Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-08 Thread mcz
It's not that GNU/Linux isn't rock solid, it's that it's less automated, less  
dumbed down, more in the way between the user and the work. Flexibility is a  
double-edged sword.
The multiplicity of hardware support (sometimes without free drivers) is not  
a problem that proprietary OSs have to deal with.

Also, I'm being a bit unfair since I don't know the ratio of minor issues vs  
the user base of each kind of OS.

But I'll state it once again without ambiguity:
While I think exceptional useability/convenience will help a wider adoption,  
I will keep on giving up a few convenience-related features for software that  
respects the user (i.e. free software).

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-08 Thread mcz

For once, that's a good point.
Guys, don't feed it ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel GTK theme issue

2015-08-06 Thread mcz

Great idea, thanks again.

It worked, but not completely.
When I sudo synaptic, it works.
From dmenu (it's a menu, as the name says), I can open synaptic-pkexec  
instead of plain, non sudo synaptic.

a prompt pops up, but then it's synaptic without the the Trisquel theme.
Maybe it will be ok after a restart, I'll let you know.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Five nights at freddies for trisquel?

2015-08-19 Thread mcz

From a practical point of view, if a free alternative doesn't exist yet,
it might be possible to run a Trisquel instance inside KVM which would run  
the game in Wine or something like that.

The point here is to sandbox the game so that any kind of data leak would  
theoretically lead nowhere.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Help me get rid of WhatsApp.

2015-08-24 Thread mcz
I can't find text Secure, but SMS secure is suggested. I suppose it's one and  
the same.

So it's not actually SMS, but the same as What'sapp then?
I see there's an encryption option, just like Telegram.
But there's no warning on F-droid, unlike with Telegram (about that server  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Doom/Doom II on Trisquel

2015-08-24 Thread mcz

For the record, randall Munroe's XKCD uses this:
Creative Commons Nocommercial, any version (#CC-BY-NC)
This license does not qualify as free, because there are restrictions on  
charging money for copies. We recommend you do not use this license.

And I quite like it, so I won't personally follow the FSF's recommendation  
because a fully free license makes perfect sense regarding software,

but I had doubts about artistic creations for example.
Now there's no doubt in my mind anymore.
I'm finally at peace :P
at least this license is perfect for comics and similar creations.

Also, if I can run non-free programs (like games I find no replacement for)
in a TRULY sandboxed environment on my Trisquel, I won't make it a habit but  
I find no harm in that

if it's fully disconnected from any data/location data etc.
But again, I personally consider that to be the exception, not the rule.
And for now, I hadn't to resort to that yet. So far, so libre.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Terminal Split Windows

2015-08-16 Thread mcz
You can try Terminator for a terminal. If I wasn't using a tiling window  
manager, I'd use that. You can split terminals the way you want to.

Also, there should be a snapping program that should exist for assigning a  
window on one side of the screen and another on the other (or up or down). I  
didn't do my research on that though, but if you're using GNOME Shell, there  
is such a function, at the very least for vertical snapping.

Re: [Trisquel-users] 'Abrowser' behaves strangely after a system update.

2015-08-16 Thread mcz
I recently learned that I should regularly get-upgrade after get-update, and  
it upgraded Abrowser.

No crash whatsoever, but I can't get true fullscreen.
In that screenshot, you can see that the bar is still in sight (it should be  
hidden) and also, there are the minimize/fullscreen/close icons appearing.

Never had those before.

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-07 Thread mcz
Linux voted as the most vulnerable OS? No, it's about the kernel, and even  
that is a wrong representation.
Here's an interesting quote: The reason why only Linux Kernel and Apple OS X  
are listed at the top is because the number of vulnerabilities that  
specifically apply to other Linux distributions (like Red Hat, Debian, etc.)  
is lower than the number of vulnerabilities that apply to the operating  
systems already listed.

For example (...):
39 total vulnerabilities7 high severity   27 medium severity5 low  


Also, the vast majority of security holes are not related to the OS. The user  
is always the weakest link.
don't do stupid shit, and even on Windows you should be ok against malicious  


On the other hand, on Windows you'll have all your life recorded by  
corporations and governments. You won't even have control of your own data.  
And it's clearly written in their licence, or whatever is that thing you  
click I agree on.

With free software, you are not at the developer's whim thanks to the  

It means that legally, you and others can know how it's made under the hood.
That's a level of control that you don't have in OpenBSD if the developer  
makes his code private.
A free software developer can't change his mind and make his code private  
after licencing it as free software.

That boring licencing stuff is exactly what protects your privacy.
But again, do what you want. It's your life.
All I know is that your feelings about GNU/Linux security in general are not  
And for privacy, Windows is obviously one of the worst choices. OpenBSD isn't  
a good one, but not as bad I guess.

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-07 Thread mcz
No problem, I definitely need to work on better organizing and communicating  
my thoughts.

[Trisquel-users] Trisquel Netinstall: Sound issue

2015-08-07 Thread mcz

I managed to bind the volume keys, but not the mute key.
The volume is indicated as being muted, so that's the first hurdle.
I've read about xev, but the mute key isn't recognised.
Then I tried xmodmap -pke, which gave me this (supposedly unassigned key):
keycode 121 =  XF86AudioMute NoSymbol XF86AudioMute.

To get around xev not recognizing the mute key (even though xmodmap says it's  
assigned somewhere),

I tried this:
in etc/defaults/grub, I changed
and updated grub with sudo update-grub.
No success.

I know I have Pulseaudio installed, but alsa isn't selected in synaptic.
I've read that it's supposed to be part of the kernel, so it should be there.
I might be missing drivers.

Still with the idea of keeping my system as lean as possible (even though  
it's an X200), what could I try now?

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-07 Thread mcz

Ah I see, thanks for the clarification. I made a couple of assumptions here.
So the software heritage can be turned proprietary by anyone if it's not free  
software (copyleft) but under a permissive free software license.

and the copyleft author can change his mind. That's surprising (but it's not  
like I understand how licensing works in general).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Crowdfunding a game I'm developing: ReTux (Mario-inspired game)

2015-08-11 Thread mcz
This is something I'm going to keep an eye on because it's an interesting  
case of living from creative work with free software. For example, will the  
game be available for free as well?

I really like the way you thought about the gameplay/story.
I suggest that you could go even further than cloning Mario with a twist  
(like many other classic platform games).

For example, why pipes? Mario was a plumber, so that's one of the rare things  
that made sense (there's also all that Alice in Wonderland stuff with the  
shrooms, mixed with reptiles, and... Oh, btw, if it's not too late, don't  
watch the movie).

Why not some kind of igloo entry design instead?

Why not a sliding-on-the-belly level?
Why not a GNU partner with a winter coat?
Or some levels without snow, where Tux would have to refresh itself regularly  
to survive (some kind of timed level maybe)? Sure, a penguin jumping around  
breaking ice blocks isn't realistic anyway. But it make the gamplay more  
related to the character.
Why not make the evil bosses look vaguely (without risking legal problems)  
some iconic proprietary software, like Amazon's smile, (jail) windows,  
Google's tentacle monster, Apple's Nazi style world (with bananas instead),  

Just some random stuff that comes to mind.

I mildly like the no lost life idea: it reflects an idea of hard and steady  
work without losing your life (like it sucks, but keep going, it's not the  
end of the world). But at the same time, It somehow means you can't lose.  
It's like playing with unlimited coins, it's fun for some games, but not for  
all, and only for a while. Also lives are easier to visualize.

