
2007-10-17 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
One of the fundamental questions goes beyond the issue of 
immunizations, which is a very, very complex issue, and probably not 
entirely one way or the other, as some discussants would have it.   
(For example, some immunizations may well be more effective and safer 
than others, and as for the mercury, it absolutely does NOT have to be 
used as a preservative if smaller doses were prepared.   That the stuff 
stays in is a damning indictment of the profit motive, but not 
necessarily of the immunizations themselves.)

The issue that seems to trouble one member the most is the idea of 
government control and the use of violence to enforce some social 
action.   I think this issue troubles a good number of people in the 
government before, and I've heard discussions about what would be done 
in various hypothetical cases.  Here's one:  a boarding school full of 
kids has to be quarantined because one or more of them suddenly 
develops   something like Ebola.   As soon as quarantine is declared, 
hordes of parents, some armed, descend on the school determined to get 
their kids out, and to hell with anyone else, the authorities included.

In such a scenario, how would one respond?   I'd say the everyone in 
the boarding school would have to be quarantined and that the angry 
parents would have to be disarmed.   I imagine others would say 
otherwise.   Other very tough calls involve efforts to stop fetal 
alcohol syndrome by imprisoning irremediably alcoholic mothers during 
pregnancy.It would be interesting to hear some reasoned opinions 
about the broader issue of control.

As for the hypothetical question below, I think the problem may be that 
immunizations are not 100% effective for everyone over all of a 
lifetime, and even advocates admit that.   The game plan is to keep 
infectivity low, I think.   I'm no expert.

On Thursday, Oct 18, 2007, at 13:15 Asia/Tokyo, Simon Jester wrote:

I repeat my question...

If you believe vaccinations work, and you are vaccinated, WHY ARE YOU 

Sometimes the greater good for society is bitter medicine, pun 

Sounds familiar - like something Hitler or Stalin would have said...

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Re: CS>Doctors...[Carol]

2007-10-17 Thread Simon Jester

On 10/17/2007 Carol Ann wrote:
I got curious about the Apollo comment because I never read that 
before.  Anyway, this  is one of the references I found and thought 
you might enjoy it.
It made me laugh.  Just substitute modern terminology, for example, 
gods of prophecy/priests/ = doctors;  temple/abaton =- 
hospitals/nursing/hospice/doctors offices.  Visions/dreams - big 
pharma tv commercials;  offerings; health ins/medicade;  etc.  etc.  
Things haven't changed muchhave they. :)  

Get a good concordance and look up the biblical word(s) used for 
'witches' - you'll find that they fit the modern 'doctor' to a 't'...

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Doctors...

2007-10-17 Thread Simon Jester

On 10/18/2007 bbanever wrote:
But it's ok for the Bush cabal to spend your tax dollars on an 
illegal and immoral war in Iraq?   Priorities sir, priorities. 

Ummm... methinks you are ass-u-me-ing something, sir...

I am a Ron Paul republican - meaning, a libertarian (thats small 'l' - I 
don't see eye to eye with a few of their philosophies)...

I am against ALL wars of aggression - which every war we have engaged in 
since maybe the war of 1812 has been...

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Doctors...

2007-10-17 Thread Simon Jester


I'll only say this once...

Do NOT send any more email direct to me. If you want to discuss list 
talk, just do it on the list.

On 10/17/2007 Mark Siepak wrote:

Well, now, aren't you forcing YOUR "medical beliefs and opinions
*and* *practices*" on ME when you refuse to be vaccinated against 
communicable diseases like smallpox or polio?

Oh my god... talk about twisted thinking...

After all, I DO think vaccinations work,


And since you're one of 'those'... I'll ask you too...

If you believe vaccinations work, and you are vaccinated, WHY ARE YOU 

But here's the rub... I DON'T believe they are safe OR effective... in 
fact, I believe that they are FAR more dangerous than any natural bug 
that I MIGHT (or probably WON'T) get.

Sorry, Mark, your Rights stop WHERE MINE START.

and even if the rate of bad reactions was 10%
(more like one and a half percent), I think it is worth maybe 10,000
with bad reactions, to avoid having pandemics kill millions every
15-30 years.

Gee - if you ever get your way, I sure hope those 10,000 will stop by 
some day and thank you for being so generous with their lives.

Of course, if my child were one with the bad reaction, I would
probably want to blame someone.

Of course you would - people like you are always looking to blame anyone 
(the unvaccinated) or anything (the big bad hairy germ), rather than 
take responsiblility or your own state of health (or lack thereof). It 
couldn't possibly be the years of fast food, drugs, cokes, microwaved 
food, etc, etc ad nauseum...

Of course, you unvaccinated people could go to Hawaii, so no one else
would die when the inevitable pandemic swept  your 'nation'!

I repeat my question...

If you believe vaccinations work, and you are vaccinated, WHY ARE YOU 

Sometimes the greater good for society is bitter medicine, pun 

Sounds familiar - like something Hitler or Stalin would have said...

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Vaccines Part 3

2007-10-17 Thread Simon Jester

Mark, please change your 'Reply-To' back to the list...

You, sir, are the sick bastard. Many virulent diseases do not show
symptoms until AFTER the contagious period has almost ended.

Of course my comment was off-hand and incomplete...


Of course, this pre-supposes that I were some kind of dictator - yeah, 
right, I can see that happening...

So, you're retort is irrelevant and meaningless...

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Doctors...

2007-10-17 Thread bbanever


But it's ok for the Bush cabal to spend your tax dollars on an illegal 
and immoral war in Iraq?   Priorities sir, priorities.
- Original Message - 
From: "Simon Jester" 

Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 8:50 PM
Subject: CS>Re: Doctors...

I really think you should stop worrying about seeing doctors because 
perhaps someday in the not too distant future you won't be able to afford 
to see them at all.  Medicare is paying for fewer and fewer medical 
services all the time.

Good. The sooner medicare, medicade, and all of the other extortion based, 
parasitical sources of funding for this medical holocaust of a system 
collapse into dut, the better off we'll all be.

There is absolutely NO delegated authority for the federal government to 
be used as a tool of confiscation to force me to pay for your or anyone 
else's medical care - or housing, insurance, food, clothing or anything 
else for that matter.

I'm sick and tired of people who think they have some kind of claim on my 

And by the way... if the RICO laws were actually enforced, insurance 
companies would not be run by the same people with financial interests in 
the pharmaceutical industry... which means they would be looking to 
reimburse people for the cheapest and most effective treatments, as 
opposed to the most expensive, recurring kind.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Doctors...

2007-10-17 Thread Simon Jester
I really think you should stop worrying about seeing doctors because 
perhaps someday in the not too distant future you won't be able to 
afford to see them at all.  Medicare is paying for fewer and fewer 
medical services all the time. 

Good. The sooner medicare, medicade, and all of the other extortion 
based, parasitical sources of funding for this medical holocaust of a 
system collapse into dut, the better off we'll all be.

There is absolutely NO delegated authority for the federal government to 
be used as a tool of confiscation to force me to pay for your or anyone 
else's medical care - or housing, insurance, food, clothing or anything 
else for that matter.

I'm sick and tired of people who think they have some kind of claim on 
my life.

And by the way... if the RICO laws were actually enforced, insurance 
companies would not be run by the same people with financial interests 
in the pharmaceutical industry... which means they would be looking to 
reimburse people for the cheapest and most effective treatments, as 
opposed to the most expensive, recurring kind.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-17 Thread Simon Jester

Great post Ode.


He cites a bunch of propaganda from the CDC, and you think it was a 
great post?

I guess you're just too easily wowed by his talented-but-twisty tongue...

I'll say it again...

Pasteur was a fraud...

The microbe is nothing...

The terrain is everything...

You have nothing to fear but fear itself - and your own tendency to 
allow yourself to be swayed by sweet sounding words in order to escape 
the responsibility for your own state of being.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Doctors...[Carol]

2007-10-17 Thread Carol Ann
Kurt - p.s.  Enjoy Life. Sometimes people can get so absolutely preoccupied and 
caught  up in  inconsequential psycho dramas to the exclusion of all else ( 
even  illness is  not excluded) that they forget some of   important things 
that make less than desirable health more bearable.  

Carol Ann  wrote: Hey there, speak for thee...and not 
for we.   
 I dunno know about thee, I've been going left when everyone else was going 
right since I was but a wee babeor so my daddy used to tell me up until the 
day he died. Society overall, has not yet demonstrated to me why I should do an 
about face any time soon.

Kurt Milkowski  wrote: Hey Carol,
  History just keeps repeating itself. Its really kind of funny when you think 
about it. We get all knids of new toys to play with but we don't get any 
smarter do we?

Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..
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CS>Re CS: Forced Small-pox Vacc's/polio

2007-10-17 Thread Harold MacDonald
Exactly one hundred years ago lastApril,my Aunt was born.When she was just 
about three,she got Polio.She lived,but.one leg was crippled badly.She was 
never able to have children;and died at 90.
When she was about 83,the polio recurred and it was only through her 
toughness and early childhood life style that she survived,according to the 

She taught music in her studio up until the day she died.
I  think our younger generations are going to have a tough time matching 
PS; she may have lived longer,but, her husband was a smoker, and he died a 
rough death at about 70 with Emphysema

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Dianne cysts

2007-10-17 Thread Dianne France

That wasn't my post but I think you can link up inside that site to 
information.  I saved the site myself to review tomorrow.  

  - Original Message - 
  From: ruth strackbein 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 9:42 PM
  Subject: RE: CS>Dianne cysts

  Hi, Dianne, You only listed one site and that one was pretty much a listof 
products, didn't seem to say any thing about iodine. Maybe I didn't look 
carefully enough.  Would be interested in the access information for the other 
site you had in mind.  Thanks, Ruth S.

  From Ruth Strackbein

Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2007 17:08:30 -0700
From: pj20fl...@gmail.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Dianne cysts

  If you read the www.altcancer.com site on 
iodine and click on and read all the links, you will have educated yourself 
quite a lot concerning iodine.  Dr. Miller's first page is very good too.  Sent 
me running for iodine since a lot of things fell into place with the info on 
just those two sites.Best wishes to you.  And this is a very good and 
helpful list.  Many kind people, not to mention very, very  knowledgeable about 
beaucoup things!!   pj 

  Windows Live Hotmail and Microsoft Office Outlook – together at last. Get it 

RE: CS>Vaccines- chronic fatigue[Jess]

2007-10-17 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Hey Jess,
  Thats the one that causes normal kids to turn into autistic kids after being 

jessie70  wrote:
  Kurt, How do you know you get lyme from the measles vaccine? Thanks again,


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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Dianne cysts

2007-10-17 Thread Dianne France
Thank you, have saved the site to favorites to read tomorrow.  Now to find a 
source of iodine.  I know several have mentioned Wal-Mart but then there was 
something about it not being Lugols.  

  - Original Message - 
  From: Shirley Reed 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 8:08 PM
  Subject: CS>Dianne cysts

If you read the www.altcancer.com site on iodine 
and click on and read all the links, you will have educated yourself quite a 
lot concerning iodine.  Dr. Miller's first page is very good too.  Sent me 
running for iodine since a lot of things fell into place with the info on just 
those two sites.Best wishes to you.  And this is a very good and helpful 
list.  Many kind people, not to mention very, very  knowledgeable about 
beaucoup things!!   pj 

Re: CS>Doctors...[Carol]

2007-10-17 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Well I've always kind of been going against the grain, swimming upstream. Now 
the waters just running a little faster, hope I don't drown.


Carol Ann  wrote:  Hey there, speak for thee...and not 
for we.   
 I dunno know about thee, I've been going left when everyone else was going 
right since I was but a wee babeor so my daddy used to tell me up until the 
day he died. Society overall, has not yet demonstrated to me why I should do an 
about face any time soon.

Kurt Milkowski  wrote:Hey Carol,
  History just keeps repeating itself. Its really kind of funny when you think 
about it. We get all knids of new toys to play with but we don't get any 
smarter do we?

Carol Ann  wrote:
  Hi Kurt,
I got curious about the Apollo comment because I never read that before. 

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..
Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

RE: CS>Dianne cysts

2007-10-17 Thread ruth strackbein

Hi, Dianne, You only listed one site and that one was pretty much a listof 
products, didn't seem to say any thing about iodine. Maybe I didn't look 
carefully enough.  Would be interested in the access information for the other 
site you had in mind.  Thanks, Ruth S.From Ruth 

Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2007 17:08:30 -0700From: pj20fl...@gmail.comto: 
silver-l...@eskimo.comsubject: CS>Dianne cysts  If you read the 
www.altcancer.com site on iodine and click on and read all the links, you will 
have educated yourself quite a lot concerning iodine.  Dr. Miller's first page 
is very good too.  Sent me running for iodine since a lot of things fell into 
place with the info on just those two sites.Best wishes to you.  And this 
is a very good and helpful list.  Many kind people, not to mention very, very  
knowledgeable about beaucoup things!!   pj 
Windows Live Hotmail and Microsoft Office Outlook – together at last.  Get it 

Re: CS>Doctors...[Carol]

2007-10-17 Thread Carol Ann
Hey there, speak for thee...and not for we.   
 I dunno know about thee, I've been going left when everyone else was going 
right since I was but a wee babeor so my daddy used to tell me up until the 
day he died. Society overall, has not yet demonstrated to me why I should do an 
about face any time soon.

Kurt Milkowski  wrote: Hey Carol,
  History just keeps repeating itself. Its really kind of funny when you think 
about it. We get all knids of new toys to play with but we don't get any 
smarter do we?

Carol Ann  wrote:
  Hi Kurt,
I got curious about the Apollo comment because I never read that before. 

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..
Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: CS>Doctors...[Carol]

2007-10-17 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Hey Carol,
  History just keeps repeating itself. Its really kind of funny when you think 
about it. We get all knids of new toys to play with but we don't get any 
smarter do we?

Carol Ann  wrote:
  Hi Kurt,
I got curious about the Apollo comment because I never read that before.  
Anyway, this  is one of the references I found and thought you might enjoy it.
It made me laugh.  Just substitute modern terminology, for example, gods of 
prophecy/priests/ = doctors;  temple/abaton =- 
hospitals/nursing/hospice/doctors offices.  Visions/dreams - big pharma tv 
commercials;  offerings; health ins/medicade;  etc.  etc.  Things haven't 
changed muchhave they. :)   

"In the temple of Artemis, sister of Apollo, god of prophecy, patients would 
pray and make offerings for aid. The most important building, however, was the 
abaton. After making offerings to the gods, patients were ordered to sleep in 
the abaton and not to open their eyes under any circumstances. During the night 
Asclepius, his daughters, and his priests would visit patients in turn. 
Asclepius was believed to examine each patient before applying remedies, 
medicines made of natural ingredients. Some patients reported that Asclepius 
had sent snakes to lick their wounds clean. When the patients woke the next 
morning, they would often declare themselves totally cured. Even patients 
suffering from blindness or other seemingly incurable conditions reported 
success. The priests would also prescribe treatments and regimes based on a 
patient's visions or dreams while asleep. Patients who had been cured left 
offerings of money or inscribed tablets detailing their treatment at the
 temples. Success may have been more to do with the physical regime or the 
practical treatments devised by the priests, but belief in the healing powers 
of Asclepius also had a positive effect.

Kurt Milkowski  wrote:Hey Carol,
  >I feel bad for these people having been brainwashed. 
>I know its the hippocratic oath, the oath was origionally made to the god 

Carol Ann  wrote:
  Kurt ~
Question.What do you think about the millions of people who go to  doctors with 
mysterious complaints.  

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..
Do You Yahoo!?
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Re: CS>Doctors...[Carol]

2007-10-17 Thread Carol Ann
Hi Kurt,
I got curious about the Apollo comment because I never read that before.  
Anyway, this  is one of the references I found and thought you might enjoy it.
It made me laugh.  Just substitute modern terminology, for example, gods of 
prophecy/priests/ = doctors;  temple/abaton =- 
hospitals/nursing/hospice/doctors offices.  Visions/dreams - big pharma tv 
commercials;  offerings; health ins/medicade;  etc.  etc.  Things haven't 
changed muchhave they. :)   

"In the temple of Artemis, sister of Apollo, god of prophecy, patients would 
pray and make offerings for aid. The most important building, however, was the 
abaton. After making offerings to the gods, patients were ordered to sleep in 
the abaton and not to open their eyes under any circumstances. During the night 
Asclepius, his daughters, and his priests would visit patients in turn. 
Asclepius was believed to examine each patient before applying remedies, 
medicines made of natural ingredients. Some patients reported that Asclepius 
had sent snakes to lick their wounds clean. When the patients woke the next 
morning, they would often declare themselves totally cured. Even patients 
suffering from blindness or other seemingly incurable conditions reported 
success. The priests would also prescribe treatments and regimes based on a 
patient's visions or dreams while asleep. Patients who had been cured left 
offerings of money or inscribed tablets detailing their treatment at the
 temples. Success may have been more to do with the physical regime or the 
practical treatments devised by the priests, but belief in the healing powers 
of Asclepius also had a positive effect.

Kurt Milkowski  wrote: Hey Carol,
  >I feel bad for these people having been brainwashed. 
>I know its the hippocratic oath, the oath was origionally made to the god 

Carol Ann  wrote:
  Kurt ~
Question.What do you think about the millions of people who go to  doctors with 
mysterious complaints.  

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..
Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: CS>Vaccines- chronic fatigue-Dave

2007-10-17 Thread Dave
 I took 6 ounces every half hour of awake time for three days and it 
broke like a fever in the middle of the night.

I've had almost four years of health and energy like a twenty year old ( 
I was 68 at the time) Now I'm getting tired a lot so don't know if it is 
coming back or not. No other symptoms.

I have been taking MMS and seeing some improvement .

Clayton Family wrote:

Now this is useful information, thanks.  How much did you take to get 
it under control, and did it go underground, or get killed off?


