[twitter-dev] Re: Basic authentication

2010-05-18 Thread Rich
That argument is fine, except for one glaring issue... xAuth.

I've seen plenty of iPhone clients for instance using xAuth but there
is no good reason for them to be using xAuth as it's remarkably simple
to use the oAuth workflow using UIWebView.

I was under the belief that xAuth was designed either as a temporary
conversion tool for old Basic Auth clients or clients that didn't have
a decent embeddable browser on a mobile device?

With xAuth the client is still asking for a username and password and
what is to prevent them from storing that information, sure they
aren't supposed to but what if they do, and how would Twitter know
that that specific client was the one harvesting account information.

On May 18, 7:49 am, Dave Sherohman  wrote:
> On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 11:22:56AM -0700, Jef Poskanzer wrote:
> > Have you considered keeping basic auth enabled, but only for https?
> > This would be secure against packet sniffing and would probably use
> > less resources than OAuth.
> The issue with Basic Auth isn't packet sniffing.
> The issue with Basic Auth is that you're giving your Twitter login
> credentials to a third party (i.e., some application that is not
> Twitter) and, in most cases, allowing that third party to store your
> Twitter login credentials for future use.  This is Very Bad.  General
> security best practice states that you should *never* give your login
> credentials for *any* system to *any* third party for *any* reason.
> To put it another way, how about if you just give me the username and
> password for your bank's website so that I can deposit some money for
> you?  I won't use it to transfer money to my account, or to lock you out
> of your bank account, and I'll forget them as soon as the deposit has
> been made.  Really.  I promise.
> *That* is the problem with Basic Auth, regardless of whether I use https
> when I log in to your bank account or not.
> --
> Dave Sherohman

[twitter-dev] Help in twitteroauth By Abraham Williams

2010-05-18 Thread Feras Allaou
Hi Folks,

How are you?
could you please help me in this issue ??
i'm using twitteroauth php library v 0.2.0-beta3, I want to know how
can I display a message regarding to the user status .
I mean, if the user is logged in I print Welcome , else print Not
Logged in !
How can I check so ?

Please help me

Feras Allaou

[twitter-dev] Oauth authentication - reg

2010-05-18 Thread Sigma
I'm a newbie. i want to know how to get username and password from
folks accessing my application and tweet on behalf of them? Is this
the basic authentication twitter is about to close by june? And is
there any way to get this work done? i don't know where to start.
kindly reply with tutorials or explanations.

Thanks in Advance.

[twitter-dev] How do we deal with application's "Consumer secret" in real life

2010-05-18 Thread yvolk
I'm a member of the "AndTweet project" creating Open Source Twitter
client for Google Android  (http://code.google.com/p/andtweet/), and
now I'm starting to implement OAuth for the AndTweet mobile
I've already registered AndTweet and got, among others, the "Consumer
key" and "Consumer secret".
According to the Twitter documentation (http://dev.twitter.com/pages/
auth), I should "Remember to never reveal your consumer secrets".

Please note this:
1. Our project is open, so everybody can join it and see it's source
2. As OAuth documentation states (http://hueniverse.com/2008/10/
--- Quote start 
However, when the Consumer is a desktop application, a mobile
application, or any other client-side software such as browser applets
(Flash, Java, Silverlight) and scripts (JavaScript), the Consumer
credentials must be included in each copy of the application. This
means the Consumer Secret (or Private Key) must be distributed with
the application, which inheritably compromises them.

This does not prevent using OAuth within such application, but it does
limit the amount of trust Service Provider can have in such public
secrets. Since the secrets cannot be trusted, Service Provider must
treat such application as unknown entities and use the Consumer
identity only for activities that do not require any level of trust,
such as collecting statistics about applications
--- Quote end ---

So, how does our development group is supposed to work with this
Can we just inject them in the source code? (In this case everybody
will know them... but as long as everybody has the Source code,
figuring out the values of the "secrets" even in compiled application
is not a problem...)
What "Consumer key" and "Consumer secret" should we use for
testing? ...

Thank you for the feedback!

[twitter-dev] Twitter Crossdomain.xml issue

2010-05-18 Thread AndyCatch
Hello there,

My name is Andy, and I'm a Flash Developer. I have been using the
Tweetr/SwfJunkie library, and recently when I updated/uploaded my site
recently, I got:

 "Ignoring 'secure' attribute in policy file from 
The 'secure' attribute is only permitted in HTTPS and socket policy
files. See http://www.adobe.com/go/strict_policy_files for details."

Now, having done a little research I found this thread from 2008:


In which a talented Flash Dev named Kris Temmerman mentions using a
server side php script on your own domain to connect to the api. He
also mentions "a nice php class in the docs".

a) Can anyone point me to any tutorials/resources that will help me
create such a script? I've googled proxy php, data php, server side
script and many more but I can't even tell if it's the right thing to
be looking at.

b) Long shot, but these "docs" that Mr Temmerman mentions...where
might they be?

As far as I can tell, though I'm no expert, the problem is stemming
from the Twitter Cross Domain policy. Have there been any resolutions
that anyone knows of? I've done a lot of digging, but can't really
find anything more than a few bug logs, and old forum threads.

Any help/advice would be very much appreciated.

Kind Regards,

/ Andy

RE: [twitter-dev] How do we deal with application's "Consumer secret" in real life

2010-05-18 Thread Dean Collins
Is there any reason why each developer who takes the source code cant
apply for their own keys?

We did this for MyPostButler in the old version, there was a space for
each user to enter in their own consumer key/consumer secret right in
the main panel.





-Original Message-
From: twitter-development-talk@googlegroups.com
[mailto:twitter-development-t...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of yvolk
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2010 4:01 AM
To: Twitter Development Talk
Subject: [twitter-dev] How do we deal with application's "Consumer
secret" in real life

I'm a member of the "AndTweet project" creating Open Source Twitter
client for Google Android  (http://code.google.com/p/andtweet/), and
now I'm starting to implement OAuth for the AndTweet mobile
I've already registered AndTweet and got, among others, the "Consumer
key" and "Consumer secret".
According to the Twitter documentation (http://dev.twitter.com/pages/
auth), I should "Remember to never reveal your consumer secrets".

Please note this:
1. Our project is open, so everybody can join it and see it's source
2. As OAuth documentation states (http://hueniverse.com/2008/10/
--- Quote start 
However, when the Consumer is a desktop application, a mobile
application, or any other client-side software such as browser applets
(Flash, Java, Silverlight) and scripts (JavaScript), the Consumer
credentials must be included in each copy of the application. This
means the Consumer Secret (or Private Key) must be distributed with
the application, which inheritably compromises them.

This does not prevent using OAuth within such application, but it does
limit the amount of trust Service Provider can have in such public
secrets. Since the secrets cannot be trusted, Service Provider must
treat such application as unknown entities and use the Consumer
identity only for activities that do not require any level of trust,
such as collecting statistics about applications
--- Quote end ---

So, how does our development group is supposed to work with this
Can we just inject them in the source code? (In this case everybody
will know them... but as long as everybody has the Source code,
figuring out the values of the "secrets" even in compiled application
is not a problem...)
What "Consumer key" and "Consumer secret" should we use for
testing? ...

Thank you for the feedback!

Re: [twitter-dev] Oauth authentication - reg

2010-05-18 Thread Clint Shryock
Yes, that's basic auth and is going to be turned off.

