any caveats there?
> "You can't trust the client". I can submit any data I want to your script,
> most easily by knocking up my own form:
> In this particular case, it's no big deal - your script exits gracelessly,
> but no real harm is done. However, the same class of attack (injecting
> unexpected data into a script) can cause far more serious problems.
> What I'm trying to say is that it will pay off in the future if you learn a
> defensive coding style now. Assume that all input from the outside world is
> potentially malicious.
> The code we're takling about can easily be made safe:
> $logic = "exact";
> if ($_POST[any_all] == "any") {
>   $logic = "or";
> } elseif ($_POST[any_all] == "all") {
>   $logic = "and";
> }
> BTW, try putting
> error_reporting(E_ALL);
> at the top of the script to flag the string literal problem I mentioned
> originally, and see what happens if any_all isn't in the $_POST array at
> all.

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Re: [PHP] Help with loop inside loop and mysql queries - SOLVED

2003-07-16 Thread Petre Agenbag

Needed to reset the $XXX and $YYY vars BEFORE the for loop...

Anyway, should you have nothing better to do, plz look through and see
if there is a "better" way to do this with possibly less queries made on
the db...


On Wed, 2003-07-16 at 09:25, Petre Agenbag wrote:
> Hi List.
> I cannot see my error:
> I have relation tables setup.
> main
> identity_name main_type   etc etc date_in
> 1 testtype1   x   y   2003-06-02
> 2 test2   type2   xx  yy  2003-03-11
> 3 test3   type1   xxx yyy 2003-02-02
> type1
> id_type1  id  field1  field2  field3  
> 1 1   1st rec (1) 2003-07-07  -00-00  
> 2 3   1st rec (3) 2003-07-10  2003-07-12
> 3 1   2nd rec (1) 2003-07-13  -00-00
> type2
> id_type2  id  field1  field2
> 1 2   1st rec (2) 2003-01-23
> 2 2   2nd rec (2) 2003-07-07
> etc...
> So, what I'm trying to do is this:
> On a search page, the user selects a date range   to view the records in
> the main table.
> What I want to display now on the result page (code below), is something
> like this:
> Date Captured NameLast Action Date of Action
> 2003-02-02test3   field3  2003-07-12
> 2003-03-11test2   field2  2003-07-07
> 2003-06-02testfield2  2003-07-13
> In the above examples, if there are dates as record entries, then the
> field_type is "date". The field_name is the "action" name, like "info
> sent", "contact made" etc, so if there is a non-zero date in the field,
> it means that specific "action" happened that day.
> So in the code below I tried to 
> 1) query the table for all the entries in the data range ( for my
> example, the date range was wide enough to include ALL)
> 2) Make sure that I have the "last" row for the specific entity by
> looking for the max id in the related table matching the main table's
> id.
> 3) Once I know that id, I query the "sub" table for all the fields in
> that row.
> Then I tried to run through all the fields in the result set and get the
> "highest" date from that row, else fall back to the original capture
> date_in in the main table (meaning that no "actions" have yet been taken
> (when I enter something in the main table, it automatically enters a new
> row in the $main_type table with default "zero" dates)
> My problem is somewhere in the code, but I cannot see where (maybe my
> logic sucks with the whole thing?)
> It returns the correct stuff for the first entry, but then takes the
> same for the rest (as if it's not going back to the beginning of the
> loop, or not resetting the values)
> I use a class that does the connect and querying to the db. I'm 100%
> sure the class is correct, I'm not 100% sure if I USE it correct
> though...
> Any help appreciated.
> include ("main_class.php");
> $db = new my_db_class;
> $db ->connect("localhost","user","password","db");
> if ($_GET[st] == "date") {
> $sql = "select * from main where (date_in > '$_POST[date_1]' and date_in
> < '$_POST[date_2]') order by entity_name";
> }
> //echo $sql.'';
> $db ->query($sql); 
> if ($sql) {
> echo 'Date InNameLast
> ActionDate of last action'; 
> while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($db->result)) {
>   extract($myrow);
>   $sql_search = "select MAX(id_$main_type) as mid from $main_type where
> id = '$id'";
>   //echo $sql_search.'';
>   $db1 = new my_db_class;
>   $db1->query($sql_search);
>   $myrow_search = mysql_fetch_assoc($db1->result);
>   $pointer = $myrow_search[mid];
>   $sql_search_2 = "select * from $main_type where id_$main_type =
> '$pointer'";
>   //echo $sql_search_2.'';
>   $db2 = new my_db_class;
>   $db2->query($sql_search_2);
>   $myrow_search_2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($db2->result);
>   $fields = mysql_num_fields($db2->result);
>   $test_date = "-00-00";
>   for ($i=0; $i < $fields; $i++) {
>   $type = mysql_field_type($db2->result,$i);

[PHP] Help with loop inside loop and mysql queries

2003-07-16 Thread Petre Agenbag
Hi List.

I cannot see my error:

I have relation tables setup.

id  entity_name main_type   etc etc date_in
1   testtype1   x   y   2003-06-02
2   test2   type2   xx  yy  2003-03-11
3   test3   type1   xxx yyy 2003-02-02

id_type1id  field1  field2  field3  
1   1   1st rec (1) 2003-07-07  -00-00  
2   3   1st rec (3) 2003-07-10  2003-07-12
3   1   2nd rec (1) 2003-07-13  -00-00

id_type2id  field1  field2
1   2   1st rec (2) 2003-01-23
2   2   2nd rec (2) 2003-07-07


So, what I'm trying to do is this:

On a search page, the user selects a date range to view the records in
the main table.

What I want to display now on the result page (code below), is something
like this:

Date Captured   NameLast Action Date of Action
2003-02-02  test3   field3  2003-07-12
2003-03-11  test2   field2  2003-07-07
2003-06-02  testfield2  2003-07-13

In the above examples, if there are dates as record entries, then the
field_type is "date". The field_name is the "action" name, like "info
sent", "contact made" etc, so if there is a non-zero date in the field,
it means that specific "action" happened that day.

So in the code below I tried to 
1) query the table for all the entries in the data range ( for my
example, the date range was wide enough to include ALL)
2) Make sure that I have the "last" row for the specific entity by
looking for the max id in the related table matching the main table's
3) Once I know that id, I query the "sub" table for all the fields in
that row.

Then I tried to run through all the fields in the result set and get the
"highest" date from that row, else fall back to the original capture
date_in in the main table (meaning that no "actions" have yet been taken
(when I enter something in the main table, it automatically enters a new
row in the $main_type table with default "zero" dates)

My problem is somewhere in the code, but I cannot see where (maybe my
logic sucks with the whole thing?)

It returns the correct stuff for the first entry, but then takes the
same for the rest (as if it's not going back to the beginning of the
loop, or not resetting the values)

I use a class that does the connect and querying to the db. I'm 100%
sure the class is correct, I'm not 100% sure if I USE it correct

Any help appreciated.

include ("main_class.php");
$db = new my_db_class;
$db ->connect("localhost","user","password","db");
if ($_GET[st] == "date") {
$sql = "select * from main where (date_in > '$_POST[date_1]' and date_in
< '$_POST[date_2]') order by entity_name";
//echo $sql.'';
$db ->query($sql); 
if ($sql) {
echo 'Date InNameLast
ActionDate of last action'; 
while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($db->result)) {
$sql_search = "select MAX(id_$main_type) as mid from $main_type where
id = '$id'";
//echo $sql_search.'';
$db1 = new my_db_class;
$myrow_search = mysql_fetch_assoc($db1->result);
$pointer = $myrow_search[mid];
$sql_search_2 = "select * from $main_type where id_$main_type =
//echo $sql_search_2.'';
$db2 = new my_db_class;
$myrow_search_2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($db2->result);
$fields = mysql_num_fields($db2->result);
$test_date = "-00-00";
for ($i=0; $i < $fields; $i++) {
$type = mysql_field_type($db2->result,$i);
if ($type == "date") {
$action_name = mysql_field_name($db2->result,$i);
$val = $myrow_search_2[$action_name];
if (($val >= $test_date) && ($val != "-00-00")) {
$test_date = $val;
$XXX = $action_name;
$YYY = $test_date;
if (!$XXX) {
$XXX = "Original Capture";
if (!$YYY) {
$YYY = $date_in;
echo ''.$date_in.''.$entity_name.''.$XXX.''.$YYY.'';
if ((mysql_num_rows($db->result)) == "" || (mysql_num_rows($db->result)
== "0")) {
echo 'No Results Found!';

echo '';

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RE: [PHP] elegant way of doing something else the last time through a loop? SOLVED

2003-07-15 Thread Petre Agenbag
Well, it should never be, it comes from a drop down that only has 3 options,
any, all or exact
Any caveats there?

-Original Message-
From: David Otton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2003 2:58 PM
To: Petre Agenbag
Subject: Re: [PHP] elegant way of doing something else the last time
through a loop? SOLVED

On 14 Jul 2003 14:35:28 +0200, you wrote:

>if ($_POST[any_all] == "any") {
>   $logic = "or";
>elseif ($_POST[any_all] == "all") {
>   $logic = "and";
>elseif ($_POST[any_all] == "exact") {
>   $logic = "exact";


>   if (!empty($temp)) $temp .= ' '.$logic.' ';

Consider what would happen to $logic if $_POST['any_all'] was 'xyzzy'.

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Re: [PHP] elegant way of doing something else the last timethrough a loop? SOLVED

2003-07-14 Thread Petre Agenbag
Following works nicely for me now, thanks all!

$table_name = "main";
if ($_POST[any_all] == "any") {
$logic = "or";
elseif ($_POST[any_all] == "all") {
$logic = "and";
elseif ($_POST[any_all] == "exact") {
$logic = "exact";
$string = $_POST[text];
$phrases = explode(" ", $string);

$sql = "select * from $table_name where ";

if (($logic == "or") || ($logic == "and")) {
$temp = '';
foreach ($phrases as $key=>$val) {
if (($val != "the") && ($val != "and") && ($val != " ") && ($val !=
"")) {
if (!empty($temp)) $temp .= ' '.$logic.' ';
$temp.= "name like '%$val%' ";  
} elseif ($logic == "exact") {
$sql.="name like'%$string%'";
$sql.= " order by name";
//echo $sql;

On Mon, 2003-07-14 at 14:00, Marek Kilimajer wrote:
> I always do it this way:
> $condition='';
> foreach ($phrases as $key=>$val) {
>  if (($val != "the") && ($val != "and")) {
>  $condition.= "name like '%$val%'  $logic";
>  }
> }
> $condition=substr($condition, 0, strlen($condition) - strlen($logic));
> $sql .= $condition;
> > 
> > $length = strlen($sql);
> > $newlen = $length - 4;
> > $sql[$newlen].= " order by name";
> > echo $sql; 
> > 
> > 
> > 

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Re: [PHP] elegant way of doing something else the last timethrough a loop?

2003-07-14 Thread Petre Agenbag
Sheer genius my man!


On Mon, 2003-07-14 at 13:38, Tom Rogers wrote:
> Hi,
> Monday, July 14, 2003, 9:11:11 PM, you wrote:
> PA> HI list
> PA> Is there an elegant way to know when the last time through the loop is
> PA> going to be and to do something else?
> PA> I want to search through a table by "exploding" the search string and
> PA> then compounding my own sql string by working through the array.
> >>From my example below, you can see I use a foreach to loop through the
> PA> array. Arguably I could first determine the amount of elements in the
> PA> array and then use a for instead of a foreach, but I'm not sure if that
> PA> will help ( will probably need a switch instead if you want to work with
> PA> the sheer array elements), however, the if statement inside the loop is
> PA> meant to "strip" out "the" and "and", meaning that it won't much help to
> PA> use that approach anyway.
> PA> Anyway, as you can see my problem lies with the SQl when the last
> PA> element is reached, then it should NOT add another "and" or "or".
> PA> My attempts at "backtracking" the $sql string/array and start writing
> PA> the end part of the string obviously fails.
> PA> Any help with my "logic", ie, how do/would you guys do this?
> PA> Thanks
> PA> $table_name = "test";
> PA> if ($_POST[any_all] == "any") {
> PA> $logic = "or";
> PA> }
> PA> elseif ($_POST[any_all] == "all") {
> PA> $logic = "and";
> PA> }
> PA> $string = $_POST[text];
> PA> $phrases = explode(" ", $string);
> PA> $sql = "select * from $table_name where ";
> PA> foreach ($phrases as $key=>$val) {
> PA> if (($val != "the") && ($val != "and")) {
> PA> $sql.= "name like '%$val%'  $logic";
> PA> }   
> PA> }
> PA> $length = strlen($sql);
> PA> $newlen = $length - 4;
> PA> $sql[$newlen].= " order by name";
> PA> echo $sql; 
> I would do this
> $like = '';
> foreach ($phrases as $key=>$val) {
> if (($val != "the") && ($val != "and")) {
> if(!empty($like)) $like .= ' '.$logic.' ';
> $like.= "name like '%$val%'";
> }   
> }
> $sql .= $like;
> -- 
> regards,
> Tom

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[PHP] elegant way of doing something else the last time through a loop?

2003-07-14 Thread Petre Agenbag
HI list

Is there an elegant way to know when the last time through the loop is
going to be and to do something else?

I want to search through a table by "exploding" the search string and
then compounding my own sql string by working through the array.

>From my example below, you can see I use a foreach to loop through the
array. Arguably I could first determine the amount of elements in the
array and then use a for instead of a foreach, but I'm not sure if that
will help ( will probably need a switch instead if you want to work with
the sheer array elements), however, the if statement inside the loop is
meant to "strip" out "the" and "and", meaning that it won't much help to
use that approach anyway.

Anyway, as you can see my problem lies with the SQl when the last
element is reached, then it should NOT add another "and" or "or".

My attempts at "backtracking" the $sql string/array and start writing
the end part of the string obviously fails.

Any help with my "logic", ie, how do/would you guys do this?


$table_name = "test";
if ($_POST[any_all] == "any") {
$logic = "or";
elseif ($_POST[any_all] == "all") {
$logic = "and";

$string = $_POST[text];
$phrases = explode(" ", $string);

$sql = "select * from $table_name where ";

foreach ($phrases as $key=>$val) {
if (($val != "the") && ($val != "and")) {
$sql.= "name like '%$val%'  $logic";

$length = strlen($sql);
$newlen = $length - 4;
$sql[$newlen].= " order by name";
echo $sql; 

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2003-07-09 Thread Petre Agenbag
Hi List

Firstly, thanks for the replies and mostly for the accommodating
attitude to this, arguable non-PHP subject.

I don't want this thread to become a flame war on why one should use
XML, or why not.
I do have personal issues wrt XML and the way it works, and although I
cannot *yet* see the need, it doesn't mean that there isn't one. 

My original post should have made this clear, but it seems it didn't.

I have laid to rest my reservations wrt XML, and am more interested in
understanding the entire process in the hope that 1) I will "see" the
need, and 2) understand how all those XML jargon fits together ( XML,
XSL, XSLT, DTD, DOMXML, phew...)

That was why I gave a brief summary of where I am atm wrt understanding
what it is.

What I still don't know much about, and at last, this is where the PHP
comes in, is once I have this XML file, whereto from here using PHP (
you see, it should be clear that I want to use PHP as my "one and only"
trusty tool.