On Oct 17, 2007, at 1:17 PM, Dave wrote:

 I think that is when they discovered it ( named it) not when it 
began, before that they called it whatever it seemed to mimic, as 
Lyme does present a number of maladies. When they had me in the 
hospital in Germany in 1957 they ran test after test and couldn't 
figure out what was happening. I was one of  ten men that came down 
with it.
Some had the rash and some didn't. We all had high fever and severe 
stomach cramps. After a week we  were sent back to work. I never felt 
right for 42 years, Then I diagnosed my problem myself with the help 
of the Internet and cured it with CS in three days. Chronic Fatigue, 
Pain and Arthritis were the main problems (as well as brain fog)  and 
I'm sure they would have called it one of those if given the chance.
 It even went so far that they wanted to  remove the cartilage from 
my affected joints. After whipping the Lyme
I cured the arthritis with CMO ,Glucosamine, Condroitin along with 6 
grams a day of vitamin C and equal amount of L-Lysine and 6 grams of 
Niacin to help the circulation of these things to the joints.
 If you want to try this start very small on the niacin as the flush 
can be severe until you build up a 

Marshall Dudley wrote:

Dave wrote:

That makes me wonder how I got it in 1957.

The first case dates back to 1883, but the "modern lyme" history 
begun in 1975. I was off by 10 years.

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Salt therapy

2007-10-17 Thread Jodi

Dee wrote:
Thanks Jodi but here we have the problem of what nebulizer to buy and 
how to do it all?  I am going to have to do something like this though 
because this weak chest is a family thing (my dad died of it) so do 
you know of a good make, which isn't going to break the bank?  Thanks 
in advance.  Dee

I see what you mean, Dee.  I'm sorry that I didn't think it through, and 
I'm sorry about the loss of your Dad.   Is a nebulizer for around $45.00 
on Ebay good?  One that's from a Power Seller with 100% positive 
feedback?It's here:   http://tinyurl.com/24o3np


Re: CS>Lugols at Humco

2007-10-17 Thread Deborah Gerard
It has on one page listed tincture and on this page that is posted it has the 
Solution...the tincture has alcohol and solution does not...thanks debbie

Leslie  wrote:  Just read the other emails. 
Glad you found it. Now, are you saying Humco does have the Lugols Iodine 
formula without alcohol?? That seems to be contrary to what the employee of 
Humco told me. I would like to know.
- Original Message - 
  From: Deborah Gerard 
  To: cs 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 6:49 PM
  Subject: CS>Lugols at Humco

  Humco does have the Lugols/Strong Iodine if someone is interested in buying 
it thru the Walmart pharmacyit isn't the tincture it is the solution..debbie
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Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: CS>Vaccines- chronic fatigue-Dave

2007-10-17 Thread Clayton Family
Now this is useful information, thanks.  How much did you take to get 
it under control, and did it go underground, or get killed off?


On Oct 17, 2007, at 1:17 PM, Dave wrote:

 I think that is when they discovered it ( named it) not when it 
began, before that they called it whatever it seemed to mimic, as Lyme 
does present a number of maladies. When they had me in the hospital in 
Germany in 1957 they ran test after test and couldn't figure out what 
was happening. I was one of  ten men that came down with it.
Some had the rash and some didn't. We all had high fever and severe 
stomach cramps. After a week we  were sent back to work. I never felt 
right for 42 years, Then I diagnosed my problem myself with the help 
of the Internet and cured it with CS in three days. Chronic Fatigue, 
Pain and Arthritis were the main problems (as well as brain fog)  and 
I'm sure they would have called it one of those if given the chance.
 It even went so far that they wanted to  remove the cartilage from my 
affected joints. After whipping the Lyme
I cured the arthritis with CMO ,Glucosamine, Condroitin along with 6 
grams a day of vitamin C and equal amount of L-Lysine and 6 grams of 
Niacin to help the circulation of these things to the joints.
 If you want to try this start very small on the niacin as the flush 
can be severe until you build up a resistance. 

Marshall Dudley wrote:

Dave wrote:

That makes me wonder how I got it in 1957.

The first case dates back to 1883, but the "modern lyme" history 
begun in 1975. I was off by 10 years.

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To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Dianne cysts

2007-10-17 Thread Shirley Reed
  If you read the www.altcancer.com site on iodine and click on and read all
the links, you will have educated yourself quite a lot concerning iodine.
Dr. Miller's first page is very good too.  Sent me running for iodine since
a lot of things fell into place with the info on just those two sites.
Best wishes to you.  And this is a very good and helpful list.  Many kind
people, not to mention very, very  knowledgeable about beaucoup things!!

Re: CS>Re: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-17 Thread Tad Winiecki
I'm not very knowledgeable about homeopathics so I don't know how 
homeopathic silver would differ from EIS Silver.  Maybe someone else 


On Oct 17, 2007, at 12:19 PM, Tony Moody wrote:

Hi Nancy and anyone else,

Does homeopathic silver destroy the good that CS or EIS does? That is 
one of the features
of homeopathic solutions isn't it? That the homeopathic is 
antagonistic to whatever the

material substance causes.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Lugols at Humco

2007-10-17 Thread Leslie
Just read the other emails. Glad you found it. Now, are you saying Humco does 
have the Lugols Iodine formula without alcohol?? That seems to be contrary to 
what the employee of Humco told me. I would like to know.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Deborah Gerard 
  To: cs 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 6:49 PM
  Subject: CS>Lugols at Humco

  Humco does have the Lugols/Strong Iodine if someone is interested in buying 
it thru the Walmart pharmacyit isn't the tincture it is the solution..debbie
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: CS>Doctors...[Carol]

2007-10-17 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Hey Carol,
  I feel bad for these people having been brainwashed. I was one of them, then 
I woke up. Unfortunately we live in a greedy, sick world. I know its the 
hippocratic oath, the oath was origionally made to the god appolo.

Carol Ann  wrote:
  Kurt ~
Question.What do you think about the millions of people who go to  doctors with 
mysterious complaints.  They're given a RX because the doctor really dosen't 
have a definitive diagnosis and is taking their best shot with a drug that they 
believe might help.  The patient has the RX filled and never bothers to read 
the inserts.  When bad reactions happen or their conditions continue worsen or 
morph and their  health deteriorates,  they claim to be mystified. So the doc 
prescribes another RX and the cycle continues.   Do you see them as individuals 
who  have a certain amount of  responsibility for their own health or should 
doctors solely shoulder the blame.

btw...its not the Apollo oath, its  the Hippocratic oath. :)


Kurt Milkowski  wrote:Hey Carol,
  Again, when you realize the oath the doctors take is to the greek gos of 
destruction, apollo, you may think twice. 

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..
Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

CS>Lugols at Humco

2007-10-17 Thread Deborah Gerard
Humco does have the Lugols/Strong Iodine if someone is interested in buying it 
thru the Walmart pharmacyit isn't the tincture it is the solution..debbie

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: CS>Vaccines- chronic fatigue[Dave]

2007-10-17 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Hey Dave, 
  You just answered your own question!! You were in the army. You guys were 
among the first to recieve the latest tests. The needles that were stuck in 
your ass is where you got the disease.

Dave  wrote:
  I had a bunch of them when I joined the Army but not before. That was in 
1955. Later they tried to give me a booster shot for flu and I was almost court 
martialed  for refusing.  The first shot made me so sick I wasn't going back 
for more even if it meant the stockade. They didn't really back off just 
penciled in that I had received it.
  My mother had infantile paralysis but that was 30 years before I was born.  
Don't really know what shots she might have had but my father and mother lived 
far up in the mountains and had little other human contact.
  Does that give you any ideas?

Kurt Milkowski wrote: Were either you or your parents vaccinated Dave?

Dave  wrote:
  That makes me wonder how I got it in 1957.

Marshall Dudley wrote:

> Kurt Milkowski wrote:
>> How long do you think lyme has been around? It's not a "new" disease, 
>> been around for a long time. Just became named recently.
> From what I have been able to determine it was "designed" in the early 
> to mid 80's, then released to the wild near the naval base's 
> biological warefare research center around Lyme around 1986 or so.
> Marshall
>> */Marshall Dudley /* wrote:
>> Kurt Milkowski wrote:
>> > Hey Jess,
>> >
>> > Most likely the mmr vaccine would be the likely culprit. This is
>> the
>> > one that seems to be causing autism, which is lyme under another
>> name.
>> How can you arrive at that conclusion? Autism predates Lyme by a
>> century or more.
>> Marshall
>> >
>> > Kurt
>> >
>> > */jessie70 /* wrote:
>> >
>> > Kurt, you got lyme disease from which vaccine? Thanks, Jess
>> >
>> > -Original Message-
>> > *From:* Kurt Milkowski [mailto:kurt.milkow...@sbcglobal.net]
>> > *Sent:* Sunday, October 14, 2007 6:31 PM
>> > *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
>> > *Subject:* Re: CS>Vaccines- chronic fatigue
>> >
>> > Hey Kathryn,
>> >
>> > No problem. Yep the mycoplasma is used alot in bio-weapons.
>> > Check into lyme disease, thats what I have, got it from a
>> > vaccine. Lots of folks with lyme suffer from cfs and fibro.
>> >
>> > Kurt
>> >
>> > */Clayton Family /* wrote:
>> >
>> > Thanks for posting this whole series. It is interesting
>> > reading. The
>> > chronic fatigue part stood out for me.
>> >
>> > "Brucella mycoplasma was probably responsible for chronic
>> > fatigue
>> > syndrome and fibromyalgia as well."
>> >
>> > It is known that fungal toxins can cause chronic fatigue,
>> > and it may
>> > well be that there are many other kinds of toxins and
>> > infections
>> > involved too. I read somewhere about other mycoplasma
>> > infections being
>> > implicated in asthma, and maybe other immune related
>> > conditions. Asthma
>> > can be caused by Valley Fever, which is an endemic fungi
>> > residing in
>> > the strata in the western states.
>> >
>> > I took antifungals for 18 months to rid myself of an
>> > entrenched fungal
>> > infection: it seemed to work, yet when I started CS, I
>> > began having die
>> > off rxns, and other rxns which were the same as what I get
>> > when exposed
>> > to toxins. Therefore, maybe the CS also releases cellular
>> > toxins in
>> > some way. In any case, I had some other kind of infection
>> > going on that
>> > the antifungals were not touching: not fungal, but
>> > something else, and
>> > the silver was doing quite a bit.
>> >
>> > fungal toxins cause neurological damage- is brucella
>> > fungal, I wonder?
>> > Those fungal toxins are used in biological weapons.
>> >
>> > And the bit about genetically engineered vacs- have you
>> > seen "The
>> > Future of Food" ? it is about genetically engineered food,
>> > and it seems
>> > like the film understates the problem. There are toxins
>> > and poisons
>> > deliberately sequenced into the genes of food, so it
>> > becomes poisonous
>> > at a low level. Organic is alot better, locally grown
>> > seems like the
>> > best idea.
>> >
>> > Kathryn
>> >
>> > On Oct 13, 2007, at 6:23 PM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:
>> >
>> > >> Kurt Milkowski wrote: [snipped]
>> > >> > In October 2004, Dmtry Lvov, head of the Russian
>> > Virology Institute
>> > >> > declared that up to one billion people around the
>> > world could die
>> > >> > during the next pandemic. It would appear that the
>> > human herd is
>> > >> about
>> > >> > to be culled in spectacular fashion. For whatever
>> > reasons, the dead
>> > >> > microbiologists wouldn't go along with the program.
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing
>> > Colloidal Silver.
>> >
>> > Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
>> > http://silverlist.org
>> >
>> > To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
>> >
>> > Address Off-Topic messages to:
>> > silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

Re: CS>Re: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-17 Thread Mark Siepak
> the first known outbreak not occurring until mass
smallpox vaccination 100 years ago

Ever thought that the people getting polio in that outbreak might have,
in pre-vaccination times, die from smallpox before they had a chance to
develop polio?

Sort of like cancer is so prevalent now.

Now that people live past 37 years old, that is

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Vaccines Part 3

2007-10-17 Thread Mark Siepak
> I, on the other hand, would advocate the quarantining of all of the
>people who actually evidence symptoms of said disease - and would
>strongly urge those whose immune systems are compromised - whether
>through poor lifestyle choices, lots of vaccinations, or some
>combination thereof - to stay home, and away from other people.

You, sir, are the sick bastard. Many virulent diseases do not show
symptoms until AFTER the contagious period has almost ended.

Let's not quarantine anyone from the town where Ebola has surfaced, let
them travel all over the world, UNTIL they start bleeding out from every

Sick Bastard, indeed

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Doctors...

2007-10-17 Thread Mark Siepak
>My beef is with people - like Ode - who believe they have some kind of
>Right to force their medical beliefs and opinions *and* *practices* on
>me and my family and friends - and anyone else who claims the Right to
>own their own life and body.

Well, now, aren't you forcing YOUR "medical beliefs and opinions *and*
*practices*" on ME when you refuse to be vaccinated against communicable
diseases like smallpox or polio? After all, I DO think vaccinations
work, and even if the rate of bad reactions was 10% (more like one and a
half percent), I think it is worth maybe 10,000 with bad reactions, to
avoid having pandemics kill millions every 15-30 years. Of course, if my
child were one with the bad reaction, I would probably want to blame

Of course, you unvaccinated people could go to Hawaii, so no one else
would die when the inevitable pandemic swept  your 'nation'!

Sometimes the greater good for society is bitter medicine, pun intended.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Doctors...[Carol]

2007-10-17 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Hey Paula, Sure post away. I went to the doctor, was of no use at all, just 
went alot.

Paula Perry  wrote:
  I was reading an article just this morning posted on Rense about drugs. Some 
of the drugs they were talking about in the article actually caused a drug 
indused Parkinson's Disease and other diseases. I will post the article if you 
want to read it. You did say that you used a lot of md doctoring.
- Original Message - 
  From: Kurt Milkowski 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 7:46 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Doctors...[Carol]

  Hey Carol,
  Again, when you realize the oath the doctors take is to the greek gos of 
destruction, apollo, you may think twice. Been through a fair share of 
surgeries and hospitilazations with my family, not a whole bunch of fun. Do I 
give the credit to any humans for the successful outcomes of these invasive 
procedures, absolutely not, God gets that. Now that I have realized that the 
cause of the problems was due to the vaccines these "wonderful" people have 
stuck in our asses, I do what I can to let others know.
  I should probably let you know that my sister belongs to this group of quacks 
known as md's. I will also tell you that after being run through the mill be 
these "caring" professonals, I had started to develope parkinsons about a year 
and a half ago. I can tell you also that as of now I don't have parkinsons at 
the moment, again I give the credit to God, that I'm not in the same shape as 
Michael J. Fox is right about now.
  Whose fault is it for trusting doctors? Mine. Having a sister for an md I 
thought I had and in. All pretty funny that I had to suffer for such a long 
time before waking up. I might seem a bit angry to some about it, and I am. The 
anger however is mostly at myself for letting myself be decieved. 

Carol Ann  wrote:
  Kurt ~
Doctors are no more evil or good based solely upon their profession than 
say...your local pastor, or service engineer be they mechanics or plumbers. 
More so when the individual seeking advice is totally ignorant about the 
service sought. 

Doctors are but mere mortals, human beings although I have met my share of 
those who believe otherwise.  With those gods, I've gone 10 rounds sometimes. 

 The simple fact is that somme are more or less honest than others.  About 3 
years ago my son and I sat before an anesthesiologist   who steadfastly  
proclaimed that there were absolutely no dangers whatsoever associated with 
general anesthesia.  My son needed an operation.  Did the doc have his 
way.absolutely not because the operation did not require a general.  The 
meeting was scheduled because I objected from the get go..I knew a general 
was not necessary but he would have scheduled it as a matter or routine.   As I 
sat assessing him, I concluded that he was lying, and it didn't take but a few 
minutes before he knew,  that I knew. 

 Did he say this because he was dishonest, truly believed what he said,  
inexperienced, or just a demented idiot?  Each person must do their own 
evaluation when they place their lives in another's hands.  To this day I will 
be eternally grateful to the surgeon who sewed four fingers back of one of my 
sons who would have otherwise  lost them due to a water skiing accident.  And 
then there's the surgeon who fixed another sons fibula that had completely 
severed in a football game.

My neice will soon be attending Med School.  She calls the witch doctor, as she 
fondly calls me, to see if I have any Echanesia on hand when she comes down 
with a cold. And its usually because she runs out. Does she know about 
colloidal silver. Absolutely.
When she attends med school, will they attempt to brain wash her. Absolutely. 
The primary difference between her and the anesthesia guy will be that 
integrity and honesty cannot be  bought or sold.

When a person approaches a health care provider, or anyone else providing a 
service,  and relinquishes their self-responsibility for acquiring  at least 
some knowledge of the problem they are sealing their fate. If you know your 
engine is always stalling and the mechanic tells you he's done an evaluation 
and you're crazy, would you keep bringing your car back to him?

Kurt Milkowski  wrote: When so many people go 
to see a doctor because they have no idea what is wrong with them and are sent 
away being told that there is nothing wrong with them all the while the doctor 
knows but he is lying, that makes them EVIL. I know there may be some that 
don't have a clue as to whats going on, but if they've been around for a while 
they know. 

Ode Coyote  wrote:
  It's mostly self defense that makes Doctors "toe the official line"
If they weren't constantly under attack, they could afford to explore 
more...but deviate just a little and be wrong, unbelievable law suits, 
flocks of vultures swoop in for their pound of flesh with t

Re: CS>Vaccines- chronic fatigue

2007-10-17 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Well you have to look at how long other "designer" disease have been around. 
Here are a few, alhiemers, als, parkinsons, ms, lupus, autism, just to name a 

Marshall Dudley  wrote:
  Kurt Milkowski wrote:
> How long do you think lyme has been around? It's not a "new" disease, 
> been around for a long time. Just became named recently.
>From what I have been able to determine it was "designed" in the early 
to mid 80's, then released to the wild near the naval base's biological 
warefare research center around Lyme around 1986 or so.