Here's how to get started:


On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 7:58 AM, Sigma  wrote:

> Hi,
>I'm a newbie. i want to know how to get username and password from
> folks accessing my application and tweet on behalf of them? Is this
> the basic authentication twitter is about to close by june? And is
> there any way to get this work done? i don't know where to start.
> kindly reply with tutorials or explanations.
> Thanks in Advance.

Re: [twitter-dev] Oauth authentication - reg

2010-05-18 Thread Taylor Singletary

Basic authentication, which is the method of sending a username and password
on each API call through HTTP Basic Auth, is going away in June. The best
path to implementing secure authentication that doesn't put users at risk is
OAuth ( http://dev.twitter.com/pages/auth_overview and
http://dev.twitter.com/pages/auth )

For certain kinds of applications that do not have ready access to a web
browser and who would rather eschew the entire OAuth out-of-band flow (which
is more appropriate and introduces less risk at the cost of what some may
perceive as a poorer user experience), we offer xAuth on an approval-basis.
xAuth still requires implementing most of the OAuth standard, but allows you
to exchange a username and password, with the user's permission, for an
OAuth access token. You would then dispose of the login and password given
by the user and use an access token, which the user can revoke at any time,
to access resources on the member's behalf. You can read about xAuth at
http://dev.twitter.com/pages/xauth .

Taylor Singletary
Developer Advocate, Twitter

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 5:58 AM, Sigma  wrote:

> Hi,
>I'm a newbie. i want to know how to get username and password from
> folks accessing my application and tweet on behalf of them? Is this
> the basic authentication twitter is about to close by june? And is
> there any way to get this work done? i don't know where to start.
> kindly reply with tutorials or explanations.
> Thanks in Advance.

Re: [twitter-dev] Invalid application, intermittently

2010-05-18 Thread Taylor Singletary
This sounds strange. Can you share the return XML you get when it says
"invalid application?"

Taylor Singletary
Developer Advocate, Twitter

On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 3:56 PM, Ellsass  wrote:

> When attempting to retrieve a timeline (or mentions, etc) I am getting
> the response "Invalid application" in the XML. I am using Oauth (with
> EpiTwitter). It just started today, and occasionally I will be able to
> retrieve the timeline with no problems. I am not hitting my rate limit
> (I am the only one using the app) and there are no messages on
> dev.twitter.com. If I delete and re-register the app it will work a
> few times, then die again, going back to working intermittently.
> Any idea what could be causing this? I haven't changed any of my API-
> calling code for a few days.

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Intermittent 401 Errors

2010-05-18 Thread Taylor Singletary

When you get that error in the access token step, how much time has passed
since when the request token was issued before attempting to be exchanged
for an access token?

Taylor Singletary
Developer Advocate, Twitter

On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 6:00 PM, Jonathon Hill  wrote:

> I too am experiencing this issue with OAuth calls. At random times /
> oauth/access_token results in a response similar to the following:
> Date: Mon, 17 May 2010 21:27:26 GMT
> Server: hi
> Status: 401 Unauthorized
> WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Twitter API"
> X-Transaction: 1274131646-92315-8359
> Last-Modified: Mon, 17 May 2010 21:27:26 GMT
> Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
> Content-Length: 136
> Pragma: no-cache
> X-Revision: DEV
> Expires: Tue, 31 Mar 1981 05:00:00 GMT
> Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, pre-check=0, post-
> check=0
> Set-Cookie:
> _twitter_sess=BAh7CToPY3JlYXRlZF9hdGwrCFEJKqgoAToHaWQiJTE5Y2ZhYjRmZDAzNDhi
> %250AYzQ4OGIwZDI1YjVmZDlkNWQ5IgpmbGFzaElDOidBY3Rpb25Db250cm9sbGVy
> %250AOjpGbGFzaDo6Rmxhc2hIYXNoewAGOgpAdXNlZHsAOhF0cmFuc19wcm9tcHQw--3f410249b56aa9a5ce6c444e7f36dfe6fb446a58;
> domain=.twitter.com; path=/
> Vary: Accept-Encoding
> Connection: close
>  /oauth/access_token
>  Invalid / expired Token
> Jonathon Hill
> @compwright
> @rainmakerapp
> On May 11, 10:15 am, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> > In fact, the API seems to be really borked at the moment.
> >
> > I've been running more tests on friends_timeline.json, and the
> > following happens:
> >
> > 1) Sometimes the connection is refused.
> > 2) Sometimes I get a 200 OK with an empty JSON array, and seconds
> > later with the very next call on the same Twitter account I get a 200
> > OK with a fully populated JSON array.
> > 3) On some accounts I get "401Invalid / expired token", where the
> > token on my side has not changed and the connection is present in the
> > Twitter account's Connections tab.

Re: [twitter-dev] update_profile_image oAuth problem

2010-05-18 Thread Taylor Singletary
I'm not as familiar with the proper line breaks in this area of the HTTP
request as I should be, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that it's
likely you're doing everything right when you get the 500 Internal Sever
Error. Image uploading  right now is failing pretty frequently, especially
under heavy load, and it takes a few retries before getting an upload to
stick sometimes.

Taylor Singletary
Developer Advocate, Twitter

On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 3:37 PM, Rich  wrote:

> Hi
> I'm having a problem with update_profile_image over oAuth
> I'm sending down
> -...@\r\n
> Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"image\";filename=\"avatar.jpg
> \"\r\nContent-Type: image/jpeg\r\n\r\n
> \r\n...@--\r\n
> and in the headers sending
> Content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=%@
> Content-Length:length of data
> I'm signing the request before I add the body data and I get the
> following error back
> HTTP status 200
> Invalid Unicode value in one or more parameters
> If I user \n instead of \r\n as a line break I get a 500 internal
> server error.
> Any ideas?

[twitter-dev] twitter stream

2010-05-18 Thread James Jones
I just curious on what peoples thought are on the new twitter stream? 
Also would like to know if ajax is good at handling the stream or should 
I be using some other technology when using the stream API?

[twitter-dev] Is there a twitter windows desktop client support oauth ?

2010-05-18 Thread Kevin Li
i can not find any client support oauth on windows XP……

[twitter-dev] Re: Basic authentication

2010-05-18 Thread Jef Poskanzer
For my command-line twitter applications there is no third party, just
the end-user and twitter.  Basic Auth + https would be just fine for

[twitter-dev] lookupusers

2010-05-18 Thread Alain Gaeremynck
I am using search to gather a series of twits.  I am then looking up the users 
that wrote those tweets. Now sometimes for some reason i get an error message 
"no user found on twitter : userhandle"

The problem with this is that i have to parse the error message figure out 
which user is missing. Rebuild the request with the rest of the users and try 

It would be cool if instead when there are no such users i would get a list of 
the user that exists and null or some string in the json for those that don't.  
In an ideal world search would never give me results for users that don't 
exists (although i guess profiles get deleted all the time).

Does this make sense?

Alain (@sanssucre) G

P.S. Can you get the ops people to posts the VM startup parameters they use?  
I'm very curious to see what they do in that regard.

Re: [twitter-dev] lookupusers

2010-05-18 Thread Taylor Singletary
Hi Alain,

The user ids in search results from search.twitter.com do not correspond to
the user ids in rest of Twitter and the Twitter API. We're working on
bridging this gap long-term. The work around is to do a user lookup based
off of the screen name instead of the member id.