But it's still a good idea that deserves attention.

Regarding the graphics, the best free software example to me was a  
multiplayer game with bunnies. Can't remember the name, but the artwork and  
animation was top notch.
I don't know if ReTux will be in pixel art or with svg (or however handmade  
drawings are made), but pixel art is easier to make it look good IMO.
Also, I don't know if you're aware of Mario's inception (graphically). I know  
that to make early Mario easier to spot while jumping around, they gave him  
white Mickey Mouse gloves. There's an article about that on the web  

Just a few thoughts, cool initiative :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-08-11 Thread mcz

For a classic-style desktop, it looks great (and functional)!

I can't remember why I switched to i3wm specifically instead of another  
tiling wm, but getting rid of icons (and window decorations) was one of my  
reasons to swich from classic WMs and DEs. Automatically putting 2 windows  
side by side was cool too. It's also super lightweight (why carry unnecessary  
load if you can do without it?).
You can print the (short) list of shortcuts and get used to it, there's only  
a handful of them (it's actually very simple). oh yeah, being keyboard-driven  
was also one of the reasons. But I actually use my mouse often. Not sure I  
have the best habits yet.
I'm thinking of replacing i3lock though, which seems less secure and more  
annoying to configure than say xscreensaver.

I'm still tweaking mine, but I'll post updates when I'm done.

So my reasons:
- keyboard-driven, better for my hands than a mouse. And faster for most  

- simplified aesthetics (no app icon/windows decorations)
- lighter. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Crowdfunding a game I'm developing: ReTux (Mario-inspired game)

2015-08-11 Thread mcz

Good idea, Freedo (and I'd add GNU).
There could be an oiled leak level where Freedo would have to get clean from  
that and would look like Tux in the mean time.

Or where freedo would be some super-sayajin power up.
Problem is, Tux is much easier to notice on most backgrounds.
But it's doable.

Or just make the state change related to the free software struggle in some  
other way. Like without free software, you get very weakened by the spying.

Freedo's towel and brush could be weapons. but imposing them on the people to  
liberate is a bit too radical. Not sure it's a good idea. I mean idopting  
free software is supposed to be n informed free choice. Not forced.

Anyway, not sure I understand what I'm writing anymore, I'll give it a rest.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Crowdfunding a game I'm developing: ReTux (Mario-inspired game)

2015-08-11 Thread mcz
True, it could be an oil transport system. That's kind of dirty though. Even  
as a statement against pollution, it's a bit weird. But doable.

As for the secondary character, even if there's no rules, it makes more sense  
to me to be a GNU/Tux or GNU/Freedo duo. Just like GNU/Linux.

Yeah, the timed levels are not the most fun, it's just that it brings some  

As for the bosses and worlds, I admit that's a huge amount of work. But it  
can look lighthearted too, like Pixar movies, it can be understood by  
children and adults differently. But sure, it's not meant to be propaganda  

As for the boss, Raccot, again to add more depth to the story, IMO it could  
be better if somehow related to global warming or something. The opposition  
heat/ice is interesting, even in terms of gameplay.

I want to insist on a sliding on the belly feature : what's a penguin  
without that? :P

But these are merely suggestions from somebody who've never tried to make a  
game. Just making the character go forward would be a nightmare for me to do.

Btw, why Python?
I heard of Löve, and (probably easier) Gdevelop (but probably not as  
memory-friendly). What do you think of these?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Crowdfunding a game I'm developing: ReTux (Mario-inspired game)

2015-08-11 Thread mcz

I'm not sure I understand:
So it's a game sold and licensed as free software.
But neither the game nor the source code will be available at no cost, right?
so essentially, you're relying on the buyers to respect some kind of  
non-redistribution clause?
IF that's the case, wouldn't that be against free software principles (I  
insist on the IF)?

Not judging, just trying to understand how that works.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Making the radeon kernel module work again

2015-08-06 Thread mcz

Thanks, I'll definitely check these out.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Making the radeon kernel module work again

2015-08-06 Thread mcz
If so, provided I disagree with the agenda, I might be leaning towards  
open-source instead of free software.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-06 Thread mcz

Thanks for the clarification. They're definitely necessary.
I probably mixed up my feelings with imprecise information (my bad), hence my  
previous comments.

It's just that I'm kind of put off by some comments that are not related to  
computing and privacy, but to somehow extending the idea of the 4 freedoms to  
the political domain.

Legal, I understand that it's directly related.
Political, not so specifically. To me it better suits a subforum, but to each  
his own. I'm just stating an opinion.

[Trisquel-users] Re : The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-06 Thread mcz
I have to admit that i'm naïvely assuming that a malicious company would be  
out of business because of their actions being public. Recent history tells  
me otherwise.
My reasoning was that if they have a malicious product, they're out of  
business because of the justified bad press. Yeah right.
That's me underestimating the mental laziness or good old idiocy of many  
people (added to the power of good and large scale marketing). Plus the  
probable holes in the legal system.
In this context, I have to agree with the 4 freedoms (yet still following my  
initial reason).

[Trisquel-users] Re : Problems with audio and vsync

2015-08-04 Thread mcz


I think I've read somewhere here that upgrading the kernel could solve such  
hardware issues.

Ah, here it is:

But please wait for more experienced users advice.
Maybe there's a simpler way.
Also I suppose there's no garantee with the kernel update.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Making the radeon kernel module work again

2015-08-06 Thread mcz
Of course he cares about both privacy and security, but from the user's point  
of view.

Using GNU/Linux over Windows for more privacy is a no-brainer. Windows  
blatantly stated that they will do whatever they want with your data with  
Windows 10.

For security, same thing.
After all, most servers are GNU/Linux servers.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-07 Thread mcz
I wouldn't say a bigger problem (since it's it less used than Windows), but a  
problem nonetheless:

Also the users are snooty because it's the main marketing claim. Many buy it  
just for that. Some do so more for professional reasons though (graphic  
design, since you have a nice set of fonts by default. Plus everything is  
carefully designed, the proportions, everything. It's a better design  
But for most people, it's like having the latest cool shoes in high school. A  
status mark. We always want what the neighbor has, it's human nature I  
It's not so surprising how many unix porn (I mean desktop design) is made to  
mimic a mac desktop.

Nowadays I see it like a golden cage. Low status as f*ck.

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-07 Thread mcz
Then there’s the difference in licensing that Linux and the BSD family  
use. While both use open source licenses, Linux uses the GPL which favors  
users by forcing developers to release any of their modifications to  
GPL-licensed software as open source and with the same license.

The BSD family uses the BSD license, which favors developers by allowing them  
to take open source software, make modifications to it, and then keep it  
proprietary if they wish rather than forcing them to release their changes as  
open source (although they still could if they wanted).


In other words, choosing BSD is going for more security indeed (no expert,  
but it sounds like overkill).
But that can be argued:
The GNU C library didn't include these functions because to them it leads to  
other errors.

So BSD is much less flexible, probably even more secure (but that sounds like  
overkill), but certainly not privacy friendly since you're at the mercy of  
the developer's whim.

Also I doubt Microsoft will change their ways by 2020. And they don't give a  
damn about your privacy. As for security, it's not as good as GNU/Linux,  
Following your reasoning (you want more security and privacy), you don't make  
much sense in your choices.