As I stated, and correct me, the XML file contains the structured data,
and the XSL file contains the "look and feel" and the XSL file is
written in XSLT language.

My understanding is further that, again focused only on web applications
here, one would have an XML file in your web folder, along with it's XSL
file. These files would be "linked" by means of calls or references to
each other inside the files.

Having these two files (oh, and the dtd which can be used to verify the
XML, but doesn't seem necessary from what I can see), as I understand
it, gives the basis from where one would then parse the XML into XHTML
in order to actually "see" anything in a browser via one of two routes:
1) client side via the browser's built in XML parser -> arguably leaving
the old Netscape/IE gap wrt compatibility, or 2) server side parsing
with the built-in XML parser that comes with the webserver (IIS or
Apache in my case) -> with this approach being in my mind the "best" if
you want to make sure you don't run into browser issues.

This is where my PHP question really starts: 
On they talk about the XML support of apache etc, and in the
PHP documentation there are lots of XML functions and yet more jargon
like DOMXML etc, which is not clear for me what to do now (should I
elect to parse server side).

If someone can just give me a quick and easy "tour" on what to do and
what is needed from here to actually parse and display the contents
correctly, I should have enough to keep me busy for a while, and
hopefully help me to increase my knowledge and understanding so I won't
ask stupid questions on this list ;)

Thanks again for the input.

On Wed, 2003-07-09 at 00:36, Ray Hunter wrote:
> I see that not many sites require the use of xml/xsl(t). Many sites can
> just use html and database to accomplish 99.9% of the work.
> I always suggest that when you have tons of data that you need to send
> to the user that it is a good idea. Especially now that xslt is growing
> up :)
> I like to use xml and xsl for various reasons, mainly i can really
> separate the logic and presentation. All data is keep in the xml file
> and presentation in the xsl file. So when i need to make changes in the
> presentation then i only change the xsl file and never really have to
> touch the logic (php) code. This is really, really great for some sights
> that are extremely complex.
> Also in php i can create standards that my xml files will follow (dtds,
> schema) and allowing me to create modules (functionality) very
> efficiently and timely.
> Also as mentioned xml provides a format for transfering data. However, i
> would not use it with databases unless it is large amounts of data.
> However, i have used xml for creating sql queries and setting up
> configureation files which are extremely reliabe.
> --
> BigDog
> On Tue, 2003-07-08 at 15:51, Jeff Harris wrote:
> > |-Original Message-
> > |From: Petre Agenbag [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > |Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 6:27 AM
> > |Subject: [PHP] XML
> > |
> > |
> > |Hi List
> > |
> > |Firstly, this question is arguable more about XML than PHP, but they are
> > |interlinked, so I hope it is "topical" for this list.
> > |
> > |Firstly, Where I come from:
> > |
> > |I am VERY comfortable with PHP/MySQL on Linux and understand all those
> > |concepts.
> > |
> > |Now I'm trying to see the benefits of XML, and quite frankly, I just
> > |cannot see why one would want to use it...
> > |
> > [snip]
> > 
> > On Jul 8, 2003, "Joe Harman" claimed that:
> > 
> > |Okay Petre... You have asked the


2003-07-08 Thread Petre Agenbag
Hi List

Firstly, this question is arguable more about XML than PHP, but they are
interlinked, so I hope it is "topical" for this list.

Firstly, Where I come from:

I am VERY comfortable with PHP/MySQL on Linux and understand all those

Now I'm trying to see the benefits of XML, and quite frankly, I just
cannot see why one would want to use it...

Anyway, I don't want to start a discussion on that from.

I have done extensive reading on XML/XSL(XSLT : XHTML), DTD and XML
parsing on browser and server side.

I arguable still don't have a 100% understanding of exactly how things
fit together, but the little bit I think I got so far is:

I would use an XML doc to package my data in a structure.
This XML file is "useless" on it's own, and good for transporting data
to another app or client.
Should I need to do something with the data, I would look at XSL and in
particular XSLT in order to convert the XML into XHTML so a browser can
display the data ( so we can safely assume that I am only interested in
the web applications of XML)

This is where I'm starting to get a headache, because now it seems that
there are browser issues wrt XSL, and one also have the added choice of
parsing the XML with the browser or on server level.

For me, parsing it on browser level must be a no-no, as I would assume
that it's would take alot of effort to find out what type of browser the
client has, then load the appropriate XSL file for that browser.

So, I'm here, with the server side XML parsing in mind.

Now on M$ systems, it seems that IIS has built in ActiveX XMLDOM parsing
built in, and you can "easily" parse the XML document by using ASP etc.

So can I assume that this is also true with PHP/Apache, ie, Apache has a
built in XML parser and I can use PHP fnuctions to parse my XML file on
the server side and thus "pump" out XHTML that is compatible with all
past and future browsers?

Also, what is the procedure that most of you (members of the PHP lists)
follow when dealing with XML. ie, do you go for the client side parsing
or do you do server side parsing. And how do you decide when to use XML
and when to stick to trusty old PHP/MySQL? ( Sorry,  know this is
probably the dumbest question I can ask, but I really battle to see when
to use it, or rather WHY I should use it seeing that the data is
arguably "static" in nature ( I would either get the XML file from
somewhere else, or I would generate it from some source and pass it on,
effectively creating a little data island/snapshot of the actual data at
a point in time?)

Thanks for any input.

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Re: [PHP] Re: Form 2 PDF 2 Form

2003-07-01 Thread Petre Agenbag
Hi Kristin
Yes, of course that is a possibility, and it would surely address the
problem of "resuming" at a later stage. I'm just rather worried at
managing these "broken" submissions. They might start one, then for some
reason don't finish, and forget about it altogether...

But, I think my biggest problem is the way the app is currently working.
To have to change it to incorporate user-id's etc, would be almost as
big a task as trying to get the PDF thing to work, and unfortunately I
can't give you ALL the details of the app ( classified stuff and too
large anyway ;) ), I don't think it would be possible to do this.
But with PDF thing, I forsee that it *could* be possible, since one
would only change the process in one place, namely the form submit, iow,
I would "break" the process there, relay the process via another (PDF?)
route and re-connect at the submit phase. The coding would be difficult,
but the process to the user would seem to be identical, which it
probably wouldn't if I change the system to incorporate user-id's (and
possibly extra interfaces to view partial forms for a specific user)...
sound just too complicated atm (but don't get me wrong, I'm listening!
as I said in a previous comment, I'm not shooting down any ideas, I'm
just more biased towards ANYTHING that might help me out without
breaking the current process flow of the app...

Thanks again for the input, please continue!

On Tue, 2003-07-01 at 16:00, Kristin Schesonka wrote:
> Hmm, i don't know if you want it that way, but i got the idea of making the
> stuff personalized . . . I mean the user logges on and gets an Userid - then
> you always save your data with the Userid, so you can look which entries in
> your DB belong to this user and the user can start again at a different
> stage . . . .
> Greetings
> Kristin Schesonka

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Re: [PHP] Re: Form 2 PDF 2 Form

2003-07-01 Thread Petre Agenbag
Well, I'm still a bit concerned about what would happen if the
connection got broken while they are busy...
The session will time-out (by most defaults, after 1440s), so if they
cannot re-connect, and somehow get the same SESSID, then all would be
lost that they have done so far..., and that is the main problem;
The way I have it set-up atm, is that I place all the necessary details
as hidden elements into the form and I then allow them to actually
disconnect their connections ( if they want), and to then re-conncet
before they want to submit, and then try to submit. This works, but, wrt
saving what they have done so far; when the form has submitted
successfully, I re-construct it on the action page, and this gives them
the opportunity to save the page or print it out, all well and good if
the form actually submitted correctly. BUT, when something happens
DURING the submit, then it seems that the app behaves strangely;
sometimes, it will generate the "result" form, but will not actually
insert anything into the db, or it would only insert partial data...
Now on those, I don't think one would ever be able to do something, but
if I could at least find a way to let them save the form contents so
they don't have to start all over again...
The BACK button works sometimes, but some have reported (unconfirmed by
me) that it doesn't always return them to the filled out form before
they submit. One "solution" would be to have them save the form page
BEFORE they submit, BUT, I intentionally do not want them to do that,
because it would have the submit button on it, and I KNOW that some
"clever" bloke is gonna try to gippo the system by not going through the
whole process to generate the correct form (they all look the same , but
the hidden content differs, and are crucial,to the functionality of the
So, it's a catch 22 I guess...

On Tue, 2003-07-01 at 15:18, Kristin Schesonka wrote:
> Hi :)
> I'm actually working on an Multipart-Form and i'm saving all data during the
> "Fill-In" process in a Session - then, at the end, i save the whole
> sessiondata in my table.
> That will solve the connection-problems i hope . . .
> If I am wrong, please correct me :)
> Greetings from Germany
> Kristin Schesonka

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Re: [PHP] Re: Form 2 PDF 2 Form

2003-07-01 Thread Petre Agenbag
Hi Shiva
Appreciate your input. Wrt the spanning of the form, I think, in my
situation, it would actually make things worse... You see, my suspicion
is that most of the users who are experiencing problems, have very bad
connections, many complain that they lose connectivity while they are
busy with the form ( it takes them maybe 30 min or so to fill out the
entire form ( they basically transfer the data off paper forms they have
filled out earlier while "on-site", so it's not really alot of data, but
there are a lot of fields...)
So, my fear with this approach is that they will maybe get past the
first part of the form, submit that OK, then start getting trouble with
subsequent parts, leaving me with a whole lot of partial entries in the
DB., and how do I get them to "resume" at a a later stage?
You don't understand the mindset of these people, when something goes
wrong, they'll switch off their PC's and try to start from scratch, so
it's going to be difficult to try and get them to understand the concept
of multi-part forms... I shudder to even think what will happen, or
worse, how I will be able to allow them to make corrections on a certain
part of the form once they have submit it. And sometimes, to their
defense, it's not them that want to change the details on the form, but
the subject of the form who has decided to change their name etc...

I'm not ditching this idea, I will definitely give it some more thought,
it's just at this moment, my mind is running through my original idea of
PDF forms trying to evaluate it.

Each method will have it's pro's and cons, and I'll have to go and weigh
them. I must add, I don't see "effort" as a con for a particular
solution, as long as I know it will solve the problem without adding
other cons...

Thanks again, will take it up with you again ( need some more input on
this PDF thing to get some balanced views)

PS, if you have experience with using this method, I would appreciate it
if you could let me have your "field notes" and how successfull it's
working for you.
You see, the main thing here is that I need to KNOW when someone who
says they have submitted something actually have, and that they are not
trying their luck...

On Tue, 2003-07-01 at 13:43, Shivanischal A wrote:
> hi,
> seems u have complicated task on hand mate. cant u simply consider span the
> user input over multiple pages? i mean using 2 or more form on different
> pages instead of a single form on one single page. if this cant be done,
> we'll think of other measures. but this is by far the most simple method
> -shiva
> "Petre Agenbag" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Hi List
> >
> > OK, firstly, sorry if this has been on the list before...
> >
> > What I'd like to do is something like this:
> >
> > I currently have an app that takes user input via a normal html form,
> > and then pops the content into mysql.
> >
> > The problem is that lots of user complain that the submit times out due
> > to slow/bad connections, and hence the data gets lost.
> >
> > What I was hoping to do now, was to somehow create a PDF form from the
> > current html form ( should generate itself on the fly ) , the PDF form
> > will obviously need to be downloaded to the user's PC, and will be
> > unique for each time they use the system, ie, I don't want to just give
> > them a blank template PDF, some of the values need to be
> > "auto-completed" and inserted into the form as "read-only", as well as a
> > couple of "hidden" fields with identifying values so I can know where to
> > pop it into the db.
> >
> > The idea is that the user will now come to the point where he would
> > usually have filled in the html form, but instead, the app must
> > autogenerate a PDF with some values auto-completed and/or hidden, and
> > the user then downloads the pdf to his/her PC, where they continue to
> > fill out the pdf form.
> >
> > Then, on completetion, I'd like to investigate several delivery
> > mechanisms, arguably, the easiest way for the users ( who are mostly
> > techno-peasants), is to simply e-mail the pdf as an attachment to me),
> > but then I will either have to create an auto-parser for the email
> > (prolly difficult and prone to problems with making sure the attachment
> > is correct etc), or I will have to then manually process the
> > attachments.
> >
> > Either way, I would need to "feed" the pdf to my app, where the
> > form/hidden variables would need to be harvested from the form, and noly
> > then (after validation), be entered into the db.
> >
> > So, simple concept, but I'm sure many pitfalls, the least being probably
> > that I have never done this, and don't know where to start, or even if
> > it's possible/advisable to follow this route.
> >
> > Hence my post here...
> >
> >

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[PHP] Form 2 PDF 2 Form

2003-07-01 Thread Petre Agenbag
Hi List

OK, firstly, sorry if this has been on the list before...

What I'd like to do is something like this:

I currently have an app that takes user input via a normal html form,
and then pops the content into mysql.

The problem is that lots of user complain that the submit times out due
to slow/bad connections, and hence the data gets lost.

What I was hoping to do now, was to somehow create a PDF form from the
current html form ( should generate itself on the fly ) , the PDF form
will obviously need to be downloaded to the user's PC, and will be
unique for each time they use the system, ie, I don't want to just give
them a blank template PDF, some of the values need to be
"auto-completed" and inserted into the form as "read-only", as well as a
couple of "hidden" fields with identifying values so I can know where to
pop it into the db.

The idea is that the user will now come to the point where he would
usually have filled in the html form, but instead, the app must
autogenerate a PDF with some values auto-completed and/or hidden, and
the user then downloads the pdf to his/her PC, where they continue to
fill out the pdf form.

Then, on completetion, I'd like to investigate several delivery
mechanisms, arguably, the easiest way for the users ( who are mostly
techno-peasants), is to simply e-mail the pdf as an attachment to me),
but then I will either have to create an auto-parser for the email
(prolly difficult and prone to problems with making sure the attachment
is correct etc), or I will have to then manually process the

Either way, I would need to "feed" the pdf to my app, where the
form/hidden variables would need to be harvested from the form, and noly
then (after validation), be entered into the db.

So, simple concept, but I'm sure many pitfalls, the least being probably
that I have never done this, and don't know where to start, or even if
it's possible/advisable to follow this route.

Hence my post here...

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RE: [PHP] Forms

2003-06-30 Thread Petre Agenbag
Most books, specially the older ones will use this type of coding. It relies
completely on register_globals (and some other settings) to be enabled in
your php.ini.

However, many possible security risks has been identified with having
register_globals=on, so newer versions come with that feature disabled by
This has been discussed to great depths in the archives, and arguably, if
you design your code with security in mind, turning register_globals on,
will and should not cause any problems. On the other hand, it is becoming a
"standard", so unless you have your own server, or you know your ISP will
turn it on for you, then you are probably better off accessing your
variables through the POST and GET arrays.