Taylor Singletary
Developer Advocate, Twitter

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 8:44 AM, Alain Gaeremynck wrote:

> I am using search to gather a series of twits.  I am then looking up the
> users that wrote those tweets. Now sometimes for some reason i get an error
> message "no user found on twitter : userhandle"
> The problem with this is that i have to parse the error message figure out
> which user is missing. Rebuild the request with the rest of the users and
> try again.
> It would be cool if instead when there are no such users i would get a list
> of the user that exists and null or some string in the json for those that
> don't.  In an ideal world search would never give me results for users that
> don't exists (although i guess profiles get deleted all the time).
> Does this make sense?
> Alain (@sanssucre) G
> P.S. Can you get the ops people to posts the VM startup parameters they
> use?  I'm very curious to see what they do in that regard.

[twitter-dev] Re: Intermittent 401 Errors

2010-05-18 Thread Jonathon Hill
I don't have the timestamp of a request that I can get an exact
measurement from, but it is < 30 seconds.


On May 18, 9:57 am, Taylor Singletary 
> Jonathon,
> When you get that error in the access token step, how much time has passed
> since when the request token was issued before attempting to be exchanged
> for an access token?
> Taylor Singletary
> Developer Advocate, Twitterhttp://twitter.com/episod
> On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 6:00 PM, Jonathon Hill  wrote:
> > I too am experiencing this issue with OAuth calls. At random times /
> > oauth/access_token results in a response similar to the following:
> > Date: Mon, 17 May 2010 21:27:26 GMT
> > Server: hi
> > Status: 401 Unauthorized
> > WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Twitter API"
> > X-Transaction: 1274131646-92315-8359
> > Last-Modified: Mon, 17 May 2010 21:27:26 GMT
> > Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
> > Content-Length: 136
> > Pragma: no-cache
> > X-Revision: DEV
> > Expires: Tue, 31 Mar 1981 05:00:00 GMT
> > Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, pre-check=0, post-
> > check=0
> > Set-Cookie:
> > _twitter_sess=BAh7CToPY3JlYXRlZF9hdGwrCFEJKqgoAToHaWQiJTE5Y2ZhYjRmZDAzNDhi
> > %250AYzQ4OGIwZDI1YjVmZDlkNWQ5IgpmbGFzaElDOidBY3Rpb25Db250cm9sbGVy
> > %250AOjpGbGFzaDo6Rmxhc2hIYXNoewAGOgpAdXNlZHsAOhF0cmFuc19wcm9tcHQw--3f410249­b56aa9a5ce6c444e7f36dfe6fb446a58;
> > domain=.twitter.com; path=/
> > Vary: Accept-Encoding
> > Connection: close
> > 
> > 
> >  /oauth/access_token
> >  Invalid / expired Token
> > 
> > Jonathon Hill
> > @compwright
> > @rainmakerapp
> > On May 11, 10:15 am, Dewald Pretorius  wrote:
> > > In fact, the API seems to be really borked at the moment.
> > > I've been running more tests on friends_timeline.json, and the
> > > following happens:
> > > 1) Sometimes the connection is refused.
> > > 2) Sometimes I get a 200 OK with an empty JSON array, and seconds
> > > later with the very next call on the same Twitter account I get a 200
> > > OK with a fully populated JSON array.
> > > 3) On some accounts I get "401Invalid / expired token", where the
> > > token on my side has not changed and the connection is present in the
> > > Twitter account's Connections tab.

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Basic authentication

2010-05-18 Thread TJ Luoma
On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 11:32 AM, Jef Poskanzer  wrote:
> For my command-line twitter applications there is no third party, just
> the end-user and twitter.  Basic Auth + https would be just fine for
> that.


I don't access anyone's account information except my own. This is a
huge hassle for no gain at all for me.

Not that I expect that to change.

Re: [twitter-dev] lookupusers

2010-05-18 Thread Alain Gaeremynck
That's already what i do.  i do lookupusers with the screennames

On 2010-05-18, at 11:57 AM, Taylor Singletary wrote:

> Hi Alain,
> The user ids in search results from search.twitter.com do not correspond to 
> the user ids in rest of Twitter and the Twitter API. We're working on 
> bridging this gap long-term. The work around is to do a user lookup based off 
> of the screen name instead of the member id.
> Taylor Singletary
> Developer Advocate, Twitter
> http://twitter.com/episod
> On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 8:44 AM, Alain Gaeremynck  wrote:
> I am using search to gather a series of twits.  I am then looking up the 
> users that wrote those tweets. Now sometimes for some reason i get an error 
> message "no user found on twitter : userhandle"
> The problem with this is that i have to parse the error message figure out 
> which user is missing. Rebuild the request with the rest of the users and try 
> again.
> It would be cool if instead when there are no such users i would get a list 
> of the user that exists and null or some string in the json for those that 
> don't.  In an ideal world search would never give me results for users that 
> don't exists (although i guess profiles get deleted all the time).
> Does this make sense?
> Alain (@sanssucre) G
> P.S. Can you get the ops people to posts the VM startup parameters they use?  
> I'm very curious to see what they do in that regard.

Re: [twitter-dev] lookupusers

2010-05-18 Thread Alain Gaeremynck
I just found out why it fails... First my bad, the exception i was talking 
about originates from our code. Now when i fetch users i get the handle from 
the search and put the data returned by user lookup in a Map using the 
screenName as key. the problem is that there is a case mismatch for the 
screenName between the handle in the search and the UserInfo.  Here are some 

(search screen name after "added" & UserInfo screen name after "screenName")

added rjmontalvo to cache with screenName : RJMontalvo  
added anaespindola to cache with screenName : AnaEspindola  
added stream97fm to cache with screenName : Stream97FM  
added manomoraes to cache with screenName : ManoMoraes  
added stream97fm to cache with screenName : Stream97FM  
added stream97fm to cache with screenName : Stream97FM  
added Antonio171 to cache with screenName : antonio171  
added LisOliveira_ to cache with screenName : lisoliveira_  
added stream97fm to cache with screenName : Stream97FM  
added tuvagancia to cache with screenName : TuVagancia  
added stclairjohn to cache with screenName : StClairJohn
added 90sbaby_ to cache with screenName : 90sBABY_  
added baleena to cache with screenName : Baleena
added Captunes to cache with screenName : captunes  
added AxlVii to cache with screenName : axlvii  
added queengwen to cache with screenName : Queengwen
added Caetanosanguine to cache with screenName : caetanosanguine
added laurwen to cache with screenName : Laurwen  
added purasangre to cache with screenName : Purasangre
added Joshmi to cache with screenName : JoshMI
added thais_vial to cache with screenName : Thais_Vial

On 2010-05-18, at 11:57 AM, Taylor Singletary wrote:

> Hi Alain,
> The user ids in search results from search.twitter.com do not correspond to 
> the user ids in rest of Twitter and the Twitter API. We're working on 
> bridging this gap long-term. The work around is to do a user lookup based off 
> of the screen name instead of the member id.
> Taylor Singletary
> Developer Advocate, Twitter
> http://twitter.com/episod
> On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 8:44 AM, Alain Gaeremynck  wrote:
> I am using search to gather a series of twits.  I am then looking up the 
> users that wrote those tweets. Now sometimes for some reason i get an error 
> message "no user found on twitter : userhandle"
> The problem with this is that i have to parse the error message figure out 
> which user is missing. Rebuild the request with the rest of the users and try 
> again.
> It would be cool if instead when there are no such users i would get a list 
> of the user that exists and null or some string in the json for those that 
> don't.  In an ideal world search would never give me results for users that 
> don't exists (although i guess profiles get deleted all the time).
> Does this make sense?
> Alain (@sanssucre) G
> P.S. Can you get the ops people to posts the VM startup parameters they use?  
> I'm very curious to see what they do in that regard.