But you're free to leave Trisquel if you want.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New on trisquel needing help

2015-08-07 Thread mcz

Hi, Welcome,

maybe it's some security feature that's in the BIOS.
I looked for the error message, here's something I found:

Also, how do you know that the keyboard has issues since you didn't  
format/install Trisquel yet? You mean you tested that from the LiveCD?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Making the radeon kernel module work again

2015-08-06 Thread mcz
I understand and agree. That's what I call historical reasons in my  
previous post. And I stated my point there, for what it's worth. I didn't  
know about the reasons of this conversation with cooloutac though.

Either way, you said it best (quoting you): So we're really on the same  
side: For 100% free software. Just for different underlying reasons.

And I wholehartedly agree :)

[Trisquel-users] Re : Trisquel netinstall: no connection (even ethernet)

2015-08-04 Thread mcz

I edited /etc/network/interfaces
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
with eth0 instead of lo. Rebooted the machine.
Still no success.

[Trisquel-users] Re : Trisquel netinstall: no connection (even ethernet)

2015-08-04 Thread mcz

Another weird thing:
pwd gave me home/myusername, and when I went up to the tree, there's only  
myusername, no Images, no Downloads folders. I know I copied my home  
folder before reinstalling, but maybe I did cut instead of copy.

That would mean the install didn't erase everything?
I'm saying this because since my disk was already encrypted, I erased it for  
about a minute, just as it is suggested on the Libreboot website. Does that  
mean it didn't erase all the data?? Yet i don't seem to find any.

Plus no nano, only vi. I was expecting pain, but not this much...
Argh anyway, now I have a new message that gives me a bit of hope.
connect:Network is unreachable

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-07 Thread mcz


I'll add that in order to make people break free from it,
I think one of the most important aspects for gaining wider use is top-notch  
useability (or idiot-proofability).

People do not want to have to fix their computer, ever.
Everything is just plug and play and works.
Apple controls the full chain,
so it's easier to have something that rarely breaks (and is taken care of).

It's a serious advantage (which goes with the image of very high  
quality/snottiness), but it's still a golden cage, no doubt about it. The few  
advantages in useability will never be worth the price to pay (not money, but  
privacy/freedom etc.). But most people around me won't be willing to spend  
half the time and energy I'm still spending to control my computing as much  
as possible.

One thing that would be interesting would be to compare help forums of free  
software and proprietary software and calculate a percentage of issues  
encountered related to the number of people in the user base.

Maybe I'm wrong, maybe the percentages of issues is lower here.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel Netinstall: Sound issue

2015-08-07 Thread mcz
I have trisquel-base-data, but not trisquel-base. There is some alsa stuff  
inside (or as dependecies).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel Netinstall: Sound issue

2015-08-07 Thread mcz

Thanks again David.
I see. Archive opening is ok, I see that I have cron installed for example.  
By default I have some of them.

Maybe they were installed with other software.

I guess I have two choices: either install trisquel-base and risk to add a  
few stuff I won't use, or pick the dependencies one by one whenever I have an  

I guess it can't hurt to try that.

Or just go with it and install on the side linux from scratch or Archlinux  
to really understand how it works.
The problem is, the more I install, the riskier it is to remove core packages  
because of related dependencies.

Well hey, just for the sake of it, I'll install the alsa related stuff first  
(though Pulseaudio is supposed to take care of key interaction) and see how  
it goes.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel Netinstall: Sound issue

2015-08-07 Thread mcz

Oh yeah, Parabola, I forgot about it!
That would be a good learning project, on a virtual machine for example.

I installed alsa-base and alsa-base-utils,
and it didn't work.

I tried then trisquel-base.
It suggested posfix configuration during the install.
I don't want it so I close the window.
Seems like something got broken during the install (an alert message I fail  
to remember).

I tried the sound without success. Can't remember if I restarted the computer  

So I removed the package with the same postfix thing.
Back to square one. I'll try configuring postfix, reboot and see how it goes.
I can always remove the package afterwards.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel Netinstall: Sound issue

2015-08-07 Thread mcz

I searxed more about mute key and X200.
I tried several variants of the grub modification above.
But I have no luck, it doesn't work for me.

What I don't understand though is that keycode 121 = XF86AudioMute NoSymbol  
It means that the mute command is assigned to the key associated with keycode  

if I remove it from xmodmap, will it be recognized by xev?

Anyway, it seems it's more directly related to the X200.
I've read a solution about kernel update, but I shouldn't need that since the  
mute button worked in a full trisquel install.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel Netinstall: Sound issue

2015-08-07 Thread mcz
I installed, rebooted and uninstalled again (because xev still doesn't  
recognize the mute key).

there was some fail message at the start of the uninstall, but no postfix.

What I did was probably too brutal, but for now my system seems ok.

I know there is also a trisquel-recommended package that I could try.

Re: [Trisquel-users] returned to trisquel7

2015-08-07 Thread mcz
Sorry, bad wording on my part. Let me clarify: I meant that following the  
quote on licensing AND the alleged security extras that OpenBSD seems to be  
known for (from the URLs), then follows the rest of my answer.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Advertising Trisquel FLOSS

2015-08-13 Thread mcz

I like it.

Maybe I would have emphasized the words freedom, privacy and market-freedom,  
in bold or something. Same for Trisquel GNU/Linux. These are the selling  

Also, maybe borrowing from comparative advertising would help rive the point  
faster and harder. In most people's minds, let's say there's Ubuntu, Windows  
10's statement about freedom and Privacy in their licence, etc.
It shouldn't be legally risky, just pasting parts of their licence to drive  
home what makes Trisquel different and better.

But yeah, it's a brochure, not a book. Probably not enough space.

AS for the image choices on the first page, it essentially features  
GDM/Login, GIMP, The programs-rich repo, and file-managing and video.
It can be crowded fast, but some impressive software to feature could be  
Blender, LMMS, Krita, something code-related (an IDE or a text-editor), a  
browser, email client, LibreOffice (reusing ideas from your text).

That's probably too much, but it could give a fuller, more striking picture.  
Maybe the desktops organised in a grid showing these softwares could be an  
option, provided it's readable.

Last but not least, Enjoy Computing. Enjoy Privacy. Enjoy Freedom. I'd add  
privacy as an important feature that could motivate people. I know it worked  
for me. Or maybe Regain control of your computing. Enjoy Privacy. Enjoy  
Freedom. Yeah, too long.

Anyway, just a few remarks.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-08-13 Thread mcz

Argh, that's too bad.
Gnome 3 does look more modern, and with the classic menu, still remains  
familiar. Its strong point to me is it's reliability. I know I managed to  
break Trisquel's current desktop bar, though it was an isolated case (but it  
still not a good feeling).

As for the familiarity point, it could be another idea to organize the menu  
precisely the same way a classic Windows menu is (with the control panel,  
some links to folders put in the same place etc).

I think Mint does that if I'm not mistaken.

Re: [Trisquel-users] EFF releases Privacy Badger for Firefox (Abrowser) to stop online tracking

2015-08-13 Thread mcz

I tried a few, now I have these:
html5 video everywhere
Noscript for some rare js exceptions
Request Policy for redirections
Random agent spoofer for html5 and making tracking harder
self-destructing cookies
ublock origin

And only youtube-dl since the others rely on some activated js at some point.

