Re: [OSM-ja] Vandalismへのリバートについて

2016-03-19 Thread Shu Higashi

2016/03/20 Shu Higashi :
> 東です。
> 数日前にVandalismと思しき行為に対して
> いいださんなど対応頂いているようで、お疲れ様です。
> 私の自宅近くでも行われていたようでリバートされたのだと思いますが
> 県道が4-5kmほど消えていました。
> (下記画像の赤線部分)
> 復旧は地元なので私の方で行えますが
> リバートの問題なのか、Vandalismによる被害なのか
> よくわからなかったので
> ご参考までにこちらでお知らせしておきます。
Talk-ja mailing list

[OSM-ja] Vandalismへのリバートについて

2016-03-19 Thread Shu Higashi


Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] serveurs TMS/XYZ

2016-03-19 Thread Christian Quest
Depuis qu'on a mis en place un cache en front du serveur de tuiles, on
encaisse beaucoup mieux la charge et surtout les pics.

Tout dépend du niveau de zoom nécessaire, pour les zooms 0 à 11, les
mbtiles sont téléchargeables pour réutilisation locale.

Don contre autorisation, c'est une forme de prestation dans laquelle on ne
souhaite pas rentrer en tant qu'association à but non lucratif. C'est sûr
que plus l'asso a de moyens financiers, plus c'est facile de fournir un
service stable, mais on le garantira jamais en "retour" d'un don.

Déployer un serveur de tuile s'est quand même pas mal simplifié ces
derniers temps, il y a désormais quelques stack proposées relativement
faciles à déployer. Une fois correctement installé, un serveur de tuile est
quelque chose de très stable. osm13 tourne sans vrai besoin d'intervention.

Déployer une stack sur un serveur dédié ça doit prendre disons 2 jours...
et ensuite ça coûte moins d'une centaine d'euros par mois en location aux
tarifs actuels OVH ou

Le 17 mars 2016 à 05:51,  a écrit :

> Bonjour,
> d'abord la partie OSM "pure" : MapQuest confirme qu'ils vont interdire
> l'accès direct à leur serveur de tuiles.
> Ils ont encore une offre gratuite limitée en transactions par mois mais
> leur politique de copyright devient gaguesque :
> (non ce n'est pas une blague, ça se passe ici
> , la première option
> raisonnable dans mon cas - je parle du nombre de logos sur la page - c'est
> au-delà de la version business+ à 800 $/mois).
> Donc fini les tuiles MapQuest en fond de carte tuilée.
> Au fait, leur API n'est pas mal pour faire des cartes statiques simples.
> J'ai regardé ce qui existait d'autre (je cherche des serveurs de tuiles
> TMS/XYZ/WMS/... pour de la cartographie ou/et des l'imagerie en descendant
> au niveau de la rue).
> MapBox, c'est à partir de 500 $/mois pour une application payante ou une
> application privée ou une application de suivi. Oui c'est bien un ou (info
> confirmée par eux).
> GeoFabrik, c'est à partir de 35 € par mois.
> A priori en usage gratuit et libre (sous réserve de tampon sur la page),
> je trouve Stamen et CartoDB.
> Aucun n'affiche les pontons (man_made=pier : ils vident les ports ;-)).
> ViaMichelin non plus.
> Vous connaissez des alternatives ?
> Pour l'imagerie photo, de bonne qualité il y a MapBox. Le prix va avec...
> MapQuest : avec la politique de logos... quoique si en cliquant on ouvre
> une photo avec logo, ça va. Mais en dehors des États-Unis, c'est médiocre.
> Here/VisualEarth (utilisé par ViaMichelin) : je n'ai pas trouvé les infos
> précises pour le moment, si vous avez ça sous la main...
> N. B. : c'est pour un produit avec peu d'utilisateurs - 2 postes dans un
> cas précis et peu d'installations. Mais sur le monde (enfin une bonne
> partie d'un sous-continent). Donc un service dans les nuages est adapté.
> Déployer un serveur pour ça, ça fait beaucoup.
> Ça peut aussi être un don à OSM France contre autorisation d'utiliser les
> tuiles du site.
> Jean-Yvon
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-us] DOT construction updates

2016-03-19 Thread Martijn van Exel
Hi all, 

I was thinking about a good way for the community to get a feed of construction 
updates from state DOTs. Has anyone ever attempted this? A good start should be 
a list of state DOTs (I found 
, not sure if it’s 100% 
current). But where to go from there? Every state DOT has its own mechanism / 
format to distribute updates. Do they all have an RSS feed? Or twitter?

At this point I am just curious to hear if anyone else has thought about this 
already and if so what you have come up with so far.

(What triggered this again for me: I heard someone mention that the work on the 
I-96/US-23 interchange in Michigan was complete, but could not find any 
confirmation. See this pretty cool video from MDOT for what they are doing 
there: .) 
The situation on OSM reflects the pre-construction reality —> 

Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-in] weekly OSM 295

2016-03-19 Thread Jinal Foflia
The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue #295, is now available online in
English, giving as always a summary of all things happening in the
OpenStreetMap world:

*Among others:*

   - Remember the first few days of mapping OSM? User SM@Edit shares his
   first time experience with OpenStreetMap...
   - Wondering if there is a tool that can compare the standard OSM layer
   and Satellite imagery? Look in to try the tool...
   - A script by user baditaflorin that can help find duplicated nodes...
   - Read more about the humanitarian mapathon where two-hundred and twelve
   10 year old children from elementary school mapped to eradicate
malaria [image:
   - Want to build your own offline OSMAND map? Look in to read more about


Jinal Foflia 
Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] aprendizado OSM

2016-03-19 Thread Alexandre Magno Brito de Medeiros
Reunião de alguns links em:
» *Cursos e videoaulas gratuitos

Em 18 de março de 2016 11:31, Helio Cesar Tomio 

> Jocimara,
> Complementando os comentários dos colegas, outra fonte que contém muito
> material de aprendizagem OSM, é o YouTube.
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Palestra scolastica

2016-03-19 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Am 17.03.2016 um 18:47 schrieb Federico Cortese :
> > ...e inserire anche il tag sport=multi
> >
> Si, ma solo se c'è un Tag leisure=sports_centre o leisure=gymnasium. Se si 
> usa solo il building=gymnasium non credo


Martin ___
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Straßendaten via Script herunterladen

2016-03-19 Thread Walter Nordmann

Am 18.03.2016 um 10:58 schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:

+1, wenn man das noch nie gemacht hat ist es nicht komplett trivial, aber
sofern man bereit ist, sich ein bisschen einzulesen und etwas Zeit zu
investieren, ist es machbar, im OSM Wiki gibt es Beispiele und Erklärungen.
Eine postgres Datenbank muss man dafür nicht aufsetzen (ich würde explizit
davon abraten, weil das die Komplexität ziemlich erhöht), es reicht aus,
einen Extrakt der (nur) das gewünschte Gebiet enthält zu filtern, z.B. mit
osmfilter oder mit osmosis. Falls es keinen Extrakt gibt, der die
gewünschten Grenzen hat, dann muss man zuerst diesen z.B. mit den genannten
Programmen aus einem größeren Extrakt erstellen (oder ggf. auch beides in
einem Rutsch).

Ok, Postgresql erscheint euch zu kompliziert. Aber wie bekommt ihr das 
hin, dass aus den dutzenden Ways, die eine Strasse in OSM darstellen 
können, wirklich EINE Strasse wird. Klar, Abzweigungen der Strasse 
werden Probleme machen, aber der Grosssteil wird wohl linear sein.

Für mich wäre das eine Aufgabe, die man wohl mit den Topologien in 
PostGIS lösen könnte.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Fwd: relations boundary admin_level=4 manquantes

2016-03-19 Thread Philippe Verdy
Note: les noms des atolls ou des iles/motus ne sont pas ceux non plus des
localités/villages, même si ce sont parfois des noms de communes.

Improprement on dit "archipel des Gambiers", quand c'est en fait un seul et
même atoll (encore en formation mais la couronne est déjà totalement
formée), avec une couronne coralienne supportant quelques motus (mais pas
les "iles" qui sont actuellement représentées et qui sont trop morcelées),
et des iles hautes au centre du lagon, dont 5 sont habitées.

C'est le seul atoll de ce type dans les Tuamotus, les autres sont habités
sur les motus car il n'y a plus d'ile haute centrale (normal, cet atoll
s'est formé par un volcan plus récent pas encore complètement effondré au

Parmi les autres atolls seuls quelques-uns n'ont plus de lagon (ce sont des
"atolls surélevés", dont l'élévation vient soit d'un plissement du plancher
océanique sous le poids d'autres massifs volcaniques proches, soit de la
reformation d'un point chaud en dessous, soit de l'abaissement du niveau de
la mer ; leur ancien lagon s'est vidé de son eau par la croissance
coralienne puis comblé complètement par l'apport de sables par le vent ou
l'érosion de la couronne surélevée vers le centre): on peut qualifier ces
lagons "d'îles" et non plus de "motus" puisqu'on ne distingue plus leur
couronne coralienne

Sinon le travail n'est pas terminé évidemment, car je ne me suis pas
attaqué à dessiner les couronnes récifales liant les "motus" (et ne laisser
en mer que les véritables "passes" quand elles existent)

Je ne sais pas d'où viennent les tracés des "îles" actuelles, elles sont
toutes là (je n'y ai pas touché), mais franchement le niveau de précision
est très mauvais et il y a des iles séparées qui ne devraient pas l'être du
tout. On dirait que cela vient d'une analyse sur des photos basse
résolution où on s'est contenté de chercher les endroits où il y a de la
verdure (des cocotiers essentiellement). Mais sur la couronnne il y a bien
des endroits qui sont en fait émergés en permanence (donc pas d'eau dessus,
sauf évènement exceptionnel tel qu'une submersion par un cyclone, mais qui
pourrait aussi toucher la plupart des motus tracés hors des rares "iles
hautes"). Ces tracés comportent beaucoup trop de passes très larges et
laissent des atolls complètement ouverts, ce qui ne correspond pas du tout
à la réalité.

Le 20 mars 2016 à 03:49, Philippe Verdy  a écrit :

> Note: avant il n'y avait strictement aucune commune, juste les limites
> territoriales maritimes.
> Les iles n'étaient dans aucune collectivité précise. Il faut bien
> commencer quelque part
> Le 20 mars 2016 à 03:48, Philippe Verdy  a écrit :
>> je veux bien mais ces frontières n'étaient pas tracées (ce qui est travé
>> comme contour des îles ce sont des motus très peu précis, pas le contour
>> des atolls avec leur couronne récifale)
>> Pour l'instant je m'appuie sur ce qui est là, en attendant d'ajouter les
>> couronne récifales qui sont incluses dans la ligne de base.
>> Le 20 mars 2016 à 03:24, Jérôme Amagat  a écrit
>> :
>>> En France métropolitaine les communes s'arrêtent à la ligne
>>> natural=coastline qui est censé être une laisse de haute mer. les laisses
>>> de basse mer et les lignes de base ne serve qu'à tracer les limites à 24
>>> miles pour les frontières des pays.
>>> Pourquoi Philippe tu veux faire différemment là, pour les admin_level=8,
>>> il faut utiliser les frontières terre mer déjà tracés.
>>> (si je suis a coté des problème de chacun, je veux dire que j'ai pas
>>> tout bien comprit, que j'ai regardé rapidement et que je sais pas comment
>>> c’était avant :) ).
>>> Le 19 mars 2016 à 23:27, Philippe Verdy  a écrit :
 Bref cet utilisateur allemand (tout seul en fait: "wambacher") se
 trompe sur toute la ligne, il a mal regardé ou fait de fausses suppositions
 sur le découpage français.

 Le 19 mars 2016 à 23:23, Philippe Verdy  a écrit :

> Sinon méfiance avec ce que disent les allemands qui croient à tord
> qu'on a viré des codes postaux en France, alors que les communes 
> fusionnées
> qui n'ont pas de code postal sont celles dont les communes membres ont des
> codes postaux différents (et qui les gardent). En France les codes postaux
> ne sont pas découpés exactement comme les communes. Même dans les communes
> simples (sans fusion) on a plusieurs zones postales (grandes villes
> uniquement), et cela ne devrait pas les surprendre en Allemagne vu qu'ils
> ont aussi des communes découpées par les zones postales.
> De même certains n'étaient pas au courant des fusions de régions alors
> que tout est OK (ils n'ont pas regardé les start_date/end_date ou les ont
> mal analysés). (D'où les prétentues régions manquantes en admin_level 4)
> Ils ne sont pas au courant non plus de a scission du département du

Re: [Talk-it] specie dell'albero nel name

2016-03-19 Thread Dario Crespi
> Sicché io la vedo così:
> genus=* specie della pianta in latino.
> species:*=* specie della pianta nella lingua naturale (es. Quercia)
> taxon=* famiglia della pianta in latino.
> name=* eventuale nome della pianta (nel mio caso Re Leone, un pino
> cimbro secolare [2])

Mmm... non credo che sia corretto (in particolare non credo che vada
indicata la famiglia di una pianta, in quanto si tratta di un'informazione
troppo generica). Genus dovrebbe corrispondere al genere della pianta (cioè
al livello tassonometrico immediatamente superiore al livello specie). Io
credo si più corretto in questo modo (faccio l'esempio con il pioppo nero):

genus=* genere a cui appartiene la pianta (Populus)

species=* nome della specie in latino (Populus nigra)

genus:xx=* nome del genere nella lingua scelta (per l'italiano, Pioppo)

species:xx=* nome della specie nella lingua scelta (per l'italiano, Pioppo

taxon=* è un tag alternativo a genus e species. Come taxon è possibile
inserire, in latino, il nome della specie (Populus nigra) o di una
particolare sottospecie o cultivar (Populus nigra italica).

taxon:xx=* come sopra ma con i nomi comuni (Pioppo nero, Pioppo nero
italico, Pioppo lombardo).

name=* eventuale nome proprio della pianta

Credo che il tag genus sia utile nel caso in cui non si conosca la specie,
ma solo, appunto, il genere di appartenenza di una pianta (vedo un pioppo:
so che è un pioppo ma non so la specie esatta). Può essere omesso se esiste
già il tag species.


Il giorno 17 marzo 2016 17:12, girarsi_liste  ha

> Il 17/03/2016 12:36, Aury88 ha scritto:
> > da quello che ho capito il tag taxon definisce la specie...
> > Visto che, alla fine,  si usa taxon=* per indicare la specie, non capisco
> > perchè non vada bene usare a questo punto direttamente il tag species=*
> e si
> > sia "inventato" anche questo tag.
> >
> > faccio fatica poi a capire l'utilità di questo tag associato ad altri
> > livelli di classificazione tassonometrica...una volta definito di che
> stiamo
> > parlando (la specie) risalire l'ordine tossonometrico dovrebbe essere
> > possibile e dare un risultato univoco quindi qual'è eventualmente il
> > guadagno dallo specificare il taxon:genus=* ?
> >
> > boh! la botanica per me rimarrà una scienza incomprensibile xD
> >
> > questo è quindi un tag ridondante...bisognerebbe decidere imho quale tag
> > mantenere: species o taxon?
> >
> >
> Secondo me, mancano definizioni nella wiki OSM o non è ben chiarita, se
> guardo wikipedia[0][1], tassonomia è più vicino alla famiglia delle
> piante, e specie, è un sottolivello, quindi specie di pianta di quella
> tal famiglia.
> Nel nostro caso ci sarebbe taxon, secondo la famiglia con nome latino,
> species, per il nome nella lingua naturale (inglese, italiano, tedesco
> ecc.).
> Genus sarebbe la specie, in particolare sempre in latino.
> Sicché io la vedo così:
> genus=* specie della pianta in latino.
> species:*=* specie della pianta nella lingua naturale (es. Quercia)
> taxon=* famiglia della pianta in latino.
> name=* eventuale nome della pianta (nel mio caso Re Leone, un pino
> cimbro secolare [2])
> [0]
> [1]
> [2]
> --
> Simone Girardelli
> _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_
> |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Fwd: relations boundary admin_level=4 manquantes

2016-03-19 Thread Philippe Verdy
Note: avant il n'y avait strictement aucune commune, juste les limites
territoriales maritimes.
Les iles n'étaient dans aucune collectivité précise. Il faut bien commencer
quelque part

Le 20 mars 2016 à 03:48, Philippe Verdy  a écrit :

> je veux bien mais ces frontières n'étaient pas tracées (ce qui est travé
> comme contour des îles ce sont des motus très peu précis, pas le contour
> des atolls avec leur couronne récifale)
> Pour l'instant je m'appuie sur ce qui est là, en attendant d'ajouter les
> couronne récifales qui sont incluses dans la ligne de base.
> Le 20 mars 2016 à 03:24, Jérôme Amagat  a écrit :
>> En France métropolitaine les communes s'arrêtent à la ligne
>> natural=coastline qui est censé être une laisse de haute mer. les laisses
>> de basse mer et les lignes de base ne serve qu'à tracer les limites à 24
>> miles pour les frontières des pays.
>> Pourquoi Philippe tu veux faire différemment là, pour les admin_level=8,
>> il faut utiliser les frontières terre mer déjà tracés.
>> (si je suis a coté des problème de chacun, je veux dire que j'ai pas tout
>> bien comprit, que j'ai regardé rapidement et que je sais pas comment
>> c’était avant :) ).
>> Le 19 mars 2016 à 23:27, Philippe Verdy  a écrit :
>>> Bref cet utilisateur allemand (tout seul en fait: "wambacher") se trompe
>>> sur toute la ligne, il a mal regardé ou fait de fausses suppositions sur le
>>> découpage français.
>>> Le 19 mars 2016 à 23:23, Philippe Verdy  a écrit :
 Sinon méfiance avec ce que disent les allemands qui croient à tord
 qu'on a viré des codes postaux en France, alors que les communes fusionnées
 qui n'ont pas de code postal sont celles dont les communes membres ont des
 codes postaux différents (et qui les gardent). En France les codes postaux
 ne sont pas découpés exactement comme les communes. Même dans les communes
 simples (sans fusion) on a plusieurs zones postales (grandes villes
 uniquement), et cela ne devrait pas les surprendre en Allemagne vu qu'ils
 ont aussi des communes découpées par les zones postales.

 De même certains n'étaient pas au courant des fusions de régions alors
 que tout est OK (ils n'ont pas regardé les start_date/end_date ou les ont
 mal analysés). (D'où les prétentues régions manquantes en admin_level 4)

 Ils ne sont pas au courant non plus de a scission du département du
 Rhône en deux parties et confondent l'ancien département (devenu
 circonscription départementale et regroupant le nouveau département avec la
 métropole) et le nouveau, qui sont tagués différemment 

 Le 19 mars 2016 à 23:14, Philippe Verdy  a écrit :

> Tu parles des îles Tuamotus ? Je n'ai rien viré du tout, tout est là,
> il manque encore des éléments pour quelques atolls mais ils n'étaient pas
> encore là et je les ajoute.
> Le gros changement est la séparation des entités physiques (motus et
> ilots), leur regroupement par commune ou par commune associée, l'ajout des
> noms manquants, et l'inclusion des délimitations administratives (quoique
> encore basée sur une limitation maritime territoriale), car pour l'instant
> il manque la prise en compte des lignes de base (qui de toute façon quand
> elles étaient là, n'était pas du tout utilisées, donc je n'ai rien viré)
> Le 19 mars 2016 à 15:29, althio  a écrit :
>> Toujours sur le même forum international, dans le même sujet, par le
>> même contributeur.
>> Cette fois sa question porte sur les addr:postcode et homogénéité des
>> données en France, avec quelques zones qui ne suivent pas le schéma.
>> Si cela intéresse quelqu'un de se pencher les données ou de lui
>> répondre ?
>> - althio
>> -- Forwarded message --
>> Date: 6 January 2016 at 14:52
>> Subject: relations boundary admin_level=4 manquantes
>> To: Discussions sur OSM en français 
>> Pour info, un message passé sur le forum international :
>> [quote]
>> Hi, there are a lot of boundaries with admin_level=4 missing in
>> france:
>> I see only 7 of them. Any idea, whats going on there?
>> Regards
>> walter/germany
>> [/quote]
>> ___
>> Talk-fr mailing list

>>> ___
>>> Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Fwd: relations boundary admin_level=4 manquantes

2016-03-19 Thread Philippe Verdy
je veux bien mais ces frontières n'étaient pas tracées (ce qui est travé
comme contour des îles ce sont des motus très peu précis, pas le contour
des atolls avec leur couronne récifale)
Pour l'instant je m'appuie sur ce qui est là, en attendant d'ajouter les
couronne récifales qui sont incluses dans la ligne de base.