Re: [twitter-dev] Oauth authentication - reg

2010-05-18 Thread Suresh Kumar
   Is there any api for as3 available?

Suresh Kumar

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 7:10 PM, Taylor Singletary <
taylorsinglet...@twitter.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Basic authentication, which is the method of sending a username and
> password on each API call through HTTP Basic Auth, is going away in June.
> The best path to implementing secure authentication that doesn't put users
> at risk is OAuth ( http://dev.twitter.com/pages/auth_overview and
> http://dev.twitter.com/pages/auth )
> For certain kinds of applications that do not have ready access to a web
> browser and who would rather eschew the entire OAuth out-of-band flow (which
> is more appropriate and introduces less risk at the cost of what some may
> perceive as a poorer user experience), we offer xAuth on an approval-basis.
> xAuth still requires implementing most of the OAuth standard, but allows you
> to exchange a username and password, with the user's permission, for an
> OAuth access token. You would then dispose of the login and password given
> by the user and use an access token, which the user can revoke at any time,
> to access resources on the member's behalf. You can read about xAuth at
> http://dev.twitter.com/pages/xauth .
> Taylor Singletary
> Developer Advocate, Twitter
> http://twitter.com/episod
> On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 5:58 AM, Sigma  wrote:
>> Hi,
>>I'm a newbie. i want to know how to get username and password from
>> folks accessing my application and tweet on behalf of them? Is this
>> the basic authentication twitter is about to close by june? And is
>> there any way to get this work done? i don't know where to start.
>> kindly reply with tutorials or explanations.
>> Thanks in Advance.

[twitter-dev] Re: Creating a list documentation missing and old method doesn't work with Oauth

2010-05-18 Thread uprise78
To add to this, the old API docs that work for basic auth but not
Oauth are on the page:

Is this the correct place to report bugs with the API docs?

[twitter-dev] Re: oAuth Echo Enabled Providers

2010-05-18 Thread uprise78
Does TwitPic's oauth echo work?  The example on the api.twitpic.com
site fails due to the header in the curl call being totally wrong
(they put key=value instead of key:value).  Changing that to the
correct header still fails for me.  Has anyone gotten this to work?
If so, do you mind posting a quick code example?

[twitter-dev] Re: oAuth Echo Enabled Providers

2010-05-18 Thread uprise78
I *just now* got a response from Twitpic and they updated the docs so
maybe it will work nowI'll test in a few hours.

[twitter-dev] Re: API call to turn on location-based tweets?

2010-05-18 Thread Ken
I have an issue with the text itself.
"You can give applications permission to tell Twitter where you are
when you send a Tweet" implies that the geodata refers to the user's
actual location. People are - rightly or wrongly - worried about this,
and many do not activate geolocation. Our simple app allows users to
locate coordinates on a map and tweet "from" there, associating geo-
metadata with the subject of their tweet. I wish Twitter would
reconsider the uses of geo and adapt the settings, workflow and text
accordingly, especially since the takeup for "current location"
tweeting does not seem to be all that great.

And Stephen - device-based "current location" geotweeting mainly works
in a few English-speaking countries...

On May 7, 11:50 am, Stephen Rife  wrote:
> This is great.  Would be really nice if this displayed in the user's
> account language setting.
> - Steve
> @melobubu
> On 4月30日, 午前6:23, Abraham Williams <4bra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >https://twitter.com/account/geo
> > On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 14:17, Ken  wrote:
> > > > there
> > > > is also a mobile optimized page with just that checkbox on 
> > > > twitter.comthat
> > > > you could use too.
> > > could be useful.. what's the URL?
> > > thanks
> > > Ken
> > --
> > Abraham Williams | Developer for hire |http://abrah.am
> > @abraham |http://projects.abrah.am|http://blog.abrah.am
> > This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Basic authentication

2010-05-18 Thread Abraham Williams
If you are only working with your own account have a look at:


On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 11:28, TJ Luoma  wrote:

> On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 11:32 AM, Jef Poskanzer 
> wrote:
> > For my command-line twitter applications there is no third party, just
> > the end-user and twitter.  Basic Auth + https would be just fine for
> > that.
> +1
> I don't access anyone's account information except my own. This is a
> huge hassle for no gain at all for me.
> Not that I expect that to change.

Abraham Williams | Developer for hire | http://abrah.am
@abraham | http://projects.abrah.am | http://blog.abrah.am
This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.

Re: [twitter-dev] Help in twitteroauth By Abraham Williams

2010-05-18 Thread Abraham Williams
Once the user comes back to your site and has a valid access token you can
use PHPs sessions to check if they are authenticated.



On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 03:35, Feras Allaou  wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> How are you?
> could you please help me in this issue ??
> i'm using twitteroauth php library v 0.2.0-beta3, I want to know how
> can I display a message regarding to the user status .
> I mean, if the user is logged in I print Welcome , else print Not
> Logged in !
> How can I check so ?
> Please help me
> Regards,
> Feras Allaou

Abraham Williams | Developer for hire | http://abrah.am
@abraham | http://projects.abrah.am | http://blog.abrah.am
This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.

Re: [twitter-dev] Facing problem.

2010-05-18 Thread Abraham Williams
What is the exact error?


On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 00:07, Rushikesh Bhanage wrote:

> Hi,
>   Yes, I had the same doubt, so I replaced a month back's TwitterAPI.php
> file and tried to run, but no happy moment and saw same error.
>Actually I was working on another module of this project so was not in
> touch with this, now I tried to run this but
> I don't understand why this is so because it was running perfectly few
> days back, but started giving error now.
>When I access ratelimit status through request URL it gives me data in
> value form not in (key-value) of xml format as it was giving previously.
> twitter is a class and ratelimit method has no arguments passed neither
> before nor now.
>  your help will be greatly appreciated,
> Rushi
> On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 9:49 PM, Abraham Williams <4bra...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Did you recently update TwitterAPI.php? It sounds like twitter() or
>> ratelimit() need an argument passed int.
>> Abraham
>> On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 03:39, Rushikesh Bhanage 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> I am using this (sample code)code to get ratelimit status:
>>> >>
>>> include("TwitterAPI.php");
>>> $t = new twitter();
>>> $ratearr = $t->ratelimit();
>>> print_r($ratearr);
>>> ?>
>>> ratelimit() function contains the url:"
>>> http://api.twitter.com/1/account/rate_limit_status.xml";. I was getting
>>> rate limit status with this up till now but now it gives error as "invalid
>>> arguments supplied. "
>>> But when I paste the same URL in address bar, I get rate_limit_status.
>>> why this is so?
>>> Rushi.
>> --
>> Abraham Williams | Developer for hire | http://abrah.am
>> @abraham | http://projects.abrah.am | http://blog.abrah.am
>> This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.

Abraham Williams | Developer for hire | http://abrah.am
@abraham | http://projects.abrah.am | http://blog.abrah.am
This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.

Re: [twitter-dev] Providing mobile and online service seamless integation.

2010-05-18 Thread Abraham Williams
Since you are syncing everything you might as well just use one application
then you would only have to worry about syncing to your servers.

You might also want to look into some sort of delegation from the mobile
clients and their communication to your servers.