So this one is similar to donottrack and disconnect?
But with Noscript and RequestPolicy, isn't that enough?
Maybe it's geared towards people who have js on (the normal people, I am  
tempted to say).

I love the idea of this being a built-in feature though.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-08-13 Thread mcz
Gnome might not be a good desktop option for you, but it's still a good  
desktop option, and a smart idea. Even if I don't use it, I think it should  
be Trisquel's default, and here's why:

I learned recently that Gnome is interesting BECAUSE it's not highly  
configurable (at first glance at least). For a new user who barely knows  
GNU/Linux, it means much less chances to break the system.

It gives a sense of stability and reliability which is important.
Also, I've read that some advanced users like it and use it too. It's more  
configurable than you think.
I'd probably suggest Gnome 3/Shell to new users for the aforementioned  

Those Macbooks don't cost too much anymore (which is nice), but the max  
amount of RAM is unfortunately very low. An X200 might be better for a  
similar amount (Non-Gluglug, the basic stuff), for the sole reason that you  
have more room to upgrade. But sure, the Macbook looks nice and is probably  
enough to handle most basic tasks. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-09 Thread mcz

To me, it depends on what kind of user we're talking about.

GNU/Linux is reliable, but not so much (in comparison) if you don't know what  
you're doing.
The downside of its flexibility is that it's a bit easier to break. Other  
than that, it's know to be as solid/reliable as it gets.

My (subjective) perception is that I sometimes read that some people have  
their GNU/Linux suddenly not booting anymore (sure, we don't know what they  
did as root).
I've personally have broken the desktop bar in my first use of Trisquel.  
Unfortunately, I can't remember how I did that, but it shouldn't be possible  
It's typical to be able to add bars and remove them, but for new and/or not  
computing-saavy users,
I'd stick with a rock solid bar that can't be suppressed easily, but can be  
moved around, hidden, things like that.

Widows for example had its share of unreliability/limitations etc.
But following on the desktop bar example, it's extremely unlikely to break it  
or remove it.

Very limited flexibility, but a more idiot-proof GUI.
It doesn't need another layer of sudo, just not making those personalization  
features as accessible.
Of course it's probably difficult to manage so many different pieces of  
software that way. But to me it's still a good idea.

Again, it's my subjective point of view/short experience,
and I'd rather go through a steeper learning curve than go back in my golden  
cage anyway. I can't unsee it anymore.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-09 Thread mcz

Interesting, really. I just watched a video introduction.
Provided The activities menu is replaced by a classic menu (at least the  
shape of it is more familiar),
it looks really good and practical. And since it's harder to customize/break,  
it's even better. Not for my personal use, but I definitely want to try it :)
I suppose it's not Trisquel's default because it wasn't yet mature enough at  
that time. I think I've read about accessibility or something.

About that desktop bar bug, it was on Trisquel 7, I'm pretty sure. I made it  
disappear if I remember well (can't find my post about it here), and when I  
started it again, if I had several apps opened, they wouldn't be displayed on  
top of each other in the bar anymore, like it does in the default install.  
Also, I had to restart it manually after each boot.
But I never managed to make the same issue happen on the LiveCD for example,  
so it seems it's an isolated case.

Thanks for the Gnome3 info. It seems like an outstanding free software  

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-10 Thread mcz

that's even better.
I really want to try it.

Btw, speaking of useability:
my printer used to not work properly either on windows or mac. On my Trisquel  
Netinstall, I just plugged it in with not much hope, and not only it printed,  
but it printed without the previous issues!

So that was cool :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-08-14 Thread mcz

It seems it's not as foolproof as I thought.
Not only there's that 3D thing, but also it seems sometimes the keyboard  
layout get randomly switched in some cases.

These are not horrible bugs, but it doesn't make GNOME3 as fullproof as it is  
supposed to be (why then bare possible but limited configuration  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Share your Desktop!

2015-08-14 Thread mcz

you talked about dconf also.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Crowdfunding a game I'm developing: ReTux (Mario-inspired game)

2015-08-12 Thread mcz
Wow that's awesome, you made the game engine?? That's a compelling reason  

As for the storyline/characters, as stated it could be much more interesting  
(to me). same for the graphics, they look amateurish (though most of the maps  
look quite good).

For a first run, this is not so important. But in the long run, it could be  
what makes it not just a good game, but a great one.

I'm really impressed that you've written the game engine, I'm eager to  
discover the possibilities!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Crowdfunding a game I'm developing: ReTux (Mario-inspired game)

2015-08-12 Thread mcz
Ah, so it won't be freely available, BUT there won't be restrictions  
regarding redistribution, right?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Crowdfunding a game I'm developing: ReTux (Mario-inspired game)

2015-08-12 Thread mcz

Thank you, didn't see that one.

So it's distributing free software for a fee.
But not limiting it for obvious reasons here.

While proprietary software is limited in order to sell more.
But there's the potential for abuse, and the limit to fully use it.

What comes to mind is how to actually make money with free software?
There's the example of the guys at Ardour who demand a minimum fee. They seem  
to do fine overall. The Gluglug seems to do that too.

Without changing the subject of the thread too much, do you guys have other  
examples that come to mind?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Crowdfunding a game I'm developing: ReTux (Mario-inspired game)

2015-08-12 Thread mcz
I see, so same should be about CentOS. It's the same source code, but it's  
not exactly the same team in charge.

an FAQ about Free software/Free culture values would be a nice addition in  
Trisquel's documentation.

It's funny how my main spontaneous objections to free software are about  
money. The usual stuff:

wouldn't that kill the drive to create better and better stuff?
Won't people pay a dime if it's available for free?
Won't people lose their jobs, in such a fragile current economy, etc.

I've read several answer to most of these, like studies showing that people  
who share stuff spend more than those who don't, thus they end up rewarding  
the author/artist/whatever,
or that changing for a more ethical job is a solution to consider (though not  
everyone would risk that), etc.

In essence, I think my real objection is about getting one's reward stolen by  
someone better at communicating that work, or with more funds shouldn't feel  
like a good experience.
I think it happened with Angry Birds. I think it was heavily inspired by a  
game with a Castle, of course very similar. It's like that Nike logo story as  
well (though i think the author did fine anyway). Or Tesla.

That's not less ethical than proprietary software.
Right now I'm a bit stuck between both schools of thought.
I mean abuse can be a two-way street, with and without copyright, right?

I can imagine one possible answer: that work doesn't belong to you anymore.  
Be happy that someone made it proprietary and stole your reward. My mind is  
maybe listening, but my heart is telling you that working my ass off for the  
benefit of some douchebag stealing my life work is an injustice. and I'm not  
talking about peer-to-peer here, since when people love the author's work,  
usually they buy from him/her one way or the other.
I'm not talking about big companies either, though I know they are the ones  
who benefit (and abuse) the most of copyright. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-10 Thread mcz
I see. Gnome3 classic is really the most suited because activities can still  
be accessed from the classic menu (1 more click, but it becomes a  
secondary/last resort tool, so it's fine). Sure there is also Mate/Cinammon,  
supposed to be lightweight/oldschool/more flexible, but if they're not as  
solid as gnome3, these are not good choices for first time users.