As I said in my first post, it is basically in the way that you call your

If you look at your example:
You have a form that has the same page as the action, using the POST method,
meaning that all the "names" of form elements and the correlating "values",
will be passed to the action page as POST variables. All these variables get
stored in the $_POST array.
So, as an example:
Your form has a 
With your code in mind, hitting the submit on the form, will place a new
element in the $_POST array, called "var1" ad associative value = "test"
And if you need to echo or use that variable/value, you should do so by
calling it like so:

echo $_POST[var1];

output -> "test"

If you look closely at your code, you will see an If

 /* Section that executes query */
> >  if (@$form == "yes")
> >  {

and you will also see that the form being shown on first load of the page,
has a get variable appended to it in the action:

?form=yes method="post">
> >  
> >   
> >Type in database name
> >

that "?form=yes" bit, creates a $_GET variable called $_GET[form] with a
value of "yes"

So, for your code to work, the IF statement should read:

 if ($_GET[form] == "yes")
> >  {

Basically, the reason why it looks like your page is not doing anything, is
because the if cannot be satisfied...

You should thus go through that sample code and change the nameing of your
POST and GET variables (ie, the variables that are "passed" to the next page
to the abovementioned method and all should be fine.

-Original Message-
From: Simon Chappell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2003 6:22 PM
To: Petre Agenbag
Subject: Re: [PHP] Forms

thanks for the reply

yes I have tried both on and off, it is currently off?
Where would i put those in my script? or do I have to start from scratch?
The reason I am asking, is that all the books I have seem to be doing the
out of date coding, and if it is possible to make a quick change that I can
carry with me through my learning then I can get use out of all the books
that i have bought! but if all the scripts are pointless then i might as
light a match or give them to my 6 year old and ask him to look after them!!

Many thanks


On Monday 30 Jun 2003 3:14 pm, Petre Agenbag wrote:
> Have you checked register_globals = on/off in your php.ini?
> If register_globals=off, then you must access your POST variables by:
> $_POST['whatever'];
> and your get (the stuff you put at the end of your URL's):
> $_GET['whatever'];
> On Mon, 2003-06-30 at 15:48, Simon Chappell wrote:
> > Hi can anyone help me with this?
> >
> > I have been failing to get any forms working with PHP now I have run out
> > of ideas? Having bought 3 books the latest one being php & mysql for
> > dummies(which might be appropriate for me) I am still failing at this
> > hurdle.
> >
> > the following script is a classic example taken straight out of the
> > I get round the $PHP_SELF problem ok but then all the script does is
> > back to itself?
> >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > SQL Query Sender
> > 
> > 
> >  >  $user="root";
> >  $host="localhost";
> >  $password="";
> >
> >  /* Section that executes query */
> >  if (@$form == "yes")
> >  {
> >mysql_connect($host,$user,$password);
> >mysql_select_db($database);
> >$query = stripSlashes($query) ;
> >$result = mysql_query($query);
> >echo "Database Selected: $database
> >   Query: $query
> >   Results
> >   ";
> >if ($result == 0)
> >   echo("Error " . mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error() . "");
> >
> >elseif (@mysql_num_rows($result) == 0)
> >   echo("Query completed. No results return

Re: [PHP] Forms

2003-06-30 Thread Petre Agenbag
Have you checked register_globals = on/off in your php.ini?
If register_globals=off, then you must access your POST variables by:


and your get (the stuff you put at the end of your URL's):


On Mon, 2003-06-30 at 15:48, Simon Chappell wrote:
> Hi can anyone help me with this?
> I have been failing to get any forms working with PHP now I have run out of 
> ideas? Having bought 3 books the latest one being php & mysql for 
> dummies(which might be appropriate for me) I am still failing at this hurdle.
> the following script is a classic example taken straight out of the book, I 
> get round the $PHP_SELF problem ok but then all the script does is loop back 
> to itself? 
> SQL Query Sender
>   $user="root";
>  $host="localhost";
>  $password="";
>  /* Section that executes query */
>  if (@$form == "yes")
>  {
>$query = stripSlashes($query) ;
>$result = mysql_query($query);
>echo "Database Selected: $database
>   Query: $query
>   Results
>   ";
>if ($result == 0)
>   echo("Error " . mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error() . "");
>elseif (@mysql_num_rows($result) == 0)
>   echo("Query completed. No results returned.");
>  echo "
> ";
>  for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_fields($result); $i++) 
>  {
>  echo("" . mysql_field_name($result,$i) . "");
>  }
>  echo " 
>  for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($result); $i++)
>  {
> echo "";
> $row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
> for ($j = 0; $j < mysql_num_fields($result); $j++)
> {
>   echo("" . $row[$j] . "");
> }
> echo "";
>  }
>  echo "
>   ";
>echo "
>  ";
>  }
>  /* Section that requests user input of query */
>  @$query = stripSlashes($query);
>  if (@$queryButton != "Edit Query")
>  {
>$database = " ";
>$query = " ";
>  }
> ?>
> ?form=yes method="post">
>Type in database name
>   >
>Type in SQL query
> ?>
> Any ideas would be greatly appreciated as I am floundering badly!
> Simon

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RE: [PHP] quotes

2003-06-25 Thread Petre Agenbag

What you also need is to htmlspecialchars() the vars that you echo as form
element values, else your HTML will be broken if one of the vars contains "
. This should work for both text fields and textareas


-Original Message-
From: Lso . [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2003 4:21 PM
Subject: [PHP] quotes

Ok I have been searching to no avail.   I have a form that lets you add new
sets of information to a database.  Once you add information i have a page
that displays this information in a series of text fields.  I have done this
so you can alter the information in the fields hit edit and the information
is updated, you are brought back to the same page and there you see your
updated information.  This all works fine.  The problem is if the usere
enters a quote.  I have used addslashes(), and the information is entered
fine, but when I display the information in the form fields its cut off
right after the  quote.  I tried stripslashes() didnt work.  If i url encode
the input i get the html entity displayed in the form field.  Does anyone
have any suggestions?  Im just trying to make a nice interface for editing
this data.  Thanks in advance.

Lucas Owens

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[PHP] sending headers

2003-06-23 Thread Petre Agenbag
Hi List

I am having trouble using headers.

I try to include a redirect header in my script, but is fails with the
familiar ( headers already sent) error.

I KNOW you should put the headers call where it will cause the first
output, and I do that, the only thing happening infront of the headers
call is an include statement to my main db class; this class has
absolutely NO output unless a function is called (which it is not)...

What am I missing?

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Re: [PHP] Problems with quotes in URL - SOLVED - plz FLAME me!!!

2003-06-18 Thread Petre Agenbag
Hi lists ( and all the guys trying to help me)


SORRY, I oversimplified my examples that I posted in the hope that I
would get to the solution faster.

What i failed to mention in my stupidity, was that I echoed the variable
as the value of a form input text field, so I actually messed up the
HTML, and I just realized it, and a simple $var = htmlspecialchars($var)
does the trick beautifully.

Sorry guys, I really should have known better than to post stripped down
code as the problem is usually a simple thing like this...

Just for the by-and-by, my previous claims to having a "perfectly
working" application before upgrading to 4.3.1 was also then a load of
bull, and I only realized now that my app had this bug in it all the

Just goes to show.

Anyway, I deserve a good flaming for this one! 

I'm ready;)

On Wed, 2003-06-18 at 14:39, Chris Hayes wrote:
> (cutted the part about sending a var as get)
> >page.php?my_var=whatever+whatever++%5C%22whatever+whatever%5C%22&next_var=blabla
> ok so here the variable is still complete, including slashes and quotes.
> >And now, on page.php
> >
> >If I do an
> >
> >echo stripslashes($my_var);
> >
> >I get exactly this:
> >
> >whatever whatever \
> i get better results with
> echo stripslashes(urldecode($_GET['my_var']));
> (or in your version
> echo stripslashes(urldecode($my_var));
> )
> this even though Marek  said "Incomming GET values are urldecoded 
> automaticaly, no need to do this." (this=urldecode)

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Re: [PHP] Problems with quotes in URL

2003-06-18 Thread Petre Agenbag
OK, this is the URL that my code produces after it get's the my_var from
the mysql table.
my_var in the table is => whatever whatever  "whatever whatever"

So I do a select and I do a $my_var = $myrow['my_var'] (after all the
proper mumbo jumbo about the $myrow = mysql_fetc_assoc...etc.)

I then do a $my_var = addslashes($my_var)as well as $my_var =
 Then I simply create a link like so:

echo 'link';

Clicking on that link displays exactly the following in the browser's
URL location:


And now, on page.php

If I do an 

echo stripslashes($my_var);

I get exactly this:

whatever whatever \

What am I missing?

On Wed, 2003-06-18 at 11:18, Chris Hayes wrote:
> >IN a mysql db, I would have a name like :[  whatever "whatever"  ]
> >
> >I do a select on the table and then echo the name on a page, as well as
> >add it to a url:
> >
> >page.php?myvar=$myvar
> >
> >where $myvar contains the [ whatever "whatever" ]
> >
> >Now, when I try to echo $myvar on the page.php, I don't get the entire
> >story.
> >
> >I tried to addslashes() before the url line, I tried urlencode() and
> >htmlspecialchars, all causes an echo  of $myvar on the page.php page to
> >only display whatever , or, whatever \ but NEVER, whatever "whatever"
> What does your link in which 'whatever' is look like ?
> How do you test to see what is in the variable?
> This does the job for me:
> if ($_GET['x']=='')
> {$i='whatever "Whatever"';
> echo 'link';
> }
> else
> echo 'x is '.urldecode($_GET['x']);
> ?>
> and the url looks like:

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[PHP] Problems with quotes in URL

2003-06-18 Thread Petre Agenbag
Hi List

I don't know what I'm doing wrong:

Firstly, I upgraded from 4.0.1 to 4.3.1 and made sure that I have
similar settings in php.ini wrt register_globals and magic_quotes.

I now have problems with some of my apps:

For instance:

IN a mysql db, I would have a name like :[  whatever "whatever"  ]

I do a select on the table and then echo the name on a page, as well as
add it to a url:


where $myvar contains the [ whatever "whatever" ]

Now, when I try to echo $myvar on the page.php, I don't get the entire

I tried to addslashes() before the url line, I tried urlencode() and
htmlspecialchars, all causes an echo  of $myvar on the page.php page to
only display whatever , or, whatever \ but NEVER, whatever "whatever"

What am I doing wrong?


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[PHP] magic_quotes_gpc - > 4.0.1 to 4.3.1

2003-06-17 Thread Petre Agenbag
Hi List

Is there a difference in the way PHP handles the magic_quotes_gpc
between these versions?

I had 4.0.1 running on my server for a little over a year and all went
well, ie, data that contained quotes etc were discreetly handles by PHP
and inserted into MySQL with no problems ( when you vies the data in the
table with phpMyAdmin for instance, you would not see any slashes in the

However, since I upgraded to 4.3.1 (and turned on magic_quotes_gpc), I
notice that the same process now produces slashes in the db, meaning
that I will now need to edit my code and add stripslashes() when I need
to display them. [STOP RIGHT HERE] -> I KNOW that it is "best" to use
addslashes() and stripslashes() BUT, I inherited the code, and it is
really going to be an enormous task to go through the code for the
entire app. So naturally I'm looking for a "quick fix" in the form of
another "magic" function, and in the absence of such a function, I'd
like to know what the differences are, maybe I can then look at a class
or a function to handle all for me???

Thanks for any help.

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Re: [PHP] dealiong with quote's in SQL strings

2003-06-13 Thread Petre Agenbag
Thanks, it was there right infront of me...

Just as a matter of interest, are there security/performance issues with
this setting as well as the magic_quotes_gpc or other oddities that it
could cause?

On Fri, 2003-06-13 at 15:54, CPT John W. Holmes wrote:
> > I recently installed 4.3.1 and enabled the magic_quotes_gpc to deal with
> > quotes in mysql inserts.
> > 
> > However, I think I have run into a problem that might be related, and
> > was wondering if there is an easy way to fix it:
> > 
> > I have a script that gets user input from a drop-down, on the action
> > page I search a mysql table for the row matching the selection made
> > previously. What I do then is to extract the result of that "select *
> > from table where data = form_selection" and then to re-insert the data
> > into the table ; note, re-insert, NOT UPDATE ( the app cals for a new
> > row to be added with the updated data, so the "old" row stays intact and
> > a new row is added that contains some of the old row's data plus some
> > new stuff I add).
> > 
> > So, the new insert sql looks as per usual 
> > 
> > insert into table (`var1`,`var2`,`var3`,`var4`,...) values
> > ('$var1','$var2',);
> > 
> > where $var1, $var2 etc is either "inherited" from the extract of the
> > first querie's result set, or overwritten with my newly generated
> > values. The problem now comes in with this:
> > 
> > If one or more of the extracted variables containes something like 
> > " O'Healy " or something similar that causes trouble with the quotes in
> > the new INSERT sql, well, you see the problem...
> > 
> > And I don't want to have to go and addslashes to all my extracted
> > variables, because there really are a whole heap of them.
> > 
> > So, is there another php.ini setting that I'm missing to help me with
> > this, or maybe a function that will addslashes to all my extracted vars?
> magic_quotes_runtime in php.ini
> ---John Holmes...

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Re: [PHP] dealiong with quote's in SQL strings

2003-06-13 Thread Petre Agenbag
Hi Awlad
Yes, I know addslashes(), but that's the point, I would rather NOT want
to go and have to use addslashes() to all my extracted vars as there are
almost a hundred vars, and I douldn't want to go and have to add
addslashes($var1), addlsashes($var2), ., addslashes($var100) UNLESS
it is the unanimous feeling of the list that there is no other way (
BTW, the app worked fine on PHP 4.0.4, hence my suspicion that there
might be a php.ini setting I missed when upgrading to 4.3.1)

On Fri, 2003-06-13 at 15:46, Awlad Hussain wrote:
> addslashes
> (PHP 3, PHP 4 )
> addslashes -- Quote string with slashes
> Description
> string addslashes ( string str)
> Returns a string with backslashes before characters that need to be quoted
> in database queries etc. These characters are single quote ('), double quote
> ("), backslash (\) and NUL (the NULL byte).
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Petre Agenbag" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, June 13, 2003 2:43 PM
> Subject: [PHP] dealiong with quote's in SQL strings
> > Hi List
> >
> > I recently installed 4.3.1 and enabled the magic_quotes_gpc to deal with
> > quotes in mysql inserts.
> >
> > However, I think I have run into a problem that might be related, and
> > was wondering if there is an easy way to fix it:
> >
> > I have a script that gets user input from a drop-down, on the action
> > page I search a mysql table for the row matching the selection made
> > previously. What I do then is to extract the result of that "select *
> > from table where data = form_selection" and then to re-insert the data
> > into the table ; note, re-insert, NOT UPDATE ( the app cals for a new
> > row to be added with the updated data, so the "old" row stays intact and
> > a new row is added that contains some of the old row's data plus some
> > new stuff I add).
> >
> > So, the new insert sql looks as per usual
> >
> > insert into table (`var1`,`var2`,`var3`,`var4`,...) values
> > ('$var1','$var2',);
> >
> > where $var1, $var2 etc is either "inherited" from the extract of the
> > first querie's result set, or overwritten with my newly generated
> > values. The problem now comes in with this:
> >
> > If one or more of the extracted variables containes something like
> > " O'Healy " or something similar that causes trouble with the quotes in
> > the new INSERT sql, well, you see the problem...
> >
> > And I don't want to have to go and addslashes to all my extracted
> > variables, because there really are a whole heap of them.
> >
> > So, is there another php.ini setting that I'm missing to help me with
> > this, or maybe a function that will addslashes to all my extracted vars?
> >
> > I'm lazy, shoot me!
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > -- 
> > PHP General Mailing List (
> > To unsubscribe, visit:
> >

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[PHP] dealiong with quote's in SQL strings

2003-06-13 Thread Petre Agenbag
Hi List

I recently installed 4.3.1 and enabled the magic_quotes_gpc to deal with
quotes in mysql inserts.