> */Marshall Dudley /* wrote:
> Kurt Milkowski wrote:
> > Hey Jess,
> >
> > Most likely the mmr vaccine would be the likely culprit. This is
> the
> > one that seems to be causing autism, which is lyme under another
> name.
> How can you arrive at that conclusion? Autism predates Lyme by a
> century or more.
> Marshall
> >
> > Kurt
> >
> > */jessie70 /* wrote:
> >
> > Kurt, you got lyme disease from which vaccine? Thanks, Jess
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > *From:* Kurt Milkowski [mailto:kurt.milkow...@sbcglobal.net]
> > *Sent:* Sunday, October 14, 2007 6:31 PM
> > *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
> > *Subject:* Re: CS>Vaccines- chronic fatigue
> >
> > Hey Kathryn,
> >
> > No problem. Yep the mycoplasma is used alot in bio-weapons.
> > Check into lyme disease, thats what I have, got it from a
> > vaccine. Lots of folks with lyme suffer from cfs and fibro.
> >
> > Kurt
> >
> > */Clayton Family /* wrote:
> >
> > Thanks for posting this whole series. It is interesting
> > reading. The
> > chronic fatigue part stood out for me.
> >
> > "Brucella mycoplasma was probably responsible for chronic
> > fatigue
> > syndrome and fibromyalgia as well."
> >
> > It is known that fungal toxins can cause chronic fatigue,
> > and it may
> > well be that there are many other kinds of toxins and
> > infections
> > involved too. I read somewhere about other mycoplasma
> > infections being
> > implicated in asthma, and maybe other immune related
> > conditions. Asthma
> > can be caused by Valley Fever, which is an endemic fungi
> > residing in
> > the strata in the western states.
> >
> > I took antifungals for 18 months to rid myself of an
> > entrenched fungal
> > infection: it seemed to work, yet when I started CS, I
> > began having die
> > off rxns, and other rxns which were the same as what I get
> > when exposed
> > to toxins. Therefore, maybe the CS also releases cellular
> > toxins in
> > some way. In any case, I had some other kind of infection
> > going on that
> > the antifungals were not touching: not fungal, but
> > something else, and
> > the silver was doing quite a bit.
> >
> > fungal toxins cause neurological damage- is brucella
> > fungal, I wonder?
> > Those fungal toxins are used in biological weapons.
> >
> > And the bit about genetically engineered vacs- have you
> > seen "The
> > Future of Food" ? it is about genetically engineered food,
> > and it seems
> > like the film understates the problem. There are toxins
> > and poisons
> > deliberately sequenced into the genes of food, so it
> > becomes poisonous
> > at a low level. Organic is alot better, locally grown
> > seems like the
> > best idea.
> >
> > Kathryn
> >
> > On Oct 13, 2007, at 6:23 PM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:
> >
> > >> Kurt Milkowski wrote: [snipped]
> > >> > In October 2004, Dmtry Lvov, head of the Russian
> > Virology Institute
> > >> > declared that up to one billion people around the
> > world could die
> > >> > during the next pandemic. It would appear that the
> > human herd is
> > >> about
> > >> > to be culled in spectacular fashion. For whatever
> > reasons, the dead
> > >> > microbiologists wouldn't go along with the program.
> >
> >
> > --
> > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing
> > Colloidal Silver.
> >
> > Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> > http://silverlist.org
> >
> > To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> >
> > Address Off-Topic messages to:
> > silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> >
> > The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently
> > down...
> >
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour
> >
> >
> >
> >

Re: CS>Vaccines- chronic fatigue[Dave]

2007-10-17 Thread Dave

 I had a bunch of them when I joined the Army but not before. That was 
in 1955. Later they tried to give me a booster shot for flu and I was 
almost court martialed  for refusing.  The first shot made me so sick I 
wasn't going back for more even if it meant the stockade. They didn't 
really back off just penciled in that I had received it.
 My mother had infantile paralysis but that was 30 years before I was 
born.  Don't really know what shots she might have had but my father and 
mother lived far up in the mountains and had little other human contact.

 Does that give you any ideas?

Kurt Milkowski wrote:

Were either you or your parents vaccinated Dave?

*/Dave /* wrote:

That makes me wonder how I got it in 1957.

Marshall Dudley wrote:

> Kurt Milkowski wrote:
>> How long do you think lyme has been around? It's not a "new"
>> been around for a long time. Just became named recently.
> From what I have been able to determine it was "designed" in the
> to mid 80's, then released to the wild near the naval base's
> biological warefare research center around Lyme around 1986 or so.
> Marshall
>> */Marshall Dudley /* wrote:
>> Kurt Milkowski wrote:
>> > Hey Jess,
>> >
>> > Most likely the mmr vaccine would be the likely culprit. This is
>> the
>> > one that seems to be causing autism, which is lyme under another
>> name.
>> How can you arrive at that conclusion? Autism predates Lyme by a
>> century or more.
>> Marshall
>> >
>> > Kurt
>> >
>> > */jessie70 /* wrote:
>> >
>> > Kurt, you got lyme disease from which vaccine? Thanks, Jess
>> >
>> > -Original Message-
>> > *From:* Kurt Milkowski [mailto:kurt.milkow...@sbcglobal.net]
>> > *Sent:* Sunday, October 14, 2007 6:31 PM
>> > *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
>> > *Subject:* Re: CS>Vaccines- chronic fatigue
>> >
>> > Hey Kathryn,
>> >
>> > No problem. Yep the mycoplasma is used alot in bio-weapons.
>> > Check into lyme disease, thats what I have, got it from a
>> > vaccine. Lots of folks with lyme suffer from cfs and fibro.
>> >
>> > Kurt
>> >
>> > */Clayton Family /* wrote:
>> >
>> > Thanks for posting this whole series. It is interesting
>> > reading. The
>> > chronic fatigue part stood out for me.
>> >
>> > "Brucella mycoplasma was probably responsible for chronic
>> > fatigue
>> > syndrome and fibromyalgia as well."
>> >
>> > It is known that fungal toxins can cause chronic fatigue,
>> > and it may
>> > well be that there are many other kinds of toxins and
>> > infections
>> > involved too. I read somewhere about other mycoplasma
>> > infections being
>> > implicated in asthma, and maybe other immune related
>> > conditions. Asthma
>> > can be caused by Valley Fever, which is an endemic fungi
>> > residing in
>> > the strata in the western states.
>> >
>> > I took antifungals for 18 months to rid myself of an
>> > entrenched fungal
>> > infection: it seemed to work, yet when I started CS, I
>> > began having die
>> > off rxns, and other rxns which were the same as what I get
>> > when exposed
>> > to toxins. Therefore, maybe the CS also releases cellular
>> > toxins in
>> > some way. In any case, I had some other kind of infection
>> > going on that
>> > the antifungals were not touching: not fungal, but
>> > something else, and
>> > the silver was doing quite a bit.
>> >
>> > fungal toxins cause neurological damage- is brucella
>> > fungal, I wonder?
>> > Those fungal toxins are used in biological weapons.
>> >
>> > And the bit about genetically engineered vacs- have you
>> > seen "The
>> > Future of Food" ? it is about genetically engineered food,
>> > and it seems
>> > like the film understates the problem. There are toxins
>> > and poisons
>> > deliberately sequenced into the genes of food, so it
>> > becomes poisonous
>> > at a low level. Organic is alot better, locally grown
>> > seems like the
>> > best idea.
>> >
>> > Kathryn
>> >
>> > On Oct 13, 2007, at 6:23 PM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:
>> >
>> > >> Kurt Milkowski wrote: [snipped]
>> > >> > In October 2004, Dmtry Lvov, head of the Russian
>> > Virology Institute
>> > >> > declared that up to one billion people around the
>> > world could die
>> > >> > during the next pandemic. It would appear that the
>> > human herd is
>> > >> about
>> > >> > to be culled in spectacular fashion. For whatever
>> > reasons, the dead
>> > >> > microbiologists wouldn't go along with the program.
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing
>> > C

Re: CS>Doctors...[Carol] - Kurt

2007-10-17 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Hey Carol,
  What I am doing now is this, trying to give some folks information. As you 
know most don't like the truth, the truth is uncomfortable. Waking up is hard 
to do, Niel Sedaka could rewrite a good song there. That has been my job for 
the last year and a half. The more we get to wake up the better we will be when 
the shit hits the fan.

Carol Ann  wrote:
  Hey Kurt ~
Re your sis.  Forget mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except what 
you're going to do now and do it. ;)

Ya know, of course, that by now,   what you are experiencing is a learning 
process which is sometimes very painful but very applicable to the old 
saying...what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. 

The problems you mention are universal, no need to take it personally on the 
chin in silence or turn the other cheek. Our current system is merely a mirror 
of societies deeply entrenched belief systems; what people acquiesce to by 
letting govt,media, perceived gurus (doc's included) demonstrates/mirrors how 
people have allowed themselves to be used. There has always been way to much 
complacency...the you do it for me because I don't want to be responsible 
mentality. Others become the ultimate teachers, bosses, healers. Someone, just 
tell me what to do mentality! Boils down to ideological worship and 

Is it frustrating.  Absolutely. Unfortunately, humans need to be tricked, lied 
to and deceived before they can become aware.  Those that become aware are the 
better for it.   Not to hijack the thread in any way, but I will make a quick 
reference for to the current state of affairs re the Iraq War as an analogy. 
People allowed the progression of national affairs in this regard because of 
complacency, lack of interest, naivety, acquiescence of their voting power, 
etc, etc.

Like it or not..what the medical professions and govt are accused of doing is 
really reflecting  complacency and heinous archaic common beliefs and 
projecting the drama back. ...which means, for the most part, in many ways,  
those choosing to remain  in acceptance and un-informed, are essentially no 
better than the accused.  

"Undirected" anger is imvho just a waste of exceptional and often, very 
productive energy. 

Kurt Milkowski  wrote:Hey Carol,
   > I do what I can to let others know.
  >I should probably let you know that my sister belongs to this group of 
quacks known as md's.
  >Whose fault is it for trusting doctors? Mine. Having a sister for an md I 
>thought I had and in. All pretty funny that I had to suffer for such a long 
time before waking up. I might seem a bit angry to some about it, and I am. The 
anger however is mostly at myself for letting myself be decieved. 

Carol Ann  wrote:
  Kurt ~
Doctors are no more evil or good based solely upon their profession than 
say...your local pastor, or service engineer be they mechanics or plumbers. 
More so when the individual seeking advice is totally ignorant about the 
service sought. 

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..
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RE: CS> cancer/polio vaccine was Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-17 Thread bob Larson
i got polio when i was an infant, tonsils removed at about age 10.
  -Original Message-
  From: T. J. Garland [mailto:noblemet...@bellsouth.net]
  Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 5:22 PM
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: Re: CS> cancer/polio vaccine was Forced flu vaccines?

  I just read somewhere that the tonsils produce a chemical that kills the
polio virus.  Polio became epidemic when it became fashionable to remove

Re: CS>iodine and urinary tract infecitons

2007-10-17 Thread Dianne France

On another site they recommended cauterizing and then flushing with hydrogen 
peroxide.  I had never heard of this or that iodine would take care of this 
problem.  I really am learning a lot at this site.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Shirley Reed 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 3:06 PM
  Subject: CS>iodine and urinary tract infecitons

Dan, no idea how I was exposed.  Probably just female anatomy.   This 
condition came on very gradually and kept getting worse.  Since iodine--no more 
problems.   I now take a fairly high dose of iodine each day since learning 
more about iodine intake, halogen displacement, etc.   pj 

Re: CS>Vaccines- chronic fatigue[Dave]

2007-10-17 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Were either you or your parents vaccinated Dave?

Dave  wrote:
  That makes me wonder how I got it in 1957.

Marshall Dudley wrote:

> Kurt Milkowski wrote:
>> How long do you think lyme has been around? It's not a "new" disease, 
>> been around for a long time. Just became named recently.
> From what I have been able to determine it was "designed" in the early 
> to mid 80's, then released to the wild near the naval base's 
> biological warefare research center around Lyme around 1986 or so.
> Marshall
>> */Marshall Dudley /* wrote:
>> Kurt Milkowski wrote:
>> > Hey Jess,
>> >
>> > Most likely the mmr vaccine would be the likely culprit. This is
>> the
>> > one that seems to be causing autism, which is lyme under another
>> name.
>> How can you arrive at that conclusion? Autism predates Lyme by a
>> century or more.
>> Marshall
>> >
>> > Kurt
>> >
>> > */jessie70 /* wrote:
>> >
>> > Kurt, you got lyme disease from which vaccine? Thanks, Jess
>> >
>> > -Original Message-
>> > *From:* Kurt Milkowski [mailto:kurt.milkow...@sbcglobal.net]
>> > *Sent:* Sunday, October 14, 2007 6:31 PM
>> > *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
>> > *Subject:* Re: CS>Vaccines- chronic fatigue
>> >
>> > Hey Kathryn,
>> >
>> > No problem. Yep the mycoplasma is used alot in bio-weapons.
>> > Check into lyme disease, thats what I have, got it from a
>> > vaccine. Lots of folks with lyme suffer from cfs and fibro.
>> >
>> > Kurt
>> >
>> > */Clayton Family /* wrote:
>> >
>> > Thanks for posting this whole series. It is interesting
>> > reading. The
>> > chronic fatigue part stood out for me.
>> >
>> > "Brucella mycoplasma was probably responsible for chronic
>> > fatigue
>> > syndrome and fibromyalgia as well."
>> >
>> > It is known that fungal toxins can cause chronic fatigue,
>> > and it may
>> > well be that there are many other kinds of toxins and
>> > infections
>> > involved too. I read somewhere about other mycoplasma
>> > infections being
>> > implicated in asthma, and maybe other immune related
>> > conditions. Asthma
>> > can be caused by Valley Fever, which is an endemic fungi
>> > residing in
>> > the strata in the western states.
>> >
>> > I took antifungals for 18 months to rid myself of an
>> > entrenched fungal
>> > infection: it seemed to work, yet when I started CS, I
>> > began having die
>> > off rxns, and other rxns which were the same as what I get
>> > when exposed
>> > to toxins. Therefore, maybe the CS also releases cellular
>> > toxins in
>> > some way. In any case, I had some other kind of infection
>> > going on that
>> > the antifungals were not touching: not fungal, but
>> > something else, and
>> > the silver was doing quite a bit.
>> >
>> > fungal toxins cause neurological damage- is brucella
>> > fungal, I wonder?
>> > Those fungal toxins are used in biological weapons.
>> >
>> > And the bit about genetically engineered vacs- have you
>> > seen "The
>> > Future of Food" ? it is about genetically engineered food,
>> > and it seems
>> > like the film understates the problem. There are toxins
>> > and poisons
>> > deliberately sequenced into the genes of food, so it
>> > becomes poisonous
>> > at a low level. Organic is alot better, locally grown
>> > seems like the
>> > best idea.
>> >
>> > Kathryn
>> >
>> > On Oct 13, 2007, at 6:23 PM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:
>> >
>> > >> Kurt Milkowski wrote: [snipped]
>> > >> > In October 2004, Dmtry Lvov, head of the Russian
>> > Virology Institute
>> > >> > declared that up to one billion people around the
>> > world could die
>> > >> > during the next pandemic. It would appear that the
>> > human herd is
>> > >> about
>> > >> > to be culled in spectacular fashion. For whatever
>> > reasons, the dead
>> > >> > microbiologists wouldn't go along with the program.
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing
>> > Colloidal Silver.
>> >
>> > Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
>> > http://silverlist.org
>> >
>> > To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
>> >
>> > Address Off-Topic messages to:
>> > silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
>> >
>> > The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently
>> > down...
>> >
>> > List maintainer: Mike Devour
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >

CS>informed consumer is a safer consumer

2007-10-17 Thread Hanneke

Came across this on another list but can't remember which one, sorry...

Is interesting though if one has some questions.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS> cancer/polio vaccine was Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-17 Thread T. J. Garland
I just read somewhere that the tonsils produce a chemical that kills the polio 
virus.  Polio became epidemic when it became fashionable to remove tonsils.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Dianne France 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Friday, October 12, 2007 8:00 AM
  Subject: Re: CS> cancer/polio vaccine was Forced flu vaccines?


  My Dad was born in 1923 and was given live polio vaccine at age five and 
caught the disease from the live vaccine.  They had a terrible time stopping 
it's progression on one side of his body and it finally stopped just short of 
it's rise to his heart.  His one leg was shriveled and they said he would never 
walk again.  Fortunately my father was an extremely determined individual and 
did walk and competed in some sports.  His one leg was almost two inches 
shorter than the other and due to the times wore out his back because life 
shoes were not available.  During WWII he tried to enlist three times before 
being accepted and was a control tower operator.  

  Long story short he fought cancer hard since 1981 surviving many different 
forms.  He lost part of a lung to one type, part of his back to another, and 
part of an ear to yet another form.  He finally was unsuccessful in his last 
fight and died two years ago to a flat blonde mole that was cancerous.  What 
you said about vaccines and cancers had never connected in my mind.  Is there 
more correlation between live vaccine and cancer than there is with the 
supposed dead vaccine they give today?  

- Original Message - 
From: Kurt Milkowski 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2007 7:27 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: Forced flu vaccines?

Hey Pat,

Believe that lie and they'll tell you another one. Polio was on the decline 
before they started sticking people with the needles. Actually there was a 
spike in polio cases caused by the vaccines. That lie just paved the way for 
the kooks to get people to line up for shots. When you really investigate, the 
polio vaccine is the underlying cause of cancer! Unfortunately people are 
similar to mushrooms, keep us in the dark and feed us all kinds of bullshit and 
watch us grow.The only thing that can now or ever could cure you of a disease 
is your God given immune system. We have to stop believing the fairytales we 
have been told and do our best to wake the other mushrooms.


Pat  wrote:
  I don't know if it's the same now, but years ago when I worked at the 
hospital (dietary technician), all employees were required to have a yearly 
chest x-ray and a TB test.  I had a positive TB test but always wondered if it 
was because of the rough way the employee nurse jammed the needle in.  Then I 
was required to take isoniazid for a year (which is reasonable, I guess).  I 
got sick about six weeks later and the doctor said it was hepatitis from the 
drug.  I stopped it a few weeks and when I started back, it didn't make me sick 
again.  I suppose if I'd refused the chest x-ray and TB test, I'd have been 
terminated.  Of course, that's a whole different matter than the flu.

