How to switch hosts?

2011-01-13 Thread skip
I run RB via lighttpd on my desktop machine.  It was recently swapped out
for new hardware, and following company policy, the machine was renamed.
Searching the files in my ~/local/servers/hostname directory, I found
a couple innocuous references to my old hostname:


and several which were in ASCII files (easily modified):


However, I found one SQLite file which contains a reference to the old


Can that reference be ignored?  If not, how can I update that file without
losing all my past review stuff?


Skip Montanaro - -

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Re: Tabbed diff viewer

2010-08-20 Thread skip

Eduardo could you do a mockup of what you intend? 

I'm not sure a full mockup is necessary.  Suppose you post a review with
changes to five files.  The left-hand sidebar would be


while the main pane would consist of five tabs, one for each file (file2 is
the active tab in my bad ASCII art):

/file1\ /file2\ /file3\ /file4\ /file5\
--- ---

line 1 | line 1
line 2 | line 2
...| ...

Each tab would display just the diff for a single file.  Clicking a tab or
the file name in the sidebar would bring that file's diff to the front.

At least that's how I understood the OP's proposal.

Eduardo Also, how would your proposed design scale to a very large
Eduardo review? Say one consisting of 50+ files.

I suspect at that size your tabs would have to cascade into multiple rows:

/file1\ /file2\ /file3\ /file4\ /file5\
/file6\ /file7\ /file8\ /file9\ /file10\

but I view that as just a complication of the JavaScript necessary to
work this wizardry.

Skip Montanaro - -

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Re: How to properly close out review requests?

2010-03-02 Thread skip

Christian You should almost never use Delete Permanently. We use it in
Christian the case of spam, but even a history of abandoned code
Christian reviews can be useful.

Yeah, I sort of figured that.

Christian The proper way is to use Submitted. Where are you seeing
Christian existing entries with [Submitted]? You shouldn't in the
Christian dashboard (unless it's the My Requests, which is explicitly
Christian designed to show you that so you can get back to them) or the
Christian All Review Requests page (in which case you can toggle
Christian whether these are shown).

I guess Submitted and Discarded don't mean anything to me.  Names like
Completed, Rejected, etc.  would seem to make more sense.  Could you
maybe provide a tooltip/rollover in future versions which provides a short
help message for those terms?


Skip Montanaro - -

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How to review an entire application?

2010-02-22 Thread skip
I'm still getting familiar with Review Boar.  I use it like so:

 * make a branch
 * edit/debug/lather/rinse/repeat
 * post-review
 * visit url  fill in description, title, assign reviewers

One of my colleagues asked a few of us to review a couple small applications
written by a new hire.  This stuff had already been checked into our CVS
repository.  I suspect this is not standard practice, but is there some way
to post a review request for an entire application or an entire directory
(that is, where there are no changes against the repository for the current
directory)?  I see nothing obvious in post-review --help output which
suggests this is possible.  I'm using post-review 0.8 and ReviewBoard 0.9
ATM, but I have the power to upgrade it if necessary (it's just running on
my desktop machine).

Outside of me and a few other developers ReviewBoard is unknown at work, so
I imagine this sort of here, the application is finished, please review it
all request is going to pop up for some time to come.  I'd really like to
be able to accommodate such requests as a way to demonstrate RB's


Skip Montanaro - -

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Re: How to review an entire application?

2010-02-22 Thread skip

Christian Let me see if I have this right. You have a directory full of
Christian committed code that hasn't been reviewed yet. This code may
Christian span multiple revisions. You want to put that code up for
Christian review. Is that correct?


Christian There's no built-in option for doing this with CVS, but with
Christian RBTools 0.2 RC1, you could make use of the new
Christian --diff-filename. Basically, you'd generate a diff using cvs
Christian diff and covering all revisions of that directory only, and
Christian then pass the resulting filename using post-review
Christian --diff-filename=filename

Thanks.  In looking back at what was installed I think I actually had 1.0.4
installed, not 0.9.  I was looking at the version string in  I
have upgraded to the latest versions of ReviewBoard and RBTools nonetheless.

It seems to me that If I'm trying to gather up all the Python files in a
directory for submission as a review diff that this should work:

for f in $(find . -name '*.py') ; do
diff -Nu /dev/null $f
done  review.diff
post-review --diff-filename=review.diff ...

I haven't actually tried that yet, but that would seem to be a good first


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Re: Can I create logical repositories from one large one?

2009-10-09 Thread Skip Montanaro

 The easiest way to post to Review Board is to use post-review, part of
 RBTools (see the downloads page and user manual). This will handle
 creating the review request and diff and uploading with all the
 correct information.

Thanks.  I created a .reviewboardrc file to specify the URL then

post-review -r 2

(I intended to update an existing review).  It munched for a bit, then
me for my RB username and password, then exited with this error:

Unable to access 
The host path may be invalid
HTTP Error 503: Service Not Available

I looked all over the admin settings to see if there was something I
needed to
do to enable JSON access but didn't see anything.  What am I missing?



 You do need one repository entry per actual CVS repository though,
 which will cover all modules in that repository.