Le 20 mars 2016 à 03:24, Jérôme Amagat  a écrit :

> En France métropolitaine les communes s'arrêtent à la ligne
> natural=coastline qui est censé être une laisse de haute mer. les laisses
> de basse mer et les lignes de base ne serve qu'à tracer les limites à 24
> miles pour les frontières des pays.
> Pourquoi Philippe tu veux faire différemment là, pour les admin_level=8,
> il faut utiliser les frontières terre mer déjà tracés.
> (si je suis a coté des problème de chacun, je veux dire que j'ai pas tout
> bien comprit, que j'ai regardé rapidement et que je sais pas comment
> c’était avant :) ).
> Le 19 mars 2016 à 23:27, Philippe Verdy  a écrit :
>> Bref cet utilisateur allemand (tout seul en fait: "wambacher") se trompe
>> sur toute la ligne, il a mal regardé ou fait de fausses suppositions sur le
>> découpage français.
>> Le 19 mars 2016 à 23:23, Philippe Verdy  a écrit :
>>> Sinon méfiance avec ce que disent les allemands qui croient à tord qu'on
>>> a viré des codes postaux en France, alors que les communes fusionnées qui
>>> n'ont pas de code postal sont celles dont les communes membres ont des
>>> codes postaux différents (et qui les gardent). En France les codes postaux
>>> ne sont pas découpés exactement comme les communes. Même dans les communes
>>> simples (sans fusion) on a plusieurs zones postales (grandes villes
>>> uniquement), et cela ne devrait pas les surprendre en Allemagne vu qu'ils
>>> ont aussi des communes découpées par les zones postales.
>>> De même certains n'étaient pas au courant des fusions de régions alors
>>> que tout est OK (ils n'ont pas regardé les start_date/end_date ou les ont
>>> mal analysés). (D'où les prétentues régions manquantes en admin_level 4)
>>> Ils ne sont pas au courant non plus de a scission du département du
>>> Rhône en deux parties et confondent l'ancien département (devenu
>>> circonscription départementale et regroupant le nouveau département avec la
>>> métropole) et le nouveau, qui sont tagués différemment (start_date/end_date)
>>> Le 19 mars 2016 à 23:14, Philippe Verdy  a écrit :
 Tu parles des îles Tuamotus ? Je n'ai rien viré du tout, tout est là,
 il manque encore des éléments pour quelques atolls mais ils n'étaient pas
 encore là et je les ajoute.
 Le gros changement est la séparation des entités physiques (motus et
 ilots), leur regroupement par commune ou par commune associée, l'ajout des
 noms manquants, et l'inclusion des délimitations administratives (quoique
 encore basée sur une limitation maritime territoriale), car pour l'instant
 il manque la prise en compte des lignes de base (qui de toute façon quand
 elles étaient là, n'était pas du tout utilisées, donc je n'ai rien viré)

 Le 19 mars 2016 à 15:29, althio  a écrit :

> Toujours sur le même forum international, dans le même sujet, par le
> même contributeur.
> Cette fois sa question porte sur les addr:postcode et homogénéité des
> données en France, avec quelques zones qui ne suivent pas le schéma.
> Si cela intéresse quelqu'un de se pencher les données ou de lui
> répondre ?
> - althio
> -- Forwarded message --
> Date: 6 January 2016 at 14:52
> Subject: relations boundary admin_level=4 manquantes
> To: Discussions sur OSM en français 
> Pour info, un message passé sur le forum international :
> [quote]
> Hi, there are a lot of boundaries with admin_level=4 missing in france:
> I see only 7 of them. Any idea, whats going on there?
> Regards
> walter/germany
> [/quote]
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

>> ___
>> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] osm2pgsql

2016-03-19 Thread Walter Nordmann


ich arbeite nur mit einem Niederbayern schnipsel der Datenbank.
Und immer wenn mir auffällt dass mir was fehlt nehm ich das mit auf.
Ich würde ungern was vergessen...
wie ich schon schrieb: Nimm alles aus dem Schema - übrigens hast du schon
hstore angeschaltet? -  dann fehlt dir nix. Bei so kleinen Datenmengen lohnt
sich "Minimierung" überhaupt nicht. Du bewegst dich hier im


[url=] Missing Residentials Map 
1.17[/url] [url=] Postcode Map 2.0.2[/url]
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Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Fallo de verificación de función - Ruta GR-1

2016-03-19 Thread Diego García
Hola a todos.

Antes de que el tema se olvide, lo vuelvo a tomar de la mano. Quizá sirva
de ejemplo, y consigamos que el wiki se reactive, así como el trazado de
rutas por España.

Veo que la página es lo
correcto. Nadie ha opinado nada más. Sobre su estructura, de todo lo
aportado creo que lo ideal es por provincias, y así lo voy a hacer. Si
existe división en etapas dentro de cada provincia, ya se aportará más

Respecto al gpx, se puede descargar sin problemas; dividirlo por provincias
lo veo como sencillo, se puede hacer en un rato. Se colgará en la wiki para
su acceso, ya he visto como se hace.

Si alguien se pone a editar la GR-1, ojo: faltan tramos, Navarra y
Cantabria del todo, hay una variante sin documentar, y no me fío demasiado
del trazado que tenemos. Habrá que documentarse bastante, e incluso visitar
tramos para verificarla (ésta es la parte que más me gusta :) ).

Respecto al flujo de trabajo, está claro: *no hay que borrar la relación
actual del GR-1 en ningún momento*. Me remito a lo que dije en post
anterior: copiar, rehacer, comprobar, sustituir.

Por mi parte, me voy poniendo manos a la obra. Si cometo algún disparate
(con el wiki o con lo que sea), espero que alguien me lo diga. La
ignorancia es muy atrevida.

Un cordial saludo,

pd.: he visto un hilo paralelo a éste, en el que uno de los editores que
participaron en el GR1 en sus inicios se llegaba a disculpar por su estado.
Creo que la contestación que le han dado expresa perfectamente lo que
siento. Posiblemente si no fuera por tí y tus compañeros en aquel momento,
ahora no estaríamos haciendo esto. Recibe toda mi admiración y mis respetos
por vuestro trabajo. ¡Gracias!

El mar., 8 mar. 2016 a las 22:21, Alejandro S. ()

> Me parece que la pagina en
> está
> bien, sino tendría que ser
> o algo por
> el estilo.
> En cuanto a la tabla parece que hay un plantilla para marcar el estado:
> {{State Hiking|}} [0] Se pude tomar como ejemplo [1]
> No es compatible ya que al no poner bajo que licencia se publica, está
> protegido por lo derecho de autor, además parece que es información que
> esta en wikiloc, que tampoco es compatible con la odbl.
> Cuando el proceso esté terminado la relación actual del GR-1 tendrá como
> miembros únicamente las subrutas.
> [0]:
> [1]:
> Atentamente,
>   Alejandro Suárez
> 2016-03-08 21:16 GMT+01:00 Diego García :
>> De acuerdo, Santi. No sé si lo correcto es hacer una página en
>>, o
>> en, a ver qué dicen los
>> expertos, especialmente Miguel Sevilla-Callejo, que ha manifestado interés
>> en este asunto.
>> Allí se divide el GR en provincias, se pone la típica tabla para que se
>> apunten voluntarios para revisar y marcar lo que hay hecho y ponemos
>> también las etapas por cada provincia, para que no queden relaciones
>> demasiado grandes si se trabaja por provincias únicamente. Cada etapa, una
>> relación (o lo que decidamos, espero opiniones). Por lo que he visto, es un
>> trazado continuo hasta llegar a Asturias, en donde no hay nada definido.
>> Luego salta a Galicia. Lo que no tengo claro es lo de bajar el gpx y luego
>> colgar los trozos. ¿En dónde? Me imagino que en la propia wiki, eso no sé
>> hacerlo.
>> El flujo de trabajo que había pensado es:
>> - Conseguir el gpx de un tramo. Si es de una fuente fiable en vez de lo
>> que tenemos en OSM, mejor. Por ejemplo, aquí tienen los tramos
>> Aquí tengo una duda: ¿es
>> compatible utilizar esos GPX como superposición en JOSM para revisar la
>> ruta?
>> - Con el JOSM, duplicar la relación "madre" del GR1, y en el duplicado
>> borrar los trozos que sobren respecto al tramo a revisar. Este duplicado
>> será la nueva relación.
>> - Superpuesto el GPX, revisar el tramo
>> - Por último, en la relación del GR1, borrar los trozos que ya no sirven
>> y sustituirlos por la nueva relación.
>> A ver si, poco a poco, conseguimos relanzar el tema del wiki.
>> Un saludo,
>> El mar., 8 mar. 2016 a las 19:27, Santi Aguirre ()
>> escribió:
>>> Hola,
>>> Estoy de acuerdo con Alejandro en convertir la relación actual en una
>>> super relación. Si hubiera consenso en hacerlo de esa manera tengo una
>>> propuesta para editarla:
>>> 1) Descargar de waymarkedtrails la relación en formato gpx y trocear la
>>> traza por provincias para que sirva como plantilla al editar en JOSM. Así
>>> nos asegurarnos de que el trazado de la ruta es el mismo.
>>> 2) Trocear también la 

[Talk-dk] Delte noder

2016-03-19 Thread Michel Coene
Hej alle,

Jeg tegner mange bondegårde lige nu (farmyard).  Når de ligger op af en
landevej kan jeg finde på at klikke dem fast på landevejen. Så fik jeg
denne bemærkning af en bruger: *Jeg må endnu engang bede dig holde vejnet
og landuse adskilt. Jeg har set nogle frygtelige uheld opstå som følge af
vejnet og landuse der har delt noder.*
Nu vil jeg gerne lære og forbedre, men jeg fatter ikke helt hvilke *frygtelige
uheld* der kan opstå?  Hvis jeg flytter vejen pga f.ex bedre GPS spor, så
skal gården alligevel flyttes med?  Jeg har selv være ude i bymiljøer hvor
en linje blev delt af 3-4 ting og det selv for mig blev uoverskueligt.  Men
én gård alene på én vej? Hvad er jeres erfaring?

Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Fwd: relations boundary admin_level=4 manquantes

2016-03-19 Thread Jérôme Amagat
En France métropolitaine les communes s'arrêtent à la ligne
natural=coastline qui est censé être une laisse de haute mer. les laisses
de basse mer et les lignes de base ne serve qu'à tracer les limites à 24
miles pour les frontières des pays.
Pourquoi Philippe tu veux faire différemment là, pour les admin_level=8, il
faut utiliser les frontières terre mer déjà tracés.

(si je suis a coté des problème de chacun, je veux dire que j'ai pas tout
bien comprit, que j'ai regardé rapidement et que je sais pas comment
c’était avant :) ).

Le 19 mars 2016 à 23:27, Philippe Verdy  a écrit :

> Bref cet utilisateur allemand (tout seul en fait: "wambacher") se trompe
> sur toute la ligne, il a mal regardé ou fait de fausses suppositions sur le
> découpage français.
> Le 19 mars 2016 à 23:23, Philippe Verdy  a écrit :
>> Sinon méfiance avec ce que disent les allemands qui croient à tord qu'on
>> a viré des codes postaux en France, alors que les communes fusionnées qui
>> n'ont pas de code postal sont celles dont les communes membres ont des
>> codes postaux différents (et qui les gardent). En France les codes postaux
>> ne sont pas découpés exactement comme les communes. Même dans les communes
>> simples (sans fusion) on a plusieurs zones postales (grandes villes
>> uniquement), et cela ne devrait pas les surprendre en Allemagne vu qu'ils
>> ont aussi des communes découpées par les zones postales.
>> De même certains n'étaient pas au courant des fusions de régions alors
>> que tout est OK (ils n'ont pas regardé les start_date/end_date ou les ont
>> mal analysés). (D'où les prétentues régions manquantes en admin_level 4)
>> Ils ne sont pas au courant non plus de a scission du département du Rhône
>> en deux parties et confondent l'ancien département (devenu circonscription
>> départementale et regroupant le nouveau département avec la métropole) et
>> le nouveau, qui sont tagués différemment (start_date/end_date)
>> Le 19 mars 2016 à 23:14, Philippe Verdy  a écrit :
>>> Tu parles des îles Tuamotus ? Je n'ai rien viré du tout, tout est là, il
>>> manque encore des éléments pour quelques atolls mais ils n'étaient pas
>>> encore là et je les ajoute.
>>> Le gros changement est la séparation des entités physiques (motus et
>>> ilots), leur regroupement par commune ou par commune associée, l'ajout des
>>> noms manquants, et l'inclusion des délimitations administratives (quoique
>>> encore basée sur une limitation maritime territoriale), car pour l'instant
>>> il manque la prise en compte des lignes de base (qui de toute façon quand
>>> elles étaient là, n'était pas du tout utilisées, donc je n'ai rien viré)
>>> Le 19 mars 2016 à 15:29, althio  a écrit :
 Toujours sur le même forum international, dans le même sujet, par le
 même contributeur.

 Cette fois sa question porte sur les addr:postcode et homogénéité des
 données en France, avec quelques zones qui ne suivent pas le schéma.

 Si cela intéresse quelqu'un de se pencher les données ou de lui
 répondre ?

 - althio

 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: 6 January 2016 at 14:52
 Subject: relations boundary admin_level=4 manquantes
 To: Discussions sur OSM en français 

 Pour info, un message passé sur le forum international :

 Hi, there are a lot of boundaries with admin_level=4 missing in france:

 I see only 7 of them. Any idea, whats going on there?


 Talk-fr mailing list

> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] DOT construction updates

2016-03-19 Thread Charlotte Wolter


The Arizona Dept. of Transportation 
(ADOT, has extensive information 
on both proposed and completed projects, 
sometimes with photos. Seems like a good resource.

These could make good Mapoulette challenges.


At 11:20 AM 3/16/2016, you wrote:

Hi all,

I was thinking about a good way for the 
community to get a feed of construction updates 
from state DOTs. Has anyone ever attempted this? 
A good start should be a list of state DOTs (I 
not sure if it's 100% current). But where to go 
from there? Every state DOT has its own 
mechanism / format to distribute updates. Do 
they all have an RSS feed? Or twitter?
At this point I am just curious to hear if 
anyone else has thought about this already and 
if so what you have come up with so far.
(What triggered this again for me: I heard 
someone mention that the work on the I-96/US-23 
interchange in Michigan was complete, but could 
not find any confirmation. See this pretty cool 
video from MDOT for what they are doing there: 
The situation on OSM reflects the 
pre-construction reality —>

Talk-us mailing list

Charlotte Wolter
927 18th Street Suite A
Santa Monica, California
Skype: thetechlady

Talk-us mailing list

[OSM-ja] 京都世界遺産マッピングパーティ第13回 特別編比叡山延暦寺

2016-03-19 Thread yasunari

次回は 4/16 に第13回 特別編。もう一度比叡山延暦寺に行きます。


Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] specie dell'albero nel name

2016-03-19 Thread Aury88
da quello che ho capito il tag taxon definisce la specie...
Visto che, alla fine,  si usa taxon=* per indicare la specie, non capisco
perchè non vada bene usare a questo punto direttamente il tag species=* e si
sia "inventato" anche questo tag.

faccio fatica poi a capire l'utilità di questo tag associato ad altri
livelli di classificazione tassonometrica...una volta definito di che stiamo
parlando (la specie) risalire l'ordine tossonometrico dovrebbe essere
possibile e dare un risultato univoco quindi qual'è eventualmente il
guadagno dallo specificare il taxon:genus=* ?

boh! la botanica per me rimarrà una scienza incomprensibile xD

questo è quindi un tag ridondante...bisognerebbe decidere imho quale tag
mantenere: species o taxon?

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Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] specie dell'albero nel name

2016-03-19 Thread Aury88
Molto chiaro! Grazie mille Dario, interessante ed istruttivo (almeno nel mio
Avevo intuito l'utilità del mettere il genus da solo ma da come era inserita
nella wiki del tag sembrava fosse comunque necessario specificare la specie
e da li il mio dubbio sull'utilità di inserire questo livello tassonometrico
unito a quello della specie.

non si fa accenno neanche al "livello"  della cultivar e di come possa
essere utilizzato nel tag taxon, o forse si ma non si capisce (almeno io non
l'ho capito...c'è una cultivar ma pensavo fosse parte del nome della
è chiaro comunque che a questo punto specificandolo anche la cultivar si
riesce a dare una classificazione più precisa della pianta e quindi sarebbe
da preferire al fermarsi al solo livello della specie...
visto che il tag taxon sembra adattarsi meglio per tutti i possibili livelli
tassonometrici, compresa la cultivar, a mio avviso forse è meglio usare
questo come tag...che ne pensate?

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Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-ro] Fwd: atîta

2016-03-19 Thread Jean-Baptiste Holcroft

Please have a discussion with data working group :

Personal point of view :
 * a private message, even rude, shouldn't copied in public mailing list,
 * Romanian contributors should meet more (beer is a good start, vin 
din casa, tuica or visinata is good too), face to face conversation 
prevents problems.

OSM is a good community project, Romanians are very welcoming people in 
a nice country, there is no reason not to be a success. Keep on fighting.

(sorry for using English, my Romanian writing is too bad)

Le 18/03/2016 12:04, Rădulescu Răzvan a écrit :

Sorein s-a intors cu ale lui dejectii dintr-un creier bolnav...

Asta ca sa vada cui i-e dor de el...

 Forwarded Message 
Date:   Fri, 18 Mar 2016 09:12:54 +0200
From:   cenSORINg 

Atîta sănătate să ai tu, țigane, și atîta parte de cine și-e mai drag, 
după spurcăciunile pe care le debitezi! Rușine să-ți fie, porcule!

EU am impus folosirea diacritcelor pe porțiunea românească, porcule!
EU i-am speriat pe niște idioți ca tine, care desenau cîte o stradă pe 
fiecare sens în oraș (dublau toate străzile) și puneau pe hartă toți 
pomișorii și toate cotețele de găini.
Bineînțeles că, fiind niște idioți ca tine și ca ceilalți din gașca 
ta, ați făcut haită. Asta e lumea în care trăim și pe care voi, 
gloatele, o împuțiți. Gloatele se înhăitează repede, oamenii cu carte 
stau împrăștiați. Din cauza voastră o să crape OSM curînd.