On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 12:40, KT  wrote:

> I'm working on an online service where we also have a mobile client
> (iPhone) to provide access to the online service. I'm now integrating
> Twitter into our service and this is how we can achieve the seamless
> experience we want. I'm posting this to get some feedback to make that
> there is nothing "bad" with this approach.
> Our users can choose to authenticate their Twitter account either
> through the mobile client OR the online service. Once they start the
> authentication on one end, the Twitter authorization will be
> synchronized to the other through synchronizing the access token key
> and access token secret. So I've setup 2 applications, one for web
> (has callback url) and the other for mobile client. They essentially
> have the same app name and app url. Is this ok?
> One thing to be clear on, I never send our consumer key and consumer
> secret during this synchronization process, so each integration point
> has both set of consumer keys/secret.

Abraham Williams | Developer for hire | http://abrah.am
@abraham | http://projects.abrah.am | http://blog.abrah.am
This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: API call to turn on location-based tweets?

2010-05-18 Thread M. Edward (Ed) Borasky
On Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:17:34 pm Ken wrote:
> I have an issue with the text itself.
> "You can give applications permission to tell Twitter where you are
> when you send a Tweet" implies that the geodata refers to the user's
> actual location. People are - rightly or wrongly - worried about this,
> and many do not activate geolocation. Our simple app allows users to
> locate coordinates on a map and tweet "from" there, associating geo-
> metadata with the subject of their tweet. I wish Twitter would
> reconsider the uses of geo and adapt the settings, workflow and text
> accordingly, especially since the takeup for "current location"
> tweeting does not seem to be all that great.
> And Stephen - device-based "current location" geotweeting mainly works
> in a few English-speaking countries...
> On May 7, 11:50 am, Stephen Rife  wrote:
> > This is great.  Would be really nice if this displayed in the user's
> > account language setting.
> > 
> > - Steve
> > @melobubu
> > 
> > On 4月30日, 午前6:23, Abraham Williams <4bra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >https://twitter.com/account/geo
> > >
> > > On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 14:17, Ken  wrote:
> > > > > there
> > > > > is also a mobile optimized page with just that checkbox on
> > > > > twitter.comthat you could use too.
> > > > 
> > > > could be useful.. what's the URL?
> > > > 
> > > > thanks
> > > > 
> > > > Ken
> > > 
> > > --
> > > Abraham Williams | Developer for hire |http://abrah.am
> > > @abraham |http://projects.abrah.am|http://blog.abrah.am
> > > This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.

I'm still testing some of this on my Android, but I've discovered that the 
available clients differ widely in how they tag tweets when location is fully 
enabled. I've had to delete tweets that I made from the Android because they 
had my street address embedded in them.

Watch this space, as they say ... ;-)
M. Edward (Ed) Borasky
http://borasky-research.net/m-edward-ed-borasky/ @znmeb

"A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems." ~ Paul Erdős

[twitter-dev] Re: API call to turn on location-based tweets?

2010-05-18 Thread Ken
I take back what I said about the availability of device-based
tweeting. I was thinking about plain old dumb-phone SMS tweeting. And
of course browsers can now do geolocation. So, yes, bring on the
translations, but for those doing manual entry of arbitrary
coordinates let it be clear that they are not being spied on!

Also, wasn't there a way to enable geo on a tweet-by-tweet basis?

On May 18, 10:07 pm, "M. Edward (Ed) Borasky"  wrote:
> On Tuesday, May 18, 2010 12:17:34 pm Ken wrote:
> > I have an issue with the text itself.
> > "You can give applications permission to tell Twitter where you are
> > when you send a Tweet" implies that the geodata refers to the user's
> > actual location. People are - rightly or wrongly - worried about this,
> > and many do not activate geolocation. Our simple app allows users to
> > locate coordinates on a map and tweet "from" there, associating geo-
> > metadata with the subject of their tweet. I wish Twitter would
> > reconsider the uses of geo and adapt the settings, workflow and text
> > accordingly, especially since the takeup for "current location"
> > tweeting does not seem to be all that great.
> > And Stephen - device-based "current location" geotweeting mainly works
> > in a few English-speaking countries...
> > On May 7, 11:50 am, Stephen Rife  wrote:
> > > This is great.  Would be really nice if this displayed in the user's
> > > account language setting.
> > > - Steve
> > > @melobubu
> > > On 4月30日, 午前6:23, Abraham Williams <4bra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > >https://twitter.com/account/geo
> > > > On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 14:17, Ken  wrote:
> > > > > > there
> > > > > > is also a mobile optimized page with just that checkbox on
> > > > > > twitter.comthat you could use too.
> > > > > could be useful.. what's the URL?
> > > > > thanks
> > > > > Ken
> > > > --
> > > > Abraham Williams | Developer for hire |http://abrah.am
> > > > @abraham |http://projects.abrah.am|http://blog.abrah.am
> > > > This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.
> I'm still testing some of this on my Android, but I've discovered that the
> available clients differ widely in how they tag tweets when location is fully
> enabled. I've had to delete tweets that I made from the Android because they
> had my street address embedded in them.
> Watch this space, as they say ... ;-)
> --
> M. Edward (Ed) Boraskyhttp://borasky-research.net/m-edward-ed-borasky/@znmeb
> "A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems." ~ Paul Erdős

[twitter-dev] Re: Mobile OAuth Summary

2010-05-18 Thread Caleb

In building out our Android and iPhone app we are in need of a
seamless way for users to auth with Twitter and make it possible for
us to Auto-Share for them if they choose. With the http auth going
away we are looking for guidance on best practices here. We would love
to see something like the iPhone FB Connect code for Twitter for both
iPhone and Android.


On May 10, 5:05 pm, twittme_mobi  wrote:
> Hi All,
> I still think that it is reasonable to think about this.
> Is there anyone from twitter doing something about it?
> Thanks.
> On May 4, 9:25 am, twittme_mobi  wrote:
> > Hello Raffi,
> > Could you please, get back to us on this?
> > Do you have any plans on resolving that issue?
> > Is there any show stopper?
> > What are we doing with this?!
> > Thanks.
> > On Apr 29, 12:07 pm, Raffi Krikorian  wrote:
> > > hi.
> > > i'll follow up on this - do you have a notion of what browsers, what 
> > > phones,
> > > etc. your users are coming from
> > > On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 1:49 AM, twittme_mobi 
> > > wrote:
> > > > Hello,
> > > > I migrated mymobileweb site toOAuth.
> > > > Now, I have a lot of users complaining that theOAuthpage of twitter
> > > > is not
> > > >mobilefriendly.Some of them are getting just a blank screen or just
> > > > cannot open it.
> > > > My honest question is - this is being discussed many times but where
> > > > are we with this?
> > > > Are all those users really suppose to get such a bad user experience?
> > > > Why would you need a javascript
> > > > on a login page?Is it so hard to create such page just formobile
> > > > browsers?
> > > > Is anybody handling this - I mean it is an obvious problem that we
> > > > have for more than a year already.
> > > > Any comments on this are highly appreciated.
> > > --
> > > Raffi Krikorian
> > > Twitter Platform Teamhttp://twitter.com/raffi

[twitter-dev] Re: Basic authentication

2010-05-18 Thread Eric
We are using the Streaming API and will only be using our own
credentials.  Our experience with OAuth in other services has not been
positive, so like TJ says "huge hassle for no gain".




On May 18, 9:28 am, TJ Luoma  wrote:
> On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 11:32 AM, Jef Poskanzer  
> wrote:
> > For my command-line twitter applications there is no third party, just
> > the end-user and twitter.  Basic Auth + https would be just fine for
> > that.
> +1
> I don't access anyone's account information except my own. This is a
> huge hassle for no gain at all for me.
> Not that I expect that to change.