 On Thursday, October 8, 2009, Skip Montanaro wrote:

  We have one big CVS repository.  I'd like to create multiple logical
  repositories for ReviewBoard use.  For example, we have one project
  called Snake:


  We have lots of application code stored there as well, e.g.:


  The CVSROOT is :pserver:u...@cvs:/cvs.  Can I create a logical Snake
  repository and another repo for the snakeCharmer app with extended
  path names or must people submitting review requests know to always
  include the path from ...:/cvs to the base of the diff?  To make it
  more concrete, suppose I want to submit a diff to snakeCharmer as a
  review request.  The normal way to diff would be (I think):

      cd .../apps/snakeCharmer
      cvs diff  request.diff

  then submit request.diff for review.  Is there some way to create a
  snakeCharmer repository which knows about apps/snakeCharmer and
  makes it unnecessary for the user to always enter that as the base
  path to request.diff?

  My apologies for all these elementary questions.  I'm sure the
  frequency will decrease as I gain experience.


  Skip Montanaro

 Christian Hammond -
 Review Board -
 VMware, Inc. -
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Re: Can I create logical repositories from one large one?

2009-10-09 Thread Skip Montanaro

 post-review -r 2

 (I intended to update an existing review).  It munched for a bit, then
 me for my RB username and password, then exited with this error:

 Unable to access 
 The host path may be invalid
 HTTP Error 503: Service Not Available

I eventually got around this problem.  Not sure how.  In any case I am
able to
successfully post-review for our Subversion repository.

I still can't post-review for CVS though.  Here's my CVS/Root:

I never set CVSROOT. is an alias for
When I try to create a review from our CVS repository using post-
review it thinks for
a bit then responds:

Error creating review request: The repository path specified is
not in the list of known repositories (code 206)

I found that message (webapi/ I believe), then added an import
logging and a logging.error() call
to tell me what the invalid path was.  In my reviewboard.log file I

2009-10-09 19:40:12,695 - ERROR - Invalid repository path:

Where is it coming up with vicksburg?  I tried fiddling with my CVS
repository path through the website, then
killing reviewboard.fcgi to make sure the change was picked up.  Where
is it picking up u'vicksburg:/cvs'?



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Re: reviews don't show up, djblets ref seems incorrect

2009-10-08 Thread Skip Montanaro

 See what your Media URL says. It should be /media/

That did the trick.  It was set to something like /reviews/

Everything seems to be working fine now.  I was even able to create a
review...  Woo hoo!


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Can I create logical repositories from one large one?

2009-10-08 Thread Skip Montanaro

We have one big CVS repository.  I'd like to create multiple logical
repositories for ReviewBoard use.  For example, we have one project
called Snake:


We have lots of application code stored there as well, e.g.:


The CVSROOT is :pserver:u...@cvs:/cvs.  Can I create a logical Snake
repository and another repo for the snakeCharmer app with extended
path names or must people submitting review requests know to always
include the path from ...:/cvs to the base of the diff?  To make it
more concrete, suppose I want to submit a diff to snakeCharmer as a
review request.  The normal way to diff would be (I think):

cd .../apps/snakeCharmer
cvs diff  request.diff

then submit request.diff for review.  Is there some way to create a
snakeCharmer repository which knows about apps/snakeCharmer and
makes it unnecessary for the user to always enter that as the base
path to request.diff?

My apologies for all these elementary questions.  I'm sure the
frequency will decrease as I gain experience.


Skip Montanaro

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How do I fire up Review Board at this point?

2009-10-07 Thread skip . montanaro

I'm trying to get Review Board fired up for testing.  I got most everything
set up.  I skipped PyLucene and memcached, at least for now (couldn't get
cmemcache to build on Sol10).  I successfully ran rb-site install and think
I copied the necessary bits from the generated lighttpd.conf file into the
config file I'm using.

I got an Internal Server Error when I tried to access the home page (it
worked before I added the lighttpd.conf stuff).  Then I remembered I needed
to set PYTHONPATH, so added a bin-environment clause to my config.  Now when
I try to access the home page I get a 404.  Interestingly enough, I can get
to the loging/register/admin pages, so *something* is working.

Warning: Not only am I a Review Board novice, this is my first exposure to
either lighttpd or Django.  It's quite likely that the changes necessary to
get be going are pretty trivial.

Where do I go from here?


Skip Montanaro

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reviews don't show up, djblets ref seems incorrect

2009-10-07 Thread skip . montanaro

I think I successfully created a couple users, groups and repositories.
I then tried to create a review request.  Nothing shows up when I select the
All review requests link.  Also, the djblets URL is incorrect.  It's clear
no css activity is taking place, so I wonder if the necessary JavaScript
isn't loaded.  Here's a line wrapped record from the access log file: udesktop116:3000 - [07/Oct/2009:15:43:40 +] GET
HTTP/1.1 404 2904
http://udesktop116:3000/reviews/groups/Rigel/; Mozilla/5.0
(X11; U; SunOS i86pc; en-US; rv:1.9.1) Gecko/20090625

When I look for djblets I find them in media:

% pwd
% find . -name djblets

but the request doesn't include  I'm probably missing
something in some piece of ReviewBoard configuration, but don't know where I
should look.  Any pointers much appreciated.

Skip Montanaro

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Review Board on Solaris or Mac?

2009-09-30 Thread Skip Montanaro

I see no install instructions for non-Linux Unix variants such as
Solaris or Mac OS X.  Before I launch into installing all the bits and
pieces only to find out that one bit or piece doesn't work on
non-Linux platforms.  I searched the group for both Solaris and
Apple but got no hits.  Someone must have tried.  Any BTDT
experience to relate?


Skip Montanaro

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Re: Review Board on Solaris or Mac?

2009-09-30 Thread Skip Montanaro

Thanks for the replies.  Our IT folk are just installing/testing
Python 2.6.x so maybe this would
be a good test case.


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