However, I think I have run into a problem that might be related, and
was wondering if there is an easy way to fix it:

I have a script that gets user input from a drop-down, on the action
page I search a mysql table for the row matching the selection made
previously. What I do then is to extract the result of that "select *
from table where data = form_selection" and then to re-insert the data
into the table ; note, re-insert, NOT UPDATE ( the app cals for a new
row to be added with the updated data, so the "old" row stays intact and
a new row is added that contains some of the old row's data plus some
new stuff I add).

So, the new insert sql looks as per usual 

insert into table (`var1`,`var2`,`var3`,`var4`,...) values

where $var1, $var2 etc is either "inherited" from the extract of the
first querie's result set, or overwritten with my newly generated
values. The problem now comes in with this:

If one or more of the extracted variables containes something like 
" O'Healy " or something similar that causes trouble with the quotes in
the new INSERT sql, well, you see the problem...

And I don't want to have to go and addslashes to all my extracted
variables, because there really are a whole heap of them.

So, is there another php.ini setting that I'm missing to help me with
this, or maybe a function that will addslashes to all my extracted vars?

I'm lazy, shoot me!

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Re: [PHP] How do I display new lines in a textearea?

2003-06-06 Thread Petre Agenbag
Thanks, I DID use \n, BUT, I made a stupid mistake, I did:

And the literal ' did not "parse" the \n, replacing with " works fine...

On Thu, 2003-06-05 at 16:32, CPT John W. Holmes wrote:
> > I want to have a textarea that contains details read from a mysql table,
> > but I want to echo each row so that it is on a new line. What is the
> > "new-line" character for a textarea? ( in effect the reverse of nl2br()
> A newline is \n
> $text = "word\nword\nword\n";
> echo "$word";
> will have each "word" on a different line. 
> ---John Holmes...

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[PHP] How do I display new lines in a textearea?

2003-06-06 Thread Petre Agenbag

I want to have a textarea that contains details read from a mysql table,
but I want to echo each row so that it is on a new line. What is the
"new-line" character for a textarea? ( in effect the reverse of nl2br()


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[PHP] GEnerating PDF's

2003-06-02 Thread Petre Agenbag
Hi List

I'm investigating different possibilities to generate printable and
read-only documents, and the "best" method seems to be generating PDF's,
however, I have NO experience with working with PDF's, and the examples
in the manual only list a simple "one-liner" text pdf. 
Where can I find more material that will explain in layman's terms how
to generate pdf's from various sources. As example, I'd like to generate
PDF's of a webpage "on-the-fly" or even from data in MySQL tables. It
seems that you need to provide the pdf generation process with the
co-ordinates and size of each "element", but it is the location of the
"elements" that I have trouble with, ie. what is needed to define each

Thanks for the help.

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Re: [PHP] Variables don't pass... *sniff*

2003-05-28 Thread Petre Agenbag
Maybe they could include a quick "overview" of the latest changes as
well as a link to the on-line manual in your "sign-up" message when
joining the list?

On Wed, 2003-05-28 at 11:46, Chris Hayes wrote:
> Could someone with power over please try to make this change in 
> variable handling very extremely clear for downloaders? Make it something 
> you cannot miss? Not everybody reads release notes and readme.txt files.

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Re: [PHP] Variables don't pass... *sniff*

2003-05-28 Thread Petre Agenbag
Sorry, I missunderstood your question about backwards compatible.

YES, accessing your variables this way ($_POST[] etc), IS backwards
compatibel, ie, they are placed in those arrays anyways, BUT, the method
is not backwards compatible to older versions of PHP, there the arrays
were called $HTTP_GET_VARS or something similarly unlike $_GET...

On Wed, 2003-05-28 at 11:49, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Thank you mate, this works! =)
> Just curious, though... I'd like to keep my scripts as compatible as
> possible, so can you tell me if this method is backwards compatible? I've
> never used this method before, the variables have just "been there" on a
> subsequent page. I'm kinda fearing for my previous work, if the servers
> suddenly change their configurations, rendering scripts non-functional...
> And, I'm guessing $_POST would be the array to hold POSTed variables, right?
> Is there a function to "release" the contents of these arrays into global
> variables in a scripts, so you don't have to go...
> $var1 = $_GET[var1];
> $var2 = $_GET[var2];
> ...if that's what you wanted? (Not sure I want to, but just to know)
> Again, thank you! =)
> Daniel
> - Original Message - 
> From: Petre Agenbag
> Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 11:40 AM
> Subject: Re: [PHP] Variables don't pass... *sniff*
> RegisterGlobals = Off
> You need to access these variables by
> $_POST[aVariable] or in your case ( adding the variables to the end of a
> URL means you are using the GET method: $_GET[aVAriable] etc.
> On Wed, 2003-05-28 at 11:37, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hi all!
> >
> > I'm using Apache 2.0.45, PHP 4.3.2RC4, and MySQL 3.23.49 on Windows 2003
> > Server Standard.
> >
> > I have a problem passing variables between pages. They simply get lost.
> > Neither GET nor POST pass values, and even "hardcoding" them into the URL,
> > like
> >
> > htpp://localhost/comeon.php?aVariable=ding&anotherVariable=dong
> >
> > and putting this in comeon.php:
> >
> > echo("Values: $aVariable, $anotherVariable");
> >
> > only outputs
> >
> > Values: ,
> >
> > ...I've tried with RC3 of PHP, even 4.3.1, but it doesn't work. I've used
> > PHP on my machine with Apache 2 before, and it worked fine. Actually I
> used
> > the same scripts fine on my old config. This was on XP however, so I'm not
> > sure if it's got something to do with the OS. I'm hoping it's a
> > configuration issue.
> >
> > Any ideas are VERY much appreciated =).
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Daniel
> >
> >
> > » There are 10 kinds of people - those who know binary and those who
> don't.
> > «
> >
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Variables don't pass... *sniff*

2003-05-28 Thread Petre Agenbag
It's not backwards compatible. If your code simply mentioned the
variable name and not the method array, it will not work (as you
noticed) when registerglobals is turned off ( for security reasons).

However, there are many ways of making your old code work, the easiest
is probably to extract the $_POST or $_GET array.

Look in the manual at the array functions ( extract() ) and also read up
on working with registerglobals = off.

On Wed, 2003-05-28 at 11:49, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Thank you mate, this works! =)
> Just curious, though... I'd like to keep my scripts as compatible as
> possible, so can you tell me if this method is backwards compatible? I've
> never used this method before, the variables have just "been there" on a
> subsequent page. I'm kinda fearing for my previous work, if the servers
> suddenly change their configurations, rendering scripts non-functional...
> And, I'm guessing $_POST would be the array to hold POSTed variables, right?
> Is there a function to "release" the contents of these arrays into global
> variables in a scripts, so you don't have to go...
> $var1 = $_GET[var1];
> $var2 = $_GET[var2];
> ...if that's what you wanted? (Not sure I want to, but just to know)
> Again, thank you! =)
> Daniel
> - Original Message - 
> From: Petre Agenbag
> Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 11:40 AM
> Subject: Re: [PHP] Variables don't pass... *sniff*
> RegisterGlobals = Off
> You need to access these variables by
> $_POST[aVariable] or in your case ( adding the variables to the end of a
> URL means you are using the GET method: $_GET[aVAriable] etc.
> On Wed, 2003-05-28 at 11:37, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hi all!
> >
> > I'm using Apache 2.0.45, PHP 4.3.2RC4, and MySQL 3.23.49 on Windows 2003
> > Server Standard.
> >
> > I have a problem passing variables between pages. They simply get lost.
> > Neither GET nor POST pass values, and even "hardcoding" them into the URL,
> > like
> >
> > htpp://localhost/comeon.php?aVariable=ding&anotherVariable=dong
> >
> > and putting this in comeon.php:
> >
> > echo("Values: $aVariable, $anotherVariable");
> >
> > only outputs
> >
> > Values: ,
> >
> > ...I've tried with RC3 of PHP, even 4.3.1, but it doesn't work. I've used
> > PHP on my machine with Apache 2 before, and it worked fine. Actually I
> used
> > the same scripts fine on my old config. This was on XP however, so I'm not
> > sure if it's got something to do with the OS. I'm hoping it's a
> > configuration issue.
> >
> > Any ideas are VERY much appreciated =).
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Daniel
> >
> >
> > » There are 10 kinds of people - those who know binary and those who
> don't.
> > «
> >
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Variables don't pass... *sniff*

2003-05-28 Thread Petre Agenbag
RegisterGlobals = Off

You need to access these variables by

$_POST[aVariable] or in your case ( adding the variables to the end of a
URL means you are using the GET method: $_GET[aVAriable] etc.
On Wed, 2003-05-28 at 11:37, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi all!
> I'm using Apache 2.0.45, PHP 4.3.2RC4, and MySQL 3.23.49 on Windows 2003
> Server Standard.
> I have a problem passing variables between pages. They simply get lost.
> Neither GET nor POST pass values, and even "hardcoding" them into the URL,
> like
> htpp://localhost/comeon.php?aVariable=ding&anotherVariable=dong
> and putting this in comeon.php:
> echo("Values: $aVariable, $anotherVariable");
> only outputs
> Values: ,
> ...I've tried with RC3 of PHP, even 4.3.1, but it doesn't work. I've used
> PHP on my machine with Apache 2 before, and it worked fine. Actually I used
> the same scripts fine on my old config. This was on XP however, so I'm not
> sure if it's got something to do with the OS. I'm hoping it's a
> configuration issue.
> Any ideas are VERY much appreciated =).
> Thanks,
> Daniel
> » There are 10 kinds of people - those who know binary and those who don't.
> «

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Re: [PHP] newbie help, pressing the submit button returns nothing

2003-04-04 Thread Petre Agenbag
Your problem is not with PHP but with basic HTML.
Your  tag needs an action="" in order to "do"
something. With PHP, you can call the same page back onto itself.
On Fri, 2003-04-04 at 14:37, David McGlone wrote:
> Hi all, I have a real quick question. I'm trying to learn PHP and right now im 
> working with variables, anyway, I cannot get the code below to work 
> correctly, could anyone help me out here the problem is, when you submit the 
> name, the name will not appear at all.
> Name:
> Your name is:
> echo ($UserName);
> ?>
> -- 
> David M.
> Edification Web Solutions
> -- 
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Re: [PHP] Strange Issues

2003-04-01 Thread Petre Agenbag
Hi Nicole
First of all you need to tell us where and for which service these users
are trying to log in, ie. are they logging in to receive mail, access
secure website section etc? And what is the authentication
method/dependencies? I think if you can answer these questions, we will
know better to tell you where to look for the cause. For example, if the
problem is with users loggin into the website, and the authentication
you use is a sql table , then the problem could lie with either Apache
being too busy, or with mysql being too busy, and the problem would
probably be evident in the logs of either service.

You can also scrutinize your /var/log/messages file to see if there are
any evidence of system lockups or other errors.



On Wed, 2003-04-02 at 09:04, Nicole wrote:
> ---
> My System:
> A dedicated server with:
> Red Hat 7.2
> P4 2 GHZ
> 1GB Ram
> -Apache
> -PHP 4.2
> -MySQL
> Ensim panel
> ---
> I am having strange occurrences of people telling me they cannot sign into
> their accounts. It happens every now and then, and it happens to anyone --
> but not everyone.
> I am not sure what this could be a result of. I start to think it's a server
> issue. I see no common pattern, they are using either windows 98 or XP with
> IE 5 and 6. I personally run XP and have the same setup as some of these
> that report trouble signing in. If they try to sign in later, they get in
> fine.
> I run several sites on this server, and this particular site is high
> traffic. My other site has just about 30 members and I have had not a single
> complain in 6 months. So I'm baffled.
> The hour of the day varies,as well. There's no regular or common pattern
> that I can see. Could it be from an issue with Apache, MySQl and PHP? Maybe
> it is even an issue with PHP sessions.
> I wondered if anyone else has heard of or experienced something similar. If
> so, have you figured out what is causing this? Have you found a workaround?
> Thanks!
> --
> Nicole
> -- 
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Re: [PHP] PHP Books

2003-03-12 Thread Petre Agenbag
Hi Chris

The first book, Teach Yourself PHP and MySQL in 24 Hrs: I got that one
myself, but it tends to gather dust nowadays...
It was very useful in the beginning with learning the basix syntax etc,
but I quickly outgrew it, and rarely use it at all, not even for

I got the book called PHP and MySQL web development by Luke Welling and
Laura Thompson. This is a great book, I sleep with it under my pillow
and use it regularly as a reference to examples. I'd say it's basic
enough to start out with, yet advanced enough to keep you interested as
you grow more adept.

BUT, I must admit, at this point, the single resource I use the most wrt
PHP is the manual that comes with PHP, great reference to functions etc,
but of course, you need to know of these functions before you can just
refer to them... So, I would still suggest getting the Luke Welling et
al book. There's a new edition on Amazon for $35, plus shipping of about
$25. The last time I ordered, the Rand was much weaker, and the VAT was
about R55, bringing my total to about R800, but it's well worth it...

There is also a new book by Rasmus Lerdorf and it's cheaper than the
book I mention, unfortunately I don't have insight into that book, and
what would the guy that wrote PHP know about it anyway heh? ;p

On Wed, 2003-03-12 at 11:45, Chris Blake wrote:
> Greetings learned PHP(eople),
> Can anyone offer comment on the following books on PHP.
> I`m in the early stages of PHP and am looking for a suitable guide to
> begin with.
> =
> Sams Teach Yourself PHP MYSQL and Apache in 24 Hours
> Publisher:  Sams Publishing
> ISBN:  067232489X
> Publishing Date:  2003
> Format:  Paperback
> =
> Author:  Tim Converse
> Publisher:  WILEY
> ISBN:  0764549553
> Pages:  875
> Format:  Paperback
> ==
> Beginner's Guides (Osborne): PHP 4: A Beginner's Guide
> Author:  Bill McCarty and William McCarty
> Publisher:  MCGRAW HILL
> ISBN:  0072133716
> Publishing Date:  2001
> Pages:  544
> Format:  Paperback
> If anyone has used these manuals I would appreciate your input as I
> don`t wanna spend a fortune on a manual and then find out it`s [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -- 
> Chris Blake
> Office : (011) 782-0840
> Cell : 083 985 0379
> Your mouse has moved. Windows must be restarted for the change to take
> effect. Reboot now? [ OK ]
> -- 
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Re: [PHP] session

2003-03-11 Thread Petre Agenbag
Well, I guess it's all about the type of application you're writing and
the kind of resources you have at your disposal...
Making garbage collection 100% will basically cause the system to go
through the steps of determining what should be disposed and what not,
and that would be determined by the time-out setting... So making it
100% and keeping the time to 24 minutes would mean that a session
wouldn't last much longer than 24 minutes on your system. Is that good?
Only you will know; if your application demands long visit times for
users, then it is not a good idea, as they will find the session
destroyed after 24 minutes of use...
Running the process too often might cause some performance problems on
an average server, and leaving it for too long *could* cause memory and
disk space problems; so it's a balance really, and you should tweak the
settings to match your needs ( which you should have determined in dry
runs before going live...)