Talk-ro mailing list

Jean-Baptiste Holcroft

Talk-ro mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Global high-resolution model of relief

2016-03-19 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2016-03-16 19:05 GMT+01:00 clustergis :

> Data can be downloaded from the page with CC
> BY license.

is there a way to batch download / ftp or similar?

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it-trentino] Presentazione e utilizzo di nome alternativo per le vie

2016-03-19 Thread Christian Trainotti
Ti ringrazio della risposta! In effetti non avevo notato quella key.

Grazie ancora,

Il 18 marzo 2016 14:32, Simone  ha scritto:
> Il 18 marzo 2016 12:04:16 CET, Christian Trainotti 
>  ha scritto:
>>Buongiorno a tutti!
>>Leggo da qualche tempo la ML ma questa è la prima volta che scrivo,
>>perciò vorrei presentarmi brevemente prima di porvi la mia domanda.
>>Sono uno studente universitario di Villazzano, da sempre appassionato
>>di geografia e cartografia. Da qualche anno ho iniziato a mappare
>>saltuariamente su OSM (utente ChrisTN), in particolare sentieri nella
>>mia zona, corsi d'acqua e dettagli di strade e vie.
>>La mia curiosità riguarda i nomi delle vie. Ho trovato difficoltà nel
>>trovare delle vie, cercandole su OSM utilizzando il solo cognome della
>>persona a cui sono intitolate. Ad esempio utilizzando la chiave "via
>>mazzini trento" non si ottengono risultati in città. Si rende
>>necessario quindi cercare "via giuseppe mazzini".
>>Giustamente il mappatore ha inserito il nome ufficiale, ma credo che
>>questo rendi OSM poco utilizzabile in tal senso. Io stesso, se dovessi
>>dare un'indicazione, non direi il nome completo!
>>Mi chiedo quindi se sia giusto utilizzare la chiave "alt_name" per
>>inserire il nome "ridotto" della via in questione, per facilitare
>>appunto la ricerca delle strade. Da una rapida ricerca con Overpass
>>sulla città di Trento ho notato poche utilizzazioni, in caso per nomi
>>completamente diversi.
>>Chiedo quindi il vostro parere a riguardo.
>>Grazie e buona giornata!
>>Christian Trainotti
>>Talk-it-trentino mailing list
> Ciao benvenuto, la key corretta è short_name=*, per esempio short_name=Via 
> Mazzini.
> alt_name è più indicato come alternativo, per esempio alt_name=Via G. 
> Mazzini, in qualche segnaletica verticale c'è questa dicitura.
> Ora sono lontano dal pc, ma se cerchi sulla wiki OSM trovi esempi.
> -- Simone Girardelli--
> Inviato con K-9 Mail
> Scusate la brevità dello scritto.

Christian Trainotti

Talk-it-trentino mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] mapRe: (Second attempt) Potential data source: Adirondack Park Freshwater Wetlands

2016-03-19 Thread Kevin Kenny

On 03/16/2016 06:50 PM, Mike Thompson wrote:

On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 4:12 PM, Andy Townsend > wrote:

Another question - if not OSM, what maps do hikers in the area use
now?  Something from the US Forest Service, or something else? 

Answering the question for the US in general:
1) National Geographic Trails Illustrated [1] - Not as detailed as I 
would like, but shows the official trails and is good enough for most 
2) USGS 7.5 minute topo quad maps (the old ones). Some of the trails 
have changed since these were published, but if you are interested in 
topography for off trail navigation, these are still a great resource.
3) National Parks hand out rather general maps, and for a lot of folks 
this is all they need.
4) There are also a number of websites that show trails that have been 
GPS'ed overlaid on a commercial (unfortunately) map source. e.g. [2]

Mike already gave a very good answer. Since I'm a hiker in the area, 
I'll confirm that Trails Illustrated maps are what I carried on my 
Northville-Lake Placid trip. I didn't like it very much - the 1:75 000 
scale at which it's printed is just too rough. I also had the relevant 
USGS 7.5-minute topo quads and the relevant portions of my OSM-derived 
map on my smartphone. The old topos are no longer available as 
inexpensive paper copies, alas.

When I hike in New York south of the Mohawk, I carry the much 
higher-quality trail maps produced by the New York-New Jersey Trail 
Conference. is 
a representative example (one of a handful that are free of charge).

73 de ke9tv/2, Kevin

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Palestra scolastica

2016-03-19 Thread scratera
...e inserire anche il tag sport=multi

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Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] [Imports] Boston, MA, USA addr:housenumber Import

2016-03-19 Thread Greg Troxel

I should point out that I'm not opposed to this import or address
imports in general; generally, I am supportive.  But, I think the doing
an import right is vastly harder than someone who hasn't been through
one thinks, and that it's good to iterate on approach and data quality,
and not rush or have a deadline/planned completion time.

These comments are partly based on the Mass buildings import, which I
think was hugely successful.  The data was spot checked by lots of
people and found to be very good, it was added in a way which avoided
changing any hand-mapped data, it's led to mapping missing subdivisions,
and we've had basically zero reports of problems from it.

Description: PGP signature
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Palestra scolastica

2016-03-19 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Am 16.03.2016 um 23:42 schrieb Federico Cortese :
> Di recente invece un
> utente straniero le ha trasformate tutte in leisure=fitness_centre,

per me il tag principale sarebbe qualcosa come building=gymnasium oppure gym

volendo ci potresti anche aggiungere un leisure=gym ma fitness_centre è 
chiaramente sbagliato per la palestra di una scuola 

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] mapathon umanitario - lunedì 21/3

2016-03-19 Thread Marco Minghini
Ciao a tutti,
qualcuno lo sa già, in ogni caso vi segnalo che lunedì (21 marzo) io e i
miei colleghi al Polo di Como del Politecnico di Milano faremo un mapping
umanitario su un qualche task suggerito ta HOT e Missing Maps. Abbiamo
pensato di spargere comunque in giro la voce, casomai qualcuno volesse
contribuire da remoto nell'orario che più preferisce. Qui [1] trovate
descrizione e iscrizione (giusto perchè così abbiamo un'idea di quanti
parteciperanno, anche da remoto).
Buon weekend!



Marco Minghini, Ph.D.
GEOlab, Politecnico di Milano - Como Campus
via Valleggio 11, 22100 Como (Italy)
+39 031 3327540
Talk-it mailing list

[OSM-talk] Early Bird Registration to State of the Map US

2016-03-19 Thread Clifford Snow
Registration to State of the Map US in Seattle, WA is now open. Tickets are
available for $90 until April 10th, then they will go up to the regular
rate of $150.

Head over to  and get
your early bird ticket.

Interested in speaking at the conference, organizing workshops or a
scholarship to attend? Hold tight, more updates coming soon.

Have a great weekend -

your State of the Map US team

OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] UK government to spend £5 million rebuilding postcode data it sold off in 2013

2016-03-19 Thread Tom Hughes

On 18/03/16 09:59, Eric Grosso wrote:

For info, if you didn't see this news:

It isn't written if it'll be in continuation of the Open Addresses UK
project ( or not, but for sure, the
£110 million figure comes from the report of this project
figure itself derived from the one provided by the Danish government.

Actually it's worse than that. The actual announcement is here:

Which says "provide up to £5 million to develop options for an 
authoritative address register that is open and freely available" so in 
fact that 5 million is just to work out what they might do not to 
actually do it ;-)


Tom Hughes (

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] tag cuile e pinnetta

2016-03-19 Thread Gian Mario Navillod

mi chiedo se non meritino un building=pinnetta (

Buon mapping.


Il giorno 18 marzo 2016 13:29, Dino Michelini  ha

> Salve, vorrei sapere come secondo voi andrebbero classificati le capanne
> dei pastori sardi (cuili e pinnette) in particolare quelli presenti nei
> Supramontes e nel Gennargentu. Esempi di cuili li trovate a questo link:
> Pur avendo più volte
> dormito nei Supramontes in questi "rifugi" in occasione di vari trekking,
> non trovando nella wiki un tag appropriato, inizialmente avevo messo in OSM
> (user 50x34) l'indicazione generica di place=locality e name= giusto per
> dare un riferimento all'escursionista
> Purtroppo il tag place non fornisce informazioni sullo stato del cuile (ad
> es. se in rovina) e non  risolve il problema del suo possibile utilizzo
> ovvero di consentire all'escursionista di scegliere di dirigersi in caso di
> bisogno (maltempo, incidente, pernottamento, ecc.) verso il cuile più
> vicino non distrutto. Sapere quale cuile non è in rovina ed è utilizzabile
> per ad es. lasciare un ferito è una informazione importantissima per le
> seguenti ragioni: 1) il segnale GSM è pressoché assente in quasi tutti i
> 33.520 ha, quindi qualche persona dovrà camminare almeno 4/5 ore per
> cercare aiuto; 2) i Supramontes sono di difficile accesso, localizzazione
> ed orientamento, a causa della particolare orografia, vegetazione e
> l'assenza di segnaletica ad eccezione dei rari ometti; 3) infine, la
> persona ferita può aspettare nel cuile l'arrivo dei soccorsi al sicuro.
> Ho pensato che per i cuili ancora in buono stato potrebbero essere
> utilizzati i tag amenity=shelter, shelter_type=basic_hut, name=, ecc.
> mentre lasciare per i cuili distrutti o in rovina solo i tag place=locality
> e name=per mantenere un riferimento geografico necessario all'orientamento.
> Grazie
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Fwd: Toll for trucks +3,5ton

2016-03-19 Thread Glenn Plas
Hi Jasper,

The amount is dependant on the type of vehicle euronorm, so you cannot
even store this in OSM as it depends on external factors.

It would be a bad idea, even if it wasn't as it is prone to change overtime.


On 16-03-16 20:35, Jasper Michels wrote:
> Thank you for the answer Marc and Sander.
> Would have loved to specify the amount, but Sander has a point.
> We can't verify this by survey.
> Will use toll:hgv=yes
> 2016-03-16 20:50 GMT+01:00 Marc Gemis  >:
> There is a toll-tag [1]. That page recommends toll=no, toll:hgv=yes
> Is this sufficient ? I don't know whether you want to specify the
> amount as well.
> regards
> m
> [1]
> On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 7:24 PM, Jasper Michels
> > wrote:
> Hi all,
> Starting from 1/04/2016 trucks will have to pay toll on the
> Belgian roads.
> The amount of toll depends from these factors:
> -Type of street
> -Euro-class Engine
> -Weight
> -Kilometres travelled (GPS driven)
> Is there a possibility to map this? And how?
> How to make the difference of euro classes, and weight?
> Could be very handy for apps like Osmand with their truck
> navigation.
> Doesn't seem a lot of work also.
> Dit e-mailbericht is verzonden vanaf een virusvrije computer die
> wordt beschermd door Avast.
> <#5801676833427620774_3600039573253060037_DDB4FAA8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Fwd: relations boundary admin_level=4 manquantes (osm: message 3 of 20)

2016-03-19 Thread Philippe Verdy
Cet utilisateur ("wambach") se plaint du fait que j'aurais viré les
découpages communaux des Tuamotus, ce qui est entièrement faux. Il n'y en
avait pas du tout puisqu'il n'y avait que les frontières des eaux
territoriales de la France

Sinon les îles sont très grossièrement dessinées (un vieil import) et ce
qui est représenté est en fait les "motus", pas les atolls entiers (sur
lesquels sont définis les "baselines")

Il manque les récifs coralliens qui les lient entre eux les motus et qui
sont découverts à marée basse. Sinon il manque aussi les lignes de base
(quand elles y sont, elles n'étaient pas encore utilisées comme limites

Je suis en train de faire le tri dans tout ça. Il y a d'autres éléments à
ajouter (des *noeuds* "place=island" notamment dont certains seront en fait
des noms d'atolls entiers et non des nom de motus; mais cela n'a pas
d'influence sur le découpage des zones terrestres (ce que j'ai regroupé,
atoll par atoll dans des "land_area" mais qui ne servent pas du tout aux
limites adminsitratives, ce que prétend à tord "wambach")

Au passage il y a une amélioration de la précision par endroit mais c'est à
faire dans un second temps, car il faudra de toute façon ajouter les récifs
de l'anneau coralien et localiser les véritables "passes" dans les atolls
(il y en a trop si on se base sur le tracé actuel approximatifs des "iles",
en fait des motus), pour fermer les atolls correctement, et ensuite avoir
de vraies lignes de base.

Le 19 mars 2016 à 23:33,  a écrit :

> > Sinon méfiance avec ce que disent les allemands qui croient à tord qu'on
> a viré des codes postaux en
> Non ils disent que pour éviter ce genre de problème ils ont décidé en
> Allemagne de dissocier les découpages administratif des découpages postaux.
> Dans 90 % des cas c'est identique et dans 10 % des cas c'est différent.
> On doit être un peu dans les mêmes métriques.
> Le 2016-03-19 23:23, Philippe Verdy - a écrit :
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Fwd: relations boundary admin_level=4 manquantes (osm: message 3 of 20)

2016-03-19 Thread osm . sanspourriel
> Sinon méfiance avec ce que disent les allemands qui croient à tord 
qu'on a viré des codes postaux en
Non ils disent que pour éviter ce genre de problème ils ont décidé en 
Allemagne de dissocier les découpages administratif des découpages postaux.

Dans 90 % des cas c'est identique et dans 10 % des cas c'est différent.
On doit être un peu dans les mêmes métriques.

Le 2016-03-19 23:23, Philippe Verdy - a écrit :

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Fwd: relations boundary admin_level=4 manquantes

2016-03-19 Thread Philippe Verdy
Bref cet utilisateur allemand (tout seul en fait: "wambacher") se trompe
sur toute la ligne, il a mal regardé ou fait de fausses suppositions sur le
découpage français.

Le 19 mars 2016 à 23:23, Philippe Verdy  a écrit :

> Sinon méfiance avec ce que disent les allemands qui croient à tord qu'on a
> viré des codes postaux en France, alors que les communes fusionnées qui
> n'ont pas de code postal sont celles dont les communes membres ont des
> codes postaux différents (et qui les gardent). En France les codes postaux
> ne sont pas découpés exactement comme les communes. Même dans les communes
> simples (sans fusion) on a plusieurs zones postales (grandes villes
> uniquement), et cela ne devrait pas les surprendre en Allemagne vu qu'ils
> ont aussi des communes découpées par les zones postales.
> De même certains n'étaient pas au courant des fusions de régions alors que
> tout est OK (ils n'ont pas regardé les start_date/end_date ou les ont mal
> analysés). (D'où les prétentues régions manquantes en admin_level 4)
> Ils ne sont pas au courant non plus de a scission du département du Rhône
> en deux parties et confondent l'ancien département (devenu circonscription
> départementale et regroupant le nouveau département avec la métropole) et
> le nouveau, qui sont tagués différemment (start_date/end_date)
> Le 19 mars 2016 à 23:14, Philippe Verdy  a écrit :
>> Tu parles des îles Tuamotus ? Je n'ai rien viré du tout, tout est là, il
>> manque encore des éléments pour quelques atolls mais ils n'étaient pas
>> encore là et je les ajoute.
>> Le gros changement est la séparation des entités physiques (motus et
>> ilots), leur regroupement par commune ou par commune associée, l'ajout des
>> noms manquants, et l'inclusion des délimitations administratives (quoique
>> encore basée sur une limitation maritime territoriale), car pour l'instant
>> il manque la prise en compte des lignes de base (qui de toute façon quand
>> elles étaient là, n'était pas du tout utilisées, donc je n'ai rien viré)
>> Le 19 mars 2016 à 15:29, althio  a écrit :
>>> Toujours sur le même forum international, dans le même sujet, par le
>>> même contributeur.
>>> Cette fois sa question porte sur les addr:postcode et homogénéité des
>>> données en France, avec quelques zones qui ne suivent pas le schéma.
>>> Si cela intéresse quelqu'un de se pencher les données ou de lui répondre
>>> ?
>>> - althio
>>> -- Forwarded message --
>>> Date: 6 January 2016 at 14:52
>>> Subject: relations boundary admin_level=4 manquantes
>>> To: Discussions sur OSM en français 
>>> Pour info, un message passé sur le forum international :
>>> [quote]
>>> Hi, there are a lot of boundaries with admin_level=4 missing in france:
>>> I see only 7 of them. Any idea, whats going on there?
>>> Regards
>>> walter/germany
>>> [/quote]
>>> ___
>>> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Fwd: relations boundary admin_level=4 manquantes

2016-03-19 Thread Philippe Verdy
Sinon méfiance avec ce que disent les allemands qui croient à tord qu'on a
viré des codes postaux en France, alors que les communes fusionnées qui
n'ont pas de code postal sont celles dont les communes membres ont des
codes postaux différents (et qui les gardent). En France les codes postaux
ne sont pas découpés exactement comme les communes. Même dans les communes
simples (sans fusion) on a plusieurs zones postales (grandes villes
uniquement), et cela ne devrait pas les surprendre en Allemagne vu qu'ils
ont aussi des communes découpées par les zones postales.

De même certains n'étaient pas au courant des fusions de régions alors que
tout est OK (ils n'ont pas regardé les start_date/end_date ou les ont mal
analysés). (D'où les prétentues régions manquantes en admin_level 4)

Ils ne sont pas au courant non plus de a scission du département du Rhône
en deux parties et confondent l'ancien département (devenu circonscription
départementale et regroupant le nouveau département avec la métropole) et
le nouveau, qui sont tagués différemment (start_date/end_date)

Le 19 mars 2016 à 23:14, Philippe Verdy  a écrit :

> Tu parles des îles Tuamotus ? Je n'ai rien viré du tout, tout est là, il
> manque encore des éléments pour quelques atolls mais ils n'étaient pas
> encore là et je les ajoute.
> Le gros changement est la séparation des entités physiques (motus et
> ilots), leur regroupement par commune ou par commune associée, l'ajout des
> noms manquants, et l'inclusion des délimitations administratives (quoique
> encore basée sur une limitation maritime territoriale), car pour l'instant
> il manque la prise en compte des lignes de base (qui de toute façon quand
> elles étaient là, n'était pas du tout utilisées, donc je n'ai rien viré)
> Le 19 mars 2016 à 15:29, althio  a écrit :
>> Toujours sur le même forum international, dans le même sujet, par le
>> même contributeur.
>> Cette fois sa question porte sur les addr:postcode et homogénéité des
>> données en France, avec quelques zones qui ne suivent pas le schéma.
>> Si cela intéresse quelqu'un de se pencher les données ou de lui répondre ?
>> - althio
>> -- Forwarded message --
>> Date: 6 January 2016 at 14:52
>> Subject: relations boundary admin_level=4 manquantes
>> To: Discussions sur OSM en français 
>> Pour info, un message passé sur le forum international :
>> [quote]
>> Hi, there are a lot of boundaries with admin_level=4 missing in france:
>> I see only 7 of them. Any idea, whats going on there?
>> Regards
>> walter/germany
>> [/quote]
>> ___
>> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSRM-talk] Debugging map

2016-03-19 Thread Daniel Patterson
I've just updated the color scale, hopefully the separations are a bit clearer 
now.  It should be a bit more colorblind friendly as well.

OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-ja] 今後のオープンソースカンファレンスの日程について

2016-03-19 Thread Takahisa TAGUCHI






On 2016/03/15 3:35, 多田 真遵 wrote:


7月29日(金)の[京都] は終日参加できます。


On 月曜日, 3月 14, 2016 Zoar.  wrote:

ぞあ.です 5月14日(土)の OSC 群馬について妻から参加 OK がもらえたので1日
行く ことができます。 ブース側で参加したことはありませんが、ブース側とし
て参加できます。 出展に使う備品(?)もある程度の量であればキャリーケース
で、多ければ 車で持って行く事もできます。 On 2016/03/03 17:26, Takahisa
TAGUCHI wrote: > 田口です。 > > 先日のオープンソースカンファレンス
Tokyo/Spring 参加のみなさん > お疲れ様でした。 > > 今後のOSCですが、以下
のように開催が予定されています。 > > ■5月14日(土) ・・・出展者募集中!
(3/18締切) > [群馬] オープンソースカンファレンス2016 Gunma > > ■5月28
日(土) ・・・出展者募集中!(4/4締切) > [名古屋] オープンソースカンファ
レンス2016 Nagoya > > ■6月17日(金)・18(土) ・・・3月上旬申込開始予定 >
[北海道] オープンソースカンファレンス2016 Hokkaido > > ■7月2日(土)
・・・4月中旬申込開始予定 > [沖縄] オープンソースカンファレンス2016
Okinawa > > ■7月29日(金)・30日(土) ・・・5月初旬申込開始予定 > [京都]
オープンソースカンファレンス2016 Kyoto > > > わたし個人的には群馬は前向
きに検討、北海道・京都は参加で考えています。 > 名古屋については、今回岐
阜方面での別の予定と被ってしまったのですが、 > ちょうど通り道でもあるの
でうまく時間が合えば午前中だけでも立ち寄れる > かもしれません、、、 > >
今回沖縄では前夜祭として「オープンソースカンファレンス サミット」が > 併
催される予定で、各地方の参加者が一同に集まる見込みです。 > # わたしは北
海道の直後なので財政的に沖縄の参加は厳しいかも、、、 > > ひとまず他に参
加できる方がいれば群馬と名古屋の申込みをしたいと思いますが > いかがで
しょうか? > > ___ > Talk-ja
mailing list > > > -- Twitter : @k_zoar
___ Talk-ja mailing list

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Talk-ja mailing list

[talk-ph] Project NOAH-ISAIAH requires the help of the Openstreetmap Community for building footprints

2016-03-19 Thread Ervin Malicdem
Please know that DOST-Project NOAH (Nationwide Operational Assessment of
Hazards) has recently launched *ISAIAH* (Integrated Scenario-based
Assessments of Impacts and Hazards)

Project NOAH has been developing hazard maps for the Philippines over the
past 3 years. And through ISAIAH, risk analysis maps will be developed this
year which needs OpenStreetMap data, specifically the building footprints,
as part of the data needed to calculate risk through a scenario-based

We invite the OpenStreetMap community, educational institutions and LGUs to
work with us in mapping your locality.

Please use the hashtag* #ProjectNOAH-ISAIAH* on your changesets.

We have set tasks in the HOT Tasking Manager for this purpose and we
started out in the province of Cavite.

*We will be adding tasks over the coming months and post them at this email

*Task 1636 - Project NOAH ISAIAH Cavite Map building footprints map-up*

*More about ISAIAH and the need for OpenStreetMap data.*

For LGUs and educational institutions who are interested to learn how to
map in OSM, please refer them to Project NOAH by emailing

Ervin Malicdem
talk-ph mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Bug in iD?

2016-03-19 Thread Adrian
@ Andy Townsend

Thank you for the good advice. Fortunately I do speak French.

@ all

I would be interested to have further views on the replacement of nodes in iD.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSRM-talk] Debugging map

2016-03-19 Thread Daniel Patterson
Hi Frédéric,

1) The speed shown on the map not the original value applied to the , 
but rather it is the duration of the segment, divided by the length of the 
segment.  OSRM internally uses the duration, but the map is showing speed for 
convenience.  There might be a rounding error in there somewhere calculating 
the speed.  I've added some code to expose the duration value, which is 
precise, we'll add it to the map in the near future.

2) Internally, edge-based-graph only has one node for each road between 
intersections, no matter how many small segments it has.  We need to store the 
small segments once, as they're necessary to draw the route line, but they do 
no really contribute a huge amount to memory footprint.  The ".geometry" and 
".fileIndex" files both increase as new segments get added, but if the total 
number of intersections remains the same, other files will not grow.


> On Mar 19, 2016, at 1:18 PM, Frédéric Rodrigo  wrote:
> Le 16/03/2016 23:08, Daniel Patterson a écrit :
>>> On Mar 16, 2016, at 3:03 PM, Frédéric Rodrigo  
>>> wrote:
>>> I think there is an issues with blue and green in scale.
>> Ah, good catch, fixed!
> Still about the scale, I think the two orange colours beside the brown is 
> very counterintuitive.
> I'm wondering why there small pieces of path with higher speed ? like this:
> One other thing about small segments. They appear particularly on roundabout, 
> producing "dashed" roundabout. It may helps fighting again file and memory 
> footprint if there are not splitted in numerous parts.
> Frédéric.
> ___
> OSRM-talk mailing list

OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Bug in iD?

2016-03-19 Thread Adrian
@ Dave F

Almost all of the work on way 341531911 has been done by the user in question. 
It has taken me a while to look into the details.

I agree that what the user has done, also raises issues of quality and good 
practice. These issues will need to be discussed with the user. But before 
starting a discussion with the user, it is necessary to know whether
1. to call him out for deliberately misusing iD,
2. to explain to him how he is inadvertently mishandling iD, or
3. to say nothing about the replacement of nodes, if it is a bug in iD.
Also, before sending in a bug report, it is necessary to know whether it is a 

That is why I asked the question about iD.

It is recommended to try to preserve history

To answer your question about the history of way 341531911 in a bit more 
detail:- The history of the way is complicated so I am simplifying 
considerably. User Géovélo split an older way, and the part split off became 
version 1 of way 341531911. Géovélo did this to add the part split off, to two 
cycle route relations.
Version 1, 13 nodes, 280 m, running east 2015-04-29
User J... (I avoid using his full name) split the way at its second node, so 
the bulk of the original way continues to exist under a new id. After an 
editing session on 2015-08-21 he arrived at this:
Version 5, 36 new nodes and 2 pre-existing nodes, 250 m, running south
Most of the way follows an older way. Over that stretch, the older way has had 
all its nodes replaced. J... altered the lists of members of four cycle route 
relations and left one of them broken.
And so on, with edits on 2016-01-01, 2016-01-16 and 2016-02-21, extending the 
way over existing ways, reaching
Version 12, 775 nodes of which 8 pre-existing, 6.9km
Almost all the nodes of the overlaid ways have been replaced.
Finally, I fixed up 1.6km of roads that the way follows, producing
Version 13, 771 nodes of which 95 pre-existing and 1 new, 6.9km 2016-03-15

The user's mapping raises a large number of issues:
o  Two highways overlaid. There should be one highway; the mapper should decide 
what is its principal characteristic or use and tag accordingly, then add any 
appropriate tags for additional characteristics or uses.
o  He has mapped a cycleway along roads where there isn't a cycle track or a 
cycle lane.
o  He has mapped a route which includes one-way sections (roundabouts and dual 
carriageways). How is he going to account for the opposite direction of travel?
o  Traced from misaligned imagery.
o  Excessive density of points in some parts of the way.
o  A flourish or hook at the end of the way, which does not reflect anything on 
the ground, and the end node tagged 'to be continued' (no note or fixme). The 
hook raises errors in QA tools (intersecting ways on the same level with no 
node in common).
o  In two places the way is overlaid with a second short cycleway, one a 
bridge, one a tunnel.
o  The way is a member of two cycle route relations. J... has left both 
relations broken.
o  What the user is mapping with this way, should actually be mapped with a 
cycle route relation. Way 341531911 should be deleted except for two short 
sections where it does not overlay any other way.

This may not be easy to deal with.


talk mailing list

[Talk-ca] Early Bird Registration to State of the Map US

2016-03-19 Thread Clifford Snow
Registration to State of the Map US is now open. Tickets are available for
$90 until April 10th, then they will go up to the regular rate of $150.

Head over to and get your early bird ticket.

Interested in speaking at the conference, organizing workshops or a
scholarship to attend? Hold tight, more updates coming soon.

Have a great weekend -

your State of the Map US team

OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] licenses suitable for import

2016-03-19 Thread Tom Lee
Tobias, the best option for ensuring the data is usable by OSM is an
explicit statement of permission for the OpenStreetMap project to
incorporate and use the data under the project's terms. This is generally
considered preferable to a dataset that is ODbL-licensed without such a

However, I would encourage you to consider non-OSM users as well when
choosing the license. ODbL is not widely used outside of OSM. A license
like CC-BY 4.0 is more widely used and actively maintained. Choosing it
would ensure compatibility with a large number of non-OSM datasets. And if
paired with a permission statement like what's described above, OSM could
still use the data without any license compatibility worries.

Of course, if you can do without attribution, you might consider something
even more simple that disclaims liability but imposes no other terms. If
that's an option let me know and I can turn up some examples.

On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 5:43 PM, Erik Johansson  wrote:

> On Sun, Mar 13, 2016 at 8:27 PM, Tobias Wendorff
>  wrote:
> > Dear list,
> >
> > could you please recommend me licenses for releasing data to ODbL?
> > From my point of view, compatible licenses are CC-license without
> > "SA" and "BY" and (only if possible) CC0 and PD or finally special
> > license, like the following one:
> >
> > Some crporations like "Deutsche Bahn" (the biggest rail corporation
> > in Germany) has released their data under CC BY 4.0 with a special text
> > for OpenStreetMap (roughly translated):
> >
> > "If the data of Deutsche Bahn is part of the OpenStreetMap database work,
> > a reference to the Deutsche Bahn AG in the list of contributors is
> enough.
> > Crediting DB at each use of the data by a licensee of the mentioned
> database
> > work is no longer necessary then. Indirect credits (with reference to the
> > publisher of this databse work, which refers to the DB) is sufficient."
> >
> > Actually, that's a kind of dual-licensing with a special license for OSM.
> > From my understanding, releasing data ODbL would be the worst thing,
> > since the "BY" attribution of the data donator isn't compatible, is it?
> I've choosen not to start on a couple of imports because of the CC-by
> issue, I've gotten ok from the owners but they want to be included on
> . Deutsche Bahn seems to be much more
> free, I interpret it as source=Deutsche Bahn seems to be enough.
> I wish people would stop releasing data with CC-by; "you have to
> attribute us, but you have to remove that attribution when ever we
> want you too" which is not present in ODbL so
> --
> /emj
> ___
> legal-talk mailing list
legal-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Coordinatori regionali

2016-03-19 Thread Paolo Monegato

Il 15/03/2016 17:42, Cristian Consonni ha scritto:


dato che Wikimedia Italia è recentemente diventata rappresentante
ufficiale per l'Italia sotto il nome di OpenStreetMap Italia, vorremmo
replicare con OSM un'idea che sta avendo molto successo per gli altri
progetti dell'associazione, quella dei coordinatori locali e tematici.

Dallo scorso ottobre Wikimedia Italia ha dei coordinatori locali
() che si
occupano di coordinare delle attività in una regione e/o legati a un
certo tema (biblioteche, musei e archivi e scuole).

I coordinatori locali sono volontari, ma ricevono il supporto
dell'associazione per le attività che svolgono (sia in termini di
rimborso spese, sia in termini di finanziamento (per esempio per la
stampa di materiali)

Vorremmo estendere l'idea dei coordinatori a OpenStreetMap. Un
coordinatore locale OSM è un socio del capitolo che:
* fa da punto di contatto e coordinamento tra i soci (e anche i non
soci) che vogliano organizzare delle attività sul territorio
* fa da punto di contatto con gli esterni per informazioni
* fa da ponte e comunica con il resto dell'associazione, con il
Direttore esecutivo e con il direttivo

Ho creato una pagina sul wiki di OSM

dove potete segnare il vostro nome accanto alla vostra regione di
riferimento, se siete interessati. (Per ora la pagina è in inglese,
ovviamente si può tradurre in italiano).

Fatevi avanti!

L'idea è senz'altro buona.Qui in Veneto si stava andando, molto 
lentamente, verso la formazione di piccoli nuclei informali di mappatori 
a livello di zona, legati ai LUG o a qualche FabLab. Ma effettivamente 
una figura di raccordo tra questi e con l'associazione potrebbe essere 
utile. Vedrò di aprire una discussione in lista regionale per discuterne.

Paolo M

ps: la pagina sul wiki di OSM è quasi orfana (dato che vi si accede solo 
da OSMit2016... un link sulla pagina madre "local chapter" non sarebbe 
un male)

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-us] Early Bird Registration SOTM-US

2016-03-19 Thread Clifford Snow
Registration to State of the Map US is now open. Tickets are available for
$90 until April 10th, then they will go up to the regular rate of $150.

Head over to and get your early bird ticket.

Interested in speaking at the conference, organizing workshops or a
scholarship to attend? Hold tight, more updates coming soon.

Have a great weekend -

your State of the Map US team
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] serveurs TMS/XYZ

2016-03-19 Thread osm . sanspourriel
Je confirme, ça marche mais ce n'était pas ma question ;-).

J'avais d'ailleurs fait une installation sur ProMox comme conseillé par Christian.

Je n'avais pris qu'une petite partie d'OSM et pas installé la partie mise-à-jour.


Christian, c'est simplement qu'on a un usage limité (par défaut carte non activée et quelques utilisateurs par installation, pas beacoup d'installations) donc l'idée c'était plus un service en ligne.


Oui j'ai bien vu les MTiles que vous mettez à disposition :

Ca veut dire que pour les niveaux 12 et plus il faut recourir à un "vrai" serveur.

Car là je dois descendre au niveau de la rue et ce pour une zone assez large (plusieurs pays). Donc des besoins d'un serveur mondial avec une charge faible.


Dans le temps il y avait tiles@home qui était séduisant, chacun contribuant mais visiblement il y avait un noeud central consommateur de bande passante. Si nous avions la possibilité de mutualiser de petites machines, ça pourrait le faire, non ?


C'est vrai que le temps que je passe à chercher des serveurs j'aurais mieux fait de le passer à installer un serveur !

Mais suivant de quel côté de l'Atlantique je me trouve, la maintenance d'un servuer 24/7 fait peur ou pas. Et pas du côté que vous pensez !


De plus on a un cache sur les postes clients, donc une interruption de service est gênante, pas bloquante.




>> Déployer un serveur de tuile s'est quand même pas mal simplifié ces
>> derniers temps, il y a désormais quelques stack proposées relativement
>> faciles à déployer. Une fois correctement installé, un serveur de
>> tuile est quelque chose de très stable.

> Elle est où la doc pour ça ?

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Palestra scolastica

2016-03-19 Thread Federico Cortese
2016-03-17 9:47 GMT+01:00 Martin Koppenhoefer :
> per me il tag principale sarebbe qualcosa come building=gymnasium oppure gym
Ok userò uno dei due tag per l'edificio, mi sembra un'ottima idea.

2016-03-17 10:19 GMT+01:00 Martin Koppenhoefer :
> +1, il tag building è da mettere in ogni caso, gli altri tags dipendono
> dall'uso preciso...
Parliamo di palestre ad esclusivo servizio della scuola per l'attività
sportiva, dove si fa esercizio fisico o si monta la rete per la
pallavolo etc.
In questo caso suggeriresti l'aggiunta del leisure=gym o dici che non
ce n'è bisogno?


Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-cz] SOTM CZ+SK 2016 - program a přihlášky

2016-03-19 Thread Tom Ka

pro všechny, kteří chtějí být při tom, přinášíme aktuální informace k
česko-slovenské konferenci SOTM, která se bude konat v sobotu 21.5.2016 v


9:00Zahájení, keynote, představení programu

9:15Zkušenosti s portálem, HW řešení, uživatelský ohlas
(Michal Páleník,

10:00Plány a budoucnost portálu
(Pavel Zbytovský + Marián Kyral)

10:45Vše co jste chtěli vědět o turistických trasách v OSM a báli
jste se zeptat
(Michal Grézl + Tomáš Kašpárek)

11:30Právní subjekt podporující činnost české komunity OSM
(moderátor Petr Vozdecký)

12:15Prostor pro 5-10 minutové stand-upy


   mapování dopravy

   Co znamená slovo “Open” v OpenStreetMap (Mirek Suchý)

   3D mapování (Petr Vozdecký + Pavel Zbytovský)

   WeeklyOSM CZ (Tomáš Kašpárek)

   Pokud chcete něco sdělit ostatním, dejte nám vědět, přidáme vás!


14:00- 18:00 Hackatons + možný přesah stand-upů


   turistické trasy, rozcestníky (Michal Grézl, Tomáš Kašpárek, Mirek Suchý)
   - (Marián, Pavel)

   a prostor pro spontánní akce

18:00 - volitelně: afterpárty hospoda


Na stránce konference naleznete registrační formulář.
Prosíme o registraci do 20.4., primárně kvůli výběru místa konání akce s
ohledem na počet účastníků.

Další informace:

Účast na akci je zdarma, účastníci si hradí vlastní konzumaci či ubytování.
Náklady na akci hradí pořadatelé z vlastních prostředků, proto konferenci
pomůžete uspořádat tím, když si v přihlášce zakoupíte unikátní triko z
limitované edice (250 Kč), určené výhradně pro podporu této akce. Triko si
tak můžete zakoupit, i když se akce neúčastníte. Stejně tak lze poslat
příspěvek i pokud nechcete triko. A dokonce ani když se nebudete moci
zúčastnit :o)

Účastníci s požadavky na ubytování se mohou obracet s dotazy individuálně,
s využitím místní znalosti jim budou doporučeny možné varianty.

Za organizační tým

Petr Vozdecký, Pavel Zbytovský, Tomáš Kašpárek
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Colaboração

2016-03-19 Thread Márcio Aguiar Ribeiro
Olá, Roberto!

Seja bem vindo e pode contar com nossa colaboração.

Caso se interesse também temos outras formas de contato, como grupos de
mensagem instantânea no Telegram e fóruns online. Todos estão listados em

Parabéns pelo trabalho e sucesso.

Em qui, 17 de mar de 2016 às 15:51, Roberto Rocha  escreveu:

> Olá pessoal,
> Eu sou o Roberto, novo integrante da Talk-br. Eu e minha amiga Lívia, que
> futuramente irá se apresentar por aqui, somos integrantes do Grupo AGORA (
> Um grupo que tem como o
> objetivo desenvolver soluções para melhoria da resiliência de comunidades
> vulneráveis contra inundações. Um dos focos de atuação do grupo é o
> mapeamento de áreas de risco por meio da plataforma OpenStreetMap (OSM).
> Atualmente, estou fazendo o meu doutorado sanduíche em Münster (Alemanha)
> e a Lívia, também em período sanduíche, em Heidelberg (Alemanha). O
> principal objetivo do meu projeto de doutorado é entender como ocorre a
> colaboração entre a comunidade do OSM, a comunidade afetada pelo desastre e
> tomadores de decisão.  Essa ideia surgiu durante a participação do grupo
> nas atividades de mapeamento colaborativo realizadas após o terremoto no
> Nepal em 2015.
> Em uma visita recente minha a Heidelberg, nós (eu e Lívia) tivemos uma
> reunião com os DisasterMappers (,
> um grupo de jovens engajados nas atividades de mapeamento colaborativo
> realizadas antes e após desastres naturais. Nesta reunião, discutimos a
> possibilidade de estabelecer parcerias entre os DisasterMappers e a
> comunidade brasileira.
> Inicialmente, o objetivo dessa parceria será mapear infraestruturas
> críticas, como hospitais, escolas, entre outras. O nosso intuito é iniciar
> o mapeamento pelas cidades de São Carlos e São Paulo, visto que o nosso
> projeto está estabelecido em ambas as cidades.
> Assim, gostaríamos de contar com o apoio da comunidade brasileira para
> estabelecermos essa parceria com os DisasterMappers (Heidelberg). Nos
> colocamos à disposição para sugestões, dúvidas ou comentários.
> Desde já agradecemos a atenção.
> Atenciosamente,
> Roberto Rocha
> Lívia Degossi
> ___
> Talk-br mailing list
Talk-br mailing list

[Talk-it] OSMIT 2016

2016-03-19 Thread Alessandro Palmas

Ho creato la pagina wiki
ed aggiornato il calendario.
E' ovviamente una bozza, attendiamo le vostre proposte di contributo.