Ideally a lightweight Gnome3 Classic (while still retaining most of the  
non-3D related good looks) would be the best as a secondary choice.
If there's a simple way to turn it off (without completely ruining the good  
looks), that could work as well.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-10 Thread mcz


Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel GTK theme issue

2015-08-06 Thread mcz

Sure, here they are.
Abrowser looks mostly fine (maybe the navigation bar is off).
With Synaptic, Claws and Thunar (and others), someting is missing.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The FSF's statement on Windows 10

2015-08-06 Thread mcz

(fun fact: I was able to upvote myself)

-1? For what? I'm saying is that I'm AGREEING with the 4 freedoms (kinda  
reluctantly, but agreeing). You should read twice before taking action,  
whoever you are.

Yes, I'm also stating a different opinion, and it's not like my argument is  
offensive/trolling. So you sure can passive-agressively deal with it by  
downvoting (knock yourself out).
You can also deal with it with argumentation, you know, like grown-ups do.  
Probably a more convincing way to get your point across.

My point in a nutshell is that comments about greed (and other somewhat  
politically oriented comments I've seen in other threads) should be kept for  
the Troll Hole or something. Again, the core idea we all have in common is (I  
believe) protecting our privacy. I now see (with Onpon's help) the other 3  
freedoms as a necessity. And if it goes beyond the subject of computing, to  
me it's off topic and belongs to a subforum. Privacy isn't linked to a  
specific political movement, it's a global issue.

I'd rather be reading about why specifically windows is a scam (you know,  
actual data that can be useful in a conversation) than mildly politically  
oriented comments (not much in this specific thread, but I can see that  

btw, where's the moderator?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel GTK theme issue

2015-08-06 Thread mcz

Many thanks David, very good idea :)
I found trisquel-gtk-theme in synaptic with 3 gtk engines inside.
It definitely improved abrowser and the file manager, even claws though it's  
still a bit ugly, but there might be dedicated themes.

On the other hand, synaptic didn't change, even after restarting/tweaking  
lxappearance. but maybe it's like that in the live CD, I'll check again.

There's one package left that might be interesting (it has the cursor theme  
for example. the package is called trisquel-desktop-common).

But the list of dependencies is very long.
I'll probably go through it and see what I want to keep.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel GTK theme issue

2015-08-06 Thread mcz
Right now I have a Trisquel Netinstall. I installed xorg, LightDM and i3wm  
window manager.

I have no desktop environment, only i3wm.
I also already have lxappearance installed.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Doom/Doom II on Trisquel

2015-08-25 Thread mcz

Oh, got it (at last).
Thanks, for the audio links also.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Doom/Doom II on Trisquel

2015-08-25 Thread mcz

The audio is very long, and goes through the history of copyright, DRM etc.
What's the argument that applies here, in a nutshell?
Software can be malware, but a book can't.
It's just not the same category to me.
(You seem to differentiate text books and manuals from say, a novel or a  
comic, but I'm not sure of that).

If it can't be distributed commercially,
It's still accessible, modifiable and can be distributed, just not for a fee.
It simply prevents people from abusing the author, without restraining the  
user's freedom.

Best of both worlds, it's fair to both parties.
How is that non-ethical?

Re: [Trisquel-users] KVM tutorial issue

2015-11-11 Thread mcz
Now that I have my minimal install back, I'll attempt to make either KVM or  
Gnome boxes work when I have some time.

Maybe the tutorial was intended to a normal Trisquel install, but even then I  
doubt it, because network-manager would likely conflict with manual  
configuration in /etc/network/interfaces. I will personally start from a very  
basic wpa-supplicat configuration. When I can make it work, I'll be able to  
test it on a virtualized normal install.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Minifree price change

2015-11-11 Thread mcz

The installation service is about 200 to 300€.
If you feel like installing it (you'll need patience and reading), provided  
you'd need to spend for a BBB and a few other items,
and provided you can use memory and HDD you already own, you can make some  
good savings.

I know that next time, I'll try to do it myself (at least on the well tested  

Looks actually fun when you're not in a rush.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What DE do you prefer for Trisquel 8?

2015-11-08 Thread mcz
Then I assume that the accessibility programs are still there (which is what  
I was trying to say, but it wasn't very clear/properly worded).

Re: [Trisquel-users] What DE do you prefer for Trisquel 8?

2015-11-08 Thread mcz
Rewording the norm to maxi and making mini the norm doesn't change a thing,  
besides feeling in the norm or something if you have a super old machine.

But it raises an interesting question : what that norm actually is. The main  
"Ubuntu/Debian/other very popular distro" LiveCD is (correct me if I'm wrong)  
a full-blown liveCD (GNOME/KDE). Why? It's easy to assume that that choice is  
made because most machines can handle it (beyond the 2 years old limit).
I know, two assumptions in a row, but for example this, from the Debian  
We recognize that there are only two important classes of users: the novice,  
and the expert. We will do everything we can to make things very easy for the  
novice, while allowing the expert to tweak things if they like.
We will try to ensure that software is configured for the most common desktop  
use. For instance, the regular user account added by default during  
installation should have permission to play audio and video, print, and  
manage the system through sudo.

If Enlightment is too demanding to set up, it will be too demanding to update  
(most likely).

There's also LXDE, even ligther than XFCE.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What DE do you prefer for Trisquel 8?

2015-11-09 Thread mcz
I wouldn't say the best options in that case because battery life is  
outweighted by many other functionalities for beginners/newcomers.

But if you're interested in battery life without going for the tiled window  
managers, Openbox+dzen2 is an even less demanding combo.

Re: [Trisquel-users] FX Settings difficult in Audacity

2015-11-10 Thread mcz
I didn't try it yet, but Ardour might be able to do it out of the box. Even  
LMMS, if I'm not mistaken.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Brazilian bank online access

2015-11-12 Thread mcz
It would be interesting to know if Magic Banana uses this plugin as well. Do  
you need it to connect to the bank website? I mean what if you disable it  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Brazilian bank online access

2015-11-12 Thread mcz

I know how it feels.
I remember a quote I found a while ago (it inspired me, hopefully it will do  
the same for you):

"You're never unemployed, your current job is simply to find a new job".

Re: [Trisquel-users] Crowdfunding a game I'm developing: ReTux (Mario-inspired game)

2015-11-12 Thread mcz
I just downloaded the SuperTux data files, and, yeah, that's a huge quantity  
of images.
I can see now: the problem is that the SuperTux team used blur (they should  
have sticked with flats).

What's interesting though is that at a small size (like for a portable  
the game looks pro, maybe with a non transparent high contrast text  
background for better readability.
Perfect example: see that igloo in the intro? In classic pixel art, it would  
look infinitely better.
I was comparing with mario 1 to 3 designs, all the shadows are simple flats.  
I think it looks better.

Hey, maybe a trick is to mass-modify all the files to push them to a lower  
res with imagemagic, thus maybe giving them a nice pixel effect.

Actually I just tried the GIMP pixelize filter.
It can look better, but it doesn't eliminate that blurred look completely.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7 asks twice for user password

2015-11-12 Thread mcz
[ 39.147136] wlan0: deauthenticating from 00:7f:28:26:11:a1 by local choice  

Here's why, I suppose. How is it possible to find that reason=2?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Brazilian bank online access

2015-11-12 Thread mcz

No bank account, huh?

Right ;) ?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Brazilian bank online access

2015-11-12 Thread mcz

Your logs don't give any clues?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Untransparent Bloatware

2015-11-12 Thread mcz
>>> You should be able to select whether it is a fast-forward or advanced  

Fair enough, if that exists in other distros.