On Tue, 2003-03-11 at 09:47, Shaun van den Berg wrote:
> Hi,
> What should the probability of your garbadge collector be ? is a 100% bad ,
> and how long must the max lifetime of your session variables be , the
> default is 1440 secs(24 min) , is 24 hours to much ? Thanks
> Shaun
> --
> Novtel Consulting
> Tel: +27 21 9822373
> Fax: +27 21 9815846
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> -- 
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Re: [PHP] session

2003-03-10 Thread Petre Agenbag
Garbage collection is a random process. You can however set the
probability of it starting on every session call in the php.ini file,
along with the elapsed time of a session variable, after which it is
considered garbage.
On my system, my probability is set to "1", meaning there is a 1% chance
of the garbage process starting when I call a new session, and my
"garbage define time" is 1440, meaning if the data is older than that
amount of seconds, then it is to be considered garbage by the next
garbage process, and hence, destroyed...

On Mon, 2003-03-10 at 15:30, Shaun van den Berg wrote:
> When does the carbadge collector start ?
> Thanks
> Shaun
> --
> Novtel Consulting
> Tel: +27 21 9822373
> Fax: +27 21 9815846
> Please visit our website:
> -- 
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Re: [PHP] Form input security

2003-03-09 Thread Petre Agenbag
It all depends on what you will do with the data... The use will dictate
the level of cleaning up.
You MUST clean it up for DB entries as you mentioned, but if you are
only going to e-mail the contents "as-is" to yourself etc, then cleaning
up the data becomes of lesser importance.

On Sun, 2003-03-09 at 21:18, Chris Cook wrote:
> Hello all,
> When using forms, when do I have to worry about cleaning up user data? I 
> know to use escapeshellarg() when using system functions, but how about when 
> using the user data for database inserts? Also, if I do not insert the data 
> into the database or use any system commands, do I still need to clean the 
> data?
> Thanks,
> Chris
> _
> Add photos to your e-mail with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.  
> -- 
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Re: [PHP] [mysq] help with displaying table {off Subject}

2003-03-03 Thread Petre Agenbag
I presume you are talking about phpMyAdmin here.

The Browse link only works when there are entries in the tables, ie., it
won't work on empty table.
You must first insert data into the tables, and for that you uise the
INSERT link.
You can change the tables by using the PROPERTIES link.

On Tue, 2003-03-04 at 09:18, Karl James wrote:
> hey guys im trying to figure out why the browse 
> link wont work in mysql is there anything 
> special to edit so that i can view the tables so 
> i can edit them and add value
> -- 
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Re: [PHP] reminder mail when date is within a month of today.

2003-02-25 Thread Petre Agenbag
Thanks for the quick response.
Just to clarify:
$query=mysql_query("select * from TableName where  

Which one of the dates in your query is the system's date and which is
the one from the db?
Also, I need not just the ones that are true, but also the ones that are
already past, so I presume you should have a > then?

On Tue, 2003-02-25 at 12:10, Sunfire wrote:
> well...
> $query=mysql_query("select * from TableName where
> month(FieldNameForDate)=month(FieldOfDate)+1");
> that should do it.. or at least it does on mine anyways...
> - Original Message -
> From: "Petre Agenbag" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2003 4:07 AM
> Subject: [PHP] reminder mail when date is within a month of today.
> > HI
> > I'm having a bad thinking day. I know it's going to be a very easy
> > solution, but please humour me.
> > I have a mysql table with a bunch of subscribers and the date that they
> > subscribed.
> > I want to query the table to find all the subscribers who will come up
> > for renewal within the current month. So, each time I access the page,
> > it must generate a table with those who's subscription is going to
> > expire in this month, as well as those who might already be past the
> > renewal date.
> > I can handle the generation of the table and all, I'm just not coping
> > with the query string.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > PHP General Mailing List (
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> >
> >
> ---
> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
> Version: 6.0.443 / Virus Database: 248 - Release Date: 1/10/2003
> -- 
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[PHP] reminder mail cont.

2003-02-25 Thread Petre Agenbag
Sorry, forgot to mention, the subscription is annual, so the
subscription date I have for the subscriber is lets say 2002-02-28 , so
I want to "capture" that he will need to renew by 2003-02-28 as well as
all people past today's date...

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[PHP] reminder mail when date is within a month of today.

2003-02-25 Thread Petre Agenbag
I'm having a bad thinking day. I know it's going to be a very easy
solution, but please humour me.
I have a mysql table with a bunch of subscribers and the date that they
I want to query the table to find all the subscribers who will come up
for renewal within the current month. So, each time I access the page,
it must generate a table with those who's subscription is going to
expire in this month, as well as those who might already be past the
renewal date.
I can handle the generation of the table and all, I'm just not coping
with the query string.


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[PHP] script to check if server is up

2003-02-18 Thread Petre Agenbag
I have two servers on two different networks. I would like to implement
some sort of a watchdog application between the two to inform me should
either of the machines go down or has a connection problem.
I was thinking along the line of using a PHP script running from cron on
an hourly basis to "ping" the server as well as another server such as (they seem to be always up) and to only raise the alarm when
google can be reached, but NOT the other server.

My only problem is with the actual recognition of a "failed" ping, or
for that matter a successful one?

Can anyone give me some brain food as to the code for detecting a
up/down connection?

pseudo code:

make connection with server1
get result of connection_server1
make connection with
get result of connection_google

if connection_google && !connection_server1
sms me
chill out

and a plus would be to do this ONLY if the result of the next cron-run
is the same, ie, don't sms me if the problem has been fixed within an
I just don';t know what to use to "make connection" and "get result of


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[PHP] encrypt passwords on URL

2003-02-13 Thread Petre Agenbag
This is a sort-of continuation on my previous question regarding being
able to "puch" a file to a client machine using PHP.

I have created a login page that connects to the ftp server and then
lists the contents of the folder. My original hope was that I could
somehow have the user just click on the file he want's to download it,
but since the files are not in a webfolder, I couldn't just make links
to them...

Another scenraio that could work is to simply have the user go to

ftp://username:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

BUT, that leaves the password on the URL and the data is sensitive. So,
my question:

Can I encrypt the password with PHP and then generate the link as above
but with the encrypted password?

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[PHP] ftp file to client machine

2003-02-13 Thread Petre Agenbag
I am trying to do the following:

I have an ftp server configured, but instead of the user having to use
an ftp client, I'd like them to use the browser: So I'm trying to make a
mini web-based ftp client. Idea is to get their username and password (
and maybe the ftp address as well?) and to then have php log into the
server and list the contents of the folder (no need to handel subfolders
etc.). Then I would want them to be able to click on the file to
download it.

I have done the first part with no problem as per below:

} else {
echo "Connected to $ftp_server, for user $ftp_user_name";

// get dir listing
$file_list = ftp_nlist($conn_id,"");

foreach ($file_list as $num=>$val) {
echo "$val 


But I am baffeled for the rest, ie, what to do on the download.ftp page.
First I tried the ftp_get() with the $file used as the local and remote
files, but it seems that that will not download the file to the client
machine, but rather to the server itself.
So, how can I have the file download to the client's machine ( ps, the
files are NOT inside a webfolder, so I cannot simply make links to them,
and yes, it is done for security reasons; basically I am trusting/using
vsftp's security instead of having to devise my own method..)

Please point out my obvious lack in knowledge of these matters.


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Re: [PHP] Echo # problem

2003-02-12 Thread Petre Agenbag
Two ways:
a) echo "blabla # $blabla";

b) echo 'blabla # '.$blabla;

The # character must just be inside the echo's quotes.

On Wed, 2003-02-12 at 13:36, Paul McQ wrote:
> I am writing an application in which I need to redirect to an url using the
> Header function.  This redirection must include the # character so that the
> user is taken to the relevant part of the following page.
> PHP sees the # as a comment no matter what I do and therefore the
> redirection doesn't work as I would like.  Does anyone know how you can use
> PHP to echo the # character?
> -- 
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Re: [PHP] best way to save form data on user side

2003-01-28 Thread Petre Agenbag
Hi Chris

On Tue, 2003-01-28 at 22:09, Chris Shiflett wrote:
> --- Petre Agenbag <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have a rather annoying problem regarding forms. 
> > I have built an app that allows the users to fill
> > in a rather large form (much like a claim form)
> > and then have the data pumped into a mysql db.
> > The problem is: the users want to be able to
> > "save" their forms on their systems as a)
> > backup/proof that they have filled it in and b)
> > for their records for future use and c) the hope
> > is that it would also allow for a reliable method
> > to complete the form off-line and then submit it
> > when online again.
> Well, this sounds like a bad idea in general, but if you
> have no choice in the matter, I suppose cookies can fulfill
> the need.
> Anything you implement like this is going to lessen the
> security of the data, because rather than the client
> sending it to you once, you are going to expose it over the
> Internet several times. If this risk is acceptable for
> whatever reason, then cookies are probably no less secure
> for this data than anything else.
> Normally, I would highly recommend *not* storing client
> data on cookies, because that opens you up to several types
> of attacks, but you can accomplish what you want to do with
> this method. Only "punish" those who want this feature by
> setting these cookies only for those who choose to save
> this data locally. You could help the situation by
> encrypting the data in your cookies, so that only
> presentation attacks are a concern, but your users wouldn't
> be able to easily look at their data as verification of
> anything.
> My recommendation is to leverage your position as the
> technical expert to advise a more proper solution, one that
> you agree to, not them. They should not be consulted
> regarding application design unless they have experience
> with it. Rather, they should be describing their needs and
> let you (or the technical lead / project manager) do the
> technical design.
This is exactly what I'm looking to do; but my problem remains: I don't
know what the best solution is.
The problem is clear: the users actually need an electronic copy of the
data they submit; they must revisit certain issues annually, and would
need to access the data they submitted the previous year; either for
review purposes, or to make the new submission a speedy matter of simply
changing the details that are different from last year.
It's much like a normal office scenario: each person works on Word docs
that need to be shared with others, yet needs to be editable and must be
saved etc, BUT the difference here is that the data of all the
collective sources must be entered into a central db. So the "non
technical" solution would be for the users to do the forms in "word",
then fax it to the central office, where you have a temp type the data
into the db... we can't have that now...
Any ideas?

PS, I don't think cookies are going to do this. Remember, the user needs
to be able to access and re-submit the form at any stage.
> Good luck to you.
> Chris

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RE: [PHP] best way to save form data on user side

2003-01-28 Thread Petre Agenbag
Hi Bryan

Thanks for the suggestions.
Can you elaborate on the pdf option? Wouldn't that mean the users would
need a copy of adobe acrobat writer?
On Tue, 2003-01-28 at 21:53, Bryan Brannigan wrote:
> 3 choices as I see it..
> a) create a PDF for download
> b) let the users create the form in Excel and then figure out a way to
> import that into your database using a webapp
> c) client side app :(
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Petre Agenbag [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 2:35 PM
> > Subject: [PHP] best way to save form data on user side
> > 
> > 
> > Hi
> > I have a rather annoying problem regarding forms. 
> > I have built an app that allows the users to fill in a rather 
> > large form
> > (much like a claim form) and then have the data pumped into a 
> > mysql db.
> > The problem is: the users want to be able to "save" their 
> > forms on their
> > systems as a) backup/proof that they have filled it in and b) 
> > for their
> > records for future use and c) the hope is that it would also 
> > allow for a
> > reliable method to complete the form off-line and then submit it when
> > online again.
> > 
> > So, I'm not sure what the best way is to tackle this 
> > situation. My gutt
> > says it would need some kind of client stand alone app, but I wouldn't
> > want to go there unless I am proven beyond reasonable doubt that it is
> > the only way.
> > 
> > The users are mostly in computer limbo, and if they had their 
> > way, they
> > would want to use "Word or Excel" to complete the forms, save it to
> > their hard drive and "click to send it away"...
> > 
> > Help!, Please?!
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > PHP General Mailing List (
> > To unsubscribe, visit:
> > 

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[PHP] best way to save form data on user side

2003-01-28 Thread Petre Agenbag
I have a rather annoying problem regarding forms. 
I have built an app that allows the users to fill in a rather large form
(much like a claim form) and then have the data pumped into a mysql db.
The problem is: the users want to be able to "save" their forms on their
systems as a) backup/proof that they have filled it in and b) for their
records for future use and c) the hope is that it would also allow for a
reliable method to complete the form off-line and then submit it when
online again.

So, I'm not sure what the best way is to tackle this situation. My gutt
says it would need some kind of client stand alone app, but I wouldn't
want to go there unless I am proven beyond reasonable doubt that it is
the only way.

The users are mostly in computer limbo, and if they had their way, they
would want to use "Word or Excel" to complete the forms, save it to
their hard drive and "click to send it away"...

Help!, Please?!

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Re: [PHP] Mail Function Parameters

2003-01-23 Thread Petre Agenbag
You have to use sendmail with the -f flag. 
I have written a small test util to do this:

On Thu, 2003-01-23 at 16:12, Adam Voigt wrote:
> I have a site with a PHP auto-mailer where the owner of the site gets a
> report
> generated from the DB, it all works fine, except his server has spam
> filtering enabled
> so the FROM header in my PHP-Generated email, which says
> "apache@hostname"
> doesn't work because what the hostname is set to, isn't resolveable
> outside our network.
> Now I know I can just set the servers hostname to a valid DNS name, but
> this brings
> up another problem, even though I'm manually setting the "From" and
> "Reply-to" headers
> in the PHP mail command (the last parameter), when the email's are
> listed in his box, it works,
> if you open the headers in the email near the very top it still says
> "From: apache@hostname" and a little ways below it says the From and
> Reply-to I set.
> So, is there anyway to override the top From which says apache@hostname?
> Maybe
> setting additional parameters on my sendmail command line in the
> php.ini? Any ideas?
> I appreciate it.
> -- 
> Adam Voigt ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> The Cryptocomm Group
> My GPG Key:

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RE: [PHP] Dreaded Return-Path and mail()

2003-01-07 Thread Petre Agenbag
Almost exactly the same question as the message with subject: Sendmail

The problem you are having took me a while to grasp. Basically, what
happens is that sendmail sends the mail as the user php/apache was
installed as (usually nobody@ or apache@
Setting the Return-Path does not work, as you cannot override the
Return-Path set by the server in this way, that's why messages bounce to
your root account when sent with a php mail() function. If you only host
one domain on a server, you can fix this by editing the file
and setting the Return-Path: to something more meaningful: However, most
people don't have the luxury of having a "one domain" hosting solution.