  There aren't many vaccines I would take nowdays, but back in the day, I 
suppose smallpox and polio vaccines were useful.  You don't see crippled people 
nowdays like there used to be from polio.  The rabies vaccine is effective, 
isn't it?  


  Check out the hottest 2008 models today at Yahoo! Autos. 

Re: CS>Re: Doctors...

2007-10-17 Thread Kurt Milkowski
I think Simon is just fed up with the nazi facist attitude of the public as am 

Richard  wrote:
  Simon, why are you so aggressive ? are you really a tough guy or 
just pretending . ? What is a "pinch of salt " in your lingo ? Cheer 
up or chill , please ! Richard
On 17/10/2007, at 18:40, Simon Jester wrote:

> On 10/17/2007, Dave (ddar...@centurytel.net) wrote:
>> Simon:
>> Do you consider that Ode just might be "stirring the pot"?
>> In the distant past Ode expressed views that weren't that much 
>> different than yours.
> When someone advocates something like he is advocating, in the 
> manner and medium that he is, no, don't consider such a possibility.
> If he is, then he is a sick bastard... and I would happily 
> 'explain' this to him in person.
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Vaccines- chronic fatigue

2007-10-17 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Thats funny Dan, It didn't escape at all. It was deliberate, set out to test 
people. That of course is one of the later versions. The older versions have 
been around over a hundred years. They always find newer and better bugs to 
give us.

Dan Nave  wrote:  The likes of you usually 
feel that it is an escaped biological warfare experiment escaped from a 
facility near Lyme Connecticut.

  From: Kurt Milkowski [mailto:kurt.milkow...@sbcglobal.net] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 4:25 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Vaccines- chronic fatigue

How long do you think lyme has been around? It's not a "new" disease, been 
around for a long time. Just became named recently.

Marshall Dudley  wrote:   Kurt Milkowski wrote:
> Hey Jess,
> Most likely the mmr vaccine would be the likely culprit. This is the 
> one that seems to be causing autism, which is lyme under another name.
How can you arrive at that conclusion? Autism predates Lyme by a 
century or more.

> Kurt
> */jessie70 /* wrote:
> Kurt, you got lyme disease from which vaccine? Thanks, Jess
> -Original Message-
> *From:* Kurt Milkowski [mailto:kurt.milkow...@sbcglobal.net]
> *Sent:* Sunday, October 14, 2007 6:31 PM
> *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
> *Subject:* Re: CS>Vaccines- chronic fatigue
> Hey Kathryn,
> No problem. Yep the mycoplasma is used alot in bio-weapons.
> Check into lyme disease, thats what I have, got it from a
> vaccine. Lots of folks with lyme suffer from cfs and fibro.
> Kurt
> */Clayton Family /* wrote:
> Thanks for posting this whole series. It is interesting
> reading. The
> chronic fatigue part stood out for me.
> "Brucella mycoplasma was probably responsible for chronic
> fatigue
> syndrome and fibromyalgia as well."
> It is known that fungal toxins can cause chronic fatigue,
> and it may
> well be that there are many other kinds of toxins and
> infections
> involved too. I read somewhere about other mycoplasma
> infections being
> implicated in asthma, and maybe other immune related
> conditions. Asthma
> can be caused by Valley Fever, which is an endemic fungi
> residing in
> the strata in the western states.
> I took antifungals for 18 months to rid myself of an
> entrenched fungal
> infection: it seemed to work, yet when I started CS, I
> began having die
> off rxns, and other rxns which were the same as what I get
> when exposed
> to toxins. Therefore, maybe the CS also releases cellular
> toxins in
> some way. In any case, I had some other kind of infection
> going on that
> the antifungals were not touching: not fungal, but
> something else, and
> the silver was doing quite a bit.
> fungal toxins cause neurological damage- is brucella
> fungal, I wonder?
> Those fungal toxins are used in biological weapons.
> And the bit about genetically engineered vacs- have you
> seen "The
> Future of Food" ? it is about genetically engineered food,
> and it seems
> like the film understates the problem. There are toxins
> and poisons
> deliberately sequenced into the genes of food, so it
> becomes poisonous
> at a low level. Organic is alot better, locally grown
> seems like the
> best idea.
> Kathryn
> On Oct 13, 2007, at 6:23 PM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:
> >> Kurt Milkowski wrote: [snipped]
> >> > In October 2004, Dmtry Lvov, head of the Russian
> Virology Institute
> >> > declared that up to one billion people around the
> world could die
> >> > during the next pandemic. It would appear that the
> human herd is
> >> about
> >> > to be culled in spectacular fashion. For whatever
> reasons, the dead
> >> > microbiologists wouldn't go along with the program.
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing
> Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently
> down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour

CS>Re: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-17 Thread Simon Jester

Just like a drug test, which is an absolute invasion of privacy, your
employer can probably require that you do this if you are going to 
work there. Your employer can basically fire you for anything except

those things that are specifically prohibited such as certain kinds
of discrimination.

I'm not saying this is fair or right.  I'm saying this is the way it

A private, non-corporate 'employer' is free to do whatever he/she wants 
- hire and fire anyone they want, anytime they want, for any reason they 
want. Problem is, truly private 'employers' are rae these days.

Corporations, being creatures of the State, are subject to all of the 
rules and regulations the State sees fit to impose. Public corporations 
are subject to even more regulations (most of them federal)...

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Vaccines Part 3

2007-10-17 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Lets just take a look at how the pandemic is spreading. It is being helped by 
the hand of man.

Simon Jester  wrote:
  >> But you have argued in favor of ENFORCED, INVOLUNTARY vaccinations, 
>> Ode.

> Nonsense.

Admitted, and retracted... I apologize again for making this mistake. I 
still don't know what I read or how I got that into my head that you had 
said that... but...

> Enforced isolation [quarantine] for those that refuse, sure, but not 
> forced vaccination.

This is almost as bad - and you even said earlier something about 
SHOOTING those who may choose to reject your forced quarantine. WHO 
DECIDES? Who decides who is sick? Who decides which 'germs' qualify for 
'quarantine'? Who decides how long the quarantine read: DEPRIVATION OF 
THE RIGHT OF LIBERTY, aka, freedom of movement and locomotion - lasts?

George Bush? Or maybe you prefer Hillary Clinton?

> There is a choice, neither of them all good or sure, but one or the 
> other is necessary.

Here is where we differ...

Assuming a pandemic is spreading... and that the goal is to try to 
minimize the spread of the disease as much as possible...

You would advocate the quarantining of everyone who refuses to be 

I, on the other hand, would advocate the quarantining of all of the 
people who actually evidence symptoms of said disease - and would 
strongly urge those whose immune systems are compromised - whether 
through poor lifestyle choices, lots of vaccinations, or some 
combination thereof - to stay home, and away from other people.

Vaccination or nonvaccination would be irrelevant...

I'd still like to hear why people who believe in the safety and efficacy 
of vaccinations (and therefore are vaccinated themselves, right?) are so 
afraid of the unvaccinated.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Vaccines Part 3

2007-10-17 Thread Simon Jester
But you have argued in favor of ENFORCED, INVOLUNTARY vaccinations, 


Admitted, and retracted... I apologize again for making this mistake. I 
still don't know what I read or how I got that into my head that you had 
said that... but...

Enforced isolation [quarantine] for those that refuse, sure, but not 
forced vaccination.

This is almost as bad - and you even said earlier something about 
SHOOTING those who may choose to reject your forced quarantine. WHO 
DECIDES? Who decides who is sick? Who decides which 'germs' qualify for 
'quarantine'? Who decides how long the quarantine read: DEPRIVATION OF 
THE RIGHT OF LIBERTY, aka, freedom of movement and locomotion - lasts?

George Bush? Or maybe you prefer Hillary Clinton?

There is a choice, neither of them all good or sure, but one or the 
other is necessary.

Here is where we differ...

Assuming a pandemic is spreading... and that the goal is to try to 
minimize the spread of the disease as much as possible...

You would advocate the quarantining of everyone who refuses to be 

I, on the other hand, would advocate the quarantining of all of the 
people who actually evidence symptoms of said disease - and would 
strongly urge those whose immune systems are compromised - whether 
through poor lifestyle choices, lots of vaccinations, or some 
combination thereof - to stay home, and away from other people.

Vaccination or nonvaccination would be irrelevant...

I'd still like to hear why people who believe in the safety and efficacy 
of vaccinations (and therefore are vaccinated themselves, right?) are so 
afraid of the unvaccinated.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-17 Thread Simon Jester
So you are looking forward to the day when the medical industry has 
the power to jail - and even kill - people who you believe has some 
nysterious germ inside their body that you believe threatens your 
health somehow.

What in Hell gave you that idea?

Your words above, maybe? "You have no right to go out in public if you 
have the flu." Your words, not mine.

I certainly don't look forward to any of this.  Jeezo, get a grip!

Take the RED pill, then, because you are PROMOTING it, simply by 
suggesting that I don't have the Right to go out in public if I am 
'sick' - because there is no other way to ENFORCE such a restriction.

I suppose you think you have a right to drive drunk too, ey?

An argument can be made that under the common law, if there is no ACTUAL 
damaged party, there is no crime.

However, people do have a LIMITED right to protect themselves by 
enacting laws against behavior that exhibits a reckless disregard for 
the safety of those around them, so, no, I would not claim such a right 
- my Rights stop where yours start.

You can refuse a vaccination, but then, stay at home making it 
"your" problem and not many many other peoples problem.

And again - if you and yours are vaccinated, WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF?


terrain?  Define it.

The state of health (or lack thereof) of the body - the digestive tract, 
the eliminative and regulatory systems and organs, etc.

If the body is in a state of health - which is NOT the same thing as 
just the absence of any obvious evidence of disease - then disease 
cannot exist. Bechamp proved this beyond a doubt, and Royal Rife (among 
others) has confirmed it.

Quaratine is a solution...for everyone but the quarantined.

Quarantine is the embodiment of contradiction for those who believe in 
the efficacy of vaccines.

Why do YOU think people get sick and how do they communicate that 

Why do you think that some people *always* get sick when some bug is 
'going around', and others *never* do. It is not because of any vaccine 
or lack - it is because the 'germs' are unable to get a foothold and 
replicate in a healthy body.

But this isn't my idea, or even opinion... again, and again - read 
anything on Antoine Bechamp...

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-17 Thread Simon Jester
Ok, I was just about ready to send a whopping big apology to Ode via the 
list for attributing motivations and intentions that were undeserved - 
until I cam across this post. This is the one that set me off into a 
'rabid' (as someone described it) retaliatory tirade.

The harshness was undeserved, so for that, I do still apologize. But the 
fact is, the horror of vaccine reactions has hit close to home for me, 
and it is one of my nuclear buttons...

Allow me to reply to this one again, with a little less emotion...

I can go look at the slides and research, blow by blow "this does 
that" with piles of repeatable evidence.

A statement that can in no way ever be proven, so is meaningless.

In vitro != in vivo

And of course - no researcher would ever falsify their results of lab 
tests or research studies in order to gain favor, prestige, money or 
power... oh, wait - it HAPPENS ALL THE TIME.

Also - how many times has it been shown long after the fact that certain 
studies that have long been quoted as showing one thing, when 
re-examined by a truly unbiased researcher, they find it says something 
completely different?

Most of your buddies with their precious duh-grees most likely have no 
time for silly things like ozone or MMS, because there is no money in it 
- but they'll USE them if they or a family member gets sick.

People like that make me sick.

You have to rely on an unfounded opinion being promoted by 
notoriously ignorant "anti-believers" who *don't* used their heads as

a "methodology".

vaccines are safe and effective

mercury in dental amalgams is not harmful

failure to wash hands consistently in a hospital setting does not spread 
iatrogenic illness and unnecessary death

the earth is flat - everyone knows that, you idiot

Thank you for proving my point.

"Anything that's opposite from a carefully selected partial truth is 
the whole truth"

Sure, but only if you're a simpleton.

Engaing in a little intellectually dishonesty, are we? Portraying a 
comment I never made as if it were a quote (else why the quotes?), and 
then debunking the FAKE quote - nice.

Well, believe this:
If you have the flu, you have no right to go out in public, much less 
transport people around.

Doing so is irresponsible, if not illegal.

That you "can" is a dangerous oversight, not a right. [unless you are 
a mosquito with no choice but to bite and get flattened for it.]

This comment is what set me off on you Ode.

While I understand what you are saying, you are oh so very wrong - I 
have every right to go out in public, whether I have the flu or not, for 
one very important reason. Why? Because the only possible alternative is 
to grant thugs with guns the power to both declare the rules for 
determining who is and is not sick, and enforcing their whimsical 
decisions arbitrarily and at the point of a gun - in essence, to 
implement that same medical-fascist society that you said you had no 
desire to see.


You can refuse a vaccination, but then, stay at home making it "your" 
problem and not many many other peoples problem.

I have a question...

If your vaccines are so effective - and you always make sure you and 
your family and those you know are vaccinated - why in the world would 
you be afraid of little ole simpletons like me who are not vaccinated?

Does no one see the inconsistency here?

In the case of "life threatening" pandemic, it will be illegal and 
you could "rightfully" get yourself shot if you leave home.

Ok - but you said the FLU earlier... lets stop changing gears from 1st 
to 50th, and stay on point.

If by chance the vaccination doesn't work, at least you've taken the 
steps than can be taken to prevent transmission, vs, no steps at 
all...or anti-steps.

I have no fear of any pandemic... I know that - as long as some 
government thug doesn't come along and drag me out of my home 'for my 
own good' and away from my ozone generator and herbs and CS generator, 
etc - and now MMS - I can beat pretty much anything that comes along.

That some vaccinations might not work "as advertised" doesn't mean 
none do, at least, "something".

But my something is far better than you're something - and has no 
NEGATIVE side effects to boot.

I'll betcha that when you see some people around you dropping like 
flies and some not, you'll be wondering why, then.

Nope - the ones that aren't dropping are most likely either like me, or 
have some natural immunity... definitely not some 
vaccine-immune-depressed zombie...

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Re: CS>Nebulizer and Salt Pipe for Dee

2007-10-17 Thread Dee
Hi S-Max, is it the Invacare Stratos portable?  The salt pipe is exactly the
same as the one I have ordered from Living is Easy.  Regards Dee 

---Original Message---
From: S-Max
Date: 17/10/2007 19:40:17
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Nebulizer and Salt Pipe for Dee
Dee -
There are many nebulizers on ebay. The one I have and really like is the
Invacare portable.
The salt pipe that I have is shown in the second link. I don't know the
seller though. I just wanted to show you which one I have and really like.
They are both excellent solutions to any breathing or lung problems for me
when I need some assistance.
Salt Pipe
---Original Message---

Re: CS>WorstPills.org -

2007-10-17 Thread Marshall Dudley

They did not ask for a subscription for me.

Dementia 	76 	Aldomet, Inderal, Maxzide, Mellaril, Regroton, Restoril, 
Ser-Ap-Es, Tagamet, Valium, Xanax,Zantac


Tad Winiecki wrote:
I went to this website and they want $15 to subscribe.  I can search 
google and look at the side effects of individual drugs for free.

Would you care to post their list of drugs causing dementia?


On Oct 17, 2007, at 5:58 AM, Paula Perry wrote:

This is for Kurt and anyone else that wants to look at it.
It is about drug induced illness. It explains what type of drugs can 
induce Parkinson's and also other diseases.
A good primer on what NOT to take!  Anyone taking perscription drugs 
might want to check this out. Could be your drugs are causing a worse 
problem than what you started with.



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Nebulizer and Salt Pipe for Dee

2007-10-17 Thread Dee
Thanks very much for that S-Max.  Dee 

---Original Message---
From: S-Max
Date: 17/10/2007 19:40:17
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Nebulizer and Salt Pipe for Dee
Dee -
There are many nebulizers on ebay. The one I have and really like is the
Invacare portable.
The salt pipe that I have is shown in the second link. I don't know the
seller though. I just wanted to show you which one I have and really like.
They are both excellent solutions to any breathing or lung problems for me
when I need some assistance.
Salt Pipe
---Original Message---

Re: CS>WorstPills.org -

2007-10-17 Thread Tad Winiecki
I went to this website and they want $15 to subscribe.  I can search 
google and look at the side effects of individual drugs for free.

Would you care to post their list of drugs causing dementia?


On Oct 17, 2007, at 5:58 AM, Paula Perry wrote:

This is for Kurt and anyone else that wants to look at it.
It is about drug induced illness. It explains what type of drugs can 
induce Parkinson's and also other diseases.
A good primer on what NOT to take!  Anyone taking perscription drugs 
might want to check this out. Could be your drugs are causing a worse 
problem than what you started with.



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>iodine and urinary tract infecitons

2007-10-17 Thread Shirley Reed
  Dan, no idea how I was exposed.  Probably just female anatomy.   This
condition came on very gradually and kept getting worse.  Since iodine--no
more problems.   I now take a fairly high dose of iodine each day since
learning more about iodine intake, halogen displacement, etc.   pj

Re: CS>Re: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-17 Thread Tony Moody
On 16 Oct 2007 at 13:30, Tad Winiecki wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>Re: Forced flu vaccines?

> I've been using some toothpaste called SilvaFresh by TriMedica.  It's
> homeopathic silver x4 along with 8 other homeopathic substances, in a
> base of aloe vera distillate, but does have Glycerin, has Xylitol.  I
> get it from Azure Standard co-op.
> Nancy
> On Oct 16, 2007, at 10:05 AM, Marshall Dudley wrote:
> > bbanever wrote:
> >> Ya, I even found some toothpaste being sold with silver in it!
> >>
> >> Bob
> >
> > Where? What is the name of it?

Hi Nancy and anyone else,

Does homeopathic silver destroy the good that CS or EIS does? That is one of 
the features 
of homeopathic solutions isn't it? That the homeopathic is antagonistic to 
whatever the 
material substance causes.

It would seem to be " a good thing" to have both real cs and homeopathic silver 
together. but 
would they perhaps destroy each other ot would they become even more effective?