[twitter-dev] Re: oAuth Echo Enabled Providers

2010-05-18 Thread Rich
I don't use curl but send it with multipart form data and it's been
working with TwitPic since sunday.  And it works great to be honest
once you've got the oAuth Echo logic in place.  I hope the other
providers get their acts in order and give us enough time to get
through the Apple Approval process

On May 18, 8:00 pm, uprise78  wrote:
> I *just now* got a response from Twitpic and they updated the docs so
> maybe it will work nowI'll test in a few hours.

[twitter-dev] Re: oAuth Echo Enabled Providers

2010-05-18 Thread uprise78
On May 18, 2:08 pm, Rich  wrote:
> I don't use curl but send it with multipart form data and it's been
> working with TwitPic since sunday.  And it works great to be honest
> once you've got the oAuth Echo logic in place.  I hope the other
> providers get their acts in order and give us enough time to get
> through the Apple Approval process

Are you signing the entire multipart body or just signing the request
without the body then tacking it on later?

[twitter-dev] Release of PHP Twitter (with OAuth)

2010-05-18 Thread Tijs Verkoyen
Hi all,

I am Tijs, you may know me by the (wrapper-)class I wrote before
(http://classes.verkoyen.eu/twitter). I now wrote a new version of the
class which uses OAuth for authenticating.

If you're interested you can grab a copy at: 

Have fun!

[twitter-dev] Re: Release of PHP Twitter (with OAuth)

2010-05-18 Thread Alex Romijn
Hi Tijs,

Great! Will try this out.
I read on your site that accountUpdateProfileImage isn't yet
implemented. When do you expect this function will be available?


On 18 mei, 23:34, Tijs Verkoyen  wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am Tijs, you may know me by the (wrapper-)class I wrote before
> (http://classes.verkoyen.eu/twitter). I now wrote a new version of the
> class which uses OAuth for authenticating.
> If you're interested you can grab a copy 
> at:http://classes.verkoyen.eu/twitter_oauth.
> Have fun!

[twitter-dev] Re: Invalid application, intermittently

2010-05-18 Thread Ellsass
Today (5/18) I haven't gotten the error at all. It was happening
occasionally on 5/16 and very often on 5/17 during the daytime and
evening, eastern US.

My request, in PHP (I've modified EpiTwitter slightly to deal in XML
rather than JSON):

$twitterObj = new EpiTwitter($consumer_key, $consumer_secret,
$_COOKIE['oauth_token'], $_COOKIE['oauth_token_secret']);
$twitterInfo = $twitterObj-

and then the contents of $twitterInfo->responseText  is this:

  Invalid application

On May 18, 9:55 am, Taylor Singletary 
> This sounds strange. Can you share the return XML you get when it says
> "invalid application?"
> Taylor Singletary
> Developer Advocate, Twitterhttp://twitter.com/episod
> On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 3:56 PM, Ellsass  wrote:
> > When attempting to retrieve a timeline (or mentions, etc) I am getting
> > the response "Invalid application" in the XML. I am using Oauth (with
> > EpiTwitter). It just started today, and occasionally I will be able to
> > retrieve the timeline with no problems. I am not hitting my rate limit
> > (I am the only one using the app) and there are no messages on
> > dev.twitter.com. If I delete and re-register the app it will work a
> > few times, then die again, going back to working intermittently.
> > Any idea what could be causing this? I haven't changed any of my API-
> > calling code for a few days.

[twitter-dev] Re: Searching date limitations

2010-05-18 Thread Miles Parker
Thanks Taylor! Can you say anything about wether you actually persist
them anywhere? I mean it would be an enormous challenge to actually
allow those to be queried interactively online. But if you do have the
data somewhere an intermediate step might be to allow batch requests
for large data sets which are then provisioned for download say at off
peak times. Though I just realized, you prob. don't have an off-peak

On May 14, 8:20 am, Taylor Singletary 
> Hi Miles,
> You're right in that we don't go back very far with search right now. We
> want to improve that. There's no timeline right now, but it's certainly
> something we're looking at. There are so many tweets. We want you to have
> them all. Some day.
> Taylor Singletary
> Developer Advocate, Twitterhttp://twitter.com/episod
> On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 6:34 PM, Miles Parker  wrote:
> > This is one of those questions where I'm pretty sure I know the
> > answer, but I'd really like to be wrong. :) There doesn't seem to be
> > anyway to get tweets past ~7 days. Which sort of makes me wonder what
> > the point of the since and until params are -- for the usages where
> > only being able to search back 7 days makes sense, it seems like you'd
> > want more granularity. So my deeper question is whether this is simply
> > a matter of not being able to *store* all of the data (seems highly
> > unlikely) or just not being able to adequately *serve* that data
> > through an open http interface? It would be really nice for research
> > purposes to be able to have access to that data...

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Searching date limitations

2010-05-18 Thread Taylor Singletary
We certainly store them :) We love tweets. Can't get enough of them and want
to share them all. But keeping them available for even "off-peak" general
data access just isn't something we're setup for today.

Taylor Singletary
Developer Advocate, Twitter

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 3:53 PM, Miles Parker  wrote:

> Thanks Taylor! Can you say anything about wether you actually persist
> them anywhere? I mean it would be an enormous challenge to actually
> allow those to be queried interactively online. But if you do have the
> data somewhere an intermediate step might be to allow batch requests
> for large data sets which are then provisioned for download say at off
> peak times. Though I just realized, you prob. don't have an off-peak
> time!
> On May 14, 8:20 am, Taylor Singletary 
> wrote:
> > Hi Miles,
> >
> > You're right in that we don't go back very far with search right now. We
> > want to improve that. There's no timeline right now, but it's certainly
> > something we're looking at. There are so many tweets. We want you to have
> > them all. Some day.
> >
> > Taylor Singletary
> > Developer Advocate, Twitterhttp://twitter.com/episod
> >
> >
> >
> > On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 6:34 PM, Miles Parker 
> wrote:
> > > This is one of those questions where I'm pretty sure I know the
> > > answer, but I'd really like to be wrong. :) There doesn't seem to be
> > > anyway to get tweets past ~7 days. Which sort of makes me wonder what
> > > the point of the since and until params are -- for the usages where
> > > only being able to search back 7 days makes sense, it seems like you'd
> > > want more granularity. So my deeper question is whether this is simply
> > > a matter of not being able to *store* all of the data (seems highly
> > > unlikely) or just not being able to adequately *serve* that data
> > > through an open http interface? It would be really nice for research
> > > purposes to be able to have access to that data...

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Invalid application, intermittently

2010-05-18 Thread Taylor Singletary
Thanks, Ellsass.

A few more questions to better help us identify the issue:
  - You're sure you're using the same consumer key and secret for these
requests and not switching between different API keys and possibly
mis-matching access tokens with the wrong consumer key?
  - Have you been making any changes to your application record on
twitter.com or dev.twitter.com before or during these requests?