Your only other option is to invoke sendmail with the -f switch:
sendmail -f sender@address recipient@address  Hmm... I would expect that your (if you are using sendmail)
> hasn't got
> your webserver (running as eg www or apache etc) in it's trusted users
> file / listing.
> HiTCHO has Spoken! 
> Timothy Hitchens (HiTCHO)
> > -Original Message-
> > From: David T-G [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> > Sent: Tuesday, 7 January 2003 10:34 AM
> > To: PHP General list
> > Cc: Monty
> > Subject: Re: [PHP] Dreaded Return-Path and mail()
> > 
> > 
> > Monty --
> > 
> > ...and then Monty said...
> > % 
> > % Okay, I've read just about everything on the Internet about 
> > how the change % the Return-Path header in an e-mail sent 
> > using mail(), but, I STILL can't % get it to work. All e-mail 
> > sent via PHP says Return-Path: [EMAIL PROTECTED] % and 
> > Received: (from nobody@localhost).
> > 
> > How interesting.
> > 
> > What do you get if you put
> > 
> >   $to = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" ;
> >   $subj = "here is a subject" ;
> >   $body = "this is the message body" ;
> >   $hdrs = "From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]\r\nReturn-Path: 
> > 
> >   mail($to,$subj,$body,$hdrs) ;
> > 
> > in a php script and execute it?  If it doesn't work, what do 
> > the mail server lots on your web server say?  I just tested 
> > this code on my box and it worked, so if you have problems 
> > then you can figure it's your mail setup and not your code.  
> > If it works, expand from there in small steps :-)
> > 
> > 
> > HTH & HAND
> > 
> > :-D
> > -- 
> > David T-G  * There is too much animal courage in 
> > (play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient 
> > moral courage.
> > (work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, 
> > "Science and Health"
> >  Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf 
> > Qrprapl Npg!
> > 
> > 
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (
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RE: [PHP] PHP sendmail configuration

2003-01-07 Thread Petre Agenbag
The problem you are having took me a while to grasp. Basically, what
happens is that sendmail sends the mail as the user php/apache was
installed as (usually nobody@ or apache@
Setting the Return-Path does not work, as you cannot override the
Return-Path set by the server in this way, that's why messages bounce to
your root account when sent with a php mail() function. If you only host
one domain on a server, you can fix this by editing the file
and setting the Return-Path: to something more meaningful: However, most
people don't have the luxury of having a "one domain" hosting solution.

Your only other option is to invoke sendmail with the -f switch:
sendmail -f sender@address recipient@address  richard check your php.ini & the mail stuff in there .. it's most likely
> using the address either there or ur web server config file
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Richard Baskett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Tuesday, 7 January 2003 10:49 AM
> > To: PHP General
> > Subject: [PHP] PHP sendmail configuration
> >
> >
> > Ok I know it's off topic, but I've been working on this for over
> > 5 hours now
> > and I almost have it configured, but something is definitely wrong!
> > Basically I can send email using sendmail by this command:
> >
> > echo "Just a test" | mail -s "test" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > Now [EMAIL PROTECTED] receives the email, but the From address is
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I have no idea where it is getting that
> > address from!  Does anyone know how I can change that from address?
> >
> > And what would stop the above command from delivering to certain
> > valid email
> > addresses?
> >
> > This is definitely causing problems with my php server also when trying to
> > send emails...
> >
> > Rick
> >
> > "Only a life lived for others is worth living." - Albert Einstein
> >
> >
> > --
> > PHP General Mailing List (
> > To unsubscribe, visit:
> >
> >
> >
> -- 
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Re: [PHP] No Idea - Comparing Lines

2003-01-06 Thread Petre Agenbag
When you read the first line, split the data into it's components , then
assign each value to a variable.
Call them:
$octet_1,$unix_time_1 etc.
Now, start the loop.
Inside the loop, read the next line, assign to $octet_2, $unix_time_2
Do your calculations ( $answer = $octet_2 - $octet_1 etc. )
Now, before exiting the loop:
$octet_1 = $octet_2;
$unix_time_1 = $unix_time_1;

On Mon, 2003-01-06 at 15:51, Christopher J. Crane wrote:
> Ok, this is the first time I will post a message without a line of code. I
> am not sure how to go about this task. So I will describe it and maybe
> someone will have some thoughts.
> I use PHP to connect to our many routers and get data using snmp. I have
> written a script that refreshes itself every 10 secs. It writes the data to
> a text file. The key element of this data is the Octet counters, or the
> amount of data that has been transfered both in and out. To keep it simple,
> I will only talk about outs. In order to find the amount od data being
> transfered, I have to compare two lines. Then run a calculation on that and
> then push that data into an array to plot on a chart later on.
> Here is an example of the file the data is written to:
> OctetsIn:4300492881|OctetsOut:4300544503|UnixTime:1041629017
> OctetsIn:4305184236|OctetsOut:4305234971|UnixTime:1041629031
> OctetsIn:4308716675|OctetsOut:4308782481|UnixTime:1041629044
> OctetsIn:4312595737|OctetsOut:4312685815|UnixTime:1041629058
> OctetsIn:4315910414|OctetsOut:4315961443|UnixTime:1041629072
> OctetsIn:4318948400|OctetsOut:4318975102|UnixTime:1041629085
> OctetsIn:4322040239|OctetsOut:4322091605|UnixTime:1041629098
> OctetsIn:4324981522|OctetsOut:4325033235|UnixTime:1041629111
> OctetsIn:4327971528|OctetsOut:4328029496|UnixTime:1041629125
> OctetsIn:4332318792|OctetsOut:4332379277|UnixTime:1041629138
> OctetsIn:4335594241|OctetsOut:4335635318|UnixTime:1041629153
> OctetsIn:4339008729|OctetsOut:4339048246|UnixTime:1041629166
> OctetsIn:4342539875|OctetsOut:4342591776|UnixTime:1041629180
> OctetsIn:4346070439|OctetsOut:4346127821|UnixTime:1041629193
> OctetsIn:4350288360|OctetsOut:4350355417|UnixTime:1041629206
> I can open the file and read the contents line by line
> split up but the delimiters and get the data I needbut this is what has
> to happen.
> If PHP is on line 1, do nothing (it's needs two lines to compare against)
> If it's on line 2, then subtract Line 1, OctetsOut from Line Line 2
> OctetsOut. Then do the same with the UnixTime. Now run a calculation on that
> data and push that into an array as the first data point. Now move on, with
> a loop I would assume, and do the same for lines 2 and 3, and so on, until
> we reach the end.
> There could be 5 lines or 500 lines.
> I can loop through the file and do everything, the biggest problem I am
> having is getting the data on the line PHP is currently on, and then
> subtracting the line prior to it. I just can't seem to get a grasp on it.
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] communicate with cyrus imap

2002-11-19 Thread Petre Agenbag
I wonder if someone can give me some pointers on this.

I have cyrus/sendmail  running on a RH server, and it works great. I use
ximian evolution as my mail client and other users also has no problem
with OE or MO.
I've been looking at various web based mail clients to implement on my
server for my clients, but they all seem to have "messy" temp folders
that need to be taken care of with cron jobs etc, and it seems like
these temp folders/cron jobs are not 100% fool proof in either the size
that they grow, or in detecting "old" messages to delete.

So, I would just like to get my mind in line here with the actual
problem. Are these php based webmail clients "forced" to use this kind
of temp folder structure, or is there just no other way, and one would
have to "live with it". Would a Java client be less of a hassle then?

I would have asked something like " Can't you simply let cyrus handle
the whole process and just use php to create the 'frontend' " , but I
obviously don't know enough about the actual "workings" of these php
clients ( squirrel and webmail for instance ).

I just don't want to put one on my server as a solution to my clients if
I cannot be 100% assured and comfortable with the system as I am with
cyrus in general.

Hope someone can enlighten me.

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Re: [PHP] Syntax Help

2002-11-14 Thread Petre Agenbag
What do you mean by "dont post proper data"?

Have you added slashes to the variables?
(use addslashes() and then stripslashes() when reading the contents from
the db)
On Thu, 2002-11-14 at 11:22, conbud wrote:
> Whats wrong here ?? The variables are getting the correct information from
> the form but for some reason as soon as I put the variables into the $sql
> they dont post the proper data to the database, its connecting to the
> database ok but just not updating the data.
> $sql = "UPDATE updates SET member= '{$_POST['mem']}', email=
> '{$_POST['email']}', position= '{$_POST['pos']}', dateadded=
> '{$_POST['dateadded']}', descp= '{$_POST['descp']}', message=
> '{$_POST['message']}' where id= '{$_POST['id']}'";
> $result = mysql_query($sql);
> Lee
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] How to echo the end marker '?>'

2002-11-08 Thread Petre Agenbag
I'm just curious.
Why do you want to echo within an echo?
echo '';
will do the trick won't it?
Unless I miss the point, I cannot see why you need to open new php tags
for this?

On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 14:25, Ernest E Vogelsinger wrote:
> At 12:15 08.11.2002, Philipp Bolliger spoke out and said:
> [snip]
> >subject's allready my question ! I want to echo something like : " >action = \",?php echo $PHP_SELF ?> \" >" so that the action becomes  >echo $PHP_SELF ?> !! But I can't figure out how to escape ?> so that the 
> >  interpreter doesn't take it as the end of the script ! Any idea ?
> [snip] 
> Try 
> echo '';
> This should work (untested)
> -- 
>>O Ernest E. Vogelsinger 
>(\) ICQ #13394035 
> ^

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Re: [PHP] Re: creating and ftp text file

2002-11-05 Thread Petre Agenbag
Hi Erwin

OK, my first problem:

your code genrates errors, 
it says fwrite and fclose are invalid file descriptors.

I gathered thatit is possibly because thos are for "normal" files, so I
looked in the manual and found the FTP-functions, but it takes a
$local_file variable, and that must be the name of the local file on
disk, so I cannot simply put $content in there...
Any ideas on how to directly stream the variable to the ftp site?

On Tue, 2002-11-05 at 17:09, Erwin wrote:
> > I am pretty up to standard with getting stuff into and out of mysql,
> > so I am basically just in need of pointers with generating the text
> > file and ftp'ing automatically.
> > It would be an even greater plus if it wasn't actually necessary to
> > create a physical text file on the hard drive, but to simply ftp the
> > "memory" file via the ftp functions, but I don't think that is
> > possible?
> In fact, it is...just open the file on the ftp directly
>  $fp = fopen( '', 'w' );
> ?>
> You can then write directly to that filepointer:
>  fwrite( $fp, 'some text' );
> ?>
> Don't forget to close the file (I think PHP does that anyway, but it's nicer
> if you do that)
>  fclose( $fp );
> ?>
> >
> > My routine will already have connections to the db, and the query will
> > have already been run
> > (something like select number from table where group=1)
> > and I would then have a while to step through the result set.
> > This is where I need help, how to "create" the file and add the
> > numbers and "static" text to the file, and once completed with the
> > loop, to ftp to a server with username and password.
> You'll have to loop trough the resultset
>  $query = 'select number from table where group=1';
> $result = mysql_query( $query );
> $content = '';
> while ( $res = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )   // This piece of code will
> add all the Cellphone-numbers to the $content variable
> {
> $content .= 'Cellphone: ' . $res['number'] . "\n";
> }
> $content .= 'Reference: ' . $reference . "\n";
> $content .= 'Notify: ' . $notify . "\n";
> // And add everything else to the $content variable which needs to be
> written
> $fp = fopen('', 'w' );
> fwrite( $fp, $content );
> fclose( $fp );
> ?>
> Erwin
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Re: creating and ftp text file

2002-11-05 Thread Petre Agenbag
Thanks a million.
That's actually much simpler than I thought it would be...

I'm gonna give it a go just now, but I'm sure it will work!

Thanks again!

On Tue, 2002-11-05 at 17:09, Erwin wrote:
> > I am pretty up to standard with getting stuff into and out of mysql,
> > so I am basically just in need of pointers with generating the text
> > file and ftp'ing automatically.
> > It would be an even greater plus if it wasn't actually necessary to
> > create a physical text file on the hard drive, but to simply ftp the
> > "memory" file via the ftp functions, but I don't think that is
> > possible?
> In fact, it is...just open the file on the ftp directly
>  $fp = fopen( '', 'w' );
> ?>
> You can then write directly to that filepointer:
>  fwrite( $fp, 'some text' );
> ?>
> Don't forget to close the file (I think PHP does that anyway, but it's nicer
> if you do that)
>  fclose( $fp );
> ?>
> >
> > My routine will already have connections to the db, and the query will
> > have already been run
> > (something like select number from table where group=1)
> > and I would then have a while to step through the result set.
> > This is where I need help, how to "create" the file and add the
> > numbers and "static" text to the file, and once completed with the
> > loop, to ftp to a server with username and password.
> You'll have to loop trough the resultset
>  $query = 'select number from table where group=1';
> $result = mysql_query( $query );
> $content = '';
> while ( $res = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )   // This piece of code will
> add all the Cellphone-numbers to the $content variable
> {
> $content .= 'Cellphone: ' . $res['number'] . "\n";
> }
> $content .= 'Reference: ' . $reference . "\n";
> $content .= 'Notify: ' . $notify . "\n";
> // And add everything else to the $content variable which needs to be
> written
> $fp = fopen('', 'w' );
> fwrite( $fp, $content );
> fclose( $fp );
> ?>
> Erwin
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] creating and ftp text file

2002-11-05 Thread Petre Agenbag
I need to create a text file that is in a specific format from a mysql
query, and then ftp that file to another server.

The format will be something like this:
Cellphone: xx
Cellphone: xx
Cellphone: xx
Cellphone: xx
Cellphone: xx
Cellphone: xx
Cellphone: xx
Cellphone: xx
Cellphone: xx
Cellphone: xx
Cellphone: xx
Cellphone: xx
Cellphone: xx
Reference: 123456
Notify: 0
Validity: 2h

text message

As you can probably deduct, this is for sending SMS message.

The x are the numbers that I will be getting from a mysql query,

I am pretty up to standard with getting stuff into and out of mysql, so
I am basically just in need of pointers with generating the text file
and ftp'ing automatically.
It would be an even greater plus if it wasn't actually necessary to
create a physical text file on the hard drive, but to simply ftp the
"memory" file via the ftp functions, but I don't think that is possible?

My routine will already have connections to the db, and the query will
have already been run
(something like select number from table where group=1)
and I would then have a while to step through the result set.
This is where I need help, how to "create" the file and add the numbers
and "static" text to the file, and once completed with the loop, to ftp
to a server with username and password.


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Re: [PHP] Fw: [PHP-DEV] When my PHP file opens, I want it toautomatically submit

2002-11-05 Thread Petre Agenbag
Are you just interested in getting the IP address of the visitor?
IF so, this info is already added to the website's apache log, so you
actually only need to go look through the log, or, if you want to make
it a bit more "surgical", you can write the 'REMOTE_ADDR' variable
straight into a mysql table, without the added trouble of mailing ,
specially with using mailto: ; this actually opens up a "new message"
window on the client's side's e-mail program, and the user has to click
on "send", if he doesn't, you won't get the mail So, if it's crucial
stuff, don't rely on the client ( that's actually the golden rule for
all apps...)

On Tue, 2002-11-05 at 13:05, Marek Kilimajer wrote:
> mailto:address@;">
> is this what you want? This is too complicated, why not sending it from 
> the server?
> Chris Shiflett wrote:
> > This type of question should be addressed to 
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] I am forwarding it there.
> >
> > Also, please correct your reply-to address.
> >
> > Chris
> >
> > Luke wrote:
> >
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> On my website, I have a php form which submits the global Ip address 
> >> of the
> >> computer its on to a specific email address, I want it to automatically
> >> "click" the submit button on the website without questions, it 
> >> already has
> >> an email address specified in it, but you have to open the document and
> >> click "submit"..
> >>
> >> any ideas?
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >>
> >> Luke
> >>
> >
> >
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (
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Re: [PHP] Serverside script

2002-11-01 Thread Petre Agenbag
Are you familiar with PHP, or are you more worried about how to "call"
and execute the script from the server itself on a weekly basis ( cron
job) ?