Be well,
Tony Moody

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Nebulizer and Salt Pipe for Dee

2007-10-17 Thread S-Max
Dee - 
There are many nebulizers on ebay. The one I have and really like is the
Invacare portable. 
The salt pipe that I have is shown in the second link. I don't know the
seller though. I just wanted to show you which one I have and really like.
They are both excellent solutions to any breathing or lung problems for me
when I need some assistance. 
Salt Pipe 
---Original Message--- 
From: Dee 
Date: 10/17/2007 2:38:36 AM 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: Re: CS>Salt therapy 
Thanks Jodi but here we have the problem of what nebulizer to buy and how to do 
it all? I am going to have to do something like this though because this weak 
chest is a family thing (my dad died of it) so do you know of a good make, 
which isn't going to break the bank? Thanks in advance. Dee 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>CS safety

2007-10-17 Thread Scott
So very true I wouldn't live without my CS!

Smitty  wrote: This from the MDI_news forum =

Every documented case of Argyria was caused NOT from CS, but from
*other* forms of silver that ARE WELL KNOWN TO CAUSE ARGYRIA.

The only two people that I know of (I don't know anyone personally, but
recall these two from online forums like this one) who exhibited
symptoms of Argyria from 'CS' - in quotes because regardless of the fact
that they *thought* they were using CS, in reality they were *not* - it
turned out they were not using pure water to make their 'CS', but were
deliberately adding electrolytes (sea-salt in one case, concentrace
minerals in the other, if I'm not mistaken) to the water BEFORE making
it - and it is well documented that using water with 'salt' in it will
result in NOT CS, but in silver salt compounds that will, indeed cause

CS simply doesn't do this. There are far too many people who have been
using it for far too long with not only no problems with argyria, but
extremely beneficial and satisfactory results to even consider your
comments as anything other than ignorant - and no offense intended,
nothing wrong with ignorance, unless it is 'deliberate'...

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  Scott Young <><
"The ultimate healing is death." - Elisabeth Kugler-Ross

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Re: CS>Vaccines- chronic fatigue

2007-10-17 Thread Dave
 I think that is when they discovered it ( named it) not when it began, 
before that they called it whatever it seemed to mimic, as Lyme does 
present a number of maladies. When they had me in the hospital in 
Germany in 1957 they ran test after test and couldn't figure out what 
was happening. I was one of  ten men that came down with it.
Some had the rash and some didn't. We all had high fever and severe 
stomach cramps. After a week we  were sent back to work. I never felt 
right for 42 years, Then I diagnosed my problem myself with the help of 
the Internet and cured it with CS in three days. Chronic Fatigue, Pain 
and Arthritis were the main problems (as well as brain fog)  and I'm 
sure they would have called it one of those if given the chance.
 It even went so far that they wanted to  remove the cartilage from my 
affected joints. After whipping the Lyme
I cured the arthritis with CMO ,Glucosamine, Condroitin along with 6 
grams a day of vitamin C and equal amount of L-Lysine and 6 grams of 
Niacin to help the circulation of these things to the joints.
 If you want to try this start very small on the niacin as the flush 
can be severe until you build up a resistance. 

Marshall Dudley wrote:

Dave wrote:

That makes me wonder how I got it in 1957.

The first case dates back to 1883, but the "modern lyme" history begun 
in 1975. I was off by 10 years.


The EIS and the “Discovery” of Lyme
Modern Lyme history begins in 1975 when a mother in the town of Old 
Lyme, Connecticut reported the outbreak of a strange, multi-system 
disease. The town lies directly opposite the Plum Island biowarfare 
research lab where, according to former Justice official John Loftus, 
Nazi scientists brought to the US after WW2 may have test-dropped 
“poison ticks”. [vii] It should be noted that Loftus’ reputation for 
gathering accurate, hard-hitting information is strong – strong enough 
to bring down in disgrace the former Chancellor of Austria and 
Secretary-General of the UN Kurt Waldheim, after the latter’s wartime 
SS record was revealed.

See also:


US Govt Admits Lyme Disease a Bioweapon



Marshall Dudley wrote:

Kurt Milkowski wrote:

How long do you think lyme has been around? It's not a "new" 
disease, been around for a long time. Just became named recently.

From what I have been able to determine it was "designed" in the 
early to mid 80's, then released to the wild near the naval base's 
biological warefare research center around Lyme around 1986 or so.


*/Marshall Dudley /* wrote:

Kurt Milkowski wrote:
> Hey Jess,
> Most likely the mmr vaccine would be the likely culprit. This is
> one that seems to be causing autism, which is lyme under another
How can you arrive at that conclusion? Autism predates Lyme by a
century or more.

> Kurt
> */jessie70 /* wrote:
> Kurt, you got lyme disease from which vaccine? Thanks, Jess
> -Original Message-
> *From:* Kurt Milkowski [mailto:kurt.milkow...@sbcglobal.net]
> *Sent:* Sunday, October 14, 2007 6:31 PM
> *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
> *Subject:* Re: CS>Vaccines- chronic fatigue
> Hey Kathryn,
> No problem. Yep the mycoplasma is used alot in bio-weapons.
> Check into lyme disease, thats what I have, got it from a
> vaccine. Lots of folks with lyme suffer from cfs and fibro.
> Kurt
> */Clayton Family /* wrote:
> Thanks for posting this whole series. It is interesting
> reading. The
> chronic fatigue part stood out for me.
> "Brucella mycoplasma was probably responsible for chronic
> fatigue
> syndrome and fibromyalgia as well."
> It is known that fungal toxins can cause chronic fatigue,
> and it may
> well be that there are many other kinds of toxins and
> infections
> involved too. I read somewhere about other mycoplasma
> infections being
> implicated in asthma, and maybe other immune related
> conditions. Asthma
> can be caused by Valley Fever, which is an endemic fungi
> residing in
> the strata in the western states.
> I took antifungals for 18 months to rid myself of an
> entrenched fungal
> infection: it seemed to work, yet when I started CS, I
> began having die
> off rxns, and other rxns which were the same as what I get
> when exposed
> to toxins. Therefore, maybe the CS also releases cellular
> toxins in
> some way. In any case, I had some other kind of infection
> going on that
> the antifungals were not touching: not fungal, but
> something else, and
> the silver was doing quite a bit.
> fungal toxins cause neurological damage- is brucella
> fungal, I wonder?
> Those fungal toxins are used in biological weapons.
> And the bit about genetically engineered vacs- have you
> seen "The
> Future of Food" ? it is about genetically engineered food,
> and 

RE: CS>Vaccines- chronic fatigue

2007-10-17 Thread Dan Nave
The likes of you usually feel that it is an escaped biological warfare
experiment escaped from a facility near Lyme Connecticut.

From: Kurt Milkowski [mailto:kurt.milkow...@sbcglobal.net] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 4:25 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Vaccines- chronic fatigue

How long do you think lyme has been around? It's not a "new" disease,
been around for a long time. Just became named recently.

Marshall Dudley  wrote: 

Kurt Milkowski wrote:
> Hey Jess,
> Most likely the mmr vaccine would be the likely culprit. This
is the 
> one that seems to be causing autism, which is lyme under
another name.
How can you arrive at that conclusion? Autism predates Lyme by a

century or more.

> Kurt
> */jessie70 /* wrote:
> Kurt, you got lyme disease from which vaccine? Thanks, Jess
> -Original Message-
> *From:* Kurt Milkowski [mailto:kurt.milkow...@sbcglobal.net]
> *Sent:* Sunday, October 14, 2007 6:31 PM
> *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
> *Subject:* Re: CS>Vaccines- chronic fatigue
> Hey Kathryn,
> No problem. Yep the mycoplasma is used alot in bio-weapons.
> Check into lyme disease, thats what I have, got it from a
> vaccine. Lots of folks with lyme suffer from cfs and fibro.
> Kurt
> */Clayton Family /* wrote:
> Thanks for posting this whole series. It is interesting
> reading. The
> chronic fatigue part stood out for me.
> "Brucella mycoplasma was probably responsible for chronic
> fatigue
> syndrome and fibromyalgia as well."
> It is known that fungal toxins can cause chronic fatigue,
> and it may
> well be that there are many other kinds of toxins and
> infections
> involved too. I read somewhere about other mycoplasma
> infections being
> implicated in asthma, and maybe other immune related
> conditions. Asthma
> can be caused by Valley Fever, which is an endemic fungi
> residing in
> the strata in the western states.
> I took antifungals for 18 months to rid myself of an
> entrenched fungal
> infection: it seemed to work, yet when I started CS, I
> began having die
> off rxns, and other rxns which were the same as what I get
> when exposed
> to toxins. Therefore, maybe the CS also releases cellular
> toxins in
> some way. In any case, I had some other kind of infection
> going on that
> the antifungals were not touching: not fungal, but
> something else, and
> the silver was doing quite a bit.
> fungal toxins cause neurological damage- is brucella
> fungal, I wonder?
> Those fungal toxins are used in biological weapons.
> And the bit about genetically engineered vacs- have you
> seen "The
> Future of Food" ? it is about genetically engineered food,
> and it seems
> like the film understates the problem. There are toxins
> and poisons
> deliberately sequenced into the genes of food, so it
> becomes poisonous
> at a low level. Organic is alot better, locally grown
> seems like the
> best idea.
> Kathryn
> On Oct 13, 2007, at 6:23 PM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:
> >> Kurt Milkowski wrote: [snipped]
> >> > In October 2004, Dmtry Lvov, head of the Russian
> Virology Institute
> >> > declared that up to one billion people around the
> world could die
> >> > during the next pandemic. It would appear that the
> human herd is
> >> about
> >> > to be culled in spectacular fashion. For whatever
> reasons, the dead
> >> > microbiologists wouldn't go along with the program.
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing
> Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently
> down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS>Re: Doctors...

2007-10-17 Thread Richard
Simon, why are you so aggressive ?  are you really a tough guy or  
just pretending . ? What is a "pinch of salt " in your lingo ? Cheer  
up or chill , please ! Richard

On 17/10/2007, at 18:40, Simon Jester wrote:

On 10/17/2007, Dave (ddar...@centurytel.net) wrote:

Do you consider that Ode just might be "stirring the pot"?
In the distant past Ode expressed views that weren't that much  
different than yours.

When someone advocates something like he is advocating, in the  
manner and medium that he is, no,  don't consider such a possibility.

If he is, then he is a sick bastard... and I would happily  
'explain' this to him in person.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Salt therapy

2007-10-17 Thread Dee
Yes I have Smitty, I downloaded the first part of the book and was very
interested in it.   I think if I had something bad I would certainly use it,
but it seems to be a pretty powerful thing which should be used with caution
IMO.  I would be interested to hear how others have got on who have used it
though, as it is definitely something to have in the 'arsenal' so to speak. 
---Original Message---
From: Smitty
Date: 17/10/2007 18:27:51
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Re: Salt therapy
Do you know about MMS ? It could cure your condition.
Read about it here:

Re: CS>Re: Salt therapy

2007-10-17 Thread Smitty
> Well, the CS wasn't working because I was getting shorter and shorter of
> breath and breathing was really painful, so I opted for the AB's as opposed
> to being dead I suppose.  At the time, I didn't know of the ability of
> silver to be nebulised but I am going to try this or salt this time.  Dee

Have you read about MMS ? could cure your condition.
Check it out =



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Doctors...Simon

2007-10-17 Thread faith gagne

Brava Kathryn.


- Original Message - 
From: "Clayton Family" 

Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 12:41 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: Doctors...Simon

Simon, please.  no one on this list is out to get you. We are all 
in the same boat, and I think all of us stand firm on our rights to own 
our own bodies, and use our own judgement, and also respect other's 
opinions and rights to do the same.  Kathryn

On Oct 17, 2007, at 11:20 AM, Simon Jester wrote:

My beef is with people - like Ode - who believe they have some kind of 
Right to force their medical beliefs and opinions *and* *practices* on 
me and my family and friends - and anyone else who claims the Right to 
own their own life and body.

I consider anyone like this my mortal enemy, and will act accordingly 
should we ever meet and they make their intentions known to me.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Doctors...

2007-10-17 Thread faith gagne
I really think you should stop worrying about seeing doctors because perhaps 
someday in the not too distant future you won't be able to afford to see 
them at all.  Medicare is paying for fewer and fewer medical services all 
the time.


- Original Message - 
From: "Simon Jester" 

Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 12:20 PM
Subject: CS>Re: Doctors...

Big Insurance is co-mingled with Big Pharma, and has a vested interest
in drug profits.

Don't forget all of the charitable organizations (like the American Cancer 
Society, etc ad nauseum), the Medical Industry, in the form of Hospitals, 
Schools, etc, and last the Government oversight organizations (FDA, FTC, 

Yes, there are decent individual doctors.

But I stand by my prior statement - If enough of them stood up and filed a 
lawsuit (RICO), this monstrous house of cards would come crashing down on 
the heads of these monsters, and many people would go to jail, and many 
would be put to death (not doctors, corporate criminals and BEURORATS).

Our medical profession excels at treating TRAUMA - there is nowhere I'd 
rather be than in one of our emergency rooms, if I'm in an accident of 
some kind. But this type of treatment has absolutely *nothing* to do with 
treating disease.

My beef is not with individual doctors - even the cowards.

My beef is with people - like Ode - who believe they have some kind of 
Right to force their medical beliefs and opinions *and* *practices* on me 
and my family and friends - and anyone else who claims the Right to own 
their own life and body.

I consider anyone like this my mortal enemy, and will act accordingly 
should we ever meet and they make their intentions known to me.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>bladder and urinary tract infections

2007-10-17 Thread Shirley Reed
   Ten drops of Lugol's iodine in 1/4 or 1/2 cup of water or juice will
usually 'cure' this condition.  If one dose doesn't do it, then just repeat
the dose in an hour or so.  Jonathan V. Wright has info on this.  Maybe do a
google.  So do several other pracs.   Ten drops will also cure a
sub-clinical infection of the bladder or urinary tract, i.e., feeling of
great urgency re urination and maybe a bit of leaking.  Take a single drop
first to test for allergy.  After an hour, if nothing happens, then
proceed.  Maybe want to go slower than 10 frops right off the bat, but this
does work wonderfully well.   Please inform yourself first regarding all
this since I am not a practitioner and have no legal right to give advice.
In fact, I only advise getting information.  It's just that this worked for
me in less than 5 minutes.   10 drops-no more problemo.   pj

RE: CS>Forced Anthrax vaccines - NOT... WAS: Re: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-17 Thread Dan Nave
How were you exposed?

From: Michael Zangari [mailto:truez2...@yahoo.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 2:17 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Forced Anthrax vaccines - NOT... WAS: Re: Forced flu

I had several high density negative ion generators going in my apartment
for seve years prior to the arival of the anthrax. I used negative ions
for clarity, killing bacteria, and brightness.
It was a studio condo. Very small with a very dense concentration of
negative ions. I think that did the trick. I still developed a
congestive heart failure. The thing that eventually saved my life was
selegiline and good medication monitoring.

CS>nature's biotics

2007-10-17 Thread Clayton Family
Anyone know where the best buy on this is? I am seeing it for anywhere 
from 38 to 50 dollars for 90 caps.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Salt therapy

2007-10-17 Thread Smitty
> Well, the CS wasn't working because I was getting shorter and shorter of
> breath and breathing was really painful, so I opted for the AB's as opposed
> to being dead I suppose.  At the time, I didn't know of the ability of
> silver to be nebulised but I am going to try this or salt this time.  Dee

Do you know about MMS ? It could cure your condition.
Read about it here:



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-17 Thread Marshall Dudley

Ode Coyote wrote:

It is interesting that the USA Polio epidemic started around the same 
time as the Spanish Flu epidemic and problematic 
vaccine...but...causation doesn't exactly add up linking Spanish Flu 
vaccines to Polio.  Smallpox vaccines to Polio?

 "Vaguely Possible"That would be quite a stretch of the imagination.

Not according to medical experts:

That the smallpox vaccination caused polio in the 1940s.

Further, when you realize that we needed vaccination to provoke polio in 
the first place, with the first known outbreak not occurring until mass 
smallpox vaccination 100 years ago, well then you realize that avoiding 
the administration of the other vaccines almost entirely removes any 
threat of polio anyway.

Not only did the polio vaccine have nothing to do with the decline of 
paralytic polio (or polio in general), evidence shows that vaccinations 
for this and other diseases, notably diptheria, triple antigen 
(diptheria, pertussis and tetanus) and smallpox - were responsible for 
its increase. The decline of cases not caused by vaccination began to 
disappear in the West with improvements in hygiene and sanitation and 
most of the decline occurred well before the widespread use of polio 

Around the turn of the 20th century, people began reporting paralytic 
illness after smallpox vaccination. ^(15) By the 1920s, infantile 
paralysis (later renamed polio) began to emerge as an important new 
disease that often afflicted the limb that had been vaccinated. And 
later, when typhoid vaccine, then diphtheria, tetanus vaccines and 
pertussis vaccines gained widespread use, illness and paralytic episodes 
following vaccination became common knowledge. Provocation polio is a 
well known phenomenon precipitated by "diverse factors that provoke or 
increase the severity of polio in its victims, or localize it to a 
certain section in the nervous system." Some of these factors included: 
vaccination, trauma, tonsillectomies, pertussis vaccines, and the 
injection of numerous substances such as cortisone, bismuth, guanine and 
penicillin. ^(9)

Polio vaccines to anything else?...not a chance.

How do you know so much more than the experts?  Check this out:


According to the *oral polio vaccine (OPVA) AIDS hypothesis*, the AIDS 
 originated from live polio 
vaccines  prepared in 
chimpanzee  tissue cultures 
which were administered to up to one million Africans between 1957 
 and 1960 
. The specific populations were the 
first in the world to experience HIV-1 infections and AIDS some five 
years later.

In particular the experimental oral vaccine, called CHAT-1, is claimed 
to have been contaminated with simian immunodeficiency virus 
 (SIV), a 
group of viruses endemic to African primates and widely accepted as the 
origin of HIV .