Venerdì, essendo giorno lavorativo, nella mattinata e primo pomeriggio 
ci focalizzeremo sulla PA e le aziende. Oltre alla sala conferenze ci 
sarà un secondo spazio (il tavolaccio) dove 

Tra le varie attività proporrei:
- Brainstorming su nuovi servizi e miglioramento degli attuali
- Redazione di lettera per copyright infringement; redazione messaggio 
di benvenuto

- Sistemazione della wiki (IMHO enorme punto debole di OSM)
- alcune postazioni per chi, a digiuno di OSM, possa fare i primi passi. 
Contattiamo ad esempio persone della protezione civile e simili, CAI, ecc..

- potremmo mettere su un task OSM (e qui mi rivolgo anche a Marco Minghini)
- test su GPS u-blox con l'uso della rete GNSS

A voi la palla, sperando che l'oggetto non caschi nel dimenticatoio 
sovrastato dal rumore del bikeshedding come purtroppo capita (IMHO) 
sempre più spesso.

Alessandro Ale_Zena_IT

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OSMIT 2016

2016-03-19 Thread Marco Minghini
Ciao Alessandro,

Ho creato la pagina wiki
> ed aggiornato il calendario.
> E' ovviamente una bozza, attendiamo le vostre proposte di contributo.

Essendo a Como farò di tutto per esserci, visto che non sono lontano. Però
ho sicuramente un impegno che quel weekend potrebbe portarmi via uno o
anche due giorni, ma non so ancora quali.

> Venerdì, essendo giorno lavorativo, nella mattinata e primo pomeriggio ci
> focalizzeremo sulla PA e le aziende. Oltre alla sala conferenze ci sarà un
> secondo spazio (il tavolaccio) dove
> lavorare/documentare/tradurre/redigere/discutere/ecc...
> Tra le varie attività proporrei:
> - Brainstorming su nuovi servizi e miglioramento degli attuali
> - Redazione di lettera per copyright infringement; redazione messaggio di
> benvenuto
> - Sistemazione della wiki (IMHO enorme punto debole di OSM)
> - alcune postazioni per chi, a digiuno di OSM, possa fare i primi passi.
> Contattiamo ad esempio persone della protezione civile e simili, CAI, ecc..
> - potremmo mettere su un task OSM (e qui mi rivolgo anche a Marco Minghini)

Noi siamo in ormai costante contatto con HOT e Missing Maps. Se l'idea è di
lavorare su un task umanitario (ideale per le persone che ci saranno e che
non sanno nulla o quasi di OSM), potremmo chiedere di preparare un task
appositamente per noi (come hanno fatto per alcuni eventi più grandi che
abbiamo organizzato) e far lavorare su quello. Io (se riesco ad esserci) o
qualche mio collega potremmo anche seguire il mapping - sempre se vogliamo
farlo in presenza e non solo da remoto (non so quante persone possano

PS colgo l'occasione per segnalarvi che dopo l'evento record coi bambini
siamo finiti sul blog di HOT:

> - test su GPS u-blox con l'uso della rete GNSS
> A voi la palla, sperando che l'oggetto non caschi nel dimenticatoio
> sovrastato dal rumore del bikeshedding come purtroppo capita (IMHO) sempre
> più spesso.

Farò il possibile per dare una mano!

> Alessandro Ale_Zena_IT

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] [Orbital] Desacarga código API

2016-03-19 Thread Eduardo Jorge Alonso

Hola Ivan,

Muchas gracias por tu respuesta. En principio el Dron lo que hace es 
localizar móviles y envía por un datalink a la ground station la 
posición de dichos móviles.

Nosotros lo que queremos hacer es mostrar la posición de los móviles en 
un mapa. Por ello entiendo que necesitaría descargarme una API de 
OPenStreetmap en algún lenguaje de programación para poder desarrollar 
un GIS en el cual poder mostrar los datos que queremos.

Es esto posible?



El 17/03/2016 a las 13:00, escribió:
-- Message: 2 Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2016 
10:18:18 +0100 From: Iván Sánchez Ortega  To: 
Discusión en Español de OpenStreetMap  
Subject: Re: [Talk-es] Desacarga código API Message-ID: 
<1467406.e630OI9L3J@hiigara> Content-Type: text/plain; 
charset="iso-8859-1" El Jueves 17. marzo 2016 09.53.45 Eduardo Jorge 
Alonso escribió:

>Hola buenos días,
>Me llamo Eduardo y soy empleado de Órbital Aerospace, una compañía
>focalizada en aplicaciones SW crítico en tiempo real. Nuestro
>principales clientes están localizados en el sector aeroespacial, pero
>también trabajamos con renovables etc...  uno de nuestros clientes nos
>ha pedido una solución para una Ground Station donde se entregarán datos
>recibidos desde un Dron. Nos gustaría saber cómo descargarnos una API
>de OpenStreetMap y cuales son sus condiciones de uso.

Según como has planteado la pregunta, parece que quieres descargarte el código
que implementa la API de OSM, que está aquí:

Y cuyas condiciones de uso están en (sorpresa, sorpresa):

Y como intuyo que eso no es lo que necesitas, te recomiendo que leas/leáis

Si lo que necesitas es subir datos a OSM de manera programática, léete la
página del wiki sobre la API. Si lo que necesitas es descargar*datos*  de OSM,
busca en el wiki. Si necesitas hacer un filtro de datos de OSM en tiempo real,
mírate Overpass.

Si lo que quieres es subir datos a OSM de manera automática con lo que diga un
dron, léete atentamente

Dicho todo esto ¿qué es lo que quieres hacer con OSM,*exactamente*  ?

-- Iván Sánchez Ortega   


*Eduardo Jorge*


Ed. Best Point - Avda.Castilla 1 - Of.7B
Pol. Ind. Las Fronteras

28830 San Fernando de Henares (Madrid) · Spain

t *(+34)  916 75 67 00 +Ext 3003* 

This message and any attached files transmitted with it, is 
confidential, especially as regards personal data.
It is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it 
is addressed.
If you are not the intended recipient and have received this information 
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please notify us of this fact by email reply and then destroy or delete 
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Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] mapRe: (Second attempt) Potential data source: Adirondack Park Freshwater Wetlands

2016-03-19 Thread Mike Thompson
On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 4:12 PM, Andy Townsend  wrote:

> Another question - if not OSM, what maps do hikers in the area use now?
> Something from the US Forest Service, or something else?

Answering the question for the US in general:
1) National Geographic Trails Illustrated [1] - Not as detailed as I would
like, but shows the official trails and is good enough for most folks.
2) USGS 7.5 minute topo quad maps (the old ones). Some of the trails have
changed since these were published, but if you are interested in topography
for off trail navigation, these are still a great resource.
3) National Parks hand out rather general maps, and for a lot of folks this
is all they need.
4) There are also a number of websites that show trails that have been
GPS'ed overlaid on a commercial (unfortunately) map source. e.g. [2]

Talk-us mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Fwd: Toll for trucks +3,5ton

2016-03-19 Thread Jasper Michels
Hi all,

Starting from 1/04/2016 trucks will have to pay toll on the Belgian roads.

The amount of toll depends from these factors:
-Type of street
-Euro-class Engine
-Kilometres travelled (GPS driven)

Is there a possibility to map this? And how?
How to make the difference of euro classes, and weight?

Could be very handy for apps like Osmand with their truck navigation.
Doesn't seem a lot of work also.

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Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] DOT construction updates

2016-03-19 Thread Nathan Mills
OKDOT provides updates on Twitter as well as posts weekly (and occasionally 
more often when warranted) "Traffax" PDF updates on their website that has a 
list of all scheduled roadwork and closures on state highways. Back in the 
olden days Traffax was blasted via fax to all the news outlets in the state, 
hence the name.

When I was still in Oklahoma, Traffax was the primary source I used to update 
OSM with road closures, construction zones, and reopenings. (When I didn't have 
direct personal knowledge of such from my travels)


On March 16, 2016 2:20:57 PM EDT, Martijn van Exel  wrote:
>Hi all, 
>I was thinking about a good way for the community to get a feed of
>construction updates from state DOTs. Has anyone ever attempted this? A
>good start should be a list of state DOTs (I found
>, not sure if it’s
>100% current). But where to go from there? Every state DOT has its own
>mechanism / format to distribute updates. Do they all have an RSS feed?
>Or twitter?
>At this point I am just curious to hear if anyone else has thought
>about this already and if so what you have come up with so far.
>(What triggered this again for me: I heard someone mention that the
>work on the I-96/US-23 interchange in Michigan was complete, but could
>not find any confirmation. See this pretty cool video from MDOT for
>what they are doing there:
>.) The situation on OSM reflects the
>pre-construction reality —>
>Talk-us mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] Pincode Boundaries on OpenStreetMap for India

2016-03-19 Thread Devdatta Tengshe
Hi Shravan,
What data source would you be using for creating these boundaries?

As far as I know, no Authoritative Boundaries exist. In fact I'll go to the
extent of saying that you cannot have boundaries, because that supposes,
that the entire country is completely covered by mutually exclusive
pin-codes, which isn't true. Here is an article which also has a similar

When people talk about pincode polygons, the real question which people are
trying to answer is 'which post-office services a given location?', and
there are ways to approximately answer that;

That could be answered by mapping post-offices and their pincodes, and then
trying to figure out which area is served by a particular post-office.

Anyway, that was my opinion. I'll like to hear what other people have to


On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 2:33 PM, shravan  wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I am interested in creating pincode boundaries for India. I think it is
> possible to use OpenStreetMap for creating these boundaries
> .
> How about we create a dedicated task to map pincode boundaries in India.
> Any suggestions on how this can be initiated.
> Thanks,
> Shravan 
> ___
> Talk-in mailing list
Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] Delte noder

2016-03-19 Thread Michael Larsen

Jeg forbinder også sjældent 'landuse' med veje - dels fordi jeg mener det mht. 
matrikler ikke er korrekt (bondegårde går sjældent ud midt på vejen) og dels 
fordi det øger kompleksiteten (specielt i byerne) og derfor øger 
sandsynligheden for fejl. Ved bondegårde vil man ofte se en grøft mellem vejen 
og bondegården, og man kan ofte også se at selve gården starter et par meter 
fra selve vejen (et stykke fra grøften).

Eneste eksempel hvor jeg lægger veje og landuse oven i hinanden er når jeg 
vurderer at skellet falder sammen med en grøft eller en hæk, hvilket ofte er 
tilfældet ved siderne af bondegårde. I disse tilfælde lægger jeg fx. 
'waterway=ditch' eller 'natural=hedge' sammen med landuse polygonen.


On Friday, March 18, 2016 06:21:49 PM Niels Elgaard Larsen wrote:
> On Fri, 18 Mar 2016 15:53:45 +0100
> Michel Coene  wrote:
> > Hej alle,
> > 
> > Jeg tegner mange bondegårde lige nu (farmyard).  Når de ligger op af en
> > landevej kan jeg finde på at klikke dem fast på landevejen. Så fik jeg
> > denne bemærkning af en bruger: *Jeg må endnu engang bede dig holde vejnet
> > og landuse adskilt. Jeg har set nogle frygtelige uheld opstå som følge af
> > vejnet og landuse der har delt noder.*
> > Nu vil jeg gerne lære og forbedre, men jeg fatter ikke helt hvilke
> > *frygtelige uheld* der kan opstå?  Hvis jeg flytter vejen pga f.ex bedre
> > GPS spor, så skal gården alligevel flyttes med?  Jeg har selv være ude i
> > bymiljøer hvor en linje blev delt af 3-4 ting og det selv for mig blev
> > uoverskueligt.  Men én gård alene på én vej? Hvad er jeres erfaring?
> Jeg kan godt følge dig.
> Jeg synes, at det er meget bøvlet når fx et residential area hænger på
> en vej. Eller endnu værre flere residential areas. For midten af vejen
> er næppe den officielle grænse for boligområder (men måske tager jeg
> fejl her).
> Men hvis en landmand har en markvej og dyrker hvede på den ene side af
> vejen og havre på den anden side, så er det vejen, der adskiller de to
> marker, og der er typisk ikke noget mellem vejen og markerne.
> Hvis man kan gå på markerne med gummistøvler eller køre på dem med en
> traktor, så kan man på et vilkårligt sted komme fra vejen til en af
> markerne eller fra markerne til vejen. Og så giver det IMHO mening at
> de deler knuder.

Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Need help for a mapathon campus géo - 16th April 2016

2016-03-19 Thread joost schouppe
The National Missing Maps Mapathon at the Belgian universities is coming
along nicely. There's a page up about the event [1].

Most of the events have at least one dedicated volunteer by now. This is
our chance to start building communities at these universities and tell
them about how the Missing Maps is part of the OSM community.

There are three universities still without a volunteer: the VUB [2], ULB
[3] and UCL [4]. And we have two volunteers left (Jorieke and myself), but
both Dutch speakers. So to the French speaking OSM people out there: we
need you!

All the events could use some more volunteers, to walk around and help
people map. Have a look at the Belgian Meetup page to find a university
near you [5].

[2] VUB:
[3] ULB:
[4] UCL:
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] DOT construction updates

2016-03-19 Thread Martijn van Exel
Cool. I added simple CSV and JSON files with all the web site of the DOTs for 
the 50 states + DC. I verified all the web site links and they seem good. We 
can take it anywhere from here. 

For example if someone would care to check these web sites for a construction 
RSS feed or a twitter feed, or any other type of structured information 
regarding new road construction, that would be a great start. You can update 
this file directly with new columns: 
submit it as a ticket.


> On Mar 16, 2016, at 1:31 PM, Ian Dees  wrote:
> A few years ago I started collecting information about how DOTs announce 
> major changes and construction and didn't get very far. In fact, I only found 
> Minnesota's DOT RSS and Newsletter 
> ( 
> ) before getting distracted 
> and mapping.
> I would be happy to rekindle this and made a GitHub project for it here:
> Feel free to join in and help find this kind of information.
> On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 6:20 PM, Martijn van Exel  > wrote:
> Hi all, 
> I was thinking about a good way for the community to get a feed of 
> construction updates from state DOTs. Has anyone ever attempted this? A good 
> start should be a list of state DOTs (I found 
> , not sure if it’s 100% 
> current). But where to go from there? Every state DOT has its own mechanism / 
> format to distribute updates. Do they all have an RSS feed? Or twitter?
> At this point I am just curious to hear if anyone else has thought about this 
> already and if so what you have come up with so far.
> (What triggered this again for me: I heard someone mention that the work on 
> the I-96/US-23 interchange in Michigan was complete, but could not find any 
> confirmation. See this pretty cool video from MDOT for what they are doing 
> there: 
> .) The situation on OSM reflects the 
> pre-construction reality —> 
> )
> Martijn
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Straßendaten via Script herunterladen

2016-03-19 Thread malenki
On Thu, 17 Mar 2016 22:43:11 +0100,
Walter Nordmann wrote:

> > Alle Straßen mit Straßennahmen incl Lat-, Log- mittels Script aus
> > z:B einem Bundesland in einem Textfile herunterzuladen.
> >  
> kurze Antwort: nein
> Die Abfragesoftware, die solche Leistungen relativ einfach erbringen 
> könnte (Overpass API) kann und wird bundeslandweite Abfragen dieser
> Art ablehnen (müssen).

Abfragen für Bundesländer werden in der Regel noch akzeptiert.

> lange Antwort: ja, aber
> Wenn du eine PostgreSQL/PostGIS-Datenbank aufsetzt, das Bundesland 
> importiert und durch SQL-Abfragen die Daten extrahierst, geht das.
> tl;dr: Nix für Anfänger.

Oder Download eines Extrakts von der Geofabrik und Anwendung von

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] bus stops, post codes and rent-a-crowd

2016-03-19 Thread James
Postal codes have already been suggested a long time ago
On Mar 16, 2016 8:22 PM, "john whelan"  wrote:

> ​Mojgan recently identified that data from the government of Canada’s open
> data portal could be imported into OSM.
> I was nattering to Treasury board today and they were aware of the
> interest in Post Code data.  Some of the Open Data crowd are making a push
> to try and get the Post Code data published through the Open Data portal.
> The more requests they have for the data set the easier it is to get it.
> So the rent-a-crowd bit is please go here:
> and drop a request in that
> post code data be made available.
> We also talked about bus stops and it sounds as if they are aware of the
> interest.  So perhaps a request for bus stops across Canada be made
> available in GTFS format at the same time.  This will need to be
> coordinated with the municipalities but since most are already supplying
> this data to Google I don’t see any technical problem.
> Note I’m not suggesting it is imported wholesale into OSM at this time but
> it would at least make it possible.
> Cheerio John​
> ___
> Talk-ca mailing list
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-it-trentino] Presentazione e utilizzo di nome alternativo per le vie

2016-03-19 Thread Simone
Il 18 marzo 2016 12:04:16 CET, Christian Trainotti 
 ha scritto:
>Buongiorno a tutti!
>Leggo da qualche tempo la ML ma questa è la prima volta che scrivo,
>perciò vorrei presentarmi brevemente prima di porvi la mia domanda.
>Sono uno studente universitario di Villazzano, da sempre appassionato
>di geografia e cartografia. Da qualche anno ho iniziato a mappare
>saltuariamente su OSM (utente ChrisTN), in particolare sentieri nella
>mia zona, corsi d'acqua e dettagli di strade e vie.
>La mia curiosità riguarda i nomi delle vie. Ho trovato difficoltà nel
>trovare delle vie, cercandole su OSM utilizzando il solo cognome della
>persona a cui sono intitolate. Ad esempio utilizzando la chiave "via
>mazzini trento" non si ottengono risultati in città. Si rende
>necessario quindi cercare "via giuseppe mazzini".
>Giustamente il mappatore ha inserito il nome ufficiale, ma credo che
>questo rendi OSM poco utilizzabile in tal senso. Io stesso, se dovessi
>dare un'indicazione, non direi il nome completo!
>Mi chiedo quindi se sia giusto utilizzare la chiave "alt_name" per
>inserire il nome "ridotto" della via in questione, per facilitare
>appunto la ricerca delle strade. Da una rapida ricerca con Overpass
>sulla città di Trento ho notato poche utilizzazioni, in caso per nomi
>completamente diversi.
>Chiedo quindi il vostro parere a riguardo.
>Grazie e buona giornata!
>Christian Trainotti
>Talk-it-trentino mailing list

Ciao benvenuto, la key corretta è short_name=*, per esempio short_name=Via 
alt_name è più indicato come alternativo, per esempio alt_name=Via G. Mazzini, 
in qualche segnaletica verticale c'è questa dicitura.
Ora sono lontano dal pc, ma se cerchi sulla wiki OSM trovi esempi.

-- Simone Girardelli--

Inviato con K-9 Mail
Scusate la brevità dello scritto.