>>> Why don't make advanced installation option where You choose ALL the  

I think that would actually be a nice option, if doable.
Of course, that would mean at least one more question during the install  

>>> Now I have fresh installed Trisquel and want to clear it up without  
messing it up (last time I deleted bluetooth made things disappear from gnome  
First, thinkabout that: can you delete bluetooth in Windows or OSX? No.  
Rather cool, right?
Now, The best way is indeed the netinstall. But since you have a bad  
connection, maybe it's possible to make a minimal install

from the DVD with the text install.

>>> First thing that makes me tremble is the wait-up at boot-up for internet  

I don't experience that at all. Are you sure it's Trisquel-related.
If so, maybe try to install again. But that's last resort option.
First let's try to find why this happens (besides having a bad connection).

>>> Then the speed-up of boot-up and overall performance improvement  
including purging of unnecessary services.
What is unneccessary to you isn't for others. The boot speed can be improved,  
but I suppose your hardware limits that also.

>>> Another step would be changing Ubuntu's log-in screen with a light-weight  
You mean lightDM? It's as light as it gets. But you can also remove it and  
log from the command line. If interested, I can expand on that.

>>> PS - That is a broad topic but it is very visible with a naked eye that  
open software and free software are not easily transparent for usual user and  
so are not used as they could be - so does their code and so does all of  
theirs documentation or lack of it, what about putting it in an useful guide  
(not in useless as now) or placing text files in system folders that describe  
things up for a noob?

First, everything is transparent, that's one of the points of free software.
If you can and are willing to read the source code, you're not much of a  
usual user anymore. Maybe some of it is badly commented or indented, I have  
no idea. But at least you have access to it.
About the documentation: if it's not enough, you have the Ubuntu forums (on  
which Trisquel is based) and the Arch wiki which is well done (though not  
exactly the same commands).

The Ubuntu docs should be good as well.
What doc have you a problem with? Maybe we can help.

>>> I here for the first time and can't find text styling options ^ _^
They're very limited. That's one of the things that should be improved IMO.
For now, you can get some text between tags.
"" (without the ") is an opening tag with the strong (bold text) function.
To close it, Put a forward slash before the word, like ".
You can do the same with cite (italic or oblique, not sure),
code (that yellow area you see), and different sizes of titles from h1  
(biggest) to h6 (smallest).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Mounting HDD or DVD in both Thunar and PCmanFM: "Not authorized to perform operation"

2015-11-13 Thread mcz

Ok so I tried/checked:
- that manual mounting works (I didn't try for the DVD, I don't know how yet)
- since I only use a WM, it seems I need to create and edit and .xinitrc file  
(I've properly made it an executable script. I think). Inside, I tried  
unsuccessfully "exec dbus-launch ck-launch-session i3". Prior to that, I  
installed consolekit.
- gvfs was installed from the start, and some versions of polkit. Someone  
suggested that I add "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lxpolkit &" in that same  
file, but navigating there, I can't find the file (though it is installed.  
It's supposed to force polkit to ask for my pass.

- I've read some stuff about HAL being obsolete, and I can't find it anyway.
- I have yet to understand permissions well enough to see if this is not the  
issue. But It shouldn't since launching those file managers with sudo or  
gksudo doesn't change a thing (in some cases, the hdd icon isn't even  
displayed (specially with gksudo).

One important question is to localize the true source of the issue:

I think that Thunar can be exempted, since the problem occurs with PCmanFM as  

Trisquel itself? I know I've seen a similar (unanswered) issue on the  forum.  
But I doubt it. At most, it's something missing in the netinstall, which is  
Plus I'm aware that I'm not using the stock install, so I'm not complaining.  
Just looking to make a simple netinstall work. It being Trisquel shouldn't  
change a thing on this subject.

My wm (i3)? I doubt it. But maybe it's a configuration I've overlooked. For  
now, it's the only wm I have, so it's launched with startx. from there, I'm  
trying to use .xinitrc to launch whatever should be launched on startup  
(including .Xresources config file, which I'm testing).

Rights (chmod)? Sudo/gksudo don't help, so I wonder.
What is really weird is that manual mounting works, and gvfs is supposed to  
take care of automounting.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Brazilian bank online access

2015-11-12 Thread mcz

Woops, I missed this.
Well so that's not the same version you both use.
It might matter.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Brazilian bank online access

2015-11-13 Thread mcz

Keep it up man, it's just a matter of time :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Mounting HDD or DVD in both Thunar and PCmanFM: "Not authorized to perform operation"

2015-11-13 Thread mcz
I'm not sure I'm doing this right: in htop, I have several lines with  
/usr/lib/gvfsd and other ones with fuse and trash or something. I don't know  
how to paste htop's content easily.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Freedombox

2015-11-13 Thread mcz
So you would want to connect remotely to your home computer (which would  
itself be connected through a VPN and the Tor browser), with your Android  
phone, is that right?

I never tried it, nor am I knowledgeable on this yet (I suppose it's through  
SSL). But the weaker link here would be your Android phone. I'm thinking of  
the Samsung backdoor for example.

Though it would definitely beat no security/privacy at all.

Why not use Orbot (from F-droid) instead?
That way you're communicating through Tor browser right away.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Mounting HDD or DVD in both Thunar and PCmanFM: "Not authorized to perform operation"

2015-11-13 Thread mcz

Thanks. Here's my output:

$ ps -e | grep gvfsd
 1329 ?00:00:00 gvfsd
 1333 ?00:00:00 gvfsd-fuse
 1849 ?00:00:00 gvfsd-trash
 3931 ?00:00:00 gvfsd
 3935 ?00:00:00 gvfsd-fuse
10740 ?00:00:00 gvfsd-metadata

I have gvfsd and gvfsd-fuse twice, and I have neither burn nor http.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Mounting HDD or DVD in both Thunar and PCmanFM: "Not authorized to perform operation"

2015-11-13 Thread mcz

After a reboot, I have only 3:

ps -e | grep gvfsd
 1403 ?00:00:00 gvfsd
 1407 ?00:00:00 gvfsd-fuse
 1795 ?00:00:00 gvfsd-trash

This is driving me nuts, I've tried so many things...
I just don't want to rely on editing fstab.
I tried this :
I tried installing Nautilus (hoping for one of the dependencies to make it  

I tried Duplicating .xinitrc in my home and adding
exec dbus-launch ck-launch-session i3 (in relation to consolekit which I  

I tried to remove completely and reinstall udisks2 and Thunar for example

Seems this happened a lot on ArchLinux, and those attempts I picked from the  
arch forum/wiki.

This one I definitely want to figure out. After this, KVM should be a piece  
of cake.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Mounting HDD or DVD in both Thunar and PCmanFM: "Not authorized to perform operation"

2015-11-13 Thread mcz
In the options, there are a few to check. Since I've erased the config files,  
I rechecked them. No success though.

"gvfs-mount -d /dev/sdb1" tells me
"gvfs-mount: command not found".
After a bit of reading, I installed the missing gvfs-bin.
Now I have "Pas de volume pour le fichier de périphérique /dev/sdb1".

"udisksctl mount -b /dev/sdb1" prompts for the pass, and mounts the drive  
just fine.

I'll try with Nautilus again.

That gvfs-mount looks promising (thanks btw). I have nothing in my ~/.gvfs  
folder, even after that gvfs-mount command.
I need some rest, then I should also try this:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Icecat: Making private mode run everything through Tor?