Proponents of the OPV AIDS hypothesis include journalist Edward Hooper 
 as well as scientists Louis 
Paschal and the late W.D. Hamilton 

The OPV AIDS hypothesis is contradicted by a large mass of scientific 
evidence , and is 
considered to be incorrect by the scientific community 

^Google polio vaccination aids and you will find over one million 
articles discussing this possible connection.



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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Vaccines- chronic fatigue

2007-10-17 Thread Marshall Dudley

Dave wrote:

That makes me wonder how I got it in 1957.

The first case dates back to 1883, but the "modern lyme" history begun 
in 1975. I was off by 10 years.


The EIS and the “Discovery” of Lyme
Modern Lyme history begins in 1975 when a mother in the town of Old 
Lyme, Connecticut reported the outbreak of a strange, multi-system 
disease. The town lies directly opposite the Plum Island biowarfare 
research lab where, according to former Justice official John Loftus, 
Nazi scientists brought to the US after WW2 may have test-dropped 
“poison ticks”. [vii] It should be noted that Loftus’ reputation for 
gathering accurate, hard-hitting information is strong – strong enough 
to bring down in disgrace the former Chancellor of Austria and 
Secretary-General of the UN Kurt Waldheim, after the latter’s wartime SS 
record was revealed.

See also:


US Govt Admits Lyme Disease a Bioweapon



Marshall Dudley wrote:

Kurt Milkowski wrote:

How long do you think lyme has been around? It's not a "new" 
disease, been around for a long time. Just became named recently.

From what I have been able to determine it was "designed" in the 
early to mid 80's, then released to the wild near the naval base's 
biological warefare research center around Lyme around 1986 or so.


*/Marshall Dudley /* wrote:

Kurt Milkowski wrote:
> Hey Jess,
> Most likely the mmr vaccine would be the likely culprit. This is
> one that seems to be causing autism, which is lyme under another
How can you arrive at that conclusion? Autism predates Lyme by a
century or more.

> Kurt
> */jessie70 /* wrote:
> Kurt, you got lyme disease from which vaccine? Thanks, Jess
> -Original Message-
> *From:* Kurt Milkowski [mailto:kurt.milkow...@sbcglobal.net]
> *Sent:* Sunday, October 14, 2007 6:31 PM
> *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
> *Subject:* Re: CS>Vaccines- chronic fatigue
> Hey Kathryn,
> No problem. Yep the mycoplasma is used alot in bio-weapons.
> Check into lyme disease, thats what I have, got it from a
> vaccine. Lots of folks with lyme suffer from cfs and fibro.
> Kurt
> */Clayton Family /* wrote:
> Thanks for posting this whole series. It is interesting
> reading. The
> chronic fatigue part stood out for me.
> "Brucella mycoplasma was probably responsible for chronic
> fatigue
> syndrome and fibromyalgia as well."
> It is known that fungal toxins can cause chronic fatigue,
> and it may
> well be that there are many other kinds of toxins and
> infections
> involved too. I read somewhere about other mycoplasma
> infections being
> implicated in asthma, and maybe other immune related
> conditions. Asthma
> can be caused by Valley Fever, which is an endemic fungi
> residing in
> the strata in the western states.
> I took antifungals for 18 months to rid myself of an
> entrenched fungal
> infection: it seemed to work, yet when I started CS, I
> began having die
> off rxns, and other rxns which were the same as what I get
> when exposed
> to toxins. Therefore, maybe the CS also releases cellular
> toxins in
> some way. In any case, I had some other kind of infection
> going on that
> the antifungals were not touching: not fungal, but
> something else, and
> the silver was doing quite a bit.
> fungal toxins cause neurological damage- is brucella
> fungal, I wonder?
> Those fungal toxins are used in biological weapons.
> And the bit about genetically engineered vacs- have you
> seen "The
> Future of Food" ? it is about genetically engineered food,
> and it seems
> like the film understates the problem. There are toxins
> and poisons
> deliberately sequenced into the genes of food, so it
> becomes poisonous
> at a low level. Organic is alot better, locally grown
> seems like the
> best idea.
> Kathryn
> On Oct 13, 2007, at 6:23 PM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:
> >> Kurt Milkowski wrote: [snipped]
> >> > In October 2004, Dmtry Lvov, head of the Russian
> Virology Institute
> >> > declared that up to one billion people around the
> world could die
> >> > during the next pandemic. It would appear that the
> human herd is
> >> about
> >> > to be culled in spectacular fashion. For whatever
> reasons, the dead
> >> > microbiologists wouldn't go along with the program.
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing
> Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently
> down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour

CS>Ode, can i use this elsewhere if needed?.... Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-17 Thread bob Larson

> Great post Ode.

...really. clap clap, whistles, BIC lighter, foot stomping.

Ode, i'd like permission to cross post it to other lists when this debate
rears up now and then.

> Faith
> - Original Message -
> From: "Ode Coyote" 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 9:14 AM
> Subject: Re: CS>Re: Forced flu vaccines?
>Damn Simon!  That's good for a belly laugh.
> Talk about fear!
> Do you foam at the mouth all the time?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Doctors...

2007-10-17 Thread Simon Jester

On 10/17/2007, Dave (ddar...@centurytel.net) wrote:

Do you consider that Ode just might be "stirring the pot"?
In the distant past Ode expressed views that weren't that much 
different than yours.

When someone advocates something like he is advocating, in the manner 
and medium that he is, no,  don't consider such a possibility.

If he is, then he is a sick bastard... and I would happily 'explain' 
this to him in person.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Doctors...Simon

2007-10-17 Thread Clayton Family
Simon, please.  no one on this list is out to get you. We are all 
in the same boat, and I think all of us stand firm on our rights to own 
our own bodies, and use our own judgement, and also respect other's 
opinions and rights to do the same.  Kathryn

On Oct 17, 2007, at 11:20 AM, Simon Jester wrote:

My beef is with people - like Ode - who believe they have some kind of 
Right to force their medical beliefs and opinions *and* *practices* on 
me and my family and friends - and anyone else who claims the Right to 
own their own life and body.

I consider anyone like this my mortal enemy, and will act accordingly 
should we ever meet and they make their intentions known to me.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Doctors...

2007-10-17 Thread Simon Jester

Big Insurance is co-mingled with Big Pharma, and has a vested interest
in drug profits.

Don't forget all of the charitable organizations (like the American 
Cancer Society, etc ad nauseum), the Medical Industry, in the form of 
Hospitals, Schools, etc, and last the Government oversight organizations 
(FDA, FTC, etc)...

Yes, there are decent individual doctors.

But I stand by my prior statement - If enough of them stood up and filed 
a lawsuit (RICO), this monstrous house of cards would come crashing down 
on the heads of these monsters, and many people would go to jail, and 
many would be put to death (not doctors, corporate criminals and BEURORATS).

Our medical profession excels at treating TRAUMA - there is nowhere I'd 
rather be than in one of our emergency rooms, if I'm in an accident of 
some kind. But this type of treatment has absolutely *nothing* to do 
with treating disease.

My beef is not with individual doctors - even the cowards.

My beef is with people - like Ode - who believe they have some kind of 
Right to force their medical beliefs and opinions *and* *practices* on 
me and my family and friends - and anyone else who claims the Right to 
own their own life and body.

I consider anyone like this my mortal enemy, and will act accordingly 
should we ever meet and they make their intentions known to me.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Salt therapy

2007-10-17 Thread Dee
Well, the CS wasn't working because I was getting shorter and shorter of
breath and breathing was really painful, so I opted for the AB's as opposed
to being dead I suppose.  At the time, I didn't know of the ability of
silver to be nebulised but I am going to try this or salt this time.  Dee 
---Original Message---
From: Simon Jester
Date: 17/10/2007 17:16:29
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Re: Salt therapy
You *had* to have them?

Re: CS>Re: Doctors...

2007-10-17 Thread Dave

Do you consider that Ode just might be "stirring the pot"?
In the distant past Ode expressed views that weren't that much different 
than yours.


Simon Jester wrote:

Big Insurance is co-mingled with Big Pharma, and has a vested interest
in drug profits.

Don't forget all of the charitable organizations (like the American 
Cancer Society, etc ad nauseum), the Medical Industry, in the form of 
Hospitals, Schools, etc, and last the Government oversight 
organizations (FDA, FTC, etc)...

Yes, there are decent individual doctors.

But I stand by my prior statement - If enough of them stood up and 
filed a lawsuit (RICO), this monstrous house of cards would come 
crashing down on the heads of these monsters, and many people would go 
to jail, and many would be put to death (not doctors, corporate 
criminals and BEURORATS).

Our medical profession excels at treating TRAUMA - there is nowhere 
I'd rather be than in one of our emergency rooms, if I'm in an 
accident of some kind. But this type of treatment has absolutely 
*nothing* to do with treating disease.

My beef is not with individual doctors - even the cowards.

My beef is with people - like Ode - who believe they have some kind of 
Right to force their medical beliefs and opinions *and* *practices* on 
me and my family and friends - and anyone else who claims the Right to 
own their own life and body.

I consider anyone like this my mortal enemy, and will act accordingly 
should we ever meet and they make their intentions known to me.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: Salt therapy

2007-10-17 Thread Simon Jester

The last time I had to have anti-biotics which didn't do me any good
at all.

You *had* to have them?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Vaccines- chronic fatigue

2007-10-17 Thread Dave

 That makes me wonder how I got it in 1957.

Marshall Dudley wrote:

Kurt Milkowski wrote:

How long do you think lyme has been around? It's not a "new" disease, 
been around for a long time. Just became named recently.

From what I have been able to determine it was "designed" in the early 
to mid 80's, then released to the wild near the naval base's 
biological warefare research center around Lyme around 1986 or so.


*/Marshall Dudley /* wrote:

Kurt Milkowski wrote:
> Hey Jess,
> Most likely the mmr vaccine would be the likely culprit. This is
> one that seems to be causing autism, which is lyme under another
How can you arrive at that conclusion? Autism predates Lyme by a
century or more.

> Kurt
> */jessie70 /* wrote:
> Kurt, you got lyme disease from which vaccine? Thanks, Jess
> -Original Message-
> *From:* Kurt Milkowski [mailto:kurt.milkow...@sbcglobal.net]
> *Sent:* Sunday, October 14, 2007 6:31 PM
> *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
> *Subject:* Re: CS>Vaccines- chronic fatigue
> Hey Kathryn,
> No problem. Yep the mycoplasma is used alot in bio-weapons.
> Check into lyme disease, thats what I have, got it from a
> vaccine. Lots of folks with lyme suffer from cfs and fibro.
> Kurt
> */Clayton Family /* wrote:
> Thanks for posting this whole series. It is interesting
> reading. The
> chronic fatigue part stood out for me.
> "Brucella mycoplasma was probably responsible for chronic
> fatigue
> syndrome and fibromyalgia as well."
> It is known that fungal toxins can cause chronic fatigue,
> and it may
> well be that there are many other kinds of toxins and
> infections
> involved too. I read somewhere about other mycoplasma
> infections being
> implicated in asthma, and maybe other immune related
> conditions. Asthma
> can be caused by Valley Fever, which is an endemic fungi
> residing in
> the strata in the western states.
> I took antifungals for 18 months to rid myself of an
> entrenched fungal
> infection: it seemed to work, yet when I started CS, I
> began having die
> off rxns, and other rxns which were the same as what I get
> when exposed
> to toxins. Therefore, maybe the CS also releases cellular
> toxins in
> some way. In any case, I had some other kind of infection
> going on that
> the antifungals were not touching: not fungal, but
> something else, and
> the silver was doing quite a bit.
> fungal toxins cause neurological damage- is brucella
> fungal, I wonder?
> Those fungal toxins are used in biological weapons.
> And the bit about genetically engineered vacs- have you
> seen "The
> Future of Food" ? it is about genetically engineered food,
> and it seems
> like the film understates the problem. There are toxins
> and poisons
> deliberately sequenced into the genes of food, so it
> becomes poisonous
> at a low level. Organic is alot better, locally grown
> seems like the
> best idea.
> Kathryn
> On Oct 13, 2007, at 6:23 PM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:
> >> Kurt Milkowski wrote: [snipped]
> >> > In October 2004, Dmtry Lvov, head of the Russian
> Virology Institute
> >> > declared that up to one billion people around the
> world could die
> >> > during the next pandemic. It would appear that the
> human herd is
> >> about
> >> > to be culled in spectacular fashion. For whatever
> reasons, the dead
> >> > microbiologists wouldn't go along with the program.
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing
> Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently
> down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS>Re: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-17 Thread faith gagne

Great post Ode.


- Original Message - 
From: "Ode Coyote" 

Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 9:14 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: Forced flu vaccines?

  Damn Simon!  That's good for a belly laugh.
Talk about fear!
Do you foam at the mouth all the time?

Recurrence and epidemic timelines:

The first recorded smallpox epidemic was in 1350 BC during the
Egyptian-Hittite war.
1518-1520 Aztec Empire (Mexico) Smallpox
1527-1530 Inca Empire (Peru) Smallpox
1616 New England Smallpox
1634-1635 England Smallpox
Edward Jenner (1749-1823), after training in London and a period as an army
surgeon, spent his whole career as a country doctor in his native county of
Gloucestershire in the West of England. His research was based on careful
case-studies and clinical observation more than a hundred years before
scientists could explain the viruses themselves. So successful did his
innovation prove that by 1840 the British government had banned alternative
preventive treatments against smallpox. "Vaccination," the word Jenner
invented for his treatment (from the Latin vacca, a cow), was adopted by
Pasteur for immunization against any disease.
1649 New England, Boston Smallpox
1666 New England Smallpox
1678 New England Smallpox
1738 SC Smallpox
1860-61 PA Smallpox
1862-63 Southern California Smallpox
1865-73 Philadelphia, NY, Boston, New Orleans, Baltimore, Memphis &
Washington DC A series of recurring epidemics of Smallpox, Cholera, Typhus,
Typhoid, Scarlet Fever and Yellow Fever

The last outbreak of smallpox in the United States occurred in Texas in
1949 with 8 cases and 1 death. Even though most of North America, Western
Europe, Australia, and New Zealand were free of smallpox by this time,
other countries such as Africa and India continued to suffer from epidemics.

In 1967 the World Health Organization (WHO) started a worldwide campaign to
eradicate smallpox. This goal was accomplished in 10 years due in a large
part to massive vaccination efforts. The last endemic case of smallpox
occurred in Somalia in 1977. On May 8, 1980, the World Health Assembly
declared the world free of smallpox.

 You can see that smallpox "epidemics" [not just mere outbreaks] have
been recurring regularly for centuries and stopped dead roughly 33 years
after the smallpox vaccine came into common use in those areas.
 "Breakouts" continued till around 1980 world wide.
The vaccine does have some problems for some people, *can* +cause+ a *less*
deadly disease that can be transmitted to other people.  It's not "safe",
but it's a lot better than an epidemic of a much worse problem every few 

Nothing is perfect.
It is interesting that the USA Polio epidemic started around the same time
as the Spanish Flu epidemic and problematic vaccine...but...causation
doesn't exactly add up linking Spanish Flu vaccines to Polio.  Smallpox
vaccines to Polio?
 "Vaguely Possible"That would be quite a stretch of the imagination.
Polio vaccines to anything else?...not a chance.
The idea that the Spanish Flu vaccine caused Spanish Flu, is putting the
cart before the horse.  It "might" have made it worse, but proving that in
the face of widespread vaccination can't be done.  Can't prove a
negative...it WAS done and we'll never know one way or the other what would
have happened if it wasn't.
That's life.  Lump it or give up.
 Venom is no substitute for considering the risks and vaguearities of
living.  "Foam mouth" doesn't change that.
There are no clear choices or absolutes, only odds and relative 

It ain't that simple, Simon...too freeking bad, Dude.

1789 - British physician Michael Underwood provides the first clinical
description of polio. [ That does not establish an origin time or source,
just recognition and a definition. ]
1894 - The first major polio epidemic reported in the United States occurs
in Vermont.
1916 USA Polio (infantile paralysis) Over 7,000 deaths and more than 27,000
cases reported in America's worst polio epidemic so far.
1918 World wide Spanish Influenza
(1918 was the high point year)

1952 - There are 58, 000 cases of polio in the United States, the most
ever. Early versions of the Salk vaccine were tested around this time.
1979 - The last indigenous transmission of wild polio virus occurs in the
U.S. All future cases are either imported or vaccine-related.
[again..nothing is perfect, but setbacks and glitches don't equal failure ]
1994 - China launches its first National Immunization Days, immunizing 80
million children! The entire Western Hemisphere is certified as "polio 

1995 - India follows China's lead and organizes its first National
Immunization Days. More than 87 million children are immunized!
1999 - More than 450 million children are vaccinated, including nearly 147
million in India. In the 11 years since the World Health Assembly
Initiative, the number of reported Polio cases *worldwide* has fallen to
approximately 7 000.

##  Vaccines do have side effects and problems, someti

Re: CS>Vaccines- chronic fatigue

2007-10-17 Thread Marshall Dudley

Kurt Milkowski wrote:
How long do you think lyme has been around? It's not a "new" disease, 
been around for a long time. Just became named recently.
From what I have been able to determine it was "designed" in the early 
to mid 80's, then released to the wild near the naval base's biological 
warefare research center around Lyme around 1986 or so.


*/Marshall Dudley /* wrote:

Kurt Milkowski wrote:
> Hey Jess,
> Most likely the mmr vaccine would be the likely culprit. This is
> one that seems to be causing autism, which is lyme under another
How can you arrive at that conclusion? Autism predates Lyme by a
century or more.