On Fri, 2002-11-01 at 14:41, Davíð Örn Jóhannsson wrote:
> I need to write a stand alone script runing on a server that checks and
> updates a database every week, is this posable and if so
> could some one direct me to a tutorial or to any info on doing this.
> Regards, David

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RE: [PHP] Simple Problems taking me hours to solve!

2002-11-01 Thread Petre Agenbag
Well, OK
I think your problem is here:
You sql *could* and probably does return more than one row.
Yet, your code as it is now will only return the first row.

You need to cycle through the result rows with a while statement, like

while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$my_id = $myrow["shipping"];
echo $my_id;
echo ;

Now, this will probably be a bit difficult to incorporate "as is" into
your function, as you will have multiple "returns", and each will
override the previous value, so you'll end up with only the last row's

Some pointers:

Use something like $result = mysql_query($sql) instead of saying
$shipping = mysql_query()

It will work the same, but it is easier to read throuhgh your code and
see where you actually invoke a result, and where you are simply
assigning a value to a variable ( which you are NOT doing with this
command, $result only contains the result set identifier of the query,
not the actual result, that's why you pass the $result to a
mysql_fetch_assoc(), only then do you have any kind of "workable" data)

Next, use mysql_fetch_assoc(), instead of ...fetch_array()

Difference is:

array => [0,pointer1,value1,1,pointer2,value2,2,pointer3,value3.]
associative array => [pointer1,value1,pointer2,value2,pointer3,value3

So, they hold the same data, but assoc's are "smaller" as they don't
have the numerical pointer, which you don't use anyway.
When you do the 
$my_id = $myrow["shipping"];
what you are doing is retrieving the "shipping-th" value from the array,
and you would never do a 
$my_id = $myrow[2]; for instance...

So, assoc's are generally better to use. You can safely change it in
your code, the previous errors you got was not because of this, it was
simply because your result set was empty, and mysql_fetch_array OR
mysql_fetch_assoc would have given the error...

I would suggest you try to accomplish your goal without a function at
this point as to allow you to understand what you are trying to do
You will have to either build a loop into your function, or call your
function from within a loop, and both can be quite difficult to grasp

On Fri, 2002-11-01 at 12:24, Steve Jackson wrote:
> Ok thanks.
> Still having problems though.
> This is the function now:
> function get_shipping_cost()
>   {
>   //Get order ID from DB to pass to receipt.
>   $conn = db_connect();
>   //$query = "select * from receipts order by receipt_id DESC
> LIMIT 0,1";
>   $query = "select shipping from receipts order by receipt_id DESC
> LIMIT 0,1";
>   $shipping = mysql_query($query);
>   $myrow = mysql_fetch_array($shipping);
>   $my_id = $myrow["shipping"];
>   $shipping_cost = $my_id;
>   return $shipping_cost;
>   }
> Still zero DB results. There is definitely a connection as DB_connect()
> works.
> > No!!!
> > Why are you doing this?
> > $my_id = $myrow["shipping"];
> > >   $my_id = $shipping_cost;<<<<<<<<<
> > >   return $shipping_cost;
> > 
> > $my_id already contains the value you want, just return 
> > $my_id, the reason it doesn't work now, is because 
> > $shipping_cost has no value. If you really want to have the 
> > value stored in $shipping_cost, you must
> > do:
> > $shipping_cost = $my_id.
> > 
> > You see, $my_id has a value in it the moment you say:
> > $my_id = $my_row["shipping"];
> > but when you do $my_id = $shipping_cost, you are overwriting 
> > the value inside $my_id with $shipping_cost, which is like 
> > saying $my_id = 0;
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On Fri, 2002-11-01 at 11:07, Steve Jackson wrote:
> > > Okay. Now I have this and it still returns nothing.
> > > 
> > > function get_shipping_cost($shipping_cost)
> > >   {
> > >   //Get order ID from DB to pass to receipt.
> > >   $conn = db_connect();
> > >   $query = "select shipping from receipts order by 
> > receipt_id DESC 
> > > LIMIT 0,1";
> > >   $shipping = mysql_query($query);
> > >   $myrow = mysql_fetch_array($shipping);
> > >   $my_id = $myrow["shipping"];
> > >   $my_id = $shipping_cost;
> > >   return $shipping_cost;
> > >   }
> > > 
> > > And I still get one added to the variable in this function 
> > which pulls 
> > > orderid from the same table.
> > > 
> > > function get_order_id_receipt($orderid)
> > >   {
> > >   //Get order ID from DB to pass to receipt.
> > &

Re: [PHP] client-side zip of POST or GET data, auto unzip on server.

2002-11-01 Thread Petre Agenbag
Yes, I thought your last comment would also be "doable", but it would be
nice to have this zipping done on the user' behalf. The whole reason why
I *think* this is possible, is because you can unzip and process the
data on the server side in an automatic way, so it *should* be possible
to do this on client side as well, I just don't know how...
Something like a "zip-wrapper" for form data, or any data for that

Hope someone else can shed some ideas???

On Fri, 2002-11-01 at 10:56, @ Edwin wrote:
> Hello,
> "Petre Agenbag" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi
> > I'm wondering if something like this will be possible.
> >
> > I am correct in thinking that POST and GET data are sent as plain text?
> Not always. (POST -> SSL)
> > And, that being plain text, they should probably be highly compactable
> > by zip utils?
> Not really sure how you can do this...
> > The reason I'm thinking this route is that I have a couple of forms for
> > some client websites that are particularly large, some of the POST data
> > sent are more than 2 MB, but obviously it can vary depending on the
> > amount of data entered by the user ( I cannot limit this, as these forms
> > are assessment forms, and they need to contain all relevant info,
> > regardless of size ).
> > All fields are text fields.
> 2MB of TEXT? If my calculation is correct hat would be over 2 million
> characters! I'm sure you can limit the size depending on when and where they
> enter "relevant info".
> > So, what happens now is that for some users on slow connections, these
> > forms can either take years or they simply time out every time.
> I'm afraid so...
> > Being a specific application with controlled number of users, I wouldn't
> > think it bad practise to force the user to install a "zip" package on
> > his pc; that's to say if it would be possible to write some client side
> > script (JS?) that will receive the form data, zip it, then send the
> I don't think this is possible.
> > zipped packet via POST or GET as per usual to the server, where, upon
> > receipt, the POST package is "unzipped" and the handled as per usual.
> How?
> > Would something like this be possible or feasible at all? Are there
> > other better ways to accomplish this?
> I think it'd be better to divide your form(s) in different sections and POST
> data in smaller units. Or, perhaps, you can just ask them to (1) create a
> text file (better if it's XML) then (2) zip it if it's big and then (3)
> upload them to the server.
> Then, perhaps, you can write a script that would parse the file and do
> whatever is needed. (Unzip it first if necessary.)
> Just an idea...
> - E

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Re: [PHP] Simple Problems taking me hours to solve!

2002-11-01 Thread Petre Agenbag
No, it should not return what you want.
When you do 
$orderid = mysql_query($query);
all this does is actually execute the query, and returns an array
containing the actual result set.

What you need to do from here is to do:

$myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($orderid);
Now, what you have is an associative array in $myrow containing the row
with identifiers being the collumn names in the db, 

So, from your query, you should do:

$my_id = $myrow["orderid"];

$my_id will now contain the id you want...

On Fri, 2002-11-01 at 10:21, Steve Jackson wrote:
> This is the query I am running on my database:
> $query = "select orderid from receipts order by receipt_id DESC LIMIT
> 0,1";
>  $orderid = mysql_query($query);
> That should return the last record in the DB? Correct?
> I currently get a number returned which is the number plus 1.
> IE if 423 is the last DB record then 424 is returned.
> Any ideas why this happens?
> Also in the same table I have a shipping price variable.
> My query for this is:
> $query = "select shipping from receipts order by receipt_id DESC LIMIT
> 0,1";
>  $shipping_cost = mysql_query($query);
> Again this should return the last record?
> It doesn't return anything however. Any ideas?
> Steve Jackson
> Web Developer
> Viola Systems Ltd.
> Mobile +358 50 343 5159

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[PHP] client-side zip of POST or GET data, auto unzip on server.

2002-10-31 Thread Petre Agenbag
I'm wondering if something like this will be possible.

I am correct in thinking that POST and GET data are sent as plain text?
And, that being plain text, they should probably be highly compactable
by zip utils?

The reason I'm thinking this route is that I have a couple of forms for
some client websites that are particularly large, some of the POST data
sent are more than 2 MB, but obviously it can vary depending on the
amount of data entered by the user ( I cannot limit this, as these forms
are assessment forms, and they need to contain all relevant info,
regardless of size ).
All fields are text fields.

So, what happens now is that for some users on slow connections, these
forms can either take years or they simply time out every time.

Being a specific application with controlled number of users, I wouldn't
think it bad practise to force the user to install a "zip" package on
his pc; that's to say if it would be possible to write some client side
script (JS?) that will receive the form data, zip it, then send the
zipped packet via POST or GET as per usual to the server, where, upon
receipt, the POST package is "unzipped" and the handled as per usual.

Would something like this be possible or feasible at all? Are there
other better ways to accomplish this?


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Re: [PHP] POST-ing or GET-ing an array

2002-10-29 Thread Petre Agenbag
Oops, I forgot to add the $count++ at the end of the while loop, but
that was just an ommission of this post, in my real code, the array is
created fine ( tested it with a print_r($my_array) ).

On Tue, 2002-10-29 at 19:40, Petre Agenbag wrote:
> Hi
> I KNOW I'm gonna get flamed, but I can't find this anywhere in my books
> or in the manual, yet I know I've read it somewhere.
> I created an array in a loop as such:
> $sql = "select stuff from my_table";
> $result = mysql_query($sql);
> $count = 0;
> while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
>   $id = $myrow["id"];
>   $my_array[$count] = $id;
> }
> Now, I want to send that array to another page with a normal:
> Next
> BUT, that obviously doesn't work...
> Please just help me out, I'm suffering...
> -- 
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[PHP] POST-ing or GET-ing an array

2002-10-29 Thread Petre Agenbag
I KNOW I'm gonna get flamed, but I can't find this anywhere in my books
or in the manual, yet I know I've read it somewhere.

I created an array in a loop as such:

$sql = "select stuff from my_table";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$count = 0;

while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$id = $myrow["id"];
$my_array[$count] = $id;

Now, I want to send that array to another page with a normal:


BUT, that obviously doesn't work...

Please just help me out, I'm suffering...

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Re: [PHP] back and forward through a result query

2002-10-29 Thread Petre Agenbag
I will check the lists, but I'm not sure that will resolve my problem, I
don't want to limit the display in the initial result set, I want to
have a page that lists ALL the hits above each other, and it's only once
you click through to the next page that I want to start "walking"
through the list.

Anyway, I might be missing the point you are trying to make her, so I
will first go and do some research before I ask a bunch of questions you
have already answered for me...


On Tue, 2002-10-29 at 15:33, Rick Emery wrote:
> This is a common requirement; check the archives and/or, phpbuilder, etc.
> What you will do is use mysql's LIMIT parameter on your select; go to to 
> about it.
> Lets assume you wish to display 20 lines per page; assume you use a pointer, $ptr, to
> determine where you are in a search:
> $query = "SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE some criteria LIMIT $ptr,20";
> mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
> To go to the next page, create a hyperlink:
> $ptrN = $ptr + 20;
> Next
> $ptrP = $ptr - 20;
> Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 6:06 AM
> Subject: [PHP] back and forward through a result query
> Hi
> I need to do the following, and have a slight idea of how to do it, but
> I'm not sure...
> I want to do a "select id from table where something = "whatever" ",
> then I will display all the "hits" from that query as links to a
> "display" page, sending along the id's of the row.
> On that next page, I will use that id to retrieve the relevant data to
> display for that specific record, but, I want to have a previous|next
> function, that will display the relevant data of the previous or next
> record as was displayed on the original page that showed the list of
> "hits". So I *think* I should create an array containing all the id's of
> that query, and send it along with the clickthrough to the "display"
> page and then from there use the array functions "next" and "prev" to
> get the id's directly adjacent to the one I currently have, but I'm not
> sure if this is the best way to do it, for one, I don't know how to put
> those id's into an array from the original query, and two,  don't know
> how to tell it to "get prev of current id from array" or "get next of
> current id from array". And I think it might be a bit of an unnecessary
> overhead to send that entire array via GET to the display page if you
> are only ever going to use 2 values from it, so It would make much more
> sense to me to pass the current id, the next id and the previous id for
> each "hit" along to the "display" page.
> Any ideas on how I could do that?
> Thanks
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
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> -- 
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Re: [PHP] back and forward through a result query

2002-10-29 Thread Petre Agenbag
PS, also, I would need to know and handle the beginning and end of that
array, ie, if there isn't a next or previous, I wouldn't want to display
a next or forward button, or maybe disable it...


On Tue, 2002-10-29 at 14:06, Petre Agenbag wrote:
> Hi
> I need to do the following, and have a slight idea of how to do it, but
> I'm not sure...
> I want to do a "select id from table where something = "whatever" ",
> then I will display all the "hits" from that query as links to a
> "display" page, sending along the id's of the row.
> On that next page, I will use that id to retrieve the relevant data to
> display for that specific record, but, I want to have a previous|next
> function, that will display the relevant data of the previous or next
> record as was displayed on the original page that showed the list of
> "hits". So I *think* I should create an array containing all the id's of
> that query, and send it along with the clickthrough to the "display"
> page and then from there use the array functions "next" and "prev" to
> get the id's directly adjacent to the one I currently have, but I'm not
> sure if this is the best way to do it, for one, I don't know how to put
> those id's into an array from the original query, and two,  don't know
> how to tell it to "get prev of current id from array" or "get next of
> current id from array". And I think it might be a bit of an unnecessary
> overhead to send that entire array via GET to the display page if you
> are only ever going to use 2 values from it, so It would make much more
> sense to me to pass the current id, the next id and the previous id for
> each "hit" along to the "display" page.
> Any ideas on how I could do that?
> Thanks
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (
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[PHP] back and forward through a result query

2002-10-29 Thread Petre Agenbag
I need to do the following, and have a slight idea of how to do it, but
I'm not sure...

I want to do a "select id from table where something = "whatever" ",
then I will display all the "hits" from that query as links to a
"display" page, sending along the id's of the row.

On that next page, I will use that id to retrieve the relevant data to
display for that specific record, but, I want to have a previous|next
function, that will display the relevant data of the previous or next
record as was displayed on the original page that showed the list of
"hits". So I *think* I should create an array containing all the id's of
that query, and send it along with the clickthrough to the "display"
page and then from there use the array functions "next" and "prev" to
get the id's directly adjacent to the one I currently have, but I'm not
sure if this is the best way to do it, for one, I don't know how to put
those id's into an array from the original query, and two,  don't know
how to tell it to "get prev of current id from array" or "get next of
current id from array". And I think it might be a bit of an unnecessary
overhead to send that entire array via GET to the display page if you
are only ever going to use 2 values from it, so It would make much more
sense to me to pass the current id, the next id and the previous id for
each "hit" along to the "display" page.