2015-11-14 Thread mcz
It's safer and easier to download the Tor browser (and checking the GPG or  
shasum or whatever their site recommends before installing).

Re: [Trisquel-users] ThinkPenguin's heavily modified version of u-boot

2015-11-14 Thread mcz
As an owner of the said router, even with this evidence, I have a hard time  
seeing any malicious intent.
At worst, since they intended to modify it, maybe they planned it but forgot  
to update that one line on the their site.
On the other hand it is certainly a good thing to state the truth, that is it  
is not a heavily modified u-boot.
Yet since the code is distributed, and libre, at most I see a minor mistake,  
or at worst unharmful misleading marketing.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Vulnerability in the linux kernel... when 7.0.1?

2015-11-15 Thread mcz

I see, thanks.

Wait, is that a vulnerability that allows an attacker on KVM ON THE SAME  
MACHINE to launch a DOS attack?
That would be troublesome IF the machine is stolen, and encrypted of course.  
If not encrypted, attacking from KVM or not doesn't matter much.

That might be another quick conclusion from me, but from what I gather, it's  
more like a bug than a vulnerability.
I guess there might be a way to implement such an attack against a fresh  
install, but regarding the necessary and unlikely conditions for the attack  
to happen, this can't seriously be considered a threat.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Vulnerability in the linux kernel... when 7.0.1?

2015-11-15 Thread mcz
Not that I'm worried or anything (my line on italian language above is not to  
be taken seriously), specially if my analysis is correct: I just find this  
interesting. But since it's already fixed, it's even better.

Re: [Trisquel-users] ThinkPenguin's heavily modified version of u-boot

2015-11-14 Thread mcz

Thanks, truth based on incomplete data is definitely not truth.
I see several html files for examples, I wonder why those weren't picked up  
by the GIT diff, or whatever kind of comparison tct did.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Vulnerability in the linux kernel... when 7.0.1?

2015-11-14 Thread mcz
What about the updates that can be done during the installation? Is it  
something different?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Broken my VPN and Tor (and my connection)

2015-11-14 Thread mcz
(I love the WTF downvote, but anyway, that's not why I'm posting) I didn't  
try it since I've chosen a paid solution, but if someone still has an issue  
with Bitmask like that, try erasing your config files, it might make it work  
(or not, but still worth a try, since a reinstall keeps your .config folder).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Mounting HDD or DVD in both Thunar and PCmanFM: "Not authorized to perform operation"

2015-11-15 Thread mcz

me as a user in the proper groups seems to be OK.

I found a command to list what's on on startup.
I'll try to find those that are stopped/waiting,
and appear to be related to the issue.

$ initctl list
avahi-cups-reload stop/waiting
avahi-daemon start/running, process 798
mountall-net stop/waiting start/running
passwd stop/waiting
rc stop/waiting
rsyslog start/running, process 724
startpar-bridge stop/waiting
tty4 start/running, process 827
udev start/running, process 371
upstart-udev-bridge start/running, process 362
ureadahead-other stop/waiting
console-setup stop/waiting
hwclock-save stop/waiting
idmapd-mounting stop/waiting
plymouth-log stop/waiting
rpcbind-boot stop/waiting
systemd-logind start/running, process 788
tty5 start/running, process 828
failsafe stop/waiting start/running
rfkill-store stop/waiting
statd start/running, process 692
dbus start/running, process 613
mounted-var stop/waiting
plymouth-shutdown stop/waiting
plymouth stop/waiting
resolvconf start/running
udev-fallback-graphics stop/waiting
autofs start/running, process 976 start/running
control-alt-delete stop/waiting
hwclock stop/waiting
mounted-proc stop/waiting
cups-browsed start/running, process 950
setvtrgb stop/waiting
shutdown stop/waiting
statd-mounting stop/waiting
cron start/running, process 972
mountall stop/waiting
mounted-debugfs stop/waiting start/running
rpcbind start/running, process 614
binfmt-support start/running
console stop/waiting
mounted-run stop/waiting start/running start/running
kmod stop/waiting start/running
plymouth-stop stop/waiting
rcS stop/waiting
wait-for-state stop/waiting start/running
flush-early-job-log stop/waiting
gssd-mounting stop/waiting
rc-sysinit stop/waiting
cups start/running, process 1731
pulseaudio stop/waiting
upstart-socket-bridge start/running, process 664
cryptdisks start/running start/running
tty2 start/running, process 833
udevtrigger stop/waiting
upstart-file-bridge start/running, process 661
container-detect stop/waiting
mounted-dev stop/waiting start/running
tty3 start/running, process 834
udev-finish stop/waiting
cryptdisks-udev stop/waiting
hostname stop/waiting
mountall-reboot stop/waiting
gssd stop/waiting
mountall-shell stop/waiting
mounted-tmp stop/waiting
network-interface (tun0) start/running
network-interface (lo) start/running
network-interface (eth0) start/running
network-interface (wlan0) start/running
plymouth-ready stop/waiting
plymouth-splash stop/waiting
plymouth-upstart-bridge stop/waiting
portmap-wait stop/waiting
tty1 start/running, process 1013
udevmonitor stop/waiting
dmesg stop/waiting start/running
network-interface-security (network-interface/tun0) start/running
network-interface-security (network-interface/eth0) start/running
network-interface-security (network-interface/wlan0) start/running
network-interface-security (network-interface/lo) start/running
network-interface-security (networking) start/running
networking start/running
procps stop/waiting
rfkill-restore stop/waiting
tty6 start/running, process 836
console-font stop/waiting
idmapd start/running, process 615
network-interface-container stop/waiting
ureadahead stop/waiting

Re: [Trisquel-users] An unconfigurable software is not a free software

2015-11-15 Thread mcz
So it can be free software and be of "bad" quality, and even malicious (until  
detected) after all.
Funny, I too had some of those assumptions about free software, even though  
now that I think about it, it's pretty obvious.

network-manager (which I couldn't install in my netinstall btw) for example  
seems to be good for GNOME, and for basic setups. I suspect that it  
didn'thelp when I tried to modify the /etc/network/interfaces file to create  
a bridge, which would then be considered advanced usage.

But it's a bit like saying you can't do image manipulation in Word as much as  
in Photoshop, taking proprietary examples.

It's not limiting your freedom, it's what it's designed to do.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Mounting HDD or DVD in both Thunar and PCmanFM: "Not authorized to perform operation"

2015-11-15 Thread mcz

I tried the dconf-editor (all was checked),

here's my dmesg log (the end of it, about usb):

[30534.232069] usb 2-2: new high-speed USB device number 2 using ehci-pci
[30534.369618] usb 2-2: New USB device found, idVendor=05dc, idProduct=a838
[30534.369630] usb 2-2: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2,  

[30534.369637] usb 2-2: Product: USB Flash Drive
[30534.369644] usb 2-2: Manufacturer: a brand
[30534.369650] usb 2-2: SerialNumber: a serial number
[30534.440207] usb-storage 2-2:1.0: USB Mass Storage device detected
[30534.440283] scsi4 : usb-storage 2-2:1.0
[30534.440359] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
[30535.583438] scsi 4:0:0:0: Direct-Access the brandUSB Flash Drive   
1100 PQ: 0 ANSI: 6

[30535.584130] sd 4:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg1 type 0
[30535.585632] sd 4:0:0:0: [sdb] 15634432 512-byte logical blocks: (8.00  
GB/7.45 GiB)

[30535.589450] sd 4:0:0:0: [sdb] Write Protect is off
[30535.589455] sd 4:0:0:0: [sdb] Mode Sense: 43 00 00 00
[30535.590498] sd 4:0:0:0: [sdb] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled,  
doesn't support DPO or FUA

[30535.596646]  sdb: sdb1
[30535.600373] sd 4:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI removable disk

Nothing seems problematic.