> Kurt
> */jessie70 /* wrote:
> Kurt, you got lyme disease from which vaccine? Thanks, Jess
> -Original Message-
> *From:* Kurt Milkowski [mailto:kurt.milkow...@sbcglobal.net]
> *Sent:* Sunday, October 14, 2007 6:31 PM
> *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com
> *Subject:* Re: CS>Vaccines- chronic fatigue
> Hey Kathryn,
> No problem. Yep the mycoplasma is used alot in bio-weapons.
> Check into lyme disease, thats what I have, got it from a
> vaccine. Lots of folks with lyme suffer from cfs and fibro.
> Kurt
> */Clayton Family /* wrote:
> Thanks for posting this whole series. It is interesting
> reading. The
> chronic fatigue part stood out for me.
> "Brucella mycoplasma was probably responsible for chronic
> fatigue
> syndrome and fibromyalgia as well."
> It is known that fungal toxins can cause chronic fatigue,
> and it may
> well be that there are many other kinds of toxins and
> infections
> involved too. I read somewhere about other mycoplasma
> infections being
> implicated in asthma, and maybe other immune related
> conditions. Asthma
> can be caused by Valley Fever, which is an endemic fungi
> residing in
> the strata in the western states.
> I took antifungals for 18 months to rid myself of an
> entrenched fungal
> infection: it seemed to work, yet when I started CS, I
> began having die
> off rxns, and other rxns which were the same as what I get
> when exposed
> to toxins. Therefore, maybe the CS also releases cellular
> toxins in
> some way. In any case, I had some other kind of infection
> going on that
> the antifungals were not touching: not fungal, but
> something else, and
> the silver was doing quite a bit.
> fungal toxins cause neurological damage- is brucella
> fungal, I wonder?
> Those fungal toxins are used in biological weapons.
> And the bit about genetically engineered vacs- have you
> seen "The
> Future of Food" ? it is about genetically engineered food,
> and it seems
> like the film understates the problem. There are toxins
> and poisons
> deliberately sequenced into the genes of food, so it
> becomes poisonous
> at a low level. Organic is alot better, locally grown
> seems like the
> best idea.
> Kathryn
> On Oct 13, 2007, at 6:23 PM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:
> >> Kurt Milkowski wrote: [snipped]
> >> > In October 2004, Dmtry Lvov, head of the Russian
> Virology Institute
> >> > declared that up to one billion people around the
> world could die
> >> > during the next pandemic. It would appear that the
> human herd is
> >> about
> >> > to be culled in spectacular fashion. For whatever
> reasons, the dead
> >> > microbiologists wouldn't go along with the program.
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing
> Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently
> down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS>Re: Vaccines Part 3

2007-10-17 Thread Ode Coyote

At 08:23 AM 10/16/2007 -0400, you wrote:

A "skeptic" would just consider the odds with the alternatives and 
possible consequences and take that action.

But you have argued in favor of ENFORCED, INVOLUNTARY vaccinations, Ode.

##  Nonsense.
Enforced isolation [quarantine] for those that refuse, sure, but not forced 
There is a choice, neither of them all good or sure, but one or the other 
is necessary.


No virus found in this outgoing message.
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The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Doctors...[Carol]

2007-10-17 Thread Carol Ann
Kurt ~
Question.What do you think about the millions of people who go to  doctors with 
mysterious complaints.  They're given a RX because the doctor really dosen't 
have a definitive diagnosis and is taking their best shot with a drug that they 
believe might help.  The patient has the RX filled and never bothers to read 
the inserts.  When bad reactions happen or their conditions continue worsen or 
morph and their  health deteriorates,  they claim to be mystified. So the doc 
prescribes another RX and the cycle continues.   Do you see them as individuals 
who  have a certain amount of  responsibility for their own health or should 
doctors solely shoulder the blame.

btw...its not the Apollo oath, its  the Hippocratic oath. :)


Kurt Milkowski  wrote: Hey Carol,
  Again, when you realize the oath the doctors take is to the greek gos of 
destruction, apollo, you may think twice. 

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..
Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

CS>Consider this, Please

2007-10-17 Thread CWFugitt

With everyones permission, Including Mikes's, I will make all the
Doctor messages into a file and add it to our small file area.

will edit our the headers if any show up and

Long quoted messages,  Like Faith just did.  

I think it is a masterpiece.

Never knew so many think like I do.

I know a lot of people that need this, 

Etched in Stone.

I will wait until the thread ends, if it ever ends.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-17 Thread Ode Coyote

At 08:30 AM 10/16/2007 -0400, you wrote:

BUT it sure doesn't give whoever is producing these vaccines the right 
to put mercury and/or anyother extremely harmful additive to these 
vaccines that are causing havoc in the unsuspecticing, trusting 
publics,  bodies.debbie

No disagreement there...and they have stopped doing that now that the 
issue has been studied some and found,

Wrong, as I stated earlier. They ARE still putting this into many (but not 
all) vaccines. They took it out of most children's vaccines, but not the 
influenza - and there are others.

## But there are no mandatory flu shots and not taking them out isn't the 
same as no longer putting them in.

 Are the "others" mandatory?
 Name them.
Are they old stock or new stock?

And that amount of mercury has no effects on adults over and above the 
"now normal" much higher levels of environmental mercury.

BULLSHIT, Ode. What you and your medical gods are ignoring is the 
NO way be compared to mercury that is ingested incidentally with certain 
foods, and/or breathed in minute amounts in the air.

## It's no longer minute amounts and food ingestion takes things into the 
blood stream as does inhalation, only, inhalation does it almost as well as 
injection.  It is the same "form" of mercury.  Mercury itself isn't toxic. 
It's inorganic and non soluble.

Methyl mercury is an organic compound.

Same goes for vaccines. Direct injection can in no way be compared to the 
fundamental concept (which is actually homeopathy, which I'm fairly 
certain I've seen you diss - funny, really, considering).

And even if that amount of mercury isn't "the" problem, adding that to 
other "unavoidable" sources can be avoided...and IS being avoided as of a 
couple of years ago...just on "general principle",  just in case and no 
good reason not to since the development of better preservatives.

Again, WRONG... but your refusal to acknowledge the highly toxic nature of 
mercury just shows your ignorance on this issue. Too bad smart people are 
often too smart for their own good, as you are herein proving beyond a 
shadow of a doubt.

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Re: CS>Re: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-17 Thread Ode Coyote

At 08:39 AM 10/16/2007 -0400, you wrote:

Well, believe this:
If you have the flu, you have no right to go out in public, much less 
transport people around.

Doing so is irresponsible, if not illegal.

So you are looking forward to the day when the medical industry has the 
power to jail - and even kill - people who you believe has some nysterious 
germ inside their body that you believe threatens your health somehow.

##  What in Hell gave you that idea?  I certainly don't look forward to any 
of this.  Jeezo, get a grip!

I seem to recall seeing a movie some time back where this had happened.

That you "can" is a dangerous oversight, not a right.

Herr Ode - the medical hitler.

## Simple Simon, serial killer? [ I am not contagious!!  cough cough  Hug me! ]
I suppose you think you have a right to drive drunk too, ey?

You can refuse a vaccination, but then, stay at home making it "your" 
problem and not many many other peoples problem.

IMAGINARY problem.

##  If you are isolated, imaginary or not becomes a moot point. Better Safe 
than Sorry is going to determine the action, be it right or wrong in 
retrospect.  That's just how it works, not my idea.

In the case of "life threatening" pandemic, it will be illegal and you 
could "rightfully" get yourself shot if you leave home.

Yep - definitely self-defense. You, sir, are a Hitler in the making.

If by chance the vaccination doesn't work, at least you've taken the 
steps than can be taken to prevent transmission, vs, no steps at all...or 

Yes - but what if *I* believe that doing a voodoo dance while sacrificing 
someone named 'Ode' to the germ-gods is a legitimate 'step that can be 
taken to prevent transmission'... do you not see the slippery slope we are 
talking about here?

##  You can do all the dances you want, at home.
 The public may take exception.


##  terrain?  Define it.
Is that "immune system"?
 If so..and it's working..there's no problem to be solved.
Is "terrain" vector busting distance?
 Quaratine is a solution...for everyone but the quarantined.

That some vaccinations might not work "as advertised" doesn't mean none 
do, at least, "something".


##  No, the evidence of vectors gives people the right to act in self 
preservation and that's what they'll do regardless of your or my opinions 
about anything.

Why do YOU think people get sick and how do they communicate that illness?
 Not germs getting by defenses?  OK, spell it out.
A million scientists with repeatable evidence knows all, or nothing and 
nothing in betweenand you know all.


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Re: CS>Re: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-17 Thread Ode Coyote

  Damn Simon!  That's good for a belly laugh.
Talk about fear!
Do you foam at the mouth all the time?

Recurrence and epidemic timelines:

The first recorded smallpox epidemic was in 1350 BC during the 
Egyptian-Hittite war.

1518-1520 Aztec Empire (Mexico) Smallpox
1527-1530 Inca Empire (Peru) Smallpox
1616 New England Smallpox
1634-1635 England Smallpox
Edward Jenner (1749-1823), after training in London and a period as an army 
surgeon, spent his whole career as a country doctor in his native county of 
Gloucestershire in the West of England. His research was based on careful 
case-studies and clinical observation more than a hundred years before 
scientists could explain the viruses themselves. So successful did his 
innovation prove that by 1840 the British government had banned alternative 
preventive treatments against smallpox. "Vaccination," the word Jenner 
invented for his treatment (from the Latin vacca, a cow), was adopted by 
Pasteur for immunization against any disease.

1649 New England, Boston Smallpox
1666 New England Smallpox
1678 New England Smallpox
1738 SC Smallpox
1860-61 PA Smallpox
1862-63 Southern California Smallpox
1865-73 Philadelphia, NY, Boston, New Orleans, Baltimore, Memphis & 
Washington DC A series of recurring epidemics of Smallpox, Cholera, Typhus, 
Typhoid, Scarlet Fever and Yellow Fever

The last outbreak of smallpox in the United States occurred in Texas in 
1949 with 8 cases and 1 death. Even though most of North America, Western 
Europe, Australia, and New Zealand were free of smallpox by this time, 
other countries such as Africa and India continued to suffer from epidemics.

In 1967 the World Health Organization (WHO) started a worldwide campaign to 
eradicate smallpox. This goal was accomplished in 10 years due in a large 
part to massive vaccination efforts. The last endemic case of smallpox 
occurred in Somalia in 1977. On May 8, 1980, the World Health Assembly 
declared the world free of smallpox.

 You can see that smallpox "epidemics" [not just mere outbreaks] have 
been recurring regularly for centuries and stopped dead roughly 33 years 
after the smallpox vaccine came into common use in those areas.

 "Breakouts" continued till around 1980 world wide.
The vaccine does have some problems for some people, *can* +cause+ a *less* 
deadly disease that can be transmitted to other people.  It's not "safe", 
but it's a lot better than an epidemic of a much worse problem every few years.

Nothing is perfect.
It is interesting that the USA Polio epidemic started around the same time 
as the Spanish Flu epidemic and problematic vaccine...but...causation 
doesn't exactly add up linking Spanish Flu vaccines to Polio.  Smallpox 
vaccines to Polio?

 "Vaguely Possible"That would be quite a stretch of the imagination.
Polio vaccines to anything else?...not a chance.
The idea that the Spanish Flu vaccine caused Spanish Flu, is putting the 
cart before the horse.  It "might" have made it worse, but proving that in 
the face of widespread vaccination can't be done.  Can't prove a 
negative...it WAS done and we'll never know one way or the other what would 
have happened if it wasn't.

That's life.  Lump it or give up.
 Venom is no substitute for considering the risks and vaguearities of 
living.  "Foam mouth" doesn't change that.

There are no clear choices or absolutes, only odds and relative consequences.
It ain't that simple, Simon...too freeking bad, Dude.

1789 - British physician Michael Underwood provides the first clinical 
description of polio. [ That does not establish an origin time or source, 
just recognition and a definition. ]
1894 - The first major polio epidemic reported in the United States occurs 
in Vermont.
1916 USA Polio (infantile paralysis) Over 7,000 deaths and more than 27,000 
cases reported in America's worst polio epidemic so far.

1918 World wide Spanish Influenza
(1918 was the high point year)

1952 - There are 58, 000 cases of polio in the United States, the most 
ever. Early versions of the Salk vaccine were tested around this time.
1979 - The last indigenous transmission of wild polio virus occurs in the 
U.S. All future cases are either imported or vaccine-related. 
[again..nothing is perfect, but setbacks and glitches don't equal failure ]
1994 - China launches its first National Immunization Days, immunizing 80 
million children! The entire Western Hemisphere is certified as "polio free."
1995 - India follows China's lead and organizes its first National 
Immunization Days. More than 87 million children are immunized!
1999 - More than 450 million children are vaccinated, including nearly 147 
million in India. In the 11 years since the World Health Assembly 
Initiative, the number of reported Polio cases *worldwide* has fallen to 
approximately 7 000.

##  Vaccines do have side effects and problems, sometimes bad ones, but 
they obviously work far better than nothing...or anything else that's been 

in July 1999, 

Re: CS>Re: ot chlorinated water and health

2007-10-17 Thread Ode Coyote

At 07:07 AM 10/16/2007 -0400, you wrote:

It's just that only now, after years of pretty intense reading,
chlorine is looking more and more like a really, really nasty guy
regarding its effects on us.

Which is kind of ironic, since MMS - which results in the steady release 
of 'chlorine dioxide' in the body - is looking like one of the most 
powerful anti-parasite, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal 
substances yet to be found.


##  But that doesn't mean MMS isn't just a bit  toxic and probably 
shouldn't be used for very long or without a great deal of careful.


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CS>Doctors, EFA Profile list and Example

2007-10-17 Thread CWFugitt

Morning Faith,

>> At 07:26 AM 10/17/2007, you wrote:

What's an EFA profile?

Don't feel bad, most doctors do not know.

Essential Fatty Acid Profile.

There are about 29 items on the list.  Mine had to go to the Mayo Clinic.

Local Blood Labs cannot usually do it.

At age 64, every single item was within the normal range.

You can see one here.  ( Mine )
Try to make it larger with your browser, the copy quality is not good, but 
it can be read.

Not sure what all it proves.  Maybe it proves one does not have one foot in 
the grave and the other on a banana peeling.


 "Many people would sooner die than think. In fact they do.


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Re: CS>Re: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-17 Thread Carol Ann
Usually, the majority of elderly are already in a state of compromised immune 
systems. There are so many more gentler remedies for the elderly to regulate 
the heart. Unfortunately, docs do and recommend what they know bestwhich is 
certainly not always what is best.  Take care of momma by doing the research 
for her...

mborg...@att.net wrote: My mom had the flu shot she was very healthy but the 
shot started the congestive heart failure episodes within 2 days. 
One er doc said to never let the elderly have a flu shot.
My brother was in charge of her health as he lived 1 hr closer to her than 
myself, the docs gave her all of these meds I looked all of them up  one said 
yes it probably would but it is either that or chf will.
 the drug was to regulate her blood pressure.

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..
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Re: CS>Doctors...[Carol] - Kurt

2007-10-17 Thread Carol Ann
Hey Kurt ~
Re your sis.   Forget mistakes. Forget 
failures. Forget everything except what you're going to do now and do it. ;)

Ya know, of course, that by now,   what you are experiencing is a learning 
process which is sometimes very painful but very applicable to the old 
saying...what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. 

The problems you mention are universal, no need to take it personally on the 
chin in silence or turn the other cheek. Our current system is merely a mirror 
of societies deeply entrenched belief systems; what people acquiesce to by 
letting govt,media, perceived gurus (doc's included) demonstrates/mirrors how 
people have allowed themselves to be used. There has always been way to much 
complacency...the you do it for me because I don't want to be responsible 
mentality. Others become the ultimate teachers, bosses, healers. Someone, just 
tell me what to do mentality! Boils down to ideological worship and 

Is it frustrating.  Absolutely. Unfortunately, humans need to be tricked, lied 
to and deceived before they can become aware.  Those that become aware are the 
better for it.   Not to hijack the thread in any way, but I will make a quick 
reference for to the current state of affairs re the Iraq War as an analogy. 
People allowed the progression of national affairs in this regard because of 
complacency, lack of interest, naivety, acquiescence of their voting power, 
etc, etc.

Like it or not..what the medical professions and govt are accused of doing is 
really reflecting  complacency and heinous archaic common beliefs and 
projecting the drama back. ...which means, for the most part, in many ways,  
those choosing to remain  in acceptance and un-informed, are essentially no 
better than the accused.  

"Undirected" anger is imvho just a waste of exceptional and often, very 
productive energy. 
Kurt Milkowski  wrote: Hey Carol,
   > I do what I can to let others know.
  >I should probably let you know that my sister belongs to this group of 
quacks known as md's.
  >Whose fault is it for trusting doctors? Mine. Having a sister for an md I 
>thought I had and in. All pretty funny that I had to suffer for such a long 
time before waking up. I might seem a bit angry to some about it, and I am. The 
anger however is mostly at myself for letting myself be decieved. 

Carol Ann  wrote:
  Kurt ~
Doctors are no more evil or good based solely upon their profession than 
say...your local pastor, or service engineer be they mechanics or plumbers. 
More so when the individual seeking advice is totally ignorant about the 
service sought. 

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..
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Re: CS>Re: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-17 Thread mborgert
My mom had the flu shot she was very healthy but the shot started the 
congestive heart failure episodes within 2 days. 
One er doc said to never let the elderly have a flu shot.
My brother was in charge of her health as he lived 1 hr closer to her than 
myself, the docs gave her all of these meds I looked all of them up  one said 
yes it probably would but it is either that or chf will.
 the drug was to regulate her blood pressure.

-- Original message --
From: Carol Ann 
>  Flu shots for the elderly are far less effective than doctors like to
>  tell us. In fact, they are incapable of preventing up to half of all
>  deaths from influenza and pneumonia in the elderly, new data suggests.
>  Despite this, governments continue to spend millions of dollars on
>  ineffective vaccines and mislead the public. 
>  http://healthy. net/scr/news. asp?id=9445 
> Kurt Milkowski  wrote: You'd be surprised at 
> how 
> 'cool' some of these guys are,  just under 
> > the lab coats, nearly incomprehensible back deck  barbecue party 
> > conversations and triple PHD exteriors
>   No hookers to go along with the barbeques? It would help ease thier minds 
> as 
> they develope new ways to kill people.
>   Kurt
> Simon Jester  wrote:
> Maybe not turkeys - but definitely COWARDS. If even a SMALL number of these 
> people would stand up to the tyranny, the big pharmas house of cards would 
> come 
> tumbling down around their heads - and many, many people would end up in jail 
> - 
> and if I had my druthers, on DEATH ROW - 
> for their crimes against humanity.
> Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..
> http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/archivepix.html
>  __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

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CS>WorstPills.org -

2007-10-17 Thread Paula Perry
This is for Kurt and anyone else that wants to look at it.
It is about drug induced illness. It explains what type of drugs can induce 
Parkinson's and also other diseases.
A good primer on what NOT to take!  Anyone taking perscription drugs might want 
to check this out. Could be your drugs are causing a worse problem than what 
you started with.