Taylor Singletary
Developer Advocate, Twitter

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 3:27 PM, Ellsass  wrote:

> Today (5/18) I haven't gotten the error at all. It was happening
> occasionally on 5/16 and very often on 5/17 during the daytime and
> evening, eastern US.
> My request, in PHP (I've modified EpiTwitter slightly to deal in XML
> rather than JSON):
> $twitterObj = new EpiTwitter($consumer_key, $consumer_secret,
> $_COOKIE['oauth_token'], $_COOKIE['oauth_token_secret']);
> $twitterInfo = $twitterObj-
> >get_statusesHome_timeline(array("count"=>"$numTweets"));
> and then the contents of $twitterInfo->responseText  is this:
>  /statuses/home_timeline.xml?count=100
>  Invalid application
> On May 18, 9:55 am, Taylor Singletary 
> wrote:
> > This sounds strange. Can you share the return XML you get when it says
> > "invalid application?"
> >
> > Taylor Singletary
> > Developer Advocate, Twitterhttp://twitter.com/episod
> >
> > On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 3:56 PM, Ellsass  wrote:
> > > When attempting to retrieve a timeline (or mentions, etc) I am getting
> > > the response "Invalid application" in the XML. I am using Oauth (with
> > > EpiTwitter). It just started today, and occasionally I will be able to
> > > retrieve the timeline with no problems. I am not hitting my rate limit
> > > (I am the only one using the app) and there are no messages on
> > > dev.twitter.com. If I delete and re-register the app it will work a
> > > few times, then die again, going back to working intermittently.
> >
> > > Any idea what could be causing this? I haven't changed any of my API-
> > > calling code for a few days.

[twitter-dev] Re: How to filter out utf-8 characters in java

2010-05-18 Thread giustin
Someone can help me? This is very important to me. Thank you very

On 16 maio, 23:30, giustin  wrote:
> Hi, Dears!
> If one of yours could help me, I will really be happy. I have no
> experience with PHP.
> If you access the follow link, the prototype will send a request to
> the Search PHP Twitter Class with the tag "educacao". In my language,
> it to be "educação". So, some tweets results could be show like
> "educação".
> http://www.portabilis.com.br/tcc/search_PHP_API/index.php?twitterq=ed...
> The follow link show the Search.php class that makes the process:
> http://www.portabilis.com.br/tcc/search_PHP_API/search.phps
> I guess that some convertion function could be resolve it, like
> iconv(‘utf-8′,’iso-8859-1′), or something else. But I dont know
> exactly what to do and where. Looking to search.php, some suggestion?
> Thank you very much.
> On 13 maio, 17:47, Zac Bowling  wrote:
> > PHP treats strings as c strings basically (char/byte arrays). It won't 
> > really do anything special automagically and leaves it up to you to make 
> > sure you treat your strings safely. Make sure your code is encoded in utf-8 
> > and make sure your content types are set to UTF-8 in your responses. Use 
> > UTF-8 wherever you can in your dbs and use utf8_encode/decode and the mb 
> > functions replacements where you can't. If you are making http requests 
> > mark your encodings in your requests correctly (with CURL set your charset 
> > to UTF-8 in your request headers).    
> > In java, all strings are high level representations of chars (internally 
> > UCS2 wide chars but you don't need to worry about that). You just need to 
> > make sure you decode/encode properly and mark your charsets in your 
> > requests and responses everywhere.  
> > Zac
> > Sent from my iPad
> > On May 13, 2010, at 10:51 AM, Matt Sanford  wrote:
> > > Higiustin,
> > > I don't think it's the same issue since yours is more PHP specific.
> > > My guess is that the PHP library in question or the code you're using
> > > to process the results is incorrectly converting between UTF-8 and
> > > ISO-8859-1 [1]. Maybe someone on the list with some more PHP knowledge
> > > can suggest a fix.
> > > Thanks;
> > > — Matt Sanford / @mzsanford
> > > [1] =
> > > The UTF-8 encoding of ã is two bytes. When those same two bytes are
> > > interpreted as ISO-8859-1 (a.k.a ISO-Latin-1) they are interpreted as
> > > two characters, like so (fixed width font required):
> > > UTF-8 Bytes vs. Same bytes in ISO-8859-1
> > > 
> > > n 0x6E n
> > > ã 0xC3 Ã
> > >  0xA3 £
> > > o 0x6F o
> > > On May 12, 7:19 pm,giustin wrote:
> > >> I have similar problems.
> > >> When I try to search using the tag "não" the result is ""não". The
> > >> API that I used were Twitter Search API from Ryan Faerman (http://
> > >> ryanfaerman.com/twittersearch/)
> > >> Regards.
> > >> On 12 maio, 21:47, Matt Sanford  wrote:
> > >>> Hi there,
> > >>>     All characters in Tweets are utf-8. I'm assuming you're looking
> > >>> for something specific like accents or ASCII-art punctuation. Can you
> > >>> describe your problem in a little more detail? I might be able to help
> > >>> once I know what you're trying to prevent.
> > >>> Thanks;
> > >>>   — Matt Sanford / @mzsanford
> > >>> On May 12, 4:21 pm, adamjamesdrew  wrote:
> >  any ideas?

[twitter-dev] Re: How to use PHP Twitter Search API with the operators OR SINCE HASHTAG etc

2010-05-18 Thread giustin
Hi, people!

I'm here again to question a more thing:

We suppose the experiences and links explain above. If I wanna use PHP
Twitter Search by Ryan Faerman (http://greenservr.com/projects/
twittersearch/TwitterSearch.phps) to search using two tags with the
operator OR:

URL API/brasil+OR+copa.
Its will returns tweets thats contain brasil or copa. But, how can I
know what the tag that found the tweet?

We suppose 60 tags:
URL API/brasil+OR+copa+OR+tag3+OR+tag4...

Now, if I need to save in a database the "tweets found" and the "tags"
that were used to find this tweet, how can I do? What is your
suggestion? The API does can result something like this to me? I
thought about a parser (to iterator) the string twitter, and compare
until find them, but it is redundancy of process, cause you use the
API to found the tweets, and after you need to find the tags in the
tweet already found.

Somebody save me?

On 17 maio, 00:26, giustin  wrote:
> Hi, myself and dears mates! :)
> It is very simple, but I'm not saw before. So, a example with the
> operator OR is:
> http://www.portabilis.com.br/tcc/search_PHP_API/index.php?twitterq=br...
> Thanks.
> On 17 maio, 00:04, giustin  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Using the PHP Twitter Search by  Ryan Faerman, I'm trying to create a
> > mashup to my final university project.
> > The class is 
> > that:http://greenservr.com/projects/twittersearch/TwitterSearch.phps
> > What I would like to know?
> > In the Search API Twitter, you can use many methods, and I dont know
> > if this class include all them. Examples:
> > 1. searching tweets with tags "brasil" or "copa" since 
> > 2010-05-15.http://search.twitter.com/search?q=brasil+OR+copa+since%3A2010-05-15
> > 2. just using the operator "OR", to the tags "twitter" or 
> > "you":http://search.twitter.com/search?q=twitter+OR+you
> > 3. With the #hashtag:http://search.twitter.com/search?q=%23twitter
> > FONT:http://search.twitter.com/operators
> > Looking at the TwitterSearch.phps, how can I create a script to bring
> > the results to me using OR ou SINCE operators? Look up my example:
> >http://www.portabilis.com.br/tcc/search_PHP_API/index.php?twitterq=br...
> > The link above bring me tweets that exists "brasil" AND "copa" tags. I
> > dont wanna AND but OR operator. Someone could help me with this?
> > Regards,

[twitter-dev] Re: oAuth Echo problems

2010-05-18 Thread uprise78
I'm in the same boat.  My call to Twitter works fine but I get 401's
from TwitPic every time.