Talk-it-trentino mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Datenerfassung für stadtverträgliches LKW-Routing im Rheinland

2016-03-19 Thread


wegen der Quelle habe ich noch Anmerkungen.
Die Bekanntgabe und Veröffentlichung der Beschlüsse ist das eine, 
wichtig ist aber auch ob die zuständige Verkehrsbehörde eine 
verkehrsrechtliche Anordnung erlässt damit der jeweilige Beschluß auch 
umgesetzt werden kann.
Ein Beschluss, so gut wie er auch gemeint ist, kann ja trotzdem 
rechtswidrig sein.


Am 15.03.2016 um 21:53 schrieb

Am 15.03.2016 um 15:16 schrieb Paaß, Dominik:


ich habe aufmerksam verfolgt, was hier so geschrieben wurde und 
versuche jetzt mal auf einige Themen einzugehen.

tags für Vorrang- oder Nachrang-Routen müssten zunächst mit der OSM 
Community abgestimmt werden,
die ist recht heterogen, wie du bereits hier siehst. Ein eigenes tag 
nur für eure Zwecke wird
sicherlich abgelehnt werden. Außerdem wird es keine Exklusivität 
fürs Ändern geben.

Prinzipiell kann jeder neue tags einführen. Wenn das in größerem 
Stil geschieht und nicht
abgestimmt ist, wird man den Widerstand anderer erfahren. 
Schlimmstenfalls kann das zum
Revertieren aller Einträge führen, was für euch der GAU wäre. 
Erfahrungen bei der Einführung >neuer tags habe ich nicht.
Einen eigenen tag nur für unsere Zwecke ergibt auch aus meiner Sicht 
keinen Sinn, es sollte vielmehr ein Konsens gefunden werden. Sind 
Vorrangrouten in der OSM überhaupt erwünscht (da man sie, wie hier ja 
schon häufiger bemängelt wurde, nicht an Ort und Stelle überprüfen 
kann) und wenn ja, mit welchem tag könnte die OSM-Community leben!?

kannst du bitte mal erklären wie diese Vorrangrouten durch die
Ordnungsbehörden/Straßenbehörden gekennzeichnet werden sollen.
Solange das uns nicht gesagt wird, werden hier noch die tollsten
Vermutungen und Taggingvorschläge gemacht.

Ich habe noch keine Rückmeldung darüber, inwiefern die Vorrangrouten 
gekennzeichnet werden sollen. In manchen Fällen sollen wohl VZ 421ff. 
und VZ 442ff. verwendet werden.

Wenn die Beschilderung mit StVO Zeichen 253 und gegebenenfalls
Zusatzzeichen für bestimmte Straßen erfolgen soll ist das in OSM gut
darstellbar, gleiches gilt auch für Tonnagebegrenzungen.

Wie schon gesagt werden natürlich alle vorhandenen Restriktionen 
inkl. Zusatzzeichen bei der Planung der Vorrangrouten mit in die 
Entscheidung einbezogen

Wenn die Vorrangrouten per Beschluß der zuständigen kommunalen
Verwaltung festgelegt werden und diese Beschlüsse öffentlich bekannt
gemacht werden gibt es auch keine Probleme mit der Lizenz zu OSM.
Als Beispiel für die Vorrangrouten und die zugehörigen Beschlüsse mal 
das Beispiel Duisburg: 

Hier kann man sowohl das beschlossene Vorrangroutennetz einsehen als 
auch die Beschlüsse der einzelnen Stadtteile mit einsehen. So oder so 
zumindest so ähnlich kann man sich das in unserem Projekt auch 

Solange die Routen nicht ausgeschildert sind, sind sie für OSM genauso
irrelevant wie die Inhalte eines Flächennutzungsplans. Dieser hat nur
für die Verwaltung eine gewisse bindende Wirkung. Erst der 

ist für den Bauherren richtig relevant. (Vorrangroute = FNP,
Verkehrsschilder = Bebauungsplan)
Wenn die Straßenklassifikationen in ein Routing mit einbezogen 
werden, sehe ich keinen wirklichen Unterschied zur Verwendung von 
Vorrangrouten, wenn sie politisch abgesegnet wurden.

Glaubst du etwa, dass sich der slowakische Lkw-Fahrer, der die 

durch das Wohngebiet nimmt, darum kümmert, ob der Gemeinderat, die
Straße zur Lkw-Vorrangroute erklärt hat, oder nicht?
Das Argument hinkt meiner Meinung nach etwas. Diese LKW-Fahrer 
verwenden momentan hauptsächlich PKW-Navis, was bedeutet, dass auch 
nahezu alle LKW-relevanten Restriktionen ignoriert werden, da diese 
von PKW-Navis nicht berücksichtigt werden! Es ist vollkommen klar, 
dass man nicht alle LKW-Fahrer mit einer Lösung auf geeignete Routen 
bekommen kann, aber irgendwo muss man anfangen, sonst passiert 
überhaupt nichts! Aus der Logistikbranche hier in NRW wurde uns 
gegenüber schon sehr häufig geäußert, dass die sehnsüchtig auf eine 
funktionierende Lösung warten, da die Probleme auf der berühmten 
"letzten Meile" ein sehr hoher Zeit- und Kostenfaktor für die 
Unternehmen ist. Wenn diese Unternehmen ihre Fahrer verpflichten ein 
entsprechendes LKW-Navi zu benutzen, hat man schon viel gewonnen. Und 
wenn die Logistikfirmen aus dem Ausland merken, dass es eine Lösung 
gibt, die ihre Fahrzeuge sicher und planbar zum Ziel bringt, werden 
auch diese ihre Fahrer dazu verpflichten.

ich denke nicht, dass LKW Fahrer ohne Ortskenntnis Abkürzungen durch 
Wohngebiete nehmen, höchst >selten.
Sobald das PKW Navi versagt, irren viele Fahrer in Wohngebieten 
herum, was auch von Vertretern der Kommunen bestätigt wurde.
Dazu ein Video von "ZDF heute nacht" zum Pilotprojekt im Ruhrgebiet:

Um LKW-Vorrangrouten zu gennerieren wäre für mich 

[OSM-talk-fr] Recherche de bénévoles pour activités OSM humanitaires : Post-validation sur HOT + import de données dans OSM

2016-03-19 Thread Martin Noblecourt

Bonjour à tous,

J'imagine qu'une majorité des contributeurs sur cette liste connaît déjà 
CartONG, l'association française de la cartographie humanitaire.

Nous sommes non seulement des grands "consommateurs" de donnée OSM, mais 
nous essayons également de promouvoir OSM, aussi bien auprès des 
organisations humanitaires avec lesquelles nous travaillons (pour les 
pousser à utiliser OSM mais aussi à ouvrir leurs données), ainsi qu'en 
encourageant la contribution en France (vous avez du voir passer des 
invitations aux mapathons que nous organisons maintenant régulièrement) 
et à l'international.
Pour aller plus loin, nous avons identifié des activités plus avancées 
pour lesquelles nous sommes à la recherche de contributeurs OSM 
expérimentés, pour guider nos bénévoles et salariés dans la définition 
de bonnes pratiques et flux de travail, et pour nous aider à 
Les deux premières activités consistent à publier dans OSM la donnée 
produite sur le terrain par les techniciens SIG que nous envoyons sur le 
terrain avec notre partenaire Médecins Sans Frontières (afin que cette 
donnée soit utile à tous : noms de lieux, emplacements de services 
clés...), et à "finaliser" les projets que nous organisons sur le 
tasking manager de HOT (en mettant au propre la donnée OSM sur la zone 
par une vérification globale).

Nous cherchons idéalement des personnes se trouvant en région 
Rhône-Alpes (notamment pour la première activité) car il y aura besoin 
d'une phase de travail en équipe dans nos locaux à Chambéry au 
démarrage. Cependant si vous êtes particulièrement intéressés et vous 
trouvez plus loin nous essaierons de trouver un format qui convienne à 
tous ;-)

N'hésitez pas à me contacter si vous avez des questions !

Bien à vous,

Martin Noblecourt

* | Bureau/Office: +33 (0)4 79 26 28 82 | Skype: 
CartONG - Mapping and information management for humanitarian 
organizations | Cartographie et gestion de l'information pour les 
organisations humanitaires
Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-ro] Fwd: atîta

2016-03-19 Thread Rădulescu Răzvan

Sorein s-a intors cu ale lui dejectii dintr-un creier bolnav...

Asta ca sa vada cui i-e dor de el...

 Forwarded Message 
Date:   Fri, 18 Mar 2016 09:12:54 +0200
From:   cenSORINg 

Atîta sănătate să ai tu, țigane, și atîta parte de cine și-e mai drag, 
după spurcăciunile pe care le debitezi! Rușine să-ți fie, porcule!

EU am impus folosirea diacritcelor pe porțiunea românească, porcule!
EU i-am speriat pe niște idioți ca tine, care desenau cîte o stradă pe 
fiecare sens în oraș (dublau toate străzile) și puneau pe hartă toți 
pomișorii și toate cotețele de găini.
Bineînțeles că, fiind niște idioți ca tine și ca ceilalți din gașca ta, 
ați făcut haită. Asta e lumea în care trăim și pe care voi, gloatele, o 
împuțiți. Gloatele se înhăitează repede, oamenii cu carte stau 
împrăștiați. Din cauza voastră o să crape OSM curînd.

Talk-ro mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] DOT construction updates

2016-03-19 Thread Clifford Snow
I tried to keep track of WSDOT construction on a state hwy in Seattle. The
website did not have an update feed that I could find. I have used the
state and counties sites in the past to help resolve notes.

A proactive approach would be useful.


On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 11:20 AM, Martijn van Exel  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I was thinking about a good way for the community to get a feed of
> construction updates from state DOTs. Has anyone ever attempted this? A
> good start should be a list of state DOTs (I found
>, not sure if it’s 100%
> current). But where to go from there? Every state DOT has its own mechanism
> / format to distribute updates. Do they all have an RSS feed? Or twitter?
> At this point I am just curious to hear if anyone else has thought about
> this already and if so what you have come up with so far.
> (What triggered this again for me: I heard someone mention that the work
> on the I-96/US-23 interchange in Michigan was complete, but could not find
> any confirmation. See this pretty cool video from MDOT for what they are
> doing there: The situation on OSM
> reflects the pre-construction reality —>
> Martijn
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list

OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-br] Understanding congested travel in urban areas

2016-03-19 Thread Gerald Weber
Oi Turma

artigo que saiu na Nature Communications estuda congestionamentos em áreas
urbanas usando como base o OSM:

o estudo inclui a cidade do Rio de Janeiro, parabéns aos mapeadores por
tornarem possível um estudo deste tipo


Talk-br mailing list

[Talk-GB] Starting now: Next UK group call

2016-03-19 Thread Rob Nickerson
It's 8pm Thursday 17th and the UK group call is just starting.

To join dial 0800 22 90 900  and enter pass code 33224

Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-br] Colaboração

2016-03-19 Thread Roberto Rocha
Olá pessoal,

Eu sou o Roberto, novo integrante da Talk-br. Eu e minha amiga Lívia, que
futuramente irá se apresentar por aqui, somos integrantes do Grupo AGORA ( Um grupo que tem como o objetivo
desenvolver soluções para melhoria da resiliência de comunidades
vulneráveis contra inundações. Um dos focos de atuação do grupo é o
mapeamento de áreas de risco por meio da plataforma OpenStreetMap (OSM).

Atualmente, estou fazendo o meu doutorado sanduíche em Münster (Alemanha) e
a Lívia, também em período sanduíche, em Heidelberg (Alemanha). O principal
objetivo do meu projeto de doutorado é entender como ocorre a colaboração
entre a comunidade do OSM, a comunidade afetada pelo desastre e tomadores
de decisão.  Essa ideia surgiu durante a participação do grupo nas
atividades de mapeamento colaborativo realizadas após o terremoto no Nepal
em 2015.

Em uma visita recente minha a Heidelberg, nós (eu e Lívia) tivemos uma
reunião com os DisasterMappers (, um
grupo de jovens engajados nas atividades de mapeamento colaborativo
realizadas antes e após desastres naturais. Nesta reunião, discutimos a
possibilidade de estabelecer parcerias entre os DisasterMappers e a
comunidade brasileira.

Inicialmente, o objetivo dessa parceria será mapear infraestruturas
críticas, como hospitais, escolas, entre outras. O nosso intuito é iniciar
o mapeamento pelas cidades de São Carlos e São Paulo, visto que o nosso
projeto está estabelecido em ambas as cidades.

Assim, gostaríamos de contar com o apoio da comunidade brasileira para
estabelecermos essa parceria com os DisasterMappers (Heidelberg). Nos
colocamos à disposição para sugestões, dúvidas ou comentários.

Desde já agradecemos a atenção.


Roberto Rocha
Lívia Degossi
Talk-br mailing list

[OSM-talk] Global high-resolution model of relief

2016-03-19 Thread clustergis

probably you know that recently NASA has released all SRTM data of
elevation with a resolution of 30m.

In the ClusterGIS association ( we have made a global
model of relief of high-resolution (15m/px), in geotiff format.

Data can be downloaded from the page with CC BY

We want to offer these data to OpenStreetMap community, especially to the
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT).

We thought they are a good complement to OSM data in many parts of the

Kind regards,

GonZaLo López
ClusterGIS Team
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Fotky rozcestniku na

2016-03-19 Thread Tom Ka

dostal jsem se k opravam umisteni rozcestniku a vsiml si jeste jedne veci -
muzes prosim do tabulky pridat polozku t_created - idealne timestamp on
insert, at mame nekde cas vlozeni. Chapu ze nekdo muze vlozit starsi fotky
a u dost z nich to bude v exifu, ale je dobre mit i tuhle informaci kdyz
ostatni nebudou. Hodi se vedet, kdy zaznam vznikl (treba pro nahradu
novejsim apod.)

Zmeny souradnic ted nachystam a poslu soukrome jako SQL UPDATE.


Dne 1. března 2016 14:48 Michal Grézl 

> 2016-02-28 9:23 GMT+01:00 Tom Ka :
> > Ahoj,
> >
> > jednak jsem ted opravil chybu v DB, diky ktere se nekontrolovaly
> > rozcestniky nenapojene na relace tur. tras, takze jich ted zobrazuje o
> > neco vic (asi o 3000).
> >
> > A jinak jsem zase neco nafotil a zjistil, ze dost casto je GPS vic
> > mimo nez bych si pral. S tim se vracim k moznosti editace souradnic
> > fotek rozcestniku. I na kontrolach na OsmHiCheck je videt, ze dost
> > rozcestniku je nepouzitych protoze jsou prilis mimo (ale zase pri
> > zvednuti limitu nad tech 20m uz tam je prilis mnoho false alarmu).
> >
> > Michale, jaky je ted teda nejjednodusi prostup (pro mne i pro tebe),
> > jak udelat update souradnic fotky?
> >
> > Diky
> jelikoz sem se vratil z hor, zacnu na tom zas pomalu delat.
> momentalne je nejjednodussi seznam obsahujici id a novou pozici.
> v idealnim pripade list sql update prikazu
> CREATE TABLE guidepost (
>   id integer primary key AUTOINCREMENT,
>   lat numeric,
>   lon numeric,
>   url varchar,
>   name varchar,
>   attribution varchar
> , ref varchar, note varchar);
> takhle momentalne vypada tabulka:)
> --
> Michal Grézl
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Rozdělení Jihlavské v Brně

2016-03-19 Thread Marián Kyral

-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Pavel Machek 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Datum: 16. 3. 2016 23:22:57
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Rozdělení Jihlavské v Brně


> > > *** já si stále myslím, že OSM je víc než jen vizualizovaná routovací
> > > tabulka a topologické vztahy pro navigace. Tedy že geoprvky
> > > vyjadřují(reprezentují) zjednodušený model reálného světa: mám-li 
> > > pak ji charakterizuje její osa v podobě linie, ne jen kudy jezdí auta,
> > > mají řadicí pruhy, případně vodící stěny.
> >
> > potom by asi měla být diskuse o tom, jak velké zjednodušení je žádoucí
> *** diskuze co má smysl zmapovat a co to přinese přece neustále
> probíhá. Ale reálně se moc neděje a užívání vektorového datového
> modelu je konzervativní.
> > s lety se zvětšuje úroveň detailu, který zachycujeme
> *** to ano, mapujeme víc do detailu, ale zpodrobnění ulice v datovém
> modelu jen možné pouze z linie na plochu...

No, jak je videt, tak ne.

Kruhovy objezd taky nemapujeme jako bod, a dalnici taky nemapujem jako
jednu way. Kdyz jsou oddeleny cesty kusem betonu, dava smysl i normalni 
zmapovat jako oddeleny cesty..

Tak v tomto případě by to možná chtělo nějaký nový tag - silnice rozdělena 



(cesky, pictures)

Talk-cz mailing list;___
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] serveurs TMS/XYZ

2016-03-19 Thread Christian Quest
Le 17 mars 2016 à 19:12, Jean-Claude Repetto  a écrit :

> MapProxy

Un bête cache HTTP suffit... nginx dans mon cas c'est d'ailleurs ce qui est
utilisé en front sur osm13 avec apache/mod_tile/renderd derrière.
Rien d'autre à installer, quelques lignes de config et hop, ça roule.

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSRM-talk] Debugging map

2016-03-19 Thread Frédéric Rodrigo


Really interesting. Sometime it's scary me about some tagging issue and 
computed speed !

I think there is an issues with blue and green in scale.


Le 16/03/2016 22:42, Daniel Patterson a écrit :

Hi all,

  A little while ago, we added a vector tile plugin to OSRM.  Why?  So 
you can see the road network that OSRM has in memory :-)

  Today, I've added a viewer for these tiles to the front-end for the 
demo server at:

  The colored roads are what OSRM is routing on with the car profile. 
 Speed values are attached to edges, and roads are colored according 
to travel speeds.  The dark background is OSM.


- tiles are only generated to Z12, so if you zoom out too far, 
you'll just get the background map.
- if you zoom in too far, there's a geometry clipping bug, so some 
lines might go to crazy places.  Just zoom out a bit.

- small component identification doesn't seem to be working

  Feedback on usefulness would be appreciated.


OSRM-talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Bug in iD?

2016-03-19 Thread Adrian
A user of the iD editor has added a new way along an existing way, with the two 
ways sharing the same nodes. In so doing, he has replaced all the nodes of the 
existing way with new nodes. The old nodes have been deleted. The new nodes are 
in exactly the same positions as the old nodes. If an old node had tags, the 
tags are reproduced on the new node. If an old node was a member of a relation, 
the new node replaces the old node in the relation, with the same position and 
role. These things would be difficult to do in JOSM.

See, for example - 144 nodes deleted versions 1 and 2 versions 1 and 2

As a result, a good deal of history has been lost. (I have since reinstated 
some of the old nodes.)

I am not familiar with iD, so I am asking, is this
1. A bug in iD,
2. Inadvertent action by the user, or
3. Deliberate action by the user?

(The user is French; his name exists in both English and French. If the user 
needs to be contacted, it may be necessary to raise this on talk-fr.)

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Introduction

2016-03-19 Thread avi kaur
Hello there,
I'm Gursimran Kaur currently pursuing my Masters of computer applications.

I have experience with image processing using openCV, python and
sagemath. I do have basic understanding of Machine Learning.

In my group, one of my friend is working on open street map and I was
thinking of making project using visual odometry then she said, can't
we make something by combining visual odometry + OSM server and we
thought we can make maps using Visual odometry.
I want your views on this project.