Re: CS>Doctors...

2007-10-17 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Not a bad idea Wayne, from one silly carpenter to a goofy ole' technician.

CWFugitt  wrote:
  Morning Kurt,

>>At 06:31 AM 10/17/2007, you wrote:
> First realize the these "wonderful" doctors make an oath to apollo, the 
> greek god of destruction.

I am only a goofy old technician and my first rule is

"Do thy patient no harm".

I guess we need to print up a few thousand of these oaths that doctors take 
and scatter them around the shopping centers and the doctors office 

Or cram a few down their throats.



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Re: CS>Doctors...[Carol]

2007-10-17 Thread Paula Perry
I was reading an article just this morning posted on Rense about drugs. Some of 
the drugs they were talking about in the article actually caused a drug indused 
Parkinson's Disease and other diseases. I will post the article if you want to 
read it. You did say that you used a lot of md doctoring.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Kurt Milkowski 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 7:46 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Doctors...[Carol]

  Hey Carol,

  Again, when you realize the oath the doctors take is to the greek gos of 
destruction, apollo, you may think twice. Been through a fair share of 
surgeries and hospitilazations with my family, not a whole bunch of fun. Do I 
give the credit to any humans for the successful outcomes of these invasive 
procedures, absolutely not, God gets that. Now that I have realized that the 
cause of the problems was due to the vaccines these "wonderful" people have 
stuck in our asses, I do what I can to let others know.

  I should probably let you know that my sister belongs to this group of quacks 
known as md's. I will also tell you that after being run through the mill be 
these "caring" professonals, I had started to develope parkinsons about a year 
and a half ago. I can tell you also that as of now I don't have parkinsons at 
the moment, again I give the credit to God, that I'm not in the same shape as 
Michael J. Fox is right about now.

  Whose fault is it for trusting doctors? Mine. Having a sister for an md I 
thought I had and in. All pretty funny that I had to suffer for such a long 
time before waking up. I might seem a bit angry to some about it, and I am. The 
anger however is mostly at myself for letting myself be decieved. 


  Carol Ann  wrote:
Kurt ~
Doctors are no more evil or good based solely upon their profession than 
say...your local pastor, or service engineer be they mechanics or plumbers. 
More so when the individual seeking advice is totally ignorant about the 
service sought. 

Doctors are but mere mortals, human beings although I have met my share of 
those who believe otherwise.  With those gods, I've gone 10 rounds sometimes. 

 The simple fact is that somme are more or less honest than others.  About 
3 years ago my son and I sat before an anesthesiologist   who steadfastly  
proclaimed that there were absolutely no dangers whatsoever associated with 
general anesthesia.  My son needed an operation.  Did the doc have his 
way.absolutely not because the operation did not require a general.  The 
meeting was scheduled because I objected from the get go..I knew a general 
was not necessary but he would have scheduled it as a matter or routine.   As I 
sat assessing him, I concluded that he was lying, and it didn't take but a few 
minutes before he knew,  that I knew. 

 Did he say this because he was dishonest, truly believed what he said,  
inexperienced, or just a demented idiot?  Each person must do their own 
evaluation when they place their lives in another's hands.  To this day I will 
be eternally grateful to the surgeon who sewed four fingers back of one of my 
sons who would have otherwise  lost them due to a water skiing accident.  And 
then there's the surgeon who fixed another sons fibula that had completely 
severed in a football game.

My neice will soon be attending Med School.  She calls the witch doctor, as 
she fondly calls me, to see if I have any Echanesia on hand when she comes down 
with a cold. And its usually because she runs out. Does she know about 
colloidal silver. Absolutely.
When she attends med school, will they attempt to brain wash her. 
The primary difference between her and the anesthesia guy will be that 
integrity and honesty cannot be  bought or sold.

When a person approaches a health care provider, or anyone else providing a 
service,  and relinquishes their self-responsibility for acquiring  at least 
some knowledge of the problem they are sealing their fate. If you know your 
engine is always stalling and the mechanic tells you he's done an evaluation 
and you're crazy, would you keep bringing your car back to him?

Kurt Milkowski  wrote: 
  When so many people go to see a doctor because they have no idea what is 
wrong with them and are sent away being told that there is nothing wrong with 
them all the while the doctor knows but he is lying, that makes them EVIL. I 
know there may be some that don't have a clue as to whats going on, but if 
they've been around for a while they know. 


  Ode Coyote  wrote:
It's mostly self defense that makes Doctors "toe the official line"
If they weren't constantly under attack, they could afford to explore 
more...but deviate just a little and be wrong, unbelievable law suits, 
flocks of vultures swoop in for their pound of flesh with the "victim" 
getting a third share.

Regards, Carol Ann

Re: CS>Doctors, The good, the Bad, and the ugly

2007-10-17 Thread faith gagne
What's an EFA profile?


  - Original Message - 
  From: CWFugitt 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 10:32 PM
  Subject: CS>Doctors, The good, the Bad, and the ugly

  Evening Faith,

  >>At 06:40 PM 10/16/2007, you wrote:

I am really fed up with this conversation.  

 I always hate to disagree with you, but sometimes,
  I have to.   Just a little anyway.

I have 3 or 4 extremely good and wonderrful doctors who have not only 
helped me immeasurably over and over again,  but who I have come to consider 
kind, loving and caring friend.   

 They can be all that for sure.  I do not see how that makes them a good 
doctor.   Being a doctor is not a mickey mouse undertaking.

 I have a few I like, I am very nice to them, and often take them a gift.   
Finally, I have some trained to my way of thinking, at least when dealing with 

  This does not mean I trust them with my life or even value their opinion, at 

All this doctor-bashing is really getting to me.   I like and admire 
professional people and If you do not like or trust doctors that is your 

 Most of it is totally justified.

 No doubt some missed the statement,  that...

"Doctors should be suing the medical schools for not getting the education 
they pay for".That was made by an atomic bomb scientist,  96 years old, I 

  Many pages have been torn out of their textbooks.

  Some people on the faculty of the medical colleges cannot lecture to the 
students, all they can do is teach the assigned subjects,

  This was true of one simply because of one statement he made.

  It is no surprise that  "most" are idiots.

  If you find one you trust, rest assured there are 999 others that should be 
digging ditches.

  One old family friend and doctor made the statement, . 

  "If the only people that came into my office needed to see a doctor, I would 
have to get another job".

   It is hard to say too much bad about them, and somewhat hard to say anything 
good about them.

  I would make you a bet  give a blood report to any of them, then send 
it to any one of the 100 on our different lists, ( me included ) and see who 
tells you the most valuable things.

  What does he do ?  Circle one thing that is high and one more that is low.

  Does he say anything about the items that are near the low normal extreme or 
the items that are near the high normal extremes?

  I have about decided that most blood reports are frauds anyway, as they are 
not based on "Any Scientific" Normals or Standards.  Of course you knew that.

  When I had my EFA profile done, the doctor and nurse had been in the business 
for 28 years.  Neither had ever seen an EFA profile before.

  One great doctors says this is the greatest diagnostic tool available to any 

  Enough said. 



Re: CS>Doctors...

2007-10-17 Thread CWFugitt

Morning Kurt,

>>At 06:31 AM 10/17/2007, you wrote:
 First realize the these "wonderful" doctors make an oath to apollo, the 
greek god of destruction.

   I am only a goofy old technician and my first rule is

"Do thy patient no harm".

I guess we need to print up a few thousand of these oaths that doctors take 
and scatter them around the shopping centers and the doctors office 

Or cram a few down their throats.



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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Doctors...

2007-10-17 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Sorry you are fed up with this conversation, unfortunately the truth is very 
unpopular. First realize the these "wonderful" doctors make an oath to apollo, 
the greek god of destruction. It is not only my problem, it is the problem with 
amerika today.If you find the truth uncomfortable, delete.

faith gagne  wrote:
  I am really fed up with this conversation.  
  I have 3 or 4 extremely good and wonderrful doctors who have not only helped 
me immeasurably over and over again,  but who I have come to consider kind, 
loving and caring friend.   
  All this doctor-bashing is really getting to me.   I like and admire 
professional people and If you do not like or trust doctors that is your 
- Original Message - 
  From: Kurt Milkowski 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 5:42 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Doctors...

  When so many people go to see a doctor because they have no idea what is 
wrong with them and are sent away being told that there is nothing wrong with 
them all the while the doctor knows but he is lying, that makes them EVIL. I 
know there may be some that don't have a clue as to whats going on, but if 
they've been around for a while they know. 

Ode Coyote  wrote:
  It's mostly self defense that makes Doctors "toe the official line"
If they weren't constantly under attack, they could afford to explore 
more...but deviate just a little and be wrong, unbelievable law suits, 
flocks of vultures swoop in for their pound of flesh with the "victim" 
getting a third share.

I've met a few that will whisper, very quitely and privately, "Colloidal 
Silver", then pretend he didn't.
I've had some at my house and "turned them on" to CS.
I know a few dentists that would love to be able to use EIS in their 
practice...they've seen what it can do with their own eyes.
"Looks goodunfortunately, can't use it"
Most doctors...almost ALL doctors...are very sincere people, but they have 
to huddle under the legal umbrella for protection.

I sold a box of 6 EIS generators delivered to a hospital in NYC...probably 
to treat street people who don't have lawyers or any money, and several 
more to names with MD behind them...I assume, for their friends and families.

No, they aren't Devils and they aren't stupidthey are afraid.


>On Oct 15, 2007, at 5:09 AM, M. G. Devour wrote:
>>Allow for the existence of the exceptional few... *every* time you make
>>a statement about "doctors." It doesn't take many words -- "most,"
>>"nearly all" -- to tranform the environment from hostile to merely

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The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Doctors...[Carol]

2007-10-17 Thread Kurt Milkowski
Hey Carol,
  Again, when you realize the oath the doctors take is to the greek gos of 
destruction, apollo, you may think twice. Been through a fair share of 
surgeries and hospitilazations with my family, not a whole bunch of fun. Do I 
give the credit to any humans for the successful outcomes of these invasive 
procedures, absolutely not, God gets that. Now that I have realized that the 
cause of the problems was due to the vaccines these "wonderful" people have 
stuck in our asses, I do what I can to let others know.
  I should probably let you know that my sister belongs to this group of quacks 
known as md's. I will also tell you that after being run through the mill be 
these "caring" professonals, I had started to develope parkinsons about a year 
and a half ago. I can tell you also that as of now I don't have parkinsons at 
the moment, again I give the credit to God, that I'm not in the same shape as 
Michael J. Fox is right about now.
  Whose fault is it for trusting doctors? Mine. Having a sister for an md I 
thought I had and in. All pretty funny that I had to suffer for such a long 
time before waking up. I might seem a bit angry to some about it, and I am. The 
anger however is mostly at myself for letting myself be decieved. 

Carol Ann  wrote:
  Kurt ~
Doctors are no more evil or good based solely upon their profession than 
say...your local pastor, or service engineer be they mechanics or plumbers. 
More so when the individual seeking advice is totally ignorant about the 
service sought. 

Doctors are but mere mortals, human beings although I have met my share of 
those who believe otherwise.  With those gods, I've gone 10 rounds sometimes. 

 The simple fact is that somme are more or less honest than others.  About 3 
years ago my son and I sat before an anesthesiologist   who steadfastly  
proclaimed that there were absolutely no dangers whatsoever associated with 
general anesthesia.  My son needed an operation.  Did the doc have his 
way.absolutely not because the operation did not require a general.  The 
meeting was scheduled because I objected from the get go..I knew a general 
was not necessary but he would have scheduled it as a matter or routine.   As I 
sat assessing him, I concluded that he was lying, and it didn't take but a few 
minutes before he knew,  that I knew. 

 Did he say this because he was dishonest, truly believed what he said,  
inexperienced, or just a demented idiot?  Each person must do their own 
evaluation when they place their lives in another's hands.  To this day I will 
be eternally grateful to the surgeon who sewed four fingers back of one of my 
sons who would have otherwise  lost them due to a water skiing accident.  And 
then there's the surgeon who fixed another sons fibula that had completely 
severed in a football game.

My neice will soon be attending Med School.  She calls the witch doctor, as she 
fondly calls me, to see if I have any Echanesia on hand when she comes down 
with a cold. And its usually because she runs out. Does she know about 
colloidal silver. Absolutely.
When she attends med school, will they attempt to brain wash her. Absolutely. 
The primary difference between her and the anesthesia guy will be that 
integrity and honesty cannot be  bought or sold.

When a person approaches a health care provider, or anyone else providing a 
service,  and relinquishes their self-responsibility for acquiring  at least 
some knowledge of the problem they are sealing their fate. If you know your 
engine is always stalling and the mechanic tells you he's done an evaluation 
and you're crazy, would you keep bringing your car back to him?

Kurt Milkowski  wrote:When so many people go 
to see a doctor because they have no idea what is wrong with them and are sent 
away being told that there is nothing wrong with them all the while the doctor 
knows but he is lying, that makes them EVIL. I know there may be some that 
don't have a clue as to whats going on, but if they've been around for a while 
they know. 

Ode Coyote  wrote:
  It's mostly self defense that makes Doctors "toe the official line"
If they weren't constantly under attack, they could afford to explore 
more...but deviate just a little and be wrong, unbelievable law suits, 
flocks of vultures swoop in for their pound of flesh with the "victim" 
getting a third share.

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..
  Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to please? Perfect. Join Yahoo!'s user panel 
and lay it on us. 

Re: CS>Doctors...

2007-10-17 Thread Mark Siepak
I am going to bring this back on topic, I hope!

CS/EIS is free, or nearly so, helps many diseases/conditions and is as
toxic as water.

Big Insurance is co-mingled with Big Pharma, and has a vested interest
in drug profits.

If you use EIS/CS, you probably won't be going to the MD, who won't get
the chance to prescribe an expensive drug to treat your Symptoms (most
drugs don't cure anything, just treat the symptoms!). MDs are
brainwashed from the first year of med school that drugs and surgery are
the only things that will help, oh, yes, and grudgingly, therapy AFTER
the surgery.

No nutrition is taught, deficiency diseases are covered in a half-hour
the first year of school, and MDs are taught that noone knows anything
if they haven't been to med school.

So, CS/EIS will become severely restricted, as have some supplements, so
that Big Pharma can continue getting big profits to fund Big Insurance.
You must make your own EIS/CS if you want some, and cannot sell or
(eventually, just wait for the legislation) even give it away, or you
will be a felon.

Something similar happened to tobacco and hemp/marijuana (yes, I know
they are different). If the Big Industry cannot find a way to patent
something, they get their Senators and Congressmen to make it illegal.

Sorry for the rant, it's one of my hot buttons

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Salt therapy

2007-10-17 Thread Paula Perry

To clear your chest, try ginger tea. You can make it from fresh ginger from the 
grocery store. I put a slice of lemon in mine and a little honey. It tastes 
pretty good and clears the chest. Ginger is very good for this.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Dee 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 6:09 AM
  Subject: CS>Salt therapy

I have a chest infection (given to me by stupid daughter who had 'flu 
jab!)  which started as the 'flu, but thanks to CS is now just a mild cold.  
The thing is, I have a weak chest which always takes ages to clear and am 
wondering whether any of you have used a 'salt pipe'?  I have seen one 
advertised in Living is Easy and wondered if any of you have tried this.  Many 
thanks in advance.  Dee  

Re: CS>Doctors...what they won't tell you.

2007-10-17 Thread Carol Ann
What Doctors Don't Tell You
 Searchable Archives   


Clayton Family  wrote: the ones I saw that did say 
EXACTLY that, were not lying. They just 
believed the load of hogwash they were being fed. Some of it 
prepetrated  by the ones that *are* evil, and behind the supression of 
the free practice of medicine ( and I do not mean money). Other parts 
of it are rooted in psychology ideas of somatic illness that are fast 
becoming out of date (see the research in the last 20 years of physical 
brain injury treatment), but are not recognised by many.



On Oct 16, 2007, at 4:42 PM, Kurt Milkowski wrote:

> Ode Coyote  wrote:
>> It's mostly self defense that makes Doctors "toe the official line"
>> If they weren't constantly under attack, they could afford to explore
>> more...but deviate just a little .

>> >On Oct 15, 2007, at 5:09 AM, M. G. Devour wrote:
>> >>
>> >>Allow for the existence of the exceptional few... *every* time you 
>> make

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..
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Re: CS>Re: Forced flu vaccines?

2007-10-17 Thread Carol Ann
 Flu shots for the elderly are far less effective than doctors like to
 tell us. In fact, they are incapable of preventing up to half of all
 deaths from influenza and pneumonia in the elderly, new data suggests.
 Despite this, governments continue to spend millions of dollars on
 ineffective vaccines and mislead the public. 
 http://healthy. net/scr/news. asp?id=9445 

Kurt Milkowski  wrote: You'd be surprised at how 
'cool' some of these guys are,  just under 
> the lab coats, nearly incomprehensible back deck  barbecue party 
> conversations and triple PHD exteriors
  No hookers to go along with the barbeques? It would help ease thier minds as 
they develope new ways to kill people.

Simon Jester  wrote:
Maybe not turkeys - but definitely COWARDS. If even a SMALL number of these 
people would stand up to the tyranny, the big pharmas house of cards would come 
tumbling down around their heads - and many, many people would end up in jail - 
and if I had my druthers, on DEATH ROW - 
for their crimes against humanity.

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..
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