[twitter-dev] Mismatch oauth_callback and real url where redirects to

2010-05-18 Thread Andrey Vyrvich
I've make a request like



but when authorization complete 'http://twitter.com/oauth/authorize'
trying to redirect to


so, id_twitter were lost somewhere
please advise

[twitter-dev] Re: oAuth Echo Enabled Providers

2010-05-18 Thread Rich
You don't sign the request to TwitPic at all. You make a fake
signature as if you calling the verify_credentials end point and add
that to the http header

On May 18, 10:23 pm, uprise78  wrote:
> On May 18, 2:08 pm, Rich  wrote:
> > I don't use curl but send it with multipart form data and it's been
> > working with TwitPic since sunday.  And it works great to be honest
> > once you've got the oAuth Echo logic in place.  I hope the other
> > providers get their acts in order and give us enough time to get
> > through the Apple Approval process
> Are you signing the entire multipart body or just signing the request
> without the body then tacking it on later?

[twitter-dev] Re: alert() in anywhere.js

2010-05-18 Thread Mike Davis (mcdavis)
Any update on this?  I'm getting it on a site for certain users/
browsers even though it's all configured correctly as well.

The alerts are very intrusive for a production website when things are
configured correctly.  Especially with user emails rolling in
complaining about getting the error.

On May 16, 10:22 am, Dan Webb  wrote:
> This does sound like a regression of some kind.  We'll get this fixed ASAP.
> On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 3:41 PM, JohnB  wrote:
> > Are we really talking about incorrect installations here? Twitter's
> > own @Anywhere documentation page (http://dev.twitter.com/anywhere/
> > begin) is throwing this same error in older browsers, including Chrome
> > 3.0.195.
> --
> Dan Webb
> Front-end Engineer, Platform
> d...@twitter.com / @danwrong+1 415 425 5631

Re: [twitter-dev] Facing problem.

2010-05-18 Thread Rushikesh Bhanage
Hi there,

I am using Mr David Billingham's PHP class file in application. "

The request URL include parameter as username to fetch data from methods
like userstatus($unm) (gives particular user's data) and followerscid($unm)
gives that user's followers info and ratelimit() method (gives

One of the e.g to API request is:
 function userstatus($unm)
   $request =

return $this->process($request);
and call this method with twitter class object, gives error on accessing
data as invalid arguments supplied in the main code but when I call it
individually with print_r(arrayname) then it gives like- "bool(false)" .

same thing happens with ratelimit() which gives error as "Invalid Arguments
Supplied to the method"

Using xml as extension to get data in xml format and developed whole code
using xml(key-value pair)

There is no proxy like thing as I hv uploaded files on server and dealing
directly with it.

Please help me on this.
Thank you in advance.


On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 1:27 AM, Abraham Williams <4bra...@gmail.com> wrote:

> What is the exact error?
> Abraham
> On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 00:07, Rushikesh Bhanage 
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>   Yes, I had the same doubt, so I replaced a month back's TwitterAPI.php
>> file and tried to run, but no happy moment and saw same error.
>>Actually I was working on another module of this project so was not in
>> touch with this, now I tried to run this but
>> I don't understand why this is so because it was running perfectly few
>> days back, but started giving error now.
>>When I access ratelimit status through request URL it gives me data in
>> value form not in (key-value) of xml format as it was giving previously.
>> twitter is a class and ratelimit method has no arguments passed neither
>> before nor now.
>>  your help will be greatly appreciated,
>> Rushi
>> On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 9:49 PM, Abraham Williams <4bra...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Did you recently update TwitterAPI.php? It sounds like twitter() or
>>> ratelimit() need an argument passed int.
>>> Abraham
>>> On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 03:39, Rushikesh Bhanage >> > wrote:
 Hi there,

 I am using this (sample code)code to get ratelimit status:
 $t = new twitter();

 $ratearr = $t->ratelimit();


 ratelimit() function contains the url:"
 http://api.twitter.com/1/account/rate_limit_status.xml";. I was getting
 rate limit status with this up till now but now it gives error as "invalid
 arguments supplied. "
 But when I paste the same URL in address bar, I get rate_limit_status.

 why this is so?


>>> --
>>> Abraham Williams | Developer for hire | http://abrah.am
>>> @abraham | http://projects.abrah.am | http://blog.abrah.am
>>> This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.
> --
> Abraham Williams | Developer for hire | http://abrah.am
> @abraham | http://projects.abrah.am | http://blog.abrah.am
> This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.

Re: [twitter-dev] Facing problem.

2010-05-18 Thread Abraham Williams
What does the rest of the error message say? What method is getting invalid
arguments? What line in the PHP file is having the error?


On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 01:23, Rushikesh Bhanage wrote:

> Hi there,
> I am using Mr David Billingham's PHP class file in application. "
> http://twitter.slawcup.com/twitter.class.phps";.
> The request URL include parameter as username to fetch data from methods
> like userstatus($unm) (gives particular user's data) and followerscid($unm)
> gives that user's followers info and ratelimit() method (gives
> rate_limit_status).
> One of the e.g to API request is:
>  function userstatus($unm)
> {
>$request = 
> 'http://api.twitter.com/1/users/show/'.$unm.'.xml';
> return $this->process($request);
> }
> and call this method with twitter class object, gives error on accessing
> data as invalid arguments supplied in the main code but when I call it
> individually with print_r(arrayname) then it gives like- "bool(false)" .
> same thing happens with ratelimit() which gives error as "Invalid Arguments
> Supplied to the method"
> Using xml as extension to get data in xml format and developed whole code
> using xml(key-value pair)
> There is no proxy like thing as I hv uploaded files on server and dealing
> directly with it.
> Please help me on this.
> Thank you in advance.
> Rushi.
> On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 1:27 AM, Abraham Williams <4bra...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> What is the exact error?
>> Abraham
>> On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 00:07, Rushikesh Bhanage 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>   Yes, I had the same doubt, so I replaced a month back's TwitterAPI.php
>>> file and tried to run, but no happy moment and saw same error.
>>>Actually I was working on another module of this project so was not in
>>> touch with this, now I tried to run this but
>>> I don't understand why this is so because it was running perfectly
>>> few days back, but started giving error now.
>>>When I access ratelimit status through request URL it gives me data in
>>> value form not in (key-value) of xml format as it was giving previously.
>>> twitter is a class and ratelimit method has no arguments passed neither
>>> before nor now.
>>>  your help will be greatly appreciated,
>>> Rushi
>>> On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 9:49 PM, Abraham Williams <4bra...@gmail.com>wrote:
 Did you recently update TwitterAPI.php? It sounds like twitter() or
 ratelimit() need an argument passed int.


 On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 03:39, Rushikesh Bhanage <
 rishibhan...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi there,
> I am using this (sample code)code to get ratelimit status:
> include("TwitterAPI.php");
> $t = new twitter();
> $ratearr = $t->ratelimit();
> print_r($ratearr);
> ?>
> ratelimit() function contains the url:"
> http://api.twitter.com/1/account/rate_limit_status.xml";. I was getting
> rate limit status with this up till now but now it gives error as "invalid
> arguments supplied. "
> But when I paste the same URL in address bar, I get rate_limit_status.
> why this is so?
> Rushi.

 Abraham Williams | Developer for hire | http://abrah.am
 @abraham | http://projects.abrah.am | http://blog.abrah.am
 This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.

>> --
>> Abraham Williams | Developer for hire | http://abrah.am
>> @abraham | http://projects.abrah.am | http://blog.abrah.am
>> This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.

Abraham Williams | Developer for hire | http://abrah.am
@abraham | http://projects.abrah.am | http://blog.abrah.am
This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.