Avi kaur
"There is no lacking of opportunity, The thing is you do not want to see It"

talk mailing list

[Talk-es] Desacarga código API

2016-03-19 Thread Eduardo Jorge Alonso

Hola buenos días,

Me llamo Eduardo y soy empleado de Órbital Aerospace, una compañía 
focalizada en aplicaciones SW crítico en tiempo real. Nuestro 
principales clientes están localizados en el sector aeroespacial, pero 
también trabajamos con renovables etc...  uno de nuestros clientes nos 
ha pedido una solución para una Ground Station donde se entregarán datos 
recibidos desde un Dron. Nos gustaría saber cómo descargarnos una API  
de OpenStreetMap y cuales son sus condiciones de uso.

Muchas gracias,



*Eduardo Jorge*


Ed. Best Point - Avda.Castilla 1 - Of.7B
Pol. Ind. Las Fronteras

28830 San Fernando de Henares (Madrid) · Spain

t *(+34)  916 75 67 00 +Ext 3003* 

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Talk-es mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Fwd: Toll for trucks +3,5ton

2016-03-19 Thread Marc Gemis
There is a toll-tag [1]. That page recommends toll=no, toll:hgv=yes
Is this sufficient ? I don't know whether you want to specify the amount as




On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 7:24 PM, Jasper Michels 

> Hi all,
> Starting from 1/04/2016 trucks will have to pay toll on the Belgian roads.
> The amount of toll depends from these factors:
> -Type of street
> -Euro-class Engine
> -Weight
> -Kilometres travelled (GPS driven)
> Is there a possibility to map this? And how?
> How to make the difference of euro classes, and weight?
> Could be very handy for apps like Osmand with their truck navigation.
> Doesn't seem a lot of work also.
> Dit e-mailbericht is verzonden vanaf een virusvrije computer die wordt
> beschermd door Avast.
> <#3600039573253060037_DDB4FAA8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Global high-resolution model of relief

2016-03-19 Thread Heather Leson
Wow, Thanks Gonzalo and ClusterGIS!

On 16 Mar 2016 21:07, "clustergis"  wrote:

> Hi,
> probably you know that recently NASA has released all SRTM data of
> elevation with a resolution of 30m.
> In the ClusterGIS association ( we have made a
> global model of relief of high-resolution (15m/px), in geotiff format.
> Data can be downloaded from the page with CC
> BY license.
> We want to offer these data to OpenStreetMap community, especially to the
> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT).
> We thought they are a good complement to OSM data in many parts of the
> world.
> Kind regards,
> GonZaLo López
> ClusterGIS Team
> @clustergis
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

[Talk-cz] Tagovani budov?

2016-03-19 Thread Janda Martin
Dobry den,

  chci se zeptat na tagovani sousednich budov/dvoj-domku. Maji stejnou strechu 
jen dle RUIAN budovy jsou tagovany kazdy samostane. Viz priklad na konci.

Bylo by mozne pouzit obrys domu napriklad RUIAN-lands.Ten by mel tag 
"building=yes" a z techto "building=house" udelat "building:part=house"?

Tagovani by pak bylo:

Obrys (RUIAN - lands, nebo slouseni obrysu budov):

Way: 62144641


Way: 62144497

renderovani 3D.
  - je potreba mit celou budovu spojenou dohromady a ne rozdelenou na 
jednotlive casti. protoze kazda cast ma vlastni referencni bod s ruznou vyskou 
z DEM.
  - renderovani strech. Kdy neni jina moznost jak otagovat strechu typu hipped 
pro obe dve budovy

  - chovani pri renderevoani v OSM 2D (tam se pouzivaji pouze building a 
building:part se ignoruje)
  - vyhodnoceni poctu chybijicich/posunutych budov

  - dle specifikace tagu neni mozne mit dva koldujici/vnorene polygony s tagem 

Way: 62144641
  Data Set: 4fc3000b
  Edited at: 2015-12-14T12:19:26Z
  Edited by: pschonmann (5748)
  Version: 3
  In changeset: 35944032
  Bounding box: 14.475588, 50.1233104, 14.475785, 50.1234374
  Bounding box (projected): 1611415.0850932214, 6467658.480073264, 
1611437.0150329075, 6467680.530873465
  Center of bounding box: 50.1233739, 14.4756865
  Centroid: 50.1233771, 14.4756891

Way: 62144497
  Data Set: 4fc3000b
  Edited at: 2015-12-14T12:19:43Z
  Edited by: pschonmann (5748)
  Version: 3
  In changeset: 35944032
  Bounding box: 14.4757273, 50.1233384, 14.475902, 50.1234791
  Bounding box (projected): 1611430.5918982888, 6467663.341661982, 
1611450.0394133301, 6467687.771188335
  Center of bounding box: 50.1234087, 14.4758147
  Centroid: 50.1234082, 14.4758182

Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-de] JOSM mit OAuth einrichten

2016-03-19 Thread Markus
Wie löscht man in JOSM die Zugriffskennung für OAuth?

Wollen das Tutorial korrigieren und müssen JOSM auf den jungfräulichen
Ausgangsstatus setzen, damit wir die Aufnahme machen können...

Gruss, Markus

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [talk-ph] Various farmed landuses

2016-03-19 Thread David Groom
Its now been one month with no major objections to my proopesed cnages, 
so I have made them, but with the suggestion made by Eugene.

However the exisiting geometry of the landuse polygons is very messy, 
with many overlapping ways.  I am fixing these, but with over 230 ways 
to fix I wont able to do this all in one editing session, and probably 
not even all in one day.

The affected area is SW of Tacloban, Leyte at

If anyone notices the half fixed geometry do not think this is 
vanadalsim, or poor editing, it will be fixed.



On 14/02/2016 13:53, maning sambale wrote:

Agree with Eugene. There are other who mapped riceland as meadows and
should be fixed as well:

On Sun, Feb 14, 2016 at 6:55 PM, Eugene Alvin Villar  wrote:

I agree with changes 2 and 3. For #1, I think it should be
landuse=farmland instead of meadow. Rice fields are far from being

On 2/14/16, David Groom  wrote:

While looking at existing tagging of landuse areas in Leyte I have come
across a number which do not seem to fit the tagging structure on the
main OSM wiki, and I cant see anything in the Philippines/Mapping
conventions  which contradicts the main OSM wiki (except that under
agricultural landuse the tag landuse = farm is suggested whereas this
seems to have been deprecated in favour of landuse = farmland  -  maybe
the Phillipine / mapping conventions page is out of date?)

An example of some of the current tagging can be seen here:

I would like to change the following:

1) Areas currently tagged landuse = meadow; name = Ricefield   - change
to landuse = meadow; crop=rice [1]
2) Areas currently tagged landuse = farmland; name = Coco Land   -
change to landuse = orchard;  trees = coconut_palms [2]
3) Areas currently tagged landuse = orchard; crop = coconut  - change to
landuse = orchard;  trees = coconut_palms [2]

Are these 3 changes acceptable?

My one slight discomfort is that I dont like the way crop = rice is
rendered on the map, but then we should't be tagging for the rennderers




talk-ph mailing list

talk-ph mailing list

talk-ph mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] licenses suitable for import

2016-03-19 Thread Dale Kunce
I'm very curious about the cc-by compatibility. The Red Cross is doing a
very large mapping project in West Africa, ground truthing a lot of the
data created by remote mappers during ebola. As part of the project we want
to release the data both in OSM and in a more complete form (not all data
gathered is appropriate for osm) on HDX. Our original thinking was to
double license the data, Cc-by 4.0 for HDX with an explicit license for

What is the best route for organizations to do something like this. From
this thread I can see the need for a checklist or at the very minimum a
wiki page with sample language. Forgive me if this already exist I haven't
found anything online yet.

On Mar 18, 2016 9:58 PM, "Simon Poole"  wrote:

> Diane
> Any comment from CC on the -other- issues that have been raised wrt CC by
> 4.0 and ODbL compatibility and in general with the way it works for
> databases?
> Simon
> Am 18.03.2016 um 17:19 schrieb Diane Peters:
> Just to be clear on the attribution removal requirement in CC's licenses,
> Erik asserted:
> I wish people would stop releasing data with CC-by; "you have to
> attribute us, but you have to remove that attribution when ever we
> want you too" which is not present in ODbL so
> There is no such absolute obligation. In 4.0, the removal requirement
> provides: "If requested by the Licensor, You must remove any of the
> information required by Section 3(a)(1)(A)
>  to the
> extent reasonably practicable."  (Sec. 3a3
> ). And in 3.0, it's
> "to the extent practicable", which from a CC perspective is functionally
> the equivalent (Sec. 4a
> ).
> Diane
> On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 3:47 PM, Tom Lee  wrote:
>> Tobias, the best option for ensuring the data is usable by OSM is an
>> explicit statement of permission for the OpenStreetMap project to
>> incorporate and use the data under the project's terms. This is generally
>> considered preferable to a dataset that is ODbL-licensed without such a
>> statement.
>> However, I would encourage you to consider non-OSM users as well when
>> choosing the license. ODbL is not widely used outside of OSM. A license
>> like CC-BY 4.0 is more widely used and actively maintained. Choosing it
>> would ensure compatibility with a large number of non-OSM datasets. And if
>> paired with a permission statement like what's described above, OSM could
>> still use the data without any license compatibility worries.
>> Of course, if you can do without attribution, you might consider
>> something even more simple that disclaims liability but imposes no other
>> terms. If that's an option let me know and I can turn up some examples.
>> On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 5:43 PM, Erik Johansson 
>> wrote:
>>> On Sun, Mar 13, 2016 at 8:27 PM, Tobias Wendorff
>>>  wrote:
>>> > Dear list,
>>> >
>>> > could you please recommend me licenses for releasing data to ODbL?
>>> > From my point of view, compatible licenses are CC-license without
>>> > "SA" and "BY" and (only if possible) CC0 and PD or finally special
>>> > license, like the following one:
>>> >
>>> > Some crporations like "Deutsche Bahn" (the biggest rail corporation
>>> > in Germany) has released their data under CC BY 4.0 with a special text
>>> > for OpenStreetMap (roughly translated):
>>> >
>>> > "If the data of Deutsche Bahn is part of the OpenStreetMap database
>>> work,
>>> > a reference to the Deutsche Bahn AG in the list of contributors is
>>> enough.
>>> > Crediting DB at each use of the data by a licensee of the mentioned
>>> database
>>> > work is no longer necessary then. Indirect credits (with reference to
>>> the
>>> > publisher of this databse work, which refers to the DB) is sufficient."
>>> >
>>> > Actually, that's a kind of dual-licensing with a special license for
>>> OSM.
>>> > From my understanding, releasing data ODbL would be the worst thing,
>>> > since the "BY" attribution of the data donator isn't compatible, is it?
>>> I've choosen not to start on a couple of imports because of the CC-by
>>> issue, I've gotten ok from the owners but they want to be included on
>>> . Deutsche Bahn seems to be much more
>>> free, I interpret it as source=Deutsche Bahn seems to be enough.
>>> I wish people would stop releasing data with CC-by; "you have to
>>> attribute us, but you have to remove that attribution when ever we
>>> want you too" which is not present in ODbL so
>>> --
>>> /emj
>>> ___
>>> legal-talk mailing list
>> ___
>> legal-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] mapathon umanitario - lunedì 21/3

2016-03-19 Thread mircozorzo
Grazie Marco, mi sono iscritto.


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Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] DOT construction updates

2016-03-19 Thread Paul Johnson
On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 2:51 PM, Nathan Mills  wrote:

> OKDOT provides updates on Twitter as well as posts weekly (and
> occasionally more often when warranted) "Traffax" PDF updates on their
> website that has a list of all scheduled roadwork and closures on state
> highways.

Traffax is published daily for metro OKC and Tulsa (which OklaDOT divisions
1, 3, 4 and 8 seem to treat as their own special critters since both cities
are right on the division lines for some odd reason; you can tell where
this happens in Tulsa because Division 1 highways demand a Subaru or better
to handle and Division 8 won't shake apart a rustbucket, with the
transitions being rather abrupt; similar issues happen between 3 and 4,
with 4 being the better funded).

> Back in the olden days Traffax was blasted via fax to all the news outlets
> in the state, hence the name.

Now they all just get their road information from a news truck in the field
finding something by accident or paying Total Traffic Network, which
basically just makes shit up as they go along and is oblivious to current
traffic conditions in the city, much less something OklaDOT published.
Irony these stations could just go to OklaDOT's website and see the traffic
for themselves, Zootopia Jr. Detective style, and do a better job.

> When I was still in Oklahoma, Traffax was the primary source I used to
> update OSM with road closures, construction zones, and reopenings. (When I
> didn't have direct personal knowledge of such from my travels)

 It's mine, too, though I wish there was someplace I could find the
temporary traffic control documents, since I know they have to exist
somewhere.  It's not like they set up long term temporary visions by ear on
the ground.  I bring this up because Traffax is often too vague.  I've been
trying to work with Division 8 headquarters to give a bit more detail so
OSM-based routers can help warn people dealing with long-term temporary
revisions (like the complete detour of US 169 onto temporary pavement for
most of the distance between Tulsa and Owasso) and the complete teardown
and rebuild of the MLK Expressway betweeen 75 and 169.

Not to say I couldn't use some better info out of the City of Tulsa...holy
crap, at any given moment, there's between 6 and 24 long term construction
projects with long-term temporary revisions.  I've given up mapping those
(mostly, save for the most major routes nearest me that I come across
regularly) because they're just as badly documented, and they tend to snarl
traffic bad enough with so many of them that regular resurveys of these are
somewhere between impractical and impossible.
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] specie dell'albero nel name

2016-03-19 Thread trimoto
trimoto wrote
> Quoto, quasi in toto, eccetto tassonometria, tassonomia è il termine
> corretto.
> Secondo me il tag taxon da solo con come valore il nome della specie è
> sbagliato e l'indicazione sulla wiki di osm è sbagliato.
> il temine taxon in biologia (che sia botanica o zoologia non cambia nulla,
> i taxa (plurale di taxon) son gli stessi dato che la classificazione
> (alias tassonomia) degli esseri viventi è una sola a partire dal taxon
> Regno (animali, vegetali ecc). I taxa sono i nomi che vengono dati ai vari
> livelli di classificazione (cladi) sono taxa la specie, il genere, la
> famiglia, l'ordine ecc.
> se proprio si volesse utilizzare il tag taxon lo farei solo con es.
> taxon:genus:Populus ma mi pare comunque inutile. 
> Per chi volesse approfondire su wikipedia c'è la spiegazione estesa del
> termine taxon 

Mi sa che ho fatto confusione pure io, taxon è il nome es. "Populus" che si
dà al gruppo che fa parte della categoria tassonomica sempre nell'es.
"genere". Lesempio si riferiferisce al genere ma vale per tutte le categorie

altri esempi
categoria tassonomica -> genere -> taxon -> Rosa
categoria tassonomica -> specie -> taxon -> Rosa canina

Vista in questo modo il tag taxon seguito da un nome ( o 2 nel caso della
specie) può avere senso se non si conosce la categoria tassonomica del
gruppo, che ne so vedo un albero, torno a casa mi ricordo il nome che mi
hanno detto ma non ricordo la categoria tassonomica e taggo taxon:populus,
solo che per mappare serve internet, non è che ci voglia poi molto a
scoprire a che categoria tassonomica appartiene un taxon, beh in effetti su
wikipedia forse non c'è ancora tutto.

In definitiva se si conosce la categoria tassonomica è meglio usare genus,
specie ecc come tag è sicuramente un modo più preciso di taggare che non
usare un generico tag taxon. 

E' anche vero che se si mette taxon:Rosa canina è chiaro ( per chi conosce
un minimo di nomenclatura bioologica) che si tratta della specie dato che
due nomi si dano solo ai taxa appartenenti alla categoria tassonomica
Grazie per la discussione mi serviva proprio un bel ripasso :)

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Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Global high-resolution model of relief

2016-03-19 Thread clustergis
We test the API and it seems that's right. May be that the cell that you
request is out. If you are an cartodb user, you can get the grid containing
data from the project:


GonZaLo. ClusterGIS

2016-03-17 21:07 GMT+01:00 Martin Koppenhoefer :

> sent from a phone
> > Am 17.03.2016 um 19:01 schrieb clustergis :
> >
> > We haven't got any ftp, but you can make an script using this template
> yes, I've tried this, but I got an http 502 bad gateway error
> cheers,
> Martin
talk mailing list

[Talk-us] Whole-US Garmin Map update - 2016-03-16

2016-03-19 Thread Dave Hansen
These are based off of Lambertus's work here:

If you have questions or comments about these maps, please feel
free to ask.  However, please do not send me private mail.  The
odds are, someone else will have the same questions, and by
asking on the talk-us@ list, others can benefit.


Map to visualize what each file contains:


Why did you do this?

I wrote scripts to joined them myself to lessen the impact
of doing a large join on Lambertus's server.  I've also
cut them in large longitude swaths that should fit conveniently
on removable media.

Can or should I seed the torrents?

Yes!!  If you use the .torrent files, please seed.  That web
server is in the UK, and it helps to have some peers on this
side of the Atlantic.

Why is my map missing small rectangular areas?

There have been some missing tiles from Lambertus's map (the
red rectangles),  I don't see any at the moment, so you may
want to update if you had issues with the last set.

Why can I not copy the large files to my new SD card?

If you buy a new card (especially SDHC), some are FAT16 from
the factory.  I had to reformat it to let me create a >2GB

Does your map cover Mexico/Canada?

Yes!!  I have, for the purposes of this map, annexed Ontario
in to the USA.  Some areas of North America that are close
to the US also just happen to get pulled in to these maps.
This might not happen forever, and if you would like your
non-US area to get included, let me know. 

-- Dave

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] specie dell'albero nel name

2016-03-19 Thread Federico Cortese
On Mar 17, 2016 17:48, "Dario Crespi"  wrote:

> Mmm... non credo che sia corretto (in particolare non credo che vada
indicata la famiglia di una pianta, in quanto si tratta di un'informazione
troppo generica). Genus dovrebbe corrispondere al genere della pianta (cioè
al livello tassonometrico immediatamente superiore al livello specie). Io
credo si più corretto in questo modo (faccio l'esempio con il pioppo nero):
> genus=* genere a cui appartiene la pianta (Populus)
> species=* nome della specie in latino (Populus nigra)
> genus:xx=* nome del genere nella lingua scelta (per l'italiano, Pioppo)
> species:xx=* nome della specie nella lingua scelta (per l'italiano,
Pioppo nero)
> taxon=* è un tag alternativo a genus e species. Come taxon è possibile
inserire, in latino, il nome della specie (Populus nigra) o di una
particolare sottospecie o cultivar (Populus nigra italica).
> taxon:xx=* come sopra ma con i nomi comuni (Pioppo nero, Pioppo nero
italico, Pioppo lombardo).
> name=* eventuale nome proprio della pianta
> Credo che il tag genus sia utile nel caso in cui non si conosca la
specie, ma solo, appunto, il genere di appartenenza di una pianta (vedo un
pioppo: so che è un pioppo ma non so la specie esatta). Può essere omesso
se esiste già il tag species.

Riassunto completo e preciso, anche secondo me è esattamente come spiegato
da Dario.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OSMIT 2016

2016-03-19 Thread Aury88
Mi sono aggiunto ma purtroppo non ho certezza di poter venire anche il sabato
(ma ho ottime speranze di esserci) mentre per domenica temo purtroppo di
essere già impegnato (ma anche qui...vedo cosa posso fare)...appena avrò
dati certi aggiornerò la mia riga ;-)
non ho capito se in quella tabella delle presenze devono inserirsi solo
quelli che intendono fare un intervento o anche solo gli nel
dubbio mi sono aggiunto :-P

Immagino bisogna venire attrezzati di portatile vero?