I nearly tried eveything here.
I just want to dig in more about privileges and groups, and about what's  
autostarted on boot (how to monitor that first).

Re: [Trisquel-users] Crowdfunding a game I'm developing: ReTux (Mario-inspired game)

2015-11-12 Thread mcz

Ah that's right, forgot about that.
Anything animated represents several images to change.
What about the tiles though?
Just changing some tiles could make instant modifications (in theory).

Approximately, how much fixed images are they besides anything that's  
animated, even the plateforms maybe)?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Can't get Mate to work in my Trisquel (7), can anybody help?

2015-11-12 Thread mcz
If I remember well, I had to download an additional package. Maybe it was  

Re: [Trisquel-users] ThinkPenguin's heavily modified version of u-boot

2015-11-12 Thread mcz

Any ThinkPenguin TPE-NWIFIROUTER2 buyer wants to share the source code of  
ThinkPenguin's heavily modified[1] u-boot, a free software bootloader for  
wireless routers? reports it can be found on the CD which comes  
with the router[2].

You got mine now.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Crowdfunding a game I'm developing: ReTux (Mario-inspired game)

2015-11-11 Thread mcz

From a purely programming point of view, this is beyond nice!

About the level design, a minor thing bothering me is some of those big green  
vertical pipes appear like they're on the foreground (like a wall) when  
they're not at all.
Other than that, the music, the design, it all works very well. Redoing the  
graphics (more pro) would make it even better.

Adding some specific, more unique gameplay possibilities would make it a  
really great game, taking it beyond the good "clone" status to a really  
original game (tons of possibilities here).

I like the weird 90's dance club music that appears sometimes, it gives a  
funny WTF moment. Speaking of the music, some of it is impressive.

Bravo, it's inspiring.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Unninstall all packages on a system except seleted ones, possible?

2015-11-11 Thread mcz

I have no idea if it's possible.
Maybe something like "IF it's not in this rather big list of programs, THEN  
sudo apt-get autoremove them, and sudo apt-get clean in the end", or  
something like that.

Maybe that would be enough.

[Trisquel-users] Mounting HDD or DVD in both Thunar and PCmanFM: "Not authorized to perform operation"

2015-11-11 Thread mcz

Here's mount before plugging the HDD:

/dev/mapper/volumegroup-trisquel on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
none on /sys/fs/cgroup type tmpfs (rw)
none on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw)
none on /sys/kernel/debug type debugfs (rw)
none on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw)
udev on /dev type devtmpfs (rw,mode=0755)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,noexec,nosuid,gid=5,mode=0620)
tmpfs on /run type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,size=10%,mode=0755)
none on /run/lock type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,size=5242880)
none on /run/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev)
none on /run/user type tmpfs  

none on /sys/fs/pstore type pstore (rw)
systemd on /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd type cgroup  
gvfsd-fuse on /run/user/1000/gvfs type fuse.gvfsd-fuse  

And here it is after:

/dev/mapper/volumegroup-trisquel on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
none on /sys/fs/cgroup type tmpfs (rw)
none on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw)
none on /sys/kernel/debug type debugfs (rw)
none on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw)
udev on /dev type devtmpfs (rw,mode=0755)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,noexec,nosuid,gid=5,mode=0620)
tmpfs on /run type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,size=10%,mode=0755)
none on /run/lock type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,size=5242880)
none on /run/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev)
none on /run/user type tmpfs  

none on /sys/fs/pstore type pstore (rw)
systemd on /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd type cgroup  
gvfsd-fuse on /run/user/1000/gvfs type fuse.gvfsd-fuse  

sudo thunar after plugging it in (already made some research on the web):

thunar-volman: Type de périphérique USB non supporté.
thunar-volman: Type de périphérique USB non supporté.
thunar-volman: Type de périphérique bloc inconnu.

And after the DVD is in:

thunar-volman: Ne peux pas détecter le volume correspondant au  

In PCmanFM, no error messages whatsoever in the cli, (no icons appear);
and when I open it without sudo, I have both Icons, but the same error  

policykit-1-gnome was already installed.
Same for gvfs.
I have nothing neither in /mnt/ nor in /media/username.
Keep in mind that this is a netinstall.
And that I spend a lotof time in looking for a solution.

I don't master mounting yet, but it doesn't seem practical to do it by hand,  
so I didn't try yet.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Mounting HDD or DVD in both Thunar and PCmanFM: "Not authorized to perform operation"

2015-11-11 Thread mcz

Sudo fdisk -l does show a /dev/sdb disk, and a /dev/sdb1 partition.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Unninstall all packages on a system except seleted ones, possible?

2015-11-11 Thread mcz
Provided it's really complete, you can get it from Synaptic (props to Magic  
Banana): File > Save selection (or something similar), and that's about it.

Well there's some additional text on each line, so it could be cleaned with  
regular expressions, but I don't know how.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Unninstall all packages on a system except seleted ones, possible?

2015-11-11 Thread mcz
I like it, I don't know how to do it, but it sounds like a great way to get  
the perfect Synaptic list.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Unninstall all packages on a system except seleted ones, possible?

2015-11-11 Thread mcz
Another way is to simply remove all the packages (i.e. make a minimal install  
instead), then simply put a selected list back in synaptics.

For example, first you take a standard Lubuntu. Then You save the synaptic  
file that you edit the way you want to. Alternatively, you can remove the  
packages you don't want on Synaptic, then you export the list.
From there, you make a minimal netinstall, apt-get install Synaptic, and  
reload the programs you want.

Much simpler.

Btw, why Lubuntu? You can just make a Trisquel minimal install, and add  
Lxde+other programs. Same thing, 100% libre.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Unninstall all packages on a system except seleted ones, possible?

2015-11-11 Thread mcz

So the goal is to free an OS.
Or more like you don't want to reinstall from scratch.
If it's a full install, you can simply reinstall Trisquel without erasing  
/home (and backing it up just in case before). And then import a personal  
Synaptic list.
Fully free, fully personalized, all free, and your previous data is  

But freeing other Debian-based OS without reinstalling, I wonder if it's that  

You'd have at least to modify the software repo.
Plus you have the non-free software recommendations that could be a problem.
What I'm trying to say is that I have no idea if removing non-free programs  
is enough.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Mounting HDD or DVD in both Thunar and PCmanFM: "Not authorized to perform operation"

2015-11-17 Thread mcz
Thanks for checking out. I'll gather as much data as I can about these. I  
quickly did earlier about mountall, and this one seems off the hook.

On a side note my first try with fstab was strange : before startx, during  
the boot, a message indicated that it tried to mount my USB drive, like it  
expected to be plugged in before startup. It might be standard behaviour  

I thought it was recongnized when plugged in.
Either way, I have barely scratched the surface on fstab, I might be able to  
solve this by myself.

Worst case, I still can mount manually, which is the safest solution. I just  
wish I could be able to configure automount from a minimal system. I'll try  
what you suggested, thanks again :)

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