Any ideas on how I could do that?


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[PHP] exploding values into new variables

2002-10-28 Thread Petre Agenbag
The manual states:

$pizza = "piece1 piece2 piece3 piece4 piece5 piece6";
$pieces = explode(" ", $pizza);

So, if I want to be able to echo piece1 to the screen at a later stage,
I would go:

echo $pieces[0];

$first_piece = $pieces[0];
echo $first_piece;


Just want to make sure I understand it before I try to use it...

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[PHP] how to setup mysql logging from php scripts

2002-10-16 Thread Petre Agenbag

I need to be able to see logs of all mysql queries from php scripts on
my server.
I have a multitude of virtual hosts on my RedHat server, with many mysql
db's, and would like to be able to see what queries are done against the
db's from which scripts. The reason being is that I suspect that some of
the scripts on some domains are causing problems, for example infinite
loop db queries etc. Yesterday again I had mysql freeze up completely on
the server, and the only "interaction" with mysql are from php scripts
on the various domains, so looking at the mysql.log file gives no help.

Ideally I would like to see something like the following logged:

time || path/to/script.php || sql_query || mysql_error

or ANYthing that will help me to determine what went wrong.
At the moment I can merely blame the gremlins, and I don't know if it is
a poorly written script causing this or not, so I can't do anything
about the situation...
ANY suggestions or methods being used by ppl out there are also welcome.

Thanks alot.


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Re: [PHP] pretty simple problem in mailing a dynamic page

2002-09-25 Thread Petre Agenbag

You need to add another header telling it the content type = text/html

On Wed, 2002-09-25 at 17:04, usha wrote:
> I just want to email a dynamic page ( So I designed a page consisting  of datas 
>pulled from db and are formated with html tags: here in below code $d is such 
>variable to be mailed)
> But the problem is that, instead the code contained in $d is sent.
> The code is as such:
> $ebody="$d";
> mail("[EMAIL PROTECTED]", "The subject",$ebody,"From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]\r\n");
> Cna anyone give me solution for this pretty simple problem.
> Regards
> Usha

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[PHP] dropping mail into queue

2002-09-08 Thread Petre Agenbag

Hi list
Is is possible to change the default behaviour of the mail() function to
send the message to the queue instead of trying to send it immediately? 
I did do some research into this a while back, but it never really got
to a point where I was completely satisfied with the results. I can
recall from then that the behaviour of the mail() function was inherited
from the way sendmail was configured on the server, but I cannot go that
route ( ie, reconfigure sendmail to send all mail requests to the queue,
as the server is not only a webserver, but servers my clients normal
e-mail as well), so I'm basically asking if it is possible to "override"
the sendmail behaviour when you issue the mail() function, or to even
compose and write the message directly to the /var/spool/mqueue folder (
that would obviously NOT use the mail() function).
The reason for all this is that there are some clients that are
abusing/miss-using the mail() function to query a mysql db of 20K users
with a while() loop and then doing a mail() inside the while, this is
causing some serious problems on my server, and I'm trying to look for
ways to put a tab on this.So any other suggestions are also very

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Re: [PHP] finding next and previous db entries

2002-09-05 Thread Petre Agenbag

I think it would probably be better to read all the id's into an array,
and then use the array stepping functions to move forward or back. This
way, you won't have to worry about "empty" rows, or id's that are not
numerically following on each other.

On Thu, 2002-09-05 at 23:20, tux wrote:
> hey all,
> if im displaying pages with data from a database eg 
> on that page i would like to have a previous and next link that would
> take it to id 41 and 39 respectively, the only problem being what if 39
> or 41 was empty? then i would want the link to be id=42 or id=38.. is
> the best way to do this just loop through the id's until it finds a
> entry that isnt empty? or is there any functions for this?
> jo
> -- 
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Re: [PHP] dumping mysql database with php script

2002-09-02 Thread Petre Agenbag

put the exec(...) line OUTSIDE the while loop.As your codeis now, it's
dumping with each new row , so i'ts overwriting itself.

On Mon, 2002-09-02 at 09:47, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I am having a problem with a script to dump a mysql database to a text
> file. When I run the command below it creates the database.sql file but
> it only puts the first three lines in that file they look like this
> # MySQL dump 8.13
> #
> # Host: localhostDatabase: testdata1
> #
> # Server version3.23.37
> If I run the following at the command line it work perfect passing the whole
> database to the txt file
> /usr/bin/mysqldump -u testdata1 -ptestdata1 testdata1
> > /home/sites/
> Why is it stopping on the third line when I run it with a PHP script
> This is my script
> while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
> $databasename=$row["databasename"];
> $databaseusername=$row["$databaseusername"];
> $databasepassword=$row["$databasepassword"];
> exec("/usr/bin/mysqldump -u $databaseusername -p$databasepassword $databasename >
> $Databasesdir/$databasename.sql");
> }
> -- 
> Best regards,
>  rdkurth  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -- 
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[PHP] "autocomplete" list box

2002-08-30 Thread Petre Agenbag

I am wondering if it is possible to write/create/implement an
"autocomplete" type list box, something that will basically work the
same as when you have a normal textbox in a form and have "autocomplete"
enabled in the browser, but not quite exactly, I want the textbox and
the listbox to be "combined" and browser independant.

Is this possible? Dependant/do-able with PHP or is it a Java/Browser


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Re: [PHP] Re: Stepping through an array more than once (offlist)

2002-08-28 Thread Petre Agenbag

the mysql_data_seek() works.
With Justin's help, I used the mysql_data_seek() to reset the $result
"matrix" to 0, and re-issued the same while statement.
It now produces the desired output.

On Thu, 2002-08-29 at 08:46, Jason Wong wrote:
> On Thursday 29 August 2002 14:16, Petre Agenbag wrote:
> > Hi Justin
> > OK, a quick feedback on your previous suggestion:
> >
> > I tried to unset the $myrow_it, but it still didn't produce any output.
> > The only way I could get it to work was with the same method you
> > suggested in this e-mail.
> > I had to create 2 new vars ( which basically boils down to 2 more
> > SQL's).
> [snip]
> I've said it once already:
>   mysql_data_seek()
> -- 
> Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates ->
> Open Source Software Systems Integrators
> * Web Design & Hosting * Internet & Intranet Applications Development *
> /*
> Heller's Law:
>   The first myth of management is that it exists.
> Johnson's Corollary:
>   Nobody really knows what is going on anywhere within the
>   organization.
> */
> -- 
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Re: [PHP] Re: Stepping through an array more than once (offlist)

2002-08-28 Thread Petre Agenbag

Sorry, I completely forgot to comment on your suggestion:

I did try mysql_data_seek(), but it didn't work for me ( guess I don't
know how exactly it works), BUT, it did look like it was meant for
stepping through a one dimensional array, and $result is not a one
dimensional array, right?
Maybe I'm just not thinking correctly, 
Justin has also just commented on your suggestion and he seems to give
some sort of an "implementation" of using mysql_data_seek(), maybe it
will explain it a better for me, I'll quickly see if I can get it to

Thanks for the input!

On Thu, 2002-08-29 at 08:46, Jason Wong wrote:
> On Thursday 29 August 2002 14:16, Petre Agenbag wrote:
> > Hi Justin
> > OK, a quick feedback on your previous suggestion:
> >
> > I tried to unset the $myrow_it, but it still didn't produce any output.
> > The only way I could get it to work was with the same method you
> > suggested in this e-mail.
> > I had to create 2 new vars ( which basically boils down to 2 more
> > SQL's).
> [snip]
> I've said it once already:
>   mysql_data_seek()
> -- 
> Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates ->
> Open Source Software Systems Integrators
> * Web Design & Hosting * Internet & Intranet Applications Development *
> /*
> Heller's Law:
>   The first myth of management is that it exists.
> Johnson's Corollary:
>   Nobody really knows what is going on anywhere within the
>   organization.
> */
> -- 
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[PHP] Re: Stepping through an array more than once (offlist)

2002-08-28 Thread Petre Agenbag
e case, and not always
> worth worrying about, unless you've got a HUGE site with millions of hits a
> day... you just won't notice the benefit, in comparison to the advantage.
> Some pages on a site I'm working on right now,, have 5-10
> queries on them, for sessions, users, content, data, counters, logging,
> message boards, etc etc.  And I've NEVER noticed a performance problem, or
> got any complaints.
> When you've got maybe 500 rows in there (or 5,000, or 50,000), it'd be nice
> to run an a/b test with a script timer, and get some averages to find out
> definitively.
> Enjoy,
> Justin
> on 28/08/02 11:16 PM, Petre Agenbag ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > Justin, 
> > Thanks for the reply.
> > I frequently see your comments on threads here, and don't worry, I
> > wouldn't take any as insults as I can see you want to help, and I
> > appreciate that!
> > 
> > So, you are more than welcome to show me alternatives, I am by no means
> > an ace programmer, and I eagerly lap up all comments and suggestions.
> > 
> > I will try the suggestion, and will report back.
> > 
> > Just to sort of explain my thinking process.
> > I would think that limiting queries to a db to the absolute minimum
> > would be the "best", BUT, I can now see that there are no easy way, as
> > the IF iterations clearly show...
> > 
> > I would me very interested in your suggestions as to "cleaning" up the
> > code, for I have seen plenty of examples where you can write the same
> > functionality in many many different ways, and the only difference is
> > normally in the way people think about the problem and the solution.
> > It can't be taught,and will only come with experience, which I can
> > hopefully get a head start on with this list...
> > 
> > Thanks alot.
> > 
> > On Wed, 2002-08-28 at 14:52, Justin French wrote:
> >> Try unset($myrow_it).
> >> 
> >> You don't want to reset the array, you want to clear it, then use a new
> >> array (with the same name, and the same $result) for another while loop.
> >> 
> >> FWIW, I'm pretty sure I'd just use three distinct queries.  Infact, it'd be
> >> worth you timing your scripts with both these versions to see what works out
> >> quicker -- three queries, or lots of if() statements [remember, you're in a
> >> while loop, so 5000 rows * 3 if statements = 15000!!]
> >> 
> >> Put this at the top:
> >> 
> >>  >> $show_timer = 1;
> >> function getmicrotime()
> >> { 
> >> list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ",microtime());
> >> return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
> >> } 
> >> $time_start = getmicrotime();
> >> ?>
> >> 
> >> And this at the end:
> >> 
> >>  >> if($show_timer)
> >> {
> >> $time_end = getmicrotime();
> >> $timer = $time_end - $time_start;
> >> echo "Timer: {$timer}";
> >> }
> >> ?>
> >> 
> >> Run the script with both versions about 10 times each, and take the average
> >> :)
> >> 
> >> 
> >> There are many many ways I can see that you could clean up and optimise the
> >> script you've shown (not intended as an insult AT ALL!) -- quite possibly
> >> some of these would make more of a difference to your performance than
> >> limiting yourself to just one query... at the very least, it would make
> >> updating the script easier, and reduce the lines of code.
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Good luck,
> >> 
> >> Justin French
> >> 
> >> 
> > 

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Re: [PHP] Stepping through an array more than once

2002-08-28 Thread Petre Agenbag

Actually, it's not accurate for me to say "stepping through an array
more than once", as I want to step through the database ( $result) more
than once, without having to make connections to the db again.
Can this be done?

On Wed, 2002-08-28 at 13:58, Petre Agenbag wrote:
> Hi
> I would like to do something like the following:
> I have a table that contains a bunch of info at various "stages". To
> optimize the load on the db, I was thinking it would be better to do a
> "select * from table" , and then use PHP to sort through the results,
> rather than have 3 SQL's with "where status="xxx" ".
> There are essentially 3 "stages" or "states" at which the data in the
> table can be sorted, so I would need to loop through the array 3 times
> in order to display the entire contents of the table ordered by the 3
> statges.
> This is my first attempt:
> $sql_it = 'select * from tickets ';
> $result_it = mysql_query($sql_it);
> echo 'New Tickets ';
> $count = 0;
> while ($myrow_it = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_it)) {
> $status = $myrow_it["status"];
> if ($status == "OPEN") {
> $company = $myrow_it["company"];
> $title = $myrow_it["title"];
> $content = $myrow_it["content"];
> echo $company.' :: '.$title.' :: '.$content.'';
> $count++;
> }
> }
> echo 'Total New:'.$count.'';
> echo 'Current Tickets ';
> while ($myrow_it = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_it)) {
> $status = $myrow_it["status"];
> if ($status == "CURRENT") {
> $company = $myrow_it["company"];
> $title = $myrow_it["title"];
> $content = $myrow_it["content"];
> echo $company.' :: '.$title.' :: '.$content.'';
> }
> }
> echo 'Old Tickets ';
> while ($myrow_it = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_it)) {
> $status = $myrow_it["status"];
> if ($status == "OLD") {
> $company = $myrow_it["company"];
> $title = $myrow_it["title"];
> $content = $myrow_it["content"];
> echo $company.' :: '.$title.' :: '.$content.'';
> }
> }
> Now, obviously this only echoes the first part, as it seems the array is
> at the end when it tries to loop through again.
> I tried a reset($myrow_it) , but it drops an error about $myrow_it not
> being an array.
> I'm not sure if my logic here is correct. Is this the way to "re-loop"
> the array?
> Hope I explained what I am trying to do well enough.
> -- 
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[PHP] Stepping through an array more than once

2002-08-28 Thread Petre Agenbag

I would like to do something like the following:

I have a table that contains a bunch of info at various "stages". To
optimize the load on the db, I was thinking it would be better to do a
"select * from table" , and then use PHP to sort through the results,
rather than have 3 SQL's with "where status="xxx" ".

There are essentially 3 "stages" or "states" at which the data in the
table can be sorted, so I would need to loop through the array 3 times
in order to display the entire contents of the table ordered by the 3

This is my first attempt:

$sql_it = 'select * from tickets ';
$result_it = mysql_query($sql_it);
echo 'New Tickets ';
$count = 0;
while ($myrow_it = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_it)) {
$status = $myrow_it["status"];
if ($status == "OPEN") {
$company = $myrow_it["company"];
$title = $myrow_it["title"];
$content = $myrow_it["content"];
echo $company.' :: '.$title.' :: '.$content.'';
echo 'Total New:'.$count.'';

echo 'Current Tickets ';

while ($myrow_it = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_it)) {
$status = $myrow_it["status"];
if ($status == "CURRENT") {
$company = $myrow_it["company"];
$title = $myrow_it["title"];
$content = $myrow_it["content"];
echo $company.' :: '.$title.' :: '.$content.'';

echo 'Old Tickets ';

while ($myrow_it = mysql_fetch_assoc($result_it)) {
$status = $myrow_it["status"];
if ($status == "OLD") {
$company = $myrow_it["company"];
$title = $myrow_it["title"];
$content = $myrow_it["content"];
echo $company.' :: '.$title.' :: '.$content.'';

Now, obviously this only echoes the first part, as it seems the array is
at the end when it tries to loop through again.
I tried a reset($myrow_it) , but it drops an error about $myrow_it not
being an array.

I'm not sure if my logic here is correct. Is this the way to "re-loop"
the array?

Hope I explained what I am trying to do well enough.

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