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Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-ca] bus stops, post codes and rent-a-crowd

2016-03-19 Thread john whelan
​Mojgan recently identified that data from the government of Canada’s open
data portal could be imported into OSM.

I was nattering to Treasury board today and they were aware of the interest
in Post Code data.  Some of the Open Data crowd are making a push to try
and get the Post Code data published through the Open Data portal.

The more requests they have for the data set the easier it is to get it.
So the rent-a-crowd bit is please go here: and drop a request in that
post code data be made available.

We also talked about bus stops and it sounds as if they are aware of the
interest.  So perhaps a request for bus stops across Canada be made
available in GTFS format at the same time.  This will need to be
coordinated with the municipalities but since most are already supplying
this data to Google I don’t see any technical problem.

Note I’m not suggesting it is imported wholesale into OSM at this time but
it would at least make it possible.

Cheerio John​
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Trat 173 zmenena na branch - Re: Zamer zmeny trati 173 a mozna i 174 na branch - Re:Vyuziti zeleznice main/branch na trati 173 - Beroun - Rudna -Praha-Smichov

2016-03-19 Thread Michal Pustějovský


Dne 17.03.2016 v 15:44 Pavel Bokr napsal(a):

jelikoz zadna namitka nebyla tak jsem trat 173 zmenil na branch – tak 
jak jsem avizoval s ohledem na aktualni mapy SZDC, kde je trat 
zakreslena jako regionalni a vedlejsi i s ohledem na skutecny stav a 
provoz trati.
Pokud nebude nikdo namitat tak planuji to same u trati 174 – Beroun – 
Rakovnik (mimochodem jak jsem psal o tom ze tam jezdi jeden par 
rychliku tak je to jen v sobotu v lete asi jako vlak pro turisty, ani 
ho neprovozuji CD).

Jen do toho, pokud to neodpovídá reálnému stavu.

BTW Co jsem koukal tak pro pristi rok budou mit ty trate uz i jina 

Máš někde odkaz? Pokud bys je pak chtěl aktualizovat, tak čísla tratí 
jsou uchovávána v relacích route=tracks, které jsou v této 

BTW2 podobna zmena main => branch by se asi mela tykat vice trati v 

Pavel Bokr
Mimochodem, jako hlavní trať bych bral i například trať se silným 
nákladním provozem či frekventovanými osobními vlaky (ve špičce třeba co 
30 min, jinak co hodina, pokud to tedy není jedna 810).


*From:* Pavel Bokr 
*Sent:* Tuesday, March 15, 2016 3:11 PM
*To:* OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
*Subject:* Re: [Talk-cz] Zamer zmeny trati 173 a mozna i 174 na branch 
- Re:Vyuziti zeleznice main/branch na trati 173 - Beroun - Rudna 
Predne se omlouvam za odeslani nedopsaneho mailu, chtel jsem 
odentroval, ale omylem jsem jeste druhou rukou drzel CTRL :-)

omlouvam se ze jsem nereagoval drive, ale byl jsem nemocny. Na strance jsem nasel novejsi 
mapy nez je ta dle ktere se tady konstatovalo ze to je draha 
celostatni. Vypada to ze se situace opravdu zmenila.

Trat  173 - Beroun - Rudna - Praha-Smichov:
dle teto mapy z 2.11.2015 je to draha regionalni provozovana SZDC
dle teto mapy se jedna o trat vedlejsi
o provozu se zde psalo, jedna kolej, nizsi tratova rychlost, bez 
elektrifikace, jen motorove osobni vlaky (puvodne 810, dnes regionova)
PROTO: nejsou-li jine namitky zmenil bych trat na usage=branch; 
puvodni namitka byla ze se jedna o trat celostatni, citovano bylo z 
prohlaseni o draze 2016, ale tam byla mapka z roku 2013 – ted podle me 
jak administrativni tak soucasne fakticky stav svedci pro branch

Podobne navrhuji udelat tuto zmenu u trati 174 – Beroun – Rakovnik
opet to same:
dle teto mapy z 2.11.2015 je to draha regionalni provozovana SZDC
dle teto mapy se jedna o trat vedlejsi
opet jedna kolej, rychlost take nic extra, osobni vlaky, jeden par 
rychliku (jak uz jsem psal tech rychliku tam drive byvalo vice...)
Co vy k teto myslence usage=branch u teto trati? Administrativni stav 
svedci pro branch, fakticky se tomu take spise blizi

Jeste jednou sorry za ten omylem odeslany mail
Pavel Bokr
*From:* Jan Breuer 
*Sent:* Wednesday, March 02, 2016 11:07 AM
*To:* OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
*Subject:* Re: [Talk-cz] Vyuziti zeleznice main/branch na trati 173 - 
Beroun - Rudna - Praha-Smichov

a nelze to tagovat nějak takto?
Teď si nemohu vzpomenout a vypátrat, jak zněl ten přídavek u jiných 
tagů, jestli :legal, nebo jinak, ale jde o princip, že lze zadat 
hodnotu podle legislativy/oficiálního zdroje a hodnotu dle 
rozumu/místní znalosti.

Dne 2. března 2016 10:22 Pavel Bokr > napsal(a):

Jo v useku Praha-Smichov – Nucice to celkem jezdi, ovsem k nam do
Berouna (usek Nucice – Beroun) uz to neni tak slavne. Tady me to
prave trklo, kdyz jsem si vykreslil zeleznice kolem Berouna a
tahle se mi vykreslila jako hlavni.
Podle te mapky co jsi poslal link [1] je tahle trat 173 ale draha
regionalni provozovana SZDC (a pak by podle me nebylo opravdu co
resit proste by to bylo branch – jak podle zarazeni do regionalni
tak i podle aktualniho vyuziti) a to jsem z toho teda jelen,
protoze podle odkazu, ktery posilal Tomas Tichy [2] – viz str. 92
to byla zase draha celostatni.
Odkaz [1] je zda se novejsi tak jestli se to zmenilo, ze je to ted
regionalni draha, tak bych navrhoval udelat upravu na branch.
A BTW to same v odkazu [1] (tedy regionalni trat SZDC) plati i pro
trat 174 Beroun – Rakovnik, kde pokud vim jezdivaly vlaky delsi
(taky 810-tky, ted regionovy) a jezdi tam i rychliky a tuhle trat
bych osobne bral jako trat hranicni mezi main a branch. Ted koukam
na aktualni JR 174 [3] a uz tam jezdi rychlik jen jeden (jezdili

Re: [Talk-lv] living_street pagalmos

2016-03-19 Thread Gasha

Living_street likt tur, kur praktiski var pabraukt atrak par 20km/h. Ja 
ir ierobežots ar zīmi.
highway=service likt tur kur atrak par 20km/h braucot var palikt bez 
riteņa vai nolauzt spoguli pret miseni :)


On 03/17/2016 03:26 AM, Rihards wrote:

On 2016.03.14. 18:08, Lauris Bukšis-Haberkorns wrote:

Tāpat runājot par konkrēto ielu, tad tikai pa to un vēl pāris tur blakus
esošajām līdzīgām "ielām" var reāli nokļūt līdz vidusskolai, kas tur
atrodas pēc centra mērogiem pāris kvartālu attālumā starp visām tām
mājām. Pēc kā es esmu vadījies līdz šim - ja dzīvojamās zonas iela ved
uz vairāk kā vienu/divām mājām un it sevišķi, ja tur nav tupiks galā,
tad tā ir living_street. Ja ved tik uz vienu vai divām mājām un it
sevišķi, ja galā ir tupiks, tad service.

es ļoti atbalstu vēlmi izveidot lietojumus datus :)
šajā gadījumā rodas problēmas - ja kāds cits atnāk un pārtaisa 
living_street par service vai service par living_street, vai tas ir 
pamatoti vai nē ?
diezgan bieži cenšos apdomāt, kā kādu lietu izskaidrot iesācējam. šajā 
gadījumā tas izklausītos kā "living_street, ja tur ir >3 mājas, bet ja 
viena neapdzīvota, tad service, ja vienu nodos ekspluatācijā drīz, 
pārspīlēju, bet doma tāda, ka grūti būtu izskaidrot, kur nu vēl 
uzrakstīt guidelines.

ja trunk/primary rīgā mēs varam apspriest listē un vienoties par 
loģiskāku risinājumu, šādas mazās ieliņas/celiņi ir ļoti daudz.

Vēl konkrēts gadījums:

Tur tikai tās ielas, kurām arī OSM ir nosaukums, pēc pašvaldības
kvalifikācijas ir ielas, pārējās ir identiska platuma un seguma, bet arī
īstenībā ir līdzīgi kā tā ķengaraga "iela" bez nosaukuma un dzīvojamā
zona, un pat vairāk skaitās uz mājām piederīgas, līdz ar to, ja gribētu
varētu kaut iebraukt aizliegts zīmes salikt, bet kamēr tas tā nav, man
viņām neceltotos roka tāpēc likt service. Līdz ar to, manuprāt, tikai
arī pēc pašvaldības kvalifikācijas vadīties nevar.

ok, kā jau minēju, nebiju plānojis visus living_stret bez nosaukuma 
mainīt uz service - bet izklausās, ka mazās-šausmīgās-bedrainās 
pagalmu "ielas" uz service mainām, par tām lieli iebildumi nav bijuši 
pagaidām :)



Talk-lv mailing list

Re: [OSM-ja] 今後のオープンソースカンファレンスの日程について

2016-03-19 Thread 多田 真遵






差出人: Takahisa TAGUCHI 
宛先: talk-ja 
送信日時: 2016/3/17, 木, 11:14
件名: Re: [OSM-ja] 今後のオープンソースカンファレンスの日程について

 2016/03/15 3:35, 多田 真遵 wrote:> 田口さん> うぃるこむです。>> 7月29日(金)の[京都] は終日参加できます。>> 
以上、宜しくお願いします。>>> On 月曜日, 3月 14, 2016 Zoar.  wrote:>> ぞあ.です 
5月14日(土)の OSC 群馬について妻から参加 OK がもらえたので1日> 行く ことができます。 ブース側で参加したことはありませんが、ブース側とし> 
て参加できます。 出展に使う備品(?)もある程度の量であればキャリーケース> で、多ければ 車で持って行く事もできます。 On 2016/03/03 
17:26, Takahisa> TAGUCHI wrote: > 田口です。 > > 先日のオープンソースカンファレンス> Tokyo/Spring 
参加のみなさん > お疲れ様でした。 > > 今後のOSCですが、以下> のように開催が予定されています。 > > ■5月14日(土) ・・・出展者募集中!> 
(3/18締切) > [群馬] オープンソースカンファレンス2016 Gunma > > ■5月28> 日(土) ・・・出展者募集中!(4/4締切) > 
[名古屋] オープンソースカンファ> レンス2016 Nagoya > > ■6月17日(金)・18(土) ・・・3月上旬申込開始予定 >> [北海道] 
オープンソースカンファレンス2016 Hokkaido > > ■7月2日(土)> ・・・4月中旬申込開始予定 > [沖縄] 
オープンソースカンファレンス2016> Okinawa > > ■7月29日(金)・30日(土) ・・・5月初旬申込開始予定 > [京都]> 
オープンソースカンファレンス2016 Kyoto > > > わたし個人的には群馬は前向> きに検討、北海道・京都は参加で考えています。 > 
名古屋については、今回岐> 阜方面での別の予定と被ってしまったのですが、 > ちょうど通り道でもあるの> でうまく時間が合えば午前中だけでも立ち寄れる > 
かもしれません、、、 > >> 今回沖縄では前夜祭として「オープンソースカンファレンス サミット」が > 併> 
催される予定で、各地方の参加者が一同に集まる見込みです。 > # わたしは北> 海道の直後なので財政的に沖縄の参加は厳しいかも、、、 > > ひとまず他に参> 
加できる方がいれば群馬と名古屋の申込みをしたいと思いますが > いかがで> しょうか? > > 
___ > Talk-ja> mailing list > >> > 
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Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Kleingartenvereine

2016-03-19 Thread Friedrich Volkmann
On 01.06.2015 17:56, Jens Steinhauser wrote:
> Habe die short_name Tags in den folgenden Changesets hinzugefuegt:
> sowie
> (via

Der Thread ist bald ein Jahr her. Nach deinen Änderungen war alles in
Ordnung. Mittlerweile sind aber wieder einige Abkürzungen in Namen von
Kleingartenanlagen aufgetaucht, im wesentlich durch Edits von User "moszkva
ter". Diese Abkürzungen sind wahrscheinlich vom abgeschaut
und lauten anscheinend durchwegs "KLG...". Das ist wahrscheinlich in allen
Fällen falsch, nicht nur weil es überhaupt Abkürzungen sind, sondern auch
weil Kleingartenanlagen üblicherweise mit KLV oder KLA abgekürzt werden. Der ist in dieser Hinsicht realitätsfern.

Ich hab den User am 2.3. angeschrieben. Er hat nicht geantwortet, aber auch
keine Kleingärten mehr editiert. Vielleicht hat mein kompliziertes Deutsch
ihn abgeschreckt. Also wenn du oder wer anderer sich wieder um die
Abkürzungen kümmern will (d.h. nach short_name verschieben und von KLG auf
die richtige Abkürzung ändern), spricht sicher nichts dagegen.

Friedrich K. Volkmann
Adr.: Davidgasse 76-80/14/10, 1100 Wien, Austria

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-pe] Fwd: Fotocaminata en Lima

2016-03-19 Thread Omar Vega Ramos

> Mi amigo Claudio Cossio coordinador para Iberoamérica del proyecto
> visitará Lima del 14 al 19 de abril y hará una
> fotocaminata por el centro de la ciudad.
> Mapillary como seguramente muchos ya lo saben es un proyecto amigo de
> OpenStreetMap que busca crear una base de datos de fotografías a nivel
> de calle tipo streetview y que puede ser usado para mapear desde un
> plugin de JOSM, esta aplicación la hemos usado en Colombia para la
> captura de información en campo y nos ha resultado muy útil.

Como dice Johna, aquí en Perú también hemos realizado una jornada [0]
con Mapillary (en Carmen de la Legua - Reynoso).

> Espero que se puedan reunir y coordinar con Claudio para que hablen de
> esta poderosa herramienta que seguramente les puede ayudar en la
> mejora del mapa.

Espero podamos armar otra jornada para esa fecha (17 de Abril).



Omar Vega Ramos
GPG ID: 9825028B

Talk-pe mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Fwd: relations boundary admin_level=4 manquantes

2016-03-19 Thread althio
Toujours sur le même forum international, dans le même sujet, par le
même contributeur.

Cette fois sa question porte sur les addr:postcode et homogénéité des
données en France, avec quelques zones qui ne suivent pas le schéma.

Si cela intéresse quelqu'un de se pencher les données ou de lui répondre ?

- althio

-- Forwarded message --
Date: 6 January 2016 at 14:52
Subject: relations boundary admin_level=4 manquantes
To: Discussions sur OSM en français 

Pour info, un message passé sur le forum international :

Hi, there are a lot of boundaries with admin_level=4 missing in france:

I see only 7 of them. Any idea, whats going on there?


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] [Imports] Boston, MA, USA addr:housenumber Import

2016-03-19 Thread Roman Yepishev
Hi Greg, all.

I'd like to provide some information on the import I did not share
initially to make my intentions clear (so far I may be seen as dumping
the data into OSM and running away).


* I believe in an iterative approach to any project.
* I want to make as many useful things as possible in the limited time
I have. I want a strict deadline to mark the end of my active
involvement and enable others to pick up without creating conflicts.
* I want to improve the routing and location information for me and for
* I have never wanted to introduce buildings with fixme in them into
OSM, I will not import notes.
* I will import data, fix buildings with issues, regenerate the data,
rinse, repeat.
* I will not overwrite the existing building numbers.
* All the scripts I'm using are in public domain.

Long version

My background

First of all, I'm a development/operations guy with mostly web service
background, and iterative approach to anything is basically the only
way to do things there. Additionally I took part in a number of
proprietary and open-source projects where the lack of completion
deadlines forced the project to be ready when it is ready. Sometimes


  As I was walking around Boston using OsmAnd, I would often fail to
locate the venues just because there were no building numbers on the
street I'm supposed to go to. Now, I can still go along the street, but
a number of times I got confused because the block no longer looked
like it used to with the redevelopment going on. The only way is to
bruteforce, expecting that the buildings will be in order. Building
numbers "14 1/2" or "38R" are hard to locate unless you've been there
  As a novice driver I find lack of numbers and details also daunting,
leaving me with no choice but to use Google Maps/Here maps, since I
need to scan building numbers (sometimes located under a rock) as I am

Rushing with a deadline

  Again, based on my involvement with various open-source projects, it
is sometimes impossible to get anything vetted unless motivation is
strong and a sense of urgency is introduced. I have to apologize for
that here, as I should have explained it better in my first message.

Importing artifacts

  My plan has always been to:

  1. Import unique buildings.
  2. Regenerate a set of .osc, .osn files, post them to wiki for review
(if somebody wants to look at them)
  3. Upload ONLY unique buildings into OSM (no fixmes, no notes, etc.).
  4. Modify the rest of buildings so that they become unique (if
possible, if not - skip them)
  5. Add missing buildings, verify they are unique.
  6. Repeat from 2.

I will add this information to the wiki.


The import will have to go through multiple iterations. At first I will
import ONLY buildings that are already good to go and require no manual
interaction. The quality of building polygons vary, and it may take
much more time to reach 100% coverage (we may not even be able to reach
it at all due to a changing nature of the cities), but marking 90%
buildings will make locating the missing ones much easier.

As I am trying to use OsmAnd more on my phone I find that presence of a
lot of "height estimated" fixmes in Downtown Boston (you can enable OSM
map helper) makes the map unreadable. Again, the -fixmes.osc files that
you see in the wiki page are just for finding issues with existing
 - more than one addresses for a single building.
 - address is already provided, but differs from what the city expects
it to be (e.g. 90 South St, Boston, MA - "Farnsworth House" has to be
#100 according to two city sources, but the sign says #90, so it is #90
in OSM - - I am planning to
resurvey the 90-86 building above that.) I don't want to overwrite
other people's hand-entered data, but I want to be able to see where
the conflicts are.

The notes must and will not be imported. They will be periodically
regenerated so that it is possible to see how the OSM updates go
(missing buildings added, existing buildings split).


All the python/SQL scripts I am using to create the datasets are
already available on bitbucket. You can perform the steps mentioned in
README and you will end up with the same results as mine. I am yet to
add the license text there, they are in a public domain.

Please note the scripts originated from two all-nighters and I am
refining them as I go.

Closing statement

What I hope to accomplish is to make the routing work better for me,
and as a great side effect, these changes will make OSRM pick the right
buildings (or approximate locations), the search for the building in
Nominatim will yield results instead of finding everything but the
thing I searched for, and I am sure this will benefit the community as

Before involvement with OSM I treated the routing 

Re: [Talk-ca] bus stops, post codes and rent-a-crowd

2016-03-19 Thread Stewart C. Russell
On 2016-03-16 08:34 PM, James wrote:
> I already added a request a year ago when UK released theirs, even
> emailed the PM candidates at the start of the elections. Can't help
> anymore unfortunately

You can add multiple comments/requests on the same thread. And given
that the government has reviewed and allowed some really odd ones,
they'll appreciate your cogent responses.


Talk-ca mailing list

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